Pacific Union Recorder
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"---,----, ,, --,\,..-.i•I....- :.:1......,:;, ..xie "Then They that Feared the Lord Spake Often One to Another" VOL. 24 GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 14, 1924 No. 1 A CHAT WITH FARMERS AND FACTORY EMPLOYEES THE COLPORTEUR EVANGELIST Dear Brothers and Sisters on Ran- by farming of by working in a factory; For many years we have used the ches and in Factories: but are you sure that that "some one" unqualified term "our colporteurs," and is you ? No man can answer this ques- I wish time would permit me to come altogether too much has their success tion for you. Think seriously, soberly, to your home so we could have a per- with an open mind and with eternity or failure been gauged by the amount sonal heart to heart visit about the in view. Also ponder the inspired state- per hour that has been realized from coming of Jesus and the one thing that ment: their, book sales. This has not been stands between us and that glorious "To every man God has appointed right. The colporteur is as much a clay. The hope of,the New Earth means his work; not work in his fields of corn worker for souls as is the preacher or much to the tillers of the soil, and the and wheat, but earnest, persevering the Bible worker, else why, the specific toilers among the noisy wheels. By and work for the salvation of souls." Vol. 5, instruction that as great care be ex- by, according to Isa. 65:17-25, we shall p. 381. ercised in their selection as in the sel- not labor in vain, for: "They shall build This astonishing statement is in har- ection of men for the ministry? houses, and inhabit them; and, they mony with the scripture where God God never ordained, it would seem, shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit designates a people who are to be that an author alone should put into a of them. They shall not build, and known as repairers of the breach, rais- book all the message of the loveliness another inhabit ;" (mortgages and fore- ing up the desolations of many genera- of Jesus and the doctrines we hold that closures will not deprive us, of our tions-:-"Strangers shall stand and feed He, in His love, designs the purchaser homes) "they shall not, plant, and an- your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall receive. If He had, the books other eat :" (death will not separate us shall be your plowmen and your vine- could have been put solely upon a com- from our possessions) . "mine elect dressers. But ye shall be named the mercial basis and sold by just anyone shall long enjoy the work of their priests of the Lord: men shall call you (as some of His other blessings such as hands." the ministers of our God: ye shall eat peaches, potatoes or wheat are sold to The earth to-day is under the blight the riches of the Gentiles." Isa. 61:5, 6. man) and no instruction would have of sin. This fallen world is the only The question of support for your been given relative to the most careful foul blot in all God's universe. Think family and how you would get tithes selection of the salesmen. While it is you that Jesus is not anxious to come and mission offerings to give to the true that often the book alone does and cleanse it by fire, that He might cause if you should leave the farm or convey the message, yet, dear friends, restore it to its Edenic beauty? Yes, the factory and enter the colporteur the theoretical message conveyed by but He is long-suffering, not willing field as a self-supporting missionary, the print in the book, and the same that any should perish. He is waiting, may perplex you. I want to chat with message in the living soul-loving mes- patiently waiting for His chosen rem- you about that later. Meanwhile, if senger who twice meets the purchaser nant people to arise as one man to pro- you are clear before God as to your in the sale and delivery of the- book, claim the last message of mercy that call, begin now to shape your affairs to can be used of God far more effec- every doomed sinner may have oppor- take up the colporteur work, at least tively in displaying to the purchaser the tunity to repent and hide in the ark of for the fall and winter months. Write story of salvation. the third angel's message, from the your local field secretary to ascertain As the author, under God, may sur- floods of flame that will purify the the date and location of his next col- round the book and fill it with the at- earth. porteurs' institute. You need at least mosphere of heaven for those only who In view of what rs soon to happen, ten days of thorough drill in gospel read it (and this is as far as he can go and with the light you possess, brother, salesmanship if you expect to succeed. with his part), the colporteur-evange- sister, are you absolutely sure that you We should do our part to get ready, list, under God, can surround the book, are putting your talents out to the ex- then God can do wonders through a place and leave indelibly stamped upon changers where your efforts will bring prepared, surrendered instrument. it such an atinosphere of importance the greatest returns for the kingdom GENERAL CONFERENCE PUB- and sacredness that men who had not of God? Some Seventh-day Adventists LISHING DEPARTMENT thought of doing so will not only pur- who believe the Lord is soon coming J. H. McEachern, Assistant Secretary chase, but eagerly read and actually may be letting the light shine brightest for North America. accept its message, and will- welcome in 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER their own hearts the atmosphere that year an experienced instructor with John;" "A Boy Who Liked Cats;" "A first so attracted them when God's col- textbooks, time for laboratory exper- Boy from the Land of the Midnight porteur-evangelist told them at their ience and experiments, and the full year Sun ;" and "A Bear Story." Don't you door his God-given message. Thus the (of regular class periods has been pro- think these will attract the children ? colporteur-evangelist has just as im- vided, and college credits will be given Then here is some help that every portant a part as the author, and really to those completing the course, No parent will welcome, and the children more so, in bringing the message of sal- `more exalted life work can be chosen, will enthuse as they get into it. Dr. vation to the people who purchase !and the training is now on the same Belle Wood-Comstock, a mother, books; for even our good spirit-filled high standard as any other college author, writer, and the children's phy- books when purchased from those who course. God's ideals for this work are sician at the White Memorial Hospital, are just "colporteurs" and not "colpor- to be met. NOW IS THE TIME FOR Los Angeles, will tell the 30,000 or teur-evangelists" are often accepted on MEN OF BUSINESS EXPERIENCE, I more boys and girls who read "OUR delivery as a mere matter of honor and as well as college students, to enroll in I LITTLE FRIEND" how to take care laid aside unread, while those that are :his Colporteur-Evangelists' Course. of their bodies. She makes this an in- bought from earnest, warm-hearted Success awaits those who train and tensely live subject, opening with colporteur-evangelists are anxiously then faithfully work. A new day is "Three Little Stories With a Big Mean- waited for and eagerly received and dawning for the publishing work. ing," in these talking about a garden, read. G. A. Roberts. tools, and a wonderful machine. This The purpose of the Colporteur-Evan- 0 lays the foundation for "Miss May's gelists' Course at Pacific Union College "OUR LITTLE FRIEND" Class," and Miss May keeps the boys is to fit those who take it to be evan- and girls right on their tip toes as She gelistic colporteurs, and not merely col- Could you visit the editorial depart- goes into the intricacies of their own ment of "OUR LITTLE FRIEND" porteurs or book agents. body machines and tells what is im- and talk with Brother Ernest Lloyd, In the ministry there used o be portant about their care. She covers the editor, you would quickly learn many untrained "exhorters." To-day such practical points as body repairing; why he is very enthusiastic about the explains all about digestion, impressing there are many trained ministers. While program for the paper during the clos- the bad results of wrong habits in God greatly blessed the exhorters ing months of the year. He would tell still continues to bless those who have eating—and then talks on body build- you of three very special serials in not the advantage of training, yet the ing, covering the muscles and the bones, hand. The first of these consists of trained minister of to-day, if truly con- the care of mouth and teeth, and many three stories on the Sabbath question, secrated to God, can accomplish what other points of vital importance. It is entitled "Ruthie the Young Lightbear- the exhorter cannot. We have had all so interesting that the children wilt_ er." Mrs.