TRAIL SCHEME WATCHERS Become a Trail Watcher Watcher Become a Trail for generations to come. and play an active part in helping and play an active part in preserve a beautiful countryside route preserve a beautiful countryside tacts: County

n o C ounty Hall, Taunton l: 01823 358250 C Te of Way, Printed on recycled paper. on recycled Printed Somerset, TA1 4DY Council Rights For further information about the Trail visit Trail further information about the For The Trail is a partnership project is Trail The River Parrett made up of local authorities and organisations. made up of local authorities This leaflet has been produced with funding from: Email: [email protected]

PLEASE AFFIX STAMP HERE TRAIL WATCHERS River Parrett Trail SCHEME Rights of Way Somerset County Council County Hall Taunton Somerset TA1 4DY I/We would like to join the Trail Watchers scheme. Please would you arrange for me/us to TRAIL receive the necessary forms. WATCHERS SCHEME

First name: (Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms.)

Surname: Address:

Post Code: TRAIL Telephone number: WATCHERS The River Parrett Trail How can I help? SCHEME The River Parrett Trail - a 50-mile By becoming a Trail Watcher you volunteer to walk a Email: walking route stretching from stretch of the Trail within your locality three or four I/we would like to Trail Watch a path/s in the in through South times a year. parish or area of Somerset, across the levels and moors Once registered you will be provided with a support to the edge of the Bristol Channel You will be sent a map of the parish/area pack and further guidance. Should you encounter at . showing you which paths are available. any obstructions such as faulty gates or stiles all you need to do is report these in on forms provided. What is the Trail Watchers scheme? The River Parrett Trail The Trail Watchers scheme provides an opportunity provides an opportunity for for members of the public to volunteer to help look people to explore fascinating after the River Parrett Trail. By providing extra help and beautiful countryside and on the ground you can make sure that the paths helps attracts visitors into rural which make up the Trail are well-maintained and free communities. This is your chance to be a part of it. from problems.

By joining this scheme you will play Anything else? an active role in looking after a small The scheme is available to groups as well as section of the trail and we hope you individuals. Members will not be asked to approach will gain personal satisfaction and landowners or do any physical works. enjoyment in participating in the project. You will also be helping others to continue to enjoy the natural Interested? beauty of the countryside. Please complete and return the attached form.