Department of Mindanao and Sulu
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ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF LAW CONTAINING A COMPILATION 01'' THE ACTS 01'' THE FORMER LEGISLATIV.E COUNCIL, TOGETHJ!:R WITH DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE ORDERS ORGANIZING AND DELIMITING MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. AND CIRCULARS ISSUED BY THI~ DEPARTMENT GOVERNOR THE MINDANAO HERALD PUB. CO. ZAMBOANGA 1918 Donated to the SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES by the late DR IFOR B POWELL ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO-SULU TABLE OF CONT"ENTS TITLE I. Exemtfre. Sections. CHAP'l'ER 1. Department Governor .. 1- 3 CHAPTER 2. Public Instruction .... 4- 9 TITLE II. 'l'he Pl"oL'inces. CHAP'l'Im :t General divisions and boundaries. __ -·-- 10- 18 TITLE Ill. llfimicipalities. CHAPTER 4. Boundaries. 19- 43 CH APTER ii. Municipal po lice __ 44- 58 TITLE IV. Taxation. CHAP'l'I~R 6. Real Property Tax Law ··-- 59- 80 TI'l'LE V. Special Legislation. C:HAP'l'ER 7. Ffrearms and othe1· deadly weapons. 81-102 CHAPTER. 8. Intoxicating- liquors .... 103-105 TITLE VI. Crimes and 11fisdemean01·s. CHAP'l'EI{ 9. Penalties .. 106 CHAP'l'r:R 10. Custody of prisoners , .. 101-11:-1 11 'l'ITLE Vll. ll{iscellmwous. CHAP'l.'Elt 11. The Road Law --- 114-lHJ CHAPTER 12. Protection of coconut trees._. 120-1211 CHAPTE!t 13. Trading Licenses. 126-144 CHAP'I'ER 14. Contracts. with non-Christians 145-148 CHAPTER 15. Illegal solicitation of business 149-150 CHAPTER 16. Moro shipping .. __ 151-155 CHAPTER li. Contracts of personal service. 156-162 APPENDICES. I. Government and deli~itation of municipal districts. II. Circulars and Regulations issuod by the Dopartment Governor. Ill THI<: GOVli.:RNi'lrnN'r OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPAR'l'MEN'l' OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF 'l'HE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. November HJ, 1917. Sir: Pursuant to the provisions or section 257!l of Act No. 2711, I have the honor to request that ~·ou prepare the "Administrative Code for the Department of Mindanao-Sulu", to consist of the following: 1. Statement of the rules of application of the laws enacted by the Philippine Commission, prior to the organization of the Philippine Assembly; acts of the Commission and Assembly; acts c_nacted within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Philippine Commission; and, lastly, acts enacted by the Philippine Legislature consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. 2. Tabulated list of acts of the Legislative Council still in force, in chronological order, and references to compilat.ion sections where they may be found. 3. Tabulated list of acts of the Legislative Council, numbers 1 to 328, and the status of each act whether amended, repealed, or obsolete, and by what act. 4. List of acts of the Philippine Commission and the Insula1• Leg·is lature macle applicable and by what acts made applicable to Mindanao Sulu. 5. Compilation proper of all the acts of the Legislative Council still in force, divided into chapters, classified and coordinated as to. subject matter. 6. Appendix one, relating to organization of municipal district gov ernments. 7. Appendix two, administrative instructions of permanent char acter contained in circulars issued by the Department Governor, for information and guidance of departmental, provincial and municipal officials in Mindanao-Sulu. 8. General alphabetical index of matters contained, in the compila tion and Administrative Code for Mindanao-Sulu. The foregoing should be submitted through this office to the Honor able, the Secretary of the Interior, for approval. Very respectfully, F. VV. CARPENTER, Governor. PONCIANO REYES, ESQ., Zamboanga. 1V THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPART:.IEN'T OF THE INTERIOR MANILA. February 8, 1918. Sir: The Administrative Code for the Department of Mindanao and Sulu which has been prepared under your direction and submitted to this office on January 15, 1918, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2579 of the Administrative Code of 1917, is hereby approved. Very respectfully, (Sgd) RAFAEL PALMA, Secretary of the Interior. '.rhe Governor, Department of Mindanao and Sulu, Zamboanga. v EXPLANATORY NOTE RULES 01' APPLICA'l'ION. I. Acts of the former Philippine Commission, acting as the sole Legislative Chamber, are ,ipplicahlc to Mindanao-Sulu, unless otherwise specified in the act. This rule includes Acts Numbereu 1 to 1800 of the Philippine Commission. ~. The Philippine ·Assembly as the Lower House of the Philippine Legislature, commenced with Act No: 1801 to promulgate laws jointly with the Philippine Commission. Acts enacted by the Philippine Com mission and the Philippine Assembly jointly and constituting both Houses of the Philippine Legislature, arc not applicable to Mindanao Sulu, unless expressly extended and made applicable thereto by a special act of the Philippine Commission; During this period, however, the Philippine Commission retained exclusive legislative jurisdiction ovc1• non-Christian territory, including Mindanao-Sulu. 3. After the new Organic Act for the Philippine Islands, commonly known as "Jones Law" became effective, the Philippine Commission as the Upper House of the Legislature ceasel to exist and ,hereafter the Philippine Legislature became constituted of the Senate and House of Representatives. All acts enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentativc:s jointly as the Philippine Legislature arc applicable to Min danao-Sulu, unless otherwise specified in the act itself. 4. All acts of the former Legislative Council, approved by the Phil ippine Commission, have the force of law even if contrary to certain provisions of acts enacted by the Philippine Commission or Legislature, and will continue to be in force until amended or repealed by an act of the Legislature. Regarding the applicability of legislative council laws to the provinces of Agusan and Bukidnon, not included in the original territory of the old moro province, but included in the territo rial limits of the department government (See Act No. 230\J) the Attor ney General held: "I am therefore of the opinion that if Act No. 309 (Firearms Law) of the Legislative Council of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu is still in force in said Department, the same is also applicable to the Province of Agusan which is a part thereof." Under the foregoing ruling, all laws of the former legislative council contained in this compilation applicable to Agusan and Bukidnon. Acts numbered one to three hundred twenty-eight cited in the com pilation refer to acts of the former Legislative Council; all other acts refer to laws enacted by the Phiiippine Commission or Philippine Le gislature. THE COMPILER, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ACTS IN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE ALL ACTS CITED NOS. 1 TO 328 REFER TO LI.:GISLATIVE COUNCIL LAWS. I COMPILATION ACT No. SECTION ICOMPILATlON AcT No. SECTION SECTION SEC'£ION ------- ---- 17 2 4 304 3 128 41 1 1 304 4 129 47 1 lfil 304 ;'5 130 47 2 152 304 6 131 79 l 2 ::l04 7 1:-JZ 97 1 1;51 304 8 13:l 97 2 153 :!04 9 134 97 ::l 154 ::l04 10 I:l5 97 4 155 :l04 11 136 114 1 106 :104 12 1:n 115 1 155 304 13 l::!8 132 1 155 304 14 139 145 1 5 304 15 140 rn7 1 7 :l04 Hi 141 167 2 8 :l04 17 142 167 3 9 304 18 143 187 1 114 304 19 144 ]87 2 114 305 1 145 187 20 115 :l05 2 146 187 21 116 305 3 147 187 23 117 305 4 148 187 25 118 308 1 149 187 25 119 308 2 150 213 1 lo:3 309 1 81 213 2 104 300 2 82 21:l 4 105 309 3 83 255 1 118 309 4 84 255 1 119 309 5 85 •"264 1 156 309 6 86 264 2 157 309 7 87 264 ::l 158 :l09 8 38 264 4 159 309 9 89 264 5 160 309 10 90 2<l4 6 161 309 11 91 264 7 162 309 12 92 265 1 3 ::l09 13 93 286 1 120 309 14 94 286 2 121 309 15 95 286 3 122 309 16 96 286 4 123 309 17 97 286 5 124 309 18 98 286 6 125 309 19 99 288 1 6 309 20 100 304 1 126 309 21 101 304 2 127 ::100 22 102 vn LEGtSLATIVE COUNCIL AC'l'S ICOMPILAT!ON . lcoMPH,ATION SECTlON I ~CT No. SECTION ACT No. SEC'!'!UN SECTION :n1 5 113 321 4 50 312 1 107 322 1 122 312 2 108 :322 2 125 312 ;~ 109 324 2 59 :112 4 110 324 :{ fiO 312 5 111 ' 324 4 61 ;nz 6 112 32t- 9 62 31.Jc 2 44 324, 20 (j3 314 3 45 324 22 64 314 4 4G 324, 2:1 65 314 5 47 324 2! (i(j :314 G 48 324 2i> 67' 314 7 49 324 2(i GS 314 8 50 324 27 69 · 314 9 51 32.Jc 28 70 314 10 52 324 29 71 :n4 11 5.'l 324 :rn 72 314 12 54, 32.Jc 31 7:l :n.i, 14 55 :~24 ;12 74 314 15 56 324 :3:l 75 314 IG 57 324 34, 76 314 17 58 324 35 77 321 1 44 32'1 :rn 78 321 2 45 324 37 79 :121 :1 47 VIII PHILIPPINE COMMISSION. ACTS CITED IN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE -· Ac·r :-:o. SEC'rION COMPILATION SECTION 2401i 19 10 243\1 1 80 24:m 2 ();{ 24:Jg 3 64 24,JH 4 65 24:!9 5 (i7 24,!9 6 il 24:iB 7 78 253:{ 1 59 2711 51 I:! 2711 52 , ·> 2711 53 14·~ 2711 54 15 2711 55 16 2711 56 17 2711 2613 5·>~ I IX.