W omenʼs W caucus f C o r A ART Artlines P.O. Box 1498, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013 Tel 212.634.0007
[email protected] Triannual Newsletter Spring 2007 Greetings from the President National Board Executive Committee Jennifer Colby, PhD Jennifer Colby, President We are in the midst of great celebrations and recognition for women in Kathy Halamka, Second VP the arts this spring. The opening of the Elizabeth Sackler Center for Margaret Lutze, Secretary/Treasurer Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum, featuring a permanent home for Barbara Wolanin, VP Chapter Relations the “Dinner Party” by Judy Chicago and the inaugural “Global Marilyn Hayes, President Elect Feminisms” exhibit, and the opening of “Wack! Art and the Feminist Officers Revolution” and “Multiple Vantage Points” in Los Angeles have given us an historical view of the impact of feminist art on the larger culture and Dena Muller, Past President on the art world. Kira Carillo Corser, VP for Development Patricia Rodriguez, VP for Org. Outreach Within this newsletter you will find reflections on these events and the Regional VPs WCA’s February 35th Anniversary activities in New York City. We were Laura Morrison, Northeast Region VP delighted to be a part of the ongoing work of The FeministArtProject, which sponsored a day of panels at CAA, organized by late art historian Judith Segall, Southeast Region VP Arlene Raven and WCA’s new Chair of the Lifetime Achievement Awards Selection Committee, Janice Nesser, Midwest Region VP Anne Swartz, and to co-host our Lifetime Achievement Awards with the CAA Committee on Position Open, Southwest Region VP Women in the Arts, combining the two awards ceremonies into one at the CAA annual conference Rebecca Kramer, Northwest Region VP in New York.