Content from the communities of Ballantrae, Barrhill, Colmonell, THE Lendalfoot, Pinwherry & Pinmore STINCHAR VALLEY MAGAZINE SPRING 2012 SNOW IN THE STINCHAR VALLEY! Mail to the Editor Welcome to the sixth issue of the Stinchar Valley Magazine, a warm Winter/Spring greeting to all from everyone here. This publication is your chance to read and make the community news in the Stinchar Valley and surrounding region. If you have any news you would like to send us or comments upon articles you have read in these pages please get in touch. The same goes for any additions to these pages you would like to see in the future and if you have events, clubs or anything that local people would like to attend or hear of. Would you or someone you know like to appear here in the future? Are you from Ballantrae, Barrhill, Colmonell, Glen App, Lendalfoot or Pinwherry & Pinmore areas? For all this and anything else that crosses your mind about our communities contact the editorial team. Your input is vital. Be heard, make a diff erence. Items may be edited for spelling, grammar, clarity or length. Please contact your area representatives: John McAlley [ Editor ] Mail: Stinchar Valley Magazine, Liglartrie Farm, Pinwherry, KA26 0SL Tel: 01465 841198 Email:
[email protected] Pinwherry & Pinmore Representative: Nancy Syme: Email:
[email protected] Ballantrae representatives: Andy McAlpine: Email:
[email protected] Peter Newland: Email:
[email protected] Barrhill representatives: Lily & Doug Niven: Email:
[email protected] Colmonell/Lendalfoot representatives: Judith Brzezinka: Email:
[email protected] Lynn Ross: Email:
[email protected] Editorial Panel The Stinchar Valley Magazine is published by the voluntary editorial group with the valued support of the contributors, with the aim of supporting the community interest and local businesses.