arXiv:hep-th/9901062v1 15 Jan 1999 omlgclpolm.Eape fti nld h s fcsi str cosmic of use the include this can of defects Examples topological of problems. microphysics cosmological cosmic and the superconducting in interactions, admitting monopoles namics, theories in magnetic on this allow constraints of not vorton Examples schemes breaking theories. symmetry that particle candidate constrain to n.I ohcss h td fsltn ntetere a e oa to led has theories the in works. of physics study particle the how cases, of both on In interchang configurations are extended end. freedom D-branes; the of relevant are degrees the objects magnetic relevant theories, and field electric SUSY the that degr in solitonic Mor dualities and theory. fundamental Seiberg-Witten the another of of of roles limit the interchange easier often calculationally (hopefully) the into motn e da npril hsc n omlg.I atcephy a particle (SUSY) In supersymmetry both cosmology. in of and progress discovery the physics recent the particle of in feature ideas new important akpeetda om-8 atcePyisadteEryU Early the and Physics 1998 Particle 15-20, Cosmo-98, at presented Talk atceAtohsc hoyGop eateto Physics, of Department Group, Theory Astrophysics Particle ∗ [email protected]. ncsooy oios or solitons, cosmology, In h td ftplgclsltnsltost lsia edtere h theories field classical to solutions soliton topological of study The CWRU-P2-99 n ics oenwdrcin o hswr,icuigan including theori work, supersymmetric this to o for extension terminate directions different that new qualitatively strings some cosmic discuss - and example - specific D-bra a the provide configuration with inter I analogy Such they in dimensionality. defects”, when topological higher end “Dirichlet or can equal which of defects fects topological of consist reydsrb e ls fsltncngrtosi fiel in configurations soliton of class new a describe briefly I dualities 00 uldAeu,Ceead H41677,USA. 44106-7079, OH Cleveland, Avenue, Euclid 10900 iihe oiosi il Theories Field in Solitons Dirichlet hs ulte a h acltoal icl ii foetheory one of limit difficult calculationally the map dualities These . defects lytomi oe.Frt n a s cosmology use may one First, roles. main two play , akTrodden Mark Abstract 1 ∗ aeWsenRsreUniversity, Reserve Western Case ies,Aioa,C November CA Asilomar, niverse, hc udmna tig can strings fundamental which e fsrn theory. string of nes es. e ffedm o h case the For freedom. of ees d o tigtere,the theories, string For ed. dsrn hoyhsbeen has theory string nd hois These theories. d a etermed be may s tig.Scn,tedy- the Second, strings. rvd xlntosfor explanations provide oanwalls domain n neetn and interesting etohrde- other sect ld h requirement the clude etrunderstanding better nsadtxue as textures and ings rcsl,dualities precisely, e r oooe,so monopoles, are s al nvre and , early is common a sics, sldt many to led as seeds for the large scale structure, and the idea that topological solitons might play a role in the generation of the baryon asymmetry of the universe. Topological defects are solitonic solutions whose stability is guaranteed by a topological conservation law. When a symmetry group G is spontaneously broken to a subgroup H, the types of defects supported depend on the properties of the vacuum manifold, M = G/H. Ina(d+1)-dimensional spacetime, p-dimensional defects (p

Z2 : {φ → −φ , ψ1 ↔ ψ2} , −iω1 U(1)1 : ψ1 → e ψ1 , (1) −iω2 U(1)2 : ψ2 → e ψ2 .

The two U(1)’s may be taken to be either global or gauge symmetries. In the latter case, ω1 (1) (2) and ω2 are functions of spacetime, and there are two gauge fields Aµ , Aµ , with the usual transformation properties, and associated covariant derivatives. Write a general, renormalizable potential in the convenient form

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 V (φ, ψ1, ψ2)= λφ(φ − v ) + λψ |ψ1| + |ψ2| − w + g(φ − v ) + h|ψ |2|ψ |2 −hµφ(|ψ |2 −|ψ |2) , i (2) 1e 2 1 2 e e where v = h|φ|i is the root of the cubic equation

3 2 2 2 2 2 8λφλψv +6λψgµv − (8λφλψv + µ )v − 2λψ(gv + w )µ =0 (3) that reduces to v at µ = 0, and w is given bye e e µv 1/2 e w = w2 + g(v2 − v2)+ . (4) 2λψ ! In the vacuum the real scalar φ takese the veve ±v and there may exist domain walls separating these two values. When hφi =+v, the vacuum has |ψ1| = v and ψ2 = 0, while when hφi = −v the vacuum has |ψ2| = v and ψ1 = 0.

2 In this model, therefore, the unbroken symmetry group in the true vacuum is U(1), and 1 the vacuum manifold is M = [U(1) × U(1) × Z2]/U(1) = S × Z2, admitting walls and strings. When hφi =+v, the complex field ψ1 can form cosmic strings with winding number n, around which θ1 will change by 2πn. Such a string ends if it intersects a D-wall, since hψ1i = 0 on the other side. Analogous statements hold for the ψ2 field when hφi = −v. In the core of a string the corresponding U(1) symmetry is restored. In the gauge case, therefore, the gauge bosons associated with, for example, U(1)1 are massless both in the core of a ψ1-string on the hφi = v side of the D-wall, and anywhere on the hφi = −v side of the D-wall. As usual, outside the ψ1-string the gauge field is pure gauge, such that it cancels the gradient energy of the scalars by enforcing the vanishing of the covariant derivative. The (1) gauge field is thus given by Aµ = −∂µθ1. Consequently, there is magnetic flux through the string (which I take to have winding number n), given by Φ(1) = −nπ. This flux flows through the string until it hits the wall; on the other side of the wall the symmetry is unbroken everywhere, and the magnetic field describes a monopole configuration emanating from the point where the string intersects the wall. Configurations of the this type, with strings ending on walls, have recently been discussed in the context of supersymmetric QCD [8]. There, the string consists of non-Abelian flux, and the wall separates different chiral vacua, with shifted values of the QCD θ-parameter. The intersections of strings and domain walls can be thought of as quarks. The structures of these QCD configurations and the scalar field models discussed here are obviously very similar, and the relationship between them deserves further investigation. (One difference is that the flux in the strings considered in [8] does not propagate freely on the other side of the wall, as the symmetry is still broken there; rather, it is confined to the wall itself. It should not be difficult to extend models of the type considered in this paper to include such situations.) I have described a class of topological defects in classical field theories in (3+1) dimen- sions, consisting of Dirichlet defects on which fundamental defects of lower can terminate. While the search for models supporting these configurations is inspired by the appearance of D-branes in string theory, there are important differences between the two sets of objects. In all of the theories considered, the basic degrees of freedom are scalar fields and gauge fields, out of which all of the higher-dimensional objects are constructed. Gravity and supersymmetry are not included (although there are no obstacles to the appropriate generalizations [9] ). Furthermore, the specific dependence of D-brane energy on the string coupling constant is not a feature of our models, and the Ramond-Ramond gauge fields to which D-branes couple are absent. Nevertheless, it may be interesting to compare the dynamical behavior of Dirichlet defects to that of D-branes in string theory, and search for models in which the similarities between the two systems are even stronger. One obvious direction in which to generalize the models considered here is to consider q-dimensional defects ending on p-dimensional D-defects in d spatial . (There are a variety of such objects in string theory and M-theory, with configurations governed by charge conservation.) A number of interesting issues arise in this case, especially for gauge symmetries. For example, to make topological defects of dimension q in d spatial dimensions requires that πd−q−1(M) be nontrivial, for example by breaking SO(d − p) to SO(d − p − 1) (for which M = Sd−p−1). In such a model, the unbroken symmetry group SO(d − p − 1) is non-Abelian for p ≤ d − 4 and the low-energy gauge theory is expected to be strongly

3 coupled, and the resulting defects to be confined. Finally, as with any species of topological defect, it is also natural to ask what the cosmological consequences of the formation of these objects in the early universe might be.


I would like to thanks my collaborators, Sean Carroll and Simeon Hellerman for a lot of fun working on these topics. Thanks also to the organizers, for a great meeting. This work was supported by the Department of Energy (D.O.E.).


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