

International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2012;25(2):105 – 121 DOI 10.2478/S13382-012-0022-x

ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANTIOXIDATIVE MACIEJ RUTKOWSKI1 and KRZYSZTOF GRZEGORCZYK2 1 Medical University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland Department of Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry 2 Wł. Biegański Memorial Regional Specialistic Hospital, Łódź, Poland Department of Endoscopy and One Day Gastroenterology

Abstract High doses of synthetic antioxidative vitamins: A, E, C and β- are often used on long-term basis in numerous preventive and therapeutic medical applications. Instead of expected health effects, the use of those vitamins may however lead to cases of and even to intoxication. The article points out main principles of safety which are to be observed during supplementation with antioxidative vitamins. Toxic effects resulting from erroneous administration of high doses of those substances on organs and systems of the organism are also discussed. Attention is drawn to interactions of antioxidative vitamins with concomitantly used drugs, as well as intensification of adverse effects caused by various exo­ genous chemical factors. Moreover, the article presents the evaluation of supplementation with these vitamins, which was performed in large studies.

Key words: Vitamins A, E and C, β-carotene, Supplementation, Side actions, Toxic effects

INTRODUCTION pharmaceutical drugs, and their preparations are gener- ally sold over the counter. However, it is commonly disre- Supplementation with synthetic antioxidative vitamins: garded that the excessive intake of antioxidative vitamins A, β-carotene ( A), E and C, is widely propa- may be in fact harmful. Enthusiasts of at-home gated to-day, both as an adjunct to the applied pharma- supplementation, who blindly believe in newspaper rev- cotherapy and as one of factors to provide ”health and elations and advertisements, are therefore vulnerable to beauty”. Common use of additional intake of the above overdose and – as a result – may experience concealed ad- mentioned supplements is well-known [1,2]. verse effects. Such popularised usage of antioxidative vitamins stems The problem of those effects emerged on a large scale mainly from the fact they are treated as natural substances during medical trials of vitamin supplementation, after (even though today they are mostly products of organic discovering the disorders of oxygenic in synthesis) and regarded as safe and free from any signifi- pathogenesis of numerous diseases and introducing vi- cant toxicity. That is why they do not have pharmaceuti- tamins A, E C and β-carotene as in adjunc- cal status of medicines, but are included only among aux- tive therapy. In order to achieve the assumed efficiency iliary agents as ”dietary supplements”. As a result, they of antioxidative effects, these vitamins were applied are not subject to any rigorous safety tests specific for on long-term basis in arbitrarily set high doses [3–6]

Received: October 7, 2010. Accepted: March 7, 2012. Address reprint request to K. Grzegorczyk, Department of Endoscopy and One Day Gastroenterology, Wł. Biegański Memorial Regional Specialistic Hospital, Kniaziewicza 1/5, 91-347 Łódź, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]).

Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland 105 REVIEW PAPERS M. RUTKOWSKI and K. GRZEGORCZYK

in accordance with the motto “more means better”. As a result, their bodily concentrations many times exceed- Biomedical action ed the physiological values. Large-scale research testing Vitamin A () performs many important physiologi- the effectiveness of such vitamin supplementation re- cal functions in [1,2]. It accelerates the syn- vealed, however, that in most cases the hopes were not thesis of and elastin fibres by fibroblasts, as well fulfilled, while – surprisingly enough – multiple adverse as the processes of cell division, thanks to which it stimu- effects appeared. Therefore, authors of some publica- lates growth of foetus and young organisms. It ensures tions started to warn against supplementation conduct- proper proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells, ed in this way [e.g. 7]. contributing also to their regeneration and, owing to this, Data on adverse effects of antioxidative vitamins, so im- it significantly influences proper functioning of skin and portant for the safety of planned supplementation trials mucous membranes. Vitamin A positively influences the on selected groups of patients, are dispersed in literature development of skeleton by regulating activities of osteo- and very often fragmentary or only superficial (as was al- blasts and osteoclasts. It participates in hormonal regula- ready noted by some other authors [8,9]). This is the ra- tion of the body by decreasing secretion of thyroxin (one tionale behind this article – its aim is to gather and sys- of thyroid hormones) by means of suppressing production tematise possibly the most complete data to present the of thyrotropin by the pituitary gland. It is also essential for current state of knowledge. We hope this article will go the process of seeing, as it is needed (in a form of 11-cis- a long way towards paying more attention to the discussed retinal) for synthesis of rhodopsin, also known as visual purple, in the retina of the eye [2,10]. Furthermore, vita- and sometimes overlooked issues connected with vitamin min A stimulates functioning of the immune system in the therapy – nowadays common, but often applied without body and increases its resistance to infections [11]. due prudence. A vital property of vitamin A is also its antioxidative ac- To proceed with our discussion, please note that the tion, including both prevention against reactive oxygen data presented below is based on various isolated and species (ROS) and termination of reactions taking place often incidental observations. Only few data come with their participation [12–14]. Very crucial is this vita- from fragmentary research on animals (tests of vita- min’s ability to quench singlet oxygen 1O as well as trap mins A and E on pregnant rats) or healthy volunteers 2, and neutralize free radicals [12,15]. The above described (tests on the influence of high doses of on action arises from the presence of the conjugated C = C the state of health). Information on acute vitamin A bonds in the side chains of its molecules. These bonds toxicity was provided by incidents of unintentional in- compete in addition reactions of ROS and free radicals take of excessive amount of this vitamin. Other highly to polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in of cell harmful effects were consequences of random mistakes membranes, and in this way protect the cells against per- in medically applied doses of particular vitamins. Data oxidative damage. At the same time vitamin A suppresses regarding chronic outcomes was gathered as a side ef- the activity of participating in propagation of per- fect of a long-term supplementation with antioxidative oxidation of these lipids, as well as prevents oxidative dis- vitamins, applied in diseases described in the text be- orders of glycosylation in cell membranes [13,14]. low. The authors used also some information adduced The presented antioxidative mechanisms have their sig- by the quoted vitamin experts. nificant contribution to the previously mentioned impact

106 IJOMEH 2012;25(2) ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANTIOXIDATIVE VITAMINS REVIEW PAPERS of vitamin A on proliferation and differentiation of epi- intake of 150–1200 mg (in International Units: 500 000– thelial cells, as they prevent their neoplastic transfor- –4 000 000 IU) of vitamin A over two days by adults, after mation (promotion stage) induced by processes of un- the single dose about of 45 mg (150 000 IU) by school-age controlled oxidation. This concerns especially incorrect children, or after the intake about of 22 mg (75 000 IU) glycosylation of in cell membranes, which influ- by small children. This kind of poisoning appeared, for ences their surface properties – transformed cells have example, in preschool children (supplemented with this fewer surface glycoproteins than regular ones [16–18]. vitamin for prevention against nyctalopia), who were Vitamin A stabilizes also thiol groups (–SH) of mem- mistakenly given in single doses as much as 500 000 IU brane proteins and suppresses oxidatively stimulated of vitamin A. As a result, over 20 of these children expression of c-myc oncogene on chromosome 8. It en- died [25]. An extreme case was a fatal poisoning of po- ables also the recovery of intracellular communications lar explorers after the consumption of polar bear via the already transformed cells [16,18]. Due to the fact (where vitamin A content is approx. 10 mg/g) [3,26,27]. that around 90% of neoplasms are developed in epithe- The chronic poisoning results from the long-term in- lial tissues, the discussed vitamin has particular signifi- take of this vitamin (ranging from several weeks to cance for these tissues in terms of its preventative and more than 3 years) at the doses > 30 mg (100 000 IU)/d suppressive effect [17–19]. This concerns various parts by adults, or for 2 to 6 months at the doses of 3–9 mg of the body containing epithelial tissues, including: nasal (10 000–30 000 IU)/d by children, and for 1–3 months at and throat cavity, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, respi- the dose of 3 mg (10 000 IU)/d by infants. ratory tract, bladder, as well as prostate (suppression of The symptoms of acute poisoning are: general weakness, its overgrowth). dizziness and a severe headache (in the occipital part), an increase in intracranial pressure, nausea, vomiting, Potential risk sitophobia, hepatosplenomegalia, and after a few days, Therapeutic intake of large amounts of vitamin A, exceed- skin changes (itching, erythema, and desquamation). ing the limited storage capacity of the liver, may lead to The chronic poisoning symptoms include: feeling of chron- the supersaturation of the body with this vitamin and the ic fatigue, irritability, double vision, nystagmus, sleep dis- poisoning referred to as – the turbances, cracking and lips and gums, shedding concentration of the a/m vitamin > 1.0 mg/l (3.5 μmol/l) of hair, rashes and ulceration of the skin, muscular coordi- is indicative of that condition [20,21]. Toxic effects appear nation disturbances, renal dysfunction (haematuria), and when the ability of plasma RBP (retinol binding protein – even oedema of the optic disc and other symptoms that the carrier for vitamin A in blood) to bind retinol and to could suggest a brain tumor. Hypervitaminosis A can also conjugate its excess with glucuronate is exceeded, which lead to auditory sensations which are not caused by any leads to harmful exposure of the cells to free vitamin A sound stimulus (parestesia) [22,23,28,29]. [14,22,23]. Patients with hepatic and renal diseases and The excessive intake of vitamin A affects harmfully the children are especially susceptible to the adverse effects haematopoietic system, leading to aplastic . It ac- of this vitamin. The supplementation with provitamin A, celerates erythrocyte sedimentation rate and prolongs the i.e. β-carotene, is safer [2,24]. . It also causes leukopaenia, weakening Hypervitaminosis A can take the form of acute or chronic at the same time the defense ability of the body [14,24,27]. poisoning. The first of these two forms appears after the Another consequence of the excessive supply of vitamin A


is the disruption of absorption of β-carotene and be administered under strict medical control (it is advis- salts from food [1,14]. able to eliminate animal liver from the ) [3,37,38]. Taking excessive amounts of vitamin A is also harmful for High-dose vitamin A therapy in breast-feeding women, the osteoarticular system. It leads to joint and spine pains, which could cause symptoms of hypervitaminosis in in- as well as decalcification of (with the increase of cal- fants, is contraindicated [20,21]. cium concentration in blood), which causes their brittle- Many dose-dependent, adverse effects are also caused by ness and increases the risk of , and – as a re- synthetic retinoids (e.g. by isotretinoin) [29]. These po- sult – also femoral neck fractures [30,31]. Some research- tentiate the action of vitamin A and hence should not ers have posited also that another result of vitamin A be administered during this high-dose vitamin therapy. overdose is the decrease of mineral density (BMD). Synthetic retinoids irritate skin and mucosa, causing ery- In a Swedish research [32] it was found out that the effect thema, rash, contact dermatitis and loss of hair, and ex- of the four-year intake of the discussed vitamin by women acerbate the symptoms in patients with psoriasis. They at doses > 1.5 mg (5000 IU) per day was a decrease of impair liver functions, what may be manifested in blood BMD by: 10% at the femoral neck, 13% at the Ward tri- by increased activities of various enzymes, e.g. ALAT angle, 9% at the trochanter region of the proximal femur, (ala­nine aminotransferase), AspAT (aspartate ami- 14% at the lumbar spine, and 6% for the body. Simi- notransferase) and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase), lar results were achieved in the [33], where increased profile with the decrease of the level of it was also noted that the decrease of BMD appeared both HDL (high-density lipoprotein), as well as increased in women (W) and men (M), annually amounting to: at concentrations of metabolites such as bilirubin and uric the hip 1.6% (W), 1.2% (M); at the femoral neck 2% (W), acid. The resultant toxic effects disrupt also composition 1.4% (M); at the spine 1.3% (W), 1.2% (M). However, and properties of the blood itself, leading to anaemia, another research from the US [34] did not reveal any neutropenia, acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation connection between high concentrations of vitamin A in rate (ESR) and coagulability disorders. Like vitamin A, blood and the decrease of BMD. synthetic retinoids increase the risk of osteoporosis. The adverse effects of vitamin A recede after its with- Also, they show embryotoxic and teratogenic activity, so drawal or the decrease in the applied dose (in children, they must not be used during pregnancy and lactation, however, growth inhibition may occur, as a result of pre- even at low doses [23,30,31,37,38]. mature ossification of the epiphyses of long bones) [28,29]. The above-mentioned effects are exacerbated by consumption [35]. β-CAROTENE High doses of vitamin A must not be administered in liver Biomedical action failure and cirrhosis or in ducts obstruction, due to In the human body, β-carotene supports intercellular the increase in the risk of toxic effects described above communication, inhibits proliferation of cells and modu- [20,26,36]. These high doses should be avoided during lates their differentiating. It also strengthens immune sys- pregnancy, due to their contribution to fetal development tem, among others by activating interferons [39,40]. Part anomalies (teratogenic activity). Pregnant women should of β-carotene stored in the fatty plays the role of not take more than approx. 2 mg (6000 IU) of this vita- stock form of vitamin A and in case of deficiencies can be min D (including its content in nourishment) and it should cleaved into this vitamin [41].


Except these physiological functions, owing to the poly- prolonged intake in large doses is a yellowish skin tinge, ene’s molecular structure, β-carotene demonstrates an ef- known as carotenemia. This is caused by deposition of fective antioxidative action. Just like vitamin A it quench- β-carotene in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and recedes 1 es O2, as well as traps and neutralizes various free radicals within a few days after decreasing the dose. Especially sus- [40,42]. Besides, β-carotene deactivates the earlier formed ceptible to this condition are people with hyperthyroidism, peroxy radicals of the body’s lipids, preventing their cirrhosis, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and nephrosis propagation and participation in peroxidative processes. (this discolouration is different from jaundice because Therefore, its action involves prevention and termina- of no yellow tinge of sclera) [2,29,40]. Another harmless tion of the course of ROS-mediated reactions [12,15,43]. consequence of supplementation with β-carotene may be What is especially important, β-carotene is antioxidatively slight diarrhoea which, however, may affect only those active in low oxygen partial pressure (pO2) that is preva- people who are oversensitive to this substance due to an lent in peripheral tissues, and in this way it completes the innate metabolic defect [50]. further described antioxidative effects of , which In view of the data presented above that β-carotene does are strongest for the highest values of pO2 (in pulmonary not cause any significant health threats, the effect of sup- alveoli) [40,43]. plementation with this substance (20 mg/d) in smokers was As a result of the above mentioned reactions, β-carotene surprising, with 18%-increase in lung incidence and effectively participates in prevention of the oxidative the increased mortality caused by this compound [51–54]. stress – that is the shifting of the pro-/antioxidative system- Similar results were noted for the supplementation of pa- ic balance towards the processes of oxidation. It is used tients occupationally exposed to asbestos [39,55]. An in- so in prevention and therapy of many diseases developing crease in the frequency of intracerebral haemorrhage cas- with participation of this stress, mainly neoplasms and car- es in supplemented alcoholics was also found [36]. These diovascular abnormalities [36,44–46]. facts lead to the conclusion that cigarette smoke, asbestos and alcohol, which all exacerbate [15], Potential risk contribute to the prooxidant activity of β-carotene, poten- For a long time β-carotene, considered only as provitamin tiating the damage to body cells [28,35,42,49]. A, was believed to be practically harmless. It was stressed It indicates that β-carotene, which was antioxidatively ac- that its enzymatic conversion to retinol (in liver and small tive at low pO2, at high values of pO2 was not only antioxi- intestine wall), thanks to homeostatic control, provided datively passive, but became a prooxidant [39,42,43]. Beta- only as much vitamin A as required by the body due to carotene can even lead to the increase in DNA (deoxy- a temporary deficiency, and that β-carotene excess was ribonucleic acid) damage when its concentration reaches expelled in faeces [41,47]. This opinion was confirmed about 5.5 mg/l (10 μmol/l), which results in the loss of its by an observation that even a long-standing supplemen- activity characteristic of low concentrations protecting the tation with β-carotene (25 mg/d) did not cause hypervi- cells from DNA damage [39,50]. taminosis A with its effects as described above, provided The products of β-carotene reactions with ROS and that no preparations of vitamin A were taken at the same free oxygen radicals formed in the organisms of people time [6,21,48]. exposed to oxidative stress and supplemented with that Research has shown that β-carotene is not embryotoxic, compound also contribute to prooxidant effects. The ma- mutagenic or carcinogenic [49]. One harmless result of its jority of those products are prooxidants and they cause


cellular damage or can be even carcinogenic during selec- majority of its preparations contain α- ac- tive supplementation with β-carotene [22,40,49]. In turn, etate. The antioxidative action of vitamin E is mostly β-apo-carotenals, formed from peroxide -induced directed at lipids of cellular membranes, protecting asymmetric breakdown of β-carotene, produce specific them at the stage of prevention and termination against isoforms of cytochrome P-450 which convert procarcino- ROS-mediated reactions, which generate peroxides act- gens present in the cigarette smoke into ultimate carcino- ing as the secondary ROS. Vitamin E also regenerates gens, thereby enhancing progression of lung neoplasms in the antioxidatively used up β-carotene and protects vi- smokers. Those effects are eliminated by the parallel ad- tamin A against oxidation [12,13,59]. Generally it plays ministration of vitamin E, which prevents β-apo-carotenal such an important role in oxidative stress counteraction generation [43,54]. that it is considered to be the main lipophilic Selective supplementation with β-carotene also affects of the body [59,60]. the content of various other antioxidants in the organism. Because of these properties, the synthetic vitamin E is ap- The intake of β-carotene at high doses increases plasma plied as an antioxidant in prevention and support treat- concentrations of α-carotene, and vitamin E, and ment of various diseases involving defects in oxygenic me- decreases simultaneously luthein and zeaxanthin concen- tabolism, usually combined also with other antioxidants. trations [28,40,56]. In the above mentioned applications, patients are given high doses of this vitamin of several hundreds mg/d, which many times exceed the RDA (Recommended Dietary VITAMIN E Allowance) values [36,45,59,61,62]. Biomedical action Vitamin E has eight forms: four (α, β, γ, δ) Potential risk and four (also α, β, γ, δ), while α-tocopherol The synthetic vitamin E doses used in antioxidant therapy constitutes some 90% of them and shows also the stron- may arouse justified concerns because, for example in the gest biological activity [57,58]. The terms α-tocopherol United States, 300 mg/d is the maximum tolerated daily and vitamin E are often used alternatively. The latter dose of this vitamin, and 2 g/d is already considered to be term has been used in this sense in subsequent chapters toxic [5,21,24,48]. In fact, the data coming from popular of this text. handbooks and lexicons about good tolerance of this vi- The physiological functions of vitamin E comprise: stimu- tamin and no hypervitaminosis or toxic effects, refer to lation of fertility (including prevention of miscarriages), its classic (i.e. non-antioxidant) applications and thus the participation in biosynthesis of collagen (crucial for the doses not much exceeding the daily requirements. proper structure of muscles and walls of blood vessels), Vitamin E is only seemingly safe, i.e. moderately non- as well as activation of immune system [1,2,58]. Vitamin E toxic compared with vitamins A or D [22,63]. When used participates also in tissue respiration as it may substitute at high doses, it can lead to harmful effects (mainly during for ubiquinones in electron transport [1,15]. injections) due to the inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase in blood Vitamin E acts also as an antioxidant and deactivates and leucocytes (which results in insufficient syn- 1 •– ROS, including O2, O2 (superoxide radical anion) and thesis of thromboxane and leucotrienes), decreased blood •OH (hydroxyl radical). However, this is true only about coagulability (resulting from the excessive suppression of the free, i.e. non-esterified vitamin E [59,60], while the aggregation), and disruption of granulocyte and

110 IJOMEH 2012;25(2) ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANTIOXIDATIVE VITAMINS REVIEW PAPERS phagocyte anti-infective function based on the generation antioxidative therapy with use of high doses of vitamin E of “useful” ROS [23,59,64]. are not inevitable. For example they were not observed in In the case of too low systemic concentrations of patients who were subject to such treatment in disease cases α-tocopheryl radical-regenerating substances, large re- mentioned in the last part of this article. ceived doses of vitamin E act prooxidatively [65]. They Special caution is necessary, however, when applying this cause excessive generation of those radicals which initiate vitamin to neonates and babies. For them, the safe dose in cellular membranes and LDL (low- is only 2.8–3.5 mg/kg BM (there were cases of deaths of density lipoproteins) [15,44,59,61] – the bodily structures premature infants caused by liver damages after oxygen which bind the above vitamin. Such doses may amplify therapy, when vitamin E was applied at 20 mg/kg BM ROS generation in the presence of iron and copper for protection of their alveoli, lenses and retina against [24,28,66]. ROS intensively generated in these conditions [69]). High doses of vitamin E decrease systemic vitamin A Large doses of vitamin E are also not recommended stores [29], and, when administered in the α-tocopherol in pregnant and breast-feeding women, due to lack of or its form, they limit the dietary absorption of safety data [1,5,21,48]. Other groups of people can be therapeutically important γ-tocopherol, present only in given large doses of this vitamin, but with concomitant the diet [57,67]. Vitamin E activity causes monitoring of its plasma concentration along with vita- its antagonism with , which can lead to bleeding min A, total lipids and iron concentrations (monitoring when the latter is deficient, especially in patients treated of vitamin C, , and total would be with (e.g. with or ) also advantageous) [57,59,63]. This is the prerequisite for or estrogens – both groups should not be given more than treatment efficacy and will protect from the development 40 mg/d of vitamin E [28,56,64]. of adverse effects. The harmful effects of vitamin E were also observed after it had been applied in the therapy of coronary dis- ease treated with synvastatin and (i.e. nicotinic acid VITAMIN C or vitamin PP). As a result, attenuation of those two lipid Biomedical action disturbance-correcting drug-mediated positive effects was Physiological functions of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) in- noted along with progression in the coro- clude participation in hydroxylation reactions while pro- nary vessels [68]. ducing: hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine (crucial for pro- The adverse effects of vitamin E were confirmed in the long- duction of collagen), tyrosine, noradrenalin and serotonin, term intake of this substance at doses over 240–480 mg/d as well as L-, hormones of the adrenal [21,24]. These include the so-called influenza symptoms glands and bile acids [1,70,71]. As a reducer, it participates and also the alimentary tract symptoms (gastric pain, vom- in biosynthesis of , hyaluronic acid and iting and diarrhea), muscular weakness, skin inflammations prostaglandins [2,70]. It also modulates the body’s immu- and rashes; more severe forms include double vision, liver nity by stimulating the production of immunoglobulins enlargement, sexual dysfunction, hyperglycemia and hy- and interferons [1,70]. perlipidemia [22,23,29]. These symptoms generally subside Vitamin C is easily and reversibly oxidized into dehydro- shortly after reduction of the doses. It is should be empha- L-ascorbic acid, creating a system with the poten- sized that the above described harmful effects of long-term tial of 0.08 V, which allows it to act as an antioxidant.


1 •– • It deactivates multiple ROS: O2, O2 , OH, H2O2 (hydro- Therapeutically applied vitamin C increases blood sodium • gen peroxide), HO2 ( radical) as well as per- concentration and decreases potassium concentration oxides and free radicals produced with their participation which can lead to deficiency of the latter [21,73]. Also, it [12,15,72,73]. Thanks to this it prevents reactions of these negatively impacts on some drugs taken, causing vitamin

ROS with biomolecules at the stage of prevention, termi- B12 destruction (therefore, the two vitamins should not nation and even repair of some damages. It also regener- be administered in combination), and augments amphet- ates vitamin E used up during similar processes [71–74]. amine derivative and tricyclic antidepressant drug elimi- Thus, vitamin C plays an important role in eliminating nation by inhibiting their reabsorption in renal tubules oxidative stress which, in combination with its solu- [28,29,56]. Due to its chemical incompatibility, vitamin C bility, makes it the main antioxidant of extracellular fluids should not be administered with drugs which have oxidiz- [46,71]. ing properties [44]. By acidifying the urine, it can lead to The above described processes constitute grounds for us- the crystallization of urine excreted p-aminosalicylic acid ing vitamin C in prevention and therapy of diseases re- and sulphonamides [77,80]. The use of high-dose vita- sulting from, or occurring with, oxidative stress. These are min C yields false results in body fluid analyses performed the diseases listed in the description of vitamin E (both with the use of methods based on redox reactions, e.g. de- vitamins cooperate with each other [74]) and addition- terminations of bilirubin, glucose, or creatinine concentra- ally also , rheumatoid arthritis, accelerated ageing tions, and LDH or AspAT activity [1,29,73]. syndrome and others [4,18,45,72,75]. Vitamin C also takes High doses of vitamin C hamper copper absorption and part in detoxification of xenobiotics contributing to the inhibit copper-containing ceruloplasmin and superoxide production of ROS [76]. dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) activities [15,73]. In contrast, they enhance iron absorption to the harmful degree in in- Potential risk dividuals with its excessive intestinal absorption, and also Vitamin C is practically nontoxic [22–24], however, its in those with increased blood iron concentration, and with large doses (500 mg/d or more) can cause alimentary hemochromatosis, sideroblastic anemia or thalassemia tract disturbances (nausea, pyrosis and diarrhea), en- (where the symptoms exacerbate). Such doses can also hanced urination with a feeling of burning, and also lead to the release of that element from its tissue resourc- erythrocyte hemolysis during glucose-6-phosphate de- es, i.e. stored in ferritin [1,4,77]. The excess unbound iron

hydrogenase (G-6-PD) and deficiency [4,77]. accumulates in the tissues and skin, irritates gastrointes- By inducing severe urine acidification, such doses impair tinal mucosa, causes intoxication, and contributes to the the excretion of weak acids and bases, which may result prooxidant effects of vitamin C [81,82]. in the precipitation of cystinate and urate depositions in Vitamin C-induced prooxidant effects can occur mainly the urinary tract, leading to the formation of renal calculi due to the transition ion metal-reducing abilities of the [29,73,78,79]. Vitamin C doses > 1g/d elevate blood and vitamin, and the affected metals include among others urinary oxalic acid concentrations to a degree increas- iron and copper. In fact, reduced ions of the metals con- ing the risk of calculi formation from oxalate tribute to generating •OH, which is a ROS particularly •– • [2,79,80]. Thus, such large doses should not be adminis- dangerous to the cells, and also of O2 , H2O2, and HO2 tered in chronic renal failure, cystinuria, predisposition [15,73,77]. Those reactions can repeat cyclically; they lead to gout, urate and oxalate calculosis. to the generation of large concentrations of the mentioned


ROS which stimulate free radical reactions and show i.a. able to damage erythrocytes (leading to hemolysis) and a mutagenic and neurotoxic activity. This is the reason pancreatic β-cells, similarly as alloxan, well-known for that why this vitamin should not be used along with iron and capability [73,77,80]. copper salts [24,28,77]. However, it has been found that vitamin C is able to act as prooxidant only at its low con- centrations [44,82]. CONTROVERSIALITY OF RESULTS The adverse effects of vitamin C can appear during the OF LARGE STUDIES EVALUATING selective use of the vitamin in the prevention of lipid per- THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF SUPPLEMENTATION oxidation-mediated diseases. The above vitamin prevents WITH ANTIOXIDATIVE VITAMINS this process, especially with respect to LDL lipoproteins, Numerous experimental studies on the action of antioxi- but also decomposes previously formed lipid peroxides to dative vitamins, performed on cell cultures and animals, more reactive 8- and 10-carbon aldehydes. These com- as well as small short-term clinical trials relating to this pounds act i.a. as , e.g. promote the reaction action suggested that vitamins A, E, C and β-carotene of 4,5-epoxy-2(E)-decenal with DNA, generating very have a beneficial effect on pathological states associated mutagenic ethene-2’-deoxyadenosine residues [83]. Lipid with oxidative stress. Based on those findings, optimistic peroxide formation is prevented by vitamin E, which inter- implications were drawn that antioxidative vitamins used rupts free radical-catalyzed peroxidative chain reactions. in high doses might play an important role in prevention Therefore, the use of vitamins C and E together is not only and supportive treatment of diseases in which ROS and important for their combined actions in lipid environment, free radicals are involved [3–6]. but also makes the course of the aforementioned process This hypothesis, however, has not been confirmed by impossible to take place [74]. large-scale studies evaluating the health effects of long- Taking large doses of vitamin C may lead to vitamin C tole­ term and high-dose antioxidative vitamin supplemen- rance or even dependency (including pregnant woman- tation. These have been carried out since the 1990s on mediated effect on fetus). The instantaneous withdrawal thousands of subjects from various risk groups, as well as from such doses may result in deficiency symptoms, - in potentially healthy volunteers, although less frequently on cluding scurvy; therefore, the doses must be lowered grad- large populations of patients. The results of these investi- ually to allow the body to accommodate the changes in de- gations have turned out to be clearly controversial: contra- livery [1,21,29]. Also, vitamin C has a slightly stimulating dictory in relation to results of experimental studies and activity, so its night-time taking is not recommended [2,4]. small clinical trials, considerably differentiated and some- A range of adverse effects are induced by the oxidized times outright divergent. The expected favourable effects form of vitamin C (formed in high concentrations when of vitamin supplementation has been dominated by the the reduced form of this vitamin is intensively, oxidative lack of ascertainment of these effects, and even increase stress-dependently expended) [15,44,84]. It can lead to the in morbidity and/or mortality risk; also some surprising inhibition of the transport of different substances and the adverse effects appeared. impairment of some metabolic processes. This is due to its Presented below are the principal kinds of large studies reactions with –SH groups (e.g. present in hexoki- which led to obtaining these results – ambiguous and dis- nase, a key enzyme of glucose metabolism) and with other tant from expectations. Due to a very great number of such proteins [77,85]. The oxidized form of vitamin C is also investigations resulting, among others, from their various


medical profiling, the scope of this presentation has been cancer and by 9.5% for (also mortal- limited to two profiles connected with the most common ity from ischemic dropped by 16% and from and most severe diseases of current times: cancer of vari- by 5.5%, but for hemorrhagic ous organs and cardiovascular diseases. stroke it increased by 50%); taking β-carotene in- creased frequency of stomach cancer by 25%, of pros- Selected studies targeted at cancer of various organs tate cancer by 23% and of by 18% (there The large studies concerning this area are illustrated in were no effects for cardiovascular diseases); the listing below based on a review by Bardia et al. [86], —— PHS I (US 1996): 22 071 M with average risk of can- from which their most representative kinds were chosen; cer; β-carotene – 12 years; there were no preventive the listing comprises additionally three important studies effects for cancer overall, but there were no harmful not included in the Bardia et al. review. The descriptions effects either (the same was found for cardiovascular are presented in a compact form, each incorporating the diseases); study cryptonym, country in which it was performed and —— WHS (US 1999): 39 876 W with average risk of can- the year of publication, number of participants, their sex cer; β-carotene – 2 years, continuation with vit. E (M – men, W – women) and threats to their health, anti- (2005) – 10 years; for both applied antioxidants the oxidants used for supplementation, its duration, and the results were analogous to the PHS I study (without results (literature references to research descriptions by cardiovascular diseases, which were not taken into Bardia are presented in his quoted review). It should be account); added that the participants of these studies were receiv- —— SU.VI.MAX (France 2004): 13 017 M+W with aver- ing large but still non-toxic doses of antioxidative vitamins age risk of cancer; vit. E, C, β-carotene, selenium and specified in subsequent descriptions. The prepared listing zinc (taken together) – 7.5 years; decreased frequen- allows perceive only rare cases of favourable effects of vi- cy of cancer overall by 27.5% and all-cause mortality tamin supplementation. by 35%, but only in M and not in W; —— CCPS (China 1993): 29 584 M+W with increased risk —— PLCO (US 2006) [87]: 29 361 M with intensified risk of various health disorders (a result of nutritional de- of ; vit. E – 8 years; decreased risk of ficiency); vit. A, E, C, β-carotene, selenium, molybde- development of advanced prostate cancer by 70%; num, zinc (in various combinations) – 5 years; taking —— PHS II (US 2009) [88]: 14 641 M with intensified risk vit. E, β-carotene and selenium decreased mortality of prostate cancer; vit. E and C (taken together) – from stomach cancer by 21% and from cancer over- 10 years; for both antioxidants there were no preven- all by 13%, as well as from cardiovascular diseases by tive effects; 10%; the joint effect was a decrease of all-cause mor- —— SELECT (US, Canada, Puerto Rico 2009) [89]: tality by 9% (other applied variants of supplementa- 35 533 M with intensified risk of prostate cancer; tion were preventively ineffective); vit. E and/or selenium – 7 years; both antioxidants —— ATBC (Finland 1994): 29 133 M with increased risk were preventively ineffective. of cancer and/or cardiovascular diseases (smokers); vit. E or β-carotene – 6 years; taking vit. E reduced Selected studies targeted at cardiovascular diseases cancer frequency of prostate by 34% and of large in- The listing of relevant large studies presented below is testine by 16%, but it increased by 25% for stomach based on review by Ueda and Yasunari [90]; our listing

114 IJOMEH 2012;25(2) ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANTIOXIDATIVE VITAMINS REVIEW PAPERS includes additionally two important studies not included asbestos); vit. E and β-carotene – 1.75 years; increase in the Ueda and Yasunari review. As in the previous sub- of MI risk by 26% and death from CVD by 55%, as chapter, the descriptions are given a compact form, with well as increased incidence of lung cancer by 28%; the same arrangement also with addition of the abbrevia- joint effect was an increase of all-cause mortality tions of diseases present in the descriptions: CAD – co­ by 17% (for ethical reasons, the study was stopped); ronary artery disease, CVD – , —— WACS (US 2007) [92]: 8171 W with risk of CVD; MI – (literature references to re- vit. E, C and β-carotene (taken separately or toge­ search descriptions by Ueda and Yasunari are presented ther) – 9.4 years; none of the supplementation vari- in their quoted review). The participants in these studies ants brought the preventive effects. were receiving large but still non-toxic doses of antioxi- In the above listing, three large studies were omitted: dative vitamins specified in the subsequent descriptions. HOPE, PPP and MRC/BHF, as their aim was not to test As it can be seen from the presented listing, the observed the effects of supplementation solely with antioxidative effects of the supplementation were seldom entirely fa- vitamins, but to control the potential for their adminis- vourable. tration in supporting the action of some medicines used —— HPS (US 1993): 39 910 M with risk of CAD; in cardiovascular diseases therapy: ramipril, and vit. E or C or β-carotene – 4 years; taking vit. E de- simvastatin, in order of the studies mentioned above (no creased risk of CAD by 37% (vit. C and β-carotene favourable effect of the applied vitamins was noted). were preventively ineffective); —— NHS (US 1993): 87 245 W with risk of CAD; vit. E – Meta-analysis of results of studies 8 years; drop of CAD risk by 41%; on the effectiveness of antioxidative vitamin —— CHAOS (UK 1996): 2002 M+W with CAD; vit. E – administration in the prevention of various diseases 1.4 years; drop of nonfatal MI frequency by 77% with- The lack of unequivocal results from numerous studies out changes for fatal MI, but increase (though insig- evaluating the health effectiveness of long-term supple- nificant) of mortality from CVD; mentation with large doses of antioxidative vitamins (vide —— EPESE (US 1996): 11 178 M+W with risk of CAD; examples given above) was the inspiration for this sum- + vit. E and C – 9 years; decrease of mary through the meta-analyses. However, there were mortality from CAD by 47% and all-cause mortality considerable differences in the choices of source data and by 37%; their modes of processing by particular authors. Owing —— IWHS (US 1996): 34 387 W with risk of CAD; to this, the results were found to be largely incoherent; vit. E, C and (taken together) – 6 years; they were not only insufficient to eliminate the doubts drop of CAD risk by 62%, but increase (though insig- connected with vitamin supplementation, but even incre­ nificant) of risk; ased them. —— GISSI (Italy 1999): 11 324 M+W with history of MI; The largest number of these meta-analyses were per- vit. E and/or n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) – formed by Bjelakovic and Gluun with their team. Based 3.5 years; vit. E did not bring health benefits (as op- on the results of the studies selected from databases and posed to positive effect of PUFA); literature, they evaluated the health effectiveness of the —— CARET (US 1996) [91]: 18 314 M+W with increased administration of vitamins A, E, C, β-carotene, and sele- risk of CVD and/or cancer (smokers or working with nium (in combinations) in prevention of various diseases.


The most attention was paid to digestive system disorders: death (what is supported by the fact that only 4 cases of stomach and intestine cancer [93–96], colorectal adenoma death caused by vitamin overdose were noted in the US [97], various other gastrointestinal disorders [98,99], and in 2003 [102]). Nearly the same objections were raised by liver diseases [100]. However, the range of works included Wilson [103], referring also to Stampfer as well as Shao also other types of diseases: cardiovascular, nervous, os- (biochemistry of expert), with addition further teoarticular, renal, endocrine, ocular, dermal, and non- critical remarks: ignoring in the meta-analyzes those stud- organ-specific [98,99]. ies which confirmed the benefit of applying the antioxida- The resulting whole of their meta-analyses delivered only tive supplements, and focusing on mortality and second- negative findings. With respect to digestive system diseas- ary prevention (in the sick persons) instead of on primary es, the researchers did not find evidence of any preventive prevention (in potentially healthy subjects). action by antioxidative vitamins, and regarding stomach Completely different from Bjelakovic et al. were the re- and intestine cancer they even suggested an increase of sults of thematically analogous meta-analyses made by all-cause mortality caused by intake of these vitamins (se- other researchers. Indeed, Knekt et al. [104] found vita- lenium was regarded as not sufficiently examined). For all min E and carotenoids lacked efficacy in the prevention other diseases they also found lack of evidence for pre- of cardiovascular diseases, but they noted a significant de- ventive effectiveness of the above listed antioxidants and crease in frequency of coronary artery disease and other came to the same conclusions concerning the increase of serious cardiac events in sick persons supplemented with all-cause mortality: from vitamin A by 16%, from vita- large doses of vitamin C (> 700 mg/d). A meta-analysis min E by 4–7% and from β-carotene by 7% [99]. Accord- by Wright et al. [105] showed, however, that a long-term ing to these authors, the usage of vitamin C or selenium intake rich in dietary and/or supplemental vitamin E sig- instead does not have either a favourable or a harmful ef- nificantly reduces mortality from coronary artery disease fect, as can be seen from the data. and from ischemic stroke, as well as all-cause mortality. The meta-analyses by Bjelakovic et al. leading to such Ye and Song [106] noted a decreased risk of coronary disturbing conclusions received a number of negative ap- artery disease through a regular intake of dietary and/or praisals, based on the opinions of various experts. A mul- supplemental vitamin E, C and β-carotene. Regarding on- tidirectional criticism of their meta-analyses was given by cology, a meta-analysis by Myung et al. [107] affirmed the Levin [101], referring to Stampfer (nutrition and epidemi- preventive effects of supplementation with vitamins E, C ology expert) and Barry (biostatistics expert). His main ob- and β-carotene against cervical neoplasms, including inva- jections included: during the selection of source data, the sive cancer. omission of over 400 studies with the use of the a/m anti­ At the end of this review of meta-analyses, it is worth re- oxidants where no deaths occurred; equivalent treating ferring to a recently published work, which questions cred- of studies including potentially healthy subjects with those ibility of the aforementioned alarmist results that have including sick persons with various chronic diseases (tak- been earlier reported by Bjelakovic et al. It is a reanalysis ing medicines used in their therapy), with large differences of two meta-analyses by these researchers [98,99] made between doses of applied antioxidants and incomparable by Biesalski et al. [108] using the same dataset. This re- times of administration – from one month to 12 years; analysis has led to statement contradictory to the above non-consideration of death causes in the selected studies, results that 36% of source studies revealed beneficial with lack of evidence for antioxidants being the cause of effects of supplementation with antioxidants, 60% null

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