Commission to Review Strategic-Planning Report &Ports by Two of Its Subcommit- Tions to the Full Comnnssion

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Commission to Review Strategic-Planning Report &Ports by Two of Its Subcommit- Tions to the Full Comnnssion Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association September 23,1991, Volume 28 Number 33 Commission to review strategic-planning report &ports by two of its subcommit- tions to the full Comnnssion. group’s current practice of identify- tlnuc with a new year added to the 14 amendments that it already has tees dealing with strategic plan- Mcanwhilc, the Commission’s ing early m each calendar year the three- 01~ four-year plan each year. agreed to sponsor. the most impor- ning and with the NCAA’s revenue- Subcommittee to Review NCAA major topics that it will address that Legislation tant of which arc those that would distribution principles top the Kevcnuc~Distribution Principles year. A review of proposed Icgislation strcngthcn the Association’s require- agenda for the NCAA Presidents met carlicr and will submit its report. If the full Commission adopts the for the January 1992 NCAA Con- mcnts for imtial and continuing Commission’s fall meeting October That subcommittee is chaired by subcommittee’s recommendations, vention probably will consume the athletics ability 1-2 in Kansas City. Chancellor Gene A. Hudig of the it then would confirm in January greatest amount of time in the Oc- It also will take a look at the The Commission’s Subcommittee University of’ Kansas. each year the major topics for that tober meeting, although it is too late other I34 proposals contained III on Strategic Planning, chaired by Underlying the work of the stra- year which already would have for the CornmissIon to submit any the Second Publication of Proposed President Thomas K. Hearn Jr. of tegic-planning subcommittee is the been identified ~~~and would add additional proposals other than Legislation. The group has the au- Wake Forest IJniversity, will meet desire to develop a plan of work for any additional major issue that may amendments-to-amendments or rc- thority to announce support of or the day before the Commission con- the Commission covering three years have arisen in the meantime. bolulions. opposition to any of those propos- venes to complete its recommenda- or more, thus eliminating the The planning process would con- The Commission will review the &CJ ( ‘ommi.wion, pazr 2X A salute: Iowa field hockey facility named for Hawkeve women’s AD By Michelle A. Pond I’hc NCAA News Stat’1 Field hockey has given Christine H. B. Grant, director ot women’s athletics at the University of Iowa, the opportunity to communicate with people all over the world. It also has given her staff at Iowa the opportunity to communicate then respect and admiration for her. On September 22. Iowa’s field hockey cacility was named Grant Field. “We were looking tor a way to thank (-‘hri\tine t!)r all \hc has done !‘or wonlcrl’s atlllcIlc~ not just at Iowa but throughout the country.” head field hockey coach Beth Bcglin said. “I hope I( says to people that this individual has been unique and made contributions to all women who have aspirations in athletics. It ts a rrally small way to say thank you.” “It makes a statement about the importance ol’Chrlstmc’s leadership and about the respect people have for her,” assistant a~hlcttcs director M. Dianne Murphy said. Murphy headed the actibitics relating to the dedication, including a banquet. Grant‘s Icadcrship was a facto1 in building the facility. When a dcc~s~on to replace the artlficlal turl m Kirl- nick Stadlurn with grass became Heroes on film immmcnt, there was concern about the clfect the change would have on Developing a photographic style that became known to spotis Iowa’s ticld hockey team. fans across the nation, Jim Laughead shot thousands of Bcglin believed the team necdcd pictures of such cot&e footbatl heroes as the University of an artificial surface on which to Notre Dame’s Joe Theismann. For a feature on the current PIit? lo remain competitive nation- NCAA Visitors Center exhibit honoting Laughead, see page 5. .Sw A .rolrrrc~.pap* 3 Christine H. B. Grant at Grant Field - 1- , -1 I In the News Yepperdine’s Wright joir =l.s Louncil Pro osed legislation mai Ped to members Wayne Wright. dlrrctor ofathlrt- AD. *. its at Pcppcrdinc llnivcrsity, has A 1955 gwiuatr of David Lips- The Second Publication of been appointed by the NCAA Ad- comb Collcgc, whcrc he was a Proposed I,egislation for the ministrative Committee lo a position mernher of the varsity baseball team, 1992 NC‘AA C‘onvcntion was on the Association’s Council. Wright earned a mauler’s dcgrre mailed to the membership Sep- Wright rcplaccs .I. Dudlcy Pcwitt, l’twm Pcppcrdinc in 1964. tember 13. vlcc-president for administration at He began his coaching career at A total of I48 items (142 a- the Unlverstty of Alabama a1 Blr- Georgia Christian School, whcrc hc mcndmcnts and six rcsotutions) mingham, who resigned from the coached baseball and basketball appear in the book, compared Council due to the playing-confer- from I958 through 1964. 111srecord with 9X in the Initial Publication cncc restriction in Constitution ;I\ Pepperdine’s baseball coach was of Proposed Legislation. The Wright will serve through l94- 166, and he was named West NCAA cotnrnittec/comrrl;ss;on the 1992 Convention, at which he Coast (‘onfcrence coach of the year structure added 56 proposals, may bc nominated to serve the in 1974, I975 and 1976. while six items from the original remainder of Pewitt’s term, through Since Wright hccamc AD. Pcp- package wcrc withdrawn 01~dc- January 1994. pcrdinc team\ have won 44 conler- tcrmined to he moot. Wright has been Pcppcrdinc’s ence championshIps. 72 have ad- A rcvicw of the intents and athlrtics director since 1976. llc vanced to postseason play and ~OUI~CCSof the 56 new proposals was the school’s baseball coach 74 have carned top-20 nat tonal rank appears on pages X and 9. from 1969 until his appointment as Wayne Wright 2 THE NCAA NEWS/September 23,lQQl Courage award goes to Arizona’s Singleton . Kcvm Smgleton, a lormcr Lbot- necessary. Singleton resumed workouts in biggest game 01 all the game of hall playrr at the llmvrrslty of Ari- In .lanuary 1990, Singleton re- March 1990. His bench press had life.” said Georgia Institute of Tech- /ona, has been chosen as the second ceived the much-needed bone mar- dropped to I30 pounds, but hard nology athletics dircctol~ llomer C. rccipicnt of the Dlvlsion I-A Athlet- row from his identical twin brother, work Increased that figure to 3X7 Rice. chairman of the Mission and ics Directors Association Award of <‘hris, a two-time first-team all Pa- pounds, while his weight increased Values Committee of the Division (‘ouragc. The award is presented cific-10 outside linebacker and first- to 220. 1-A Athletics Directors Assocation, annually to a Division 1-A studcnt- round draft choice 01 the New Fng The NCAA granted Singleton an which sclcctcd the winncl. “WC arc athlctc for “cxcmplary displays of land Patriots. addltlonal year 01 eligibility, and he proud to prcscnt him with the Divi- courage and l’ortitudc both on and Kevin spent almost a month in a was back on the field and in the sion 1-A AwaI~d of Courage and arc off the ficld of’ play.” indeed proud of every one of the IO Singleton will rcccivc the award nominees.” Scptemhcr 24 at the fall meeting of Other nominees included San the Division 1-A Athletics Directors “Kevin Singleton has won the biggest Diego State University volleyhall Association in ‘lilcson, Arizona. game of all -the game of life? player Eric Etcbari, who rescued Ijuring his junior season in 198X. two women lrom a fire in his condo- Sin&ton Icd the Wildcats with I I8 Homer C. Rice minium complex; Lisa Foss, a North- tackles from his inside linebacker cm lllinoiv University basketball position tic was looking forward player who came back from rccon- to a strong senior season in 1989. special isolation room after the trans- classroom in 1990. He averaged structive knee surgery to bccomc Howcvct. shortly before the season plant to protect him from infection. about a do/en plays per game, start- the Huskies’ all-time leading scorer began, Smglcton was diagnosed Doctors bclicved that his prognosis ing once and compiling five tackles (male or female): Purdue LJniversity with acutr Ieukernia after entering was excellent, but cautioned that it for the SC~SOIL golfer Kevin Hough, who was struck the hospital with a bacterial shoul- Kevin Singleton generally takes three to five years Singleton graduated with a SOCI- by a car and suffered brain damage, der infection and other symptoms until “you can begin to consider to ology dcgrcc in December 1990, hut came back and was the No. 2 diagnosed with an irregular heart- later attributed to the discasc. USCthe word ‘cure’.” However, they with a 2.710 grade-point average golfer for Purdue this past spring. beat, had a pacemaker installed and He mimedIately began chemo- ncvcr ruled out the possibility that (4.000 scale). and Joe Rhett, University of South returned to the court for the Game- therapy and scrvcd as a nonplaying he might play football again. “Kevin Singleton has won the Carolina basketball player. who was cocks. tcani captain in 1989. llis emotional leadership hclpcd the Wildcats to an X-4 record, a second-place finish in the Pacillc-IO Conference and a victory in the Copper Bowl. Legislative Assistance Singleton, who had been bench- 1991 Column No. 33 pressing in excess of 400 pounds, lost 30 of his 230 pounds while NCAA Bylaw -satisfactory progress/ individual game hasis in Divisions I and II, hut may be extended to include undergoing chemotherapy.
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