United Nations Environment Programme Project Document
(a) UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME PROJECT DOCUMENT SECTION 1 – PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Project title: Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities (WIO-SAP) 1.1 Project number: 4940(GEF) 1.2 Trust Fund: 1.3 Strategic objectives: IW1, IW2 1.4 Project type: FSP 1.5 Geographical scope: Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania [and France (not project beneficiary)] 1.6 Mode of execution: Internal 1.7 Project executing Nairobi Convention Secretariat organization 1.8 Duration of project: 60 months Commencing: June 2016 Completion: June 2021 1 1.9 Cost of project [and financing modalities]: Funding Source Value % (million US$) GEF IW 10,867,000 12.3 National co-financing (cash and in-kind) 67,248,741 76.0 Comoros 5,900,000 France Reunion Kenya 12,000,000 Madagascar 1,200,000 Mauritius 4,500,000 Mozambique 19,000,000 Seychelles 4,600,000 Somalia 168,400 South Africa 5,280,341 Tanzania 14,600,000 Co-financing (NGOs and others) 7,122,000 8.0 Birdlife International 1,262,600 WIOMSA 4,110,000 WWF 1,7500,00 UNEP 3,315,000 3.7 Nairobi Convention Trust Fund 1,750,000 UNEP’s Marine and Coastal Programme under the 1,565,000 Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) Total 88,553,341 100 2 1.10 Project Summary There is a broad scientific consensus in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region that the critical coastal and marine ecosystems, mainly mangroves, seagrasss beds, estuaries/rivers and coral reefs will continue to be degraded by the impacts of land-based sources and activities without significant conservation interventions that cuts across the region.
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