PATENTS AND DESIGNS ACTS, than ten Ratepayers within the District, passed a Resolution to form part of their District comprising 1907 TO 1928. the Village of GARMOUTH, situated in the Parish Restoration of Lapsed Patent under Section 20. of Urquhart and County of , into a SPECIAL DRAINAGE DISTRICT, in terms of Section 122 of Notice is hereby given that an Order was the Public Health () Act, 1897. The full made on the 4th day of April 1930, restoring terms of the Resolution and plan showing the Boundaries of the Special District may be inspected Letters Patent No. 178,188, bearing date the in the Office of the County Clerk, Elgin. 7th day of January 1921, and granted to Percy William Taylor for an invention entitled " An E. D. JAMESON, County Clerk. improvement in safety razor blades." Elgin, 10th April 1930. W. S. JABBATT, Comptroller-General. JAMES KAY, 52 ARCADE, GLASGOW. The Patent Office. TNTIMATION is hereby given that there has been JL presented to the Court of Session (First Divi- sion,—Mr. Ford, Clerk) a Petition at the instance of James Kay, Jeweller, 52 Argyll Arcade, Glasgow, NOTICE. sole general Partner of the Limited Partnership TVTOTICE is hereby given that the Provost, Magis- known as James Kay, carrying on business at 62 J.1 trates, and Councillors of the Koyal Argyll Arcade aforesaid, craving that the said James Burgh of Haddington have presented a Petition to Kay be wound up by the Court under the provisions the sheriff of the Lothians and Peebles at Hadding- of the Companies Act, 1929, the Limited Partner- ton under the Burgh Police (Scotland) Act, 1892, ships Act. 1907, and relative Rules, and the Limited and in particular Section (11) thereof, craving him Partnerships (Winding-up) Rules, 1909, and that Mr. to extend the Boundaries of the said Burgh so as to Alexander Pyper, Chartered Accountant, 87 include :—(First) all and whole that aiea of ground St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, be appointed Official lying in the Parish of Haddington and County of Liquidator of the said Limited Partnership; and the Bast Lothian extending to five huijdred and forty-one Lord Ordinary officiating on the Bills (Lord Murray) decimal or one thousandth parts of an acre or thereby has pronounced a Deliverance, dated llth April imperial measure part of the lands of Sprotlands 1930, appointing the Petition to be intimated on the or Sprottlands Farm which forms part of the lands Walls and in the Minute-Book in common form, and barony of Amisfield, coloured pink on the plan and to be served upon John dimming. Builder, 10 produced, and forming part of a new Burial Ground Chipel Street, Maryhill, Ghsgow. as the sole Limited belonging to the Parish Council of the Parish of Partner, and to be advertised once in the Edinburgh Haddington, bounded said area of ground on the Gazette and once in the Glasgow Herald newspaper, north-east by ground belonging to the Trustees of and allowing Answers to be lodged thereto within the Bight Honourable the Earl of Wemyss and eight days of such intimation, advertisement, and March along which it extends three hundred and service. Of all which Intimation is hereby given. forty-nine feet or thereby, on the north-west also SIMPSON & MARWICK, 18 Heriot Bow, by ground belonging to the said Trustees along which it extends eighty-three feet or thereby, on the Edinburgh, Agents for the Peti- south-west by the remainder of the said Burial tioner. Ground along which it extends three hundred and seven feet or thereby, and on the south by a new public road leading from Haddington to Amisfield by way of the Victoria Bridge along which it extends THE CLYDE INVESTMENT TRUST LIMITED. following a curve seventy-one feet or thereby, and PETITION has been presented to the Court (Second) all and whole that area of ground also A of Session (Second Division,—Mr. Antonio, lying in the Parish, of Haddington and County of Clerk), on 10th April 1930, at the instance of Broad- extending to one acre and two hundred mills (1920) Limited, incorporated under the Com- and six decimal or one thousandth parts of an acre panies Acts, and having their Registered Office at or thereby imperial measure coloured green on the Broadinills. Broadbottom. near Manchester, apply- plan produced, forming part of the area or piece of ing to the Court that The Clyde Investment Trust ground on which the Western District Fever Limited, incorporated under the Companies Acts, Hospital is erected, bounded said area or piece of and having their Registered Office at 132 West ground on the south by around belonging to the Regent Street, Glasgow, be wound up by the Court London and North Eastern Railway Company along which it extends one hundred and eighty-eight feet under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1929, six inches or thereby on the east by ground belong- and that Maurice Crichton, C.A., 93 West George ing to the County Council of the County of East Street, Glasgow, be appointed Liquidator, in which Lothian on wh/:ch is erected part of said Hospital Petition the Court have pronounced an Interlocutor along which it extends four hundred and ninety appointing intimation, service and advertisement to feet or thereby, on the north partly by the lands of be made, and allowing the said Company and all Alderston along which it extends following a curve others having or claiming interest to lodge Answers, one hundred and twenty-three feet six inches or if so advised, within eight days after such intima- thereby, and after a break partly by ground also tions, service and advertisements. Of all which belonging to the said County Council along which it Intimation is hereby given. extends eighty-five feet six inches or "thereby, and MARTIN, MILLIGAN, & MAODONALD, on the west by ground also belonging to the said W.S., 15 Hope Street, Edinburgh; County Council along which it extends wfbh a break three hundred feet or thereby and ninety-eight feet DONALDSON & ALEXANDER, Writers. 186 or thereby. St. Vincent Street. Glasgow, In terms of a Deliverance of the Sheriff, dated at Haddington the 5th day of April 1930. persons Agents for the Petitioners. desiring to oppose the Application or to be heard in resrard thereto are appointed to give notice thereof by lodging a Notice of Appearance with the Sheriff Clerk at Haddington within seven days from the MACDONALD & GIBB LIMITED. date hereof. T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the A. C. STEVENSON, Town Clerk. A Members of the above-named Company, duly Haddiugton, lltfh April 1930. convened and held at the North British Station Hotel, Edinburgh, on the eighth day of April 1930, the following Extraordinary Resolution was duly passed :— MORAY COUNTY COUNCIL. " It has been proved that the Company cannot, OTICE is hereby given that the County Council " by reason of its liabilities, continue its busi- N of Moray, as Local Authority under the Public " ness, and that it is advisable to wind up the TPeMth Acts, at a Srjecial Meeting held on 7th April " same, and that the Company accordingly 1930, in terms of Requisition signed by not fewer " be wound up voluntarily, and that Gilbert