Lying for Fun and Profit: the Truth About the Media
• In ForFun and Prof it TheTruth about the Media Exposes the CorruptSymbiosis BetweenMedia Giants andthe Health FraudIndustries by KurtButler THEBOOK YOU CAN TALK BACK TO Visit our RationalRadio Web site and let us know what you think about the growing institutionalizationof "alternative ... medicine." Is it a newparadigm or a media-drivennational psychosis? ... Willit lead to a healthiernation or a nation of indoctrinated neurotics paying billions for pseudoscienceand airy-fairy...flimflam? Willour descendantssee this as watershed era that improved our lives or will they be dumbfoundedby our millennial... madness? Youcan by letter, e-mai.l, Jax or phone. Fordetails visit: HEALTH WISE PRODUCTIONS 211 PUAKEA PLACE KULA, HAWAII 96790 Lying ForFun and Prof it TheTruth about the Media Exposesthe Corrupt Symhiosis BetweenMedia Gianh and the HealthFraud Industries ~w ~@W~~OO~~@W Publishedin 1999by Health Wise Productions. Lyingfor Funand Profit: The Truthabout the Media. Copyright© 1999 by Kurt Butler.All rightsreserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced, storedin a retrievalsystem, or transmittedin any form by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without prior permissionof the publisher,except in the caseof briefquotations embodied in criticalarticles or reviews.Inquires should be addressedto HealthWise Productions,211 PuakeaPl., Kula, HI 96790(FAX: 808-876-0744). ISBN0-9673281-0-1 Copyright© 1999Kurt Butler Includesindex. Printedin the UnitedStates HEALTH WISE PRODUCTIONS 211 PUAKEA PLACE KULA, HAWAH 96790 About the Author Kurt Butler grew up in Hawaii and lives there now on the island of Maui. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in physiology from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Master of Science degree in nutrition from the University of Hawaii.
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