9/13/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary PILOT/CONTROLLER GLOSSARY

PURPOSE a. This Glossary was compiled to promote a common understanding of the terms used in the Air Traffic Control system. It includes those terms which are intended for pilot/controller communications. Those terms most frequently used in pilot/controller communications are printed in bold italics. The definitions are primarily defined in an operational sense applicable to both users and operators of the National Airspace System. Use of the Glossary will preclude any misunderstandings concerning the system’s design, function, and purpose. b. Because of the international nature of flying, terms used in the Lexicon, published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), are included when they differ from FAA definitions. These terms are followed by “[ICAO].” For the reader’s convenience, there are also cross references to related terms in other parts of the Glossary and to other documents, such as the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). c. This Glossary will be revised, as necessary, to maintain a common understanding of the system. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES d. Terms Added: ESTABLISHED ON RNP(EoR) CONCEPT QFE e. Terms Deleted COMPOSITE ROUTE SYSTEM COMPOSITE SEPARATION NONCOMPOSITE SEPARATION f. Terms Modified: MOUNTAIN WAVE g. Editorial/format changes were made where necessary. Revision bars were not used due to the insignificant nature of the changes.


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AAI− ACLT− (See ARRIVAL AIRCRAFT INTERVAL.) (See ACTUAL CALCULATED LANDING TIME.) AAR− ACROBATIC FLIGHT− An intentional maneuver (See AIRPORT ARRIVAL RATE.) involving an abrupt change in an aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration not ABBREVIATED IFR FLIGHT PLANS− An necessary for normal flight. authorization by ATC requiring pilots to submit only (See ICAO term ACROBATIC FLIGHT.) that information needed for the purpose of ATC. It (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) includes only a small portion of the usual IFR flight plan information. In certain instances, this may be ACROBATIC FLIGHT [ICAO]− Maneuvers inten- only aircraft identification, location, and pilot tionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt request. Other information may be requested if change in its attitude, an abnormal attitude, or an needed by ATC for separation/control purposes. It is abnormal variation in speed. frequently used by aircraft which are airborne and ACTIVE RUNWAY− desire an instrument approach or by aircraft which are (See RUNWAY IN USE/ACTIVE RUNWAY/DUTY on the ground and desire a climb to VFR-on-top. RUNWAY.) (See VFR-ON-TOP.) (Refer to AIM.) ACTUAL CALCULATED LANDING TIME− ACLT is a flight’s frozen calculated landing time. An ABEAM− An aircraft is “abeam” a fix, point, or actual time determined at freeze calculated landing object when that fix, point, or object is approximately time (FCLT) or meter list display interval (MLDI) for 90 degrees to the right or left of the aircraft track. the adapted vertex for each arrival aircraft based upon Abeam indicates a general position rather than a runway configuration, airport acceptance rate, airport precise point. arrival delay period, and other metered arrival ABORT− To terminate a preplanned aircraft aircraft. This time is either the vertex time of arrival maneuver; e.g., an aborted takeoff. (VTA) of the aircraft or the tentative calculated landing time (TCLT)/ACLT of the previous aircraft ACC [ICAO]− plus the arrival aircraft interval (AAI), whichever is (See ICAO term AREA CONTROL CENTER.) later. This time will not be updated in response to the ACCELERATE-STOP DISTANCE AVAILABLE− aircraft’s progress. The runway plus stopway length declared available ACTUAL NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE and suitable for the acceleration and deceleration of (ANP)− an airplane aborting a takeoff. (See REQUIRED NAVIGATION ACCELERATE-STOP DISTANCE AVAILABLE PERFORMANCE.) [ICAO]− The length of the take-off run available plus ADDITIONAL SERVICES− Advisory information the length of the stopway if provided. provided by ATC which includes but is not limited to the following: ACDO− (See AIR CARRIER DISTRICT OFFICE.) a. Traffic advisories. b. Vectors, when requested by the pilot, to assist ACKNOWLEDGE− Let me know that you have aircraft receiving traffic advisories to avoid observed received and understood this message. traffic. ACL− c. Altitude deviation information of 300 feet or (See AIRCRAFT LIST.) more from an assigned altitude as observed on a ACLS− verified (reading correctly) automatic altitude (See AUTOMATIC CARRIER LANDING readout (Mode C). SYSTEM.) d. Advisories that traffic is no longer a factor.

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e. Weather and chaff information. ADVISORY FREQUENCY− The appropriate fre- f. Weather assistance. quency to be used for Airport Advisory Service. (See LOCAL AIRPORT ADVISORY.) g. Bird activity information. (See UNICOM.) h. Holding pattern surveillance. Additional ser- (Refer to ADVISORY CIRCULAR NO. 90-42.) vices are provided to the extent possible contingent (Refer to AIM.) only upon the controller’s capability to fit them into the performance of higher priority duties and on the ADVISORY SERVICE− Advice and information basis of limitations of the , volume of traffic, provided by a facility to assist pilots in the safe frequency congestion, and controller workload. The conduct of flight and aircraft movement. controller has complete discretion for determining if (See ADDITIONAL SERVICES.) he/she is able to provide or continue to provide a (See LOCAL AIRPORT ADVISORY.) service in a particular case. The controller’s reason (See RADAR ADVISORY.) not to provide or continue to provide a service in a (See SAFETY ALERT.) particular case is not subject to question by the pilot (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) and need not be made known to him/her. (Refer to AIM.) (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) AERIAL REFUELING− A procedure used by the (Refer to AIM.) military to transfer fuel from one aircraft to another during flight. ADF− (Refer to VFR/IFR Wall Planning Charts.) (See AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER.) AERODROME− A defined area on land or water ADIZ− (including any buildings, installations and equip- (See AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE.) ment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure, and movement of aircraft. ADLY− (See ARRIVAL DELAY.) AERODROME BEACON [ICAO]− Aeronautical beacon used to indicate the location of an aerodrome ADMINISTRATOR− The Federal Aviation Admin- from the air. istrator or any person to whom he/she has delegated his/her authority in the matter concerned. AERODROME CONTROL SERVICE [ICAO]− Air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic. ADR− AERODROME CONTROL TOWER [ICAO]− A (See AIRPORT DEPARTURE RATE.) unit established to provide air traffic control service ADS [ICAO]− to aerodrome traffic. (See ICAO term AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT AERODROME ELEVATION [ICAO]− The eleva- SURVEILLANCE.) tion of the highest point of the landing area. ADS−B− AERODROME TRAFFIC CIRCUIT [ICAO]− The (See AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT specified path to be flown by aircraft operating in the SURVEILLANCE−BROADCAST.) vicinity of an aerodrome. ADS−C− AERONAUTICAL BEACON− A visual NAVAID (See AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT displaying flashes of white and/or colored light to SURVEILLANCE−CONTRACT.) indicate the location of an airport, a heliport, a landmark, a certain point of a Federal airway in ADVISE INTENTIONS− Tell me what you plan to mountainous terrain, or an obstruction. do. (See AIRPORT ROTATING BEACON.) ADVISORY− Advice and information provided to (Refer to AIM.) assist pilots in the safe conduct of flight and aircraft AERONAUTICAL CHART− A map used in air movement. navigation containing all or part of the following: (See ADVISORY SERVICE.) topographic features, hazards and obstructions,

PCG A−2 3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary navigation aids, navigation routes, designated f. Instrument Departure Procedure (DP) Charts− airspace, and airports. Commonly used aeronautical Designed to expedite clearance delivery and to charts are: facilitate transition between takeoff and en route operations. Each DP is presented as a separate chart a. Sectional Aeronautical Charts (1:500,000)− and may serve a single airport or more than one Designed for visual navigation of slow or medium airport in a given geographical location. speed aircraft. Topographic information on these charts features the portrayal of relief and a judicious g. Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) Charts− selection of visual check points for VFR flight. Designed to expedite air traffic control arrival Aeronautical information includes visual and radio procedures and to facilitate transition between en aids to navigation, airports, controlled airspace, route and instrument approach operations. Each permanent special use airspace (SUA), obstructions, STAR procedure is presented as a separate chart and and related data. may serve a single airport or more than one airport in a given geographical location. b. VFR Terminal Area Charts (1:250,000)− h. Airport Taxi Charts− Designed to expedite the Depict Class B airspace which provides for the efficient and safe flow of ground traffic at an airport. control or segregation of all the aircraft within Class These charts are identified by the official airport B airspace. The chart depicts topographic informa- name; e.g., Ronald Reagan Washington National tion and aeronautical information which includes Airport. visual and radio aids to navigation, airports, (See ICAO term AERONAUTICAL CHART.) controlled airspace, permanent SUA, obstructions, and related data. AERONAUTICAL CHART [ICAO]− A representa- tion of a portion of the earth, its culture and relief, c. En Route Low Altitude Charts− Provide specifically designated to meet the requirements of aeronautical information for en route instrument air navigation. navigation (IFR) in the low altitude stratum. Information includes the portrayal of airways, limits AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION MANUAL of controlled airspace, position identification and (AIM)− A primary FAA publication whose purpose frequencies of radio aids, selected airports, minimum is to instruct airmen about operating in the National en route and minimum obstruction clearance Airspace System of the U.S. It provides basic flight altitudes, airway distances, reporting points, perma- information, ATC Procedures and general instruc- nent SUA, and related data. Area charts, which are a tional information concerning health, medical facts, part of this series, furnish terminal data at a larger factors affecting flight safety, accident and hazard scale in congested areas. reporting, and types of aeronautical charts and their use. d. En Route High Altitude Charts− Provide aeronautical information for en route instrument AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PUBLICA- navigation (IFR) in the high altitude stratum. TION (AIP) [ICAO]− A publication issued by or with Information includes the portrayal of jet routes, the authority of a State and containing aeronautical identification and frequencies of radio aids, selected information of a lasting character essential to air airports, distances, time zones, special use airspace, navigation. and related information. (See CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.) AFFIRMATIVE− Yes. e. Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Charts− Portray the aeronautical data which is required to AFIS− execute an instrument approach to an airport. These (See AUTOMATIC FLIGHT INFORMATION charts depict the procedures, including all related SERVICE − ALASKA FSSs ONLY.) data, and the airport diagram. Each procedure is AFP− designated for use with a specific type of electronic navigation system including NDB, TACAN, VOR, (See AIRSPACE FLOW PROGRAM.) ILS RNAV and GLS. These charts are identified by AIM− the type of (s)/equipment required to (See AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION provide final approach guidance. MANUAL.)

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AIP [ICAO]− AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER (See ICAO term AERONAUTICAL (ARTCC)− A facility established to provide air traffic INFORMATION PUBLICATION.) control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace and principally AIR CARRIER DISTRICT OFFICE− An FAA field during the en route phase of flight. When equipment office serving an assigned geographical area, staffed capabilities and controller workload permit, certain with Flight Standards personnel serving the aviation advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR industry and the general public on matters related to aircraft. the certification and operation of scheduled air (See EN ROUTE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL carriers and other large aircraft operations. SERVICES.) (Refer to AIM.) AIR DEFENSE EMERGENCY− A military emer- gency condition declared by a designated authority. AIR TAXI− Used to describe a helicopter/VTOL This condition exists when an attack upon the aircraft movement conducted above the surface but continental U.S., Alaska, Canada, or U.S. installa- normally not above 100 feet AGL. The aircraft may tions in Greenland by hostile aircraft or missiles is proceed either via hover taxi or flight at speeds more considered probable, is imminent, or is taking place. than 20 knots. The pilot is solely responsible for selecting a safe airspeed/altitude for the operation (Refer to AIM.) being conducted. AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE (ADIZ)− (See HOVER TAXI.) An area of airspace over land or water in which the (Refer to AIM.) ready identification, location, and control of all AIR TRAFFIC− Aircraft operating in the air or on an aircraft (except for Department of Defense and law airport surface, exclusive of loading ramps and enforcement aircraft) is required in the interest of parking areas. national security. (See ICAO term AIR TRAFFIC.) Note: ADIZ locations and operating and flight plan requirements for civil aircraft operations are AIR TRAFFIC [ICAO]− All aircraft in flight or specified in 14 CFR Part 99. operating on the maneuvering area of an aerodrome. (Refer to AIM.) AIR TRAFFIC CLEARANCE− An authorization by air traffic control for the purpose of preventing AIR NAVIGATION FACILITY− Any facility used collision between known aircraft, for an aircraft to in, available for use in, or designed for use in, aid of proceed under specified traffic conditions within air navigation, including landing areas, lights, any controlled airspace. The pilot-in-command of an apparatus or equipment for disseminating weather aircraft may not deviate from the provisions of a information, for signaling, for radio-directional visual flight rules (VFR) or instrument flight rules finding, or for radio or other electrical communica- (IFR) air traffic clearance except in an emergency or tion, and any other structure or mechanism having a unless an amended clearance has been obtained. similar purpose for guiding or controlling flight in the Additionally, the pilot may request a different air or the landing and takeoff of aircraft. clearance from that which has been issued by air (See NAVIGATIONAL AID.) traffic control (ATC) if information available to the pilot makes another course of action more practicable AIR ROUTE SURVEILLANCE RADAR− Air route or if aircraft equipment limitations or company traffic control center (ARTCC) radar used primarily procedures forbid compliance with the clearance to detect and display an aircraft’s position while en issued. Pilots may also request clarification or route between terminal areas. The ARSR enables amendment, as appropriate, any time a clearance is controllers to provide radar air traffic control service not fully understood, or considered unacceptable when aircraft are within the ARSR coverage. In some because of safety of flight. Controllers should, in instances, ARSR may enable an ARTCC to provide such instances and to the extent of operational terminal radar services similar to but usually more practicality and safety, honor the pilot’s request. limited than those provided by a radar approach 14 CFR Part 91.3(a) states: “The pilot in command control. of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the

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final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft.” a. Central Altitude Reservation Function THE PILOT IS RESPONSIBLE TO REQUEST AN (CARF). Responsible for coordinating, planning, AMENDED CLEARANCE if ATC issues a and approving special user requirements under the clearance that would cause a pilot to deviate from a Altitude Reservation (ALTRV) concept. rule or regulation, or in the pilot’s opinion, would (See ALTITUDE RESERVATION.) place the aircraft in jeopardy. b. Airport Reservation Office (ARO). Monitors (See ATC INSTRUCTIONS.) the operation and allocation of reservations for (See ICAO term AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL unscheduled operations at airports designated by the CLEARANCE.) Administrator as High Density Airports. These AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL− A service operated by airports are generally known as slot controlled appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and airports. The ARO allocates reservations on a first expeditious flow of air traffic. come, first served basis determined by the time the (See ICAO term AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL request is received at the ARO. SERVICE.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 93.) (See CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL CLEARANCE [ICAO]− c. U.S. Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Office. Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under Responsible for collecting, maintaining, and distrib- conditions specified by an air traffic control unit. uting NOTAMs for the U.S. civilian and military, as Note 1: For convenience, the term air traffic control well as international aviation communities. clearance is frequently abbreviated to clearance when used in appropriate contexts. (See NOTICE TO AIRMEN.) Note 2: The abbreviated term clearance may be d. Weather Unit. Monitor all aspects of weather prefixed by the words taxi, takeoff, departure, en for the U.S. that might affect aviation including cloud route, approach or landing to indicate the particular cover, visibility, winds, precipitation, thunderstorms, portion of flight to which the air traffic control clear- icing, turbulence, and more. Provide forecasts based ance relates. on observations and on discussions with meteorolo- gists from various National Weather Service offices, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE− FAA facilities, airlines, and private weather services. (See AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL.) AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE− A generic term meaning: AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE [ICAO]− A a. Flight Information Service. service provided for the purpose of: b. Alerting Service. a. Preventing collisions: c. Air Traffic Advisory Service. 1. Between aircraft; and d. Air Traffic Control Service: 2. On the maneuvering area between aircraft and obstructions. 1. Area Control Service, 2. Approach Control Service, or b. Expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic. 3. Airport Control Service. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIALIST− A person AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE (ATS) ROUTES − The authorized to provide air traffic control service. term “ATS Route” is a generic term that includes (See AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL.) “VOR Federal airways,” “colored Federal airways,” (See FLIGHT SERVICE STATION.) “jet routes,” and “RNAV routes.” The term “ATS route” does not replace these more familiar route (See ICAO term CONTROLLER.) names, but serves only as an overall title when listing AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM COMMAND the types of routes that comprise the United States CENTER (ATCSCC)− An Air Traffic Tactical route structure. Operations facility responsible for monitoring and AIRBORNE− An aircraft is considered airborne managing the flow of air traffic throughout the NAS, when all parts of the aircraft are off the ground. producing a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic while minimizing delays. The following AIRBORNE DELAY− Amount of delay to be functions are located at the ATCSCC: encountered in airborne holding.

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AIRCRAFT− Device(s) that are used or intended to AIRCRAFT CONFLICT− Predicted conflict, within be used for flight in the air, and when used in air traffic EDST of two aircraft, or between aircraft and control terminology, may include the flight crew. airspace. A Red alert is used for conflicts when the (See ICAO term AIRCRAFT.) predicted minimum separation is 5 nautical miles or less. A Yellow alert is used when the predicted AIRCRAFT [ICAO]− Any machine that can derive minimum separation is between 5 and approximately support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air 12 nautical miles. A Blue alert is used for conflicts other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s between an aircraft and predefined airspace. surface. (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) AIRCRAFT APPROACH CATEGORY− A grouping of aircraft based on a speed of 1.3 times the AIRCRAFT LIST (ACL)− A view available with stall speed in the landing configuration at maximum EDST that lists aircraft currently in or predicted to be gross landing weight. An aircraft must fit in only one in a particular sector’s airspace. The view contains category. If it is necessary to maneuver at speeds in textual flight data information in line format and may excess of the upper limit of a speed range for a be sorted into various orders based on the specific category, the minimums for the category for that needs of the sector team. speed must be used. For example, an aircraft which (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT falls in Category A, but is circling to land at a speed TOOL.) in excess of 91 knots, must use the approach AIRCRAFT SURGE LAUNCH AND Category B minimums when circling to land. The RECOVERY− Procedures used at USAF bases to categories are as follows: provide increased launch and recovery rates in a. Category A− Speed less than 91 knots. instrument flight rules conditions. ASLAR is based on: b. Category B− Speed 91 knots or more but less a. Reduced separation between aircraft which is than 121 knots. based on time or distance. Standard arrival separation c. Category C− Speed 121 knots or more but less applies between participants including multiple than 141 knots. flights until the DRAG point. The DRAG point is a d. Category D− Speed 141 knots or more but less published location on an ASLAR approach where than 166 knots. aircraft landing second in a formation slows to a predetermined airspeed. The DRAG point is the e. Category E− Speed 166 knots or more. reference point at which MARSA applies as (Refer to 14 CFR Part 97.) expanding elements effect separation within a flight or between subsequent participating flights. AIRCRAFT CLASSES− For the purposes of Wake b. ASLAR procedures shall be covered in a Letter Turbulence Separation Minima, ATC classifies of Agreement between the responsible USAF aircraft as Super, Heavy, Large, and Small as follows: military ATC facility and the concerned Federal a. Super. The Airbus A-380-800 (A388) and the Aviation Administration facility. Initial Approach Antonov An-225 (A225) are classified as super. Fix spacing requirements are normally addressed as a minimum. b. Heavy− Aircraft capable of takeoff weights of 300,000 pounds or more whether or not they are AIRMEN’S METEOROLOGICAL INFORMA- operating at this weight during a particular phase of TION (AIRMET)− In-flight weather advisories flight. issued only to amend the Aviation Surface Forecast, c. Large− Aircraft of more than 41,000 pounds, Aviation Cloud Forecast, or area forecast concerning maximum certificated takeoff weight, up to but not weather phenomena which are of operational interest including 300,000 pounds. to all aircraft and potentially hazardous to aircraft having limited capability because of lack of d. Small− Aircraft of 41,000 pounds or less equipment, instrumentation, or pilot qualifications. maximum certificated takeoff weight. AIRMETs concern weather of less severity than that (Refer to AIM.) covered by SIGMETs or Convective SIGMETs.

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AIRMETs cover moderate icing, moderate turbu- the ALS at some airports. Types of Approach Light lence, sustained winds of 30 knots or more at the Systems are: surface, widespread areas of ceilings less than 1,000 1. ALSF-1− Approach Light System with feet and/or visibility less than 3 miles, and extensive Sequenced Flashing Lights in ILS Cat-I configura- mountain obscurement. tion. (See AWW.) 2. ALSF-2− Approach Light System with (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) Sequenced Flashing Lights in ILS Cat-II configura- (See CWA.) tion. The ALSF-2 may operate as an SSALR when (See SIGMET.) weather conditions permit. (Refer to AIM.) 3. SSALF− Simplified Short Approach Light AIRPORT− An area on land or water that is used or System with Sequenced Flashing Lights. intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of 4. SSALR− Simplified Short Approach Light aircraft and includes its buildings and facilities, if System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights. any. 5. MALSF− Medium Intensity Approach Light AIRPORT ADVISORY AREA− The area within ten System with Sequenced Flashing Lights. miles of an airport without a control tower or where 6. MALSR− Medium Intensity Approach Light the tower is not in operation, and on which a Flight System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights. Service Station is located. 7. RLLS− Runway Lead-in Light System (See LOCAL AIRPORT ADVISORY.) Consists of one or more series of flashing lights (Refer to AIM.) installed at or near ground level that provides positive visual guidance along an approach path, either AIRPORT ARRIVAL RATE (AAR)− A dynamic curving or straight, where special problems exist with input parameter specifying the number of arriving hazardous terrain, obstructions, or noise abatement aircraft which an airport or airspace can accept from procedures. the ARTCC per hour. The AAR is used to calculate the desired interval between successive arrival 8. RAIL− Runway Alignment Indicator Lights− aircraft. Sequenced Flashing Lights which are installed only in combination with other light systems. AIRPORT DEPARTURE RATE (ADR)− A dynamic 9. ODALS− Omnidirectional Approach Light- parameter specifying the number of aircraft which ing System consists of seven omnidirectional can depart an airport and the airspace can accept per flashing lights located in the approach area of a hour. nonprecision runway. Five lights are located on the AIRPORT ELEVATION− The highest point of an runway centerline extended with the first light airport’s usable runways measured in feet from mean located 300 feet from the threshold and extending at sea level. equal intervals up to 1,500 feet from the threshold. The other two lights are located, one on each side of (See TOUCHDOWN ZONE ELEVATION.) the runway threshold, at a lateral distance of 40 feet (See ICAO term AERODROME ELEVATION.) from the runway edge, or 75 feet from the runway AIRPORT LIGHTING− Various lighting aids that edge when installed on a runway equipped with a may be installed on an airport. Types of airport VASI. lighting include: (Refer to FAA Order JO 6850.2, VISUAL GUIDANCE LIGHTING SYSTEMS.) a. Approach Light System (ALS)− An airport lighting facility which provides visual guidance to b. Runway Lights/Runway Edge Lights− Lights landing aircraft by radiating light beams in a having a prescribed angle of emission used to define directional pattern by which the pilot aligns the the lateral limits of a runway. Runway lights are aircraft with the extended centerline of the runway on uniformly spaced at intervals of approximately 200 his/her final approach for landing. Condenser- feet, and the intensity may be controlled or preset. Discharge Sequential Flashing Lights/Sequenced c. Touchdown Zone Lighting− Two rows of Flashing Lights may be installed in conjunction with transverse light bars located symmetrically about the

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runway centerline normally at 100 foot intervals. The b. Nonprecision instrument. basic system extends 3,000 feet along the runway. c. Precision instrument. d. Runway Centerline Lighting− Flush centerline (Refer to AIM.) lights spaced at 50-foot intervals beginning 75 feet AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT (ARP)− The from the landing threshold and extending to within 75 approximate geometric center of all usable runway feet of the opposite end of the runway. surfaces. e. Threshold Lights− Fixed green lights arranged AIRPORT RESERVATION OFFICE− Office symmetrically left and right of the runway centerline, responsible for monitoring the operation of slot identifying the runway threshold. controlled airports. It receives and processes requests f. Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL)− Two for unscheduled operations at slot controlled airports. synchronized flashing lights, one on each side of the AIRPORT ROTATING BEACON− A visual runway threshold, which provide rapid and positive NAVAID operated at many airports. At civil airports, identification of the approach end of a particular alternating white and green flashes indicate the runway. location of the airport. At military airports, the g. Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)− An beacons flash alternately white and green, but are airport lighting facility providing vertical visual differentiated from civil beacons by dualpeaked (two approach slope guidance to aircraft during approach quick) white flashes between the green flashes. to landing by radiating a directional pattern of high (See INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES.) intensity red and white focused light beams which (See SPECIAL VFR OPERATIONS.) indicate to the pilot that he/she is “on path” if he/she (See ICAO term AERODROME BEACON.) sees red/white, “above path” if white/white, and (Refer to AIM.) “below path” if red/red. Some airports serving large AIRPORT STREAM FILTER (ASF)− An on/off aircraft have three-bar VASIs which provide two filter that allows the conflict notification function to visual glide paths to the same runway. be inhibited for arrival streams into single or multiple h. Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)− An airports to prevent nuisance alerts. airport lighting facility, similar to VASI, providing AIRPORT SURFACE DETECTION EQUIPMENT vertical approach slope guidance to aircraft during (ASDE)− Surveillance equipment specifically de- approach to landing. PAPIs consist of a single row of signed to detect aircraft, vehicular traffic, and other either two or four lights, normally installed on the left objects, on the surface of an airport, and to present the side of the runway, and have an effective visual range image on a tower display. Used to augment visual of about 5 miles during the day and up to 20 miles at observation by tower personnel of aircraft and/or night. PAPIs radiate a directional pattern of high vehicular movements on runways and taxiways. intensity red and white focused light beams which There are three ASDE systems deployed in the NAS: indicate that the pilot is “on path” if the pilot sees an a. ASDE−3− a Surface Movement Radar. equal number of white lights and red lights, with white to the left of the red; “above path” if the pilot b. ASDE−X− a system that uses an X−band sees more white than red lights; and “below path” if Surface Movement Radar, multilateration, and the pilot sees more red than white lights. ADS−B. c. Airport Surface Surveillance Capability i. Boundary Lights− Lights defining the perimeter (ASSC)− A system that uses Surface Movement of an airport or landing area. Radar, multilateration, and ADS−B. (Refer to AIM.) AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR− Approach AIRPORT MARKING AIDS− Markings used on control radar used to detect and display an aircraft’s runway and taxiway surfaces to identify a specific position in the terminal area. ASR provides range and runway, a runway threshold, a centerline, a hold line, azimuth information but does not provide elevation etc. A runway should be marked in accordance with data. Coverage of the ASR can extend up to 60 miles. its present usage such as: AIRPORT TAXI CHARTS− a. Visual. (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.)

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AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE− A AIRWAY− A Class E airspace area established in the service provided by a control tower for aircraft form of a corridor, the centerline of which is defined operating on the movement area and in the vicinity of by radio navigational aids. an airport. (See FEDERAL AIRWAYS.) (See MOVEMENT AREA.) (See ICAO term AIRWAY.) (See TOWER.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 71.) (Refer to AIM.) (See ICAO term AERODROME CONTROL SERVICE.) AIRWAY [ICAO]− A control area or portion thereof established in the form of corridor equipped with AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER− radio navigational aids. (See TOWER.) AIRWAY BEACON− Used to mark airway segments in remote mountain areas. The light flashes Morse AIRSPACE CONFLICT− Predicted conflict of an Code to identify the beacon site. aircraft and active Special Activity Airspace (SAA). (Refer to AIM.) AIRSPACE FLOW PROGRAM (AFP)− AFP is a AIT− Traffic Management (TM) process administered by (See AUTOMATED INFORMATION the Air Traffic Control System Command Center TRANSFER.) (ATCSCC) where aircraft are assigned an Expect ALERFA (Alert Phase) [ICAO]− A situation wherein Departure Clearance Time (EDCT) in order to apprehension exists as to the safety of an aircraft and manage capacity and demand for a specific area of the its occupants. National Airspace System (NAS). The purpose of the program is to mitigate the effects of en route ALERT− A notification to a position that there constraints. It is a flexible program and may be is an aircraft-to-aircraft or aircraft-to-airspace implemented in various forms depending upon the conflict, as detected by Automated Problem needs of the air traffic system. Detection (APD). ALERT AREA− AIRSPACE HIERARCHY− Within the airspace (See SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.) classes, there is a hierarchy and, in the event of an ALERT NOTICE (ALNOT)− A request originated overlap of airspace: Class A preempts Class B, Class by a flight service station (FSS) or an air route traffic B preempts Class C, Class C preempts Class D, Class control center (ARTCC) for an extensive commu- D preempts Class E, and Class E preempts Class G. nication search for overdue, unreported, or missing aircraft. AIRSPEED− The speed of an aircraft relative to its surrounding air mass. The unqualified term ALERTING SERVICE− A service provided to notify “airspeed” means one of the following: appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid and assist such organizations a. Indicated Airspeed− The speed shown on the as required. aircraft airspeed indicator. This is the speed used in pilot/controller communications under the general ALNOT− term “airspeed.” (See ALERT NOTICE.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 1.) ALONG−TRACK DISTANCE (ATD)− The hori- b. True Airspeed− The airspeed of an aircraft zontal distance between the aircraft’s current position relative to undisturbed air. Used primarily in flight and a fix measured by an area navigation system that planning and en route portion of flight. When used in is not subject to slant range errors. pilot/controller communications, it is referred to as ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY− Letters and numer- “true airspeed” and not shortened to “airspeed.” als used to show identification, altitude, beacon code, and other information concerning a target on a radar AIRSTART− The starting of an aircraft engine while display. the aircraft is airborne, preceded by engine shutdown (See AUTOMATED RADAR TERMINAL during training flights or by actual engine failure. SYSTEMS.)

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ALTERNATE AERODROME [ICAO]− An aero- accomplished. ALTRVs are approved by the drome to which an aircraft may proceed when it appropriate FAA facility. becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed (See AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM to or to land at the aerodrome of intended landing. COMMAND CENTER.) Note: The aerodrome from which a flight departs ALTITUDE RESTRICTION− An altitude or alti- may also be an en-route or a destination alternate tudes, stated in the order flown, which are to be aerodrome for the flight. maintained until reaching a specific point or time. ALTERNATE AIRPORT− An airport at which an Altitude restrictions may be issued by ATC due to aircraft may land if a landing at the intended airport traffic, terrain, or other airspace considerations. becomes inadvisable. ALTITUDE RESTRICTIONS ARE CANCELED− (See ICAO term ALTERNATE AERODROME.) Adherence to previously imposed altitude restric- ALTIMETER SETTING− The barometric pressure tions is no longer required during a climb or descent. reading used to adjust a pressure altimeter for ALTRV− variations in existing atmospheric pressure or to the (See ALTITUDE RESERVATION.) standard altimeter setting (29.92). (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) AMVER− (Refer to AIM.) (See AUTOMATED MUTUAL-ASSISTANCE VESSEL RESCUE SYSTEM.) ALTITUDE− The height of a level, point, or object measured in feet Above Ground Level (AGL) or from APB− Mean Sea Level (MSL). (See AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION (See FLIGHT LEVEL.) BOUNDARY.) a. MSL Altitude− Altitude expressed in feet APD− measured from mean sea level. (See AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION.) b. AGL Altitude− Altitude expressed in feet APDIA− measured above ground level. (See AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION c. Indicated Altitude− The altitude as shown by an INHIBITED AREA.) altimeter. On a pressure or barometric altimeter it is altitude as shown uncorrected for instrument error APPROACH CLEARANCE− Authorization by and uncompensated for variation from standard ATC for a pilot to conduct an instrument approach. atmospheric conditions. The type of instrument approach for which a clearance and other pertinent information is provided (See ICAO term ALTITUDE.) in the approach clearance when required. ALTITUDE [ICAO]− The vertical distance of a level, (See CLEARED APPROACH.) a point or an object considered as a point, measured (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH from mean sea level (MSL). PROCEDURE.) (Refer to AIM.) ALTITUDE READOUT− An aircraft’s altitude, (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) transmitted via the Mode C feature, that is visually displayed in 100-foot increments on a APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY− A terminal radar scope having readout capability. ATC facility that provides approach control service in (See ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY.) a terminal area. (See AUTOMATED RADAR TERMINAL (See APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE.) SYSTEMS.) (See RADAR APPROACH CONTROL (Refer to AIM.) FACILITY.) ALTITUDE RESERVATION (ALTRV)− Airspace APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE− Air traffic utilization under prescribed conditions normally control service provided by an approach control employed for the mass movement of aircraft or other facility for arriving and departing VFR/IFR aircraft special user requirements which cannot otherwise be and, on occasion, en route aircraft. At some airports

PCG A−10 3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary not served by an approach control facility, the APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY− ARTCC provides limited approach control service. a. Regarding flight over the high seas: the relevant (See ICAO term APPROACH CONTROL authority is the State of Registry. SERVICE.) b. Regarding flight over other than the high seas: (Refer to AIM.) the relevant authority is the State having sovereignty APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE [ICAO]− Air over the territory being overflown. traffic control service for arriving or departing APPROPRIATE OBSTACLE CLEARANCE controlled flights. MINIMUM ALTITUDE− Any of the following: APPROACH GATE− An imaginary point used (See MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE.) within ATC as a basis for vectoring aircraft to the (See MINIMUM IFR ALTITUDE.) final approach course. The gate will be established (See MINIMUM OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE along the final approach course 1 mile from the final ALTITUDE.) approach fix on the side away from the airport and (See MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE.) will be no closer than 5 miles from the landing APPROPRIATE TERRAIN CLEARANCE threshold. MINIMUM ALTITUDE− Any of the following: APPROACH/DEPARTURE HOLD AREA− The (See MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE.) locations on taxiways in the approach or departure (See MINIMUM IFR ALTITUDE.) areas of a runway designated to protect landing or (See MINIMUM OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE ALTITUDE.) departing aircraft. These locations are identified by signs and markings. (See MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE.) APRON− A defined area on an airport or heliport APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM− intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, APPROACH SEQUENCE− The order in which parking, or maintenance. With regard to seaplanes, a aircraft are positioned while on approach or awaiting ramp is used for access to the apron from the water. approach clearance. (See ICAO term APRON.) (See LANDING SEQUENCE.) APRON [ICAO]− A defined area, on a land (See ICAO term APPROACH SEQUENCE.) aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for APPROACH SEQUENCE [ICAO]− The order in purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or which two or more aircraft are cleared to approach to cargo, refueling, parking or maintenance. land at the aerodrome. ARC− The track over the ground of an aircraft flying at a constant distance from a navigational aid by APPROACH SPEED− The recommended speed reference to distance measuring equipment (DME). contained in aircraft manuals used by pilots when making an approach to landing. This speed will vary AREA CONTROL CENTER [ICAO]− An air traffic for different segments of an approach as well as for control facility primarily responsible for ATC aircraft weight and configuration. services being provided IFR aircraft during the en route phase of flight. The U.S. equivalent facility is APPROACH WITH VERTICAL GUIDANCE an air route traffic control center (ARTCC). (APV)– A term used to describe RNAV approach procedures that provide lateral and vertical guidance AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV)− A method of but do not meet the requirements to be considered a navigation which permits aircraft operation on any precision approach. desired flight path within the coverage of ground− or space−based navigation aids or within the limits of APPROPRIATE ATS AUTHORITY [ICAO]− The the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination relevant authority designated by the State responsible of these. for providing air traffic services in the airspace Note: Area navigation includes concerned. In the United States, the “appropriate ATS performance−based navigation as well as other authority” is the Program Director for Air Traffic operations that do not meet the definition of Planning and Procedures, ATP-1. performance−based navigation.

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AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) APPROACH AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) GLOBAL CONFIGURATION: POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) PRECISION RUNWAY MONITORING (PRM) APPROACH– a. STANDARD T− An RNAV approach whose A GPS approach, which requires vertical guidance, design allows direct flight to any one of three initial used in lieu of an ILS PRM approach to conduct approach fixes (IAF) and eliminates the need for approaches to parallel runways whose extended procedure turns. The standard design is to align the centerlines are separated by less than 4,300 feet and procedure on the extended centerline with the missed at least 3,000 feet, where simultaneous close parallel approach point (MAP) at the runway threshold, the approaches are permitted. Also used in lieu of an ILS final approach fix (FAF), and the initial approach/ PRM and/or LDA PRM approach to conduct intermediate fix (IAF/IF). The other two IAFs will be Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approach (SOIA) established perpendicular to the IF. operations. b. MODIFIED T− An RNAV approach design for ARINC− An acronym for Aeronautical Radio, Inc., single or multiple runways where terrain or a corporation largely owned by a group of airlines. operational constraints do not allow for the standard ARINC is licensed by the FCC as an aeronautical T. The “T” may be modified by increasing or station and contracted by the FAA to provide decreasing the angle from the corner IAF(s) to the IF communications support for air traffic control and or by eliminating one or both corner IAFs. meteorological services in portions of international c. STANDARD I− An RNAV approach design for airspace. a single runway with both corner IAFs eliminated. ARMY AVIATION FLIGHT INFORMATION Course reversal or radar vectoring may be required at BULLETIN− A bulletin that provides air operation busy terminals with multiple runways. data covering Army, National Guard, and Army d. TERMINAL ARRIVAL AREA (TAA)− The Reserve aviation activities. TAA is controlled airspace established in conjunction ARO− with the Standard or Modified T and I RNAV (See AIRPORT RESERVATION OFFICE.) approach configurations. In the standard TAA, there ARRESTING SYSTEM− A safety device consisting are three areas: straight-in, left base, and right base. of two major components, namely, engaging or The arc boundaries of the three areas of the TAA are catching devices and energy absorption devices for published portions of the approach and allow aircraft the purpose of arresting both tailhook and/or to transition from the en route structure direct to the nontailhook-equipped aircraft. It is used to prevent nearest IAF. TAAs will also eliminate or reduce aircraft from overrunning runways when the aircraft feeder routes, departure extensions, and procedure cannot be stopped after landing or during aborted turns or course reversal. takeoff. Arresting systems have various names; e.g., 1. STRAIGHT-IN AREA− A 30NM arc arresting gear, hook device, wire barrier cable. centered on the IF bounded by a straight line (See ABORT.) extending through the IF perpendicular to the (Refer to AIM.) intermediate course. ARRIVAL AIRCRAFT INTERVAL− An internally generated program in hundredths of minutes based 2. LEFT BASE AREA− A 30NM arc centered upon the AAR. AAI is the desired optimum interval on the right corner IAF. The area shares a boundary between successive arrival aircraft over the vertex. with the straight-in area except that it extends out for 30NM from the IAF and is bounded on the other side ARRIVAL CENTER− The ARTCC having jurisdic- by a line extending from the IF through the FAF to the tion for the impacted airport. arc. ARRIVAL DELAY− A parameter which specifies a period of time in which no aircraft will be metered for 3. RIGHT BASE AREA− A 30NM arc centered arrival at the specified airport. on the left corner IAF. The area shares a boundary with the straight-in area except that it extends out for ARRIVAL SECTOR− An operational control sector 30NM from the IAF and is bounded on the other side containing one or more meter fixes. by a line extending from the IF through the FAF to the ARRIVAL SECTOR ADVISORY LIST− An arc. ordered list of data on arrivals displayed at the

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PVD/MDM of the sector which controls the meter ATC ADVISES− Used to prefix a message of fix. noncontrol information when it is relayed to an aircraft by other than an air traffic controller. ARRIVAL SEQUENCING PROGRAM− The auto- (See ADVISORY.) mated program designed to assist in sequencing aircraft destined for the same airport. ATC ASSIGNED AIRSPACE− Airspace of defined vertical/lateral limits, assigned by ATC, for the ARRIVAL TIME− The time an aircraft touches down purpose of providing air traffic segregation between on arrival. the specified activities being conducted within the assigned airspace and other IFR air traffic. ARSR− (See SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.) (See AIR ROUTE SURVEILLANCE RADAR.) ATC CLEARANCE− ARTCC− (See AIR TRAFFIC CLEARANCE.) (See AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL ATC CLEARS− Used to prefix an ATC clearance CENTER.) when it is relayed to an aircraft by other than an air ARTS− traffic controller. (See AUTOMATED RADAR TERMINAL ATC INSTRUCTIONS− Directives issued by air SYSTEMS.) traffic control for the purpose of requiring a pilot to take specific actions; e.g., “Turn left heading two five ASDA− zero,” “Go around,” “Clear the runway.” (See ACCELERATE-STOP DISTANCE (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) AVAILABLE.) ATC PREFERRED ROUTE NOTIFICATION− ASDA [ICAO]− EDST notification to the appropriate controller of the (See ICAO Term ACCELERATE-STOP need to determine if an ATC preferred route needs to DISTANCE AVAILABLE.) be applied, based on destination airport. (See ROUTE ACTION NOTIFICATION.) ASDE− (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) (See AIRPORT SURFACE DETECTION EQUIPMENT.) ATC PREFERRED ROUTES− Preferred routes that are not automatically applied by Host. ASF− ATC REQUESTS− Used to prefix an ATC request (See AIRPORT STREAM FILTER.) when it is relayed to an aircraft by other than an air ASLAR− traffic controller. (See AIRCRAFT SURGE LAUNCH AND ATC SECURITY SERVICES− Communications RECOVERY.) and security tracking provided by an ATC facility in support of the DHS, the DOD, or other Federal ASP− security elements in the interest of national security. (See ARRIVAL SEQUENCING PROGRAM.) Such security services are only applicable within ASR− designated areas. ATC security services do not include ATC basic radar services or flight following. (See AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR.) ATC SECURITY SERVICES POSITION− The ASR APPROACH− position responsible for providing ATC security (See SURVEILLANCE APPROACH.) services as defined. This position does not provide ATC, IFR separation, or VFR flight following ASSOCIATED− A radar target displaying a data services, but is responsible for providing security block with flight identification and altitude services in an area comprising airspace assigned to information. one or more ATC operating sectors. This position (See UNASSOCIATED.) may be combined with control positions. ATC− ATC SECURITY TRACKING− The continuous (See AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL.) tracking of aircraft movement by an ATC facility in

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support of the DHS, the DOD, or other security ATIS [ICAO]− elements for national security using radar (i.e., radar (See ICAO Term AUTOMATIC TERMINAL tracking) or other means (e.g., manual tracking) INFORMATION SERVICE.) without providing basic radar services (including ATS ROUTE [ICAO]− A specified route designed for traffic advisories) or other ATC services not defined channeling the flow of traffic as necessary for the in this section. provision of air traffic services. ATS SURVEILLANCE SERVICE [ICAO]– A term Note: The term “ATS Route” is used to mean used to indicate a service provided directly by means variously, airway, advisory route, controlled or of an ATS surveillance system. uncontrolled route, arrival or departure, etc. ATC SURVEILLANCE SOURCE– Used by ATC ATTENTION ALL USERS PAGE (AAUP)- The for establishing identification, control and separation AAUP provides the pilot with additional information using a target depicted on an air traffic control relative to conducting a specific operation, for facility’s video display that has met the relevant example, PRM approaches and RNAV departures. safety standards for operational use and received AUTOLAND APPROACH−An autoland system from one, or a combination, of the following aids by providing control of aircraft systems during surveillance sources: a precision instrument approach to at least decision a. Radar (See RADAR.) altitude and possibly all the way to touchdown, as b. ADS-B (See AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT well as in some cases, through the landing rollout. SURVEILLANCE−BROADCAST.) The autoland system is a sub-system of the autopilot c. WAM (See WIDE AREA MULTILATERATION.) system from which control surface management (See INTERROGATOR.) occurs. The aircraft autopilot sends instructions to the (See TRANSPONDER.) autoland system and monitors the autoland system (See ICAO term RADAR.) performance and integrity during its execution. (Refer to AIM.) AUTOMATED INFORMATION TRANSFER ATS SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM [ICAO]– A (AIT)− A precoordinated process, specifically generic term meaning variously, ADS−B, PSR, SSR defined in facility directives, during which a transfer or any comparable ground−based system that enables of altitude control and/or radar identification is the identification of aircraft. accomplished without verbal coordination between Note: A comparable ground−based system is one controllers using information communicated in a full that has been demonstrated, by comparative data block. assessment or other methodology, to have a level of safety and performance equal to or better than AUTOMATED MUTUAL-ASSISTANCE VESSEL monopulse SSR. RESCUE SYSTEM− A facility which can deliver, in a matter of minutes, a surface picture (SURPIC) of ATCAA− vessels in the area of a potential or actual search and (See ATC ASSIGNED AIRSPACE.) rescue incident, including their predicted positions ATCRBS− and their characteristics. (See RADAR.) (See FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 10−6−4, INFLIGHT CONTINGENCIES.) ATCSCC− AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION (APD)− (See AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM An Automation Processing capability that compares COMMAND CENTER.) trajectories in order to predict conflicts. ATCT− AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION (See TOWER.) BOUNDARY (APB)− The adapted distance beyond ATD− a facilities boundary defining the airspace within (See ALONG−TRACK DISTANCE.) which EDST performs conflict detection. ATIS− (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) (See AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION AUTOMATED PROBLEM DETECTION INHIB- SERVICE.) ITED AREA (APDIA)− Airspace surrounding a

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terminal area within which APD is inhibited for all monitoring capability to the pilot, and a backup flights within that airspace. approach system.

AUTOMATED RADAR TERMINAL SYSTEMS AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE (ARTS)− A generic term for several tracking systems (ADS) [ICAO]− A surveillance technique in which included in the Terminal Automation Systems (TAS). aircraft automatically provide, via a data link, data ARTS plus a suffix roman numeral denotes a major derived from on−board navigation and position modification to that system. fixing systems, including aircraft identification, four dimensional position and additional data as a. ARTS IIIA. The Radar Tracking and Beacon appropriate. Tracking Level (RT&BTL) of the modular, program- mable automated radar terminal system. ARTS IIIA AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE− detects, tracks, and predicts primary as well as BROADCAST (ADS-B)− A surveillance system in secondary radar-derived aircraft targets. This more which an aircraft or vehicle to be detected is fitted sophisticated computer-driven system upgrades the with cooperative equipment in the form of a data link existing ARTS III system by providing improved transmitter. The aircraft or vehicle periodically tracking, continuous data recording, and fail-soft broadcasts its GPS−derived position and other capabilities. information such as velocity over the data link, which is received by a ground−based transmitter/receiver b. Common ARTS. Includes ARTS IIE, ARTS (transceiver) for processing and display at an air IIIE; and ARTS IIIE with ACD (see DTAS) which traffic control facility. combines functionalities of the previous ARTS systems. (See GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM.) (See GROUND−BASED TRANSCEIVER.) AUTOMATED WEATHER SYSTEM− Any of the AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE− automated weather sensor platforms that collect CONTRACT (ADS−C)− A data link position weather data at airports and disseminate the weather reporting system, controlled by a , that information via radio and/or landline. The systems establishes contracts with an aircraft’s avionics that currently consist of the Automated Surface Observ- occur automatically whenever specific events occur, ing System (ASOS), Automated Weather Sensor or specific time intervals are reached. System (AWSS) and Automated Weather Observa- tion System (AWOS). AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE- REBROADCAST (ADS-R)− A datalink translation AUTOMATED UNICOM− Provides completely function of the ADS−B ground system required to automated weather, radio check capability and airport accommodate the two separate operating frequencies advisory information on an Automated UNICOM (978 MHz and 1090 MHz). The ADS−B system system. These systems offer a variety of features, receives the ADS−B messages transmitted on one typically selectable by microphone clicks, on the frequency and ADS−R translates and reformats the UNICOM frequency. Availability will be published information for rebroadcast and use on the other in the Chart Supplement U.S. and approach charts. frequency. This allows ADS−B In equipped aircraft to see nearby ADS−B Out traffic regardless of the AUTOMATIC ALTITUDE REPORT− operating link of the other aircraft. Aircraft operating (See ALTITUDE READOUT.) on the same ADS−B frequency exchange information directly and do not require the ADS−R translation AUTOMATIC ALTITUDE REPORTING− That function. function of a transponder which responds to Mode C interrogations by transmitting the aircraft’s altitude AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER− An aircraft in 100-foot increments. radio navigation system which senses and indicates the direction to a L/MF nondirectional AUTOMATIC CARRIER LANDING SYSTEM− (NDB) ground transmitter. Direction is indicated to U.S. Navy final approach equipment consisting of the pilot as a magnetic bearing or as a relative bearing precision tracking radar coupled to a computer data to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft depending on link to provide continuous information to the aircraft, the type of indicator installed in the aircraft. In certain

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applications, such as military, ADF operations may information to arriving and departing aircraft by be based on airborne and ground transmitters in the means of continuous and repetitive broadcasts VHF/UHF frequency spectrum. throughout the day or a specified portion of the day. (See BEARING.) AUTOROTATION− A rotorcraft flight condition in (See NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON.) which the lifting rotor is driven entirely by action of AUTOMATIC FLIGHT INFORMATION SER- the air when the rotorcraft is in motion. VICE (AFIS) − ALASKA FSSs ONLY− The a. Autorotative Landing/Touchdown Autorota- continuous broadcast of recorded non−control tion. Used by a pilot to indicate that the landing will information at airports in Alaska where a FSS be made without applying power to the rotor. provides local airport advisory service. The AFIS b. Low Level Autorotation. Commences at an broadcast automates the repetitive transmission of altitude well below the traffic pattern, usually below essential but routine information such as weather, 100 feet AGL and is used primarily for tactical wind, altimeter, favored runway, braking action, military training. airport NOTAMs, and other applicable information. c. 180 degrees Autorotation. Initiated from a The information is continuously broadcast over a downwind heading and is commenced well inside the discrete VHF radio frequency (usually the ASOS/ normal traffic pattern. “Go around” may not be AWSS/AWOS frequency). possible during the latter part of this maneuver. AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SER- AVAILABLE LANDING DISTANCE (ALD)− The VICE− The continuous broadcast of recorded portion of a runway available for landing and roll-out noncontrol information in selected terminal areas. Its for aircraft cleared for LAHSO. This distance is purpose is to improve controller effectiveness and to measured from the landing threshold to the relieve frequency congestion by automating the hold-short point. repetitive transmission of essential but routine information; e.g., “Los Angeles information Alfa. AVIATION WEATHER SERVICE− A service One three zero zero Coordinated Universal Time. provided by the National Weather Service (NWS) and Weather, measured ceiling two thousand overcast, FAA which collects and disseminates pertinent visibility three, haze, smoke, temperature seven one, weather information for pilots, aircraft operators, and dew point five seven, wind two five zero at five, ATC. Available aviation weather reports and altimeter two niner niner six. I-L-S Runway Two Five forecasts are displayed at each NWS office and FAA Left approach in use, Runway Two Five Right closed, FSS. advise you have Alfa.” (See TRANSCRIBED WEATHER BROADCAST.) (See ICAO term AUTOMATIC TERMINAL (See WEATHER ADVISORY.) INFORMATION SERVICE.) (Refer to AIM.) (Refer to AIM.) AWW− AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMATION SER- (See SEVERE WEATHER FORECAST VICE [ICAO]− The provision of current, routine ALERTS.)

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BACK-TAXI− A term used by air traffic controllers BLIND VELOCITY [ICAO]− The radial velocity of to taxi an aircraft on the runway opposite to the traffic a moving target such that the target is not seen on flow. The aircraft may be instructed to back-taxi to primary fitted with certain forms of fixed echo the beginning of the runway or at some point before suppression. reaching the runway end for the purpose of departure BLIND ZONE− or to exit the runway. (See BLIND SPOT.) BASE LEG− BLOCKED− Phraseology used to indicate that a (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) radio transmission has been distorted or interrupted due to multiple simultaneous radio transmissions. BEACON− (See AERONAUTICAL BEACON.) BOTTOM ALTITUDE– In reference to published altitude restrictions on a STAR or STAR runway (See AIRPORT ROTATING BEACON.) transition, the lowest altitude authorized. (See AIRWAY BEACON.) (See .) BOUNDARY LIGHTS− (See NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON.) (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) (See RADAR.) BRAKING ACTION (GOOD, GOOD TO MEDI- UM, MEDIUM, MEDIUM TO POOR, POOR, OR BEARING− The horizontal direction to or from any NIL)− A report of conditions on the airport point, usually measured clockwise from true north, movement area providing a pilot with a degree/quali- magnetic north, or some other reference point ty of braking to expect. Braking action is reported in through 360 degrees. terms of good, good to medium, medium, medium to (See NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON.) poor, poor, or nil. BELOW MINIMUMS− Weather conditions below (See RUNWAY CONDITION READING.) the minimums prescribed by regulation for the (See RUNWAY CONDITION REPORT.) particular action involved; e.g., landing minimums, (See RUNWAY CONDITION CODES.) takeoff minimums. BRAKING ACTION ADVISORIES− When tower controllers receive runway braking action reports BLAST FENCE− A barrier that is used to divert or which include the terms “medium,” “poor,” or “nil,” dissipate jet or propeller blast. or whenever weather conditions are conducive to BLAST PAD− A surface adjacent to the ends of a deteriorating or rapidly changing runway braking runway provided to reduce the erosive effect of jet conditions, the tower will include on the ATIS blast and propeller wash. broadcast the statement, “Braking Action Advisories are in Effect.” During the time braking action BLIND SPEED− The rate of departure or closing of advisories are in effect, ATC will issue the most a target relative to the radar antenna at which current braking action report for the runway in use to cancellation of the target by moving each arriving and departing aircraft. Pilots should be target indicator (MTI) circuits in the radar equipment prepared for deteriorating braking conditions and causes a reduction or complete loss of signal. should request current runway condition information (See ICAO term BLIND VELOCITY.) if not issued by controllers. Pilots should also be prepared to provide a descriptive runway condition BLIND SPOT− An area from which radio report to controllers after landing. transmissions and/or radar echoes cannot be received. The term is also used to describe portions BREAKOUT− A technique to direct aircraft out of of the airport not visible from the control tower. the approach stream. In the context of simultaneous (independent) parallel operations, a breakout is used BLIND TRANSMISSION− to direct threatened aircraft away from a deviating (See TRANSMITTING IN THE BLIND.) aircraft.

PCG B−1 Pilot/Controller Glossary 3/29/18

BROADCAST− Transmission of information for BUFFER AREA− As applied to an MVA or MIA which an acknowledgement is not expected. chart, a depicted three (3) or five (5) NM radius (See ICAO term BROADCAST.) MVA/MIA sector isolating a displayed obstacle for BROADCAST [ICAO]− A transmission of informa- which the sector is established. A portion of a buffer tion relating to air navigation that is not addressed to area can also be inclusive of a MVA/MIA sector a specific station or stations. polygon boundary.

PCG B−2 3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary C

CALCULATED LANDING TIME− A term that may CENRAP-PLUS− be used in place of tentative or actual calculated (See CENTER RADAR ARTS landing time, whichever applies. PRESENTATION/PROCESSING-PLUS.) CALL FOR RELEASE− Wherein the overlying CENTER− ARTCC requires a terminal facility to initiate verbal (See AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL coordination to secure ARTCC approval for release CENTER.) of a departure into the en route environment. CENTER’S AREA− The specified airspace within CALL UP− Initial voice contact between a facility which an air route traffic control center (ARTCC) and an aircraft, using the identification of the unit provides air traffic control and advisory service. being called and the unit initiating the call. (See AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER.) (Refer to AIM.) (Refer to AIM.) CANADIAN MINIMUM NAVIGATION PERFOR- CENTER RADAR ARTS PRESENTATION/ MANCE SPECIFICATION AIRSPACE− That PROCESSING− A computer program developed to portion of Canadian domestic airspace within which provide a back-up system for airport surveillance MNPS separation may be applied. radar in the event of a failure or malfunction. The CARDINAL ALTITUDES− “Odd” or “Even” program uses air route traffic control center radar for thousand-foot altitudes or flight levels; e.g., 5,000, the processing and presentation of data on the ARTS 6,000, 7,000, FL 250, FL 260, FL 270. IIA or IIIA displays. (See ALTITUDE.) CENTER RADAR ARTS PRESENTATION/ (See FLIGHT LEVEL.) PROCESSING-PLUS− A computer program CARDINAL FLIGHT LEVELS− developed to provide a back-up system for airport (See CARDINAL ALTITUDES.) surveillance radar in the event of a terminal secondary radar system failure. The program uses a combination CAT− of Air Route Traffic Control Center Radar and (See CLEAR-AIR TURBULENCE.) terminal airport surveillance radar primary targets CATCH POINT− A fix/waypoint that serves as a displayed simultaneously for the processing and transition point from the high altitude waypoint presentation of data on the ARTS IIA or IIIA navigation structure to an arrival procedure (STAR) displays. or the low altitude ground−based navigation CENTER TRACON AUTOMATION SYSTEM structure. (CTAS)− A computerized set of programs designed to aid Air Route Traffic Control Centers and CEILING− The heights above the earth’s surface of TRACONs in the management and control of air the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena traffic. that is reported as “broken,” “overcast,” or “obscuration,” and not classified as “thin” or CENTER WEATHER ADVISORY− An unsched- “partial.” uled weather advisory issued by Center Weather (See ICAO term CEILING.) Service Unit meteorologists for ATC use to alert pilots of existing or anticipated adverse weather CEILING [ICAO]− The height above the ground or conditions within the next 2 hours. A CWA may water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below modify or redefine a SIGMET. 6,000 meters (20,000 feet) covering more than half (See AWW.) the sky. (See AIRMET.) CENRAP− (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) (See CENTER RADAR ARTS (See SIGMET.) PRESENTATION/PROCESSING.) (Refer to AIM.)

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CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC− An organized route a. Light Chop– Turbulence that causes slight, system between the U.S. West Coast and Hawaii. rapid and somewhat rhythmic bumpiness without appreciable changes in altitude or attitude. CEP− (See CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC.) b. Moderate Chop– Turbulence similar to Light Chop but of greater intensity. It causes rapid bumps CERAP− or jolts without appreciable changes in aircraft (See COMBINED CENTER-RAPCON.) altitude or attitude. CERTIFIED TOWER RADAR DISPLAY (CTRD)− (See TURBULENCE.) An FAA radar display certified for use in the NAS. CIRCLE-TO-LAND MANEUVER− A maneuver CFR− initiated by the pilot to align the aircraft with a runway for landing when a straight-in landing from (See CALL FOR RELEASE.) an instrument approach is not possible or is not CHAFF− Thin, narrow metallic reflectors of various desirable. At tower controlled airports, this maneuver lengths and frequency responses, used to reflect radar is made only after ATC authorization has been energy. These reflectors, when dropped from aircraft obtained and the pilot has established required visual and allowed to drift downward, result in large targets reference to the airport. on the radar display. (See CIRCLE TO RUNWAY.) CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.− A publication (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) designed primarily as a pilot’s operational manual (Refer to AIM.) containing all airports, seaplane bases, and heliports CIRCLE TO RUNWAY (RUNWAY NUMBER)− open to the public including communications data, Used by ATC to inform the pilot that he/she must navigational facilities, and certain special notices and circle to land because the runway in use is other than procedures. This publication is issued in seven the runway aligned with the instrument approach volumes according to geographical area. procedure. When the direction of the circling CHARTED VFR FLYWAYS− Charted VFR Fly- maneuver in relation to the airport/runway is ways are flight paths recommended for use to bypass required, the controller will state the direction (eight areas heavily traversed by large turbine-powered cardinal compass points) and specify a left or right aircraft. Pilot compliance with recommended downwind or base leg as appropriate; e.g., “Cleared flyways and associated altitudes is strictly voluntary. VOR Runway Three Six Approach circle to Runway VFR Flyway Planning charts are published on the Two Two,” or “Circle northwest of the airport for a back of existing VFR Terminal Area charts. right downwind to Runway Two Two.” (See CIRCLE-TO-LAND MANEUVER.) CHARTED VISUAL FLIGHT PROCEDURE (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) APPROACH− An approach conducted while (Refer to AIM.) operating on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which authorizes the pilot of an aircraft to CIRCLING APPROACH− proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport via (See CIRCLE-TO-LAND MANEUVER.) visual landmarks and other information depicted on CIRCLING MANEUVER− a charted visual flight procedure. This approach must (See CIRCLE-TO-LAND MANEUVER.) be authorized and under the control of the appropriate air traffic control facility. Weather minimums CIRCLING MINIMA− required are depicted on the chart. (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) CHASE− An aircraft flown in proximity to another CLASS A AIRSPACE− aircraft normally to observe its performance during (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.) training or testing. CLASS B AIRSPACE− CHASE AIRCRAFT− (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.) (See CHASE.) CLASS C AIRSPACE− CHOP− A form of turbulence. (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.)

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CLASS D AIRSPACE− clearance ceases to be valid unless the aircraft (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.) concerned has already taken action to comply therewith. CLASS E AIRSPACE− (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.) CLEARED APPROACH− ATC authorization for an CLASS G AIRSPACE− That airspace not designated aircraft to execute any standard or special instrument as Class A, B, C, D or E. approach procedure for that airport. Normally, an aircraft will be cleared for a specific instrument CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE (CAT)− Turbulence approach procedure. encountered in air where no clouds are present. This (See CLEARED (Type of) APPROACH.) term is commonly applied to high-level turbulence (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH associated with wind shear. CAT is often encountered PROCEDURE.) in the vicinity of the jet stream. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) (See WIND SHEAR.) (Refer to AIM.) (See JET STREAM.) CLEARED (Type of) APPROACH− ATC authoriza- CLEAR OF THE RUNWAY− tion for an aircraft to execute a specific instrument a. Taxiing aircraft, which is approaching a approach procedure to an airport; e.g., “Cleared ILS runway, is clear of the runway when all parts of the Runway Three Six Approach.” aircraft are held short of the applicable runway (See APPROACH CLEARANCE.) holding position marking. (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH b. A pilot or controller may consider an aircraft, PROCEDURE.) which is exiting or crossing a runway, to be clear of (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) the runway when all parts of the aircraft are beyond (Refer to AIM.) the runway edge and there are no restrictions to its continued movement beyond the applicable runway CLEARED AS FILED− Means the aircraft is cleared holding position marking. to proceed in accordance with the route of flight filed in the flight plan. This clearance does not include the c. Pilots and controllers shall exercise good altitude, DP, or DP Transition. judgement to ensure that adequate separation exists (See REQUEST FULL ROUTE CLEARANCE.) between all aircraft on runways and taxiways at (Refer to AIM.) airports with inadequate runway edge lines or holding position markings. CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF− ATC authorization CLEARANCE− for an aircraft to depart. It is predicated on known traffic and known physical airport conditions. (See AIR TRAFFIC CLEARANCE.) CLEARANCE LIMIT− The fix, point, or location to CLEARED FOR THE OPTION− ATC authoriza- which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic tion for an aircraft to make a touch-and-go, low clearance. approach, missed approach, stop and go, or full stop (See ICAO term CLEARANCE LIMIT.) landing at the discretion of the pilot. It is normally used in training so that an instructor can evaluate a CLEARANCE LIMIT [ICAO]− The point to which student’s performance under changing situations. an aircraft is granted an air traffic control clearance. Pilots should advise ATC if they decide to remain on CLEARANCE VOID IF NOT OFF BY (TIME)− the runway, of any delay in their stop and go, delay Used by ATC to advise an aircraft that the departure clearing the runway, or are unable to comply with the clearance is automatically canceled if takeoff is not instruction(s). made prior to a specified time. The pilot must obtain (See OPTION APPROACH.) a new clearance or cancel his/her IFR flight plan if not (Refer to AIM.) off by the specified time. CLEARED THROUGH− ATC authorization for an (See ICAO term CLEARANCE VOID TIME.) aircraft to make intermediate stops at specified CLEARANCE VOID TIME [ICAO]− A time airports without refiling a flight plan while en route specified by an air traffic control unit at which a to the clearance limit.

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CLEARED TO LAND− ATC authorization for an from ground fog, fog, or ice fog only in that the latter aircraft to land. It is predicated on known traffic and are, by definition, in contact with the Earth’s surface. known physical airport conditions. CLT− CLEARWAY− An area beyond the takeoff runway (See CALCULATED LANDING TIME.) under the control of airport authorities within which CLUTTER− In radar operations, clutter refers to the terrain or fixed obstacles may not extend above reception and visual display of radar returns caused specified limits. These areas may be required for by precipitation, chaff, terrain, numerous aircraft certain turbine-powered operations and the size and targets, or other phenomena. Such returns may limit upward slope of the clearway will differ depending on or preclude ATC from providing services based on when the aircraft was certificated. radar. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 1.) (See CHAFF.) (See GROUND CLUTTER.) CLIMB TO VFR− ATC authorization for an aircraft (See PRECIPITATION.) to climb to VFR conditions within Class B, C, D, and (See TARGET.) E surface areas when the only weather limitation is (See ICAO term RADAR CLUTTER.) restricted visibility. The aircraft must remain clear of clouds while climbing to VFR. CMNPS− (See SPECIAL VFR CONDITIONS.) (See CANADIAN MINIMUM NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION AIRSPACE.) (Refer to AIM.) COASTAL FIX− A navigation aid or intersection CLIMBOUT− That portion of flight operation where an aircraft transitions between the domestic between takeoff and the initial cruising altitude. route structure and the oceanic route structure. CLIMB VIA– An abbreviated ATC clearance that CODES− The number assigned to a particular requires compliance with the procedure lateral path, multiple pulse reply signal transmitted by a associated speed restrictions, and altitude restrictions transponder. along the cleared route or procedure. (See DISCRETE CODE.) COLD TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION− An CLOSE PARALLEL RUNWAYS− Two parallel action on the part of the pilot to adjust an aircraft’s runways whose extended centerlines are separated by indicated altitude due to the effect of cold less than 4,300 feet and at least 3000 feet (750 feet for temperatures on true altitude above terrain versus SOIA operations) for which ATC is authorized to aircraft indicated altitude. The amount of conduct simultaneous independent approach opera- compensation required increases at a greater rate with tions. PRM and simultaneous close parallel appear in a decrease in temperature and increase in height approach title. Dual communications, special pilot above the reporting station. training, an Attention All Users Page (AAUP), NTZ monitoring by displays that have aural and visual COLLABORATIVE TRAJECTORY OPTIONS alerting algorithms are required. A high update rate PROGRAM (CTOP)− CTOP is a traffic management surveillance sensor is required for certain runway or program administered by the Air Traffic Control approach course spacing. System Command Center (ATCSCC) that manages demand through constrained airspace, while consid- CLOSED RUNWAY− A runway that is unusable for ering operator preference with regard to both route aircraft operations. Only the airport management/ and delay as defined in a Trajectory Options Set military operations office can close a runway. (TOS). CLOSED TRAFFIC− Successive operations involv- COMBINED CENTER-RAPCON− An air traffic ing takeoffs and landings or low approaches where facility which combines the functions of an ARTCC the aircraft does not exit the traffic pattern. and a radar approach control facility. (See AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL CLOUD− A cloud is a visible accumulation of CENTER.) minute water droplets and/or ice particles in the (See RADAR APPROACH CONTROL atmosphere above the Earth’s surface. Cloud differs FACILITY.)

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COMMON POINT− A significant point over which airport. It is used as a reference to either true or two or more aircraft will report passing or have magnetic direction. reported passing before proceeding on the same or COMPLY WITH RESTRICTIONS− An ATC diverging tracks. To establish/maintain longitudinal instruction that requires an aircraft being vectored separation, a controller may determine a common back onto an arrival or departure procedure to comply point not originally in the aircraft’s flight plan and with all altitude and/or speed restrictions depicted on then clear the aircraft to fly over the point. the procedure. This term may be used in lieu of (See SIGNIFICANT POINT.) repeating each remaining restriction that appears on COMMON PORTION− the procedure. (See COMMON ROUTE.) COMPOSITE FLIGHT PLAN− A flight plan which COMMON ROUTE− That segment of a North specifies VFR operation for one portion of flight and American Route between the inland navigation IFR for another portion. It is used primarily in facility and the coastal fix. military operations. (Refer to AIM.) OR COMPULSORY REPORTING POINTS− Reporting COMMON ROUTE− Typically the portion of a points which must be reported to ATC. They are RNAV STAR between the en route transition end designated on aeronautical charts by solid triangles or point and the runway transition start point; however, filed in a flight plan as fixes selected to define direct the common route may only consist of a single point routes. These points are geographical locations that joins the en route and runway transitions. which are defined by navigation aids/fixes. Pilots COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY FREQUENCY should discontinue position reporting over compul- (CTAF)− A frequency designed for the purpose of sory reporting points when informed by ATC that carrying out airport advisory practices while their aircraft is in “radar contact.” operating to or from an airport without an operating CONDITIONS NOT MONITORED− When an control tower. The CTAF may be a UNICOM, airport operator cannot monitor the condition of the Multicom, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified movement area or airfield surface area, this in appropriate aeronautical publications. information is issued as a NOTAM. Usually (See DESIGNATED COMMON TRAFFIC necessitated due to staffing, operating hours or other ADVISORY FREQUENCY (CTAF) AREA.) mitigating factors associated with airport operations. (Refer to AC 90-42, Traffic Advisory Practices at Airports Without Operating Control Towers.) CONFIDENCE MANEUVER− A confidence man- euver consists of one or more turns, a climb or COMPASS LOCATOR− A low power, low or descent, or other maneuver to determine if the pilot medium frequency (L/MF) radio beacon installed at in command (PIC) is able to receive and comply with the site of the outer or middle marker of an instrument ATC instructions. landing system (ILS). It can be used for navigation at distances of approximately 15 miles or as authorized CONFLICT ALERT− A function of certain air traffic in the approach procedure. control automated systems designed to alert radar controllers to existing or pending situations between a. Outer Compass Locator (LOM)− A compass tracked targets (known IFR or VFR aircraft) that locator installed at the site of the outer marker of an require his/her immediate attention/action. instrument landing system. (See MODE C INTRUDER ALERT.) (See OUTER MARKER.) b. Middle Compass Locator (LMM)− A compass CONFLICT RESOLUTION− The resolution of locator installed at the site of the middle marker of an potential conflictions between aircraft that are radar instrument landing system. identified and in communication with ATC by ensuring that radar targets do not touch. Pertinent (See MIDDLE MARKER.) traffic advisories shall be issued when this procedure (See ICAO term LOCATOR.) is applied. COMPASS ROSE− A circle, graduated in degrees, Note: This procedure shall not be provided utilizing printed on some charts or marked on the ground at an mosaic radar systems.

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CONFORMANCE− The condition established when in the adjacent 500-foot segments falls below the an aircraft’s actual position is within the conformance maintenance planning friction level. region constructed around that aircraft at its position, CONTERMINOUS U.S.− The 48 adjoining States according to the trajectory associated with the and the District of Columbia. aircraft’s Current Plan. CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES− The 49 States CONFORMANCE REGION− A volume, bounded located on the continent of North America and the laterally, vertically, and longitudinally, within which District of Columbia. an aircraft must be at a given time in order to be in CONTINUE− When used as a control instruction conformance with the Current Plan Trajectory for that should be followed by another word or words aircraft. At a given time, the conformance region is clarifying what is expected of the pilot. Example: determined by the simultaneous application of the “continue taxi,” “continue descent,” “continue lateral, vertical, and longitudinal conformance inbound,” etc. bounds for the aircraft at the position defined by time and aircraft’s trajectory. CONTROL AREA [ICAO]− A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the CONSOLAN− A low frequency, long-distance earth. NAVAID used principally for transoceanic naviga- tions. CONTROL SECTOR− An airspace area of defined horizontal and vertical dimensions for which a CONTACT− controller or group of controllers has air traffic a. Establish communication with (followed by the control responsibility, normally within an air route name of the facility and, if appropriate, the frequency traffic control center or an approach control facility. to be used). Sectors are established based on predominant traffic flows, altitude strata, and controller workload. Pilot b. A flight condition wherein the pilot ascertains communications during operations within a sector the attitude of his/her aircraft and navigates by visual are normally maintained on discrete frequencies reference to the surface. assigned to the sector. (See CONTACT APPROACH.) (See DISCRETE FREQUENCY.) (See RADAR CONTACT.) CONTROL SLASH− A slash repre- CONTACT APPROACH− An approach wherein an senting the actual position of the associated aircraft. aircraft on an IFR flight plan, having an air traffic Normally, the control slash is the one closest to the control authorization, operating clear of clouds with interrogating radar beacon site. When ARTCC radar at least 1 mile flight visibility and a reasonable is operating in narrowband (digitized) mode, the expectation of continuing to the destination airport in control slash is converted to a target symbol. those conditions, may deviate from the instrument CONTROLLED AIRSPACE− An airspace of approach procedure and proceed to the destination defined dimensions within which air traffic control airport by visual reference to the surface. This service is provided to IFR flights and to VFR flights approach will only be authorized when requested by in accordance with the airspace classification. the pilot and the reported ground visibility at the a. Controlled airspace is a generic term that covers destination airport is at least 1 statute mile. Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E (Refer to AIM.) airspace. CONTAMINATED RUNWAY− A runway is b. Controlled airspace is also that airspace within considered contaminated whenever standing water, which all aircraft operators are subject to certain pilot ice, snow, slush, frost in any form, heavy rubber, or qualifications, operating rules, and equipment other substances are present. A runway is contami- requirements in 14 CFR Part 91 (for specific nated with respect to rubber deposits or other operating requirements, please refer to 14 CFR friction-degrading substances when the average Part 91). For IFR operations in any class of controlled friction value for any 500-foot segment of the runway airspace, a pilot must file an IFR flight plan and within the ALD fails below the recommended receive an appropriate ATC clearance. Each Class B, minimum friction level and the average friction value Class C, and Class D airspace area designated for an

PCG C−6 9/13/183/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary airport contains at least one primary airport around of each Class D airspace area is individually tailored which the airspace is designated (for specific and when instrument procedures are published, the designations and descriptions of the airspace classes, airspace will normally be designed to contain the please refer to 14 CFR Part 71). procedures. Arrival extensions for instrument c. Controlled airspace in the United States is approach procedures may be Class D or Class E designated as follows: airspace. Unless otherwise authorized, each person must establish two-way radio communications with 1. CLASS A− Generally, that airspace from the ATC facility providing air traffic services prior to 18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL 600, entering the airspace and thereafter maintain those including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 communications while in the airspace. No separation nautical miles of the coast of the 48 contiguous States services are provided to VFR aircraft. and Alaska. Unless otherwise authorized, all persons 5. CLASS E− Generally, if the airspace is not must operate their aircraft under IFR. Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class D, and it is 2. CLASS B− Generally, that airspace from the controlled airspace, it is Class E airspace. Class E surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation’s airspace extends upward from either the surface or a busiest airports in terms of airport operations or designated altitude to the overlying or adjacent passenger enplanements. The configuration of each controlled airspace. When designated as a surface Class B airspace area is individually tailored and area, the airspace will be configured to contain all consists of a surface area and two or more layers instrument procedures. Also in this class are Federal (some Class B airspace areas resemble upside-down airways, airspace beginning at either 700 or 1,200 wedding cakes), and is designed to contain all feet AGL used to transition to/from the terminal or en published instrument procedures once an aircraft route environment, en route domestic, and offshore enters the airspace. An ATC clearance is required for airspace areas designated below 18,000 feet MSL. all aircraft to operate in the area, and all aircraft that Unless designated at a lower altitude, Class E are so cleared receive separation services within the airspace begins at 14,500 MSL over the United airspace. The cloud clearance requirement for VFR States, including that airspace overlying the waters operations is “clear of clouds.” within 12 nautical miles of the coast of the 48 3. CLASS C− Generally, that airspace from the contiguous States and Alaska, up to, but not surface to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation including 18,000 feet MSL, and the airspace above (charted in MSL) surrounding those airports that FL 600. have an operational control tower, are serviced by a CONTROLLED AIRSPACE [ICAO]− An airspace radar approach control, and that have a certain of defined dimensions within which air traffic control number of IFR operations or passenger enplane- service is provided to IFR flights and to VFR flights ments. Although the configuration of each Class C in accordance with the airspace classification. area is individually tailored, the airspace usually Note: Controlled airspace is a generic term which consists of a surface area with a 5 nautical mile (NM) covers ATS airspace Classes A, B, C, D, and E. radius, a circle with a 10NM radius that extends no lower than 1,200 feet up to 4,000 feet above the CONTROLLED TIME OF ARRIVAL− Arrival time airport elevation, and an outer area that is not charted. assigned during a Traffic Management Program. This Each person must establish two-way radio commu- time may be modified due to adjustments or user nications with the ATC facility providing air traffic options. services prior to entering the airspace and thereafter CONTROLLER− maintain those communications while within the (See AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIALIST.) airspace. VFR aircraft are only separated from IFR aircraft within the airspace. CONTROLLER [ICAO]− A person authorized to (See OUTER AREA.) provide air traffic control services. 4. CLASS D− Generally, that airspace from the CONTROLLER PILOT DATA LINK surface to 2,500 feet above the airport elevation COMMUNICATIONS (CPDLC)− A two−way (charted in MSL) surrounding those airports that digital communications system that conveys textual have an operational control tower. The configuration air traffic control messages between controllers and

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pilots using ground or satellite-based radio relay COURSE− stations. a. The intended direction of flight in the horizontal plane measured in degrees from north. CONVECTIVE SIGMET− A weather advisory concerning convective weather significant to the b. The ILS localizer signal pattern usually safety of all aircraft. Convective SIGMETs are issued specified as the front course or the back course. for tornadoes, lines of thunderstorms, embedded (See BEARING.) thunderstorms of any intensity level, areas of (See INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM.) thunderstorms greater than or equal to VIP level 4 (See RADIAL.) 4 with an area coverage of /10 (40%) or more, and hail CPDLC− 3 /4 inch or greater. (See CONTROLLER PILOT DATA LINK (See AIRMET.) COMMUNICATIONS.) (See AWW.) CPL [ICAO]− (See CWA.) (See ICAO term CURRENT FLIGHT PLAN.) (See SIGMET.) CRITICAL ENGINE− The engine which, upon (Refer to AIM.) failure, would most adversely affect the performance or handling qualities of an aircraft. CONVECTIVE SIGNIFICANT METEOROLOG- ICAL INFORMATION− CROSS (FIX) AT (ALTITUDE)− Used by ATC (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) when a specific altitude restriction at a specified fix is required. COORDINATES− The intersection of lines of CROSS (FIX) AT OR ABOVE (ALTITUDE)− Used reference, usually expressed in degrees/minutes/ by ATC when an altitude restriction at a specified fix seconds of latitude and longitude, used to determine is required. It does not prohibit the aircraft from position or location. crossing the fix at a higher altitude than specified; COORDINATION FIX− The fix in relation to which however, the higher altitude may not be one that will facilities will handoff, transfer control of an aircraft, violate a succeeding altitude restriction or altitude or coordinate flight progress data. For terminal assignment. facilities, it may also serve as a clearance for arriving (See ALTITUDE RESTRICTION.) aircraft. (Refer to AIM.) CROSS (FIX) AT OR BELOW (ALTITUDE)− COPTER− Used by ATC when a maximum crossing altitude at (See HELICOPTER.) a specific fix is required. It does not prohibit the CORRECTION− An error has been made in the aircraft from crossing the fix at a lower altitude; transmission and the correct version follows. however, it must be at or above the minimum IFR altitude. COUPLED APPROACH− An instrument approach (See ALTITUDE RESTRICTION.) performed by the aircraft autopilot, and/or visually (See MINIMUM IFR ALTITUDES.) depicted on the flight director, which is receiving (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) position information and/or steering commands from CROSSWIND− onboard navigational equipment. In general, coupled a. When used concerning the traffic pattern, the non-precision approaches must be flown manually word means “crosswind leg.” (autopilot disengaged) at altitudes lower than 50 feet (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) AGL below the minimum descent altitude, and coupled precision approaches must be flown b. When used concerning wind conditions, the manually (autopilot disengaged) below 50 feet AGL word means a wind not parallel to the runway or the unless authorized to conduct autoland operations. path of an aircraft. Coupled instrument approaches are commonly flown (See CROSSWIND COMPONENT.) to the allowable IFR weather minima established by CROSSWIND COMPONENT− The wind compo- the operator or PIC, or flown VFR for training and nent measured in knots at 90 degrees to the safety. longitudinal axis of the runway.

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CRUISE− Used in an ATC clearance to authorize a CRUISING LEVEL− pilot to conduct flight at any altitude from the (See CRUISING ALTITUDE.) minimum IFR altitude up to and including the altitude specified in the clearance. The pilot may CRUISING LEVEL [ICAO]− A level maintained level off at any intermediate altitude within this block during a significant portion of a flight. of airspace. Climb/descent within the block is to be CT MESSAGE− An EDCT time generated by the made at the discretion of the pilot. However, once the ATCSCC to regulate traffic at arrival airports. pilot starts descent and verbally reports leaving an Normally, a CT message is automatically transferred altitude in the block, he/she may not return to that from the traffic management system computer to the altitude without additional ATC clearance. Further, it NAS en route computer and appears as an EDCT. In is approval for the pilot to proceed to and make an the event of a communication failure between the approach at destination airport and can be used in traffic management system computer and the NAS, conjunction with: the CT message can be manually entered by the TMC a. An airport clearance limit at locations with a at the en route facility. standard/special instrument approach procedure. The CFRs require that if an instrument letdown to an CTA− airport is necessary, the pilot shall make the letdown (See CONTROLLED TIME OF ARRIVAL.) in accordance with a standard/special instrument (See ICAO term CONTROL AREA.) approach procedure for that airport, or CTAF− b. An airport clearance limit at locations that are (See COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY within/below/outside controlled airspace and with- FREQUENCY.) out a standard/special instrument approach procedure. Such a clearance is NOT AUTHORIZA- CTAS− TION for the pilot to descend under IFR conditions (See CENTER TRACON AUTOMATION below the applicable minimum IFR altitude nor does SYSTEM.) it imply that ATC is exercising control over aircraft in Class G airspace; however, it provides a means for CTOP− the aircraft to proceed to destination airport, descend, (See COLLABORATIVE TRAJECTORY and land in accordance with applicable CFRs OPTIONS PROGRAM) governing VFR flight operations. Also, this provides CTRD− search and rescue protection until such time as the (See CERTIFIED TOWER RADAR DISPLAY.) IFR flight plan is closed. (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH CURRENT FLIGHT PLAN [ICAO]− The flight PROCEDURE.) plan, including changes, if any, brought about by CRUISE CLIMB− A climb technique employed by subsequent clearances. aircraft, usually at a constant power setting, resulting CURRENT PLAN− The ATC clearance the aircraft in an increase of altitude as the aircraft weight has received and is expected to fly. decreases. CVFP APPROACH− CRUISING ALTITUDE− An altitude or flight level (See CHARTED VISUAL FLIGHT PROCEDURE maintained during en route level flight. This is a APPROACH.) constant altitude and should not be confused with a cruise clearance. CWA− (See ALTITUDE.) (See CENTER WEATHER ADVISORY and (See ICAO term CRUISING LEVEL.) WEATHER ADVISORY.)


3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary D

D−ATIS− 3. The required visual reference means that section of (See DIGITAL-AUTOMATIC TERMINAL the visual aids or of the approach area which should INFORMATION SERVICE.) have been in view for sufficient time for the pilot to have made an assessment of the aircraft position and D−ATIS [ICAO]− rate of change of position, in relation to the desired (See ICAO Term DATA LINK AUTOMATIC flight path. TERMINAL INFORMATION SERVICE.) DECISION ALTITUDE (DA)− A specified altitude DA [ICAO]− (mean sea level (MSL)) on an instrument approach (See ICAO Term DECISION procedure (ILS, GLS, vertically guided RNAV) at ALTITUDE/DECISION HEIGHT.) which the pilot must decide whether to continue the DAIR− approach or initiate an immediate missed approach if (See DIRECT ALTITUDE AND IDENTITY the pilot does not see the required visual references. READOUT.) DECISION HEIGHT (DH)− With respect to the DANGER AREA [ICAO]− An airspace of defined operation of aircraft, means the height at which a dimensions within which activities dangerous to the decision must be made during an ILS or PAR flight of aircraft may exist at specified times. instrument approach to either continue the approach Note: The term “Danger Area” is not used in or to execute a missed approach. reference to areas within the United States or any (See ICAO term DECISION of its possessions or territories. ALTITUDE/DECISION HEIGHT.) DAS− DECODER− The device used to decipher signals (See DELAY ASSIGNMENT.) received from ATCRBS to effect their display as select codes. DATA BLOCK− (See CODES.) (See ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY.) (See RADAR.) DATA LINK AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFOR- DEFENSE AREA– Any airspace of the contiguous MATION SERVICE (D−ATIS) [ICAO]− The United States that is not an ADIZ in which the control provision of ATIS via data link. of aircraft is required for reasons of national security. DEAD RECKONING− Dead reckoning, as applied DEFENSE VISUAL FLIGHT RULES− Rules to flying, is the navigation of an airplane solely by applicable to flights within an ADIZ conducted under means of computations based on airspeed, course, the visual flight rules in 14 CFR Part 91. heading, wind direction, and speed, groundspeed, (See AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE.) and elapsed time. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) DECISION ALTITUDE/DECISION HEIGHT (Refer to 14 CFR Part 99.) [ICAO Annex 6]- A specified altitude or height (A/H) DELAY ASSIGNMENT (DAS)− Delays are distrib- in the precision approach at which a missed approach uted to aircraft based on the traffic management must be initiated if the required visual reference to program parameters. The delay assignment is continue the approach has not been established. calculated in 15−minute increments and appears as a 1. Decision altitude (DA) is referenced to mean sea table in Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS). level and decision height (DH) is referenced to the threshold elevation. DELAY INDEFINITE (REASON IF KNOWN) 2. Category II and III minima are expressed as a DH EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE (TIME)− and not a DA. Minima is assessed by reference to a Used by ATC to inform a pilot when an accurate radio altimeter and not a barometric altimeter, which estimate of the delay time and the reason for the delay makes the minima a DH. cannot immediately be determined; e.g., a disabled

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aircraft on the runway, terminal or center area DESIRED TRACK− The planned or intended track saturation, weather below landing minimums, etc. between two waypoints. It is measured in degrees (See EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE (TIME).) from either magnetic or true north. The instantaneous angle may change from point to point along the great DELAY TIME− The amount of time that the arrival circle track between waypoints. must lose to cross the meter fix at the assigned meter fix time. This is the difference between ACLT and DETRESFA (DISTRESS PHASE) [ICAO]− The VTA. code word used to designate an emergency phase wherein there is reasonable certainty that an aircraft DEPARTURE CENTER− The ARTCC having and its occupants are threatened by grave and jurisdiction for the airspace that generates a flight to imminent danger or require immediate assistance. the impacted airport. DEVIATIONS− DEPARTURE CONTROL− A function of an a. A departure from a current clearance, such as an approach control facility providing air traffic control off course maneuver to avoid weather or turbulence. service for departing IFR and, under certain b. Where specifically authorized in the CFRs and conditions, VFR aircraft. requested by the pilot, ATC may permit pilots to (See APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY.) deviate from certain regulations. (Refer to AIM.) DH− DEPARTURE SEQUENCING PROGRAM− A (See DECISION HEIGHT.) program designed to assist in achieving a specified interval over a common point for departures. DH [ICAO]− (See ICAO Term DECISION ALTITUDE/ DEPARTURE TIME− The time an aircraft becomes DECISION HEIGHT.) airborne. DIGITAL-AUTOMATIC TERMINAL INFORMA- DESCEND VIA– An abbreviated ATC clearance that TION SERVICE (D-ATIS)− The service provides requires compliance with a published procedure text messages to aircraft, airlines, and other users lateral path and associated speed restrictions and outside the standard reception range of conventional provides a pilot-discretion descent to comply with ATIS via landline and data link communications to published altitude restrictions. the cockpit. Also, the service provides a computer− synthesized voice message that can be transmitted to DESCENT SPEED ADJUSTMENTS− Speed decel- all aircraft within range of existing transmitters. The eration calculations made to determine an accurate Terminal Data Link System (TDLS) D-ATIS VTA. These calculations start at the transition point application uses weather inputs from local automated and use arrival speed segments to the vertex. weather sources or manually entered meteorological DESIGNATED COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY data together with preprogrammed menus to provide FREQUENCY (CTAF) AREA− In Alaska, in standard information to users. Airports with D-ATIS addition to being designated for the purpose of capability are listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. carrying out airport advisory practices while DIGITAL TARGET− A computer−generated symbol operating to or from an airport without an operating representing an aircraft’s position, based on a primary airport traffic control tower, a CTAF may also be return or radar beacon reply, shown on a digital designated for the purpose of carrying out advisory display. practices for operations in and through areas with a high volume of VFR traffic. DIGITAL TERMINAL AUTOMATION SYSTEM (DTAS)− A system where digital radar and beacon DESIRED COURSE− data is presented on digital displays and the a. True− A predetermined desired course direction operational program monitors the system perfor- to be followed (measured in degrees from true north). mance on a real−time basis. b. Magnetic− A predetermined desired course DIGITIZED TARGET− A computer−generated direction to be followed (measured in degrees from indication shown on an analog radar display resulting local magnetic north). from a primary radar return or a radar beacon reply.

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DIRECT− Straight line flight between two naviga- DISTRESS− A condition of being threatened by tional aids, fixes, points, or any combination thereof. serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring When used by pilots in describing off-airway routes, immediate assistance. points defining direct route segments become DIVE BRAKES− compulsory reporting points unless the aircraft is (See SPEED BRAKES.) under radar contact. DIVERSE VECTOR AREA− In a radar environ- DIRECTLY BEHIND− An aircraft is considered to ment, that area in which a prescribed departure route be operating directly behind when it is following the is not required as the only suitable route to avoid actual flight path of the lead aircraft over the surface obstacles. The area in which random radar vectors of the earth except when applying wake turbulence below the MVA/MIA, established in accordance with separation criteria. the TERPS criteria for diverse departures, obstacles and terrain avoidance, may be issued to departing DISCRETE BEACON CODE− aircraft. (See DISCRETE CODE.) DIVERSION (DVRSN)− Flights that are required to DISCRETE CODE− As used in the Air Traffic land at other than their original destination for Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS), any one reasons beyond the control of the pilot/company, e.g. of the 4096 selectable Mode 3/A aircraft transponder periods of significant weather. codes except those ending in zero zero; e.g., discrete DME− codes: 0010, 1201, 2317, 7777; nondiscrete codes: 0100, 1200, 7700. Nondiscrete codes are normally (See DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT.) reserved for radar facilities that are not equipped with DME FIX− A geographical position determined by discrete decoding capability and for other purposes reference to a navigational aid which provides such as emergencies (7700), VFR aircraft (1200), etc. distance and azimuth information. It is defined by a (See RADAR.) specific distance in nautical miles and a radial, (Refer to AIM.) azimuth, or course (i.e., localizer) in degrees magnetic from that aid. DISCRETE FREQUENCY− A separate radio (See DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT.) frequency for use in direct pilot-controller commu- (See FIX.) nications in air traffic control which reduces DME SEPARATION− Spacing of aircraft in terms of frequency congestion by controlling the number of distances (nautical miles) determined by reference to aircraft operating on a particular frequency at one distance measuring equipment (DME). time. Discrete frequencies are normally designated for each control sector in en route/terminal ATC (See DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT.) facilities. Discrete frequencies are listed in the Chart DOD FLIP− Department of Defense Flight Informa- Supplement U.S. and the DOD FLIP IFR En Route tion Publications used for flight planning, en route, Supplement. and terminal operations. FLIP is produced by the (See CONTROL SECTOR.) National Geospatial−Intelligence Agency (NGA) for world-wide use. United States Government Flight DISPLACED THRESHOLD− A threshold that is Information Publications (en route charts and located at a point on the runway other than the instrument approach procedure charts) are incorpo- designated beginning of the runway. rated in DOD FLIP for use in the National Airspace (See THRESHOLD.) System (NAS). (Refer to AIM.) DOMESTIC AIRSPACE− Airspace which overlies DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT (DME)− the continental land mass of the United States plus Equipment (airborne and ground) used to measure, in Hawaii and U.S. possessions. Domestic airspace nautical miles, the slant range distance of an aircraft extends to 12 miles offshore. from the DME navigational aid. DOWNBURST− A strong downdraft which induces (See TACAN.) an outburst of damaging winds on or near the ground. (See VORTAC.) Damaging winds, either straight or curved, are highly

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divergent. The sizes of downbursts vary from 1/2 assumes responsibility to separate his/her aircraft mile or less to more than 10 miles. An intense from all other aircraft. downburst often causes widespread damage. Damag- (See also FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 1−2−1, ing winds, lasting 5 to 30 minutes, could reach speeds WORD MEANINGS.) as high as 120 knots. DUTY RUNWAY− DOWNWIND LEG− (See RUNWAY IN USE/ACTIVE RUNWAY/DUTY (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) RUNWAY.) DP− DVA− (See INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE PROCEDURE.) (See DIVERSE VECTOR AREA.) DRAG CHUTE− A parachute device installed on DVFR− certain aircraft which is deployed on landing roll to assist in deceleration of the aircraft. (See DEFENSE VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) DROP ZONE− Any pre-determined area upon which DVFR FLIGHT PLAN− A flight plan filed for a VFR parachutists or objects land after making an aircraft which intends to operate in airspace within intentional parachute jump or drop. which the ready identification, location, and control (Refer to 14 CFR §105.3, Definitions) of aircraft are required in the interest of national security. DSP− (See DEPARTURE SEQUENCING PROGRAM.) DVRSN− DT− (See DIVERSION.) (See DELAY TIME.) DYNAMIC− Continuous review, evaluation, and DTAS− change to meet demands. (See DIGITAL TERMINAL AUTOMATION DYNAMIC RESTRICTIONS− Those restrictions SYSTEM.) imposed by the local facility on an “as needed” basis DUE REGARD− A phase of flight wherein an to manage unpredictable fluctuations in traffic aircraft commander of a State-operated aircraft demands.

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EAS− aircraft are operating between departure and (See EN ROUTE AUTOMATION SYSTEM.) destination terminal areas. When equipment, capa- bilities, and controller workload permit, certain EDCT− advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR (See EXPECT DEPARTURE CLEARANCE aircraft. TIME.) (See AIR ROUTE TRAFFIC CONTROL EDST− CENTER.) (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL) (Refer to AIM.) EFC− EN ROUTE AUTOMATION SYSTEM (EAS)− The (See EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE (TIME).) complex integrated environment consisting of situation display systems, surveillance systems and ELT− flight data processing, remote devices, decision (See EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER.) support tools, and the related communications EMERGENCY− A distress or an urgency condition. equipment that form the heart of the automated IFR EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER air traffic control system. It interfaces with automated (ELT)− A radio transmitter attached to the aircraft terminal systems and is used in the control of en route structure which operates from its own power source IFR aircraft. on 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz. It aids in locating (Refer to AIM.) downed aircraft by radiating a downward sweeping EN ROUTE CHARTS− audio tone, 2-4 times per second. It is designed to (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) function without human action after an accident. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL (EDST)− (Refer to AIM.) An automated tool provided at each Radar Associate position in selected En Route facilities. This tool E-MSAW− utilizes flight and radar data to determine present and (See EN ROUTE MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE future trajectories for all active and proposal aircraft WARNING.) and provides enhanced automated flight data ENHANCED FLIGHT VISION SYSTEM (EFVS)− management. An EFVS is an installed aircraft system which uses EN ROUTE DESCENT− Descent from the en route an electronic means to provide a display of the cruising altitude which takes place along the route of forward external scene topography (the natural or flight. man−made features of a place or region especially in a way to show their relative positions and elevation) EN ROUTE HIGH ALTITUDE CHARTS− through the use of imaging sensors, including but not (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) limited to forward−looking infrared, millimeter wave EN ROUTE LOW ALTITUDE CHARTS− radiometry, millimeter wave radar, or low−light level (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) image intensification. An EFVS includes the display element, sensors, computers and power supplies, EN ROUTE MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE WARN- indications, and controls. An operator’s authoriza- ING (E−MSAW)− A function of the EAS that aids the tion to conduct an EFVS operation may have controller by providing an alert when a tracked provisions which allow pilots to conduct IAPs when aircraft is below or predicted by the computer to go the reported weather is below minimums prescribed below a predetermined minimum IFR altitude on the IAP to be flown. (MIA). EN ROUTE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SER- EN ROUTE SPACING PROGRAM (ESP)− A VICES− Air traffic control service provided aircraft program designed to assist the exit sector in on IFR flight plans, generally by centers, when these achieving the required in-trail spacing.

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EN ROUTE TRANSITION− ESTIMATED TIME EN ROUTE− The estimated a. Conventional STARs/SIDs. The portion of a flying time from departure point to destination SID/STAR that connects to one or more en route (lift-off to touchdown). airway/jet route. ETA− b. RNAV STARs/SIDs. The portion of a STAR (See ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL.) preceding the common route or point, or for a SID the ETE− portion following, that is coded for a specific en route (See ESTIMATED TIME EN ROUTE.) fix, airway or jet route. EXECUTE MISSED APPROACH− Instructions ESP− issued to a pilot making an instrument approach (See EN ROUTE SPACING PROGRAM.) which means continue inbound to the missed approach point and execute the missed approach EST− procedure as described on the Instrument Approach (See ESTIMATED.) Procedure Chart or as previously assigned by ATC. ESTABLISHED− To be stable or fixed at an altitude The pilot may climb immediately to the altitude or on a course, route, route segment, heading, specified in the missed approach procedure upon instrument approach or departure procedure, etc. making a missed approach. No turns should be initiated prior to reaching the missed approach point. ESTABLISHED ON RNP (EoR) CONCEPT– A When conducting an ASR or PAR approach, execute system of authorized instrument approaches, ATC the assigned missed approach procedure immediately procedures, surveillance, and communication re- upon receiving instructions to “execute missed quirements that allow aircraft operations to be safely approach.” conducted with approved reduced separation criteria (Refer to AIM.) once aircraft are established on a PBN segment of a published instrument flight procedure. EXPECT (ALTITUDE) AT (TIME) or (FIX)− Used under certain conditions to provide a pilot with an ESTIMATED (EST)−When used in NOTAMs altitude to be used in the event of two-way “EST” is a contraction that is used by the issuing communications failure. It also provides altitude authority only when the condition is expected to information to assist the pilot in planning. return to service prior to the expiration time. Using (Refer to AIM.) “EST” lets the user know that this NOTAM has the EXPECT DEPARTURE CLEARANCE TIME possibility of returning to service earlier than the (EDCT)− The runway release time assigned to an expiration time. Any NOTAM which includes an aircraft in a traffic management program and shown “EST” will be auto−expired at the designated on the flight progress strip as an EDCT. expiration time. (See GROUND DELAY PROGRAM.) ESTIMATED ELAPSED TIME [ICAO]− The EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE (TIME)− The estimated time required to proceed from one time a pilot can expect to receive clearance beyond a significant point to another. clearance limit. (See ICAO Term TOTAL ESTIMATED ELAPSED EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE VIA (AIR- TIME.) WAYS, ROUTES OR FIXES)− Used to inform a ESTIMATED OFF-BLOCK TIME [ICAO]− The pilot of the routing he/she can expect if any part of the estimated time at which the aircraft will commence route beyond a short range clearance limit differs movement associated with departure. from that filed. ESTIMATED POSITION ERROR (EPE)− EXPEDITE− Used by ATC when prompt com- (See Required Navigation Performance) pliance is required to avoid the development of an imminent situation. Expedite climb/descent normal- ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL− The time the ly indicates to a pilot that the approximate best rate flight is estimated to arrive at the gate (scheduled of climb/descent should be used without requiring an operators) or the actual runway on times for exceptional change in aircraft handling characteris- nonscheduled operators. tics.

PCG E−2 3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary F

FAF− FIELD ELEVATION− (See FINAL APPROACH FIX.) (See AIRPORT ELEVATION.) FALLEN HERO– Remains of fallen members of the FILED− Normally used in conjunction with flight United States military are often returned home by plans, meaning a flight plan has been submitted to aircraft. These flights may be identified with the ATC. phrase “FALLEN HERO” added to the remarks FILED EN ROUTE DELAY− Any of the following section of the flight plan, or they may be transmitted preplanned delays at points/areas along the route of via air/ground communications. If able, these flights flight which require special flight plan filing and will receive priority handling. handling techniques. FAST FILE− An FSS system whereby a pilot files a a. Terminal Area Delay. A delay within a terminal flight plan via telephone that is recorded and later area for touch-and-go, low approach, or other transcribed for transmission to the appropriate air terminal area activity. traffic facility. (Alaska only.) b. Special Use Airspace Delay. A delay within a Military Operations Area, Restricted Area, Warning FAWP− Final Approach Waypoint Area, or ATC Assigned Airspace. FCLT− c. Aerial Refueling Delay. A delay within an (See FREEZE CALCULATED LANDING TIME.) Aerial Refueling Track or Anchor. FILED FLIGHT PLAN− The flight plan as filed with FEATHERED PROPELLER− A propeller whose an ATS unit by the pilot or his/her designated blades have been rotated so that the leading and representative without any subsequent changes or trailing edges are nearly parallel with the aircraft clearances. flight path to stop or minimize drag and engine rotation. Normally used to indicate shutdown of a FINAL− Commonly used to mean that an aircraft is reciprocating or turboprop engine due to malfunc- on the final approach course or is aligned with a tion. landing area. (See FINAL APPROACH COURSE.) FEDERAL AIRWAYS− (See FINAL APPROACH-IFR.) (See LOW ALTITUDE AIRWAY STRUCTURE.) (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT FEEDER FIX− The fix depicted on Instrument APPROACH PROCEDURE.) Approach Procedure Charts which establishes the FINAL APPROACH [ICAO]− That part of an starting point of the feeder route. instrument approach procedure which commences at the specified final approach fix or point, or where FEEDER ROUTE− A route depicted on instrument such a fix or point is not specified. approach procedure charts to designate routes for a. At the end of the last procedure turn, base turn aircraft to proceed from the en route structure to the or inbound turn of a racetrack procedure, if specified; initial approach fix (IAF). or (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) b. At the point of interception of the last track specified in the approach procedure; and ends at a FERRY FLIGHT− A flight for the purpose of: point in the vicinity of an aerodrome from which: a. Returning an aircraft to base. 1. A landing can be made; or b. Delivering an aircraft from one location to 2. A missed approach procedure is initiated. another. FINAL APPROACH COURSE− A bearing/radial/ c. Moving an aircraft to and from a maintenance track of an instrument approach leading to a runway base. Ferry flights, under certain conditions, may be or an extended runway centerline all without regard conducted under terms of a special flight permit. to distance.

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FINAL APPROACH FIX− The fix from which the FINAL CONTROLLER− The controller providing final approach (IFR) to an airport is executed and information and final approach guidance during PAR which identifies the beginning of the final approach and ASR approaches utilizing radar equipment. segment. It is designated on Government charts by (See RADAR APPROACH.) the Maltese Cross symbol for nonprecision FINAL GUARD SERVICE− A value added service approaches and the lightning bolt symbol, provided in conjunction with LAA/RAA only during designating the PFAF, for precision approaches; or periods of significant and fast changing weather when ATC directs a lower-than-published conditions that may affect landing and takeoff glideslope/path or vertical path intercept altitude, it is operations. the resultant actual point of the glideslope/path or vertical path intercept. FINAL MONITOR AID− A high resolution color (See FINAL APPROACH POINT.) display that is equipped with the controller alert (See GLIDESLOPE INTERCEPT ALTITUDE.) system hardware/software used to monitor the no transgression zone (NTZ) during simultaneous (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) parallel approach operations. The display includes alert algorithms providing the target predictors, a color change alert when a target penetrates or is FINAL APPROACH-IFR− The flight path of an predicted to penetrate the no transgression zone aircraft which is inbound to an airport on a final (NTZ), synthesized voice alerts, and digital mapping. instrument approach course, beginning at the final approach fix or point and extending to the airport or (See RADAR APPROACH.) the point where a circle-to-land maneuver or a missed FINAL MONITOR CONTROLLER− Air Traffic approach is executed. Control Specialist assigned to radar monitor the (See FINAL APPROACH COURSE.) flight path of aircraft during simultaneous parallel (See FINAL APPROACH FIX.) (approach courses spaced less than 9000 feet/9200 feet above 5000 feet) and simultaneous close parallel (See FINAL APPROACH POINT.) approach operations. Each runway is assigned a final (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT monitor controller during simultaneous parallel and APPROACH PROCEDURE.) simultaneous close parallel ILS approaches. (See ICAO term FINAL APPROACH.) FIR− FINAL APPROACH POINT− The point, applicable (See FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION.) only to a nonprecision approach with no depicted FIRST TIER CENTER− An ARTCC immediately FAF (such as an on airport VOR), where the aircraft adjacent to the impacted center. is established inbound on the final approach course from the procedure turn and where the final approach FIS−B− descent may be commenced. The FAP serves as the (See FLIGHT INFORMATION FAF and identifies the beginning of the final SERVICE−BROADCAST.) approach segment. FIX− A geographical position determined by visual (See FINAL APPROACH FIX.) reference to the surface, by reference to one or more (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT radio NAVAIDs, by celestial plotting, or by another APPROACH PROCEDURE.) navigational device. FIX BALANCING− A process whereby aircraft are FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT− evenly distributed over several available arrival fixes (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT reducing delays and controller workload. APPROACH PROCEDURE.) FLAG− A warning device incorporated in certain FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT [ICAO]− That airborne navigation and flight instruments indicating segment of an instrument approach procedure in that: which alignment and descent for landing are a. Instruments are inoperative or otherwise not accomplished. operating satisfactorily, or

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b. Signal strength or quality of the received signal network over the UAT data link that operates on 978 falls below acceptable values. MHz. The FIS−B system provides pilots and flight crews of properly equipped aircraft with a cockpit FLAG ALARM− display of certain aviation weather and aeronautical (See FLAG.) information.

FLAMEOUT− An emergency condition caused by a FLIGHT INSPECTION− Inflight investigation and loss of engine power. evaluation of a navigational aid to determine whether FLAMEOUT PATTERN− An approach normally it meets established tolerances. conducted by a single-engine military aircraft (See FLIGHT CHECK.) experiencing loss or anticipating loss of engine (See NAVIGATIONAL AID.) power or control. The standard overhead approach starts at a relatively high altitude over a runway FLIGHT LEVEL− A level of constant atmospheric (“high key”) followed by a continuous 180 degree pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches turn to a high, wide position (“low key”) followed by of mercury. Each is stated in three digits that represent a continuous 180 degree turn final. The standard hundreds of feet. For example, flight level (FL) 250 straight-in pattern starts at a point that results in a represents a barometric altimeter indication of straight-in approach with a high rate of descent to the 25,000 feet; FL 255, an indication of 25,500 feet. runway. Flameout approaches terminate in the type (See ICAO term FLIGHT LEVEL.) approach requested by the pilot (normally fullstop). FLIGHT LEVEL [ICAO]− A surface of constant FLIGHT CHECK− A call sign prefix used by FAA atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific aircraft engaged in flight inspection/certification of pressure datum, 1013.2 hPa (1013.2 mb), and is navigational aids and flight procedures. The word separated from other such surfaces by specific “recorded” may be added as a suffix; e.g., “Flight pressure intervals. Check 320 recorded” to indicate that an automated Note 1:A pressure type altimeter calibrated in flight inspection is in progress in terminal areas. accordance with the standard atmosphere: (See FLIGHT INSPECTION.) a. When set to a QNH altimeter setting, will (Refer to AIM.) indicate altitude; b. When set to a QFE altimeter setting, will FLIGHT FOLLOWING− indicate height above the QFE reference datum; (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) and c. When set to a pressure of 1013.2 hPa FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION− An airspace of (1013.2 mb), may be used to indicate flight levels. defined dimensions within which Flight Information Note 2: The terms ‘height’ and ‘altitude,’ used in Service and Alerting Service are provided. Note 1 above, indicate altimetric rather than a. Flight Information Service. A service provided geometric heights and altitudes. for the purpose of giving advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights. FLIGHT LINE− A term used to describe the precise movement of a civil photogrammetric aircraft along b. Alerting Service. A service provided to notify a predetermined course(s) at a predetermined altitude appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need during the actual photographic run. of search and rescue aid and to assist such organizations as required. FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS− A comput- FLIGHT INFORMATION SERVICE− A service er system that uses a large data base to allow routes provided for the purpose of giving advice and to be preprogrammed and fed into the system by information useful for the safe and efficient conduct means of a data loader. The system is constantly of flights. updated with respect to position accuracy by reference to conventional navigation aids. The FLIGHT INFORMATION SERVICE− sophisticated program and its associated data base BROADCAST (FIS−B)− A ground broadcast service ensures that the most appropriate aids are automati- provided through the ADS−B Broadcast Services cally selected during the information update cycle.

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FLIGHT PATH− A line, course, or track along which FLIGHT STANDARDS DISTRICT OFFICE− An an aircraft is flying or intended to be flown. FAA field office serving an assigned geographical (See COURSE.) area and staffed with Flight Standards personnel who (See TRACK.) serve the aviation industry and the general public on matters relating to the certification and operation of FLIGHT PLAN− Specified information relating to air carrier and general aviation aircraft. Activities the intended flight of an aircraft that is filed orally or include general surveillance of operational safety, in writing with an FSS or an ATC facility. certification of airmen and aircraft, accident (See FAST FILE.) prevention, investigation, enforcement, etc. (See FILED.) (Refer to AIM.) FLIGHT TERMINATION− The intentional and deliberate process of terminating the flight of a UA in FLIGHT PLAN AREA (FPA)− The geographical the event of an unrecoverable lost link, loss of area assigned to a flight service station (FSS) for the control, or other failure that compromises the safety purpose of establishing primary responsibility for of flight. services that may include search and rescue for VFR aircraft, issuance of NOTAMs, pilot briefings, FLIGHT TEST− A flight for the purpose of: inflight services, broadcast services, emergency a. Investigating the operation/flight characteris- services, flight data processing, international opera- tics of an aircraft or aircraft component. tions, and aviation weather services. Large b. Evaluating an applicant for a pilot certificate or consolidated FSS facilities may combine FPAs into rating. larger areas of responsibility (AOR). FLIGHT VISIBILITY− (See FLIGHT SERVICE STATION.) (See VISIBILITY.) (See TIE-IN FACILITY.) FLIP− FLIGHT RECORDER− A general term applied to (See DOD FLIP.) any instrument or device that records information about the performance of an aircraft in flight or about FLY HEADING (DEGREES)− Informs the pilot of conditions encountered in flight. Flight recorders the heading he/she should fly. The pilot may have to may make records of airspeed, outside air turn to, or continue on, a specific compass direction temperature, vertical acceleration, engine RPM, in order to comply with the instructions. The pilot is manifold pressure, and other pertinent variables for a expected to turn in the shorter direction to the heading given flight. unless otherwise instructed by ATC. (See ICAO term FLIGHT RECORDER.) FLY-BY WAYPOINT− A fly-by waypoint requires FLIGHT RECORDER [ICAO]− Any type of the use of turn anticipation to avoid overshoot of the recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of next flight segment. complementing accident/incident investigation. FLY-OVER WAYPOINT− A fly-over waypoint Note: See Annex 6 Part I, for specifications relating precludes any turn until the waypoint is overflown to flight recorders. and is followed by an intercept maneuver of the next flight segment. FLIGHT SERVICE STATION (FSS)− An air traffic facility which provides pilot briefings, flight plan FLY VISUAL TO AIRPORT− processing, en route flight advisories, search and (See PUBLISHED INSTRUMENT APPROACH rescue services, and assistance to lost aircraft and PROCEDURE VISUAL SEGMENT.) aircraft in emergency situations. FSS also relay ATC FMA− clearances, process Notices to Airmen, broadcast (See FINAL MONITOR AID.) aviation weather and aeronautical information, and advise Customs and Immigration of transborder FMS− flights. In Alaska, FSS provide Airport Advisory (See FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.) Services. FORMATION FLIGHT− More than one aircraft (See FLIGHT PLAN AREA.) which, by prior arrangement between the pilots, (See TIE-IN FACILITY.) operate as a single aircraft with regard to navigation

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and position reporting. Separation between aircraft Fast aircraft freeze on parameter FCLT and slow within the formation is the responsibility of the flight aircraft freeze on parameter MLDI. leader and the pilots of the other aircraft in the flight. FRICTION MEASUREMENT− A measurement of This includes transition periods when aircraft within the friction characteristics of the runway pavement the formation are maneuvering to attain separation surface using continuous self-watering friction from each other to effect individual control and measurement equipment in accordance with the during join-up and breakaway. specifications, procedures and schedules contained a. A standard formation is one in which a in AC 150/5320−12, Measurement, Construction, proximity of no more than 1 mile laterally or and Maintenance of Skid Resistant Airport Pavement longitudinally and within 100 feet vertically from the Surfaces. flight leader is maintained by each wingman. FSDO− b. Nonstandard formations are those operating under any of the following conditions: (See FLIGHT STANDARDS DISTRICT OFFICE.) 1. When the flight leader has requested and ATC FSPD− has approved other than standard formation (See FREEZE SPEED PARAMETER.) dimensions. FSS− 2. When operating within an authorized altitude (See FLIGHT SERVICE STATION.) reservation (ALTRV) or under the provisions of a letter of agreement. FUEL DUMPING− Airborne release of usable fuel. This does not include the dropping of fuel tanks. 3. When the operations are conducted in (See JETTISONING OF EXTERNAL STORES.) airspace specifically designed for a special activity. (See ALTITUDE RESERVATION.) FUEL REMAINING− A phrase used by either pilots (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) or controllers when relating to the fuel remaining on board until actual fuel exhaustion. When transmitting FRC− such information in response to either a controller (See REQUEST FULL ROUTE CLEARANCE.) question or pilot initiated cautionary advisory to air traffic control, pilots will state the APPROXIMATE FREEZE/FROZEN− Terms used in referring to NUMBER OF MINUTES the flight can continue arrivals which have been assigned ACLTs and to the with the fuel remaining. All reserve fuel SHOULD lists in which they are displayed. BE INCLUDED in the time stated, as should an FREEZE CALCULATED LANDING TIME− A allowance for established fuel gauge system error. dynamic parameter number of minutes prior to the FUEL SIPHONING− Unintentional release of fuel meter fix calculated time of arrival for each aircraft caused by overflow, puncture, loose cap, etc. when the TCLT is frozen and becomes an ACLT (i.e., the VTA is updated and consequently the TCLT is FUEL VENTING− modified as appropriate until FCLT minutes prior to (See FUEL SIPHONING.) meter fix calculated time of arrival, at which time updating is suspended and an ACLT and a frozen FUSED TARGET- meter fix crossing time (MFT) is assigned). (See DIGITAL TARGET) FREEZE HORIZON− The time or point at which an FUSION [STARS/CARTS]- the combination of all aircraft’s STA becomes fixed and no longer fluctuates available surveillance sources (airport surveillance with each radar update. This setting ensures a radar [ASR], air route surveillance radar [ARSR], constant time for each aircraft, necessary for the ADS-B, etc.) into the display of a single tracked metering controller to plan his/her delay technique. target for air traffic control separation services. This setting can be either in distance from the meter FUSION is the equivalent of the current fix or a prescribed flying time to the meter fix. single-sensor radar display. FUSION performance is characteristic of a single-sensor radar display system. FREEZE SPEED PARAMETER− A speed adapted Terminal areas use mono-pulse secondary surveil- for each aircraft to determine fast and slow aircraft. lance radar (ASR 9, Mode S or ASR 11, MSSR).


3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary G

GATE HOLD PROCEDURES− Procedures at b. Visual ground aids, such as VASI, which selected airports to hold aircraft at the gate or other provide vertical guidance for a VFR approach or for ground location whenever departure delays exceed or the visual portion of an instrument approach and are anticipated to exceed 15 minutes. The sequence landing. for departure will be maintained in accordance with c. PAR. Used by ATC to inform an aircraft making initial call−up unless modified by flow control a PAR approach of its vertical position (elevation) restrictions. Pilots should monitor the ground relative to the descent profile. control/clearance delivery frequency for engine (See ICAO term GLIDEPATH.) start/taxi advisories or new proposed start/taxi time if the delay changes. GLIDESLOPE INTERCEPT ALTITUDE− The published minimum altitude to intercept the GBT− glideslope in the intermediate segment of an (See GROUND−BASED TRANSCEIVER.) instrument approach. Government charts use the GCA− lightning bolt symbol to identify this intercept point. (See GROUND CONTROLLED APPROACH.) This intersection is called the Precise Final Approach fix (PFAF). ATC directs a higher altitude, the GDP− resultant intercept becomes the PFAF. (See GROUND DELAY PROGRAM.) (See FINAL APPROACH FIX.) (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT GENERAL AVIATION− That portion of civil APPROACH PROCEDURE.) aviation that does not include scheduled or unscheduled air carriers or commercial space GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM operations. (GNSS) [ICAO]− GNSS refers collectively to the (See ICAO term GENERAL AVIATION.) worldwide positioning, navigation, and timing determination capability available from one or more GENERAL AVIATION [ICAO]− All civil aviation satellite constellation in conjunction with a network operations other than scheduled air services and of ground stations. nonscheduled air transport operations for remunera- tion or hire. GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE (GNSS GEO MAP− The digitized map markings associated MEA)− The minimum en route IFR altitude on a with the ASR-9 Radar System. published ATS route or route segment which assures GLIDEPATH− acceptable Global Navigation Satellite System (See GLIDESLOPE.) reception and meets obstacle clearance requirements. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) GLIDEPATH [ICAO]− A descent profile determined (Refer to 14 CFR Part 95.) for vertical guidance during a final approach. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS)− GPS GLIDEPATH INTERCEPT ALTITUDE− refers to the worldwide positioning, navigation and (See GLIDESLOPE INTERCEPT ALTITUDE.) timing determination capability available from the U.S. satellite constellation. The service provided by GLIDESLOPE− Provides vertical guidance for GPS for civil use is defined in the GPS Standard aircraft during approach and landing. The glideslope/ Positioning System Performance Standard. GPS is glidepath is based on the following: composed of space, control, and user elements. a. Electronic components emitting signals which provide vertical guidance by reference to airborne GNSS [ICAO]− instruments during instrument approaches such as (See GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE ILS; or, SYSTEM.)

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GNSS MEA− GROUND BASED AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (See GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE (GBAS) LANDING SYSTEM (GLS)- A type of SYSTEM MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR precision IAP based on local augmentation of GNSS ALTITUDE.) data using a single GBAS station to transmit locally corrected GNSS data, integrity parameters and GO AHEAD− Proceed with your message. Not to be approach information. This improves the accuracy of used for any other purpose. aircraft GNSS receivers’ signal in space, enabling the GO AROUND− Instructions for a pilot to abandon pilot to fly a precision approach with much greater his/her approach to landing. Additional instructions flexibility, reliability and complexity. The GLS may follow. Unless otherwise advised by ATC, a procedure is published on standard IAP charts, VFR aircraft or an aircraft conducting visual features the title GLS with the designated runway and approach should overfly the runway while climbing minima as low as 200 feet DA. Future plans are to traffic pattern altitude and enter the traffic pattern expected to support Cat II and CAT III operations. via the crosswind leg. A pilot on an IFR flight plan GROUND−BASED TRANSCEIVER (GBT)− The making an instrument approach should execute the ground−based transmitter/receiver (transceiver) re- published missed approach procedure or proceed as ceives automatic dependent surveillance−broadcast instructed by ATC; e.g., “Go around” (additional messages, which are forwarded to an air traffic instructions if required). control facility for processing and display with other (See LOW APPROACH.) radar targets on the plan position indicator (radar (See MISSED APPROACH.) display). (See AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT GPD− SURVEILLANCE-BROADCAST.) (See GRAPHIC PLAN DISPLAY.) GROUND CLUTTER− A pattern produced on the GPS− radar scope by ground returns which may degrade other radar returns in the affected area. The effect of (See GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM.) ground clutter is minimized by the use of moving GRAPHIC PLAN DISPLAY (GPD)− A view target indicator (MTI) circuits in the radar equipment available with EDST that provides a graphic display resulting in a radar presentation which displays only of aircraft, traffic, and notification of predicted targets which are in motion. conflicts. Graphic routes for Current Plans and Trial (See CLUTTER.) Plans are displayed upon controller request. GROUND COMMUNICATION OUTLET (GCO)− (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) An unstaffed, remotely controlled, ground/ground communications facility. Pilots at uncontrolled GROSS NAVIGATION ERROR (GNE) − A lateral airports may contact ATC and FSS via VHF to a deviation from a cleared track, normally in excess of telephone connection to obtain an instrument 25 Nautical Miles (NM). More stringent standards clearance or close a VFR or IFR flight plan. They may (for example, 10NM in some parts of the North also get an updated weather briefing prior to takeoff. Atlantic region) may be used in certain regions to Pilots will use four “key clicks” on the VHF radio to support reductions in lateral separation. contact the appropriate ATC facility or six “key GROUND BASED AUGMENTATION SYSTEM clicks” to contact the FSS. The GCO system is (GBAS)– A ground based GNSS station which intended to be used only on the ground. provides local differential corrections, integrity GROUND CONTROLLED APPROACH− A radar parameters and approach data via VHF data broadcast approach system operated from the ground by air to GNSS users to meet real-time performance traffic control personnel transmitting instructions to requirements for CAT I precision approaches. The the pilot by radio. The approach may be conducted aircraft applies the broadcast data to improve the with surveillance radar (ASR) only or with both accuracy and integrity of its GNSS signals and surveillance and precision approach radar (PAR). computes the deviations to the selected approach. A Usage of the term “GCA” by pilots is discouraged single ground station can serve multiple runway ends except when referring to a GCA facility. Pilots should up to an approximate radius of 23 NM. specifically request a “PAR” approach when a

PCG G−2 3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary precision radar approach is desired or request an to the surface of the earth. “ASR” or “surveillance” approach when a nonpreci- sion radar approach is desired. GROUND STOP (GS)− The GS is a process that requires aircraft that meet a specific criteria to remain (See RADAR APPROACH.) on the ground. The criteria may be airport specific, GROUND DELAY PROGRAM (GDP)− A traffic airspace specific, or equipment specific; for example, management process administered by the ATCSCC, all departures to San Francisco, or all departures when aircraft are held on the ground. The purpose of entering Yorktown sector, or all Category I and II the program is to support the TM mission and limit aircraft going to Charlotte. GSs normally occur with airborne holding. It is a flexible program and may be little or no warning. implemented in various forms depending upon the needs of the AT system. Ground delay programs GROUND VISIBILITY− provide for equitable assignment of delays to all (See VISIBILITY.) system users. GS− GROUND SPEED− The speed of an aircraft relative (See GROUND STOP.)


3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary H

HAA− HEIGHT ABOVE LANDING (HAL)− The height (See HEIGHT ABOVE AIRPORT.) above a designated helicopter landing area used for helicopter instrument approach procedures. HAL− (Refer to 14 CFR Part 97.) (See HEIGHT ABOVE LANDING.) HEIGHT ABOVE TOUCHDOWN (HAT)− The HANDOFF− An action taken to transfer the radar height of the Decision Height or Minimum Descent identification of an aircraft from one controller to Altitude above the highest runway elevation in the another if the aircraft will enter the receiving touchdown zone (first 3,000 feet of the runway). HAT controller’s airspace and radio communications with is published on instrument approach charts in the aircraft will be transferred. conjunction with all straight-in minimums. (See DECISION HEIGHT.) HAR− (See MINIMUM DESCENT ALTITUDE.) (See HIGH ALTITUDE REDESIGN.) HELICOPTER− A heavier-than-air aircraft sup- HAT− ported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on one or more power-driven rotors on substantially (See HEIGHT ABOVE TOUCHDOWN.) vertical axes. HAVE NUMBERS− Used by pilots to inform ATC HELIPAD− A small, designated area, usually with a that they have received runway, wind, and altimeter prepared surface, on a heliport, airport, landing/take- information only. off area, apron/ramp, or movement area used for takeoff, landing, or parking of helicopters. HAZARDOUS INFLIGHT WEATHER ADVISO- RY SERVICE (HIWAS)− Continuous recorded HELIPORT− An area of land, water, or structure used hazardous inflight weather forecasts broadcasted to or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of airborne pilots over selected VOR outlets defined as helicopters and includes its buildings and facilities if an HIWAS BROADCAST AREA. any. HELIPORT REFERENCE POINT (HRP)− The HAZARDOUS WEATHER INFORMATION− geographic center of a heliport. Summary of significant meteorological information (SIGMET/WS), convective significant meteorologi- HERTZ− The standard radio equivalent of frequency cal information (convective SIGMET/WST), urgent in cycles per second of an electromagnetic wave. pilot weather reports (urgent PIREP/UUA), center Kilohertz (kHz) is a frequency of one thousand cycles weather advisories (CWA), airmen’s meteorological per second. Megahertz (MHz) is a frequency of one information (AIRMET/WA) and any other weather million cycles per second. such as isolated thunderstorms that are rapidly HF− developing and increasing in intensity, or low (See HIGH FREQUENCY.) ceilings and visibilities that are becoming wide- spread which is considered significant and are not HF COMMUNICATIONS− included in a current hazardous weather advisory. (See HIGH FREQUENCY COMMUNICATIONS.) HIGH ALTITUDE REDESIGN (HAR)− A level of HEAVY (AIRCRAFT)− non−restrictive routing (NRR) service for aircraft (See AIRCRAFT CLASSES.) that have all waypoints associated with the HAR HEIGHT ABOVE AIRPORT (HAA)− The height of program in their flight management systems or the Minimum Descent Altitude above the published RNAV equipage. airport elevation. This is published in conjunction HIGH FREQUENCY− The frequency band between with circling minimums. 3 and 30 MHz. (See MINIMUM DESCENT ALTITUDE.) (See HIGH FREQUENCY COMMUNICATIONS.)

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HIGH FREQUENCY COMMUNICATIONS− High altitude that will permit a normal descent to the final radio frequencies (HF) between 3 and 30 MHz used approach fix altitude. The hold−in−lieu of procedure for air-to-ground voice communication in overseas turn is a required maneuver (the same as a procedure operations. turn) unless the aircraft is being radar vectored to the final approach course, when “NoPT” is shown on the HIGH SPEED EXIT− approach chart, or when the pilot requests or the (See HIGH SPEED TAXIWAY.) controller advises the pilot to make a “straight−in” HIGH SPEED TAXIWAY− A long radius taxiway approach. designed and provided with lighting or marking to HOLD PROCEDURE− A predetermined maneuver define the path of aircraft, traveling at high speed (up which keeps aircraft within a specified airspace while to 60 knots), from the runway center to a point on the awaiting further clearance from air traffic control. center of a taxiway. Also referred to as long radius Also used during ground operations to keep aircraft exit or turn-off taxiway. The high speed taxiway is within a specified area or at a specified point while designed to expedite aircraft turning off the runway awaiting further clearance from air traffic control. after landing, thus reducing runway occupancy time. (See HOLDING FIX.) HIGH SPEED TURNOFF− (Refer to AIM.) (See HIGH SPEED TAXIWAY.) HOLDING FIX− A specified fix identifiable to a HIWAS− pilot by NAVAIDs or visual reference to the ground (See HAZARDOUS INFLIGHT WEATHER used as a reference point in establishing and ADVISORY SERVICE.) maintaining the position of an aircraft while holding. (See FIX.) HIWAS AREA− (See VISUAL HOLDING.) (See HAZARDOUS INFLIGHT WEATHER (Refer to AIM.) ADVISORY SERVICE.) HOLDING POINT [ICAO]− A specified location, HIWAS BROADCAST AREA− A geographical area identified by visual or other means, in the vicinity of of responsibility including one or more HIWAS which the position of an aircraft in flight is outlet areas assigned to a FSS for hazardous weather maintained in accordance with air traffic control advisory broadcasting. clearances. HIWAS OUTLET AREA− An area defined as a 150 HOLDING PROCEDURE− NM radius of a HIWAS outlet, expanded as necessary to provide coverage. (See HOLD PROCEDURE.) HOLD FOR RELEASE− Used by ATC to delay an HOLD-SHORT POINT− A point on the runway aircraft for traffic management reasons; i.e., weather, beyond which a landing aircraft with a LAHSO traffic volume, etc. Hold for release instructions clearance is not authorized to proceed. This point (including departure delay information) are used to may be located prior to an intersecting runway, inform a pilot or a controller (either directly or taxiway, predetermined point, or approach/departure through an authorized relay) that an IFR departure flight path. clearance is not valid until a release time or additional HOLD-SHORT POSITION LIGHTS− Flashing instructions have been received. in-pavement white lights located at specified (See ICAO term HOLDING POINT.) hold-short points. HOLD−IN−LIEU OF PROCEDURE TURN− A HOLD-SHORT POSITION MARKING− The hold−in−lieu of procedure turn shall be established painted runway marking located at the hold-short over a final or intermediate fix when an approach can point on all LAHSO runways. be made from a properly aligned holding pattern. The hold−in−lieu of procedure turn permits the pilot to HOLD-SHORT POSITION SIGNS− Red and white align with the final or intermediate segment of the holding position signs located alongside the approach and/or descend in the holding pattern to an hold-short point.

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HOMING− Flight toward a NAVAID, without HOVER TAXI− Used to describe a helicopter/VTOL correcting for wind, by adjusting the aircraft heading aircraft movement conducted above the surface and to maintain a relative bearing of zero degrees. in ground effect at airspeeds less than approximately (See BEARING.) 20 knots. The actual height may vary, and some (See ICAO term HOMING.) helicopters may require hover taxi above 25 feet AGL to reduce ground effect turbulence or provide HOMING [ICAO]− The procedure of using the clearance for cargo slingloads. direction-finding equipment of one radio station with the emission of another radio station, where at least (See AIR TAXI.) one of the stations is mobile, and whereby the mobile (See HOVER CHECK.) station proceeds continuously towards the other (Refer to AIM.) station. HOW DO YOU HEAR ME?− A question relating to HOVER CHECK− Used to describe when a the quality of the transmission or to determine how helicopter/VTOL aircraft requires a stabilized hover well the transmission is being received. to conduct a performance/power check prior to hover taxi, air taxi, or takeoff. Altitude of the hover will HZ− vary based on the purpose of the check. (See HERTZ.)


3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary I

I SAY AGAIN− The message will be repeated. the manufacturer. Immediate exit from the condition is necessary. IAF− Note: (See INITIAL APPROACH FIX.) Severe icing is aircraft dependent, as are the other categories of icing intensity. Severe icing may IAP− occur at any ice accumulation rate. (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) IDENT− A request for a pilot to activate the aircraft transponder identification feature. This will help the IAWP− Initial Approach Waypoint controller to confirm an aircraft identity or to identify an aircraft. ICAO− (Refer to AIM.) (See ICAO Term INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION.) IDENT FEATURE− The special feature in the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) ICING− The accumulation of airframe ice. equipment. It is used to immediately distinguish one displayed beacon target from other beacon targets. Types of icing are: (See IDENT.) a. Rime Ice− Rough, milky, opaque ice formed by IDENTIFICATION [ICAO]− The situation which the instantaneous freezing of small supercooled exists when the position indication of a particular water droplets. aircraft is seen on a situation display and positively b. Clear Ice− A glossy, clear, or translucent ice identified. formed by the relatively slow freezing or large IF− supercooled water droplets. (See INTERMEDIATE FIX.) c. Mixed− A mixture of clear ice and rime ice. IFIM− Intensity of icing: (See INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT INFORMATION MANUAL.) a. Trace− Ice becomes perceptible. Rate of IF NO TRANSMISSION RECEIVED FOR accumulation is slightly greater than the rate of (TIME)− Used by ATC in radar approaches to prefix sublimation. Deicing/anti-icing equipment is not procedures which should be followed by the pilot in utilized unless encountered for an extended period of event of lost communications. time (over 1 hour). (See LOST COMMUNICATIONS.) b. Light− The rate of accumulation may create a IFR− problem if flight is prolonged in this environment (over 1 hour). Occasional use of deicing/anti-icing (See INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES.) equipment removes/prevents accumulation. It does IFR AIRCRAFT− An aircraft conducting flight in not present a problem if the deicing/anti-icing accordance with instrument flight rules. equipment is used. IFR CONDITIONS− Weather conditions below the c. Moderate− The rate of accumulation is such that minimum for flight under visual flight rules. even short encounters become potentially hazardous (See INSTRUMENT METEOROLOGICAL and use of deicing/anti-icing equipment or flight CONDITIONS.) diversion is necessary. IFR DEPARTURE PROCEDURE− d. Severe− The rate of ice accumulation is such (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND that ice protection systems fail to remove the DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) accumulation of ice, or ice accumulates in locations (Refer to AIM.) not normally prone to icing, such as areas aft of IFR FLIGHT− protected surfaces and any other areas identified by (See IFR AIRCRAFT.)

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IFR LANDING MINIMUMS− a height above touchdown of not less than 150 feet (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) and with runway visual range of not less than 1,400 feet, HUD to DH. 3. Category II. An ILS approach IFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES (IR)− Routes procedure which provides for approach to a height used by the Department of Defense and associated above touchdown of not less than 100 feet and with Reserve and Air Guard units for the purpose of runway visual range of not less than 1,200 feet (with conducting low-altitude navigation and tactical autoland or HUD to touchdown and noted on training in both IFR and VFR weather conditions authorization, RVR 1,000 feet).− 4. Special below 10,000 feet MSL at airspeeds in excess of 250 Authorization Category II with Reduced Lighting. knots IAS. An ILS approach procedure which provides for IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND DEPARTURE approach to a height above touchdown of not less PROCEDURES− Title 14 Code of Federal than 100 feet and with runway visual range of not less Regulations Part 91, prescribes standard takeoff rules than 1,200 feet with autoland or HUD to touchdown for certain civil users. At some airports, obstructions and noted on authorization (no touchdown zone and or other factors require the establishment of centerline lighting are required).− 5. Category III: nonstandard takeoff minimums, departure proce- a. IIIA.−An ILS approach procedure which dures, or both to assist pilots in avoiding obstacles provides for approach without a decision height during climb to the minimum en route altitude. Those minimum and with runway visual range of not less airports are listed in FAA/DOD Instrument Approach than 700 feet. Procedures (IAPs) Charts under a section entitled “IFR Takeoff Minimums and Departure Procedures.” b. IIIB.−An ILS approach procedure which The FAA/DOD IAP chart legend illustrates the provides for approach without a decision height symbol used to alert the pilot to nonstandard takeoff minimum and with runway visual range of not less minimums and departure procedures. When depart- than 150 feet. ing IFR from such airports or from any airports where c. IIIC.−An ILS approach procedure which there are no departure procedures, DPs, or ATC provides for approach without a decision height facilities available, pilots should advise ATC of any minimum and without runway visual range departure limitations. Controllers may query a pilot minimum. to determine acceptable departure directions, turns, ILS PRM APPROACH− An instrument landing or headings after takeoff. Pilots should be familiar system (ILS) approach conducted to parallel runways with the departure procedures and must assure that whose extended centerlines are separated by less than their aircraft can meet or exceed any specified climb 4,300 feet and at least 3,000 feet where independent gradients. closely spaced approaches are permitted. Also used IF/IAWP− Intermediate Fix/Initial Approach Way- in conjunction with an LDA PRM, RNAV PRM or point. The waypoint where the final approach course GLS PRM approach to conduct Simultaneous Offset of a T approach meets the crossbar of the T. When Instrument Approach (SOIA) operations. No designated (in conjunction with a TAA) this Transgression Zone (NTZ) monitoring is required to waypoint will be used as an IAWP when approaching conduct these approaches. ATC utilizes an enhanced the airport from certain directions, and as an IFWP display with alerting and, with certain runway when beginning the approach from another IAWP. spacing, a high update rate PRM surveillance sensor. Use of a secondary monitor frequency, pilot PRM IFWP− Intermediate Fix Waypoint training, and publication of an Attention All Users ILS− Page are also required for all PRM approaches. (See INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM.) (Refer to AIM) ILS CATEGORIES− 1. Category I. An ILS approach IM− procedure which provides for approach to a height (See INNER MARKER.) above touchdown of not less than 200 feet and with runway visual range of not less than 1,800 feet.− IMC− 2. Special Authorization Category I. An ILS (See INSTRUMENT METEOROLOGICAL approach procedure which provides for approach to CONDITIONS.)

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IMMEDIATELY− Used by ATC or pilots when such second and indicating to the pilot, both aurally and action compliance is required to avoid an imminent visually, that he/she is at the designated decision situation. height (DH), normally 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation, on the ILS CAT II approach. It also INCERFA (Uncertainty Phase) [ICAO]− A situation marks progress during a CAT III approach. wherein uncertainty exists as to the safety of an aircraft and its occupants. (See INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM.) (Refer to AIM.) INCREASED SEPARATION REQUIRED (ISR)– INNER MARKER BEACON− Indicates the confidence level of the track requires (See INNER MARKER.) 5NM separation. 3NM separation, 1 1/2NM separation, and target resolution cannot be used. INREQ− (See INFORMATION REQUEST.) INCREASE SPEED TO (SPEED)− (See SPEED ADJUSTMENT.) INS− (See INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM.) INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM (INS)− An RNAV system which is a form of self-contained INSTRUMENT APPROACH− navigation. (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH (See Area Navigation/RNAV.) PROCEDURE.) INFLIGHT REFUELING− INSTRUMENT APPROACH OPERATIONS (See AERIAL REFUELING.) [ICAO]− An approach and landing using instruments for navigation guidance based on an instrument INFLIGHT WEATHER ADVISORY− approach procedure. There are two methods for (See WEATHER ADVISORY.) executing instrument approach operations: INFORMATION REQUEST (INREQ)− A request a. A two−dimensional (2D) instrument approach originated by an FSS for information concerning an operation, using lateral navigation guidance only; overdue VFR aircraft. and INITIAL APPROACH FIX (IAF)− The fixes b. A three−dimensional (3D) instrument approach depicted on instrument approach procedure charts operation, using both lateral and vertical navigation that identify the beginning of the initial approach guidance. segment(s). Note: Lateral and vertical navigation guidance refers to the guidance provided either by: (See FIX.) a) a ground−based radio navigation aid; or (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT b) computer−generated navigation data from APPROACH PROCEDURE.) ground−based, space−based, self−contained INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT− navigation aids or a combination of these. (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT (See ICAO term INSTRUMENT APPROACH APPROACH PROCEDURE.) PROCEDURE.) INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT [ICAO]− That INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE− A segment of an instrument approach procedure series of predetermined maneuvers for the orderly between the initial approach fix and the intermediate transfer of an aircraft under instrument flight approach fix or, where applicable, the final approach conditions from the beginning of the initial approach fix or point. to a landing or to a point from which a landing may be made visually. It is prescribed and approved for a INLAND NAVIGATION FACILITY− A navigation specific airport by competent authority. aid on a North American Route at which the common (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT route and/or the noncommon route begins or ends. APPROACH PROCEDURE.) INNER MARKER− A marker beacon used with an (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) ILS (CAT II) precision approach located between the (Refer to AIM.) middle marker and the end of the ILS runway, a. U.S. civil standard instrument approach transmitting a radiation pattern keyed at six dots per procedures are approved by the FAA as prescribed

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under 14 CFR Part 97 and are available for public flight. Also a term used by pilots and controllers to use. indicate type of flight plan. (See INSTRUMENT METEOROLOGICAL b. U.S. military standard instrument approach CONDITIONS.) procedures are approved and published by the (See VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) Department of Defense. (See VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL c. Special instrument approach procedures are CONDITIONS.) approved by the FAA for individual operators but are (See ICAO term INSTRUMENT FLIGHT not published in 14 CFR Part 97 for public use. RULES.) (Refer to AIM.) (See ICAO term INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES [ICAO]− A set of rules governing the conduct of flight under INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE instrument meteorological conditions. [ICAO]− A series of predetermined maneuvers by INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM (ILS)− A reference to flight instruments with specified precision instrument approach system which normal- protection from obstacles from the initial approach ly consists of the following electronic components fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a and visual aids: defined arrival route to a point from which a landing a. Localizer. can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not (See LOCALIZER.) completed, to a position at which holding or en route obstacle clearance criteria apply. b. Glideslope. (See GLIDESLOPE.) (See ICAO term INSTRUMENT APPROACH OPERATIONS) c. Outer Marker. (See OUTER MARKER.) INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE d. Middle Marker. CHARTS− (See MIDDLE MARKER.) (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) e. Approach Lights. (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE PROCEDURE (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) (DP)− A preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) (Refer to AIM.) departure procedure published for pilot use, in INSTRUMENT METEOROLOGICAL CONDI- graphic or textual format, that provides obstruction TIONS (IMC)− Meteorological conditions expressed clearance from the terminal area to the appropriate en in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling route structure. There are two types of DP, Obstacle less than the minima specified for visual meteorolog- Departure Procedure (ODP), printed either textually ical conditions. or graphically, and, Standard Instrument Departure (See INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES.) (SID), which is always printed graphically. (See VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND (See VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) CONDITIONS.) (See OBSTACLE DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) INSTRUMENT RUNWAY− A runway equipped (See STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURES.) with electronic and visual navigation aids for which (Refer to AIM.) a precision or nonprecision approach procedure having straight-in landing minimums has been INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE PROCEDURE (DP) approved. CHARTS− (See ICAO term INSTRUMENT RUNWAY.) (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) INSTRUMENT RUNWAY [ICAO]− One of the following types of runways intended for the INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES (IFR)− Rules operation of aircraft using instrument approach governing the procedures for conducting instrument procedures:

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a. Nonprecision Approach Runway− An instru- INTERMEDIATE FIX− The fix that identifies the ment runway served by visual aids and a nonvisual beginning of the intermediate approach segment of an aid providing at least directional guidance adequate instrument approach procedure. The fix is not for a straight-in approach. normally identified on the instrument approach chart b. Precision Approach Runway, Category I− An as an intermediate fix (IF). instrument runway served by ILS and visual aids (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT intended for operations down to 60 m (200 feet) APPROACH PROCEDURE.) decision height and down to an RVR of the order of INTERMEDIATE LANDING− On the rare occasion 800 m. that this option is requested, it should be approved. The departure center, however, must advise the c. Precision Approach Runway, Category II− An ATCSCC so that the appropriate delay is carried over instrument runway served by ILS and visual aids and assigned at the intermediate airport. An intended for operations down to 30 m (100 feet) intermediate landing airport within the arrival center decision height and down to an RVR of the order of will not be accepted without coordination with and 400 m. the approval of the ATCSCC. d. Precision Approach Runway, Category III− An instrument runway served by ILS to and along the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT− Relating to interna- surface of the runway and: tional flight, it means: a. An airport of entry which has been designated 1. Intended for operations down to an RVR of by the Secretary of Treasury or Commissioner of the order of 200 m (no decision height being Customs as an international airport for customs applicable) using visual aids during the final phase of service. landing; b. A landing rights airport at which specific 2. Intended for operations down to an RVR of permission to land must be obtained from customs the order of 50 m (no decision height being authorities in advance of contemplated use. applicable) using visual aids for taxiing; c. Airports designated under the Convention on 3. Intended for operations without reliance on International Civil Aviation as an airport for use by visual reference for landing or taxiing. international commercial air transport and/or interna- Note 1: See Annex 10 Volume I, Part I, Chapter 3, tional general aviation. for related ILS specifications. (See ICAO term INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.) (Refer to Chart Supplement U.S.) Note 2:Visual aids need not necessarily be matched to the scale of nonvisual aids provided. (Refer to IFIM.) The criterion for the selection of visual aids is the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT [ICAO]− Any airport conditions in which operations are intended to be designated by the Contracting State in whose conducted. territory it is situated as an airport of entry and departure for international air traffic, where the INTEGRITY− The ability of a system to provide formalities incident to customs, immigration, public timely warnings to users when the system should not health, animal and plant quarantine and similar be used for navigation. procedures are carried out. INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEGMENT− INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGA- (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT NIZATION [ICAO]− A specialized agency of the APPROACH PROCEDURE.) United Nations whose objective is to develop the principles and techniques of international air INTERMEDIATE APPROACH SEGMENT navigation and to foster planning and development of [ICAO]− That segment of an instrument approach international civil air transport. procedure between either the intermediate approach a. Regions include: fix and the final approach fix or point, or between the end of a reversal, race track or dead reckoning track 1. African-Indian Ocean Region procedure and the final approach fix or point, as 2. Caribbean Region appropriate. 3. European Region

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4. Middle East/Asia Region INTERSECTING RUNWAYS− Two or more 5. North American Region runways which cross or meet within their lengths. (See INTERSECTION.) 6. North Atlantic Region 7. Pacific Region INTERSECTION− 8. South American Region a. A point defined by any combination of courses, radials, or bearings of two or more navigational aids. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT INFORMATION b. Used to describe the point where two runways, MANUAL (IFIM)− A publication designed primari- a runway and a taxiway, or two taxiways cross or ly as a pilot’s preflight planning guide for flights into meet. foreign airspace and for flights returning to the U.S. from foreign locations. INTERSECTION DEPARTURE− A departure from any runway intersection except the end of the runway. INTERROGATOR− The ground-based surveillance (See INTERSECTION.) radar beacon transmitter-receiver, which normally scans in synchronism with a primary radar, INTERSECTION TAKEOFF− transmitting discrete radio signals which repetitious- (See INTERSECTION DEPARTURE.) ly request all transponders on the mode being used to IR− reply. The replies received are mixed with the (See IFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES.) primary radar returns and displayed on the same plan position indicator (radar scope). Also, applied to the IRREGULAR SURFACE− A surface that is open for airborne element of the TACAN/DME system. use but not per regulations. (See TRANSPONDER.) ISR− (Refer to AIM.) (See INCREASED SEPARATION REQUIRED.)

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JAMMING− Electronic or mechanical interference JET STREAM− A migrating stream of high-speed which may disrupt the display of aircraft on radar or winds present at high altitudes. the transmission/reception of radio communications/ navigation. JETTISONING OF EXTERNAL STORES− Air- borne release of external stores; e.g., tiptanks, JET BLAST− Jet engine exhaust (thrust stream ordnance. turbulence). (See FUEL DUMPING.) (See WAKE TURBULENCE.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) JET ROUTE− A route designed to serve aircraft operations from 18,000 feet MSL up to and including JOINT USE RESTRICTED AREA− flight level 450. The routes are referred to as “J” (See RESTRICTED AREA.) routes with numbering to identify the designated route; e.g., J105. JUMP ZONE− The airspace directly associated with (See Class A AIRSPACE.) a Drop Zone. Vertical and horizontal limits may be (Refer to 14 CFR Part 71.) locally defined.


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KNOWN TRAFFIC− With respect to ATC clear- ances, means aircraft whose altitude, position, and intentions are known to ATC.


3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary L

LAA− LANDING DIRECTION INDICATOR− A device (See LOCAL AIRPORT ADVISORY.) which visually indicates the direction in which landings and takeoffs should be made. LAAS− (See TETRAHEDRON.) (See LOW ALTITUDE ALERT SYSTEM.) (Refer to AIM.) LANDING DISTANCE AVAILABLE (LDA)− The LAHSO− An acronym for “Land and Hold Short runway length declared available and suitable for a Operation.” These operations include landing and landing airplane. holding short of an intersecting runway, a taxiway, a (See ICAO term LANDING DISTANCE predetermined point, or an approach/departure AVAILABLE.) flightpath. LANDING DISTANCE AVAILABLE [ICAO]− The LAHSO-DRY− Land and hold short operations on length of runway which is declared available and runways that are dry. suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. LANDING MINIMUMS− The minimum visibility LAHSO-WET− Land and hold short operations on prescribed for landing a civil aircraft while using an runways that are wet (but not contaminated). instrument approach procedure. The minimum applies with other limitations set forth in 14 CFR LAND AND HOLD SHORT OPERATIONS− Part 91 with respect to the Minimum Descent Operations which include simultaneous takeoffs and Altitude (MDA) or Decision Height (DH) prescribed landings and/or simultaneous landings when a in the instrument approach procedures as follows: landing aircraft is able and is instructed by the a. Straight-in landing minimums. A statement of controller to hold-short of the intersecting runway/ MDA and visibility, or DH and visibility, required for taxiway or designated hold-short point. Pilots are a straight-in landing on a specified runway, or expected to promptly inform the controller if the hold b. Circling minimums. A statement of MDA and short clearance cannot be accepted. visibility required for the circle-to-land maneuver. (See PARALLEL RUNWAYS.) Note: Descent below the MDA or DH must meet the (Refer to AIM.) conditions stated in 14 CFR Section 91.175. (See CIRCLE-TO-LAND MANEUVER.) LAND−BASED AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICA- (See DECISION HEIGHT.) TION ZONE (ADIZ)− An ADIZ over U.S. (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH metropolitan areas, which is activated and deactivat- PROCEDURE.) ed as needed, with dimensions, activation dates, and (See MINIMUM DESCENT ALTITUDE.) other relevant information disseminated via NO- (See STRAIGHT-IN LANDING.) TAM. (See VISIBILITY.) (See AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) LANDING ROLL− The distance from the point of LANDING AREA− Any locality either on land, touchdown to the point where the aircraft can be water, or structures, including airports/heliports and brought to a stop or exit the runway. intermediate landing fields, which is used, or intended to be used, for the landing and takeoff of LANDING SEQUENCE− The order in which aircraft whether or not facilities are provided for the aircraft are positioned for landing. shelter, servicing, or for receiving or discharging (See APPROACH SEQUENCE.) passengers or cargo. LAST ASSIGNED ALTITUDE− The last altitude/ (See ICAO term LANDING AREA.) flight level assigned by ATC and acknowledged by the pilot. LANDING AREA [ICAO]− That part of a movement (See MAINTAIN.) area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.)

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LATERAL NAVIGATION (LNAV)– A function of minimum of a sport pilot certificate is required to area navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, operate light-sport aircraft. displays, and provides lateral guidance to a profile or (Refer to 14 CFR Part 1, §1.1.) path. LINE UP AND WAIT (LUAW)− Used by ATC to LATERAL SEPARATION− The lateral spacing of inform a pilot to taxi onto the departure runway to line aircraft at the same altitude by requiring operation on up and wait. It is not authorization for takeoff. It is different routes or in different geographical locations. used when takeoff clearance cannot immediately be (See SEPARATION.) issued because of traffic or other reasons. (See CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF.) LDA− LOCAL AIRPORT ADVISORY (LAA)− A service (See LOCALIZER TYPE DIRECTIONAL AID.) available only in Alaska and provided by facilities (See LANDING DISTANCE AVAILABLE.) that are located on the landing airport, have a discrete (See ICAO Term LANDING DISTANCE ground−to−air communication frequency or the AVAILABLE.) tower frequency when the tower is closed, automated weather reporting with voice broadcasting, and a LF− continuous ASOS/AWSS/AWOS data display, other (See LOW FREQUENCY.) continuous direct reading instruments, or manual observations available to the specialist. LIGHTED AIRPORT− An airport where runway and (See AIRPORT ADVISORY AREA.) obstruction lighting is available. (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) LOCAL TRAFFIC− Aircraft operating in the traffic (Refer to AIM.) pattern or within sight of the tower, or aircraft known to be departing or arriving from flight in local practice LIGHT GUN− A handheld directional light signaling areas, or aircraft executing practice instrument device which emits a brilliant narrow beam of white, approaches at the airport. green, or red light as selected by the tower controller. (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) The color and type of light transmitted can be used to LOCALIZER− The component of an ILS which approve or disapprove anticipated pilot actions where provides course guidance to the runway. radio communication is not available. The light gun (See INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM.) is used for controlling traffic operating in the vicinity (See ICAO term LOCALIZER COURSE.) of the airport and on the airport movement area. (Refer to AIM.) (Refer to AIM.) LOCALIZER COURSE [ICAO]− The locus of LIGHT-SPORT AIRCRAFT (LSA)− An points, in any given horizontal plane, at which the FAA-registered aircraft, other than a helicopter or DDM (difference in depth of modulation) is zero. powered-lift, that meets certain weight and LOCALIZER OFFSET− An angular offset of the performance. Principally it is a single−engine aircraft localizer aligned within 3_ of the runway alignment. with a maximum of two seats and weighing no more LOCALIZER TYPE DIRECTIONAL AID (LDA)− than 1,430 pounds if intended for operation on water, _ or 1,320 pounds if not. It must be of simple design A localizer with an angular offset that exceeds 3 of (fixed landing gear (except if intended for operations the runway alignment, used for nonprecision on water or a glider), piston powered, instrument approaches with utility and accuracy nonpressurized, with a fixed or ground adjustable comparable to a localizer, but which are not part of a propeller). Performance is also limited to a maximum complete ILS. airspeed in level flight of not more than 120 knots (Refer to AIM.) calibrated airspeed (CAS), have a maximum LOCALIZER TYPE DIRECTIONAL AID (LDA) never-exceed speed of not more than 120 knots CAS PRECISION RUNWAY MONITOR (PRM) for a glider, and have a maximum stalling speed, APPROACH− An approach, which includes a without the use of lift-enhancing devices of not more glideslope, used in conjunction with an ILS PRM, than 45 knots CAS. It may be certificated as either RNAV PRM or GLS PRM approach to an adjacent Experimental LSA or as a Special LSA aircraft. A runway to conduct Simultaneous Offset Instrument

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Approaches (SOIA) to parallel runways whose LOST LINK (LL)− An interruption or loss of the centerlines are separated by less than 3,000 feet and control link, or when the pilot is unable to effect at least 750 feet. NTZ monitoring is required to control of the aircraft and, as a result, the UA will conduct these approaches. perform a predictable or planned maneuver. Loss of (See SIMULTANEOUS OFFSET INSTRUMENT command and control link between the Control APPROACH (SOIA).) Station and the aircraft. There are two types of links: (Refer to AIM) a. An uplink which transmits command instruc- LOCALIZER USABLE DISTANCE− The maxi- tions to the aircraft, and mum distance from the localizer transmitter at a b. A downlink which transmits the status of the specified altitude, as verified by flight inspection, at aircraft and provides situational awareness to the which reliable course information is continuously pilot. received. (Refer to AIM.) LOST LINK PROCEDURE− Preprogrammed or predetermined mitigations to ensure the continued LOCATOR [ICAO]− An LM/MF NDB used as an aid safe operation of the UA in the event of a lost link to final approach. (LL). In the event positive link cannot be established, Note: A locator usually has an average radius of flight termination must be implemented. rated coverage of between 18.5 and 46.3 km (10 and 25 NM). LOW ALTITUDE AIRWAY STRUCTURE− The network of airways serving aircraft operations up to LONG RANGE NAVIGATION− but not including 18,000 feet MSL. (See LORAN.) (See AIRWAY.) LONGITUDINAL SEPARATION− The longitudi- (Refer to AIM.) nal spacing of aircraft at the same altitude by a minimum distance expressed in units of time or LOW ALTITUDE ALERT, CHECK YOUR ALTI- miles. TUDE IMMEDIATELY− (See SEPARATION.) (See SAFETY ALERT.) (Refer to AIM.) LOW APPROACH− An approach over an airport or LORAN− An electronic navigational system by runway following an instrument approach or a VFR which hyperbolic lines of position are determined by approach including the go-around maneuver where measuring the difference in the time of reception of the pilot intentionally does not make contact with the synchronized pulse signals from two fixed transmit- runway. ters. Loran A operates in the 1750-1950 kHz frequency band. Loran C and D operate in the (Refer to AIM.) 100-110 kHz frequency band. In 2010, the U.S. Coast Guard terminated all U.S. LORAN-C transmissions. LOW FREQUENCY (LF)− The frequency band between 30 and 300 kHz. (Refer to AIM.) (Refer to AIM.) LOST COMMUNICATIONS− Loss of the ability to communicate by radio. Aircraft are sometimes LOCALIZER PERFOMRNACE WITH VERTI- referred to as NORDO (No Radio). Standard pilot CAL GUIDANCE (LPV)− A type of approach with procedures are specified in 14 CFR Part 91. Radar vertical guidance (APV) based on WAAS, published controllers issue procedures for pilots to follow in the on RNAV (GPS) approach charts. This procedure event of lost communications during a radar approach takes advantage of the precise lateral guidance when weather reports indicate that an aircraft will available from WAAS. The minima is published as a likely encounter IFR weather conditions during the decision altitude (DA). approach. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) LUAW− (Refer to AIM.) (See LINE UP AND WAIT.)


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MAA− is real and requires familiarity with the subject. (See MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED ALTITUDE.) Terrorists choose MANPADS because the weapons are low cost, highly mobile, require minimal set−up MACH NUMBER− The ratio of true airspeed to the time, and are easy to use and maintain. Although the speed of sound; e.g., MACH .82, MACH 1.6. weapons have limited range, and their accuracy is (See AIRSPEED.) affected by poor visibility and adverse weather, they MACH TECHNIQUE [ICAO]− Describes a control can be fired from anywhere on land or from boats technique used by air traffic control whereby turbojet where there is unrestricted visibility to the target. aircraft operating successively along suitable routes MANDATORY ALTITUDE− An altitude depicted are cleared to maintain appropriate MACH numbers on an instrument Approach Procedure Chart for a relevant portion of the en route phase of flight. requiring the aircraft to maintain altitude at the The principle objective is to achieve improved depicted value. utilization of the airspace and to ensure that separation between successive aircraft does not MANPADS− decrease below the established minima. (See MAN PORTABLE AIR DEFENSE SYSTEMS.) MAHWP− Missed Approach Holding Waypoint MAP− MAINTAIN− (See MISSED APPROACH POINT.) a. Concerning altitude/flight level, the term MARKER BEACON− An electronic navigation means to remain at the altitude/flight level specified. facility transmitting a 75 MHz vertical fan or The phrase “climb and” or “descend and” normally boneshaped radiation pattern. Marker beacons are precedes “maintain” and the altitude assignment; identified by their modulation frequency and keying e.g., “descend and maintain 5,000.” code, and when received by compatible airborne b. Concerning other ATC instructions, the term is equipment, indicate to the pilot, both aurally and used in its literal sense; e.g., maintain VFR. visually, that he/she is passing over the facility. (See INNER MARKER.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING FRICTION (See MIDDLE MARKER.) LEVEL− The friction level specified in (See OUTER MARKER.) AC 150/5320-12, Measurement, Construction, and (Refer to AIM.) Maintenance of Skid Resistant Airport Pavement Surfaces, which represents the friction value below MARSA− which the runway pavement surface remains (See MILITARY AUTHORITY ASSUMES acceptable for any category or class of aircraft RESPONSIBILITY FOR SEPARATION OF operations but which is beginning to show signs of AIRCRAFT.) deterioration. This value will vary depending on the MAWP− Missed Approach Waypoint particular friction measurement equipment used. MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED ALTITUDE− A pub- MAKE SHORT APPROACH− Used by ATC to lished altitude representing the maximum usable inform a pilot to alter his/her traffic pattern so as to altitude or flight level for an airspace structure or make a short final approach. route segment. It is the highest altitude on a Federal (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) airway, jet route, area navigation low or high route, or other direct route for which an MEA is designated MAN PORTABLE AIR DEFENSE SYSTEMS in 14 CFR Part 95 at which adequate reception of (MANPADS)− MANPADS are lightweight, navigation aid signals is assured. shoulder−launched, missile systems used to bring down aircraft and create mass casualties. The MAYDAY− The international radiotelephony distress potential for MANPADS use against airborne aircraft signal. When repeated three times, it indicates

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imminent and grave danger and that immediate METERING AIRPORTS− Airports adapted for assistance is requested. metering and for which optimum flight paths are (See PAN-PAN.) defined. A maximum of 15 airports may be adapted. (Refer to AIM.) METERING FIX− A fix along an established route MCA− from over which aircraft will be metered prior to (See MINIMUM CROSSING ALTITUDE.) entering terminal airspace. Normally, this fix should be established at a distance from the airport which MDA− will facilitate a profile descent 10,000 feet above (See MINIMUM DESCENT ALTITUDE.) airport elevation (AAE) or above. MEA− METERING POSITION(S)− Adapted PVDs/ (See MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE.) MDMs and associated “D” positions eligible for MEARTS− display of a metering position list. A maximum of (See MICRO-EN ROUTE AUTOMATED RADAR four PVDs/MDMs may be adapted. TRACKING SYSTEM.) METERING POSITION LIST− An ordered list of METEOROLOGICAL IMPACT STATEMENT− data on arrivals for a selected metering airport An unscheduled planning forecast describing displayed on a metering position PVD/MDM. conditions expected to begin within 4 to 12 hours which may impact the flow of air traffic in a specific MFT− center’s (ARTCC) area. (See METER FIX TIME/SLOT TIME.) METER FIX ARC− A semicircle, equidistant from MHA− a meter fix, usually in low altitude relatively close to (See MINIMUM HOLDING ALTITUDE.) the meter fix, used to help CTAS/ERAM calculate a MIA− meter time, and determine appropriate sector meter (See MINIMUM IFR ALTITUDES.) list assignments for aircraft not on an established arrival route or assigned a meter fix. MICROBURST− A small downburst with outbursts of damaging winds extending 2.5 miles or less. In METER FIX TIME/SLOT TIME (MFT)− A spite of its small horizontal scale, an intense calculated time to depart the meter fix in order to microburst could induce wind speeds as high as 150 cross the vertex at the ACLT. This time reflects knots descent speed adjustment and any applicable time (Refer to AIM.) that must be absorbed prior to crossing the meter fix. MICRO-EN ROUTE AUTOMATED RADAR METER LIST− TRACKING SYSTEM (MEARTS)− An automated (See ARRIVAL SECTOR ADVISORY LIST.) radar and radar beacon tracking system capable of METER LIST DISPLAY INTERVAL− A dynamic employing both short-range (ASR) and long-range parameter which controls the number of minutes (ARSR) radars. This microcomputer driven system prior to the flight plan calculated time of arrival at the provides improved tracking, continuous data record- meter fix for each aircraft, at which time the TCLT is ing, and use of full digital radar displays. frozen and becomes an ACLT; i.e., the VTA is MID RVR− updated and consequently the TCLT modified as (See VISIBILITY.) appropriate until frozen at which time updating is suspended and an ACLT is assigned. When frozen, MIDDLE COMPASS LOCATOR− the flight entry is inserted into the arrival sector’s (See COMPASS LOCATOR.) meter list for display on the sector PVD/MDM. MIDDLE MARKER− A marker beacon that defines MLDI is used if filed true airspeed is less than or a point along the glideslope of an ILS normally equal to freeze speed parameters (FSPD). located at or near the point of decision height (ILS METERING− A method of time-regulating arrival Category I). It is keyed to transmit alternate dots and traffic flow into a terminal area so as not to exceed a dashes, with the alternate dots and dashes keyed at the predetermined terminal acceptance rate. rate of 95 dot/dash combinations per minute on a

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1300 Hz tone, which is received aurally and visually which assures acceptable navigational signal cover- by compatible airborne equipment. age and meets obstacle clearance requirements (See INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM.) between those fixes. The MEA prescribed for a (See MARKER BEACON.) Federal airway or segment thereof, area navigation (Refer to AIM.) low or high route, or other direct route applies to the entire width of the airway, segment, or route between MILES-IN-TRAIL− A specified distance between the radio fixes defining the airway, segment, or route. aircraft, normally, in the same stratum associated (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) with the same destination or route of flight. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 95.) MILITARY AUTHORITY ASSUMES RESPONSI- (Refer to AIM.) BILITY FOR SEPARATION OF AIRCRAFT (MARSA)− A condition whereby the military MINIMUM FRICTION LEVEL− The friction level services involved assume responsibility for separa- specified in AC 150/5320-12, Measurement, Con- tion between participating military aircraft in the struction, and Maintenance of Skid Resistant Airport ATC system. It is used only for required IFR Pavement Surfaces, that represents the minimum operations which are specified in letters of agreement recommended wet pavement surface friction value or other appropriate FAA or military documents. for any turbojet aircraft engaged in LAHSO. This value will vary with the particular friction MILITARY LANDING ZONE− A landing strip used measurement equipment used. exclusively by the military for training. A military landing zone does not carry a runway designation. MINIMUM FUEL− Indicates that an aircraft’s fuel MILITARY OPERATIONS AREA− supply has reached a state where, upon reaching the destination, it can accept little or no delay. This is not (See SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.) an emergency situation but merely indicates an MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES− Airspace of emergency situation is possible should any undue defined vertical and lateral dimensions established delay occur. for the conduct of military flight training at airspeeds (Refer to AIM.) in excess of 250 knots IAS. (See IFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES.) MINIMUM HOLDING ALTITUDE− The lowest (See VFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES.) altitude prescribed for a holding pattern which assures navigational signal coverage, communica- MINIMA− tions, and meets obstacle clearance requirements. (See MINIMUMS.) MINIMUM IFR ALTITUDES (MIA)− Minimum MINIMUM CROSSING ALTITUDE (MCA)− The altitudes for IFR operations as prescribed in 14 CFR lowest altitude at certain fixes at which an aircraft Part 91. These altitudes are published on aeronautical must cross when proceeding in the direction of a charts and prescribed in 14 CFR Part 95 for airways higher minimum en route IFR altitude (MEA). and routes, and in 14 CFR Part 97 for standard (See MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE.) instrument approach procedures. If no applicable MINIMUM DESCENT ALTITUDE (MDA)− The minimum altitude is prescribed in 14 CFR Part 95 or lowest altitude, expressed in feet above mean sea 14 CFR Part 97, the following minimum IFR level, to which descent is authorized on final altitude applies: approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering in a. In designated mountainous areas, 2,000 feet execution of a standard instrument approach above the highest obstacle within a horizontal procedure where no electronic glideslope is provided. distance of 4 nautical miles from the course to be (See NONPRECISION APPROACH flown; or PROCEDURE.) b. Other than mountainous areas, 1,000 feet above MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE (MEA)− the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 4 The lowest published altitude between radio fixes nautical miles from the course to be flown; or

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c. As otherwise authorized by the Administrator published procedures as “Emergency Safe or assigned by ATC. Altitudes.” (See MINIMUM CROSSING ALTITUDE.) MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE WARNING (See MINIMUM EN ROUTE IFR ALTITUDE.) (MSAW)− A function of the ARTS III computer that (See MINIMUM OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE aids the controller by alerting him/her when a tracked ALTITUDE.) Mode C equipped aircraft is below or is predicted by (See MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE.) the computer to go below a predetermined minimum (See MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE.) safe altitude. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) (Refer to AIM.) MINIMUM OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE ALTI- MINIMUM SECTOR ALTITUDE [ICAO]− The TUDE (MOCA)− The lowest published altitude in lowest altitude which may be used under emergency effect between radio fixes on VOR airways, conditions which will provide a minimum clearance off-airway routes, or route segments which meets of 300 m (1,000 feet) above all obstacles located in obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route an area contained within a sector of a circle of 46 km segment and which assures acceptable navigational (25 NM) radius centered on a radio aid to navigation. signal coverage only within 25 statute (22 nautical) MINIMUMS− Weather condition requirements miles of a VOR. established for a particular operation or type of (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) operation; e.g., IFR takeoff or landing, alternate (Refer to 14 CFR Part 95.) airport for IFR flight plans, VFR flight, etc. MINIMUM RECEPTION ALTITUDE (MRA)− The (See IFR CONDITIONS.) lowest altitude at which an intersection can be (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND determined. DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 95.) (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) (See VFR CONDITIONS.) MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE (MSA)− (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) a. The minimum altitude specified in 14 CFR (Refer to AIM.) Part 91 for various aircraft operations. MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE (MVA)− b. Altitudes depicted on approach charts which The lowest MSL altitude at which an IFR aircraft will provide at least 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance for be vectored by a radar controller, except as otherwise emergency use. These altitudes will be identified as authorized for radar approaches, departures, and Minimum Safe Altitudes or Emergency Safe missed approaches. The altitude meets IFR obstacle Altitudes and are established as follows: clearance criteria. It may be lower than the published 1. Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA). Altitudes MEA along an airway or J-route segment. It may be depicted on approach charts which provide at least utilized for radar vectoring only upon the controller’s 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance within a 25-mile determination that an adequate radar return is being radius of the navigation facility, waypoint, or airport received from the aircraft being controlled. Charts reference point upon which the MSA is predicated. depicting minimum vectoring altitudes are normally MSAs are for emergency use only and do not available only to the controllers and not to pilots. necessarily assure acceptable navigational signal (Refer to AIM.) coverage. MINUTES-IN-TRAIL− A specified interval be- (See ICAO term Minimum Sector Altitude.) tween aircraft expressed in time. This method would 2. Emergency Safe Altitude (ESA). Altitudes more likely be utilized regardless of altitude. depicted on approach charts which provide at least MIS− 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance in nonmountainous (See METEOROLOGICAL IMPACT areas and 2,000 feet of obstacle clearance in STATEMENT.) designated mountainous areas within a 100-mile radius of the navigation facility or waypoint used as MISSED APPROACH− the ESA center. These altitudes are normally used a. A maneuver conducted by a pilot when an only in military procedures and are identified on instrument approach cannot be completed to a

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landing. The route of flight and altitude are shown on Mode C (altitude reporting) are used in air traffic instrument approach procedure charts. A pilot control. executing a missed approach prior to the Missed (See INTERROGATOR.) Approach Point (MAP) must continue along the final (See RADAR.) approach to the MAP. (See TRANSPONDER.) (See ICAO term MODE.) b. A term used by the pilot to inform ATC that (Refer to AIM.) he/she is executing the missed approach. MODE (SSR MODE) [ICAO]− The letter or number c. At locations where ATC radar service is assigned to a specific pulse spacing of the provided, the pilot should conform to radar vectors interrogation signals transmitted by an interrogator. when provided by ATC in lieu of the published There are 4 modes, A, B, C and D specified in Annex missed approach procedure. 10, corresponding to four different interrogation (See MISSED APPROACH POINT.) pulse spacings. (Refer to AIM.) MODE C INTRUDER ALERT− A function of certain air traffic control automated systems designed MISSED APPROACH POINT (MAP)− A point to alert radar controllers to existing or pending prescribed in each instrument approach procedure at situations between a tracked target (known IFR or which a missed approach procedure shall be executed VFR aircraft) and an untracked target (unknown IFR if the required visual reference does not exist. or VFR aircraft) that requires immediate attention/ac- (See MISSED APPROACH.) tion. (See CONFLICT ALERT.) (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) MODEL AIRCRAFT− An unmanned aircraft that is: (1) capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere; (2) MISSED APPROACH PROCEDURE [ICAO]− The flown within visual line of sight of the person procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be operating the aircraft; and (3) flown for hobby or continued. recreational purposes. MONITOR− (When used with communication MISSED APPROACH SEGMENT− transfer) listen on a specific frequency and stand by (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT for instructions. Under normal circumstances do not APPROACH PROCEDURE.) establish communications. MONITOR ALERT (MA)− A function of the TFMS MLDI− that provides traffic management personnel with a (See METER LIST DISPLAY INTERVAL.) tool for predicting potential capacity problems in individual operational sectors. The MA is an MM− indication that traffic management personnel need to (See MIDDLE MARKER.) analyze a particular sector for actual activity and to determine the required action(s), if any, needed to MOA− control the demand. (See MILITARY OPERATIONS AREA.) MONITOR ALERT PARAMETER (MAP)− The number designated for use in monitor alert MOCA− processing by the TFMS. The MAP is designated for each operational sector for increments of 15 minutes. (See MINIMUM OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE ALTITUDE.) MOSAIC/MULTI−SENSOR MODE− Accepts posi- tional data from multiple radar or ADS−B sites. MODE− The letter or number assigned to a specific Targets are displayed from a single source within a pulse spacing of radio signals transmitted or received radar sort box according to the hierarchy of the by ground interrogator or airborne transponder sources assigned. components of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon MOUNTAIN WAVE– Mountain waves occur when System (ATCRBS). Mode A (military Mode 3) and air is being blown over a mountain range or even the

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ridge of a sharp bluff area. As the air hits the upwind MRA− side of the range, it starts to climb, thus creating what (See MINIMUM RECEPTION ALTITUDE.) is generally a smooth updraft which turns into a turbulent downdraft as the air passes the crest of the MSA− ridge. Mountain waves can cause significant (See MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE.) fluctuations in airspeed and altitude with or without MSAW− associated turbulence. (Refer to AIM.) (See MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE WARNING.) MOVEMENT AREA− The runways, taxiways, and MTI− other areas of an airport/heliport which are utilized (See MOVING TARGET INDICATOR.) for taxiing/hover taxiing, air taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and MTR− parking areas. At those airports/heliports with a (See MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES.) tower, specific approval for entry onto the movement MULTICOM− A mobile service not open to public area must be obtained from ATC. correspondence used to provide communications (See ICAO term MOVEMENT AREA.) essential to conduct the activities being performed by MOVEMENT AREA [ICAO]− That part of an or directed from private aircraft. aerodrome to be used for the takeoff, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the maneuvering area MULTIPLE RUNWAYS− The utilization of a and the apron(s). dedicated arrival runway(s) for departures and a dedicated departure runway(s) for arrivals when MOVING TARGET INDICATOR− An electronic feasible to reduce delays and enhance capacity. device which will permit radar scope presentation only from targets which are in motion. A partial MVA− remedy for ground clutter. (See MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE.)

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NAS− NAVAID CLASSES− VOR, VORTAC, and TACAN (See NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM.) aids are classed according to their operational use. The three classes of NAVAIDs are: NAT HLA– a. T− Terminal. (See NORTH ATLANTIC HIGH LEVEL AIRSPACE.) b. L− Low altitude. c. H− High altitude. NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM− The common network of U.S. airspace; air navigation facilities, Note: The normal service range for T, L, and H class equipment and services, airports or landing areas; aids is found in the AIM. Certain operational requirements make it necessary to use some of aeronautical charts, information and services; rules, these aids at greater service ranges than regulations and procedures, technical information, specified. Extended range is made possible and manpower and material. Included are system through flight inspection determinations. Some components shared jointly with the military. aids also have lesser service range due to location, terrain, frequency protection, etc. Restrictions to NATIONAL BEACON CODE ALLOCATION service range are listed in Chart Supplement U.S. PLAN AIRSPACE (NBCAP)− Airspace over United States territory located within the North American NAVIGABLE AIRSPACE− Airspace at and above continent between Canada and Mexico, including the minimum flight altitudes prescribed in the CFRs adjacent territorial waters outward to about bound- including airspace needed for safe takeoff and aries of oceanic control areas (CTA)/Flight landing. Information Regions (FIR). (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) (See FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION.) NAVIGATION REFERENCE SYSTEM (NRS)− NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA CENTER (NFDC)− A The NRS is a system of waypoints developed for use facility in Washington D.C., established by FAA to within the United States for flight planning and operate a central aeronautical information service for navigation without reference to ground based the collection, validation, and dissemination of navigational aids. The NRS waypoints are located in aeronautical data in support of the activities of a grid pattern along defined latitude and longitude government, industry, and the aviation community. lines. The initial use of the NRS will be in the high The information is published in the National Flight altitude environment in conjunction with the High Data Digest. Altitude Redesign initiative. The NRS waypoints are (See NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA DIGEST.) intended for use by aircraft capable of point−to−point navigation. NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA DIGEST (NFDD)− A daily (except weekends and Federal holidays) NAVIGATION SPECIFICATION [ICAO]− A set of publication of flight information appropriate to aircraft and flight crew requirements needed to aeronautical charts, aeronautical publications, No- support performance−based navigation operations tices to Airmen, or other media serving the purpose within a defined airspace. There are two kinds of of providing operational flight data essential to safe navigation specifications: and efficient aircraft operations. a. RNP specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that includes the NATIONAL SEARCH AND RESCUE PLAN− An requirement for performance monitoring and interagency agreement which provides for the alerting, designated by the prefix RNP; e.g., RNP 4, effective utilization of all available facilities in all RNP APCH. types of search and rescue missions. b. RNAV specification. A navigation specifica- NAVAID− tion based on area navigation that does not include the (See NAVIGATIONAL AID.) requirement for performance monitoring and alert-

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ing, designated by the prefix RNAV; e.g., RNAV 5, with headings to be flown, the controller observes the RNAV 1. radar track and issues control instructions “turn Note: The Performance−based Navigation Manual right/left” or “stop turn” as appropriate. (Doc 9613), Volume II contains detailed guidance (Refer to AIM.) on navigation specifications. NO GYRO VECTOR− (See NO GYRO APPROACH.) NAVIGATIONAL AID− Any visual or electronic NO TRANSGRESSION ZONE (NTZ)− The NTZ is device airborne or on the surface which provides a 2,000 foot wide zone, located equidistant between point-to-point guidance information or position data parallel runway or SOIA final approach courses, in to aircraft in flight. which flight is normally not allowed. (See AIR NAVIGATION FACILITY.) NONAPPROACH CONTROL TOWER− Author- NBCAP AIRSPACE− izes aircraft to land or takeoff at the airport controlled (See NATIONAL BEACON CODE ALLOCATION by the tower or to transit the Class D airspace. The PLAN AIRSPACE.) primary function of a nonapproach control tower is NDB− the sequencing of aircraft in the traffic pattern and on (See NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON.) the landing area. Nonapproach control towers also separate aircraft operating under instrument flight NEGATIVE− “No,” or “permission not granted,” or rules clearances from approach controls and centers. “that is not correct.” They provide ground control services to aircraft, NEGATIVE CONTACT− Used by pilots to inform vehicles, personnel, and equipment on the airport ATC that: movement area. a. Previously issued traffic is not in sight. It may NONCOMMON ROUTE/PORTION− That segment be followed by the pilot’s request for the controller to of a North American Route between the inland provide assistance in avoiding the traffic. navigation facility and a designated North American b. They were unable to contact ATC on a terminal. particular frequency. NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON− An L/MF or UHF radio beacon transmitting nondirectional signals NFDC− whereby the pilot of an aircraft equipped with (See NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA CENTER.) direction finding equipment can determine his/her NFDD− bearing to or from the radio beacon and “home” on or (See NATIONAL FLIGHT DATA DIGEST.) track to or from the station. When the radio beacon is NIGHT− The time between the end of evening civil installed in conjunction with the Instrument Landing twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight, System marker, it is normally called a Compass as published in the Air Almanac, converted to local Locator. time. (See AUTOMATIC DIRECTION FINDER.) (See COMPASS LOCATOR.) (See ICAO term NIGHT.) NONMOVEMENT AREAS− Taxiways and apron NIGHT [ICAO]− The hours between the end of (ramp) areas not under the control of air traffic. evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and NONPRECISION APPROACH− sunrise as may be specified by the appropriate (See NONPRECISION APPROACH authority. PROCEDURE.) Note: Civil twilight ends in the evening when the NONPRECISION APPROACH PROCEDURE− A center of the sun’s disk is 6 degrees below the standard instrument approach procedure in which no horizon and begins in the morning when the center electronic glideslope is provided; e.g., VOR, of the sun’s disk is 6 degrees below the horizon. TACAN, NDB, LOC, ASR, LDA, or SDF NO GYRO APPROACH− A radar approach/vector approaches. provided in case of a malfunctioning gyro-compass NONRADAR− Precedes other terms and generally or directional gyro. Instead of providing the pilot means without the use of radar, such as:

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a. Nonradar Approach. Used to describe NORMAL OPERATING ZONE (NOZ)− The NOZ instrument approaches for which course guidance on is the operating zone within which aircraft flight final approach is not provided by ground-based remains during normal independent simultaneous precision or surveillance radar. Radar vectors to the parallel ILS approaches. final approach course may or may not be provided by NORTH AMERICAN ROUTE− A numerically ATC. Examples of nonradar approaches are VOR, coded route preplanned over existing airway and NDB, TACAN, ILS, RNAV, and GLS approaches. route systems to and from specific coastal fixes (See FINAL APPROACH COURSE.) serving the North Atlantic. North American Routes (See FINAL APPROACH-IFR.) consist of the following: (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH a. Common Route/Portion. That segment of a PROCEDURE.) North American Route between the inland navigation (See RADAR APPROACH.) facility and the coastal fix. b. Nonradar Approach Control. An ATC facility b. Noncommon Route/Portion. That segment of a providing approach control service without the use of North American Route between the inland navigation radar. facility and a designated North American terminal. (See APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY.) c. Inland Navigation Facility. A navigation aid on (See APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE.) a North American Route at which the common route c. Nonradar Arrival. An aircraft arriving at an and/or the noncommon route begins or ends. airport without radar service or at an airport served by d. Coastal Fix. A navigation aid or intersection a radar facility and radar contact has not been where an aircraft transitions between the domestic established or has been terminated due to a lack of route structure and the oceanic route structure. radar service to the airport. NORTH AMERICAN ROUTE PROGRAM (NRP)− (See RADAR ARRIVAL.) The NRP is a set of rules and procedures which are (See RADAR SERVICE.) designed to increase the flexibility of user flight d. Nonradar Route. A flight path or route over planning within published guidelines. which the pilot is performing his/her own navigation. NORTH ATLANTIC HIGH LEVEL AIRSPACE The pilot may be receiving radar separation, radar (NAT HLA)− That volume of airspace (as defined in monitoring, or other ATC services while on a ICAO Document 7030) between FL 285 and FL 420 nonradar route. within the Oceanic Control Areas of Bodo Oceanic, (See RADAR ROUTE.) Gander Oceanic, New York Oceanic East, Reykjavik, e. Nonradar Separation. The spacing of aircraft in Santa Maria, and Shanwick, excluding the Shannon accordance with established minima without the use and Brest Ocean Transition Areas. ICAO Doc 007 of radar; e.g., vertical, lateral, or longitudinal North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual separation. provides detailed information on related aircraft and (See RADAR SEPARATION.) operational requirements. NORTH MARK− A beacon data block sent by the NON−RESTRICTIVE ROUTING (NRR)− Portions host computer to be displayed by the ARTS on a 360 of a proposed route of flight where a user can flight degree bearing at a locally selected radar azimuth and plan the most advantageous flight path with no distance. The North Mark is used to ensure correct requirement to make reference to ground−based range/azimuth orientation during periods of NAVAIDs. CENRAP. NOPAC− NORTH PACIFIC− An organized route system (See NORTH PACIFIC.) between the Alaskan west coast and Japan.

NORDO (No Radio)− Aircraft that cannot or do not NOT STANDARD− Varying from what is expected communicate by radio when radio communication is or published. For use in NOTAMs only. required are referred to as “NORDO.” NOT STD- (See LOST COMMUNICATIONS.) (See NOT STANDARD.)

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NOTAM− c. FDC NOTAM− A NOTAM regulatory in (See NOTICE TO AIRMEN.) nature, transmitted by USNOF and given system wide dissemination. NOTAM [ICAO]− A notice containing information (See ICAO term NOTAM.) concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or NOTICES TO AIRMEN PUBLICATION− A hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to publication issued every 28 days, designed primarily personnel concerned with flight operations. for the pilot, which contains current NOTAM information considered essential to the safety of a. I Distribution− Distribution by means of flight as well as supplemental data to other telecommunication. aeronautical publications. The contraction NTAP is b. II Distribution− Distribution by means other used in NOTAM text. than telecommunications. (See NOTICE TO AIRMEN.) NOTICE TO AIRMEN (NOTAM)− A notice NRR− containing information (not known sufficiently in (See NON−RESTRICTIVE ROUTING.) advance to publicize by other means) concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any NRS− component (facility, service, or procedure of, or (See NAVIGATION REFERENCE SYSTEM.) hazard in the National Airspace System) the timely NTAP− knowledge of which is essential to personnel (See NOTICES TO AIRMEN PUBLICATION.) concerned with flight operations. NUMEROUS TARGETS VICINITY (LOCA- NOTAM(D)− A NOTAM given (in addition to local TION)− A traffic advisory issued by ATC to advise dissemination) distant dissemination beyond the area pilots that targets on the radar scope are too numerous of responsibility of the Flight Service Station. These to issue individually. NOTAMs will be stored and available until canceled. (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.)

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OBSTACLE− An existing object, object of natural (b) 180 feet, plus the wingspan of the most growth, or terrain at a fixed geographical location or demanding airplane, plus 20 feet per 1,000 feet of which may be expected at a fixed location within a airport elevation. prescribed area with reference to which vertical 2. For runways serving only small airplanes: clearance is or must be provided during flight (a) 300 feet for precision instrument run- operation. ways. OBSTACLE DEPARTURE PROCEDURE (ODP)− (b) 250 feet for other runways serving small A preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) departure airplanes with approach speeds of 50 knots, or more. procedure printed for pilot use in textual or graphic (c) 120 feet for other runways serving small form to provide obstruction clearance via the least airplanes with approach speeds of less than 50 knots. onerous route from the terminal area to the b. Inner-approach OFZ. The inner-approach OFZ appropriate en route structure. ODPs are recom- is a defined volume of airspace centered on the mended for obstruction clearance and may be flown approach area. The inner-approach OFZ applies only without ATC clearance unless an alternate departure to runways with an approach lighting system. The procedure (SID or radar vector) has been specifically inner-approach OFZ begins 200 feet from the runway assigned by ATC. threshold at the same elevation as the runway (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND threshold and extends 200 feet beyond the last light DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) unit in the approach lighting system. The width of the (See STANDARD INSTRUMENT inner-approach OFZ is the same as the runway OFZ DEPARTURES.) and rises at a slope of 50 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) (Refer to AIM.) from the beginning. c. Inner-transitional OFZ. The inner transitional OBSTACLE FREE ZONE− The OFZ is a surface OFZ is a defined volume of airspace along the three−dimensional volume of airspace which protects sides of the runway and inner-approach OFZ and for the transition of aircraft to and from the runway. applies only to precision instrument runways. The The OFZ clearing standard precludes taxiing and inner-transitional surface OFZ slopes 3 (horizontal) parked airplanes and object penetrations, except for to 1 (vertical) out from the edges of the runway OFZ frangible NAVAID locations that are fixed by and inner-approach OFZ to a height of 150 feet above function. Additionally, vehicles, equipment, and the established airport elevation. personnel may be authorized by air traffic control to (Refer to AC 150/5300-13, Chapter 3.) enter the area using the provisions of FAA Order (Refer to FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 3−1−5, JO 7110.65, Paragraph 3−1−5, Vehicles/Equipment/ Vehicles/Equipment/Personnel Near/On Personnal Near/On Runways. The runway OFZ and Runways.) when applicable, the inner-approach OFZ, and the OBSTRUCTION− Any object/obstacle exceeding inner-transitional OFZ, comprise the OFZ. the obstruction standards specified by 14 CFR a. Runway OFZ. The runway OFZ is a defined Part 77, Subpart C. volume of airspace centered above the runway. The OBSTRUCTION LIGHT− A light or one of a group runway OFZ is the airspace above a surface whose of lights, usually red or white, frequently mounted on elevation at any point is the same as the elevation of a surface structure or natural terrain to warn pilots of the nearest point on the runway centerline. The the presence of an obstruction. runway OFZ extends 200 feet beyond each end of the runway. The width is as follows: OCEANIC AIRSPACE− Airspace over the oceans of the world, considered international airspace, where 1. For runways serving large airplanes, the oceanic separation and procedures per the Interna- greater of: tional Civil Aviation Organization are applied. (a) 400 feet, or Responsibility for the provisions of air traffic control

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service in this airspace is delegated to various b. Used by ATC to advise a pilot making a radar countries, based generally upon geographic proxim- approach that his/her aircraft is lined up on the final ity and the availability of the required resources. approach course. (See ON-COURSE INDICATION.) OCEANIC ERROR REPORT− A report filed when ATC observes an Oceanic Error as defined by FAA ON-COURSE INDICATION− An indication on an Order 7110.82, Reporting Oceanic Errors. instrument, which provides the pilot a visual means of determining that the aircraft is located on the OCEANIC PUBLISHED ROUTE− A route estab- centerline of a given navigational track, or an lished in international airspace and charted or indication on a radar scope that an aircraft is on a described in flight information publications, such as given track. Route Charts, DOD En route Charts, Chart Supplements, NOTAMs, and Track Messages. ONE-MINUTE WEATHER− The most recent one minute updated weather broadcast received by a pilot OCEANIC TRANSITION ROUTE− An ATS route from an uncontrolled airport ASOS/AWSS/AWOS. established for the purpose of transitioning aircraft ONER− to/from an organized track system. (See OCEANIC NAVIGATIONAL ERROR ODP− REPORT.) (See OBSTACLE DEPARTURE PROCEDURE.) OPERATIONAL− OFF COURSE− A term used to describe a situation (See DUE REGARD.) where an aircraft has reported a position fix or is OPERATIONS SPECIFICATIONS [ICAO]− The observed on radar at a point not on the ATC-approved authorizations, conditions and limitations associated route of flight. with the air operator certificate and subject to the conditions in the operations manual. OFF-ROUTE VECTOR− A vector by ATC which takes an aircraft off a previously assigned route. OPPOSITE DIRECTION AIRCRAFT− Aircraft are Altitudes assigned by ATC during such vectors operating in opposite directions when: provide required obstacle clearance. a. They are following the same track in reciprocal directions; or OFFSET PARALLEL RUNWAYS− Staggered runways having centerlines which are parallel. b. Their tracks are parallel and the aircraft are flying in reciprocal directions; or OFFSHORE/CONTROL AIRSPACE AREA− That c. Their tracks intersect at an angle of more than portion of airspace between the U.S. 12 NM limit and 135_. the oceanic CTA/FIR boundary within which air traffic control is exercised. These areas are OPTION APPROACH− An approach requested and established to provide air traffic control services. conducted by a pilot which will result in either a Offshore/Control Airspace Areas may be classified touch-and-go, missed approach, low approach, as either Class A airspace or Class E airspace. stop-and-go, or full stop landing. Pilots should advise ATC if they decide to remain on the runway, of any OFT− delay in their stop and go, delay clearing the runway, (See OUTER FIX TIME.) or are unable to comply with the instruction(s). (See CLEARED FOR THE OPTION.) OM− (Refer to AIM.) (See OUTER MARKER.) ORGANIZED TRACK SYSTEM− A series of ATS ON COURSE− routes which are fixed and charted; i.e., CEP, a. Used to indicate that an aircraft is established on NOPAC, or flexible and described by NOTAM; i.e., the route centerline. NAT TRACK MESSAGE.

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OFF−ROUTE OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE AL- OR TITUDE (OROCA)− An off-route altitude which OUTER FIX− An adapted fix along the converted provides obstruction clearance with a 1,000 foot route of flight, prior to the meter fix, for which buffer in non−mountainous terrain areas and a 2,000 crossing times are calculated and displayed in the foot buffer in designated mountainous areas within metering position list. the United States. This altitude may not provide signal coverage from ground-based navigational OUTER FIX ARC− A semicircle, usually about a aids, air traffic control radar, or communications 50−70 mile radius from a meter fix, usually in high coverage. altitude, which is used by CTAS/ERAM to calculate outer fix times and determine appropriate sector OTR− meter list assignments for aircraft on an established (See OCEANIC TRANSITION ROUTE.) arrival route that will traverse the arc. OTS− OUTER FIX TIME− A calculated time to depart the (See ORGANIZED TRACK SYSTEM.) outer fix in order to cross the vertex at the ACLT. The OUT− The conversation is ended and no response is time reflects descent speed adjustments and any expected. applicable delay time that must be absorbed prior to crossing the meter fix. OUT OF SERVICE− When a piece of equipment, a OUTER MARKER− A marker beacon at or near the system, a facility or a service is not operational, glideslope intercept altitude of an ILS approach. It is certified (if required) and immediately “available” keyed to transmit two dashes per second on a 400 Hz for Air Traffic or public use. tone, which is received aurally and visually by OUTER AREA (associated with Class C airspace)− compatible airborne equipment. The OM is normally Non−regulatory airspace surrounding designated located four to seven miles from the runway threshold Class C airspace airports wherein ATC provides radar on the extended centerline of the runway. vectoring and sequencing on a full-time basis for all (See INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM.) IFR and participating VFR aircraft. The service (See MARKER BEACON.) provided in the outer area is called Class C service (Refer to AIM.) which includes: IFR/IFR−IFR separation; IFR/ OVER− My transmission is ended; I expect a VFR−traffic advisories and conflict resolution; and response. VFR/VFR−traffic advisories and, as appropriate, safety alerts. The normal radius will be 20 nautical OVERHEAD MANEUVER− A series of predeter- miles with some variations based on site-specific mined maneuvers prescribed for aircraft (often in requirements. The outer area extends outward from formation) for entry into the visual flight rules (VFR) the primary Class C airspace airport and extends from traffic pattern and to proceed to a landing. An the lower limits of radar/radio coverage up to the overhead maneuver is not an instrument flight rules ceiling of the approach control’s delegated airspace (IFR) approach procedure. An aircraft executing an excluding the Class C charted area and other airspace overhead maneuver is considered VFR and the IFR as appropriate. flight plan is cancelled when the aircraft reaches the (See CONFLICT RESOLUTION.) “initial point” on the initial approach portion of the (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.) maneuver. The pattern usually specifies the following: OUTER COMPASS LOCATOR− a. The radio contact required of the pilot. (See COMPASS LOCATOR.) b. The speed to be maintained. OUTER FIX− A general term used within ATC to c. An initial approach 3 to 5 miles in length. describe fixes in the terminal area, other than the final d. An elliptical pattern consisting of two 180 approach fix. Aircraft are normally cleared to these degree turns. fixes by an Air Route Traffic Control Center or an Approach Control Facility. Aircraft are normally e. A break point at which the first 180 degree turn cleared from these fixes to the final approach fix or is started. final approach course. f. The direction of turns.

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g. Altitude (at least 500 feet above the convention- OVERLYING CENTER− The ARTCC facility that al pattern). is responsible for arrival/departure operations at a h. A “Roll-out” on final approach not less than 1/4 specific terminal. mile from the landing threshold and not less than 300 feet above the ground.

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P TIME− PERFORMANCE−BASED NAVIGATION (PBN) (See PROPOSED DEPARTURE TIME.) [ICAO]− Area navigation based on performance requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS P-ACP− route, on an instrument approach procedure or in a (See PREARRANGED COORDINATION designated airspace. PROCEDURES.) Note: Performance requirements are expressed in PAN-PAN− The international radio-telephony urgen- navigation specifications (RNAV specification, cy signal. When repeated three times, indicates RNP specification) in terms of accuracy, integrity, uncertainty or alert followed by the nature of the continuity, availability, and functionality needed for urgency. the proposed operation in the context of a particular airspace concept. (See MAYDAY.) (Refer to AIM.) PERMANENT ECHO− Radar signals reflected from fixed objects on the earth’s surface; e.g., buildings, PAR− towers, terrain. Permanent echoes are distinguished (See PRECISION APPROACH RADAR.) from “ground clutter” by being definable locations PAR [ICAO]− rather than large areas. Under certain conditions they (See ICAO Term PRECISION APPROACH may be used to check radar alignment. RADAR.) PHOTO RECONNAISSANCE− Military activity PARALLEL ILS APPROACHES− Approaches to that requires locating individual photo targets and parallel runways by IFR aircraft which, when navigating to the targets at a preplanned angle and established inbound toward the airport on the altitude. The activity normally requires a lateral route adjacent final approach courses, are radar-separated width of 16 NM and altitude range of 1,500 feet to by at least 2 miles. 10,000 feet AGL. (See FINAL APPROACH COURSE.) PILOT BRIEFING− A service provided by the FSS (See SIMULTANEOUS ILS APPROACHES.) to assist pilots in flight planning. Briefing items may PARALLEL OFFSET ROUTE− A parallel track to include weather information, NOTAMS, military the left or right of the designated or established activities, flow control information, and other items airway/route. Normally associated with Area Navi- as requested. gation (RNAV) operations. (Refer to AIM.) (See AREA NAVIGATION.) PILOT IN COMMAND− The pilot responsible for PARALLEL RUNWAYS− Two or more runways at the operation and safety of an aircraft during flight the same airport whose centerlines are parallel. In time. addition to runway number, parallel runways are (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) designated as L (left) and R (right) or, if three parallel PILOT WEATHER REPORT− A report of meteoro- runways exist, L (left), C (center), and R (right). logical phenomena encountered by aircraft in flight. PBCT− (Refer to AIM.) (See PROPOSED BOUNDARY CROSSING PILOT’S DISCRETION− When used in conjunc- TIME.) tion with altitude assignments, means that ATC has PBN− offered the pilot the option of starting climb or (See ICAO Term PERFORMANCE−BASED descent whenever he/she wishes and conducting the NAVIGATION.) climb or descent at any rate he/she wishes. He/she may temporarily level off at any intermediate PDC− altitude. However, once he/she has vacated an (See PRE−DEPARTURE CLEARANCE.) altitude, he/she may not return to that altitude.

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PIREP− PREARRANGED COORDINATION− A standard- (See PILOT WEATHER REPORT.) ized procedure which permits an air traffic controller to enter the airspace assigned to another air traffic PITCH POINT− A fix/waypoint that serves as a controller without verbal coordination. The proce- transition point from a departure procedure or the low dures are defined in a facility directive which ensures altitude ground−based navigation structure into the approved separation between aircraft. high altitude waypoint system. PREARRANGED COORDINATION PROCE- PLANS DISPLAY− A display available in EDST DURES− A facility’s standardized procedure that that provides detailed flight plan and predicted describes the process by which one controller shall conflict information in textual format for requested allow an aircraft to penetrate or transit another Current Plans and all Trial Plans. controller’s airspace in a manner that assures (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL) approved separation without individual coordination POFZ− for each aircraft. (See PRECISION OBSTACLE FREE ZONE.) PRECIPITATION− Any or all forms of water particles (rain, sleet, hail, or snow) that fall from the POINT OUT− atmosphere and reach the surface. (See RADAR POINT OUT.) PRECIPITATION RADAR WEATHER DESCRIP- POINT−TO−POINT (PTP)− A level of NRR service TIONS− Existing radar systems cannot detect for aircraft that is based on traditional waypoints in turbulence. However, there is a direct correlation their FMSs or RNAV equipage. between the degree of turbulence and other weather POLAR TRACK STRUCTURE− A system of features associated with thunderstorms and the organized routes between Iceland and Alaska which weather radar precipitation intensity. Controllers will overlie Canadian MNPS Airspace. issue (where capable) precipitation intensity as observed by radar when using weather and radar POSITION REPORT− A report over a known processor (WARP) or NAS ground−based digital location as transmitted by an aircraft to ATC. radars with weather capabilities. When precipitation (Refer to AIM.) intensity information is not available, the intensity POSITION SYMBOL− A computer-generated will be described as UNKNOWN. When intensity indication shown on a radar display to indicate the levels can be determined, they shall be described as: mode of tracking. a. LIGHT (< 26 dBZ) POSITIVE CONTROL− The separation of all air b. MODERATE (26 to 40 dBZ) traffic within designated airspace by air traffic c. HEAVY (> 40 to 50 dBZ) control. d. EXTREME (> 50 dBZ) PRACTICE INSTRUMENT APPROACH− An (Refer to AC 00−45, Aviation Weather Services.) instrument approach procedure conducted by a VFR PRECISION APPROACH− or an IFR aircraft for the purpose of pilot training or (See PRECISION APPROACH PROCEDURE.) proficiency demonstrations. PRECISION APPROACH PROCEDURE− A PRE−DEPARTURE CLEARANCE− An application standard instrument approach procedure in which an with the Terminal Data Link System (TDLS) that electronic glideslope or other type of glidepath is provides clearance information to subscribers, provided; e.g., ILS, PAR, and GLS. through a service provider, in text to the cockpit or (See INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM.) gate printer. (See PRECISION APPROACH RADAR.)

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PRECISION APPROACH RADAR− Radar equip- system, or other FMA with the same capability, ment in some ATC facilities operated by the FAA presents NTZ surveillance track data to controllers and/or the military services at joint-use civil/military along with detailed maps depicting approaches and locations and separate military installations to detect no transgression zone and is required for all and display azimuth, elevation, and range of aircraft simultaneous close parallel PRM NTZ monitoring on the final approach course to a runway. This operations. equipment may be used to monitor certain non−radar (Refer to AIM) approaches, but is primarily used to conduct a PREDICTIVE WIND SHEAR ALERT SYSTEM precision instrument approach (PAR) wherein the (PWS)− A self−contained system used on board some controller issues guidance instructions to the pilot aircraft to alert the flight crew to the presence of a based on the aircraft’s position in relation to the final potential wind shear. PWS systems typically monitor approach course (azimuth), the glidepath (elevation), 3 miles ahead and 25 degrees left and right of the and the distance (range) from the touchdown point on aircraft’s heading at or below 1200’ AGL. Departing the runway as displayed on the radar scope. flights may receive a wind shear alert after they start Note: The abbreviation “PAR” is also used to the takeoff roll and may elect to abort the takeoff. denote preferential arrival routes in ARTCC Aircraft on approach receiving an alert may elect to computers. go around or perform a wind shear escape maneuver. (See GLIDEPATH.) PREFERENTIAL ROUTES− Preferential routes (See PAR.) (PDRs, PARs, and PDARs) are adapted in ARTCC (See PREFERENTIAL ROUTES.) computers to accomplish inter/intrafacility controller (See ICAO term PRECISION APPROACH coordination and to assure that flight data is posted at RADAR.) the proper control positions. Locations having a need (Refer to AIM.) for these specific inbound and outbound routes PRECISION APPROACH RADAR [ICAO]− Pri- normally publish such routes in local facility mary radar equipment used to determine the position bulletins, and their use by pilots minimizes flight of an aircraft during final approach, in terms of lateral plan route amendments. When the workload or traffic and vertical deviations relative to a nominal approach situation permits, controllers normally provide radar path, and in range relative to touchdown. vectors or assign requested routes to minimize circuitous routing. Preferential routes are usually Note: Precision approach radars are designed to enable pilots of aircraft to be given guidance by confined to one ARTCC’s area and are referred to by radio communication during the final stages of the the following names or acronyms: approach to land. a. Preferential Departure Route (PDR). A specific departure route from an airport or terminal area to an PRECISION OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (POFZ)− en route point where there is no further need for flow An 800 foot wide by 200 foot long area centered on control. It may be included in an Instrument the runway centerline adjacent to the threshold Departure Procedure (DP) or a Preferred IFR Route. designed to protect aircraft flying precision b. Preferential Arrival Route (PAR). A specific approaches from ground vehicles and other aircraft arrival route from an appropriate en route point to an when ceiling is less than 250 feet or visibility is less airport or terminal area. It may be included in a than 3/4 statute mile (or runway visual range below Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) or a Preferred IFR 4,000 feet.) Route. The abbreviation “PAR” is used primarily PRECISION RUNWAY MONITOR (PRM) within the ARTCC and should not be confused with SYSTEM− Provides air traffic controllers the abbreviation for Precision Approach Radar. monitoring the NTZ during simultaneous close c. Preferential Departure and Arrival Route parallel PRM approaches with precision, high update (PDAR). A route between two terminals which are rate secondary surveillance data. The high update rate within or immediately adjacent to one ARTCC’s area. surveillance sensor component of the PRM system is PDARs are not synonymous with Preferred IFR only required for specific runway or approach course Routes but may be listed as such as they do separation. The high resolution color monitoring accomplish essentially the same purpose. display, Final Monitor Aid (FMA) of the PRM (See PREFERRED IFR ROUTES.)

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PREFERRED IFR ROUTES− Routes established the procedure. However, unless otherwise restricted, between busier airports to increase system efficiency the point at which the turn may be commenced and and capacity. They normally extend through one or the type and rate of turn are left to the discretion of the more ARTCC areas and are designed to achieve pilot. balanced traffic flows among high density terminals. (See ICAO term PROCEDURE TURN.) IFR clearances are issued on the basis of these routes PROCEDURE TURN [ICAO]− A maneuver in except when severe weather avoidance procedures or which a turn is made away from a designated track other factors dictate otherwise. Preferred IFR Routes followed by a turn in the opposite direction to permit are listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. If a flight is the aircraft to intercept and proceed along the planned to or from an area having such routes but the reciprocal of the designated track. departure or arrival point is not listed in the Chart Note 1: Procedure turns are designated “left” or Supplement U.S., pilots may use that part of a “right” according to the direction of the initial turn. Preferred IFR Route which is appropriate for the Note 2:Procedure turns may be designated as departure or arrival point that is listed. Preferred IFR being made either in level flight or while Routes are correlated with DPs and STARs and may descending, according to the circumstances of be defined by airways, jet routes, direct routes each individual approach procedure. between NAVAIDs, Waypoints, NAVAID radials/ PROCEDURE TURN INBOUND− That point of a DME, or any combinations thereof. procedure turn maneuver where course reversal has (See CENTER’S AREA.) been completed and an aircraft is established inbound (See INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE on the intermediate approach segment or final PROCEDURE.) approach course. A report of “procedure turn (See PREFERENTIAL ROUTES.) inbound” is normally used by ATC as a position (See STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL.) report for separation purposes. (Refer to ) CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S. (See FINAL APPROACH COURSE.) (Refer to NOTICES TO AIRMEN PUBLICATION.) (See PROCEDURE TURN.) PRE-FLIGHT PILOT BRIEFING− (See SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT (See PILOT BRIEFING.) APPROACH PROCEDURE.) PROFILE DESCENT− An uninterrupted descent PREVAILING VISIBILITY− (except where level flight is required for speed (See VISIBILITY.) adjustment; e.g., 250 knots at 10,000 feet MSL) from PRIMARY RADAR TARGET− An analog or digital cruising altitude/level to interception of a glideslope target, exclusive of a secondary radar target, or to a minimum altitude specified for the initial or presented on a radar display. intermediate approach segment of a nonprecision instrument approach. The profile descent normally PRM− terminates at the approach gate or where the (See ILS PRM APPROACH and PRECISION glideslope or other appropriate minimum altitude is RUNWAY MONITOR SYSTEM.) intercepted. PROCEDURAL CONTROL [ICAO]– Term used to PROGRESS REPORT− indicate that information derived from an ATS (See POSITION REPORT.) surveillance system is not required for the provision PROGRESSIVE TAXI− Precise taxi instructions of air traffic control service. given to a pilot unfamiliar with the airport or issued PROCEDURAL SEPARATION [ICAO]– The sepa- in stages as the aircraft proceeds along the taxi route. ration used when providing procedural control. PROHIBITED AREA− PROCEDURE TURN− The maneuver prescribed (See SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.) when it is necessary to reverse direction to establish (See ICAO term PROHIBITED AREA.) an aircraft on the intermediate approach segment or PROHIBITED AREA [ICAO]− An airspace of final approach course. The outbound course, defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial direction of turn, distance within which the turn must waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft be completed, and minimum altitude are specified in is prohibited.

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PROMINENT OBSTACLE– An obstacle that meets the lateral separation minimum except where one or more of the following conditions: reduction of protected airspace has been authorized. a. An obstacle which stands out beyond the PROTECTED SEGMENT- The protected segment is adjacent surface of surrounding terrain and immedi- a segment on the amended TFM route that is to be ately projects a noticeable hazard to aircraft in flight. inhibited from automatic adapted route alteration by b. An obstacle, not characterized as low and close ERAM. in, whose height is no less than 300 feet above the PT− departure end of takeoff runway (DER) elevation, is (See PROCEDURE TURN.) within 10NM from the DER, and that penetrates that airport/heliport’s diverse departure obstacle clear- PTP− ance surface (OCS). (See POINT−TO−POINT.) c. An obstacle beyond 10NM from an airport/heli- PTS− port that requires an obstacle departure procedure (See POLAR TRACK STRUCTURE.) (ODP) to ensure obstacle avoidance. PUBLISHED INSTRUMENT APPROACH (See OBSTACLE.) PROCEDURE VISUAL SEGMENT− A segment on (See OBSTRUCTION.) an IAP chart annotated as “Fly Visual to Airport” or “Fly Visual.” A dashed arrow will indicate the visual PROPOSED BOUNDARY CROSSING TIME− flight path on the profile and plan view with an Each center has a PBCT parameter for each internal associated note on the approximate heading and airport. Proposed internal flight plans are transmitted distance. The visual segment should be flown as a to the adjacent center if the flight time along the dead reckoning course while maintaining visual proposed route from the departure airport to the conditions. center boundary is less than or equal to the value of PBCT or if airport adaptation specifies transmission PUBLISHED ROUTE− A route for which an IFR regardless of PBCT. altitude has been established and published; e.g., Federal Airways, Jet Routes, Area Navigation PROPOSED DEPARTURE TIME− The time that the Routes, Specified Direct Routes. aircraft expects to become airborne. PWS− PROTECTED AIRSPACE− The airspace on either (See PREDICTIVE WIND SHEAR ALERT side of an oceanic route/track that is equal to one-half SYSTEM.)


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Q ROUTE− ‘Q’ is the designator assigned to as follows: NE quadrant 000-089, SE quadrant published RNAV routes used by the United States. 090-179, SW quadrant 180-269, NW quadrant 270-359. QFE− The atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold). QUEUING− QNE− The barometric pressure used for the standard altimeter setting (29.92 inches Hg.). (See STAGING/QUEUING.) QNH− The barometric pressure as reported by a QUICK LOOK− A feature of the EAS and ARTS particular station. which provides the controller the capability to QUADRANT− A quarter part of a circle, centered on display full data blocks of tracked aircraft from other a NAVAID, oriented clockwise from magnetic north control positions.


3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary R

RADAR− A device which, by measuring the time RADAR APPROACH− An instrument approach interval between transmission and reception of radio procedure which utilizes Precision Approach Radar pulses and correlating the angular orientation of the (PAR) or Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR). radiated antenna beam or beams in azimuth and/or (See AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR.) elevation, provides information on range, azimuth, (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH and/or elevation of objects in the path of the PROCEDURE.) transmitted pulses. (See PRECISION APPROACH RADAR.) (See SURVEILLANCE APPROACH.) a. Primary Radar− A radar system in which a (See ICAO term RADAR APPROACH.) minute portion of a radio pulse transmitted from a site (Refer to AIM.) is reflected by an object and then received back at that site for processing and display at an air traffic control RADAR APPROACH [ICAO]− An approach, facility. executed by an aircraft, under the direction of a radar controller. b. Secondary Radar/Radar Beacon (ATCRBS)− A radar system in which the object to be detected is RADAR APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY− A fitted with cooperative equipment in the form of a terminal ATC facility that uses radar and nonradar radio receiver/transmitter (transponder). Radar capabilities to provide approach control services to pulses transmitted from the searching transmitter/re- aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting airspace ceiver (interrogator) site are received in the controlled by the facility. cooperative equipment and used to trigger a (See APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE.) distinctive transmission from the transponder. This a. Provides radar ATC services to aircraft reply transmission, rather than a reflected signal, is operating in the vicinity of one or more civil and/or then received back at the transmitter/receiver site for military airports in a terminal area. The facility may processing and display at an air traffic control facility. provide services of a ground controlled approach (See INTERROGATOR.) (GCA); i.e., ASR and PAR approaches. A radar approach control facility may be operated by FAA, (See TRANSPONDER.) USAF, US Army, USN, USMC, or jointly by FAA (See ICAO term RADAR.) and a military service. Specific facility nomencla- (Refer to AIM.) tures are used for administrative purposes only and are related to the physical location of the facility and RADAR [ICAO]− A radio detection device which the operating service generally as follows: provides information on range, azimuth and/or 1. Army Radar Approach Control (ARAC) elevation of objects. (Army). a. Primary Radar− Radar system which uses 2. Radar Air Traffic Control Facility (RATCF) reflected radio signals. (Navy/FAA). b. Secondary Radar− Radar system wherein a 3. Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) (Air radio signal transmitted from a radar station initiates Force/FAA). the transmission of a radio signal from another 4. Terminal Radar Approach Control station. (TRACON) (FAA). 5. Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) (FAA). RADAR ADVISORY− The provision of advice and (Only those towers delegated approach control information based on radar observations. authority.) (See ADVISORY SERVICE.) RADAR ARRIVAL− An aircraft arriving at an airport served by a radar facility and in radar contact − with the facility. (See RADIO ALTIMETER.) (See NONRADAR.)

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RADAR BEACON− RADAR FLIGHT FOLLOWING− The observation (See RADAR.) of the progress of radar−identified aircraft, whose primary navigation is being provided by the pilot, RADAR CLUTTER [ICAO]− The visual indication wherein the controller retains and correlates the on a radar display of unwanted signals. aircraft identity with the appropriate target or target RADAR CONTACT− symbol displayed on the radar scope. (See RADAR CONTACT.) a. Used by ATC to inform an aircraft that it is (See RADAR SERVICE.) identified using an approved ATC surveillance (Refer to AIM.) source on an air traffic controller’s display and that radar flight following will be provided until radar RADAR IDENTIFICATION− The process of service is terminated. Radar service may also be ascertaining that an observed radar target is the radar provided within the limits of necessity and capability. return from a particular aircraft. When a pilot is informed of “radar contact,” he/she (See RADAR CONTACT.) automatically discontinues reporting over compuls- (See RADAR SERVICE.) ory reporting points. RADAR IDENTIFIED AIRCRAFT− An aircraft, the (See ATC SURVEILLANCE SOURCE.) position of which has been correlated with an (See RADAR CONTACT LOST.) observed target or symbol on the radar display. (See RADAR FLIGHT FOLLOWING.) (See RADAR CONTACT.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) (See RADAR CONTACT LOST.) (See RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED.) RADAR MONITORING− (Refer to AIM.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) b. The term used to inform the controller that the RADAR NAVIGATIONAL GUIDANCE− aircraft is identified and approval is granted for the (See RADAR SERVICE.) aircraft to enter the receiving controllers airspace. RADAR POINT OUT− An action taken by a (See ICAO term RADAR CONTACT.) controller to transfer the radar identification of an aircraft to another controller if the aircraft will or may RADAR CONTACT [ICAO]− The situation which enter the airspace or protected airspace of another exists when the radar blip or radar position symbol of controller and radio communications will not be a particular aircraft is seen and identified on a radar transferred. display. RADAR REQUIRED− A term displayed on charts RADAR CONTACT LOST− Used by ATC to inform and approach plates and included in FDC NOTAMs a pilot that the surveillance data used to determine the to alert pilots that segments of either an instrument aircraft’s position is no longer being received, or is no approach procedure or a route are not navigable longer reliable and radar service is no longer being because of either the absence or unusability of a provided. The loss may be attributed to several NAVAID. The pilot can expect to be provided radar factors including the aircraft merging with weather or navigational guidance while transiting segments ground clutter, the aircraft operating below radar line labeled with this term. of sight coverage, the aircraft entering an area of poor (See RADAR ROUTE.) radar return, failure of the aircraft’s equipment, or (See RADAR SERVICE.) failure of the surveillance equipment. RADAR ROUTE− A flight path or route over which (See CLUTTER.) an aircraft is vectored. Navigational guidance and (See RADAR CONTACT.) altitude assignments are provided by ATC. RADAR ENVIRONMENT− An area in which radar (See FLIGHT PATH.) service may be provided. (See ROUTE.) (See ADDITIONAL SERVICES.) RADAR SEPARATION− (See RADAR CONTACT.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) (See RADAR SERVICE.) RADAR SERVICE− A term which encompasses one (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) or more of the following services based on the use of

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radar which can be provided by a controller to a pilot RADAR SURVEILLANCE− The radar observation of a radar identified aircraft. of a given geographical area for the purpose of a. Radar Monitoring− The radar flight-following performing some radar function. of aircraft, whose primary navigation is being RADAR TRAFFIC ADVISORIES− Advisories performed by the pilot, to observe and note deviations issued to alert pilots to known or observed radar from its authorized flight path, airway, or route. traffic which may affect the intended route of flight When being applied specifically to radar monitoring of their aircraft. of instrument approaches; i.e., with precision (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) approach radar (PAR) or radar monitoring of RADAR TRAFFIC INFORMATION SERVICE− simultaneous ILS,RNAV and GLS approaches, it (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) includes advice and instructions whenever an aircraft nears or exceeds the prescribed PAR safety limit or RADAR VECTORING [ICAO]− Provision of simultaneous ILS RNAV and GLS no transgression navigational guidance to aircraft in the form of zone. specific headings, based on the use of radar. (See ADDITIONAL SERVICES.) RADIAL− A magnetic bearing extending from a (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) VOR/VORTAC/TACAN navigation facility. b. Radar Navigational Guidance− Vectoring RADIO− aircraft to provide course guidance. a. A device used for communication. c. Radar Separation− Radar spacing of aircraft in b. Used to refer to a flight service station; e.g., accordance with established minima. “Seattle Radio” is used to call Seattle FSS. (See ICAO term RADAR SERVICE.) RADIO ALTIMETER− Aircraft equipment which RADAR SERVICE [ICAO]− Term used to indicate makes use of the reflection of radio waves from the a service provided directly by means of radar. ground to determine the height of the aircraft above a. Monitoring− The use of radar for the purpose of the surface. providing aircraft with information and advice RADIO BEACON− relative to significant deviations from nominal flight (See NONDIRECTIONAL BEACON.) path. RADIO DETECTION AND RANGING− b. Separation− The separation used when aircraft (See RADAR.) position information is derived from radar sources. RADIO MAGNETIC INDICATOR− An aircraft RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED− Used by ATC navigational instrument coupled with a gyro compass to inform a pilot that he/she will no longer be or similar compass that indicates the direction of a provided any of the services that could be received selected NAVAID and indicates bearing with respect while in radar contact. Radar service is automatically to the heading of the aircraft. terminated, and the pilot is not advised in the following cases: RAIS− (See REMOTE AIRPORT INFORMATION a. An aircraft cancels its IFR flight plan, except SERVICE.) within Class B airspace, Class C airspace, a TRSA, or where Basic Radar service is provided. RAMP− (See APRON.) b. An aircraft conducting an instrument, visual, or contact approach has landed or has been instructed to RANDOM ALTITUDE− An altitude inappropriate change to advisory frequency. for direction of flight and/or not in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.65, Paragraph 4−5−1, VER- c. An arriving VFR aircraft, receiving radar TICAL SEPARATION MINIMA. service to a tower-controlled airport within Class B airspace, Class C airspace, a TRSA, or where RANDOM ROUTE− Any route not established or sequencing service is provided, has landed; or to all charted/published or not otherwise available to all other airports, is instructed to change to tower or users. advisory frequency. RC− d. An aircraft completes a radar approach. (See ROAD RECONNAISSANCE.)

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RCAG− REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS AIR/GROUND (See REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY− An unmanned VHF/UHF transmitter/ AIR/GROUND FACILITY.) receiver facility which is used to expand ARTCC air/ground communications coverage and to facilitate RCC− direct contact between pilots and controllers. RCAG (See RESCUE COORDINATION CENTER.) facilities are sometimes not equipped with emergen- RCO− cy frequencies 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz. (See REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS OUTLET.) (Refer to AIM.) REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS OUTLET RCR− (RCO)− An unmanned communications facility (See RUNWAY CONDITION READING.) remotely controlled by air traffic personnel. RCOs READ BACK− Repeat my message back to me. serve FSSs. Remote Transmitter/Receivers (RTR) serve terminal ATC facilities. An RCO or RTR may RECEIVER AUTONOMOUS INTEGRITY MON- be UHF or VHF and will extend the communication ITORING (RAIM)− A technique whereby a civil range of the air traffic facility. There are several GNSS receiver/processor determines the integrity of classes of RCOs and RTRs. The class is determined the GNSS navigation signals without reference to by the number of transmitters or receivers. Classes A sensors or non-DoD integrity systems other than the through G are used primarily for air/ground purposes. receiver itself. This determination is achieved by a RCO and RTR class O facilities are nonprotected consistency check among redundant pseudorange outlets subject to undetected and prolonged outages. measurements. RCO (O’s) and RTR (O’s) were established for the RECEIVING CONTROLLER− A controller/facility express purpose of providing ground-to-ground receiving control of an aircraft from another communications between air traffic control special- controller/facility. ists and pilots located at a satellite airport for delivering en route clearances, issuing departure RECEIVING FACILITY− authorizations, and acknowledging instrument flight (See RECEIVING CONTROLLER.) rules cancellations or departure/landing times. As a secondary function, they may be used for advisory RECONFORMANCE− The automated process of purposes whenever the aircraft is below the coverage bringing an aircraft’s Current Plan Trajectory into of the primary air/ground frequency. conformance with its track. REMOTE TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER (RTR)− REDUCE SPEED TO (SPEED)− (See REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS OUTLET.) (See SPEED ADJUSTMENT.) REPORT− Used to instruct pilots to advise ATC of REIL− specified information; e.g., “Report passing Hamil- (See RUNWAY END IDENTIFIER LIGHTS.) ton VOR.” REPORTING POINT− A geographical location in RELEASE TIME− A departure time restriction relation to which the position of an aircraft is issued to a pilot by ATC (either directly or through an reported. authorized relay) when necessary to separate a departing aircraft from other traffic. (See COMPULSORY REPORTING POINTS.) (See ICAO term REPORTING POINT.) (See ICAO term RELEASE TIME.) (Refer to AIM.) RELEASE TIME [ICAO]− Time prior to which an REPORTING POINT [ICAO]− A specified geo- aircraft should be given further clearance or prior to graphical location in relation to which the position of which it should not proceed in case of radio failure. an aircraft can be reported. REMOTE AIRPORT INFORMATION SERVICE REQUEST FULL ROUTE CLEARANCE− Used (RAIS)− A temporary service provided by facilities, by pilots to request that the entire route of flight be which are not located on the landing airport, but have read verbatim in an ATC clearance. Such request communication capability and automated weather should be made to preclude receiving an ATC reporting available to the pilot at the landing airport. clearance based on the original filed flight plan when

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a filed IFR flight plan has been revised by the pilot, Avoidance System (TCAS II) recommending a company, or operations prior to departure. maneuver to increase vertical separation relative to an intruding aircraft. Positive, negative, and vertical REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE speed limit (VSL) advisories constitute the resolution (RNP)– A statement of the navigational performance advisories. A resolution advisory is also classified as necessary for operation within a defined airspace. corrective or preventive. The following terms are commonly associated with RNP: RESTRICTED AREA− a. Required Navigation Performance Level or (See SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.) Type (RNP-X). A value, in nautical miles (NM), from (See ICAO term RESTRICTED AREA.) the intended horizontal position within which an RESTRICTED AREA [ICAO]− An airspace of aircraft would be at least 95-percent of the total flying defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial time. waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft b. Required Navigation Performance (RNP) is restricted in accordance with certain specified Airspace. A generic term designating airspace, conditions. route(s), leg(s), operation(s), or procedure(s) where RESUME NORMAL SPEED− Used by ATC to minimum required navigational performance (RNP) advise a pilot to resume an aircraft’s normal operating have been established. speed. It is issued to terminate a speed adjustment c. Actual Navigation Performance (ANP). A where no published speed restrictions apply. It does measure of the current estimated navigational not delete speed restrictions in published procedures performance. Also referred to as Estimated Position of upcoming segments of flight. This does not relieve Error (EPE). the pilot of those speed restrictions that are applicable d. Estimated Position Error (EPE). A measure of to 14 CFR Section 91.117. the current estimated navigational performance. Also RESUME OWN NAVIGATION− Used by ATC to referred to as Actual Navigation Performance (ANP). advise a pilot to resume his/her own navigational e. Lateral Navigation (LNAV). A function of area responsibility. It is issued after completion of a radar navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, vector or when radar contact is lost while the aircraft displays, and provides lateral guidance to a profile or is being radar vectored. path. (See RADAR CONTACT LOST.) f. Vertical Navigation (VNAV). A function of area (See RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED.) navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, RESUME PUBLISHED SPEED− Used by ATC to displays, and provides vertical guidance to a profile advise a pilot to resume published speed restrictions or path. that are applicable to a SID, STAR, or other instrument procedure. It is issued to terminate a speed RESCUE COORDINATION CENTER (RCC)− A adjustment where speed restrictions are published on search and rescue (SAR) facility equipped and a charted procedure. manned to coordinate and control SAR operations in an area designated by the SAR plan. The U.S. Coast RMI− Guard and the U.S. Air Force have responsibility for (See RADIO MAGNETIC INDICATOR.) the operation of RCCs. RNAV− (See ICAO term RESCUE CO-ORDINATION (See AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV).) CENTRE.) RNAV APPROACH− An instrument approach RESCUE CO-ORDINATION CENTRE [ICAO]− A procedure which relies on aircraft area navigation unit responsible for promoting efficient organization equipment for navigational guidance. of search and rescue service and for coordinating the (See AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV).) conduct of search and rescue operations within a (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH search and rescue region. PROCEDURE.) RESOLUTION ADVISORY− A display indication ROAD RECONNAISSANCE (RC)− Military activ- given to the pilot by the Traffic alert and Collision ity requiring navigation along roads, railroads, and

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rivers. Reconnaissance route/route segments are RUNWAY [ICAO]− A defined rectangular area on a seldom along a straight line and normally require a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and takeoff lateral route width of 10 NM to 30 NM and an altitude of aircraft. range of 500 feet to 10,000 feet AGL. RUNWAY CENTERLINE LIGHTING− ROGER− I have received all of your last (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) transmission. It should not be used to answer a RUNWAY CONDITION CODES (RwyCC)− Nu- question requiring a yes or a no answer. merical readings, provided by airport operators, that (See AFFIRMATIVE.) indicate runway surface contamination (for example, (See NEGATIVE.) slush, ice, rain, etc.). These values range from “1” ROLLOUT RVR− (poor) to “6” (dry) and must be included on the ATIS (See VISIBILITY.) when the reportable condition is less than 6 in any one or more of the three runway zones (touchdown, ROUTE− A defined path, consisting of one or more midpoint, rollout). courses in a horizontal plane, which aircraft traverse RUNWAY CONDITION READING− Numerical over the surface of the earth. decelerometer readings relayed by air traffic (See AIRWAY.) controllers at USAF and certain civil bases for use by (See JET ROUTE.) the pilot in determining runway braking action. (See PUBLISHED ROUTE.) These readings are routinely relayed only to USAF (See UNPUBLISHED ROUTE.) and Air National Guard Aircraft. ROUTE ACTION NOTIFICATION− EDST notifi- (See BRAKING ACTION.) cation that a PAR/PDR/PDAR has been applied to the RUNWAY CONDITION REPORT (RwyCR)− A flight plan. data collection worksheet used by airport operators (See ATC PREFERRED ROUTE that correlates the runway percentage of coverage NOTIFICATION.) along with the depth and type of contaminant for the (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) purpose of creating a FICON NOTAM. ROUTE SEGMENT− As used in Air Traffic Control, (See RUNWAY CONDITION CODES.) a part of a route that can be defined by two RUNWAY END IDENTIFIER LIGHTS (REIL)− navigational fixes, two NAVAIDs, or a fix and a (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) NAVAID. RUNWAY ENTRANCE LIGHTS (REL)−An array (See FIX.) of red lights which include the first light at the hold (See ROUTE.) line followed by a series of evenly spaced lights to the (See ICAO term ROUTE SEGMENT.) runway edge aligned with the taxiway centerline, and ROUTE SEGMENT [ICAO]− A portion of a route to one additional light at the runway centerline in line be flown, as defined by two consecutive significant with the last two lights before the runway edge. points specified in a flight plan. RUNWAY GRADIENT− The average slope, mea- RSA− sured in percent, between two ends or points on a (See RUNWAY SAFETY AREA.) runway. Runway gradient is depicted on Government aerodrome sketches when total runway gradient RTR− exceeds 0.3%. (See REMOTE TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER.) RUNWAY HEADING− The magnetic direction that RUNWAY− A defined rectangular area on a land corresponds with the runway centerline extended, not airport prepared for the landing and takeoff run of the painted runway number. When cleared to “fly or aircraft along its length. Runways are normally maintain runway heading,” pilots are expected to fly numbered in relation to their magnetic direction or maintain the heading that corresponds with the rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees; e.g., Runway extended centerline of the departure runway. Drift 1, Runway 25. correction shall not be applied; e.g., Runway 4, actual (See PARALLEL RUNWAYS.) magnetic heading of the runway centerline 044, fly (See ICAO term RUNWAY.) 044.

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RUNWAY IN USE/ACTIVE RUNWAY/DUTY aircraft without causing structural damage to the RUNWAY− Any runway or runways currently being aircraft; and, used for takeoff or landing. When multiple runways d. Free of objects, except for objects that need to are used, they are all considered active runways. In be located in the runway safety area because of their the metering sense, a selectable adapted item which function. These objects shall be constructed on low specifies the landing runway configuration or impact resistant supports (frangible mounted struc- direction of traffic flow. The adapted optimum flight tures) to the lowest practical height with the frangible plan from each transition fix to the vertex is point no higher than 3 inches above grade. determined by the runway configuration for arrival (Refer to AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, metering processing purposes. Chapter 3.) RUNWAY LIGHTS− RUNWAY STATUS LIGHTS (RWSL) SYSTEM− (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) The RWSL is a system of runway and taxiway RUNWAY MARKINGS− lighting to provide pilots increased situational (See AIRPORT MARKING AIDS.) awareness by illuminating runway entry lights (REL) when the runway is unsafe for entry or crossing, and RUNWAY OVERRUN− In military aviation exclu- take-off hold lights (THL) when the runway is unsafe sively, a stabilized or paved area beyond the end of a for departure. runway, of the same width as the runway plus shoulders, centered on the extended runway RUNWAY TRANSITION− centerline. a. Conventional STARs/SIDs. The portion of a RUNWAY PROFILE DESCENT− An instrument STAR/SID that serves a particular runway or flight rules (IFR) air traffic control arrival procedure runways at an airport. to a runway published for pilot use in graphic and/or b. RNAV STARs/SIDs. Defines a path(s) from textual form and may be associated with a STAR. the common route to the final point(s) on a STAR. For Runway Profile Descents provide routing and may a SID, the common route that serves a particular depict crossing altitudes, speed restrictions, and runway or runways at an airport. headings to be flown from the en route structure to the point where the pilot will receive clearance for and RUNWAY USE PROGRAM− A noise abatement execute an instrument approach procedure. A runway selection plan designed to enhance noise Runway Profile Descent may apply to more than one abatement efforts with regard to airport communities runway if so stated on the chart. for arriving and departing aircraft. These plans are developed into runway use programs and apply to all (Refer to AIM.) turbojet aircraft 12,500 pounds or heavier; turbojet RUNWAY SAFETY AREA− A defined surface aircraft less than 12,500 pounds are included only if surrounding the runway prepared, or suitable, for the airport proprietor determines that the aircraft reducing the risk of damage to airplanes in the event creates a noise problem. Runway use programs are of an undershoot, overshoot, or excursion from the coordinated with FAA offices, and safety criteria runway. The dimensions of the RSA vary and can be used in these programs are developed by the Office of determined by using the criteria contained within Flight Operations. Runway use programs are AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, Chapter 3. administered by the Air Traffic Service as “Formal” Figure 3−1 in AC 150/5300-13 depicts the RSA. The or “Informal” programs. design standards dictate that the RSA shall be: a. Formal Runway Use Program− An approved a. Cleared, graded, and have no potentially noise abatement program which is defined and hazardous ruts, humps, depressions, or other surface acknowledged in a Letter of Understanding between variations; Flight Operations, Air Traffic Service, the airport b. Drained by grading or storm sewers to prevent proprietor, and the users. Once established, participa- water accumulation; tion in the program is mandatory for aircraft operators c. Capable, under dry conditions, of supporting and pilots as provided for in 14 CFR Section 91.129. snow removal equipment, aircraft rescue and b. Informal Runway Use Program− An approved firefighting equipment, and the occasional passage of noise abatement program which does not require a

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Letter of Understanding, and participation in the RwyCC− program is voluntary for aircraft operators/pilots. (See RUNWAY CONDITION CODES.) RUNWAY VISIBILITY VALUE (RVV)− RwyCR− (See VISIBILITY.) (See RUNWAY CONDITION REPORT.) RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE (RVR)− (See VISIBILITY.)

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SAA− or aircraft/other tangible object) that safety logic has (See SPECIAL ACTIVITY AIRSPACE.) predicted will result in an imminent collision, based upon the current set of Safety Logic parameters. SAFETY ALERT− A safety alert issued by ATC to b. FALSE ALERT− aircraft under their control if ATC is aware the aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller’s judgment, 1. Alerts generated by one or more false places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to terrain, surface−radar targets that the system has interpreted obstructions, or other aircraft. The controller may as real tracks and placed into safety logic. discontinue the issuance of further alerts if the pilot 2. Alerts in which the safety logic software did advises he/she is taking action to correct the situation not perform correctly, based upon the design or has the other aircraft in sight. specifications and the current set of Safety Logic parameters. a. Terrain/Obstruction Alert− A safety alert issued by ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware 3. The alert is generated by surface radar targets the aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller’s caused by moderate or greater precipitation. judgment, places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to c. NUISANCE ALERT− An alert in which one or terrain/obstructions; e.g., “Low Altitude Alert, check more of the following is true: your altitude immediately.” 1. The alert is generated by a known situation b. Aircraft Conflict Alert− A safety alert issued by that is not considered an unsafe operation, such as ATC to aircraft under their control if ATC is aware of LAHSO or other approved operations. an aircraft that is not under their control at an altitude 2. The alert is generated by inaccurate secon- which, in the controller’s judgment, places both dary radar data received by the Safety Logic System. aircraft in unsafe proximity to each other. With the 3. One or more of the aircraft involved in the alert, ATC will offer the pilot an alternate course of alert is not intending to use a runway (for example, action when feasible; e.g., “Traffic Alert, advise you helicopter, pipeline patrol, non−Mode C overflight, turn right heading zero niner zero or climb to eight etc.). thousand immediately.” d. VALID NON−ALERT− A situation in which Note: The issuance of a safety alert is contingent the safety logic software correctly determines that an upon the capability of the controller to have an alert is not required, based upon the design awareness of an unsafe condition. The course of specifications and the current set of Safety Logic action provided will be predicated on other traffic parameters. under ATC control. Once the alert is issued, it is e. INVALID NON−ALERT− A situation in which solely the pilot’s prerogative to determine what course of action, if any, he/she will take. the safety logic software did not issue an alert when an alert was required, based upon the design SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM− A software enhance- specifications. ment to ASDE−3, ASDE−X, and ASSC, that predicts SAIL BACK− A maneuver during high wind the path of aircraft landing and/or departing, and/or conditions (usually with power off) where float plane vehicular movements on runways. Visual and aural movement is controlled by water rudders/opening alarms are activated when the safety logic projects a and closing cabin doors. potential collision. The Airport Movement Area SAME DIRECTION AIRCRAFT− Aircraft are Safety System (AMASS) is a safety logic system operating in the same direction when: enhancement to the ASDE−3. The Safety Logic a. They are following the same track in the same System for ASDE−X and ASSC is an integral part of direction; or the software program. b. Their tracks are parallel and the aircraft are SAFETY LOGIC SYSTEM ALERTS− flying in the same direction; or a. ALERT− An actual situation involving two real c. Their tracks intersect at an angle of less than 45 safety logic tracks (aircraft/aircraft, aircraft/vehicle, degrees.

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SAR− employed during an SAR Mission; e.g., a Civil Air (See SEARCH AND RESCUE.) Patrol Wing, or a Coast Guard Station. (See SEARCH AND RESCUE.) SAY AGAIN− Used to request a repeat of the last transmission. Usually specifies transmission or SECNOT− portion thereof not understood or received; e.g., “Say (See SECURITY NOTICE.) again all after ABRAM VOR.” SECONDARY RADAR TARGET− A target derived SAY ALTITUDE− Used by ATC to ascertain an from a transponder return presented on a radar aircraft’s specific altitude/flight level. When the display. aircraft is climbing or descending, the pilot should SECTIONAL AERONAUTICAL CHARTS− state the indicated altitude rounded to the nearest 100 (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) feet. SECTOR LIST DROP INTERVAL− A parameter SAY HEADING− Used by ATC to request an aircraft number of minutes after the meter fix time when heading. The pilot should state the actual heading of arrival aircraft will be deleted from the arrival sector the aircraft. list. SCHEDULED TIME OF ARRIVAL (STA)− A STA SECURITY NOTICE (SECNOT) − A SECNOT is a is the desired time that an aircraft should cross a request originated by the Air Traffic Security certain point (landing or metering fix). It takes other Coordinator (ATSC) for an extensive communica- traffic and airspace configuration into account. A tions search for aircraft involved, or suspected of STA time shows the results of the TBFM scheduler being involved, in a security violation, or are that has calculated an arrival time according to considered a security risk. A SECNOT will include parameters such as optimized spacing, aircraft the aircraft identification, search area, and expiration performance, and weather. time. The search area, as defined by the ATSC, could be a single airport, multiple airports, a radius of an SDF− airport or fix, or a route of flight. Once the expiration (See SIMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL FACILITY.) time has been reached, the SECNOT is considered to SEA LANE− A designated portion of water outlined be cancelled. by visual surface markers for and intended to be used SECURITY SERVICES AIRSPACE − Areas by aircraft designed to operate on water. established through the regulatory process or by NOTAM, issued by the Administrator under title 14, SEARCH AND RESCUE− A service which seeks CFR, sections 99.7, 91.141, and 91.139, which missing aircraft and assists those found to be in need specify that ATC security services are required; i.e., of assistance. It is a cooperative effort using the ADIZ or temporary flight rules areas. facilities and services of available Federal, state and local agencies. The U.S. Coast Guard is responsible SEE AND AVOID− When weather conditions for coordination of search and rescue for the Maritime permit, pilots operating IFR or VFR are required to Region, and the U.S. Air Force is responsible for observe and maneuver to avoid other aircraft. search and rescue for the Inland Region. Information Right-of-way rules are contained in 14 CFR Part 91. pertinent to search and rescue should be passed SEGMENTED CIRCLE− A system of visual through any air traffic facility or be transmitted indicators designed to provide traffic pattern directly to the Rescue Coordination Center by information at airports without operating control telephone. towers. (See FLIGHT SERVICE STATION.) (Refer to AIM.) (See RESCUE COORDINATION CENTER.) SEGMENTS OF AN INSTRUMENT APPROACH (Refer to AIM.) PROCEDURE− An instrument approach procedure SEARCH AND RESCUE FACILITY− A facility may have as many as four separate segments responsible for maintaining and operating a search depending on how the approach procedure is and rescue (SAR) service to render aid to persons and structured. property in distress. It is any SAR unit, station, NET, a. Initial Approach− The segment between the or other operational activity which can be usefully initial approach fix and the intermediate fix or the

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point where the aircraft is established on the SEVERE WEATHER FORECAST ALERTS− intermediate course or final approach course. Preliminary messages issued in order to alert users (See ICAO term INITIAL APPROACH that a Severe Weather Watch Bulletin (WW) is being SEGMENT.) issued. These messages define areas of possible severe thunderstorms or tornado activity. The b. Intermediate Approach− The segment between messages are unscheduled and issued as required by the intermediate fix or point and the final approach the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) at Norman, fix. Oklahoma. (See ICAO term INTERMEDIATE APPROACH (See AIRMET.) SEGMENT.) (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) c. Final Approach− The segment between the final (See CWA.) approach fix or point and the runway, airport, or (See SIGMET.) missed approach point. (See ICAO term FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT.) SFA− (See SINGLE FREQUENCY APPROACH.) d. Missed Approach− The segment between the missed approach point or the point of arrival at SFO− decision height and the missed approach fix at the (See SIMULATED FLAMEOUT.) prescribed altitude. SHF− (Refer to 14 CFR Part 97.) (See SUPER HIGH FREQUENCY.) (See ICAO term MISSED APPROACH PROCEDURE.) SHORT RANGE CLEARANCE− A clearance issued to a departing IFR flight which authorizes IFR SEPARATION− In air traffic control, the spacing of flight to a specific fix short of the destination while aircraft to achieve their safe and orderly movement in air traffic control facilities are coordinating and flight and while landing and taking off. obtaining the complete clearance. (See SEPARATION MINIMA.) SHORT TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIRCRAFT (See ICAO term SEPARATION.) (STOL)− An aircraft which, at some weight within its approved operating weight, is capable of operating SEPARATION [ICAO]− Spacing between aircraft, from a runway in compliance with the applicable levels or tracks. STOL characteristics, airworthiness, operations, noise, and pollution standards. SEPARATION MINIMA− The minimum longitudi- nal, lateral, or vertical distances by which aircraft are (See VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIRCRAFT.) spaced through the application of air traffic control procedures. SIAP− (See SEPARATION.) (See STANDARD INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) SERVICE− A generic term that designates functions or assistance available from or rendered by air traffic SID− control. For example, Class C service would denote (See STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE.) the ATC services provided within a Class C airspace SIDESTEP MANEUVER− A visual maneuver area. accomplished by a pilot at the completion of an instrument approach to permit a straight-in landing SEVERE WEATHER AVOIDANCE PLAN on a parallel runway not more than 1,200 feet to either (SWAP)− An approved plan to minimize the affect of side of the runway to which the instrument approach severe weather on traffic flows in impacted terminal was conducted. and/or ARTCC areas. A SWAP is normally (Refer to AIM.) implemented to provide the least disruption to the ATC system when flight through portions of airspace SIGMET− A weather advisory issued concerning is difficult or impossible due to severe weather. weather significant to the safety of all aircraft.

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SIGMET advisories cover severe and extreme that include aural and visual alerts and predictive turbulence, severe icing, and widespread dust or aircraft position software, communications override, sandstorms that reduce visibility to less than 3 miles. ATC procedures, an Attention All Users Page (See AIRMET.) (AAUP), PRM in the approach name, and (See AWW.) appropriate ground based and airborne equipment. (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) High update rate surveillance sensor required for (See CWA.) certain runway or approach course separations. (See ICAO term SIGMET INFORMATION.) SIMULTANEOUS (CONVERGING) DEPEND- (Refer to AIM.) ENT APPROACHES- An approach operation SIGMET INFORMATION [ICAO]− Information permitting ILS/RNAV/GLS approaches to runways issued by a meteorological watch office concerning or missed approach courses that intersect where the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified required minimum spacing between the aircraft on en-route weather phenomena which may affect the each final approach course is required. safety of aircraft operations. SIMULTANEOUS (CONVERGING) INDEPEND- SIGNIFICANT METEOROLOGICAL INFOR- ENT APPROACHES- An approach operation MATION− permitting ILS/RNAV/GLS approaches to non-par- (See SIGMET.) allel runways where approach procedure design maintains the required aircraft spacing throughout SIGNIFICANT POINT− A point, whether a named the approach and missed approach and hence the intersection, a NAVAID, a fix derived from a operations may be conducted independently. NAVAID(s), or geographical coordinate expressed in degrees of latitude and longitude, which is SIMULTANEOUS ILS APPROACHES− An established for the purpose of providing separation, approach system permitting simultaneous ILS as a reporting point, or to delineate a route of flight. approaches to airports having parallel runways separated by at least 4,300 feet between centerlines. SIMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL FACILITY (SDF)− Integral parts of a total system are ILS, radar, A NAVAID used for nonprecision instrument communications, ATC procedures, and appropriate approaches. The final approach course is similar to airborne equipment. that of an ILS localizer except that the SDF course (See PARALLEL RUNWAYS.) may be offset from the runway, generally not more (Refer to AIM.) than 3 degrees, and the course may be wider than the localizer, resulting in a lower degree of accuracy. SIMULTANEOUS OFFSET INSTRUMENT APPROACH (SOIA)− An instrument landing (Refer to AIM.) system comprised of an ILS PRM, RNAV PRM or SIMULATED FLAMEOUT− A practice approach GLS PRM approach to one runway and an offset by a jet aircraft (normally military) at idle thrust to a LDA PRM with glideslope or an RNAV PRM or runway. The approach may start at a runway (high GLS PRM approach utilizing vertical guidance to key) and may continue on a relatively high and wide another where parallel runway spaced less than 3,000 downwind leg with a continuous turn to final. It feet and at least 750 feet apart. The approach courses terminates in landing or low approach. The purpose converge by 2.5 to 3 degrees. Simultaneous close of this approach is to simulate a flameout. parallel PRM approach procedures apply up to the (See FLAMEOUT.) point where the approach course separation becomes SIMULTANEOUS CLOSE PARALLEL AP- 3,000 feet, at the offset MAP. From the offset MAP PROACHES− A simultaneous, independent to the runway threshold, visual separation by the approach operation permitting ILS/RNAV/GLS aircraft conducting the offset approach is utilized. approaches to airports having parallel runways (Refer to AIM) separated by at least 3,000 feet and less than SIMULTANEOUS (PARALLEL) DEPENDENT 4,300−feet between centerlines. Aircraft are permit- APPROACHES- An approach operation permitting ted to pass each other during these simultaneous ILS/RNAV/GLS approaches to adjacent parallel operations. Integral parts of a total system are radar, runways where prescribed diagonal spacing must be NTZ monitoring with enhanced FMA color displays maintained. Aircraft are not permitted to pass each

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other during simultaneous dependent operations. SPECIAL ACTIVITY AIRSPACE (SAA)− Any Integral parts of a total system ATC procedures, and airspace with defined dimensions within the National appropriate airborne and ground based equipment. Airspace System wherein limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations. This airspace may SINGLE DIRECTION ROUTES− Preferred IFR be restricted areas, prohibited areas, military Routes which are sometimes depicted on high operations areas, air ATC assigned airspace, and any altitude en route charts and which are normally flown other designated airspace areas. The dimensions of in one direction only. this airspace are programmed into EDST and can be (See PREFERRED IFR ROUTES.) designated as either active or inactive by screen entry. (Refer to CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.) Aircraft trajectories are constantly tested against the dimensions of active areas and alerts issued to the SINGLE FREQUENCY APPROACH− A service applicable sectors when violations are predicted. provided under a letter of agreement to military single-piloted turbojet aircraft which permits use of (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) a single UHF frequency during approach for landing. SPECIAL AIR TRAFFIC RULES (SATR)− Rules Pilots will not normally be required to change that govern procedures for conducting flights in frequency from the beginning of the approach to certain areas listed in 14 CFR Part 93. The term touchdown except that pilots conducting an en route “SATR” is used in the United States to describe the descent are required to change frequency when rules for operations in specific areas designated in the control is transferred from the air route traffic control Code of Federal Regulations. center to the terminal facility. The abbreviation (Refer to 14 CFR Part 93.) “SFA” in the DOD FLIP IFR Supplement under “Communications” indicates this service is available SPECIAL EMERGENCY− A condition of air piracy at an aerodrome. or other hostile act by a person(s) aboard an aircraft which threatens the safety of the aircraft or its SINGLE-PILOTED AIRCRAFT− A military passengers. turbojet aircraft possessing one set of flight controls, SPECIAL FLIGHT RULES AREA (SFRA)− An tandem cockpits, or two sets of flight controls but area in the NAS, described in 14 CFR Part 93, operated by one pilot is considered single-piloted by wherein the flight of aircraft is subject to special ATC when determining the appropriate air traffic traffic rules, unless otherwise authorized by air traffic service to be applied. control. Not all areas listed in 14 CFR Part 93 are (See SINGLE FREQUENCY APPROACH.) designated SFRA, but special air traffic rules apply to SKYSPOTTER− A pilot who has received all areas described in 14 CFR Part 93. specialized training in observing and reporting SPECIAL INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCE- inflight weather phenomena. DURE− SLASH− A radar beacon reply displayed as an (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) elongated target. SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE− Airspace of defined SLDI− dimensions identified by an area on the surface of the earth wherein activities must be confined because of (See SECTOR LIST DROP INTERVAL.) their nature and/or wherein limitations may be SLOT TIME− imposed upon aircraft operations that are not a part of (See METER FIX TIME/SLOT TIME.) those activities. Types of special use airspace are: a. Alert Area− Airspace which may contain a high SLOW TAXI− To taxi a float plane at low power or volume of pilot training activities or an unusual type low RPM. of aerial activity, neither of which is hazardous to SN− aircraft. Alert Areas are depicted on aeronautical (See SYSTEM STRATEGIC NAVIGATION.) charts for the information of nonparticipating pilots. All activities within an Alert Area are conducted in SPEAK SLOWER− Used in verbal communications accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations, and as a request to reduce speech rate. pilots of participating aircraft as well as pilots

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transiting the area are equally responsible for VFR flight in Class B, C, D, or E surface areas and collision avoidance. in which some aircraft are permitted flight under b. Controlled Firing Area− Airspace wherein visual flight rules. activities are conducted under conditions so (See SPECIAL VFR OPERATIONS.) controlled as to eliminate hazards to nonparticipating (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) aircraft and to ensure the safety of persons and SPECIAL VFR FLIGHT [ICAO]− A VFR flight property on the ground. cleared by air traffic control to operate within Class c. Military Operations Area (MOA)− Permanent B, C, D, and E surface areas in metrological and temporary MOAs are airspace established conditions below VMC. outside of Class A airspace area to separate or SPECIAL VFR OPERATIONS− Aircraft operating segregate certain nonhazardous military activities in accordance with clearances within Class B, C, D, from IFR traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where and E surface areas in weather conditions less than the these activities are conducted. Permanent MOAs are basic VFR weather minima. Such operations must be depicted on Sectional Aeronautical, VFR Terminal requested by the pilot and approved by ATC. Area, and applicable En Route Low Altitude Charts. (See SPECIAL VFR CONDITIONS.) Note: Temporary MOAs are not charted. (See ICAO term SPECIAL VFR FLIGHT.) (Refer to AIM.) SPEED− d. Prohibited Area− Airspace designated under (See AIRSPEED.) 14 CFR Part 73 within which no person may operate (See GROUND SPEED.) an aircraft without the permission of the using SPEED ADJUSTMENT− An ATC procedure used to agency. request pilots to adjust aircraft speed to a specific (Refer to AIM.) value for the purpose of providing desired spacing. (Refer to En Route Charts.) Pilots are expected to maintain a speed of plus or e. Restricted Area− Permanent and temporary minus 10 knots or 0.02 Mach number of the specified restricted areas are airspace designated under 14 CFR speed. Examples of speed adjustments are: Part 73, within which the flight of aircraft, while not a. “Increase/reduce speed to Mach point wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction. Most (number).” restricted areas are designated joint use and IFR/VFR b. “Increase/reduce speed to (speed in knots)” or operations in the area may be authorized by the “Increase/reduce speed (number of knots) knots.” controlling ATC facility when it is not being utilized by the using agency. Permanent restricted areas are SPEED BRAKES− Moveable aerodynamic devices depicted on Sectional Aeronautical, VFR Terminal on aircraft that reduce airspeed during descent and Area, and applicable En Route charts. Where joint landing. use is authorized, the name of the ATC controlling SPEED SEGMENTS− Portions of the arrival route facility is also shown. between the transition point and the vertex along the Note: Temporary restricted areas are not charted. optimum flight path for which speeds and altitudes (Refer to 14 CFR Part 73.) are specified. There is one set of arrival speed (Refer to AIM.) segments adapted from each transition point to each vertex. Each set may contain up to six segments. f. Warning Area− A warning area is airspace of defined dimensions extending from 3 nautical miles SQUAWK (Mode, Code, Function)− Activate outward from the coast of the United States, that specific modes/codes/functions on the aircraft contains activity that may be hazardous to transponder; e.g., “Squawk three/alpha, two one zero nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose of such five, low.” warning area is to warn nonparticipating pilots of the (See TRANSPONDER.) potential danger. A warning area may be located over STA− domestic or international waters or both. (See SCHEDULED TIME OF ARRIVAL.) SPECIAL VFR CONDITIONS− Meteorological STAGING/QUEUING− The placement, integration, conditions that are less than those required for basic and segregation of departure aircraft in designated

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movement areas of an airport by departure fix, EDCT, District of Columbia, but not including any and/or restriction. government-owned aircraft engaged in carrying persons or property for commercial purposes. STAND BY− Means the controller or pilot must pause for a few seconds, usually to attend to other STATIC RESTRICTIONS− Those restrictions that duties of a higher priority. Also means to wait as in are usually not subject to change, fixed, in place, “stand by for clearance.” The caller should and/or published. reestablish contact if a delay is lengthy. “Stand by” is STATIONARY RESERVATIONS− Altitude not an approval or denial. reservations which encompass activities in a fixed STANDARD INSTRUMENT APPROACH PRO- area. Stationary reservations may include activities, CEDURE (SIAP)− such as special tests of weapons systems or (See INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE.) equipment, certain U.S. Navy carrier, fleet, and anti-submarine operations, rocket, missile and drone STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE (SID)− operations, and certain aerial refueling or similar A preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) air traffic operations. control (ATC) departure procedure printed for STEP TAXI− To taxi a float plane at full power or pilot/controller use in graphic form to provide high RPM. obstacle clearance and a transition from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure. SIDs are STEP TURN− A maneuver used to put a float plane primarily designed for system enhancement to in a planing configuration prior to entering an active expedite traffic flow and to reduce pilot/controller sea lane for takeoff. The STEP TURN maneuver workload. ATC clearance must always be received should only be used upon pilot request. prior to flying a SID. STEPDOWN FIX− A fix permitting additional (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND descent within a segment of an instrument approach DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) procedure by identifying a point at which a (See OBSTACLE DEPARTURE PROCEDURE.) controlling obstacle has been safely overflown. (Refer to AIM.) STEREO ROUTE− A routinely used route of flight STANDARD RATE TURN− A turn of three degrees established by users and ARTCCs identified by a per second. coded name; e.g., ALPHA 2. These routes minimize flight plan handling and communications. STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL (STAR)− A preplanned instrument flight rule (IFR) air traffic STOL AIRCRAFT− control arrival procedure published for pilot use in (See SHORT TAKEOFF AND LANDING graphic and/or textual form. STARs provide AIRCRAFT.) transition from the en route structure to an outer fix STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK− Used by ATC to or an instrument approach fix/arrival waypoint in the inform an aircraft to turn off the automatic altitude terminal area. reporting feature of its transponder. It is issued when STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL CHARTS− the verbally reported altitude varies 300 feet or more from the automatic altitude report. (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) (See ALTITUDE READOUT.) STANDARD TERMINAL AUTOMATION RE- (See TRANSPONDER.) PLACEMENT SYSTEM (STARS)− STOP AND GO− A procedure wherein an aircraft (See DTAS.) will land, make a complete stop on the runway, and STAR− then commence a takeoff from that point. (See STANDARD TERMINAL ARRIVAL.) (See LOW APPROACH.) (See OPTION APPROACH.) STATE AIRCRAFT− Aircraft used in military, customs and police service, in the exclusive service STOP BURST− of any government or of any political subdivision (See STOP STREAM.) thereof, including the government of any state, STOP BUZZER− territory, or possession of the United States or the (See STOP STREAM.)

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STOP SQUAWK (Mode or Code)− Used by ATC to SUBSTITUTE ROUTE− A route assigned to pilots tell the pilot to turn specified functions of the aircraft when any part of an airway or route is unusable transponder off. because of NAVAID status. These routes consist of: (See STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK.) a. Substitute routes which are shown on U.S. (See TRANSPONDER.) Government charts. b. Routes defined by ATC as specific NAVAID STOP STREAM− Used by ATC to request a pilot to radials or courses. suspend electronic attack activity. c. Routes defined by ATC as direct to or between (See JAMMING.) NAVAIDs. STOPOVER FLIGHT PLAN− A flight plan format SUNSET AND SUNRISE− The mean solar times of which permits in a single submission the filing of a sunset and sunrise as published in the Nautical sequence of flight plans through interim full-stop Almanac, converted to local standard time for the destinations to a final destination. locality concerned. Within Alaska, the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil STOPWAY− An area beyond the takeoff runway no twilight, as defined for each locality. less wide than the runway and centered upon the extended centerline of the runway, able to support the SUPPLEMENTAL WEATHER SERVICE LOCA- airplane during an aborted takeoff, without causing TION− Airport facilities staffed with contract structural damage to the airplane, and designated by personnel who take weather observations and the airport authorities for use in decelerating the provide current local weather to pilots via telephone airplane during an aborted takeoff. or radio. (All other services are provided by the parent FSS.) STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH IFR− An instrument SUPPS− Refers to ICAO Document 7030 Regional approach wherein final approach is begun without Supplementary Procedures. SUPPS contain first having executed a procedure turn, not procedures for each ICAO Region which are unique necessarily completed with a straight-in landing or to that Region and are not covered in the worldwide made to straight-in landing minimums. provisions identified in the ICAO Air Navigation (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) Plan. Procedures contained in Chapter 8 are based in (See STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH VFR.) part on those published in SUPPS. (See STRAIGHT-IN LANDING.) SURFACE AREA− The airspace contained by the lateral boundary of the Class B, C, D, or E airspace STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH VFR− Entry into the designated for an airport that begins at the surface and traffic pattern by interception of the extended runway extends upward. centerline (final approach course) without executing any other portion of the traffic pattern. SURPIC− A description of surface vessels in the area (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) of a Search and Rescue incident including their predicted positions and their characteristics. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING− A landing made on a (Refer to FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 10−6−4, runway aligned within 30_ of the final approach INFLIGHT CONTINGENCIES.) course following completion of an instrument SURVEILLANCE APPROACH− An instrument approach. approach wherein the air traffic controller issues (See STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH IFR.) instructions, for pilot compliance, based on aircraft position in relation to the final approach course STRAIGHT-IN LANDING MINIMUMS− (azimuth), and the distance (range) from the end of (See LANDING MINIMUMS.) the runway as displayed on the controller’s radar scope. The controller will provide recommended STRAIGHT-IN MINIMUMS− altitudes on final approach if requested by the pilot. (See STRAIGHT-IN LANDING MINIMUMS.) (Refer to AIM.) STRATEGIC PLANNING− Planning whereby SWAP− solutions are sought to resolve potential conflicts. (See SEVERE WEATHER AVOIDANCE PLAN.)

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SWSL− preplanned route using internal aircraft systems to (See SUPPLEMENTAL WEATHER SERVICE maintain a desired track. This activity normally LOCATION.) requires a lateral route width of 10 NM and altitude SYSTEM STRATEGIC NAVIGATION− Military range of 1,000 feet to 6,000 feet AGL with some route activity accomplished by navigating along a segments that permit terrain following.


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TACAN− this pertains to the act of becoming airborne after (See TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION.) departing a takeoff area. TACAN-ONLY AIRCRAFT− An aircraft, normally TAKEOFF RUN AVAILABLE (TORA) – The military, possessing TACAN with DME but no VOR runway length declared available and suitable for the navigational system capability. Clearances must ground run of an airplane taking off. specify TACAN or VORTAC fixes and approaches. (See ICAO term TAKEOFF RUN AVAILABLE.) TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION (TCAN)− An TAKEOFF RUN AVAILABLE [ICAO]− The length ultra-high frequency electronic rho-theta air naviga- of runway declared available and suitable for the tion aid which provides suitably equipped aircraft a ground run of an aeroplane take-off. continuous indication of bearing and distance to the TARGET− The indication shown on an analog TACAN station. display resulting from a primary radar return or a (See VORTAC.) radar beacon reply. (Refer to AIM.) (See ASSOCIATED.) (See DIGITAL TARGET.) TAILWIND− Any wind more than 90 degrees to the (See DIGITIZED RADAR TARGET.) longitudinal axis of the runway. The magnetic (See FUSED TARGET.) direction of the runway shall be used as the basis for (See PRIMARY RADAR TARGET.) determining the longitudinal axis. (See RADAR.) TAKEOFF AREA− (See SECONDARY RADAR TARGET.) (See LANDING AREA.) (See TARGET SYMBOL.) (See ICAO term TARGET.) TAKEOFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE (TODA)– The (See UNASSOCIATED.) takeoff run available plus the length of any remaining runway or clearway beyond the far end of the takeoff TARGET [ICAO]− In radar: run available. a. Generally, any discrete object which reflects or (See ICAO term TAKEOFF DISTANCE retransmits energy back to the radar equipment. AVAILABLE.) b. Specifically, an object of radar search or surveillance. TAKEOFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE [ICAO]− The length of the takeoff run available plus the length of TARGET RESOLUTION− A process to ensure that the clearway, if provided. correlated radar targets do not touch. Target resolution must be applied as follows: TAKEOFF HOLD LIGHTS (THL)– The THL a. Between the edges of two primary targets or the system is composed of in-pavement lighting in a edges of the ASR-9/11 primary target symbol. double, longitudinal row of lights aligned either side of the runway centerline. The lights are focused b. Between the end of the beacon control slash and toward the arrival end of the runway at the “line up the edge of a primary target. and wait” point, and they extend for 1,500 feet in c. Between the ends of two beacon control slashes. front of the holding aircraft. Illuminated red lights Note 1:Mandatory traffic advisories and safety indicate to an aircraft in position for takeoff or rolling alerts must be issued when this procedure is used. that it is unsafe to takeoff because the runway is Note 2: This procedure must not be used when occupied or about to be occupied by an aircraft or utilizing mosaic radar systems or multi−sensor vehicle. mode. TAKEOFF ROLL − The process whereby an aircraft TARGET SYMBOL− A computer-generated indica- is aligned with the runway centerline and the aircraft tion shown on a radar display resulting from a is moving with the intent to take off. For helicopters, primary radar return or a radar beacon reply.

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TARMAC DELAY− The holding of an aircraft on the TEMPORARY FLIGHT RESTRICTION (TFR)− A ground either before departure or after landing with TFR is a regulatory action issued by the FAA via the no opportunity for its passengers to deplane. U.S. NOTAM System, under the authority of United States Code, Title 49. TFRs are issued within the TARMAC DELAY AIRCRAFT− An aircraft whose sovereign airspace of the United States and its pilot−in−command has requested to taxi to the ramp, territories to restrict certain aircraft from operating gate, or alternate deplaning area to comply with the within a defined area on a temporary basis to protect Three−hour Tarmac Rule. persons or property in the air or on the ground. While TARMAC DELAY REQUEST− A request by the not all inclusive, TFRs may be issued for disaster or pilot−in−command to taxi to the ramp, gate, or hazard situations such as: toxic gas leaks or spills, alternate deplaning location to comply with the fumes from flammable agents, aircraft accident/in- Three−hour Tarmac Rule. cident sites, aviation or ground resources engaged in wildfire suppression, or aircraft relief activities TAS− following a disaster. TFRs may also be issued in (See TERMINAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS.) support of VIP movements, for reasons of national TAWS− security; or when determined necessary for the (See TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING management of air traffic in the vicinity of aerial SYSTEM.) demonstrations or major sporting events. NAS users or other interested parties should contact a FSS for TAXI− The movement of an airplane under its own TFR information. Additionally, TFR information can power on the surface of an airport (14 CFR be found in automated briefings, NOTAM publica- Section 135.100 [Note]). Also, it describes the tions, and on the internet at http://www.faa.gov. The surface movement of helicopters equipped with FAA also distributes TFR information to aviation wheels. user groups for further dissemination. (See AIR TAXI.) TENTATIVE CALCULATED LANDING TIME (See HOVER TAXI.) (TCLT)− A projected time calculated for adapted (Refer to 14 CFR Section 135.100.) vertex for each arrival aircraft based upon runway (Refer to AIM.) configuration, airport acceptance rate, airport arrival TAXI PATTERNS− Patterns established to illustrate delay period, and other metered arrival aircraft. This the desired flow of ground traffic for the different time is either the VTA of the aircraft or the runways or airport areas available for use. TCLT/ACLT of the previous aircraft plus the AAI, whichever is later. This time will be updated in TCAS− response to an aircraft’s progress and its current (See TRAFFIC ALERT AND COLLISION relationship to other arrivals. AVOIDANCE SYSTEM.) TERMINAL AREA− A general term used to describe TCH− airspace in which approach control service or airport (See THRESHOLD CROSSING HEIGHT.) traffic control service is provided. TCLT− TERMINAL AREA FACILITY− A facility provid- (See TENTATIVE CALCULATED LANDING ing air traffic control service for arriving and TIME.) departing IFR, VFR, Special VFR, and on occasion en route aircraft. TDLS− (See APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY.) (See TERMINAL DATA LINK SYSTEM.) (See TOWER.) TDZE− TERMINAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS (TAS)− (See TOUCHDOWN ZONE ELEVATION.) TAS is used to identify the numerous automated TELEPHONE INFORMATION BRIEFING SER- tracking systems including ARTS IIE, ARTS IIIA, VICE− A continuous telephone recording of ARTS IIIE, STARS, and MEARTS. meteorological and/or aeronautical information. TERMINAL DATA LINK SYSTEM (TDLS)− A (Refer to AIM.) system that provides Digital Automatic Terminal

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Information Service (D−ATIS) both on a specified d. Class B Service− This service provides, in radio frequency and also, for subscribers, in a text addition to basic radar service, approved separation message via data link to the cockpit or to a gate of aircraft based on IFR, VFR, and/or weight, and printer. TDLS also provides Pre−departure Clear- sequencing of VFR arrivals to the primary airport(s). ances (PDC), at selected airports, to subscribers, (See CONTROLLED AIRSPACE.) through a service provider, in text to the cockpit or to (See TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREA.) a gate printer. In addition, TDLS will emulate the (Refer to AIM.) Flight Data Input/Output (FDIO) information within (Refer to CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.) the control tower. TERMINAL-VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNI- TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREA− Airspace DIRECTIONAL RANGE STATION (TVOR)− A surrounding designated airports wherein ATC very high frequency terminal omnirange station provides radar vectoring, sequencing, and separation located on or near an airport and used as an approach on a full-time basis for all IFR and participating VFR aid. aircraft. The AIM contains an explanation of TRSA. (See NAVIGATIONAL AID.) TRSAs are depicted on VFR aeronautical charts. (See VOR.) Pilot participation is urged but is not mandatory. TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING SYSTEM (TAWS)− An on−board, terrain proximity alerting TERMINAL VFR RADAR SERVICE− A national system providing the aircrew ‘Low Altitude program instituted to extend the terminal radar warnings’ to allow immediate pilot action. services provided instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft to visual flight rules (VFR) aircraft. The TERRAIN FOLLOWING− The flight of a military program is divided into four types service referred to aircraft maintaining a constant AGL altitude above as basic radar service, terminal radar service area the terrain or the highest obstruction. The altitude of (TRSA) service, Class B service and Class C service. the aircraft will constantly change with the varying The type of service provided at a particular location terrain and/or obstruction. is contained in the Chart Supplement U.S. TETRAHEDRON− A device normally located on a. Basic Radar Service− These services are uncontrolled airports and used as a landing direction provided for VFR aircraft by all commissioned indicator. The small end of a tetrahedron points in the terminal radar facilities. Basic radar service includes direction of landing. At controlled airports, the safety alerts, traffic advisories, limited radar tetrahedron, if installed, should be disregarded vectoring when requested by the pilot, and because tower instructions supersede the indicator. sequencing at locations where procedures have been (See SEGMENTED CIRCLE.) established for this purpose and/or when covered by (Refer to AIM.) a letter of agreement. The purpose of this service is to TF− adjust the flow of arriving IFR and VFR aircraft into (See TERRAIN FOLLOWING.) the traffic pattern in a safe and orderly manner and to THAT IS CORRECT− The understanding you have provide traffic advisories to departing VFR aircraft. is right. b. TRSA Service− This service provides, in THREE−HOUR TARMAC RULE– Rule that relates addition to basic radar service, sequencing of all IFR to Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements and participating VFR aircraft to the primary airport placed on airlines when tarmac delays are anticipated and separation between all participating VFR to reach 3 hours. aircraft. The purpose of this service is to provide separation between all participating VFR aircraft and 360 OVERHEAD− all IFR aircraft operating within the area defined as a (See OVERHEAD MANEUVER.) TRSA. THRESHOLD− The beginning of that portion of the c. Class C Service− This service provides, in runway usable for landing. addition to basic radar service, approved separation (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) between IFR and VFR aircraft, and sequencing of (See DISPLACED THRESHOLD.) VFR aircraft, and sequencing of VFR arrivals to the THRESHOLD CROSSING HEIGHT− The primary airport. theoretical height above the runway threshold at

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which the aircraft’s glideslope antenna would be if TIS−B− the aircraft maintains the trajectory established by the (See TRAFFIC INFORMATION mean ILS glideslope or the altitude at which the SERVICE−BROADCAST.) calculated glidepath of an RNAV or GPS approaches. TMPA− (See GLIDESLOPE.) (See TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (See THRESHOLD.) ALERT.) THRESHOLD LIGHTS− TMU− (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) (See TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UNIT.) TODA− TIBS− (See TAKEOFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE.) (See TELEPHONE INFORMATION BRIEFING (See ICAO term TAKEOFF DISTANCE SERVICE.) AVAILABLE.) TIE-IN FACILITY– The FSS primarily responsible TOI− for providing FSS services, including telecommu- (See TRACK OF INTEREST.) nications services for landing facilities or TOP ALTITUDE− In reference to SID published navigational aids located within the boundaries of a altitude restrictions, the charted “maintain” altitude flight plan area (FPA). Three-letter identifiers are contained in the procedure description or assigned by assigned to each FSS/FPA and are annotated as tie-in ATC. facilities in the Chart Supplement U.S., the Alaska Supplement, the Pacific Supplement, and FAA Order TORA− JO 7350.9, Location Identifiers. Large consolidated (See TAKEOFF RUN AVAILABLE.) FSS facilities may have many tie-in facilities or FSS (See ICAO term TAKEOFF RUN AVAILABLE.) sectors within one facility. TORCHING− The burning of fuel at the end of an (See FLIGHT PLAN AREA.) exhaust pipe or stack of a reciprocating aircraft (See FLIGHT SERVICE STATION.) engine, the result of an excessive richness in the fuel air mixture. TIME BASED FLOW MANAGEMENT (TBFM)− The hardware, software, methods, processes, and TOS− initiatives to manage air traffic flows based on time (See TRAJECTORY OPTIONS SET) to balance air traffic demand with system capacity, TOTAL ESTIMATED ELAPSED TIME [ICAO]− and support the management of PBN. This includes, For IFR flights, the estimated time required from but not limited to, Adjacent Center Metering (ACM), takeoff to arrive over that designated point, defined En Route Departure Capability (EDC), by reference to navigation aids, from which it is Ground−based Interval Management-Spacing intended that an instrument approach procedure will (GIM-S), Integrated Departure/Arrival Capability be commenced, or, if no navigation aid is associated (IDAC), Single Center Metering (SCM), with the destination aerodrome, to arrive over the Time-Based Metering (TBM), Time-Based destination aerodrome. For VFR flights, the Scheduling (TBS), and Extended/Coupled Metering. estimated time required from takeoff to arrive over the destination aerodrome. TIME GROUP− Four digits representing the hour and minutes from the Coordinated Universal Time (See ICAO term ESTIMATED ELAPSED TIME.) (UTC) clock. FAA uses UTC for all operations. The TOUCH-AND-GO− An operation by an aircraft that term “ZULU” may be used to denote UTC. The word lands and departs on a runway without stopping or “local” or the time zone equivalent shall be used to exiting the runway. denote local when local time is given during radio and TOUCH-AND-GO LANDING− telephone communications. When written, a time (See TOUCH-AND-GO.) zone designator is used to indicate local time; e.g., “0205M” (Mountain). The local time may be based TOUCHDOWN− on the 24-hour clock system. The day begins at 0000 a. The point at which an aircraft first makes and ends at 2359. contact with the landing surface.

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b. Concerning a precision radar approach (PAR), TOWER EN ROUTE CONTROL SERVICE− The it is the point where the glide path intercepts the control of IFR en route traffic within delegated landing surface. airspace between two or more adjacent approach (See ICAO term TOUCHDOWN.) control facilities. This service is designed to expedite traffic and reduce control and pilot communication TOUCHDOWN [ICAO]− The point where the requirements. nominal glide path intercepts the runway. TOWER TO TOWER− Note: Touchdown as defined above is only a datum and is not necessarily the actual point at which the (See TOWER EN ROUTE CONTROL aircraft will touch the runway. SERVICE.) TRACEABLE PRESSURE STANDARD− The TOUCHDOWN RVR− facility station pressure instrument, with certifica- (See VISIBILITY.) tion/calibration traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Traceable pressure TOUCHDOWN ZONE− The first 3,000 feet of the standards may be mercurial barometers, commis- runway beginning at the threshold. The area is used sioned ASOS/AWSS or dual transducer AWOS, or for determination of Touchdown Zone Elevation in portable pressure standards or DASI. the development of straight-in landing minimums for instrument approaches. TRACK− The actual flight path of an aircraft over the (See ICAO term TOUCHDOWN ZONE.) surface of the earth. (See COURSE.) TOUCHDOWN ZONE [ICAO]− The portion of a (See FLIGHT PATH.) runway, beyond the threshold, where it is intended (See ROUTE.) landing aircraft first contact the runway. (See ICAO term TRACK.) TOUCHDOWN ZONE ELEVATION− The highest TRACK [ICAO]− The projection on the earth’s elevation in the first 3,000 feet of the landing surface. surface of the path of an aircraft, the direction of TDZE is indicated on the instrument approach which path at any point is usually expressed in procedure chart when straight-in landing minimums degrees from North (True, Magnetic, or Grid). are authorized. TRACK OF INTEREST (TOI)− Displayed data (See TOUCHDOWN ZONE.) representing an airborne object that threatens or has TOUCHDOWN ZONE LIGHTING− the potential to threaten North America or National Security. Indicators may include, but are not limited (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) to: noncompliance with air traffic control instructions TOWER− A terminal facility that uses air/ground or aviation regulations; extended loss of communica- communications, visual signaling, and other devices tions; unusual transmissions or unusual flight to provide ATC services to aircraft operating in the behavior; unauthorized intrusion into controlled vicinity of an airport or on the movement area. airspace or an ADIZ; noncompliance with issued Authorizes aircraft to land or takeoff at the airport flight restrictions/security procedures; or unlawful controlled by the tower or to transit the Class D interference with airborne flight crews, up to and airspace area regardless of flight plan or weather including hijack. In certain circumstances, an object conditions (IFR or VFR). A tower may also provide may become a TOI based on specific and credible approach control services (radar or nonradar). intelligence pertaining to that particular aircraft/ (See AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE.) object, its passengers, or its cargo. (See APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY.) TRACK OF INTEREST RESOLUTION− A TOI (See APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE.) will normally be considered resolved when: the (See MOVEMENT AREA.) aircraft/object is no longer airborne; the aircraft (See TOWER EN ROUTE CONTROL complies with air traffic control instructions, aviation SERVICE.) regulations, and/or issued flight restrictions/security (See ICAO term AERODROME CONTROL procedures; radio contact is re−established and TOWER.) authorized control of the aircraft is verified; the (Refer to AIM.) aircraft is intercepted and intent is verified to be

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nonthreatening/nonhostile; TOI was identified based avoidance system based on radar beacon signals on specific and credible intelligence that was later which operates independent of ground-based equip- determined to be invalid or unreliable; or displayed ment. TCAS-I generates traffic advisories only. data is identified and characterized as invalid. TCAS-II generates traffic advisories, and resolution (collision avoidance) advisories in the vertical plane. TRAFFIC− a. A term used by a controller to transfer radar TRAFFIC INFORMATION− identification of an aircraft to another controller for (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) the purpose of coordinating separation action. Traffic TRAFFIC INFORMATION SERVICE−BROAD- is normally issued: CAST (TIS−B)− The broadcast of ATC derived 1. In response to a handoff or point out, traffic information to ADS−B equipped (1090ES or 2. In anticipation of a handoff or point out, or UAT) aircraft. The source of this traffic information is derived from ground−based air traffic surveillance 3. In conjunction with a request for control of an sensors, typically from radar targets. TIS−B service aircraft. will be available throughout the NAS where there are b. A term used by ATC to refer to one or more both adequate surveillance coverage (radar) and aircraft. adequate broadcast coverage from ADS−B ground TRAFFIC ADVISORIES− Advisories issued to alert stations. Loss of TIS−B will occur when an aircraft pilots to other known or observed air traffic which enters an area not covered by the GBT network. If this may be in such proximity to the position or intended occurs in an area with adequate surveillance coverage route of flight of their aircraft to warrant their (radar), nearby aircraft that remain within the attention. Such advisories may be based on: adequate broadcast coverage (ADS−B) area will view the first aircraft. TIS−B may continue when an a. Visual observation. aircraft enters an area with inadequate surveillance b. Observation of radar identified and nonidenti- coverage (radar); nearby aircraft that remain within fied aircraft targets on an ATC radar display, or the adequate broadcast coverage (ADS−B) area will c. Verbal reports from pilots or other facilities. not view the first aircraft. Note 1: The word “traffic” followed by additional TRAFFIC IN SIGHT− Used by pilots to inform a information, if known, is used to provide such controller that previously issued traffic is in sight. advisories; e.g., “Traffic, 2 o’clock, one zero miles, (See NEGATIVE CONTACT.) southbound, eight thousand.” (See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.) Note 2: Traffic advisory service will be provided to the extent possible depending on higher priority TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ALERT− duties of the controller or other limitations; e.g., A term used in a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) issued radar limitations, volume of traffic, frequency in conjunction with a special traffic management congestion, or controller workload. Radar/ program to alert pilots to the existence of the program nonradar traffic advisories do not relieve the pilot and to refer them to either the Notices to Airmen of his/her responsibility to see and avoid other publication or a special traffic management program aircraft. Pilots are cautioned that there are many advisory message for program details. The contrac- times when the controller is not able to give traffic advisories concerning all traffic in the aircraft’s tion TMPA is used in NOTAM text. proximity; in other words, when a pilot requests or TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT UNIT− The entity in is receiving traffic advisories, he/she should not ARTCCs and designated terminals directly involved assume that all traffic will be issued. in the active management of facility traffic. Usually (Refer to AIM.) under the direct supervision of an assistant manager TRAFFIC ALERT (aircraft call sign), TURN for traffic management. (left/right) IMMEDIATELY, (climb/descend) AND TRAFFIC NO FACTOR− Indicates that the traffic MAINTAIN (altitude). described in a previously issued traffic advisory is no (See SAFETY ALERT.) factor. TRAFFIC ALERT AND COLLISION AVOID- TRAFFIC NO LONGER OBSERVED− Indicates ANCE SYSTEM (TCAS)− An airborne collision that the traffic described in a previously issued traffic

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advisory is no longer depicted on radar, but may still TRAJECTORY− A EDST representation of the path be a factor. an aircraft is predicted to fly based upon a Current Plan or Trial Plan. TRAFFIC PATTERN− The traffic flow that is (See EN ROUTE DECISION SUPPORT TOOL.) prescribed for aircraft landing at, taxiing on, or taking TRAJECTORY MODELING− The automated pro- off from an airport. The components of a typical cess of calculating a trajectory. traffic pattern are upwind leg, crosswind leg, downwind leg, base leg, and final approach. TRAJECTORY OPTIONS SET (TOS)− A TOS is an electronic message, submitted by the operator, that is a. Upwind Leg− A flight path parallel to the used by the Collaborative Trajectory Options landing runway in the direction of landing. Program (CTOP) to manage the airspace captured in b. Crosswind Leg− A flight path at right angles to the traffic management program. The TOS will allow the landing runway off its upwind end. the operator to express the route and delay trade-off options that they are willing to accept. c. Downwind Leg− A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction opposite to landing. TRANSCRIBED WEATHER BROADCAST The downwind leg normally extends between the (TWEB)− A continuous recording of meteorological crosswind leg and the base leg. and aeronautical information that is broadcast on L/MF and VOR facilities for pilots. (Provided only d. Base Leg− A flight path at right angles to the in Alaska.) landing runway off its approach end. The base leg (Refer to AIM.) normally extends from the downwind leg to the TRANSFER OF CONTROL− That action whereby intersection of the extended runway centerline. the responsibility for the separation of an aircraft is e. Final Approach− A flight path in the direction transferred from one controller to another. of landing along the extended runway centerline. The (See ICAO term TRANSFER OF CONTROL.) final approach normally extends from the base leg to TRANSFER OF CONTROL [ICAO]− Transfer of the runway. An aircraft making a straight-in approach responsibility for providing air traffic control service. VFR is also considered to be on final approach. (See STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH VFR.) TRANSFERRING CONTROLLER− A controller/ facility transferring control of an aircraft to another (See TAXI PATTERNS.) controller/facility. (See ICAO term AERODROME TRAFFIC (See ICAO term TRANSFERRING CIRCUIT.) UNIT/CONTROLLER.) (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) TRANSFERRING FACILITY− (Refer to AIM.) (See TRANSFERRING CONTROLLER.) TRAFFIC SITUATION DISPLAY (TSD)− TSD is a TRANSFERRING UNIT/CONTROLLER [ICAO]− computer system that receives radar track data from Air traffic control unit/air traffic controller in the all 20 CONUS ARTCCs, organizes this data into a process of transferring the responsibility for mosaic display, and presents it on a computer screen. providing air traffic control service to an aircraft to The display allows the traffic management coordina- the next air traffic control unit/air traffic controller tor multiple methods of selection and highlighting of along the route of flight. individual aircraft or groups of aircraft. The user has Note: See definition of accepting unit/controller. the option of superimposing these aircraft positions TRANSITION− over any number of background displays. These background options include ARTCC boundaries, any a. The general term that describes the change from stratum of en route sector boundaries, fixes, airways, one phase of flight or flight condition to another; e.g., military and other special use airspace, airports, and transition from en route flight to the approach or geopolitical boundaries. By using the TSD, a transition from instrument flight to visual flight. coordinator can monitor any number of traffic b. A published procedure (DP Transition) used to situations or the entire systemwide traffic flows. connect the basic DP to one of several en route

PCG T−7 Pilot/Controller Glossary 3/29/18 airways/jet routes, or a published procedure (STAR TRANSPONDER OBSERVED − Phraseology used Transition) used to connect one of several en route to inform a VFR pilot the aircraft’s assigned beacon airways/jet routes to the basic STAR. code and position have been observed. Specifically, (Refer to DP/STAR Charts.) this term conveys to a VFR pilot the transponder reply has been observed and its position correlated for TRANSITION POINT− A point at an adapted transit through the designated area. number of miles from the vertex at which an arrival TRIAL PLAN− A proposed amendment which aircraft would normally commence descent from its utilizes automation to analyze and display potential en route altitude. This is the first fix adapted on the conflicts along the predicted trajectory of the selected arrival speed segments. aircraft. TRANSITION WAYPOINT− The waypoint that TRSA− defines the beginning of a runway or en route (See TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREA.) transition on an RNAV SID or STAR. TSD− TRANSITIONAL AIRSPACE− That portion of (See TRAFFIC SITUATION DISPLAY.) controlled airspace wherein aircraft change from one TURBOJET AIRCRAFT− An aircraft having a jet phase of flight or flight condition to another. engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which in turn operates the air compressor. TRANSMISSOMETER− An apparatus used to determine visibility by measuring the transmission of TURBOPROP AIRCRAFT− An aircraft having a jet light through the atmosphere. It is the measurement engine in which the energy of the jet operates a source for determining runway visual range (RVR) turbine which drives the propeller. and runway visibility value (RVV). TURBULENCE− An atmospheric phenomenon that (See VISIBILITY.) causes changes in aircraft altitude, attitude, and or airspeed with aircraft reaction depending on TRANSMITTING IN THE BLIND− A transmis- intensity. Pilots report turbulence intensity according sion from one station to other stations in to aircraft’s reaction as follows: circumstances where two-way communication cannot be established, but where it is believed that the a. Light − Causes slight, erratic changes in altitude called stations may be able to receive the and or attitude (pitch, roll, or yaw). transmission. b. Moderate− Similar to Light but of greater intensity. Changes in altitude and or attitude occur TRANSPONDER− The airborne radar beacon but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times. receiver/transmitter portion of the Air Traffic Control It usually causes variations in indicated airspeed. Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) which automati- c. Severe− Causes large, abrupt changes in altitude cally receives radio signals from interrogators on the and or attitude. It usually causes large variations in ground, and selectively replies with a specific reply indicated airspeed. Aircraft may be momentarily out pulse or pulse group only to those interrogations of control. being received on the mode to which it is set to respond. d. Extreme− The aircraft is violently tossed about and is practically impossible to control. It may cause (See INTERROGATOR.) structural damage. (See ICAO term TRANSPONDER.) (See CHOP.) (Refer to AIM.) (Refer to AIM.) TRANSPONDER [ICAO]− A receiver/transmitter TURN ANTICIPATION− (maneuver anticipation). which will generate a reply signal upon proper TVOR− interrogation; the interrogation and reply being on different frequencies. (See TERMINAL-VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE STATION.) TRANSPONDER CODES− TWEB− (See CODES.) (See TRANSCRIBED WEATHER BROADCAST.)

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3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary U

UHF− UNMANNED AIRCRAFT (UA)- A device used or (See ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCY.) intended to be used for flight that has no onboard pilot. This device can be any type of airplane, ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCY (UHF)− The frequen- helicopter, airship, or powered-lift aircraft. cy band between 300 and 3,000 MHz. The bank of Unmanned free balloons, moored balloons, tethered radio frequencies used for military air/ground voice aircraft, gliders, and unmanned rockets are not communications. In some instances this may go as considered to be a UA. low as 225 MHz and still be referred to as UHF. UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEM (UAS)- An ULTRALIGHT VEHICLE− A single-occupant unmanned aircraft and its associated elements related aeronautical vehicle operated for sport or recreational to safe operations, which may include control purposes which does not require FAA registration, an stations (ground, ship, or air based), control links, airworthiness certificate, or pilot certification. support equipment, payloads, flight termination Operation of an ultralight vehicle in certain airspace systems, and launch/recovery equipment. It consists requires authorization from ATC. of three elements: unmanned aircraft, control station, (Refer to 14 CFR Part 103.) and data link. UNABLE− Indicates inability to comply with a UNPUBLISHED ROUTE− A route for which no specific instruction, request, or clearance. minimum altitude is published or charted for pilot UNASSOCIATED− A radar target that does not use. It may include a direct route between NAVAIDs, display a data block with flight identification and a radial, a radar vector, or a final approach course altitude information. beyond the segments of an instrument approach procedure. (See ASSOCIATED.) (See PUBLISHED ROUTE.) UNDER THE HOOD− Indicates that the pilot is (See ROUTE.) using a hood to restrict visibility outside the cockpit UNRELIABLE (GPS/WAAS)− An advisory to while simulating instrument flight. An appropriately pilots indicating the expected level of service of the rated pilot is required in the other control seat while GPS and/or WAAS may not be available. Pilots must this operation is being conducted. then determine the adequacy of the signal for desired (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) use. UNFROZEN− The Scheduled Time of Arrival (STA) UPWIND LEG− tags, which are still being rescheduled by the time (See TRAFFIC PATTERN.) based flow management (TBFM) calculations. The aircraft will remain unfrozen until the time the URGENCY− A condition of being concerned about corresponding estimated time of arrival (ETA) tag safety and of requiring timely but not immediate passes the preset freeze horizon for that aircraft’s assistance; a potential distress condition. stream class. At this point the automatic rescheduling (See ICAO term URGENCY.) will stop, and the STA becomes “frozen.” URGENCY [ICAO]− A condition concerning the UNICOM− A nongovernment communication facil- safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of person on ity which may provide airport information at certain board or in sight, but which does not require airports. Locations and frequencies of UNICOMs are immediate assistance. shown on aeronautical charts and publications. USAFIB− (See CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.) (See ARMY AVIATION FLIGHT INFORMATION (Refer to AIM.) BULLETIN.)


3/29/18 Pilot/Controller Glossary V

VASI− and/or descents and of using very short runways or (See VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE INDICATOR.) small areas for takeoff and landings. These aircraft include, but are not limited to, helicopters. VCOA− (See SHORT TAKEOFF AND LANDING (See VISUAL CLIMB OVER AIRPORT.) AIRCRAFT.) VDP− VERY HIGH FREQUENCY (VHF)− The frequency (See VISUAL DESCENT POINT.) band between 30 and 300 MHz. Portions of this band, 108 to 118 MHz, are used for certain NAVAIDs; 118 VECTOR− A heading issued to an aircraft to provide to 136 MHz are used for civil air/ground voice navigational guidance by radar. communications. Other frequencies in this band are (See ICAO term RADAR VECTORING.) used for purposes not related to air traffic control. VERIFY− Request confirmation of information; VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNIDIRECTION- e.g., “verify assigned altitude.” AL RANGE STATION− VERIFY SPECIFIC DIRECTION OF TAKEOFF (See VOR.) (OR TURNS AFTER TAKEOFF)− Used by ATC to VERY LOW FREQUENCY (VLF)− The frequency ascertain an aircraft’s direction of takeoff and/or band between 3 and 30 kHz. direction of turn after takeoff. It is normally used for VFR− IFR departures from an airport not having a control (See VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) tower. When direct communication with the pilot is not possible, the request and information may be VFR AIRCRAFT− An aircraft conducting flight in relayed through an FSS, dispatcher, or by other accordance with visual flight rules. means. (See VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) (See IFR TAKEOFF MINIMUMS AND VFR CONDITIONS− Weather conditions equal to DEPARTURE PROCEDURES.) or better than the minimum for flight under visual VERTEX− The last fix adapted on the arrival speed flight rules. The term may be used as an ATC segments. Normally, it will be the outer marker of the clearance/instruction only when: runway in use. However, it may be the actual a. An IFR aircraft requests a climb/descent in threshold or other suitable common point on the VFR conditions. approach path for the particular runway configura- b. The clearance will result in noise abatement tion. benefits where part of the IFR departure route does VERTEX TIME OF ARRIVAL− A calculated time of not conform to an FAA approved noise abatement aircraft arrival over the adapted vertex for the runway route or altitude. configuration in use. The time is calculated via the c. A pilot has requested a practice instrument optimum flight path using adapted speed segments. approach and is not on an IFR flight plan. Note: All pilots receiving this authorization must VERTICAL NAVIGATION (VNAV)– A function of comply with the VFR visibility and distance from area navigation (RNAV) equipment which calculates, cloud criteria in 14 CFR Part 91. Use of the term displays, and provides vertical guidance to a profile does not relieve controllers of their responsibility to or path. separate aircraft in Class B and Class C airspace or TRSAs as required by FAA Order JO 7110.65. VERTICAL SEPARATION− Separation between When used as an ATC clearance/instruction, the aircraft expressed in units of vertical distance. term may be abbreviated “VFR;” e.g., “MAINTAIN (See SEPARATION.) VFR,” “CLIMB/DESCEND VFR,” etc. VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING AIR- VFR FLIGHT− CRAFT (VTOL)− Aircraft capable of vertical climbs (See VFR AIRCRAFT.)

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VFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES (VR)− distance, to see and identify prominent unlighted Routes used by the Department of Defense and objects by day and prominent lighted objects by associated Reserve and Air Guard units for the night. Visibility is reported as statute miles, hundreds purpose of conducting low-altitude navigation and of feet or meters. tactical training under VFR below 10,000 feet MSL (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) at airspeeds in excess of 250 knots IAS. (Refer to AIM.) VFR NOT RECOMMENDED− An advisory a. Flight Visibility− The average forward horizon- provided by a flight service station to a pilot during tal distance, from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight, a preflight or inflight weather briefing that flight at which prominent unlighted objects may be seen under visual flight rules is not recommended. To be and identified by day and prominent lighted objects given when the current and/or forecast weather may be seen and identified by night. conditions are at or below VFR minimums. It does not abrogate the pilot’s authority to make his/her own b. Ground Visibility− Prevailing horizontal visi- decision. bility near the earth’s surface as reported by the United States National Weather Service or an VFR-ON-TOP− ATC authorization for an IFR accredited observer. aircraft to operate in VFR conditions at any c. Prevailing Visibility− The greatest horizontal appropriate VFR altitude (as specified in 14 CFR and visibility equaled or exceeded throughout at least half as restricted by ATC). A pilot receiving this the horizon circle which need not necessarily be authorization must comply with the VFR visibility, continuous. distance from cloud criteria, and the minimum IFR altitudes specified in 14 CFR Part 91. The use of this d. Runway Visibility Value (RVV)− The visibility term does not relieve controllers of their responsibil- determined for a particular runway by a transmis- ity to separate aircraft in Class B and Class C airspace someter. A meter provides a continuous indication of or TRSAs as required by FAA Order JO 7110.65. the visibility (reported in miles or fractions of miles) for the runway. RVV is used in lieu of prevailing VFR TERMINAL AREA CHARTS− visibility in determining minimums for a particular (See AERONAUTICAL CHART.) runway.

VFR WAYPOINT− e. Runway Visual Range (RVR)− An instrumen- tally derived value, based on standard calibrations, (See WAYPOINT.) that represents the horizontal distance a pilot will see VHF− down the runway from the approach end. It is based on the sighting of either high intensity runway lights (See VERY HIGH FREQUENCY.) or on the visual contrast of other targets whichever VHF OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE/TACTICAL yields the greater visual range. RVR, in contrast to AIR NAVIGATION− prevailing or runway visibility, is based on what a pilot in a moving aircraft should see looking down the (See VORTAC.) runway. RVR is horizontal visual range, not slant VIDEO MAP− An electronically displayed map on visual range. It is based on the measurement of a the radar display that may depict data such as airports, transmissometer made near the touchdown point of heliports, runway centerline extensions, hospital the instrument runway and is reported in hundreds of emergency landing areas, NAVAIDs and fixes, feet. RVR is used in lieu of RVV and/or prevailing reporting points, airway/route centerlines, bound- visibility in determining minimums for a particular aries, handoff points, special use tracks, obstructions, runway. prominent geographic features, map alignment 1. Touchdown RVR− The RVR visibility indicators, range accuracy marks, and/or minimum readout values obtained from RVR equipment vectoring altitudes. serving the runway touchdown zone. VISIBILITY− The ability, as determined by 2. Mid-RVR− The RVR readout values obtained atmospheric conditions and expressed in units of from RVR equipment located midfield of the runway.

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3. Rollout RVR− The RVR readout values runway as an alternative to complying with climb obtained from RVR equipment located nearest the gradients greater than 200 feet per nautical mile. rollout end of the runway. Pilots are responsible to advise ATC as early as (See ICAO term FLIGHT VISIBILITY.) possible of the intent to fly the VCOA option prior to (See ICAO term GROUND VISIBILITY.) departure. These textual procedures are published in (See ICAO term RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE.) the ‘Take−Off Minimums and (Obstacle) Departure (See ICAO term VISIBILITY.) Procedures’ section of the Terminal Procedures Publications and/or appear as an option on a Graphic VISIBILITY [ICAO]− The ability, as determined by ODP. atmospheric conditions and expressed in units of (See AIM.) distance, to see and identify prominent unlighted objects by day and prominent lighted objects by VISUAL DESCENT POINT− A defined point on the night. final approach course of a nonprecision straight-in a. Flight Visibility− The visibility forward from approach procedure from which normal descent from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight. the MDA to the runway touchdown point may be commenced, provided the approach threshold of that b. Ground Visibility− The visibility at an runway, or approach lights, or other markings aerodrome as reported by an accredited observer. identifiable with the approach end of that runway are c. Runway Visual Range [RVR]− The range over clearly visible to the pilot. which the pilot of an aircraft on the centerline of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the VISUAL FLIGHT RULES− Rules that govern the lights delineating the runway or identifying its procedures for conducting flight under visual centerline. conditions. The term “VFR” is also used in the United States to indicate weather conditions that are VISUAL APPROACH− An approach conducted on equal to or greater than minimum VFR requirements. an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which In addition, it is used by pilots and controllers to authorizes the pilot to proceed visually and clear of indicate type of flight plan. clouds to the airport. The pilot must, at all times, have (See INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES.) either the airport or the preceding aircraft in sight. (See INSTRUMENT METEOROLOGICAL This approach must be authorized and under the CONDITIONS.) control of the appropriate air traffic control facility. (See VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL Reported weather at the airport must be: ceiling at or CONDITIONS.) above 1,000 feet, and visibility of 3 miles or greater. (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) (See ICAO term VISUAL APPROACH.) (Refer to AIM.) VISUAL APPROACH [ICAO]− An approach by an VISUAL HOLDING− The holding of aircraft at IFR flight when either part or all of an instrument selected, prominent geographical fixes which can be approach procedure is not completed and the easily recognized from the air. approach is executed in visual reference to terrain. (See HOLDING FIX.) VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE INDICATOR (VASI)− VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS− (See AIRPORT LIGHTING.) Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling equal to or VISUAL CLIMB OVER AIRPORT (VCOA)− A better than specified minima. departure option for an IFR aircraft, operating in (See INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES.) visual meteorological conditions equal to or greater (See INSTRUMENT METEOROLOGICAL than the specified visibility and ceiling, to visually CONDITIONS.) conduct climbing turns over the airport to the (See VISUAL FLIGHT RULES.) published “climb−to” altitude from which to proceed with the instrument portion of the departure. VCOA VISUAL SEGMENT− procedures are developed to avoid obstacles greater (See PUBLISHED INSTRUMENT APPROACH than 3 statute miles from the departure end of the PROCEDURE VISUAL SEGMENT.)

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VISUAL SEPARATION− A means employed by VORTAC− A navigation aid providing VOR ATC to separate aircraft in terminal areas and en route azimuth, TACAN azimuth, and TACAN distance airspace in the NAS. There are two ways to effect this measuring equipment (DME) at one site. separation: (See DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT.) a. The tower controller sees the aircraft involved (See NAVIGATIONAL AID.) and issues instructions, as necessary, to ensure that (See TACAN.) the aircraft avoid each other. (See VOR.) (Refer to AIM.) b. A pilot sees the other aircraft involved and upon instructions from the controller provides his/her own VORTICES− Circular patterns of air created by the separation by maneuvering his/her aircraft as movement of an airfoil through the air when necessary to avoid it. This may involve following generating lift. As an airfoil moves through the another aircraft or keeping it in sight until it is no atmosphere in sustained flight, an area of area of low longer a factor. pressure is created above it. The air flowing from the high pressure area to the low pressure area around and (See SEE AND AVOID.) about the tips of the airfoil tends to roll up into two (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) rapidly rotating vortices, cylindrical in shape. These VLF− vortices are the most predominant parts of aircraft wake turbulence and their rotational force is (See VERY LOW FREQUENCY.) dependent upon the wing loading, gross weight, and VMC− speed of the generating aircraft. The vortices from medium to super aircraft can be of extremely high (See VISUAL METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS.) velocity and hazardous to smaller aircraft. (See AIRCRAFT CLASSES.) VOICE SWITCHING AND CONTROL SYSTEM (See WAKE TURBULENCE.) (VSCS)− A computer controlled switching system (Refer to AIM.) that provides air traffic controllers with all voice VOT− A ground facility which emits a test signal to circuits (air to ground and ground to ground) check VOR receiver accuracy. Some VOTs are necessary for air traffic control. available to the user while airborne, and others are (Refer to AIM.) limited to ground use only. (See CHART SUPPLEMENT U.S.) VOR− A ground-based electronic navigation aid (Refer to 14 CFR Part 91.) transmitting very high frequency navigation signals, (Refer to AIM.) 360 degrees in azimuth, oriented from magnetic north. Used as the basis for navigation in the National VR− Airspace System. The VOR periodically identifies (See VFR MILITARY TRAINING ROUTES.) itself by Morse Code and may have an additional VSCS− voice identification feature. Voice features may be (See VOICE SWITCHING AND CONTROL used by ATC or FSS for transmitting instructions/in- SYSTEM.) formation to pilots. (See NAVIGATIONAL AID.) VTA− (See VERTEX TIME OF ARRIVAL.) (Refer to AIM.) VTOL AIRCRAFT− VOR TEST SIGNAL− (See VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING (See VOT.) AIRCRAFT.)

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WA− WHEN ABLE− (See AIRMET.) a. In conjunction with ATC instructions, gives the (See WEATHER ADVISORY.) pilot the latitude to delay compliance until a WAAS− condition or event has been reconciled. Unlike “pilot (See WIDE-AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM.) discretion,” when instructions are prefaced “when able,” the pilot is expected to seek the first WAKE TURBULENCE− Phenomena resulting from opportunity to comply. the passage of an aircraft through the atmosphere. b. In conjunction with a weather deviation The term includes vortices, thrust stream turbulence, clearance, requires the pilot to determine when he/she jet blast, jet wash, propeller wash, and rotor wash is clear of weather, then execute ATC instructions. both on the ground and in the air. (See AIRCRAFT CLASSES.) c. Once a maneuver has been initiated, the pilot is (See JET BLAST.) expected to continue until the specifications of the (See VORTICES.) instructions have been met. “When able,” should not (Refer to AIM.) be used when expeditious compliance is required. WARNING AREA− WIDE-AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM (See SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE.) (WAAS)− The WAAS is a satellite navigation system consisting of the equipment and software which WAYPOINT− A predetermined geographical posi- augments the GPS Standard Positioning Service tion used for route/instrument approach definition, (SPS). The WAAS provides enhanced integrity, progress reports, published VFR routes, visual accuracy, availability, and continuity over and above reporting points or points for transitioning and/or GPS SPS. The differential correction function circumnavigating controlled and/or special use provides improved accuracy required for precision airspace, that is defined relative to a VORTAC station approach. or in terms of latitude/longitude coordinates. WIDE AREA MULTILATERATION (WAM)– A WEATHER ADVISORY− In aviation weather distributed surveillance technology which may forecast practice, an expression of hazardous weather utilize any combination of signals from Air Traffic conditions not predicted in the Aviation Surface Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) (Modes A Forecast, Aviation Cloud Forecast, or area forecast, and C) and Mode S transponders, and ADS-B as they affect the operation of air traffic and as transmissions. Multiple geographically dispersed prepared by the NWS. ground sensors measure the time-of-arrival of the (See AIRMET.) transponder messages. Aircraft position is deter- (See SIGMET.) mined by joint processing of the WEATHER RECONNAISSANCE AREA (WRA)− time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements A WRA is airspace with defined dimensions and computed between a reference and the ground published by Notice to Airmen, which is established stations’ measured time-of-arrival. to support weather reconnaissance/research flights. WILCO− I have received your message, understand Air traffic control services are not provided within it, and will comply with it. WRAs. Only participating weather reconnaissance/ research aircraft from the 53rd Weather WIND GRID DISPLAY− A display that presents the Reconnaissance Squadron and National Oceanic and latest forecasted wind data overlaid on a map of the Atmospheric Administration Aircraft Operations ARTCC area. Wind data is automatically entered and Center are permitted to operate within a WRA. A updated periodically by transmissions from the WRA may only be established in airspace within U.S. National Weather Service. Winds at specific Flight Information Regions outside of U.S. territorial altitudes, along with temperatures and air pressure airspace. can be viewed.

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WIND SHEAR− A change in wind speed and/or wind WORDS TWICE− direction in a short distance resulting in a tearing or a. As a request: “Communication is difficult. shearing effect. It can exist in a horizontal or vertical Please say every phrase twice.” direction and occasionally in both. b. As information: “Since communications are WIND SHEAR ESCAPE− An unplanned abortive difficult, every phrase in this message will be spoken maneuver initiated by the pilot in command (PIC) as twice.” a result of onboard cockpit systems. Wind shear WS− escapes are characterized by maximum thrust climbs (See SIGMET.) in the low altitude terminal environment until wind (See WEATHER ADVISORY.) shear conditions are no longer detected. WST− WING TIP VORTICES− (See CONVECTIVE SIGMET.) (See VORTICES.) (See WEATHER ADVISORY.)