National Symbols of Pakistan | Pakistan General Knowledge
National Symbols of Pakistan | Pakistan General Knowledge Nation’s Motto of Pakistan The scroll supporting the shield contains Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s motto in Urdu, which reads as “Iman, Ittehad, Nazm” translated as “Faith, Unity, Discipline” and are intended as the guiding principles for Pakistan. Official Map of Pakistan Official Map of Pakistan is that which was prepared by Mahmood Alam Suhrawardy National Symbol of Pakistan Star and crescent is a National symbol. The star and crescent symbol was the emblem of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, and gradually became associated with Islam in late 19th-century Orientalism. National Epic of Pakistan The Hamza Nama or Dastan-e-Amir Hamza narrates the legendary exploits of Amir Hamza, an uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, though most of the stories are extremely fanciful, “a continuous series of romantic interludes, threatening events, narrow escapes, and violent acts National Calendar of Pakistan Fasli which means (harvest) is derived from the Arabic term for division, which in India was applied to the groupings of the seasons. Fasli Calendar is a chronological system introduced by the Mughal emperor Akbar basically for land revenue and records purposes in northern India. Fasli year means period of 12 months from July to Downloaded from | 1 National Symbols of Pakistan | Pakistan General Knowledge June. National Reptile of Pakistan The mugger crocodile also called the Indian, Indus, Persian, Sindhu, marsh crocodile or simply mugger, is found throughout the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding countries, like Pakistan where the Indus crocodile is the national reptile of Pakistan National Mammal of Pakistan The Indus river dolphin is a subspecies of freshwater river dolphin found in the Indus river (and its Beas and Sutlej tributaries) of India and Pakistan.
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