MORNING SERVICE IN CHURCH — this Sunday at 10:00am We are re-opening this weekend for public worship in St Peter’s. There will be a short Morning Service at 10:00am on Sunday 6th September — and, assuming all goes well, continuing thereafter. However, to help us manage the numbers, which are restricted, it is essential to book your space. We apologise for this process, as it runs counter to so much we hold dear about making church open to everyone, but it is an unfortunate necessity in light of the lockdown restrictions. You can book your space by contacting Bernice: you can leave a message for her on the Vicarage voicemail (01206 572641) or by emailing her directly in the Office (towncentreparishoffi[email protected]). Those who book a space will be contacted by Bernice, who will confrm their booking and explain the arrangements necessary at this time (for example: the need to wear a face-covering at all times, the entrance and exit arrangements from North Hill, and the importance of physical-distancing).

A NEW ROLE FOR THE VICAR… As was announced last weekend, Mark has changed role with effect from the beginning of September. He is remaining at St Peter’s as half his role, as before, although technically now as -in-Charge, due to some ecclesiastical anomaly. However, he is no longer pastorally responsible for St Botolph’s, and instead has accepted the role of Senior Chaplain to the of Maidstone, the Rt Revd Rod Thomas. The fnal details of how this will work out are still being worked out with the PCC, but in essence Mark will be working three days each week (initially: Mon/Tue/Wed) as Rod’s Chaplain, and three days each week (initially: Thu/Fri/Sun) as Vicar at St Peter’s. His day off will continue to be on Saturdays. The has a national role in encouraging and helping local churches in the whose understanding of the Bible is that men and women should have ‘complementary’ rather than identical ministries in the Church. He currently serves nearly 150 conservative evangelical churches across the Church of England. Mark’s role as Senior Chaplain is to support him, and these churches, in a variety of different ways. Much of the work will be possible from the Vicarage in Colchester, some will require travel to the Bishop’s Office (which, bizarrely, is near Gatwick and nowhere near Maidstone!), and some will require visits to across the country. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or would just like to know a little bit more about what it will involve (both for Mark and for St Peter’s), there is an Online Discussion with the Vicar at 8pm on Monday (7th Sep) on Zoom. All are welcome for an informal chat.

NEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS & REMINDERS • Please note that, after Friday 4th September, St Peter’s will no longer be open for private prayer on Fridays. This is because of the necessary precautions being taken to ensure we can open safely on Sundays instead. • Thank you to all who contributed towards last weekend’s Farewell to the Gages. Do please keep the Aella and the family in your prayers for the future. Aella and Liza’s new address is: 15 Coast Road, West Mersea, Essex CO5 8LH. • Thank you also to everyone who sponsored Matt, Peter and James Wallace on their recent sponsored bike ride. At the time of publishing this Update, the total raised stood at just over £1200. • The PCC will be meeting online again in September. Any items for the Agenda should be sent to Bernice by 9am on Tuesday (8th Sep), please. • Our congratulations (and reassurances of our ongoing prayers) go to Revd Francis Blight, who was licensed as the new Rector of Fordham and Eight Ash Green last Thursday. Do please pray for Francis, for his family (his wife: Georgina; their children: Tom, Sam and Zoe), and for his ministry in and around Fordham. • Please remember the family and friends of Ruth Dines in your prayers, with Ruth’s funeral on Wednesday. Ruth lived until recently in Freda Gunton Lodge at Balkerne Gardens. • Many will remember Revd Fred Woods, the previous Vicar in the Town Centre. Please pray for Fred and Jane at this time, in light of Fred’s diagnosis with motor neurone disease. • The ReNew conference this year is online, which means you no longer need to travel to Leeds if you wish to attend! The online sessions on Monday 14th September are free, but you will need to register in advance via the website (https://www.renewconference.org.uk/annualconference/). This year’s main speakers are Hugh Palmer (who has recently retired as the Rector of All Souls, Langham Place) and Kanishka Raffel (the Dean of St Andrew’s, Sydney). • Practical help is still being co-ordinated by Bernice Watts and Morvern Cox, who can be contacted by email on [email protected] or by telephone on 01206 866630. • Anne and Mick Kavanagh are taking part in a cycling challenge throughout September, covering 300 miles to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. They have been motivated by Mick’s recent experience of cancer and excellent NHS care, the importance of exercise to recuperation, and the treatment and care being offered to friends. They are keen to point out that all sponsorship money will go to CRUK, but that they do not wish to deviate any potential funds from the St Peter’s Project. If you would like to know more, follow their progress, and/or make a donation, please visit: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/team/anne-mick, or feel free to contact Anne and Mick directly (07544391882; [email protected]). Prayers for good weather and a following wind also appreciated!


Sunday 6th September [the 13th Sunday after Trinity] • 10:00am — Church Family Worship Online (available on Facebook or YouTube) • 10:00am — Morning Service in Church (booking essential, see above)

Monday 7th September • 8:00pm — Online Discussion with the Vicar (Zoom: ID 893 1952 4338; passcode 864500)

Wednesday 9th September • 1:15pm — Funeral: Ruth Dines (Colchester Crematorium) • 8:00pm — Church Prayer Meeting (via the St Peter’s Church WhatsApp group)

Sunday 13th September [the 14th Sunday after Trinity] • 10:00am — Church Family Worship Online (available on Facebook or YouTube) • 10:00am — Morning Service in Church (booking essential, see above)

READINGS, A THOUGHT, AND A PRAYER FOR THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Lectionary readings: Ezekiel 33.7-11; Romans 13.8-end; Matthew 18.15-20 Something to think about: The thread which unites the readings this Sunday is loving our neighbour, even when that is inconvenient, awkward, or difficult. In the Ezekiel passage, we see that Ezekiel must warn his neighbours to turn from their evil ways and to repent before it is too late. It must have been socially awkward for him to do this, but it is in fact the loving thing to do to warn our neighbours of the coming judgment! In the Romans passage, Paul reminds us that our love for God is demonstrated in our love of our neighbour, while, in the passage from Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus shows how important it is that we work out the difficulties of human sinfulness in a godly way, rather than let sin fester. Jesus cares how the earthly relationships between his disciples work out. So let us ponder: when are we prevented from doing what is really loving, because of the culture in which we live? how might we truly love our neighbour better, if we take these readings to heart? what changes might we need to make in our everyday living? The Collect: Almighty God, who called your Church to bear witness that you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: help us to proclaim the good news of your love, that all who hear it may be drawn to you; through him who was lifted up on the cross, and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.