Extensions of Remarks E231 HON. PAUL TONKO HON. KENNY
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February 28, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E231 America. May we learn from this young man RECOGNIZING THE RAINWATER PERSONAL EXPLANATION the virtues of self-sacrifice and fidelity to our FAMILY AND THEIR CONTRIBU- beloved Nation. TIONS TO THE CITY OF HON. LOIS FRANKEL CARROLLTON, TEXAS OF FLORIDA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING DR. ADOLPHUS HON. KENNY MARCHANT Thursday, February 28, 2019 HAILSTORK OF TEXAS Ms. FRANKEL. Madam Speaker, on roll call IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES votes 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, and 95, I was not present because I was unavoidably detained. Thursday, February 28, 2019 HON. PAUL TONKO Had I been present, I would have voted Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise ‘‘YEA,’’ ‘‘YEA,’’ ‘‘YEA,’’ ‘‘YEA,’’ ‘‘YEA,’’ and OF NEW YORK today to celebrate trailblazers for equality like ‘‘YEA’’ respectively. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Rainwater Family of Carrollton, Texas dur- f ing this Black History Month. Over the last 100 Thursday, February 28, 2019 years, each generation of the Rainwater family PASSING OF MRS. FANNIE MAE has persistently worked to grow Carrollton, EVANS CORBETT AND IN REC- Mr. TONKA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to OGNITION OF HER MANY CON- celebrate the work of Dr. Adolphus Hailstork. Texas, into a diverse, inclusive, and loving community. TRIBUTIONS TO EASTERN NORTH Dr. Hailstork is a leading composer and pro- CAROLINA Born on February 3, 1912, Annie Heads fessor who has dedicated his life to the study, Rainwater was the sixth child of Walter and composition, and continuation of musical ex- Nancy Heads. In 1932, Annie married Charlie HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD cellence. He has written numerous works for ‘‘Wash’’ Rainwater, son of George W. Rain- OF NORTH CAROLINA chorus, chamber ensembles, piano, organ, water and Delia Bush. Annie and Charlie had IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES band and orchestra, which are performed and eight children, two of which passed away as celebrated around the world. Thursday, February 28, 2019 infants. Annie and Charlie lived on the family Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise Born in Rochester, NY, but raised in Albany, farm belonging to Annie’s grandparents—lo- in memory of a great woman and legend with- Dr. Hailstork’s remarkable musical career can cated in present day Carrollton, Texas. Annie in the Wilson, North Carolina community, Mrs. be traced back to his membership in the his- was a homemaker and Charlie managed the Fannie Mae Evans Corbett. Mrs. Corbett toric Cathedral of All Saints Choir of Men and family farm. Together, they attended church passed away on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. Boys, the oldest continually performing en- and spent time instilling Christian values of She was 86 years old. semble of its kind in the United States. His charity, hard work, and friendship in their chil- Born in Pitt County, North Carolina on May membership in the Choir was the catalyst to dren. 23, 1932, Mrs. Corbett was the fourth of five more than seventy years of creative expres- In 1962, Dallas’ school district desegrega- sion and musical prowess. children born to Bessie Evans and Sylvester tion plan was slowly being put into place. In Powell. Mrs. Corbett learned the meaning of Since his time with the Choir, he has pur- Carrollton, a then-rural school district to the hard work at a young age, spending much of sued a career in music with relentless dedica- northwest, Annie Heads Rainwater’s six chil- her developmental years working in the cotton tion. During his years at Albany High School, dren had no neighborhood high school. Under and tobacco fields. In 1955, Mrs. Corbett he began composing music regularly. He re- segregation laws and as was customary, black moved to Wilson, North Carolina, where she ceived degrees from Howard University and students were not allowed to attend the all- married and raised her family. After becoming the Manhattan School of Music and studied in white Carrollton High School just minutes a single mother of four children, Mrs. Corbett France with famed composer and teacher away from the Rainwater family farm. Black set out to improve her economic outlook by re- Nadia Boulanger before receiving his doc- students were bused 20 miles to all-black turning to school to earn her high school di- torate from Michigan State University in 1971. Booker T. Washington High School in Dallas, ploma and an associate’s degree from Wilson What makes Dr. Hailstork truly admirable is and later, 30 miles north to Denton’s all-black Community Technical Institute. not only his aptitude in making music, but his Fred Moore High. Mrs. Corbett’s influence in Wilson was desire and skill in teaching it, passing on his To Mrs. Rainwater, the school system had transformational. In 1968, Mrs. Corbett be- substantial knowledge to future musicians. He failed her family. As a recent widow, Mrs. came one of the key founders of the Wilson has served as professor at Youngstown State Rainwater filed civil action in U.S. District Community Improvement Association (WCIA). University in Ohio and at Norfolk State Univer- Court against Carrollton’s school district, de- Mrs. Corbett led WCIA’s growth from a local sity in Virginia. Currently, he works as a pro- manding desegregation. Her younger daugh- grassroots organization to a proactive move- fessor of music and Composer-in-Residence ters, Nancy and Betty, were named as plain- ment that was a model for community devel- at Old Dominion University in Norfolk. tiffs in the case. Later that year, Judge Sarah opment corporations across the country. Mrs. T. Hughes ordered Carrollton to integrate its Corbett’s indelible contributions to Wilson in- One of the most incredible aspects of music high school. In fall 1963, Mrs. Rainwater is its ability to connect individuals of all ages clude coordinating voter registration drives watched as Nancy and other teenagers be- across East Wilson and engaging the youth in and backgrounds. Dr. Hailstork’s work exem- came the first black students to attend all- plifies this idea. He has studied, composed educational and recreational programs. In white R.L. Turner High School in Carrollton, 1973, under Mrs. Corbett’s leadership, WCIA and taught a vast range of musical styles and Texas. Annie Heads Rainwater lived until genres, focusing on classical compositions established the Wilson Senior Citizen Center, 1992. In 1994, the Carrollton-Farmers Branch which was the first nutritional feeding program with a blend of African American and Euro- ISD recognized Annie for her bold persever- pean traditions. His masterful compositions in Wilson County. ance against many odds by dedicating Annie While championing the value of homeowner- have been performed by the New York Phil- Heads Rainwater Elementary in her honor. harmonic, Chicago Symphony, Los Angeles ship, Mrs. Corbett advocated for programs that Today, Annie Heads Rainwater’s son, Rev. Philharmonic and numerous other prestigious would make owning a home an attainable goal Willie Rainwater, continues to carry the torch orchestras. even to those with modest means. In 1991, for justice and freedom through his work at WCIA received a $1.2 million grant from the This year marks the 60th anniversary of Dr. Christ Community Connection. Willie and his Department of Housing and Urban Develop- Hailstork’s graduation from Albany High wife, Juanita, work diligently to provide schol- ment (HUD) to build 68 homes for low- and School. Since his time in New York’s Capital arships to underprivileged students in moderate-income people. Over 200 families Region, he has left an imprint on the districts Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD. Additionally, applied for residency in the subdivision, culture and society that will not soon fade. Willie and Juanita started the Martin Luther Adventura East. After purchasing more land, On behalf of the United States Congress, it King, Jr. parade that celebrated its 25th anni- WCIA completed an additional 30 units. is my great honor and privilege to recognize versary last month. Today, the Adventura East I & II subdivision is Dr. Hailstork’s accomplishments. I offer my Madam Speaker, I ask all of my colleagues home to 148 families. In 1993, with WCIA’s af- gratitude for his immeasurable dedication and to join me in honoring the Rainwater Family fordable housing momentum building, the or- wish him continued success in the years to for their significant contributions to the ganization acquired Sunset Terrace, a 104- come. Carrollton, Texas community. unit housing complex. Two years later, WCIA VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:17 Mar 01, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.015 E28FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.