INFORMATION LETTER CORONA VIRUS – COVID 19 Herenthout, October 30th 2020 Dear Citizens, Earlier this week the new Flemish corona measures were decided and are already in effect. The national and regional political gears are again under stress in front of sharp medical statistics. The local implementation of these measures can’t wait. The threat of these statistics and the absolute necessity of the measures I experience daily when we talk with the hospital at and the doctor’s representatives. Never the lyrics of a Dylan song from 1963 sounded so burning actual in 2020: “I heard the beat of the thunder that roared a warning. I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world”. The warning thunder has passed, in the meanwhile the rain storm became fierce , and we are waiting for a corona wave that is getting stronger every day. There is no more time for discussion or hesitation, we all must fight to guarantee medical care for everyone as much as possible. Also the local cry for help on this issue is crystal clear. Do not explore the edges of the measures, but organize yourself within the existing measures. Respect the rules for your own and your environment’s good. The measures don’t halt everything, there is still enough perspective in your neighborhood. Keep moving and go outdoors in a safe way. Autumn gives us a lot of possibilities to recreate safely near home. Also while respecting the social distance and limiting contacts. (Re)discover the beauty of nature and the marked trails in our municipality. Let the youngsters play outside regularly. The municipal play grounds stay open and because of the circumstances we early opened two new outdoor grounds at Ten Hove and Schuddeboske. Take care of sufficient mental and physical recreation, enjoy safely and keep your loved ones near from a distance. Stijn Raeymaekers Mayor

Extra Flemish measures from October 28 In spite of the stricter measures the numbers keep rising. To reduce the pressure on our hospitals as much as possible, extra measures are necessary. That is why the Flemish government declared a tightening that took effect for at least 3 weeks on October 28 at midnight. Economy • We have to telework as much as possible, more than we are doing now. • Shopping is only allowed for maximum two adults or one adult and a minor and this for no more than 30 minutes. • Inspectors from De Lijn can give GAS-penalties (municipal administrative sanction). • The weekly public market can go on.

Gemeente Herenthout Bouwelse Steenweg 8 | 2270 Herenthout | tel 014 50 21 21 [email protected] |

Culture • Libraries stay open. • All culture houses close ( movie theaters, museums, theaters…). • All events are cancelled. Christmas markets and flea markets can’t be organized. Sports • There are no sports limitations for children till 12 (born in 2008 and later). • For children above 12 ( born in 2007 or earlier) are only outdoor sports with maximum 4 persons allowed. • Professional sports without public are allowed. • Swimming pools, fitness centers and bowling halls close. Education • Toddler-, lower and secondary schools are closed until November 11. • Higher education switches to code red. This means distance teaching with exceptions for the first years. Youth • Youth activities remain possible for children under 12 ( born in 2008 or later). • For youngsters from 12 or older (born in 2007 or earlier) no activities are still allowed. • Overnight stays (camps in the autumn vacation) can’t go on. • Outdoor playgrounds and sports grounds stay open to offer young people some recreation. Senior care and living centers • Every resident gets one fixed “hugging contact” and one extra contact. The extra contact can change every two weeks. • Informal caregivers can sleep at the centers, that way they can support the staff. Worship services • Maximum 40 people can be present at a religious ceremonies. Also all earlier announced stay in effect. It is very important to follow the basic rules: • Limit your social contacts to the strict minimum. • Wear a face mask as much as possible. • Keep a distance of at least 1,5 meter from each other. • Wash your hands and cough in your elbow. • Curfew in Flanders stays in effect from midnight till 5 am. • Gatherings of more than 4 people are prohibited. We know the corona virus is asking heavy efforts from everybody for a long time already. Nevertheless it is still important that we all remain responsible. Especially now the numbers are increasing. Hang on. Take care of yourself and especially take care of the weakest among us. Together against corona! Questions? Call the general information number 0800 14 689.

Gemeente Herenthout Bouwelse Steenweg 8 | 2270 Herenthout | tel 014 50 21 21 [email protected] |

Order a take out meal at your favorite Herenthout restaurant - update Cafes and restaurants are mandatory closed for 4 weeks since October 19. Picking up your order at the restaurant is allowed every day till 10 pm. To support Herenthout restaurants we collected the contact information of the businesses that are closed but still offer take out. We gladly add two more restaurants. Jardin d’Amis (pop-up restaurant) Nijlense Steenweg 62 014 36 84 00 [email protected] Drive-thru at regular hours. Le Beau Bistro (brasserie) Vonckstraat 2 014 70 90 45 [email protected] Open from Friday till Monday You can’t eat at a restaurant, but this is still a way to enjoy a tasty culinary meal. Support our horeca and order a take out meal or buy a gift card! You find the complete list on our website:

Face masks are required at the cemetery All Saints Day is coming. That means it is getting busier at our cemeteries. That is why the crisis cell of the Neteland municipalities ( , Herentals, Herenthout, Olen en ) have decided to require wearing a face mask at all cemeteries in the 5 municipalities from Saturday 31 October. This is for the safety of all visitors. If you notice it’s too busy at the cemetery at a certain moment postpone your visit momentary ( for example a few hours) and return later. Further we also ask you to respect the rules, the prohibition of gatherings and the distance rules.

Reduce the chance of infection: limit your social contacts The past weeks many infections were passed outside by people with symptoms. It is still important to follow the rules strictly. Respect the distance rules and limit your contacts drastically. Stick to the one close contact rule. Take no risks. That way the chance of infecting someone (unconsciously) is smaller. Also be extra careful for the people in our senior homes. Do not visit them when there is no need, to protect them optimally. Follow the rules in the senior centers strictly. The hospitals of the hospital network Kempen (St. Dimpna Ziekenhuis , AZ Herentals, H. Hartziekenhuis Mol, AZ ) tightened the rules for patients and their helpers. Helpers are only allowed very exceptionally. When you show corona symptoms or have tested positive on corona, you have to follow extra stringent measures. In that case you can’t leave your house and ask others to go to a store or the pharmacy for you.

Gemeente Herenthout Bouwelse Steenweg 8 | 2270 Herenthout | tel 014 50 21 21 [email protected] |

You can’t walk into a hospital unannounced. Call your family doctor to know how to handle the situation. Avoid not only contacts out of your house but also isolate yourself from the rest of your household. In other words: stay as much as possible in a well ventilated, separate room and only end your isolation when you feel well. Only in this way we can reduce the number of infections.

Follow the communication media from our municipality for more information and updates.

Gemeente Herenthout Bouwelse Steenweg 8 | 2270 Herenthout | tel 014 50 21 21 [email protected] |