Jodi Picoult | 608 pages | 15 Aug 2013 | Hodder & Stoughton General Division | 9781444754360 | English | London, United Kingdom Nineteen Minutes Quotes | Explanations with Page Numbers | LitCharts

Created by the original team behind Nineteen Minutes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides. The Family That Writes Together. Picoult has co-written two young adult novels with her daughter, Samantha van Leer. A Literary Universe. Nineteen Nineteen Minutes. Plot Summary. All Themes Victims vs. Perpetrators Vengeance vs. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Teach your Nineteen Minutes to analyze literature like Nineteen Minutes does. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of every Shakespeare play. Sign Up. Already have an account? Sign in. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Sign In Sign Up. Literature Poetry Lit Terms Shakescleare. Download this LitChart! Teachers and parents! Struggling with distance learning? Nineteen Minutes Teacher Nineteen Minutes on Nineteen Minutes can help. Themes All Themes. Symbols All Symbols. Theme Wheel. Nineteen Minutes Study Guide Next. A concise biography of plus historical and literary context for Nineteen Minutes. In-depth summary and analysis of every chapter of Nineteen Minutes. Visual theme-tracking, too. Explanations, analysis, and visualizations of Nineteen Minutes 's themes. Nineteen Minutes 's important quotes, sortable by theme, character, or chapter. Description, analysis, and timelines for Nineteen Minutes 's characters. Explanations of Nineteen Minutes 's symbols, and tracking of where Nineteen Minutes appear. An interactive data visualization of Nineteen Nineteen Minutes 's plot and themes. Nineteen Minutes wrote her first story at the age of five, and graduated with a BA from Princeton inwhere she studied creative writing. She published her first novel, Songs of the Humpback Whaleinand since then has gone on to publish two dozen more. Her novels are often inspired by current events, especially timely social problems facing American society, including racism, euthanasia, and the death penalty. She is Nineteen Minutes and has three children; she says that Nineteen Minutes was partially inspired by witnessing the problem of bullying via Nineteen Minutes children. She lives in Hanover, . Historical Context of Nineteen Minutes The most important historical phenomenon connected to the novel is, of course, school shootings. While school shootings are not unique to the U. Some of the most high-profile school shootings that have taken place in recent years include the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in and the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Yet while the number of school shootings Nineteen Minutes place in the U. These events were the Heath High , which took place in Kentucky inand the Columbine High School massacre, which occurred in Colorado in Other historical events connected to the novel include the terrorist attacks of September 11, which Nineteen Minutes described in the novel as occurring when the main characters, Nineteen Minutes and Josie, have just started middle school. These attacks led to increased anxiety in the U. The rise of the internet and the problem of cyberbullying and online radicalization also prominently feature in the novel. Nineteen Minutes also Nineteen Minutes a novel about a school shooting originally published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman called Rage. It is worth noting that, chillingly, this novel is known to have inspired several real-life shooters. Due to the ongoing prevalence of school shootings in the U. Cite This Page. Home About Story Contact Help. LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand Terms of Service. Nineteen Minutes Study Guide. Next Summary. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

Nineteen Minutes is the fourteenth novel by the American author, Jodi Picoult. The story begins Nineteen Minutes March 6, in the small town of Sterling, New Hampshiretracking Nineteen Minutes lives of a number Nineteen Minutes characters on an "ordinary day. At the local high school, Sterling High, Nineteen Minutes story follows a routine day of students in classes, at the gym, and in the cafeteria. Suddenly, a loud bang is heard Nineteen Minutes the parking lot, which Nineteen Minutes out to be a bomb set off in Matt Royston's car. As Nineteen Minutes students are distracted by the noise, gunshots are fired. When Patrick, the only detective on the Sterling police force, arrives at Sterling High, he searches the school to seek out the gunman, who is alleged to be a student. After passing several dead and wounded victims, Nineteen Minutes traps and arrests the shooter, Nineteen Minutes Houghton, in the locker room, where he finds two students, Josie Cormier and Matt Royston, lying on the floor surrounded in Nineteen Minutes. While Matt is dead, having been the only victim shot twice, Josie is not seriously injured, but only shocked: she cannot remember what happened. Throughout the book, time flashes back and forth between events before and after the shooting. In the past, the reader learns that Peter and Josie were once close friends. Peter was frequently the target of severe bullying at school, and Josie often stuck up for him. The Nineteen Minutes slowly drifted apart as they got older: Josie joined the popular crowd in order to protect her own interests, seeing her relationship to Peter as embarrassing. The story pictures Peter as an outcast at home as well; Peter believes his older brother Joey is favored by their parents. Joey is a popular straight- A student and athlete, but feels it necessary to ridicule Peter to protect his reputation, even fabricating a story that Peter was adopted. When Joey is killed in a car accident inLacy and Lewis Houghton are too upset to pay attention to their remaining son, causing a bigger rift between Peter and his parents. In their sophomore year, Josie begins dating Matt, a popular jock who Nineteen Minutes his friends Drew Girard and John Eberhard in bullying Peter. Matt often calls Peter "homo" and "fag," leading Peter to question his sexual orientation. The bullying intensifies once Matt begins dating Josie, in his possessive efforts to keep Nineteen Minutes away from other boys. On one occasion, Nineteen Minutes approaches Josie after school to try talking to her. Matt beats Nineteen Minutes up, leaving Nineteen Minutes humiliated in front of the school. The flashbacks also reveal several subplots: the difficult relationship between Josie and her single mother Nineteen Minutes, Alex's dilemma of being a judge and a mother, Peter's escape from bullying into the world of video games, Josie's fear of falling out of the popular crowd and her suicide back-up plan when she does, Matt's abusive behavior toward Josie, Josie's pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage, as well as Lewis Houghton's hunting lessons with his son Peter. One month before the shooting, Peter realizes that he has feelings for Josie, and sends her Nineteen Minutes email expressing his love. Courtney Ignatio reads this email before Josie and has Drew forward it to the entire school. Courtney then convinces Peter that Josie likes him. Peter asks Josie to join him later during lunch, Nineteen Minutes to suffer public humiliation as Matt pulls down Peter's pants and exposes his genitals to a cafeteria full of students. Peter's psychotic break is triggered on the morning of the shooting when he turns on his computer Nineteen Minutes accidentally opens the email he wrote to Josie. After the shooting, Peter is sent to jail while the trial proceeds. The probable cause hearing is waived as Peter admits to killing ten people and wounding nineteen others. Jordan argues that he was in a dissociative state at the time of the shooting. In the final stage of the trial, Josie reveals that she was the one who shot Matt the first time in the stomach after grabbing a gun that fell out of Peter's bag. She admits later that she did this on account of the abusive behavior that she had endured while in a relationship with him. Peter later fired the fatal second shot; a blow to the head. Peter promised her he wouldn't tell anyone what she had done, and he kept this promise, happy to have Josie as his friend again. Peter is convicted of eight counts of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder and is sentenced to life in prison. A month afterward, Peter commits suicide by stuffing a sock into his throat. At the end of the book, one year from the date of the Nineteen Minutes, Josie has received a five-year sentence for accessory of manslaughter and is regularly visited in Nineteen Minutes by her mother. Throughout the book, Josie never told the whole story, instead repeating, "I can't remember. Alex and Patrick, who are expecting their first child, walk the halls of the high school. Sterling High has been extensively remodeled after the shooting. The cafeteria, the gym and locker room where the massacre took place have been replaced by a large glass atrium with a memorial to the dead in the center, a row of ten white chairs bolted to the floor. A plaque declares the building "A Safe Harbor. The book received generally favorable reviews by critics, for the writing, character development, [2] plot twists, and the moral issues raised, including peer pressure, Nineteen Minutes, self-image, school bullying, betrayal and deception, Nineteen Minutes orientation doubt, teen dating violencesuicide, video game violence, single parenthood and communication barriers between adolescents and adults. The Associated Press acknowledged that although Peter's guilt cannot be in doubt from a legal perspective, it is hard for readers to know where to put the blame as the story unfolds. As the novel unfolds, Picoult succeeds in lifting those assumptions up for scrutiny, until villains and victims seem to Nineteen Minutes into Nineteen Minutes motley jumble of alliances and rejection. The Free Lance-Star mentioned that Nineteen Minutes created a two-sided story that helps readers understand everything about the school shooting, which is more than what normal media coverage will provide about this type of Nineteen Minutes. Jodi Picoult says her "children struggled with fitting in and being bullied" [11] which made them "guinea pigs" [11] for her characters in the novel. Picoult understood that the topic of bullying was universal because everyone has experienced bullying in some form. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nineteen Minutes First edition. Retrieved Rocky Mountain News. Hippo Press. The San Diego Union-Tribune. Associated Press. Free Lance-Star. Archived from the original on New York Times. Washington Post. Boston Globe. When Alex comes into Josie's room at one point, Josie is in the process of writing in her journal — what she is writing turns out to be the handwritten entry Nineteen Minutes the beginning of Nineteen Minutes book. USA Today. Works by Jodi Picoult. Wonder Nineteen Minutes Love and Murder. Between the Lines Off the Page. Hidden categories: All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from October Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. First edition. Nineteen Minutes - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Nineteen Minutes. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for Nineteen Minutes us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn, color your hair, watch a third of a hockey game. In nineteen Nineteen Minutes, you can bake scones Nineteen Minutes get a tooth filled by a dentist; you can fold laundry for Nineteen Minutes family of five In nineteen minutes, you can stop the world, or you can just jump off Nineteen Minutes. In nineteen minutes, you can get revenge. Sterling is a small, ordinary New Hamps In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn, color your hair, watch a third of a hockey game. Sterling is a small, ordinary New Hampshire town where nothing ever happens -- until the day its complacency is shattered by a shocking act of violence. In the aftermath, the town's residents must not only seek justice in order to begin healing but also come to terms with the role they played in the tragedy. For them, the lines between truth and fiction, right and wrong, insider and outsider have been obscured Nineteen Minutes. Josie Cormier, the teenage daughter of the judge sitting on the case, could be the state's best witness, but she can't remember what happened in front of her own eyes. And as the trial progresses, fault lines between the high school and the adult community begin to show, destroying the closest of friendships and families. Told with the straightforward style for which she has become known, it asks simple questions that have no easy answers: Can your own child become a mystery to you? What does it mean to be different in our society? Is it ever okay Nineteen Minutes a victim to strike back? And who -- if anyone -- has the right to judge someone else? Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. New Hampshire . Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought Nineteen Minutes this book, please Nineteen Minutes up. To ask other readers questions about Nineteen Minutesplease sign up. This may be a stupid question, but I frankly don't care what other think, so here I go: I've heard that Picoult's books aren't necessarily one that men would enjoy. I'm currently reading 'Nineteen Minutes', and I'm enjoying it so far. For those of you who are either avid Nineteen Minutes fans or generally enjoy her writings, what do you think is the audience for her books? Nineteen Minutes Snell As a 65 year old grandfather, I read books that have interesting characters, compelling stories, and situations I can care about, all wrapped up in a …more As a Nineteen Minutes year old grandfather, I read books that have interesting characters, compelling stories, and situations I can care about, all wrapped up in a Nineteen Minutes style that keeps me turning pages. So far every one of Ms Picoult's books Nineteen Minutes that description. In general I don't understand the idea of "women's lit" or "men's lit" - it is either good storytelling or it is not. Are there any books you have read with similar events, or messages? I need to recommend 2 other books that are similar to this one for my English Nineteen Minutes. It's a much better Nineteen Minutes, and tackles the subject matter in a much more interesting and intelligent way. Nineteen Minutes read three Jodi Picoult books, including 19 Minutes, and I won't be bothering with any more. The fabled 'twist endings' she's so famous for are nothing more than lazy get outs to avoid dealing with the topics and questions raised. See all 18 questions about Nineteen Minutes…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Nineteen Minutes Average rating 4. Nineteen Minutes details. More Nineteen Minutes. Sort order. Start your review of Nineteen Minutes. May 29, Sammy Nineteen Minutes it it was amazing Shelves: Nineteen Minutes. This book is a hard book to put down because the entire time you're seeking answers. What actually happened? What made it progress to this? Things like that. Things that people asked after Columbine, most recently after Virginia Tech, and after all the other school shootings. Once again Jodi Picoult tackles a sensitive and controversial issue, in an amazingly strong and dignified manner that doesn't have you choosing sides. She did it to the reader in My Sister's Keeperwhere the minute you This book is a hard book to put down because the entire time you're seeking answers. She did it to the reader in My Nineteen Minutes Keeperwhere the minute you began to go to one side, she presents something where you're suddenly seeing it all from a different angle. Every time you begin to thing Peter was in the right, an angry Nineteen Minutes upset parent stands up and says something to make you think again. A writer who can play devil's advocate to her own characters is a gifted writer indeed. Nineteen Minutes ends with stunning results. We think we know exactly what happened, but as the story progresses and we delve deeper into various characters psyche we begin to realize everything is not what it seems. I don't want to spoil anything, but if you're like me you'll begin to suspect things earlier on. In the end the book will leave you with a feeling of sad hope, a feeling I never knew existed until I finished this book. I'd say more, but as with other books I've reviewed, sometimes I just have to let the book speak for itself. It's such an amazingly sensitive story, to Nineteen Minutes it too much might skew your own opinion going into it. The writing Nineteen Minutes beautiful, the Nineteen Minutes complex and real. That's all I'm going to say, I think you need to find the rest out for yourself. View all 12 comments. Jan 02, Kate rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I have read most of Jodi Picoult's books, and they Nineteen Minutes always entertaining and easy to read. However, this one was definitely not my favorite, and I often found it a bit formulaic and poorly executed. Maybe it's because I HAVE read so Nineteen Minutes of her books that I was looking Nineteen Minutes her signature "twist" at the ending which an astute Nineteen Minutes will guess at halfway through the book, if not earlierand her characters seem Nineteen Minutes act in certain ways that are Nineteen Minutes fitting. The reader is supposed to empathize with Peter from the time he's a baby - this supposed "monster" is shown as a tender, loving boy who gets picked on mercilessly at school. The point, really, is to show that even the most sensitive, nice child can be turned into a killer when he is bullied relentlessly. But I still never really saw Peter, as he is portrayed in the flashbacks, as the same kid who was purported to have killed ten of his classmates in a murderous rampage. Another loose end that never seems to get tied up is Peter's questioning of his sexuality. He is sitting next to Josie, another main character, and thinking that although she's pretty, Nineteen Minutes feels nothing for her. Fast forward fifty pages, and he's sending Josie a lovesick email about how much he wants to be a "couple" with her. The point of this, ostensibly, is to show that because the bullies tormented Peter with cries of "homo", that caused him to even question his own sexuality. But the email to Josie just seemed to be a convenient, and very out-of-character, move to tie plot points together. The most baffling of all, and the hardest to accept, is the infamous Picoult plot twist which is set up through the whole book, via a "second gun" with only a partial fingerprint, that seems to have Nineteen Minutes fired but nobody can find the bullet, and Nineteen Minutes lying on the floor in the room with Josie, her dead boyfriend, and the shooter. Glimpses of a quasi-abusive relationship between Josie and her jock boyfriend surface, and then the bombshell - JOSIE shot the boyfriend! Despite the fact that Josie loved him. Or hated him. Despite the fact that Josie has shown no inclination toward homicide, and happens to be standing face-to-face with the boy who has just slaughtered all of her friends. Does this seem believable to anyone? Again, it's ostensibly because Josie doesn't Nineteen Minutes another way out of this relationship - the jock boyfriend has threatened to kill himself if she ever leaves him. But shooting him in the gut? That's a bit overwrought and hard to swallow. I just wish Picoult would step out of the box a little bit and shake things up - just like moviegoers are starting to tire of M.