Long Lips Farm Caterpillar Foodplants NABA Certified Garden #77 and Monarch Waystation #875

English Flower Foodplant Growing Hints/ Name Ht Color for Comments

Asclepias syriaca various Pinks, Monarch The MUST-HAVE for a bu3erfly garden, esp. A. Milkweeds Incarnata & tuberosa & orange & curassavica, Tropical Milkweed, the Monarch viridis & curassavica reds caterpillar’s favorite host

Parsley, Dill, Various members of the various Yellow to Black Grow enough for both you & the caterpillars— Fennel, etc. Carrot/Parsley family white swallowtails check for eggs & cats before picking.

Cole crops, Various members of the 6’ white Cabbage & Transfer caterpillars from your broccoli & Kale & Mustard family, incl. Checkered cabbage to the giganIc Colewort, or to red Kale. Colewort, Whites Colewort cordifolia.

Little Schizachryium scoparium 2-3’ white Common Wood- This naIve grass turns vivid orange in fall. Also Bluestem nymph hosts Skipper caterpillars

Hollyhock Alcea rosea To 7’ Various Painted Lady Cat makes folded leaf & silk nest that fills with frass.

Pussytoes Antennaria parlinii & 12” white American Lady Totally defoliates & filthy web nest nglecta

False Nettle Boehmeria cylindrica 24” Greenish Red Admiral Caterpillar builds a folded leaf nest

Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus 12” Various Buckeye Members of Figwort family with excellent & Angelonia Angelonia angustifolia flowers.

Rue Ruta graveolens 2’ yellow Black & Giant Blue-green, oPen evergreen perennial—vigorous swallowtail self-seeder

Violets Viola sp. 6” violet, white Fritillaries SecreIve cats, but large spectacular bu3erflies & yellow

Passion Vine Passiflora incarnata vine lavender Gulf & Vigorous, invasive vine with beauIful flower and Variegated delicious fruit Fritillaries

Angel’s Datura inoxia vine white Hummingbird “Tomato Hornworm” caterpillar eats this Trumpet Moths member of the tomato family and becomes the beauIful Hummingbird Moth.

Pipevine Aristolochea tomentosa vine beige Pipevine Now my most common bu3erfly, thanks to the Swallowtail vigorous, suckering vine

Cassia Cassia marilandica & shrub bright Sulphurs Deadhead to avoid too much self-seeding fasciculata f-12” yellow

Indigo Bush & Amorpha fruticosa & shrubs violet Silver-spotted Very a3racIve naIve shrubs. Cat makes folded Lead Plant canescens Skipper leaf nest & has a fecal catapult.

Spicebush Lindera benzoin Shrub yellowish Spicebush Look for the ‘leaf tacos’, the folded leaf nest. Cats Swallowtail have snake-like false eyes.

Paw-Paw Asimina triloba 15’ brownish Zebra Swallowtail Paw Paws are also eaten by the Asimina purple Webworm cats—very destrucIve. Hand-crush.

Willows Salix species 80’ Viceroy, Tiger These trees are not part of the actual (sun- Swallowtail drenched) garden; however, close proximity of Hackberry Celtus occidentalis 50’ Hackberry, naIve trees greatly increases the variety and Tawny, Snout, density of bu3erfly populaIons. I grow many of Question Mark these in my bu3erfly garden by whacking them to the ground every March. Thus, they remain April, 2016 Long Lips Farm [email protected]