July 2020 Newsletter

When we look at nature we can see its beauty. But if we are asked why it is beautiful, words fail us. There is no description that labels beauty. It is not something that is objective. We just recognise it immediately & intuitively. We also seem to intuitively learn beauty - from beauty.

The British Philosopher Owen Barfield once said, “We perceive beauty, are open to its presence, through a change in the quality of our consciousness. Only like can know like. We must have beauty within ourselves to see beauty in the World. The mind that denies the reality of the soul denies the reality of beauty and will never see it.”

With that in mind, having beauty inside ourselves is not easy as said, just as it is not easy sometimes to see beauty in nature. We may have entered this World being able to see beauty, but life takes its toll and we now have to work a little to see it again.

Take this picture for example. On closer examination you will see that the potato plant on the left hand side looks unhealthy with its leaves all half eaten, whereas the plants on the right are not. But what can you really tell from a photo. That is not nature itself.

This for me is a remarkable success story that I wanted to share with you in the hope that you try what I tried this year for to me, all the plants here show beauty. We only have to dig a little deeper (no pun intended) to see that beauty exists at the very heart of all nature.

Many years ago I read a book about Radionics called ‘Report on Radionics’ by Edward W. Russell. In it I read about a man called Curtis P. Upton who gave hope to hundreds of farmers across America with the way he managed their pest control. They paid him a fraction of what they paid for insecticides each year and they got much better results from him. Needless to say the pesticide manufacturers were not at all happy, especially with his meticulous recordings of all his results. Upton would take a sample of the problem from the farm and put it on a collector plate on the radionics machine with a natural reagent that he knew was obnoxious to a particular pest the farmer was having a problem with. For example to eliminate a particular type of worm that infected trees, he took a leaf from an infected tree and put it alongside a geranium plant on the collection plate. It was known that the worm did not like geraniums and would avoid them.

The radionics machine would then emit specific vibrational frequencies when it was turned on. These would be directed to the subject area and that would then ensure that the crops were not affected by the insects. This would work no matter how far his machine was from the field.

His research and work made him more and more successful over time and it was clear that intent was an important part of all this. However what he soon came to realise was that all insects were needed and they had an important purpose and function in the whole ecosystem of nature. If he moved them from one farm, they all went to the neighbouring farms and those farmers suffered.

So what he ended up doing was to agree with the farmer was that a small area of the crop, should be for the insects. This worked wonderfully well.

In my youth (1960’s), I used to go to a place called Fortrose on the Black Isle in Scotland and stay with my Grandmother. She had lived in that area all her life and she and her friends had come to know Eileen Caddy and the new Findhorn Ecovillage which began in 1962 as it was just across the Firth. Back in those days the area was not that populated either and everyone seemed to know everyone else.

Hearing about Findhorn, and what was going on over there during the many summers I stayed with my Grandmother, I began to wonder how they managed to do what they had been doing. For example how did they manage to be successful at growing such a variety of warm weather crops at such a Northerly site in Scotland – especially when you consider all the cold and the rain it gets.

One of the answers to my questions, it appeared, was partly to do with good communication with the spirit of the plant. Something Goethe would have called the ‘primal plant’ of ‘Urbflanze’ (See post 289) but, in early years training to be a scientist, this was lost on me.

Having spent some time studying both Goethe and Radionics and Elementals, I realised that I might be able to overcome a problem I had come across last years.

I had tried growing potatoes in a small vegetable patch but many were getting eaten by all sorts of pests above and below ground so I had to pull the rest of them up early before they had grown very much. New potatoes were fine and I used some as seed potatoes for this year’s crop but there were none large enough to make jacket potatoes in the oven.

So this year I thought I would try something different. Knowing about Upton’s success and realising it did not actually need a radionics machine to work, as intent alone could work Just as well, and knowing too that Eileen Caddy was successful in her plant spirit communications, I asked for the insects in my small potato patch, and the forces behind them, to just eat the leaves and tubers of the plant in the corner. So if you now look at the image again, you can see the inner beauty of nature at work in the left hand corner. It may look a threadbare plant but a veritable feast is going on there and, so far, the rest of the plants have been left alone. So plant communication seems to really work.

If we now return to look at beauty, it would seem that if we look deeper within nature itself, we find we can now go deeper within ourselves and see the inner beauty we had when we were a child.

If we are not careful, with everything challenge we have to cope with in life, we can sometimes judge too quickly and then miss what is really beautiful.

If you have not yet seen my video of Rosslyn Chapels greatest secret (link below - 22mins), you will now see the connection with what William St Clair was trying to leave as his one great message to us all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaqA4lDQweA&t=2s

Reframing our mind to think differently is going to become more and more important as the cosmic energy increases. With that in mind, here is a little test for you. Have a look at the beauty in this video.

It was filmed by my friend David Alexander English at Jade node In California just a couple of days ago. Back in 1994 David discovered an old Hopi Indian Observatory site there. When the 6th & last Emperor Dragon returned last year to cross over the USA again, this was the place where the Southerly one of the pair came ashore. The ancient Indians who built the Observatory would have been around the last time the Dragon had been here.

David tried to get to Jade node for the harmony time that began on the 19th July but found that the road up there had been blocked off because of a fire. A couple of days later, he hiked up to find that the fire had been blazing all around the node area itself. What you can see on the video is what he saw. (40secs) https://www.facebook.com/daenglish/videos/10158566410786944/?comment_id=1015857070778 1944¬if_id=1593127110641914¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic

In the past I would have seen devastation and ruin, but now I see this as part of the inner beauty of nature. Fire purifies and allows for the renewal of life. What better sign could there be for a strong node to be showing us now.

Fire is also a sign of purification for us personally too - Just how we should do this though will be covered in a later newsletter. Both David and I see this symbolic renewal, at the first node these lines make when they come ashore across the Pacific Ocean, is a symbol for the rebirthing of a sacred corridor.

This sacred corridor now runs between both Emperor Dragons across the USA all the way to just North and South of Norfolk, Virginia. Many sacred sites are found within this corridor and they are all powering up each and every time a group meditation is done on these lines and node. David then went on to visit the Monterey Node, the Golden Gate park node and Mount Diablo node and he is now one of the growing number of guiding lights in California seeing out these nodes on the harmony times.

A map is being made of these places but more work is needed to complete it. People requesting location checks in the USA greatly help with this and you will be getting the knowledge of the nodes local to you well before the whole map is finished. https://roryduff.com/location-check/

Earth Energies

This brings me nicely on to the Earth Energies and their nodes and the recent harmony time.

In the past we seem to have experienced common trends amongst those meditating on the nodes. We’ve had peace and joy, and this time, the theme seemed much more airy. It was almost as though we were being guided to look upwards.

Of all the lovely messages I have been sent by people who attended a gathering this harmony time, it would seem that a large number of people saw birds flying overhead on their way and during their group meditations. To mention just a few of these:- On the way up to the node on top of Sartfell on the Isle of Man there were hawks following the group of meditators. The way to the top of Roseberry Topping in Yorkshire was also accompanied by hawks and many other birds. Hawks were seen too at the Monterey node in California.

What brought amusement to the small group at the top of Mount Diablo, a mountain that overlooks San Francisco and another 4th Order node, was a sight they were confronted with just after they had finished their meditations and were setting off back down the mountain. Looking up they saw a dragon flying in the sky! A double take later and they saw it was a very realistic children’s kite. As many know, the Universe likes a laugh as a way for us to remember the importance of joy.

The Dragon kite at Mount Diablo node – courtesy of Mark Johns

Mount Diablo node – Courtesy of Mark Johns

A few days later, David Alexander English visited this same node and reported loads of dragonflies all around it. Here is a short video he made of this impressive site. (15mins) https://www.facebook.com/daenglish/videos/10158579616121944/

Already high up on an escarpment at Oliver’s Castle in Wiltshire and with the node down in a dew pond as you can see in the image below, our eyes were naturally drawn to looking up and over the valley below on a beautifully windy and sunny day. So all in all, the signature of this harmony time was one of feeling very uplifted.

Oliver’s Castle node, Wiltshire UK courtesy of Pamela Johnson Let me now update you on some of the regions and countries where these group meditations happened recently. In the USA – California, Colorado, Tennessee, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Texas, Louisiana, Canada- Toronto, Brazil, Spain, Ibiza, Portugal, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, UK – Burrow Mump, Glastonbury, Oliver’s Castle, Bristol Holy Well, , Isle of Man, Roseberry Topping Yorkshire, Australia.

If I have missed any I apologise. As you can see though, we started around four years ago with only a few of us. We have now reached the hundreds and by the end of the year at the Winter solstice, we want to get to over thousand. By the end of December 2021, 10,000 and by December 2022 100,000, December 2023 1 million and by December 2024 (the time the cosmic wave hits us) 100 million+.

(If anyone knows of a skilled web developer who would like to help us here by gifting some of their time for free, it would be great for the World Harmony Trust website to have a facility on it where people can put up where they are going to be at a harmony time so that others know there is going to be an event. People could also sign up to show they are going to an event. Indeed anything that helps others know where they can go and join in so we can get the numbers up as quickly as possible. The key here is inter-dependence. The website should just be a notice board and a contact board for people within the group going to a specific site. So if you know anyone who might like to help, please let me know or get them to contact me. I run my own websites and virtual server but this functionality is beyond me.)

Benker protection

The little amount of time I have had for research this month into Earth Energy lines has been on the Benker Grid. Two different people made contact with me about problems that they had with their properties and curiously it was at the same time & each had a similar problem and I was writing a particular section on the Benker grid in my level 2 training module on Earth Energies. If this was not enough of a prompt for me, a couple of dreams from friends in a shamanic group about the Sun made me stop writing and take notice that more investigation was seriously needed.

If you are a follower of my social media posts you will know why. Protection from what the Sun can deliver us, seemed to be now linked to what the Benker grid can do for us. It is too early to report much on this but what is known is that this grid of lines, which has an electromagnetic nature, has different grid sizes from one area to another. In other words the mesh can be small and tight knitted in one place and yet a few miles away, it can be an expanded mesh with about a 20 meter distance between the lines.

The mechanism for this grid expansion and contraction is where the research is now heading as it may be able offer us some kind of shock wave protection from blasts of plasma from the Sun and other sources.

This whole concept of protection here reminded me of several eye witness accounts of what happened at Tunguska. On the 30th June, nearly exactly 112 years ago, there was a large explosion in the air in an area over a forested region in Eastern Siberia in the old USSR. We are told it was a meteorite but meteors that get through our atmosphere, without burning up, usually hit the ground leaving a big impact crater. No meteor was found then, or since, but what we do know is that over a large area of the forest trees had been flattened outwards in all directions – indicating an explosion in the air.

What was curious too was at the epicentre of these flattened trees a small group were left standing vertically upright. This was almost certainly because they were directly below the blast from the explosion so it would have come straight down vertically on top of them.

There were no air defence systems back in those days and it was not a military strategic location and it was 10 years before the inspected the site, so how could a meteorite explode in mid-air?

It was thinking about this question and knowing of another observation that has made me wonder about some possible links.

The second observation takes us to the impact craters on the moon. This is now a follow up to my writings on this in the November 2019 newsletter.

What should strike you as strange here in this image is the uniformity of these circular impacts. We are told they are due to meteors and passing comets. However we have to consider that statistically many of these impacts would hit the moon at an angle? These angled impacts would almost certainly leave more oval shaped impact craters? A circular crater would only arise from a direct impact heading towards the moon at an angle 90 degrees to it. If the craters were all impact craters from meteorites then they would all have come towards the moon as direct hits and none at an angle. Now how likely would that be?

To me, and many plasma cosmologists, it looks highly likely that another method is at work and that is an electric discharge as two objects of opposing charge come close to each other but did not actually hit each other. In other words a spark occurred between them like a spark between electrodes and a spark found in a spark plug between the cathode and the anode. If the spark was big enough, it could even explode the smaller object. These electrical discharges have been found in laboratory experiments to cause very rounded impact craters. If we now come back to the eye witness accounts at Tunguska, which were quickly dismissed at the time, they all talked of several sounds of thunder (lightning strikes) with some lightening coming from parts of the ground going up into the air and causing an explosion. (Lightening does occur from the ground up as well as from the clouds down.)

What now if the Earth has its own protective mechanism that can discharge lightning strikes at incoming objects with opposite charge – perhaps due to the ground induction currents that arise from the Birkeland currents which are made from our magnetic field interacting with the Suns magnetic field.


This now brings me to want to share some fairly unknown geological information with you. The reason for doing so is that, if the Sun is going to change our environment, we need to know more about its forces and it’s no good turning to conventional mainstream science who still think the Sun is a ball of nuclear fusion with thousands of hydrogen bombs going off every second.

We live in an Electric Universe with plasma filaments all over it and these seem now to connect up with all the stars in the Universe, including our Sun – which is really an electric Sun.

We therefore need to find more information from Plasma cosmologists about the effects of plasma here hitting our Earth and in particular the shock waves that come with it and the huge effects it has already mad to our topography.

What you can see in this picture is called El Elegante. It is a Maar and it is one of around 50 large circular craters found in Mexico at a place called Pincate. It is about a mile in diameter and 800 feet deep with steep sides

You can see several others via the links I have put in further down in this section of the newsletter.

Mainstream scientists will tell you that this is wholly volcanic in origin and there is indeed volcanic tuff forming the rim of the crater. There is also a narrow vent beneath this and the initial phase of what we see would have been an eruption – but from what underlying cause?

There are however, several other phases and this is where even the mainstream scientists cannot agree upon what has happened.

Unfortunately they will not consider subsurface electrical discharges, but plasma cosmologists do.

If you now look at the bottom right of the crater you will see an indentation on the rim. Here there is another smaller circular crater and these are called rim craters and they had to have been caused after the original crater formed.

If you have ever looked at a thunderstorm you will see lightening deep within the clouds. This same phenomenon is also seen in volcanic eruptions. Inside the volcanic cloud of ash where there is also dusty plasma and a similar build-up of electrical differential that causes lots of flashes of lightning within the cloud. With these bursts of lightning, there is a ground wind upwards and, at the base on the ground, the air is sucked into the middle where it then goes up.

These rim craters are almost certainly caused by strong lightning strikes with material being sucked into the centre of the crater. There is sufficient evidence of this and other rim craters in this region to say that there is a large part of the process in with the making of these volcanoes being electrical. So much so that they are called by some people Electrical volcanoes.

Just as electrical current can build up inside clouds and stored like a capacitor before it discharges (lightning), so too can certain areas of the ground store electricity and build up to a capacity point before a discharge. With enough of a positive charge in the ground and a negative one in the clouds, we get a discharge.

What should be interesting to us is that this build-up of charge in the ground occurs with ground induction currents and it is these that are thought to be connected to the electromagnetic grid systems we dowse – the Hartmann, Curry and Benker grid systems.

Here are two articles that will tell you more about these Maars https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2017/01/20/the-maars-of-pinacate-part-one/ https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2017/02/16/the-maars-of-pinacate-part-two/

This is not the end of the story though. We may find evidence for electrical discharging on the Earth but is there any that crosses space that could explain the electrical discharge cratering on the Moon and why should this be important for us to know.

Well there seems to be plenty of evidence of electrical scarring of the Earth’s surface from discharges that must have come from plasma bursts from Space. These even have a name – Arc blasts.

It seems that Arc blasts can shape mountains and it does this with hypervelocity shock waves. In front of these shockwaves there are bow shocks and these are strong enough and hot enough to even melt rocks over wide areas as they pass over the ground. When they do this they carve out grooves rather like a plough does in a field.

As it does this, behind the initial bow shock wave, comes a reflected shock wave which is powerful enough to vaporise any debris left from the bow shock wave. (This rock melting may even explain the moulded polygonal walls at Cusco).

After the reflected shock waves you get the standing waves which have triangular wave forms. This is significant because of the triangular rock formations we see left behind after an arc blast has moved on. These multiple shock standing waves linger on though and, because they are standing waves, they are stable and the rock dust settles back to the ground in a stable way. This is why we see such incredible rock patterns.

What you can see in the image below are these rock patterns in an area of Iran that has been hit by an Arc blast in the past.

These may look like small features but they are each hundreds of meters high!

So why is this important? Well Electrical shock waves move in a longitudinal way. They expand and contract like an accordion. Other waves, like transverse waves move up and down.

When you combine the two waves and freeze them for a moment in time you get something very similar to what we see in the Benker grid. It is this combined wave form that leads to why we see the triangular shapes and formations on the ground which have been called Triangular buttresses and spookily here too, their nickname is dragon’s teeth.

What I find fascinating is that there is a connection here with the variations in the grid density of the Benker grid with its lines sometimes far apart and sometimes close together. The two grids are so similar it is as though the Benker grid is some kind of remnant of even part of the initial process which builds up to a capacitance point where these arc blasts from the Sun, or other passing objects from Space, like meteors (with opposite charges), take place.

More detailed analysis of the rock features has shown that there must also have been some harmonic resonance at work to cause such similar repetition in these features. This also means that all these features were created in a one-time event and not over many years as we might be accustomed to thinking about weathering and erosion to form mountain ranges.

These Arc blasts are essentially lightning bolts with shock waves. The shock waves are energised by the electromagnetic current from within the plasma. Previously I was writing about the shock wave and its effect on the rocks of the Earth, but sometimes the actual electrical current hits the Earth too and this then produces features called blowouts.

If we now think about the Tunguska event, the craters on the moon and the maars at Pinecate, we can possibly see these sorts of electrical phenomena in action.

Many of you may not have known about some of this before reading this article, but I have to now tell you that they are also quite common when you look back over geological time. They could well also be connected to cyclic plasma events and it is here now that we see a possible connection to the Active Galactic Nucleii and their cyclic superwaves of energy that regularly spread out over the Universe.

The Universal prophecies all seem to be pointing to this happening again soon in our life time. So what can we do and how can we use this information.

Well, what we know from shock waves is that, if we create the right conditions, these waves can be cancelled out. Two wave forms compressed together cancel each other. It is here that we can now perhaps see a possible protection system for the Earth. We cancel the shock waves so we can protect life on Earth.

The universal consciousness is not going to put together a massively intricate learning system for fragments of its mind to exist within ‘Beings’ only to eliminate them all with one of its own systems phenomenon. There are no lessons for anyone in this scenario. However we do know the purpose of all life is to grow. It would seem highly logical for the Universal consciousness to put in place a special system for mankind in order for them to escape these catastrophe’s. This would come with a learning point though. If we fail to learn and grow, the worst results is that most of us could be wiped out. That may well have happened in the past where civilisations had not learnt what was needed to be learnt.

So what is it perhaps that is the greatest lesson we could all learn right now. For me this is obvious. With all the craziness and inequality in the World right now, the lesson is likely to be to learn to come together and to work in harmony with the Earth. If we can do this, we just may be able to solve a possible problem that we are facing.

If you were now thinking about whether the human race was worthy of entering the Golden Age, would it not be logical to test us. If we passed, we get to evolve and pass into this Age, if we fail, we don’t.

The pass mark here would seem to be our ability to come together in harmony. This is what enough of us have to do.

So we are getting increasing bow shock waves of cosmic energy, probably from the centre of our Milky way galaxy. These waves probably hit the Earth, to a greater or lesser extent, every 12000 years and, at the very worst, we may get hit by a plasma explosion from a mini nova from the Sun, or we will be hit by a smaller X-50 class solar flare that will wipe out our electromagnetic grid for several months. I happen to think that the time line for the latter is more likely.

Within the plasma wave that is coming, is also the cosmic energy and this means we will get hit both physically (plasma wave) and mentally and emotionally and spiritually (cosmic energy wave).

We need to therefor prepare for all outcomes. If enough of us can learn together around the World to do something similar at the same time, we just might reach a critical threshold to get us all through this and into the predicted Golden Age.

By working with the Benker Grid and its waveform, we can perhaps cancel out the wave form in the shockwaves from the coming plasma waves, whilst still benefitting from the evolutionary benefits from the cosmic waves.

We have already learnt how to expand and contract the Benker grid and how to raise and lower it, but many people will be needed to be able to do this over a wide enough area so some protection can be provided. This is where we need more people coming together to work on this.

Also much more research is needed on all this so if you want to help, please do my dowsing courses and learn to find and work with these grid systems. In the level 2 course, we work on identifying the Benker lines and in the level 3 course you will learn how to expand and contract and raise and lower this grid

This could be one of the most important things humanity ever has to learn to do – to activate Earths own inbuilt protection system. You may think that the natural charge build up within the ground induction currents is enough to protect us. This is not the case though. This just tells us a system exists. We need to learn how to work with this system.

Folks, I have to also tell you there is much more we need to learn here and we are a long way off. I know of dreams that some shamanic friends of mine have had that tell us we have forgotten what humans really can do. Well the time is coming when we need to remember and it’s all hands to the deck.

Much of this information I have written about plasma and shockwaves here in this section comes from a chap called Andrew Hall. Here are three links to his articles which will provide you with more detailed information in regards to the phenomena I was mentioning as well as some incredible pictures you will not believe are of places on this Earth. https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2016/05/11/arc-blast-part-1/ https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2016/05/21/arc-blast-part-two/ https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2016/05/28/arc-blast-part-three/

Cosmic energies

Here is a quick update on the incoming cosmic energies. Below is a graph compile in June this year by the Bartol Research institute at Delaware University showing how these incoming energies rise and fall in correlation to the 11 year sun spot cycles of our Sun. When we are in a solar minimum (ie no or few sunspots), we get an increase in cosmic energy. As you can see in 2019 we hit a solar minimum. What will follow is an increase in sunspot activity for a few years but not as much as back in 1958 (Upper left side of the graph). You will notice the gradual decrease over the interim years in sunspot activity as the peaks get lower and lower. Many people now think that the next sunspot cycle will be the lowest yet – it would then be called a grand solar minimum.

Notice too now the cosmic ray peaks over this range of years. At the beginning of 2018 we reached a high point and it looks as though it has stayed high for 2 years.

What I think is also playing a part in this cosmic energy still being high and not coming down off a peak, is the reducing magnetic field strength of the Earth and the fact that our solar system is exiting the local interstellar magnetic cloud. Both reducing fields will allow more cosmic energy through to our atmosphere. This will produce more neutrinos and therefore more conversion of energy at our inner core which will then lead to more Emperor Dragon vibrational energy at the Earth’s surface.

What will be interesting is to see a similar chart in a couple of years as I suspect the level of cosmic energy will not be falling as it has done at the end of previous sun spot cycles. It may even build to higher levels as the magnetic field weakens and the bowshock wave of cosmic energy increases.

Social media news

Here is a link to a documentary here that I would like to share with you all. Some of you may have seen this when it came out on television but it has been added to and improved for Youtube. It took over 7 years to make and produce and you will see why. (Thank too goes to Tim here who tipped me off about the video) It’s a much longer video but all the better for it (2hrs 15mins)

It is called Standing with Stones. What I liked about it was the beautiful photography and camera work at these sites as well as there being several places which people just do not really know about. Yes there are some old favourites in it that many of you will have been to but I have to say there were one or two I had never heard about before and a few more that I have not been to either.

Watching it also brought back fond memories of the time my Grandmother (from the Black Isle) as she took me and my cousin to see the sites on the Orkney islands back in 1969. In those days there was no one around as we ran around Maeshowe and then later on at Skara Brae. I guess I was always destined to play around places like this – only now with rods.

Standing with stones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq4xM8TLWc0&feature=youtu.be

Courses, Seminars, Workshops news

With the lockdown continuing in one form or another depending on where we live, I am still unable to run courses and seminars in the UK. Until the Cafes and Hotels are open, that will have to remain the case.

However, the tour of the sites in Spain that I am running in July is on. This is great news as we will have a chance of connecting to two different pairs of Emperor Dragons out there at the 1st Order node near Totana in the Murcia region. Another side I am really looking forward to again is sleeping in these lines as the Hotel we are using used to be a monastery and one of the Emperor lines still runs through it. Perhaps we should run courses in dreams and interpreting them there.

I will let you know how it all goes in the August newsletter. There are still a couple of places left for the November tour if anyone is interested.

Book news

A book I finished reading this month and would recommend to you is called ‘Lost Knowledge of the Imagination’ by Gary Lachman. It sets out to show how our imagination over the years has changed and how this has had a knock on effect on our society and on our ability to connect with the Universal Consciousness. It manages to bring in Gary’s extensive knowledge of Philosophy in a really easy to read way. He was also probably the last person to interview a chap that I quoted at the beginning of this newsletter Owen Barfield. Barfield was an Inkling – a small group of friends in Oxford who were a creative bunch – it included JRR Tolkein. Lachman has also written about two favourites of mine Goethe and Steiner and he has a chapter on each of them in this book. Barfield seems to have searched for the origin of Language in his life and said that it just seemed to arrive out of nowhere. Barfield had also studied Steiner’s Evolution of consciousness (Yes the same title as the seminars that I give). I personally think he missed a trick here though. Steiner talked of group consciousness and I believe that this was when telepathy was commonplace. Aural communication was not necessary. So when group consciousness moved towards Individual consciousness, due to the cyclic nature of the Universe, verbal communication became necessary. It was no wonder that it arrived suddenly and with such complexity, it had been used in thought form for years.

The book culminates in showing how the Arts needs Science and how Science needs the Arts - Imagination being the link and when evolution is an imaginary process. It is just a shame that Lachman is unaware of the great contribution to science that Ron Pearson has made for us with his theory of quantum gravity and the big breed theory of creation. With Pearson showing how intelligence can arise and go on to form the Universe and everything in it is the game changer as it connects up all these things – Science and Art and imagination included.

Here is a link to the book on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lost-Knowledge-Imagination-Gary- Lachman/dp/1782504451/ref=sr_1_1?crid=55OZOKO7Y3NS&dchild=1&keywords=lost+knowledge+ of+the+imagination&qid=1593424434&s=books&sprefix=lost+know%2Celectronics%2C150&sr=1-1

Any ‘Blondie’ pop music fans may know of Gary

Other news

1. Just recently I have been kindly given information by two lovely ladies about a coming Worldwide meditation named the Harmonic Convergence. It runs from July 5th to 14th so thank your first to Rosemary for that. A day later I was informed of this again in an email from Ayn who was telling me about a gentleman called Dr Gabriel Cousens’s who was one of the people who helped set it all up. It is all being done to help bring about World peace. I am guessing this now significant because of these two unconnected but connected messages have come within a day of each other so here is a link that will lead you to more about it. I am guessing I will be exploring this more over the next few weeks. https://harmonyconnects.com/Events/14404

It would be lovely if next year this could be run at the same time as the Energy lines are all in harmony.

2. Here is a link to a lovely sound and verses that come from the 12th century gnostic Cathars – thanks Pam for the heads up on this one (9mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED4AYD2gZ7k&fbclid=IwAR2qK49cqg- biWcQhl2dUQ1v9gTUuxSZqjE1MSDJG3sD5CsCXbaaNJS7Kfs

3. Finally here is a 12min video titled ‘Most people don’t know it is happening’. Some great connections with water here and a great video to send to people who are not sure what is going on yet. Only one thing I would add to it is this. It ends by saying we are in an electrical universe. Whilst this, I agree, is true, I think it misses out what is behind Electromagnetism and that is Sound – in particular sub quantum vibrations that lead to Universal intelligence and Universal consciousness. It seems to leave Tesla’s quote and the word frequency hanging at the end as though it was just electrical frequency. Anyway and great intro to what is going on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbEJxsu8xjY

4. Lastly, if you are not already sick of listening to me, and you have not yet listened to my podcast done with the lovely Ayn Sullivan for Wisdom of the Ages and the Superpowerexperts team in California, here is a link to that for you. The show is called ‘The Holy Grail & the coming Golden Age’ I am told that there have been 200,000 downloads of this already. I’m just hoping that it awakens people and does not do the opposite and send them to sleep  https://superpowerexperts.com/woa-the-holy-grail-the-coming-golden-age/