BEREISHITH Hebrew Book of Genesis Torah Portion Vol.1

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BEREISHITH Hebrew Book of Genesis Torah Portion Vol.1 EŷNjƮèŃðŇĀŘôŘųƀŶɈ þŗƱĘƫŸǯð ɕɌɈɖɔ 2 ëAņŖŠŸŶ ëŸǬă ųǫĈŖŠŸ ëģǖþƭ Ŧǐë Ĉîė ƻûų ûŸǰĈŘɈ ŃûǘŦŵŖŠŸ ŃINjĔĘ ƐĐĘřĘ ŃǯřŠ ǯŖŠŸ ƐńĐ ĘĀ ŖîĨ ĀĘǮŶŠŸŸ EŶģĐņëŸɅ 3 We present our many thanks to Our God-Father and to Our King of Kings, to His Imperial Majesty, HAILE SELLASSIE I’s Kingdome in the Glorious name of Iyesus Kristos, Our Saviour – Our Lord of Lords. AMEN AND AMEN. 4 THE BIBLE SOCIETY OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY (BSHIM) PUBLISHED BY: H.H. RAS IADONIS TAFARI, & H.H. WOIZERO TEHETENA GIRMA-ASFAW OF THE LION OF JUDAH SOCIETY (LOJS) IMPERIAL PUBLISHERS TO THE H.I.M. UNIVERSITIES,COLLEGES & CHRISTIAN [TEWAHEDO]CHURCHES 1991-2011 BSHIM-LOJ 5 ©2011 by LION OF JUDAH SOCIETY PUBLISHERS & IYOBELYU [JUBILEE]PRINTING PRESS ISBN All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission of the publishers’. Churches and other noncommercial interests may reproduce portions of this book without the express written permission of the LOJS PUBLISHERS, provided that the text does not exceed 500 words and that the text is not material quoted from another publisher. When reproducing text from this book, include the following credit line: “From Bereishit Hebrew Book of the Genesis: Torah Portion, introduction & compilation by Ras Iadonis Tafari,’ re-published and new printing by the Lion of Judah Society. Used by permission.” All English-language scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the King James Version of the 1611 A.D. Holy Bible [KJV]. All Amharic-language scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken the Emperor’s Bible, the 1961/2 A.D. Authorized H.I.M. HAILE SELLASSIE I Revised Amharic Bible [RAB]. Published by THE LION OF JUDAH SOCIETY, Our mission is to bring good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that saith to Zion, Thy God reigneth. – Isaiah 52:7 Printed in the United States of America. 6 1 NAM ET IPSA SCIENTIA POTESTAS EST «EưģŘĀǓǰāŃĎĔĈðȆŸéŹ»2 1 Often, translated as “Knowledge is power,” an aphorism borrowed and much repeated, based upon Francis Bacon’s original, “for Knowledge too is itself power.” 2 Ras Iadonis Tafari’s accurate rendering, and translation into the AMHARIC, of the LATIN phrase favoured and quoted above by Sir Bacon. 7 8 ʺʩʝʹʠʒ ʑ ʸʘʍʡ BEREISHIT HEBREW BOOK OF THE GENESIS: TORAH PORTION VOL.1, Introduction & compilation by Ras Iadonis Tafari 9 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTORY NOTES: PAGE 13 1. BEREISHIT · PAGE 19 2. NOACH · PAGE 100 3. LECH-LECHA · PAGE 174 4. VAYEIRA · PAGE 235 5. CHAYEI SARAH · PAGE 306 6. TOLEDOT · PAGE 348 7. VAYETZE · PAGE 381 8. VAYISHLACH · PAGE 435 9. VAYESHEV · PAGE 470 10. MIKETZ · PAGE 508 11. VAYIGASH · PAGE 543 12. VAYECHI · PAGE 583 11 12 INTRODUCTORY NOTES WE, THE BLACK JEWS of the world, along with the progressive Rastafari and collectively, the “Ethiopian-Hebrews,” i.e. the Beta-Israel (or, Falashas3) of the West, for more than a two to three millennia prior to the other “Jews”, the other ‘Ísrael4’; also have a written testimony to our Divine Heritage, possessing our own ancient religious, metaphysical and spiritual literature that endeavours to explain, clarify and explicate the revealed word of scripture, the Holy Bible. Amongst the other “Israel,” or European coverts called ‘Jews,’ these writings have been expanded upon and preserved in voluminous commentaries to the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, and thus further divided into various categories according to content. Overall, these traditional oral interpretations, scriptural ordinances, were compiled by certain Rabbis about A.D. 200; according to Orthodox Judaism, Judaic Studies and Yeshiva Schooling , i.e. TALMUD,MISHNA,GEMARA,HAGGADAH, HALACHA, and THE KABBALAH, inclusive of so-called THE ZOHAR and other like and similar ‘Extra-biblical’ and interlinear writings by distinguished (European) Jewish Rabbis. THE FOLLOWING COMPILATIONS of each Book of the Hebrew Bible’s Weekly Torah Portions are intended as a basic and preliminary introduction to modern “JUDAISM”, as it presently, that is to say, the current form based predominantly upon the prevailing European-Jewish, i.e. Germanic-Polish tradition, commentaries, interpretations and related studies, that 3 Falashas, from the Ge’ez/Ethiopic root ȫëēfellese – meaning “to separate, go away, depart, emigrate, to secede, split off (from)”; Ȱðēœ ņŅñŸ filsete babilon, the Babylonian exile; ȫîĕ felasi – “an exile, alien, pilgrim.” The implication here, is that, namely the “lost sheep” in the Americas and the Caribbean are also “Falashas of the West,” or Exilist in the Trans-Ethiopic, falsely called “TransAtlantic,” Ocean Slave Trade of the 16th and 17th centuries. 4 Particularly, the Israelis, i.e. those who also call themselves ‘Jews,’ the ‘wild olive graffed in,’ (Romans 11:17, 24) namely the so-called Gypsies, Khazars or better known, ‘European Jews’ (Ashkenaz), et al, who history documents converted to a form of Judaism after 70 A.D. and the global dispersion and later captivity of the ethnically African, or ‘Black’ Hebrews; see Rudolph R. Winsor’s, From Babylon to Timbucktu. 13 collectively are derived from what is called the Babylonian Talmud. Also inclusive in these Wikipedia free encyclopedia references are certain Sephardic, or Spanish-Jewish alternative points-of-view to the Torah studies that are highly instructive, especially in our exploration of the wide diversity of possible interpretation that have, and greatly continues to define modern Judaism. We, the BLACK JEWS, are very conscious and aware of the fact that certain Black Hebrews and Ethiopian Jews may rightly object to the preponderance of whitewashed art and images in this volume, the majority created by the “wild olive tree” (Romans 11:17, 24), European-Jews, Anglo-Europeans and Romanist/Catholic pseudonymous Christians, all that were grafted, over nearly 16 centuries, since the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., into our natural vine tree, i.e. the True and Ancient Judaism that was Black, Egyptian/Kamite or Ethiopic in its primary origination, racial ethnicity, linguistic composition and biblical revelation. This we hope to, and intend to, by the Almighty’s help, sufficiently prove in our related volumes containing our Ethiopian-Hebrew commentaries (Amos 9:7) and exegesis, mainly based upon the various writings and research, by authors such as Mr. Gerald Massey, and others, both past and present, Black and White, who wrote (or, whose works and documents were subsequently translated) in English. We, for our part, have also studied, translated and interpreted from many of the original documents and manuscripts in order to compose our own extensive research and reconstruction of the Ethiopic Torah (Orit) from several of the ancient Black Race’s biblical languages (i.e., Kamo-Semitic) of the antiquity: namely, Ancient Egyptian (Hieroglyphs), Ethiopic (Western Semitic), Ge’ez, Tigre, biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Assyrian (Eastern Semitic), Sabaean, Oromo (or, Galla) dialects and even archaic Amharic. HOWEVER, we must be greater in spirit and broader in outlook and approach this sensitive subject matter by dealing with the facts on the ground and what is believed, or thought to be the case by the other Jews, and then present our case and the other side of this suppressed, neglected and avoided controversial story, our Black “Jewish” or African-based, and Ethiopian- 14 Hebrew story. The views presented in this volume are not our own and do not necessarily reflect the Ethiopian-Hebraic interpretation to the Old Testament, or Ethiopic Orit (Torah) in particular, but is being compiled into these five volumes: Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, and Devarim (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and printed separately, largely due to side per volume. Nevertheless, this study, and these volumes have been compiled by the Lion of Judah Society, and are designed for the Brotherhood of the Rastafari disciples and Ethiopian-Hebrew faithful to get better acquainted with the primary and prevailing opinions on Judaism and the interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. THE TORAH PORTIONS IN THE FIRST BOOK, CALLED BEREISHIT (Hebrew Genesis) are composed 12 portions, including the first portion, or self-named parsha of Bereishit · Noach · Lech- Lecha · Vayeira · Chayei Sarah · Toledot · Vayetze · Vayishlach · Vayeshev · Miketz · Vayigash · Vayechi. As ethnic, or “Black” Hebrews, and Afro-Israelities, we have several well-attested to, thoroughly researched and duly documented ancient Ethiopian books and manuscripts (MSS), that thankfully help serve as resource and reference materials, comprising what the present author and compiler has suitably named, the Ethiopic Talmud, many of these written in the Ge’ez language. These manuscripts assist us in forming our own Ethiopian-Hebrew and Black Jewish commentaries and exegeses, from a non-Eurocentric perspective. A few of the main Ethiopic Talmudic commentary source materials and titles are namely, but not strictly limited to, the following volumes: The Queen of Sheba and Her only son Menyelek (Kebra Nagast), The Book of Jubilees, or Little Genesis (Kufale), the Book of Enoch (Ethiopic Henok), Gadla Adam (Conflict of Adam), Ancient Egyptian Wisdom & Kamite Mysteries (Gerald Massey’s A Book of the Beginnings, Natural Genesis, Ancient Egypt: Light of the World, and Lectures), Lefafa Sedeq: Bandlet of Righteousness, to only name a few of the many texts, that we, by the Grace of the Almighty, soon expect to compose
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