COMMUNITY UMC 2020 has been quite a year. Have you seen the commemorative 2020 Christmas ornaments advertised to help us remember things like: toilet paper shortages, hand washing, quarantining, binge watching, canceled trips/celebrations, flattening the curve, cleaning everything, and the new normal? Sadly, that invites us to focus on some of the negatives. As we close the year, we believe Advent invites us to remember some very important truths about what is possible through Christ Jesus:

 worship is never canceled,

 quiet time with God is never canceled,

 praying for the sick is never canceled,

 checking on a friend is never canceled,

 helping others is never canceled,

 God’s love and grace are never canceled,

 and being Christ’s body in the world is never canceled. Advent is a time to prepare a place in our homes and hearts for our Savior and King, Jesus. We all need an infusion of the hope, peace, joy, and love Jesus’ birth means for our lives. This devotional booklet is a gift to help you remember what Jesus’ birth means to us— All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” (Matthew 1:22-23) We do not have a far-off, non-caring, separate God. Our God is with us! God is with us in the joy and in the struggle. Many of our brothers and sisters here at Community United Methodist Church have shared daily devotions about how God is with us. We invite you each day to:

 Light your advent candle(s),

 Read the scripture and devotion,

 Take some time with the Wondering Questions,

 Listen to the song (YouTube videos work well),

 Pray, and

 Participate in the weekly hope, peace, joy, and love challenges. Special Note to Families with Kids: You may want to shorten this daily practice based on the age of your children to lighting the candle, reading the Scripture, discussing the Wondering Questions, and praying. Please invite your children to help decorate and create an Advent Wreath with the candles offered by the church. This is an exciting way for the kids to remember God is with us. We are praying you experience the fullness of what is offered to you this Advent season from our God who is truly with us always!

With Love, Pastors Curtis and Angie Olsen Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020 Written by Pastor Angie Olsen

Light: Hope Candle (purple) Read: Micah 5:2-5 and Matthew 2:1-2 As a child, the holidays were full of hopeful traditions. I loved digging through the boxes to assemble the tree and find all the ornaments. It was amazing how each year the ornaments brought so many memories and laughter to our home. Putting up the twinkling lights on the tree never failed to bring out a sense of wonder. Making and decorating Christmas cookies filled our house with yummy smells and full, happy tummies. Traveling to see family wrapped me in love and care. Though all those traditions were lovely, my favorite was putting out the nativity. It was a set that my grandmother had painted and my grandfather had made the stable. My brother and I raced each year to see who could find baby Jesus in the trough the quickest. Each piece was rolled in a newspaper and though it was fun to find Mary, a donkey, a shepherd, a wise man, or a camel, the prize was baby Jesus. With reverence, we would unwrap him and smile at his precious form. Kneeling on the ground, we would gently place him in his trough, our King. I hope this Christmas as you celebrate the gift of Jesus in your life, you unwrap him with reverence and love. Praise God for Immanuel, God with Us, our incarnate King! Wondering Questions: Just like the wise men, how can you seek God? What gifts can you give to Jesus this season? Song: “When Hope Came Down” by Kari Jobe All of the angels lifted up their voices And filled the night with Hallelujah's God is with us now Everyone come and join the heavenly chorus Our Savior King is here before us All to hear the sound The song creation sang When hope came down Prayer: Dear God, reveal to us your precious son and give us a sense of wonder at all his life, death and resurrection gives to us. We praise you for the gift of your son, our King. Help us kneel down to praise his Holy Name in all we do. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Week 1 Hope Challenge: How are you getting ready to welcome Jesus? What are you grateful for in this season? Record or share with others how gratitude, and making yourself and your home ready for Jesus is bringing you hope. Monday, Nov. 30, 2020 Written by Andy Upham

Light: Hope Candle (purple) Read: Luke 1:26-38 During Advent, we devote ourselves to the study of what it really means to follow Christ. We seek to explore what the gift of the Father’s Son means to us. In today’s verse, we start “at the beginning,” when Mary was visited by an angel and asked to follow her calling. The significance of her calling is truly miraculous. It is no wonder that every time we read of an angel appearing, one of the first things the angel will say is “don’t be afraid.” Okay, let’s be honest and put ourselves in the place of Mary. She was a very young woman who is engaged to be married. An angel suddenly appears … FEAR!!! The angel’s greeting caused her to be “greatly troubled,” “disturbed,” “perplexed,” “baffled,” (depending on the Bible translation you are reading there are many more descriptions for her thought). Who would not feel this? She must be asking herself, “What did I do?” “Who me?” “Why me?” I am guessing you can think of even more ways she would be thinking here. But then the angel, Gabriel, spoke THOSE words, “Don’t be afraid?” Sigh, deep breath, feel that relief … NO? I am assuming, never having had an angel actually appear to me, that the angel could simply exude peace to Mary. Imagine an angel calling to YOU saying, “don’t be afraid.” This same description is given when the angel appears to the shepherds in the field. Oh, the stories Mary and the shepherds could share about angels, but that is a topic for another day. Back to Gabriel, now explaining to Mary, the plan for her to bring the SAVIOR into the world. Gabriel even helps Mary understand that the plan included her cousin Elizabeth and that with God the impossible is possible. Again, what would you do? What argument would you lay out before the angel, before God? Would you be so bold as to answer as Mary did? Would you say, “Here I am, the Lord’s humble servant!” During this season, think about the gifts God has given us: forgiveness, salvation, and His son. His son continues to seek us, even 2,020 years later, inviting us to answer our call. Maybe we won’t see Gabriel walking through the door, but maybe we will have a different call. Staying in the Christ birth story, think of everyone who answers in their own way. The innkeeper opened the only warm place available; the shepherds left their flock; and the wise men followed their call to bring gifts. What is your call? How will you respond? Today, as we continue in this season of Advent, continue to listen for your call, and “don’t be afraid.” Wondering Question: As a teenager, I wonder how Mary felt when the angel appeared? How did she have the courage to say, “Here I am, the Lord’s humble servant?” Song: “Here I Am, Lord” Prayer: Lord, help me not to be afraid. Help me say, “Here I am, Lord,” ready to serve when you call. Amen. Week 1 Hope Challenge: How are you getting ready to welcome Jesus? What are you grateful for in this season? Record or share with others how gratitude, and making yourself and your home ready for Jesus is bringing you hope. Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020 Written by Pastor Jim Hillbrick

Light: Hope Candle (purple) Read: Exodus 30:22-32 The Anointed One, Jesus the Messiah, came to bring anointing to His people through the Holy Spirit’s anointing. The practice of anointing with oil is found in Exodus 30 where the oil was special and had very specific ingredients. This particular mixture was only to be used to establish holiness for Aaron, the High Priest, and from Aaron to his sons and the holy priesthood to follow. This also included special anointing of the tabernacle, and temple, and its fixtures. Jesus is our High Priest and brings this special and costly spiritual anointing to His followers. Isaiah 61 prophesies that the anointing of the Lord will be upon the coming Messiah for bringing good news to all people. A key ingredient of the Exodus 30 anointing oil was frankincense. The gifts brought to Bethlehem for the Christ child included frankincense, a very fragrant, precious, and expensive ingredient. The word anoint is translated from the Hebrew word “Mashiach” meaning “anoint” or “anointed one”. Jesus was called, “Jesus, the Christ” or in Hebrew, “Yeshua Ha Mashiach” which means “Jesus the Anointed One”. His precious and costly anointing is powerful and redemptive in purpose for our salvation and our life in the Kingdom of God. Wondering Question: Have you ever felt like you were the one called to do something specific? What is your special gift or gifts you share with your family at home and at church? Song: “We Three Kings,” verse 3 (John H. Hopkins, Jr.) Frankincense to offer have I, Incense owns a Deity nigh, Prayer and praising all men raising, Worship Him, God on high.

Chorus: O star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect light. Prayer: (from II Corinthians 1:21, NKJV) “Blessed be Your holy Name, O Lord our God. We thank You for anointing us, Your children, through Your Son Christ Jesus, our Messiah. We thank You for sealing us and giving us the Holy Spirit in our hearts so we might live out that anointing for Your glory and honor. We pray this in Your Son’s Name, Jesus the Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Week 1 Hope Challenge: How are you getting ready to welcome Jesus? What are you grateful for in this season? Record or share with others how gratitude, and making yourself and your home ready for Jesus is bringing you hope. Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020 Written by Christi Brietzke

Light: Hope Candle (purple) Read: 2 Samuel 7:13b-16 and Matthew 1:21 Waiting is not something that we as Americans do well. We want service fast, we want change now, and we want a vaccine yesterday. However, each of us know waiting can be important. We will wait for an item like a PlayStation 5. We will wait as our dog does his business on a walk. We will wait nine months for that new-born baby. God’s time is NOT our time. He made a promise to David that was not fulfilled for hundreds and hundreds of years. Jesus made us a promise as well. He promised that He WILL return for us and that we have a place in His kingdom. Whenever the world gets us feeling down, we must remember Jesus’ promise and remember that God keeps his Word. We have HOPE for tomorrow because Jesus gave us his promise. Wondering Questions: Have you ever had to wait a really long time for something? Why is waiting important? Has God ever shown you something important as you waited? Song: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” O come, O Wisdom from on high, who ordered all things mightily; to us the path of knowledge show and teach us in its ways to go. Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel shall come to you, O Israel. Prayer: Father, as we wait and wait and wait for Christmas, for vaccines, for world peace, for an end to hunger, for Jesus’ return… help us find inner strength and peace knowing that you give us hope for the future. You ALWAYS keep your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Week 1 Hope Challenge: How are you getting ready to welcome Jesus? What are you grateful for in this season? Record or share with others how gratitude, and making yourself and your home ready for Jesus is bringing you hope.

Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020 Written by Rosemary Fisher

Light: Hope Candle (purple) Read: Isaiah 9:2-7 I fell asleep to the sound of a gentle spring rain, but after midnight the storm turned violent. I woke to the crash of thunder and bright flashes of lightening. Suddenly my room was black as pitch. The power was out. What to do now? Might as well stay in bed; there’s nothing I can do in this darkness but pray and hope that the power comes on soon. I have this hope, based on past experience. The power’s been out before and always comes back on eventually. But it was the words of Isaiah’s prophesy that gave the listeners hope. Those who trusted his words had reason to hope. There was coming a day when the darkness would be overcome by a great light. The Mighty God would come to them in the form of a child. He would be the Light of the world. Wondering Questions: Have you ever been afraid? What gave you hope when you were afraid? How does God help you when you are afraid? Song: “Here I Am to Worship” Light of the world You stepped down into darkness Opened my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore You Hope of a life spent with You Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God Prayer: Holy Father, Giver of Light, We come before you to bow down and worship you. You gave your only son to bring hope to all who believe. We thank you for being the Light in our Darkness. Draw us close to you, so that your Light will shine from us and draw others to you and give them hope. In your precious name we pray, Amen. Week 1 Hope Challenge: How are you getting ready to welcome Jesus? What are you grateful for in this season? Record or share with others how gratitude, and making yourself and your home ready for Jesus is bringing you hope.

Friday, Dec. 4, 2020 Written by Kimberly Reese

Light: Hope Candle (purple) Read: Romans 15:13 I picked our 14 year old son up from school last week and could instantly tell he hadn’t had the best day. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused stress among our community, including our young kids. Instead of going straight home, we made a pit stop to pick up a few needed items. While waiting in line, my son made the comment, “when covid is over…,” I quickly replied, “I’ve given up all hope that this will ever be over.” As I went to pay for our items I thought about what I had said. What kind of message was I sending if I said I had given up hope? Life in our house has been hard lately. Very hard. It’s been hard for so many people, so many families. Hope, however, isn’t something that we can lose. While we all want the pandemic to end, jobs to be restored and life to be generally easier, we have to remember that our hope comes in Christ Jesus. When we have faith in Christ, we have a hope for things eternal, things that will never vanish or waste away. The truth of the matter is, life is full of suffering, sin and brokenness that affects every relationship, conversation and trip to the grocery store with three screaming toddlers. But we can find a deep comfort in knowing that our Savior is who God says he is. Jesus is the gauge by which we judge all of our thoughts and emotions. We have to learn to change our mindset to focus on the work of Christ. When our children are fighting over who gets Lily, the baby doll or when our “quiet time” is interrupted by repeated requests for more juice and an apple, we will find that we have learned to respond from a place of quiet peace and trust. Our hope in Christ is an eternal thing, but we must remember that it is a present thing as well. We know our eternal future, because we love God. Christ empathizes with our weaknesses right now, in the present. When we are irritated with the people and events around us, we must remember that Christ’s grace calls us to gentleness and self-control. When we slowly pick up 38 pieces of play food, 10 dumped puzzles, a full bag of spilled cheese crackers, a tub full of wooden blocks, and random scattered Legos from the playroom, we must remember that Christ has prepared a welcoming and safe place for us. This hope is a present, living hope, because we have a present, living Savior. As we prepare to celebrate our Savior’s birth, I invite you to embrace the hope that is all around you. The hope that is in Christ Jesus. Wondering Questions: Have you ever given up hope for something? What can you do to keep hope? How can Jesus give you hope? Song: “Flight” by Lighthouse Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for being our hope. Thank you for being a light in the darkness many of us are living in. When we feel like there is no hope and the noise of our busy lives consumes us, help us to hear your words, “I am your hope.” May our doubts and fears decrease as we rely on your word and that our hope in you will ever increase. May we find joy in each other and joy in celebrating you this Christmas season. Amen. Week 1 Hope Challenge: How are you getting ready to welcome Jesus? What are you grateful for in this season? Record or share with others how gratitude, and making yourself and your home ready for Jesus is bringing you hope. Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020 Written by Pastor Jim Hillbrick Light: Hope Candle (purple) Read: Revelation 21:1-5 Expectation of the coming Messiah was at its peak following the Jewish Hasmonean rulership of the 1st century B.C. Judas Maccabeus was the original driving force behind this rulership. But the key influence was the rise of Jewish leadership, which was soon enveloped by the Roman Empire. But new Messianic leadership was anticipated. The elimination of Roman world domination was longed for. And when the announcement came that the Messiah had been born, the Jewish world was ready for global change. Jesus brought that global change, but it came from a smelly manger in a cave at the edge of a small village outside of Jerusalem. That change was dramatic, but not in the way expected. That manger baby reminded us that God wants, first of all, to be within us, not ruling over us. And now our expectations are high for this world to be transformed and changed globally. Revelation 21 reminds us that a new heaven and a new earth, with God at the center, will come in a way that goes beyond any expectation. As the manger baby revolutionized the way the world thought about the Kingdom of God, so will this amazing New Jerusalem revolutionize everything we’ve ever thought about God and His ways. Both events, the manger baby and His return, have brought us and will bring us to our knees in love and worship of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And, as it was in Bethlehem, so then in the New Heavens and New Earth, God wants to live in and among us, not over us. Wondering Questions: Have you ever had high expectations for something and it turned out different? How did it make you feel? Why do you think God came as a baby instead of a powerful adult? Song: “In Christ Alone” by Keith and Kristyn Getty No guilt in life, no fear in death— This is the pow’r of Christ in me; From life’s first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home— Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand. Prayer: God of mercy and God of love, reveal yourself to us in ways that bring faith and hope in Your Kingdom. Pull down our worldly expectations of future events. And put within us a longing to serve You and worship You no matter how this world tries to persuade us to give up hope and see emptiness. By Your Holy Spirit, bring Your Kingdom in us here on earth as it is in heaven. We pray this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, both now and forever. Amen. Week 1 Hope Challenge: How are you getting ready to welcome Jesus? What are you grateful for in this season? Record or share with others how gratitude, and making yourself and your home ready for Jesus is bringing you hope. Sunday, Dec. 6, 2020 Written by Pastor Curtis Olsen

Light: Peace Candle (purple) and Hope Candle (purple) Read: Titus 3:3-6 Today is the beginning of the second week of Advent, when we focus on Peace. Everyone needs to know peace in their lives. Unfortunately, when we seek to keep the peace ourselves, we miss out on the peace Christ offers us. What happens is we either avoid conflict and create a false sense of peace or we attack the conflict and force peace. As humans, we were created good but we live in a broken world and we are not perfect. Therefore, if we only focus on ourselves, we will remained broken and shattered. That’s why we need Jesus Christ. Jesus saves us and restores us from our brokenness. There is nothing we can do to earn forgiveness, we receive because of God’s actions through Christ. A great example of this is found at our church. We have beautiful stain glass windows at the entrance. I find myself looking at those windows and enjoy the work and beauty of the art that has been created. Stained glass windows are sometimes created by using broken glass. The broken glass can’t be exactly put back into it’s original shape, but the artist can use the glass to create a new window. It’s a wonderful way to see how the beauty of the glass is restored through the art of the window. Just like the broken glass, we are broken and are in need of restoration. Just as the glass can’t do the restoration itself, so we can’t restore ourselves to God’s image. Instead, we need Jesus to be the artist for our lives. When we ask Jesus for forgiveness, he saves us from our brokenness and restores our relationship with God. And through Christ, we experience an ultimate peace that can’t be experienced without Christ. Then, we can live out of this peace in our everyday lives. Wondering Question: When have you felt broken like broken glass? What made you feel better? How does God help you feel whole again? Song: “Peace” by Bethel Music Peace holds me when I'm broken Sweet peace that passes understanding When the whole wide world is crashing down, I fall to my knees And breathe in Your peace Prayer: Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to save us. Through, Jesus, our brokenness is restored to Your masterpiece. May we find peace through salvation, so that we can live out of Your peace. We pray this seeking peace in Christ, Amen. Week 2 Peace Challenge: How are you asking for Jesus’ help and peace today? How are you helping others find peace at work, at school, at play …? Record or share with someone how you are finding/offering peace each day. Monday, Dec. 7, 2020 Written by Kelly Mescher

Light: Peace Candle (purple) and Hope Candle (purple) Read: Matthew 1:18-25 In reading the scripture, I was taken by the challenging start for Mary and Joseph’s life together. We don’t, in these verses, learn of Mary’s thoughts on being pregnant by the Holy Spirit before she married Joseph, but we do read that Joseph was going to quietly divorce her, to avoid public disgrace. An angel told Joseph in a dream to take Mary home, as she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit with a son, who was to be his people’s savior and who would be called Immanuel. Joseph did as the angel told him and named the baby Jesus. If either Mary or Joseph had been faint of heart, or unwilling to trust in what the angels told them, Jesus’ very beginning would have been much different. At this time of year, the best of the season can be enjoyed by getting together with family to share in the joy. If part of your family tradition is setting up a nativity, taking a moment to think of the story of Jesus’ beginning will make the tradition all that much sweeter. I hope this story of strength can help you celebrate the coming of Jesus. Praise God for sending us Immanuel! Wondering Questions: If Joseph had left Mary, he would have missed the blessing of being Jesus’ father. Has there been something you didn’t want to do, but did it anyway knowing it was what God wanted? What blessing did you find? Song: “Joseph’s Lullaby” by Mercy Me Go to sleep my Son Baby, close Your eyes Soon enough You'll save the day But for now, dear Child of mine Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight Prayer: Dear God, we thank you and offer you praise for the gift of your son. Give us the strength to listen to your words, even if the message might be challenging as it was for Mary and Joseph at Jesus’ birth. Thank you for being with us when we face life’s challenges. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Week 2 Peace Challenge: How are you asking for Jesus’ help and peace today? How are you helping others find peace at work, at school, at play …? Record or share with someone how you are finding/offering peace each day. Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020 Written by Bev Smull

Light: Peace Candle (purple) and Hope Candle (purple) Read: Luke 2:8-12 To whom did God send his angels to announce the birth of His son, the long-awaited Savior? It wasn’t the elite, or leadership of the Jewish people; but the shepherds watching their flocks. In those days, shepherding was the lowest occupation you could hold. These shepherds were homeless, living in the fields. They not only faced danger keeping their flocks safe, but also the hopelessness of ever bettering their lives. At first the shepherds are terrified, but as they listen to the angel’s words, they are brought the light, the hope, and the peace for the future. Like the shepherds, we too are facing a time of fear and uncertainty. Schools are closing, many are having to work from home, and gatherings and celebrations are canceled. However, there is a light for us to turn to, a message of great joy. That message is; with the birth of His son, God is with us and through Him we can receive peace and the hope we seek for the future. Wondering Questions: Have you ever felt invisible or ordinary? How does it make you feel to know that God shared the amazing news of Jesus with the ordinary shepherds first? Song: “Angels From the Realm of Glory” Shepherds, in the field abiding, watching o'er your flocks by night, God with us is now residing; yonder shines the infant light. Refrain Come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ, the newborn king. Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we move through this Advent season, may we truly experience the hope, peace and joy found in the birth of our Lord Jesus. In Christ Jesus’ name, Amen. Week 2 Peace Challenge: How are you asking for Jesus’ help and peace today? How are you helping others find peace at work, at school, at play …? Record or share with someone how you are finding/offering peace each day.

Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020 Written by Alan Wessler

Light: Peace Candle (purple) and Hope Candle (purple) Read: Hebrews 4:14-16 In today’s world, we all are experiencing challenges, pressures and conflicts, whether it’s a virus, the political scene, not seeing our families, stretching our budgets to the brink, or something else. These challenges may lead us to question who’s in charge and who we can turn to for strength and guidance in times of uncertainty. We just need some peace in our lives. There’s a solution that makes sense even in today’s world. In the Bible, we learn Christ came into our lives to conquer sin, shatter all barriers to God and provide for eternal life. We don’t need a human intercessor as in Old Testament times to take our concerns to God. We have Christ Jesus, who as a man on this earth was fully tempted. He knows what you are going through. He sits at the right hand of God the Father in heaven, interceding for us by presenting our concerns to Him. He hears us when we pray … our direct-line of communication to God. Isn’t it comforting to know that when we approach God with confidence, he hears and understands us. It is blessed assurance to know that we can receive his grace (favor) to help us in our times of trouble. He is our Friend and Counselor. All we need to do is ask for his help in our prayers. Hold onto your faith and encourage each other. Let him know your concerns with your prayers. And, look forward to Christ’s return and the promise of eternal life. In a troubled world, you can find peace. Wandering Questions: What is hard for you right now? Is it time to kneel and ask Jesus for help? When has Jesus given you peace and help in tough times before? Song: “Blessed Assurance” Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine Heir of salvation, purchase of God Born of His spirit, washed in His blood Prayer: High Priest Jesus, thank you for forgiving us and helping us in our weakness. Help me boldly come to your throne to receive your grace and mercy in these hard times. In your powerful name I pray, Amen. Week 2 Peace Challenge: How are you asking for Jesus’ help and peace today? How are you helping others find peace at work, at school, at play …? Record or share with someone how you are finding/offering peace each day. Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020 Written by Amanda Furtick

Light: Peace Candle (purple) and Hope Candle (purple) Read: Isaiah 12:1-6 I think, in life, we sometimes tell ourselves we can avoid difficulties. If we just hold on tight enough, if we just take control, if we just try hard enough… the list goes on. However, I’m learning that difficulties will still arise, no matter how hard we try to avoid them. They are weaved into the story of our life for many different reasons, but ultimately to show us how small we are and how big God’s plan is for us, whether or not we see it at the time. Through these seasons, our faith may dwindle, leaving us wondering why a good and awesome God would allow us to experience hardship. Have you ever questioned this? As I walk through a tough season now, I certainly have had to ask God, “Why? Where am I supposed to see the good?” Yet, one of the most beautiful things about our God who is gracious and loving, is the salvation He has offered us. If He can provide that, He can certainly provide peace and perseverance. How beautiful that our God who brought the world into existence also cares about giving us peace and strength! Isaiah 12:2 says “Yes indeed—God is my salvation. I trust, I won’t be afraid. God, yes God, is my strength and song, best of all, my salvation!” Through our struggles and difficulties, we can proclaim that God is indeed good and it is in Him that we trust! We can start to believe that God isn’t withholding things from us in tough times, but He is leading us home, to all the good in store. This has brought me so much peace, knowing that it isn’t up to me, but up to One who has much greater things ahead. Wondering Question: When is a time you felt God’s peace? How have you seen good in unexpected ways during hard times? Song: “Trust in You” by Lauren Daigle When You don't move the mountains I'm needing You to move When You don't part the waters I wish I could walk through When You don't give the answers As I cry out to You I will trust, I will trust I will trust in You Prayer: God, as we continue through this season, I hope the knowledge that we don’t have to be in control, that we don’t have to have all the answers because You have them and are leading us to them… gives us peace. I pray that You show us that You truly are the real source of peace and joy and that You care so deeply for us that you offer salvation. Help us learn to praise You in every season and accept your mercy and the grace You always have for us with open arms. Amen. Week 2 Peace Challenge: How are you asking for Jesus’ help and peace today? How are you helping others find peace at work, at school, at play …? Record or share with someone how you are finding/offering peace each day. Friday, Dec. 11, 2020 Written by Mike and Emily Scott

Light: Peace Candle (purple) and Hope Candle (purple) Read: Romans 5:1-2 When we were first asked to consider writing a devotional, we agreed to do so not really knowing what verse we would explore. Eventually, Mike blindly selected Romans 5:1-2, we sat down to read it together and got started. We read the verse once and then once more again. It didn’t take long for us to realize that this verse really hit home. The words in this specific verse represent a way in which we have strived to live throughout our lives together, but more so now than ever. Throughout this unfortunate pandemic one reality that has been made quite clear to us is that there are many things in life that Mike and Emily do not have control over. While it can sometimes give us comfort to know that we have everything under control, all of our “ducks in a row,” there is also a great deal of comfort that can come in giving up control, letting someone else carry the load. In Romans 5:1-2, we perceive the verse to mean that we can gain a sense of peace simply by having faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. How easy is that?? Especially, in this uncertain time we find ourselves living in, it could be easy to lose ourselves as we spin our wheels, worrying and stressing over matters we cannot control. Instead, our family tries to put its faith in God, trusting that He will guide us through all challenges. Our family has felt God’s love first hand on more than one occasion, we know His love for us is real. It is in our faith for Him that we know we can trust him to keep us in his grace and it is there that we find a loving peace. It is a relief some days to know that we don’t have to have all of the answers, we just have to be patient and God will get us where we need to be. We’ve made it this far, He’s done a pretty good job with us. And, as we approach the birth of Christ there is so much to be hopeful for. Wondering Questions: Have you ever felt like you didn’t have any control over something? How does it change things knowing God is trustworthy, full of grace, and offering peace? Song: “Glory (Let There Be Peace)” by Matt Maher Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for your grace and for the love that you provide for us. We thank you for the peace that you give to us. There are times when we think we know what’s best, but deep down we know you have a plan and have all things in control and that we just have to trust. Thanks for being patient. We ask that you continue to guide us, during all of the challenges and changes. Lord we thank you for lightening our loads, carrying our burdens. As we are waiting for Jesus to be born, continue to help us show the love that you have shown us, so that others may feel the peace that you provide. Amen. Week 2 Peace Challenge: How are you asking for Jesus’ help and peace today? How are you helping others find peace at work, at school, at play …? Record or share with someone how you are finding/offering peace each day.

Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020 Written by Kathi Hillbrick

Light: Peace Candle (purple) and Hope Candle (purple)

Read: Ephesians 1:3-14 When asked to introduce yourself, what do you say? I often say my name is Kathi Hillbrick. I’m Jim’s wife, a retired teacher, step-mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, coffee lover. But who am I really? This passage in Ephesians tells me I have been adopted as a child of God and that I am to receive an inheritance. I love how it starts with God the father and his love—before the world was made God “had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love.” (v. 4 The Message paraphrase) Then through the work of Jesus Christ, we have become free and are able to live a life of abundance in Christ. “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” (v.11 The Message paraphrase) Finally, the Holy Spirit signs and seals the adoption papers. What a gift! When we find our identity as God’s child, it doesn’t matter what our role in life is, nor does it matter who anyone else says we are. We have received the gift of being adopted as a child of God. When this identity takes root in our souls, we are able to live confidently knowing our hope is in God. This Advent season, as you prepare for the coming of Christ ask yourself, “Who am I?” I hope that your answer will be, “I am a beloved child of God and I live in God’s unshakeable kingdom. Wondering Questions: Who are you? Who does God say you are? Do you recognize yourself as a beloved child of God? Songs: Traditional Advent Hymn, “Of the Father’s Love Begotten; and Contemporary Song, “Who You Say I Am” by Hillsong Worship. Who the Son sets free Oh, is free indeed I'm a child of God Yes, I am In my Father's house There's a place for me I'm a child of God Yes, I am Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the great gift of being your beloved child. Help us to claim daily our identity in you. May we greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ, our co-heir in the Kingdom. We pray this in the name of Christ, who lives with you and the Holy Spirt, one God forever. Amen. Week 2 Peace Challenge: How are you asking for Jesus’ help and peace today? How are you helping others find peace at work, at school, at play …? Record or share with someone how you are finding/offering peace each day. Sunday, Dec. 13, 2020 Written by Pastor Angie Olsen

Light: Joy Candle (pink) with Hope and Peace Candles

Read: Hebrews 1:1-4 God’s voice has always been an invitation to be loved and love God—an intimate relationship. God’s voice spoke chaos into order and created the earth and humanity calling it all good! Nearly from the beginning, humans wanted to have our own way and there are consequences to choosing our own will over God’s. YET, God is always faithful. Every time people struggle, hurt ourselves and other, and try to make it on our own, God reaches out again and again (prophets, creation and more). In Hebrews, we hear of God’s ultimate, loud and clear invitation to relationship. We read that Jesus is God’s voice alive and living among us on earth. “He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word.” He cleans up the mess we make and helps us. He loves us even with all the ways we mistakenly think we know best and get ourselves into places of anxiety and struggle. Jesus came to love us, forgive us, die for us, and overcome death for us! Even when Jesus left the earth, he gave us his Holy Spirit, so we know God is always with us. I imagine many of us feel like 2020 is chaos. That it just keeps giving us things to worry about and trouble to overcome. The worry and the troubles are infinitely harder to face when we are not strengthened by God’s Word, God’s voice of love and grace. The Holy Spirit is still inviting us to STOP DOING THIS ALONE! Sometimes the negativity and harshness of the world can seem louder than God’s voice, but it isn’t if we stop to listen and block out the other noise. I don’t know about you, but knowing that God is still speaking goodness into our lives is a source of joy! God can still speak peace and joy into our chaos. Thank you God! Wondering Questions: Think of a time when you were in trouble or having a hard time. Did anyone try to help you not make that choice and/or was there anyone who helped you when you got in trouble? Do you think God was speaking or acting through those people to help you? Song: “Word of God Speak” by Mercy Me To be still and know That you're in this place Please let me stay and rest In your holiness Word of God speak Prayer: Dear God, open my ears to hear your voice. Still my mind, so I can soak in your words. Forgive my sins and draw me closer to your will. Open my heart to answer your call to love and serve. Thank you for loving us always and forever, Amen. Week 3 Joy Challenge: God is with you. Each day record and/or share with others how you felt God with you. Be open to how God’s joy is seeping into your moments. Monday, Dec. 14, 2020 Written by Nancy Cooper

Light: Joy Candle (pink) with Hope and Peace Candles

Read: 1 Peter 1:8 Glorious, Inexpressible Joy! This passage in 1 Peter talks to us about the joy we have in Christ. In the previous two verses it talks about enduring trials and remaining strong in your faith. Everyone has experienced trials, whether it is the confusion and isolation some have faced during this pandemic, or the loss of someone you love. I have always considered myself an easy-going, joyful person and that continues today. Up until a few years ago I would have said that is because I was unusually blessed with few trials in my life. Or at least the trials I faced didn’t seem very significant compared to others. But all that changed as I faced one after another loss of dear family members, all in a relatively short period of time. By far, the hardest of these was the loss of my daughter. She was only 33 and full of life. It didn’t seem possible. For a time, my joy was greatly diminished. But now I know that my joy comes not from lack of trials, but because my faith gives me a confidence that is not my own. Because of the promise of salvation and trust in the one I cannot see, my joy continues as I am able to accept that my daughter lives on and that one day we will be reunited. So for me, grief can be overcome by glorious, inexpressible joy in a Savior who I cannot see. Wondering question: When is a time when you felt full of joy but there was no reason for it? Does your faith give you confidence even when things are hard? Song: “Go Tell It On the Mountain” When I was a seeker I sought both night and day I asked the Lord to help me And he showed me the way Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain Our Jesus Christ is born Prayer: Gracious and Loving God, thank you for the gift of Jesus which fills our hearts with joy. Help us to lean on you and trust in you even when times are hard. Amen. Week 3 Joy Challenge: God is with you. Each day record and/or share with others how you felt God with you. Be open to how God’s joy is seeping into your moments. Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020 Written by Becky Wehrman

Light: Joy Candle (pink) with Hope and Peace Candles

Read: Philippians 2:1-11 Reflecting on the events of the past years, it is becoming increasingly harder and harder to find good and not letting ourselves be overwhelmed with all the brokenness of the world. During one of my recent times being caught up with the overwhelming tragedies of 2020 and realizing Christmas will look very different this year, the song “Give This Christmas Away” popped into my head. Specifically, the words, “What if December looked different this year?” It is a Christmas song and I have not listened to it for almost a year, so I looked up the lyrics and realized, it went with the scripture I chose to write about in this devotion. How’s that for a Holy Spirit moment? The song includes the following lyrics, “For God so loved the world, He gave His only son, So we could be His hands, His feet, His love, His loves.” As we know December/Christmas will look different this year, I encourage you and your loved ones to find a way to serve in the community and “Give This Christmas Away.” Wondering Questions: What does it means to give Christmas away? How can you use your hands, feet, and voice to give away love to others this Christmas? Song: “Give This Christmas Away” by

What if December looked different this year? And your life will be changed What if we all just By the gift you receive When you give this Christmas away Give this Christmas away If there’s love in your heart It’s feeding the hungry Don’t let it stay there It’s serving the poor Give this Christmas away It’s telling the orphan You’re not forgotten anymore

Prayer: Lord, we come to you today in an uncertain world. We don’t know where tomorrow leads. 2020 has been hard for all of us. There has been so much loss. Loss of jobs, furloughs, increased racial tensions, a political battle which seems far from over, loss of family & friends, a nation divided. Even our Christmas celebrations look different this year. You know the toll this has put on all of us. As we come into this season of remembering the birth of the greatest gift of all, help us to take time remember the heart of Christmas. To live while we can, cherish the moment, make sure our loved ones know we love them, and “Give This Christmas Away.” Amen. Week 3 Joy Challenge: God is with you. Each day record and/or share with others how you felt God with you. Be open to how God’s joy is seeping into your moments. Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020 Written by Carla Hunter

Light: Joy Candle (pink) with Hope and Peace Candles

Read: John 16:20 Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy. Holidays are different after the loss of both parents. The year after my mother passed away, a Christmas potluck was planned with my immediate family. Sadly, my brother called that morning to share news about his household having caught a stomach virus. Our plans were canceled. My son and I tried to make the best of the situation. The two of us watched a movie marathon. We ate the food I agreed to bring to the potluck—sweet potatoes and red velvet cake. However, I still felt disappointed that things were so different than previous years. The next week, I was sharing our unique Christmas experience with a good friend. She was upset that I had not reached out to her and shared that we were always welcome to be a part of their holiday celebrations. And, she truly meant it! We have been invited to share Thanksgiving and Christmas meals at their home each year since we talked. I am grateful for friendship and friends who become our family. Friends often provide support, comfort and joy when we need it the most. During 2020, a lot of things are likely to be different this Christmas. Our story shows how God can reveal new and wonderful traditions and new people to love. Unexpected blessings are all around us. Wondering Questions: How will holidays look different for you this year? What new traditions will you try this year? Are there people you can check on to make sure they are not alone or sad? Song: “Unto Us” by Paul Taylor Smith All glory, glory in the highest Love is born we rejoice, we rejoice Our Emmanuel is with us Light of our salvation Jesus, Jesus king forever breaking through the night earth an heaven sing together unto us Hope has come unto us, unto us Born to us

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for bringing friends into our lives. We are grateful for the joy they give. Guide us during challenging times to reach out to friends for support and comfort. Remind us that friends can be our family at both happy and sad times. Amen. Week 3 Joy Challenge: God is with you. Each day record and/or share with others how you felt God with you. Be open to how God’s joy is seeping into your moments. Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020 Written by Madelyn Plummer

Light: Joy Candle (pink) with Hope and Peace Candles

Read: Romans 15:13 What a year this has been! It certainly has seemed like a year that could have been lacking in joy, doesn’t it? Yet…..does a pandemic and a stay at home order really have any bearing on our joy? I don’t think it has to. Now, I’m not saying I skipped through this season like a young girl in a field of wildflowers, without a care in the world. I have certainly had worries that tried to sneak in and steal my joy. Yet, the Spirit faithfully reminded me as He always does, where my joy comes from, prodding me to constantly seek Him. Every time the enemy tried to tempt me with fear, I asked God to help me focus on something joyful, to ultimately fill me with HIS joy. I experienced joy as we bought our first home, in watching our son attempt to catch his first frog in the front yard, in bringing our baby girl into the world, in watching the two of them bond as siblings, laughing as my husband dances around the kitchen before mealtime, and even in all the chaos that comes with parenthood. What better time to learn how to depend on Him for my joy than in a season of utter chaos? And now, we are ending the year with the very best joy as we celebrate the Christmas season and God sending the Christ Child to us. Immanuel, God WITH us. What better JOY could there be? Christ is with us! We are not alone! Wondering Questions: How have you made the best of being quarantined? What unexpected blessings have you experienced during quarantine? Song: “O Holy Night” Oh, holy night! The stars are brightly shining It is the night of the dear Savior's birth Long lay the world in sin and error pining Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn Prayer: Lord, I pray that You, the God of hope, would fill us with Your joy this season and always. Help us to lean not on earthly things and experiences for joy and happiness, but to seek You. We know our joy comes from You, Lord; may that joy radiate from us to everyone we meet. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Week 3 Joy Challenge: God is with you. Each day record and/or share with others how you felt God with you. Be open to how God’s joy is seeping into your moments. Friday, Dec. 18, 2020 Written by Rosemary Fisher

Light: Joy Candle (pink) with Hope and Peace Candles

Read: Luke 1:39-45 I remember, as a new mother-to-be, feeling those first little flutters of movement of my unborn child. I was uncertain at first. Did I really feel that? ‘Butterfly wings’ is how others described it, and yes, that was pretty accurate. As the months progressed, the movements were stronger and more definite. There was jabbing of elbows, kicking of little feet, even full body rolling. Imagine Mary’s cousin Elizabeth’s surprise when her baby JUMPED within her. KJV says LEAPED! The Message says SKIPPED LIKE A LAMB! What a surprise that must have been! Not a flutter or a little kick, oh no! Her baby was SKIPPING AND LEAPING AND JUMPING FOR JOY! And why? Because Jesus was near! Oh that we too would feel such joy! Wondering Questions: What about Jesus makes you want to skip with joy? How can you give God some extra praise and thank God for being so awesome today? Song: “How Great Our Joy” by Point of Grace While by the sheep we watched at night Glad tidings brought an angel bright How great our joy (Great our joy) Joy, joy, joy (Joy, joy, joy) Praise we the Lord in Heaven on high Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your willingness to come near to me. You left the splendor of heaven to come to earth to live among men. You desire to live within my heart. I welcome you into my life. Fill me with the joy of your presence as I draw near to you today. Amen Week 3 Joy Challenge: God is with you. Each day record and/or share with others how you felt God with you. Be open to how God’s joy is seeping into your moments.

Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020 Written by Lorene Royer

Light: Joy Candle (pink) with Hope and Peace Candles

Read: Luke 1:46-55 “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed…..” In today’s scripture, Mary is singing a song of joy at the news brought by the angel Gabriel; that she had been chosen to give birth to the Son of God. What an unlikely scenario! She was a young woman, no more than fourteen or fifteen, and unmarried. And even though she could not understand the news the angel had proclaimed she accepted it, by faith, with humility and joy! In these difficult times of COVID many people are having a hard time finding any joy in their lives. But even in difficult times we find there are things to be thankful for each day. As we look for little things to be grateful for we will find joy returns to us! During this season of Advent we find joy in the promised coming of our Savior, Jesus, “For behold, I bring you good news of great joy! “ (Luke 2:10b). What brings you joy today? A simple formula for finding joy is to focus on Jesus first, others second, and yourself third. JOY, JOY, JOY! Wondering Questions: What is the best news you have ever received? Does it still bring you joy to think about? Since singing can bring you joy, what songs help you show your joy for knowing Jesus? Song: “Joy to the World” Joy to the world Joy to the world Joy to the world, the Lord is come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room And Heaven and nature sing And Heaven and nature sing And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing Prayer: Father, thank you for the precious gift of your Son Jesus and the joy He brings into our lives! Amen. Week 3 Joy Challenge: God is with you. Each day record and/or share with others how you felt God with you. Be open to how God’s joy is seeping into your moments.

Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 Written by Pastor Curtis Olsen

Light: Love Candle (purple) with the Hope, Peace and Joy Candles

Read: John 1:1-14 I love Christmas lights! I enjoy driving up and seeing them on my house. I will sit in the light of our Christmas tree and other indoor decorations to experience the season. The hard part for me is that at some point, we take the lights down. I am usually the last house in the neighborhood to take down our lights. Why, because the darkness doesn’t look as good, not as welcoming, not as loving. Why would I want to go back into darkness once we have all of our Christmas lights shining bright at night! I love how the book of John begins. The first words announce the significance of Jesus, who is the light of the world and is the Word made flesh. As we read: What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1:3b-5, NRSV) The darkness did not overcome it! That’s the power of light, wherever light is present, there is no darkness. In the same way, Jesus overcomes the darkness of this world. There is nothing that can remain hidden through him. His light brings life and light to the world. We don’t have to be afraid because of his light. And why does Jesus come down to earth as the light of the world? Because he loves us and wants us to know his light! Love is bringing the world out of darkness, out of sin and despair, so that we can know a better way of living. Then, darkness cannot win because the light shines through. So this year, keep your Christmas lights on longer into the year! Let your let shine to bring hope, love, joy, and peace to you and your neighbors! Wondering Question: What does lighting a candle on Christmas Eve mean to you? What do you think when you hear that Jesus is the light of the world? Song: “Jesus Light of the World” by Third Day Jesus, light of the world Shine through the darkness, bright as the day Jesus, light of the world Shine in our hearts, show us the way tonight Prayer: Thank you Jesus for being the light of the world. Because of you, we don’t have to be afraid of the darkness, but we can be beacons of love! Shine through us this Christmas so that all may know of your birth! Through Christ’s Love we pray, Amen. Week 4 Love Challenge: How can you be a light to others? What can you do today to show someone love? Record or share with someone how you offered love and light to others, along with how you received love and light from others today. Monday, Dec. 21, 2020 Written by Carla Hunter

Light: Love Candle (purple) with the Hope, Peace and Joy Candles

Read: Matthew 5:14-16 One of my favorite holiday traditions as a young girl was going to the Christmas Eve service. My family would sit in our usual pew. We would sing carols together and then pass the lit candle to each other during “Silent Night.” The candlelight inside the small church along with the special music was a highlight of the season for me. One Christmas Eve my older brother announced that he would prefer to stay home on Christmas Eve. My parents did not object to his decision as he was a freshman in college. I wondered how he could possibly make this choice. Later that evening when my parents and I returned home, the house appeared dark. However, when my mom opened the front door, we saw a beautiful surprise. While we were away, my brother had lit all of the candles decorating our home for the holidays. A variety of blue and white candles reflected off the mirror above the fireplace. There were tall tapers on stands rising above the dining room table. Even the Advent candles burned brightly on the wreath in the living room. As an added touch, Christmas carols played on a record player downstairs. My mom was overwhelmed with joy. I remember her smile in the glow of the candlelight. This thoughtful gesture was one of the best gifts my brother could have given. He had noticed her work and preparation for the holidays and had found a way to give back to her. We can share the light with others in many different ways. And, sometimes, we might even see the light in a new, but special way. Wondering Questions: What is your favorite holiday tradition? How can we share the light of Jesus with others in new ways? Song: “Silent Night” Christ the Savior is born! Silent night, holy night Son of God, oh, love's pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, Lord at Thy birth Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the light and love you give to us. Help us share the light with others through our thoughtful and caring deeds. Let us recognize and appreciate the actions of others even when they are different than our expectations. Let us remember to give back in a meaningful way to those who give to us. Amen. Week 4 Love Challenge: How can you be a light to others? What can you do today to show someone love? Record or share with someone how you offered love and light to others, along with how you received love and light from others today. Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, 2020 Written by Josh and Kara Schaller

Light: Love Candle (purple) with the Hope, Peace and Joy Candles

Read: 1 John 2:7-14 We live in divided times. Conservatives vs Liberals. Apple vs. Android. Coke vs. Pepsi. Egg Nog vs. Any other drink, because Eggnog is disgusting. It appears that no one can meet in the middle. Everything is either the greatest thing of all time or pure garbage, and people are either incredibly intelligent or evil monsters. When we are so blinded by these things that don’t truly define us, it is hard to see people for what they truly are, our brothers and sisters in Christ. We know that we aren’t perfect, but Jesus came to Earth so that we may be forgiven. If he was able to make the ultimate sacrifice for us, we too should be able to forgive our Uncle Ted at Christmas dinner for talking like he does every year (and we all have an Uncle Ted). If we continue to live in hate and let it grow, it encroaches on every aspect of our lives and we live in darkness. God wants what’s best for us. He intends for us to live in His light. Where can you choose to lean across the aisle, choose to live in God’s light, and learn to love someone today? Wondering Questions: Who is like Uncle Ted (someone hard to get along with) in your family or maybe one of your friends? How can you show that person grace this holiday and through the new year? Song: “Give Me Your Eyes” by Brandon Heath Give me your eyes for just one second Give me your eyes so I can see, Everything that I keep missing, Give your love for humanity. Give me your arms for the broken-hearted The ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten. Give me Your eyes so I can see. Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for showing and reminding us that because of Jesus, we are in the light. Forgive us for when we act like we live in darkness and fail to show others your light. We are so quick to judge or hate based on things that are not important to you, God. Lord, please help us to see others as you see them, precious and loved, and heal any hate that resides within us. Help us to notice where we cause others to hurt. Give us a second chance to see the way you’ve seen the people all along. Help us put our trust in you, and know in our hearts you have overcome the evil one. Help us be more like you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Week 4 Love Challenge: How can you be a light to others? What can you do today to show someone love? Record or share with someone how you offered love and light to others, along with how you received love and light from others today.

Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, 2020 Written by Christi Brietzke

Light: Love Candle (purple) with the Hope, Peace and Joy Candles

Read: Luke 2:1-7 Life is full of surprises. COVID-19 was definitely a surprise. We isolated ourselves and find ourselves isolating again. In the midst of all this, we have discovered how much we miss simple things such as human touch, singing in a choir, filling our church to the back for Christmas celebrations. We may find ourselves wondering if God is still with us? Does He see what we are dealing with? How can His plan work with the mess our world is in? Mary and Joseph certainly could not have been excited about a huge trip when she was nine months pregnant. They must have wondered if God was truly in this? Can’t you imagine Joseph’s panic when he could not find a place for them to stay so Mary could deliver her baby? Yet God was present even as they delivered that baby in a cave and placed him in a manger to sleep. God is present here as well. Even when our crazy world tries to interfere with God’s plans He is still in charge, He is still with us and His Love is still constant. God’s promises remain. That little baby grew up and made us a promise: “I am with you ALWAYS!” That was true long ago and is still true today. Wondering Questions: I wonder what it would be like to sleep in a cave (an animal stable in Bethlehem)? How could you make the best of it? How are you asking God to help you make the best of the messiness or things that are different in your life? Song: “Away in a Manger” Away in a manger No crib for His bed The little Lord Jesus Lay down His sweet head The stars in the sky Look down where He lay The little Lord Jesus Asleep on the hay Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for being you-for having charge over the universe and yet still loving even me with all my faults in a personal, one-to-one relationship. Thank you for Jesus: his life, his sacrifice, his promise. Help us to feel your Spirit pouring out love upon us even amid difficult times. We love and adore you, In Jesus’ name, Amen Week 4 Love Challenge: How can you be a light to others? What can you do today to show someone love? Record or share with someone how you offered love and light to others, along with how you received love and light from others today. Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2020 Written by Rosemary Fisher

Light: Christ Candle (white) with the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love Candles

Read: Luke 2:8-20 Waiting was hard. I was expecting an important phone call any day. But every minute that passed felt like a century. I was looking forward to the good news, but when? When? Not today … hopefully tomorrow. Finally the phone rang. Finally! The news thrilled me. My Marine son was home from a year’s deployment to the battlefields in Afghanistan. He was home. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops! I called everyone I knew. I posted it on Facebook. My son is here! I’m not sure the shepherds were expecting the call they got! A sky full of shining, singing, shouting angels? But the news was certainly thrilling? They hurried to Bethlehem to see and it was true! There’s a baby in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, just like the angels said. God’s son is here? And, just like me, they felt compelled to tell everyone. This news was too good to keep to themselves? Everyone needs to know. GOD’S SON IS HERE! Glory to God in the highest! Wondering Questions: When have you gotten really good news and what did you do with that news? How can you be like the shepherds today and share the good news of Jesus with someone today? Song: “Go Tell” – by The Martins Once you’ve seen that shining star You can’t keep it to your self - Oh No Go Tell it near and Far , He is Emmanuel You Gotta Go Tell – oh yes you do Go tell it to your sister, Go Tell your brother too Tell it to everybody you meet Tell you got good news. Prayer: Holy Child, how can we keep silent? We shout Glory to God in the highest. We sing praises this day, for you have come to earth, born as a child. You lived as our teacher and example. You died as a sacrifice for our sins. You rose to give us hope of eternal life. Oh no, we can not be silent. Like the shepherds, we want to tell everyone about you. The whole world needs to know. God’s son is here. Amen. Week 4 Love Challenge: How can you be a light to others? What can you do today to show someone love? Record or share with someone how you offered love and light to others, along with how you received love and light from others today. Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2020 Written by Bill and Beth McKeehan Christmas Day #1 Light: Christ Candle (white) with the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love Candles

Read: Luke 2:21-40 Simeon—a devout and righteous man was waiting for ‘the consolation of Israel!” Consolation means comfort; in this sense, help or rescue. The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon in the temple that Jesus WAS the promised salvation (consolation) for Israel and a ‘ light for revelation to the Gentiles.’ Also to the prophetess Anna who worshiped day and night in the temple. Jesus was revealed. She ‘gave thanks to God and spoke to all about Jesus’ who would redeem Israel. God provided these two righteous witnesses who were waiting and looking for something. (Deuteronomy 19:15) We now know that Jesus was the answer to their hopeful waiting. He was their consolation and future redemption. As was true over 20,000 years ago, Jesus is still our consolation and offers redemption. He is the Light of the world. Do you see Him? Let the Holy Spirit lead you into His consolation and redemption today. Wondering Questions: Now that Christmas is here how will you keep hope, peace, joy and love in your heart all year, because of Jesus? How can speaking of Jesus change the world? Song: “I Speak Jesus “by Here be Lions @Integrity Music I Just Want to Speak Jesus … 'Cause Your name is power Your name is healing Your name is life Break every stronghold Shine through the shadows Burn like a fire Prayer: Jesus, Open our hearts to your consolation/redemption. Renew our trust and hope in You as we turn our eyes toward You—the Light of the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Week 4 Love Challenge: How can you be a light to others? What can you do today to show someone love? Record or share with someone how you offered love and light to others, along with how you received love and light from others today.

12 Days of Christmas

Don’t forget the Christmas season technically started yesterday and there are 12 days of Christmas. Here is a simple way to keep the focus on the birth of the Christ Child.

 Each day light all the candles in your advent wreath (five candles),

 Read the scriptures listed below, and

 Pray: God, please keep the light of Jesus, my savior and King, shining brightly in me. May your hope, peace, joy and love strengthen me and pour out into all my relationships. As 2021 starts, fill me with your grace and may your will be done in my life! In the Holy Spirit’s power I pray, Amen.

 Let the Spirit move in you and follow God’s leading.

Christmas Day #2 (12/26/20) - Psalm 96 Christmas Day #3 (12/27/20) - Titus 2:11-14 Christmas Day #4 (12/28/20) - Psalm 97 Christmas Day #5 (12/29/20) - Hebrews 1:5-12 Christmas Day #6 (12/30/20) - Psalm 98 Christmas Day #7 (12/31/20) - Galatians 4:4-7 Christmas Day #8 (1/1/21) - Revelation 21:1-6a Christmas Day #9 (1/2/21) - Psalm 8 Christmas Day #10 (1/3/21) - Matthew 25:31-46 Christmas Day #11 (1/4/21) - Psalm 147 12-20 Christmas Day #12 (1/5/21) - John 1:10-18

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Happy New Year!