www.westafricaninsight.org V ol 5. No 2. 2017 ISSN 2006-1544 WestIAN fSrI iGcHaT MOROCCO’s ACCESSION TO ECOWAS Centre for Democracy and Development TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial 2 ECOWAS Expansion Versus Integration: Dynamics and Realities 3 ISSUES AND OPTIONS In Morocco's Quest to 11 join the ECOWAS THE ACCESSION of The Kingdom of Morocco to the Economic Community 20 of West African States MOROCCO‟s APPLICATION TO JOIN ECOWAS: A SOFT-POWER ANALYSIS 27 MOROCCO AND ECOWAS: Picking Cherries and 32 Dismantling Core Principles Centre for Democracy and Development W ebsit e: www .cddw estafrica.or g 16, A7 Street, Mount Pleasant Estate, :
[email protected] Jabi-Airport Road, Mbora District, : @CDDWestAfrica Abuja, FCT. P.O.Box 14385 www.facebook.com 234 7098212524 Centr efor democracy .anddev elopment Kindly send us your feed back on this edition via:
[email protected] Cover picture source: Other pictures source: Internet The Centre for Democracy and Development and the Open Society Initiative for West Africa are not responsible for the views expressed in this publication Chukwuemeka Eze makes the argument that Editorial Morocco's application to join ECOWAS is moved by his December, the Economic Community of self-interest. Morocco is seeking to position itself as a West African States (ECOWAS) has to decide continental power sitting at the top of the political whether Morocco's application to join should and economic table in Africa. By joining ECOWAS T Morocco would have additional opportunities and be accepted or thrown out. Jibrin Ibrahim makes the case that ECOWAS should not allow itself to be benefits in the international community and would stampeded into accepting Morocco into its fold also benefit from the Arab League quota as well as without thinking through the implications for its core West African quota.