Bromelcairns 2011 Issue #6
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Bromelcairns Bimonthly Newsletter of Cairns Bromeliad Societ Inc. 2011 # 6 P.O. Box 28 Cairns Queensland 4870 Austalia President Dave Weston 0740578604 V-President Karen Stevens 0740361086 Secretary Lynn Hudson 0740533913 Treasurer Monica Stapleton 0740331330 Librarian Maria Grant 0740370161 Editor Lynn Hudson 0740533913 Editor Assist. Moyneen Charlton 0740337390 Member Concierge Nalda Wilson 0740544825 Popular Vote Steward Brendan Leishman 0740578604 OIC Raffles Karen Stevens 0740361086 *Honorary Life Member - Grace Goode O.A.M.* Honorary Life Member - Kay Edington Life Member - Lynn Hudson Life Member - Robert (Bob) Hudson ******************************************************************** Aims of the Society Promote and Develop Interest in Bromeliads through Friendship To Co-operate with similar Clubs throughout the World ******************************************************************** Membership Fee: $15 Single, $25 Family, Country Member $25. $7.50 junior (if not in family membership) Meetings start at sharp first Saturday of the month. Please bring a cup and a chair. Library: All books & magazines borrowed are to be returned in good order to the following meeting. If not on wait list, they may be rebooked. Plant Display/Sales: To participate, a member must be financial and circumstances permitting, have attended at least three meetings in the past six months. Where the society is charged a stall fee - 20% of sales are deducted for club funds. No charge venue & meetings - 10% of sales is deducted. All plants to be clean, free of disease, named and price tagged. Show Plants: Must be the property of and in the custody of the entrant for the past three months. For Society Shows the entrant must be financial and have attended at least three meetings during the past six months. Pens, Plant Tags & Pots: available at each meeting. If reprinting article, wholly or in part, please acknowledge Author & Newsletter. Any article will be Emailed on request to [email protected] 2 Club Actvites & Around te Members NOVEMBER: Our meeting was at Karen, Brian & Sookie’s (new puppy) garden. Wow, they have done more work and it is very classy and colourful. The dark shiny bamboo on the fence really shows up the plants. Karen has massed her tillandsias on the carport wall - they would be the healthiest collection of tillandsias in our area. Large pots holding alcantarea and Werauhia sanguinolenta are quite stunning. Both the front and back gardens are landscaped with bromeliads of every genera, colour and shape, complimented by palms and many other tropical plants. It is a credit to both Karen & Brian, especially as each are in full time employment. Members enjoyed the variety of plants and the chattering birds gave them an excuse to look at the garden and think, instead of listening. * We had a wonderful array of plants and again the tillandsias were exceptionally bright. Dave’s T. ‘Marron’ had developed a glowing yellow centre; Marguerite’s clump of T. ‘Fuego’ was on fire and Nalda’s dainty looking T. filifolia had several spikes with mauve flowers. * With 10 entries in Open section Bromeliad, voting was close with 5 entries tying for second place. President Dave asked for casting votes and Richie as caster. MINI SHOW – Foliage Bromeliad 1st. Werauhia kupperiana - Darryl Lister 2nd. Orthophytum ‘Warren Loose’ – Gloria Wegner 3rd. Vriesea ‘Splenriet’ – Karen Cross POPULAR VOTE: NOVICE: Bromeliad 1st. Neoregelia ‘Shelldance’ – Frances Boyd 2nd. Neoregelia “Earth Rose’ – Bernice Mark 3rd. Guzmania lingulata var. cardinalis – Kath Radloff Cryptanthus Nil entries Tillandsia - Tillandsia ionantha – Richie Sharpe OPEN Bromeliad 1st. Dyckia ‘Yellow Glow’ – Dave Weston 2nd. Neoregelia ‘Red Macaw’ - Darryl Lister 3rd. Neoregelia ‘Shelldance’ – Maria Grant Cryptanthus 1st. Cryptanthus ‘Elaine’ – Karen Stevens 2nd. Cryptanthus ‘San Juan’ – Lynn Hudson 3rd. Cryptanthus acaulis variegated - Lynn Hudson Tillandsia 1st. Tillandsia ionantha ‘Fuego’- Marguerite Sexton 1st. Tillandsia capitata ‘Marron’ – Dave Weston 3rd. Tillandsia filifolia – Nalda Wilson 2011 POPULAR VOTE & MINI SHOW RESULTS 3 Most Points – Lynn Hudson - Bob Hudson Trophy Popular Vot Novice Bromeliad - Bromeliads & Logs Trophy - John Mark Cryptantus - Grace Goode Silver Ingot Trophy - Frances Boyd Tilandsia - Bromeliads & Logs Trophy - None qualified Open Bromeliad - 2002 WBC Florida Sundial Trophy - Darryl Listr Cryptantus - Grace Goode Trophy - Lynn Hudson Tilandsia - Bob Hudson Trophy - Bob Hudson Total Points - Societ + Cairns Show Lynn Hudson - 26+51=77, Dave Westn 23.5+26=49.5, Darryl Listr 33+14=47 Bob Hudson 24.5+17=41.5, Karen Stvens 24+2=26, Bernice Marks 10+14=25, Marguerit Sextn 16+4=20, Karen Cross 9+8=17, Brendan Leishman 2+14=16, Rob Giddins 15.5+0=15.5, John Marks 12+1=13, Moyneen Charltn 12+0=12, Gail Taifalos 10+0=10, France Boyd 11+0=11, Maria Grant 5+3=8, Beryl Watson 6.5+3=6.5, June McGlew 6+0=6, Gloria Wegner 5+0=5, Nalda Wilson 4.5+0=4.5, Judit Walsh 4+0=4, Marie Giddins 3.5+0=3.5, Paul Ventn 2+0=2, Harold Cooper 2+0=2. Congratulations to each member who ‘had a go’ & entered plants, especially novice members. !!All Entrants are Winners. Well Done each of you. Congratulations to the winners who get to dust the Trophy for a year. ! Remember your peers voted you The Best. ! So who goes up to join the Big League? Any person who has been in the Society since 2009 and the Winners. Winners up you go Frances & John plus Bernice, Pina, Jan and Moyneen. Points allotted in Popular Vote, Mini Shows and Cairns Show are 3 points for first, 2 for second and 1 for third. Ties are shared as fractions - if three tie for first each gets 2 points. If two tie for first they each get 2.5 points, there is no second place, third gets 1 point. 4 More November Plants Werauhia kupperiana grown by Darryl is a real beauty that we have watched grow and never tire of seeing. The leaves now reach out to over a metre, each one now being 15cm wide. The markings are prominent and the leaves shine with health. Orthophytum ‘Warren Loose’ grown by Gloria was four plants in a large pot. Three had inflorescences and they cascaded over the rim. It was spectacular and somehow Gloria had kept the scurf intact. In cultivation we attempt to keep the inflorescence upright to suit our desires, but in habitat orthophytum lean to deposit their offsets and seed for future plants. The hybrid Orthophytum ‘Warren Loose’ came from seed of Orthophytum gurkenii grown by Bob Whitman. Vriesea ‘Splenriet’ grown by Karen Cross had long wide leaves with excellent dark markings. The inflorescence was straight and tall. Vr. ‘Splenriet’ is a Corn Bak hybrid from Vr. splendens that usually produces just one offset from the centre of the mother plant. Neoregelia ‘Shelldance’ a hybrid by Don Woods of Perth from Neoregelia ‘Fairy Paint’. This plant does not conform to a regular shape and we had two examples to see - one was open flat in flower, the other had the centre leaves reaching upward almost in perfect mathematical precision. The latter was grown by Maria, the former by Frances and it has some history - this plant had originally been grown by Lesley who donated it to our 2010 Christmas raffle and was won by Frances. It already developed a long stem and now had small hair offsets at the base. The pictured plant of curls was included in Nigel Thompson’s WBC 2008 display - he had curled it specially for the event! It caused a lot of enquiries and people requested offsets. I should have taken deposits for orders!! Dyckia ‘Yellow Glow’ grown by Dave Weston was purchased at New Orleans WBC It does have vicious spines but the contrast between the outer green and yellow central leaves is stunning. It is a cultivar of Dyckia brevifolia and we hope it has at least 50 offsets. Neoregelias ‘Earth Rose’ and ‘Rainbow Warrior’ grown by Bernice were huge and had great colour. These neos really love living at Mareeba with Bernice Mark. Androlepsis skinneri also loves living at Mareeba with John Mark. The leaves were wide and a lustrous cherry red. 5 Show & Tell with Dave Weston Bifurcation & Trifurcation - Neoregelia ‘Moana Beauty’- Dave showed plants that were bifurcated, that had two heads that had split from the base, and one that was trifurcated, had three heads. Apart from this, the plants looked healthy and had good colour. Many of us had this same happening with this plant. Dave said it was the decision of the owner whether to split the plants or leave them to grow as one. Architectural Plants - Dave suggested plants could be used to enhance landscapes when they were positioned to compliment each other, using their structural shapes. He suggested grouping plants like Billbergia ‘Domingos Martens’ with their strong vertical shapes and colours to compliment the circular shapes and softer colours of Vriesea gigantea. Alcantareas are now popular landscape plants, being used at entrances to soften columns and are spectacular when used to line avenues. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that you are ‘a full bottle’ on Canistropsis after I gave you two entries in the last Bromelcairns, here is the article I intended to include. The Weather. “Everyone complains about the weather but no one does anything about it” Mark Twain. The rain we had last month after strong gusting winds, was very welcome as our ground had become very dry. We were blessed with steady soaking rain and it was raining concurrently throughout the whole Cairns area - very welcome as we have been having suburb rain, one suburb at a time. This rain was really beneficial, the change in the plants was amazing. I realized I should give my garden more water, I have and my plants have responded well.