Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 12-20-1934 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1934). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1779. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1779 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EIGHT 8tJLLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEW!!! THURSDAY, DEC. 13, 1934 I MUSICAL PROGRAM TO BE mit Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Math I PRESENTED SUNDAY EVENING Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. F. F Don­ BULLOCH COUNTY­ Social anc (tlub==== Under the auspices of the Woman's aldson, Mr and Mrs Ollie Akins, Mr Very Best Material Our Prices THE HEART OF GEORGIA. Club, a musical program WIll be pre­ and Mrs E H Martin, Mrs Besaie MRS. R L BRADY sented on the COUI t house square on BYI d, Durel Donaldson, Harold Don­ and Are Reasonable Workmanship "WHE� NATURE SMILES." "WHERE NATURB SMILBII." Editor Bctivities Sunday evening, December 23td. to aldson, VIrgIl Woodcock, Wynell PHONE which the of the entire com­ of Mr and Mrs. J. BULLOCH people BYld, Savannah; TIMES OFF'ICE PHONE 100 253-R mumty are invited The hour for the W Martin, Mr and Mrs E. L. Don­ CAREFUL PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBOlltO EAGLE) presentation Will be 5 O'clock, and the aldson, Miss Malvina Trussell, of Dr. W H. Doster, of Rocky Ford, Mrs R. D Lanier spent last week program follows G T College, MISS Grace Zetterower, CO. was n visitor In the city Friday In Atlanta and Bremen With relatives s.1 BRANNEN-THAYER MONUMENT Bullocb Tunes, 1892 Estabti8�ed . Consolidated 17 • 1917 "Joy to the World." M,sses Minnie Maude and Anme Rea Estabhshed 1901 Ja.t.uary II1rs. Howell Sewell has returned Mrs. J R Smith, of Eastman, is JOHN M. THAYER. Proprietor. Statesboro News, -} STATESBORO, GA, THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1934 VOL. 44-NO. 40 "It Came Upon a Mldmght Clear." Fordham, Charlie Sue Water., Misses Statesboro Eagle, Establisbed 1917-Consohdated December 9. 1920 from a visit to friends In Atlanta visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. H 45 West Main GA. Phone 439 TIS St. STATESBORO, Scripture-e-Dev Harry Sneed Do and LOIS Waters and Floyd -----.---- II1lss Constance Cone joined her Snipes Prayer-Rev. C. M. Coalson Cook. �-------------------------------------------- parents in Savannah for the week Mrs. W. D Davis and daughter, Special chorus, two numbers, 1I0h, DANCING-CLAss Christmas Cantata end. MIss Carne Lee Davis, were visttors INTERES'fRATE ON 108 More To LOCAL MASONS LIttle Town of Bethlehem;" SIlent DENMARK-BREEDLOVE I GIVE RECITAL Trips Go! At Methodist Church Lannie Simmons and Gordon Mays m Savannah Wednesday. I Night." (Savannah Press, Saturday.) In were busmess VISitors Savannah Mr . Bernard McDougald and MIss Benediction by Rev. G. N. Ramey. The marriage of Miss LOUIse Den­ CO.A.L SAVINGS REDUCED The studenta�MISS DIckson's The Statesboro Methodist church HOLD ELF£TION Tuesday. Ailee Katherine Lamer were VISitors mark, daughter of Mrs. Lafayette T. dancing class Will give a Christmas w,illl render a Christmas cantata, and MOVE TO Mr. and II1rs. Wllhe Branan In Savannah the week NEED COAL. RESERVE BOARD'S INSTALLLATION TO dur-ing DINNER PARTY Denmark, of Statesboro, to W. M. WINTER IS HERE-YOU ARE SURE TO recital on Saturday evenmg, Decem­ "King AII- GlorIOUS," by Roy E. EXERCISES httle of were VISItors retu 1ST R A· son, Reidsville, Mrs. R P B rooks has rned to MISS Sara at BUY PHONE US SUPPLEMENT �D�IIN III BE HELD ON THE EVENING or Remington, a. student Breedlove, of Swainsboro, WIll take NOW BEFORE THE RUSH COMES. bel 231d, the Woman's Club 100m, Nolte, Sunday, Dec 23, at 7.S0 p m. 10 the a RECOVERY EFFORTS. city Sunday her home in Montezuma after VISIt T was the AT OF TION THURSDAY. DECEMBER Z7TR. S. G C., who at home for place very quietly at 9 o'clock Satur­ OUR YARD FOR QUICK DELIVERY HIGHEt'T at 8 :00 o'clock The class coruprrses Ail those int.. ested m good music Mrs. L. T Denmark has returned to Mr and Mrs F T Lamer week end, had as dinner guests Sun­ of next week at GRADE COAL. a dozen 01 mot e and are invited to attend. day morrung the Dec 16 -Fed­ young people, from a VIsit to her Mrs W S and little Washington, D C., The annual election of officers daughter, Mrs. Z Henderson son, MIsses Kather­ a for day Grace Cromley, home of the bride's mother m Statea­ each will have part on the program The story contained in the cantata In Savannah eral officials applied a powerful No. F. &. S. Rogers, Gene, and Mrs. C H Snipes spent me Ogeechee lodge 213, A. 1II." Simmons, Lillian Simmons, Mary boro The ceremony WIll be to be presented The program WIll will be told by Mrs. J. O. Johnston W performed od to bus mess Mrs. Edwin Groover and Mrs. several days the week In East­ WILLIAMS & BLAND "eheap money" pi today was held Tuesday mght, preceded by during Jane Hodges and Edgar Ware, Hugh, by the Rev C M. of consist of dances, t eadings, music, Besides the full choi uses by the en­ Coalson, pastor 1 the maximum E. McDougald were visitors 10 Sa­ man relatives. recovery by educing a turkey supper which was served iD VISiting Hodges, Joe Landrum, J D Purvis, the Pirst church. PHONE 260 With the csentauon of tire the mUSIc IS for Baptlst on etc, closing pt choir. arranged vannah during the week. Mrs. Mabel Youmans and lIltel est payable by 13,000 banks the ante loom at 6'30 o'clock Twen­ children, and' Bill Ste\\larti, all students at the KImball Johnston WIll be the g if'ts to the young of the class tl'IOS and men's choruses. rmg­ of time and people solos, duets, Miss Alice Katherine Lamer will Juanita and of have $11,000,000,000 savmgs ty-five visttors from other lodges were Ebb, Pembroke, bearer and little MISS Anderson Members of the ciass who will ap­ Mrs, W S Hanner IS Mrs. Fay f'rom three to two and one­ assisting leave Fr-iday for Swainsboro to spend moved to Statesboro to make their ... depoaits present, including twenty from Mil­ the flower g ir], The wedding music pear on the prog rarn are Carmen Rogel' Holland direct thc music, and the week WIth half cent. len who came III a end fr-iends. home They are occupying the Bland DANCE AT HOPULIKIT pel body and who of­ will be played by the bride's sister­ Cowart, Julianne Turner, Sue Bran­ Will accompany the choh for the eve� has The new I ate becomes effective ficinted the Mrs George SCBrs, of NIcholls, bungalow at No 26 Jones avenue and Capt. and Mrs. LOUIC Thompson at confer ring of the mas­ in-law, MIS. L T 'Denmark Jr., and Take Advantage nen, LUCile Cobb, Carol Jean Carter, rung's pi og ram arrived for a visit to her Februai 1st. It was fixed Jomtly by ter's the parents, ollege str eet. were hosts Frtduy evening at a dance y degree upon two candidates, AI rs Ohurles Mathews "ill sing. OF THE Joyce Parrtah, Josephine Keeter, Those who will sing m the choir are IIlr and Mrs D B. Turner the Federal Reserve Board and De­ The vlaitora were Miss Vela Rountree has returned given at the Hopulikit country club hIghly proficient in A delightful series of Pal ties have Bernard Morrts, Betty Bird Foy, Mesdames W. E Floyd, Sidney Mrs C. Enneis has returned Insur ance tion WIth this their WOI k and their \V. to her home In Savannah after a VISit honoring their house guests, Mr. and POSit Corpora coming and ex­ been given 111 honor of MISS Denmark Mmgaret Brown, Janice Arundel, Smith, Geo. Bean, Roger Holland, Z. a "Better frank from of several weeks with to hCI purpose: amplification of the ee work was stay sister, Mrs C. L Gruver. Mrs MIS Charles Dover, of Montezuma, Housing Program" Linda Joe S. Geo. degr during the week even­ MIlls, DIckey Brannen, Henderson, Sears, Herbert past F'riday In the rate an relatives III Atlanta and Macon Gruvei and two atteractive children, and and Mrs JE of "The reduction depoait inspirutton to the members of the I Capt. Stoddard, Illg M,s. S J entertamed Cobb, Sadie Ruth Cobb, Claudia King e: y and J E. Call lith, and M,ss MISS Louise Denmal of Thompson is in With the prevalhng local k, Anlt and Churles, accompamed her Washmgton mVlted flfteen cou· harmony lodge. They WIth a b",dge and handkerchIef Hodges, Do,othy Nell LeWIS and Ceolgn\ Hagan, Gra Iy Johnston, G. Suvan·1 party d tl end m mtel est rates and ... nuh, IS spendlllg t.he week her e WIth horne for the week end plcs, llncl served punch and sund· down\V�\I Off,c elected for the commg year showel The fOI the score others.
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