TITLE I. Exemtfre. Sections. CHAP'l'ER 1. Department Governor .. 1- 3 CHAPTER 2. Public Instruction .... 4- 9

TITLE II. 'l'he Pl"oL'inces. CHAP'l'Im :t General divisions and boundaries. __ -·-- 10- 18

TITLE Ill. llfimicipalities. CHAPTER 4. Boundaries. 19- 43 CH APTER ii. Municipal po lice __ 44- 58

TITLE IV. Taxation. CHAP'l'I~R 6. Real Property Tax Law ··-- 59- 80

TI'l'LE V. Special Legislation.

C:HAP'l'ER 7. Ffrearms and othe1· deadly weapons. 81-102 CHAPTER. 8. Intoxicating- liquors .... 103-105

TITLE VI. Crimes and 11fisdemean01·s.

CHAP'l'EI{ 9. Penalties .. 106 CHAP'l'r:R 10. Custody of prisoners , .. 101-11:-1 11

'l'ITLE Vll. ll{iscellmwous. CHAP'l.'Elt 11. The Road Law --- 114-lHJ CHAPTER 12. Protection of coconut trees._. 120-1211 CHAPTE!t 13. Trading Licenses. 126-144 CHAP'I'ER 14. Contracts. with non-Christians 145-148 CHAPTER 15. Illegal solicitation of business 149-150 CHAPTER 16. Moro shipping .. __ 151-155 CHAPTER li. Contracts of personal service. 156-162

APPENDICES. I. Government and deli~itation of municipal districts. II. Circulars and Regulations issuod by the Dopartment Governor. Ill


November HJ, 1917. Sir: Pursuant to the provisions or section 257!l of Act No. 2711, I have the honor to request that ~·ou prepare the "Administrative Code for the Department of Mindanao-Sulu", to consist of the following: 1. Statement of the rules of application of the laws enacted by the Philippine Commission, prior to the organization of the Philippine Assembly; acts of the Commission and Assembly; acts c_nacted within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Philippine Commission; and, lastly, acts enacted by the Philippine Legislature consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. 2. Tabulated list of acts of the Legislative Council still in force, in chronological order, and references to compilat.ion sections where they may be found. 3. Tabulated list of acts of the Legislative Council, numbers 1 to 328, and the status of each act whether amended, repealed, or obsolete, and by what act. 4. List of acts of the Philippine Commission and the Insula1• Leg·is­ lature macle applicable and by what acts made applicable to Mindanao­ Sulu. 5. Compilation proper of all the acts of the Legislative Council still in force, divided into chapters, classified and coordinated as to. subject matter. 6. Appendix one, relating to organization of municipal district gov­ ernments. 7. Appendix two, administrative instructions of permanent char­ acter contained in circulars issued by the Department Governor, for information and guidance of departmental, provincial and municipal officials in Mindanao-Sulu. 8. General alphabetical index of matters contained, in the compila­ tion and Administrative Code for Mindanao-Sulu. The foregoing should be submitted through this office to the Honor­ able, the Secretary of the Interior, for approval. Very respectfully, F. VV. CARPENTER, Governor. PONCIANO REYES, ESQ., Zamboanga. 1V


February 8, 1918. Sir: The Administrative Code for the Department of Mindanao and Sulu which has been prepared under your direction and submitted to this office on January 15, 1918, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2579 of the Administrative Code of 1917, is hereby approved. Very respectfully, (Sgd) RAFAEL PALMA, Secretary of the Interior. '.rhe Governor, Department of Mindanao and Sulu, Zamboanga. v EXPLANATORY NOTE

RULES 01' APPLICA'l'ION. I. Acts of the former Philippine Commission, acting as the sole Legislative Chamber, are ,ipplicahlc to Mindanao-Sulu, unless otherwise specified in the act. This rule includes Acts Numbereu 1 to 1800 of the Philippine Commission. ~. The Philippine ·Assembly as the Lower House of the Philippine Legislature, commenced with Act No: 1801 to promulgate laws jointly with the Philippine Commission. Acts enacted by the Philippine Com­ mission and the Philippine Assembly jointly and constituting both Houses of the Philippine Legislature, arc not applicable to Mindanao­ Sulu, unless expressly extended and made applicable thereto by a special act of the Philippine Commission; During this period, however, the Philippine Commission retained exclusive legislative jurisdiction ovc1• non-Christian territory, including Mindanao-Sulu. 3. After the new Organic Act for the Philippine Islands, commonly known as "Jones Law" became effective, the Philippine Commission as the Upper House of the Legislature ceasel to exist and ,hereafter the Philippine Legislature became constituted of the Senate and House of Representatives. All acts enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ sentativc:s jointly as the Philippine Legislature arc applicable to Min­ danao-Sulu, unless otherwise specified in the act itself. 4. All acts of the former Legislative Council, approved by the Phil­ ippine Commission, have the force of law even if contrary to certain provisions of acts enacted by the Philippine Commission or Legislature, and will continue to be in force until amended or repealed by an act of the Legislature. Regarding the applicability of legislative council laws to the provinces of Agusan and Bukidnon, not included in the original territory of the old moro province, but included in the territo­ rial limits of the department government (See Act No. 230\J) the Attor­ ney General held: "I am therefore of the opinion that if Act No. 309 (Firearms Law) of the Legislative Council of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu is still in force in said Department, the same is also applicable to the Province of Agusan which is a part thereof." Under the foregoing ruling, all laws of the former legislative council contained in this compilation applicable to Agusan and Bukidnon. Acts numbered one to three hundred twenty-eight cited in the com­ pilation refer to acts of the former Legislative Council; all other acts refer to laws enacted by the Phiiippine Commission or Philippine Le­ gislature. THE COMPILER, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ACTS IN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE


I COMPILATION ACT No. SECTION ICOMPILATlON AcT No. SECTION SECTION SEC'£ION ------17 2 4 304 3 128 41 1 1 304 4 129 47 1 lfil 304 ;'5 130 47 2 152 304 6 131 79 l 2 ::l04 7 1:-JZ 97 1 1;51 304 8 13:l 97 2 153 :!04 9 134 97 ::l 154 ::l04 10 I:l5 97 4 155 :l04 11 136 114 1 106 :104 12 1:n 115 1 155 304 13 l::!8 132 1 155 304 14 139 145 1 5 304 15 140 rn7 1 7 :l04 Hi 141 167 2 8 :l04 17 142 167 3 9 304 18 143 187 1 114 304 19 144 ]87 2 114 305 1 145 187 20 115 :l05 2 146 187 21 116 305 3 147 187 23 117 305 4 148 187 25 118 308 1 149 187 25 119 308 2 150 213 1 lo:3 309 1 81 213 2 104 300 2 82 21:l 4 105 309 3 83 255 1 118 309 4 84 255 1 119 309 5 85 •"264 1 156 309 6 86 264 2 157 309 7 87 264 ::l 158 :l09 8 38 264 4 159 309 9 89 264 5 160 309 10 90 2



:n1 5 113 321 4 50 312 1 107 322 1 122 312 2 108 :322 2 125 312 ;~ 109 324 2 59 :112 4 110 324 :{ fiO 312 5 111 ' 324 4 61 ;nz 6 112 32t- 9 62 31.Jc 2 44 324, 20 (j3 314 3 45 324 22 64 314 4 4G 324, 2:1 65 314 5 47 324 2! (i(j :314 G 48 324 2i> 67' 314 7 49 324 2(i GS 314 8 50 324 27 69 · 314 9 51 32.Jc 28 70 314 10 52 324 29 71 :n4 11 5.'l 324 :rn 72 314 12 54, 32.Jc 31 7:l :n.i, 14 55 :~24 ;12 74 314 15 56 324 :3:l 75 314 IG 57 324 34, 76 314 17 58 324 35 77 321 1 44 32'1 :rn 78 321 2 45 324 37 79 :121 :1 47 VIII PHILIPPINE COMMISSION. ACTS CITED IN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE -· Ac·r :-:o. SEC'rION COMPILATION SECTION

2401i 19 10 243\1 1 80 24:m 2 ();{ 24:Jg 3 64 24,JH 4 65 24:!9 5 (i7 24,!9 6 il 24:iB 7 78 253:{ 1 59 2711 51 I:! 2711 52 , ·> 2711 53 14·~ 2711 54 15 2711 55 16 2711 56 17 2711 2613 5·>~ I IX.


COMl'H,ATION NUMDElt SERIES :OEC'XlON I 2 1917 (,.) 25 I 2 1917- " 29 2 1917 " 3.J. 5 1916 " 4PP?;ndix 5 1917 " 7 1917 " 40 7 1917 " 37 7 1917 " 27 8 1917 " Appendix 9 1917 ,; " 10 1914 " " 10 1917 " " u 1914 " 43 VI 1917 " Appendix,; 16 1917 " 21 1914 " 33 22 1914 " 21:! ACTS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AMENDED OR REPEALED.

8l!lCTIONS BY RElrEKE~OE Ao·r No. AMENDED OU, Ri;rEau:u Ao·r No. SEO. No. Ao·r No. SEO. No. - 1 Repealt>d . 82 9 2 Obsolete 2711 2539 3 Repealed 82 9 4 Obsolete 2711- 2584 (c) 5 Repealed 219 11 2711 2607 (w1 0 Repealed 2711 258fl (i) 7 Repealed 8:! !) 8 Repealed 2300 & 2:l99 !} Obsolete lO Repealed ]08 I I 11 Repealed :lu3 2 2711 2587 12 Repealed 81 l 13 Repealed 17 6 I 14 Obsolete 15 Obsolete ,6 Obsolete 18 Obsolete HJ Obsolete 20 Repealed 150 2 21 1 Amended 66 l 2 & :~ Amended 189 2 4 Repealed 297 1 6 Amended 66 1 8 Amended 189 & 1 222 1 11 Amended 189 1 12 Repealed 272 13 Obsolete 22 Obsolete 23 Obsolete I 24 Repealed 81 1 25 Obsolete 26 Obsolete 27 , Obsolete 2711 2025 (d) 28 Obsolete I 29 _Obsolete 2711 2589 (i) 30 Repealed 2UI 11 :!a96 31 Repealed 82 9 1. 32 Obsolete I 33 Obsolete I 34 Obsolete 35 Obsolete I 2711 eh. 64 I 36 Obsolete I 37 Obsolete I 38 2. 3 & 4 I I Amended 211 l & 2 i 2711 2614 fi, 6, 7, 8 & 9 I Repealed 211 :3 39 Obsolete 2711 2630 & 2631 I ---· I ;\C'l"S 01" 'l"HE LEGISLA'l'IVE COUNCIL XI

RlffERENCE Sr,:c·rrnNs BY AC'l' No. A>rnNUEU OR RI


REFERl'.NCE SEC'rIONS BY Ac·r N'o.1 AMENDED OR H~;PEALED ACT No. SEC. Nu. ACT No. SEC. No. I I----- I 151 Obsolete I ]52 Repealed 2711 2591 15:{ I Repealed li.i'l 6 154 Obsolete 155 Obsolete 156 Obsolete 157 Repealed Hl40 1966' . 158 Obsolete 159 Obsolfite 160 Obsolete 161 Obsolete ](j2 ·Repealed 309 :!3 16:1 Obsolete 164 Obsolete 165 01.Jsolete 166 Obsolete 168 Re peeled 324 38 169 Obsolete 170 Repealed 303 1 171 Obsolete 172 Obsolete 173 Obsolete 174 .Repealed 219 ll 2396 2711 2607 (w) 175 Obsolete 176 Repealed 200 1 177 Obsolete 178 Obsolete 119 Withdrawn by L. C. j Ex. 0. 102 180 Obsolete li03 I (Gov.Gen.) 181 Obsolete 182 Obsolete Withdrawn bv L. C. 183 Repealed 2711 2620 (c) 183 a Obsolete 184 Repealed 2711 2625 (d) 185 Repealed 2711 2630 186 Obsolete 187 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Repealed 306 2711 2594 19 Obsolete 2711 2594 22 Obsolete . 24 Repealed ' 2711 2594 25 Amended 255 26 Repealed 2711 2594 188 1 Amended 214 1 189 1 Amended 222 1 190 Obsolete· 191 Obsolete 192 Obsolete XIV ACTS OF 'l'Hls LEGISLATffE COUNCIL

SECTIONS BY RE~'EHENCE !, ACT No. AMENDla:D Oft HEPEALED AC'.!.' No. I SEC. Ne,. ACT No. I SEC. No, ______._ ----~------__ ___ HJ2 Obsolete rn:i Superseded 211 HJ+ Obsolete Hl5 Obsolete HJ6 'iNithdrawn by L. C. Withdrawn by L. C. 197 Repealed 2711 2591 & 250+ rns· 'QhsolPte I 199 Obsolete 200 Obsolete 201 Obsolete 202 Obsolete :w:i Obsolete 20+ Obsolete 205 Obsolete 2711 2604 (g) 206 Obsolete 207 Repealed 2604 208 Obsolete 209 Repealed 258·! 210 1, 2 Repealed 300 1 2711 2625 (i) 211 2 Obsolete 212 Obsolete Obsolete 1 2711 261+ 214 D. E. 0.,2, Series Hll7 215 Obsolete 216 Repealed 267 5 217 Repealed 324 :is 218 Repealed 2711 2615 (f) 219 Repealed 306 2,396 2711 26Q7 (w) 220 Obsolete 221 Repealed 309 23 2711 2614 222 Obsolete 1D.E 0. 2, Series 1917 22:l Obsolete 224 Repealed 328 :1 2711 2585 (f) 225 Obsolete 226 Obsolete 227 Obsolete 228 Obsolete 22!) Repealed 262 4 2711 2504 230 Repealed 2711 2592 2:H Obsolete 2711 2585 (f) 2:-12 Obsolete 2:1;3 Obsolete 2.'l4 Obsolete 2;35 Obsolete 236 Obsolete 237 Obsolete 238 Repealed 285 1 239 Obsolete 240 Obsolete 241 Obsolete . ACTS O}' 'l'.!-lr~ LEGISLA'rlVE COUNCIL x.v

------====~======. S1<:c·rr0Ns BY REFERENCE Ac·r No. AMENDED OR HEPllALZD I Ac1• No. I SEC No. AC'l' No. SEC. No. I I ------·------·- I 24:2 Obsolete I 243 Obsolete I 2.J..I. Obsolete 2711 Ch. 10 245 Obsolete I 246 Repealed 247 R1epealed I 2413 1 & 3 248 Obsolete 249 Repealed 2:J96 I I 2711 2607 (w) 250 Obsolete I :.'51 Obsolete I 252 Obsolete I 25:l Ob,olete I 254 Repealed I 2711 2630 25(i Repealed 2li-l 8 257 Obsolete I 2ii8 Obsolete ; 259 Obsolete 2GO Obsolete 2til Repealed :l24 3'l 2G2 Repealed 2711 2594 l 263 Repealed 2711 2587 266 RepP-aled :t!-l :1s 267 Repealed :128 2fi(i0 268 Repealed :Oil Chs. 9 & 10I 26fl Obsolete. I 270 Obsolete I 27l Obsolete 272 Obsolete 2711 2614 :m Repealed 2662 2 274 Obsolete 275 Obsolete 27ti .Repealed 2Dl 277 Obsolete 2711 21l14 278 Repealed :l~4 3'l 279 Repealed 2'35 2 280 Obsolete 28t Obsolete 282 Obsolete 283 Obsolete 284 Obsolete 285 Obsolete 2ts6 3 Amended :122 1 6 added 322 2 287 Repealed 2\)l 289 Repealed 2396 27ll 2Gn7 (w)j 200 Obsolete 2711 25\!5 291 Obsolete 292 Repealed :io:i 1 293 Obsolete 294 Obsolete 295 Obsolete I XVI ACTS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

SECTIONS BY RI'H'El'tENC~; ACT No. AM~NUED OB REPEAJ,gD Acrr No. \ SEC. No. AC'!' No. SEC. No. ------286 Obsolete W7 Obsolete ws Obso.lete 271 l 2625 (m) 299 Obsolete :mo Obsolete 301 Obsolete 302 Obsolete { 2711 2(114 D. E. 0. 22, S. 1914 303 Obsolete 306 Repealed 2396 :3 2711 2607 (w) 307 Obsolete :no Obsolete 311 1-4 Obsolete { Ex. 0. 102, S. 1914 (GJv.Gen.) 31:3 Repealed 324 :18 I 314 1 Obsolete ! 2711 2B25 (du) 2, 3, 5, S amended 321 2711 2:">H,1, 2711 2li25 (dd) 10 Partly repealed 2711 2613 13 Repealed 2711 I 2Cl25 (dd) ,l15 Obsolete I 3 J(l Obsolete I ;ll7 Obsolete I 318 Obsolete :rn1 Obsolete I 320 Obsolete 323 Repealed 2064 5 ;f~4 1, 5, ti, 7. s, 10, 11, u. 13, 14, 15, rn, 1 7, 18, 19, 21, repealed 2+:rn 8 2 Amended 25:3:1 1 20 Amended :u:m 2 22 Amended 2-1:n .," 2.3 Amended :,WID I 4 :!5 Amended u:m 5 29 Amended 2!:H) I\ 3tl Amended 2n!J 7 325 Obsolete 326 Obsolete 327 Obsolete 328 Obsolete XVII


rlfi77 bv 26621 19HJ by l9(i1, 20:-J!.J by 21n\ g22:l8 by 227(il 2:is+ bi' 2+03 . il728 b)' 2i'i:l6 rn20 bv 19Gli 2100 by 217i j22:38 bJ· 2.J.:rn1 2:J1,,i by 2+0:1 180+ by HJ(i(l 1921 by l!J(j(j 2101 by 2lii 22:rn by 22m1I i2:l87 by 2+1:l 180ll by 19(i6 HJ2:3 by 196,, 210;3 bv 2lii 22+1 bv 2271i 2:is,1 by uo:i 1811 bv 19(JG 1925 by HHllj 210! by 21 ii 2242 b~, :l:nG !MlG by 2,3:19 1813 bv 1966 a19:3o bv l9tjtj 2111 by 2li7 224:l by 227fj . 2+19 by 25:rn 1814 by 1966 UM-l by 19(j(i 2113 by 2li7 22H by 227(i 2-12+ by 2539 1818 b,v 196(i rn:1:5 by HJ6ti 2117 by 2177 22.1.i b.v 22rn 2-12n by 25:39 182-l by H)66 rn:{(, bv 1961i 211!-! by 217i 2l48 by 2:rni 2427 by 2:rni 1s25 by 1966 um by HJ(j6 2120 by 21111 22.i.9 by 22'i1i _ 2-130 by 2,5:m 182fJ by rn<;n arn:10 by HJ66 f2121 by :mio a22,ill by 2271i k2+:J2 by.2017 al8:l2 by 19(i(i l\J+O bv HHiti 2122 bv 2L77 22,il bv 227ti 2-1:l:3 bv 25:39 18.13 by HJ6B HJ4-1 hv 196(i 2124 bv 21ii 22,i2 b 0y 227ti 2!.11l bv 25.'l!J 18:1-l by 196(i 194-2 b1· HHl(i 2126 bv 2177 22,i4 b 0v 2;i:lfJm2-l:37 bv 2,i:JH 18-13 by 19(l6 al!J4:I bv l!Jlili 21;12 by 21"1i 2255 by 2:!iti k2445 by 251i 18-14 by 1\)66 l\J41i bv Hl(lo 2135 by 2177 22;j(j by 227tl a24+8 by 2,5;39 al84(l hy 19(i(i al!l.J.8 by l9(j(j 21:rn by 2177 22;i8 by 227ti 2-149 by 25:39 1851 by 196G aHJ4f) bv l!h:\(i 21:n by 217i 22,i9 by 2:rni 2-150 by 2,5:rn a1852 by l\l(iG HJ5:3 by I !Hi(j 2140 by 2177 22ti,3 by 227fi 2451 by 2539 185-l by 1Hti6 1H5u bv HJti(i 2141 bv 2177 22n:1 bv 2+n:l 2-152 by 2,i:l!J 1s56 by rno6 1!J12 b·;. rn!n 2142 hv 2111 22wi 1i\, 2rn:il 2-1-ii:1 b1· 2::i:3!1 [Ll858 by 19(\6 HJ7(j bv Hl9,I 214,> by 2177 229-~ b 0v um' 2-lii-l by 2,53[) 18lll bv 1966 cl!li7 b~, 199:1 214H bJ· 2177 2:ioo by 2:3!J,J' 2451i b:r 25:rn 18!i2 bv 196li l!JSO by rno:1 2148 hy 217i 2:l0.5 by 2-lO:l 2.J.,58 by 25:1!J bl86-l by 195(i HJ82 bv HJ9;1 n214!J b.)' 2177 2:!lli by 240:1 2t:ill by 2,i:HJ 1855 bv 196(1 HJ85 by Hm:1 21i51 by 2111 2:n1 by 2m1 2-100 by 25:rn ll'l(i7 hy 196Ci rns6 by 1mi:1 i2152 by 2fl62 2:Hs hy um 24(il by 25:19 18(jS by 19u(i 200:1 by 2001 2150 by 2111 :.>:{20 by 2-10:{ 2+(i2 by 2,,:-rn0

18721870 by 190619uti 20122. 011 by 201+2il·ll 21602. 15\l. b~.·by 2.21 l ii7i h:.···'32.2:12!J 5 byb.,..• 2-lti,2.+0:i 22(i;'52.J.(i+ b/by 25:3H2,j;{!.J 1874 by 196ti 2015 by 2062 2HH b.v 217i a2:1:10 by 2+0:i 2-l(i7 by 25:!H 1875 by 1966 201o by 20H2 2165 by 2171 :tm by 2-11,:j 2-l6!l by 25:rn 18SI by 19(ili a2018 by 2062 21G(i by 2li7 2:1:12 by 2-1-0:I i2-172 by 2ii22 I al8.S6 by 196G 2tll9 by 20u2 a2171 b,v 2177 22:1:1 by- 2-10:1 12·172 by 2i'i:{O I 1s~3 by rnBB 2022 by 20Li:!1 2 w1 by 22111 2:1:15 b.1· 2+tt1 2-1 n by 2.i:n 18£)0 by HJ(j(i 202:1 by 2lHi2 2202 by 227ti 2Tl7 by :?+O:I 2+ 7(i by 25:l!l ism by 19c;c; 202-1 by 201i2 2w:1 by 221,i · 2:ns by 2rn:1 2.J.82 b.v 2,'i3!J 18fl:I by HJ66 20~1 by 2:J(i2 2211-1 by 2276 2:n9 b.v 2+1J2 248+ by 25:rn 18\J-l by HJ(i6 d:W;m by 20li2 220-i by 227li 2:1-12 by 2+'.l:I 2+87 by 25:{H 189;) by [9(l(j i2030 by 2-ll:l 220li by 227ti 2:1-li by 2+02 2-18[) by 2,5:{9 18!li by 19B!l 2,J:ll by 20.i2 2:W,J by 227!i 23'.)2 by 2+ll:I 2+90 by 2l:3H a l89S by 191i(i 21):15 by 20li2 2210 by 227ti 2:i'l3 by 2.J:J:I 2-l!l:I by 2,'5:l!J 189\J by 196li 2o:Jfl by 2or;2 22u by 221,; 2:n, b/ 2.J.:i:1 i2-lH-i by 2.518 rnoa by 196ll ~o:n by 2l6:! 2212 by 2211; :i:mJ by u:u p·~-t!'li by 26ti2 l!l02 by 19[i(l e20+5 by 2:J(i2 221:J by 227fi 2:lii2 b/ 2+0:1 2.J.B:l by 2,iMJ al!lo:1 by 1!:lllll b2il,51 by 2:lli! 2!1+ by 2211; g2:J,n by 2i:J:l 2Hi by 25:3!! 1Hll4 by 1960 a205+ by 20li2 2215 by 227til j2:l(i:{ by 2!:IB a·~i\J2 by 23:l\l

cl!l05 by HJ,i(j a205J by 20iL 2Wi by 22rn1 2.IB.J. hj 2+tl:l 2,5J:I b/ 25:39 ~ l!l l!lllli by 19,i(i 20:i 7 by 2()6 a22 I 7 bJ 2210 1 2:lti:l bf 2rn.1 2-iD+ b.v 25 a 190() by lHtiti 21) iO by 2 1::U 112·222 b..' 22iti, 2 nt by 2+0:1 27> l7 by 2.'>:l!l l!HO by 19liri 2032 by 20'7 2227 by 227ti' a2117 by. 2-ll:3 2,JB b_y 2-i:l\l 1911 by HJfi'i 20% b/ _21,, at.HI b.f 2rni 2 :8() b.v 2rn:1 2; l!J b.r ;1,5:rn un2 bj.' rn.rn 2'hJ:!.b.v 2111 22:12 bf 22rn1 2:·n by nn\ 2.111J by 2,i:r,i al!H,:i b.v HLlli 20.10 by 217i 22:1.'i bs 2271i 1 21'l2 b/ 2u: 2115 b,, 2.i:10 1918 by UJuli1 d20:J3 b/ 2177 221li bf 227,i 2:lH b_.· :H1l1 2-ilii b/ 2,5:l!l XV III .ACTS OF 'l'HE. LEGISLATURE

2531 by 2fi~i21 2:571 by 26621 25110 by 2651-- 2Gl4 by 26612640 by 26621 25,12 bv 2,i:m 2:;n bv 2662 25!)5 b·v 2<-i62 2616 bv 2fi°6' 2641 by 2662 Ik25H · by 254~ 2,;7,1 by 26ll2 2506 by 26li2 k26 l 7 by 2fili2 2645 by 2662 25t8 bv 2ti621 c2,'i74 by 2fiti2 2598 by 266' 26:?z by 2l'i5S 2(i46 by 26ti2 I 2,i5:I by 2n!ii 2576 by 2fifi2 2601 by 26fi•) 26:!:i by 2662 2648 by 2662 I 25,17 by 2fi(i:! 257!-J by 2662 2fi02 by 2662/ 2626 by 21\6') 2649 by 2662 2,158 bv 2662 2:')80 by 2062 2604 by 2658 2fi28 by 2662 2650 by 2662 q2562 by 2662 2581 by 2662 2li05 by 26612 2629 by 266~2 2651 by 2662 k2564 by 2li62 2584 b,v 265~ 2607 by 2fi6l 263:1 by 2662 o2(i52 by 2662 m2565 by 2662 2585 by 2 ,62 2608 by 266·J 26:14 by 26ij2 2653 by 2662 2566 by 2662 2587 b.v 2(i621 i2ti09 by 2li6'' 26:15 by 2662 n2655 by 2lj62 2567 by 26621 2,588 by 2662 2612 by 266" 26:16 by 261\::! k2656 by 2662 2570 by 2662 25~9 by 2662/_ i2til3 by 266' 2639 by 2()6•) 2657 by 2664

a To municipalities organized under Act No. 82. b To any political division to which chapter I of the Public Land Act has been made applicable. · c To Mountain Province. d To Muntain Province, Nueva Vizcaya and Agusan. e Sections 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, t:> municipalities organized under Act No. 82. f To Non-Christian Provinces, except section 4. g To such part of provinces as may be embraced within t,he limits of any municipality organized under Act, No. 82. h To territory in which Chapter IV of the public Land Act is in effect. i To Department of Mindanao and Sulu. j ·To Department of Mindanao and Sulu with certain exceptions, k To Non-Christian Provinces, with amendment. l To Nueva Vizcaya. m To Mountain Province and Nuev11, Vizcaya. n To Non-Christian Provinces, repealing Act No. 207:l. o To Department of Mindanao and Sulu, repealing Act No. 273 of the Legislative Council. p To Mountain Province, with amendment. q To Nueva Vizcaya, with amendJnent. r Section 3 of Act No.1577 amended in its application to Department of Mindanao and 'Sulu. To Department of Mindanao and Sulu: Election Law, as amended, reelection of municipal officials by-2408-54. (b) Provincial Government Act and all other general provisions of law relative to the establishment of the cedula tax and the imposition, execution, and disposal of the revenues accruing from said tax, as in- creased, with certain modifications ... __ _ ... __ .. ______. __ . by 2396 General Laws re justice of the peace courts. ___ .. . _.. __ .. _.. _ by 2409 General Laws re Bureau of Agriculture in force in municipalities and provinces organized under Acts 82 and 83 ____ ------by 2417 General Laws re public instruction ______by 2408-15 (d) General Laws re Public Health ______-· .. -· by Sec. 2592, Ad.Code. General Laws re Public Works ______by Sec. 2594 (b) Ad.Code. To Mountain Province: General Laws re justice of the peace courts __ .. _. _. _____ .. __ by 2418 COMPILATION OF THE ACTS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL





SEU'l'ION 1. Translators(!( J.nil,Zic Z111r;.-The De1nrtment Governor is 11-1 hel'Cby authorized to designate not to excee:l ti ve ci vi!-scevke employees of the Department to aid in the translation of pub] ic laws and other. governmental measm·es, outside of theit· regula1· office hours. Such emplOJ'Oes shall receive an overtime wage, to be tixed by the Depart7 ment Governor, of not to exceed one peso lifty centavos, fot• each hour - overtime service, the provisions of section :!5!) of Act 2711 to the con­ trary notwithstanding. They shall perform their duties under the supervision of the Department Attorney at such times as he sha11 ap­ point. SEC. 2. ,1gcnts fol' wiltl triues. -The Depat·tment Governor is author- ,>l-l ized to employ not to exceed five suitable persons, at salaries not to· exceed three thousand pesos per annum, who will be assigned to special work among the wild tribes and do such other work as may be directed' by the Department Governor.· , SEC. 3. Lake Lwwo roall.-The Department Governor is hereby cJGo--1 authorized to make and promulgate by executive oi·der from time to time, as the condition and capacity of the road may render necessary, rcguhJ,tions having the forct~ of law governing the public use of the Iligan-Lake Lanao Road and travel and transportation of every kind thereon. Any person who shall infringe or fail to comply with any of said re­ gulation shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction. shall be punished for each offense b_y a tine not exceeding two hundred pesos or by imprisonment not exceeding three months, or both, in the discretion of the court. 3 CHAPTER 2


SEC, 4. Night Schools.-The Department Superintendent of schools li-2 shall have authority to establish night schools, but no night-school class shall be maintained in which the average nightly attendance in each school month under each teacher is not at least ten pupils over the age of fourteen years. If it is found at the end of any month that the average attendance of any class has been less than ten, such class shall be discontinued. The teacher of such class shall, however, be entitled to pay for each night of actual teaching during the month even if the ave1·age attendance, has been less than ten. Teachers of night-school classes shall be paid for nights of actual teaching at a rate not to exceed three pesos, per night, for each American teacher, or one peso, per night, for each native teacher. SEC. 5. Public schvol teache1·s; disciplinm·y pvtre1·s.-,--Duly appointed and W-t qualified teachers in the public schools of the Department aro hereby vested with such powers of a parent over the pupils under their charge as may be necessa.ry to enforce the rules and regulations adopted by the school depitrtment for the government of the school, and to maintain discipline in the school. In order to maintain discipline or to compel obedience to any lawful regulations a teacher may, subject to the regu­ lations of the superintendent of schools of the Department, inflict reasonable corporal punishment tipon a pupil. No teacher shall be civilly or criminally responsible for the infliction of corporal punish­ ment upon a pupil for the purposes mentioned, unless such punishment is wanton, malicious, or manifestly excessive. SEC. 6. Ext1·a compensation.-When any school teacher in the service 288-1 of the Department or political subdivision thereof shall be appointed to any position within the Department not connected with his regular school work, and extra compensation is not otherwise provided by law, he may be allowed such ext,ra compensation for such extra services as may be required of hhv. as the Administrative Council shall by resolu- tion provide, anything· in the provisions of Act 2711 to the contrary not­ withstanding·. SEC. 7. Compitlso1·y education; duties of parents or gua.rdians.-lt shall 16,-t· · be the duty of the parent or other person having in his custody or pos­ session any child not less than seven nor more than thirteen years of age, to require the attendance of such child at a public school dul'ing the established school hours of each of it;; regular sessions, except iu the following cases: (et) When the child is disqualifie:l for atten:fanc3 at school by reason of physical infirmity or mental inca.pacity. (/J) When the child is in 1•egular attendance at a parochial school, or 4 Tl'l'LE I-EXECUTIVE-CH. 2. 5

at a private school which has been formally recognized as a school by the superintendent of schools. · (c) When the child resides at a distance of more than two kilometers ft·o·m a public schoolhouse. (cl) When, after due application, entrance to the propsr public school has been denied the child by the teacher in charge by reason of lack of accommodations, or for other sufficient reason, until such time as such teacher in charge shall notify the parent or person having the custody of the child that he is prepared to admit the child to school. (e) When the child has through misconduct or otherwise, been denied the pl'ivilege of attendance at the public schools, dul'ing such time as the disqualification shall l'emain effective. SEC. 8. Penulty.--A parent or other person having the custody of •a 16i-2 child who fails to comply with the pl'Ovisions of the preceding section shall bs guilty of a misdemeanol', and, upon conviction, shall be punish- ed by a fine of not less than three pesos and not more than thirty pesos. The bm·den of pl'oof shall rest upon the accused in every case to show that the absence complained of is excused by reason of any of the excep­ tions mentioned in the next preceding section. The written certificate of the teacher in charge of a public school that any child has been absent during any of the. school hours of a regular session, or that any child is not in attendance at such school, shall, when filed with the court having jurisdiction over the case, constitute prima facie evidence of such facts. SEC. 9. 1.lfonicipnl council, duties.-It shall be the duty of the mun- 16,-a icipal council of each municipality to provide by Ol'dinance fot• the preparation each year of a list of all children not less than seven nor more than thirteen years of age, residing within a radius of two kilo­ meters from any public school, together with the names of the parents. or other persons having the custody of such children. When such lists shall have been completed the municipal secretary shall furnish a copy of the proper list to the teacher 1n charge of each public schoal within the municipality. The original lists shall bs placed on file in the office of municipal secretary. The lists shall be completed on or before the first day of June of each year. TITLE II




SEC. 10. 1'he Proiince of Agusrm consists of territory in the northern 2408-19 part of the island of Mindanao, west of Surigao. The capital of the province is at the municipality of Butuan. 1'he P1·ovince of Bukidnon consists of territory in the northern part of the island of Mindanao between the province of Agusan, to the east, and the provinces of Misamis and Lanao to the west, with Cotabato to the south. The capital of the province is at the municipality of Malaybala~·. 1'he Province rif Cotabuto lies east and south of the provinces of Lanao and Bukidnon and west of the province of Dav·ao. The ctipital of the province is at the municipality of Cotabato. - · 1'he Pronnce of Da·vao consists of territory in the southeastern corner· of the island of Mindanao, with appu!'tenant islands, including the Sa­ rangani islands. Its territory is indented by the waters of the Gulf of Davao. 'l'he capital of the province is at the municipality of Davao. 1'he Province of Lancw lies ea~t of the province of Zam boanga and west of the provinces of Bukidnon and Cotabato. It is washed on the south by 11lana Bay. The capital of the province is at the municipality of Dansalan. 1'he Proi·ince of S-ultt includes all the islands of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu sit,uated in the Celebcs Sea and in the Sulu Sea be­ tween the fourth and eighth parallels of north ltttitude lying southwest of a line running northwest and s:rnthea~t and passing at a point two miles due east of the nor,theast extremity of Taliran Island. The capital of the province is at the Municipality of ,Tola. 1'he Province of Zmnbcinnga is located upon th3 western part of the Island of Mindanao and include:,; all the terl'itory we.,;t of the boundary between Lanao and Zamboanga, with the adjacent islands not included within the province of Sulu. The capital of the province is at the mu­ nicipality of Zamboanga. SEC. 11. Bowiclaries of provinces; existing boumfories recog11faecl.-Ex · cept as hereinafter more precisely defined, the territorial limits and bovndaries of the provinces, and the ro,;pective seats of government of the same shall remain as heretofore detennined by decree, statute, executive order, or other resolution having the force of law, and in the absence of such, by custom recog-niz3d by the administrative authorities. SEC. 12. .Boundal'y between ;llis imis mul, p1·oi•inces of the JJepm·tment.·- 2711 .52 6 'l'ITL;, II-THE PROVI!\CES-CH. ;1_ 7

The boundary separating the province of Misumis from the p1·ovinces of the Department is. as follows: A line beginning at a point on the para.lie} of 8° :l!l' :JO", north latitude, at its intersection with the meridian of l:tJ0 ;1;)' :!0", east longitude, app1·oximately 2.0:a!l 7 met,ers west of Cabng-an Island, running· due s0uth t,o the middle of the channel of Mig-pangil River, thence along said river to its mouth in Panguil Bay, thence along the south shore of Ili­ gan Bay, thence along the southern and southeastern shore of Iligan Bay in an easterly and northerly direction to a point which is located on the .east coast of Iligan Bay, on the west side of the trail to Iligan at Salirnbit! point, about one kilometcr south of the barrio of Lug·ait., thence S, 76° :-16' 5:l" K 1,48:~.4 meters to point 2: S. 56° 01' 54" E. 70-1-.11 meters to point 3: N. 63° 14' 21i'' K 3,148.!J meters to point 4; N. ;10° OIV 5,V' E. 2,218.8 meters to point 5; N. 48° ;35, 4W' 1..:. ;t;j(i5.8 meturs to point H; N. 18° 36' 4H" E. 405. 7 meters t,o point 7; N. 18° ;jj' 09" E. 6'lB. I meters to point 8; N. 2:3° 2:v 42" E. 2,02:5 8 mete1·s t;o point !J; N. 24° :n' lti" K 1,480.9 meters to point JO; N. Wl 0 14' 02" K ;1,1185.4 mete1·s to point 11; N. 18° 18' 55" K 5.3:57.6 meters to point 12; N. 22° 50' 47" K 2,-!!12 7 meters to point 1:1: N. 7° ,Ol' 58" K 1.2111.;1 meters to point 14; N. 18° 5H' ,18" WT. 2,00:l.!J meters to point 15; N. 4,:5° ;1:V 52" E. ;J,;IO!l.2 meters to point lo; S. 58° 41' 5W' E. 4, 17:3 (i meter;; to point 1 i; S. 4!J 0 2:v 17" E. 8,:5:l:5.() meters to point 18; S. 30° .5:v 0211 \V. 2,42,'UI meters to point HI; S. 0° lY 38" \IV. 2,2l15.!J meters to point 20; S. 82° 28' 01" K 2,0H:l. I mete1·s to point 21; S. 84° 20' 21" E. 4,801.4 meters to point 22; S. 79° lli' 56" K u,:{4H.4 meters to point 2:l; S. 86° 00' 0611 K 2, 141i !) met,ers to point 24; 8. 80° 12' 54" E. :{,8:t~ 1 meters to point 2,3; N. 81! 0 OW 55" R. 12,4i!l.2 meters to point 2fi: N. s:1° 31' :JO" E. 3,SO!J.(i meters to point 2i: N. 4° :52' 15" K 1:17.8 meters to point 28: N. 28° 24' 53" W. li, 1:12.4 meters to point, 2!J; N. 4:1° 14' 00" W. 2, 17ti 5 meters to point 30; N. ti:5° 50' 21" K 5, 146.1 meters to point 31; N. 8° 3W 11" E. 7;891.8 meters to point ,i2; N. 52° 17' 1:l" W. 2,370.4 meters to point :n; N. 4° 2li' 26" \V. 1,:n1t8 meters to point :34; N. li5° 22' 02" W. :J,841!.0 mete1·s to point 35; N. 8° O:l' Hi" W. 4,251 2 metet•s to point :rn; N. 8° 28' 51" \V. ,i,mll (i meters t,o point :H; N. 18° 17' 50" E. 4,!107.5 meters to point 38; N. il0 54' 2:i" \V. 1,141.8 meters to poit'lt :m. N. 10° 08' 51:i" VV. 42:l.B meters to point 40: N. 11° 50' 50" B. l,:l65 8 meter;; to point 41; N. 67° 15' :{1i" E. 2.o.52.8 meters to point 42; N. 2,~ 0 Od' 01" W. 717.2;; to point 4:1; N. 1° lll' 2:1" K :l, iH,l.ii meters to point 4·!; N. 2° 52' :tY' E. H,877.8 mPtPrs to point 45; N. 4i0 ,38' 12" \V. 1,58:i.. I met,m·s to point 46; N. 0° O!J' 4ii" K l,li21 2 l!l(>tet•s t,o point ·17; N. ;i2° :lO' 40" K ;{,lH7.:i mete1·s to point, 48; S. 87° 28' 4,3" E :J,62liA meters t,o point 4!!: 8. 73° 42' .Ji" E. !l,902.7 meters to point 50; 8. 57° .J.W 42" K ti,67:{ ll meters to point 51: S. 27° 1:3' ;{B" E 4,47:l 2 meters to point 52; 8. 42° 06' 42" K ll,!J3U.4 m:~te1·s to point :5:J; S. i.ill 0 4l' :n" K 2,477.5 meter,; to point, 54; S. 69° 5(i' 00" K 5, 74:l 6 rnete1·s to point 5,3; N. (t3° m• 04" K 8,051 0 mete1·s to point :'ili; N. 4\J 0 08' 15" Ji!. ·ii, I:l:J.;j meters to point 5i: N. 2° 02' 01" \V. J:i,1172.2 met,ers to point 53; N. 7° ll' 44" \V. 1,056 2 motors t,o point 5B; N. ;\tJ 0 24' 4S" E. 1,724.:l m3te1·s to point GO; N. 15° ~10' 3:l" \V. 10,5:17 :l motm·s to point 61, blazed tl'ce locat.ed 10 meters from the edg·e of the northernmost point of rock.-; on Diawata Point,. Bearings from true meridian. SEC. l~.1. Zmnl,oangtt untl Lwwo uow1Clary.-'fhe boundary 2· the Province of Zamboanga frotn the Province of Lanao begins at a point on the south shore of Panguil Bay 2 miles east of the inter:,ection of the line of the old Spanish trocha with the shore of said ba,r, thence in a southerly direction parallel with the line of t,he tl'ocha and 2 miles distant thnrefrom to Iliana Bay, including in the Pro\'ince of Zamboangtt the town of Tucuran. 8 TITLE II-THE PROVINCES-CH, 3.

SEC, 14. Bounqm·y betv:een B11kidnon and P1·ovi;ices of Lanao, Cotabuto, 2;11-;;:: a.ncl Dcwao.-The boundary separating thP, Province of Bukiclnon from the Provinces of Lanao, Cotabato and Davao is as follows: Beginning at point 3 of the boundary line described in the next preceding section hereof, thence due east to the crest of the watershed dividing the waters which flow into Iligan Bay from those flowing into Maca.jalar Bay, thence in a southerly direction along the crest of the said watershed to the eighth parallel of north latitude, thence along the eighth parallel of north latitude to a point due north of the highest peak of Mount Kala­ tungan, thence in a southerly direction to the headwaters of the main branch of the Mulit&. River, thence down the middle of the Mulita River to the mouth of the Bakto River, thence up the Bakto River in an east. erly direction to its source, thence to the southm·nmost point of Lake Lamybyben, ~hence along the southern shore of said lake to its outlet, the Lamybyben River, thence down the Lam,Ybybon River to the Pulan- gi River, thence down the Pulangi River to the mouth of the Tacurin River, thence up the Tacurin River to its source, thence due east to.the crest of the eastern watershed of the Pulangi River, thence along the crest of this watershed to the· eighth parallel of north latitude. SEC. 15. Easteni Boundar,1/ of Province of Lanuo.-The eastern bound- 2.11-;;J ary of the Province of Liinao begins at a point which is located on the east coast of Iligan Bay, on the west side of the trail to Iligan at Salim- bal Point, about one kilometer south of the bartfo of Lugait, thence S. 76° 36' 53 11 E. for a distance of 1,4113.4 meters, thence S. 56° 01' 5!" E. for a distance of 764.9 meters, thence due east to tlie crest of the water- shed dividing the waters which flow into Iligan Bay from those flowing into Macajalar Bay, thence in a southerly direction along the· crest of said watel'shed to eighth parallel of north latitude. Departing at this point from the western boundary of Bukidnon the said Lanao boundary runs thencE> south along tiie crest of the watershed dividing the waters flowing into Lake Lanao from those which flow into Macajalar Bay and into the Mindanao Rivet•, thenc south and west along the crest of said last mentioned watershed to the 1mmmit of Mount Bita, the highest peak south of Butig, thence south and west to Tugapangan Point. SEC. 16. Agusan and Biikitlwni boimd(iry.-The boundary between 2;11-5:; the Provinces of Agus:rn ~nd Bukidnon is formed by a line beginning at point 57 of the survey of the bound.try line b~tweon the Province of Mi- samis and the provinces of the D3;nrtm:mt of .vlinianao and Sulu, which point is a peak about 800 meters in height called Mount Piglagajan and is situated about 51; kilometers cast of the barl'io of O:l.iongon, thence due east to the c1·est of the wat3l'shed dividing the waters ,1:hich flow into Butuan Bay and into the Agu~an River from the waters which flow into Gingoog Bay and into the J\,Lndanao River, thence in a southerly direction along the crest of said watershed to its point of intersection with the eighth parallel of nol'th latitude. Said line shall be so run 1.1.s to bl'ing the munlcipalitios and settlements of the Agusan River Valley into the Province of Agusan. TITLE II-THE PROVINCES-CH 3, 9

SEC. 17. Agusnn wul Stil"igcw bowulw·y.·-The boundary between the 2,11-,'6 provinces of Agusan and Surigao is as follows: A line to cross Laguna :Vlainit from a point three miles north of Kicharao by straight line to a point on the sea coast three miles north of Bolobolo. SEC. 18.


BOUNDARIES OF ~IUNICIPALITn::s SEC. HJ. naycmga.-'l'he Municipality of Baganga, in the province of Davao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the coast line at latitude 7° 42' 30"; thence in a meandering 1mutherly direction following the coast line to the ce'nter of the Quila River 7° 25' 42"; thence du~ west to the crest of the mountain range forming the watershed and running parallel with the coast line; thence in a mpandering direction, following the crest of said mountain range to Mt,. Ag:tuuganon; thence due east., following the southern ~undary of the Municipality of Cateel to the point of beginning at a point on the inte1~;;ection on the line with latitude fo 42' ,IO". The Municipality of Baganga shall consist of the eight barrios of Cen­ tral, Baculin, ;Vlahanob, Biitiano, Dapnan, San Victor, Kuinablangan and Bana,v, with the scat of municipal government at Central. (Revised from Executive Order No. 7, series of HH 7. For original hounJaries see section H, Act 21, Legislative Council.) SEC. 20. Jfotmm.-The .Municipality of Butµan, in the province of ,\gusan, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: On the north by Hutuan Bay from Diuata Point on the '\,Vest to a point on the beach tht·ee kilometers northeast of the monument of i\lagallanes in the barrio of Magalhines, thence a straight line due cast from that point to. the uivide between the Sibagat River and the rive1·s flowing- into Butuan Bay; on the East by the divide between Sibagat Rivet' and the rivers llowing into. tha Baug and BiLn;.:a Rivers; on the south by a straight line running east and west through a point three kilometers due south of tlw southwest corner of the pla;m in Butuan between the eastern boundary and the divide between the Pl·ovinces of .Agusan and Misamis; and on the west by the Province of i\Jisamis. Population 12,000, language Visayan. The Municipality of Butuan shall consist of the sixteen barrios of l\fa­ gallanes, Ma,mo, Buenavista, :'.\ a,;ipit, Ca1·men, Libert,ad, Agusan, Doon­ gan, Bading, Ambago, l\1aug, JJamrn, Baan, Mambatua, Ampa,ron and Kabahian. {Revised from Executive Order No. 11, series of 1911. Originally or- ganized under Act No. 82, Philippine Commission.) . - SEt.:. 21. Ocibaclbm·«.n.-Tho Municipality of Cabadbaran, in the prov­ ince of Agusan, shall consist ol' the t~rritory bounded as follows: On the north by a line st!u•ting at. a point, on Butuan Bay three kilometers 10 TITLE !I!-MUNICIPALITIES-:--CH. 4. 11

1101·th of the barrio of Tinig-basan and running southeast to a point on the Tubay River two kilometers south of the barrio of Colorado, thence clue east to the boundary of t,he Province of Surigao; on the east by the Province of Surigao from the northern boundary south to the headwaters of the Wawa River thence south on the divide between the vVawaRiver and the rivers flowing into Butuan Bay; on the south by a line running due east from a point on Butuan Bay three kilometers northeast of the hal'l'io of Magalianes; and on the west by Butuan Bay. Population 9,000, language Visayan. The Municipality of Cabadbaran shall consist of the twelve barrios of Agay, Bayabas, Bay-ang, Calibunan, Fraternidad, Kausuagan, La Union, Sanga-ari, Santiago, Tinigbasan, Tubay and Katipunan. (Revised from Executive Order No. 11, series of 1917. Originally or­ g,Lnb:ed under Act No. 82, Philippine Commission.) SEC. 22. Carnya.-The Municipality of Carag,L, in the province of Davao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at t,he center of the outlet of the Quila River, la.titude 7° 25' 42"; thence in a meandering southerly direction, following the coast line to the in­ tersection with the coast line, of a line drawn due east and west, approxim­ ately 7° 16' of north latitude; thence due west to the crest of the range of mountains forming the watershed and running parallel with the coast line; thence in a meandering northerly direction, following the crest of said mountain range to the southern boundary line of the Munic:ipality of Baganga; thence along said southern boundary line of the Municipal­ ity of B,Lganga to the point of beginning at the center of the outlet of the Quila River in latitude 7° 25' 42". The Municipality ·of Caraga shall consist of the nine barrios of Cen­ tral, Santiago, San Jose; San Pedro, Santa Fe, San Luis, San Miguel, Mercedes and Manul'igao, with the seat of municipal government at Central. (Revised from 'Executive Order No. 7, series of 1917. For original boundaries see section 10, Act 21, Legislative Council.) SEC. 23. Cateel.-The Municipality of Cateel, in the province of Da­ vao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the Pacific Ocean, at the intersection of the eighth parallel of north latitude and the coast line; thence in a meandering southerly dit-ection, following the coast line to the intersection on the coast line. with latitude 7° -!2' 30"; thence due west to the crest of Mt. Agtuuganon: thence in a meandering northerly direction, the crest of the niountain range, forming- the w:atershed and running parallel with the coast line, to the eighth parallel of north latitude; thence due east along said pa1·allel to the point of beginning at the intersection of said parallel with the coast line.. . The Municipality of Cateel. slul'll consist of the seven barrios of Cen­ tral, San Antonio, San Alfonso, Aragon, Boston, San Roque and Palo Alto, with the scat of municipal government at Central. (Revised from Executive Order No. 7, series of 1917. For original 12 TI'l'LE III--MmnCIPALITrnS-CH. 4. boundaries, sec section 8, Act 21, as amended by Acts N os. 189 and :l22, Legislative Council.) SEC. 24. Gotalwto.-Th~ :'llunicipality of Cotalrnto, in the prnvince of Cotabato, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at the opening of a small canal on the south bnnk of the Cotabato branch of the Rio Grande, 2.1 kilometer~ east of the town of Cot,ibato and op­ posite the mouth of Nuling Creek: and following the center line of the canal to the ;'l'latampay River; thence across the 1hitampay River and in a southerly direction along its west bank to the Carcar River; thence in a southerly direction ;dong the west bank of the Carcar River to the Tarbung River; thence in a westerly direction along the north hank of the Tarbung River to its confluence with the Nagubaran Canal: thence following· the western bank of the Nagubaran Canal around to a concrete monument, corner ii lot No. 557, located on the south bank of the Nagubaran Canal; thence following the boundary line of lot No. 556 in a, southeasterly direction to a. concrete monument, corner 11 of lot No. 556; thence in a southwesterly direction along bound11ry line of lot No. 55(\ to a concrete .monument, corner 3 of lot No. 556; thence in n north westerly direction along bom1clary line of lot No. 556 to a concrete monument, cornet' 4 of lot No. 556, this being a point on a ditch between lots Nos. 550 anq 55:l; thence following the east bank of this ditch to a concrete monument, corner 7 of lot No. 551, on the north bank of the Tamontaka bnwch of the Rio Grande;thence in a westerly direction along the north bank of the Tamontaka branch of the Rio Grande to the Gapat Rivet·: thence in a northerly direction along the east bank of tha Gapat River to the Tarhung River; thence in an easterly direction along the south bank of the Tarbung River to the Manday River; thence in a northerly direction across the Tarbung· River and along the east bank of the Manday River to the mouth of Dulurnbukan Creek; thence in a westerly direction along the north bank of Dul um lmkan Creek to a concrete monument, corner 31 of lot No. 180; thence in a northeasterly direction along the boundary line of lot No. 186 to a con­ crete monument, comet· :12 of lot No. 186; thence in a northwesterly clirection along the btJUndary of Jut No. 186 and Dulumbukan C1·eek to the Bagua River; thence in a northeasterly direction along the Bagu a River to a concrete monument on the north bank of the river, corner 25 of lot No. HJ2: thence in ,t northwesterly direction along the boun­ clary line of lot No. I\J:! t-0 ,t concrete monument, corner 26 of lot No. rn2; thence in a southwestei·ly direction along the boundary of lot No. HJ2 to a concrete monument, corner 27 of lot No. 1H2; thence in a northerly direction 1:long the boundary of lot No. l!J2 to a concrete monument, corner 28 of lot No. Hl2, this being also corner 1 of lot No. 194: thence in a northeasterly dit'ectton along the boundary of lot No. a concrete monument, corner 51 of lot No. 1!14; thence in a north­ westerlv direction along the boundary of lot No. 194 to a concrete monu­ ment, c;rner 49 of lot No. 1D4; thence in a northeasterly direction along the boundary of lot No. l!l4 to a concrete monument, corner 48 of lot No. l\J!, the same being located on the south bank of Lugaylugay Creek; .• TITLE IJI-MUNICIPALITlES-CH. 4. 1..

thence following Lugaylug-ay Creek in a northwesterly direction to a concrete monument on the north bank of same, corner 12 of lot No. :!00; thent:o in tt north westerly direction along the boundary of lot No. 200 to a concrete monument; corner 1 of lot No. 200; thence in a northeasterly direction along the boundary of lot No. 200 to a concrete monument on the south bank of the Cotabato branch of the Rio Grande, this monu­ ment being corner 2 of lot No. 200 and corner 1 of lot No. 20:!; thence in an easterly direction along the south bank of the Cotabato bmnch of the Rio Grande to the starting point. (Revised from Resolution No. 128, series of 1916, Provincial Board, Co­ tabato, Executive Order No. 19, se,·ies of 1916. For ol'iginal boundaries, :;ce section 5, Act 21, Legislative Council.) SEC. 35. Dcmsalan.-The Municipality of Dansalan in the Province of Lanao, shall consist of the .t,enitory bounded as follo,vs: Bounded on the northeast by a line drawn th!'ough the western base of the foot-hills of the Kapai mountains from the h~J, ·n of such foot-hill line with a line drawn due northeast from a point in ·the Overton-Keithley Road at the foot of Keithley hill, southeastward to the summit of the detached mountain peak back of the rancheria of Puga'an; on the southeast by a line drawn from said summit to the mouth of the Puga'an River on the northeastern shore of Lake Lanao; thence by the northwestern shore of Lake La1mo south westward to its intersection by a line drawn due west · through tt point ori the lake shore one quarter mile south of the ranche­ t·ia of Little Bakulud; on the south by said due-west line to its intersec­ tion with the line of m·ests of the first line of hills west of the lake; on the north west by said line of crests northward and eastward to the point in the Overton-Keithley road at the foot of Keithley Hill, thence dmi northeast to the intersection of said northeast line with the line d1·awn through the western base of the foot-hills of the K::qni mountains. The Municipality of Dansalan shall consist of the tivc barrios of Ma­

boanga. For original boundaries sec Act No. 21 as amended by Act No. li6, Legislative Council.) SEC. 27. Dm·ao.-The Municipalit.y of Davao, in the province of Da­ vao, shall consist of the territory boundetl as follows: Beginning at a. point on the mouth of the Lasang River, approximately 7° 15' of north latitude and running due west to meridian 125° 3,1' cast of Greenwich; thence due south to latitude , 0 05' north; thence following said parallel due west to the meridian 125° 28' 30" east; thenee due south to a point due west of Bureau of Lands' municipal boundary monument at the in­ tersection of the provincial road and the Tnua,van River; t,hcnce follow­ ing the Inuayan River Bureau of Land,;' municipal boundary monument at the mouth of the Inuayan Rivet': thence along the coa!;t line, in a meandering northeasterly course to the point of b2ginning, approxim­ ately 7° 15' of north latitude at the mouth of the Lasang River on the coast line of the Gulf of Davao. The llfonicipality of Dav:a.o shall consist of the nine ln.rrio, of Davao, Daliao, Sirauan, Talomo, Bago, Central, Tagatto, Bumtuan and Mulig·, with the seat of municipal government at the town of Davao in the Barrio of Central. (Revised from Executive Order No. 7, series of 1917. For Ol'iginal boundarie;; see section 3, Act 21, as amended by Act 189, Legislative Council.) SEC. 28. Dipoloy.-The Municipality of , in the Province ·of Zamboanga, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Begin­ ning at the center of the mouth of the Sikayab River, thence in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of the parallel 8° 30' north Jatit,ude with the meridian 123° ;m• east longitude: thence due east to the boundary line between the provinces of Misamis and Zamboanga; thence south along said boundary to the crest of the mountain range which forms the watershed of the Dipolog and Dikayo Rivers on thu north, and the and Lintugup River!' on the south, thence in a westerly direction along the crest of said mountain range to a line drawn due southeast from the headwaters of 'the Lubungan River; thence northwest along said line, and along said river to its mouth; t,hence north along the seashore to point of beginning. The Municipality of Di polog· :,;hall hereafter· be divided into five barrios, as follows: Dipolog, Olingan, Toocan, Polance and Sika~·a.b. The Municipal capital shall be at :Oipolog. (Revised from Executive Ot'der No. 2:2, series of 19H·. B'or original boundaries see Act No. 302, Legislative Council.) SEC. 29. ll·iyan.-The Municipality of Iligan, in the province of La­ nao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: .Bounded on the north and west by the ;iouthern and eastern shores of Iligan Bay' kom the mouth of the Burµ'un River eastward to the intersection of the shore line wit.h the Lanaci-Mis,:imis boundary line; on the north by said boundary line eastward to a point three miles from the shore of Iligan Bay, thence_ along a straight line to a corresponding three mile point on the Puga'an River, thence by a straight line to three mile TITLE III-MUNICIPALITIES-CH. 4. 15 point on the Agus River, thence to a three mile point on the Buru'nn River, thence down said river tci its mouth on the shore of Iligan Bay. The Municipality of Iligan shall consist of the nine barrios of Rosa­ rio, San Roque, San Vicente, La Paz, San ,Tose, San Miguel, Santiago, Santa Filomena and Buru'un. The municipal capital shall Le Rosario. (Revised from Executive Order No. 2, series of 1917. For original boundaries see section 11, Act No. 21, as amended by Act 189, Legis­ lative Council.) SEC. 30. lmpnsugong.-The Municipality of Impasugong, in the Prov­ ince of Bukidnon, shall consist of the following territory: Beginning from the southettstern corner of Maluko on the provincial boaundary line betwe~n Agusan and Bukidnon; thence south following this prov­ incial boundary line for a distance of 9.4 kilometers; thence south 80 degrees west to Mt. Kitangfad on the eastern boundary line of Talakag for a distance of 55.6 kilometers; thence following the eastern boundary of Talakag, along the Kitanglad Mountain for a distance of :W kilo­ meters to the southern boundary of Sumilau; ~hence following the southern boundary line of Sumilau in an easterly direction for a dis­ tance of 12 kilometers; thence north for a distance of 4 kilometers to the southern boundary of Maluko; thence east along the southern bounjary of Maluko for a distance of 55 kilometers to the boundary line between Bukidnon and Agusan, the point of beginning. The Municipality of Impasugong shall consist of the five barrios of Impasugong, La Fortuna, Impalutau, Gihian and Dumalaguing, with the seat of municipal government at Impasugong. (Revised from Resolution No. 98, series of l!Jl6, Provincial Board of Bukidnon; Executive 01·der No. 4, series of 1917.) SEC. 31. lsabela.-The Municipality of Isabela, in the province of Zamboanga, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Begin­ ning at a point one-half _mile west of the mouth of the Cumalarang River, thence south 12° 30' east to Mt. Mohaji (shown on Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 4511 as being 2162 feet high); thence north 46° east to Mt. Mayucus (shown on Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 4511 as being 1811 feet high) thence north~ast to the Balactasan River; thence along the center of said river to its mouth; thence along the seashore to point of beginning, including the Island Malamawi. The Municipality of Isabela shall be divided into five barrios, as follows: Isabela, San Roque, San Rafael, Panigayan and Santa Barbara, Isabela shall be the municipal capital. (Revised from Resolution No. 23, Oct. 6, 1914, Provincial Board, Zam­ boanga. For original boundaries see Act No, 277, Legislative Council.) SEC. 32. Jolo.-The Municipality of Jolo, in the province of Sulu, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at the point M, which is on the shore and three thousand ninety-one hundred and two tenths feet from, and bears north 38° 30' east from the nearest angle of the wall, thence south 65° 30' east a distance of seven thousand Sl)Ven hundred thirty-three feet to the point N, thence south 29° west a distance of eight thousand seven hundred thkty feet to the point 0, TITLE III-MUNICIPALITIES-CH. 4.

thence north !2° west a distance of ten thousand thirty-three feet to the point P, upon the shore line, thence meandering along the shoreline a distance of approximately seven thousand five hundred seventy-seven feet to the point of beginning, all bearings being true, and all distances and bearings being scaled from a map on file in the office of the Sec­ retary, Department of Mindanao and Sulu; and to also include all marine waters included within a line drawn midway between the shoreline of the Municipality of Jolo and the Island of Marongas and drawn per­ pendicular to lines extended from point Mand point P described above. The Municipality of Jolo shall be divided into six barrios, as follows: Intramuros, San Raymundo, Tulai, Bus ;Bus, Laud and Asturias. Intramuros shall be the municipal (Revised from Resolution No. 1, Sept. 15, 1914, Provincial Board, Sulu. For original boundaries see section 1 of Act :18, Legislative Council.) SEC. 33. Liilmngan.-The Municipality of Lubungan, in the province of Zamboanga, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Be­ ginnfng at the mouth of the Lubungan River; thence along said river to the headwaters thereof; thence due southeast to the crest of the mountain range which forms the watershed of the Dipolog, Lubungan and Dicayo Rivers on the north, and the Salug and Lintugup Rivers on the south; thence in a westerly direction along the crest of said moun- . tain range to Mt. Kawayan; thence in a north westerly direction along the crest of the mountain range that forms the watershed of the Disacan and Ponot Rivers on the north, and the Siari River on the south to Point Tabunan; thence in a northeasterly direction following the shore line of the Sulu Sea to point of beginning. The Municipality of Lubungan shall be divided into five barrios, as follows: Lubungan, Matam, Langatian, Duhinob, and Manukan, Lu­ bungan shall be the municipal capital. (Revised from Executive Order No. 21, series of 1914..) SEC. 34. Nalttbang.-The Municipality of Malabang, in the province of Lanao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Sigayan River three miles from its mouth due east to its intersection with a line drawn from a correspond­ ing three mile point on the Malabang-Ganassi trail through a three mile point on the Liangan River, thence to a point on the ·Lanao-Cota­ bato, boundary line three miles distance from the mouth of the Lubugan River; on the southeast by the said boundary line to its intersection with the shore line of the Illana Bay, thence along said shore line north and west to the mouth of the Sigayan River, thence up said river to a point three miles from its mouth. It shall also include the islands within three marine leagues of the above delimited portion of the north­ eastern shore of the Illana Bay. The Municipality of Malabang shall consist of the four barrios of Baras, Maladi, Masau and Lalabuan. The municipal capital shall be l\faladi. (Revised from Executive Order No. 2, series of 1917. For original boundaries, see section 6, Act 21, as amended by Act 66, Legislative Council.) TITLJ~ III-MUNICIPALITIES-CH. 4. 17

SEC, 35. Nalaybalcty.-The Municipality of Malaybalay, in the Prov­ ince of Bukidnon, shall consist of the territory bounded as follo'ws: Beginning from the southeastern corner of Impasugong on the provincial boundary line between Agusan and Bukidnon; thence south along this provincia.1 boundary line for a distance of 19.4 _kilometers (latitude 8 degrees); thence south west following the boundary line between Bukid­ non and Davao for a distance of 32 kilometers to' the northern boundary of Maramag; thence west for a distance of 51 kilometers to the boundarr between Bukidnon and Cotabato; thence in a northerly direction follow­ ing this provincial boundary line for a distance of 30 kilometers to the southwestern end of Mt. Kitanglad at the southern boundary of Talakag­ (latitude 8 degrees); thence northeast following the southeastern bound­ ary of Talakag for a distance of 15 kilometers to the s01:1thwestern corner of Irnpasugong; thence north 80 degrees east along the southern boundary of Impasugong for a distance of 55.6 kilometers to the bound­ ary line between Agusan and Bukidnon, the point of beginning. The Municipality of Malaybalay shall consist of the sixteen barrios of Malaybalay, Duluaiigan, Kalasuiigai, Impalambong, Silai, Linao, Lumbayau, Bugkaon, Alanib, Lantapan, Basak, Baiigkud, Mailag, Lurugan, Valencia, and Gunuyuran, with the seat of municipal gov­ ernment at Malaybalay. (Revised from Resolution No. 98, Provincial Board, Bukidnon, series of 1916; and Executive Order No. 6, series of 1917.) SEC. 36. Jllaluko.-The Municipality of Maluko, in the Province of Bukidnon, shall consist of the following territory: Beginning from a point at the crossing of the Tagoloan River and the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Misamis; thence south following the Ta­ goloan River for a distance of 20 kilometers to the south western corner of Malitbog on the Tagoloan River, thence east along the southern boundary line of Malitbog for a distance of 37 kilometers to the provin­ cial boundary line between Bukidnon and Agusan; thence south for a distance of 37 kilometers to the northeastern corner of Impasugong; thence following the northern boundary line of Impasugong in a westerly direction• for a distance of 62 kilometers to the eastern boundary of Libona; thence north 18 degrees west along the eastern boundary of Li bona on the Agvsan River for a distance of 16 kilometers to the crossing of Agusan River and the boundary line between Bukidnon and Misamis; thence following t.he provincial boundary line between Bukid­ non and Misamis in an easterly direction to the point where this prov­ incial bounda1·y and the Tagoloan River cross, the point of beginning. The Municipality of Maluko shall consist of the eight barrios of Ma­ luko, Dalirig, Minsoro, Taiigkulan, Sankanan, Lindaban, Kalugmanan, a.nd Mambatangan, with the seat of municipal government at Maluko. (Revised from Resolution No. 98, series. of 1916, Provincial Board of Bukidnon; Executive orde1· No. 4, series of 1917.) SEC. 37. Nanay.-The Municipality of Manay, in the province of Davao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning 18 TITLE Ill-MUNICIPALl'l'IES-·CH. 4. at the intersection of the southern boundary -line of the Municipality of Carag-a with the coast line on the parallel, approximately· 7° 16' of north latitide; thence. in a meandering southerly direction, following the coast line to the intersection of the northern boundary line of the Municipality of Mati with the coast line on the parallel approximately 7° Ofi' 24" of north latitude; thence due west along said northern bound­ ary line of the Municipality of Mati to Mt. Mayo; thence in a meander­ ing northerly direction, following 'the crest of the mountain range forming the watershed and running parallel with the coast line to the southern boundary line of the Municipality of Caraga; thence due east to the point of beginning at the intersection of said southern boundary line of the Municipality of Caraga with the coast line. · The Municipality of Manay shall consist of the eight barrios of Cen­ tral, Zaragoza, Holy Cross, San Ignacio, Manreza, Concepcion, San Fermin and San Isidro, with the seat of municipal government at Central. (Revised from Executive Order No. 7, series of 1917.) SEC. 38 .Mciti.-The Municipality of Mati, in the province of Davao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection with the coast line at a point on the mouth of the Quinu­ nuan River, approximi-tely 7° 05' 24" of north latitude; thence in a meandering southerly direction, following the coast line to Cape San Agustin; thence in a northerly direction following the crest of the mountain range forming the wittershed and terminating at Cape San Agustin to Mt. Mayo; thence due east approximately 7° 05' 24" of north latitude to the point of beginning at the intersection of said coast line at, the mouth of the Quinunuan River. The Municipality of Mati shall consist of the six barrios of Central, Pujada, El Paso, Puerto Luna, Wood and Cabubuanan, with the seat of Municipal government at Central. · (Revised from Executive Order No. 7, series of 1917. For original boundaries see section :?, Act No. 21, as amended by Act No. 189, Legislative Council.) SEC. 39. Pm·a:ng. .,---The Municipality of Parang, in the province of Cotabato, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: The Mun­ icipality of Parang shall include all territory lying within a line run­ ing due east from a point on the coast line of Sugud Bay through the crest of t\ hill about six hundred meters south of the sitio of Calucan to a point on the south bank of the Nituan River, approximately eight hundred meters beiow its junction with tlie Ambol River; thence along the south bank of theNituanRiver to its junction with the Ambol River; thence due south to the north bank of the Libuyan River at the point of the crossing of the old Spanish military .road; thence along the north bank of the Libuyan river to the coast line; thence along the coast line in a northerly direction to the point of beginning; and including all islands within three marine leagues from said coast line. shall be the municipal capital. (Revised from Resolution No. 4, Sept. 5, 191-1, Provincial Board, Cota­ bato. For original boundaries see Act No. 141, Legislative Council.) TITLE III-MUNICIPALITIES-CH. 4.

SEC. 40. Scintct Ornz.-The Municipality of Santa Cruz, in the prov­ iuce of Davao, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Begin­ ning at the Bureau of Lands' municipal boundary monument at the mouth of the Inuayan River: thence following the Inuayan River along the southern boundary line of the Municipality of Davao to Bureau of L~nds' municipal boundary monument on the provincial road; thence in a straight line to the crest of l\1 t. Apo on the provincial boundary line of the Provinces of Da,·ao and Cotabato; thence in a southerly direction along the said provincial boundary line to .Mt. Magolo; thence in a straight line east by north to Point Sibalatan on the coast line of the Gulf of Davao in a meandering northerly course to the point of begin­ ning at the mouth of the Inuayan River. The Municipality of Santa Cruz shall consist of the seven barrios o_f Central, Balalan, Coronon, Daron, Digos, Padada and Bolton; with the seat of municipal government at Central. (Revised from ExecutiVP, Order No. 7, series of 1917.) SEC. 41. 1'alacoyon.-The Municipality of Talacogon, in the Province of Bukidnon, shali consist of the following territory: On the north by a straight line running east and west through a point. two kilometers due north of the southeast corner of the Plaza in Talacogon to a point three kilometers east and three kilometers west of the given point; on the south by a straight line running parallel with and six kolometers south of the northern boundary line; on the east by a straight.line run­ ning north and· south through a point three kilometers of the south east corner of the Plaza in Talacogon to its intersection with the north and south boundary lines; and on the west by a line running parallel with and six kilometers west of the eastern boundary line. Population 3,000, language Visayan. The Municipality of Talacogon· shall consist of the two barrios of San Ignacio and San Nicolas. (Revised from Executive Order No. 11, series of l!Jl 7. Originally organized under Act No. 8:!, Philippine Commission.) SEC. 42. 1'alakay.-The Municipality of Tahtkag, in the Province of Bukidnon, shall consist of the following territory: Beginning at the crossing of the Cagayan River and the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Misamis at the northwestern corner of Baungon; thence west along the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Misamis for a distance of 6.5 kilometers to the nnrtheastern corner of Lourdes: thence south 30 degrees west running through Mt. Panganduai for a distance of 24.4 kilometers; thence in a westerly direction t,o the prov­ incial boundary line between Bukidnon and Lanao; thence following this provincial boundary line southward to the northwestern corner of Gimbaluron at Mt. Bayog; thence east for a distance of 28 kilometers to the Cagayan River; thence south for a distance of U.8 kilometers to the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Cotabato; thence east for a distance of 16.9 kilometers to the angle of the provincial boundary line between Cotabato and Bukidnon; thence northeast, along the north western boundary of 1Malaybalay for a distanceof 8 kilo- 20 TITLE Ill--MUNICIPALITIES-CH. 4.

meters to the southwestern corner of Impasugong: thence north along the western boundary line of Impasugong for a distance of 25 kilo­ meters to the southeastern corner of Baungon; thence west along the southern boundary line of Baungon to the Cagayan River; thence follow­ ing the said river northward to the .point of beginning. The Municipality of Talakag shall consist of the twenty-five barrios of Talaka,g-, Kadugmayan, Batang, Pantalan, Mambayau, Cogonon, Lakulak, Dagundalahon, Miarayon, Lingion, Timago, Cosina, Baba­ giohan, Langaon, Bayanga, Mamboaya, Mapait, Kibulawan, Lumbia, Batinai, Tuburan, Tagkulot, Timpagon, Salumbalay and Tagpan with the seat of municipal government at Talakag. (Revised from Resolution No. 98, series of 1916, Provincial Board of Bukidnon; Executive Order No. 4, sel'ies of 1917.) SEC. 43. Zamboanga.-The Municipality of Zamboanga, in the Prov­ ince of Zamboanga, shall consist of the territory bounded as follows: Beginning at the mouth of the Linayun River, on the west coast of the , thence east to the watershed, thence in a general northeasterly direction along said watershed to 7° 15' north latitude, thence east to the sea at a point midway between punta Mataja and the Tingultingulan River, thence along the shore line to point of beginning, excluding the barrios of Panubigan, Ballak, Taluksangay and Bilan­ Bilan, but including the islands of Santa Cruz, and little Santa Cruz. The Municipality of Zamboanga shall be divided into nine barrios, as follows: Zamboanga, Tetuan, Santa Maria, Cawa-Cawa, Recodo, Ayala, Mercedes, Manicahan and Bolong. Zamboanga shall be the municipal capital. (Revised from Executive Order No. 13, series of 1914. For original boundaries see section 12 of Act 21, as amended by Acts N os. 66 and 272, Legislative Council.) CHAPTER 5. MUNICIPAL POLICE SEC. 44. Regttlations.---,-Subject to the approval of the Department 314-2 Governor, the Constabulary Commanding Officer Department of Minda­ 321 1 nao

(I) See General Orders No. 19-Philippine Constabultu·y-August 15, 1917. 21 22 TITLE lll-l'dUNICIPALITIES-CH 5.

The board of examination in each province shall annually prescribe a sufficient period not less than fifteen days prior to the date of holding the examination, within which persons eligible examination may file application therefor, and ,shall give due notice thereof to the public, which not,ice shall state the name or names of the medical officer or officers in the province to whom applicants may apply for physical examination in accordance with section forty-nine hereof. The board may in its discretion reject any application for examination not filed within the aforesaid period. SEC. 48. Application forms.-Every application for examination shall 314-6 be made upon a form to be prescribed by the aforesaid Commanding Officer Department of Mindanao and shall be filed with the chairman of the board of examination within the period prescribed in the next preceding section and shall be accompanied by a medical certificate stating the physical qualification of the applicant upon examination made as provided in the next succeeding section. The board shall act on each such application and shall admit the applicant to ex>tmination whenever in the judgment of the board he shall show himself 1lo be eligible for the same under thf:' provisions of this chapter. SEC. 49. Phys'icctl exwnintttion.-It shall be the duty of every medical 314 , officer of the Philippine health service to make, without charge there­ for, a tliorough physical examination of every applicant for examination by aforesaid board who shall make request of such medical officer to be so examined, and upon conclusion of the same, to furnish the applicant, without charge, a pi·oper certificate setting forth his physical condi­ tion and capacity with especial reference to qualification for service in th!l municipal police. SEC. 50. Qual~fications.-To be eligible for such examination an appli­ 314-~ 321•'1 cant shall have the following qualifications: (1) Be a native of the Philippine Islands or a citizen of the United States; (2) Be from twenty-one to forty years of age; (3) Be a person of good habits; (4) Be of sound physical constitution; (5) Be free from any contagious disease; (6) Have never been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude, or dismissed or dishonor&.bly dischat·ged from any civil or military employment. · (7) Be able to read and write English or Spanish; (8) Have a reading and writing knowledge of the local dialect named by the examining board in the advertisement of the examination; P1·ovidecl, howeve1', That the requirements of subsections seven and eight hereof tnay be waived by the Commanding Officer Department of Min­ danao upon recommendation of the provincial examining board. SEC. 51. Appointment.-The board of examination in each province 314-9 of the Department shall furnish the provincial governor and the mun­ icipal president of each municipality therein with a list of the persons resident in the municipality who have successfully passed the aforesaid TITLE III-MUNICIPALITIES-CH. 5. 23

examination and a general list of all persons who have so passed the same. No person· shall be appointed to a position in the municipal police who shall not have successfully passed the aforesaid examination before the aforementioned board by making the average prescribed in the general regulations, and who shall not possess each of the qualifications specified in the next preceding section. Any vacancy in the police of any mun­ icipality shall be filled by the appointment of a resident thereof, qualified as aforesaid, and in case there is no resident so qualified, by appointment of any person whose name appears on the general list: Provided, That vacancies in the positions of chief, assistant chief, or sergeant shall be filled by persons who have especially qualified therefor by successfully passing the examination for said grades: And vrm:idecl fm·ther, That with the approval of the provincial governor concerned first obtained, any person riot qualified therefor by proper examination may be· tem­ porarily appointed to any position in the municipal police, whenever for any cause sufficient to the provincial governor such appointment is deemed advisable in the public interests; but no person so temporarily appointed shall so serve for a longer period than one year,. at the expira­ tion whereof his employment shall cease and he shall be ineligible for further tomporary appointment to the municipal police. SEC. 52. Remot·al.-Members of the 1mmicipal police shall not be 314-10 removed, arid save in case of resignation, shall not be discharged, 2111- 2~13 except for misconduct, inefficiency, disloyalty to the government, serious irregularity in the performance of duty, or violation of the law, and in such cases charges shall be preferred and an investigation held in accordance with law. SEC. 53. 1'enn of se1·vice.-The term of service in the municipal police a14_11 shall be four years,'· and every person ,upon accepting regular ap­ pointment thereto under the provisions of this chapter shall execute a contract with the municipality in due form obligating himself to diligently and faithfully serve therein for·such! period. Each member who shall reente1· such service within sixty days after expiration of such term shall receive one peso per month additional pay for each con­ secutive term subsequent to the initial term. SEC. 54. Compensation.-The municipal council shall fix the compen- 314-12 sation of the municipal police, subject to the following restrictions: (a) Members of the police other than the chief shall receive com­ pensation at the rate of not exceeding fifty pesos per month; (b) Chiefs of police shall receive compensation at a rate not less than . twenty-five nor more than one hundred pesos per month: P1·ovided, That with the antec1Jdent approval of the Department Governor, the compensation of any chief, assistant chief, or sergeant may be fixed at such sum in excess of the maximum above respectively stated as the Department Governor and the municipal council may deem necessary in the public interests; And p1'0V'idecl fiirthe1', That nothing herein shall be deemed to be in derogation of the Pdditional pay provided for in the preceding section. 24 TITLE Ill-MUNICIPALITIES-CH 5.

314-14 SEC. 55. Un~form, eqiiipment, etc.-The aforesaid Commanding Officer Department of Mindanao shall, under the supervision of the Department Governor, prescribe the uniforms, insignia, arms, and equipment of the municipal police, which so far as practicable shall be the same for every municipality in the Department, but shall differ from that of the United States Army and the Philippine Constabulary. Such uniforms, insignia, arms, and equipment, prescribed as aforesaid shall be provided by the municipal council by appropriation from municipal funds, save and except a.s to the uniform and insignia of the chief of police, who shall provide himself with proper. uniform and insignia at his own expense. 314--15 SEC. 56. Arms, etc., loss of.-Any member of the municipal police who, throug·h negligence or any other ea.use not unavoidable, shall lose any arm or ammunition issued to him by the municipality, shall be d(lemed guilty of a. misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. 314--16 SEC. 57. Chief of police, 1·esponsibility.-The chief of police shall be directly responsible for the arms and ammunition issued to the municipal police, the loss whereof when not due to unavoidable cause shall be made good by him whenever the same shall not have been lost by the police­ man having the custody and possession thereof, otherwise, the latter shall be responsible for the aforesaid loss, and shall make good the same. The loss of any uniform, insignia., or equipment from any cause not unavoid­ able shall also be made good by the policeman having. the custody and possession of the same. 314--17 SEC, 58. Tmveling expenses.-Members of the municipal police re­ quired to absent themselves from the municipality on official business shall be entitled to reimbursement of necessary expenses supported by proper vouchers. TITLE IV



SEC. 59. Assessm,ent and levy.-There is hereby levied, and shall be 324-2 2533-1 assessed and collected, an annual ad valorem tax of three-eighths of one per centum on all real property situated within the territory of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, not hereinafter especially exempted. Of the three-eighths of one per centum thus levied, two-eighths shall be devoted exclusively to the support of free public primary schools and for the provision or erection of suitable public school buildings, and the amount thus collected shall accrue to municipal or municipal district funds, as the case may be. The remaining one-eighth shall be taken up in the Road and Bridge Fund and devoted exclusively to the construc- tion and maintenance of roads, bridges, trails, telephone lines and wharves within the province wherein collected and for the purpose of subsidizing, or for acquiring, operating and maintaining means of water transportation within such province and between the same and other provinces of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, or providing facil- ities of communication and transportation by river, and for dredging rivers: PrQVidecl, however, That a municipal council may, in its discre- tion, impose upon all real property situated within the limits of the municipality an additional tax of not exceeding two-eighths of one per centum for general purposes which shall accrue to the general funds of the municipality, and a further additional tax of not exceeding one­ eighth of one per centum to be used exclusively for schools, public health or permanent improvement And p1·ovidetl furthm·, That a provincial board may also, in its discretion, impose on all real property situated within the province an additional tax of not exceeding two­ eighths of one per centum, which shall accrue to the general funds of the province and a further additional tax of not exceeding one-eighth of one per centum to be used exclusively for schools, public health or per­ manent improvement purposes: And p1·ovided, furthe1·, That the additional tax to be used exclusively for schools, public health, or permanent im­ provement purposes shall, in the case of a municipality, municipal district, or province, be available for transfer to the "health fund" creat- ed by general law. • The discretionary taxes heretofore provided to be levied by the mun­ icipal council shall be levied by means of municipal ordinances, and

(!) Act No. 2439 extended to Department the provisions of Acts Nos. 2238 and 2369. 25 26 TI'l.'LE IV-TAXATION AND FINANCE-CH. 6.

those to be levied by the provincial board shall be levied by means of resolutions oflmch board, both the ordinances and resolutions to be passed befol'e the beginning of the tax collection period and subject to the approval of the Department Governor. Such ordinances or resolutions levying discretionary taxes shall continue in full force and effect until expressly repealed by the municipal council or provinci_al board, re­ spectively. 324---3 SEC. 60. Detinitions.-"Real property", as herei'Q. used, shall be held to include all lands, building-s and constructions, and other improvements upon land, but to exclude machinery whether attached as a permanent fixture or not. · "Machinery", as herein used, shall be held to embrace all- machines, mechanical contrivances, instruments, tools, implements, appliances,. apparatus, and paraphernalia used for industrial, agricultural, or man­ ufacturing purposes. 324---4 SEC. 61. Exemptions.-The following porpcrty shall be exempted from taxation under the provisions of section fifty nine hereof: (a) Property owned by the United States of America, the Govern­ ment of the Philippine Islands, the Government of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu or any province or municipality thereof; (b) Cemeteries or burial grounds; (c) Churches and parsonages or conventos appurtenant thereto, and all lands, buildings, and improvements used exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, or educational purposes, but this exemption shall not extend to property held for investment, or which produces income, even though the income be devoted to some one or more of the pur­ poses specified herein; (d) Property belonging to a single owner in any one province of the Department, the total or aggregate value of which is less than one hundred pesos but such property shall be declared by the owner thereof, valued for the purposes of assessment, and recorded as in other cases; (e) Land held by a homesteader under an application filed in ac­ cordance with the Public Land Law, prior to the vesting of title in him. by the issuance of a patent; but this exemption shall not extend to buildings and improvements thereon the title to which is not in the Government. SEC. 62. Existing assessment continued.-The existing assessment for taxation of real property in the Department, made under the provisions of Act Numbered '.rwo hundred sixty-six of the Legislative Council, is hereby expressly continued in force, and such assessment, as here­ after added to, amended, or revised in accordance .with the provisions of this chapter, shall be and constitute the ·lawful assessment of real property in the Department upon which the real property tax levied by this chapter shall be collected and enforced. 324-20 SEC. 63. Collection; pel'i6d of petyment.-'l'he real property tax for- 243il-2 each calendar year shall be payable at any time within the three months period thereof ending May thirty-first. Such tax levied upon real property situate within any municipality in any province of the Depart- TITLE IV-TAXA'l'ION AND FINANCE...,.CH. 6.· 27 ment shall be payable to and collect·ed by the deputy of the provincial treasurer within each municipality, and levied upon property situate without the limits of a municipality shall be payable to and collected by the deputy of aforesaid treasur1;Ji•. at the most conveniently situated municipality_ of the province wherein such property is situate or by such deputy anywhere within the province and shall be deemed to be delin­ quent on a:nd after the first day of June of each year. Failure to so pay the same within the period specified shall subject the delinquent tax­ payer during the first six month& after inception of delinquency to a / penalty of twenty per centum of the amount, of the original tax due, and thereafter to a penalty of forty per centum of the amount of the original tax due, to be collected and accounted for in _the same manner as the/ orig·inal tax. SEC. 64. Delinqttency notice.-Upon the real property tax becoming ~2<1-22 delinquent, the provincial treasurer shall without delay cause notices 2439-3 of that fac~ to be posted at the main entrance of the provinc~al and .. municipal buildings and a public and conspicuous place in each barrio of the municipality in which the property is situated. Such notice shall specify the date upon which the tax becam.e delin-. quent and shall state that personal property is subject to seizure to effect paynient. It shall also state that, at any time before seizut'.e of personal property, within six months froi;n date of delinquency., payment may be made with penalty of twenty per centum, and after six months from such date with penalty of forty per centum of the tax, and further, that one year from date of delinquency, unless the .tax and penalties be sooner paid or the tax shall have been judicially set aside, t,he delinquent real property will be forfeited and escheat to the Government, that t;he delinquent owner will then be dispossessed and all occupants and tenaµts on the property will be ejected, and that thereafter the full title will be and rem11,in in the Government. SEC. 65. Seizure ofpe1·sonal p1·ope1·ty.-After delinquency in the pay- 2:nt::i ment of the reitl property tax has occurred, the provincial treasurer or his deputy, if desirous of enforcing payment by distraining the personal property of any delinquent person or persons, shall issue a duly authen­ ticated certificate, based upon the records of his office, showing the fact of- delinquency and the amounts of tax and penalty due from such delinquent or each of them. This certificate shall be sufficient warrant for the seizure of any non-exempt personal property belonging to the delinquent or delinquents in question; and such process may be executed by the provincial treasurer, his deputy or other officer authorized to execute legal process. SEC. 66. Sale of prnpe1·ty seized.-Property seized upon process under 324-24 the provisions of the next preceding section shall, after due advertise­ ment, be exposed for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, and so much of the same shall be thus sold as may be necessary to satisfy the tax, penalty', and costs of the seizure and sale. The purchaser at such sale shall acquire an indefeasible title to the property sold. Advertisement in such cases shall be given by notice stating the time, 28 TITLE IV-TAXATION AN'D FINANCE-CH, 6,

place, and cause of the sale, posted for ten days at the main entrance of the municipal building and at a public and conspicuous place in the barrio where the property was seized. The sale shall take place, in the discretion of the Department Treas­ urer or his deputy, either at the main entrance of the municipal build­ ing or at the place where the property was seized. 324-25 SEC. 67. Proceeds, disposition of.-Whithout delay after the sale of 2439-5 property for delinquency in payment of the real property tax, the of­ ficer effecting the same shall make return of his proceedings and a memorandum thereof shall be entered by the provincial treasurer in his records. Any surplus proceeds resulting from the sale, over and above the tax, penalty, and costs, and any of the property remaining unsold in the hands of the officer, shall be returned to the delinquent taxpayer. 324-26 SEC. 68. Redemption.-The owner of personal property seized for the non-payment of the real property taxes hereunder may redeem the same from the collecting officer at any time after seizure and before sale by tendering to him the amount of the tax, the penalty, and the costs in­ curred up to the time of tender. The costs to be charged in making such seizure and sale shall only embrace the actual expense of seizure and preservation of the property pending the sale, and no charge shall be imposed for the services of the collecting officer or his deputy. 324-2i SEC. 69. P1·opei·ty exempted fr1Jm seizm·e.-The following property shall be exempt from seizure and sale for deliquency in the payment of the real property tax: (:i.) 'l'ools and implements necessarily used by tMe debtor in his trade or employment; (b) One horse or cow, or carabao, or other beast of burden, such a.s the debtor may select, and necessarily used by him in his ordinary occupation; (c) His necessary clothing, and that of all his family; (d) Household furniture and utensils necessary for housekeeping, and used for that purpose by the debtor, such as the debtor may select, of a value not exceeding twenty-five pesos; (e) Provisions actually provided for individual or family use sufficient for three months. (f) The professional libraries of lawyers, judges, clergymen, doctors, school teachers, and music teachers, not exceeding five hundred pesos in value; . (g) One fishing boat and net, not exceeding the total value of twenty­ five pesos, the property of any fisherman, by the lawful use of which he earns a livelihood. 324-28 SEC. 70. Privileged lien.-The real property tax shall constitute a line upon the property subject to such tax and said lien shall be supe­ rior to all other liens, mortgages, or incumbrances of any kind what­ soever, shall be enforceable against the property whether in the pos­ session of the delinquent or any subsequent owner or possessor, and shall be removable only by the payment of the taxes, penalties, and TITLE IV-TAXATION AND FINANCE-CH. 6. 29 oosts. The said lien shall attach to the property from the first day of January of the year in which such tax accrues. SEC. 71. Ejectment; fo11'eitiire of title.-Upon the expiration of one 3~4-29 . · . 2l39-6 year from t h e d ate whereon the delmquency began, and m the event of continued default in payment of the tax and penalty, all private right, title and interest to and in the land upon which the said tax is delinquent shall be forfeited to and vested in the Government of the Philippine Islands. Thereupon, the provincial treasurer or his deputy shall issue to the president of the municipality wherein the land upon which the said tax is delinquent is situated his certificate describing t.he same, and the amount of the tax and penalty due thereon, and requiring him to eject therefrom all tenants or occupants thereof. Such municipal president shall forthwith cause the tenants or oc· cupants thereof to be ejected and kept therefrom by the municipal police or by the Constabulary serving within the province, and to that end may employ such force as may be necessary. Within ninety days after ejectment the owner or his legal representative or any person having a lien on said land or a lease thereof may satisfy said tax and penalty and redeem said land by paying the amount thereof then due, and such payment shall constitute a lien upon the land and such pe1·son shall b~ entitled to recover from the original O'ltner the amount so paid by him, or he may retain the same from any rent due or owing from him to such person for the land on which such tax and penalty were paid. Such redemption shall operate to relieve. such land from the lien of said tax and to divest the Government of the Philippine Islands of the aforesaid right, title and interest to and in the same. In case such re­ demption be not made within the time above specified, the Government of the Philippine Islands shall indefeasibly acquire all private right, title and interest to and in said land. Upon the expiration of the said ninety days, if redemption be not made, the provincial treasurer shall immediately notify the Director of Lands of the forfeiture and furnish him with a description of the property and said Director of Lands shall have full control and custody thereof to lease·or sell the same or any portion thereof in the same manner as other public lands are leased or sold: Provided, That the original owner of any such land or his legal representative shall have the right to recover by purchase the entire amount of his said property at any time prior to such alienation thereof or a contract therefor by paying for the same a sum equivalent to the amount of the delinquent ta.x and penalty due thereon at the time of forfeiture, and an additional penalty of ten per centum. The gross proceeds of such sale shall be divided equally between the Bureau of Lands, the governments of the province and the municipality in which the real property is located: Provided, That in case said real property is situated outside the territory of an organized municipality, a third of the gross proceeds of such sale shall accrue to the Bureau of Lands and the remaining two-thirds shall accrue to the government of the province in which the real property is situated. The duties de­ volving upon the municipai president under the provisions of this section 30 TITLE IV-TAXATION AND FINANCE-CH. 6.

for the ejectment of the tenants of lands on which the tax is delinquent shnll be. pet"formcd by the provincial governo1· or his deputies when said lands are situated in municipal districts. :121-so SEC. 72. Pei·sons liable.-The real property tax levied by this chapter shall be imposed on the owner or owners of the property, subject thereto, or, in case of doubt or dispute as to ownership, on the person or persons actually in possession thereof. Should the property in the soil and the property in any of the taxable improvements thereon be vested in different persons, such tax shall be imposed on said persons in propor­ tion, to the value of the property respectively owned by each. When­ ever the owaer or owners of any taxable real property are unknown or cannot be discovered after a proper investigation by the assessor, the tax shall be imposed on the unknown owner thereof. The tax shall be imposed on the person to whom the property subject thereto shall be first lawfully assessed irrespective of prior or subsequent changes of ownership or possession unless the interested parties shall proc~ed as provided by law regarding transfers of property. In every case, how­ ever, the person to whom such property shall be lawfully assessed on the day whereon the lien for any calendar year, hereinabove created, shall attach to the same, shall be and remain liable for the payment of the tax of such year. :i~4..:i1 SEC. 73. Cadastral desc1·i1Jtion.-Whenever any land subject to the tax levied by this chapter shall have been subjected to the operation of the Cadastral Act (No. 2259), thereafter, the designation of the same by pro­ per cadastral number and letter or cadastral blo~k and lot number, as the case may .be, shall be a. sufficient description thereof for all purpose hereunder. ;124_32 SEC. 74. Validity of tax.-No court shall entertain any suit assailing the validity of a tax assessed under this chapter unless the taxpayer shall have paid, under protest, the tax assessed against him and penalty due, nor shall any court declare any tax invalid by reason of irregular­ ities or· informalities in the proceedings of. the officers charged with the assessment or collection of the tax, or of a failure to perform their duties within the time herein specified for their performance, unless such irregularities, informalities, or failure shall have impaired the substan­ tial rights of the taxpayer, nor shall any court declare any tax assessed under the provisions of this chapter invalid except upon condition that the taxpayer shall pay the just amount of the tax, as determined by the court in the pending proceeding.. 324-33 SEC. 75. Validity of fmieitu1·es.-No court shall· entertain any suit assailing the validity of a forfeiture incurred under the provisions of this chapter until the taxpayer shall have paid into court the amount due thereon at the time of the forfeiture in question, whether by way of tax, penalties, or costs. If the taxpayer should fail in suqh suit, the money so paid into court shall be applied to the satisfaction of such tax, pem1,lties, and costs; if he should prevail, it shall be returned to him, after the deduction of any court costs charge!tble to him in the cause. 324-34 SEC. 76. B1·ibes, acceptance· 01· ojJ"e,i· of.-Any officer charged with any TITLE IV-TAXATION AND FINANCE-CH. 6. 31 duty in connection with the assessment or collection of taxes who shall accept a bribe to influence his official action therein and any person offering a bribe to an officer charged with any such duty for the purpose of influencing his official action therein shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand pesos, or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. SEC 77. PerJury.-Any person who shall willfully and knowingly 324-35 swear or testify falsely to any material matter before the assessor or any deputy of such officer or a provincial board, while under oath, and any person who shall willfully and knowingly submit or cause to be submitted any statement under oath required by law from property owners, knowing such sworn statement to contain any false asset"tion as to any material matter, shall, upon conviction thPreof in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand pesos, or by imprisonment, not exceeding one year, or both such fine and impt•isonment, in t,he discretion of the court. SEC. 78. Rules and reyulations.-The Treasurer of the Department 2!:t~o shall, with the approval of the Department Governor, make such rules and regulations relating to procedure to be observed by the assessors and the officers and boards on whom duties devolve under t,he provisions of this chapter, as he may deem necessary and proper for the purpose of carrying the provisions thereof into full force and effect, and shall pres- cribe all necessary forms therefor: Provided, That when the position of Treasm·er.of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu is abolished, the duties devolving upon said officer under the provisions of this section shall be performed by the Secretary of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu. SEC. 79. Duties of provincial and municipal offi.cers.-It shall be the 324-37 duty of all provincial and municipal officers and employees to render every assistance in their power to the assessor or his deputies in the performance of their duties. SEC. 80. T1·u..nsitory provisions.-The position of Department As- 243Q-t sessor for the Department of Mindanao and Sulu as provided for in Act Numbered Three hundred twenty-four of the Legislative Council is abolished and the provincial treasurer of each province of the Depart­ ment shall act as provincial assessor in his respective province, with the same powers and duties vested in the provincial assessors provided for in Act Numbered Twenty-two hundred thirty-eigth of the Philippine Legislative, as amended by Act Numbered Tw.enty-three hundt"ed sixty-three of said body, the provisions of which are hereby extended and made aplicable to the Department of Mindanao and Sulu with the following exceptions: (a) The powers and duties devolving upon the Executive Secretary unde1· the provisions of said Acts shall be vested in the Department Treasurer and when the position of said officer is abolished, said powers and duties shall be vested in the Department Secretary. (b) The provincial board of each province shall exercise the powers and perforni the duties vested in municipalities by said Acts over all lands situated in the municipal districts of the province. TITLE V


CHAPTER 7 l"IREAR:\1S AND O'l'HER DEADLY WEAPONS(!) SEC. 81. Sale of .firearms, etc., prohib-ited.. -lt shall be unlawfull for nny person, firm or corporation, for purposes of sale, to import or other­ wise bring into the Department any rifle, musket, carabine, shotgun, revolver, pistol, or air-gun, except air guns of small caliber and limited 1•ange used as toys, or any other deadly weapon from which a bullet, ball, shot, shell, or other missile or missiles may be discharged by means of gunpowder or other explosive, or detached pa1·ts for any such weapon, or any ammunition whatsoever, without first having obtained the license to deal therein provided for in section ninety-nine hereof. Every violation of the provisions of 'this section shall be d!3emed to be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished as provided in section one hundred hereof. :i.11-2 SEC. 82. Ffrearms, dilfined.-The word "firearm" as used in this chap­ ter shall be interpreted to mean any and all of the weapons mentioned in the next preceding section, and the barrel of any one of same shall be considered a firearm. The word "ammunition" as used in this chap­ ter shall be interpreted to mean any shell, cartridge, percussion or priming caps, black or smokeless powder, or any ·explosive that may be used to discharge firearms. :m-:J SEC. 83. Avplication for license; contents.-Any person, firm, or corpo­ ration desiring to deal in firearms or detached parts therefor or am­ munition shall make application for a license to deal in the same to the Commanding Officer, Department of Mindanao (2) in charge of the Cons­ tabulary in the Department through the provincial commander and the provincial governor of the province wherein the applicant proposes to engage in such business, and the procedure thereon shall be as provided in section eighty-eight hereof. Such application shall state for the information of such Commanding Officer the facts regarding the amount of business in the purchase and sale of firearms and ammunition intend­ ed to be transacted by the applicant, and the classes of firearms and ammunition which the applicant intends to purchase and sell under the

(1) EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 79, Manila, October 14, 1916. Pursuant to the· provisions of section 1119 of the Administrative Code, and upon the recommendation of the Governor, Department of Min

nition shall keep complete and accurate records and accounts of receipts anj sales of firearms and ammunition, with the name, age, residence, oc:mpation, and post office address of each and every purchaser of any firearm or ammunition, and the number and date of the license of each purchaser for the possession of each fiream purchased by him and the number of the firearm purchased, together with the amount and char­ acter of the ammunition purchased for any licensed firearm, and every such dealer shall, when requested by any Constabulary officer, permit the examination of such records and accounts of the receipts and sales of firearms and ammunition and the counting and verification of all firearms and ammunition remaining on hand. Any refusal on the part of any such dealer to comply with the provisions of this section shall work a forfeiture to the Department of the sum deposited in accordance with section eighty three hereof. 309-6 SEC. 86. Possession, etc., imlcu~ful.-It shall be unlawful for any per_ son, firm or corporation to buy or otherwise acquire, sell, or otherwise dispose of, own, hold, have, c11rry, control or possess within the Depart­ ment any firearm or firearms or detached part therefor or ammunition except as such purchase or other acquisition, sale or other disposal, owning, holding, having, carrying, controlling, or possessing as may be authorized or provided for by the p1·ovisions of this chapter. Every violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed to be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court: , Provided, That any person procuring license as herein prescribed to possess a firearm and ammunition shall be authorized ·to purchase or otherwise acquire in the Department the corresponding firearm and ammunition from any other person in the Department possessing the same under license in accordance with this chapter or to purchase or otherwise acquire said firearm or any detached part therefor and am­ munition from any dealer in firearms duly licensed under the provisions of this chapter or of Article IV, Chapter 35 of Act 2711 of the Philippine Legislature, or to import tae same into the Department from any place· without the Philippine Islands if also authorized under the Act of Con­ gress of March third, nineteen hundred and five; And p1·ovided further, That the holder of a license to possess a firearm and ammunition here­ under shall for the purpose of protection of personal or real property of the licensee or for which he may be responsible be authorized by the provincial governor to deliver such firearm and ammunition to any other responsible person to be held by the latter for a period not exceed­ ing- seven days, without either party incurring liability or delinquency under the p1·ovisions of this chapter save that of the licensee in the event of loss or disappearance of such firearm or ammunition as herein­ after provided. Any firearm or firearms or ammunition occasioning such aforesaid violation or violations of section ninety-seven hereof may be seized by any officer authot•ized to make arrests or by any other per­ son duly authorized to that effect by the Department Governor or afore- TITLE V-SPECIAL LEGISLATION-CH. 7. 35 said Commanding Officer and, in the discretion of the Department Gov­ ernor, may, by order of such Governor, be declared forfeited to the Department. In the case of such forfeiture, such firearm or. firearms or ammunition shall be disposed of in such manner as the Department Governor shall provide, and the proceeds, if any, of such disposition shall be covered into the treasury of the Depa1·tment as a part of the general funds thereof. • SEC. 87. Application fm· pe1·sonal license. -Any person desiring to 309-7 possess one or more firearms a.nd ammunition therefor for personal pro­ tection, or for any other specific lawful purpose, shall make application for a license to possess such firearm or firearms and ammunition as provided in the next succeeding section, and shall as prerequisite thereto make a cash deposit in the Postal Savings Bank or with the Department Treasurer or his authorized deputy in the sum of one hundred pesos for each rifle, fifty pesos for each revolver, shotgun or other firearm for which the license is to be issued. The sum so deposited shall be a guar­ antee on the part of the applicant, if issued the license applied for, of the safe-keeping and lawful use of the firearm and ammunition referred to therein and of faithful compliance with the laws and regulations re­ lating thereto, and observance and performance of every condition set forth in the license under penalty of forfeiture to the Department of said sum, in the event of any failure to safely keep or lawfully use or comply with such laws and regulations relating to such firearm and ammunition or to observe and perform any condition of such license, and the certificate of deposit made as aforesaid shall for such purpose be indorsed so that the same shall be payable to the order of the Depart­ ment Treasurer. SEC. 88. .Pel'sonul license 1·eqiiisites.-Every aplication for a personal 309-~ license to possess any firearm and ammunition therefor within the Department shall be directed to the Commanding Officer Department of Mindanao in charge of the Constabulary in the Department and shall have attached thereto the certificate of deposit hereinabove prescribed and indorsed as aforesaid. Such application· shall by the a.pplicant be transmitted to the Provincial Commander of the province who shall make recommendation concerning the granting of the license so ap­ plied for and thereupon transmit the same with his recommendation to the provincial governor who shall likewise make recommendation and transmit the same with such recommendations to the aforesaid Commanding Officer Department of Mindanao. Such Commanding Officer shall thereupon approve or disapprove such application, and in the event of approval shall issue the license for which application has been so approved and shall transmit such license direct to the ap­ plicant and notify thereof the provincial governor and the Provincial Commander of the province in which the applicant resides. Such Com­ manding Officer shall file the application papers and certificate of deposit in his office at the capital of the Department, but in case of disapproval of the application, the above mentioned certificate of deposit shall be promptly returned to the applicant. No license to possess a 36 TITL,~ V-SPECIAL LEGISLATION-CH. 7.

firearm and ammunition under the provisions of this chapter shall be issued to any person under twenty-one years of age, except upon author­ ity obtained from the court of competent jurisdiction by the duly ap­ pointed guardian of such minor. 3u9-o SEC. 89. Noncompliance by licensee. -In the event or noncornpliance by the licensee with any one or more of the laws and regulations relating to firearms and ani.munition.or .with any of the terms 'of his license, or in case of the loss or disappearance of f.lny licensed firearm or am­ munition except in the case of ammunition lawfully expended, whether through accident or otherwise, when proof of such fact is produced to the satisfaction of the Department Governor, the sum deposited as a guarantee as above provided shall be declared forfeited to the Depart­ ment by such Governor and the certificate of deposit thereof shall be fo.r_warded to the Ti·easurer of the Department for collection by order of such Governor, and, when collected, the amount thereof shall be deposited to the credit of generalJunds: P1·01:icled, lwv:ei:er, 'l'hat in the event of the recovery of the fil'earm by the owner, he shall be entitled to a refund of the amount of the forfeited deposit, and appropriation is hereby made for such purpose: And proi;iclecl fu1·the1·, That in the event of any such loss or disappearance of any licensed firearm or ammuni­ tion, the Department Govemor, in his discretion, may relieve from liability on his Postal Savings Bank or treasury deposit any person losing a firearm or ammunition for which he held proper license, upon presentation of proof satisfactory to the Department Governor showing that said firearm or ammunition was by act of God or other like unavoidable cause destroyed or Jost beyond reasonable chance of recovery by any person, and through no fault or negligence on the part of the. person holding the license. 309-10 SKC 90. Change of clomicile by licensee.-When any person holding a valid license for the possession of any firearm and ammunition therefor shall change his residence from any province in the Department to any other province in the Philippine Islands or to the City of Manila, he shall, immediately prior to departure therefrom, notify the Command­ ing Officer Department, of Mindanao in charge of the Constabulary in the Department at the capital of the Department of such intended chani:re of residence and such Commanding Officer shall forthwith trans.­ mit such information to the Chief of Constabulary. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be promptly reported to the Depart­ ment Governor by such Commanding Officer. 309_11 SEC. 91. Exhibition of license.-It shall be the duty of any person holding a license to possess any firearm and ammunition therefor to exhibit such license whenever called upon to do so by the Department Governor or by a department or provincial officer acting under orders of such Governor, by any officer of the Constabulary or by any 'member of the Constabulary acting under the order of any such officer,. or by the Provincial Governor or any peace officer, acting urider a written order of the provincial governor. Violation of the provisions of this TITLE V-'3PECIAL LEGISLA'l.'ION"-CH. i. 3i

section may be punished by the revocation of the license, in the discre­ tion of the Department Governor. SEC. 92. Yel'ijication of arms. -The Provincial Commander shall :109_ 1~ verify at least once each calendar year all firearms in the possession of persons holding licenses therefor and shall make due report of such verification to aforesaid Commanding Otlicer Department of Mindanao and of any violation of the terms of the license or of. the laws, rules, 01· regulations relating to the possession of firearms and ammunition which may come to his knowledge, and he shall indorse on each such license that he has made such verification, with the date thereof. SEC. 9.'l. Soldiers, sailors, etc. exceptecl.-The provisions of this chapt,er 309-1:J resp11eting the procurement of license for firearms and ammunition shall not apply to firearms and ammunition therefor regularly and law- fully issued to otlicers and enlisted members of the United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps, the Constabulary, guards employed at San Ra:non Reformatory and the various provincial jails in the Department, Ol' the provincial or municipal police, when such firearm and ammuni- tion are in the possession of such officials and public servants for use in the performance of otlicial duty. Nor shall said provisions apply tn firearms and ammunition the private property of officers of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or of the Constabulary: Provicled, however, That the sale or disposal of any firearms or ammunition the private property of any officer of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or of the Constabulary, to any person other than an officer of said Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Constabulary, without the written consent and approval of the Department Governor is hereby expressly forbidden and any violation hereof shall be punished as provided in sec- tion eighty-six hereof; Ancl Providecl fiwther, That the Commanding , Oificers of the various military posts within the Department and the aforesaid Commanding Officer of Constabulary shall keep a register of firearms and ammunition the private property of officer5 under their respective authority in the Department, and shall make a report of same to the Department Govemor, not later than the first day° of February of each year which said report shall by such Governor be transinitted to and filed in t,he office of the aforementioned Commanding Officer Depart­ ment of Mindanao. SEC. !J-!. Special pe1·mit.-Any Insular officer or employee serving in 309-14 the Department or officer of the Department or of any provincial gov­ ernment of the Department may apply to the aforesaid Commanding Otlicer for a special permit for himself or any subordinate of his qffice to possess any firearm and ammunition for personal protection in the pel'formance of official

:dls;bility of the holder of a firearm license, such license shall become -·.-;;""'' null and void, and it shall be the duty of the nearest relative, legal representative, or other person who shall knowingly come into pos­ session o"f the firearm or ammunition therefor, comprehended by such license, forthwith to delive1· the same to the Provincial Governor or any Constabulary officer in the province wherein such firearm is held, and such firearm and ammunition therefor shall forthwith be delivered to the Provincial Commander or to the aforesaid Commanding Officer and shall be retained by the Constabulary authorities in the Depart­ ment pending the issuance of a new license therefor in accordance with law. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. 309-16 SEC. 96. Firearms of incoming pe1·sons d,eposited.-Any person here­ after coming into the Department and having a firearm or ammunition in his possession subject to license as herein provided and for which no such license has been obtained, shall upon arrival therein at once deliver such firearm or ammunition to the Provincial Commander of, or any other Constabulary officer within, the province wherein such firearm is possessed, who shall issue to the person making delivery of the same a proper receipt therefor, and shall deposit the same with the aforesaid Commanding Officer at the Department capital, whenever the latter shall so require. It shall be the duty of such Constabulary officer to whom such firearm or ammunition is delivered or of aforesaid Com· mantling Officer, as the case may be to safely keep 11,nd care for such firearm or ammunition and, upon the departure of such person from the Department for any place not within the Philippine Islands, to deliver the same to him immediately before embarkation upon his request opportunely made. All firearms and ammunition deposited under or in accordance with any of the provisions of this chapter and so remaining on deposit for a period of three years without notification from the person depositing the same shall be deemed to have been abandoned by such person and forfeited to the Department, and shall be disposed o f in such manner as the Department Governor may provide, and the proceeds, if any, of such disposition shall be covered into the treasury of the Department as a part of the general funds thereof. 309-17 SEC. 97. Al"1·ivals fmm other places in the .-Every person arriving in the Department from any other place in the Philippine Is­ lands and having in his possession any firearm or ammunition subject to license as herein provided and for which no such license has been obtained, but for which he holds a valid license under the provisions of Article IV, Chapter 35 of Act 2711 of the Philippine Legislature as are or hereafter amended or superseded, shall display and deliver such iicense to the Constabulary officer to whom he shall deliver the fire· arm and ammunition covered by the same in accordance with the TI'l'LE V-SPECIAL LEGISLATION-CH 7. 39

preceding section. Such license shall by the latter be t,ransmitted at. once to the provincial commander, and it shall be the duty of suci1 Prodncial Commander to forthwith notify thereof the afor·esaid Com­ manding· Officer who shall issue to such person, whenever practicable, without requiring th'l deposit hereinbefore prescribed, the license for aforesaid firearm and ammunition p1·ovided by this chapter. Should such person desire to leave the Department during the period within which the license issued under aforesaid Act is effective, the same shall be returned to him immediately prior to departure, upon his request opportunely made of the aforesaid Commanding Officer Department of Mindanao. SEC. 98. Arrit-als in ports; tuiirists.-Every person who shall hereafter 309_1H arrive at any port of entry of the Department from any place without the Philippine Islands having in his possession any firearm or ammuni- tion subject to license as herein provided and for which no license has been obtained shall, upon landing, deposit at once such firearm or am­ munition with the Collector of Customs, who, if the Department Gov- ernor shall approve the importation or introduction thereof into the Department, shall transmit the same to the senior officer of Constabulary stationed at the port of entry for safe-keeping until a license shall be obt,ained hereunder for the possession of same or until the departure from the Islands of such person; Provicled, lwwerer, That tourists and other persons temporarily visiting the Department may deposit firearms and ammunition with the Collector of Customs at the port at which !anding is made until the departure of such persons from the Depart- ment, and. it shall be the duty of the Collector of Customs receiving such deposit of firearms or ammunition to give a receipt therefor and to return such lfrearms or ammunition upon the departure of such persons from the Department: And pi·oviclecl further, That in lieu of such deposit with the Collector of Customs, the Department Governor may authorize the aforesaid Constabulary Commanding Officer to issue special hunting permits to such tourists or other persons temporarily visiting the De­ partment, without requiring any deposit as a guarantee of the security of such firearms and ammunition; such special hunting permit to be valid during the temporary sojourn of the holder in the Department, to be nontransferable, and revocable at the pleasure of the Department Governor. SF.c. 99. Licen;;es.-All licenses for the possession of any firearm or 300-19 ammunition issued under the provisions of this chapter shall entitle the licensee to possess the firearm and a1nmunition so licensed in accordance with law and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto any­ where within the Department and shall be of force until cancelled or revoked by authority and at the discretion of the Department Governor. SEC. 100. Oonceu.led knfres, etc.-lt shall be unl:1 wful for any person 30~~0 to carry in any manner upon or about his person any bowie-knife, dirk, dagger, kris, campilan, spear, or other deadly cutting or thrusting weapon, excepting tools used exclusively for working purposes having blades le_ss than fifteen inches in length; Provided, That this prohibition 40 TITLE V-:-SPECIAL LEGISLATION-CH. 7.

shall not apply to the carrying of any such weapon or weapons upon the occasion of any festival, or celebration, or public or private exhibi­ tion for purposes of sport, by the participants therein, whenever due authority therefor has been granted by the Provincial Governor, nor shall the same apply to any person carrying any spear, lance, or other like thrusting weapon upon his person and on his premises for hunting or the protection of property, nor to any other case in which specific authorization of the provincial governor or his duly authorized agent shall have been first obtained. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in a court, of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not ex­ ceeding four months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. 309.21 SEC. 101. F01·ms and 1·egulcitions.-The powers and authority in this chapter conferred shall be exercised under the general supervision and direction of the Department Governor who is hereby authorized to pre­ scribe by executive order the regulations and forms which he may deem necessary for the proper enforcement of the provisions thereof. ~09-22 SEC. 102. Licenses to M01·0 chiefs.-Whenever any firearm and am­ munition therefor is found in the possession of any Moro chief or datu or other tribal dignitary which is shown by proof satisfactory to the Department Governor to be the gift or present made to such chief, datu, or tribal dignitary with t,he consent and approval of the Government, the Department Governor shall direct the aforesaid Commanding Officer to issue to such chief, datu, or other tribal dignitary the license pre­ scribed in section eighty-eight hereof for the use and possession of such firearm and ammunition without requiring the deposit hereinbefore prescribed and such license shall be valid until revoked by authority of the Department Governor pursuant to section ninety-nine hereof. · CHAPTER 8


SEC. 103. Sale of liqiwrs to Jt[ohmnmedans and pagans.-The sale, gift, 213-1 or other disposal to any native of Mindanao-Sulu who is a member of any Mohammedan, pagan, or other non-Christian tribe of any ardent spirits, ale, beer, wine, or intoxicating liquors of any kind, other than the so-called native wines and liquors which the members of such tribes have been accustomed themselves to make, and which they actually do make, is hereby prohibited and declared to be unlawful: Providecl, however, That it shall be lawful to administer ardent spirits, ale, beer, wine, or intoxicating liquors of any kind to any Moro or to any mem- ber of any other non-Christian tribe upon a physician's prescription therefor as a remedy for bona tide illness or physical injury, or to so administer it without such prescription in a genuine emergency arising from dangerous illness or physical injury. SEC. 104. Possession of l-iquors IJy lJfolw.mmedcin or pagan ..,---It shall be 213-2 unlawful for any native of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu who is a member of any Mohammedan, pagan, or1other non-Christian tribe to buy, receive, have in his possession or to drink any ai·dent spirits, ale, beer, wine or intoxicating liquors of any kind, other than the so-called native wines and liquors which the members of such tribes have been accustomed themselves to make and which they actually do make, except as provided· in the last preceding section; and it shall be the duty of any police officer or other duly authorized agent of the Department or of any provincial or municipal government, or municipal. district officials, to seize and forthwith destroy liquors found unlawfully in the posses- sion of any Moro or other non-Christian. SEC., 105. Penalties.-Any person violating any of the provisions of 213-4 this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for each offense by a tine of not exceeding three hundred pesos, or by imprisonment for a term of not exceeding six months, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. 41 TITLE VI



114-1 SEC. 106. Sentences upun :Jfo1·us ancl non-Christfons.-In pronouncing sentence upon a Moro or other non-Christian inhabitant of the Depart­ ment convicted of crime or misdemeanor, the judge or justice may ignore any minimum penalty p1·ovided by law for the ofl'ense, and may impose such penalty, not in excess of the highest penalty provided by law, as, in his opinion, after taking into consideration all the circum­ stances of the case, including the state of enlightenment of the accused and the degree of ra.oral turpitude which attaches to the offense among his own people, will best subserve the interest of justice. The judge or justice may also, in his discretion at any time before the expiration of the period allowed for appeal, suspend the execution of any penalty or part thereof so imposed, subject to such conditions as he may prescribe. 42 CHAPTER 10


SEC. 10';. Abetting esccipe of p1·isoners.-Whoever shall con_vey into or 312---1 about the yard or grounds of any prison, jail, or other place whatsoever for tlie confinement of persons upon any warrant, order, or other process, any disguise, material instrument, tool, weapon, or other thing adapted to use in effecting the escape of any person or prisoner there committed or imprisoned, with intent to effect or facilitate the escape of any such person or prisoner, or shall by any means whatsoever aid or assist any such person or prisoner in an intent to escape, whether such escape be effected or attempted or not, shall be deemed guilty of a criminal· offense, and upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be punished as provided in section one hundred eight hereof. SEC. 108. Penctlties.-lf th,e person whose escape was intended or 312---2 effected was committed or imprisoned by reason of a charge or convic- tion of a crime the penalty whereof. is or includes death or imprisonment for more than twelve years, the punishment therefor shall be imprison­ ment not less than five nor more than twenty years: but if the person whose escape was intended or effected was committed or imprisoned by reason of a charge or conviction of a, cl'ime not so 'punishable, the punishment therefor shall be the same as that provided by law for the crime whereof such person was charg,•d or convicted; and in case the person whose escape was intended or effected was in custody or confine­ ment upon civil process, or otherwise than by reason of a charge or conviction of a crime, the punishment t,he1·efor shall be a fine not less than two hundred pesos nor more than one thousand pesos, or imprison­ ment not less than three months nor more than one year, or both such tine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. SEC. 109. Conceuliny escctpetl co1wicts.-Whoever shall secrete or 31~ .conceal or assist in secreting or concealing, or harbor or employ, any escaped convict, knowing him to be such, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. SEC. 110. Assistcmce to prisoners by yuanls, etc.-Any sheriff, jaile1· or 312-,1 member of any prison guard, or other officer, who shall voluntarily suffer any person or prisoner committed to or in his custody to escape, shall be deemed guilty of aiding and assisting in such escape, and upon

(1) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to Acts of the Legislntive Council only since Act No. 2364 of the Philippine Legislature. extended to this Department by Act No. 2403, covers all violations of this nature relating to Acts of the Philippine Commission and Legislature. 43 44 TITLE VI-CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS-CH. 10.

conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in section one hundred eight hereof. 312-5 SEC. 111. Negligence of guards, etc.-Any sheriff, jailer or member of any prison guard, or other officer, who shall, through negligence, suffer any person or prisoner committed to or in his custody to escape, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. a12--o SEC. 112. Aiding escrtpe of prisoners under custody.-Whoever shall. rescue, or attempt to rescue, any prisoner from any officer or person having the lawful custody of such prisoner, or shall aid or assist any prisoner in escaping or attempting to escape from any officer or person having the lawful custody of such prisoner, shall be deemed guilty of a criminal offense, and upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding ten years in the discretion of the court. 311 5 SEC. 113. P1·ison guard discipline.-Any member of Sa.n Ramon re­ formatory guard who willfully or through neglect wastes, loses or spoils his arms, ammunition, or accounterments; or willfully disobeys the law­ ful order of, or behaves himself with disrespect toward his superior officer; or absents himself from quarters, or from his guard, or duty, without leave from his superior officer; or is found drunk on his guard, or other duty; or abandons his employment in the reformatory without having secured proper ;release therefrom; or is guilty of any willful violation or neglect of duty or misconduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, not herein before stated, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in a court of com­ petent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not excee.ding one hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding two months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. (See Executive Order of the Governor-General No. 102, s. 1914, trans-· ferring San Ramon Penal Farm to Bureau of Prisons.) TITLE VII



THE ROAD LAW (1) SEC. 114. Public highways.-For the purposes of this chapter, every 187-1 187-2 thoroughfare and road or trail which is used by the public and is com­ mon to all citizens or inhabitants is a public highway. All avenues, streets, and alleys in the municipalities of the Department which arc, or may hereafter be, laid out agreeably to law, as in this chapter pro­ vided, together with all roads which have been improved or may here­ after be improved by ditching, grading, or metaling, shall be, and the same are hereby, declared public roads or highways. Siw. 115. Trespass by animals.-Animals found straying or tres­ 187-2fJ passing upon a public road or highway without a herder or keeper, or damaging any p:trt of said road or highway, shall be placed in the public pound and the owner, on conviction, shall be fined in accordance with the damage done, but in no case shall such fine be less than two pesos for each such animal, in addition to the poµnd fees. "Large cattle" or hogs impounded under this section, if not claimed and identified within four da,vs shall be sold and twenty-five per cent of the proceeds of said sale shall be paid the person or persons making the capture of such animal or animals, and the balance credited to the provincial road and bridge fund. SEC. lHi. Private 1·oads.-When private roads or bridges cross public 187-21 roads the owners of abutting property shall provide suitable bridges over road ditches. In case of failure to provide such bridges, the District Engineer may construct same, the owner of the abutting pro­ perty being liable to a fine not exceeding the cost of erecting such bridge or structure. SEC. 117. /:5treet cleaning.-Every householder outside the fire limits 187--23 of any municipality shall keep open and ·clean the street, 01· road and ditch in front of his building for a distance of not to exceed fifty feet on either side of the middle line of the building, and failure to comply with this regulation shall subject such householder, upon conviction, to a fine of not to exceed twenty pesos. SEC. 118. Omnineros.-ln each province of the Department there l~~-25 251>-l shall be appointed such number of camineros as the proper care, maintenan~e, preservation, repair, proteetion and inspection of public highways and enforcement of this chapter . may require. Such

(I) Gener~.! laws on public works and roads extended to Department br Sec. 2594 of Act 2711 or the Administrative Code. 45 46 TI'l'LE VII--MISCELLANEOUS-C.H. 11.

camincros shall Peceive such compensation, payable from the appro­ priation fur maintenance and repair of public highways within the province, as the provincial board m_ay by resolution fix and provide, Said camineros shall serve under the orders and supervision of the District Engineer, or of the provincial Secretary-Treasurer or other duly authorized representative in the province of such Engineer. They shall be charged with the care, maintenance, preservation, repair, pro­ tection and inspection of, and removal of obstructions and all straying or trespassing animals from, the public highways within the province for which they are appointed, and specifically with the enforcement therein of this chapter and in the exercise of authority and performance of duty hereunder are hereby constituted peace officers for the purpose of enforcement of the provisions of this chapter and of making investi­ g·at,ions and arrests, and seizures of straying or trespassing animals, in cases of violation thereof. 187-25 SEC. 119. Unlawful inte17'erence.-It shall be unlawful for any person :!!15~ to threaten, abuse, assault or in any manner molest, resist, or interfere with, any caminero while eng-aged in the lawful exercise of official authority or performance of official duty. Any violation of the provi­ sions of this section, on the part, of any person, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding two hundred pesos or by imprisonment for not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. CHAPTER 12 PROTECTION OF COCONUT TRI~ES

SEC. 120. Duty of owne1·s.-It shall be the duty of the owner or per­ 286--1 son in charge of any coconut tree which is dead or attacked by the rhynchophorus ferrugineus, commonly known :ts the red beetle, to immediately uproot such tree and either to burn the same or to ~ury it in the ground at a depth not less than one meter or completely submerge it in water so that said tree may not serve as a breeding place for beetles and that the beetle and eggs and larvae thereof which may be contained in said tree shall be totally destroyed. SEO. 121. Neglect of owner; penalty.-Any owner or person in charge of coconut trees who shall neg·lect or refuse to perform the duty imposed upon him by the next preceding section shall be liable to a fine not ex­ ceeding fifty pesos for every tree in respect to which such neglect or refu'lal occurs. SEC. 122. Unlawful ttse of coconut timbei·.-It shall be unlawful for any 2H6-3 322-1 person to keep or permit to remain, or to use or cause to be used as posts of any building or fence, or to employ as materials in the con­ o;truction of any bridge or other work, on premises owned or occupied by him dead coconut trees or stumps, coconut timber or rubbish heaps, vegetable refuse, or other matter likely to harbor or become breeding places for the oryetes rhipocel'Os, commonly known as the black bettle, or the rhynchophorus ferrugineus, commonly known as the red beetle, und any such person who shall neglect or refuse to remove or destroy the same when requested so to do in writing by any efficer of the prov­ ince or municipality wherein sttid premises are located, or by any owner or occupant of land planted with coconut trees and situated within one mile-of the premises on which such dead coconut trees or stumps, coconut timber or rubbish heaps, vegetable refuse, or other matter are kept, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred pesos: Pl'oviclell, howev131·, That coconut timber may be used in any con­ struction on said premises where the same does not come in contact in any way with the soil, if said timber be pnviously split or sawed and s<"orched. SEO. 123. Removal of coconut tiniber, etc.-Upon conviction oJ any per­ 286--~ son under the two next preceding sections the governor of the province wherein such premises are located shall cause such dead coconut trees or stumps, coconut timber or rubbish heaps, vegetable refuse, or other such matter to be removed or destroyed, and the costs necessary therefor shall be a lien upon the property and collectable as are other taxes upon real property. SEC. 124. Inspection of premises.-All Department, provincial and 286-5 municipal officers shall have access at all re'asonable times into and upon 47 48 TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS-CH. 12.

any land whereon any coconut tree is growing for the purpose of inspecting such tree and also into and upon any land or premises where there is reason to suppose that there are kept any such things as in section one hundred twenty-one hereof are referred to. 286--6 SEC. 125. lnspecto1·s, appointment of.-For the purpose of enforcing ~:!--2 the provisions of this chapter the Provincial Governor is authorized to appoint inspectors who will inspect coconut groves, superintend the cleaning- of the same as hereinbefore provided, and perform such other duties as the provincial governor shall deem necessary. Such inspectors shall have the powers defined in the next preceding section and the further powers of peace officers for the purpose of enforcing the paovi­ sions of this chapter. They shall be authorized to call on the provincial, municipal and municipal district authorities to assist them in carrying out their duties under this chapter. They will report directly to the provincial governor on the condition of tht> country which they have inspected and on the work done under their supervision in accordance with this chapter. Copies of such reports shall be sent to the provincial commander and to th& municipal secretary of the municipality affected by such reports. The Constabulary while on patrols through distri(,1;s inspected, will inspect and report through the prouincial commandet to the provincial governor on the work done by the inspectors provided for in this section, and any complaints made by the inhabitants of such dis­ tricts against such inspectors. CHAPTER 13 TRADING LICENSES

SEC. 126. Trading license requfred.-It shall be unlawful for any person 3(),j-t to trade with any Moro or other non-Christian inhabitants of the Depart­ ment in any municipal district in the Department without first having obtained proper license therefor as provided in this chapter. SEC. 127. Classijiccition.-Licenses to trade with such Moro or other 304-2 non-Christian inhabitants shall consist of two classes, as follows: (a) Moro and non-Christian general trading license. (b) Moro and non-Christian itinerant trading license. SEC. 128. Licenses, how isstted; contents.-The Moro and non-Christian 304~ general trading license shall be issued upon application therefor as hereinafter provided by the provincial governor of the province em­ bracing the municipal district or districts within which the applicant proposes to trade, and shall unless thereafter duly revoked entitle the person named therein as licensee to trade at a fixed place of business during the term of such license with aforesaid Moro or other non-Chris- tian inhabitants in the commodities or classes of merchandise stated in the license at the locality or localities within the municipal district or districts of such province therein specified. Such licenses shall be issued for a term not exceeding two years, which shall be determined in each case by the provincial governor and shall be issued in duplicate, without any charge or fee therefor, upon a printed form which shall be prescribed by the Department Secretary one copy of which shall be delivered to the licensee or his duly authorized agent, and one copy retained and filed in the office of the provincial Secretary-Treasurer. Every such license shall state: (a) Name, nationality, residence, and post-office address of licensee. (b) Term of the license as respects each place of business specified therein. (c) Commodities or classes of merchand,.ise in which licensee is author­ ized to trade, and minimum approximate amount and value of the same which licensee engages to carry in stock. (d) Locality or localities within a municipal district or districts of the province at which licensee is authorized to maintain a fixed place of business whereat to trade. (e) That the license shall be subject to revocation in the manner and for the causes provided in this chapter. And any other data or matters which the Department Secretary may in his judgment prescribe. It shall be unlawful for any licensee holding a Moro and non-Christian general trading license to trade in any mqnicipal district of the Depart­ ment with any of the Moro or other non-Christian inhabitants thereof 49 50 TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS-CH. 13.

in any commodities or classes of merchandise or at any place or places of business other than as respectively specified in said license. · :J04-·1 SEC. 120. Application for Ucense-Any person, resident in the Philip­ pine Islands and of good moral character, or any copartnership or other association of persons the members whereof are residents in the Philip­ pine Islands and of good moral character, or any corporation duly organized under the laws of, or duly authorized to do business within, the Philippine Islands, desiring to obtain a Moro and non-Christian general trading license hereunder, shall make application in writing therefor to the provincial governor of the province embmcing the municipal district or districts within which such applicant proposes to trade upon a printed form which shall be prescribed and supplied by the Department Secretary, and shall contain, inter ·alia, the following information: (a) Name, nationality, residence, and post-office address of applicant. (b) Term of the license applied for, as respects each place of business specified in the application. (c) Commodities or classes of merchandise for which license to trade is desired, and minimum approximate amount and value of the same which applicant engages, if granted a license, to carry in stock. (d) Locality or localities within a municipal district or districts of the provice at which license is desired to maintain a fixed place of busines whereat to trade. Every application for a Moro and non-Christian general trading license shall be made and subscribed by, and every such corresponding license granted shall be issued to and in the name of, the real owner or owners of the business comprehended in such applkation and license, and every such application shall contain a certiticat.e signed by the applicant or applicants therein to the effect that such applicant or applicants have not made or subscribed the application as agent or in representation or interest of any other person or persons whatsoever .than the applicant or applicants therein, and that it is the bona fid,e intention of such applicant or applicants to be and remain during the term of the license applied for the sole owner or owners of the business to be engaged in and conducted thereunder, if such license be granted.

:,()4-5 SEC. 130. Bond.-Before issuing to any person a Moro and non­ Christian general trading license under the provisions of this chapter, the provincial governor may in his discretion, to be exercised as the proper protection of the Moro and non-Christian inhabitants of the province may render necessary, require the-applicant therefor to furnish bond to the Department in such penal sum as the provincial governor shall determine, not in excess of twenty thousand pesos, with at least two good sureties to be approved by the provincial governor, renewable each year, conditioned that the obligor will faithfully observe the provisions of this chapter and regulations thereunder, and in no respect violate the same. 304-6 SEC. 131. App1·oval 01· rejection of applica.tion.-The provincial gov­ ernor to whom application hereunder has been made for a Moro and non- TITLE VIl-MISCELLANEOUS-CH. 13. 51

Christian general trading license may disapprove and reject the same whene;e-r he is satisfied that the applicant is not a person of good moral eharacter, or that the interests of the Moro and non-Christian inhabit­ ants of the province or any municipal district thereof, or the interests of public order therein, would be jeopardized or prejudicially affected by the issuance of the license applied for, or if such a license previously. granted to the applicant has been revoked as provided in section one hundred thirty-two hereof, or a forfeiture of his bond hereunder decreed. Otherwise, and in case no bond be required or after the same be fur­ nished in accordance with _the preceding section, the provincial gov­ ernor shall approve such application and grant and issue the aforesaid license for the term applied for, which shall in no case exceed two years from and after the issuance thereof. SEC. 132. Ccmcellation of Ucense.-The provincial governor shall have 301-7 power to revoke and cancel at any time any Moro and non-Christian general trading license for any of the causes hereinbelow stated by written notice of such revocation and cancelhttion, 'stating the cause thereof, furnished the licensee or his agent or employee at each place of pusiness maintained under such license, whenever in his judgment any of such causes exist, which shall consist of the following: (a) Willful misrepresentation of any of the matters stated in the ap­ plication for license. (b) Grossly excessive or unreasonable prices received ordema1Jded or unreasonably low prices paid or offered in the course of business trans- acted under such license. · (c) Substantial violation of or failure to perform the conditions of such license contained therein or in the application therefor, without just cause, in.the judg-ment of the provincial governor. (d) Substant.ial violation of or failure to observe the provisions of this chapter or the regulations thereunder, without just cause, in the judgment of the provincial governor. Any holder of a Moro and non-Christian general trading- license who shall feel agrieved at the action of the provincial governo·r in revoking and canceling the same as herein provided, may appeal in writing to the Department Governor for a review of such action by such officer, and the decision on such appeal of the Department Governor shall be tinal: Provicled, That pending such decision of the Department Gov­ ernor, such revocation and cancellation by the provincial governor of the license involved in such appeal ·shall in no wise be suspended or affected. SEC. 133. Transfer of license.-No license granted under the provisiom; :·o4-S of this chapter shall· be in any manner assignable or transferable, and every attempted assignment or transfer the1·eof shall be null and void: Provided, That this provision shall not be construed to prevent one or more joint licensees in a single Moro and non-Christian general trading license from disposing of their interests in such license and the business established thereunder to any remaining joint licensee or licensees upon the approval of the provincial governor first obtained, which approval, 52 TI'l'LE VII-MISCELLANEOUS-CH. 13.

showing the date thereof, shall be indorsed on the face of such license. 304_9 SEC. 134. Inspection by gove1·mnent officers.-Every place of business operated under a Moro and non-Christian general trading license shaU at all times be subject and open to inspection and examination by the provincial governor or his duly authorized agent, as well as all books, records, papers and accounts pertaining to the business therein con­ ducted. Every such license shall by the licensee or his agent be produced for examination upon demand of the provincial governor or his duly authorized agent on any occasion of such inspection. 314-10 SEC. 135 Discontinuance of bitsiness.-Whenever any person operating a place of business under a Moro and non-Christian general trading license shall discontinue business thereunder prior to the expiration of the term of the same, he shtill without delay notify in ,vriting the prov­ incial governor of such discontinuance. 304-1 I SEC. 136. Depm"tment Goremor; powe1·s.-The Department Governor is authorized, wh~never in his opinion the public interest may require the same, to prohibit by proclamation all trade with the Moro and non-Christian inhabitants of the Department in any province or mu­ nicipal district of any province or the introduction in any province or municipal district or districts for purposes of such trade. of any com­ modities or merchandise, or of any particular article, and to revoke all existing licenses ,issued under the provisions of this chapter in any province, and to direct that all applications for such licenses therein shall be reiected. So long as such proclamation shall continue in force, it shall be unlawful on the part of any person knowingly to viohtte or fail to comply with the provisions of the same in any respect. 304_12 SEC. 137. Penctlties. - Every violation of the provisions of section one hundred tw@nty-six, of the final paragraph of section one hundred twenty-eight and of section one hundred thirty-six of this chapter is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and shall be punishe.i by a· fine .ilot exceeding two hundred pesos or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. 304_13 SEC. 138; Dejinitions.-The word "person" as used in the preceding sections of this chapter shall be construed to import both the plural and the singular as the case demands, and shall include copartnership or other commercial associations and corporations. When construing and enfo_rcing the provisions of thii chapter the act, omission, or failure of any office1·, agent, or other person acting for or employed by any co­ partnership or other commercial association or corporation,' within the scope of his employment or office, shall in every c3,,se be also deemed to be the act, omission, or failure of such copartnership, association, or cor- poration, as ~ell as that of the person. · 304_14 SEC. 139. ltine1·ant tmiUng l-icense.-The Moro and non-Christian itinerant trading license shall be issued upon application therefor as hereinafter provided by the provincial govel'Dor of the province em­ bracing the municipal district or districts within which the applicant proposes to trade, and shall, unless thereafter duly revoked, entitle the TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS-CH 13." 53

person named therein as licensee to trade in person as a peddler or itinerant trader any\vhere within the municipal district or districts therein stated, during the term of such license, with the Moro or other non-Christian inhabitants of the Department in the commodities or @lasses of merchandise stated in the same. Such licenses shall be issued for a term not exceeding one year, whiiih shall be determined in each case by the provincial governor, and shall be issued in duplicate with­ out any charge or fee therefor, upon a printed form which shall be prescribed by the Department Secretary one copy of which shall be delivered to the licensee and one copy retained and filed in the office of the provincial secretary-treasurer. Every such license shall state: (a) Name, nationality, residence, and post office address of licensee. (b) Term of the license. (c) Commodities or classes of merchandise in which licensee is authorized to trade. (d) Munieipal district or districts of the province within which licensee is authorized to trade. (e) That the license shall be subject to revocation in the manner and for the causes provided in this chapter. And any other data or matters which the Department Secretary may in his judiment prescribe. SEC. 140. Application/01· itine1·ant license.-Any person of good moral 304-15 character desiring to obtain a Moro and non-Christian itinerant trading license hereunder shall make application in writing therefor to the provincial governor of the province embracing the municipal district or districts whithin which such applicant proposes to trade upon a printed form which shall be prescribed and supplied by the Department Secretary, and shall contain, inte1· a.Zia, the following information: (a) Name, age, nationality, residence, and local post office address of a.pplicant. (b) Term of the license applied for. (c) Commodities 01· classes of merchandise for which license to trade is desired. (d) Municipal district or districts of the province within which license to trade is desired. . SEC. 141. Apprnval of lice11.Se.-The provincial governor to whom ap- 30.J.-16 plication hereunder has been made for a Moro and non-Christian itinerant trading license may disapprove and reject the same whenever he is satisfied that the applicant is not a person of good moral character, or that the interests of the Moro and non-Christian inhabitants of the province or any municipal district thereof, or the interest of public order therein, would be j9opardized or prejudicially affected by the issuance of the license applied for, or if such a license previously granted to the applicant has been revoked as provided in the next succeeding section. Otherwise, the provincial governor shall approve such application and grant and issue the aforesaid license for the term applied for or for such 54 • TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS-CH 13,

lesser term as he shall deem proper, which shall in no case exceed one year from and after the issuance thereof. 304-17 SEC. 142. Cancellation of itinerant licenses . ..:-The· provincial governo1· shall have power to revoke and cancel at any time any ·Moro and non­ Christian itinerant trading license for any of the causes hereinbelow stated by written notice of such re,•ocation and cancellation stating the cause thereof and furnished the licensee either ·in person to take effect upon receipt, or by mailing the same addressed to him at the post office address stated in his application to take effect twenty days thereafter, as the provincial governor may deem expedient, whenever in his judgrrient any of such causes exist, which shall consist of the following: (a) Willful misrepresentation of any of the matters stated in the application for license. (b) Grossly excessive or unreasonable prices received or demanded or unreasonably low prices paid or offered in the course of business transacted under such license. (c) Substantial violation of the conditions of such license containecl therein, in the judgment of the provincial g·overnor. (d) Substantial violation of or failure to observe the provision .of this chapter or the regulation thereunder, without just cause, in the judgment of the provincial goverrior. Pl'Ovided, lwweve1·, That the provincial governor so revoking and can­ celing such license shall be authorized to rescind and annul such revocation and cancellation as of the date thereof upon written protest and request to that effect made within a reasonable time thereafter by the holder of the license so revoked and annulled and after hearing thereon in which it shall be made to appear t,o the satisfaction of the provincial governor that such holder is in no wise in substantial default. 304--t~ SEC. 143. Inspection.-.All commodities and merchandise offered for sale or acquired under a Moro non-Christian itinerant trading license and in the actual and visible possession of the holder thereof, shall be subject to inspection and examination at all times by the provincial governor or his duly authorized agent as well as the aforesaid license, which shall be produced upon demand of such governor or agent. Every such holder shall without delay notify in w1·iting the provincial gov­ ernor whenever he shall discontinue business under aforesaid license prior to the expiration of the term of the same. 314-III SEC. 144. Rules by .Department Gove1·no1·.-The Department GoTernor is-authorized to make and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper execution of the powers herein created and conferred ~nd for the purposes of carrying the provisioni, of this chapter into full force and effect. CHAPTER 14 CONTRACTS WITH NON-CHRISTIANS

SEC. 145. Contmcts witl_l, non-Christians; 1·equisites.-Save and except 305-1 contracts ·of sale or barter of personal property and contracts of personal service comprehended in chapter seventeen hereof no contract or agree­ ment-shall be made in the Department by any person with any Moro or other·non-Christian tribe or portion thereof of the Department or with any individu·a1 Moro or other non-Christian inhabitant of the same for the payment or delivery of any money or other thing of value in pre- sent or in prospect.ive, or in any manner affecting or relating to any real property, unless such contract or agreement be executed and approved as follows: (a) Such contract or agreement shall be in writing, and a duplicate thereof delivered to each party. (b) It shall be executed before a judge of a court of record, justice or auxiliary justice cif the peace, or notary public, and shall bear the ap­ proval of the provincial governor wherein the same was executed or of his representative duly authorized in writing for such purpose, indorsed upon it. (c) It shall contain the names of all parties in interest, their residence and occupation; and if made with any such aforementioned tribe or por­ tion thereof, by their tribal authorities, the scope of authority and .the reason for exercising that authority, shall be specifically stated. (d) It shall state the time when and place where made, the particular purpose for which niade, the special thing or things to be done under it, and, if for the collection of money, the basis of the claim, the source from· which it is to be collected and the person or persons to whom payment· is to be made, the disposition to be made thereof when col­ lected, the Ii.mount or ;.ate per centum of the fee in all cases; and if any cQntingent matter cir condition constitutes a ·part of the contract or · agreement, the same shall be specifically set forth. · (e) Where such contract or agreement is executory, it·shall have a fixed limited time to run, which shall be distincly stated. (f) The judge, justice or auxiliary justice of the peace, or notary public before whom such contract or agreement is executed shall certify officially thereon the time when and place where such contract or agreement was executed, and that it. was in his presence, and who · are the interested parties thereto, as stated to him at the time; the parties present making the same; the source and extent of authority claimed at the time by the contracting parties to make the contract or agreement, and whether made in person or by agent or attorney of any party or parties thereto. SEC. 146. Void contmcts.-Every contract or agreement made in 305-1 55 56 TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS-CH. 14,

violation of the next preceding section shall be null and void; and all money or other thing of value paid to any person by any aforesaid Moro or non-Christian inhabitant or tribe or portion thereof, or any other person, for or on his or their behalf, thereunder or pursuant thereto may be recovered by suit in the name of the province wherein the contract was executed in any court of competent Jurisdiction; and one­ half thereof shall be paid to the person suing for the same, anc;I the other half shall be paid into the treasury of the province wherein the contract was executed for the use of the aforesaid Moro or non-Christian inhabitant or tribe or portion thereof by or for whom it was so paid. 305-3 SEC. 147. Penalties.-Every person who shall receive any sum of money or other thing of value under or pursuant to any contract or agreement made in violation of section otie hundred forty-five hereof, and his aiders ·and abettors, shall, in addition to the forfeiture of the same as provided in section one-hundred forty-six hereof be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred pesos or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. 305-4 SEC. 148. Oonstruction.-Nothing in the provisions of this chapter shall be construed to repeal, amend, alter, or to be in derogation of any of the provisions of Act Numbered Seven hundred eighteen of the Philip­ pine Commission. {Note: Section 1 of Act 718, provides: "All grants, deeds, patents, leases, or other instruments of conveyance purporting to convey from Moro sultans or dattos, or from chiefs of non-Christian tribes, lands situate in the Philippine Archipelago or rights of property, privileges, or easements appertaining to or growing out of land thel'eia, made without the authority of the Spanish Govern­ ment while the Philippine Archipelago was under the. sovereignty of Spain, or without the consent of the United States Government or of the Insular Government since the sovel'eignty of the Archipelago of the Philippines was transferred by the Treaty of Paris from Spain to the United States, and not based on any lawful patent or grant of the Government of Spain or the United States Ol' of the Insular Govern­ ment, whether such grants, deed, patents leases, Ol' other instl'uments of conveyance were made before the passage of this Act or shall be made after its passage, being made without any lawful authority ,Ol' owner-. ship, are hereby declared to be illegal, void, and of no effect.") CHAPTER 15 ILLEGAL SOLICITATION OF BUSINESS SEC. 149. Lawyers ana solicit01·s-Any lawyer admitted to practice in 308-1 the courts of the Philippine Islands or other person authorized under existing law to practice, or appear for another, in any inferior court- in the Philippine Islands who shall, directly or indirectly by any means whatsoever other than advertisement in a newspaper or other periodical regularly published 01• circulation of ol'dinary, simple, business cards1 solicit in the Department either personally or by agent, employment or engagement as counsel or legal adviser of any person, association or corporation, shnU be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not less than fifty pesos and not exceeding five hundred pesos or by imprisonment not, exceeding one year, or by both such fine and im­ prisonment, in the disc1:etion of the court. Any such lawyer or afore- said other person who shall directly or indirectly make or agree to make or offer nny compensation whatsoever to any person not himself such a lawyer fol' or in consideration of any legal business which the latter may commit or cause to be committed or ag1·ee or offe1· to commit or cause to be committed to such lawyer•or aforesaid other person, shall also be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as in this section provided. SEC. 150. Agents prnhibitea. -It shall be unlawful for any person to aos-2 solicit by any means whatsoever in the Department the employment or engaj!'ement as counsel or legal adviser in any capacity of, or other legal business for, any lawyer admitted to practice in the courts of the Phil­ ippine Islands or other person authorized under existing law to.practice, or appear ·for another, in any inferior court in the Philippine Islands, or for any person not himself such a lawyev to make any contract or agreement for such aforesaid employment, engagement, or other legal business on behalf or in the interest of any lawyer admitted to practice in the courts of the Philippine Islands or other person authorized under· existing law to practice, or appear for another, in any inferior court in the Philippine Islands. It shall also be unlawful for any person not himself such a lawyer to commit or cause to be committed or agree or offer to commit or cause to be committed to any such lawyer or aforesaid other person any legal business, for or in consideration _of any com­ pensation whatsoever moving directly or indirectly from such lawyer or aforesaid other _person to the person first mentioned or any third party. Every violation of any of the provisions of this section is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not ex­ ceeding five hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not e;xceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. 57 CHAPTER ·IG MORO SHIPPING 47-1 SEC. 151, Mm·o bocits in local trade.-Boats · of Moro or pagan con­ 97-1 struction of less than ten tons burden, owned wholly by Moros or other non-Christian inhabitants of the Depar~men,t, may engage .freely in the local trade within the Department, and touch at any place therein, whether an open port or otherwise, without being subject to the provi~ sions of chapter 39 of the Act 2711 or the regulations of the Insular, Collector of Customs governing the use, registration, or licensing of boats of like burden; but nothing in this section shall be construed. to abridge the right of customs officials to go aboard such boats and make lawful .searches, seizures, and arrests thereon: Provided, That collectors .of cµstoms may, in their discretion, wheµ they shall have reason to believe that any Moro or other non-Christian making unauthorized use of such boats has acted in good faith and through excusable ignorance of the law, remit the penaity imposed for the first. offense. 47-2 SEC. 152. .Seizur(l authorized.-The provincial governo1·s and .any person who shall be authorized in writing by the Department Governor are authorized to seize boats of Moro or pagan construction of less than ten tons bu1'Cien found engaged in the coasting trade in violation of law, without warrant, and to deliver the same inmediately to the collector of customs at the nearest ppen port. 97-2 SEC. 153. Registry Certijicate.-Before it shall be lawful for a boat to engage in th!'l local trade of the province under the provisions of this chapter, the c;,wner must present the same for registry. The officer charged·with the registration of boats shall number each boat conse­ cutively in the order of its presentation, and shall enter the number, together with the name and residence of the owQer ll,nd the dat,e of registr.y in a book to be kept for that purpose. · He shall .cause to be. . painted or carved oµ each boat, to his satisfaction, and at the expense of the owner, the initial letter of the province in whicb registry is made, the number of tl!-e boat, and the letters ."M. S." l!e shall there­ upon issue to the onwer of the boat a certificate o.f registry, whic.b.shaJl be in &ubstantially the fo1lo.wing form: "UNI'rE)D S'.l;'ATES OF AMERICA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, DEPARTMENT OF :t,JCINDANAO .AND SULU,: . "Certi.ficate._of Registry No. ______Province oL.------·------· "Uµder the provisions of chapter sixteen of the Administrative Code. of the Department of Mindanao 11,nd Sulu, the boat marked '(Initial letter of province) (NulJ]ber) M. S.' of which .•••.... ------a (-Moro or other non-Christian, as the case may be) residing at ______: __ _ ------~--, province of .•••.. "~------:------,-Deparment of 58 TITLE VU-MISCELLANEOUS-CH. Hi. 59

Mindanao and Sulu, is the owner, is entitled to engage in the local trade of the Department and to touch at any place therein, whether an open port or otherwise, without being subject to the provisions of Chapter 39 of Act 2711 or the regulations of the Insular Collector of Customs governing the use, registration, and licensing of boats of like burden. "Issued at.------. ______--, province of ______------, Department of Mindanao and Sulu, Philippine Islands, this ______day of______. ______------. ------, nineteen hundred and. ___ _ " (Signature of olllcial) " (Title) · " The certificate of registry shall be preserved on board the boat while engaged in trading operations, and shall be presented on the demand of any customs offici a.I or of any official of the Department 01· province. In case of transfer of ownership to another Moro or other non-Christian, the boat must be presented and the original certificate surrendered, in order that a new certificate may be issued in the name of the purchaser. In case of loss or destruction of an original certificate, a duplicate cer­ tificate may be issued upon application by the owner. Registration shall be made and original and duplicate certificates thereof issued, and transfer shall be recorded, without compensation of any kind. SEC. 154. Registry in provinces.-Registration shall be made, in prov­ 97-3 inces in which a collector of customs is stationed, by such collector or his lawful deputies, and in other provinces by the provincial governor or the provincial secretary-treasurer acting under the supervision of the provincial governor. . SEC. 155. Boats in coastwise tra(le.-Boats of Moro or Pagan construc­ 97-4 11!>-1 tion of less than ten tons burden, owned wholly by Moro or other non­ 132-1 Christian inhabitants of the Department, when engaged in general coast­ wise trade of the Philippine Islands or when engaged in foreign trade under the provisions of Chapter 39 of Act 2711, shall be subject to the provisions of the said Act and of the regulations of the Insular Collector of Customs, as provided by sections one hundred fifty-one and one hundred fifty-two hereof; Provided, however, That collectors of . customs in the Department shall admeasure such boats, and issue cer­ tificate of protection and ownership thereto, without compensation; And provided furthe:r, That it shall be necessary to affix to each foreign clearance issued to such boats a customs stamp of the face value of fifty centavos only; And p1·ovided further, That it shall be necessary to affix to each foreign entrance issued to such boats a customs stamp of the face value of fifty centavos only, the provisions of section 1414 of Act 2711, to the contrary notwit)lstanding. CHAPTER 17

CONTRACTS OF PERSONAL SERVICE !!tH-l SEC. 156. Se:rvams, etc.-Any person who shall contract with another to render to him personal service of any kind, and shall thereafter fraudulently, or with malicious intent to injure his employer, fail or refuse to render such service as agreed upon, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 264-!! SEC. 157. Maste1·s m· employe1·s.-Any person who shall contrac_t to receive from another person service of any kind, and to compensate him therefor, and shall thereafter fraudulently, or with malicious intent to injure his employee, fail or refuse to receive such service or to make compensation as agreed upon, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 264--3 SEC. 158. Violation of contmct by laborers.-Any person who shall contract with another to render personal service of any kind to him, and shall thereafter, fraudulently, or with malicious intent to injure the employer, procure advances in money or other thing of value from him, with intent not to render the service agreed upon, and who shall there­ after, with like intent, fail or refuse to perform the service agreed upon, or repay the money thus fraudulently procured to be advanced, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 264-4 SEC. 159. Violation of contract by empwyer.-Any person who shall contract with another to receive from him personal service of any kind, to compensate him therefor, and to make advances to him, and shall thereafter fraudulent,ly, or with malicious intent to injure the employee, receive the benefit of such service, in whole or in part, and with like intent fail or refuse to make the compensation or advances agreed upon, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 264-5 SEC. 160. Form of contmcts.-The contracts referred to in this chap- ter may be either verbal 01• in writing; if verbal, they must be witnessed by at least two disinterested witnesses, not related by blood or marriage, within the sixth degree, to either party; if in writing, they must contain and clearly recite all the conditions, stipulations and matters agreed upon, which compose the same, must be simila1•ly witnessed by sub­ scribing witnesses, and be executed before a Justice or Auxiliary Justice of the Peace, who shall certify thereon to such execution and whose duty it shall be to read and explain the same to the parties before execution thereof; and the term of service contracted for must be for a definite time, not exceeding one year. All such contracts shall be valid only between the original parties thereto, and any attempted transfer or assignment of any rights thereunder shall be null and void. 264-6 SEC. 161. Penalties.-Upon conviction in a Court of competent juris- diction of any person charged with any violation of this chapter, the person so convicted shall be punished by a fine not less than fifty pesos 60 TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS-CH. 17. 61 and not exceeding two hundred pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, for each offense: P1·ovided, That there shall be no prosecu­ tion under this chapter unless the arrest warrant shall be issued within two months from the commission of the offense. SEC. 162. Purpose of chapter.-This chapter is not intended, and shall 264-7 not be construed, to protect any of the parties to, or punish the violation of, any contract or matter connected therewith, where the inducement or consideration of such contract is money or other thing of value advanced to or for the employee prior to the commencement of service thereunder. (Note: Ref. see Act 2098.)



. 63

THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF _THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. August 15th, 1914. SUBJECT:-Municip~l Districts. EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 10. Series 1914, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 2, . . .. . • . series 1916. . Pursuant to the provisions of section 52 of Act No. 2408,(1) the following is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: 1. Orgariization.-All t1·ibal ward.'.! existing on August 31, 1914,. out­ side· of the limits of organized municipalities and within the Districts of Cotabato, Davao, I,anao, Sulu and Zamboanga of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu are hereby organized as municipal districts of said department. Such portions of tribal wards as lie within organized mu­ nicipalities are hereby discontinued as tribal wards and remain subject to municipal jurisdiction only. The headmen and deputy headmen of such tribal wards, are hereby continued in office and shall be known as district presidents and district councilors of their several municipal districts, respectively. All settlements existing on August 31, 1914, within the Province of Agusan, (including Bukidnon), are hereby organized as municipal dis­ tricts of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu. The presidents, vice­ presidents and councilors of such settlements are hereby continued in office and shall be known as district president, district vice-president, ti.nd district COUnciiors of_ their SeVP,ral municipal districts, respectively. 2. Division inw bm-rios.-Wherever practicable each municipal dis­ trict should be divided into barrios to be known as "district barrios". A counciior shall then be appointed for each "district barrio". 3. Office1·s.-The officers of a municipal district shall be a president, a vice-president, and one councilor for each district barrio. Excepting those officers of municipal districts continued in office from some prior political sub-division by vi~tiie of this exe

(1) See Sel", 2630, Act 2711. 65 66 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS.

the approval of the Department Governor. All powers and duties con­ ferred or imposed upon any official by this executive order shall be exercised subject to the direction, control and approval of the Depart­ ment Governor. 4. Powe1·s and duties of dist1·ict p1·esidents.-For the present and until otherwise ordered, the district president shaH hi;tve and exercise the following general powers and duties under the direction and control of the provincial governor: (a) Observation and enfm·cement of laws.-He shall take care that all laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions in force in the municipal district are duly observed and executed within the same. (b) Aiitho1·ity ovei· dist1·ict offi,ce1·s.-He shall see that all other officers of the municipal district faithfully discharge their respective duties and· to that end, may, with the approval of the provincial governor, cause to be instituted any appropriate criminal action or take other proceedings to bring the attention of the proper superior officer to the dereliction of the district official. (c) Recmnmendations to Gove1'n0?·.-He shall give to the provincial· governor from time to time such information as may be called for, and recommend such measures as he shall deem advantageous to his munic­ ipal district. (d) Public m·der, calamities, etc.-He shall issue orders relating to the police or to the public safety, and orders for the purpose of avoiding con­ flagrations, floods and the effects of storms or other public calamities. (e) Assistance to offi,cers.-He shall assist all insular, department and provincial officers in the performance of their official duties within his municipal district, when so directed by the provincial governor or a de­ puty governor. (f) Office1· of cou1·ts.-He shall be the lawful deputy within his munic­ ipal district of the officer of every court whose jurisdiction extends over the territory occupied by his municipal district, and shall execute the lawful orders and processes of such courts. He shall receive therefor from his principal, the fees provided by law. (g) Repm·ts.-He shall report the commission of crimes and other unusual or untoward events occuring within his municipal district to the provincial governor or to the nearest deputy governor. (h) General information.-He shall, through the councilors, keep the people of his municipal district informed in the manner hereinafter provided, of the ordinances, laws and governmental measures which concern them. (i) Chief of police.-He shall be the chief of police of the municipal district and, through the district councilors, shall exercise constant police surveillance over his municipal district. (j) Presiding office1·.-He shall preside over the district council herein­ after created. (k) Othe1· duties.-He shall perform such other lawful duties as the provincial governor, his deputies or any authorized deputy governor may direct. 5. I'owe1·s and duties of district vice-p1·esidents.-For the present and until otherwise provided, the district vice-president shall have and exercise the following general powers and duties under the direction and control of the provincial governor: (a) Meinber of dist1·ict council.-He shall be a member of the district council hereinafter created. (b) Substitute of district presideiit.-He shall, during the tempora:ry absence of the district president from the municipal district or his dis­ ability for any reason, discharge duties of his office and exercise all his APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICT!", 67 powers: J>i·ovided, That in case of death, removal, or permanent dis­ abili_t.Y of the district president, the vice-president shall act as temporary president until a new district president is appointed and qualified. 6. Powers and (lttties r!( tlisll"ict wirncilors.-For the present and until otherwise provided, the district councilors shall have to exercise the following g·eneral powers and duties under the direction and control of the provincial governor, and his authorized deputies: (a) Intimnation fol' ba1'l'ios.-He shall keep the people of his barrio informed, by bandillo· or other method of appropriate and effective publication, of the ordinances, laws, and governmental measures which may concern them. (bf Recommendation to the district presitlent.-He shall bring the spe­ cial needs of his barrio to the attention of the district president, and shall make such recommendations as he may deem necessary. (c) Impo1'tant events.-He shall promptly inform the district president of any unusual or untoward event occuring within his barrio. (d) I.,i,eutenant of bai'l'io.-He shall appoint one lieutenant for the dis· trict barrio which comes under his immediate supervision. The lieu­ tenant of barrio shall serve without compensation, and shall report directly to the councilor appointing him. It shall be the duty of the lieutenant of barrio to assist the councilor in the performance of his ministerial duties in his barrio. The term of office of the lieutenant of barrio, shall be that of the councilor appointing him. The lieutenant of barrio shall be entitled to have a cedula issued to him free of charge while performing his duties as such.· (e) De1mtcil pr,we1·s.-He shall be the lawful deputy of the district president in the performance of the powers and duties conferred upon such district president by subsection (f) and (i) of section No. 4 of this Executive order, and shall be a police officer within his barrio. (f) Vote fol' thircl meinliel".-He shall have the power to vote for the third member of the provincial board elected under the provisions of section 22 (b) of Act 2408(1) of the Philippine Commission. (g) Meetings.-He shall attAnd duly called meetings of the district council hereinafter constituted. (h) Othel' cluties.-He shall perform such other lawful duties as the provincial governor and his deputies or the district president may direct. · 7. Dist1·ict cmtncil.-The duties and powers devolving upon municipal councils in accordance with the provisions of Act 2408(2) of the Philippine Commission are, within municipal districts, hereby reserved to the provincial boards of the several provinces of the Department, as provided in section 53 of said Act,<~> but for the purpose of gradually training the officers of the municipal districts in the exercise of the powers of self-government, a council consisting of the district president as presiding officer and the district vice-president and district councilors as members, to be known as the district council, is hereby constituted in each municipal district,. 'I.'o this district council may be submitted such questions for discussion and recommendation as the provincial board shall determine, iind the meeting of such district council shall be held at such time and place as the provincial boards shall determine. A representative of the provincial board may participate in any such meeting for the purpose of explaining the matters submitted for discussion.

(I) See Sec. 2598 (b), Act 2711. (2) See Art. IV. Ch. 64. Act 2711. '· (:I) Sec Sec. 20:11. Act 2711. 68 APPENDIX !-MUNICIPAL DISTillC'J'S,

8. Compensation.-Subject to 'the approval of the Department Gov­ ernor, district presidents may receive such compensation for their services as the provincial board may determine, such· compensation to be paid from municipal district funds. District councilors may be allowed aetual and necessary traveling expenses in attending sessions of the council but such expenses shall be subject to approval by the provincial board in each case. The vice-president shall receive the same salary as the president when performing the duties of the latter in accordance with paragraph five hereof, otherwise he shall have the same allowance as a district councilor for traveling expenses.CO D.E.0.2, 9. District Finances.-Section 53 of the Organic Act(2) provides as s. 1916 follows: "1'axation.-The provincial board is hereby empowered to prescribe the tax to be collected in municipal districts organized in accordance with section fifty-two hereof, subject to the approval of the department governor: Provided, lwwever, That such taxes shall be within the limita­ tions and restrictions imposed on municipal councils by chapter three hereof: And p1'0vided fu1·ther, That in districts where no council is pro­ vided, the provincial board shall exercise all the duties and powers devolving upon municipal councils under this chapter." Pursuant to the foregoing provisions, the provincial board may impose in municipal districts all the taxes, or any of them, authorized by the said Organic Act for municipalities. The provincial secretary-treasurer in person or by deputy shall collect all taxes payable within municipal districts. Such taxes, internal revenue refund, and other revenues of the municipal districts shall be covered into the provincial treasm·y, shall there be divided in accordance with law and shall accrue to the following funds hereby created. Those portions devoted by law to school purposes and to schools, public health and public improvement purposes, shall accrue to the SCHOOL FUND and the SCHOOLS, PUBLIC HEALTH OR PERMANENT IMPROVEi.\tIENT PURPOSES FUND, respectively. The remaining portion of such taxes shall accrue to the GENERAL FUND. All such funds may be expended in municipal dis­ tricts for any lawful purposes upon their appropriation by the Provin..cial Board acting as a municipal council, subject to the approval of the De­ partment Governor: Provided, howeve1·, '.rhat expenditures for school purposes and for health purposes, shall receive such approval of the school and health authorities as may be directed by the Department Superintendent of Schools and the Chief Health Officer, respectively. 10. .Oelegation of powers.-Subject to the approval of the Department Governor, provincial boards are hereby authorized to delegate to the district council of any municipal district and to the extent which may seem practicable and advisable the powers which said provincial board exercises in lieu of a municipal council over such municipal district. The provincial board is further authorized, whenever the progress of any municipal district in the exercise of the powers of self-government as provided in this section shall make such measure practicable and

(I) Cf. Sec. 2615(0, Act 2711. (2) Act 2408. See Sec. 2631, Act 2711. APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRIC'l'S 69 advisable, to create for such municipai district its own district fund to which shall be credited and charged all revenues and expenses which would be credited or charged to municipal funds in case the. municipal district in question were a regularly organized municipality having the same boundaries. 11. Date effective.-This executive order sh;ll take effect September first, nineteen hundred and fourteen. (Sgd.) F. W. CARPENTER, Governor. By the Governor: (Sgd.) C. F. RICHMOND, · Acting Secretary. 'l'HE GOV.ERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT 01~ MINDANAO AND SUL U OFJ.i'ICE OF THE GOVERNOR

ZAMBOANGA 1 P. I. May 10, 1916. SUBJECT: Municipal Districts, EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 5. Province of Sulu- s. 1916. Organization of Pursuant to the provisions of section fifty-two of the Organic Act, (I) the territo1·y in the Province of Sulu not included in the Municipality of Jolo is hereby organized into twenty-six municipal districts constituted as follows, Executive Order No. 15, series of nineteen hundred and four­ teen, being hereby repealed: 1. The Municipal Dist1·ict of Taiigkil shall consist of all the islands in the Province of Sulu, east of longitude 121° 301 and southwest of a line running north west and southeast and passing at a point two miles due east of the northwest extremity of Taluan Island, sometimes known as Talaran Island. The municipal district capital shall be at Tai'igkil. 2. The Municipal District of Tandu shall consist of the islands of Ka­ pual, Bitinan and Balikuting and that portion of the Island of Sulti lying east of a line which commences at the mouth of the Tubig Puti' River, thence continues along the course of this river to a point north of Cotta Pangi and then extends in a southwesterly direction, skirting midway between Bud Pandai Batu and the southwestern base of Bud Sarni to Absara's on the southeastern coast of Sulu at a point midway between the settlements of Sukuban and Pitugu. 'l'he municipal district capital shall be at Niug-Niug (Camp Andres). 3. 1'he Municipctl Distl'ict of IM'uk shall consist of the islands of Tala­ yan and Kubaiigan, and that portion of the Island of Sulu west of the western boundary of the Municipal District of Tandu and east of a line dmwn from the estero south of Tahu ~in on the south of Cotta Usap, thence northeast direct to Cotta on crest of Bud Lahi, thence due north to the north coast of the Island of Sulu. 'l'he municipal district capital shall be at Karungdung. 4. The Mitnicipal Dist1'ict of Punamau shall consist of that portion of the Island of Sulu west of the western boundary of t,he Municipal Dis­ trict of Lu'uk and east of a line drawn from the north coast along the Mai River from its mouth in a southwesterly direction direct to the Ct'est of Bud 'l'aukmn, thence due south to the mouth of the Tubig Bi­ laan on the south coast. 'l'he municipal district capital shall be at Si'it Lake. · 5. 1'he Municipal Dist1·ict of Lat-i sliall consist of the islands of Ba­ kungan and Panganait and of that portion of the Island of Sulu north of a line drawn from Su'uk to the summit of Bud 1-'ula whose eastern boundary is the western boundary of the Municipal District of l'amtmau to its inoorsection with the Su'k-Bud Pula line and whose western boundary is a line drawn from the mouth of the Tubig Bangitlan, to its source and thence due south to the southern boundary of the district. The munic!IJal district capital shall be at, 'l'aglibi. 6. 1'hc Municipal Dist1·ict of Patikul shall consist of that portion of the Island of Sulu, excluding the Municipality of ,Tolo, whose eastern

(I) Act 2·10~. Sec Sec. 2030, Act 2711. 70 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. 71 boundary is the western boundary of the Municipal District of Lati, whose southern boundary is the line connecting Su'uk and Bud Pula and Bud Kaiiagun and whose western boundary is a line drawn from Bud Kaiiag-un to Bilan Point west of the Chinese Pier of Jolo. The municipal district capital shall be at Tugus. 7. 11ie 11,[wnicipal Distl"ict of Talipau shall consist of that section of the Island of Sulu, west of the western boundary of the Municipal District, of Panamau and south of a line extending from Bud Kutung- to Bud Bayag- and thence to Bud Taukum. The western boundary is a line extending from the mouth of the Ipil River on the south coast to the crest of Bud Kutung. The municipal district capital shall be at Lumapit. 8. The ]l,fonicipu-l Dist1·ict of Pansul shall consist of that portion of the Island of Sulu whose eastern boundary is a line from Bilan point to Bud Kaiiagun, thence to Bud Pula and along the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Patikul to its point of intersection with the west­ ern boundary of the Municipal District of Gitung, thence along this western boundary to its point of intersection with the Si'it Lake road. The southern boundary of Pansul is a line from this point of intersection to Bud Kumora and thence to Mt. Tumantangis and the western bound­ ar.1• is a line from Mt. Tumantangis to Pugut point. The municipal di.strict capital shall be at Lantung. 9. The Mimieipal District of .1lfoimbimg shall consist of that part of t,he Island of Sulu, lying south of the municipal districts of Pansul and J?atikul, west of the· municipal districts of Gitung and TaHpau and east of a line drawn from the summits of Buds Kapang and Mabigtang and extended to the coast on the south and to the southern boundary of Pansul on the north. The municipal district capital shall he at Maimbung. 10. The Munieipal District of Silangk·u.n shall of that part of the island of Sulu lying we~t of the Municipal District of Pansul and north west of a line from the summit of Mt. Tumantangis in a southerly direction to Buiiggau Point on the west coast of Sulu. The municipal district capital shall be at Silangkan. 11. The llfonicipal District of Parang shall consist of the Island of Su­ ladi and that part of the Island of Sulu lying west of the Municipal Db­ trict of Maim bung and south of the Municipal Districts of Silangkan and Pansul. The municipal district capital shall be at Indanan. 12. The Municipal Dist1·ict of Pangutcwan shall consist of the islands of Pangutaran, Pandukan, North Ubian, Tikul, Usada, Kunilan, · Malikut, Basbas, Kulasain, Tubigan, North Tiumabal, and adjacent small islands not included within other municipal districts. The municipal district capital shall be at Sumbahan. 13. The .Municipal Dist1·ict of Gitimg shall consist of that portion of the Island of Sulu lying south of the 1,lunicipal Districts of Patikul and Lati and west of the western boundary of Panamau from Bud Taukum to its point of intersection with the Su'u.k-Bud Pula line. The southern boundary is the northern boundary of Talipau and the western boundary is a line from Bud Kutung due north to the southern boundary of Pa­ tikul. The municipal district capital shall be at Camp Romandier. 14. 1'he llfonicipul District of Tupul shall consist of the islands of Tapul, Lugus, Kabinga'an, '.raluk, and Pakia, and adjacent small islands. The Municipal District capital of Tapul shall be at Tandu Batu, tugus. 15. 1'he )Jfanicipul District of Patn shall consist of the islands of Pata, Dungdung, Patian, Lumbian, and South Tiumabal and adjacent small islands. The municipal district capital of Pata shall be at Tandu Abbang. rn. The Municipa.l District of Siusi shall consist of the islands of Siasi, Pandami, Lapak, Manubal Kansing, Kaluman, Bulitun, Sambasamba, Putainga, Laminusa, Tara, Sirun, Parangan, Maglanbak, Manikulat, 72 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS.

South Buban, Tapa'an and adjacent small islands. The municipal district capital shall be at Siasi. 17. The JJ,JiiniC'ipal JJistrict of South Ubian shall consist of the islands of South Ubian, Tabuan, Luran, Tabawan Bintanlan, Kinipusan, Tagan }.fagpius, Pasigan Sama], Little Kalupag, Tumbagaan, Sig·bui, Panda­ nan, Tankulaluan, and all adjacent small islands within a line enclosing the islands named. The municipal district capital shall be at Tubig Dayang. 18. The Jfanicipal District of Tandubas shall consist of the islands of Tandubas, Sikubun, Ltituan, Ultra, Flus, Pintada, Tambilungan, Sinagbuan, Taruk, Paminsaa, Tandu Batu, Tigungun, Pasigan, Kalupag·, Gandul, Pasinkulan, Libaluk, Kalaitan, Sipungut, Dundan­ gan, Lintian, Mantabuan, and the adjacent small islands within a line drawn about the islands named and that portion of the island of Tawi­ Tawi east, of a line extending from Tunijatan Pt. south of the eastern extremity of Taata Peninsula. The municipal district capital shall be at Tandubas. 19. The Jl:fonicipal District of Banaran shall consist of the Is!and of Banaran and the Taata Peninsula on Tawi-Tawi Island. The munic­ ipal district capital shall be at Tufiggusuiig. 20. The JJ,fimicipal Dii;ti·ict of Simimiil shall consist of the islands of Simunul, Manuk Mafigkau, Safiggisiapu, La'a, and all other adjacent islands west of the Municipal District of Balimbing and south of a line drawn from the northeast to south west bisecting t,he distance from the Island of Simunul to the Island of Bufiggau. The municipal district capital shall be at Tubig Indanan. 21. The Jl:litnicipal District of Sitangkai shall consist of the islands of Sitangkai, Sibutu, Imapui, Sipafigkut, Tumindan, and all small islands adjacent thereto lying south of 5° north latitude and between Alice Channel and Sibutu Passage. The municipal district capital shall be at Sitangkai 22. The JJ,Junicipal Dist1·ict of Rufiggait shall consist of the islands of Bufiggau, Safiggasafigga, Papahag and as much of the Island of Tawi­ Tawi as is not included within the limits of other municipal districts and also all the small surrounding islands that are not within the limits of other districts. The municipal district capital shall be at Buiiggau. 23. The .llfunicipal District of Laparan shall consist of the Island of Laparan and all small islands adjacent thereto north of latitude 5° 33' and south of latitude 6° north, and west of longitude 120° 30', and not included in othe.r municipal districts. The municipal district capital shall be at Laparan. 24. The J1fonicipal District of ICagayan shall consist of the Island of Kagayan and all small islands adjacent thereto.. The municipal district capital shall be at Kagayan. 25. The Municipal District of ltlamngas shall consist of the islands of 1Iarungas, Kabukan, Pangasinan, Higad, North Bubuan, Minis, Pantu­ kunan, and adjacent small islands. The municipal district capital of .Marungas shall be at Bangas. 26. The llfonicipctl Distl'ict of Bal-imbing shall consist of the territory on the south coast of Tawi-Tawi from the western side of Taata Penin­ sula to Mesa Peak and extending back to a line drawn midwtiy between the north and south coasts of T8.wi-Tawi Island and the islands of Buan, Lupa Samanput, Lubukan, Bilatan, Tiji-'fiji and all other small islands adjacent thereto which are not included in any other municipal district. The municipal district capital shall be at Balimbing. The form of government of such municipal districts shall be that pt·escribed in Executive Order Numbered Ten, series of Nineteen hundred and fourteen, as amended by Executive Order Numbered Two, series of Nineteen hundred sixteen. · APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRIC'.1.'S.

The above changes in the political subdivisions of the municipal dis­ tricts of the Province of Sulu shall take effect as of January 1, 1916. (Sgd.) F. W. CARPENTER, Department Governor. Attest: (Sg-d;) C. R. CAMERON, Assist1tnt to the Governor For and in the absence of the Department Secretary. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. EXECUTIVE ORDER I No. 5. 1 February 22, 1917. Whereas by the organization into municipalities of the former munic­ ipal districts of Impasugoiig, Maluko, and Talakag, the territorial limits of the other municipal districts of Bukidnon have been changed: Now, therefore, upon the recommendation of the Provincial Hoard of Bukidnon, contained in its resolution No. 98, series ofl91ti, and pursuant to the provisions of section 2616 of the Administrative Code,(!) the remain­ ing nine municipal districts of Bukidnon shall, beginning as of January 1, HH7, be described as follows, Executive Order No. 13, series of 1915, of the Department Governor, being hereby repealed. 1. The .Municipal District of Bauiigmi: Beginning at the crossing of the Kagayan River and the p1·ovincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Misamis; thence south 18 degrees east passing through Mt. Linai along the western boundary of Libona, a distance of 21 kilometers to the northern boundary of Talakag at the northern end of Mt. Kitaiiglad; thence in a westerly direction following the northern boundary line of 'l.'alakag to the Kagayan River; thence following the said river north­ ward to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Bauiigon shall consist of the four barrios of Baufigon, Imbatog, Nikdao, and Balintad. 2. The ,Wunicipal Distric;t r!f' Clave1·iu.: Beginning at the cros.,ing of the provincial boundary line between Misamis and Bukidnon and the Kabuig River; thence east following the Kabuig River and the southern boundary of Napaliran to the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Agusan; thence south following the same provincial boundary line f0r a distance of 8 kilometers: thence south by west 82 degrees and 30 minutes to the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Misamis; thence north along this provincial boundary line to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Claveria shall consist of the six barrios of Claveria, Patrocinio, Panampawan, Solana, Kiagaun and Mindagat. 3. The 1lfonicipal Dist1·u;t of Gimb(tliiron: Beginning from the point of convergence of the provinces of Cotabato, Lanao and Bukidnon at the southern end of Mt. Bayog; thence cast following the pt•ovincial bound­ arv line between Bukidnon and Cotabato for a distance of 20 kilometers: thence north crossing the Kagayan River to the second crossing of the Kagayan River; thence west following the southern boundary of Talakag passing through the Bayog mountain to the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Lanao; thence southeastward following this prov­ incial boundary Lo the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Gimbaluron shall consist of the five barrios of Gimbaluron, Bitaog, Kakaon, Kulawiiigon and 'l.'ikalaan. 4. The .lfonicipal District of Libona: Beg-inning from the crossing of the Kagayan River and the pro\·incial boundary line between Misamis and Bukidnon at Mt. Linai: thence south 18 deg-rees east along the

(I) Now Sec. 2630, Act 2ill. j.l APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. eastern boundary of Bauiigon to the northern end of Mt. KiGaiiglad: thence east along the northern boundary of Sumilao fol' a distance of 4 kilometers to the Agusan River; thence north along the western bound­ ary of Maluko to the point where the Agusan River and the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Misamis meet; thence following· the provincial boundary line westward to the crossing of the Kagayan River and the provincial boundary line at Mt. Linai to the starting point. The Municipal District of Libona shall consist of the six barrio; of Libona, Puiigol, Nanka, Silipon. Kiliog, and Santa Fe 5. 1'he Jfonicipal District of Lotinles: Beginning from the crossing of the provincial boundary line of Bukidnon and the division line> of Misamis and Lanao province;; above Salimbao point; thence following the provincial boundary line toward north and ea;;t to the norwestern corner of Talakag: thence following the western boundary of Talakag through Mt. Pafiganduai for a distance of 24 4 kilometers; thence in a westerly direction still following the boundary of Talakag to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Lourdes shall consist of the six barrios of Lourdes, Sufigai, Makabagla, l\,J ati, Talaban, and Panamalon. 6. 1'he Ahmicipcil District of ftlctlitbog: Beginning from the south­ eastern corner of Claveria, thence following the provincial boundary line between Bukidnon and Agusan for a distance of 2:1 kilometers to the northern boundary line of Maluko; thence west for a distance of 3i kilometers along the northern boundary line of Maluko to the Tagoloan River; thence north along the Tagoloan River for a distance of 20 kilo­ meters to the crossing of the Tagoloan River with the boundal'y line between Misamis and Bukidnon; thence following this pt·ovincial boun­ dary line in a northeasterl,v direction to the southwestern corner of Claveria; thence following the southern b:rnndary line of Claveria in an easterly direction to the boundary line between Bukidnon and Agusan, the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Malitbog shall consist of the foul' barrios of Malitbog, Santa Ines, San Luis, and Siloo. 7. 1'he 11:fonic-ipal District of 1~Lwwnag: Bounded on the not·th by thP southern boundary of Malaybalay, on the east, south and west by the provincial b:mntlary lines sepat"ating the pt·ovince of Bukidnon from the provinces of Cotabato and Davao. The Municipal District of Maramag shall consist of th!l twelve barrios of Maramag, Duluiigon, Kiokoiig, Miuban, Paiigantukan, Nuiignuiigan, Damolog, Da.gumban, Salawagan, Kibawi, Omonai, and Kalilafigan. 8. 1'he ,:lfiinicipcil Distl"ict of Napcilimn: Baginning at point Diwata. the point of CJnvergence of the provinces of Misamis, Bukidnon and Agusan; thence southward following the provincial boundary line be­ t1veen Agusan and Bukidnon for a distance of 4i.2 kilometers: thence westward along the southern slopes of Mt. Balatukan for a distance of l+ kilometers to the source o[ the Kabuig River on Mt',. Balatukan: thence along· the Kabuig River westward to its crossing with the bound­ ary line between Bukidnon and Misamis; thence along this provincial boundary line northward to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Napaliran shall consist of the tweh·e barrios of N apaliran, Rosario, Blanco, San Juan, Maki pa, Pi!!saloh,m, Mananmn. Malinau, Sapinit, Katariiigan, Sibantaiig and La Cara!. 9. The .Jfonicipal JJisttict of Swnilr.1,ii: Beginning from the south­ w~stern corner of Libona.; at the northern end of Mt. Kitaiiglad south fo1· a distance of 5 kilometers to the north western boundtiry of Impasugoiig: thence east for a distance of 12 kilometers: thence north fat• a distimce of 4 kilometers to the southern boundary or' Maluko; thence ,,·est along APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. the southern boundary of Maluko and Libona for a distance of 14 kilo­ meters to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Sumilau shall consist of the two barrios of Sumilau and Pontian. The form of government of-such municipal districts shall be that prescribed in Executive Order Numbered Ten, series of Nineteen hun­ dred and fourteen, ·as amended by ExecutiveOrderNumbered Two, series of Nineteen hundred and sixteen. (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, Acting Governor. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMEN'l' OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. EXECUTIVE ORDER I No. 8. f February 28, 1917. Pursuant to the provisions of section 2616 of the Administrative Code, (I) and upon the recommendation of the Provincial Governor of Davao, the territory in the Province of Davao, not included in any of the munic­ ipalities therein existinir, is hereby organized into eight municipal districts constituted as follows, Executive Order No 28, series of 1914, being hereby repealed: 1. The .Municipal Distl'ict of' Guict1iign shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at a point due west of Bureau of Lands, municipal boundary monument at the intersection of the provincial 1·oad and the Inuayan River; at the meridian 125° 28' 3011 east of Green­ wich; thence due north following said meridian to its intersection with latitude 7° 05' north; thence due east following said parallel to its inter­ section with the meridian 125° 33' east of Greenwich; thence due north following said meridian to its intersection with latitude 7° 40' north; thence due west along said latitude to its intersection with the provincial boundary line of the Province of Davao and Cotabato; thence in a southcasterly direction along said provincial boundary line to a point at the junction of the same with the northern boundary line of the Municipality of Santa Cruz; thence in a general easterly direction to the point of beginning at a point due west of Bureau of Lands' munic­ ipal boundary monument at the intersection of the provincial road and the Inuayan River at the meridian 125° 28' 3011 east of Greenwich. The Municipal District of Guiafiga shall consist of the seven barrios of Guiaflga, Biao, Margos, Taglun-o, Tagapan, Duyan and Bayabas. 2. 11w .llfonicipcil District of Malittt shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at a point on the Gulf of Davao at the point Sibalatan; thence in a straight line following the southern- bound­ ary line of the Municipality of Santa Cruz to Mt. Magolo on the prov­ incial boundary line of the Provinces of Davao and Cotabato; thence in a meandering, southerly direction along said provincial boundary line to its termination at the Sarangani Straits; thence along the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, in a meandering, northerly course to the point of beginning at the point Sibalatan on the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, and including the Saragani Islands. The Municipal District of Malita shall consist of the seven barrios of Malita, Lais, Sarangani, Butulan, Lawayan, Kalian and Lakaran. 3. The Ahtnicipal District of Monkayo shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at the north west corner of the Munic­ ipality of Cateel, on the eighth parallel of north latitude, thence in a southerly course, along the western boundary lines of the Municipalities of Cateel, Baganga, Caraga, and Manay to Mt. Tagopo; thence along the crest of the range of mountains forming the western watershed of the headwaters of the Agusan River, in a general direction approx­ imating N. 45° W., to the range of hills forming the watershed and dividing line between the Hijo and Agusan Rivers; thence along the

(I) Now Sec. 2630, Act 2711. 77 78 APPENDIX I-:'.11UNICIPAL DISTRIC'l'S,

crest of said watershed, in a general direction approximating N. 10° W., t,o the eighth parallel; thence along said eighth parallel N. !:10° E. to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Monkayo shall consist of the eight barrios of Monkayo, Agamitan, Inugtan, Babag, Compostela, Maa, Cateel and Hulip. 4. The .Llfonicipul Dist1·ict of Pant1ikan shall consist. of the following deseribed territory: Beginning at the centor line of the outlet, on the Gulf of Davao, of the Kuabo River; thence due east along the northern boundary line of the Municipal District of Sigaboy to the western boundary of the Municipality of Mati; thence in a northerly direction along the western boundary lines of the Municipalities of Mati and Manay to Mt. Tagopo; thence in a northwesterly rlirection, along the westP.rn boundary line of the Municipal District of Monkayo, to the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Tagum; thence due west, along the southern boundary line of the Municipal Dist,rict of Tagum, to the Gulf of Davao; thence in a southerly direction along the shore line of the Gulf of Davao, to the point of beginning, at the outlet of the Kuabo River. Including the Island of Kopia. The Municipal District of Pantukan shall consist of the six barrios of Pantuka.n, Matiao, Piso, Pendisaan, Tafiganan and Sumlug. 5. 1'he llfonicipal District of Scmial shall consist of the Island of Sama!, the Island of Talikud, and the Liggett Islands. The Municipal District of Samal shall consist of the eight barrios of Sama!, Pefiaplata, San Jose, Kaputian, Lisub, Tagpupuiigan, Libuak and Babak. 6. 1'he .Jfonicipal Dist1·ict of Saug shall consist of the following de· scribed territory: Beginning at a point on the north western corner of the Municipal District of Monkayo on the eighth parallel of north lat­ itude; thence due west along the said parallel of north latitude to its intersection with the provincial boundary line of the Provinces of Da\'ao and Bukidnon, approximately 125° 19' of longitude east of Greenwich; thence in a southwesterly direction following the said provincial bound­ ary line of the Provinces of Davao and Bukidnon to its intersection with the provincial boundary line of the Provinces of Davao and Cotabato: thence in a southwesterly direction along said provincial boundary of the Provinces of Davao and Cotabato to its intersection with 7° 40' of parallel of north latitude; thence due east to the intersection of this parallel of north latitude with the meridian of longitude 125° 42' 30" east of Greenwich; thence due south following this meridian of longitude to its intersection with parallel of latitude 7° 30' north; thence southeast to the intersection of meridian of longitude 125° 45' east with parallel of north latitude 7° 25' 30"; thence due east to its intersection with the western boundary line of the Municipal District of Monkayo; thence in a northerly direction to the point of beginning on the northwestern corner of the municipal district of Monkayo on the eighth parallel of north latitude. The Municipal District of Saug shall consist of the eight barrios of Saug, Kabanogoy, Limban, Mapuiigas, Kamansa, Makgum, Kanatan and Buan. 7, 1'he Mimicipcil District of' Sigciboy shall consist of the following described territ01·y: Beginning at the center line of the outlet, on the Gulf of Davao of the Kuabo River; thence due east to the crest of the range of mountains forming the watershed and likewise the Western boundary line of the municipality of Mati; thence south in a meandering course along said boundary line of the Municipality of Mati to point San Agustin; thence along the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, in a meandering northwesterly course, to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Sigaboy shall consist of the five barrios of Sigaboy, 'fiblawan, Luzon, La Union and Surup. APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRIC'l'S. 79

8. The .Alunicipal Dist1·ict of Tagmn shall consist of the following descl'ibed territ01·y: Beginning at Bureau of Lands' monument at the mouth of the Lasai'lg River at the junction of the same with the coast line of the Gulf of Davao, approximately 7° 15' of north latitude; thence northeast in a meandering direction following the coast line to the mouth of the Hijo River; thence southeast 'in a meandering direction following the coast line to the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Pantukan; thence in an easterly direction to the intersection with the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Pantukan and the western boundary line of the Municipal District of Monkayo; thence north following the western boundary line of the said Municipal District of Monkayo to the intersection with parallel 7° 27' 30" of north latitude; thence due west along said parallel to a point at the intersection of latitude 7° 27' 30" north with longitude 125° 45' east of Greenwich; thence north westerly direction to a point at the intersection of latitude 7° 30' north longitude with 125° 421 3011 east of Greenwich; thence due north following said meridian to its intersection with latitude 7° 40' north; thence due west along said parallel to its intersection with the meridian of longitude 125° 33' east of Greenwich; thence due south along said meridian of longitude to parallel of latitude. 7° 15' north; thence due east along said parallel of latitude to the point of beginning at the mouth of the Lasai'lg River, on the coast line of the Gulf of Davao. The Municipal District of Tagum shall consist of the nine barrios of Tagum, Tuganay, Madaum, Hijo, Libaganon, Lawaan, La Paz, Pagsabailgan, and Lasai'lg. The form of· g9vernment of such municipal districts shall be that prescribed in Executive Order Numbered· Ten, series of Nineteen hundred and fourteen, as amended by Executive Order Numbered Two, series of Nineteen hundred and sixteen. The above changes in the political subdivisions of the Municipal Districts of the Province of Davao shall take effect as of January J, 1917. (Sgd.) F. W. CARPENTER, · Governor. THE GOVERNMEN'l' OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPART:\-IENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVJmNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. EXEC"(JTIVE ORDER I No. 9. f March 8, 1917. Pursuant to the provisions of section 261ffof the Administrative Code,< 1) and upon the recommendation of the Provincial Governor of Cotabato, t,he territory in the Province of Cotabato,· not included in any of the municipalities therein existing-, is hereby organized into twenty-eight municipal districts constituted as follows, Executive Orders No. 14, series of 1915, and Nos. 7 and 14, series of l!Hti, being hereby repealed: 1. 'l'he Jlunicipal Disti·ict of Awany shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ trict of Dinaig; on the east by the Municipal Distl'ict of Dinaig, the Dalikan River and the Municipal District of- Talayan; on the south by a· line running due :west from Mt. Talayan; and on the west by a line running due north to the south western corner of the Municipal District of Dinaig. The Municipal District of Awang shall consist of the eighteen barrios of Biaruiig, Boruiig-utan, Buiigabungan, Dayuwan, Drikan, Falanfio, Fe­ nankaten-Sifa1·ran, Gubat, Kenibelen, Kitaiigo, Kusioiig, La]ritan-Linau, Libuiigan, Magabelayan; Mateber, Merabas, Mcti and Resa. 2. 'l'he ~l1uni<·i1ml Distl"ict of Balat-ikan shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running due west from the junction of the Maridagau and Malitabuk rivers; on the east by the Maridagau River and the Rio Grande; on the south by the northern boundary of homesteadsNos. 1 to 20, Agricultural Colony No. I, and by the northern boundary of homesteads Nos. 1 to 13, Agricultural Colony No. 2, and by the western projection of the northern boundary of the said homesteads Nos. 1 to 13, Agricultural Colony No 2, and on the west by the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Dulauan. 3. 'l'he 1llunicipal District of Balut shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Ambol River; on the east and south by the Simuay River, and on the west by the eastern and southern boundaries of the Municipality of Parang. The Municipal District of Balut shall consist of the two barrios of Balut and Matefigen. 4. The Municipal District of Barii-a shall consist of the territory bounded on the south by the United States Military Reservation and the Municipal District of Balut; on the west by the Municipal District of Bugasan; on the north by the Cotabato-Lanao boundary line; and on the east by the Kanenguiigan River to its junction with the Baiiganan River; thence down the Bafiganan River to its junction with the Ambol River, thence down the Ambol River to the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Balut. The Municipal District of Barira shall consist of the seven barrios of Bagua, Barira, Besaaan, Ifiged, Kalilai'igan, Lioiig and Madalem. 5. 'l'he Municipcil District of Bua.yan shall consist of the territory in­ cluded in the following limits: Beginning at the mouth of the Tuyan River on Sarangani Bay, thence up the course of the Tuyan River in a

(I) Nllw Sec. 2630. Act 2711. 80 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. 81 northeasterly direction to the Cotabato-Davao boundary line: theneP following the Cotabato-Davao boundary line to the north and WE!St to the peak of l\J t Magolo; thence appt·oximately south along an imaginar,v line to the peak of Mt. Matutum; thence due west animag-­ inary line to its intersection with the Siluay River; thcnee approx­ imately south along an imagicar,v line to Eulaluan point on the west coast of Sarangani Bay; thence following the coast line around Saran­ gani Bay to the mouth of the Tuyan River. · The Municipal District of Buayan shall consist of the four barrios of Baluan, Dajaiigas, Lun and '!'amble!. . 6 1'he ]lfaniciµal District of Bttgasa.n shall consist of the territory bounded on the south by the sea coast and by the United States lvlilitar,\­ Reservation; on the north and west by the Cotabato-Lanao boundar,v line and on the east by a line running from the point carrier 12 of I I s·urvey 6280 (Ludlow Barracks Military Reservation), thence generally north to the crest of Mount Mariga, thi;ince generally north to the crest of Mount Ligue, thence generally north to the. crest of Mount Bita. thence north to the Cotabato-Lanao boundary. The Municipal District of Bugasari shall consist of the four bitrrios of Binikal, Katibu, Laiigkoiig and Saraka'ari. · ';. 1'he .Lllttn-icipnl District of Bttldmi shall consist of the tenitory bounded on the eiist by the Municipal District of Libuiigan; on the s·outh by the Municipal District of Nuling and the Municipal District of Balut: on the west by the Municipal District of Barira; and on the north by the Cotabato-Lanao boundary line. . . . . The Municipal District of Buldun shall consist of the four bardos of Gaduiig, Liang, Lipa and Lipa wan. 8. 1'he ~umiicipal Uistri,·t of Bttlttan shall ~onsist of the territory bounded on the north by. the Municipal Districts of Reina Regente and Liguasan, on the west by the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Maganuy; on the south by a running due east and west from the eastern boundary of the Municipal Dist,rict of Maganuy to the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Koronadal, !'!aid line being two miles north of the southern shore of La~e Buluan. measured froin the settlement of 'l'ugal; on the east by a line running due north. · . , The Municipal District of Buluan shall consist of the fourteen barrios of Alup, Buluan, Damakliiig, Diyampaka, Katuiigal, Lasaiigan, Luayan, Lupak, Lutayan, Mulaiig, Kimalon, Stibpitan, Tukahabago and Tmnbau. 9. '!.'he Jl·fonicipal District. of Carmen shall consist of t,hc territor.v bounded on the north by ii line running due west from the junction of the Rio Grande and Milita River to the Maridagau River; on th':l east and so_utl:J. by the Rio Grande and the. Maridagau Rive1·; and on the west, b,v the Maridagau River. JU. 'l'lte .illttnicipal JJ·istrict cif' Dinaiy shall consist of the terr_itory bounded on the north by the south branch of the Rio Grande to a point opposite the extreme southeastern limit of the Municipality of Cota­ bato, thence along the eastern border of the i\1 unicipality of Cotabato to the junction of the Kakar and Mtttampay rivers, thence along the Matampay River in a southeasterly direction to its headwaters, thence along the western boundarv of Tumbao to a point 500 metet•s east to the Ta.Jayan market; on t,he south by a st,raight line from the last point, running in a northwesterly direction to Mt. Tavir'an, thence a straight line in a westerly direction to Mt. Kabalalan, thence a line due north to the mouth of the Linck River; thence along the coast to the mouth of the south branch of the Rio Grande, the territory to in­ clude all islands within three marine leagues of the shore line. ·The Municipal District of Dinaig shall consist of the twelve barrios of Binembaran, Biniruan, Bitu, Dadtumeg, Kakar, Kuluiig-Kuluflg, Linek, Lisbuiig, Nakadaluiig, Pagalamtan, Sapalan, and Tawiran. 82 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS.

11. J'h.e 2Uunicipal Dist1·ict of Dulawan shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Libu:iigan River; on the east by a straight line running north and south from the Libufigan ·River on the north to the Cotabato River on the.south, said line being tangent to the extreme western boundary. of Agricultural Colony No. 2; from this point where this line touches the Cotabato River, the boundary line shall run gen­ erally west along the south bank of the Cotabato River to the mouth of the Dansa.lan River; thence from the mouth of the 'Dansalan River to the junction of the Maytumig and Kabilanan rivers: on the south by a straight line from the junction of the Maytumig and Kabilanan · rivers running in a northwesterly direction to a point 500 meters east of the Talayan market; on the west by a straight line in a northeasterly direc­ tion to B. L. monument No. 7 on the south bank of the Cotabato River, thence by a straight line running approximately northeast skirting the eastern shore of Lake Labas to the Libu:iigan River. · The Municipal District of Dulawan shall consist of the twenty·one barrios of Andabit, Bagoflg, Bakat, Baloiig, Bual, Buiiga, Dulawan, Gaduflg, Ganta, Inogog, Kinudal, Libutan, Linantaiigan, Lioflg, Lumbai, Lumupog, Muntai, Nunaflgen, Pagitin, Samala:iig and Takanalipau. 12. 1'he 1lfunicipa.l District '!t' Gambar shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Libu:iigan River; on the east by a straight line running from B. L monument No 7 on the Cotabato River approx­ imately northeast, skirting the eastern shore of Lake Labas to the Libuflgan River; on the south by the Cotabato River; and on the west by the Cotabato and Libufigan rivers. 13. 1'he Jllunicipal Dist1·ict of man sh11,ll consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern boundary of Buayan; on the east by the provincial boundary line between Davao and Cotabato; on the south by the sea; and on the west by the sea and Sarangani Bay. The Municipal Dist,rict of Gian shall consist of the eight barrios of Balitan, Gian, Kalipagan, Kapala, Malapatan, Margus, Paiigyan and Saft 1'he Municipal J)istrict of Kabnkan shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running due east five miles from the southern point of Naiigan Island in the Rio Grande; on the east by a line running due south nine miles; on the south by t,he northern bound­ ary of the Municipal District of Pikit-Pagalu:iigan and by the eastern extension of such boundary; and on the west by the eastern bank of the Rio Grande. 'l'he Municipal District of Kabakan shall consist of the four barrios of Katituan, Ilian, Limbalod, and Pidtulusan. 15. 'l'he ,llunicipal 1Ji.8trict of Kalwiiganan shall consist of the ter­ ritory bounded on the north by the Simuay River; on the east by the military road from the crossing at the Simuay to the beginning of the road on the north bank of the Rio Grande, thence along the bank of the Rio Grande to a point opposite the extreme northwestern corner of the Municipality of Cotabato to the mouth of the Gapat River on the north bank of the south branch of the Rio Grande; on the south by the same bank to its mouth; and on the west by the sea coast to the mouth of the Simuay River, the territory to include all islands within three niarine leitgues of the shore line. The Municipal District of Kalaffganan shall consist of the thirteen barrios of Baklayan, Ba!fua, Banubo, Buabuaya, Kalailffanan, Katuli, Lugai-lugai, Lumbayanagi, Midtuad, Mulaug, Simua1, Sulun, and Tarbui!.g. 16. 1'he .llunicipal District of Kidapawan shall consist of the following described territory: Beginning at the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Kabakan, following a line approximately east through the summit of Mount Tinanon to the crest of the Apo moun­ tain range, then following the crest of the Apo range along the Cota- APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. 83 bato-Davao bound'.try line generally south to the sitio of Balatukan, thence approximately northwest to a point at the junction of the Palu­ gan and Sagiiig rivers, then approximately west following the Sagii'ig River to the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Liguasan: said territory being bounded· on the west by the Municipal Districts of Kabakan, Pikit-Pagaluiigan and Liguasan. 17. '11ie Municipal Distl'ict of Kitubud shall consist of the following described territory: Bounded on the east by the Maridagao River from the junction of the Maridagao and Malitibug rivers at the south to the junction of the Busaoan and Maridagao rivers at the n01·th, on the north by a straight east and west line running from the junction of the Busaoan and Maridagao rivers to the crest of the Baboy mountain range; thence, on the west by a line running along the crest of the Baboy mountain range generally south to the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Balatikan, on the south by the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Balatikan. . The Municipal District of Kitubud shall consist of the ten barrios of Bau, Katamenagan, Kiliai, Lioi'ig, Malabakan, Manatalan, Maramatai, Pana'atan, Papandayan and Tinaguman. . .18. 'l'he Municipal District of Kling shall consist of the following des­ cribed territory: Beginning at Bulaluan point on the west coast of Sarangani Bay, thence due north to a 'point due east of the peak of Mt. Malibatu; thence due west to the peak of Mt.. Malibatu; thence in a westerly direction along the divide between Koronadal and the southern coast of Cotabato Province, to the headwaters of the west b1·anch of the Tambilel River; thence along- the course of the Tambilel River to its mouth; and thence along the coast to Bulaluan point. The Municipal District of Klii'ig shall consist of the live barrios of Kablakan, Katabau, Lumayon, Maligaiig, and Tuires. . . 19. 'l'he .Municipa-l Di8tl'ict of Koi·onadal shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ trict of Buluan; on the east by a straight line running in a southeasterly direction from the southeaste['.n corner of the Municipal District of Buluan to a point at the north western corner of the Municipal District of Buayan, said point being at the intersection of the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Buayan with the Siluay Rive1·, and further on the east by the Municipal District ofBuayan, on the south by an east and west line running through the peak of Mt: Malibatu, and on the south and west by a straight north westerly line running from the peak of Mt. Malibatu, to a point at. the intersection of the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Buluan, with the eastern boundary of the }lunicipal District of Maganuy. . The Municipal District of Koronadal shall consist of the five bar1•ios of Buii~kut, Ginakap, Koronadal, Kuhiobi, and Punol. . 20. 'l'he l~funicipal Disti·ict of Libtiiigan shall consist of the t~rritory in­ cluded in the following described boundaries: On the west, the crest of the Adkir-Adkir mountain range, the Paiigabita River and the Munic­ ipal District of Nuliiig; on the north, the Cotabato-Lanao boundar~· line: on the east by a line running approximately south from the crest of Mount Piapanayuiigan to the Nikan River, then 'following the· Nikan River to a point west of the Malapog gap, then east to the Malapog gap, thence generally south along the western boundary of the 1\-lunicipal District of Kitubud; on . the south, the northern boundaries of the Municipal Districts of Balatikan, Bulauan and Gambar, and the Rio Grande. . The Municipal District ofLibui'i.gan shall consist of the twenty barrios of Balaguan, Baugani-Amayagar, Bugukuiigen, Kakar, Kulamian, Ku­ limpai'i.guan, Lamuyun, Libui'i.gan, Malaguan, Malatuiig, Maluan, Mip~1- pan, Nijutu, Nika'an, Paku; Paliku, Pikawaran, Saluguan, Tibawan, and Tubawan. 84 APPENDIX I:-?v1UNICIJ;'AL DIS'.I'RICTS.

21. The 3[w1icipal District of Ligwascm shall consist of the territory bounded on the nurth by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ trict of Pikit-Pag.tluffgan, thence by a line due east four miles; on the east by a line running due south about eleven and a half miles; on the south by the northern boundary line of the Municipal District of Bulu­ an, and on the west by the eastern boundary of the Municipal Districts of Reina Reg-ente and Silik. 22. The ~1fonicipul 1Jistrict of Magr.mui shall consist .of the territory bounded on the north by the Zl·lunicipal Districts of Talayan and Reina Regente to a point eight miles east of the junction of the Kabilanan and Maytumig Rivers; on the east by the western boundary.line of the Municipal District of Buluan; on the south by. a line due west of Mt. Daguma, and on the west by a line running· in a north westerly direction along the eastern base of the mountain range of the southern boundary of Talavan. The ~lunicipal District of Maganui shall consist of the ten barrios of Dimaoffg, Dulaffgan, Kalandaiigan, . Kamasi,. Kapinpiran, Kaya-kaya, Lagilayan, Minafiga, Nakakar, and Talata. 2:-1. The 21fonicipul District of Nuliiig shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by .the Simuay River to its. junction with the Kaduffgan River: thence by a line running in a southeasterly direction to the sitio of Malinau on the Pafignabitan River; on the east by a straight line from Malinau to the mouth of the Kakar Creek on the Rio Grande, thence along the north bank of the Rio Grande to a point.op­ posite the B. L. monument No. 3, thence a line due south to the Matam pay River; on the south b.v the Matampay River and the northeastem boundary of the Municipality of Cotabato, t.hence along the north bank of the Rio Grande to the beginning of the military road; and on. the west by the military road and the Simuay River. . The Municipal District of Nuliiig shall consist of the six barrios of Bulibud, Kapimpilan, Katituan, Lioffg, Pinalin, and Salimbau. :!4-. 'l'he .Miinicipctl 1Jist1·i~t of Pikit-Puga.tuiigan shall consist of the ter­ ritory comprised in Agricultural Colonies Nos. I, 5 and 7, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Rio Grande, which is marked by a B. L. concrete monumPnt on the southeastern corner of Lot No. 78, Colony No. 7: thence 1vest 5660 meters to a B. L. monument on the southwest corner of Lot No 105, Colony No. 7; thence north 2030 meters to a B. L. monument on the northwest corner of Lot No. 44-, Colony No. 7; thence east 2022.5 meters to a point on the center of a road between Lots Nos. 39 and 40, Colony No i; thence north 1222.5 meters along the. center of the road to the intersection of the roads between Lots Nos. 1. ;Colony No. 7, 145, Colony No. 1, and 228 Colony No. 2; thence west 4045 meters along the center of the road to the intersection of the roads between Lots Nos. 208 and 209, Colony No. 2, and 124, Colony No. 1; thence north 42° west 2150 meters along the center of the road to the intersection of the roads between Lots. Nos. 45 and 90, Colony No. 2, and 47 and 12::!, Colony No. 1; thence north 1637.5 meters along the centet• of the road; thence west 7 5 meters to the side of the road; thence no1·th 815 meters along the west side of the road to a point 10.6 meters north 45° west from aB. L. monument on the northeastern corner of Lot No. 1, Colony No .. l; thence east 4227 meters to Fort Pikit Military Reservation; thence south 19° east 2880 meters to P. L. S. B. L. monument marking· the south­ western corner of Fort Pikit Military Reservation; thence north 44° 30' east 2000 meters to the bank of the Rio Grande; thence north 40° east 150 meters across the Rio Grande to a point on the bank of the river marked by a B. L. monument on the northwestern corner of. Lot No. 300, Colony No. 5; thence northerly and easterly along the bank of the Rio Grande to a point on the bank 15 meters north of a B L. monument on the north western corner of Lot No. 7, Colony No. 5; thence east 3360 meters along the north side of the road to a point north 45° east 21.2 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. 85 meters from a B. L. monument at the northeastern corner of Lot No. 31, Colony No. 5; thence south 3260 meters to a point north 45° east 21.2 meters from a B L. monument on the northeastern corner of Lot No. 219, Colony No. 5; thence east 1015 meters to a point north 45° east 21.2 meters from a B. L. monument on the northeastern corner of Lot No. 327, Colony No. 5; thence south 8:lO meters to a point south 45°, 21.2 meters from the southcastern corner of Lot No. 227, Colony No. 5; thence west 1015 meters to a point east 15 meters from a B. L. monu­ ment on the northeastern corner of Lot No 228, Colony No. 5; thence south 1630 meters to a point south 45° east 21.2 meters from a B. L. monument on the sbutheastern corner of Lot No. 347, Colony No. 5; thence west 2030 meters to a point east 15 meters from t.he northeastern corner of Lot No. 348, Colony No. 5; thence south 815 meters to a point south 45° !;last 21.2 meters from a B. L. monument on the southeastern corner of Lot No 348, Colony No. 5; thence west 4475 meters to a point 15 meters south from the ~outhwestern corner of Lot No . .,so, Colony No. 5; thence north 815 meters to a B. L. monument on the northwestern corner of Lot No 379, Colony No. 5; thence west tiOO meters to the bank of the Rio Grande 15 meters south of a B. L. monument on the south­ western corner of Lot No. 302, Colony No. 5; thence west 150 meters to the west bank of the Rio Grande; thence in a southerly direction along the western bank of the Rio Grande to the point of beginning. The Municipal District of Pikit-Pagalui'igan shall consist of the ten barrios of Agakan, Al0p, Ai'igkupan, Inogog, Ladtii'igan, i\Jaslapai'igan, Pa1ralufigan, Pikit, Ralapas, and Talitai. 25. The J,Jmiicipal Di:strict of Reinct Reyent,e shall consist of the ter­ ritory bounded on the north by the north bank of the Rio Grande from its junction with the Dansalan River to the mouth of t.he Ligwasan River; on the east, by the Ligwasan River and along the western shores of Lake Ligwasan to its southernmost point; on the south by a line run­ ning due west to the junetion of the Kabilanan and Maytumig Rivers and on the west by the Dansalan River to its mouth. The Municipal District of Reina Regente shall consist of the seven barrios of Dansalan, Dawan, Inas, Kimaloi'ig, Pidsan, Tabufigau and Tinunkup. 26. The Mitnicipal District of Hilik shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the northern boundary of homesteads Nos. 1-13, Agricultural Colony No. 2, and by the western projection of said northern boundary of homesteads Nos. 1-13, Agricultural Colony No. 2; on the east by the Municipal Distl'ict of Pikit-Pagalui'igan and the Cotabato River; on the south by the Cotabato River; and on the west by the Municipal District of Dulawan and the Cotabato River. The Municipal District of Silik shall consist of the eight barrios of Galigayanan, Gligli, Lagundi, Lioi'ig, Makasendeg, Manaulanan, .Peidu­ Pulang i and Silik. 27. The Municipal Distl'ict of Talayan shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southeastern end of the Municipal District of Dinaig and the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Dula­ wan; on the east by the Kabilanan River; on the west by the Municipal District of A wai'ig and by a straight line running south from Mt. Tala­ yan to the Dalikan River at a point nine miles south, thence a line due east to the Kabilanan River as the southern boundary. The Municipal District of Talayan shall consist of the six barrios of Inged, Kakan, Kiladot, Tagenekun, '.ralayan, and Tipuana-Kuda. 28. The Municipal Dist1·ict of 1 mnbctu shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the north branch of the Rio Grande from B. L. monument No. 3 to monument No. 7; on the east by the western bound­ ary of Dula wan; on the west by a line running due south from monument No. 3, t,o the Matampay Creek, thence along the Matampay Creek to its headwaters, thence a line due south across the south branch of the Rio 86 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS,

Grande, to the Talayan River; thence along_ the Talayan River in a southeasterly direction to a point 500 meters east of the 'l'alayan market. The Municipal District of Tumbau shall consist of the eleven barrios of Bagumbayan, Dat,umeg, Gambar, Ganta. Kalukalu, Katituan, Lanu­ ban, Libuii.gan, Lioii.g, Patad and Tumbau .. The form of govern.ment of such municip11.l districts shall be that prescribed in Executive Order Numbered Ten, series of Nineteen hun­ dred and fourteen, as amended by Executive Order Numbered Two, series of Nineteen hundred and sixteen.· The unexplored portions of the territory of the Province of Cotabato which are not included in any municipalities or municipal districts thereof shall remain under the supervision and control of the P1·ovincial Governor. who shall report directly to the Department Governor as to the extension of governmental influence therein. The above changes in the political subdivisions of the Municipal Dis­ tricts of the Province of Cotabato shall take effect as of March 8, 19li. (Sgd,) PONCIANO REYES, Acting Governor. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPART:MEN'l' OF :MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZA:MBOANGA, P. I. EXECUTIVE 0.RDER I No. 10. f April 18, 1917. Upon the recommendation of the Provincial Board of A.gusan, con· tained in its resolution No. 34, current series, and pursuant to the provisions of section 2571 (m) of the Administrative Code,(!) the boundaries of the fifty-five municipal districts of Aguscm shall, hereafter, be as follows, Department Executive Order No. 4, series of l!H6, l,eing hereby repealed, and Department Executive Order No. 3, series of 1917, creat­ ing the Municipal District of ,Tabonga, amended accordingly: 1. The Munici1)al District of Ampm·o shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point 3t kilometers south of the settlement of San Vicente and corresponds with the southern boundary of the Municipal District of San Vicente; on the east by the divide between the Sibagat and Agusan rivers; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point 4t kilomet'lrs south of the settlement of Amparo between the divide between the Agusan and Sibagat rivers on the east and the divide between the Provinces of A gusan and Misamis and Bukidnon on the west; and on the west by the divide between the Provinces of Agusan and Misamis and Bukidnon. Population 441, language Manobo. 2. The JJ,[unicipal Dist1·ict of Azpitia shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point H kilometers north of the settlement of Azpitia; on the east by the Biga River and a line running south from the junction of the Biga and Misli rivers to the south boundary line; on the south by a line running east and w·est thru a point It kilometers north of the settlement of Bahbah; on the west by the Sianib River. Population 540, language Manobo. 3. The Municipal District of Bahbah shall consist of the .territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point H kilometers north of the settlement of Bahbah; on the east by a. line running north and south thru a point 4t kilom.eters east of the settle­ ment of Ba.hba.h; on the south by a. line running ea,st and west thru a point H kilometers north of the settlement of Prosperidad; and on the west by the Sia.nib River. Population 560, language Manobo. 4. The .1l1unicipal District of Baquingquing shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a. line running west from the north west cor-ner of the Municipal District of Las Nieves; on the east by a line running due south from the north west corner of the Municipal District of Las Nieves to the Ojot River; on the south by the Ojot River from the western boundary of the Municipal District of Remedios to the junction of the Ojot and Fusilao rivers thence up the Fusilao to the western boundary line on the west of ·the settlement of Baquingquing. Popula­ tion ·208, language Manobo. 5. The Municipal District of Balete shall consist of the territory

(I) Act 2657. This power ls now vested In the Governor General. See. Sees. 68 and 2585, Act 2711. 87 APPEN'DIX I-:\lUNICIPAL DISTRICTS.

bounded on the north by a line running due east from the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Maygatasan; on the east by the Biga River and a line running north from the headwaters of the Biga River to the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Nuevo Sibagat; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point H kilometers north of the settlement of Azpitia; and on the west by a line running south from the southeastern corner of the Municipal District of May­ gatasan t.o its intersection with the Sianib River, thence down the Sianib River to the southern boundary line. Population 101, language Manobo. 6. The Miinicipal Dist1·ict of Busa. shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east from the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Libertad to the boundary of the Province of Suri­ gao; on the east by the Province of Surigao and a line running north and south ·thrn a point 2t kilometers east of the settlement of Basa; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point 1 kilometer south of the settlement of Basa; and on the west by the Municipal District of Libertad and a line running south fro:m. the southeastern cornet· of the Municipal District of Libertad to the southern boundary line. Popula­ tion 245, lan,iruage Manobo. 7. The Municipal District of Baylo shall consist of the territory bounded on the by. a- line running ·para] lel with and 3 kilometers south of Ma.asam River and the Municipality of Talacogon; on the east by the Municipality of Talacogon and a line running parallel with anrl 5 miles west of the Agusan River; on the south by a line running parallel west from the sotltpwestern corner of the Municipal District of Los Martires; and on the west by a· line runnin·g parallel with. ·and 3 kilometers south of the Maasam River. Population 245, language Manobo; · · · 8. The ·Municipal District of Borbon shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point 5 kllometers north of the settlement of Borbon; on the east by a line rurining north and south thru a point 11 kilometers east of the settle­ ment o.f Borbon.; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point lt kilometers north of the settlement of Ebro; and on the west by the· Municipal District of· Los · Martires. Population 503, language Manobo·. · · 9. The. Municipal Dist1·ict of Bunaguit shall consist of thl:l territory bounded on the north by a line _starting at· a point on the western bot.ind·ary .of the. Municipal District of Baquingquing 2t j.dlometers south of the Ojot River and running parallel with· and 2t kilometers south of the Ojot River to its intersection with the sout,hern;boundary of the :Vlunicipal District of Manila, thence due west to the western bpundary of the Province of Agusan; ·on the east by a line running south from a point on the Fusilao River 6 kilometers west of the settlement of Mila­ gros .to .the Haoilian River; on the south by the Haoilian River and a straight· Hne running west from the headwaters of the Haoilian River to the divide between the Provinces of Agusan and Bukidnon; on the west by the divide between Agusan and Bukidnon provinces. Popula- t,ion·l,022, .language Man.oho. · 10. · TlurMunicipal Dist1·ict nf Biinawan shaffconsist of the territory bounded, on the ·north by a line running east from the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of ·Mambalili; on the east by a line running north an9 south thru a point 5 kilometers east of the settlement of' Bunawan;.on the south by a line running east and west thru a point lltkilometers·south ofthe settlement bf Euna.wan: and on the west by the M~nicipal District of Mambalili and by a straight line running from the southeastern corner of the Municipal District of Mambalili due south t,o the soutlie.rn·boundary line. Population 1,064, language Manobo. lL The Municipal District of Concm·dia shall consist of the territory APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. sn bounded on the north by the Hi1oilia11 River from 3 kilometers west of the -Agusan River to .the- headwaters of the Haoilian River thenre a straight line due west to the Province of Bukidnon; on the east by a line running parallel with and 3 kilometers west of the Agusan River; on the southeast by the Uandusan River; on the south by a .line running due west from the headwaters of the Candusan River to. the bour.da,rv of the Province of Bukidnon; and on the west by the Province of Bukidnon. Population 29!, lanl$uage Manobo. 12. The .1lunicipal District o.T C-01,into shall consist of the territory bounded on the north b/ a line running west from the northwest c·orn~r of the Municipal District of Baquingquing; on 'the east by a line runnmg north and south .thru a point 3 kilometers west of the settle­ m1mt of Baquingquing; on the south by a line running parallel .with and it kilometers so11th of the Ojot River: and on the west by a line running north a1:3d south thru a point 4 kiloineters west of the settle­ _mE?nt of Corinto. Population 184, larig-uag-e Manobo. l,!. 1'he, ,lfonicipal District· of Ciievas shall consist of the. territory bounded on the north by a Hne running east and west :thru a point H kilometers south of the settlement of Tr·ento; on the east and west thru a point It kilometers. east of the settlement of Cuevas; on ·the.south br the Province of Davao; ·and on the west, by_ a line running north and south thru a point 31 kilometers due east of the settlement of Patr9- cinio. Population 36!, lap.g.uage MHnobo. . 14. The .1lfonicipal District. of Euro .shall consist of. the territo1·y bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a _point 1 ~ kilometers north of the settlement of E:bro between the eastern bound­ ary of the Municipal. Distvict of Los i\J artires. and the Pr.ovince of Su­ rig·ao; on the east by the Provin~~ of Surigao; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point 4 kilometers south of the settlement of Ebro between the boundar.v of the Province of Surigao and .the Gibung River, thence southwest along the Gibung River to its junction with the AgusanRiver; and on the west by the Municipal Di~trictof Lo~ Martires and the Agusan River. Population 483, language Manobo. 15. The 11,Jun-icipal Disf1rict of Espemnzct shall consist of the territor.v bounded .on tp.e north by a line running east and west thru. a point H .kilometers south of the sett)ement of Las Nieves from a point 3 'kilo­ meters of the Agusan Rive1·.to the southern corner of the Municipal District of Las Nieves: on the east by a line running south from thP southeastern corner of the Municipal District of Las Nieves to the junc­ tion of the Labao and Agusan rivers; on the south by the Agusan River from the mouth of the Labao River to the mouth of the Libang River thence up the Li bang River 3 kilometers, thence northeast on .a line parallel with and 3 kilometers west of the Agusan River to the Ojot River; on t,he west by aHne running parallel with anj 3 kilometers west of the A.irusan River. Population .840, language Manobo. 16. The Jlfonicipal Distr·ict of Grw:ia shall consist of the . territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of La Paz; on the east. by the Agusan River south to the mouth of the Ihaoan River, Lhence up the Ihaoan River 6 kilometers, then<;e in a straight, line due south to the boundary of the P1·ovince of Davito; on the south by the . Pro,·ince of Davao; and on the west by a straight line running north and south thru a point! kilometer due west of the settlement of Gracia. Population 210, language Manobo. 17. .1'he- .Jfonicipal District of Gimdltlttpe shall consist of the territory bounded on the north b.v t,he Libang River from its mouth to ,J kilo­ meters from the Agusan River, by the Agusan River between the Libang· and the Labao rivers and bv the Labao River from its mouth to the western limit of the Municipal District of Maygatasan; on the east by a line running south from the southeast corner of the Municipal District of Maygatasan to its. intersection with the Sianib River, thence along the 90 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS,

Sianib River to the southern boundary line; on the south by a line run­ ning east and west thru a point H kilometers somh of the settlement of Guadalupe; and on the west by a line running parallel with and 3 kilo­ meters west of the Agusan Rive1· Population 903, language Manobo. 18. Th£ .llfonicipal Disti·ict of Halapitan shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of Baylo; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point 1 kilometer west of the settlement of Sagunto; on the south by a line running parallel with and 3 kilometers south of the Adgaoan River; and on the west by a line run­ ning north and south thru a point at the junction of Cadjaoan and Ad­ gaoa.n Rivers. Population 94, language Manobo. 19. The ,lfanicipul Dist1·ict of Langasian shall consist of the territory bounded on the. north by the Municipal Districts of l:faylo and Mampin· sahan; on the ea:;t by a line running north and south thru a point at the junction of the Cadjaoan and Adgaoan rivers; on the south by a line running parallel with and 3 kilometers south of Cadj~oan River from the eastern boundary to the mouth of the Tagacopan River thence along a line running parallel with and 3 kilometers south of the Tagacopan River to its headwaters thence in a straight line due west to the boundary of the Province of Bukidnon; and on the west by the Province of Bukid­ non. Population 36-1, language Manobo. 20. The Municipal District of La Paz shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of Los Martires and the Agusan River; on the east by the Agusan River; on the south by a line running parallel with and 5 kilometers south of the Adgaoan River; and on the west by a line running north and south thru a point l 1 kilometers west of the settlement of La Paz. Population 392, l1mguage Manobo. 21. The Municipal 1Jist1·ict of Las Nieves shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point 4 kilometers south of the settlement of San Mateo from a point H kilo­ meters west of the Agusan River to a point 9 kilometers east of the Agusan River; on the east running due south from a point on the southern boundary of the Municipal District of San Mateo 9 kilomcters east of the Agusan River to the southern boundary line; on .the south by a line running east and west thru a point H kilometers south of the settlement of Las Nieves; "-nd on the west by a line running south from a point on the southern boundary line of the Municipal District of San Mateo H kilometers west of the Agusan River to the southern boundary line. Population 273, language Manobo. 22. 1.'lw Municipul District uf Libei·tad shall consist of the territo1·y bounded on the north by a line running due east from the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Bunawan; on the east by a line running north a.nd south thru a point 2 kilometers east of the settlement of Libertad; on the south by a line running due east from the southeastern corner of the Municipal District of Bunawan to the eastern boundary line; and on the west by a line running north and south thru a point 5 kilometers east of the settlement of Banawan. Population 567, lan­ guage Manobo. 23. 1.'lw Municipal District of Loreto shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of La Paz; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point 1 kilometer due west of the settlement of Gracia; on the south by the Province of Davao; and on the west by a line running north and south thru a point H kilometers due west of the settlement of Loreto. Population 860, language Manobo. 24. The Mimicipctl JJistl"ict of Los A·1·cos shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east from the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Balete; on the east by the Province of Surigao; on the south by the Municipal Districts of Prosperidad and Ebro; and on the west by the Municipal Districts of Balete, Azpitia, APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. \)l

Bah bah, Prosperidad and Borbon. Population 266, language Manobo. 25. The Municipal District of Los Mm·tfres shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Municipality of Talacogon, the Municipal District of San Luis; on the northeast on a line running from the south­ eastern corner of the Municipal District of San Luis south and parallel with and 5 kilometers east of the Agusan River; on the south by a line 1·unning east and west thru a point 7t kilometers south of the settlement of Lo;; Martires; and on the west by a line running parallel with and 5 kilometers west cif the Agusan River. Population 462, language Manobo. 26. The ,lfonicipul District of .1.llaasin shall consist of the te1·l'itory bounded on the north by a line running west from the north west corner of the Municipal District of Corinto; on the east by a line running thru a point 4 kilometers west of the settlement of Corinto; on the south and west by a line runnin~· parallel with and 2} kilometers south of the Ojot River. Population 294, langua1;re Manobo. 27. The .1.lfoniciµal District of ltlamlmlili shall consis't of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thl·u a point ;3 kilometers south of the settlement of Novele; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point H kilometers east of the settle­ ment of Mambalili; on t,he sonth by a line running east and west between the eastern boundary line and the Agusan River passing thru a point 5 kilometers south of the settlement of Mambalili; and on the west by the Agusan River. Population 301, language Manobo. 28. 1'lie 21,J,imicipcil District of Mampinsahan shall consist of the ter­ ritory bounded on the north by the Candusan River and a line runnin!( due west from the headwaters of the Ca.ndusan River to the boundary of Bukidnon Province; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point 3 kilometers due west of the settlement of Nuevo Tmbajo; on the south by a line running parallel with and 3 kilometers south of the Maasam River; and on the.west by the divide between the provinces of Agusan and Bukidnon. Population 63, language Manobo. 29. The .Municipal District of J,Ianila shall consist of the tecritory bounded as follows: On the north by a line running due west from the north west corner of the Municipal District of San Mateo to the divide between the Provinces of· Agusan and Misamis and Bukidnon; on the east by a line running parallel with and 3 kilometers west of the Agu­ san River; on the south by a line running due west from the south west corner of the Municipal District of San Mateo to the western boundary of the Province of Agusan; and on the ,vest by the divide between the Province of Agusan and Provinces of Misamis and Bukidnon. Popula­ tion 315, language Manobo. 30. 1'lw .1.lfonicipal District of llfoygatusan shall consist of the terl'itory bounded on the north by a line running east from the northeast cot•ner of the Municipal District Hi kilometers; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point· 15 kilometers east of the settlement of Maygatasan between the Labao River and the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Nuevo Sibagat; on the south by the Labao River: and on the west by a line running north and south thru a point :1 kilo­ meters east of the settlement of Verdu. Population 210, language Manobo. 31. The Jllunicipal District of Milcigros shall consist of the terl'itory bounded on the north by_ the Ojot River from the western b:mndary of the lVlunicipal District o.f Remedios to the junction of the Ojot and Fusi­ lao rivers thence up the Fusilao River to a point 6 kilometers west of the settlement of Milagros; on the. east by the western buundar,r of the Municipal District of Remedios between the Ojot and the Haoilian rivers; on the south by the Haoilian River; and on the west by a line running south from a point on the Fu.silao River 6 kilometers west of the settlement of Milagros. Population 100, language Manobo. 3:?. The .1.lfonicipal Distl'ict of Xovele shall consist of the territory 92 APPENDIX 1-;,\lUXICIPAL DIS'l'RIOTS. bounded on the north by a line .running east and west, thru a point ,1 kilorneters south. of the settlement of Ebro; on the east qy a line run­ ning north and south thru a point 3 kilorneters east of the s13ttlernent of Novele; on the south by_ a line running· east and west thru a point 3 kilo meters south of the_ settlement of N ovele; and on the west by the Gibung River from the northern boundary south to its junction with the Agusan River, thence south along the .Agusan River to the south­ ern boundary line. Population 41:1, language·Manobo. 33. 1'he .lhmicipal District of Nuevo cilmyat shall consist of the ter­ ritory bounded on the north by the d.ivide between the W.awa River and the rivers flowing into Butuan Brty; on the east by the Province of Surigao; on the south by a line running east anc;l. west thru a point H kilometers north of the settlement of Verdu between the divide between the \Vawa River and the Ag,usan. River on 'the west- and the Province of Surigao on the east; and on the west by the divide l:letween the Si bag at and Agusan rivers. Population 189, language lvl anobo. . 34. 'l'he .:llmiicipul District of Nitevo Trnbujo shall com;ist of the tei·­ ritory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of San Luis and the Candusan RiveF; on the east by the western boundaries of the Municipal Districts of Guadalupe, Santa Ines and San Luis; on the south by a line running parallel with and 3 kilometers sout_h of the Maasam River; and on the west by a line runnlmr north and south thru a point :1 kilometers west of the settlement of Nuevo Trabajo. Population 392, language Manobo. , 35. '.l'he Jllwiicipcil District of Patrocinio shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by. a line running due east from the nurtheastern corner of the Municipal Distriet of t;ta. Josefa; on the east by a. line running north and south thru a. point 3! kilo.meters east of the settle~ ment of Patrocinio; on the south by the Province of -Davao; and on the west by a line running north and south th:ru a point I kilometer east of the settlement of Sta. Josefa. Population 301, language\ Manobo. 36. 'lYie ,lfonicipa.l Di.~t1·ict of P;·ospendad shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of Guadalupe .and a line running east and west thru a point . H kilometers north of the ser,tlement of Prosperidad beginning at the Sianib Riyer and running 101. kilometers of Prosperidail; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point 101 kilometers east of the settlement nf Pros· peridad; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point 5 kilometers north of t,he settlement of Borbon; _and- on the west by the Municipal Districts of· Santa Ines, San Luis and Los Martires. Pop­ ulation 95\J, language Manobo. 37. 'l'he 1l1iinicip1tl lJistrict of Remedios shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line rµnning west from the north west corner of the Municipal District of Esperanza to the south west corner of the Municipal District of Las Nieves; on the east by a line ·running parallel with and 3 kilometers west of the Agusan River; on the south by the Haoilian River; and on the west by'a line running due south from the south west corner of the Municipal District of Las Nieves. Population 231, language Manobo. · . 3.:l. The .1.lfunic-ipal District of Rosm·io shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east from the. northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Novele to the boundary of the. Prov­ ince of Surigao; on the east by the Province of Surigao; on the south by a line running due east from the southeastern corner of the Municipal District of Novele to the boundary. of the Province of Surigao; and on the west by a line running north and south thru a point 3 kilometers east of the settlement of Novele. Population 39!-J, lrmguage Manobo. 31:1. 'l.'he 1lfwiicipal Distl"ict of Sc,1,giinto shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of Los Martires; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point H kilomeLers west APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICl'S. 93 of the settlement of La Paz; on the south by a line running parallel with and ;1 kilometers south of the Adgaoan River; and on the west by a line running· north and south thru a point 1 kilometer west of the settlement of Sagunto. Population 343, language Manobo. 40. The Mmiicipnl District of Sali·cici6n shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running due ·east ·from the northeastern corner of the Municipal District of Cuevas; on the east by a line run­ ning north and south'thru a point 5 kilomete,·s west of the settlement of San Ignacio; ·on the ·south by the Province of Davao; and on the west by a line running north and south thru a point H kilometers east of the settlement of Cuevas. Population 32!; language Manobo. 41. 1'he ilfanicipal ·District of San Ignctcio shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point :1 kilometers south -oi the settlement of San Isidro; on the east by the Province of Surigao; on the south by the Province of Davao; and on the west ,by a line running north and south thru a point 5 kilometers west of the se~tlement' of San Ignacio and the Municipal District of Tudela. Popil.latf6n 217, languag'e Manobo. · - 42 The 1Yluriicipal Dist1·ict of San Luis shall consist of the territory bounded on "the north by the Municipal District of Santa Ines; on the east by a line running ·south from the southeast corner of the Municipal District ·of- Santa Ines 1 kilometer; on the south by a straight line run­ ning east and west thru a point t kilometer south of the settlement of San Luis and the Municipiility of Talacogon: and on the west by a line running south from the south.west corner of the Municipal District of Santa Ines to the southern· boundary line. Population 308, language Visayan. · · · · 43. · M,uniciµal ·Dist1·ict of San Isidro shall consist of the terrftory bounded on the riprth by· the Province of Surigao; on the east by the Pro\·ince bf Surigao; on the· -south by a line running east and west thru a point 3 kilometers south of the settlement of San Isidro; and on the west by the Municipal District·- of Tudela. Population 504, language Manobo. · ·44, The 2lfttnicipal Dist1·ict of San 1lfoteo shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point 4t kilometers south of the settlement of Amparo from a point 3 kilomotors west of the Agusan River on the wes.t to the divide between the Sibagat and Agusan rivers on the east; on the so·uth by a line running east and west thru a· point 4 kilometers south of the settlement of San Mateo; and on the ,vest by a line running· parallel. with and 3 kilometers west of the Agusan River. Population 456, language Manobo. 45. 1.'he 1Ylunicipal District_ ,if :Santa Ines shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a straight line running east and west thru a point 4f kilometers south of the settlement of Gu·adalupe extending 4 kilometers west of the Agusan River and 12 kilometers' east ·of the Agusan ~iver; on the east by a line running south from a point on the southern ·boundary line of the Municipal District of Guadalupe 12 kilo· meters east of the Agusan River; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point 1 ki-lometer south of the set,tlement of Santa Ines; and on the west by a line running south from the south western corner of the Municipal District of Guadalupe. Population 200, language Manobo. · · · 46. The Municipal District of Santa Josefn shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point llt kilometers south of the settlement of Bunawan; on the east by a line running north and south thru.a point 1 kilometer east of the settlement of Santa Josefa; on the south by the Province of Davao; and on the west by the Municipal District ofVeruela. Population_ 735, language Manobo. 47. The Mttnicivai Dist1·ict of Scinto· Tomas shall consist of the territory bounded on·tl1Ei·north by the Municipal District of La Paz; on the east 94 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. by a line running north and south thru a point 1 kilometer west of the settlement of Violanta; on the south by thi> Province of Davao; and on the west by a line running north and south thru a point 1 kilometer west of the settlement of Santo Tomas Population 150, language Manobo. 48. 'l'he llfonicipal District of San Vicente shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point :{ kilometers due south of the south west corner of the plaza in Butuan and cot·responds with the southern boundary of the i\l unicipality of Butuan; on the east by the divide between the Sibagat and Agusan rivers; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point 3i kilometers due south of the settlement of San Vicente; and on the west by the divide between Agusan Province and the Provinces of Misamis and Bukidnon. Population 350, language J:\'l anobo. 49. 'J'he ll'hmicipal 1Jist1·ict of Trento shall of the territory bounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point 1 kilo· meter south of the settlement of Basa; on the east by a line running direct south from the southeastern corner of the Municipal District of Basa;on the south by a line running west from the southwestern corner of the Municipal District of Tudela passing H kilorneters south of the settle­ ment of Trento; on the west by a line running due south from the south­ western corner of the Municipal District of Basa. Population 392, language Manobo. . 50. The ]fonicipal Disti·ict of Tuclela shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Province of Surigao: on the east by a line running north and south thru !J. point 3 kilometers ea~t of the settlement of Tudela; on the south by a line running east and west thru a point 2 kilometers north of the settlement of Salvacion; and on the west by the Municipal District of Basa and a line running south from the south­ eastern corner of the Municipal District of Basa to the southern boundary line. Population 245, language Manobo. 51. 'l'he .Munjcipal District of Verdii shall consist of th_e territory hounded on the north by a line running east and west thru a point H kilometers north of the settlement of Verdu; on the east by a line running north and south thru a point 3 kilometers east of the settlem.ent of Verdu between the northern boundary and the Labao River; on the south by the Labao River; and on the ,vest by a line running south from the northeast corner of the Municipal District of Las Nieves to the junction oftheLabao with the Agusan River. Population 392, language Manobo. 52. The .llfaniciJJal District of Ventela shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of .Mambalili; on the east by a line running due south from the southeastern corner of the Municipal District of Mambalili to the boundary of the Province of Davao; on the south by the Province of Davao; an·d on the west by the Agusan River bet,veen the Southern boundary of the Munici_pal District of Mambalili and the mouth of Ihaoan River thence up the Ihaoan River 6 kilometers, thence in a straight line due south to the boundary of the Province of Davao. Population 924, language Man'obo. 53. The Municipal Dist1·ict of Violanta shall consist of the. territory bounded on the north by the Municipal District of La Paz; on the east by a line running north and south 'thru a point H kilometers of the settlement of Loreto; on the south by the Province of Davao; and on the west by a line running north and south thru a poh~t 1 kilometer 'west of the settleme.nt of Violanta. .Poi>ulation 290, language Manobo. 54. The .Municipal JJistrict of Waloe . shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the M1,micipal Districts of Sagunto, Halapitan, and Langasian; on the east by a line running north and south thru a }Joint t kilometer west of the settlement of Santo Tomas; on the south by the Province of Davao; and on the west by the Province of Bukidnon. f'opulation 469, language Manobo. APPENDIX l-.\1UNICIPAL DISTRICTS. 95

55. 'l'lw Municipcil District fd Jabonga shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line starting at a point on Butuan Bay 4t kilometers north of the barrio of Bolobolo and running east passing thru a point 4-l kilometers north of the barrio of Kitcharao, thence east to the divide between the Provinces of Agusan and Surigao; on the east by the Province of Surigao; on the south by a line starting at a point on Butuan Bay 3 kilometers north of the barrio of Tinigbasan and running southeast to a point on tht< Tu bay River 2 kilometers south of the barrio of Colorado, thence due east to the boundary line between the Provinces of Agusan and Surigao. Population 2,500, language Visayan. The Municipal District of ,Jabonga shall consist of the eight barrios of Jabonga, Colorado, Bolobolo, Badiang, Kitcharao, San Roque, San Pablo and Baiigunay, with the seat of municipal government atJabonga. The political and administrative control· of the barrios of Kitcharao, San Roque, San Pablo and Baffgunay of the Municipal District of Jabonga, which barrios are inhabited by Mamanuas, is hereby vested in the Prov­ incial Governor to whom the local 'Mamanua officials may submit their question·s. · Notwithstanding this separation, however, the Mamanua councilors will attend the meetings of the Municipal District Council of Jabonga, take part in its deliberations, and assist in the adoption of all those measures which, in their judgment, are beneficial to the Municipal District, in general, and their own respective bafrios, in particular. The form of government of such municipal districts shall be that prescribed in Executive,Order, Numbered Ten, series of Nineteen.hun­ dred and fourteen, as amended by Executive Order Numbered Two, series of Nineteen hundred and sixteen. The above changes in the political .subdivisions of the municipal dis· tricts of the Province of Agusan shall take effect as of May 1, 1917. (Sgd.). F. W. CARPENTER, Governor. THE GOVERNMENT OF '.rHE PIDLIPPINE ISLANDS: DEPARTMKK'l.' OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOJ\oNGA, P. I. f.·:XECUTlVE ORDER t No. 13. I April 21, 1917. Pursuant to the provh,ions of section 2016 of the Administra;ti ve Code,(!) and upon the recommendation of the Provincial Governor of Lanao, the territory in the Province of Lanao, not incrluded in any of the 1Iunicipalities therein existing, is hereby organized into thirty five municipal districts constituted as follows, Executive Order No. 16, series of 1914, being hereby repealed: 1. 1'he llfonicipcil JJistri<:t of Balut shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ t,rict of Murnungan eastward to its intersection with the northern extremity of the -base of Tiradores' Hi11; on the east by a line drawn from said intersection circling the eastern base to the southern extrem­ ity of said hill, thence due west to a line drawn due north and south through a point midway between the rancherias of Pantar and Balut., thence by said north and south line to its intersection wit,h a line drawn due east and west through a point one mile north of the rancheria of Hagu-Ingud; on the south by said east and west line to said point one­ mile due north of the rancheria of Bagu-Ingud, thence by a line drawn from said point to the eastern extremity of Lake Talau, thence along the northern shore of said lake to its western extremity; on the west by a line drawn through the western extremity of said lake to a point. one mile due north and by the eastern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ trict of Pantau Ragat from said point to its intersection with the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Mumungan. The Municipal District of Balut shall consist of the five barrios of Balut, Mumungan, Lumbak, Taar, and Badsagad. 2. The AfaniC'ipal Dist1·ict of Biikulud shall consist of the territory bounded on the northeast by the southwestern boundary of the Munic· lpal District of Tugaya; on the southeast by the westem shore of Lake Lanao south to the mouth of the Madalum River; on the 1vest by a line drawn from said mouth of the Madalum River to the summit of Mount Gurain. Included Balut Masla. The Municipal District of Bakulud shall consist of the five barrios of Pindulunan, Dilabayan, Balud Masla, Bakulud and Kalahui. 3. The Mu11icipal Dist1·-ict of Bayafig shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern shore of Lake Lanao eastward to its intersection with a line drawn due north from the bridge over the East Mataling River at Mataling Falls; on the east by said north and south line to said bridge; on the south by the southern boundary of the Munic­ ipal District of Binidayan extended westward to its intersection with the e-astern boundary of the Municipal District of Binidayan; on the west by said boundary north to the southern shore of Lake Lanao. The Municipal District of Bayaiig shall consist of the three barrios of Bayaflg Kadinilan and Biabi. 4. Tlie .Municipal J)istrict of Binidctyan shall consist of the territory

(!) See Ser. 2630, Act 2711. 96 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DlSTRIC'l'S. '9, bounded on the north and west by the southern and eastern boundaries of the Municipal District of Tatarikan eastward and northward to the shore of Lake Lanao and by the southern shore of said lake east to its intersection with a line drawn due north and south through a. point one­ half mile due west of the rancheria of Mag-unaya; on the east by said north and south line south to its intersection with a line drawn from the bridge over the East Mataling River at Mataling Falls to the bridge over the West Mataling River at the head of Lake Dapau; on the south west by said last mentioned line north westward to said bridge; on the north west by the southern and eastern boundaries of the municipal distriet of Pualas from said bridge to the summit of the eastern Ganassi peak. Included Balut Maitu. The Municipal District of Binidayan shall consist of the five barrios of Kialilidan; Lumbak, Balut Maitu Sultaruru and Basak. 5. 'l.'he .1llunicipal Dist1·ict of ltubung shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a portion of the southem boundary of the Munic· ipal District of Kapai from the summit of the detached mountain peak back of Puga'a.n east to the Sigaan River, thence northeast along the Sigaan River to its intersection -with the Bukidnon-Lanao boundary: on the east by the Lanao-Bukidnon boundary south to the Sugangan foot hills; on the south following around the northern trail of said foot hills to its intersection with a line drawn due east and west through a point. midway between the rancherias of RaJ!undingan and Disuun, thence along said east and west line to its intersection with a line drawn from the de­ tached peak back of Puga'an to a point midway between the rancherias of Bubung and Ditsan on the southwest by last mentioned line to the summit of the detached mountain peak back of Puga'an. 6. The Jlfuniripctl Dist1·ict of Bu1·u'un shall consist of the territory bounded on the north and west by the southern shore of Iligan Bay; on the east by th11 Buru'un River to a point seven miles from the sea; on the south by a line drawn through said point to a point on the Liangan River seven miles from the sea, thence by the Liangan River westward to the southern shore of Iligan Bay. The Municipal District of Buru'un shall consist of the four barrios of Liangan, Tugar, Takub and Samborun. 7. The, .Municiµa:t District of Butig shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a portion of a line drawn from a point on the Malaig River one-half mile above the rancheria of Suair to the bridge over the East Mata.ling River at Mataling Falls; on the east by the l\-lalaig River, which is considered to be the control of the three prin· cipal upper branches of said river, southwitrd to its intersection with the Lanao-Cotabato boundary line; on the south by said boundary line westward to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of '.rubaran; on the west by said boundary northward to its in­ tersection with the above defined northern boundary of this municipal district. The Municipal District of Butig shall consist of the eight barrios of Butig, Bua.Ian, Timbab, Malalis, Bayabau, Ragayan, Pantaun and Du- langan. _ 8. "J.he .Mimwipal J}ist1·ict of" Ditsan shall consist of the territorv bounded on the northeast and ·e..,,st by the southwestern and part of the south boundary of the Municipal District of Bubung eastward to its in­ tersection with the line drawn through the base of the line of the Subaflgan foot hills; on the east along said line through the base of said foot hills to its intersection with the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Mulundu; on the south by the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Mulundu; on the west and north west by the eastern shore of Lake Lanao north to the mouth of the Puga'an River, thence by a line drawn from the mouth of said river to the summit of the detached mountain peak back of Puga'an. 98 APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS.

The Municipal District of Ditsan shall consist of the five barrios of Ditsan, Pagalu:il~an, Ragundingan, Buntung and Buayaan. . 9. 1'he .1.1fonicipal District of Gr.massi shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ trict of Madamba; on the east by the shore of Lake Lanao to its inter­ section with the Ganassi River; and by the western boundary of the Municipal District of Tatarikan; on the southwest by a line drawn from the summit of the east,ern Ganassi peak to its intersection with the Municipal District Madamba. The Municipal District of Ganassi shall consist of the eight barrios of Ganassi, Makaguiling, Gadungan, Pantaun, Gi, Taliugun, Tabuan and Pioduluna,n. · 10. 'l.'he .Municipal District of 6citci shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line drawn throu1rh a point on the eastern shore of Lake Lanao one-half mile north of the mouth of the Gata River due east to its intersection with a line bisecting that formed by the Gata and Rumayas rivers; on the northeast by said bisecting line southeastward to its intersection with a line drawn through the base of the Pidatan mountains; on the southeast by said line south westward to its intersection with the MalaigRiver;on the west by the Malaig River to its mouth on the shore of Lake Lanao; thence continued along the shore of Lake Lanao to a point one-half mile north of the Gata River. The Municipal District of Gata shall consist of the eight barrios of Gata, Punud, Rugao, Kadayunan, Dilausan, Bansayan, Disan and Gadungan. . 11. 'l.'he Municipal District of Kapai shall consist of the territori• bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ t,rict of Mandulug; on the east by the Lanao-Bukidnon boundary line south to its intersection by the Sigaan River; on the south by said Si­ gaan River westward to the rancheria of Raya, thence by a line to the summit of the detached mountain peak back of the rancheria of Puga'an; on the south and west by a line drawn from the summit of said mountain along the western base of the foot hills of the Kapai mountains to a point at the foot hills of the northern extremity of the Kapai Hills, thence by a line to a point on the Puga'an River three miles inland from the shore of Iligan BaJ·, thence along the eastern boundary line of the Municipality of Iligan to its intersection with the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Mandulug. The Municipal District of Kapai shall consist of the five barrios of Kapai, Pagulungan, Malana, Parau and Dimagaling. 12. 'l.'he J,lunicipcil Distl'ict of J(apastward to its intersection with the line of crests of the Gurain. range of mountains and along said Hne of crests south and southwest to the summit of Mount Gurain; on the 8outh and southwest by a line drawn from the summit of said mount Gurain thi;-ough a point one mile due north of the northern extremity of Lake Uyan to its intersection with the line drawn from the summit of the eastPrn Ganassi peak to the eastern ext1;emity of LakeDagianan, thence north west along said line and by the northeastern shore of said lake to its no1·thern extremity, thence by a line drawn due west to its inte1·­ section with the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Kolam­ bugan; on the northwest by a portion of t.hc said eastern boundar.v of the Municipal District of Kolamhugan north to its intersection with the southern boundary of the :VI unicipal District of Pan tau Ragat. The Municipal District of Munai shall consist of the five barrios of Manai, Nunang, Dalama, Balintad and Sandig-a-Munai. 24. 1'he .Municipal District of Nununyun shall consist of the territory bounded on the no1·th and northeast by a portion of the southern and southwestern boundary of the Municipal District of Munai east and southeast to the north western corner of the Municipal District of Ga­ nassi, thence following the northern borindar.v line of the Municipal District of Pualas to its intersection with the Liang-an River and the Liangan River southward to the municipal boundary line of the Munic­ ipality of :VJalabang; on the south by said boundary line westward to its intersection with the Sigayan River, thence on the west by said river and the eastern boundary line of the Municipal District of Kapatagan northward to the southwestern corner of the Municipal District of Munai. The Municipal District of Nunungan shall consist of the eight barrios of Mapialupa, Nunungan, Kalukungan, Kapatagan, Masibai, Karkum, Pagayawan and Katubuan. 25. '1.'he .Municipal Dist1·ict of Pantar shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis· trict of Mumungan from its intersection with the eastern boundary of the Municip.. l District of Balut eastward to its intersection with the southern and western boundary of the Municipal District of Kapai; on the southeast by a line drawn from said intersection to the Pantar bridge over the Agus River, thence southwest to the southeast corner of the Municipal Dist1·ict of Balut; on the west by the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Ba.Jut. The Municipal District of Pantar shall consist of the four barrios of Pantar Pantaun, Punud and Kalanganan. 26. The Municipal District of Paiituu Rugat shall consist of the ter­ ri tury bounded on the north by a portion of the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Buru'un from the Liangan River eastward to the Buru'un River and by a portion of the southern bounda1·y of the Mu­ nicipal District of Mumungan from the Buru'un River eastward tu the Agus River; on the southeast by a line drawn from said Agus River south west to a point one mile due north of the western extremity of Lake T~lau; on the south by a line drawn due west from said point tu its intersection with the southeastern boundary of the Municipal District of Kolambugan; on the northwest by a portion of the southeastern boundary of the Municipal District of Kolambugan north to its intersec­ tion with the Liangan River. The Municipal District of Pantau Ragat shall consist of the four barrios of Pantau Ragat, Dimayun, Nunang, and Aluun. 27. '1.'he Munfoipetl 1Jist1·ict of Pualcis shall consist of the territory bounded on the east by the south western boundary of the Municipal District of Ganassi to the summit of the eastern Ganassi peak, thence by a 102 APPENDIX I-1\JUNICIPil.L DIS'IRICTS,

line from said peak south westward to the bridge over the west Mataling River at the head o-f Lake Dapau, thence by the Ganassi-Malabang trail southward to the boundary line of the Municipality of Malabang; on the ,;outh h.r said Malabang boundary line north westward to its intersection with the Liangan River, thence north along said river to its point of intersection with a line drawn due west from the summit of Bukid Peak; on the north by said line to said summit and by a line from said summit to the north west corner of the Municipal District of Ganassi. The :\Iunicipal District of Pualas shall consist of the three .barrios of Pualas. Danugan and Dapau. _ 28. The jJfonicipfl./. District of 8agia-ran shall consist of the territory hounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal District of Balut and a portion of the southeastern boundary of the Municipal District of Pantar to the Agus River bridge at Pan tar; on the east by the southwestern boundary (Agus River) of the Municipal District of Sun­ gud; on the southeast by the north western boundary of the Municipality of Dansalan to its intersection with a line drawn due west thru a point; on the shore of Lake Lanao one-quarter mile south of the rancheria of Little Bakulud: on the south by said due west line to its intersection with a line drawn due north and south through the western extremity of Lake T11lau; on the west by said north itnd south line northward to its intersection with the southern boundary line of the Municipal District of Pantau Ragat. The i\Junicipal District of Sagiaran shall consist of the eleven barrios of Sagiaran, Dilausan, Pawak, Bubu, Mintring, Bagu-Ingud, Basak, Pantar, Sapingit, Palau and Tambu. 2!1. The Mimicipcil -JJist-rfrt of Simgud shall consist of the territory bounded on the northwest by ,the southeastern boundary of the Munic­ ipal District of Pantar; on the east by a portion of the western boundary of the Municipal District of Kapai to tbe northeast, corner of the Municipalit,y of Dansalan, thence by a lintl south west to the Agus River, thence down said river to the Agus River bridge at Pantar. The Municipal District of Sungud shall consist of the four barrios of Sungud, Mipaga, Limugau and Lumbayanagi. 30. The .llfunicipal District of 1"arnparan shall. consist of the territory hounded on the north by a line drawn parallel to and one-half mile south of the Taraka River; on the east by a line drawn parallel to and one­ half mile west of the Rumayas River south to a point one-half mile due west of the junction of the Rumayas and Gata rivers, thence to the point of intersection between the northern boundary of the Municipal District of Gata with the midway line between the Gata and Rumayas rivers; on the south by the northern boundary of the .Municipal District of Gata westward to the easthern shore of Lake Lanao; on the west by said eastern shore northward to a point one-half mile south of the Taraka River. The Municipal District of Tamparan shall consist of t,he six barrios of Tam~aran, Putud, Lalabuan, Tatayauan, Miundas and Linuk. 31. The JJ,lunicipal Di,strict of 1'a-raka shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by a line drawn due east and west through a point midway between the rancherias of Mulundu and Sambulawan from the eastern shore of Lake Lanao eastw.ard to its intersection with a line drawn through the base of the first foot hills; on the southeast by said line to its intersection with the '£araka or Putian River, thence down said river to a point about one-half mile below the junction of the Rumayas and Putian rivers, thence by a line drawn due west to its intersection with ·the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Tamparan; on the west and south by a portion of the eastern and northem boundaries of the Municipal District of 'l'amparan and the eastern shore of Lake Lanao noPth to its intei·section with the southern boundars of the ~fonicipal District of Mulundu. APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DIS'l.'RIC'l.'$.

The Municipal District of Taraka shall consist of the seven barrios of Sambulawan, Dilabayan, Malungan, Muriataubalindung, Muriatau- lukusadatu, Pitakas and Budiarurau. · ;12. 11w 111.unicipullJistl'ict 1~( 1'uta>'ikan shall consist of the territory bounded on the east and north bv the shore of Lake Lanao from the mouth of the Ganassi River east.of its intersection with a line drawn due north and south through a point one mile east of the rancheria of Tubaran and said north and south line to its intersection with a line drawn due east from the summit of the Eastern Ganassi peak: on the south by said due east line west to the summit of said peak: on the west by a line drawn from said summit to the mouth of the Ganassi River. The Municipal District of Tatarikan shall consist of the eight barrios of Tatarikan, Linindingan, Pinalangka, Lumbak, ,'\yung,· Paiguay, Pualas and Deyarcmpa1·kas. :!3. 11ie 1lfuwiciprr.l Dist1·ict of 'l.'ulmran shall c.onsist of the territory bounded on the north by the southwestern boundary of the Municipal Districts of Binidayan and Ba.rang and a portion of southeast boundar,1· of the Munic.ipal Distric.t of Lurnbatan: on the east by the western boundary of the Municipal District of But.ig southward to its intm·section with the Lanao-Cotabato boundary line; on the southeast by said boundar.1· line west and south to its intersection with the boundary line of the Municipality of Malabang: on the southwcst by said illalabang bonndar,v line northwestward to its intersection with the Ganassi-Malabang trail; on the west by the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Puulas. The Municipal District of Tubaran shall consist of the seven barrios of Tubaran, Buribid, Dikaparuan, Tangkal, Paiguay, Bita and Ba guiangan. 34. '/.'he ;J/un-ic-ipu.l lJi:;trict of 'l.'uguyct shall consist of the t.erritory bounded on the nor~heast by the south western boundary of the i.\J unic­ ipal District of Uatu; on the east and south by the western shore of Lake Lanao south to a point midway between the rancherias of Tugaya and Great Bakulud; on the south west by a line drawn from said midway point northwestward to the summit of Mount Gurain: on the north­ west by a line drawn from the summit of Mount Gurain through thu crests of the Gurain range of mountains northeastward to its intersee­ tion with the south western boundary of the .\1 unicipal District of lJat.u. The Municipal district of '£uga,ya shall consist of the eight barrios of 'l'ugaya, Bubung, Gurain, Sugud, Puted, Lumbak, Sugud and Kayagan. ;15. The ~lfonic:ipal lJist1·ict of Uatit shall consist of the territory bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Municipal Dis­ trict of Marantau; on the east by the western shore of Lake Lanao south to a point midway between the rancherias of Uatu and Tugaya: on the south west by a line drawn th1·u said midwa~· point due north west to its intersection with the line of crests of the Gurain range of moun­ tains at the southwest corner of the Municipal District of l\Jarantau. 'l'he Municipal District of Uatu shall also include the islands of Salun­ gan and N usa. The Municipal District of Uatu shall consist of the six barrios of Uatu, Lumbayau, Raya. Malaig, Pagayawan and Dilausan. The form of government of such municipal districts shall be that, prescribed in Executive Orde1· Numbered '!'en, series of Nineteen hun­ dred and fourteen, as amended by .Executive Order Numbered Two, series of Nineteen hundred and sixteen. The above changes in the political subdivisions of the municipal dis­ tricts of the Province of Lanao shall take effect as of May 1, 1917. (Sgd.) F. W. CARPEN'.rgR, Governor. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT 01•' MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. EXECUTIVE ORDER I No. 16. ( ,Tuly 12, 1917. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2fil6 of the Administrative Code,(!) and upon the recommendation of the Provincial Board of Zamboanga, acting· as council of the municipal districts, contained in its resolution No. 10, series of 1917, the territory in the province of Zamboanga. not included in the m.unicipalities therein existing, is hereby organized into fourteen municipal districts constituted as follows, Executive Order No. 18, series of 1914, being hereby repealed: 1. 1'he Jlfanicipal District of Bangcmn shall consist of the following territory: Beginning at the north boundary of the Municipal District of Sako! and following that boundary to t-he watershed, thence along the watershed to a point 45° W. of Labuan-Sug, thence in a straight line passing just south of the sitio of Tayung, thence along the coast to the starting point, including all islands adjacent thereto. The Municipal District of Bangaan shall consist of the seven barrios of Ban,!!'aan, Lingisan, Kaparan, Buluan Island, '.run.gawan, Tigbau and Tumitus, with the seat of municipal district government at Lingisan. 2. 1'he JJfonicipal District of li..abasalan shall consist of the following territor?: Beginning at Tayung, following the north boundary of Ban­ gaan to the boundary of Panganuran, thence along the watershed to a point due north of the Mt. Tres Reyes, thence south to Mt. Tres Reyes and thence southwest to Talaid Point passing around the headwaters of the Lutiman River, thence along the coast to starting point, including all adjacent islands. The Municipal District of Kabasalan shall consist of the ten barrios of Kabasalan, Labuan-Sug, Ipil, Bakalan, Kaliantana, Gubawang, Tan­ dubaud, Siay, Kulasian and Lumarau, with the seat of municipal district government at Kabasalan. 3. 1'he Municipal District of .Kumalarang shall consist of the following territory: Beginning· at Talaid Point thence east through Canalize Straits and across Dumanquilas and Igat bays to Gapit point, excluding only the barrio of Naga-Naga and the Island of Igat, thence north 60° east to a point due south of Dupang and Gilingan, thence due north passing just west of these sitios to the southern boundary of the Munic­ ipal District of , thence in a southwesterly direction along said boundary to the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Kabasalan, thence south and south west along said boundary to the point of starting. The Municipal District of Kumalarang shall consist of the nine barrios of Kumalarang, Dipalu, Manadding, Malangas, Laph•awan, Lutiman, Litayan, Tantawan and Muduk, with the scat of municipal district government at Kumalarang. 4. 1'he Municipal Di.~trict r!f' Lamitan shall consist of the following territory: Beginning from the mouth of Baliktasan River following the boundary line of the Municipality of Tsabela to Mt. Muhaji, thence

(1) .Now Sec-. 263J, Act !ii I. 10-l APPENDIX I-MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS. 105 south 36° east. to Mt. Timugan (Alt. 2966 ft.), thence south 12° west striking the coast one-half mile east of Mangal Point, thence east, north and west along the coast to the mouth of the Baliktasan River, includ­ ing the islands of Bihintinusa, Kauluan, Langil, Sibagu, Coco and small adjacent islands. The Municipal District of Lamitan shall consist of the fourteen barrios of Lamitan, Batu, Semut, Bojelebung, Amalui, Guiong, Balaktasan, Sabung, Kabingbing, Tubunan, Dugaa, Badia, Kaulungan Islands and Sibago Island, with the seat of municipal district government at Lamitan. 5. 1.'lw 1llunicipal Disti·ict of Malayal shall consist of the following territory: Beginning at mouth of Lingayen Creek, thence due east to the center of the Peninsula, thence in a straight line approximately N. 37° W. to Luma.rang Point, thence following coast to point of starting. The Municipal District of Malaya] shall consist of the four barrios of Malaya], Limasun, Lintag·un and Paniran, with the seat of municipal district government at Malaya! 6. 'l'lw Municipal Disti·ict of. Malt1su shall consist of the following territory: Beginning one-half mile west of the mouth of Kumalarang River following boundary line of the municipality of Isabela to Mt. Muhaji, thence along the boundary line of the Municipal District of Lamitan to the coast near Mangal Point, thence west, north and east along the coast to the point of starting, including all islands lying in the province south and west and north west of the Island of Basilan and adjacent thereto including the.Pilas and Tampiantana groups. The Municipal District of Malusu shall consist of the eight barrios of Malusu, Kennebungan, Tapiantana Island, 'I'abulungan, Salupin Island, Linawan Island, Pilas and Sangbai islands, with the seat of municipal district government at Malusu. 7. 1'he .Municipal District of ,llaryosatitbiy shall consist of the follow­ ing territory: Beginning at Gapit Point, thence along the coast to Takub Point, including the barrio of Naga-Naga, the Island of Olutanga and all adjacent islands, thence in a straight line North 60° west to the boundary of Kumalarang District, thence following this boundary to Gapit Point, the place of starting. 'I'he Municipal District of Margosatubig shall consist of the six barrios of Margosatubig, Naga-Naira, Dinas, Pang f:-'ang, 'rigbaruku and Olu­ tanga, with the seat of municipal district government at Margosatubig. 8. Tlw Municipctl District r,f Pctngctnimm shall consist of the following territory: Beginning at 7° 50' No~t~ parl!'llel, thence in a northeasterly direction along the seashore to K1p1t Pomt, thence due south to the watershed, thence southwest along said watershed ·to the northern boundary of the Municipal District of , thence due west along said boundary to 7° 50' North parallel, the point of starting. · The Municipal District of Panganuran shall consist of the six barrios of Panganuran, Tumau, Dikulum, Peiiaplata, Kanapun and Mamawan, with the seat of municipal district government at Panganuran. 9. 'l"/w llfanicipal District of Sakul shall consist of the following islands: Sakul, Pangapuyan, Tumalutab, Malauipa, Little Malanipa, Tiktabun, Sinunug, Balabak, the Panubigan group of islands; namely: Bagias, Silangan, Baung-Baung, Batu, Bubu, Kabugan, Lambang Lam· bang, Lampinigan, Panganakan, Puni;r, Sammaddang, Siruman and Visa-Visa, the sitio of Panubigan, and the territory included within the following boundaries: From Mataha point the boundary line will follow that of the Municipality of Zamboanga to the watershed, thence north­ ward following the watershed to the range of hills forming the southern boundary of the Bitali River valley, thence eastward along this range to Manluk Creek and thence due east in a straight line crossing the mouth of the Bitali River and the southern part of Limaun Island and including the sitios of 'l'ingultingulan, Muti, Palupalu, Paniapan, Taguiti, Lukda­ nau, Lukmadalum, Tunglugun and the Island of Paraitan. 106 APPENDIX l-lVIUNICIPAL DISTRICTS.

The Municipal District of Sakul shall consist of the nine barrios of Landang, Pangapuyan, Tumalutab, Malanipa, Little Malanipa, Tiktabun, Sinunug, Balabak and Panubigan, with the seat of municipal district government at Landang, Sakul Island. 10. 'l.'he 1lfonicipal Dist1·ict ot' :Sib11ku shall consist of the following territory: Beginning at Lumayang Point following the north bound ary of Malaya! to the crest of the mountain range, thence in a generally northern direction following the watershed to a point due east of Hanga Point, thence due west to Banga Point, thence back along the coast to starting point. The Municipal District of Sibuku shall consist of the four barrios of Sibuku, Pangian, Anungan and Panganuran, with the seat of municipal district government at Sibuku. · ll. 'l.'he Jllunicipal District of Sinclcmgan shall consist of the following territory: Be1arinning at Kipit Point thence along the coast of Tabunan Point, thence along the watershed, in a southeasterly direction to t.he headwaters of the Gicuan River, thence in a general westerly direction along the watershed to the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Panganuran, thence north along said boundary to Kipit Point, the point of starting . The Municipal District of Sindangan shall consist of the barrios of Sin­ dangan, Kipit, Pata wag, Lilui, Mukas, Salug, Palandug·, Talinga, Siari and Nipaan, with the seat of municipal district government atSindangan. I:!. 'l.'he 1~/imicipctl District rit' :Sirawai shall consist of the following territory: Beginning at Bangit Point thence due east to top of water­ shed, thence in a northerly direction following the watershed, passing over Mt. Tupilak to a point due east of Basuk Point on the 7° 50' north parallel, th6mce west along said parallel to the coast, thence along the coast to starting point. The Municipal District of Sirawai shall consist of the eleven barrios of Sirawai, Kawit-Kawit. Danganun, Piakan, Tapanayan, Panabutan, Latabun, Balili, Santa Maria, Nunuyan, and Baligian, with the seat of municipal district government at Sirawai. 1:J. 1'he 1llun·icipctl District of 'l.'a.Z..ksangay shall consist of the three following barrios: Taluksangay, Barlak and Bilang-Bilang. The barrio of Taluksangay shall consist of the strip of land lying between the sea and the salt-water swamp which separates it from the mainland. The barrio of Barlak shall consist of the strip of land l~·ing between the sea and the salt-water swamp which separates it from the mainland. The barrio of Bilang-Bilang shall consist of the island of that name. Municipal district capital at Taluksangay. 14. The J,Junicipal Dist1'ict of 'l.'iikuran shall consist of the territory in the eastern part of the province bounded by the eastern boundary of the Municipal District of Margosatubig, the southern boundaries; of the Municipality of Dipolog and the Province of Misamis, and by Panguil Bay and the western boundary of the Province of Lanao, including all adjaccn,t islands. The Municipal District of Tukuran shall consist of the five barrios of •rukuran, Labangan, Bulingsung, Pagadian and Binian, with the seat of municipal district government at Tukuran. The form of government in such municipal districts shall be that prescribed in Executive Order Numbered Ten, series of Nineteen hun dred and fourteen, as amended by Executive Order Numbered Two series of Nineteen hundred and sixteen. The above changes in the political subdivisions of the Province of Zamboanga shall take effect as of July 12, 1917. (Sgd.) F. W. CARPENTER, Governor. APPENDIX II



THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. (As amended by Department Circulars Nos. 26, 28 and 30.) SUBJEC'l': Monthly narrative report of Provincial Governors. DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR No. 3. January 3, 1917. To secure uniformity in the preparation of monthly narrative reports of provincial governors of this Depart,ment it is hereby directed that, beginning with the month of October, 1917, such reports be submitted to this office not later than the fifteenth of the following month and that no report will cover more than one month. The following outline must be followed in the preparation of these reports:(!) 1. Chronological Record.-Under this heading should be entered evei·y da.y of the month and under each day there should be stated briefly the most important events occurring and the official matters dispatched by provincial governors in and outside of office on that day. It is expected proviucial governors will spend a total of at least twenty days each month away from the provincial capital inspecting work, instructing subordinate officials and establishing friendly contact with the people, especially with those who have not yet fully submitted to government control. A brief account of inspection trips made during the month should be given here. 2. Public Urde1·.-Under this heading, a concise but full statement of public order condition existing throughout the province shquld be made. (Additional data for this may be had from the report of the Provincial Commander of the province). 3. Public Woi·ks.-·This heading should contain information regard­ ing the conditions and progress of various Insular, provincial and municipal public works in the province, such as wharves, schoolhouses, dispensaries and other public buildings, roads, trails, bridges, telephone lines, waterworks, etc. · 4. Economic.-This heading may be subdivided as follows: (a) Agriculture; (b) Manufacture, showing amount and value of monthly productions of each industry; (c) Commerce and Shipping; (d) Forests; (e) Mineral Products; (f) Marine Products; (g) Public lands; (h) Agricul­ ral Colonies, if there be any; (i) Import andExport.(2)-Under this head­ ing, a tabulated statement of the amount and value of each article imported and exported should be stated, which will facilitate the col­ lection of such data for the preparation of the annual report; and (j) Food Campaign,(3)-Under this heading, a statement should be given as to the work being done to increase in every posible means the food production in every community within the jurisdiction of the respective provincial governors of the Department and to have this food thus produced available for home consumption 5. Health mid Sanitation.-The health condition of the province should be reported under this heading. In case of outbreak of cholera

(I) See Dept. Cir. 30, 1917. (2) See Dept. Cir. 26, 1917. (3) See Dept. Cir. 28. 191 i. l(J!} 110 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCUf,ARS. or other epidemic diseases report of measures taken fol' suppression thereof should also be embodied therein. 6. Sc/wols.-Under this heading, there should be treated the progt'ess made in the establishment of schools in the municipalities as well as in municipal districts and barrios, including average daily attendance in ooch school, if possible. 7. Municipal Di$t1·icts.-There should be inserted in the Monthly Narrative Reports accounts of periodical or other meetings of the mu­ nicipal district officers at district headquarters or other convenitmt central points, for the explanation to them of the laws, reg·ulations, and orders which they are required to enforce, the clarification of mat­ ters in regard to which they are in doubt, and the discussion of othel' matte1·s of immediate public interest. There should also be inserted appropriate statement of activities in this line and pertinent comments regarding municipal district governments. 8. -WO'l·ks o.f Deputy Proviniial Gove1·1W1·s.rn-Under this headi_ng will be stated the various activities of agricultural graduates appointed deputy provincial governors, in the course of their inspections in the different communities within their respective provinces; the extent of wol'k done in the provincial nursery; the education of the people in modern farming methods; the giving of instructions to the people as to the scientific agricultural management of their farms and plantations: and, in general, the encouragement of agricultural production through­ out the province; etc. 9. Remm·ks ancl Recommendations.-This heading should contain whatever recommendations the provincial governor desires to make. To avoid the necessity of securing further information in regard to any matter treated under this heading, it is desired that a full statement of reasons in support of any recommendation be given. The form herein prescribed should be used beginning this month. For the Department Governor, (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, Department Secretal'y. To all Provincial Governors, Department of Mindanao and Sulu.

(1) See Dept. Cir. 28. 1917. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPART)IENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. HUBJEC'l': Free Cedulas­ Issuance of DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR No. 4. January 4, 1917. During 1915 and 1916, Provincial Governors have been authorized to promulgate executive orders providing for the issuance of current year's cedulas without the necessity of presenting cedulas for prior years, in the case of residents who by reason of Ii ving in remote settlements, or for other justifiable reasons, were unable to pay the cedula tax for such prior Jears. However, it has now been decided by the Collector of In­ ternal Revenue that under the provisions of Section 1600 of the Admin­ istrative Code,(!) free cedulas may be issued in the discretion of the Provincial Governors when once the proper executive order has been approved by the Department Governor. The form of executive order required is as follows: "By virtue of the power vested in me by section 1600 of the Administrntive Code.(2) and subject to the approval of the Depnrtment Governor, "It is hereby ordered tbnt all residents of this province. who, by reason of living in remote settlements or for other justifiable reasons, been unable to puy the cedulu tax shall, in the discretion of the Provincial Governor. be exempted from payment of cedula tax and shall, subject to the regulation of the Collector of Internal Revenue, be issued gratuitous cedula certillcates; provided, thnt such residents applying for the current year's cedulus may be issued such cedulas without the necessity of their being issued previous years' cedula t'ertillcntes", It is understood that the Collector of Internal Revenue will issue no further regulations in regard to the matter, but that existing regula­ tions for the issuance of free cedulas will obtain. Provincial Governors should issue the above executive order at once and forward the same to the Department Governor for approval. In the application of the above executive order, care should be taken to exercise the discretion therein conferred with the greatest circumspec­ tion. As a rule, and except in special cases, no one who has in past years paid the cedula tax should be exempted during the current year. That is, once any individual has satisfied the cedula tax, he should thereafter be considered as belonging permanently to the tax paying community. Free cedulas will, therefore, be ordinarily granted only in the case of individuals who have but recently come within government influence. For The Department Governor, (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, To all Department Secretary. Provincial Governors, Provincial Secretary-Treasurers, Department of Mindanao and Sulu.

(I) Now Sec. 1445, Act 2711. (2) Now Sec. 1445, Act 2711. Ill THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOH ZAMBOANGA, P. I. SUBJECT: Firearms-­ DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR Permits therefor No. 9. February 20, 1917. The attention of this office has been called by the District Chief of Constabuhiry(I) to the fact that special firearm permits issued to prov· incial and municipal officers and employees are not always turned in or t,aken up on the termination of the employment of the individual. In order that there may be definition of duty and responsibility in this important matter, provincial governors are hereby charged with the taking up of special firearm permits held by provincial and munic­ ipal officers and employees whenever the necessity for such permits ceases to exist and in any event upon the termination of service or change of status otherwise of the officer or employee holding the permit. At the same time provincial governors will cause proper disposition to be made of the firearm in accordance with law; if the property of the government, a firearm should of course be turned in promptly to the acaountable officer. List of all firearm permits held by private persons as well as govern· ment officers and employees within the territorial jurisdiction of the province should be kept at hand in the provincial governors' offices. Such list may be compiled and kept up to date by arrangement with the Senior Inspector of Constabulary, in the province.(2) Provincial governors will transmit the contents hereof to the munic­ ipalities in accordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of Department Circular No. 1. For The Department Governor, (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, Department Secretary To all Provincial Governors, Department of Mindanao and Sulu.

(!) Now Constabulary Commanding Officer Department of Mindanao. See General Orders No. 19-Philippine Constabulary-Aug, 15, 1917. (2) Now Provincial Commander. See General Orders No. 19-PhlllppineConstab· 11lary-Aug. 15, 1911. 112 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMEN'l' OF MINDANAO AN:Q SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I.

SUBJECT: Coconut Beetles. DEPARTMgNT CIRCULAH No. 12. February 23, 1917. The ravages of the black or rhinoceros coconut beetle (oryctes rhinoceros) are only too apparent to any one who rides along the num­ erous coconut groves in the vicinity of Zamboanga. During recent years. the increase in the number of these beetles has been enormous and it is the conservative estimate of various especially qualified persons that if this pest continues to spread at the present rate, the coconut groves of the Zamboanga Peninsula will be either destroyed or valueless within ten years. Coconut products constitute by far the greatest agricultural riches of Zamboanga and the black beetle pest therefo1•e threatens the prosperity of Zamboanga in a very real way. Investigation has shown that the black beetle except in the rarest of cases does not breed in t.he living coconut trees but rather in the decay­ ing trunks, dead trees, stumps or leaves of coconut trees, or any con­ siderable mass of decaying vegetable material of any kind. Section 3 of Act No. 286, as amended by section 1 of Act No. 322, provides as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or permit to remain, 01· to use or cause to be usecl as posts of any building or fence, or to employ as materials in the construc­ tion of any bridge or other work. on premises owned or occupied by him dencl coconut trees or stumps, coconut timber or rubbish heaps, vegetable refuse, or other matter lil,ely to harbor or become breeding places for the oryctes rhinoceros. commonly known as the bhtck beetle, or the rhychophorus ferrugineus. commonly known >1s the red beetle, and any such person who shall neglect or refuse to remove or destroy the sume when requested so to do in writing by any officer of the district or municipality wherein sai!I premises are located, or by nny owner or occupa.nt of hood planted with coconut trees ancl situated within one mile of the premises on whir.h such dead coconut trees or stumps, coconut timber or rubbish heaps, vegetable refuse, or other matter nre kept, shall be liltble to n tine not exceeeding two hundred pesos: P1·11vtded, lwwever, '!'hat coconut timber may be use,\ in any construction on said premises where the some does not come in contact in any WILY with the soil, if s1tid timber be previously split or sawed and scorched''. Section 4 of the same act (No. 286) provides as follows: "Upon the conviction of 1tny person under section three hereof the governor of the district (province) wherein such premises are located shall cu.use such dead coconut trees or stumps, coconut timber or rubbish he1tps, vegetable refuse, or other such matter to be removed or destroyed, 1tnd the cost necessary therefor shall be a lien upon the pro­ perty and collectible ns are other taxes upon re11l property." The enforcement of the above·quoted provisions of law does not require the destruction of living and valuable coconut trees but merely that the premises be kept clean of refuse and that dead trees, which are of course of no value, be destroyed, thus destroying the larvae and preventing the reproduction of the beetle. Since almost the entire damage dune to coconut trees is done by the adult beetle, the destruction of breeding places will effectually prevent the multiplication of adult beetles and thus protect the trees. Further, the measures to be taken involve no expense other than the labor of collecting, burning or otherwise destroying refuse, and this is in itself beneficial to a coconut grove, entirely apart from the question of beetles. It is consequently directed that all provincial and municipal officers of this department take at once the most effective means of bringing this matter to the serious attention of all owners of coconut groves. Munic- 113 114- APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. ipal presidents are directed through the councilors, barrio lieutenants and police force or special agents who may be appointed for the purpose, to notify every owner of a coconut grove which shows signs of being attacked by the black beetle, that the measur"s prescribed in the above. quoted section 3 must be. carried out immediately. The above quoted section 3, 11,s amended, shall hereafter be enforced by all officers of the provincial and municipal governments in accordance with the provisions of section 4- of said Act No. 286 quoted above. Provincial Governors will transmit the contents hereof to the munic­ ipalities in accordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of Department Circular No. 1. For The Department Governor, (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, Department Secretary. 'ro all Provincial Boards, Department of Mindanao and Sulu. (Translation) THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF TH,~ GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. MATERii: Escarabajos de coco. CIRCULAR DEL DEPARTAMEN'l'O No. 12 Febrero 23, 1917. Los destrozos del escarabajo de coco (oryctes rhinoceros) son dema­ siado aparentes para cualquiera persona que pase entre los numerosos cocales alrededor de Zamboanga. Durante los ultimos aiios, el aumento de estos escarabajos de coco ha sido asombroso y son los calculos conser­ vati vos de varias personas peritas en la materia de que si esta peste continua propagandose a la proporci6n actual, !as plantaciones de coco de la Peninsula de Zamboanga seran destruidas o no tendran valor alguno dentro de diez aiios. Los productos de! coco constituyen, mas que nin­ gun otro, !as riquezas ag·1·1colas mas grandes de Zamboanga y por tanto la peste de este escarabajo de coco amenaza la prosperidad de Zamboanga en todos conceptos. Una investi~acion llevada al efecto ha demostrado que estos escara­ bajos no se cria.n, a excepci6n de casos muy raros, en los ponos de cocos vivos sino en troncos degenerados, arboles muertos, troncos o palmas de los arboles de cocos, o en cualquiera masa considerable de materia vege­ tal decaido. El articulo 3 de la Ley No. 286, ta! como fue enmendado por el articulo 1 de la Ley No. 322, ambos de! Concejo Administrativo de! Departamento de Mindanao y Sulu, dispone como sigue: "Sera ile1rni p1tr1t cu11Jquier11 person,i conservnr o permitfr <1Ue se conserven. o utilizar o hacer que se utilicen como postes de cual<1uier edilicio o cerco. o emplenr como mate­ rial en hi construcci6n de cualquier puente u otro trnbujo. en premisus o Ju1mres que pertenecen o estan ocup1tdos por ella. ponos cle coco muertos, restos de troncos. mndera de coco o escombros u.montonu.dos, desperdicios vegetu.les, u otras ma.terius q1:1e pueda.n constituir de crinderos parn Jos oryctes rhinoceros, comunmente conocidos por escara­ bnjos negros, o rhynchophorus ferrugineus conocidos comunmente por escnrnbajos rojos, y cuu!quiern de dichns personus que dejuse de o rehusnre recoger o destruir Los mismos cunndo nsl se le re,1uiem por escr1to por cunlquier funcionnrio de distrito o municipio en donde se hu.Jlen Ins premisns, o por cunlquier clueiio u ocupante de terreno plnnt11clo de coco y situado dentro de unn mill" de dichns premisus en donde clichos po'nos de coco muertos o troncos. mndem de coco o escombros 11monton11dos, desperdicios vegetales u otrns mnterins, esu'in reunidos. quedara sujeto a unn multa que no excedn de doscientos pesos: Entendil!ndose, sin embnriro. que la madem clel coco podra usnrse en cuulquiel'IL construcci6n en dichns premisns siempre que Ins mismus no esten en contncto de nlgunn m,mera con Jn tierrn, si !as referi,h1s mant to the provincial governor such ap­ pointment is deemed advisable in the public interest. The provision in existing laws that "no person temporarily appointed shall serve for a longer period than one year, at the expiration whereof his employment shall cease and he shall be ineligible for further tem­ porary appointment to the municipal police", wi11 necessarily be waived while existing conditions in the Department continue. Under the provisions of said Act No. 314 and 321, the Con_stabulary in the Department is given supervision and control over the police examinations. Pursuant to the provisions of section 2607 of the Admin­ istrative Code,(5) the chief of police shall be appointed by the municipal president subject to the approval of the provincial governor. This is to be understood to be in the case of a duly qualified chief of police. The following form should be used: THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLAND53 DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND S!ULU MUNICIPAL POLICE SERVJ:CE P1·ovince of ..•... _•.....• ------...• Municipality of. ______------, 191 . Mr·------

(I) Formerly Act 2657; now Act 2711. (2) See Ch. 5 of the Administrative Code of the Depn.1·tment of Mindanao and Sulu, (3) See Sec. 2625, Act 2711. (4) See Sec. 2613. Act 2711. (5) See Sec. 2621. Act 2711. 117 APPENDIX II-DAPARTMENT CIRCULARS.

Sir: With the advice and consent of the Municipal Council, you are hereby appointed Chief of Police of the Municipality oL ...... _____ ..... ____ _ with compensation at the rate of...... ___ ------.. __ per month, t.he appointment to date from._ .. __ . ______.. _. _..... ------· APPROVED: Municipal President. Provincial Governor. ATTEST: Senior Inspector,()) Philippine Constabulary, Chairman "Municipal Police Examining Board". (Note: To be signed in triplicate; one copy to be attached to voucher on which first salary payment is made). In the appointment of sergeants or policemen the following Constab­ ulary form No. 21 (b) should be used: THE GOVERNMEN'l' OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMEN'l' OF MINDANAO AND SULU MUNICIPAL POLICE SERVICE ProvinceMunicipality oL ______of ______---· ------· ------_ ·------, 191 . :tvh·. ------. ----- .------.. - . ------

Sir: . You are hereby appointed a ____ ------.. _.. ___ .. _____ . ____ ------.... (Sergeant or Policeman) in the Municipality of______with compensation at the rate oL------··------· per month, the appointment to date froin------· Attest: Municipal President.

Senior Inspector, (2) Philippine Constabulary, Chairman "Municipal Police Examining Board". (Note: To be signed in triplicate; one copy to be attached to voucher on which tirst salary payment is made). ThQse appointtnent forms will be made out and signed in triplicate, and attested by the Senior Inspector(3) of Constabulary, who, under section 3 of Act No. 314, as amended by section 2 of Act No. 321, is chair­ man of the provincial examining board for municipal police. After being duly signed and attested, one copy of the appointment will be delivered t,o the appointee, one attached to the voucher to be submitted to the District Auditor for the first salary paytnent, and one copy kept on file in the office of the municipal president. Provincial Governors will transmit the contents hereof to the munic­ ipalities in accordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of Department Circular No. 1. For the Department Governor, (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, To all Department Secretary. Provincial Governors, and Provincial Secretary-Treasurer,s, Department of Mindanao and Sulu.

(I) Now, Provincial Commander. (2) Now. Provincial Commander. (3) Now, Provincial Commander. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF 'l'HE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. SUBJECT: Cattle-­ DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR Regist1·ation and .No. 21. branding of March 5, 1917. The law on the subject of cattle branding and registration is contained in Act No. 1147 -and Acts Nos. 2099, 2216 and 2332, amending certain sections of Act No. 1147.0) CATTLE REGISTRATION Geneml.-Section 34 of Act No. 1147, as amended, provides that all large cattle which have attained the age of two years must be branded and registered in conformity with the provisions of said Act, and providP.s penalties for failure to do so. Executive Order No. 137, series of 1909, of the Governor·General, makes it the duty of all executive, peace and prosecuting officers of the government, whether Insular, provincial or municipal to enforce the provisions of said Act. It has come to the attention of this office that there is still a larg-e number of unregistered cattle throughout the Department. The Bureau of Constabulary has been directed by his Excellency, the Governor-Gen­ eral, to give this matter especial attention, and to make report to him of those municipalities which have neglected to enforce the law and comply with thfl Executive Order mentioned. A systematic check of all cattle throughout the Department, for the purpose of ascertaining if properly registered, will result in the recovery of stolen animals, the apprehension of cattle thieves, greater security to the owners of cattle, and the collection of a considerable amount of revenue due to the municipal and municipal district governments. It is directed that such a check of all large cattle be undertaken, municipality by municipality, district by district, and barrio by barrio, and that it be pressed to a conclusion at the earliest practicable date. For guidance in this work and for the more thorough and methodical registration of cattle in the future, t,he following regulations are prescribed: REGISTRATION IN BARRIOS 1. Place of 1·egistration.-Cattle owners should not be required to bring their animals to the poblaci6n for branding and registration, if undue hardship would be caused thereby; especially should they not be so re­ quired in the case of detached islands, or remote barrios separated from the poblaci6n by long and difficult trails. Municipal officials charged by law with the duty of branding and registering cattle, or their representatives, should visit, on dates to be previously announced, the principal barrios of the municipality for the purpose of performing the duties of their office in this respect. Advantage should be taken of the opportunity during such a visit to check up all cattle in the barrio to see that none that are of sufficient age have escaped registration. The treasurer should also execute such transfer certificates as may be necessary to legalize sales made. In order that a peace officer may be sent

(I) See Oh. 22, Act 2711. 119 120 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS.

to accompany the municipal officials on these visits, municipal treasurers will give prior notice to the Senior Inspector of Constabulary(!) in the province, of the intended date of departure and places to be visited EVIDENCE f_lF OWNERSHIP OF ANIMALS 2. Upon original regi8t'l'ation.-It has been the practice iii. some cases to require sworn affidavits from all owners of large cattle who present th~m for registration. Section 9 of Act, No. 1147(2) provides that- "Persons charged with the duti• of branding or registering lnrge cattle and issuing the proper certificates shall satisfy themselves of the ownership of the cattle so branded or registered, and shall take due care that no certificate of ownership is issued to any per­ son other than the proper owner." Affidavits are not necessarily essential as proofs of ownership; oral testimony of reliable persons is often sufficient, and owners are thus saved the expense of notarial fees, documentary stamps, etc. Those certifying to certificates of ownership and transfer reminded that they must satisfy themselves that a young animal presented is the calf or colt of an animal legally in possession of the applicant; in case of any doubt the traasurer will refuse to issue a certificate and will im­ mediately notify the chief of police, who is required to investigate and make such report to the Senior Inspector of ConstabularyC3) as may be that officer. The municipal treasurer will also notify the chief of police of all cases in which animals of more than two years of age presented for registration. 3. Upon transfer.-Here1lofore, in niany instances municipal treas­ urers have issued transfer certificates· upon the presentation of affidavits instead of upon presentation of the original certificates of registration and certificates of previous transfers. '.I'his practice is contrary to law and must cease; certificates or copies of records must be produced. (See ;,ection 18, Act 1147.)(4) . In the event it is found that no registration was ever made or that it is claimed that certificates have been lost, municipal treasurers will notify the chief of police. The chief of police will . thereupon make investi_gation, and report to the Senior Inspector of Constabulary. (5J · 4. Uutijicates to be 1·efused in all cases of doitbt 01· S'USpic'ion -In all cases of doubt or suspicion as to ownership, treasurers will refuse to issue certificates or registration or transfer, except upon the favorable recommendation of the Senior Inspector of Constabulary.(6) 5. Nott1.tion and t1·a1UJfer upon p1·evious docmnents.-Upon issuing a certificate of transfer, the municipal treasurer will note, in ink,· on the face .of all previous documents pertaining to the animal, the fact that the transfer·was made, stating date, to whom transferred, and the num­ ber of the certificate evidencing it. 6 Transfe1· Oei-ti:{icates-:Signature of Owner.-The "Signature of Owner" upon a Certificate of Transfer should be that of the seller. It will also be _hereafter required that the buyer sign the certificate in the space· below that designated for the signature of the seller, and, until new. forms are printed providing therefor, the words "Signature of. Buyer" or "Firma de! Comprador" will be written or stamped below such signature. MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS 7. Registration and bmnding of cattle in .Municipal lJistricts.-In case municipal district. officers, for any reason, are unable to perform the dutie~ imposed upon them by law regarding certificates of ownership,

(1) Now Provincial Commander. (2) See Sec. 518, Act 2711. (3) Now Provincial Commander. ( 4) See Sec. 525, Act 2711. (5) Now Provincial Commander. (6) Now Provincial Commander. APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. 121 certificates of transfer, or any other documents required in the registra­ tion or branding of cattle, the provincial governor may authorize a traveling deputy of the provincial secretary-treasurer to perform such duties and powers conferred on municipal officers in connection with registration and branding of cattle in municipal districts. CATTLE SLAUGHTERED, ETC. 8. :Slaughter permit.-When a permit to slaughter an animal is issued, it is directed that the certificate of registration and all certificates of transfer presented to the municipal treasurer pursuant to section 30 of Act 1147,0> be taken up, marked wit_h the words "Slaughtered, Permit No. . .. " and that such certificates thereupon be turned over to the chief of police for transmission to the Senior Inspector of Constabulary. (2) In case no proper certificates are presented, the treasurer will refuse permit to slaughter and will call upon the chief of police to. investigate the ownership of the animal. The municipal treasurer will thereafter be guided by paragraph 4 of this circular in the issuance of the necessary certificate of ownership. Only until such certificate has been issued can the issuance.of slaughter permit be considered. 9. Cc1.ttle dyi1ig of disease or inJury.-The chief of police will report to the Senior Inspector of Constabularyl3) the death of carabao, i•am and hol"/JCS, and will take up and forward to him the certificates of regis­ tration and transfer of such animals. He will note across the face of such certificates-'·Died ....•. __ .. __ . _-.------. ---- ______", giving date and cause of death. CHARGE FOR MAIN'l'ENANCE OF ESTRAYS BY MUNICIPALITIES 10. Forage chm·ges.-Charges made for forage for animals which have been taken up as estrays, or from persons in 1mlawful possession of them, must be fair and reasonable. ~n rare instances, shouU such charges be more than forty centavos per day. Charges in e·xcess of s11ch amount will be subject to question by the Auditor. The following instructions will be complied with in branding large cattle in the municipalities and municipal districts of this Department: 11. Brancls -All brands both public and private shall henceforth be composed of a capital letter or letters of the alphabet, and Arabic numeral or numerals, or a combination of both. Such brands are always clear and admit of definite description and indexing. w The use of pictures or other designs which are usually blurred; espe­ cially on a carabao, and, therefore, do not admit of a definite description and cannot be indexed, are prohibited. 12. ()ornpulsory bmncls -Compulsory brands required by law are the municipal brand and the owner's brand . . 'l'he municipal brand, required by law to be placed on the left hip of each animal branded, shall be the initial letter of the name of the prov­ ince in the case of the provincial capital, and the same letter followed by the numeral corresponding to each other municipality or municipal district according to a serially numbered list of the municipalities and municipal districts constituting the province, copy of said list and fuil explanatory memorandum being filed in the provincial secretary-treas­ urer's office, the office of each municipal treasurer and municipal district treasurer or president's office, the office of the Senior Inspector of Constabulary(4J of the province, the Department .Secretary's office, and the Division of Archives, Patents, Copyrights, and Trade Marks, Phil­ ippine Library and Museum, Manila. Thus, for example, the municipal brand of Butuan, Agusan Province, to be placed on all cattle branded

(I) See Sec. 532, Act 2711. (2) Now Provincial Commander. (3) Now Provincial Commander. l4) Now Provincial Comm.a,nder. 122 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS, within that municipal jurisdiction would be the letter "A"; that of Cabadbaran "A-1"; that of 'l'alacogon "A-2"; and so on, in serial order for each of the remaining municipal districts. 13. Oumer's brctnd.-The owner's brand, required by law to be placed on the right hip of each animal branded, shall consist for each owoor .o.f a fixed combination of three letters arran·ged in a line and such lettet>s shall not be interlaced. Should the number of owners of .large cattle in a municipality exceed the number of possible combinations of three lettet·s, then four letters of the minimum size prescribed by law and by this circular may be used but not otherwise. 14. Optional b1·ands cmd marks.-For convenience in identifying an aniinal by its corresponding document, owners of more than twenty-five head of stock are advised to use a serial number for each individual animal commencing with I. To avoid running beyond 9!J9, there should be one series for male and another for female cattle, one for male and another for female carabaos, etc. This serial number when used shall be placed on the right hip not less than foul' inches below the compul­ sory brand of the owner. Other distinguising marks are optional with the owner, but they must be prohibited ( 1) if proposed to be placed on either hip of the animal or (2) if they would cause unjustifiable or wanton mutilation of or pain to the animal. The use of ear marks either by punching out, slitting', indelible inking or tagging are all customary practices and are authorized. The importance of v1·ompt and systematic action to the end that all lcwye ccittle be bmn

(1) See Ch. 22, Act 2711. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF TH,~ GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. SUBJECTS: (1) Municipal Councils- DEPARTMENT CIRCULAH Resolutions and Ordinances: No. 22. (2) Municipal Presidents_:_ March 23, 1917. Executive Orders. (As amended by Department Circula1· No. 32.) Pursuant to the provisions of section 2572 of the Administrative Code,U> the following is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: MUNICIPAL COUNCILS GENERAL 1. Functions.-A municipal council, like any other legislative body. has a twofold function: · (1) As the legal representative of the municipal corporation, it receives and sends communications, report and petitions; orders the payment of salaries and other legal indebtedness; approves or disap­ proves the official record of its own proceedings; and confirms or disap­ proves the nominations I.Jy the municipal president of non-elective mu­ nicipal officers. These and other similar duties are imposed upon the municipal council by law, and, in fulfilling them, the council is said to act in its ministe1·ia! capacity. (2) But, besides these ministerial acts, the council may appropriate money for any legal purpose; impose taxes; prescribe regulations gov­ erning the conduct of the residents of the municipality; regulate the use of streets and sidewalks; abate nuisances; or order improvements. These acts are done by the council in its legislative capacity. All ministerial acts of the council should be by resolution. All legislative acts of the council should be by ordinance. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 2. Distinction between.-One essential difference between resolutions and ordinances is that resolutions are merely for the transaction of the current business of the municipality, and have no permanent value, whereas ordinances have all the force and effect of law and continue in force .until repealed or superseded by subsequent enactment. '.rheir respective characters being such, resolutions are not related to one another, and may, for convenience, be numbered consecutively, commencing with January first and continuing to the end of each calendar year. Ordinances, however, being more permanent in their nature, shall be numbered consecutively, throughout the entire corporate life of a munic­ ipality, in the same way as the public laws of the Philippine Legislature or any other legislative body. 3. Requisites of a valid 01·dinance.-The general requisites of a valid ordinance; are as follows: · (1) It must be promulgated by a municipal corporation, duly created and legally existing.

(I) See Sec. 2586. Act 2711. 123 124 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS,

(2) It must emanate by virtue of power inherent in the corporation, or power either expressly or impliedly delegated to it by the Legislature (Sec. 2611 of the Administrative Code).(ll (3) It must relate to a subject within the scope of the corporation. (4) It must be passed in the manner prescribed. (5) It must be enacted in good faith, in the vublic intel'est alone, and designed to enable the corporation to perform its true functions as a local governmental agency. Valid ordinances of a municipality are as binding on the inhabitants thereof as the i.reneral laws of the Philippine Islands upon the citizens at large. The members of the municipal council, duly assembled for the performance of their legitimate fuctions, when acting within the con­ tines of their delegated authority, constititute "a miniature assembly", and the law-making power of the Islands gives their ordinance!ii the force of laws passed by the Legislature. (See McQuillin, suprct pp. 1!1-20.) 4. 01·dinances, clefinitions and kinds of.-An ordinance "prescribes gen­ eral, uniform, and permanent rules of conduct, relating to the corporate affairs of the municipality". (McQuillin on Municipal Ordinances). For the general purposes of our municipalities they may be divided into three classes: (1) Ordinances enacted by virtue of the police power of the munic­ ipality, prescribing penalties for specified commissions and omissions. These are termed volice ordinances. (2) Ordinances imposing taxes, licences and fees. · These are termed financial 01·dinances (3) Ordinances made for the guidance and regulation of municipal officers and business. These are termed administrative 01·dinances. 5. Ul'dinances, new se1·ies (Jj' niimbel's.-In order to bring about a condi­ tion of uniformity in the method of numbering arid recording.ordinances in all municipalities throughout the Department, a new series ol ordi­ nances will be commenced as of January 1, 1915. The first ordinance passed after that date will be numbered ordinance No. 1. All'ordinances thereafter enacted will be given the succeeding numbers, .not only during the year 1915, but also during all succeeding years . 6. Ul'dinances, existing, revision ()f. -As rapidly as possible, all ordi­ nances previously enacted which are still in force on January 1, 191~, will be reenacted and brought into this numbered series'. The effect of this will be to supersede all existing ordinances numbered in different wavs, and various in form. by one continuous series drawn up in accordance with correct models. MINUTES 7. The municipal council, in common with all other deliberative bodies, is required to keep a record of its proceedings. The acts of the council, as recorded, are known as "minutes" and should l,e prepared by the municipal secretary in accordance with the following instructions: 8. Paper to be itsecl and manne1· of w1·iting -Minutes of municipal councils will be recorded upon typewriter pape1· known as ''Coupon Bond No 3·1'' or other paper of similar quality and size. They will be type­ written in triplicate using only black record ribbons .and good black carbon paper. In writing, a margin of one and one-half inches will be allowed on the left hand side of the page, one inch on the right hand side, and one inch at top and bottom. II. .Minutes, disposition f!f'.-The minutes of the municipal council should be prepared and the duplicate copies, duly certified, forwarded to the provincial board within thirty-six hours after the session of the council, as provided in section 2609 (g) of the Aministrative Code (2)

(1) See Sec. 2625, Act 2711. (2) See Sec. 2623 (g), Act 2711. APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. 125

These copies should not be rolled but mailed folded m· flat, and without the necessity of a letter of transmittal. The original copies of minutes will be carefully preserved, and, at the end of each calendar year, forwarded together with the original copy df the index thereto, to the provincial secretary-treasurer for requisition (Provincial Form No. 52), for binding. However, the originals of the minutes and their corresponding indexes ,v.ill not be ordered bound at the end of each calendar year u-nless they comprise at least 500 pages. If the minutes pertaining to one year .do not comprise the number of pages herein specified, they may be allowed to accumulate until their volume reaches the size required. In ordering.the binding of minutes, however, those pertaining to one fiscal year should separated, unless for reason of bulk that is not practicable, in which case the minutes for a stated period should be.bound in two or,more volumes Upon being returned to the council, bound in volumes, they will cons­ titute the permanent record of its proceedings. As important public records, ihey should be carefully safeguarded from destruction by any, fire, storm, or sther destructive agency.

(I) See Dept. Cir. 32, 1917. (2) See Sec. 26!4 Ca), Act 2711. 126 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. payment,. onereso~ution should .embrace all vouchers presented at one meeting. (See model resolution No. 5.) 15. Official communications, disposition ~f;.,-All official communications, received should be disposed of in the manner prescribed for resolutions of the provincial board and executive orders of the pro\'incial governor. (See model resolution No. 7.) 16. 1'rials cmd imestigat-ions.-Records of investigations and trials need not be incorporated verbatim in the regular minutes, but should be kept separately in the same manner as regular office correspondence, making, however, in the minutes, the following notation "(See munic- ipal file No ...... )". Copies thereof should be furnished the provincial board, if action by that body is- necessary. . 17. Inc1-ex, manner of making.-The index to minutes of municipal councils should be kept up-to-date throughout the year. It will be bound preferable to use index cards for this purpose instead of monthly rough draft indexes. At the end of the year, such cards, properly ar­ ranged will be ready to be copied on the prescribed paper for minutes. Special care should be taken in the preparation of the index, in order that it may fully serve its purpose us such. It will be prepared in du­ plicate. Every resolution must have at least two references in the index. Resolutiqns of the provincial board and e:,i:ecutive orders of the provincial governor, referred to in the minutes, sh-:>uld be indexed by subjects as well as by number,;. 18. Index, disposition of.-Upon completion of the index, the original COP.Y thereof will be forwarded, together with the original copies of the minutes, to the provincial treasurer for binding (See paragraph 9). The duplicate copy will also, at the same time, be forwarded to the provincial governor for the use of .his office.

EXECUTIVE ORDERS 19. Prepamtion and disposition of.-Executive orders of the municipal presidents will be prepared on the same kind of paper and in the same manner as is prescribed for the preparation of the minutes. They will be numbered consecutively, in one series, during each ca.lendar year. The three copies of executive orders and the two copies of the index therefor will be disposed of in the same manner as are the resolutions of the council. An index separate from that of the minutes but prepared in the same manner, will be made for executive orders.

GENERAL. 20. Notatii,n of provincial bom·ct's action.-The provincial secretary­ treasurer will note on the margin -of each act of the municipal council the provincial board's action, making reference to its resolution by number, i .. e., "Approved, 1•esolution No ..... , series of ; ... (year)", or "Referred to the provincial fiscal or Department Attorney for opinion, Resolution No ..... , seriesof .... (year)", as the casema.ybe. Themunites of each municipal council should then be filed separately in a Sisson's Magic Binder No. 12 and kept in the office of the provincial governor ~or future reference. 21. · Duty to see that ordinances m·e properly dl·awn and numbered.-The duty of seeing that municipal secretaries submit the acts of the council in. the form prescribed, and that ordinances are properly drawn and numbered will devolve upon provincial secretary-treasurers. 22. .1llodel1·esolutions, exemtivem·del·s, and indexes.-There are furnished with this circular model forms showing the methods of drafting (a) minutes of the council; (b) calls for special meetings; (c) indexes to executive orders and resolutions; and (d) executive orders. A close adherence to these forms is enjoined. 23. This circular shall take effect January I, 1917. APPENDIX !I-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. 127

P1•ovincial governors will transmit the contents hereof to the munic­ ipalities in accordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of Department Circular No. 1. For The Department Governor, (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, Department Secretary. To all Provincial Governors, and Provincial Boards, Department of Mindanao and Sulu. 1),[odel Form (ci) THE MUN IC IP AL GOVERNMENT OF ...... PROVINCI~ OF...... , P. I. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ...... , ...... , HELD AT ...... " .. " .. ' ON •.•.•••••••.••.•••...•.. 191 . Present: Mr...... , President, Mr ...... , Vice-President, Mr...... , Councilor, Mr...... , Councilor, Mr...... , Councilor, Mr...... , Councilor, 1\olr...... • . . . . , Council or, Mr...... , Councilor, Mr...... , Councilor, Mr...... , Councilor, Absent: None. The meeting was called to order by the Municipal President at 8 o'clock and 30 minutes antemeridian. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. RESOLUTION 1 A petition from the residents of the barrios of ...... requesting that the main road leading to the place which is practically impassable, be repaired, was presented. On motion by Councilor ...... ••...... , seconded by Councilor ...... , the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, That a committee of three members to be composed of Councilors...... , ...... , ...... , be, and is hereby, delegated to inspect the road referred to and advise this Council, at its next meeting, as to the aproximate amount which would be needed for its repair.

2 Councilor ...... presented the following resolution: Whereas, the law imposes upon the Municipal Council the duty to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the municipality; Whereas, it is for the public welfare to prohibit in certain cases the carrying by persons of harmful or dangerous weapons; Whereas, such prohibition will tend to instill in the minds of the people confidence for their personal safety; Be it therefore, Resolved, that the following ordinance be approved: ORDINANCE No. 1. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CARRYING OF CERTAIN WEAPONS By authority of Section 2625 of the Administrative Code of 1917 be it ordained by the Municipal Council of ...... that: SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry in any man- 128 APPENDIX II-DAPARTMENT CIRCULARe, 129 ner upon or about his perso,n any barorig or any weapon which may be a menace to life and limb, except working bolos or tools used exclusively for working purposes and only when going or coming from working places and to be carried unconcealed. Such bolos or tools, in case they are knives, shall have blades less than fifteen inches in length: Proi:illecl, That this prohibition shall not apply tci the carrying of barongs or other cutting or thrusting wettpons, whenever the written permission of any executive officer of the Province or municipality has been previously obtained. SEC. 2. It is strictly prohibited for any person, except a peace officer, to carry concealed or otherwise in the market places of the municipality of...... any barong, working bolo, or any other edged weapon, the carrying of which may constitute a menace to life and limb. SEC. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine of not exceeding...... or by imprisonment of not more than ...... , or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage. On motion by Council or...... , seconded by Councilor ...... •.••...... , the above ordinance was unanimously approved.

The following resolutions of the Provincial Board were presented: :1 March 10, 1915, No. 25.-Approving ordinance No. 5 of the Council, impo~ing a license tax upon carts let for hire. March 10, 1915, No. 26-Disapproving ordinance No. 6 of the Council, charging a ma1·ket fee to owners of carts carrying merchandise for sale in the municipality. March 15, 1915, No. 45-Disapproving ordinance No. 10 of the Council, charging slaughter fees to owners of animals slaugh­ tered outside the slaughterhouse. On motion by Councilor ...... , seconded by Councilor ...... ; ORDERED, That the above resolutions, be filed, making proper notations on the municipal ordinances therein mentioned.

The following executive order of the Provincial Governor was 4 presented: · March 10, 1915, Executive.Order No. I-Authorizing policemen to go beyond the jurisdiction of their municipalities to capture lawbreakers. On motion by Councilor ...... , seconded by Councilor ...... •.•..• , .•.••. ; ORDERED, That the Secretary transcribe the contents of the above Executive Order to the chief of police. Carried unanimously.

The hour being 12 o'clock, the council adjourned to meet again in the afternoon of the same day at 2 o'clock. The council reconvened at the hour agreed upon at the close of the morning session. The following vouchers were prilsented: 5 To ...... , Municipal Treasurer --- P780.00 School Fund-Classification- Payroll of teachers. To ...... , Municipal Treasurer --- "600.00 General Fund-Classification- 130 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS.

For salaries of municipal officials and employees. On ~otion by Councilor ...•...... •...... •...... ••... seconded by Council or ...... •...... ; The above vouchers were approved by the Council and the President was authorized to issue warrants therefor. Carried unanimously.

6 The following resolution was introduced by Councilor •.•....•.

00 Th~tth~-i~1i~~i~g sums be appropriated from any funds existing in the municipal treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the purposes stated: School Fund-Classification- For the repair of the central school building ------?150.00 General Fund-Classification- For maintenance of municipal slaughterhouse - · - - - - - " 50.00 On motion by Councilor .••.••...... • , the above resolution was carried unanimously. Miscellaneous. 7 The Council was informed of the contents of the following document: Copy of authorization of the Governor-General, dated ...... • . . • . . • . . . . 191 , authorizing the Council to receive voluntary contributions for the construction of an intermediate school building. ORDERED, That the Secretary file the above mentioned document. Carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 4 o'clock and 50 minutes postmeridian.

Attest: Municipal President.

Municipal Secretary. (Note.-The signatures must be in the handwriting of the officers concerned.)

THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF .•..••...•.•.....•....••...... PROVINCE OF ...... •...... •.••.•••••...... , P. I. EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE ....••....•..•..•.....•. SESSION HrnLD BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ..•.••...•...... , AT ....••..•.••••...... ON THE .... DAY OF ...••...... •. 191 Presem: Mr..•...•...•.•...... •••.••.••••••..•• , President Mr..••••...... ••...... •..•.•.•..•..••. , Vice-President Mr...... , Councilor .l\llr ....•.•...... •.•..• , ..•.•.. , Councilor Mr....••..••.••.•..••.•••.•••.•.••..•• , Councilor Mr...... , Councilor Mr...... •...... •..••..•.• , .••. , Councilor Mr.....•.....••....••...... •.•••••.... , Councilor Mr...... , Councilor Mr ..••••....•.....•••....•••.••.••.••• , Councilor Absent: None RESOLUTION NO ...... (Insert here resolution in full, giving the names of those voting in APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. 131

favor, if there be a dissenting vote, and the name of the dissenting .. member and his reasons, if any). I hereby certify to the correctness of the above-quoted resolution. Municipal Secretary. {Seal) Copy for the ...••...... •...••....•. • , ...... , 191 {Note:-The signature must be in the handwriting of the Secretary.)

Jl,lodel Jj'orm {b) THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF ...... PROVINCE.OF ...... , P. I...... ······· .•...••...•.•.•..•• , 191 . Gentlemen: By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 2624 {a) of the Ad­ ministrative Code of 1917, I have the honor to call a special meeting to be held at the session hall of the council on-...... , 191 , at eight o'clock, antemeridian sharp, to dispose of several matters of vital importance. Very respectfully, Municipal President. To the Members of the Municipal Council, ...... , ...... , P. I (Note.-Calls will be spread on the first page of the minutes imme- diately after the heading "Special Meeting ...... " and before the word "Present".)


EXECUTIVE ORDERS PURPOSE OF THE ORDER ORDER No. Cruz, Juan de la Separation from the service as policeman...... I* Separation from the service of- Juan de la Cruz, policeman...... 1• (RESOLUTIONS NOS. 1-7) PAGE A Appropriations: General Fund- Maintenance, Municipal slaughterhouse (No. 6)...... • .. • ...... • . 130 School Fund- · Repair, Centml School

(*) See page 133. 132 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. c Capture of lawbrenl

Model Form (d) THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF ...... •...•...... PROVINCE OF ...... , P. I. EXECUTIVE ORDER I .Tanuary 1, 1915. No. 1. f Whereas, policeman Juan de la Cruz is charged with having mal­ treated one Simeon Canto, a school boy; Whereas, according to the finding of the Committee appointed to make the investigation, the charge against him was, beyond a reason· able doubt, proved; I, ...... , President of the Municipality of ...... , hereby order the separation from the service of policeman de la Cruz, in accordance with the authority conferred upon me by section 10 of Act No. 314 of the former Legislative Council, the separation to take effect this date.O> Municipal President. (Note.-The signature must be in the handwriting of the officer concerned.)

(I) See also Sec. 2813 ( d). Act 2711. 'l'HE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMEN'l' 01<' MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ZAMBOANGA, P. I. SUBJECT: Municipal Councils­ DEPARTMl~NT CIRCULAR Rules of Procedure No. 23. March 24, 1917. The following instructions are issued for the information and guidance of all officials concerned: 1. Meetings in yeneral.-The council shall fix the times and places, for its regular meetings which shall be held once in eve1·y two weeks, and shall hold special meetings when called by the president. Any meeting, regular or special, may, in case the amount of business shall require, be adjourned from day to day until the business is completed. Meetings shall be open to the public unless otherwise ordered by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members.en The sessions of the Council are open to the public in the sense that the public shall be allowed to be present but no persons other than members of the council may take part in the deliberations thereof. 2. Special meetinys.-The municipal president or any two members of the Council may call a special meeting by notice in writing to that effect to each and every member of the council including the vice· president, such notice to be delivered personally or all the homes of the members of the council. The notice for such special meeting shall state the subject mittters to be discussed therein and the meeting shall be limitted to the discussion of such subjects. The council may, how­ ever, discuss and decide such other questions as may be submitted after the subject matters stated in the notice have been disposed of. 3. Quorum.-A majority of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. The ayes and noes shall be taken and recorded upon the passage of all ordinances, upon all resolutions or motions directing the payment of money or creating liability, and, at the request of any member, upon any other motion or resolution.(2) In computing a quorum the president and vice-president shall not be counted. For instance, a municipality with ten councilors a quorum shall be composed of at least six councilors. 4. Ordinances, resolutions, and so f01·th.-The affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the municipal council shall be necessary for the passage of any ordinance or any resolution, or motion directing the payment of money or creating liability, but other measures shall prevail upon the majority vote of thQ members present at any meeting duly called and held. Each ordinance shall be sealed with the munic­ ipal seal, signed by the president and municipal secretary, and duly recorded. Each ordinance shall, on the day after its passage, be posted by the municipal secretary at the main entrance to the municipal building and shall take effect and be in force on and after the tenth day following its passage, if no date is fixed in the ordinance. (3) The words "duly called and held" in this paragraph shall be con-

(I) See 2624-a, Administrative Code of 1917. (Act 2711.) (2) Sec. 2624-c, Administrative Code of 11!17. (Act 2711.) (3) Sec. 2624-d of the Administrative Code of 1917. (Act 2711.) 134 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. 135 strued to mean when a quorum is present in a regular special meeting. 5. 1'rnnslat-ion of ordinances.-Section 2609 (g) of the Administrative Code

(I) See Sec. 2623 (g), Act 2711. (2) Act 2711. ORDENANZA QUE PRESCRIBE REGLAS SOBRE EL REGIMEN INTERIOR DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL DE ______, Por autorizaci6n del articulo 2624 (b) del C6digo Administrativo de 1917, el Concejo Municipal de ______ordena: SESIONES DEL CONCEJO ARTfCULO 1. Quien presiclir

4. Oir los informes de comites; 5. Recibir peticiones; 6. Considerar mociones o proposiciones; 7. La aprobaci6n de las cuentas por el tesorero; 8. Tratar de cualesquier asuntos generales del dia.

MOCIONES Y PE'l'ICIONES ART. 7. Jllociones.-El que presente una moci6n se levantara y, diri­ giendose al presidente, dfra: "Seiior presidente, propongo que * * * " (y aqui explicmra clara y brevemente el objeto de su mocion). Si­ ci6n fuese secundada por algun otro miembro del concejo, el presidente invitara a los concejales a que expongan su opini6n respecto al asunto, y una vez suficientemente discutido, o no habiendo discusi6n sobre el, se procedera inmediatamente a su votaci6n. Las peticiones o proposiciones de cualquier miembrodel concejo deben aceptarse y ser consideradas, mediante moci6n debidamente secundada. Sin embargo, ninguna moci6n debe eonsiderarse. mientras se halle pen­ diente de resoluci6n otra anterior, a menos que la ultima moci6n perte­ nezca a la clase de las mociones privilegiadas, como la de levanta.rse la sesi6n, la de cuesti6n previa, o sea, que el asunto esta suficientemente discutido y debe votarse, o cosas parecidas. ART. 8. Peticiones.-Los particulares pueden presentar por escrito al concejo municipal peticiones o p1·oposiciones suscritas y firmadas por el peticionario o peticionarios, entregandolas al presidente, quien a su vez las endosara al comite correspondiente para su investigaci6n e informe. Sohre este particular, el Fiscal General, dice que cualquier ciudadano que desee proponer la adopci6n de un acuerdo en pro de! bienestar general de la comunidad, puede hacerlo mediante un•J de los miembros del concejo. Y el Secretario Ejecutivo, en opini6n de 10 de Diciembre de 190!>, sostuvo igualmente que cualquier resident,e de un municipio puede presentar sus petici

DEBATES Y VOTACIONES ART. 9. Debates. -Abierta la discusi6n sobre un asunto determinado, generalmente se conceden alternativamente dos turnos en favor y dos en contra. Los miembros del concejo que deseen hablar, deben, por regla general, ponerse de pie, pero, por razones de ancianidad · o enfer­ medad, se les puede permitir que hablen sentados. El presidente no permitira que el que este en el uso de la palabra sea interrumpido por otro, pero podra Hamar al orden al orador cuando este se separe de los verdaderos puntos de la cuestilin. Si a1gun otro miembro suscitase la cuesti6n de orden, el presidente decidira la cuesti6n, y, si el interesado no estuviese conforme con la decisi6n, podra someter el asunto a la votaci6n del concejo. Despues que un concejal haya hablado sobre una cuesti6n, no podra volver a hablar sobre la misma, a menos que sea para una aclaraci6n. ART. 10; Yotaciones.-Despues de la discusi6n de un asunto, el pre-· sidente resumira la proposici6n discutida para someterla a votaci6n, con la siguiente formula: "Los seiiores concejales que aprueben la pro­ posici6n se serviran manifestarlo, diciendo: 'Si'; 'Los seiiot>es concejales que desaprueben la proposici6n se serviran manifestarlo, diciendo: 'No'." Se contaran los "sis" y los "nos" para la aprobaci6n de todas !as orde­ nanzas y de todas las proposiciones que cree obligaciones para el munici- · pio, y a ruego de cualquier miembro, tambien se contaran para la. aprobaci6n de cualquier otra proposici6n, debiendose en tales caso~ consignar los votos de cada miembro en el libro de actas del concejo. ART. 11. Yoto del P1·esiclente .Municipal; poder del voto.-El presidente 138 APPENDIX Il-DEPAR'£MENT CIRCULARS, municipal, aunque preside todas las sesiones del concejo, no emite su voto, excepto en los casos de empate, en los cuales tiene voto decisivo o de calidad. La facultad del presidente de votar en casos de empate no se refiere a los casos en que la ley expresamente requiere cierto numero de votos, y si solo a aquellos en que una mayoria de los miembros que forman quorum este presente para adoptar acuerdos. En caso de empate en la confirmaci6n de nombramientos de funcionarios y empleados no electi· vos, el presidente no esta autorizado para emitir su voto decisivo. El presidente municipal aprobara las ordenanzas adoptadas por el concejo municipal, a menos qu·e, en su opini6n, sean perjudiciales al bienestar publico, en cuyo caso, puede interpoi:ier su veto. El concejo municipal, no obst-ante, puede adoptar una ordenanza, a pesar del veto del presidente, mediante el voto de las dos tel'ceras partes de todos sus ip.iembros, y, entonces, la ordenanza sera valida aun cuando no este tir­ mada por el presidente. Si el presidente no aprobare ni interpusiere su veto a una ordenanza dentro de! termino de cinco dias desde la fecha de su adopci6n, dicha ordenanza tendra los efectos de una ley. COMISIONES O COMITES ART. 12. Comites; numei·o de miembros.-Los comites o comisiones se compondran de tres, cinco o mas miembros, siempre en numero impar, que seran designados por el presidente. · ART. 13. Debe·res de los comites.-Todo comite debera dar cuenta en cada sesi6n de su cometido, y en el caso de no estar preparado para hacerlo debera pedir una pr6rroga que siempre se considerara para la sesi6n pr6xima siguiente. ART. 14. Comites permanentes.-Los camites permanentes no necesi­ tal'an dar cuenta de su cometido en cad.a sesi6n ·a menos que tengan algun asunto que presentar al concejo. ART. 15. Disoluci6n del comite.-Todo comite que hubiere dado cima a ,su cometido debera solicitar ser relevado del cargo y si esta petici6n es secundada y aprobada el comite se considerara disuelto. ART, 16. Presidente de comite.-La primera persona que se nombre al formarse un comite sera el presidente del mismo. ART. 17. Comite permanente.-Se nombrara un comite pel'manente que se llamara comite comisi6n de investigaci6n o de informaci6n, · y sera su cometido el examinar todas las peticiones antes de ser presen­ tadas al concejo. ART. 18. Report del comite.; quienes .fii·marcl,n.-No se admitira ningun report de cualquier comisi6n o comite que no este firmado por una ma­ yoria de sus miembros ponentes. ART. 19. Forma de presentai· los reports.-Los comites no deberan presentar sus trabajos de un modo incompleto, o hablar de ellos con otros durante las horas de la sesi6n, sino que deberan ser preparados debidamente y entreg-ados al secretario antes de la apertura de la sesi6n. DISPOSICIONES TRANSITORIAS ART. 20. Ai1Sencias injustificadas; multci.-Cualquier miembro que lleguP, media hora despues de la seiialada para las sesiones pagara una multa de ...... si no justifica satisfactoriamente su fitltit. Si deja de asistir a alguna sesi6n sin previo aviso ni causa justi­ ficada pagara ...... •...... pesos. Los fondos que se recauden por este concepto, seran ingresados en la tesororfa municipal. ART. 21. Efecti'llidad.-Esta ordenanza tendra efecto el dfa ....•..... de ...... de ...... Aprobada ...... THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPARTMENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF '£HE GOVERNOlt ZAMBOANGA, P. I. SUBJECT: (1) Minutes of Provincial DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR Boards; No. 25. (2) Executive Orders of April 4, 1917. Provincial Governors. Pursuant to the provisions of section 2572 of the Administrative Code(!) the following is published for the information and guidance of provincial boards: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. ]l,feetings.--The meetings of the provincial boards must be open to the public.(2) The Attorney-General (1 Op. Atty.-Gen. 349) in construing a similar provision of Act Numbered Eighty-three has held that no act or resolution of the provincial board shall be valid unless the same was adopted in a public session of the board. 2. Quormn.-Although the law is silent on the subject it has been held by the A ttorneJ·-General (1 Op. Atty. Gen. 33) that a provincial board is legally constituted to transact business when at least two members thereof are present. Attention is invited to the fact that in the absence of the provincial governor the secretary-treasurer shall preside the meetings of the prov­ incial board, in which case a clerk of the board shall attest the official acts of the provincial governor.(3) 3. Oi·de1· of business.-The provincial board shall determine its own internal rules and regulations. In the absence of specific provisions of law, general parliamentary rules of procedure should be follow!:'d. Generally, the following order of business should be adhered to: (1) Opening of session by presiding officer. (2) Reading of the minutes by the secretary. (3) Matters pending action. (4) Motions, petitions, and so forth. (5) Communications received. (6) Administrative investigations. (7) Report of committees. (8) Miscellaneous matters submitted to the board. 4. Votes.-Voting must be viva voce. Every member of the board, including the presiding officer is entitled to make motions and vote on all matters submitted to the board, except when such member is a party in interest when he should abstain from voting. MINUTES OF PROVINCIAL BOARDS 5. Pape1· to be iised and nrnnne1· of w1·iting.-Minutes of provincial boards will be recorded upon typewrite1· paper, known as "Coupon Bond, No. 3t" or other paper of similar qualit,ll' and size. They will be type­ written, in quadrupl-icate, using only black record ribbons and fresh /Jlack carbon papers. In writing, a margin of one and one-half inches will be allowed on the left-hand side of the page, one inch on the right hand side, and one inch at the top and bottom.

( I) See SeC'.. 2586, Act 2711. (2) ( Paragraph ( I), sec. 2607 of the Administrative Code of 1917 or Act 2711.) (3) (Sec. 2606, Administrative Code of 1917.) 13;) HO APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS.

6. .Minutes, cli.~position of.-The minutes of provincial boards shall be prepared in qmtdruplicate. The oi·iginal copies will be carefully preserved, by the board, and at the end of each calendar year, forwarded together with the original copy of the index therefor, to the Department Secretary; accompanied by a requisition (Provincial Form No. 52), for binding. The requisition will be prepared by the provincial secretary-treasurer. Upon being returned to the board, bound in volumes, they will constitute the permanent record of its proceedings. As im[JOrtant public records, they should be carefully safeguarded from destruction by cmay, fire, storm, or other destructive agency. The duplicate and triplicate copies as soon as written, will be promptly forwardfld, directly, to the Executive Secretary and Department Secret­ ary, respectively, for their review and file. These copies should not be rolled, but should be mailed folded or flat. The q'lutclmplicate copies will be filed in Sisson's Magic Binder, No. 12, and kept in the provincial governor's office for reference, until the original copies are returned by the Bureau of Printing, bound, where­ upon they may be destroyed. 7. Minutes, to show.-Minutes of provincial boards must clearly show: (a) The date, place, and time of holding the meeting; (b) "\Vhether regular or special, and, if special, a copy of the call for such meeting.(!) · (c) The names of members present and absent; (d) "\Vhether the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved; or reading postponed; (e) Every resolution in full; (f) A synopsis of the arguments for and against each resolution, if any were offered; (g) If the resolution is not carried unanimously, a statement of the minority opinion. Each copy of the minutes must be signed by the presiding officer and attested by the recording officer. 8. Numbering, inethod of.-All resolutions of a provincial board will be numbered consecutively, in one series, only, commencing with No. 1 on January first and continuing to the end of each calendar year. This course will also be pursued in the numbering of pages. The numbers of resolutions should be w-ritten in the right-hand margin, opposite the .first line of the bocly of resolut-ion. The numbers of pages should be writ­ ten in the middle of the top of the page. 9. llfonicipul i·esolutions and execiitive orders, references to.-In the minutes of provincial boards, refe1·ence to resolutions and ordinances of municipal councils and executive orders of municipal presidents should be by date, number, and title or purpose, it not being necessary to copy them verbatim into the minutes. The approved resolutions and ordi­ nances may be embodied in one resolution, while those requiring other action should be made the subject of a separate resolution. (See model resolutions, Nos. 351 and 352). 10. Resolutions i·equii"ing Executive or other upp·roval.-Resolutions which require the approval of his Excellency, the Governor General, Department Governor, or action by any head of a Department or Bur1rnu, should be submitted separately, as an excerpt from the minutes, in accordance with the model form accompanying this circular. 11. Approval of accounts fo1· payments.-In the approval of accounts for payments, one resolution should embrace all vouchers presented at one meeting. (See model resolution No. 354). . 12. Approvctl of provincial buclgets.-One resolution should embrace also all budgets submitted to the board for approval at one meeting, but

(I) See Sec. 2607 (IJ of the Administrative Code of 1917, or Act 2711. APPENDIX II-DEPARTMEN'l' CIRCULARS. 141

reference should be made by number. (See model resolution No. 355). 13. Official communication, disposition of.-All official communications received should be disposed of in the manner prescribed for resolutions of municipal councils (See model resolutions, N os. 356 and 357). When , papers are referred by the board to others, a record should be made, showing when their return may be expected. If, at the expiration of the period, the papers have not been returned, steps should be taken to ascertain the reason for the delay. · 14. 1'1·ia-ls and ini•est-igations.-Records of investigations and trial of municipal officials and employees need not be incorporated verbatim in the regular minutes, but should be k!ipt separately, in the same manner as regular office correspondence, making, however, in the minutes a synopsis with the following notation: "(See Provincial Board -File No ...... ) ". Copies thereof need not be furnished the Department Secretary for file, as those submitted to the Department Governor for action will answer all purposes. 15. Index, manner of mak-ing.-The index to minutes of the provincial board, should be kept up-to-date throughout the year. It will be found preferable t.o use index cards for this purpose, instead of monthly rough draft indices. At the end of the year, such cards, properly arranged. will be ready to be copied on the prescribed paper for minutes. Special care should be taken in the preparation of the index, in order that it may fully serve its purpose as such. It will be prepared quadruplicate: Every resolu­ tion must have, at least, two references in the index. Resolutions and ordinances of municipal councils and executive orders of municipal presidents, referred to in the minutes, should be indexed by subjects, as well as by numbers._ 16. Index, disposition ~f.-Upon completion of the index, the original thereof will be forwarded, together with the original copies of the minutes, to the Department Secretary, for binding, and carbon copies will be disposed of in the same manner as prescribed in paragraph 6 hereof. EXECUTIVE ORDERS OF PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS 17. Executive 01'de1·.-Executive orders of provincial governors will be prepared on the same kind of paper and in the same manner as is prescribed for the preparation of the minutes of provincial boards. They will be numbered consecutively, in one series, during each calendar year. _ An index, separate from that of the minutes of the board-, will be made and prepared accordingly. Copies of the executive orders and those of the index therefor will be disposed of in the same manner as prescribed in paragraph 6 hereof. GENERAL 18. .1.llodel 1·esolutions, executive rtl'ders, and index.-There are furnished with this circular model fornis showing the methods of drafting (1) the minutes of a provincial board; (2) a call for a special meeting; (3) Ex0 cerpts of resolutions; (4) index to executive orders and resolutions; and (5) executive order of a provincial governor. A close adherence to these forms will save extra labor and expense and is therefore earnestly enjoined. ·· For the Department Governor, (Sgd.) PONCIANO REYES, To all Department Secretary. Provincial Boards, Department of Mindanao and Sulu. ~lodel F01"m (1) THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF BULACAN

REGULAR MEETING OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF BULACAN HELD AT MALOLOS ON MUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1913 Present: Hon. Mariano Santos, Provincial Governor Mr. John Doe, Provincial Treasurer and Mr. Pedro de la Cruz, Third Member Absent: None The meeting was called to order by the Provincial Governor at 8 o'clock and 30 minutes antemeridian. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Recorder and approved. RESOLUTIONS 348 A petition from several residents of the barrio of Pulilan, requesting the separation of that barrio from the municipality of Quingua and its organization as a separate municipality, was presented. On motion by the Provincial Governor, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, That the Recorder be, and is hereby, instructed to return the said petition, together with a copy of the circular letter of the As­ sistant Executive Secretary, dated November 15, 1907, to the signers, inviting their attention to the provisions of the said circular letter re­ lative to the manner of presentiug petitions regarding consolidations or separations of municipalities, in order that the said petition may be drafted in accordance with the instructions therein contained. The Treasurer introduced the following resolution: . 349 vVHEREAS the District Engineer, in a communication dated Feb- • ruary twenty-fifth, last, reported on the dilapidated condition of the only bridge on the Hagonoy-Paombong road, which is badly in need of repairs; WHEREAS the bridge referred to lies within the inhabited portion of the municipality of Hagonoy; and WHEREAS this Board is aware that the said bridge is of general importance to the Province; Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Municipal council of Hagonoy be, and is here­ by, directed to proceed to repair the only bridge on the road bet1veen the municipalities of Hagonoy and Paombong within the period de­ signated by Act No. 443, failing which the board will order said repairs out of provincial funds and assess all expenses thus incurred against the delinquent municipality, as in said Act provided. The resolution was unanimously adopted. 350 The papers in the matter of the investigation of a complaint by Mr. Alejandro La Torre relative to the lease of the public slaughterhouse at Bocaue, were laid before the Board by the Provincial Treasurer. On motion by the Provincial Treasurer, seconded by the Third member. ';I'he action of the Committee on Auctions of the municipality of Bocaue, awarding the lease of the public slaughterhouse to the best and highest bidder, Mr Felix Buendia, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 1634, was definitively approved by the Board as lawful, and the claim of Mr. Alejandro La Torre was declared to be untimely and groundless. The Governor dissented, stating his opinion as follows: I recommend that all actions and resolutions, both of the Municipal 142 APPENDIX !I--DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS. 143

Council of Bocaue and of the Committee on Auctions thereof, relating to the auctioning of the privilege in question, be declared null and void, they being. in my opinion, contrary to the rules prescribed by the said council, and that another auction be ordered held strictly in ac­ cordance with the approved regulations. Having been fully discussed and put to a vote, the motion of the Provincial Treasurer resulted as follows: Yeas: Provincial Treasurer and '.rhird Member; Nays: Provincial Governor. The Recorder was directed to notify the municipal council of Bocaue accordingly. RESOLUTIONS OF MUNICIPAL COUNCILS The following resolutions of municipal councils were presented: 351 CALUMPIT­ Feb. 14, 1913, No. 66.-Prohibiting, under penalty, the slaughtering of cattle, within the poblaci6n and neighboring barrios, outside the public slaughterhouse. Feb. 17, 1913, No. 67.-Regarding the appointment of Mr. Zoilo Cas­ tro, as councilor, made by the Provincial Board, vice Mr. Edilberto Monroe, resigned. MALOLOS­ Feb. 17, 1913, No. 58.-Appointment of Zacarias Pedro and Victor San Jose as special municipal students at the Arts and Trades School, Manila. Feb. 21, 1913, No. 59.-PassingOrdinanceNo.15, republicsanitation. SAN MIGUEL- Feb. 21, 1913, No. 75.-Acknowledgement of receipt of the approval by the Provincial Board of Resolutions Nos. 51-63. These resolutions being apparently within the powers of the respect­ ive councils, the Provincial Governor moved that they be approved without amendment and that the Recorder notify the respective munic­ ipal secretaries of this action. Carried unanimously. Resolution No. 65, of February 14, 1913, of the municipality of Calum­ ,352 pit, relative to the establishment and maintenance of a municipal cemetery, was presented. On motion by the Treasurer, Forwarded to the Director of Health for approval, declaring the effects of said resolution suspended pending his decision, and directing the Recorder to transcribe this resolution to the municipal secretary concerned. Carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE ORDERS OF MUNICIPAL PRESIDENTS The following executive orders of municipal presidents were presented: 353 BALIUAG- . . Feb. 27, 1913, No. 3.-Removal of policeman Angel Santos, for neg­ lect of duty. MALOLOS­ Feb. 25, 1913, No. 6.-Providing for strict compliance with the ordi­ nances relative to preventive measures against cholera. These executive orders being apparently within the legal powers of the respective municipal presidents, the Provincial Governor moved that they be approved and that the Recorder notify the respective mu· nicipal secretaries of this resolution. Carried unanimously. The hour being 12 o'clock and 15 minutes, postmeridian, the Board adjourned. to meet again thiil afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The Board reconvened at the hour agreed upon at the close of the morning's session. The same members were present. 144 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS.

VOUCHERS, APPROPRIATIONS, ETC. 354 The following vouchers were presented: To John Doe, Provincial Treasurer ...... f"357.75 Road and Bridge Fund, Classification C-32 Pay-roll of laborers on repair of Malolos-Quingua road, January 1-15, 1913, To John Smith, Warden ...... " 97.00 General Fund, Classification B-4 For maintenance of prisoners. On motion by the Treasurer, These vouchers were approved by the Board and the Governor was authorized to issue the necessary warrants. 355 The following resolution was introduced by the Provincia.l Treasurer: That the following sums be appropriated from any funds existing in the provincial treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the classifica­ tions placed opposite each of them and the purpose stated: .BUDGETS (General or Special, as the case may be) General Fund (Nos ...... if special.) Classification 2,-Salaries and Maintenance of Warden and Guards...... f"130.00 Classification- 8,-Incidental Expenses ...... " 50.00 ROAD AND DRIDGE FUNDS- Classification 44,-Maintenance of Road and Bridge Equip- ment ...... ••. " 570.00 Carried unanimously, MISCELLANEOUS 356 The Board was informed of the contents of the following documents: Communication from His Excellency, the Governor-General, dated February 28, 1913, authorizing the municipality of Angat to receive voluntary contributions for the construction of an intermediate school building. Copy of the appointment of an auxiliary justice of the peace for Obando, issued by the Executive Secretary, on February 21, 1913, in favor of Mr. Gabriel F. Garcia. Telegram of the Executive Secretary, dated the fourth instant, re­ garding subsistence and travel expenses -of Bilibid prisoners on return to Manila, which will be paid by the Province. On motion by the Provincial Governor, it was ORDERED, That the Recorder acknowledge receipt of the documents mentioned and file them. :-157 A communication was read from the Director of Civil Service, re- questing information as to whether Mr. Antonio Tuason, an employee of the provincial treasury, took the civil service examinatio~ held in Malolos on October 10, l!H2, and, if so, whether-he received pay for that day. On motion by the Provincial Governor, Referred to the Provincial Treasurer, with the request that he fur­ nish the desired information. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting ad­ journed at 4 o'clock and 50 minutes postmeridian. MARIANO SANTOS, Provincial Governor. Attest: JUAN REYES, Recorder. (Note.-The signature must be in the handwriting of the officer concerned.) APPENDIX Il-DEPARTMEN'l' CIRCULARS. 145


Gentlemen: By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 2607-(I) of the Ad­ ministrative Code of 1917, I have the honor· hereby to call a special meeting to be held at the session hall of the provincial board on March 11, 1913, at eight o'clock antemeridian sharp, to dispose of several mat­ ters of vital importance. Very respectfully, (Sgd.) MARIANO SANTOS, · Provincial Governor. To the Members of the Provincial Board of Bulacan." (Note.-Calls will be spread on the first page of the minutes imme­ diately after the heading "Special Session ••••• " and before the word "Present."

J.1Ioclel Fm·m (3) THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF (Name of Province). (Name of Capital), P. I. EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF TH~~ ...... (Regular or Special as the case may be) SESSION HELD BY THE PROVINCIAL BOAUD OF (Name of Province) AT (Name of Municipality) ON THE ...... DAY OF ....•...... 1111 Present: Hon.•...... , Provincial Governor, Mr...... •....•...... , Secretary-Treasurer, and Mr...... •...... , Third Member. Absent: None RESOLUTION NO .••..••. (Insert here resolution in full, giving the names of those voting in favor and, if there is a dissenting vote, the name of the dissenting mem­ ber and his reasons, if any). I hereby certify to the correctness of the above-quoted resolution. (!)Secretary-Treasurer. (Seal) Copy for the


(I) The signature should be in the handwriting of the Secretary-Treasurer. 146 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS.


EXECUTIVE ORDERS Purpose of the Order 0RDF.R No. POLICEMEN. MUNICIPAL Authorized to go outside the jurisdiction of their municipalities to capture lawbreakers ...... •...•..•....••...•••.....•...... •

RESOLUTIONS (N OS. 348-357) PAGE A ANG AT Uontributions, voluntary, authorized by the Governor-General, for the erec- tion of a schoolhouse, (No. 356)...... •• ...... • .. . .. • • . . •. • ...... • .. . . 144 APPOIN'fMEN'l'S: Justice or the Peace- Gnrciu. Gabriel F. (auxiliary), Obando, (No. 356)...... 144 APPROPRIA'l'IONS: General Fund- . Sundries, (No. 355)...... • ...... JH Road & Bridge Funds- Road mnintennnce of, and bridge equipment, (No. 355)...... • • . .. . . • . • lH B BALIUAG Discharging Angel Santos, municipal policeman, executive order No. 3, 1No. 35a)...... 143 BOCAUE Leasing of the slaughterhouse (contested), (No. 350)...... •. . . . . • • .. . . . • . .. • 142, 143 BRIDGE, MUNICIPAL: Repairs to, directed by the Provincial Board, Hagonoy, (No. 349)...... 142 BUBNDIA, FELIX. !See Leases: Bocaue). c· CALUMPIT Cemetery, municipal, establishment of, resolution No. 65, (No. 352)...... 143 Regarding appointment of Zoilo Castro as councilor, vice Bdilberto Monroe, resigned. resolution No. 67,

J JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Garcia. Gabriel F. (auxiliary), Obando, (No. 356)...... 144 L LA TORRE, ALEJANDRO. (See Leases; Boca.ue). LEASES: Bocaue- Slaughterbouse (contested-bidders: Felix Buendia a.nd Alejandro La •.rorre), (No. 350) ...... 142, 143 M MALO LOS Appointments- Pedro, Zacarias. special municipal student, resolution No. 58, (No. 351). 143 San Josli, Victor. special municipal student, resolution No. 58, (No. 351). 143 Ordinance No. 15, regarding public sanitation, passage of, resolution No. 59, (No. 351)...... 143 Ordinances regarding prevention of cholera, directing close observance thereof, executive orderNo.6, (No .353)...... 143 p PEDRO ZACARIAS. (See Malolos, Appointments.) PRISONERS, BILIBID Traveling expenses, etc.. of, (No. 356)...... 144 PULILAN Request for separation from Quingua, (No. 348)...... • • . • • ... • . 142 Q QUINGUA Request for separation of Pulilan, (No. 349)...... • . • • ...... • • • • • • 142 R REPAIRS Bridge, municipal, Hagonoy, (No. 349) ...... , 142 s SAN JOSE, VICTOR. (See Malolos, appointments.) SLAUGHTERHOUSE Lease of (contested), Bocaue, (No. 350) •••••• •••••• ••• . •• ... ••• ••• .•• . .. . •••••• 142, 143 SAN MIGUEL Notification of .the approval by the Provincial Board of municipal resolu- tions Nos. 51-e3, resolution No. 75, (No. 351)...... 143 'l' TRA VELING EXPENSES Prisoners, Bilibid, (No. 356)...... •..• ...... 144 TUASON, AN'l'ONIO. (See Civil Service, Director of.) v VOUCHERS: March. 1913. (No. 354)...... 144


EXECUTIVE ORDER l January 16, 1913. No. l. f WHEREAS, it has been frequently observed that the prosecution of lawbreakers is inefficient in certain cases because the police of one municipality can not enter the territory of another and the lawbreakers are thus placed beyond the reach of peace officers, and with a view to preventing the occurrence of such cases, detrimental to the preservation of public order, be it hereby 148 APPENDIX II-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS,

ORDERED, That the municipal police of any municipality of this province shall be. authorized to enter the territory of any other munic­ ipality thereof for the purpose of pursuing lawbreakers when the viola­ tion of the law took place or the· crime was committed within the boundaries of the municipality of which they are municipal police, subsequently reporting the fact to the municipal president of the municipality in which the arrest of the person or persons pursued was effected, and reporting, likewise, what things of value were recovered from the persons who had illegal possession of them. MARIANO SANTOS, Provincial Governor. (Note.-The signature must be in the handwriting of the officer signing.) THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS DEPAR'l'MENT OF MINDANAO AND SULU OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ZAMBOANGA, P. I. SUBJEC'l": Mohammedan marriage, etc. DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR No. 27. May I, 1917. The question of performance of marriages by the justices of the peace when the contracting parties are Mohammedans, has been objected to on the ground that it is an interference on the part of the Government with the religious practices of the Mohammedans. The legal accepta­ tion of the marriage obligation is, of course, a mere contract, and so far as the Government is concerned is devoid of any religious meaning. However, the Government recognizes the fact that in the minds of the Mohammedans there is no difference between legal and religious obligations. There is no legal objection whatsoever to the marriage of Moham­ medans in the justices of the peace courts, if both parties enjoy the qualifications prescribed by law. It is necessary, however, in the case of Mohammedans, that the justice of the peace should explain thoroughly to the contracting parties the obligations they assume not only as man and wife in their domestic affairs, but their legal responsibilities as well. 'l'he parties concerned should clearly un_derstand what our mar­ riage law requires before a legal ceremony is performed, such as their obligations to each other, to their children under the Civil Code, the right of inheritance, etc.: and that bigamy is prohibited and penalized by our laws, adultery being the only cause for divorce under Act No. 2710. And if upon conclusion of the foregoing explanation the parties should insist on civil marriage and decline to apply to an Imam or other persons authorized by the Mohammedan church to unite them in the bond of matrimony, this office holds that the justice of the peace cannot avoid the obligation imposed upon him by, law, and should thereupon perform the mat·riage ceremony. In connection with marriage and other domestic relations of Moham­ medans, there have been numerous and vexatious questions -submitted. The question of dowry, for example, is an important and essential ele­ ment in Mohammedan customs and rites. Failure to furnish the dowry agreed lipon, results in an appeal to the Imam who performed the marria.ire for enforcement of the contract. The Iqiam and the injured party when unable to obtain the dowry, generally apply to the Govern­ ment for redress. The answer in such cases is that the marriage has been performed in accordance with Mohammedan religious rites, and the Government respecting religious beliefs and customs of Moham­ medans. cannot enforce obligations agreed thereunder, in the same way that the Government refuses and declines to enforce or interfere with religious orders or obligations affecting other established churches in the Philippine Islands. It should be explained, furthermore, that a marriage in accordance with Mohammedan rites and customs is not a marriage in the eyes of the law, and will not enable the contracting parties to appeal to the Government in the case of alleged adultery, divorce, or dowry questions. Probably, next of importance, among the questions raised by domestic relations of Mohammedans, is that of divorce and prosecution for adul- 149 150 APPENDIX !I-DEPARTMENT CIRCULARS, tery. It has, heretofore, been the custom of provincial executives to attempt amicable settlement in all these matters. It is true that in the minds of the Mohammedans, the executive is inherently clothed with judicial power, and failing to obtain redress for their grievances from their own Datus or Imams, they believe that the highest executive official in the province should exercise his power and dispense justice. The time has come for this Government to frankly and openly announce to the Mohammedans that the Government can not interfere in any way with Mohammedan marriages or questions arising from domestic relations of Mohammedans, married in accordance with their religious customs and rites. Likewise, the Government will not institute pro­ ceedings for adultery when the parties concerned have contracted marriage in accordance with Mohammedan laws and customs. There has been a prevalent belief that refusal of a provincial exec­ utive to settle domestic relations of Mohammedans will result in con­ sequent loss of prestige. The Department Governor desires provincial governors to exercise great caution in using their discretion if extra· judicial or amicable settlement is deemed necessary or expedient to prevent disorder. It is believed, however, that there has been a growing tendency to use government influence to enforce obligations contracted by virtue of Mohammedan marriages. Provincial executives therefore incur unnecessary risk of losing prestige by issuing orders that cannot be enforced at law, in addition to being censured for interfering with religious obligations of Mohammedans. These instructions ar~ primarily intended for provincial governors and their deputies, holding appointment as ex-officio justices and auxil­ iary justices of the peace, and the approval of the Judge of the district hereon is to make obligatory their enforcement by all justices of the peace. (Sgd.} PONCIANO REYES, Department Secretary and Acting Attorney. APPROVED: (Sgd.) FRANCISCO SORIANO, Auxiliary Judge, 7th Group, Vacation Judge for the 24th, 25th and 26th Judicial District. To all Provincial Governors, and Deputy Provincial Governors, Department of Mindanao and Sulu. INDEX TO LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL LAWS

A AGENTS: SECTION Ln\vyers ...... 149, 150 Wild tribes...... ! AGUSAN PROVINCE: Boundaries ...... 10, 16, 17 Municipal Districts (See Appendix I) AMMUNITION: (See Firearms) ANIMALS: 'l'respass on highways ...... 115 ASSESSMEN'l': (Reitl Property. See Land Tax) ATTORNEYS: Business solicited prohibition ..... , .. , ...... , ...... Hll. 150 B BAGANGA MUNICIPALITY ...... 19 BARONGS, KNIVES. etc. prohibited ...... 100 BEE'l'LES, COCONUT ...... 120-12a BOATS: Moro or pagan construction: Registration ..... , ...... , ...... 153, 154 Seizure ...... 152 'l'en tons burden ...... 151. 155 BOUNDARIES OF PROVINCES ...... 10-18 BUKIDNON PROVINCE ...... 10, 14, 16 BU'l'UAN MUNICIPALITY ...... 20 c CABADBARAN MUNICIPALITY., ...... 21 CARA GA MUNICIPALITY ...... 22 CA'l'EEL MUNICIPALI'l'Y ...... CAT'l'LE: On ro11ds ...... 115 CHILDREN: Compulsory education ...... 7 COCONU'l' TREES: Inspectors ...... 124 Neglect penalized ...... 121 Owners, duty of ...... 120 Removal ...... 123 Use, unlawful...... J•"l·l CONSTABULARY: Duties under: Firearms Law...... 81-10:l Municipal Police ...... H-58 CONTRAC'l'S: Personal Service: Form of ...... 160 Employers' obligation ...... 157 Laborers, servants, obligation ...... 156 Penalties ...... 161 Violation contract ...... 158, 159 Non-Christians: Penalties ...... 147 Requisites ...... 145 Void, when ...... 146 C::>NVIC'l'S: Escape, concealment. etc...... • • • . • • • • ...... 107-113 151 152 INDEX '1'0 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL LAWS.

C-(Continued) CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: SECTION School teachers. authority...... • . . . . • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • . . • • ...... 5 CO'l'ABA'l'O: MunicipnliW . • . . • ...... •....••. , ...... , .•.•..•••• , 24 Municipal Districts (See Appendix I) Province...... • • • • • • • • • . • . .. • . . . • • • • • ...... • • • • . • . • • • • 10, 14. 18 COURTS OF JUSTICE: Penalty, imposition of, on Non-Christians...... 106 CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS: Minimum pentLl t)" disregarded...... • • . • .. • • • • • • • • • . • • • . .. .. • • . • • • ...... • . • • • • 106 D DANSALAN MUNICIPALITY...... 25 DAPl'l'AN MUNICIPALITY...... 26 DAVAO, . . •--, Mumc1pahty ...... Municipal districts (See Appendix I) Province ...... • ...... •. • • • • • • • • . • • . • . . • . . • • • • . . • • ...... • 10, 14. 18 DIPOLOG MUNICIPALITY...... 28 E EDUCATION COMPULSORY ...... EJECTMEN'l': (See Land Tax) EMPLOYERS: Violution labor contract ..•••.•••••••••••••••••••.•• ,...... • ...... 157, 159 ENGINEERS: (See Road Law) ESCAPED PRISONERS...... 107-112 EXAMINATION: Municipal police ..•...... •••• , ••••..••••••• , ...... , ...... • ...... • • ••• . . . • . . .. 46, 49 EXTRA COMPENSATION: Teachers, publicschools...... •••••..•••• .•...... ••.••. ..•... 6 'l'ranslators, public laws...... •...... • ...... 1 F FIREARMS: Annual inspection...... • • • • .. • • • • • • • . . . . . • • • • ...... • ...... 92 Dealers ...... 83 Dellned ...... 82 Licenses- Dealers ...... 81, 89 Exhibition ...... 91 Personal...... 87, 88 Moro chiefs . • ...... • . . . .. • • ...... 102 l:;nle ...... 81. 82 Weapons. edged. etc ...... 100 G GOVERNOR, DEPARTMENT: Appointments ,ind designations by- Pence officers ...... ••..•...... •.•.....•...••.••..• 86, 152 Special agents ...... •...... •.•.••.. 2 'l'ransla.tors, public lnws •...••••••••...... •...... •.••.••..•.••.•...... 1 Approvals bY- · · Land tax- Discretionary .....•...... •••.....••••.....••..••.••..•...... • 59 Regulations ...... •.....•...•...... •••..•••..••.... 78 Municipal police regulation ...... •...•..•...•..•...... •.....••...•...• 44, 46 Salary, chief police ...... 54 Particular powers: Firearms ...... 89, 94. 102 Non-Christian trade ...... : ...... 136 Rules issued by- Lake Lnnao Road ...... 3 Firearms ...... 86 Non-<1hristian trading ...... ••....•..••••••••••••..•....•...... lH GUARD. PRISON .....•..•.••...•..•..••.••....• , ...... 110-113 H HIGHWAYS: (See Road Law) I ILIGAN LAKE LANAO ROAD ••• : ••••••••••••.• :.: ••••.••• : .•. ; •. : •...... INDEX TO LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL LAWS,

I-(Continued) SECTION ILIGAN MUNICIPALITY ...... 29 IMPASUGONG MUNICIPALITY .... _...... 30 INSPEC'l'ORS, COCONUT...... • ...... 125 ISABELA MUNICIPALI'.rY ...... - ...... 31 ITINERANT TRADING LICENSE ...... 139 J ,TOLO MUNICIPALITY ...... •.. 32 K KNIVES, KRIS, ETC. PROHIBITED...... 100 L LABOR CONTRACTS ...... 156-162 LANAO PROVINCE: Boundaries...... 10, 13. 14, 15 Municipu-1 Districts (See Appendix I) LAND 'l'AX: Act Cudnstral: Description of l1tnd subject to ...... 73 Assessment: Assessment n.nd levy...... 59 Existing, continued ...... , ...... 62 Assessors: Assisted by provine-ial 11nd municipal officers...... 79 Depitrtment nssessor abolished ...... 80 Provincial treasurers to be ...... : 80 Rules and regulations to be observed by ...... 78 Swearing before falsely, how punished ...... , ...... 77 Auction, public: For s11le of seized personal property ...... 66 Board, provincinl: Additionnl tnx. may impose ...... 59 Speciitl power ...... 80 Swearing falsely before, how punished ...... , ...... 77 Bribery ...... 76 Bure1tu of lands: Control ancl custody by, of forfeitecl real property...... ••...... 71 P11rticip11tes in proceeds of sale of forfeited real property ...... 71 Cndnstral Act

L-(Continued) LAND TAX:-(Continued) Governor, Department: Approves- SECTION Discretionary tnxes ...... 59 Rules, regulations and forms ...... 78 Henlth, Public- (See Public Health) Irreirulari ties: Effect on validity of tax ...... Lnncl- · (See R:lso. Property Real) Description of ...... 73 Lien on re•l property ...... 70 l\lnchiner_r; · Detimt1on ...... 60 Officers: Accepting bribe ...... 76 Municipal and provincial, duty to assist assessors ...... 79 Owner unknown, how taxed ...... , ...... 72 Police, municipal: Ejects occupants of forfeited property ...... 71 Penalty: Bribery ...... 76 Delinquency ...... 63, 64 Fitlse swearing ...... 77 President, municipal: Ejects occupiints of forfeited real property ...... 71 Property personal: Advertisement of sale when seized...... 66 Distraining to enfol"{'e p1iyment of real property tax .... , .•...... 65 Exempted from seizure...... 69 Redemption of, when seized ...... 68 Sale of, when seized...... 66 Seized, for nonpayment of real property tax ...... 64 Witrrant of seizure of ...... 65 Property, real: Assessment-- Assessment and levy...... • • ...... •...... 59 Irreguliirities, effect of...... 74 When owner cannot be found...... 72 Definition ...... 60 Description- When subject to Cadastrai Act...... 73 Exempted from taxation...... 61 Forfeiture- Due to delinquency ...... 64, 71 Procedure, in case of...... • ...... • ...... • ...... 71 Validity of, assailable in Court...... 75 Irreguliw-ities, in assessment nnd levying tax on ...... 74 Machinery, not included in ...... ; .. 60 Perjury re1mrding ...... 77 Redemption . . .. • • ...... 68. 71 Taxon- Constitutes lien upon ...... 70 Delinquency of, effects ...... 63, 6~. 65 Improvements and soil, to have separate ...... • . . . • ...... 72 Payable, when and where ...... 63 Vitlidity, assailable in Court...... 74 Provincial board (See Board, Provincial) Public Health: Additional tax to be devoted to ...... 59 Public improvements: Additional tax to be devoted to ...... 59 Recovery: Real property forfeited to Government ...... 71 Redemption: Personal property seized ...... 68 Ren! property forfeited ...... 71 Repeal: Laws of Legislative Council...... • ...... • • ...... • ...... •.. 80 Road and Bridge fund: Portion of real property tax devoted to ...... 59 Rules and regulations: Department treasurer (Department Secretary) to issue ...... 78 S1tle of property: Personal, seized ...... 66 Real forfeited ...... 71 INDEX TO LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL LAWS, 155

L-(Continued) LAND TAX:-(Continued) Schools: SECTION Portion of real property tax devoted to ...... 59 Secretnry. Depnrtment: Rules nnd regulntions for assessors and deputies •...•.....•..••...... • 78 Special powers ...... •...... •...... ••••••..•...... 80 Telephone lines: Rond and bridire fund available for .....•..•...•...... •.••....••.••••.•. 59 Transportntion, Water: Roud nnd bridl!e fund available for.... . •• • ...... • • . . • • . • . . . . • ...... 59 Treasurer, Department: Rules and regulations...... •...... 78 Special powers ...... •..•...... •. ~ 80 Treasurer. Provincia.J: Assessors for respective r>rovinces...... •...... •..••..••...... • 80 Certificate describing forfeited ren.l property, issues .•...... •...... 71 Collects ren.l property tax by deputies ...... 6.1 Delinquency- Issues certificate of...... • ...... • ...... • . . . • . . . • • . • ...... 65 Post notices of...... • ...... • • ...... 64 Executes wnrrant for seizure of personal property .•...... _65 Notifies Director of Lands of expiration of redemption of forfeited property...... •••••.•...... 71 Sale of seized personal property, records... • ...... 67 Validity: · Of forfeiture ...... 75 Of t,ix ...... 74 Wharves: Road and bridge fund available for ...... 59 LAWYERS: Agents, prohibited ...... 150 LICENSES: Firearms ...... 81-10'2 '11 rading .....•...... •...... 126-144 LIQUORS: Possession by Non-Christhins ....•...... •...... •...... •...... •...•..• 104 Sale to Non-Christians...... •...... •.•... 103 LUBUNGAN MUNICIPALITY ...... •.•••.••••••.••••..•.•...•••...... •.•.. 33 M MALABANG MUNICIPALITY ...... 34 MALAYBALAY MUNICIPALITY ...•••...... •.••.••.•...... 35 MALUKO MUNICIPALITY ...... 36 MANAY MUNICIPALITY ...... 37 MA'l'I MUNICIPALITY ...... 38 MISAMIS PROVINCE: Boundary separating Department ...•.•...... •....••....•...... •....•...•••••• 12 MORO CHIEFS: Firearm license ...... , ...... 102 MOROS AND NON-CHRISTIANS: BoatS- Locn.l trade ...... 151 Coastwise trade ••.•••...... ••••••••...... ••••.•.••••••...... 155 Contracts, validity ...... 145-148 Moro shipping...... , . . • ...... , . , ...... 151-155 Liquors. prohibited ...... 103-105 106 ~~i~~i~:s a~g~g:::: ·. '.:: ·.::: ·.::: ·.::: ·.::: ·.::: '.'. ·:::::. ·:::. ·:::. ·:::::::::::::::::: 151-155 Special agents for ...... 2 MU:illCIPALl'l'IES: Bn1tanga ...... 19 Butuan ...... 20 Cabadbaran ...... 21 Curaara ...... 22 Cateel ...... 2:l Cotabato ...... 24 Dansalan ...... 25 Dapitan ...... 26 Davao ...••.••.••.••••••••••...••••••••••••.•.•.•••..••.••...... •••.•••.•••• 27 Dipolog ...... 29 Ili1tan ...... 29 lmpasugong ...... ; .. . 30 Isnbela ...... 31 Jolo ...... 32 Lubungan ...... 33 Malabang .. , ...... 34 Mnlaybalay ...... 35 Maluko ...... 36 156 INDEX TO LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL LAWS.

M-(Continued) MUNICIP ALITIES:-(Continued) SECTION 37 :~~;'~~- :-:-: ::::::::: ::::: :::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::: :::: :·.::::::.::: :l8 Parang ...... ;: 39 Santa Cruz ...... 40 Tulacogon ...... 41 r11 alnkag ...... 42 Zamboanga ...... 43 MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS: (See Appendix I) MUNICIPA_L POLICE .....•.••••...... •.....•. H-5K N NIGHT SCHOOLS ...... p P ARANG l\,IDNICIPALITY ...... :l!I PEACE OFFICERS: Camineros ...... 11~ PENAL'l'IES: (See Sentences) PERJURY: (See Land Tax) PERSONAL SERVICE: (See Contracts) POLICE MUNIVIPAL...... • ...... •..... H-58 PRIS_O~ ~UARDS: D1sciplme ...... 11:3 PRISONERS: Escape of ...... 107-112 PROVINCES: Boundaries ...... 10-18 PUBLIC LAWS: Translation...... • ...... • . . • ...... , ...... R REAL PROPERTY, TAX LAW: (See Land Tax) ROAn LAW: Animals, trespass by...... •...... 115 Camineros...... , . . . . • ...... • ...... , . , 118 Cattle...... , . • ...... 118 Highway, defined...... •...... lH PriviLte •. · ...... :...... 116 Street cleaning...... 117 s SANTA CRUZ MUNICIPALITY ...... 40 SCHOOLS, PUBLIC: Compulsory education.... . • • . . . .. • .. . • . . • ...... • ...... 7 Municip!Ll council, duties...... • ...... , .....•...... 9 Night...... 4 Superintendent, powers...... •...... ~ •.reuchers- Discip!inary powers ...... 5 Extra compensation ...... , ...... 8 SENTENCES: (See Moros and Non-Christians) SERVANTS: (See contracts) SHIPPING, MORO ...... 151-155 SULU PROVINCE: Boundaries ...... JO Municipal Districts (See Appendix I) SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS ...... SURIGAO PROVINCE: Agusun-Surigao Boundary...... , 17 T TALACOGON MUNICIPALITY...... 41 TALAKAG MUNICIPALITY...... 42 TAX, REAL PROPERTY: lSee Land Tax) INDEX TO LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL LAWS. 157

T-(Continued) TEACHERS: SECTION Disciplinary powers... • ...... • ...... • . . . . . • ...... • •...••...... •...... 5 Extra compensntion ...... 6 Ni1Cht clusses...... • . . . . . • ...... • .••....••••••.. 4 'l'OURISTS. Special lirenrm permit...... 98 TRADING LICENSES ...... 126-144 'l'REASURER, DEPARTMENT: Firearms law, duties under...... 81-105 Moro shipping law, duties under...... 151-155 Land tax, duties under...... 59-80 w WILD TRIBES: Special Agents for ...... • .. . .. • ...... • . .. • . • . . •• ...... • .. • .• ...... 2 z ZAMBOANGA: Municipal boundaries...... • ...... • • ...... • • • .. . • .. • ...... 43 Municipal districts (See Appendix I) Provincial boundaries...... • ...... • ...... • . . . • • ...... 10-18


A AGUSAN, PROVINCE OF: PAGIII Municipal Districts in...... Hi-95 APPOINTMENTS, MUNICIPAL POLICE: Forms...... lli-118 Temporary ...... •. ..•.•...... Iii B BARRIOS: • •s Municipt1l Districts divided into...... "'' BEJ<~TLES, COCONUT: Circular re, (in Spanish) ..•.•...... •••...... •..•.....•. ····-· •...•. •.•• .••• 115-116 Destruction of...... •.. ...••...... •. ....•. . .•... 113-114 Duties of Municlpnl nnd Provincial Officers re ...••...•...... ••..•..•.•••• ··-· I IB-114 BOARD, PROVINCIAL: (See );'rovincinfBoard)" HUKIDNON. PROVINCE OF: Municipal Districts in ...•...... •.....•...... ••...•...... ••.....•. ···- i4-76 c CA'l'TLE: (See Large Cuttle) CEDULAS, FRJ<~E: Issuance of...... •• . . .•••. . .. •...... • .•...... • . . . .• . . . •.••. . •. . . . ••• • 111 CHIEF OF POLICE: Appointment of...... 117 CHIEF OF POLICE, MUNICIPAL DISTRICT: President nets .•.•.....•.•...... •....••...•••...... ·... . • ...... • • • . • . . . . . li6 COCONUT BEETLES: Cireul11r re, (in Spanish)...... 115-116 COMPENSATION:. District President...... •...... •. .••••. •.•••. ..•.•. ..•.•• ....•.. ...•. .••• ..•• 68 District Vice-President .••••...... •.••...•••...... •. --~---·...... 68 District Councilors...... •.•.•. ...••. ....•. .•.••. ...••. .••••. ..•••. .•.. •. •••• .••. 6M CO'rABATO, PROVINCE OF: Municip11l Districts in...... •• ..•.•. . ...•. ..•••...... •.•. 80-86 COUNCIL. MUNICIPAL: (See Municip11l Council) COUNCIL. MUNICIPAL DISTRIC'l': Members of ...... • . • ...... • . • • • . •• • • . • . . . • . . •• ...... • ...... • ...... • • . . . • . . 67 Powers 11nd Duties of...... •••. .•.••. •••• .••• •. .• . .••• •••• ..•• .••. 67 COUNCILORS, MUNICIPAL DISTRICT: As policff ot'licers ..• : • • . . . • • . . . . . • . . . • • • . • • • . • . . . . • • . . . . • • . . • . • • . . . . • • . .• •• • . . . • • . 67 Compens11tion of...... ••• .•.• ••. • •••• •••. .••• ••.• •••• •••• •••• .••• . ••. •••• 11!4 Powers n.nd· cluties ____ ---- ...... o; D DA V AO, ;E>ROYIN!JE 9F: · Mumc1pal d1str10ts m •••••.••••••.•••••••.••••••••••...••..•.•.••...•.•.••...•.. 77-79 DISTRICTS, MUNICIPAL: (See Municipal Districts) DISTRICT COUNCIL: (See Council, Municipal District) DIS'rRICT COUNCILORS: (See Councilors. Municipal District) · DIS'l'RICT ~·INANCES:· (See 'l'nxntion,"Munil'ipiil District) DISTRIC'l' PRESIDEN'l':. (See President. Munlcip11l District) 15!) 160 INDEX TO APPENDICES.


DISTRICT VICE-PRESIDENT: PAGt: lSee Vice-President, Municipnl District) DIS'.l'RICT TAXATION: (See •.rnxation, Municipal District) E EXECUTIVE ORDERS; Municipal, Form of (d) ____ ------·------·-·------· ---- ·--- ____ ·------____ 133 Of Municipal President ______-----·------126 Of Provincinl Governor ____ ------_____ ------____ -•-- 141 Provincial, Form of (5)_ ___ ------·--- ______147 F FIREARM PERMITS: Duties of Provincial Governors re ____ ----_------______------___ _ 112 FORMS: Municipal- Call for special meeting (b) ·------·---. -----· ------131 ExPcutive Orders (ill ______------·---·_----·------___ _ 133 Index to Executive Orders & Resolutions (c) ______---· ·-·· ·--- ·-·· ·------131-132 Minutes of Municipal Council Cn) ______--··· -··- ____ ·-·------· 128-131 Ordinance re procedure of municipal council (Sp11nish>------136-138 Proviucial- Call for special meeting (2) ____ ------· ··------·-·------·--. ---- ____ --·- ---- 145 Excerpts of resolutions (3) ____ .••. ---- ·-·· ____ •••• ···----· --·· ·--·· --·- ---- 145 Executive Orders (5) ____ ···--·-· .. --·· ..•• ··----·· ·------· ·-·· ·--· ·------147-148 Index to executive orders and resolutions (4) ______·--·-- ---··- ·----- ·---·- 146-147 Minutes of provincial board (I) ______------····-··------···--·--·------142-144

G GOVERNOR, PROVINCIAL: (See Provincial Governor) L LANAO, fRO\:IN9E <;)F: Mumcipal districts m ----·- ----·- -·---· ·---·-. ·------·· ----·· ---··· ··---- -··- 96-103 LARGE CATTLE: Estrays ...... __ -----· ·----· ·--·-· -·-·-· ·--··- ----·· -·--·------· ______-·-- -·-· 121 Registration and Branding------··-----·--·--·---··-.·-··-···-··------· 119-122 Slaughter Permits_ ••• -·-· •.•• -----·---··· .••• -··· •••• ·······---···-·------121 LIEUTENANT OF BARRIO: Appointment of. ___ --·- •••• -···--·-.--··------·-··-----·----_·----··- •••. ---· .••• 67 M MARRIAGE. CIVIL: Mohammedans marrying in J. P. Courts ______•••• -··· .•••• ----··-·-···-··---·· 149-150 MODEL FORMS: (See Forms) MUNICIPAL COUNCIL: General functions of. •• ·-···------•••• ·----·····-----····-·····-···-·····-··-·-· 123-127 Minutes of .... -----·------.••• --·------·-····-··-··---···--·--·---··--···---···-- 124-126 Notation of Provincial Board's action ____ -·------··· •••• -···.---- •••••••••••• 126 Ordinance of, re procedure of council lin Spanish)._ •• --·· .••••••• ··-·--··---· 136-138 Resolutions and ordinances of·------·-·· •••••••. ···-----·--··· .••••.•••••••••• 123-124 Rules of procedure of ____ ·----- .•••••••.••••••• --···· •••• ·----· ....••. ·----- •.•• 134-135 MUNICIPAL DISTRICT: Barrios---··---·--· .... ----·------·· •••• ------·-··------·---·--········ 65 Chief of Police- President nets·--·---- ....•. -··--·.·---··--·-••••.••• -----·----···---·· ------66 Compensation of officers ____ ---- ••••••••.••••.••.••. --·-·---·------·-·------·- 68 Councilors- As police officers ____ ----·-----·· .•.••• ----·----··-······-----··- .... ·-··--·· 67 Powers and duties of·----·----··--·--·-----·.----·-·----·------··-·---·-· 67 Govnnment of ..... ------·----- ·---·------· ------·----· ------61Hl9 Lieutenant of Barrio. _____ ------·------·------·- ..•••. ------··---·-·---· 67 Officers _____ ---·------·· ..•••••• -----· .••• ---- -·--·· -··--- -··- ....•••• -·---- 65 Organizations···-···- ..•• ··---·------··----- ••••.•....••••.•.•••••• -·------··- 65 President-Powers and duties of. •••.••• ------.·---·····-·- ...••. -·--·· •••. --·· 66 Provincial Board .••• ·-·--·-----· .•••.••••••• ---·--·---·· •••••••••••••••••••. ···­ 68 Salaries of officers··-----· •••• --··-··· ••••.•••.•••..••.•••••••••••••••••••..•... 68 Settlements-··- .•••.••••.••..••...... •. -···-···_ .••. -·-·-···-···--·· .••.•••• -·-· 65 INDEX TO APPENDICES. 161

M-(Continued) MUNICIPAL DISTRICT:-(Continued) PAGB 'l'ribal Wards ...... 65 Vice-President-Powers and duties of...... 65 MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS: (by name) Amparo ...... ____ ·····------·· ____ ...... ____ .....••...•• 87 80 '.t~;\~F.i::::·:: .-:::.:::: :.::·_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_·-.: ::: :::: :::: :::: 87 Bahbuh ...... ------...... 87 Bnkulud ...... ____ ..••.... ____ ...... _____ ...... 96 B1tlatikan ...... 80 Bn.lete ...... ------···· 87 Bn.limbing ______.•.•.••. ______..•. _____ ...• ____ ...... 72 B1ilut (Cotabuto) ...... ____ ...... 80 Bnlut (Lanao) ...... ______..... ---- ...... 96 Bunn.ran .... ------· ..••..•..· .....•...... •••..••.•.. ------...... 72 104 i:~~\'g~ciuiiiii :::: :::· ::::::.::::: :::::::: .. :: :::: :::::.-::::::::. :::: :::::·:: :::: 87 Barirn ..•• ____ ...• ____ ...... ______----· •....•.• ______...... ___ _ 80 Basa ..... ·----- ...... _...... -----· -----· ...... ____ ·---- 88 Bauiigon ...... _--·--· ------...... ------...... ------74 Bayaiig ...... ------.•...••• 96 Ba)·Jo ...... ----- ...... ------...... ---- -··· 88 Binid1t)'1tn ...... 96 Borbon ...... 88 Bunyan ...... ····················----...... HO Bubuni: ----· ..••..••..••.....•.. ____ ---· .....••..•••..•...... ••.••..••..••..••. 97 Buo·nsan ---- ...... ------...... ------· 81 Buldun ..••..••..••...... • ·--- ....•.•• ____ ...•....••..••...•..•...•...... •.•. 81 Buluan ...... ---···-- ____ ...... 81 Bun111rnit •••..••....• ---- .... ------· ...... --·· 8H Bunawan .••..•••.•.•.•.•..••...••. ------.•..•....•..•...•...•. -··· .••••••• ---- 88 Bufigu·au ...... ____ ...... ---- ...... ------72 Buru'un --···--- ·--- .•.. ---·---- ..•...... •.••..•••.••....•...•...••...... ---- 97 Buth! ..•...•• ---- ...• ------· .•...... ---· ...... ---- 97 Carmen ....••...•••..•. ______...•...•..•. ·--- ..•. ____ ..•...••.•••...... •... ___ _ 81 Clnveria .••..••• ____ ..•• ______.••.....• ____ ...... •.••..••.••...•...••.•....••• 74 Concordia ...... ______...... 88 Corinto ..•..•..•. ------· . ------.. --·-·· .•...... •.•••. ------... . 89 89 %'i~~i: _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_._._._-_-_-_-_-_-:: :: :: :: :: :::::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : .:: :::::::::: :: :: :: :: 81 Ditsan .. ------·······------·-· ··------·········- ____ .... 97 Dula wan······------.. ____ ·-··----·-·······-···--- ___ _ 82 Ebro •..•...... ••••...... •... ---·-·------·--·-···-······--·------89 Esperanza ...... ·····----,--·--· ------···--····------.. ------·· 89 Gnmbnr ...... •.•.•.•.•...... •...... ••...... •• 82 Gnnassi ...... ____ ...... __ .... ____ ...... __ ...... __ ...... 98 Gat1t ...•...... •.••...... ------·-·········------·-----·· 98 Gimbnluron ••••..•.•.•.•...... ··------·----·-·····-·······------····--·· 74 Gitung •...••.. ______.... ______..•.....••.. __ .•..•. __ .. __ ...• 71 Gl1tn ....••••.•.....••••...... •.•...•...... ••... · ..•.•. 82 Gracia ..•.•• ·------·-···----······------···············---··--·---···· 89 8~ii5;'~~pe .... ------··· -··· .... -- -- .. ·------.. -- -- .. -- --.. --·· .. -- -- 89 77 H11l1tpitan ...... ••.•...... ••..•••.•...•••...... •••...... •••.•.....•. 90 Jabonn·n. .• ------. - -- •••... ---·. -· •.••••••.••• 95 Kabaknn ...... 82 Kabnsalan ...... 104 K111my1rn ...... 72 Knlniiganan...... R2 Kn.pni ...... 08 Knp1it1tgan ...... 98 Kidap~.w11n ...... 1'2 Kitubud ...... sa Kliiil! ...... 83 Kolambu1mn ...... ~8 Koronadnl ...... 8~ Kumalarang ...... 1(14 Lamitan ...... HH Langasian...... 00 Lapnran ...... 72 La Paz ...... 00 LnsNieves ...... 90 Lnti ...... 70 Libertad ...... fl.) Libona ...... 74 Libuiigan ...... sa Ligwasan ...... 84 162 INDEX TO APPENDICES.


MUNICIPAL DIS'l'lUCTS: (by n11me)-(Continued) PAGE r.... oreto ...... · ...... 90 Los Arcos ...... I)() Los M11rtires ...... •...•..... 91 J.. ourdes ...... •...... , .... . 75 Lumb11t11n ... , ...... 99 J...,u'uk...... •.•.•...... •• 70 :\laasin ...... 91 :-.Iudnlum ...... , ... . 99 Mndnmhn ...... 99 Maganui ...... ·...... 84 l\.ilLJ!illj! ...... •...... 99 Mnimbung ...... 71 Mnlnynl..-...... ······· ...... 105 ~Ialitn .. .· ...... , . - , ... · · · · ·· · · .. ·. ·,. · ··. ·· ...... 77 Mnlitbog...... 75 Mnlusu· ...... •...... ••...... 105 Mnmbnlili. · ...... •...... •...... · .. . 91 Mnmpinsnhnn...... 91 ~fandulug ...... ······ ...... ······ ...... 99 Mnnil1L ...... 91 Mara.maJ? ...... - ...... 75 ;l,Iurantnu ...... 100 ::.\-Iurgosatubig ...... 105 1\fal'UOJ!llS ... ..•...... •...... ,, ...... •.... , ..... , ...... ,,, , ... , , .•. •••• 72 Masiu ...... ······ ...... 100 Mayi.rntusnn ...... 91 91 :~~,~~~-·.·. ·.·.·::. ::: :.:: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: _.::: ::: :: : .: :: :: ::: ::: :·: :: ··: :: :: ~::: ::: :: : 77 ~iu!undu ...... 100 Mumungnn ...... · ...... 100 Munni...... ···· .... ···· ···· ···· ···· ···· ···· ···· ..•...... 100 Nap1tlirun ...... ·.· ...... · .. , ...... 75 NoYele ...... •...... 91 Nuliiig...... 84 Nunun1mn ...... IOI Nuevo Sibng11t...... - ...... 11'2 Nuevo 'l' ...... 92 Panumn.u ...... 70 Panl,!'nnuran ...... 105 Pangutarnn ...... • ...... 71 Pansul ...... 71 Pant11r ...... 101 Pnnt11u Rngnt ...... IOI Pantulmn ...... 78 Paran~ ...... 71 Pnt1L ...... •...... •...... 71 70 ~:~~t~lnia·::. ::: ::: ::::::::::: ::::·:: :::: ·.·:. ·:: ·::::. ·. :: :: : : :·. ::: :: :: : : : : : : :: :: :: : 9•> Pikit-Pngnluiignn ...... : ...... 84 Prosperidnd...... 92 Punlns ...... IOI Reina Regente ...... X5 Remedios ...... 92 Rosario ...... , ...... 92 Sa.llinran ...... - ...... ~ ...... 102 Snirunto ...... 92 Snkul ...... :.; ...... 105 Salvac!on ...... 9:J Suma! ...... ·...... , ...... 78 San Ignacio...... 93 San Isidro ...... 93 Sun Luis ...... ;; ...... : ...... 9:J Sim Mateo ...... 93 s,m Vicente ...... ::.: ...... 94 Su.nta Ines...... 93 S,mta Josefa ...... :.; ...... : .. :: ...... 9:J Santo '1,omas ...... 93 78 ~h~s'f'.:::::::: .'.'.'::: ::: :: ::::::::::::::::: ·:::.: ·::::::.: '.:: :: :: : : : . : :: :: ·:::::::::: 71 Sibuku ...... ; : ...... !06 Sig1tboy ...... 78 Silangkun ...... 71 Silik ...... 85 Simunul...... 7.2 106 ~:~~,~~r~~:::.:::::.:: .: : : ::: :: : : .. · :: :::: :::: .::: .::: ::::: ::: ::: ::: :. : : : : : :: :: . : : !06 INngx 'l'O APPENDICES. 163

M-(Continued) :1-IUNICIPAL DIS'rRIC'l'S: (by name)-(Continued) PAGE Sitn.nlrni ...... 72 South Ubiun ...... 7~ Sumilau ...... 75 Sungucl ...... 102 '1,agum ...... 79 1 85 :1:::H 1'.~-~~ ::. ·. ·:::. ·:::::::: :::: ::.· .. ::: :::. ·::::. ::: :::. · :::::: ·:::::. :: : : ·:::: ~::: ·:: 71 rl,nluksunga.)' ...... ·~ 106 'l'nmt>nran ...... , ...... •..... 102 1,nndu., ...... : ...... 70 'l'nndubus ...... 72 'l'nnl!kil ...... 70 'l,a11ul ...... 71 'l.,nrah:u...... •...... ••.•...... •...•...... IU'l 'l,atariltnn ...... :...... 103 'l,rento ...... 94 'l,ub11run ...... 103 'l,udelu ...... 94 'l,uirayu ...... , ...... 103 'l,ulturn.n ...... 106 r_eumbuu ·················· ...... •..•...... 85 Uutu ...... 103 Verdu ...... 94 \ieruela ...... 94 Violuntu ...... 94 '\,Vuloe ...... ij4 MUNICIPAL OFFICERS: (See OlHcers. Municip111) :\IUN'ICIPAL POLICE: Appointments ...... 117-118 MUNICIPAL PRESIDJ<~ N''l': l~xecu ti ve orders of...... 126 0 OFFICERS: Municipul Districts ...... " ...... :...... 65 Municipul- Duties re coconut beetles...... • ...... ll8-ll4 Provinciul- Du ties re coconut beetles ...... ,...... ll:!-ll4 ORDERS. EXECU'l'IVE: (See Executirn Orders)

R REPORT. MONTHLY: Of Provincial Governors-contents...... 109-110 s SALARIES, MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS: (See Compensation) SETTLEMENTS: Municipal Districts...... 6.5 SULU, f~OVI~C~ OJ.:': Mummpal D1str1cts m...... 70-7:l T TAXATION, MUNICIPAL DISTRICT...... 68 TRIBAL WARDS: Municipal Districts...... 65 v VICE-PRESIDENT. MUNICIPAL DISTRICT: Compensation of...... 68 Po.wers and duties of...... l!I z ZAMBOANGA. PROVINCE OF: Municipal Districts in...... 104-106