»We didn’t talk politics. We talked development.« Training and Study Tour to for Elected Councilors and Appointed Officers from five Zimbabwean Urban Local Authorities to strengthen Good Urban Governance for better Service Provision 16 May 2015 - 09 June 2015 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities < Content Dear Participants of the Training and Study Tour

View from the “Drachenfels” (Dragon Rock) over Bad Honnef and the Rhineland. Photo: Private A. Ulmer: “Thanks for being such eager students.”

3 > Welcome Remarks from Mr.. Axel Ulmer, What impressed you most during your trip through presentations, discussions, and examples on HOW Head of the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Programme Germany? The 80 million inhabitants nowhere to be Germany dealt and deals with the different matters found, the well-maintained “Autobahn”, the political at stake: HOW Local Authorities are organized, HOW 4 - 5 > Background: From a cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe to a study tour in Germany dialogue? Or rather the various challenges German they engage civil society in a constructive, politi- Local Authorities face and the strategies that have cal dialogue, HOW political parties jointly govern the 6 - 7 > The Delegation been developed to deal with them? However, I am affairs of all citizens, HOW public and private com- convinced you have left Germany with plenty of im- panies are integrated into the development of urban 8 - 9 > Outward Ticket: HRE - FRA (Expectations) pressions and personal memories that you might areas, and so forth. have already shared with your colleagues and friends 10 - 11 > The Destination back home. The colourful documentation below will provide you with guidance for the upcoming action-taking as it 12 - 19 Programme for Groups 1 - 8 > Do you remember those days before you departed for summarizes the Training and Study Tour in all its Germany when the Zimbabwean media was criticizing facets. At the same time, it is a wonderful testi- 20 - 65 Lessons Learnt > the trip taking place at a time when your home cities mony of a great time that we all had together in 57 > Off the Record: Culture Shock and municipalities face serious challenges? But, let’s Germany — thanks for coming along and being such be clear about it: You did not run away from these eager “students”! 66 - 68 > Return Ticket: FRA-HRE (Transfer Strategies) challenges but went out to search for solutions, for alternatives, to learn from another country that went I wish you all the best, 69 > Return Ticket: FRA-HRE (Concluding Words - Interview with the Head of Delegation, through similar challenges some time ago. His Worship Martin Moyo) So, it is now time to turn these experiences into ac- 70 > Off the Record: German Church Service - Closing Prayer tion and to show your citizens alternative options for Axel Ulmer development in your Local Authorities. Of course, it´s Head of Programme not about copy and paste from the German system. Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Programme But you are all certainly still inspired by the many GIZ-German Development Cooperation

2 3 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

From a cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe Background: to a study tour in Germany

Contaminated Water? The cholera outbreak of 2009 is still in the mind of the public. Photo: Beege Gweru: Water quality improved with support from GIZ. Photo: Beege

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Zimbabwe resident’s confidence in local political and administra- as well as repairing and rehabilitating water supply The five Local Authorities (excluding Gweru, whose The challenges for the Zimbabwean economy du- tive structures and competency is compromised. As a and sanitation infrastructure. Furthermore, the se- participation was cancelled) shall be in a more in- ring the period 2001 to 2008 resulted in a revenue- result, their willingness to pay service rates is reduced lected local authorities are supported in trainings formed position to improve service delivery and thus meltdown of the central government as well as of lo- to an alarming extent. However, without rate collection aiming at improving procedures and management ca- contribute to the future of Zimbabwe´s development. cal councils, which failed to sustain service delivery Councils are not able to make the required invest- pacities in the areas of finance, accounting, billing (bbe) to the population. Service delivery collapsed in areas ments in infrastructure in order to improve services. and collection of revenue. In the new project phase such as health, education, water supply, sanitation starting in 2015, the focus lies on capacitating the and solid waste management resulting in the cholera GIZ Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Program: Local Authorities in order to maintain services for the outbreak of 2009. In addition, wellqualified Zimbab- Original Intervention Logic longterm benefit of the residents. weans left the country with close to a third of the Since 2009, the Government of the Republic of Ger- population estimated to be living presently abroad. many through GIZ together with Australia (AusAid) The Training and Study Tour This “brain drain” further weakened Zimbabwe’s ge- embarked on a process of implementing short and Against this background, the study tour was con- neral economic performance. medium term interventions addressing the dire si- ceptualized. It centered on exposing the appointed tuation of water supply and sanitation and financial technical council staff as well as elected representa- The lack of much needed resources to run and main- management in the urban councils of Gweru, Kadoma, tives of urban councils to a well established German tain the service infrastructure severely limits the ca- Kariba, Chinhoyi, Bulawayo and Norton. The objective local government system. The Study Tour took place pacity of urban councils to provide basic services even was to reestablish and then stabilize critical services from 16 May 2015 until 09 June 2015. It equipped today, be it water supply and sanitation, education, as well as financial cycles at municipal level. GIZ the participants with insights, additional knowledge, health or civic engagement and financial management. and AusAid assisted the selected local authorities experiences and new contacts with regards to urban Zimbabwean urban councils find themselves in a vi- through procurement of key inputs and equipment for service delivery. During follow up measures after the cious circle: as they cannot ensure service delivery, water supply, sanitation and solid waste collection study tour, the lessons learnt are elaborated upon. To benefit from the German Experience. Photo: Beege

4 5 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities < The Delegation

City of Bulawayo Municipality of Chinhoyi Norton Town Council GIZ / AusAID

Norton Town Council City of Bulawayo Chinhoyi Municipality

Established 1943 Established 1974 Established 1994

Function Name Function Name Function Name Function Name

Mayor Martin Moyo Mayor Test Michaels Mayor Precious Mufahore Head of Programme UWSSP Axel Ulmer Acting Town Clerk Sikhangele Zhou Town Clerk Mungororo Mazai Acting Town Clerk Winslow Muyambi Senior Advisor UWSSP Gerd Eggert Director Finance Kimpton Ndimande Director Finance Tonderai Mukosa Director Finance Stephen Tendaupenyu Senior Advisor UWSSP Micah Majiwa Council Chairperson Finance James Sithole Council Chairperson Finance Ignatius Zvigadza Council Chairperson Finance Maxwell Chiutsi Communications Advisor UWSSP Bastian Beege Director Engineering Simela Dube Director Engineering Simon Marara Director Engineering Richard Chiwaka AusAid-Representative Dagobert Mureriwa Council Chairperson Eng. Norman Hlabani Council Chairperson Eng. Tapfumaneyi Chiwara Council Chairperson Eng. Solomon Nerutanga Senior Project Manager AIZ S. Grossmann Director Health Zanle Hwalima Director Health William Mayabo Director Health Tungamirai Mhuka Project Manager AIZ Carole Benda Director Housing Isiah Magagula Director Housing Timothy Maregere Council Chairperson Health Judith Muchatuta Senior Manager Connective Cities Dr. Manfred Poppe Council Chairperson Housing Monica Lubimbi Council Chairperson Housing Makakhi Muriravanhu Director Housing Blessing Mtyambizi Senior Manager GIZ-NRW Office Dr. Berthold Volberg Council Chairperson Housing Muchaneta Munyeveri

City of Kadoma Municipality of KARIBA Ministry of Local Government

Kariba Municipality City of Kadoma Function Name

Established 1917 Established 1972 Principal Admin. Officer Leonard Gopozah Town Planning Officer Nyasha Matimaire Director Engineering Henry Hungwe

Function Name Function Name Trainer Team GFA - Germany: Kurt Nieradtka, Anke Küsel, Dr Berthold Kuhn, Christian Bürger, Harald Heidtmann Mayor M. Chinyanganya Mayor Tracy Ndoro (Freelance-Consultant) Town Clerk Malvern Dondo Town Clerk Webster Tembo Director Finance Faustina Zhou Director Finance Saratiere Chitenhe Council Chairperson Finance Langton Mabhanga Council Chairperson Finance Farai Mageva Director Engineering Bernatah Nhika Director Engineering Ndumiso Nyaningwe Council Chairperson Eng. Godfrey Mavura Council Chairperson Eng. George Manyau Director Health Daniel Chirundu Director Health Casper Mutumbami Council Chairperson Health Michael Gore Director Housing Godfrey Magijani Director Housing Gear Hanyane Council Chairperson Housing Mildred Musandirireu Council Chairperson Housing Innocent Nhamo

6 7 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Outward Ticket: FRA-HRE Expectations

“Germany? I first think of the Berlin wall and re-unification” “I have heard, the German society is - Faustina Zhou, Director Finance, Kadoma. more and more aging. How are social services for old people organized?” - Gear Hanyane, Director Housing, Kadoma. “The German cars: Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen” “How do they manage to keep - Bernatah Nhika, Director Engineering. everything so clean?”- Mildred Musandirire, Housing Committee Chairman, Kariba.

“Germany is a great Soccer Nation” - Winslow Muyambi, CEO, Norton.

“After second world war, Germany was com- pletely destroyed - and got restructered then “Local authorities in Germany must opera- within a few years. How did they manage this?” te in an efficient way. Do they also fight?” - Dagobert Mureriwa, Australian Aid, Harare. - Ndumiso Nyaningwe, “I want to learn how we can better Director Engineering, Kariba. “I’d love to be exposed to different people and cultures — and to return home with a stand on our feet.” refreshed team” - Zikhangele Zhou, - Isaiah Magagula, Director Housing, Bulawayo. Acting Town Clerk, Bulawayo

8 9 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

The Destination

> Population: 82,057,000 (Zimbabwe: 13,000,000) > Size: 357,021 km² (Zimbabwe: 390,580 km²) > Annual Budget (2015): 400 billion USD (Zimbabwe: 4 billion USD) > Climate: Germany’s climate is temperate. The average temperatures are around 20-30°C in the summer (June/ July – August/September), dropping below 0°C in the winter months (November/December - February/March).

> System of government: The Federal Republic of Germany is a parliamentary, representative democracy with a socio-liberal market economy guided by a constitution (“Grundgesetz”) established in 1949. Germany is a member of the European Union (EU).

> Capital: Berlin (3.47 million inhabitants) > States („Länder”): Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklen- burg-Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia.

> Legislature: There are two federal legislative bodies. The is Germany‘s House of Representatives or lower house. Its members are elected to four-year terms in popular elections. The Bundesrat (Federal Council) is Germany‘s upper house. Its members are not elected but are the members of the 16 Länder-governments or their representatives. By constitution the upper house must approve any law that affects the federal states.

> Head of State: The federal president (der Bundespräsident) is the titular Head of State, but he/she has no real political power. He/she holds office for a five-year term and can be re-elected only once. The current federal president is Joachim Gauck (since 2012).

> Head of Government: The federal chancellor (Bundeskanzler) is the German „premier“ and political leader. He/she is elected by the Bundestag for a four-year term. The chancellor can also be removed by a no-confidence vote, but this is rare. Following the September 2005 elections, Angela Merkel (CDU) replaced Gerhard Schröder (SPD) as federal chancellor. Re-elected in 2009 and 2013, she is the first woman leading the country.

> Courts: The Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) is the highest court of the country and the guardian of the constitution. There are lower federal and state courts.

> Monetary Unit: The Euro replaced the Deutsche Mark when Germany and 11 other European countries put the new currency into circulation in January 2002.

In comparison to Zimbabwe, Germany is a crowded country. > North Rhine-Westphalia: (NRW - in German: Nordrhein-Westfalen), is the “Land” where the Study Tour takes place. Located in the north-western part of the country it is the most populous state of Germany (po- pulation app.: 17.572.000) as well as the fourth largest by area. Its capital is Düsseldorf. The largest city is . Four of Germany‘s ten biggest cities - Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, and Essen - are located in North Rhine-Westphalia. The Federal City of Bonn lies on the banks of the Rhine with a population of 311,287 within its administrative limits. The Federal Republic of Germany is located in Western and Central Europe. It has approximately 82 Million inhabitants and a surface area of 357.000 km² (Zimbabwe: 390.000 km²). It is the most populous state During the time of German separation from 1949 to 1990, though Berlin was symbolically named the de jure with the largest economy within Europe. It comprises 16 states and its capital is Berlin, the largest city in the capital, Bonn was the de facto capital of West Germany. After the Fall of the Iron Curtain, Bonn remained the country. Germany is one of the major political powers of the European con-tinent and is a leader in a number second seat of the Government - until today. Close to Bonn is the Spa Town of Bad Honnef, the base of operation of technologies. for the Study Tour participants. It is home to a mineral spring called the Drachenquelle („Dragon Spring“) which was discovered in 1897. The mineral spring has been used for both drinking and bathing. The first chancellor The English term "Germany" derives from the Greek term Germania. The name "Germania" came into use after of Germany, Konrad Adenauer lived and died in Bad Honnef. The GIZ Academy of International Cooperation is Julius Caesar adopted it from a Gallic term for the peoples east of the Rhine that referred to "men with spears”. located in Bad Honnef as well.

10 11 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Programme Group 2: Mayors & Town Clerks Programme for Groups 1-8 Monday, 25.05. - Friday, 29.05.2015 Programme Group1: Town Clerks Logistics Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation Saturday, 16.05.– Saturday, 23.05.2015 etc.)

Logistics Setting of objectives for the study tour: Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation MO > Presentation of problem analysis and ques- etc.) tions to be investigated during the leadership Avendi Hotel, Planning Workshop 25.05. training (by Town Clerks) Bad Honnef SAT 9 - 17 hrs Departure of Town Clerks > Decision upon subjects to be investigated 16.05. from Harare (Saturday), Arrival on Sunday afternoon in Bad Honnef: Avendi Hotel, during study tour – Free-time and or social programme Bad Honnef SUN Arrival in Frankfurt (Sunday), Transfer to Bad Honnef TUE 17.05. 26.05. City of Köln > Introduction to German Communal and Avendi Hotel, Administrative Structures 9.30 - Association of German Cities Bad Honnef > Leadership Competence - 12 hrs Definition of Leadership, Self-Reflection, Roles MO > Management Tools TUE City of Brühl Avendi Hotel, 18.05. Integrated Urban Development Concept 2015 14 - 17 hrs City Council Bad Honnef – Leadership and Management > System & Change Avendi Hotel, Training Course Bad Honnef FRI > Team Development Process: Cooperation & 22.05. Negotiation, Trust, Responsibility, Coaching WED City of Bonn Public Dialogue and Integrated Neighborhood Avendi Hotel, 9-17 hrs 27.05. Carl Richard Montag Communication, Knowledge Management Development Bad Honnef > 9 - 12 hrs Foundation - Urban Spaces and Transfer WED Rhein--District Committee Meeting of Social Affairs Avendi Hotel, 16.45 - Reflection Workshop > Problem analysis per local authority District Council The concept of public companies Bad Honnef SAT 19 hrs (Morning) Avendi Hotel, 23.05. Social Programme > Reflection upon specific questions to be asked Bad Honnef 9-12 hrs and investigated during upcoming study tour (Afternoon) THU City of Köln for respective city Avendi Hotel, Urban Drainage & Sewerage The concept of public companies 28.05. Bad Honnef 9 - 12 hrs Cologne

Future Initiative CityRegion Köln-Rhein-Erft – City of Avendi Hotel, THU Intermunicipal working group on regional City Council Bad Honnef 14 - 17 hrs development

FRI City of Düsseldorf Avendi Hotel, 29.05. Public-Private-Partnership - Public-Private-Partnerships Bad Honnef 9.30 - Task Force NRW 12 hrs

Which direction took Germany to develop the country ? - Carola Benda from AIZ explains.. Photo: Beege

12 13 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Programme Group 3: Town Clerks, Mayors, Programme Group 4: Housing Group Monday, 01.06. - Friday, 05.06.2015 Councillors & Directors Thursday, 28.05. - Sunday, 31.05.2015

Logistics Logistics Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation etc.) etc.)

THU City Development and Housing Issues Departure of the Directors, MO 28.05. Council Chairmen, MLG City of Bonn Conceptualisation of municipal housing policy Arrival in Frankfurt - Transport to Bad Honnef > Maritim Hotel, - Representatives from Harare Avendi Hotel, 01.06. Department of Planning, Friday afternoon: > Housing provision schemes Bonn (Thursday evening), arrival in Bad Honnef 9 -12 hrs Construction and Housing FRI Free-time and / or social programme Frankfurt (Morning), transfer > Housing development and acquisition 29.05. to hotel in Bad Honnef Integrated development concept for restoring the historical City Centre Presentations by Town Clerks and Mayors: MO City of Euskirchen Maritim Hotel, > Strategies for dealing with a multi-cultural Lessons from the training and study tour 14 -17 hrs City Council > Bonn SAT high density areae City of Köln Avendi Hotel, 30.05. > Town Clerks & Mayors give guidance to Association of German Cities Directors and Council Chairmen with respect Bad Honnef TUE City of Düren Community Building Concepts 9 - 17 hrs to topics and issues to be worked upon during Maritim Hotel, Multipurpose building Community center, youth center, theatre hall, their visits and trainings 02.06. > Bonn 9 -12 hrs of the city of Düren city library, city archive

City of Bonn Innovative Housing Concepts Maritim Hotel, Transfer to TUE Amaryllis e. V. Bonn Frankfurt- 14 -17 hrs > Multi-generational housing cooperative Main Airport ------Group WED City of Bonn Social housing Maritim Hotel, Engineering: United Housing Construction How society aims to integrate disadvantaged 03.06. > Bonn accommoda- 9 -12 hrs Consortium people into the municipal housing policies tion in > Departure for Harare of the Town Clerks and Oberhausen Integrated utilisation concept for rearranging old Departures for Harare for Mayors from Bad Honnef early evening WED City of Bonn military barracks for civil use Maritim Hotel, SUN Mayors and Town Clerks Arrival in Harare on Monday morning Group Health: 14 - 17 hrs „Ermekeilinitiative e. V.“ > Inter-cultural community centre Bonn 31.05. accommo------dation in > diverse population and income groups Aachen THU Maritim Hotel, Begin of Study Tour for the > Departure for the four technical groups in the Training / Reflection Session Internal Workshop for reflection and planning four groups: Transfers afternoon for Oberhausen, Aachen & Bonn Group 04.06. Bonn Financing: accommoda- tion in Bonn FRI City of Andernach City Development and Housing Issues Maritim Hotel, Department of Planning, City Development – Housing Estates 05.06. > Bonn Group 9 -12 hrs Construction and Housing > Urban gardening an Social Cohesion Housing: accommoda- City of Andernach tion in Bonn Maritim Hotel, FRI “Family Home of the City Wide range of social services under one roof Bonn 14 -17 hrs of Andernach”

14 15 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Programme Group 5: Finance Group Programme Group 6: Engineering Group Monday, 01.06. - Friday, 05.06.2015 Monday, 01.06. - Friday, 05.06.2015

Logistics Logistics Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation etc.) etc.)

Municipal Finance & Budgeting – Sources of “How cities function” MO City Engineering Hotel MO City of Hennef Funding, Expenditure Planning & Management City of Mülheim > Maritim Hotel, 01.06. Residenz, City Council, Composition of the local budget plan City Council > Public Service Delivery 01.06. > Bonn 9 - 12 hrs Oberhausen 9 - 12 hrs Finance Department > From objectives to expenditures > Operational management > Budget planning and management Municipal Water Treatment City of Mülheim “Turning old into new-concept“ Rheinisch-Westfälische Was- > Water treatment: filtering and disinfection Hotel City of Bonn MO of drinking water. MO > Instead of new procurement, 25 public trans- Maritim Hotel, serwerksgesellschaft (RWW Residenz, Municipal Utilities- 14 - 17 hrs 14 - 17 hrs port vehicles were modernised, thus saving Bonn – Rheinish-Westphalian > Waterworks of the RWW - the method Oberhausen Stadtwerke Bonn 47 million Euros. Association of Waterworks) “Mühlheimer Treatment”

Cities of Engelskirchen and TUE Public Service Delivery - a shared responsibility TUE Hotel Lindlar Maritim Hotel, City of Iserlohn Municipal Facility Management Residenz, 02.06. Technical Facility > Inter-municipal cooperation in financing public Bonn 02.06. City Council Oberhausen 9 - 12 hrs Engelskirchen-Lindlar service delivery 9 - 12 hrs

Management of municipal finances Permanent exhibition of waste management. Hotel TUE City of Bornheim Maritim Hotel, TUE City of Iserlohn > > The work of an exemplary municipal finance Residenz, 14 - 17 hrs City Council Bonn Museum SASE in Iserlohn > Urban Environment Protection department 14 - 17 hrs Oberhausen > School project "Our city shall be clean" WED City of Dormagen Industrial Park for the chemical industry Maritim Hotel, WED City of Solingen Road Management and Maintenance Work Hotel 03.06. CHEMPARK (more than 70 companies) Bonn 9 - 12 hrs 03.06. Technical Services Company > Planning and construction Residenz, 9 - 12 hrs of the City of Solingen > Road and street maintenance Oberhausen

WED City of Dormagen Promotion of Local Economic Development Maritim Hotel, City Council Bonn Public Transport Services 14 - 17 hrs > The private sector and the municipality’s revenue WED City of Solingen Hotel Municipal Utilities of the > Solingen´s public transport system Residenz, 14 - 17 hrs City of Solingen > Operations and maintenance Oberhausen THU Maritim Hotel, Training / Reflection Session Internal Workshop for reflection and planning 04.06. Bonn THU Hotel Training / Reflection Session Internal Workshop for reflection and planning Residenz, 04.06. Supervision of Municipal Financial Management Oberhausen FRI City of Herne > Regulatory framework, responsibilities, Maritim Hotel, Community Audit Institution FRI Hotel 05.06. Bonn City of Bottrop Innovative City Management North-Rhine-Westphalia reporting requirements and approval, 05.06. Residenz, 9 - 12 hrs City Council > Sustainable Urban Development regress mechanisms 9 - 12 hrs Oberhausen

16 17 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Programme Group 7: Health Group Programme Group 8: All technical Groups Monday, 01.06. - Friday, 05.06.2015 Saturday, 06.06. - Tuesday, 09.06.2015

Logistics Logistics Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation Date Visit / Activity Short description (Accomodation etc.) etc.)

MO Health Care System in Germany Hotel am Each technical group presents its results Federal Ministry SA > Policy framework, responsibilities, Marschiertor, 01.06. of Health > 06.06. from its respective study tour Aachen Workshop: Definition of Avendi Hotel, 9 - 12 hrs management/structure/organisation, financing Group Work by local authorities on - transfer strategies per city > Bad Honnef MO transfer strategy Hotel am Evaluation, Closing and Farewell City of Troisdorf “Healthy City” 08.06. > MO Marschiertor, City Council 14 - 17 hrs > Organizing health and well-being together Aachen

The Municipal Health Department TUE Hotel am Departure of the Technical City of Aachen TUE Avendi Hotel, 02.06. > Structure, Tasks, Cooperation, Management Marschiertor, Officers, Council Chairmen, > In the morning: Trip to Cologne Public Health Department Bad Honnef 9 - 12 hrs > Water Supply and Hygiene Aachen 09.06. MLG Representatives to HRE > In the afternoon: Transfer to Airport

Hotel am City of Iserlohn Municipal Waste Management TUE Marschiertor, Waste Disposal Company AMK 14 - 17 hrs Aachen

WED A Municipal Health Centre Hotel am City of Düren Management of a Health Centre Marschiertor, 03.06. Municipal Hospital > 9 - 12 hrs > Administration & Financing of Health Services Aachen

Hotel am WED City of Düren Promotion of Local Economic Development Marschiertor, “Action Covenant for Health” 14 - 17 hrs > Promoting Urban Social Development Aachen

THU Hotel am Training / Reflection Session Internal Workshop for reflection and planning Marschiertor, 04.06. Aachen

Prevention and control of multi-resistant pathogens FRI City of Bonn > Hygiene Monitoring, Infection Protection, Hotel am Mr.E-Netz Regio Rhein-Ahr Marschiertor, 05.06. Immunisation 9 - 12 hrs Network Aachen > Control of public sites, swimming pools etc.

Hotel am City of Erftstadt FRI Innovative Health Concepts Marschiertor, “Health Garden” 14 - 17 hrs Aachen The visitors enjoyed German hospitality during the whole study tour. Photo: Beege

18 19 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Town Clerks: Group1: Town Clerks “As good leaders, we always have to focus on our vision.” Leadership and Management Training, Avendi Hotel, Bad Honnef, 18 - 22 May 2015

Storyline: It all has to start with a logical framework: The seem to take things seriously: “What and when are 5-day training began with an examination of Lea- you going to implement from what you have learnt dership and Management models and evolved into in Germany”, asked a “journalist” during a simula- the day-to-day-application of possible solutions ted press conference. Just to give an example, Mr.. due to the current challenges in Zimbabwean cities. Winslow Muyambi, the head of delegation replied: The Town Clerks identified a number of challenges “We want to invest more into the actual appearance within their local authorities and developed ideas of Norton: Look, how clean Germany is. We can do for change projects that were then to be further similar by a number of projects regarding waste discussed and prioritized together with the Mayors. management or the construction of parks. Even this year, we want to make some progress.” “Arranging things into a logical framework will ma- ximize the usefulness of the upcoming visits of Ger- The other Town Clerks also shared their visions man local authorities”, concluded trainer Mr.. Kurt for their respective Local Authorities. Let’s see Nieradtka. “The Town Clerks are most crucial from the following! the beginning on because they are the responsible professionals in their local authorities.” And they

The “vanguard” group: Five Town Clerks and a representative from the Ministry of Local Government, including Images: GFA-trainer Kurt Nieradtka. Photo: Beege

The famous “Petersberg” with great views onto the Rhine valley: It is here where the German Government hosted a number of historic conferences - and where the German Training and Study Tour was kick-started on 17 May 2015. Voices: Photo: Beege “Let’s not cut a shade donating tree be- “Nelson Mandela could have said: I was

cause that would simply be selfish - let’s in prison for 27 years, now I want to ‹ rather preserve it for future generations lead my country for 27 years as well. He so that those will still benefit from it” did not.” - Mr.. M. Mazai, Town Clerk, Chinhoyi. - Mr.. Winslow Muyambi, Town Clerk, Norton. "There are many people in your home cities who count on you! Take this unique opportunity to have a closer look into the German urban systems!” - Axel Ulmer, Head of Programme, UWSSP. "As leaders, we always have to focus on "A leader is supposed to act wise- our vision and mission . wether we are ly, sharing responsibilities and allowing "If each of us took home and implemented only at least two aspects of what we successful is only going to be evaluated others to participate in order to deve- will learn during the next weeks, this would already make a huge impact towards by the public“ lop. the community." sustainable development .” - Winslow Muyambi, CEO, Norton. – Mr.. webster Tembo, Town Clerk, Kariba.. - Mr.s. S. Zhou, Acting Town Clerk, Bulawayo.

20 Reporter: Bastian Beege 21 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Mayors and Town Clerks: Group2: Mayors & Town Clerks “We are the voice of the municipalities.” Association of German Cities: Introduction into German communal structures, City of Cologne, 26 May 2015

Storyline: After a planning workshop on the previous day where to the Zimbabwean delegation. During the discussion, Mayors and Town Clerks had defined some priority the structural differences between German and Zim- development areas for their home cities, the group babwean cities were further identified. For instance, visited the Association of German Cities (AGC - Deut- while the Mayor in Germany is directly elected by the scher Städtetag) which represents autonomous cities public, his or her Zimbabwean equivalent is elected and towns throughout Germany. The AGC is advoca- by Councillors. In Zimbabwe, cities are obliged to pay ting for local government issues at federal govern- taxes to the central government, while German local ment level as well as at European Union level. authorities only have to share the business tax they impose on local companies themselves. The work and services of the AGC are primarily gea- red to the needs and interests of the member cities As decentralisation is a key element of the German and their citizens. The Association plays an important federal system, municipalities act as independently role when it comes to the planning of new laws that as possible. Therefore, 38 % of the municipal budget affect municipalities. “We are supposed to comment is allocated by the state. on the drafted law and we have always the chance to submit a constitutional complaint in the last in- stance”, described AGC-representative Sabine Drees

The “Big Ten” together: Mayors and Town Clerks of all five cities, including Mr.. Dieter Freytag, the Mayor of Brühl, Harald Heidtmann (Free-lance consultant), Micah Majiwa (GIZ) & Bastian Beege (GIZ). Photo: Ulmer Images:

Cologne, the heart of German carnival, where people know how to have fun. Mayors and Town Clerks visited the metropolis with its famous cathedral on Monday 25 May: Among other things they enjoyed the performance of a street artist. Photo: Beege Voices:

“In as much as the new constitution "Social Housing has disappeared in Zimbabwe.

‹ warrants self-governance to our Local Only our grand-parents can still remember, that Authorities, we are still waiting for this there was something like that existing long back.” right. There should be more dialogue - Mr.. Winslow Muyambi, Town Clerk, Norton. “As an independent street artist, it is my ambition to ensure that you have an between those who make the laws and afternoon full of joy and that you feel welcomed in Cologne. I am doing this, those who are affected.” "German cities are allowed to independent- simply because it is my passion. When you laugh, I laugh as well. And if you like - Mr.. Muchineripiri Chinyanganya, Mayor, Kadoma. ly determine the scope of the important the show at the end, you are invited to give me a few EUROs - simply because I "local business tax" - we should also want to continue serving people in various cities.” "We are the voice of municipalities.“ lobby for that." - Street artist from Switzerland, Cologne – Sabine Drees, Association of German Cities, Cologne. - Mr.. Martin Moyo, Mayor, Bulawayo.

22 Reporter: Bastian Beege 23 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Mayors and Town Clerks: Lessons learnt from Mayors and Town Clerks: “Council seems to respect the needs of residents.” “If the state cannot help, the communities have to Set-Up of a Local Authority - Integrated Urban Development Concept, City Council of Brühl, 26 May 2015 help themselves.” Carl Richard Montag Foundation - Urban Spaces, City of Bonn, 27 May 2015

Storyline: Storyline: 46 000 inhabitants and a lot to offer: The City of way from Zimbabwe, the Mayor is directly elected by The triangle between municipality, civil society and this sense the Montag Foundation is availing several Brühl does not hide behind its huge neighbours Bonn the residents and heads Council and the Administra- private sector can be very efficient, as the example million € every year. In particular, the Montag Foun- and Cologne. Dieter Freytag and his team describe tion. It is apparent that funds are sufficiently availa- of the “Montag Foundation” shows: This is an inde- dation of Urban Spaces looks at developing disad- how the City Council is structured and how it tries ble due to residents paying their rates plus funding pendent and charitable group of three foundations vantaged suburbs in German cities. At the beginning to remain attractive for residents and business. The allocations from the central government based on (Foundation for Youth and Society, Foundation for Ur- of a project, the foundation enters into dialogue with long-term masterplan of the city is focussing on the federal laws. ban Spaces, Foundation for Arts and Society) that the concerned residents as well as the responsible protection of the historical city centre, the extension consider their activities to contribute constructively municipality for an overall assessment. of recreational areas, the promotion of retail and the “Our annual budget is around USD 100 million every to the further development of the society. refurbishment of shabby squares and buildings. year. Recently we had a deficit of 17 million USD”, Small participative communal projects are geared admitted Mayor Dieter Freytag. The reason is to be The initiative goes back to investor Carl Richard Mon- to empower the communal capacities of self-orga- In the end, the Zimbabweans realized that Brühl City found in the increase of required social welfare tag who transferred his assets into the foundation nization. The foundation contributes to sustainable Council is well organized and also takes into consi- services for the benefit of poor people. Fortunately, that is now responsible for their administration. The development: “We create more opportunities for re- deration their residents´ opinion on all important plan- German cities can quite easily get conditional lo- concept, protected by national law, is quite simple. sidents to identify with their neighbourhood”, con- ning processes. It also preserves the cultural and ans - something that Zimbabwean cities still have The foundation assets itself are never touched, only cludes spokesperson Jörn Solbrig. historic heritage within its boundaries. In a different to advocate for. the interests are utilized to fund social projects. In

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Voices: Voices: Mr.. Martin Moyo: Mayor, Bulawayo: “In Zimbab- “It all depends on financial resources. It “If the state cannot help, the communi- of the things, that we always struggle we, we call a Mayor YOUR WORSHIP. is one thing to get information and sleep ties have to help themselves! This dyna- with in Zimbabwe...” How shall I call you?” - Mr.. Dieter Freytag, on it. I prefer to eat the information.” mics from the bottom are a great value - Mr.. Winslow Muyambi, Town Clerk, Norton. Mayor, Brühl: “Ehm, I would simply prefer - Mr.s. Sikhangele Zhou, Acting Town Clerk, Bulawayo. of our society.” - Mr.. Oliver Brügge, Board GUTEN TAG, HERR FREYTAG.” Member Montag Stiftungen, Bonn. "The concept of involving residents into "We try to attract new residents and communal projects has succeeded in "After all i would say: Councils seems to companies which then allow us to co- "There always seems to be the risk of Kariba. In the case of the rehabilitati- hoghly respective the needs of residents" ver for social expenditures." - Mr.. Walter over-fundung: You plan and implement on of public ablution blocks, GIZ has - Mr.. Munchineripi Chinyanganya, Major, Kardoma. Schaaf, Director Construction & Environment, Brühl. your wunderful projects with high am- provided the material, residents brought bitions and objectives. But once you lea- in the labour, while Council was taking ve, are there mechanisms that ensure the care of the catering." the sustainbility of this project? One - Mr.. Webster Tembo, Town Clerk, Kariba.

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Lessons learnt from Mayors and Town Clerks: Lessons learnt from Mayors and Town Clerks: “Wow, your council chamber is so well equipped and full “This sewage treatment plant is close to science fiction.” of high-tech.”Council Meeting Rhein-Erft-District, Committee of Social Affairs, City of Bergheim, 27 May 2015 Urban Drainage and Sewerage and the concept of Public Companies, City of Cologne, 28 May 2015 Storyline: Storyline: In comparison to Zimbabwe, the difference couldn’t barrier-free spaces in order to serve the needs of There are a few common things all around the world. sewage per year are treated in Stammheim before be more striking: a huge and well-maintained coun- handicapped people. In the eyes of some committee “One is, that we are all producing sewage - and that getting released into the river Rhine. Not only the cil chamber providing microphones installed in front members, the district is delaying critical develop- it stinks”, pointed out Mr.s. Sikhangele Zhou. But when capacities impress but also the institutional model of each seat, comfortable chairs, a gallery for visi- ment reforms. The increase of complaints in the care it comes to the treatment of sewage, the differences is considered as innovative by the visitors: The urban tors. In addition, there are facilities for simultaneous sector requires for the installation of an ombudsman. show up. The large scale sewage treatment plant drainage and sewerage services of Cologne are car- translation and even sign language. The project “pocket money pool” for young people of Cologne-Stammheim reminded the visitors from ried out by a public company, which is an indepen- was also discussed, delving into common challen- Zimbabwe of “science fiction.” More than 83 % of all dently run company from the City of Cologne. The Mayors and Town Clerks from Zimbabwe wit- ges like the creation of employment and perspectives waste water from household and business in Cologne nessed a “Committee of Social Affairs” meeting of for youth in a disadvantaged part of society. After is treated here by an elaborated system of mechani- The members of the City Council form the supervisory Rhein-Erft-District. Twenty one committee members the meeting, Councillors and visitors from Zimbab- cal, biological and chemical cleaning systems. board of the company, which then implements its debated various social issues concerning the district we entered into discussions about differences and services for the cost of 1,53 € per m3 wastewater. housing 3,6 million inhabitants. The committee stroke similarities in the two countries: “When I was young, The result is “almost drinking water” due to the conti- Last year the company made a profit of 16 million € a balance with regards to a “mobile bus” which offers I also participated in a pocket money initiative - for nuous development of new knowledge in sewage treat- and a good part of that amount flows back benefitting counselling services for people affected by dementia. 20 cents per hour”, remembered Mayor Martin Moyo. ment plus the subsequently raised awareness towards the cash-flow of the Local Authority. A serious debate emerged from the topic of public the protection of groundwater bodies. 82 million m3

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Voices: Voices: “We have even been criticised by the UN Mr.. Klaus Ripp, Deputy District Administrator, Rhein- “This sewage treatment plant is close to "We do not wait until our systems col- for not ensuring that our public spaces Erft-Kreis: “As District Administrators in science fiction” lapse. Instead, we constantly maintain are not barrier-free to respect the needs Zimbabwe, do you always have to beg for - Mr.. W. Muyambi, Town Clerk, Norton. the sewage network" - Mr.. Harald Heidtmann, of handicapped people. We must stop de- money from the Central Government?” Free-lance consultant, Germany. laying the implementation of urgently re- - Mr.. Webster Tembo, former District Administrator: Mr.. Jürgen Becker, StEB, Cologne: "In Germany, quired policies now!” “Well, we do not get any funding at all. people are willing to pay rates as long "It all starts with education from - Council member, Rhein-Erft-Kreis. Even municipalities do not benefit from as we provide reliable services." - Mr.. Axel childhood onwards: If we sensitize our government funds - although the new Ulmer, Head of UWSSP, Harare: "In Zimbabwe, children on the importance of environ- "I am impressed: Your council chamber is well- constitution provides for 5 % of the an- residents are not able to pay bills, alt- ment protection in an appropriate way, equipped and full of high tech. Furthermore, nual national budget.” hough maintainance costs are at least they probably won’t make the same mis- the discussions are so calm and civilized." as high as in Germany." takes that we did" - Mr.. Munchineripi Chinyanganya, Major, Kardoma. . - Mr.s. Tracey Ndoro, Mayor, Kariba.

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Lessons learnt from Mayors and Town Clerks: Lessons learnt from Mayors and Town Clerks: “The most important is to have a trustful relationship.” “PPPs can help you to reduce costs.” Future Initiative CityRegion Cologne-Rhein-Erft, City Council of Frechen, 28 May 2015 Public Private Partnership Taskforce, City of Düsseldorf, 29 May 2015

Storyline: Storyline: A couple of small local districts share common in- tion are mobility and the regional housing market The Ministry of Finance of the federal state of North indicates that PPPs often result in faster realizations, terests and sometimes they struggle to defend these as well as common economic projects. Mayors are Rhine-Westphalia established a special task force in long-term planning safety and have the advantage interests against the huge and powerful neighbour meeting regularly for planning purposes, however, 2002 as a means to bundle and disseminate experi- of pooling risks. “All sides should take the risk in Cologne. This is the reason why the City of Frechen implementation remains the responsibility of each ence from Public Private Partnerships. order to make it easier to deal with”, explained engages in an intermunicipal cooperation called “Fu- of the Local Authorities. A few years ago, the six Alexander Dahmen from the PPP Task Force. However, ture Initiative CityRegion Cologne-Rhine-Erft”. It was smaller members had a conflict with Cologne about Mr.s Regine Unbehauen and her colleague Alexander a PPP setup is not a universal solution for all kinds founded as a working group for regional development economic issues which caused the smaller munici- Dahmen presented their small unit and lessons learnt of projects. A careful pre-assessment and functioning in 2001 by members of six municipalities (including palities to temporarily halt the cooperation. Finally from the past 13 years. The task force advises (po- control/monitoring mechanisms for the private sector Cologne) plus Rhine-Erft-district. Cologne accepted. Since that crisis, the dialogue has tential) PPP projects on local and state level from need to be in place. been maintained and a trustful relationship created. their initiation to implementation. It also has a small “The idea is to benefit from common strengths and However, the Future Initiative has not reached any budget to support pilot projects in their transaction As opposed to the Zimbabwean context, the short time to solve common problems together”, explained Jür- concrete outcomes yet in terms of larger common costs. Most projects are related to building construc- span of the German PPP examples have proven to be gen Kemmerling, the Director of the Urban Planning projects. The potential of such common projects in tion and have a lifespan of 25-30 years, preceded by quite effective allowing for more reliability in planning Department, during a visit of the Zimbabwean de- cooperation between councils could also be identified 1-2 years preparation phase including a feasibility processes for both public and private actors. legation. Current fields of discussion and coopera- in Zimbabwe, concluded the visitors. study. The experience from North Rhine-Westphalia

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Voices: Voices: "The idea is to benefit from common "An interesting concept of cooperation "Because of our economic situation, "PPPs are not able to solve infrastruc- strengths and to solve common problems among peers especially because in our private partners are very sceptical – so ture problems without money. They can together.” - Mr.. Jürgen Kemmerling, Zimbabwean case the larger cities can they want you to share the risks.” just help you to reduce costs on the Director Urban Planning, Frechen. incorporate parts of small municipali- - Mr.s. Sikhangele Zhou, Acting Town Clerk, Bulawayo. one side and to leave some money on the ties when it comes to land questions.” other side.” "Oh yes, we also have these common in- - Mr.s. Precious Mufahore, Mayor, Norton. "Setting up a PPP is a very long proce- - Mr.. Alexander Dahmen, PPP Task force NRW, Düsseldorf. terest areas, where a cooperation bet- dure in the beginning but very stable in ween municipalities could be useful. "But the concept faces its challenges: the long-run." "All sides should take the risk in order For example, important traffic routes it is not always easy for a small dis- - Mr.s Regine Unbehauen, to make it easier to deal with.” like the road between Beitbridge and Vic- trict like Rhein-Erft to motivate Colo- PPP Task force North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf. - Mr.. Alexander Dahmen, PPP Task Force NRW, Düsseldorf. toria Falls." - Mr.s Sikhangels Zhou, Acting Town gne to cooperate.” - Mr.. Jürgen Kemmerling. Clerk, Bulawayo.

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Lessons learnt from Mayors, Town Clerks, Directors and Councillors: Group3: Mayors, Town Clerks, Councillors “We have to change our mind-sets.” and Directors On-boarding Workshop, City of Bad Honnef, 30 May 2015

Storyline: The baton is handed over. During an on-boarding road surfacing while Kadoma emphasises on water workshop the Mayors and Town Clerks informed the loss reduction and improved social amenities. Finally, Council Chairpersons and the Directors of their res- Chinhoyi looks at sewage and housing projects. Those pective cities about the outcomes of the first week aims are not completely new. The question rather of the study tour. They gave instructions with regards remains how those targets can be achieved. Mayors to what the technical delegates should keep their and Town Clerks were most impressed by the Public eyes on during the upcoming week. Together, the city Private Partnership concept as well as the foundation teams defined their respective priority projects: reve- concept. Further strategies shall be identified by the nue collection, water supply, waste management and four technical groups. cost recovery were the critical fields of engagement. After a church visit on the following morning, the Other examples were: Bulawayo wants to be the groups travelled to their respective study tour desti- “Leader in Local Governance Excellence”, parks gree- nations, while the Town Clerks and Mayors returned ning and public lightning are considered as impor- to Zimbabwe. tant fields of engagement. Norton wishes to enforce community participation in solid waste management. Among other things Kariba sees a strong necessity for Full-House: Mayors and Town Clerks share their German experiences with the Directors and Councillors so that they can finalize the transfer strategies per city in the upcoming week. Photo: Schmidt-Rossleben Images: ‹ ”Today, Mayors and Town Clerks are “handing over the baton” to the rest of their teams: I wish that they will benefit from the upco- ming experiences with regards to better service provision towards Voices: the residents. Never feel discour- "No potholes, 100 % water supply. It "One piece of advice: We Germans like aged on your way: You might make is so easy to feel overwhelmed here in to believe that we are very efficient. But three steps forward, and two back; Germany. As we cannot copy all this to also look at the challenge urban gover- Zimbabwe, we should not only look at ment systems face." five steps forward and four back— WHAT is done in Germany, but espe- - Mr.. Kurt Nieradtka, Trainer GFA, Germany. - Mr.. Langton but look, that’s development! cially HOW this is done.” Mabhanga, Finance Committee Chairperson, Kadoma. "We have to change our mind-sets first on Let’s go into detail: Mayors and Town-Clerks are “han- - Gerd Eggert, UWSSP. our side and on the side of our residents. ding over the baton” to the technical teams during an "But the concept faces its challenges. It Do we need houses with 16 rooms, ond on-boarding workshop in Bad Honnef. Photo: Beege is not always easy for a small district like." rooms only for the storage of shoes?” - Mr.. Winslow Muyambi, Town Clerk, Norton.

30 Reporter: Bastian Beege 31 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Housing Group: Group4: Housing “They could not even offer us mineral water.” City Development and Housing, City Council of Bonn, 01 June 2015

Storyline: Housing becomes a challenge as soon as cities are projects “Social City” is subsidised by the central confronted with poverty. In this regard, Germany is government by up to 70 %. In Germany, housing falls no exception. “The population in Bonn is still growing under the responsibility of municipalities. and a lot of people are living off social welfare ser- vices”, declared Town Planner Julia Gädker from Bonn However, their urban landuse plans have to match City Council. On the other hand, rents are increasing. with the respective regional plan and the require- This is the reason why 12-14 % of all housing within ments of the federal laws. When it comes to new the former capital is supposed to be dedicated to housing projects, residents need to be involved for- social housing. However, private companies are not mally. The concepts are officially displayed in the easily attracted to invest in social housing as the town hall, residents can then make comments to be profit margin remains small. integrated into the final concept. By the way, in Bonn 80 % of the housing space is rental based, the ma- Incentives as offered by the City Council did not jority of residents do not own their homes. This is change this situation so far. Here the United Housing different with regards to the situation in Zimbabwe. Construction Shareholder Company should be menti- oned, which the participants learned about later on (cf. page 36). One of the most important social housing

When it comes to housing in Germany, all that glitters is not gold: The “Housing Group” looks behind the facades. Photo: Beege Images: ‹ ”Look, the first impression when it comes to housing in Germany is beautiful like this rose attracting all your at-tention. However, don’t be blinded, look behind the fronta- ges, discover the other side: Germa- Voices: ny is also facing poverty and a num- "In Zimbabwe, family members look after “I noticed the important role that the private ber of social problems that affect each other. In Germany, the state has taken sector needs to play when it comes to so- housing. Ask the question, how up the role of the family?” - Mr.. Innocent Nha- cial housing. Could we strengthen the cor- mo, Housing Committee Chairperson, Kadoma. porate world in Zimbabwe in that regard?” they try to solve their challenges." - Mr.. Godfrey Magijani, Housing Director, Kariba. - Bastian Beege, UWSSP, Harare. "Bonn is one of the cities where the popu- lation still increases. Therefore, we urgently “Bonn City Council is also short of money, need to build new houses. Unfortunately, we as you can see. They even could not offer The German experience also had a culinary dimension: are lacking soace." us mineral water...” - Mr.. Makakhi Muriravanhu, at a “Local” restaurant in Bonn. Photo: Beege - Mr.s. julia Gädker, Town Planner, Bonn.. Housing Committee Chairperson, Chinhoyi..

32 Reporter: Bastian Beege 33 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Housing Group: Lessons learnt from Housing Group: “ We did not simply entertain the residents.” “In 1945, only four residents were left in Düren.” Integrated Development Concepts, City Council of Euskirchen, 01 June 2015 Multi-Purpose Building “House of the City of Düren”, City Council of Düren, 02 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: The City of Euskirchen has a population of 56.000 neighbours to gather outside and socialize. During the What can be done to a neighbourhood suffering from of inhabitants make use of the various facilities or residents living within and around the historical city World-Cup residents from different cultural back- social problems which creates a poor image resulting visit the cultural events. The annual expenses add up centre. Unfortunately, many buildings and the infra- grounds joined the public viewing spots. An annual in new tenants avoiding that particular quarter? The to 5,5 Million €. The aim, to achieve a better connec- structure in the city centre were in poor condition. soccer tournament as well as a dance project, also best way is to create a centre of attraction. In 1987 tion between the north of Düren and the city centre, Furthermore, social problems had a negative impact involving various cultures, supports community spirit the city of Düren decided to construct a “House of the has not been fulfilled yet. on the city´s image. The city council came up with development. Under the title “Space for All” partici- City” in its northern suburb, an urban centre for edu- an integrated development concept aiming at refur- pants set a strong sign towards mutual tolerance in cational and cultural events, dialogue and exhibition The railway embankment nearby is still be seen as a bishing buildings. the neighbourhood. facilities, concerts, as well as a town library. serious boundary, and the new pedestrian's tunnel is perceived as a factor of insecurity, and generally the This was done through private investors combined A cooking book combines personal recipes and life The project cost 48 Million Deutsche Mark at the time population still avoids this residential area. In other with resident’s engagement in order to create a stories of residents. “Our integrated development and was subsidized to 1/3 by the state of North- words, the integration process is still incomplete and new community spirit. So far, seven buildings and concept was a success so far. Unfortunately, we have Rhine-Westphalia. In 1991, the “House of the City” will go on. squares have been refurbished, and others are still not attracted new residents”, concluded Urban Plan- opened the doors of it’s library and the theatre. A few in progress or at the planning stage. Residents are ner Harald Heinz. months later the youth center “Multi-Kulti” followed. engaged in a number of projects. For example, stu- Today, the building also hosts the city archive as well dents covered sidewalks with grass carpets enticing as several conference rooms. Every year, thousands

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Voices: Voices: "We did not simply come and entertain our " You integrate your residents in the planning "In 1945, only four residents were left in "In Bulawayo, we have one of the best lib- residents, but we motivated them to stages. We as Zimbabwean Councils also try Düren. The whole city was destroyed. It raries in the country. But due to the lack of participate in the development of their to do that however, the mutual engagement was a huge task for our grand-parents financial resourcesm it becomes difficoult neighbourhood.” is difficult because of of this mistrust to rebuild the city. They were suppor- to maintain it." - Mr.. Harald Heinz, Urban Planner, Euskirchen. between them and us." ted by companies while the city was a - Mr.. Isiah Magagula, Director Housing, Bulawayo. - Mr. Godfrey Magijani, Director Housing, Kadoma. share-holder.” - Mr.. Paul Larue, Mayor, Düren. "There is more about housing than only “We are still short-sighted here and there when structures: community engagement and "You have spoiled us with ice-cream. it comes to sustainable housing concepts. But services lead to an integrative housing That’s hospitality.” - Mr.. Blessing Mtyambizi, “Freedom, Joy, Free Beer and Pancakes.” development requires thinking in the long-term.” concept.” - Mr.s. Monica Lubimbi, Director Housing, Norton. - Slogan on the wall of an occupied house, Düren. - Mr.. Nyasha Matimaire, Ministry of Local Government, Harare. Housing Committee Charperson, Bulawayo.

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Lessons learnt from Housing Group: Lessons learnt from Housing Group: “Sharing wives and bicycles.” “People have serious difficulties to afford a flat in Bonn.” Amaryllis: Multi-Generational Housing Cooperative, City of Bonn, 02 June 2015 United Housing Construction Company, City of Bonn, 03 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: “Germans are individualists - even more so, they social life of the cooperative, take over responsibili- “If we offer a new apartment, we receive 20 ap- by the federal state and benefits from soft loans. seem to be quite lonely.” This is one of the obser- ties and are willing to share facilities, e.g. their cars”, plications”, described Detlef Eckert from the United As plots are very expensive, UHCC has specialized vations that the Zimbabwean delegation formulated explained Gerd Hoenscheid-Gross from the Amaryllis Housing Construction Company (UHCC) in Bonn. The in demolishing dilapidated houses and constructing right from the beginning. However, there are examp- Management Board to the visitors from Zimbabwe. social housing market is tense and not very attracti- new buildings on the same plot. The neighbourhoods les that testify the opposite. In 2005, eight people People who are interested in joining the cooperative ve for private investors as the tenants cannot afford administered by UHCC are characterized by cultural founded “Amaryllis”, a multi-generation co-housing have to apply first. The community then decides who high rents. diversity. Crime was a problem in the past. UHCC re- community in the legal form of a registered coope- will be accepted. acted through opening offices in each neighbourhood, rative. The tenants of the apartments bought shares To relieve the pressure and provide efficient housing so that people can bring their issues and problems and became owners of the cooperative. Amaryllis is based on self-management schemes services, the City of Bonn has founded a stock com- which then are taken up by social workers present in where decisions are usually made by the residents´ pany which acts independently while the city remains the areas maintaining dialogue with residents. So far, three apartment buildings have been realized assembly. Amaryllis also runs the Villa Emma, a resi- the main shareholder. So far, UHCC owns 6.600 apart- including 33 units at a total cost of 5 million €, out dential home for old people that need support in their ments (800 objects) focussing on marginalised groups “The security situation has improved, there is almost of which 4 million € were a soft loan. Currently 50 daily life. In addition, further houses are planned. like handicapped people. The portfolio also includes no more need for the police to intervene in our neigh- adults and 20 children are sharing common spaces “This community idea faces an increasing demand”, kindergartens and nursing homes. The average rent bourhoods anymore”, concluded Detlef Eckert. like kitchen, meeting rooms or laundry facilities. “The concluded Hoenscheid-Gross. is only 5 € per m2 while the company is subsidised idea is that the members commit themselves in the

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Voices: Voices: “To summarize the idea of Amaryllis in four “Yesterday while walking through the city “We face a simple challenge: an ordinary em- " The Comany is in a position to set-up words: Sharing wives and bicycles...” centre of Euskirchen, you observed people ployee with a two-child-family has serious a cost effective strukture. However, let´s - Mr.. Godfrey Magijani, Housing Director, Kariba. that appeared lonely - today, we have seen difficulties to afford a flat in Bonn.” not forget that the local authority remains the opposite.” - Mr.. Detlef Eckert, United Housing Construction the main shareholder. A real private company "Amaryllis is a flower that has a power to - Mr.. Bastian Beege, UWSSP, Harare. Company (UHCC), Bonn. would not be attracted to social housing." recreate itself every year: Our recipe of suc- - Mr.. Innocent Nhmao, Housing Committee Chairoer- cess is the integrated social mixture." “It all goes back to the common vision of “In Zimbabwe, if you have no money to pay son, Kadoma. - Mr.. Gerd Hosenscheid-Gross, people who create a coalition to make a vi- your rent, you quickly find yourself sleeping Amaryllis Management, Bonn. sion work.” - Mr.. Muchaneta Munyeveri, Housing under a bridge. Social Housing would miti- “We are very strict, when it comes to rent Committee Chairperson, Norton. gate this problem.” - Mr.s. Mildred Musandirire, payments.” - Mr.. Detlef Eckert, UHCC, Bonn. Housing Committee Chairperson, Kariba.

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Lessons learnt from Housing Group: Lessons learnt from Housing Group: “This is real tolerance - “ We have knowledge, you bring knowledge - a recipe for well-being all over the world.” and together we create new knowledge.” Ermekeil Initiative: Integrated utilisation concept for old military barracks, City of Bonn, 03 June 2015 Refugee Integration, Urban Gardening, “Family Home”, City Council of Andernach, 05 June 2015 Storyline: Storyline: In the 1950s the German Ministry of Defence steered and the weekly common cooking sessions. Commu- Andernach’s medieval city wall still exists and has residents have been provided space for their own the re-militarization of the Federal Republic of Ger- nal dinner parties are usually attended by 30 people. not lost its protective function. This city is a little community functions and activities. With regards to many from their offices in the military barracks along Guests, like the Zimbabwean delegation, are warmly gem in comparison to the huge neighbours Cologne urban planning, the City of Andernach tries to keep Ermekeil Road in Bonn. Today, the buildings are still welcomed at any time. So called “Skills´ Cafes” also and Bonn. For many years, the city has kept its po- its historic image. in the possession of the government, however, civil take place on a regular basis facilitating the mutu- pulation size of almost 30.000 people. Whilst young society has taken over in a sense: Since 2005 the Er- al support among the community members. Festivals people move to the bigger cities, Andernach integrates Residents are offered subsidies if they conduct reno- mekeil Association makes use of the empty buildings and concerts during the summer season usually at- 120 refugees every year. Beside the provision of social vation works of their houses that preserve the historic as well as of the courtyard. tract 1000 spectators and more. housing, residents voluntarily support the integration appearance. And the project “Eatable City” has reached process through offering language classes, support in international renown: like its ancestors, the city has “One typical German problems is that we do not have Still, the initiative has not reached its final vision yet: the search for employment as well as through the planted a variety of fruits and vegetables along streets sufficient plots, therefore we intend to live in our “We still wait for the city to buy the barracks from accomplishment of general daily life problems. and in public spaces. Residents are invited to enrich small boxes”, explained Anna Wissmann from the the government”, indicated Wissmann. Afterwards its their agricultural knowledge - and: “In our city, we do initiative. “We use these barracks to create space members also intend to live on the property and fi- The City Council itself provides additional services not say: No access! - but: Picking allowed!” for everyone, ensuring community activities to take nally leave the military past of the barracks behind. for the immigrants or residents under one roof: “The place.” So far, around 100 people from all over the Family Home of Andernach” includes the social wel- city utilize the courtyard for small gardening projects fare office and different help-desks. Furthermore,

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Voices: Voices: Mr.. Gear Hanyane, Director Housing, Kadoma: “I "This is real tolerance - a recipe for well- “We have knowledge, you bring knowledge and In that sense, our project "eatable city" has imagine that if I lived in that wealthy neigh- being all over the world." together we create new knowledge in this a strong education component." bourhood and you are making a lot of noise - Mr.. Isaiah Magagula, director Housing, Bulawayo. room. Therefore, at the end of the day, all - Mr.. Eckhard Koch, Town Planner, Andernach. that you might call a “concert”. Would I of us leave this town hall a bit more intelli- be amused?” - Mr.s. Anna Wissmann, Ermekeil- “The dinner with the activists was an ex- gent.” - Mr.. Achim Hütten, Mayor, Andernach. “Maybe we should stay a bit longer and teach Initiative:, Bonn: “This was indeed one of our perience, also, because it was all vegetarian. the young people a little bit about urban far- worries. But in reality the neighbours are People say, this is healthy.” "Imagine, yiu will find young people here that ming. As you have said, it is all about crea- joining us. We are very welcomed by the peo- - Mr.. Blessing Mtyambizi, Director Housing, Norton. do not even know how a potato grow. For ting new knowledge.” - Mr.s. Muchaneta Munye- ple - surprisingly, in a way.” them, everything simply comes out of a tin. beri, Housing Committee Chairman, Norton.

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Lessons learnt from Finance Group: Group5: Finance “Despite budget deficits the city can still borrow money from the financial institutions.” Municipal Finances and Budgeting, City Council of Hennef, 1 June 2015 Storyline: “If you do not have money, you cannot realize any implemented double entry bookkeeping through NKF project.” This statement was reported again and which is similar to the implementation and compli- again - for this reason, the investigations of the Fi- ance to International Public Sector Ac-counting Stan- nance Cluster were of utmost importance. dards” (IPSAS) which are in the process of being implemented in Zimbabwe. However there was also The first station during the study tour was the City of the fear of disclosures coming with the implemen- Hennef where the team was taken through the New tation of NKF, which requires more transparency and Public Financial Management (NKF) system, including more information to be shared with the citizens. The the budgeting planning process. The visitors also had accounting standard covers three main areas: plan- the opportunity to discuss the balance sheet of the ning and execution of profit and loss, cash flow and City Council. Three areas were pointed out: the budget balance sheet. must be balanced, results based methods have to be used, and the budget contingency reserve shall It was also observed that the city has 14 product be safeguarded. It was also highlighted that the city areas, 58 product groups and 77 products resulting in receives substantial financial support from the fede- a stable revenue collection which includes corporate ral government. The City of Hennef had successfully and individual taxes.


Responsible for the municipal budgets: five Directors and five Finance Committee Chairpersons flanked by the Mayor of Hennef, the Treasurer and other Officials. Photo: Mundi

‹ ”Never forget: The municipal admin- istration is at all times accountable to the council of the municipality Voices: as well as to the citizens for the “The buzz word is that each year the City use of financial resources that are must produce a balanced budget.“ “Despite running a budget deficit, the city - Mr.s. Eva Maria Weber, Finance Department, Hennef. made available!” is still able to borrow from the financial institutions. Beside that, in case citi-zens Welcome to the famous German “Autobahn”. Huge - Mr.. Klaus Pipke, Mayor of Hennef. "Before final posting in the financial ac- fail to pay their bills door to door visits amounts of money are spent on the maintenance of the counting a finl verification is done to reas- are used to collect outstanding debts, road network, enabling fast travelling - unless there is sure the sufficient availability of funds." among other interventions.“ one of the numerous traffic jams! Photo: Mundi - Mr.s. Eva-Maria Weber, Finance Departement, Hen- - Mr.s Eva-Maria Weber, Finance Department, Hennef. nef.

40 Reporter: Micah Majiwa 41 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Finance Group: Lessons learnt from Finance Group: “The greatest focus in every consideration is on “Thinking like the private sector, but providing services our passengers.” to the public.” Municipal Utilities Bonn: “Turning Old Into New Concept”, City of Bonn, 1 June 2015 Technical Services Inter-Municipal Cooperation, Cities of Lindlar and Engelskirchen, 2 June 2015 Storyline: Storyline: Some of the products provided by TeBell include the Turning old into new: public transport has historical Using synergies makes you more efficient! Against internal resources for the refurbishment project. It maintenance of workshops, 250 km of roads, playg- dimensions in Bonn and the very old trams are still the background of this advice, the two cities of Lind- was observed that the project was a product of close rounds and cemeteries, as well as keeping the green running! Instead of purchasing new vehicles, the City lar and Engelskirchen have established the common cooperation between politicians and management to areas in proper shape, clearing of snow-covered of Bonn has founded StadtBahnWagen (SBW), a pu- Technical Services Public Utility Company TeBell PLC. achieve a common goal. roads, and fire brigade services. blic owned company which was set up to maintain Before that, both municipalities were spending huge and refurbish the city’s public trams / metros. The amounts of money on maintenance of roads, greenery, Whilst there was originally resistance against the Due to the economies of scale, TeBell has the capa- Finance Team was given a presentation on the ope- vehicles, tractors and other heavy duty machinery. concept of “turning old into new”, the company de- city to come up with reasonable pricing structures. rations of SBW. The driving force behind the project Sharing these resources meant that both cities would cided to “bite the bullet and get on with the revita- During a tour, the delegation assured itself of the was the sheer determination by management that the achieve substantial savings by transferring their as- lisation”. New spare-parts are used to refurbish the efficient work done by TeBell in the area of greenway refurbishment would lead to savings of 47 million € sets to this Technical Services Company. trains and one of the major rehabilitation works is maintenance: “The town was looking immaculately compared to acquiring new vehicles. The project fo- done at the level of the driver’s cockpit. The project clean and green all the way along the main roads”, cused on customer comfort and complied with Fede- The company operates as an independent entity and is being implemented using experts from within the described one visitor. ral Government regulations generating four units an- Municipal Utilities Bonn, who were exclusively assi- invoices the cities of Engelskirchen and Lindlar for nually. The company annually receives about 4 million gned to this project. So far, the whole initiative has the implemented work. This new structure has resul- € as a subsidy from the City of Bonn and also uses been applauded by the residents. ted in a 25% reduction of costs over the past years.

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Voices: Voices: “The range of local public transportation “Cost cutting strategy works when there “The idea is: thinking like the private sector level of mechanisation also contributes to services is focused on economic, climate is cohesion between policy makers and ma- but providing services to the public.” cost reduction. It is possible for Municipal and regulatory requirements and challenges. nagement. It is sheer bravery to challenge - Mr.. Ralf Bremmekamp, Managing Director TeBell, Local Authorities to find a common vision But the greatest focus in every considerati- traditional ways and do things differently. Lindlar-Engelskirchen. and ourpose to work together." on is on our passengers. Customer orienta- The central government should play its role - Mr.. Wolgarten, TeBell, Lindlar-Engelskirchen. tion, service and safety are the principles be- of providing funding to the local autho- "Collaboration between local authorities hind the success of the Stadtwerke Bonn.” rities in an equitable distribution of tax can bring in many advantages to the affec- "We collect people’s money and we should - Mr.. Christian Burk, Managing Director, Stadtwerke Bonn. payer’s funds.” - Mr.. Christian Burk. ted municipalities as they will benefit from be careful how we use their money.” the economies of scale and sharing of staff. - Mr.. Ralf Bremmekamp, Managing Director TeBell, "We decided to bite the bullet and get on utimately this will contribute to a reduction Lindlar-Engelskirchen. with revitalisation." - Mr.. Christian Burk, Mana- in staff costs for each Municipality. High ging Director, Stadtwerke Bonn.

42 43 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Finance Group: Lessons learnt from Finance Group: “The annual balance sheet reflected a deficit of “The visit was overwhelming to the participants.” EURO 10,8 million.” Management of Municipal Finances, City Council of Bornheim, 2 June 2015 CHEMPARK - Visit of an industrial park for the chemical industry, City of Dormagen, 3 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: Bornheim is among the numerous cities in Germany num which makes borrowing very cheap compared to Chempark is a large chemical industrial park area rants etc.). Interestingly, many of the employees use struggling with financial deficits. Therefore it is an Zimbabwe. The support from the federal government which is situated in the City of Dormagen. The park bicycles as a mode of transport for travelling within ideal candidate to learn from with regards to adap- in terms of regular subsidies is evident as well when is home to more than 70 different companies inclu- the park as well as travelling home after work. City tation strategies. Being located between Cologne and it comes to running costs of the city. ding the giant global company Bayer which opera- of Dormagen (63 000 inhabitants) deliberately pro- Bonn, the city is the “vegetable basket” of the region, tes from this massive complex. The complex also vides incentives for companies that want to invest specialising in asparagus and strawberries. Some of the “home-made” strategies to reduce the houses an incinerator for waste that is collected by through setting up their industries in Dormagen. budget deficit include the careful increase ofra- the Municipalities around Dormagen. The Chemical The administration promotes entre-preneurship and The City Treasurer made a presentation regarding tes, verification of fees currently being charged, cut Park produces for more than 350 million consumers places a lot of emphasis on the sale of commercial the financial system of the City Council from which down on youth welfare and lower service standards within the EU. The group was impressed by the level real estate. Council follows a proactive market-ing the group was able to learn more about Financial to reduce expenditures. In terms of ICT, Bornheim is of security and the preparedness of the administra- approach and works closely with the Chambers of Management and Accounting within local authorities. linked to a central computer network which does the tion to deal with disasters such as fires or explosi- Trade. Attendance of international trade fares also The actual balance sheet reflected a deficit of 10.8 processing of transactions although some data pro- ons. It was noted that the security fence around the helps to attract business. By the way: In Dormagen, million €. However it was indicated that the local au- cessing is also done within Council. The ICT system area is not even electrified which shows that the collection rate is stable at 95% of billed revenue thority has capacity to borrow from the bank to cover currently in use is “Informa” (instead of SAP). level of crime is very low. It was also observed that and has a deliberate policy according to the con- the deficit mainly based on the value of its assets. the park has not experienced any major accidents cept: Those who earn more, pay higher taxes. Interest rates are currently very low at 0.50% per an- so far mainly due to the precautions taken (fire hyd-

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Voices: Voices:

“Water and sanitation services are provided not up-to-date, clients do not benefit. In- “The visit to Chempark was overwhelming “Do you know that I have more power through a private company in order to en- creased internet coverage assists local au- to the participants who were convinced than Angela Merkel? Because I am chai- sure that services are kept up to standard thorities to disseminate information in a that it was possible to establish such a park - Mr.. Micah Majiwa , UWSSP, Harare. ring the parliament AND the administrati- at an affordable price.” continuous way.” in Zimbabwe.” on. However, the point is: Strong shoul- - Mr.. Ralf Cugaly, City Treasurer, Bornheim. - Mr.. Ralf Cugaly, City Treasurer, Bornheim. ders have to carry more. Whether I am "Public Private sector Partnerships are a successful or not depends on the eco- “When communicating with residents “It is sheer bravery to challenge tra- strategic open window which should be ta- nomic wealth: The hard fact is that mo- through the Internet, it is important to ditional ways of doing things by doing ken advantage of by the local authorities as ney is decisive.” ensure that the website is up-to–date and things differently.” they can assist to raise additional revenue and - Mr.. Eril Lierenfeld, Mayor, Dormagen. interactive at all times. If the Website is - Mr.. Kimpton Ndimande, Finance Director , Bulawayo. improve the quality of life of the residents." - Mr.. Saratiere Chitenhe, Director Finance, Kariba.

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Lessons learnt from Finance Group: Lessons learnt from Finance Group: “The most striking point was the level of budget deficit “In some cases the clients are unhappy because we are that the cities were running under.” both the spider and the net.” Reflection Workshop, Maritim Hotel - City of Bonn, 4 June 2015 Community Audit Institution North-Rhine-Westphalia, City of Herne, 5 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: Reflections, Reflections, Reflections. Day 4 has arri- tion improvement, ring fencing, promotion of local Last station of the study tour was the City of Herne, appropriateness. GPA does benchmarking between ved and its already time to take stock of the lessons economic development or efficent use of scarce fi- where a meeting was held with Dr. Timm-Arnoldt the local authorities and gives advice on austeri- learnt and how they can be applied in the home con- nancial resources. In general, the local authorities and Mr.. Gusovius from the Community Audit Insti- ty measures and programmes. The reports by GPA text. The Finance Cluster reviewed the events of the in Germany are running with deficits. However, they tution North Rhine-Westphalia GPA. The group was are published after discussions with the Mayor and past three days by first looking at the original expec- are still in a position to obtain credit facilities from mesmerized by the level of forward planning by the Management as well as the Audit Committee. The tations. Innovative answers were found with regards the local financial institutions at very low interest institution including name tags on the table for each whole process of auditing municipalities ensures that to revenue collection, local economic development, rates (0.50%). visiting delegate. the taxes remain affordable to residents. Responding cost reduction and best practices. to a question from the group regarding the use of The local authorities also have a wide revenue base A presentation was made to the group which high- SAP, Mr.. Gusovius indicated that SAP is a very ela- The Councillors prioritized five main areas: commer- which include corporate taxes amongst others. The lighted the support and attention given to the local borated software program which is not suitable for cialisation, the role of local economic development/ “lessons-learnt transfer tool” was introduced and authorities operating with deficits in order to achieve small local authorities hence their municipalities use innovation, financial management and forecasting, adopted by the team with minor modifications of fiscal equilibrium. GPA is an independent instituti- other programmes that were specifically designed for special utility vehicles and creating industrial Agro the criteria for the project. The participants had to on which operates under a special law and is res- small to medium enterprises. SAP is used by large Parks. On the other hand the Finance Directors came identify whether the proposed measures are realis- ponsible for 373 municipalities. It employs 140 staff local Authorities such as Frankfurt and Cologne. up with their shortlist of measures that they would tically feasible. members. Their main task is to scrutinise munici- want to see implemented, such as revenue collec- pal services and products on efficiency, legality and

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Voices: Voices: “We conduct audits and provide advisory “We should take the following items home: “In summarising the three days of the “We should work on the little things. Not services. In some cases the clients are risk profiling, enforcement, legislation of study tour, the finance team recapitula- all things need a lot of money, but a change unhappy because we are both the spider data delivery, good governance for better ac- ted the visits of the previous days. The of Culture.” and the net.“ - Mr.. Gusovius, Community Audit countability and transparency, necessity of - Mr.s Faustina Zhou, Finance Director, Kadoma. most striking points were the level of Institution NRW, Herne. external auditing, using own resources for budget deficit that the local authorities developing accounting programmes, bench- in Germany were operating under and their “The integrity of public administration, in- "Austerity Management is still not very marking processes, austerity support, im- ability to set up various utilities which cluding the city´s Mayor are key so that the- popular among social authorities and re- portance of data collection standardisation are 100% owned by the Local Authorities.” re is trust by potential investors in the city.” sidents." - Mr.. Gusovius, Community Audit Institu- , good leadership and sharing best practi- - Mr.. Micah Majiwa, UWSSP, Harare. - Mr.. Eril Lierenfeld, Mayor, Dormagen. tion NRW, Herne. ces.” - Mr.. Kimpton Ndimande , Finance Director, Bulawayo.

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Lessons learnt from Engineering Group: Group6: Engineering “How does a city like ours function?” Organization of a Local Authority, City Council of Mülheim, 1 June 2015

Storyline: The History of Mülheim was narrated by Mayor Dag- available in the city´s budget. Still roads have to mar Mühlenfeld. Emphasis was placed on the deve- be maintained by prioritizing and staggering repairs. lopment of the institutions through the centuries up The cities´ experiences with outsourcing services to today. The city´s social and economic structure, to private utilities was discussed in detail. Profits the administrative organization and political decision are only generated from one utility – RWE – which making process were explained. 11 parties are repre- provides for cross-subsidies to social services, e.g. sented in the city´s parliament and make decisions transport. The participants realized that the city fea- by consent through compromise, brokering ideas and tures common German social problems, e.g. an aging thus balancing interests. population, high financial burden to assist socially disadvantaged groups as well the underlying basis Voters elect political parties on the basis of their of the German political dispensation, i.e. a social- programs rather than individuals promising specific market economy, where the redistribution of incomes interests or distributing resources. The City of Mül- is paramount. In other words: challenges as faced by heim, like most German cities, is in dire financial German Local Authorities are immense. The question straits: annual budgets never cover the prerequisite of how to cope with those challenges in a democra- expenditures, e.g. only 10 % of the requisite funds to tic, transparent manner is the lesson learnt. maintain roads up to the set standards are generally


How does our city work? The Engineering Cluster is welcomed by the Mayor of the City of Mühlheim. Photo: Kresse

‹ "For the restructuring of German public administration in the 90ies, the guiding principle was to main- tain economically efficient, sound Voices: and competitive service delivery to “In Germany 92 % of the population co- "How does that work? How can 11 par- the city." vers and carries 8 % through financially - in ties sit in a parliament and not fight but Zimbabwe it is the other way around.” arrive at constructive decisions anyway?" Who is real, who is not real? Indeed, it is for real that - Herr vom Schem (City of Solingen). - Councillor. - Councillor. the engineers carry the responsibility for the function- ing of infrastructures: Directors and councillors from “We can see it all around: Germany is Zimbabwe are discovering how German cities work. well developed - however, we are catching Photo: Eggert up fast...” - Mr.. Hungwe, MLG.

48 Reporter: Gerd Eggert 49 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Engineering Group: Lessons learnt from Engineering Group:

“If Germany did it, why can’t Zimbabwe do it?” “The Local Authority pays rent for its own properties.” Mülheim Ruhr Water Works, City of Mülheim, 1 June 2015 Municipal Facility Management, City Council of Iserlohn, 2 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: Science Fiction or Reality? This question achieved a ries do get treated water, because it is too costly So called “public companies” are a well-proved re- establish transparency of the buildings’ costs and certain relevance while visiting the highly technolo- to separate”, replied Kristina Strüwe. “However, cer- cipe for local authorities to guarantee high-quality secondly to optimize operations of buildings utilizing gical Water Treatment Plant of Mülheim. The dele- tain large scale industries constantly recycle their service delivery. This is the case in the City of Iser- a private business model. The city established other gation was welcomed by Mr.s. Kristina Strüwe. Her water.” The existing resources are used wisely. The lohn where the Zimbabwean delegation was welco- independent companies for road maintenance, public presentation featured aspects of the historical de- degree of cooperation between different departments med by Mr.s. Zawada from Iserlohn Municipal Facility traffic and district heating. The group also visited velopment of raw water generation. Activated car- was also highlighted. For example once roads are to Management, a subsidiary of the city. The company a recently constructed multifunctional sports hall, bon and chlorine are used to treat water now - in be rehabilitated, the water department is approached is run commercially and was founded in 2003. The which is used by two nearby schools and a very fact, simple chlorination is a method belonging to to check whether any pipes at the same spot need principle of operation is simple: town properties were successful hockey club. The visit to the control room the past. Water costs are at 1,27 € per m³. 5 % non- replacement as well. Pipes are replaced every 60 to bought by the company to perform all construction of the Fire Brigade showed a highly computerized revenue water is the general measure - a ridiculous 80 years. and building maintenance services, and carry out re- system, which supports the staff in the efficient ma- figure in comparison to Zimbabwean reality. gular cleaning. nagement of emergencies. The Mayor of Iserlohn exp- A visit to the control room and pump house were also lained modes of how the population, and in particular There are no special tariffs for industrial use, while impressive for the participants. Only 2 people are in For these services the town council now has to pay the youth, participate in urban development: “We have the industry also uses potable water. “Why do you the control room. No single person was seen in the a regular house rent to Municipal Facility Manage- a children’s parliament.” A model, that is also known not provide raw water for cooling processes in in- pump house, which was quite a surprise to the par- ment, which is owned by the city. The main reason in Zimbabwe in form of Junior Councils. dustries?”, the visitors asked accordingly. “Indust- ticipants - maybe science fiction instead of reality? for the establishment of the company has been to

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Voices: Voices: "If Germany did it, why can´t Zimbabwe do it?" do you keep this absolute cleanliness?” "We are quite surprised that the Fire Brigade "The future belongs to our children - there - Director. - City Engineer. volunteers do not get any compensation. In and there." - Councillor. addition, the children's Parliament seems to "In Zim everybody wants things for free. “This is not magic. Lead by example, have a be a good idea.” - City Engineer. “To make the future you have to learn from However, this is far from beeing realistic." corporate garbage policy in place., i.e. strong presence and past.” - Councillor. - Councillor. checks and, most of all: zero tolerance! Which means, even smaller transgressions “Can you imagine! Even the pump house is must be followed up. Here again the disci- spotlessly clean! Did you paint it yesterday plined approach comes back in. “ - G. Eggert. in anticipation of our visit? Honestly: how

50 51 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Engineering Group: Lessons learnt from Engineering Group: “So many ideas - but they´re all in German, so give us “ There is the principle of PAY against MERIT at the some time to translate them.” core of a professional job.” Museum SASE, City of Iserlohn, 2 June 2015 Technical Services Company, City of Solingen, 3 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: The Museum for Solid Waste Management (SASE) fills has not been allowed since 2002. As much as Potholes are not only a Zimbabwean phenomen the The presentation showed a number of technical de- featured an exhibition on the long history of Ger- possible waste has to be recycled, and the remainder Zimbabwean delegation found out during a visit to tails, for example how the upper surface is taken off man street sweeping and solid waste collection. Solid is incinerated. In order to ease recycling, a number of the Technical Services Company of Solingen. Mr.. and (usually, unless contaminated) the material is waste collection started off very simple with carts different bins for different types of waste was intro- Freudenwald from the company guided the visitors recycled. The lifespan of roads is up to 16 years de- and then gradually developed. A major boost happe- duced. On the grounds of SASE a solid waste system through the road management system. 26 people are pending on the superstructure. In that regard, some ned when industries developed in the Ruhr area. One from the Netherlands was demonstrated. working in the technical team checking the city's roads have even had to be repaired after 12 or 10 of the big inventions was the production of a stan- roads continuously. Pictures were shown of potholes years. A crucial issue is to balance financial planning dardized solid waste bin, which allowed the emptying The system is composed of three 5 m³ big sub surface and road surface problems in Solingen. with traffic service considerations. of bins with mechanical devices. bins. The filling level is measured by ultrasound and transferred by telemetry to the operating company. The fact becomes obvious that the constant identi- Equipment for repair is often rented from various In the early years after the Second World War The subsurface bins are only emptied when mea- fication, prioritization and categorization of damages suppliers. So far, Solingen does not yet have a wor- household waste was mostly composed of ashes surement indicates a sufficient level of filling. SASE lies at the center of road management. This feeds king GIS system for the road controllers. Annual con- from heating. Later the composition of solid waste also maintains a library of 12,000 books about street into the process of decision making for resurfacing. tracts are made with providers - selected tendering changed gradually, so that technologies of solid was- sweeping, solid waste collection and treatment. The There is a large program being out-sourced and ten- is done covering small continuous tasks and are put te collection had to adapt accordingly. Nowadays the oldest books date back to periods before 1900. dered for the resurfacing of complete road sections. under an annual framework contract. This helps to biggest proportion of household waste is paper. By 10 road sections (between 500 m and 5 km length) keep road services up and still saves on overhead the way, in Germany, disposal of solid waste in land- as well as many small units are repaired annually. costs for the city.

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Voices: Voices: "We learnt there are 800 ways of saving mo- same time, he has an obligation also to pay "My road gang leaders are not able to write “’Catch them early’ is one of the sugges- ney and also 800 ways of creating revenue for the delivery of these services.” their names. How does that compare with tions in the sense to already have school - but it was all in German, so give us some - City of Iserlohn. Solingen, where each technical team is led by children visiting the municipal work-shops. time, we are still translating.” a junior engineer?" - City Engineer. They might find it interesting to choose this - Councillor. "No question: changing the mindset in Zim- as a career in the future.“ - Councillor. babwe is the greatest challenge.“ “I now understand that there is the princip- “Every German citizen is entitled and has a - City Engineer. le of PAY against MERIT, at rendering proper "A question for the future: can the concept right to receive constant services. but at the service delivery, at the core of a professional of outsourcing repair jobs be transferred to job in an institution.” - Councillor. Zimbabwe?“ - Councillor.

52 53 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Engineering Group: Lessons learnt from Engineering Group: “Public transport is an issue of social justice.” “We talk a lot and do too little - in Germany it is Public Transport Services, City of Solingen, 3 June 2015 the opposite.” Reflection Workshop, City of Oberhausen, 4 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: Solingen is one of two towns in Germany that are of public transportation including the legal, adminis- The engineers reflected on the past visits in Mülheim, > the political implictions, i.e. concentrating on running electric trolley busses The visit of the Pub- trative and financial implications. The legal by-laws Iserlohn and Solingen. factual issues, reaching and accepting compromise; lic Transport Services began with a tour around the governing public transportation were mostly a novel- The major findings and tasks pursued were: > “ring-fencing” of services so as to enable proper different workshops and stores, where the technical ty to the delegates. > the committment and level of technical qualifica- cost monitoring and, at the same time, accepting workshop procedures were explained. Participants tion in Germany was observed; the political decision to have one service that actually saw workers doing maintenance tasks on A vast regular transport network covers Solingen´s resi- finances another service; busses as well as store keepers at work. A short dential areas, particularly the not so well off suburbs, i.e. > discipline as a major factor in everything done drive with a trolley bus and a brief visit into the con- effective organization to provide service to the populace. within adminstrations and institutions; > being transparent, involving the populace in trol room followed. The money collecting machines The transport department runs at a 10 million € defi- > taking on the ethos of your institution as the gui- proceedings, so that there is buy-in and mutual especially impressed the participants: at the end of a cit which is mainly covered by profits generated by ding principal (not working towards your personal understanding; working day busdrivers are used to cash in the mo- electricity production (utility). There are 250 drivers agenda but for the benefit of all); > engineers understood the concept of sourcing out ney into an “ATM” - actually, a reversal of the usual - out of these 186 are directly employed by Stadt- > the strict handling of irregularities and proper services and setting up utilities in order to relieve ATM (where you withdraw money). werke Solingen. As for the future, Solingen considers administration according to laid out procedures; the councouncil´s budget. At the same time, the the targets of zero CO2 emissions by 2020 as well as utility aims at making profit which again shall be The presentation about Solingen´s mobility concept solarcells as a standard on top of all busses - in order > the wide involvement of the populace and involve- used to offset the debt. familiarized the group with the basic policy issues to meet the challenges of climate change. ment of school kids from a young age;

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Voices: Voices: "The principle must be: only man “How do you classify your poor if 40 % of "The costs for any theft seem to be em- “The division of labor is practiced to a for the right job should do! But no unqua- the expenses go to social support?” - “Due bedded in social contributions in Germany." high degree: an engineer and an administra- lified personnel." - Councillor. to an aging population where a large section - City Engineer. tor do their jobs each being accountab- does not have funds above the social mini- le for himself towards the superior. But "We realize that public transport is an issue mum. The "social net" has to cover more "Here 92 % of the population cover and carry still they are communicating with each of social justice as well as an environmental and more elderly as well as drop outs of the 8 % through financially - in Zimbabwe it is other in order to facilitate efficiency and necessity - however it is heavily subsidized.“ economic system.“ - discussion between City En- the other way around." - City Engineer. getting things done.” - Councillor. - City Engineer. gineer and German hosts. “We talk a lot and do too little – in Germany it is the opposite.“ - City Engineer.

54 55 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Engineering Group: “ The bike sharing concept would be an invitation to Off the Record: Culture Shock thieves in Zimbabwe.” Innovative City Management with regards to Energy, City Council of Bottrop, 5 June 2015 "I clearly remember how it was, when I stepped my first foot into the African continent: I left the airport in Cotonou, Benin, and suddenly felt upside down, overwhelmed by the bustle of the metropolis: My brain was not able to process all these crowds, noises and odours. Somebody asked me ‘What’s your name?’ - For a moment, I had no idea.” Storyline: - Bastian Beege, UWSSP, Harare. A few years back, 70 councils of the Ruhr area deci- thods of counseling, communication, supervision and ded to come up with an innovative energy pilot pro- controlling, the decision making process is pushed ject to focus on reduction of CO2 emissions as well forward while all involved parties share experien- as increase energy efficiency, manage interests and ces and “own” decisions made. The results are fed apply innovative techniques. A team was commissi- back into the various political levels, e.g. provincial oned, providing experts for the project from public as well as (central) governmental and the interest administration as well as academia. groups, i.e. Association of German Cities (“Städtetag”) or “Connective Cities”. The populace was informed of the project´s benefits through various ways of information dissemination, During a guided tour the group also visited a bike- e.g. posters, events etc. If people are interested in sharing stand and got to know how this concept func- Soccer, the language that everybody speaks. The German experience also has a culinary dimension. participating, they receive advice on how their houses tions, with clients opening internet based accounts for Photo: Private Photo: Beege can be incorporated into the pilot project. Round table payments. Another point of visit was a “low-energy- talks, chaired by the Mayor, see that all contributions house” where the roof and the western face were Soccer stadium, Cologne: 49.250 spectators are fol- What were the most fascinating impressions of the Ger- are communicated sufficiently among departments, made up of solar cells. After the tour the discussion lowing the last match of the current Bundesliga man experience? - “Everything is such clean, no litter at responsible project personal, and commercial repre- featured a number of financing issues, i.e. where funds season, Cologne is playing against Wolfsburg. The all”, was one of the first observations just after arrival. sentatives from the private sector. Through these me- came from or how subsidies are distributed. atmosphere is typical for that kind of event, more “The roads and public infrastructures are in such a good like a mass party than a hard-fought match. The gaze condition.” In other words: No potholes. The “German of Mungororo Mazai (Chinhoyi TC) wanders over the Autobahn” makes long distance travel comfortable. crowds, focussing on the men and women equally Images: represented cheering for each of the two teams. “You “Where is the police? Even the hotel is not secured know, in our country, women do not often go to the and people can just move in without any control!”, was soccer stadiums. There are too many obscenities circu- another observation. Other prejudices about Germans lating. But here, the whole atmosphere seems to be so surfaced as well: Germans are well-organized, discip- civilized and peaceful.” lined, always on time. Did any of the participants en- joy the culinary specialities like “Sauerkraut”, “Spar- Germany appears even too peaceful and quiet to gel” (asparagus) or the great variety of German bread? some participants: ”Where are all the people?”, asked some of the visitors. The streets were often empty. Hosts received everyone warmly and made them feel Where are all these 82 million Germans who have at home. At an invi-tation for dinner at a housing-com- to cope with a surface smaller than Zimbabwe? “You munity, visitors were even offered a “Sadza-like-dish.” are only outside on the roads, because you need to go “Not bad, however, it was all vegetarian ...”, said Isiah somewhere. If you have no reason to be outside, you Magagula from Bulawayo with a wry smile. Anything simply stay at home - unless during sunny, hot sum- else discovered? For sure, each participant has plenty mer days!”, was one explanation. And those people of individual stories to tell at home raising from this who are seen in the public during the day, are often unique German Experience. (bbe) Voices: representing the elder generations - visible proof of an aging society: How can this society survive, if there “The bike sharing concept would be an in- "Communication is key in any institution are no young people following? - In fact, the negative vitation for tsotsis (thieves) in Zimbabwe.” or cooperation: if management does not effects of the demographic development are already - Councillor. ensure all departments are always on the obvious, for example, when it comes to the increa- same level of knowledge, no cooperation sing demand of social services. Germany presented "Germans are discilpined. Zimbabweans usually can be achieved and, in the end, service its visitors also some other aspects of its old history: are like that too. But we have to revive that delivery suffers." “I have never seen such an enormous building”, indi- characteristics - very precisely and severely!" - G. Eggert. - City Engineer. cated one Mayor standing in front of the more than 700 year old Cathedral of Cologne, one of the highest The famous “Autobahn” provides pleasant travelling. churches in the world. Photo: Majiwa

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Lessons learnt from Health Group: Group7: Health “Prevention is better than cure.” The German Health System, Federal Ministry of Health, City of Bonn, 1 June 2015

Storyline: To get a macro perspective at the beginning, the de- many lies at 80 years, this presents new challenges legation first visited the Federal Ministry of Health. to offer quality of care for the elderly. According to The discussions with the Head of Division Mr. Ul- Ulrich “our system focusses on your entire wellness, rich Dietz was an eye opener to the German Health prevention is better than cure”. In other words, it is delivery system. The reflection included the role of will be more expensive if you wait for one to get sick. Government in providing policy, guiding regulatory The health system is carried out by private com- framework, responsibilities, management structures panies. The government’s role is to provide a legal and financing. The German Health System (Bismarck framework and supervision. Self-regulation is impor- Model) was developed over 100 years ago and is still tant: “Everyone controls everyone’’. To curb medical being refined. fraud Germany has a robust electronic system for submitting medical claims for payment processing. It is a compulsory health insurance system that of- Good governance of the whole system provides clear fers high quality health benefits to 90% of the popu- streamlining of roles and responsibilities. The system lation, while 10 % are covered by the private sector. audits medical doctors and enforces good medical Germany is a high GDP country hence resources from ethics. Health professionals are given room for re- the national tax authority are adequately allocated search and innovation. to improve quality of care. Life expectancy in Ger-


A healthy environment is fundamental for society's progress: The Health Cluster is looking behind the curtains of the German Health System. Photo: Hackhausen ‹ ”As a team we jointly planned feasible transfer strategies for health. The whole tour was do- minated by a conducive environ- Voices: ment where we managed to ex- “We need to be clear about Zimbabwe’s “Delivering high quality health services is change views ranging from politics Health Care System model: There are chal- a business and self regulation is there- lenges that we have to deal with.” fore of uttermost importance.” - Councillor. to work related issues.” - Health Director. Health can be experienced with all senses - the Zim- - Dagobert Mureriwa, Australian Aid, Harare. “Medical fraud prevention and populati- babwean delegation investigates innovative approa- "Prevention is better than cure; we need on management focusing on wellness is ches with the intention to implement feasible ideas to go back to the basics." - City Engineer. worth exploring in Zimbabwe.” back home. Photo: Hackhausen - City Engineer.

58 Reporter: Dagobert Mureriwa 59 > Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities Study Tour of Zimbabwean Local Authorities <

Lessons learnt from Health Group: Lessons learnt from Health Group: “Public transport is an issue of social justice.” “Health is a collaborative effort - catch your target “Healthy City Network”, City Council of Troisdorf, 1 June 2015 groups once they are still young.” Public Health Department, City Council of Aachen, 2 June 2015 Storyline: Storyline: In Zimbabwe Health Directors have incorporated the The Zimbabwean delegation discovered that the lea- In most cases in Zimbabwe the role of the Depart- other marginalised groups is important as well. The vi- practice of exchanging best practices. However, while dership provided by the Mayor of Troisdorf was im- ment of Health is over-shadowed by the coordinating siting Zimbabwean team was inspired by the strategy more can be done, the “Healthy City Network” as pre- portant for the success of the network: As a member Ministry. The visit to Aachen was an eye-opener as to identify and utilise health champions to reach out sented by the City of Troisdorf serves as a good ex- of the network, Troisdorf has developed a number of the department is proactive in championing health to design frameworks for disease control and to pro- ample of such intermunicipal cooperation. health supporting policies and infrastructures. Health issues. The department is in charge of analysing and mote school health programs. The take home message related topics are incorporated into all kinds of urban evaluating environmental influences on health and was: “Catch them young – in old age they will then The City of Troisdorf is located in the Rhine-Sieg- development, integrating resident’s opinions. In fact, measures for disease control and prevention. This in- be healthier!!!” Cascading health information requires District and has around 73,000 inhabitants. Troisdorf the question “what do citizens need for their well- cludes water quality monitoring, promoting hygiene in a concerted effort, including training of teachers. The has been part of the “Healthy City Network” since being and healthy development?” is key, according to hospitals and monitoring people that are participa- delegation also learned about the high-tech water inf- 2012. The network is an initiative of intermunicipal the concept. ting in cross border movements. rastructure in Aachen and the importance of managing cooperation among 75 municipalities and a classic the system correctly: “Ring fencing water revenue is model of how city’s health departments can colla- Therefore the City of Troisdorf facilitates the coope- Networking is critical for stakeholder engagement. important for reinvestment and operations and main- borate through pulling together resources for health ration between various civil society associations. In addition, children’s health is assessed before they tenance”. The Aachen waterworks supplies water to initiatives. The “Health Network” provides a coordina- A website is planned for which residents of Trois- are enrolled for school and, if necessary, corrective Netherlands and is monitored through Geographic In- ted approach to health prevention through structured dorf will be able to obtain useful information, for interventions, in order to ensure the development of formation Management Systems (GIS). twinning arrangements. The network multidisciplinary example on available medical services, and sport the child, are conducted as early as possible. Crafting team brings in a pool of expertise to the network. and leisure activities. sound health standards for refugees, prisoners and

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Voices: Voices: "Residents Associations are critical for “The concept of Health Networks promotes “Networking brings power.” - Director. “Confidence in water quality is instilled if promoting interface with community and collaboration across cities - which sup- water quality results are published.” building trust.” - Councillor. ports the overall development.” "GIS is most most critical for mapping - Director. - Health Director. the water infrastructure and for informing "Political will is important for buy-in and key management decisions within a Local “Health is a collaborative effort - there- sustainability of programs." - Health Director. “City to city twinning arrangements can Authority." - Director. fore catch your target groups when they yield positive results. However, it needs to are still young.” - Director. be well-coordinated.” - Dagobert Mureriwa, AusAid, Harare..

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Lessons learnt from Health Group: Lessons learnt from Health Group: “ From rubbish to a new precious product: Energy” “Investing in diagnostic equipment improves quality of Waste Disposal Company AMK, City of Iserlohn, 2 June 2015 health care.” Public Health Department, City Council of Aachen, 2 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: Discussing waste management is not always ap- heating blocks of flats. In Germany, solid waste cate- Coming from Zimbabwe where the health system has grams such as preschooling, flexible working hours, pealing. However, if it is done in a professional man- gorization starts at source or at household level. Re- collapsed, the visit to the hospital of Düren was a further training opportunities and regular meals to ner, there is nothing unsavoury about it. In fact, solid sidents are usually well-informed and engaged when shock to the system, however it was very encoura- its staff. Career training is important for medical waste management can become a lucrative business. it comes to the separation of the various types of ging. Düren was destroyed during the Second World staff in order to keep up to date with new equip- The visit to a state-of-the-art Waste Disposal Com- litter. For example, bins in different colours are used War, nevertheless the hospital shows the efficiency ment which the hospital invests in, for example for pany AMK in Iserlohn proved that there is money in for the different types of waste. Pollution control and in the rebuilding of health infrastructures during the interventional radiology. waste. The company is in charge of the recovery and environment management standards are in place and post world war period. The hospital plus the Muni- disposal of waste from the 400,000 inhabitants of enforced by the Local Authorities. cipal Health Centre has more than 1,000 employees. The hospital is financed through a dual financing sys- Maerkisch County. The Zimbabwean delegation obser- It offers health rehabilitation, prevention and fitness tem (Medical Insurance and Private Sector funds). ved the operational procedures. While it is capital intensive to set up, the private programmes to the surrounding districts. Health insurance funds are channelled through a pre- sector is willing to invest if policies and frameworks financing facility and are used to pay treatment ope- During the crushing process, the incinerator gene- are well defined. To conclude, the key message of the The hospital’s defined niche is to offer specialised rating costs. The German Health System is a free and rates electricity: 50% of that gained electricity is visit was that Zimbabwe also needs to put in place health care in all disciplines (except paediatrics). The social market system based on a mandatory health required by AMK itself for its running operations, effective waste management systems. Important ele- hospital has trustees who provide policy guidance, insurance. Work ethics remain critical in health. Hos- whilst the other produced 50% is fed and sold into ments are education and self-regulation mechanisms. and a full time public relations officer is responsible pitals are regularly controlled with regards to hygie- the national grid at a premium. Moreover, numerous for hospital image management and interfacing with ne and medical standards. other products are manufactured such as dust, salt, the public. The hospital has commercial subsidiaries sulphur, plaster, fertilisers and gas which is used for and provides a number of employee assistance pro-

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Voices: Voices: “Solid Waste Management is a business at “From rubbish to a new precious product: “It is interesting to see no one using cell “Investing in diagnostic equipment brings day and at night.” - Director. Energy.” - Director. phone during work.” - Councillor. in efficiencies and improves the quality of health care.” - Director. "The concept is simple: High Pressure - "Health insurance is feasable as long as it is great heat - generated electricity." - Councillor. pre-financed." - Director. “Governance and concentrating on the core business is important to curb conflict of in-terest in the health sector.” - Councillor.

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Lessons learnt from Health Group: Lessons learnt from Health Group:

“Urban renewal is a collective effort.” “Soft medicine complements the conventional health care.” Action Covenant for Health, City of Düren, 3 June 2015 Health Institute Mr.E (City of Bonn), Health Garden (City of Erftstadt), 5 June 2015

Storyline: Storyline: Since 1999 the City of Düren takes part in the sta- an bottom-up approach and not through a top-down In 2008-2009, Zimbabwe suffered from a historic whilst ongoing operations research is important to te programme “Social City North Rhine-Westphalia”. approach. This approach is integral to planning hence cholera epidemic that affected over 100,000 victims back facts with evidence. For example, monitoring Through the programme different initiatives have been the need to involve all key stakeholders at every and killed 5,000 people. The cholera outbreak was at- local level use of antibiotics is important to curb realized to foster social urban development with a stage of city initiatives. The team also visited an HIV tributed to breakdown of infrastructure and collapse abuse and resistance. In addition to visiting Mr.E, special focus on the city district of Düren South-East. and AIDS Service Organisation. The HIV problem is not of service delivery as well as failure to practice safe the delegation made a trip to the Health Garden of Among these initiatives is the “Action Covenant for as serious in Germany as it is in Zimbabwe, however hygiene, e.g. basic hand washing with soap. The visit the City of Erftstadt which demonstrates soft medi- Health Promotion” which covers measures of disea- it cannot be neglected. to the Health Institute Mr.E provided useful insights cine as an emerging discipline that can complement ses prevention and health promotion. The represen- on the importance of coordination of infection hygiene conventional health. It is an initiative of civil society tative of the responsible City Council Department of The Department of Health in Düren works closely management, infection protection of the population and the City of Ertstadt. The garden is located next Social Urban Development presented the objectives through NGO structures to reach out to the pub- and expertise and knowledge transfer through net- to the city’s hospital in order to help reintegrating and results of this initiative. lic with a special focus on particularly vulnerable working. Collaboration between local councils and patients into their daily life, and supports the healing groups such as gays and lesbians. public health institutions is most critical. Hygiene process. Visitors can enjoy and experience nature and The convention engages youth through sport activities institutions’ accreditation, in line with setting of nati- sculptures in an interactive way. The conclusion of and other amenities towards the quest to curb drug onal hygiene standards, is important for compliance. this experience was the desire to go back to health abuse. Community participation and sustainability In addition, setting up health accreditation centres care basics for a better community development in can be attained if consultation is practiced through provides required enforcement and quality control, Zimbabwe.

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Voices: Voices: “Put the last first.” - Councillor. “The aim is to target homosexuals and “So called ‘soft medicine’ complements the “Let’s go back to the basic concepts of other vulnerable groups in particular in or- conventional health care.” - Councillor. health care.” - Director. "The idea is to incentivises owners of buil- der to combat HIV and AIDS in a sustai- dings to embrace an urban renewal culture." nable way.” - Director. “We urgently need to strengthen institutions - Director. to provide our core services in the Health sector.” - Director. “Urban renewal is a collective effort.” - Councillor.

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Return Ticket: FRA-HRE Transfer Strategies

with the development of a detailed concept plan. This proach, the municipality wants to improve corporate plan also provides for social amenities, rehabilitated governance, increase revenue collection efficiency and Bulawayo: roads in the neighbourhood and modern public ligh- Kariba: enhance stakeholder participation in municipal affairs. Social Housing and Public Companies ting. In order to start the construction, the private Social Housing and Public Companies Envisaged measures are: registration of civil society sector institutions need to be engaged. This idea is organisations operating within the boundaries of Kari- in line with the second priority which is the set-up ba, meeting Councillors, Council Management and Em- The City of Kings has an am- of service utilities - public companies for the areas The Capital of Tourism ployees at public meetings or workshops to integrate bitious vision as it intends to highly depends on its posi- City of Bulawayo of water and wastewater, solid waste management, the public opinion into council’s decisions, proactive become the leader in local as well as estate management. These entities are tive image.Kariba It all Municipality starts at use of community radios and other communication governanceEstablished 1943with a vibrant the level of the residents: supposed to improve the efficiency of the respective Established 1972 tools. The principle idea is to create a common sense economy by 2024: Therefore services, making use of employed staff. Both projects “If we want to be success- of community ownership, to bridge the gap between a number of measures are face challenges. On the housing side, finances are not ful in any project, we first “US” and “THEM” and to develop new solutions to the targeted in the medium run. secured yet, and with regards to the service utilities, need to establish good rela- council’s issues leading to a better service delivery. Highly prioritized is the so the acceptability among the population and the Coun- tionships with our residents The successful implementation of the project is inten- called Basch Street Corri- cillors is yet to be achieved. Further envisaged pro- through community dialogue ded to improve capacity to realize further cost inten- dor Housing Renewal Project jects consider Street Lightning and Signage as well and mutual engagement”, as sive initiatives such as road resurfacing and resealing to increase the number of social housing units from as the Greening of the city. pointed out by the delegati- (1), GIS and mapping (2), construction of vendor mar- 450 to 1000 by end of 2017. A roadmap for the re- on from Kariba during the presentation of its transfer kets (3) and waste management (4). A concrete action alization of the project has been presented starting strategy. Through its broad community dialogue ap- plan is still outstanding.

“We did not talk “People should be politics - we purely proud of being talked development.” Karibeans.” - Henry Hungwe, MLG. - Saratiere Chitenhe, Director

and evaluation system, risk management mecha- 6 million until 2018. The second priority of the trans- nisms, and a communication strategy at council level. fer strategy targets solid waste management in order KADOMA: Additionally, client redress and feedback mechanisms Chinhoyi: to achieve a clean and healthy environment. Through Good Governance and Urban Renewal shall be set-up. The second priority looks at urban 24/7 water supply and campaigning, City Council intends to achieve a signifi- renewal. The realization of low-cost housing models a clean environment cant public behaviour change in waste disposal (waste through Public-Private-Partnerships is envisaged as separation etc.). Procurement of refuse management The City of Gold wants to well as greening initiatives with reference to civic equipment and the construction of a compliant landfill arrive at a stage where participation. A population health management sys- The City where the indepen- complete the set of measures. Another project is the City of Kadoma all that glitters is really tem at one clinic is also taken into consideration. denceChinhoyi movement Municipality started servicing of market stands. These shall be connected Established gold. It all 1917 starts with Heavy constraints that might block the realization looks at the basic service to drinking water and sewer infrastructures, as well as Established 1974 good governance. This is exist on the financial side. The third project looks supply. It all starts with have properly maintained roads and public lightning. why the transfer strategy at a stabilization of the municipal water supply and Life Resource Number One: With regards to implementation, residents will be en- of Kadoma begins with a connects to the project that is currently run in co- Water. The vision is to sup- gaged from the start, with the first step being a draft broad capacity building operation with GIZ. Last but not least, in order to ply potable water to all design for the respective market places. As no invest- initiative for Councillors, get into a position to generate the required funds parts of the city without ment can be done as long as the city treasury is empty, administrative staff and to realize those ambitious infrastructure measures, any interruptions. Meter revenue collection needs to be increased, according to other relevant stakeholders, towards higher good the local authority has once more identified the need replacement, ringfencing the transfer strategy. Cleaning up of databases, in- governance standards. This initiative to improve the to increase revenue collection through, among other costs as well as other different approaches to reduce tensifying debt collection, accurate meter reading and institutional performance of council is further com- measures, intensive resident engagement and databa- water losses are perceived as most important. In a billing, as well as a new cost recovery model, are just pleted by the establishment of: a proper monitoring se modernization. first assessment, the costs are estimated to be USD some of the proposed measures.

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Return Ticket: FRA-HRE Transfer Strategies

for billing and revenue collection, updating and safe- guarding of the customer database, real-time billing The Head of Delegation, his Worship Martin Moyo: Norton: and diversifying the payment options (e.g. electronic “Yes, the trip was worth it.” Social Housing and Public Companies billing), decentralization of payment points, incen- tivising costumers who are up-to-date with their payments and engaging those who are struggling (to Norton is well aware of come up with individual payment plans), to enforce theNorton fact that Town there has Council disconnection for long-term defaulters, GIS mapping to be a continuous flow to ascertain payment trends, provision of adequate of Established revenue into 1994the city information to customers (e.g. financial reports) and treasury so that deve- dialogue on development projects (to increase ac- lopment projects can be countability and transparency), and introduction of a achieved. In that sense, hotline (and other platforms like email/website) in according to its transfer order to increase the interaction between the local strategy, Norton wants authority and residents to enhance service delive- to strengthen its finan- ry. All communication measures shall be embedded cial management systems to improve collection effici- into a communication strategy and feed into the local ency, for reinvestment in service delivery. A number economic development strategy for Norton. of required steps have been identified: ICT upgrade

An outspoken character, who, by the way, extended his German vocabulary on a daily basis during the study tour: His Worship Martin Moyo. Photo: Schmidt-Rossleben

“Let’s support each other. We are B. Beege: Your Worship, what impressed you most local government practitioners in Germany and the all Zimbabweans.” while travelling through Germany … personal experiences of that face-to-face interaction. M. Moyo: In that regard, I do not have to think long. - Henry Hungwe, MLG. What impressed me most was definitely the absence B. Beege: One of our intentions was also to bring ac- of litter. Everywhere we went, there was just no litter tors from the political and administrative side together at all. creating important synergies. We observed an atmos- phere of frankness and confidence. A good recipe for B. Beege: ... and from the study tour? the future? M. Moyo: The Study Tour as a whole was well planned M. Moyo: Yes, we need a common understanding and MLG: GIZ: and balanced. Every theme was relevant to our local appreciation of issues. There was a welcome bonding Ministry willing to play an Don’t only revive old aims - situation: wastewater management, contribution of between the technocrats and the policy makers. That think outside the box! civil society organizations in development, the spati- is something useful for the success of future projects active role in the programme al function and strategic development concept of the looking also at both parties acting in synchronization. City of Brühl and so on. The Government's perspective on the overall pro- GIZ highly welcomes the results of the final transfer B. Beege: Would you like to visit Germany for a second gramme presents as followed. Upcoming activities strategies: Most initiatives are not new. However, as B. Beege: Much was discussed in the forefront of the time one day? For what reason? should be monitored and evaluated in a joint way in mentioned previously the key outcome of the study tour study tour in the public. Some media questioned the M. Moyo: Of course, I wish to visit Germany again. order to create models of best practice and allow for is not only WHAT should be done - but HOW, on the relevance against the background of burning issues One reason could be to take my family to the Dome sharing of ideas. The Ministry of Local Government also processes of how tasks can be managed successfully. within the Local Authorities. Has the trip been worth it? of Cologne and the other could be to practice my recommends the creation of coordination mechanisms The visits to German Local Authorities gave insights M. Moyo: Yes, the trip was worth it. Just to give a German with Germans. that are interlinked with a ministerial committee. At into various strategies of urban governance resulting in few examples: The model of the profitable water and a final stage the Ministry would like to supervise the a complex framework of relations and political dialogue waste water company is something to emulate here B. Beege: Mr.. Moyo, thank you very much for your en- programmes. To the local authorities the MLG addres- between various stakeholders. Furthermore, the hosts at home. Or we can also create selffunding entities gagement – and, of course, for the good time that we ses the need to test and build resilience capacities in Germany disclosed their challenges and tailor-made and free fiscal revenues for other pressing needs. had together in Germany. on basic government ethics and practices in order to solutions. In other words, instead of just reviving the strengthen accountability and transparency. There is aim of supplying 100 % water, housing or healthcare, B. Beege: What were the most important outcomes? also need for operations research with regards to ser- the idea is to “think outside the box” and to create a M. Moyo: From my perspective, most important were vice delivery and the investment into PPPs. new spirit for developing urban life in Zimbabwe. the insights that we got from the presentations by

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German Church Service - Off the Record: Closing Prayer

Bad Honnef Evangelic Church, Sunday, 31 May 2015

Delegates visited a Sunday service at the Lutheran the afflicted, let them feel your love, your strength and church in Bad Honnef. The closing prayer was felt to your closeness. Show us the way that you made for us. be good summary of the study tour´s overall spirit: Show us the place where we should serve. Make us free to serve you, free from all fear and discourage- “You Holy God, Send your Holy spirit to revive us so ment, free from all weariness and resignation. Give us that faith grows in us like grass in the warm sum- joy and fantasy to serve you, patience and love. Amen. “ mer rain. Your spirit may open our eyes so that we can see what our mission is in this world. We pray - Pastor Uwe Löttgen-Tangermann for our world with all its suffering and cruelty, we pray for the victims who are suffering from wars, from injustice, from ruthless rulers, be close to them, give them strength. We pray for all the hungry and the disadvantaged and for the poor rich, who fear for their prosperity and property and by that fear their hearts chance to become stones. We pray for all those who are persecuted for their faith and for the people who live in despair. We pray for the people in governments, in administrations, where they have responsibility of right and good deciding, let them seek what serves peace and justice. And those who don’t want to serve peace and justice, let them feel your punishing force. Let the sick and the lonely, the dying and mourning,

70 Impressum

Published by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Registered Offices Bonn and Eschborn Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 34 + 40 Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 53113 Bonn 65760 Eschborn T +49 228 4460-0 T +49 6196 79-0 F +49 228 4460-1766 F +49 6196 79-1115

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (UWSSP) GIZ-Office Harare 1 Orange Grove Drive Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe T +263 4 496 723/4

Responsible Programme Manager: Axel Ulmer

Coordinator/Editor/Main Author: Bastian Beege Authors: Gerd Eggert, Micah Majiwa, Dagobert Mureriwa

Pictures: Bastian Beege, Gerd Eggert, Anna Hackhausen, Lars Kresse, Micah Majiwa, Antonia Mundi, Dagobert Mureriwa, Leona Schmidt-Rossleben, u. a.

Language Support: Hailey Lowe

Design and Layout: Bettina Riedel, Bastian Beege

Published: 2015

Print: Digitaldruckerei Druckriegel Printed on FSC-certified Paper

As of: September 2015

The contents of this publication reflect the views of the authors and are not necessarily representative of the position of GIZ.