DEGREE PROJECT IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, SECOND CYCLE, 30 CREDITS STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2018 Exploring viewer experience and usability of eye tracking interaction in ice hockey broadcasts FREDRIK SPANSK KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Exploring viewer experience and usability of eye tracking interaction in ice hockey broadcasts Fredrik Spansk Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected] ABSTRACT as well as the rights to stream over the Internet. The broadcasting Multiple media platforms today are fighting for viewer attention. rights for the top two divisions of Swedish football during 2020- Sports broadcasting companies are up against second screen plat- 2025 was bought by Discovery Networks for an estimated sum of forms which keep feeding consumers with their constant push- about 540 000 000 SEK per year [36]. The rights for the top two notifications. Both The Nielsen Company and Apple predicts that divisions of Swedish ice hockey during 2018-2024 were bought by television needs to get more interactive (e.g. AR, VR, eye tracking) C More for an estimated sum of about 570 000 000 SEK per year in order to keep up. This paper introduces an eye tracking con- [25, 31]. This is not just a trend in Sweden. Premier League (the troller system in order to see if it could aid in this regard. This top football division of England) and the Swiss ice hockey league controller allows the viewer to look up statistics and other game re- have also sold their TV rights to record-breaking prices [33].