State Auditor of Public Accounts Gives Wayne County High Rating
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HERALD Section One, Eight Pages WAYNE,INEBRASK ,THURSDAY, APRll.. 22,1948 '--------,+ -------,-------- NUMBER FIFTY Countrf IComm¢rcial • ic ISynod Names ,Schedtlled Mav r R S State Auditor of Public Accounts Beginning At Wayne Stat~ eVe chuldt Drive I The cu~memal departrrL of New President' Gives Wayne County High Rating I \Vaync Stal~ T~achcrs COI1c~e has . scheduled a clime fur hIgh school To Leave Local students Saturday. May 7 St dents Says Tax Records [~~\~ s\~'~J~rb~ ~~ :.~~ :a%~O snt~~~ Church in August Wayne Band Receives New, Uniforms clay for specchcs, dCr.lonst Hons Best in Nebraska I 110Wlng a meetmg wHh the on \. anous busJnf'sS machm s amI R,.,\ T. J C SchuJdt wIll leave ~ hoi d of directors last Wednesday a noon banqut'l tne Pdstorate of 51. Paul's Luther- FmanclaIly, Wayne COtmty is in I thc-I~ membershIp ~omlnJtt~e of the l10rtrnse Siollnllz, dlrcc or of an (huf'ch In Wayne next sununer excellent condItion and It ranks as ,Warne County (2ountf'Y club has lhe' ..,c1w(Jl cifoparlment, typl1wntf'r to i;p(omt' -president of the Evan the top county in Nebraska on the I beg~n a canvas~ of the Clly to ('n- dr\'isJOn, of Remmglcn Randl, Inc, gelled I Lutheran Synod of Nebras kec-pmg of racords of tax lists ,roll] member!> for th(' [or'thcommg "dl Of' th(' pnnclpal spcakI'r She ka, commendatlOn of the' got~ season, Th(' mernbct;;hlP drJ\(' I hrJ.", gamC'd mtcrnalJOnnl cnO'l,vn AppolJlcmcnt of Re'. Schuldt to \\oraynp ("'nunty go .... ernment ar:d alSQ WIll mcludC' Laurel, v..'akcfl('ld , a:-, a t'.~In'" ('olhultant as .ell as the pn!sldencv made at a its ufflclal;; ""a.<; g:Jven Tuesday tv andl Emcrson, fof' he~ ~'lck!:';round 'of t('coni- mpelJn~ of the synod In SJdrwY,I·' Ra\ C Johnson, state auditor of ha~ b:~~n('de~lt~·t1~;;s~~~~:J~~s~~dJ~,~~'~ :)I~~k:~~;( ~?~I(":~,rJh(~f ~~~s] rn) ~I~= ~.!;~'I:l ~;I~:ci,~lt(,tn~~~o~:~f (~~~~ I,,, I ?o~~11 r e~~~u~~s~sew~~ ~~~~ ~~ pndes lor non-resldpnts, studcnts tU,ll \.\urd!" P[ I' nun ute for onic hOU!'./ Dr J C' Hershey uf Fremont IS I,:' I pori.., on a reCf'nt audIt of all books 1l .... ll1g III \\'a)l1c ilnd n(,n-rCSldLl1t lief apP,',lrance ,n Wayne 1$ sw)n- th{' 1L'llnn!; IJ!C'sld('nt i • v StUrCDIS ~orrd II} Ihl "tho,!] depaltnlf'nt of H('\' Schuldt expects to assume t < ~ ?J1~ r1~r~~)~~~~I~~ ~u~ o~~~~~ i 18..'<1 }<'cJr \\erE' more than 97 lX, Pe~~tr~~)~~~~'l:)~~({dCI~ ~~;'\~:~~J~~~ ft, }~~~~,II{t~~fl~~t~~~ ~~I[; I ~jH' Fi drm- ~;j~~ 1;I~g hfl)~~,n~n If!~c~~~. ~'~Il~ • I (""nt nf the amount lenro The mat .1 0 m b) gettlnt; lfl t{IUL'h ~\Itll on'-'trdllOn (If hI-. "h,111} d'> iI spe-jsynod pre!>ldenL'Y IS a full· time po- , I col!'-cllons totaled $807,184 4.~ fur (thp .lPilr EnroUmt'nt of \\'itj n.l' \ e(crans f:I~~H:~~~I~ri~~ (~~~ ~;~;~!~~;~ll d~(~~~ ~:~:I~t IJ~n, ~~(~~~~~dF'jl;~,,~1n~P~-1 :'Jt~o/~ Schuldl has uCl'n pn510r of Rala .. cr' and others rnt(-'rested !11 the umt I coff"rs Dec, 31 'vas S-4-4~- is prog:rcssmg EnlistHlents are for Fln,t l\'CltlO.!al Bank i V.. :S n' "ludf'nt.~ will' lhp I'H ,d .st Paul S ,'hurch since a thI'C'('-year period but men who Gporge lIotlm0.fl, Jr II"f' h'),)'" ,'I nl)(m banquet t 1914 l!)r,nl!l~ to Wayne trom Ne-, : I ~~'~.! 1X'10~:;s ~~callc~~\l~.~ fmrl Iha! sc/'\!r'(' \\llh the I'iatJOn ! ~~~~;~ l~~' c;<:I\~!;~~'::')lldl r,~ t~;,:~~:ll ~:~J,a (II) __ _ ~ ITh. "f' cn:npm;f' about 150 dJffpr<:'rt al GU,lrd m1( rfefl'" \\'1111 !hclr work I ~und" 11-oh "urn compare<; ,\v1th a. may he dls('hdrg"c'd Abu mpn who I wofk tillS .\('c:k .... 111 jJre~lde, 1 I sundu:; of ani: ~O 000 on 19--H, of II", arc !crvpor.nd) U!lrLblc to dUend I ~nllmg "d" dl 11lay Reorganize ·,1 1;'~ rrOlln! y C! !!';(l has r£'('('IH ri 1'Qcctmgl-o of Iht' LIm! 1'1<1) be car ·!ISl1~'.F;Ql Ihrnu.:h !he Schrocdf'r ned 11-5 attwb('d IIC'l'scnnel. :~/\t~O~;:~}~'~~I~ ~~~(;,t\~! n\~~~ I F'aculty lJ-f embers of COIlIl Lv [j \ e~tock th~t aft{ rn..!,JOll Th{' <- II) e(June II WST~' t M . • 11 ~)~\'I! ~~:~/;Ir r~~~:o\'~~e~~t~~ ~~~',! dckrred [i,f' IJ hal ;HII()~l fm fJl.rr-; a eetlngs 1~~{Jt.(.d(Jt.J. (; 01 'of f h " ha<; been q>ent_ 1T1~;;(dl}i~~1::~t~~t"~JL\7:.~\ \,.{.lI j LWU:l;, m' ;:'1 Wayne! S r II) "\\ here the mor,t",' "''It ... aurlltor ga\[' , \\.-..dnf'..,r:i".\ 13 I fed('h(,l~ ~d\t ::>~cnt; LJ\r<""(j'" r''('dlr~ :\1l1 m('.('~ atl [IDrn 11.1 \\,l,'ync a stnrcs ofllhr' r"'111 hfllhr !fl \\rJ}nc J:nday '. ! ~:~idr.f r~~~~~~~~~\~li~ 1;~~:J~f~ l thro ('11\ r,f \I,';i\nP "f1lch t';.?,~ l\ ,or I' \~::~r('2~1~~~:~ld('nt. How· I ~~~'t~~~}n'/T:·J!iHl~~I'LJ~ups;~~~J~)!~~~~ I "~ SI.26 rIll::'" or' N1 26 ('n LlC'1 I [, nllJi 1(, dc,ln, ':\I B.I crs d~h(J('L;;II{Jn T))!" mr· .... tmi-: \\111' Sl (M)/) nf ?~~0,,-"'rl \·a1uallun. ml~~S\1 ( ;' ~;;j~j/I'(~'7. \ ;~~~~'~jf~~J al;~ I~~,~ (', III n~~~ (i!uul,~l L~JlA·~I~:j~ IAd~~lt~ H 2fJ \\d~'~~~~lflg tu CUUnl} I ()f t h!" <;UFo ! hr ['aunt\' rf'c(']vf'S "1;"'(' r r'l,1 01 S3 50, t'he 5tll',. ~ [ormc'd (hulch \\",\'n(' \\/lS hl~hl) r tf); uf public rlilatwns.! Tl'nt311\l' l-Jlans call for l.'JlI{s by S1)-16 'he ("ty of V,a\'n" g('t<; ~Fl and h-1lance of s:;:,: "1'1 I I ( i i<, G~~l;:~d s~~~:d '~~'cl~ ~~\ ~:~~l:(~le T;~= ~~I /0(J~J( ~~,;, ::ol~le~'nl~\:); k:1,,\~!~~~e( '~,~n~(~I! r~~~~~~ ta~:oe~~ dL"tT'Ct 17 J.r; 1 l() :--Ijl( [(II'(h"', Llu<.Irlllun .I tI'l Herb Alhers oJ Wisner, '~em('dhjrn\,jth'I~()jd",\;}tchl'haJn ,'}\,\ard rri·.iJ)~ Tjach('l~ s("hoO-! (lut~land;ng in IPeog.ll' ,on ( I ;j ,!Jthrlll SI'l'\ 1('(' I r 0111<; 0:1 I\T)! 11 1:-" dn(1 1'J I HI (jf k ... III ('xp!:un Ih(' n Jt lonai pru- TIl(' 'IUrll'r)r rf'portcd that ,,1 l Q~,,'-'J('\~nllf'~:-'~~(":d ','"',',~,,o{,rfd'I'l'I,{'~'d'lml~! WJllmm :'.LIs".pio!,- Pklm"t'I"JCII,1I14-J-I (]ul) "I •• «.k I ·I.\{) 111,..:11 ,,(h()()j~ (·r tile <-t1('I(gr,uH dnd Alber.:, \\llJ dl:'cuss lhe found nn \!oiatlon.-;:; r)f the 0:(" "" '- . '.. ill\'( "pon.."w(,d ,'url'(1 dnd cullq.;l' I "..,tLlI( prO:';1<1I11 1;]\\ Ir: \\:r}n0 rount) as a rnl]II);[('! l)1 til!' gospel wlthm 1 ,IPlw .. r on d \\:::, r( "f)('(,ldi ~ M I (\d) ~ HI ~\ ill! h I II .\II!I ( ) 1 lJ!'<tn I \\ 011 m r ;',lId al! \Va} nc county lIr ,c::a\p Ih ... following acco!J,-1- t,he bounl.arJ('s o[ tillS The gram to 1 en1 Il'nJpL'r'o <.Ind Ihdn \ Ilgmla LJ'nn fcr'fic)-" ,lie Ul\Jtcd 10 a1tpnd lIe ~}'nod, Th~r~I:~, _~P~I~_:.!_':.__ .~ )('"I·~ of t hI' t"-.nrir'1i indebtedness lof \I.·atch ch;un has i.l ;.:old hOi) cros~ --- II ha\e !dk~'n arl dell\l P'!tt. ThlSC 'Said lhdl I[ ('nou:.:;n m1ere::,t IS ,\iJrl(jll., p<:)1:1IcaJ subdivisions: and an Qmbkrn \\vh lhl IIlscnpllOn' Holds (nUni} (xtr'n<;nln AlbIOn on .\prll .) amd LLlt- n III the proflo:sed r['Grgamza. f h d D slhO\~ d , eanery dnn()Uncr'o that thrr'1' 1 \ I l' o tee lcalll~n ' " un f prl • Ilion cuun,y ult!q'I5 \\J!l be ejected. [ Total Out- Er\",:1 Vah!l,amp, R"'\ Flschcr: ,\1 \\vnct j~ atUndll ':: d 1 I Anoun t standing- ~~~fe~~~~ce I~l :=;'~c1~(e~)r~~~an~~~n~ ISO g M to g ~:~~'[~:rll,7tl~)'~' ~~:('c~~~;:)('~~;; i Key Club Considers of the r:\,m!:';c!Jca! and Reformed ~ prln 1 ee In I 10 _l. She \\dJ \\or~ .. mdln-, • S::9,O~Q church Hl ::'-Jebla"k,1 City April 1)1 (i1nll \I(lJl<;(lrt (Ji th( I~(i-it Ihl dl\ISIOnS of eilcmlCCllilCollege Scholarshlps to 15 B) an o\er\\helmm~ maJor- Thl Jack:-.on Ul,Wll) hdd Jls AI! cllih\\tli h:1\( hISPXJlCn"p,-pafdl :.tdddnal)w.:uJch(mL5try 2.),(100 12 (y,(\ It:~, the :synod approved the pcnd-I sprmg meetm;; h,- r e last Wedm ,,- I by th, KnJght~ 0< Ak·Sar·Ben f r I - - Wayne high Key club members l!E.O()() mg merger With the CongregatlOn- day With 12 panshcs If'prc::;ented m€at anImal r['("'()rd~ n(' submltt cd I • met at dmner at Hale! ~loITison 1"".000 al ChrIstian churches Offlcers eltcted fOI j 1St \ t H IDIes at Horn.m of Thur.-day noon Wilham Becken- :2l,OOO --- - ----- I)-ear mclude lVI, " LJ F~_ \illchcll 'rrr ,SI(I\~" (11\ S:ock Yards Co 1 "-' hauer and Dave TheophIius.