Furtwängler Broadcasts/Recordings
Furtwängler Broadcasts & Broadcast Recordings 1927-1954 1st version: February 20, 2002 Latest revision: July 5, 2019 This list of Furtwängler broadcasts/broadcast recordings is based on various private and official lists in my possession. Most of the lists were given to me by Frau Elisabeth Furtwängler during visits in Clarens in the 1970s. I have not tried to verify stations missing from the lists. I have given RRG (Reichsrundfunk Gesellschaft) as source for many WWII broadcasts, which were transmitted from Berlin, Vienna, Bayreuth, or Prague. Many of the dates of these broadcasts stem from an Italian list (from Bologna), written in perfect German! Broadcasts of commercial recordings (78 rpms and LPs) are not included. In November/December 2003, I was asked by Angelo Scottini, Piacenza, Italy, to include his list of Italian broadcasts. January 1, 2004, René Trémine gave permission to include all broadcasts mentioned in his Furtwängler concert listing 1906-1954. April 21, 2008, Norbert Kleekamp forwarded information on the Meistersinger broadcasts from Bayreuth August 1943. February 1, 2010, I included the recorded broadcasts in my discography up to 1945. November 2012, René Trémine sent me a list of amendments, added on January 10, 2013. February 18, 2018, I added broadcasts from the Danish Radio (DR), from the BBC, and from the RRG. March 9, 2018, a few amendments by Stéphane Topakian were added. A few corrections were added on March 25, 2018. March 27, 2018 some broadcasts from the Swedish Radio (SR) were added. Broadcasts up to the end of 1947 from the Austrian database ANNO were added July 1, 2018.
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