30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/1




Notification from the Commission concerning Article 4(3) of Directive 2009/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on injunctions for the protection of consumers' interests, which codifies Directive 98/27/EC, concerning the entities qualified to bring an action under Article 2 of this Directive

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2016/C 361/01)

The authorities of the Member States concerned have recognised the entities mentioned below as being qualified to bring actions for an injunction under Article 2 of Directive 2009/22/EC.


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Association belge Rue de Hollande/Hollandstraat, 13 — Promotes, defends and represents consumer inter­ des consommateurs B-1060 Bruxelles ests (initiatives, activities, studies, research, publica­ Tests–Achats/ Tel: (32-2) 542 35 55 tions on consumer issues, individualised services Belgische Fax: (32-2) 542 32 50 and support for members, etc.); Verbruikersunie E-mail: [email protected] — Promotes and supports the recruitment and devel­ Test-Aankoop [email protected] opment of legal persons whose main objective is to www.test-achats.be promote and defend consumer interests. www.test-aankoop.be

2. Organisation des Neustraße, 119 — Informs and advises private persons on consumer consommateurs a.s. B-4700 Eupen problems; b.l./Consumenten­ Tél.: (32-87) 59 18 50 — Intervenes with the authorities and takes steps to organisatie v.z.w/ Fax: (32-87) 59 18 51 protect consumers; Verbraucherschutz­ E-mail: [email protected] zentrale V.o.E. www.cec-ecc.be — Rights and individual and collective consumer re­ www.evz.be presentation; — Cross-border consumer issues; — Preventive measures and help for private persons with excessive debts.


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Комисия за защита Slaveikov Sq. 4A Principal government body responsible for implement­ на потребителите/ BG-1000 Sofia ing consumer protection legislation: to oversee general The Consumer tel.: (359-2) 987 74 45 consumer product safety, defend economic interests, Protection fax: (359-2) 988 42 18 settle consumer disputes out of court and defend the Commission (KZP) е-mail: [email protected] collective interest of consumers. To provide consumers web: www.kzp.bg with information and advice. To settle consumer dis­ putes. To manage the conciliation committees, includ­ ing the conciliation committee for payment disputes. To examine consumer complaints. C 361/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

To act as the RAPEX contact point (EU rapid alert sys­ tem for dangerous consumer products). To coordinate all other supervisory bodies overseeing the application of Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 on cooperation be­ tween national authorities responsible for the en­ forcement of consumer protection laws (the Regulation on consumer protection cooperation). To oversee the implementation of the 12 Directives coming within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004.

2. Българска Sofia 1504, To inform consumers about goods and services avail­ национална ul. Vrabcha 26; able on the market; to inform and educate consumers асоциация ‘активни Telephone: 989 01 06; about the risks associated with goods and services and потребители’ Fax: 989 01 06; ways to limit such risks; to inform and educate con­ Bulgarian National [email protected], sumers about the impact of goods and services on the Association for environment; to inform and educate consumers about active consumers their economic interest and ways to defend it; to inform (BNA AP) consumers about the law on consumer protection and the environment applicable in Bulgaria; to study inter­ national know-how on consumer protection and the environment how and propose legislative, economic and political measures to protect consumers and the environment in Bulgaria.

3. Потребителски Knyaz Aleksandr To act as an independent consumer watchdog, inform център за Battenberg Boulevard 27 consumers about the state of the market, the quality информация и BG-4000 Plovdiv and safety, supply and demand, prices and comparative изследвания/Centre tel: (359-32) 68 74 78, characteristics of goods and services; to inform con­ for Consumer (359) 0 886 330 770, sumers and specialist bodies about infringements of Information and (359) 0 894 799 288 national standards and other legal provisions regarding Research (PtsII) е-mail: [email protected] the production of and trade in goods and services; to raise consumer awareness by informing consumers about their rights and duties and how to go about de­ fending and meeting them.

4. Съюз на Residential Complex ‘Lazur’, To defend the interests of Bulgarian insurance policy застрахованите в Block 7, Entry A holders, inform consumers about the insurance indus­ България/Bulgarian BG-8001 Burgas try and raise public awareness about insurance issues. Insurance Policy tel./fax: (359-56) 83 14 62 Holders' Union е-mail: [email protected] (ZSB);

5. Регионален съюз на Blintsi Square 2, — Consumer protection потребителите-98, 11th floor, room 10 гр. Видин/Vidin BG-3700 Vidin Regional tel./fax: (359-94) 601431 Consumers' е-mail: [email protected] Union 98 (RSP-98 VIDIN) 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/3

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

6. Национална лига — Burgas 8005 To inform consumers about their rights; to take action потребители на ZhK Slaveykov, bl. 63, vh. 8 when irregularities occur in the services market, to in­ услуги/National tel.: (359-56) 888 955 form consumers and supervising bodies accordingly League of Clients of mobile phone: (359) 0 889 61 51 08 and to help consumers when they face problems. Service Providers е-mail: [email protected]

7. Асоциация ‘Помощ Residential Complex ‘Lyulin’, To hold seminars and provide training on consumer to­ за потребителя’/ Block 901, Entrance D, flat 98 pics, set up information and advice centres for con­ Consumer BG-1324 Sofia sumers, instigate collective legal proceedings in defence Assistance tel.: (359-2) 36 35 41 of consumer interests, take the initiative in developing Association mobile phone: (359) 0 88 879 55 22 legislation protecting consumer rights, participate in е-mails: [email protected] consultative government bodies dealing with consumer [email protected] protection, provide conciliation services and participate in conciliation committees, test consumer products and participate in inspections conducted by government bodies.

8. Федерация на Stefan Stambolov St 35A To be active in research and development, provide ex­ потребителите в BG-1000 Sofia pert appraisals, offer consultancy services and develop България/Bulgarian tel./fax: (359 - 2) 931 98 11, other necessary activities in the field of consumer pro­ Consumers' (359 - 2) 833 32 85. tection; to create and use neutral laboratories for re­ Federation е-mail: [email protected] search, expert appraisal and testing of consumer goods; to set up centres providing legal and market advice, processing complaints and suggestions from con­ sumers; to produce printed, video and audio materials explaining consumers their rights.

9. Сдружение за 193a, 6th September Blvd To inform and consult the public on consumer protec­ правна помощ на 3rd floor, office 6 tion matters; to assist consumers in Bulgaria in the pro­ потребителите/ Plovdiv tection of their rights and legitimate interests by provid­ Association Tel. + 359 32/63 86 14; + 359 32/63 60 25 ing advice and consultation in legal disputes to be providing Legal E-mail: [email protected] settled in or out of court; to monitor compliance of Assistance to Bulgarian consumer legislation with developments in Consumers consumer protection law in the EU; to uphold the inter­ ests of consumers in Bulgaria vis-à-vis relevant govern­ mental bodies and international organisations; to con­ tribute towards improving the Bulgarian economic and legal environment for the provision of products and services; to protect the collective interests of con­ sumers.


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Sdružení českých Pod Altánem 99/103 A wide range of actions in the field of consumer pro­ spotřebitelů, z. ú. CZ 10000 Praha 10 tection, including information and advice in consumer (Association of Tel.: +420 261 263 574 disputes. Czech Consumers) E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.konzument.cz

2. dTest, o. p. s. (dTest) Černomořská 419/10 Publication of TEST magazine, objective and independ­ CZ 101 00 Praha 10 ent product testing, all consumer protection issues. Tel.: +420 241 404 922 Fax: +420 241 406 533 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.dtest.cz C 361/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

3. Sdružení obrany Mečová 368/5 A wide range of action in the field of consumer protec­ spotřebitelů — CZ 602 00 Brno tion as consumer advisory, alternative dispute resolu­ Asociace, z. s. Tel., fax: +420 542 210 778 tion, education consumers. (Consumer Defence E-mail: [email protected] Association — Web: http://www.asociace-sos.cz Syndicate)

4. Společná obrana, z. s. Kaštanová 1482 Protecting consumers from misleading conduct, dishon­ (Common defence) CZ 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem est companies, dissemination of information, education (correspondence address: Čs. Pionýrů 19, activities. 538 07 Seč) Tel.:+420 606 958 665 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.spolecnaobrana.net/

5. Unicampus Kubelíkova 1224/42 Protecting the rights and legitimate interests of con­ (Unicampus) CZ 130 00 Praha 3 sumers, education, effective dissemination of informa­ Tel.: +420 777 597 996 tion. E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.unicampus.cz

6. HELP — Sdružení U Nemocnice 1750/4 Cultivation of the market with a focus on the protec­ práv podvedených CZ 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tion of assets affected by a fraud. (HELP — Cheated Tel.: +420 774 97 27 27 Consumers' Rights Email: [email protected] Association) Web: http://www. Podvedeni.cz www.Oklamani.sk www.Podvedeni.sk

7. Platforma Na Václavce 1176/17 Promotion rights of patients as consumers of health zdravotních CZ 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov care services, medical devices and medicinal products in pojištěnců, ČR, Tel.: +420 606 609 635 the Czech Republic and the European Union, support zapsaný ústav Email: [email protected] diagnosis-oriented patient organizations and advocates (Platform of Health Web: http://www.zdravotnipojistenci.cz/ rights of participants of Czech public health insurance Insurance system to access reimbursed care of appropriate quality Policyholders, on timely and non-discriminatory basis. Czech Republic)


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Forbrugerombuds­ Amagerfælledvej 56 According to the Marketing Act, the main task of the manden DK-2300 København S Consumer Ombudsman is to ensure due observance of Tel. (45) 32 66 90 00 the law, specifically in the area of consumer rights. Fax (45) 32 66 91 00 The Consumer Ombudsman is authorised to initiate ac­ E-mail: [email protected] tions under the following Directives: Website: www.fs.dk (English: www.consumer.dk/index-uk.htm) — Council Directive 84/450/EEC of 10 September 1984 relating to the approximation of the laws, reg­ ulations and administrative provisions of the Mem­ ber States concerning misleading advertising, — Council Directive 85/577/EEC of 20 December 1985 to protect the consumer in respect of con­ tracts negotiated away from business premises, 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/5

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

— Council Directive 87/102/EEC of 22 December 1986 for the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning consumer credit, and its latest amend­ ment through Directive 98/7/EC, — Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by Law, Regulation or Administrative Action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities, as amended by Directive 97/36/EC, — Council Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours, — Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts, — Directive 94/47/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 October 1994 on the protection of purchasers in respect of certain aspects of con­ tracts relating to the purchase of the right to use immovable properties on a timeshare basis, — Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts, — Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain as­ pects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees, — Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (‘Direc­ tive on electronic commerce’).

2. Lægemiddelstyrel­ Frederikssundsvej 378 The remit of the Danish Medicines Agency is to author­ sen DK-2730 Brønshøj ise the marketing of pharmaceuticals that are proven to Tel. (45) 44 88 91 11 be effective and safe, to help ensure that public health Fax (45) 44 91 73 73 insurance expenditure in connection with medical treat­ E-mail: [email protected] ment is proportionate to the expected medical results, Website: www.dkma.dk to oversee the pharmaceutical sector and the sector for manufacture of pharmaceutical equipment. The Danish Medicines Agency is authorised to initiate actions in the event of violations of Council Directive 92/28/EEC of 31 March 1992 on the advertising of medicinal products for human use.


Name of the body Contact details Purpose

1. Aktion Tel.: 0711/220 216 30 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Bildungsinformation Fax: 0711/220 216 40 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the e.V. (ABI) E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.abi-ev.de Lange Straße 51 70174 Stuttgart C 361/6 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the body Contact details Purpose

2. Allgemeiner Tel.: 089/7 67 60 Protects and promotes the interests of motor transport; Deutscher Fax: 089/76 76 25 00 protection of road users, in particular consumer protec­ Automobil-Club e.V. E-mail: [email protected] tion; authorised to bring collective actions in the inter­ (ADAC) www.adac.de ests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). Am Westpark 8 81373 München

3. Bauherren- Tel.: 030/3 12 80 01 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Schutzbund e.V. Fax: 030/31 50 72 11 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.bsb-ev.de Kleine Alexanderstraße 9/10 10178 Berlin

4. Berliner Tel.: 030/22 62 60 Protects tenants' interests in Berlin by providing infor­ Mieterverein e.V. Fax: 030/22 62 61 62 mation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). www.berliner-mieterverein.de Spichernstraße 1 10777 Berlin

5. Bund der Tel.: 02224/9 22 70 Protects energy users' interests by providing informa­ Energieverbraucher Fax: 02224/1 03 21 tion and advice; authorised to bring collective actions e.V. E-mail: [email protected] in the interests of energy users (see § 2 of the statute). www.energieverbraucher.de Frankfurter Straße 1 53572 Unkel

6. Bund der Tel.: 04193/94 22 2 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Versicherten e.V. Fax: 04193/94 22 1 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2(1) of the statute). www.bundderversicherten.de Tiedenkamp 2 24547 Henstedt-Ulzburg

7. Bund für Umwelt Tel.: 030/275 86 40 Protects consumers' interests by providing information und Naturschutz Fax: 030/275 86 440 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the Deutschland e.V. E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.bund.net Am Köllnischen Park 1 10179 Berlin

8. Bundesverband Tel.: 06294/4281 0 Provides information and advice for members and other Selbsthilfe Fax: 06294/4281 79 persons affected and their families in all relevant areas, Körperbehinderter E-mail: [email protected] from a consumer protection perspective, including con­ e.V. www.bsk-ev.org sumer protection law issues connected with protection Altkrautheimer Straße 20 against discrimination, where and to the extent that this 74238 Krautheim is legally permissible; authorised to bring collective ac­ tions in the interests of the persons mentioned above (see § 2(3)(p) of the statute).

9. Deutsche Tel.: 030/2938 1260 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Gesellschaft für Fax: 030/2938 1261 and advice, in particular in the areas of renewable ener­ Sonnenenergie e.V. E-mail: [email protected] gies and the rational use of energy, with an emphasis www.dgs.de on solar energy; authorised to bring collective actions Wrangelstrasse 100 in the interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). 10997 Berlin 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/7

Name of the body Contact details Purpose

10. Deutsche Tel.: 0761/55 01 2 Protects the interests of private owners of houses, apart­ Schutzvereinigung Fax: 0761/55 01 3 ments and land abroad and other persons interested in Auslandsimmobilien E-mail: [email protected] property abroad by providing information and advice; e.V. www.dsa-ev.de authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of Zähringer Straße 373 the above-mentioned persons (see § 2 of the statute). 79108 Freiburg im Breisgau

11. Deutsche Stiftung Tel.: 0231/7380730 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Patientenschutz Fax: 0231/7380731 and advice on issues of patient welfare; authorised to Förderverein e.V. www.patientenschuetzer.de bring collective actions in the interests of consumers Europaplatz 7 (see § 2 of the statute). 44269 Dortmund

12. Deutsche Tel.: 07732/99 95-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Umwelthilfe e.V. Fax: 07732/99 95 77 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 1 of the statute). www.duh.de Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4 78315 Radolfzell

13. Deutscher Tel.: +49 561 202 11 03 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Konsumentenbund Fax: +49 561 202 11 04 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the e.V. E-mail: prozessabteilung@konsumentenbund. interests of consumers (see § 2(I)(1) and (2) of the sta­ de tute). www.konsumentenbund.de Königstor 32 34117 Kassel

14. Deutscher Tel.: 0 89/8 90 57 38-0 Protects consumers' interests in Bavaria in the area of Mieterbund (DMB) Fax: 0 89/8 90 57 38-11 tenancy law by providing information and advice; — Landesverband E-mail: [email protected] authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of Bayern e. V. www.mieterbund-landesverband-bayern.de tenants (see § 2 of the statute). Sonnenstraße 10 80331 München

15. Deutscher Tel.: 0611/411 40 50 Protects tenants' interests in Hessen by providing infor­ Mieterbund — Fax: 0611/411 40 529 mation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ Landesverband E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see §§ 2 and 5 of the Hessen e.V. www.mieterbund-hessen.de statute). Adelheidstraße 70 65185 Wiesbaden

16. Deutscher Tel.: 0381/375 2920 Protects consumers' interests in Mecklenburg-Western Mieterbund — Fax: 0381/375 2929 Pomerania in the area of tenancy law by providing in­ Landesverband E-mail: [email protected] formation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ Mecklenburg- www.mieterbund-mvp.de tions in the interests of consumers (see § 2 of the sta­ Vorpommern e.V. Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 19 tute). 18055 Rostock

17. Deutscher Tel.: 0234/9 61 14-0 Protects tenants' interests in Bochum, Hattingen and the Mieterbund- Fax: 0234/9 61 14 11 region by providing information and advice; authorised Mieterverein E-mail: [email protected] to bring collective actions in the interests of tenants Bochum, Hattingen www.mieterverein-bochum.de (see § 2 of the statute). und Umgegend e.V. Brückstraße 58 44787 Bochum C 361/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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18. Deutscher Tel.: 030/2 23 23-0 Protects, promotes and represents all tenants' interests; Mieterbund e.V. Fax: 030/2 23 23-100 authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of E-mail: [email protected] tenants (see § 2 of the statute). www.mieterbund.de Littenstraße 10 10179 Berlin

19. Deutscher Tel.: 0511/1 21 06-0 Protects tenants' and lessees' interests in the Hannover Mieterbund Fax: 0511/1 21 06 16 region by providing information and advice; authorised Hannover e.V. E-mail: [email protected] to bring collective actions in the interests of tenants www.dmb-hannover.de (see § 2 of the statute). Herrenstraße 14 30159 Hannover

20. Deutscher Tel.: 0431/97 91 90 Protects consumers' interests in Kiel in the area of te­ Mieterbund Kieler Fax: 0431/9 79 19 31 nancy law by providing information and advice; Mieterverein e.V. E-mail: [email protected] authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of www.kieler-mieterverein.de consumers (see § 1(2) of the statute). Eggerstedtstraße 1 24103 Kiel

21. Deutscher Tel.: 0431/97 91 90 Protects consumers' interests in Schleswig-Holstein in Mieterbund Fax: 0431/9 79 19 31 the area of tenancy law by providing information and Landesverband E-mail: [email protected] advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the in­ Schleswig-Holstein www.mieterbund-schleswig-holstein.de terests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). e.V. Eggerstedtstraße 1 24103 Kiel

22. Deutscher Tel.: 0385/71 46 68 Protects tenants' interests in the Schwerin region by Mieterbund Fax: 0385/71 46 69 providing information and advice; authorised to bring Mieterbund E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of Schwerin und www.mieterbund-schwerin.de the statute). Umgebung e.V. Dr.-Külz-Straße 18 19053 Schwerin

23. Deutscher Tel.: 0421/32 02 09 Protects tenants' interests in the Bremen region by pro­ Mieterbund Fax: 0421/3 37 92 08 viding information and advice; authorised to bring col­ Mieterverein E-mail: [email protected] lective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the Bremen e.V. www.mieterverein-bremen.de statute). An der Weide 23 28195 Bremen

24. Deutscher Tel.: 02381/2 00 56 Protects tenants' interests in the Hamm region by pro­ Mieterbund Fax: 02381/2 00 58 viding information and advice; authorised to bring col­ Mieterverein Hamm www.mieterverein-hamm.de lective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the und Umgebung e.V. Chattanoogaplatz 2-4 statute). 59065 Hamm

25. Deutscher Tel.: 02371/2 34 89 Protects tenants' interests in the Iserlohn region by pro­ Mieterbund Fax: 02371/774944 viding information and advice; authorised to bring col­ Mieterverein E-mail: [email protected] lective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the Iserlohn und www.mieterverein-iserlohn.info statute). Umgebung e.V. Vinckestraße 8 58636 Iserlohn 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/9

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26. Deutscher Tel.: 02171/40 40 70 Protects tenants' interests in Leverkusen by providing Mieterbund Fax: 02171/2 78 45 information and advice; authorised to bring collective Mieterverein E-mail: [email protected] actions (see § 2 of the statute). Leverkusen e.V. für www.dmb-mieterverein-leverkusen.de Leverkusen und Kölner Straße 39 - 41 Umgebung 51379 Leverkusen

27. Deutscher Tel.: 0271/5 19 97 Protects tenants' interests in the Siegerland region by Mieterbund Fax: 0271/2 05 50 providing information and advice; authorised to bring Siegerland und E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of Umgebung e.V. www.mieterbund-siegerland.de the statute). Koblenzer Straße 5 57072 Siegen

28. Deutscher Tel.: 07221/2 55 12 Protects tenants' interests in the Baden-Baden region by Mieterbund, Fax: 07221/39 28 31 providing information and advice; authorised to bring Mieterverein Baden- E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 1(2) Baden und www.mieterverein-baden-baden.de of the statute). Umgebung e.V. Rheinstraße 78 76532 Baden-Baden

29. Deutscher Tel.: 02051/25 24 23 Protects tenants' interests in the Velbert region by pro­ Mieterbund, Fax: 02051/25 40 38 viding information and advice; authorised to bring col­ Mieterverein E-mail: [email protected] lective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the Velbert und www.mieterverein-velbert.de statute). Umgebung e.V. Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 62 - 64 42549 Velbert

30. Deutscher Tel.: 0331/7453003 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Verbraucherschutz­ Fax: 0331/6200799 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the verein e.V. E-mail: vorstand@deutscher- interests of consumers (see § 3 of the statute). verbraucherschutzverein.de www.deutscher-verbraucherschutzverein.de Zum Jagenstein 3 14478 Potsdam

31. DMB — Tel.: 0711/21 01 60 Protects tenants' interests in the Stuttgart region by pro­ Mieterverein Fax: 0711/2 36 92 23 viding information and advice; authorised to bring col­ Stuttgart und E-mail: [email protected] lective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 1(2) of Umgebung e.V. www.mieterverein-stuttgart.de the statute). Moserstraße 5 70182 Stuttgart

32. DMB Deutscher Tel.: 0231/ 58 44 860 Protects tenants' and lessees' interests in Dortmund by Mieterbund Fax: 0231/52 81 06 providing information and advice; authorised to bring Dortmund, Mieter E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of u. Pächter e.V., www.mieterschutz-do.de the statute). Mieterschutzverein Prinzenstraße 7 44135 Dortmund C 361/10 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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33. DMB Mieterbund Tel.: 0561/81 64 26 - 0 Protects tenants' interests in northern Hessen by provid­ Nordhessen e.V. Fax: 0561/81 64 26 - 28 ing information and advice; authorised to bring collec­ E-mail: [email protected] tive actions in the interests of tenants (see §§ 2 and 3 www.mieterbund-nordhessen.de of the statute). Königsplatz 59 (Eingang Poststraße 1) 34117 Kassel

34. DMB Tel.: 069/5601057 Protects tenants' interests in Frankfurt am Main by pro­ Mieterschutzverein Fax: 069/568940 viding information and advice; authorised to bring col­ Frankfurt am Main E-mail: [email protected] lective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the e.V. www.mieterschutzverein-frankfurt.de statute). Eckenheimer Landstraße 339 60320 Frankfurt am Main

35. Fachverband Tel.: 05 21/55 77 21-24 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Glücksspielsucht Fax: 05 21/55 77 21-34 and advice on gambling addiction; authorised to bring e.V. Email: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of consumers (see www.gluecksspielsucht.de § 2(1) of the statute). Meindersstrasse 1a 33615 Bielefeld

36. Foodwatch e.V. Tel.: 030/24 04 76-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Fax: 030/24 04 76 26 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.foodwatch.de Brunnenstraße 181 10119 Berlin

37. Miet- und Tel.: 0671/6 79 48 Protects tenants' interests in the area covered by the Pachtverein e.V. Bad Fax: 0671/7 38 42 Bad Kreuznach district court by providing information Kreuznach E-mail: kontakt@mieterverein-bad-kreuznach. and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the de interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). www.mieterverein-bad-kreuznach.de Gustav-Pfarrius-Straße 1-3 55543 Bad Kreuznach

38. Mieter helfen Tel.: 040/43 13 94-0 Protects tenants' interests in Hamburg by providing in­ Mietern, Hamburger Fax: 040/43 13 94 44 formation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ Mieterverein e.V. E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). www.mhmhamburg.de Bartelsstraße 30 20357 Hamburg

39. Mieter helfen Tel.: 089/44 48 82-0 Protects tenants' interests in Munich by providing infor­ Mietern, Münchner Fax: 089/44 48 82 10 mation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ Mieterverein e.V. E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). www.mhmmuenchen.de Weißenburger Straße 25 81667 München 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/11

Name of the body Contact details Purpose

40. Mieterbund Rhein- Tel.: 0203/5 55 08 11 Protects tenants' interests in Duisburg by providing in­ Ruhr e.V. Fax: 0203/55 74 56 formation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). www.mieterbund-rhein-ruhr.de Rathausstraße 18 - 20 47166 Duisburg

41. Mieterbund Tel.: 0611/71 65 47-0 Protects tenants' interests in the Wiesbaden region by Wiesbaden und Fax: 0611/71 65 47-79 providing information and advice; authorised to bring Umgebung e.V. E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of www.mieterbund-wiesbaden.de the statute). Adelheidstraße 70 65185 Wiesbaden

42. Mieterschutz-Verein Tel.: 03581/40 30 90 Protects tenants' rights and interests in the region of Oberlausitz/ Fax: 03581/41 80 81 Oberlausitz/Lower Silesia by providing information and Niederschlesien e.V. E-mail: [email protected] advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the in­ www.mieterverein-goerlitz.de terests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). Löbauer Straße 40 02826 Görlitz

43. Mieterverein Tel.: 0211/1 69 96-0 Protects tenants' interests in the Düsseldorf region by Düsseldorf e.V. Fax: 0211/35 15 11 providing information and advice; authorised to bring E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of www.mieterverein-duesseldorf.de the statute). Oststraße 47 40211 Düsseldorf

44. Mieterverein Tel.: 0461/2 30 50 Protects tenants' interests in Flensburg by providing in­ Flensburg e.V. Fax: 0461/1 25 38 formation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see § 1(3) of the sta­ www.mieterverein-flensburg.de tute). Rote Straße 14 24937 Flensburg

45. Mieterverein für Tel.: 0651/99 40 970 Protects tenants' interests in the Trier region by provid­ den Fax: 0651/99 40 974 ing information and advice; authorised to bring collec­ Regierungsbezirk E-mail: [email protected] tive actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the Trier e.V. www.mieterverein-trier.de statute). Walramsneustraße 8 54290 Trier

46. Mieterverein Tel.: 0209/2 49 18 Protects tenants' and lessees' interests by providing in­ Gelsenkirchen e.V. Fax: 0209/14 69 49 formation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ im Deutschen E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). Mieterbund www.mieterverein-ge.de Gabelsbergerstraße 9 45879 Gelsenkirchen C 361/12 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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47. Mieterverein Tel.: 06221/2 04 73 Protects tenants' interests in the Heidelberg region by Heidelberg und Fax: 06221/16 34 18 providing information and advice; authorised to bring Umgebung e.V. E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of www.mieterverein-heidelberg.de the statute). Poststraße 46 69115 Heidelberg

48. Mieterverein Tel.: 0841/17744 Protects tenants' interests in the Ingolstadt region by Ingolstadt und Fax: 0841/17734 providing information and advice; authorised to bring Umgebung e.V. E-mail: [email protected] collective actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of www.mieterverein-ingolstadt.de the statute). Mauthstraße 2 85049 Ingolstadt

49. Mieterverein Tel.: 0721/37 50 91 Protects tenants' interests in tenancy, leasing and hous­ Karlsruhe e.V. Fax: 0721/37 81 25 ing matters in Karlsruhe city and district by providing E-mail: [email protected] information and advice; authorised to bring collective www.mieterverein-karlsruhe.de actions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the sta­ Ritterstraße 24 tute). 76137 Karlsruhe

50. Mieterverein Köln Tel.: 0221/2 02 37-0 Protects tenants' interests in Cologne by providing in­ e.V. Fax: 0221/2 40 46 20 formation and advice; authorised to bring collective ac­ E-mail: [email protected] tions in the interests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). www.mieterverein-koeln.de Mühlenbach 49 50676 Köln

51. Mieterverein Tel.: 089/55 21 43-0 Protects tenants' interests in tenancy, leasing and hous­ München e.V. Fax: 089/55 45 54 ing matters in Munich by providing information and E-mail: [email protected] advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the in­ www.mieterverein-muenchen.de terests of tenants (see § 2 of the statute). Sonnenstraße 10 80331 München

52. Mieterverein Tel.: 0335/6 85 02 60 Protects tenants' interests in the Frankfurt (Oder) region VIADRINA Frankfurt Fax: 0335/6 85 02 58 by providing information and advice; authorised to (Oder) und E-mail: [email protected] bring collective actions in the interests of tenants (see Umgebung e.V. www.mieterverein-ffo.city-map.de § 2 of the statute). Halbe Stadt 21 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

53. Mieterverein zu Tel.: 040/8 79 79-0 Protects tenants' interests in the Greater Hamburg re­ Hamburg von Fax: 040/8 79 79 110 gion by providing information and advice; authorised 1890 r.V. E-mail: [email protected] to bring collective actions in the interests of tenants www.mieterverein-hamburg.de (see § 2 of the statute). Beim Strohhause 20 20097 Hamburg 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/13

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54. PRO BAHN Tel.: 089/53 00 31 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Regionalverband Fax: 089/53 75 66 and advice on public transport issues; authorised to Oberbayern e.V. E-mail: [email protected] bring collective actions in the interests of consumers www.pro-bahn.de/oberbayern/ (see § 2 of the statute). Agnes-Bernauer-Platz 8 80687 München

55. Schutzgemeinschaft Tel.: 09122/63 08 793 Protects consumers' interests by providing information für Bankkunden e.V. Fax: 09122/63 08 794 and advice on financial services matters; authorised to E-mail: [email protected] bring collective actions in the interests of consumers www.schuvoba.de (see §§ 3 and 4 of the statute). Odenwaldstraße 32a 91126 Rednitzhembach

56. Schutzvereinigung Tel.: 0421/6206580 Protects consumers' interests by providing information für Anleger e.V. Fax: 0421/62065829 and advice in the area of investor protection; authorised E-mail: [email protected] to bring collective actions in the interests of consumers www.sfa-verein.de (see § 2(1) of the statute). Carl-Ronning-Straße 9 28195 Bremen

57. Verband Privater Tel.: 030/27 89 01-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Bauherren e.V. Fax: 030/27 89 01-11 and advice in the area of private construction; E-mail: [email protected] authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of www.vpb.de consumers (see § 2(1) of the statute). Chausseestraße 8 10115 Berlin

58. Verbraucherschutz­ Tel.: 08141/8281030 Protects consumers' interests by providing information verein gegen Fax: 08141/8281039 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the unlauteren E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2(1) of the statute). Wettbewerb e.V. www.verbraucherschutzverein.org Maisacher Straße 6 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck

59. VerbraucherService Tel.: 089/51 51 87 43 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Bayern im Fax: 089/51 51 87 45 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the Katholischen E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 1(2) und § 2 of the sta­ Deutschen www.verbraucherservice-bayern.de tute). Frauenbund e.V. Dachauer Straße 5/IV 80335 München

60. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0711/66 91-10 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Baden-Württemberg Fax: 0711/66 91 50 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the e.V. E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-bawue.de Paulinenstraße 47 70178 Stuttgart C 361/14 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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61. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 089/5 39 87-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Bayern e.V. Fax: 089/53 75 53 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-bayern.de Mozartstraße 9 80336 München

62. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 030/2 14 85-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Berlin e.V. Fax: 030/2 19 64 242 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-berlin.de Hardenbergplatz 2 10787 Berlin

63. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0331/2 98 71 0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Brandenburg e.V. Fax: 0331/2 98 71 77 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.vzb.de Babelsberger Straße 12 14473 Potsdam

64. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0421/16 07 77 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Bremen e.V. Fax: 0421/1 60 77 80 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 3(2) of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-bremen.de Altenweg 4 28195 Bremen

65. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 030/2 58 00-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Bundesverband e.V. Fax: 030/25 80 02 18 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the (VZBV) E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.vzbv.de Markgrafenstraße 66 10969 Berlin

66. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0681/500 89-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information des Saarlandes e.V. Fax: 0681/500 8922 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.vz-saar.de Trierer Straße 22 66111 Saarbrücken

67. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 040/24 83 20 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Hamburg e.V. Fax: 040/24 83 22 90 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.vzhh.de Kirchenallee 22 20099 Hamburg 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/15

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68. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0 69/97 20 10 900 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Hessen e.V. Fax: 069/97 20 10 40 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucher.de Große Friedberger Straße 13-17 60313 Frankfurt am Main

69. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0381/208 70-50 Protects consumers' interests in Mecklenburg-Western Mecklenburg- Fax: 0381/208 70-30 Pomerania by providing information and advice; Vorpommern e.V. E-mail: [email protected] authorised to bring collective actions in the interests of www.nvzmv.de consumers (see § 2 of the statute). Strandstraße 98 18055 Rostock

70. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0511/9 11 96-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Niedersachsen e.V. Fax: 0511/9 11 96 10 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-niedersachsen.de Herrenstraße 14 30159 Hannover

71. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0211/38 09-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Nordrhein- Fax: 0211/38 09-172 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the Westfalen e.V. E-mail: [email protected] interest of consumers (see 2.1 and 2.2 of the statute). www.vz-nrw.de Mintropstraße 27 40215 Düsseldorf

72. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 06131/2 84 80 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. Fax: 06131/28 48 66 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-rlp.de Seppel-Glückert-Passage 10 55116 Mainz

73. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0341/69 62 90 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Sachsen e.V. Fax: 0341/68 92 826 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-sachsen.de Katharinenstraße 17 04109 Leipzig

74. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0345/2 98 03 29 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. Fax: 0345/2 98 03 26 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.vzsa.de Steinbockgasse 1 06108 Halle C 361/16 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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75. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0431/5 90 99-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Schleswig-Holstein Fax: 0431/5 90 99 77 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the e.V. E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.verbraucherzentrale-sh.de Andreas-Gayk-Straße 15 24103 Kiel

76. Verbraucherzentrale Tel.: 0361/5 55 14-0 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Thüringen e.V. Fax: 0361/5 55 14 40 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). www.vzth.de Eugen-Richter-Straße 45 99085 Erfurt

77. Vereinigte Tel.: 0881/1288 291 Protects consumers' interests by providing information Schutzgemeinschaft Fax: 0881/1288 292 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions in the Auslandsimmobilien E-mail: [email protected] interests of consumers (see § 2 of the statute). e.V. www.schutzgemeinschaft-auslandsimmobilien. de Tassilostraße 5-7 82398 Polling

78. Vereinigung Tel.: 0331/5505894 Protects consumers' interests by providing information kritischer Fax: 0331/5505895 and advice; authorised to bring collective actions (see § Verbraucher e.V. E-mail: info@vereinigung-kritischer- 2 of the statute). verbraucher.de www.vereinigung-kritischer-verbraucher.de Sellostraße 29 14471 Potsdam


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Tarbijakaitseamet Kiriku 4, Supervision of general consumer protection in connec­ EE-15071 Tallinn tion with the marketing of goods and the provision of Tel: (372-6) 20 17 00 services, and supervision of consumer contracts in con­ Fax: (372-6) 20 17 01 nection with package travel guarantees. E-mail: [email protected] Veebiaadress: www.consumer.ee

2. Ravimiamet Ravila 19, Supervision in connection with the marketing and ad­ EE-50411 Tartu vertising of medicines Tel: (372 7) 37 41 40 Fax: (372-7) 37 41 42 E-mail: [email protected] Veebiaadress: www.sam.ee


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. National Consumer 4 Harcourt Road Independent statutory officer responsible for providing Agency Dublin 2 consumers with advice and information, regulating Ireland credit intermediaries, licensing pawnbrokers and enfor­ Tel. (353-1) 402 55 00 cing a wide range of consumer protection legislation. Fax (353-1) 402 55 01 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.odca.ie 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/17


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Νέο Ινστιτούτο Καλυψούς 105/Kalipsous 105 Protects consumers' rights and interests. Καταναλωτών (NEO GR-176 71 Καλλιθέα/Kallithea INKA) Tel.: (30) 21 09 57 78 77 Consumers' Fax: (30) 21 09 53 34 71 association — New E-mail: [email protected] consumers' institute website: www.inka.org.gr (NEO INKA)

2. Κέντρο Προστασίας Τσιμισκή/Tsimiski 54, Protects consumers' rights and interests. Καταναλωτών GR-546 23 Θεσσαλονίκη/Thessaloniki (ΚΕΠΚΑ) E-mail: [email protected] Consumers' Website: www.kepka.org protection centre of Tel: (30) 23 10 26 94 49 Thessaloniki Fax: (30) 23 1024 22 11 (KEPKA)

3. Ένωση Καταναλωτών Βαλτετσίου/Valtetsiou 43-45, Protects consumers' rights and interests. — Ποιότητα Ζωής GR-106 81 Αθήνα/Athens (ΕΚΠΟΙΖΩ) E-mail: [email protected] Consumers' website: www.ekpizo.gr association ‘the Tel: (30) 21 03 30 44 44 quality of life’ Fax: (30) 21 03 30 05 91 (EKPIZO)

4. Ελληνική Δημοκρίτου/Dimokritou 10, Protects consumers' rights and interests. Καταναλωτική GR-54 352, Θεσσαλονίκη/Thessaloniki Οργάνωση (EKATO) E-mail: [email protected] & [email protected] Greek consumers' Website: www.ekato.org organisation Tel: (30) 23 10 22 64 26 94 93 21 (EKATO) Fax: (30) 23 10 90 85 19, (30) 23 10 22 64 26

5. Ινστιτούτο Θ.Πασχίδη/Th. Paskidi 52, Protects consumers' rights and interests. καταναλωτών (INKA) GR-45 445 Ιωάννινα/Ιoannina Ιωαννίνων E-mail: @inka.gr Consumers' Tel: (30) 26 51 06 51 78 institute (INKA) of Fax: (30) 26 51 06 51 78 Ioannina

6. Ένωση για τα Λυκαβηττού/Likavipou 18, Protects consumers' rights and interests. δικαιώματα των GR-106 73 Αθήνα/Athens πολιτών Tel: (30) 21 03 60 04 10 Citizens' rights Fax: (30) 21 03 60 04 11 organisation

7. Ινστιτούτο Μοναστηρίου/Μonastiriou 17, Protects consumers' rights and interests. Καταναλωτών GR-54627 Θεσσαλονίκη/Thessaloniki (INKA) Μακεδονίας E-mail: [email protected] Consumers' Website: www.inkamak.eisodos.com institute (INKA) of Tel: (30) 23 10 53 52 63 (11 72 1) Macedonia Fax: (30) 23 10 51 74 92 C 361/18 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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8. Ινστιτούτο Ακαδημίας/Akadimias 3, Protects consumers' rights and interests. Καταναλωτών GR-49 100 Κέρκυρα/Kerkira (INKA) Κέρκυρας Tel: (30) 26 61 04 58 26 Consumers' Fax: (30) 26 61 03 62 50 institute (INKA) of

9. Ένωση Καταναλωτών Σ.Τσικνιά/S. Tsiknia 48 (πρώην Τσαλδάρη/for­ Protects consumers' rights and interests. Αιτωλοακαρνανίας merly Tsaldari), Consumer GR-30100 Αγρίνιο/ Agrinio Association of E-mail: [email protected] Aitoloakarnania Tel: (30) 26 41 02 44 44 Fax: (30) 26 41 02 13 44

10. Ένωση Καταναλωτών Αγίου Νικολάου/Agiou Nikolaou 104, Protects consumers' rights and interests. Βόλου και GR-38221, Βόλος/ Θεσσαλίας Tel: (30) 24 21 04 56 15 Consumer Fax: (30) 24 21 07 13 31 Association of Volos &

11. Ένωση Καταναλωτών Γούναρη/Gounari 4-6, Protects consumer's rights and interests. Ελλάδας GR-185 31, Πειραιάς/Peiraias Consumer Tel: (30) 210 4111080 Association of Fax: (30) 210- 4111080

12. Ένωση Πολιτών Αλκυόνης/Alkionis 9, Protects consumer's rights and interests. Citizens' association GR-175 61 Π. Φάληρο/P. Faliro Tel: (30) 21 09 82 91 52 Fax: (30) 21 09 82 50 96

13. Εμπορικό και Ακαδημίας/Akademias str 7, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Βιομηχανικό GR-10671 Αθήνα/Athens craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Επιμελητήριο Αθηνών Tel: (30) 21 03 60 48 15-9, 36 02 411-9 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Athens Chamber Of Fax: (30) 21 03 61 64 64 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Commerce And Διεύθ. ηλεκ. ταχ.: [email protected] dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Industry E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.acci.gr ests’.

14. Βιοτεχνικό Ακαδημίας/Akademias 18, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Επιμελητήριο της GR-10671 Αθήνα/Athens craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Αθήνας 10671 ATHENS-GR According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Athens Chamber Of Tel: (30) 210 3680700 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Handicrafts Fax: (30) 210 3614726 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.acsmi.gr ests’.

15. Επαγγελματικό Πανεπιστημίου/Panepistsimiou 44, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Επιμελητήριο Αθηνών GR-10679 Αθήνα/Athens craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Athens Chamber Of Tel: (30) 21 03 60 16-5, 36 33 08 0 (Presi­ According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Tradesmen dent's office) Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 21 03 61 97 35 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.eea.gr ests’. 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/19

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16. Εμπορικό και Τσιμισκή/Tsimiski 29, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Βιομηχανικό GR-54624 Θεσσαλονίκη/Thessaloniki craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Επιμελητήριο Tel: (30) 23 10 37 01 00, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Θεσσαλονίκης 37 01 10 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Thessaloniki Fax: (30) 23 10 37 01 14 — dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Chamber Of 37 01 66 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Commerce And E-mail: [email protected] ests’. Industry Website: www.ebeth.gr

17. Βιοτεχνικό Αριστοτέλους/Aristotelous 27, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Επιμελητήριο GR-54624 Θεσσαλονίκη/Thessaloniki craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Θεσσαλονίκης Tel: (30) 23 10 24 16 68, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Thessaloniki 24 16 89 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Chamber Of Fax: (30) 23 10 23 26 67 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Handicrafts E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.veth.gr ests’.

18. Επαγγελματικό Αριστοτέλους/Aristotelous 27, GR-54624 Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Επιμελητήριο Θεσσαλονίκη/Thessaloniki craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Θεσσαλονίκης Tel: (30) 23 10 27 52 55, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Thessaloniki 27 13 40, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Chamber Of 27 14 88 (President's office), dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Tradesmen 22 00 50 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 23 10 2716 49, ests’ 25 72 83 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.uhcci.gr/epimelitiria/EETH.html

19. Εμπορικό και Λουδοβίκου/Loudovikou 1, Πλ. Οδησσού/Odi­ Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Βιομηχανικό ssos Square, craft sectors; formation of economic policy Επιμελητήριο Πειραιά GR-18531 Πειραιάς/Piraeus According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Piraeus Chamber Of Tel: (30) 21 04 17 72 41 - 5 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Commerce And Fax: (30) 21 04 17 86 80 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Industry E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ [email protected] ests’ Website: www.uhcci.gr/epimelitiria/EBEP.html

20. Βιοτεχνικό Καραΐσκου/Karaiskou 111, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Επιμελητήριο Πειραιά GR-18532 Πειραιάς/Piraeus craft sectors; formation of economic policy Piraeus Chamber Of Tel: (30) 21 0 4 11 04 43, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Handicrafts 4 12 12 98, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 4 17 47 65 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30 )21 0 4 17 94 95, aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ 4 17 41 52 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bep.gr

21. Επαγγελματικό Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου/Agiou Konstantinou 3, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Επιμελητήριο Πειραιά GR-18531 Πειραιάς /Piraeus craft sectors; formation of economic policy Piraeus Chamber Of Tel: (30) 21 0 4 12 15 03, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Tradesmen 4 12 69 17 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 21 04 12 27 90 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.eep.gr ests’ C 361/20 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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22. Εμπορικό και Βασ. Γεωργίου/Vassileios Georgiou 2β, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Βιομηχανικό GR-69100 Κομοτηνή/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Επιμελητήριο Tel: (30) 25 31 0 2 28 31, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Ροδόπης 3 68 31 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Chamber Of Fax: (30) 25 31 02 67 14 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Industry And E-mail: [email protected]; aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Commerce Of [email protected] ests’ Rodopi Prefecture Website: www.rodoppicci.gr

23. Επαγγελματικό και Καβείρων/Kaveiron 12, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Βιοτεχνικό GR-69100 Κομοτηνή/Komotini craft sectors; formation of economic policy Επιμελητήριο Tel: (30) 25 31 0 2 25 47, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Ροδόπης 3 40 06, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Chamber Of 8 14 70 - 9 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Tradesmen And Fax: (30) 25 31 02 58 66 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Handicrafts Of E-mail: [email protected] ests’ Rodopi Prefecture Website: www.everodopi.gr

24. Επιμελητήριο Παπαστράτου/Papastratou 53 και Σμύρνης/& Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Αιτωλοακαρνανίας Smirnis, craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of GR-30100 Αγρίνιο/Agrinio According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Aitoloakarnania Tel: (30) 26 41 02 2 5 25, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Prefecture 572 62 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 26 41 02 25 90 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ E-mail: [email protected] ests’

25. Επιμελητήριο Κορίνθου/Korinthou 23, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Αργολίδας GR-21200 Άργος/Argos craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Chamber Of Tel: (30) 27 51 0 6 72 16, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Argolida Prefecture 630 23, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 669 68 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 275 10 24 595 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ E-mail: [email protected] ests’ Website: www.arcci.gr

26. Επιμελητήριο 25ης Μαρτίου και Πανός/Panos & Martiou 21, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Αρκαδίας 22100 Τρίπολη/Tripoli craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Chamber Of Tel: (30) 27 10 22 71 41, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 22 71 42, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 23 71 23 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 27 10 23 37 38 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ E-mail: [email protected] ests’ Website: www.arcadianet.gr www.ikenet.gr, www.eic.gr

27. Επιμελητήριο Άρτας Μ. Γραικού και Φλέμινγκ/Graikou & Flemig, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-47100 Άρτα/Arta craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Prefecture Tel: (30) 26 81 0 2 87 28, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 7 86 54 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 26 81 07 86 54 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.arta.chambernet.gr ests’ 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/21

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28. Επιμελητήριο Αχαΐας Μιχαλακοπούλου/Mihalakopoulou 58, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of Ahaia GR-26221 Πάτρα/Patra craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Prefecture Tel: (30) 2610 27 77 79, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 27 76 79, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 27 80 56 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 26 10 27 65 19 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ E-mail: [email protected] ests’ Website: www.e-a.gr

29. Επιμελητήριο Λ.Κουτσοπετάλου/L.Koutsopetalou 1, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Βοιωτίας GR-32100 Λειβαδιά/Livadia craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Chamber Of Viotia Tel: (30) 22 61 0 2 82 81, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 2 76 64 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 22 61 02 13 47 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.viotiachamber.gr ests’

30. Επιμελητήριο Εμμανουήλ Παππά/Emmanouil Papa 7, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Γρεβενών GR- 51100 Γρεβενά/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy. Chamber Of Tel: (30) 24 62 0 8 55 01 (-3), According to Article 10, pargraphes 9 and 15 of the Grevena Prefecture 8 55 04, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 8 55 05 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 24 62 0 8 03 10 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ 8 03 33 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.grevena.chambernet.gr

31. Επιμελητήριο Δράμας Λαμπριανίδου/Labrianidiou 40, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-66100 Δράμα/Drama craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture Tel: (30) 25 21 0 2 27 50, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 2 49 95 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 25 10 25 835 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.ccidrama.gr ests’

32. Επιμελητήριο Γρηγορίου Λαμπράκη/Grigoriou Labraki 8, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Δωδεκανήσων GR-85100 Ρόδος/Rodos Island craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 22 41 04 42 00, Κάλυμνος: 22 43 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Dodekanissa 05 15 17, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Prefecture Κως: 22 42 02 61 79, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Κάρπαθος: 22 45 02 24 83 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 22 41 04 42 40 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ebed.gr

33. Επιμελητήριο Έβρου Οδός Εμπορίου/Eboriou, 1ος όροφος/1st floor, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR- 68100 Αλεξανδρούπολη/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture Tel: (30) 25 51 0 2 62 23, According to Article 10, pargraphes 9 and 15 of the 2 65 37 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 25 51 02 32 53 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.chamberofevros.gr ests’ C 361/22 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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34. Επιμελητήριο Ελ.Βενιζέλου/El. Venizelou 12, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Εύβοιας GR-34100 Χαλκίδα/Chalkida craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Evia Tel: (30) 22 21 08 64 52 According to Article 10, pargraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture Fax: (30) 22 21 08 09 18 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ E-mail: [email protected] dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Website: www.eviachamber.gr aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

35. Επιμελητήριο Νικολάου Τσιαμπούλα/Nikolaou Tsiaboula 5, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Ευρυτανίας GR-36100 Καρπενήσι/Karpenissi craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 22 37 0 8 00 36, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Evritania Prefecture 2 36 28 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 22 37 08 04 40 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

36. Επιμελητήριο Λομβάρδου/Lombardou 20, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Ζακύνθου GR-29100 Ζάκυνθος/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 26 95 0 4 19 40 (-1), According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Zakynthos 20090 -1 -2 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Prefecture Fax: (30) 26 95 02 31 35 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.zantecci.gr ests’

37. Επιμελητήριο Ηλείας 28ης Οκτωβρίου και Πλ. Ηρώων/28th of Octo­ Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of Ilia ber str & Iroon Square, craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture GR-27100 Πύργος/Pyrgos According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Tel: (30) 26 21 0 3 41 54, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 3 22 25, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 3 68 95 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 26 21 03 17 91 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.helia.chambernet.gr

38. Επιμελητήριο Κεντρικής/Kentrikis 3, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Ημαθίας GR-59100 Βέροια/Veria craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 23 31 0 2 54 70, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 2 97 74, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 2 47 34 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 23 31 02 53 30 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ E-mail: [email protected] ests’ Website: www.imathiachamber.gr

39. Επιμελητήριο Κορωναίου/Koroneou 9, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Ηρακλείου GR-71202 Ηράκλειο/Irakleio craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 28 10 24 70 00 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Irakleion Prefecture Fax: (30) 28 10 22 29 14 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ E-mail: [email protected] dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions [email protected], aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.ebeh.gr ests’ 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/23

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40. Επιμελητήριο Κυρα-Βασιλικής/Kyra Vassilikis 13, (1ος Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Θεσπρωτίας όροφος/1st floor), craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of GR-46100 Ηγουμενίτσα/Igoumenitsa According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Tel: (30) 26 65 02 94 80 (-88) Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Prefecture Fax: (30) 26 65 02 94 89 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.uhcci.gr/epimelitiria/ ests’ THESPROTIA.html

41. Επιμελητήριο Τρικούπη και Οπλαρχηγού Πουτέτση/Trikoupi Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Ιωαννίνων & Oplarhigou Poutesi 14, craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of GR-45332 Ιωάννινα/Ioannina According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Ioannina Prefecture Tel: (30) 26 51 0 2 62 73 (President's office), Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 223 89 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 24 7 09, aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ 765 89 (EU Info Center) ests’ Fax: (30) 26 51 0 251 79

42. Επιμελητήριο Ομονοίας/Omonias 50Α, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Καβάλας GR-65302 Καβάλα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Kavala Tel: (30) 25 10 22 33 25, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 22 33 28, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 22 22 57, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 22 22 12 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 25 10 83 59 46 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.chamberofkavala.gr

43. Επιμελητήριο Ηρώων Πολυτεχνείου/Iroon Polytehneiou 3, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Καρδίτσας GR-43100 Καρδίτσα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 24 41 0 2 23 34, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Karditsa Prefecture 2 23 01 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 24 41 02 22 38 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: [email protected] ests’

44. Επιμελητήριο Μητροπόλεως/Mitropoleos 60, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Καστοριάς GR-52100 Καστοριά/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 24 67 0 2 69 26, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Kastoria Prefecture 2 89 81 (President's office), Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 2 95 28 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 24 67 02 24 42 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ E-mail: [email protected] ests’

45. Επιμελητήριο Αριστοτέλους/Aristotelous 2 Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Κέρκυρας Τ.Θ./PO Box 426, craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Corfu GR-49100 Κέρκυρα/Corfu According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture Tel: (30) 26 61 0 3 98 13, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 3 98 14, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 3 19 98 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 26 61 04 00 88 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cci-kerkyra.gr C 361/24 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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46. Επιμελητήριο Λ.Βεργωτή/L. Vergoti 131, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Κεφαλονιάς και GR-28100 Αργοστόλι/Argostoli craft sectors; formation of economic policy Ιθάκης Tel: (30) 26 71 0 2 22 53, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Chamber Of 2 49 59 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Kefalinia & Ithaki Fax: (30) 26 71 02 61 90 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Islands E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

47. Επιμελητήριο Κιλκίς Γ.Καπετά/G.Kapeta 11, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of Τ.Θ./PO Box 40, craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture GR-61100 Κιλκίς/Kilkis According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Tel: (30) 23 41 0 2 45 80, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 2 45 81, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 2 09 23 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 23 41 0 2 09 24, ests’ 2 09 26 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.gbi.gr

48. Επιμελητήριο Ι.Φαρμάκη/I.Farmaki 2, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Κοζάνης GR-50100 Κοζάνη/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Kozani Tel: (30) 24 61 0 3 46 69, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 4 16 93 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 26 83 92 45 68 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.kozani.chambernet.gr ests’

49. Επιμελητήριο Ερμού/Ermou 2, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Κορίνθου GR-20100 Κόρινθος/Korinth craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 27 41 0 2 44 64, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Korinth Prefecture 8 59 86, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 2 64 04, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 2 64 03 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 27 41 0 2 11 73 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.korinthcc.gr

50. Επιμελητήριο Αγ.Νικολάου 6/Ag.Nikolaou, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Κυκλάδων GR-84100 Ερμούπολη — Σύρος/Ermoupolis- craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Islands Tel: (30) 22 81 0 8 23 46, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 8 02 46, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 8 74 03 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 22 81 08 65 55 ests’ E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cycladescc.gr

51. Επιμελητήριο Ξανθάκη/Xanthaki 3, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Λακωνίας GR-23200 Γύθειο/Gythio craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 27 33 0 2 22 79, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Lakonia Prefecture 2 38 04 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 27 33 02 20 08 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.lcci.gr ests’ 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/25

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52. Επιμελητήριο Παπακυριαζή/Papakyriazi 44, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Λάρισας GR-41222 Λάρισσα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Larissa Tel: (30) 24 10 53 64 53, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 25 53 88 (President's office), Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 25 47 38, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 53 64 52, aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ 53 24 47, ests’ Fax: (30) 24 10 25 75 22 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.Larissa-chamber.gr

53. Επιμελητήριο Ι.Κουμουνδούρου/I.Koumoundourou 17, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Λασηθίου GR-72100 Άγιος Νικόλαος — Κρήτη/Agios Ni­ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Lassithi kolaos — Creta According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture Tel: (30) 28 41 0 2 22 31, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 2 71 40, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 2 71 50, aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ 2 83 01 ests’ Fax: (30) 28 41 02 38 31 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.epimlas.gr

54. Επιμελητήριο Λέσβου Πλ.Κουντουριώτη/Kountourioti 71, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of Lesvos GR-81100 Μυτιλήνη/Mytilini craft sectors; formation of economic policy Island Prefecture Tel: (30) 22 51 0 2 84 31, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 2 85 64, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 2 92 17, dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions 2 99 32 (President's office) aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Fax: (30) 2 32 75 ests’

55. Επιμελητήριο Δ.Μακρή/D.Makri 5, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Λευκάδας GR-31100 Λευκάδα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 26 45 02 23 81 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Lefkada Island Fax: (30) 26 45 02 23 81 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Prefecture E-mail: [email protected] dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

56. Επιμελητήριο Δημητριάδος/Dimitriados 176, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Μαγνησίας GR-38221 Βόλος/Volos craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 24 21 0 2 37 66, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 2 32 71 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 24 21 03 12 11 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.c-magnesia.gr ests’

57. Επιμελητήριο Πλ. 23ης Μαρτίου/23rd Martiou Square, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Μεσσηνίας GR-24100 Καλαμάτα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 27 21 06 22 00 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Messinia Prefecture Fax: (30) 27 21 0 6 22 29, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 8 27 41 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.kalamata.chambernet.gr ests’ C 361/26 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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58. Επιμελητήριο Ξάνθης Βασ.Κωνσταντίνου/Vass. Konstantinou 1, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-67100 Ξάνθη/Xanthi craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture Tel: (30) 25 41 0 2 51 05, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 2 25 33 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 25 41 02 59 87 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.ebex.gr ests’

59. Επιμελητήριο Πέλλας 25ης Μαρτίου/25th Martiou 13, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-58200 Έδεσσα/Edessa craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture Tel: (30) 23 81 0 2 65 55 - 6, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 2 67 35 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 23 81 02 90 29 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

60. Επιμελητήριο Πιερίας 28ης Οκτωβρίου/28th of October 9, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-60100 Κατερίνη/Katerini craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture Tel: (30) 23 51 0 2 32 11, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 2 43 11 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: ++30) 23 51 02 51 24 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

61. Επιμελητήριο Δοδώνης/Dodonis 47, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Πρέβεζας GR- 48100 Πρέβεζα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 26 82 02 94 14 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Preveza Prefecture Fax: (30) 26 82 02 92 83 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ E-mail: [email protected] dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Website: www.preveza.chambernet.gr aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

62. Επιμελητήριο Εμ.Πορτάλιου/Em. Portaliou 23, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Ρεθύμνου GR-74100 Ρέθυμνο/Rethymnon craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 28 31 02 22 14 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Rethymnon Fax: (30) 28 31 05 50 86 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Prefecture E-mail: [email protected] dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Website: www.eber.gr aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

63. Επιμελητήριο Σάμου Κουντουριώτη/Kountourioti 19, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-83100 Σάμος/Samos craft sectors; formation of economic policy Island Prefecture Tel: (30) 22 73 0 8 79 70, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 8 79 80 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 22 73 02 27 84 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.samoscci.gr ests’ 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/27

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64. Επιμελητήριο Σερρών Π.Κωστοπούλου/Kostopoulou 2, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-62122 Σέρρες/Serres craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture Tel: (30) 23 21 0 9 97 20, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 9 97 19 (γραφείο προέδρου) Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 23 21 09 9740 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.eves.gr ests’

65. Επιμελητήριο Βενιζέλου/Venizelou 1, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Τρικάλων GR-42100 Τρίκαλα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Trikala Tel: (30) 24 31 0 2 74 93, According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 2 49 89, Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ 7 47 20 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Fax: (30) 24 31 03 89 45 aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ E-mail: [email protected] ests’ Website: www.trikala.chambernet.gr

66. Επιμελητήριο Όθωνος/Othonos 3, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Φθιώτιδας GR-35100 Λαμία/Lamia craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 22 31 0 2 21 12, According to Aarticle 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Fthiotida Prefecture 2 13 95 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 22 31 03 09 85 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.fthiotidoscc.gr ests’

67. Επιμελητήριο Μεγαρόβου/Megarovou 15, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Φλώρινας GR-53100 Φλώρινα/ craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Florina Tel: (30) 23 85 0 2 23 34, According to Aarticle 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 2 24 66 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 23 85 02 80 20 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ http: Δικτυακός τόπος: www.ebef.gr ests’

68. Επιμελητήριο Γιδογιάννου/Gidogiannou 7, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Φωκίδας GR-33100 Άμφισσα/Amfissa craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Fokida Tel: (30) 22 65 0 2 86 97, According to Aarticle 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Prefecture 2 36 51 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 22 65 02 21 85 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’

69. Επιμελητήριο Πολυτεχνείου /Polytehniou 58, GR-63100 Πο­ Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Χαλκιδικής λύγυρος/Polygyros craft sectors; formation of economic policy Chamber Of Tel: (30) 23 71 0 2 42 00, According to Aarticle 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the 2 43 00 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Prefecture Fax: (30) 23 71 02 13 55 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.epichal.gr ests’ C 361/28 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

70. Επιμελητήριο Χανίων Ελ.Βενιζέλου/Elef.Venizelou 4, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-73110 Χανιά-Κρήτη/Chania-Creta craft sectors; formation of economic policy Prefecture Tel: (30) 28 21 05 23 29, 45 34 9, 40 62 4 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the (President's office) Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ Fax: (30) 28 21 02 83 07 dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions E-mail: [email protected] aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ Website: www.chania-cci.gr ests’

71. Επιμελητήριο Χίου Φιλίππου Αργέντη/Filipou Argenti 8, Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled- Chamber Of GR-82100 Χίος/Chios craft sectors; formation of economic policy Island Prefecture Tel: (30) 22 71 04 43 30 - 1 According to Article 10, paragraphes 9 and 15 of the Fax: (30) 22 71 04 43 32 Greek Law no 2251/94, ‘Chambers of Commerce, In­ E-mail: [email protected] dustry and Handicrafts can bring injunctive actions Website: chios.proodos.gr/chamber aiming to the protection of consumers' collective inter­ ests’


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Instituto Nacional C/Príncipe de Vergara, 54 Central government body which, pursuant to Article 51 del Consumo E-28006 Madrid of the Constitution and the consolidated text of the Tel. (34) 91.822.44.00 General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Fax (34) 91.435.94.12 Users, promotes and fosters consumers' and users' [email protected] rights

2. Dirección General Plaza Nueva, 4 Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Consumo de la E-41071 Sevilla and protection of consumers' and users' rights Junta de Andalucía Tel. (34) 95 504 14 78. Fax: (34) 95 504 14 49 [email protected]

3. Dirección General Via Universitas, 36, 6e Planta Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Consumo del E-50071 Zaragoza and protection of consumers' and users' rights Gobierno de Aragón Tel. (34) 976 71 56 12. Fax (34) 976 71 56 09 [email protected]

4. Agencia de Sanidad Ciriaco Miguel Vigil, 9 Government agency responsible for market surveillance Ambiental y Edificio Buenavista and protection of consumers' and users' rights Consumo del E-33006 Oviedo Principado de Tel. (34) 98 510 83 02 Asturias Fax (34) 98 510 83 10

5. Dirección General Paseo del Borne, 17-1o Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Consumo/ E-07012 Palma de Mallorca and protection of consumers' and users' rights Direcció General de Tel; (34) 971 17 95 22 Consum — Govern Fax (34) 971 17 62 52 de les Illes Balears 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/29

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

6. Dirección General León y Castillo, 200 Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Consumo del Ed. Servicios Múltiples III, planta 1 and protection of consumers' and users' rights Gobierno de E-35071 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Canarias Tel. (34) 928 89 93 21 Fax (34) 928 89 98 68 [email protected]

7. Dirección General Hernán Cortes, 9 Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Comercio y E-39003 Santander and protection of consumers' and users' rights Consumo del Tel. (34) 942 20 79 36 Gobierno de Fax: (34) 942 20 75 28 Cantabria

8. Instituto de Berna, 1-1o planta Government agency responsible for market surveillance Consumo de la Edificio Iberdrola and protection of consumers' and users' rights Junta de E-45071 Toledo Comunidades de Tel. (34) 925 28 45 29 Castilla-La Mancha Fax (34) 925 22 62 06

9. Agencia de Garcia Morato, 24 Government agency responsible for market surveillance Protección Civil y E-47007 Valladolid and protection of consumers' and users' rights Consumo de la Tel (34) 983 41 88 15 Junta de Castilla y Fax (34) 983 41 00 78 León

10. Agencia Catalana del Carrer Pamplona 113 Government agency responsible for market surveillance Consumo/Agència 08018 Barcelona and protection of consumers' and users' rights Catalana del Tel. +34 935516666 Consum — Fax +34 935516599 Generalitat de www.consum.cat/ Catalunya [email protected]

11. Dirección General C/Atarazanas, 8 Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Consumo de la E-06800 Merida (Badajoz) and protection of consumers' and users' rights Junta de Tel (34) 924 00 47 01 Extremadura 924 00 47 00 Fax (34) 924 00 47 02 [email protected]

12. Instituto Gallego de Gonzalo Torrente Balllester Government agency responsible for market surveillance Consumo/Instituto 1-3-5-bajo and protection of consumers' and users' rights Galego de Consumo E-15707 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) — Xunta de Galicia Tel (34) 981 54 53 86 981 54 53 97 981 54 45 12 Fax (34) 981 54 45 98-99 [email protected]

13. Dirección General C/ Ventura Rodríguez, 7 -4o planta Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Consumo de la E-28008 Madrid and protection of consumers' and users' rights Comunidad de Tel. (34) 91 580 32 13 Madrid) Fax (34) 91 580 33 39 [email protected]. C 361/30 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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14. Dirección General Ronda de Levante, 11- 4o Planta Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Atención al E-30071 Murcia and protection of consumers' and users' rights Ciudadano, Tel (34) 968 39 58 31 Drogodepencias y Fax (34) 968 22 12 17 Consumo de la Región de Murcia

15. Dirección General C/González Tablas s/n Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Familia, Infancia E-31002 Pamplona and protection of consumers' and users' rights y Consumo del Tel (34) 848 42 62 21 Gobierno de Navarra

16. Dirección General C/Gran Via, 18 Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Salud Pública y E-26071 Logroño and protection of consumers' and users' rights Consumo del Tel (34) 941 272 420 Gobierno de la Fax (34) 941 272 418 Rioja [email protected]

17. Dirección General C/Colón, 32 Government agency responsible for market surveillance de Comercio y E-46004 Valencia and protection of consumers' and users' rights Consumo/Direcció Tel (34) 96 386 96 04 General de Comerç Fax (34) 96 386 96 00 i Consum de la Generalitat Valenciana

18. Dirección de C/Donostia San Sebastián, 1 Government agency responsible for market surveillance Consumo y E-01010 Vitoria (Gasteiz) and protection of consumers' and users' rights Seguridad Industrial Tel (34) 945 01 99 23 — Gobierno Vasco/ Fax (34) 945 01 99 31 Kontsumo eta 945 01 99 47 Industria [email protected] Segurtasuneko Zuzendaritza — Eusko Jaurlaritza

19. AUC Cavanilles, 29, 2o D Consumers' and users' organisation specialising in com­ Asociacíon de E-28007 Madrid mercial communications. Also provides information Usuarios de la Tel. (34) 91 501 67 73. and training for consumers and users and represents Comunicación Fax (34) 91 501 87 66 them in the various consumer participation bodies [email protected]

20. ASGECO Plaza Navafría, 3-Bajos Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Asociación General E-28027 Madrid Provides information and training for consumers and de Consumidores Tel. (34) 91 405 36 98 users and represents them in the various consumer par­ 91 405 36 11 ticipation bodies Fax (34) 91 405 39 97 [email protected] 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/31

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21. CEACCU C/San Bernardo, 97-99 Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Confederación Edif. Colomina, Oficina F Provides information and training for consumers and Española de E-28015 Madrid users and represents them in the various consumer par­ Organizaciones de Tel. (34) 91 447 04 81 ticipation bodies Amas de Casa, Fax (34) 91 594 51 24 Consumidores y [email protected] Usuarios

22. CECU /Mayor, 45 2o Planta Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Confederación de E-2813 Madrid Provides information and training for consumers and Consumidores y Tel (34) 91 364 13 84 users and represents them in the various consumer par­ Usuarios Fax (34) 91 366 90 00 ticipation bodies [email protected]

23. FUCI C/Joaquín Costa, 61 Bajo Drcha. Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Federación de E-28002 Madrid Provides information and training for consumers and Usuarios- Tel. (34) 91 564 01 18. users and represents them in the various consumer par­ Consumidores Fax (34) 91 562 83 55 ticipation bodies Independientes [email protected]

24. HISPACOOP C/Vallehermosa, 15, 1o Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Confederación E-28015 Madrid Provides information and training for consumers and Española de Tel (34) 91 593 09 35 users and represents them in the various consumer par­ Cooperativas de Fax (34) 91 593 18 14 ticipation bodies Consumidores y [email protected] Usuarios

25. OCU C/Albarracín, 21 Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Organización de E-28037 Madrid Provides information and training for consumers and Consumidores y Tel. (34) 913 000 045 users and represents them in the various consumer par­ Usuarios Fax (34) 917 543 870 ticipation bodies [email protected]

26. UNAE C/Villanueva, 8 – 3o Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Federación Unión E-28001 Madrid Provides information and training for consumers and Nacional de Tel. (34) 91 575 72 19. users and represents them in the various consumer par­ Consumidores y Fax (34) 91 575 13 09 ticipation bodies Amas de Hogar de [email protected] España

27. ADICAE C/Gavín, 12 local Consumers' and users' organisation specialising in Asociación de E-50001 Zaragoza financial services. Provides information and training for Usuarios de Bancos, Tel. (34) 976 39 00 60. consumers and users and represents them in the var­ Cajas y Seguros Fax (34) 976 39 01 99 ious consumer participation bodies [email protected]

28. U.C.E. /O'donnel 32, 5od Consumers' and users' organisation of a general nature. Unión de E-28009 Madrid Provides information and training for consumers and Consumidores de Tel (34) 91 434 20 85 users and represents them in the various consumer par­ España Fax (34) 91 557 09 96 ticipation bodies [email protected] C 361/32 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016


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1. Association de 3, rue de la Rochefoucauld Protection of consumers' economic interests défense, d'éducation F-75009 Paris et d'information du Tel. (33) 144 53 73 93 consommateur Fax (33) 144 53 73 94 (ADEIC) E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.adeic.asso.fr President: Patrick Mercier General Secretary: Christian Huard

2. Association Force — 141, avenue du Maine Protection of consumers' economic interests Ouvrière F-75014 Paris Consommateur Tel. (33) 140 52 85 85 (AFOC) Fax (33) 140 52 85 86 E-mail: [email protected] Website: perso.wanadoo.fr/afoc President: Jean-Claude Mailly General Secretary: Raphaël Manzano

3. Association Léo 153, avenue Jean-Lolive Protection of consumers' economic interests Lagrange pour la F-93315 Pantin-Le-Pré-Saint-Gervais Cedex défense des Tel. (33) 148 10 65 65 consommateurs Fax (33) 148 10 65 71 (ALLDC) E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.leolagrange-conso.org President: Marc Lagae General Secretary: Yves Blein

4. Association Etudes 4, boulevard de la Villette Protection of consumers' economic interests et Consommation F-75955 Paris Cedex 19 (ASSECO-CFDT) Tel. (33) 142 03 81 14 Fax (33) 153 72 85 56 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cfdt.fr/asseco President: Yvonne Delemotte General Secretary: René Machabert

5. Confédération 6/8, Villa Gagliardini Protection of consumers' economic interests Générale du F-75020 Paris Logement (CGL) Tel. (33) 140 31 90 22 Fax (33) 140 31 92 74 E-mail: [email protected] President: Henry de Gaulle General Secretary: Pierre Perio

6. Confédération de la 17 rue Monsieur Protection of consumers' economic interests Consommation du F-75007 Paris Logement et du Tel. (33) 156 54 32 10 cadre de vie (CLCV) Fax (33) 143 20 72 02 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.clcv.org President: Reine-Claude Mader General Secretary: M.Alain Chosson 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/33

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7. Conseil national des 108, avenue Ledru-Rollin Protection of consumers' economic interests Associations F-75011 Paris Familiales Laïques Tel. (33) 147 00 02 40 (CNAFAL) Fax (33) 147 00 01 86 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cnafal.com President: Michèle Fournier-Bernard General Secretary: Eric Comparat

8. Confédération 28, place Saint-Georges Protection of consumers' economic interests Nationale des F-75009 Paris Associations Tel. (33) 148 78 81 61 Familiales Fax (33) 148 78 07 35 Catholiques E-mail: [email protected] (CNAFC) Website: www.afcfrance.org President: Paul de Viguerie Directeur: Olivier Braillon

9. Confédération 8, rue Mériel Protection of consumers' economic interests Nationale du F-93104 Montreuil Cedex Logement (CNL) Tel. (33) 148 57 04 64 Fax (33) 148 57 28 16 E-mail: [email protected] President: Jean-Pierre Giacomo Administrateur: Philippe Denizot

10. Confédération 53, rue Riquet Protection of consumers' economic interests Syndicale des F-75019 Paris Familles (CSF) Tel. (33) 144 89 86 80 Fax (33) 140 35 29 52 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.csfriquet.org President: M.Christian Zytynski General Secretary: François Édouard

11. Familles de France 28, place Saint-Georges Protection of consumers' economic interests (FF) F-75009 Paris Tel. (33) 144 53 45 90 Fax (33) 145 96 07 88 E-mail: [email protected] Website: ,www.familles-de-france.org President: Henri Joyeux General Secretary: Olivier Degauquier

12. Familles Rurales 7, cité d'Antin Protection of consumers' economic interests (FR) F-75009 Paris Tel. (33) 144 91 88 88 Fax (33) 144 91 88 89 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.famillesrurales.org President: Thierry Damient Directeur: Jean-Yves Martin C 361/34 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

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13. Fédération nationale 32, rue Raymond-Losserand Protection of consumers' economic interests des Associations F-75014 Paris d'Usagers des Tel. (33) 143 35 02 83 transports (FNAUT) Fax (33) 143 35 14 06 E-mail: [email protected] Website: perso.wanadoo.fr/fnaut President: Jean Sivardière General Secretary: Simone Bigorgne

14. Association pour 263, rue de Paris Protection of consumers' economic interests l'Information et la F-93516 Montreuil Cedex Défense des Tel. (33) 148 18 84 26 Consommateurs Fax (33) 148 18 84 82 Salariés de la CGT E-mail: [email protected] (INDECOSA-CGT Website: www.cgt.fr/indecosa President: Daniel Collet General Secretary: Daniel Tournez

15. Organisation 16, avenue du Château Protection of consumers' economic interests Générale des F-94300 Vincennes Consommateurs Tel. (33) 101 49 57 93 00 (ORGECO) Fax (33) 143 65 33 76 E-mail: [email protected] Website: perso.wanadoo.fr/orgeco/ President: Yves Sirot Sécrétaire Général: Sylvie Martin-Pernot

16. Union fédérale des 11, rue Guénot Protection of consumers' economic interests Consommateurs- F-75011 Paris Que Choisir (UFC- Tel. (33) 143 48 55 48 QUE CHOISIR) Fax (33) 143 48 44 35 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.quechoisir.org President: Alain Bazot Directeur: Jean-Louis Redon

17. Union Féminine 6, rue Béranger Protection of consumers' economic interests Civique et Sociale F-75003 Paris (UFCS) Tel. (33) 144 54 50 54 Fax (33) 144 54 50 66 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ufcs.org President: Chantal Jannet General Secretary: Elisabeth Leveque

18. Union Nationale des 28, place Saint-Georges Protection of consumers' economic interests Associations F-75009 Paris Familiales (UNAF) Tel. (33) 149 95 36 00 Fax (33) 140 16 12 76 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.unaf.fr President: Hubert Brin Directeur: Monique Sassier 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/35

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19. Direction générale 59, boulevard Vincent Auriol Protection of consumer interests; enquiries; injunctions de la concurrence, F-75703 Paris cedex 13 de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (D.G.C.C.R.F.)


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. A.C.U. Via Padre Luigi Monti, 20/C Seeks solely to achieve social solidarity by protecting ASSOCIAZIONE I-20162 Milano (MI) the rights of consumers and users; prohibited from pur­ CONSUMATORI tel. (39)02-661 54 11 suing various activities; the main objective of the asso­ UTENTI fax (39)02-642 52 93 ciation is to secure benefits for consumers and users [email protected] who are disadvantaged owing to their physical, mental, www.consumatoriutenti.it; economic, social or family situation (Art. 3 of the Sta­ www.mangiosano.org tutes).

2. ADICONSUM Via degli Ammiragli, 91 Seeks solely to protect the rights and interests of con­ ASSOCIAZIONE I-00161 Roma sumers and users including: rights relating to health, DIFESA tel. (39)06-441 70 21 safety and quality of products and services; appropriate CONSUMATORI E fax (39)06-44 17 02 30 information and fair advertising; fairness, transparency AMBIENTE [email protected] and equality regarding contractual relations relating to www.adiconsum.it goods and services; provision of public services in ac­ cordance with quality and efficiency standards; informa­ tion on responsible, critical, appropriate and eco- friendly consumption as well as rational energy use; in­ formation on the use of money to prevent over- indebt­ edness and usury; assistance and support for those who fall victim to usury or need assistance (Art. 1 of the Sta­ tutes)

3. ADOC — Via Lucullo, 6 Pursues the statutory aim of protecting consumers and ASSOCIAZIONE I-00187 Roma users by undertaking actions which guarantee rights DIFESA tel. (39)06-4825849 and safeguard a higher standard of living (Art. 2 of the ORIENTAMENTO fax (39)06-4819028 Statutes). CONSUMATORI [email protected] www.adoc.org

4. ADUSBEF — Via Farini, 62 Operates in Italy with the aim of helping, protecting, ASSOCIAZIONE I-00185 Roma representing and defending users of banking and finan­ PER LA DIFESA tel. (39)06-48 18 632 cial services and those involved with common invest­ DEGLI UTENTI DEI fax (39)06-48 18 633 ment funds or any other activity directly or indirectly SERVIZI BANCARI, [email protected] related to credit services (Art. 1 of the Statutes). FINANZIARI, www.adusbef.it POSTALI, ED ASSICURATIVI C 361/36 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

5. ALTROCONSUMO Via Valassina, 22 Promotes and defends the interests of consumers and — ASSOCIAZIONE 20159 Milano (MI) users of goods and services and undertakes any initia­ INDIPENDENTE DI tel. (39)02-668901 tive liable to guarantee such interests, both individually CONSUMATORI fax (39)02-66890288 and collectively (Art. 2 of the Statutes). [email protected]; [email protected] www.altroconsumo.it

6. ASSOUTENTI — Via Celimontana,38 Pursues the sole aim of protecting users and consumers ASSOCIAZIONE I-00184 Roma (RM) by carrying out social solidarity activities and protecting NAZIONALE DEGLI tel. (39)06-68 33 617 civil rights (Art. 2 of the Statutes). UTENTI DEI fax (39)06-68 67 434 SERVIZI PUBBLICI [email protected] www.assoutenti.it

7. C.T.C.U. — Via Dodiciville, 2 The union of associations and organisations of the Alto CENTRO TUTELA I-39100 Bolzano (BZ) Adige operates solely in the field of consumer protec­ CONSUMATORI tel. (39)0471-97 55 97 tion. It seeks to protect the interests of consumers and UTENTI — fax (39)0471-97 99 14 users, employing its own and consumers' structures and VERBRAUCHERZE­ www.centroconsumatori.it; autonomous departments which are separate from the NTRALE www.euroconsumatori.org; other general activities (Art. 1 of the Statutes). SUDTIROL www.assicurarsibene.it

8. CITTADINANZAT­ Via Flaminia, 53 A public participation movement which seeks to pro­ TIVA — I-00196 Roma tect human rights by promoting and practising social tel. (39)06-36 71 81 and political rights at national, European and internat­ fax (39)06-36 71 83 33 ional level. It seeks to eliminate waste and combat cor­ [email protected] ruption and, working closely with the vast consumer www.cittadinanzattiva.it movement, safeguard the rights of consumers and users and protect the environment, land, health as well as in­ dividual and collective security (Art. 1 of the Statutes).

9. CODACONS– Viale Mazzini, 73 Pursues the sole aim of protecting, using its own legiti­ COORDINAMENTO I-00195 Roma mate means and in particular with recourse to legal in­ DELLE tel. (39)06-37 25 809 struments, the rights and interests of consumers and ASSOCIAZIONI fax (39)06-37 01 709 users, as well as immigrants and refugees, with regard PER LA TUTELA [email protected] to public organisations and private producers and pro­ DELL'AMBIENTE E www.codacons.it viders of goods and services in order to eliminate the LA DIFESA DEI market distortions identified by the Commission for DIRITTI DI UTENTI abuse and other offences against public administration E CONSUMATORI (Art. 2 of the Statutes).

10. CODICI — Viale Guglielmo Marconi, 94 Facilitates independent and democratic social training, CENTRO PER I-00146 Roma without profit-making aims. The centre pursues the I DIRITTI DEL tel. (39)06-55 30 18 08 sole objective of carrying out any cultural, social, politi­ CITTADINO fax (39)06-55 30 70 81 cal and legal activities in order to promote, uphold and [email protected] protect the rights and interests of consumers and users, www.codici.org and in particular those who are disadvantaged (Art. 3 of the Statutes). 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/37

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11. CONFCONSUMA­ Via G. Mazzini, 43 Seeks solely to protect consumers and users, without TORI I-43100 Parma (PR) pursuing profit-making aims, and focuses on achieving _CONFEDERAZIO­ tel. (39)052-12 30 134 social solidarity (Art. 2 of the Statutes). NE GENERALE DEI fax (39)052-28 57 17 CONSUMATORI [email protected] www.confconsumatori.it

12. FEDERCONSUMA­ Via Palestro, 11 Supports, provides training and information and pro­ TORI — I-00185 Roma tects all consumers and users, in particular those who FEDERAZIONE tel. (39)06-42 02 07 55 are economically and socially disadvantaged (Art. 2 of NAZIONALE DI fax (39)06-47 42 48 09 the Statutes). CONSUMATORI E [email protected] UTENTI www.federconsumatori.it

13. LA CASA DEL Via Bobbio, 6 Operates exclusively at EU, national, regional and local CONSUMATORE I-20125 Milano (MI) level in order to provide information and promote, sup­ tel. (39)02-28 38 92 82 port, protect, represent and defend the individual and fax (39)02-28 38 93 43 collective rights and interests of consumers of goods [email protected] and users of services as well as the various interests of www.casadelconsumatore.it consumers and users in general (Art. 1 of the Statutes).

14. LEGA Via delle Orchidee, 4/A Seeks to promote, organise and enhance as effectively CONSUMATORI I-20147 Milano (MI) as possible the individual and collective resources of tel. (39)02-48 30 36 59 partners with regard to training, information and self- fax (39)02-48 30 26 11 protection in order to identify and meet the needs of [email protected] the community; promotes and coordinates the setting www.legaconsumatori.it up of economic bodies based on self-management and the direct involvement of individuals in order to protect salary purchasing power and programmed and con­ scious consumption; seeks a new development model which takes into account new consumer means so as to determine and modify the forms of capitalist produc­ tion, processing and marketing; protects the physical and moral well-being of citizens against production and service companies, including recourse to legal means; helps develop and support the ideals and values of the workers' and tenant farmers' movement, favouring forms of cooperation based on shared and mutual ex­ perience (Art. 3 of the Statutes).

15. MOVIMENTO Via Piemonte, 39/A Protects the rights and interests of consumers and users CONSUMATORI I-00187 Roma in general, as referred to in Art. 2 of the law of 30 July tel. (39)06-48 80 053 1998 (No. 281), as well as those of savers; seeks to im­ fax (39)06-48 20 227 prove the quality of life of such persons; promotes the [email protected] development of consumer culture and provides infor­ www.movimentoconsumatori.it mation and training on sustainable and environmentally compatible consumerism (Art. 2 of the Statutes). C 361/38 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

16. MOVIMENTO DIFESA Via Quintino Sella, 41 Autonomous and non-profit-making association operat­ DEL CITTADINO — I-00187 Roma ing in Italy which seeks solely to achieve solidarity and onlus tel. (39)06-86 39 92 08 social promotion and protect the rights of citizens, con­ fax (39)06-86 38 84 06 sumers and users (Art. 1 of the Statutes). [email protected] www.helpconsumatori.it

17. UNIONE Via Duilio, 13 Pursues the statutory aims of representing and protect­ NAZIONALE I-00192 Roma ing indiscriminately the interests of all consumers, in­ CONSUMATORI tel. (39)06-32 69 531 cluding users of public and private services, in particu­ fax (39)06-32 34 616 lar those disadvantaged due to their weak negotiating [email protected] position and the lack of information compared with www.consumatori.it professionals; defends, if required, legal rights against ordinary and administrative legal authorities and within international bodies and assists with regard to relations with suppliers of public and private goods and services (Art. 2 of the Statutes).

18. ASSOCONSUM Via Lombardia, 30 In the years immediately after it was founded, Asso- ONLUS. 00187 Roma consum was mainly active in the parliamentary field: Tel. 06 42009318 between 2002 and 2007, at least 600 parliamentary Fax 06 42009322 questions were prompted by its reports. Email: [email protected] As it gradually recruited more staff, it acquired the ad­ www.asso-consum.it ditional capacity to provide assistance, guidance and training for consumers (both members and non-mem­ bers) and also free legal advice in the following areas: credit and savings, contracts, telecommunications, transport, class actions, health, tourism, the environ­ ment, food and privacy. Asso-Consum has recently been involved in initiatives of national significance: namely, the negotiations with Costa Crociere on compensation for the Concordia pass­ engers, the presentation of the referendum on abolish­ ing the reimbursement of political parties' election ex­ penses and the class action against the Banca di Campa­ nia in respect of commission charged on highest debit balances.


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Competition and Tel.: (357) 22 86 71 53 The aim of the service is to safeguard consumers' Consumer Fax: (357) 22 37 51 20 health, safety and economic interests. The service is re­ Protection Service sponsible for both the adoption of EU Directives and of the Ministry of Email: [email protected] the application of harmonized legislation. Commerce, Industry and Tourism 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/39

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2. Cypriot Consumers Tel.: (357) 22 51 61 12/3/4 The aim of the association is to defend consumers' Association Fax: (357) 22 51 61 18 rights as laid down by the United Nations and the EU and to educate consumers so that they are fully aware Email: [email protected] and cca@ of their rights and obligations. spidernet.net www.cyprusconsumers.org.cy

3. Cyprus Consumers Tel.: (357) 22 31 31 11 The aim is to defend and to promote all consumers' in­ and Quality of Life (357) 22 46 30 03 terests indiscriminately and to safeguard their rights to a comfortable and healthy life in a sustainable and de­ Fax: (357) 22 46 30 77 veloped environment. Email: [email protected] www.consumersunion.org.cy


Name of the entity Contact information Purpose

1. Patērētāju tiesību Tālr: (371) 73 38 026 To implement the protection of consumer rights and aizardzības centrs Fakss: (371) 73 38 024 interests. E-pasts: [email protected] www.ptac.gov.lv


Name of the entity Contact information Purpose

1. Nacionalinė Vilniaus g. 25, The National Service for the Protection of Consumer vartotojų teisių LT-01119, Vilnius, Lietuva Rights is a government institute, responsible for con­ apsaugos taryba prie Tel.: (370) 52 62 67 51 ducting consumer protection policy and coordinating Teisingumo Fax.: (370) 52 79 14 66 the activity of inspectorate institutions for product ministerijos El. p. [email protected] safety and the defence of consumer rights. www.nvtat.lt


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Union 55, rue des Bruyères Information, education, protection, consumer protec­ luxembourgeoise L-1274 Howald tion, legal services, consultation with experts, legal des consommateurs Tel: (352) 49 60 22-1 assistance, representation with public authorities. nouvelle asbl Fax: (352) 49 49 57 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ulc.lu C 361/40 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

2. Automobile Club du 54, route de Longwy Protects and promotes the interests of car drivers as Grand-Duché de L-8007 Bertrange consumers. Luxembourg asbl Tel.: (352) 45 00 45-1 Fax: (352) 45 04 55 E-Mail: [email protected] www.acl.lu


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Fogyasztóvédelmi Logodi u. 22-24 Representation and protection of the interests of Hun­ Egyesületek H-1012 Budapest, garian consumers. Országos Tel.: (36) 1 31 17 030 Collaborates on formulating and legislating national Szövetsége Fax: (36)1 33 17 386 consumer protection policy, and maintains relations E-mail: [email protected] with domestic and foreign consumer protection organ­ Contact: dr. Baranovszky György, President isations.

2. Országos Balaton u. 27 General representation and protection of consumer in­ Fogyasztóvédelmi H-1055 Budapest terests and enforcement of their rights. Collaborates on Egyesület (OFE) Tel.: (36) 1 31 17 030 formulating and legislating consumer protection policy Fax: (36) 1 33 17 386 and setting official prices; assists with obtaining legal redress.

3. Magyar Fö u. 68 Represents, protects and enforces the interests of Hun­ Energiafogyasztók H-1027 Budapest garian energy consumers. Collaborates on the regu­ Szövetségenek Tel.: (36)1 22 41 478 lation of matters of energy management concerning (MESZ) Fax: (36)1 22 41 478 small and large consumers and provides legal advice.

4. Csepeli Petz Ferenc u. 8 General representation and protection of consumer in­ Fogyasztóvédelmi H-1211 Budapest terests and enforcement of their rights. Egyesület Tel.: (36)1 42 54 507 Fax: (36)1 42 54 507

5. Magyar Autóklub Rómer Flóris u. 4/a Protection of the motoring interests of association Egyesület (MAK) H-1024 Budapest members. Tel.: (36) 134 51 800 Fax: (36) 1 34 51 801 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/41

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

6. Csalán Környezet és Kossuth L. u. 1, II/2 Representation and protection of the interests of Hun­ Természetvédö H- 8200 Veszprém garian consumers. Collaborates on formulating and leg­ Egyesület Tel.: (36)-88 57 83 90 islating national consumer protection policy, and main­ Fax: (36) 88 57 83 91 tains relations with domestic and foreign consumer E-Mail: [email protected] protection organisations.

7. Fogyasztói Thaly Kálmán utca 22-24.1./4. The aim of the organisation is to enforce consumers' Jogérvényesítő 1096 Budapest rights; to expose infringements affecting consumers; Szervezet (FJSZ) E-Mail: [email protected] safeguard consumers' interests; raise awareness of con­ Representative: Dr. Márk Erdélyi, President sumers' rights; support consumer protection activities carried out by the state and other bodies; to extend consumers' rights, and take steps to make protection more effective.

8. Pénzügyi Mátyás tér 17. 3. 9. Developing consumer awareness; understanding, knowl­ Ismeretterjesztő és 1084 Budapest, edge and protection of local and national consumer in­ Érdek-képviseleti e-mail: [email protected] terests; shaping and developing national consumer be­ Egyesület (PITEE) Representative: Dr Dénes Lázár, President haviour; examining, presenting and researching consu­ mer behaviour; providing consumer protection services, promoting consumer information and lobbying, help­ ing to make consumer protection more effective; sup­ porting consumers in legal disputes with utility com­ panies, telecommunication companies, financial institu­ tions, financial service providers, insurance companies, insurance brokers, parking companies, travel agents, es­ tate agents and all other commercial companies.


Name of the entity Contact Details Purpose

1. Malta Competition Godwin Mangion To enforce the corresponding national legislation trans­ and Consumer Director General posing: Affairs Authority Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs — Council Directive 84/450/EEC of 10 September Authority (MCCAA) 1984 on the approximation of the laws, regulations Mizzi House and administrative provisions of the Member States National Road concerning misleading advertising and subsequent Blata l-Bajda HMR9010 amendments to the Directive; Malta — Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and e-mail: [email protected] of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection tel: +356 21496919 of consumers in respect of distance contracts; C 361/42 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact Details Purpose

— Directive 2005/29/EC of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market and amending Directives 84/450/EEC, 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and 2002/65/EC and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 (Unfair Com­ mercial Practices Directive); — Council Directive 87/102/EEC of 22 December 1986 for the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning consumer credit and subsequent amend­ ments to the Directive; — Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts; — Council Directive 85/577/EEC of 20 December 1985 to protect the consumer in respect of con­ tracts negotiated away from business premises.

2. Malta Tourism Marie Louise Mangion To enforce the corresponding national legislation trans­ Authority Director posing: Malta Tourism Authority — Directive 94/47/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 October 1994 on the protection Auberge d'Italie of purchasers in respect of certain aspects of con­ Triq il-Merkanti tracts relating to the purchase of the right to use immovable properties on a timeshare basis; Valletta — Council Directive 90/314/EEC of 13 June 1990 on Malta package travel, package holidays and package tours. Tel: 22915045/22915058 Both Directives have been transposed to by virtue of Email: [email protected] the Malta Travel and tourism Services Act (Cap. 409).

3. Broadcasting 7, Mile End Road To enforce the corresponding national legislation trans­ Authority Ħamrun posing Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October Malta 1989 on the coordination of certain provisions laid Tel: +356 21 221281 down by Law, Regulation or Administrative Action in Fax: +356 21 240855 Member States concerning the pursuit of television Email: [email protected] broadcasting activities (and as subsequently amended).

4. Medicines Authority Patricia Vella Bonanno To enforce the corresponding national legislation trans­ Chief Executive Officer posing Council Directive 92/28/EEC of 31 March 1992 regarding advertising of medicinal products for human 203, Level 3, use. Rue D'Argens, Gżira GŻR 1368, The Medicines Products (Injunction to advertising) Reg­ MALTA ulations, 2008 are foreseen to be published in the Gov­ Tel: (+356) 2343 9112 ernment Gazette of Malta in January/February 2008. Fax: (+356) 2343 9161 Email: [email protected] 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/43

Name of the entity Contact Details Purpose

5. Malta Philip Micallef To enforce the corresponding national legislation trans­ Communications Chairman posing: Authority Malta Communications Authority Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and Valletta Waterfront of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects Pinto Wharf of information society services, in particular electronic Floriana FRN1913 commerce, in the Internal Market. Tel: +356 2133 6840 Electronic Commerce (General) Regulations Fax: +356 2133 6846 (LN251/06), Regulation 15 E-mail: [email protected] Regulations made in accordance with Article 25 of the website: www.mca.org.mt Electronic Commerce Act (Cap. 426)

6. L-Ghaqda tal- Consumers' Association — Malta, To enforce the corresponding national legislation trans­ Konsumaturi 43/10, St.Zachary Street posing: — Council Directive 84/450/EEC of 10 Septem­ [Consumer Valletta, VLT 04, ber 1984 on the approximation of the laws, regulations Association — Malta and administrative provisions of the Member States Malta] Tel: 00356 21239091 concerning misleading advertising and subsequent Tel: 00356 79836128 amendments to the Directive; — Directive 97/7/EC of President the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consumers in respect of dis­ Mr. Benny Borg Bonello tance contracts; — Directive 2005/29/EC of 11 May [email protected] 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commer­ cial practices in the internal market and amending Di­ [email protected] rectives 84/450/EEC, 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and 2002/65/EC and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 (Un­ fair Commercial Practices Directive); — Council Direc­ tive 87/102/EEC of 22 December 1986 for the approxi­ mation of the laws, regulations and administrative pro­ visions of the Member States concerning consumer credit and subsequent amendments to the Directive; — Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts; Council Directive 85/577/EEC of 20 December 1985 to protect the con­ sumer in respect of contracts negotiated away from business premises. C 361/44 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact Details Purpose

7. Association For Pope Pius XII, Flat 4, Mountbatten Street, To enforce the corresponding national legislation trans­ Consumer Rights Blata l-Bajda posing: — Council Directive 84/450/EEC of 10 Septem­ (Malta) Hamrun HMR 1579, Malta ber 1984 on the approximation of the laws, regulations Tel: 356 21246289 and administrative provisions of the Member States Email: associationforconsumerrights@gmail. concerning misleading advertising and subsequent com amendments to the Directive; — Directive 97/7/EC of President the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997 on the protection of consumers in respect of dis­ Stefan Xuereb tance contracts; — Directive 2005/29/EC of 11 May Email: [email protected] 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commer­ cial practices in the internal market and amending Di­ Tel No: 21432661 rectives 84/450/EEC, 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and Mobile: 79233333 2002/65/EC and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 (Un­ Hon General Secretary fair Commercial Practices Directive); — Council Direc­ tive 87/102/EEC of 22 December 1986 for the approxi­ Grace Attard mation of the laws, regulations and administrative pro­ Email: [email protected] visions of the Member States concerning consumer credit and subsequent amendments to the Directive; — Tel no: 356 21488391 Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair Mobile no: 356 99225445 terms in consumer contracts; Council Directive 85/577/EEC of 20 December 1985 to protect the con­ sumer in respect of contracts negotiated away from business premises.


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Consumentenbond Enthovenplein 1 Seeks to enable consumers to make easier and better Postbus 1000 choices in a sustainable and socially justifiable society. NL-2500 BA Den Haag Nederland Tel. (31-70) 445 45 45 Fax (31-70) 445 45 96 1e) Koos Peters, kpeters@consumentenbond. nl 2e) Wibo Koole, wkoole@consumentenbond. nl Website: www.consumentenbond.nl


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Wirtschaftskammer Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Represents and promotes the common interests of its Österreich Wiedner Hauptstraße 63 members and of industry and trade and individual A-1045 Wien members (§ 1 of the Wirtschaftskammergesetz = Chamber Tel. (43-1) 501 05 42 96 of Commerce Act). Protects the collective interests of Fax (43-1) 50 20 62 43 consumers pursuant to § 28(1), § 28(a)(1), § 29(1) of E-mail: [email protected] the KSchG and § 1, § 2(1) und § 14(1) of the UWG. 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/45

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

2. Bundesarbeitskam­ Bundesarbeitskammer Represents and promotes the social, economic, occupa­ mer Prinz-Eugen-Straße 20-22 tional and cultural interests of workers; contributes to­ A-1040 Wien wards improving the economic and social situation of Tel. (43-1) 501 65 25 50 workers and their families, implements measures in Fax (43-1) 501 65 25 32 matters relating to education, culture, environmental E-mail: [email protected] protection, consumer protection, organisation of leisure time, protection and promotion of health and living conditions and the promotion of full employment; in­ volved in establishing prices and competition rules; provides advice and legal protection in matters pertain­ ing to labour law and social law, including representa­ tion. Protects the collective interests of consumers pur­ suant to § 1, § 2(1) und § 14(1) of the UWG.

3. Präsidentenkon­ Präsidentenkonferenz der Landwirtschafts­ Promotes the national economic role of agriculture and ferenz der kammern Österreichs forestry and represents their economic interests. Pro­ Landwirtschafts­ Löwenstraße 12 tects the collective interests of consumers pursuant to kammern A-1010 Wien § 1, § 2(1) und § 14(1) of the UWG. Österreichs Tel. (43-1) 534 41 85 00 Fax (43-1) 534 41 85 09 E-mail: [email protected]

4. Österreichischer Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund Represents the social, economic and cultural interests Gewerkschaftsbund Hohenstaufengasse 10-12 of all gainfully employed people other than the self-em­ A-1010 Wien ployed (manual workers, white-collar workers, public Tel. (43-1) 53 44 44 05 servants, including apprentices or persons in a similar Fax (43-1) 53 44 45 52 situation), the unemployed, even if they have not yet E-mail: [email protected]. had the opportunity to be gainfully employed (other at than in self-employment), pupils and students who in­ tend to go into gainful employment (other than self- employment) and other occupational groups (such as freelancers or people working in private practice), pro­ vided they can be compared, in terms of their activity, with people who are gainfully employed other than in self-employment. Protects the collective interests of consumers pursuant to § 1, § 2(1) und § 14(1) of the UWG.

5. Verein für Verein für Konsumenteninformation Advises, informs and protects consumers against mis­ Konsumenteninfor­ Mariahilferstraße 81 leading and unfair advertising and sales methods, and mation A-1010 Wien in legal matters pertaining to the purchase of goods Tel. (43-1) 58 87 73 33 and services. Protects the collective interests of con­ Fax (43-1) 588 77 75 sumers pursuant to § 1, § 2(1) und § 14(1) of the E-mail: [email protected] UWG.

6. Österreichischer Österreichischer Landarbeiterkammertag Promotes cooperation between chambers of agricultural Landarbeiterkammer­ Marco d'Aviano-Gasse 1 workers, provides advice and deals with common mat­ tag A-1015 Wien ters that fall within the sphere of responsibility of the Tel. (43-1) 512 23 31 chambers of agricultural workers (employees' section). Fax (43-1) 512 23 31/ 70 Protects the collective interests of consumers pursuant E-mail: [email protected] to § 28(1), § 28(a)(1) and § 29(1) of the KSchG. C 361/46 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

7. Österreichischer Österreichischer Seniorenrat Ensures that all economic, social and cultural facilities Seniorenrat (Bundesaltenrat Österreichs) are accessible to the older generation in keeping with (Bundesaltenrat Sperrgasse 8-10/III its needs; contributes towards solving problems of so­ Österreichs A-1150 Wien cial, old-age and health policy, and supports the provis­ Tel. (43-1) 892 34 65 ion of advice, information and care for the elderly. Pro­ Fax (43-1) 892 34 65/24 tects the collective interests of consumers pursuant to E-mail: [email protected] § 28(1), § 28(a)(1) and § 29(1) of the KSchG.

8. Schutzverband Schutzverband gegen den unlauteren Wettbe­ Combats unfair competition, especially trade libel in gegen den werb economic life. Protects the collective interests of con­ unlauteren Schwarzenbergplatz 14 sumers pursuant to § 1, § 2(1) und § 14(1) of the Wettbewerb A-1040 Wien UWG. Tel. (43-1) 514 50 32 92 Fax (43-1) 505 78 93 E-mail: [email protected]


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Rzecznik Praw Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich Under Article 208 of the Constitution of the Republic Obywatelskich Al. Solidarności 77 of Poland, the Commissioner for Citizens' Rights shall PL-00-090 Warszawa safeguard the freedoms and rights of persons and citi­ tel.: centrala: (48 22) 551-77-00 zens specified in the Constitution and other normative tel.: przyjęcia interesantów: (48 22) 551-77- acts. 60; 551-78-11 His specific responsibilities were laid down in the Act fax: (48 22) 827-64-53 of 15 July 1987 on the Commissioner for Citizens' Rights (consolidated text: Official Gazette 2001 No. 14 p. 147) The Commissioner for Citizens' Rights takes appropri­ ate action under the Act if he is informed of any in­ fringement of freedoms or human and civil rights.

2. Rzecznik Biuro Rzecznika Ubezpieczonych The Insurance Ombudsman acts on the basis of the Act Ubezpieczonych Aleje Jerozolimskie 44 of 22 May 2003 on the supervision of insurance and PL-00 – 024 Warszawa pensions and on the Insurance Ombudsman. Under the Tel. (48 22) 33 37392 Act, the Insurance Ombudsman can request clarifica­ (48 22) 33 37328 tion from insurance companies, the Polish Motor In­ Fax: (48 22) 33 37 329 surers' Bureau and the Insurance Guarantee Fund on: E mail: [email protected] — individual matters, at the request of the policy­ holder; — general insurance conditions or internal regulations which, in the view of the Insurance Ombudsman, are disadvantageous for policyholders and; — non-compliant insurance services provided by in­ surers. In addition, the Insurance Ombudsman is authorised to refer to the Finance Minster issues concerning manda­ tory insurance or to call for possible changes in the reg­ ulations on mandatory insurance. 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/47

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

3. Rzecznik Miejski/Powiatowy Rzecznik Konsumentów — Under the Act of 15 December 2000 on Competition Konsumentów some 360 throughout the country and Consumer Protection (Official Gazette 2003 Miejski Rzecznik Konsumentów w Warszawie No. 86, p. 804 with subsequent changes), the Regional Ul. Górskiego 7 and Municipal Consumer Ombudsmen represent the lo­ PL-00-033 Warszawa cal authorities in the field of consumer protection. T: (48 22) 826 17 12; The main responsibilities of the Consumer Ombuds­ T/F: (48 22) 827 76 37 man are: e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 1) to ensure free consumer advice and legal informa­ tion in the field of consumer protection; 2) to propose new regulations and changes to regula­ tions in local legislation in the field of consumer protection; 3) to take action against businesses in cases concerning the protection of consumer rights and interests; 4) to cooperate with the appropriate local branch of the Office for Consumer Protection, the Trade In­ spectorate and consumer organisations; 5) to undertake other tasks as described in the Act or in specific regulations. The Consumer Ombudsman can, in particular, institute legal proceedings on behalf of consumers and, with their agreement, intervene in consumer protection pro­ ceedings already in progress.

4. Organizacje 1) Federacja Konsumentów Under Article 39 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Konsumenckie Rady Krajowej Federacji Konsumentów: Competition and Consumer Protection (Official Gazette Plac Powstańców 1 2003 No. 86, p. 804 with subsequent changes), consu­ PL-00-030 Warszawa, mer organisations are empowered to represent consu­ tel./fax: (48 22) 827 51 05, mer interests in cases against administrative bodies and www.federacja-konsumentow.org.pl local authorities and can participate in the creation of E-mail: [email protected]. national consumer policy. pl The organisations mentioned in section 1 have the right to: 1) express their opinion on draft legislation and other documents concerning consumer rights and inter­ ests; 2) Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów Polskich 2) develop and promote consumer education pro­ ul. Nowowiejska 25, grammes; PL-00-665 Warszawa tel.: (48 22) 660 52 71 3) carry out tests of products and services and publish fax: (48 22) 825 68 31 the results of such tests; e-mail: [email protected] 4) publish magazines, research projects, brochures and http://www.skp.pl/ leaflets; 5) run a free consumer advice service and provide free help to consumers in settling their claims, unless the organisation's rules of operation require a fee to be charged for such services; 6) participate in standardisation work; 7) complete assignments on a national level in the field of consumer protection, as commissioned by nat­ ional and local government bodies; 8) apply for subsidies from public funds to undertake the assignments specified in point 7 above. C 361/48 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Associação de Telf.: (351) 296 62 97 26 Promote public actions aimed at consumer information, Consumidores da Fax: (351) 296 62 97 26 awareness and education; encouraging and preparing Região Autónoma consumers to defend their interests; dos Açores Email: secretariadodeangradoheroismo@acra. pt Conduct studies and issue opinions, processing and publishing them when necessary; [email protected] Create a legal advisory service for consumers in accord­ web site: www.acra.pt ance with the terms to be defined by the Secretary Gen­ eral; Undertake or order analyses, tests and other examina­ tions on the quality of products; Promote various types of meetings to discuss problems that affect Consumers.

2. Associação de Tel. (351) 239 40 48 40 Protection of consumers that are its members and con­ Consumidores de Fax: (351) 239 40 47 38 sumers in general; Portugal Email: [email protected] Promote, diffuse and oversee application and respect for the consumer rights recognised under the Constitu­ Website: http://planeta.clix.pt/acop tion and by law; Study all issues that are of interest to consumers and seek solutions to them.

3. Associação de Tel. (351) 265 23 79 70 Defend consumers in general. Consumidores de Fax (351) 265 23 79 70 Setúbal Email: [email protected]

4. DECO — Rua Artilharia Um, n.o 79 - 4o The purpose of this association is to defend the rights Associação 1269-160 LISBOA and legitimate interests of consumers Portuguesa para Tel: 21 371 02 00 a Defesa dos Fax: 21 371 02 99 Consumidores E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.deco.proteste.pt


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Asociatia pentru APC Romania Represents consumers and promotes their interests, of­ Protectia Intr. Licurici 2, Bloc 2, Ap. 2, Sector 3, Bucur­ fers information for consumers and provides education. Consumatorilor din eşti, România, RO-030894 România (APC — Tel/fax: +40-(21)-311.02.43 România) Email: [email protected] Web: www.apc-romania.ro 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/49


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Društvo za varstvo Tel.: (386 2) 251 68 83 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov Trubarjeva 3 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian Maribor SLO - 2000 Maribor Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the protection of consumers' collective rights’.

2. Mednarodni inštitut Tel.: (386 1) 474 06 00 Non-governmental consumer organisation za potrošniške Fax.: (386 1) 433 33 71 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian raziskave [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Frankopanska 5 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 1000 Ljubljana protection of consumers' collective rights’.

3. Obalno združenje Tel.: 386 5 628 87 50 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov Koper Fax.: 386 5 654 08 80 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Dolga reber 5, and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO - 6000 Koper protection of consumers' collective rights’.

4. Varstvo potrošnikov Tel.: (386 3) 541 26 05 Non-governmental consumer organisation Celje Fax.: (386 3) 492 35 11 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Gledališka ul. 2 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the p.p. 297 protection of consumers' collective rights’. SLO – 3000 Celje

5. Zavod za varstvo Tel.: (386 1) 256 88 77 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov Fax.: (386 1) 256 88 77 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Koprska 94 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 1000 Koper protection of consumers' collective rights’.

6. Združenje Tel.: (386 4) 236 25 40 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov [email protected] According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian Gorenjske Kranj Bertoncljeva 23 Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce SLO – 4000 Kranj and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the protection of consumers' collective rights’.

7. Združenje Fax.: (386 7) 814 91 49 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov Posavja [email protected] According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian Cesta Krških žrtev 23 Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce SLO – 8270 Krško and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the protection of consumers' collective rights’.

8. Združenje Tel.: (386 2) 5349 390 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov Fax.: (386 2) 5349 391 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian Pomurja [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Trg zmage 4 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 9000 Murska Sobota protection of consumers' collective rights’. C 361/50 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

9. Združenje Tel.: (386 5) 333 41 43 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov Fax.: (386 5) 334 651 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian Primorske [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Ur. Gradnikove brigade 33 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO - 5000 Nova Gorica protection of consumers' collective rights’.

10. Združenje Tel.: (386 3) 566 90 40 Non-governmental consumer organisation potrošnikov Zasavja Fax.:( 386 3) 566 90 41 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Cesta zmage 33 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 1410 Zagorje ob Savi protection of consumers' collective rights’.

11. Zveza potrošnikov Tel.: (386 1) 474 06 00 Non-governmental consumer organisation Slovenije — društvo Fax.: (386 1) 433 33 71 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Frankopanska 5 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 1000 Ljubljana protection of consumers' collective rights’.

12. Zveza potrošniških Tel.: (386 2) 534 93 90 Non-governmental consumer organisation združenj Slovenije Fax.: (386 2) 534 93 91 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Trg zmage 4 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 9000 Murska sobota protection of consumers' collective rights’.

13. Gospodarska Tel.: (386 1) 589 80 00 Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia zbornica Slovenije Fax.: (386 1) 589 81 00 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Dimičeva 13 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 1000 Ljubljana protection of consumers' collective rights’.

14. Obrtna zbornica Tel.: (386 1) 583 05 00 Chamber of Craft of Slovenia Slovenije Fax: (386 1) 505 43 73 According to articles 74, 75 and 76 of the Slovenian [email protected] Consumer Protection Law, ‘the Chambers of commerce Celovška 71 and handicrafts can bring injunctive actions for the SLO – 1000 Ljubljana protection of consumers' collective rights’.


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Združenie Palisády 22, Representation of consumers in court. Providing expert slovenských Bratislava consultation. Mediating solutions in disputes between spotrebiteľov Tel. (421) 2 54 41 11 48 consumers and sellers. Fax. (421 2 54 41 11 48 E-mail: [email protected] web: www.isnet.sk/zss 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/51

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

2. Ochrana Obrancov mieru 2, Mediating solutions in disputes between consumers and spotrebiteľa Oravy Dolný Kubín sellers. Tel. (421) 435 88 61 23 Mob. (421) 907 24 21 11 E-mail: [email protected]

3. Asociácia užívateľov Skuteckého 30, Banská Bystrica Representation of consumer interests in court. služieb Tel. (421) 484 13 87 08 E-mail: [email protected] www: www.asu.sk

4. Infospot, Žabotova 2, Out of court settlement of consumer disputes, represen­ informačné Bratislava tation in court, representation at the bodies of national a spotrebiteľské Tel. (421 252 49 19 11 administration. centrum Mob. (421) 905 25 00 05 E-mail: [email protected]

5. Spotrebiteľská Horný val 24, Resolving consumer disputes through out of court set­ informačná agentúra Žilina tlements; representation of consumers in court. Tel. (421) 415 62 59 92 Fax. (421) 415 00 08 33 E-mail: [email protected]

6. Združenie na Šrobárova 2676/30, Protection of consumer rights at the place of settle­ ochranu práv Poprad ment; representation of consumers in court. spotrebiteľov v Tel. (421) 908 32 74 64 Poprade E-mail: [email protected]

7. Združenie Stavbárska 60, Representation of consumers and the submission of re­ bratislavských Bratislava quests for court orders. spotrebiteľov Tel. (421) 903 84 72 92 E-mail: [email protected]

8. Združenie Mraziarenská 3, Representation of consumers in consumer disputes občianskej Bratislava especially for monopoly supply services. sebaobrany Tel. (421) 255 41 01 75 Mob. (421) 904 88 32 49 / (421) 903 70 34 73 E-mail: [email protected] web: www.sebaobrana.szm.sk

9. Asociácia Ul. 17. Novembra 14, Provision of advisory services; help for consumers in spotrebiteľských Stará Ľubovňa court. subjektov Slovenska Tel. (421) 52 432 60 47 Fax. (421) 52 432 60 47 E-mail: [email protected] web: www.spotrebiteliask.sk

10. Regionálne Kapisztoryho 1, Provision of advisory services; help for consumers in združenie Nové Zámky court spotrebiteľov Tel. (421) 35 42 32 64 Regionspot C 361/52 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

11. Združenie na Ipeľská 5 Protection of consumer rights of owners and renters of ochranu práv Bratislava 821 07 flats spotrebiteľov E-mail: [email protected] vlastníkov a nájomcov bytov

12. European Dobrianskeho 1580, Protection of consumer rights and interests. Provision Information Society Vranov nad Topľou of advisory service, resolving consumers disputes Institute, o.z. (EISI) E-mail: [email protected] through out of court settlements, representation of con­ Web: www.eisonline.org sumers in court. Educate consumers, raise consumer awareness.

13. Spoločnosť ochrany Nábrežie Jána Pavla II. 439/16 alternative dispute resolution and online dispute resolu­ spotrebiteľov S.O.S. 058 01 Poprad tion, collective redress, advocacy, education and pub­ Poprad e-mail: [email protected] lishing activities, daily advisory centre for consumers, web: www.sospotrebitelov.sk national and international activities focused on consu­ tel.: 00421 52 286 1300 mer rights protection and better enforcement of the law


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Kuluttaja-asiamies Tel. (358 9) 772 61 Supervises marketing aimed at consumers and consu­ Fax (358 9) 772 67 557 mer contract conditions; E-mail [email protected] Also supervises compliance of radio and television ad­ vertising with ethical principles and with regulations web: www.kuluttajavirasto.fi governing the protection of minors.

2. Kuluttajat — Tel. (358 9) 877 50 120 Monitors the effectiveness and progress of consumer Konsumenterna ry Fax (358 9) 877 50 120 protection. E-mail: [email protected] web: www.kuluttajat-konsumenterna.fi

3. Suomen Tel. (358 9) 454 22 10 Monitors consumers' market interests using civil action. Kuluttajaliitto Fax (358 9) 454 22 120 E-mail [email protected] web: www.kuluttajaliitto.fi

4. Kuluttajavirasto Tel. (358 9) 772 61 Monitors package travel and security for this. Fax (358 9) 772 67 557 E-mail [email protected] web: www.kuluttajavirasto.fi

5. Rahoitustarkastus Tel (358 10) 831 51 Supervises consumer credit marketing and contract Fax (358 10) 831 53 28 conditions, together with the consumer ombudsman. E-mail [email protected] web: www.rahoitustarkastus@fi 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/53

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

6. Lääkelaitos Tel. (358 9) 47 33 41 Supervises advertising of medicines. Fax (358 9) 71 44 69 E-mail [email protected] web: www.laakelaitos.fi

7. Sosiaali- ja Tel. (358 9) 396 72 70 Supervises tobacco and alcohol advertising. terveydenhuollon Fax (358 9) 39 67 27 97 tuotevalvontakeskus web: www.sttv.fi

8. Viestintävirasto Tel. (358 9) 69 661 Monitors television and radio advertising, taking into Fax (358 9) 69 66 410 account: E-mail [email protected] — regulations on ethical principles and the protection of minors which affect advertising and television ad­ web: www.ficora.fi vertising; — alcohol and tobacco advertising.

9. Vakuutusvalvonta­ Tel. (358 9) 415 59 50 Supervises insurance marketing and the use of insu­ virasto Fax (358 9) 415 59 660 rance conditions. E-mail [email protected] web www.vakuutusvalvonta.fi


Name of the entitiy Contact details Purpose

1. Konsumentverket/ Tel: ( 46) 8 429 05 00 The Konsumentverket is the national-level administra­ Konsumentombuds­ Fax: (46) 8 429 89 00 tive authority for consumer affairs and is tasked with mannen the safeguarding of consumers' interests. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.konsumentverket.se


Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

1. Competition and Tel. 0203 738 6000 The CMA is a non-ministerial Government department Markets Authority The Competition and Markets Authority which works to promote competition for the benefit of (CMA) Victoria House consumers. It aims to make markets work well for con­ 34-63 Southampton Row sumers, businesses and the economy. London WC1B 4AD United Kingdom www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ competition-and-markets-authority [email protected] C 361/54 EN Official Journal of the European Union 30.9.2016

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

2. The Information Tel. 01625 545 700 The Information Commissioner has a number of specif­ Commissioner's Fax 01625 524 510 ic duties under the Data Protection and Freedom of In­ office (formerly The Information Commissioner's OfficeWycliffe formation Acts. Information House Commissioner) Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF United Kingdom http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk [email protected]

3. The Civil Aviation Tel. 020 7379 7311 The CAA has several specific functions, including Authority Civil Aviation Authority furthering the reasonable interest of users of air trans­ CAA House port services and protection against the consequences 45-59 Kingsway of failure on the part of air transport organizers. London WC2B 6TE United Kingdom http://www.caa.co.uk

4. The Office of Gas Tel. 020 7901 7000 The Gas and Electricity Markets Authority is responsible and Electricity Fax 020 7901 7066 for regulating the gas and electricity markets in Great Markets (formerly Ofgem Britain and protecting the interests of gas and electricity the Gas and 9 Millbank customers. Electricity Markets London SW1P 3GE Authority) United Kingdom http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/ofgem/index.jsp [email protected]

5. The Office for the Tel. 02890 311575 The Director-General of Electricity Supply for Northern Regulation of The Office for the Regulation of Electricity Ireland is responsible for regulating the gas and electri­ Electricity and Gas and Gas (Northern Ireland) city markets in Northern Ireland and protecting the in­ (Northern Ireland) Brookmount Buildings terests of gas and electricity customers. (formerly the 42 Fountain Street Director-General of Belfast Electricity Supply BT1 5EE for Northern United Kingdom Ireland) http://ofreg.nics.gov.uk/index.html

6. The Office of Tel. 0845 456 3000 The Office of Communications is the regulator for the Communications Fax 0845 456 3333 UK communications industries, and is responsible for The Office of Communications regulating television, radio, telecommunications and Riverside House wireless communications services. 2a Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA United Kingdom http://www.ofcom.org.uk [email protected]

7. The Office of Water Tel. 0121 625 1300/1373 The Office of Water Services is the economic regulator Services (formerly Fax 0121 625 1400 of the privatized water industry in England and Wales. the Director-General Office of Water Services It protects consumers' interests on pricing and service of Water Services) Centre City Tower standards and adjudicates disputes. 7 Hill Street Birmingham B5 4UA United Kingdom http://www.ofwat.gov.uk [email protected] 30.9.2016 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 361/55

Name of the entity Contact details Purpose

8. The Office of Rail Tel. 020 7282 2000 Responsible for regulating railways in Great Britain. Regulation Fax 020 7282 2040 The office's responsibilities include protecting the inter­ (formerly the Rail The Office of Rail Regulation ests of users of railway services. Regulator) 1 Waterhouse Square 138-142 Holborn London EC1N 2TQ United Kingdom http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk

9. Every weights and 204 separate organisations. Please contact the Weights and measures authorities are part of local gov­ measures authority Office of Fair Trading in the first instance: ernment in Great Britain, enforcing law and regulations in Great Britain Tel. 0207 211 8000 governing the sale and supply of goods and services The Office of Fair Trading and providing advice for consumers and business. Fleetbank House 2-6 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8JX United Kingdom www.oft.gov.uk [email protected]

10. The Department of Tel. 028 9052 9900 DETINI enforces law and regulations governing the sale Enterprise, Trade Department of Enterprise, Trade and Invest­ and supply of goods and services in Northern Ireland and Investment in ment and provides advice for consumers and business Northern Ireland Netherleigh Massey Avenue Belfast BT4 2JP United Kingdom http://www.detini.gov.uk [email protected]

11. The Financial Tel. 020 7066 1000 The FCA is an independent body that regulates the UK Conduct Authority The Financial Conduct Authority financial services industry. It seeks to maintain confi­ 25 The North Colonnade, dence in the UK financial system, promote public un­ Canary Wharf, derstanding and secure protection for consumers. London E14 5HS United Kingdom http://www.fca.org.uk