Catalogue Browning 2009
2009 Browning | Hunting & Shooting © Robert Giede Browning: the most sensitive of passions Since 1897, the date of birth of the first Browning gun, millions, even tens of millions, of shotguns and rifles for hunting or target-shooting have created and signed by Browning. BAR Zenith Prestige Wood The inventor of the semi-automatic shotgun, the semi-automatic rifle and, the most recent innovation, an over-and-under gun with the lowest action frame and fastest firing system on the market has left its mark on the history of gun-making with a profu- sion of models, all different, but with one thing in common – their reliability and their unequalled levels of performance. Every day throughout the world, Browning guns, old and new, continue to give their owners great pleasure. Browning guns have a much deserved reputation for quality and reliability which gives their owners complete confidence in our products. John Moses Browning was dedicated to excellence, quality and reliability and this philosophy contin- ues throughout Browning today and going forward into the future. Browning guns have an unrivalled reputation for quality and reliability, a tradition which Browning continues to build on. We are mightly proud of our history and work hard to ensure that those who choose Browning benefit from our years of experience, skill and dedication to quality. Browning, Simply - The Best there is. X-Bolt Hunter 2 Contents | Browning 2009 Introduction 2-11 Hunting Firearms | big game 50-77 Browning: the most sensitive of passions 2 Double Express Rifles
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