Conifer Diseases

8. Needle Cast Diseases of Katy M. Mallams

Hosts of vigor. Severely discolored or defoli­ severely affected by either disease may ated seedlings may lose their sale value appear scorched (fig. 8.2). Fruiting bodies Nearly all species are susceptible because of poor appearance. If infected, (apothecia) of L. seditiosum and P. lethale to infection by one or more of the fungi outplanted seedlings may perform poorly appear beginning in late spring on dead that cause needle cast diseases. Most of and may serve as a source of inoculum portions of infected needles and on fallen the needle cast fungi are weak pathogens for infection of other nearby pines. For needles. The fruiting bodies of L. sedi­ and have specific host preferences. these reasons, diseased seedlings should tiosum are small, black football-shaped However, some host-pathogen combina­ be culled. structures visible with the naked eye tions can result in significant outbreaks of (fig. 8.3). Fruiting bodies of P. lethale disease when weather and site conditions Diagnosis appear as elongated black lines (fig. 8.4). are favorable. Nonnative species such as Scots, Austrian, and Japanese black pine Lophodermium and Ploioderma Cyclaneusma needle cast symptoms are especially susceptible to needle cast needle cast symptoms become visible appear on 2-year-old needles in late diseases and can suffer severe damage on current-year needles between late summer or autumn the year after the in the nursery. With the exception of red autumn and the next spring. Initially, needles were infected. Spots on infected pine, seedlings of native pine species yellow to reddish-brown spots develop needles are initially light green. The spots are normally not seriously affected in on infected needles (fig. 8.1). These spots enlarge into yellow bands, and eventually the nursery. Three species of fungi, can be confused with damage caused by the entire needle becomes yellow, often Cyclaneusma minus, Lophodermium sucking insects. As the spots enlarge, with transverse brown bands. Fruiting seditiosum, and Ploioderma lethale, are needles infected by L. seditiosum take on bodies of C. minus initially develop in the most common cause of severe needle a mottled appearance. By summer, they the brown areas, and later on the entire cast disease outbreaks in nurseries that turn brown and fall from the tree. Needles lower surface of the infected needles. grow pines. These pathogens and their infected by P. lethale turn grayish-brown These fruiting bodies are initially small host species are listed in table 8.1. but remain green near the base. Seedlings and inconspicuous, gradually elongating.

Distribution Table 8.1—Needle cast fungi causing disease on pine seedlings and their hosts. The fungi that cause pine needle cast Species Pines highly susceptible Other recorded pine hosts, not commonly to damage in nurseries damaged in nurseries diseases are widely distributed throughout North America and can usually be found Cyclaneusma minus Scots, Austrian, and Cuban, gray, Jeffrey, limber, lodgepole, Monterey mugo, ponderosa, Virginia, eastern white, wherever their hosts are present. and others

Lophodermium Austrian, red, Scots1, Aleppo, rough-barked Mexican, and Virginia Damage seditiosum and Monterey2 The cohort of needles affected depends Ploioderma lethale Austrian, red, and Austrian, Japanese black, Cuban, loblolly, Japanese black pitch, pond, red, sand, shortleaf, slash, on which is involved. L. seditiosum , Table Mountain, and Virginia primarily infects newly elongated needles 1 Particularly short-needle strains originating in France and Spain. on the current season’s shoots. P. lethale 2 When grown outside its native range. mainly infects 2-year-old needles. C. minus infects all needles except those of the current year. Damage usually becomes evident the year following infection when the affected needles die and fall prema­ turely. Needle cast diseases seldom result in mortality, but extensive needle loss Figure 8.1—Typical needle spots on red pine caused by Lophodermium species. Photo by USDA Forest Service, may result in reduced growth and loss North Central Research Station Archive, at

Forest Nursery Pests 47 Conifer Diseases

8. Needle Cast Diseases of Pines

and fall, and occasionally at other times of the year if conditions are favorable. P. lethale are released during late spring and early summer. These fungi also require moist conditions for germination and infection. L. seditiosum and P. lethale spores infect only current- year needles. C. minus spores infect current-year needles in late spring and older needles from spring through autumn. Year-to-year variations in weather and differences in climate among geographic areas will affect the exact timing of spore release and infection by these fungi.

Spores may be produced on infected trees in the vicinity of the nursery, on Figure 8.2—From a distance, diseased pine foliage appears scorched. Photo by Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest Service, infected nursery stock, and on fallen at needles. Infected seedlings transplanted from other facilities and pine needles used as mulch are potential sources of The fungal tissue erupts through the Biology inoculum. L. seditiosum also fruits on epidermis, which typically splits in two cone scales and can be introduced into thin flaps to expose the fungal tissue. All three species release spores when nurseries on cone fragments mixed with The fungal tissue is yellow to orange, mature fruiting bodies are moistened by seeds. Severe outbreaks of needle cast later becoming white or tan as the spore- rain or irrigation, although the seasonality diseases are most likely to occur after producing surface is exposed (fig. 8.5). of spore release differs. C. minus spores cool, moist weather in spring, summer, or are released throughout the year when early fall creates favorable conditions for Identifying the species causing needle temperatures are above freezing, peaking buildup of abundant populations of spores cast diseases often requires microscopic 4 to 6 hours after rain begins. L. seditio­ and widespread infection of susceptible examination by a specialist. Many sap­ sum spores are released in late summer hosts. rophytic or weakly pathogenic fungi that grow on dead or dying needles but do not cause disease have fruiting bodies that may appear very similar to the pathogenic species. Accurate identification is neces­ sary to determine if the symptoms are due to a needle cast disease and the species involved. Accurate identification is also necessary to time chemical treatments for effective control. Figure 8.3—Fruiting bodies of Lophodermium spe- Figure 8.4—Fruiting bodies of Ploioderma lethale cies on pine needles. Photo by Robert L. Anderson, USDA on pine needles. Photo by Department of and Forest Service, at Plant-Microbe Biology, Cornell University.

48 Forest Nursery Pests Conifer Diseases

8. Needle Cast Diseases of Pines

Selected References Jones, R.K.; Benson, D.M. 2001. Diseases of woody ornamentals and trees in nurseries. St. Paul, MN: The American Phytopathological Society Press. 482 p.

Minter, D.W. 1981. Lophodermium on pines. Mycological Papers. 147: 1–54.

Minter, D.W.; Millar, C.S. 1980. Ecology and biology of three Lophodermium species on secondary needles of . European Journal of Forest Pathology. 10: 169–181.

Moorman, G.W. 2006 (December). Needle Figure 8.5—Fruiting bodies of Cyclaneusma minus on Scots pine needles. Photo by Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest cast diseases. Plant disease facts. Cooperative Service, at Extension, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Plant Pathology. http://www. Control irrigation is ideal for keeping foliage dry. pdf%20Woody/needlecasts.pdf. Accessed If overhead sprinklers are used, watering October 2010. Prevention in the morning will help seedlings dry Nicholls, T.H.; Brown, H.D. 1975. How faster. After pine seedlings are lifted, to identify Lophodermium and brown spot Ideally, nurseries that grow pines fallen needles should be removed or tilled diseases on pine. St. Paul, MN: USDA Forest should be located as far as possible from in if susceptible pines will be grown Service, North Central Forest Experiment pine forests. Pines in windbreaks and nearby the following year. Station. 5 p. residential areas adjacent to nurseries can Nicholls, T.H.; Skilling, D.D. 1974. Control of also be sources of inoculum. Seed should Chemical Lophodermium needle cast in forest nurseries be inspected and thoroughly cleaned and plantations. Res. Pap. before sowing to remove cone scales that Fungicides can be used to protect NC-llO. St. Paul, MN: USDA Forest Service, may harbor inoculum. Pine seedlings healthy foliage from infection. They must North Central Forest Experiment Station. 11 p. received from other nurseries should be be applied just before and during spore Sinclair, W.A.; Lyon, H.H.; Johnson, W.T. release periods, and before infection oc­ inspected carefully before transplanting. 1996. Diseases of trees and shrubs. Ithaca, NY: Do not use pine needle mulch. curs. To be effective, thorough coverage Cornell University Press. 575 p. of the foliage is required. The timing of Cultural fungicide applications should be based on Staley, J.M.; Nicholls, T.H. 1989. Lophoder­ proper identification of the causal fungus, mium needle cast. In: Cordell, C.E.; Anderson, R.A.; Hoffard, W.H.; Landis, T.D.; Smith, Jr., Allow needles to remain wet for the local weather conditions, and the product R.S.; Toko, H.V., tech. coords. Forest nursery shortest possible time. Low seedling label recommendations. Wet years will pests. Agriculture Handbook 680. Washington, density will encourage good air circula­ require more frequent applications. High- DC: USDA Forest Service: 49–51. tion, allowing seedlings to dry as rapidly density plantings and areas with a history as possible after rain and irrigation. Drip of needle cast diseases may also require Stone, J. 1997. Needle blights and needle casts. In: Hansen, E.M.; Lewis, K.J. Compendium of more frequent fungicide treatments. conifer diseases. St. Paul, MN: The American Phytopathological Society Press: 53–54.

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