Woodmar United Methodist Church Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

Pastor Esta Rosario December 2020 & January 2021


Dear Families and Friends of Woodmar UMC,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Happy New Year! Yes, I do realize that we are just beginning the month of December, so I will say it again…Happy New Year! For Christians, ADVENT is the beginning of the liturgical year, and No- vember 29th is the first Sunday in Advent…Happy New Year!

The four weeks leading up to Christmas mark a special time in the life of the church. During Advent we are invited to slow down…to reflect on what the birth of the baby Jesus means not just for us, but for everyone! We are also invited to reflect on how the Second Coming of Christ impacts our lives today…how Christ gives our lives meaning and purpose. Advent is a time of introspection…waiting… watching…being alert…of expectant hope for the future.

I shared in the November Pylon that we are beginning a new tradition at Woodmar…we’re going to give this Christmas away. Last year during Advent, I preached a series called “The Advent Conspira- cy.” As you already know, I realized during my preparation for the first Sunday of Advent that this sort of series needs a longer prep time for ALL of us to take action together, so I preached the series again in July. I’ll be preaching the same series with different scriptures & different sermons, but the same themes in Advent. I invite you to prepare your hearts for Advent by reading and meditating on these scriptures the week leading up to each Sunday.

Sunday, November 29, 2020, ADVENT I: Worship Fully in Daily Living Mark 13:24-37 Sunday, December 6, ADVENT II: Prepare the Way by Spending Less Mark 1:1-8 Sunday, December 13, ADVENT III: Be a Witness by Giving More John 1:6-8, 19-28 Sunday, December 20, ADVENT IV: God Sent Jesus to Help Us Love All Luke 1:26-38

You should have received your Advent Devotional by now. If you haven’t, please, please contact the church office via email: [email protected] or phone 219-844-3030, and we will get one to you!

The purpose of participating in “The Advent Conspiracy” is to raise our awareness of how easy it is to get pulled into the secular Christmas and to remind us that we are called to so much more than the world offers us. We are to worship fully every single day with the way we live, to spend less, to give more and to love all. “The Advent Conspiracy” is helping us reshape our thinking about Christmas in a way that is more in line with who we are as followers of Jesus. This year, will you please prayerfully consider giving sacrificially to a project that cannot be accomplished as individuals and will make a difference in the community?

During Advent we have many opportunities for sharing the resources God has entrusted to us: 1. Reverse Advent - Every day throughout Advent (November 29th - December 24th), thank God for your blessings and set aside a non-perishable food item (canned vegetables, fruits, soups) to donate to the Hammond First United Methodist Food Pantry. By December 24th you will have collected 26 cans of food to donate. Together, we will make a positive impact on hunger in our community!

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2. Save $$ to give generously to the Literacy Project we will be launching in January 2021. The government subsidized program for Women, Infants & Children (WIC) is allowing us to give a Ziploc bag with a children's book and a tip sheet for reading with children. This is a beautiful opportunity for us to invest in the children of our community. Let's conspire to approach Christmas differently this year and give sacrificially to this effort. Please mark "Literacy Project" on the memo line of your check. (We are able to purchase a board book Brown Bear, Brown Bear for $5.50 through Scholastic. $275 will allow us to assemble 50 bags to launch our Literacy Project. Beloved Children of God...how many literacy bags will we be able to fill in January 2021? I can't wait to see how God's Holy Spirit moves in us and through us!)

3. The Bishop's Children's Offering: The offering we receive for Christmas Eve will go towards The Bishop's Children's Offering. These funds are used to help children around the world and in local communities. Let's conspire to approach Christmas differently this year and give sacrificially to this effort! Please mark "Bishop's Offering" on the memo line of your check.

I invite you to listen to this song as you prayerfully consider how you will choose to steward the resources God has entrusted to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BVGkb5bxRY. Here are the lyrics by :

What if I told you, you have the power to give someone hope far beyond their wildest dreams? What if I told you it’s right there in your hands? In your hands. It's hard to imagine how something so small can make all the difference, tear down the tallest wall. What if December looked different this year? What if we all just give this Christmas away? If there’s love in your heart, don’t let it stay there. Give this Christmas away, and your life will be changed by the gift you receive when you give this Christmas away. It’s feeding the hungry; it’s serving the poor; It’s telling the orphan: You’re not forgotten anymore. It’s doing what love does even when no one’s watching you. Give this Christmas away. If there’s love in your heart, don’t let it stay there. Give this Christmas away, and your life will be changed by the gift you receive when you give this Christmas away. For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, So we could be His hands, His feet, His love…His love. What if I told you, you have the power to give someone hope far beyond their wildest dreams? What if December looked different this year? What if we all just give this Christmas away? If there’s love in your heart, don’t let it stay there. Give this Christmas away, and your life will be changed by the gift you receive when you give this Christmas away.

During this blessed season of expectant hope and joy, may we learn to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all…for the glory of God! Amen.

Conspiring with you to share the love & joy of Jesus! Pastor Esta


ZOOM Evening Prayers

Monday - Thursday at 8PM we are gathering for 15 minutes via Zoom for Evening Prayers. If you have a specific prayer request you would like to have lifted up, please email me by 7:30PM: ero- [email protected] and I will include your request in our prayers. It is a meaningful time of con- nection and uniting in prayer during these uncertain times. If you haven't logged in to Zoom before, I suggest beginning to log on by 7:40 or 7:45 to allow time for your computer or device to download the Zoom app. The first time it may take several minutes to get into the meeting. If you prefer, you may simply call the number listed below to enter the meet- ing. Calling in allows you to hear the meeting and to share if you'd like to!

Esta Rosario is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Evening Prayers Time: Sep 24, 2020 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every week on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, until Feb 16, 2021, 50 occurrence(s)

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZIqc-mvpjIqG92O4nnGJttwJF3gUnC0pmfa/ics? icsToken=98tyKuGuqT8qHdycsBiORpwAB4-gc-3xiFhfjfoPs0vrDQd5dhfhHMQRNYdxM4jA

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86740789019?pwd=ZUdsaU9vcmpGNmd5V085RzljcmZoZz09

Meeting ID: 867 4078 9019 Passcode: 544563

One tap mobile +13126266799,,86740789019#,,,,,,0#,,544563# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 867 4078 9019# Passcode: 544563


Our Racial Equity Habit Building Discussion Group is launching a Literacy Project in Hammond in January 2021. Through the month of December (and beyond!) we will raise funds to support this project. The government subsidized program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) has agreed to allow us to provide a Ziploc bag with a board book and tips for reading with young children for their clients. If you are interested in learning more about this, please contact Pastor Esta via calling/texting 219-669-4201 or email: [email protected].


THE ADVENT CONSPIRACY STUDY will meet on the following days/times via ZOOM: WEDNESDAY STUDY WEEK 1, Worship Fully: Wednesday, November 18th at 6:30PM WEEK 2, Spend Less: Wednesday, December 2nd at 6:30PM WEEK3, Give More: Wednesday, December 9th at 6:30PM WEEK 4, Love All: Wednesday, December 16th at 6:30PM

Esta Rosario is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Advent Conspiracy Wednesday Evenings Time: Dec 2, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every week on Wed, until Dec 16, 2020, 3 occurrence(s) Dec 2, 2020 06:30 PM Dec 9, 2020 06:30 PM Dec 16, 2020 06:30 PM Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZcocemtqTIjGte7KpenjKBLUwBLSn5GhFBc/ics? icsToken=98tyKuGrqz0qH9OcuRmERpwqGY_oc-_wtlhEjbdYyzT1Bi5ZSSHaA_VgHoFxRf_Y

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83560579903?pwd=aWI2cVluWFFKUXgxTHQxdm52c05IZz09

Meeting ID: 835 6057 9903 Passcode: 636835

Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 835 6057 9903 Passcode: 636835 TUESDAY STUDY WEEK 1, Worship Fully: Tuesday, November 24th at 10AM WEEK 2, Spend Less: Tuesday, December 1st at 10AM WEEK 3, Give More: Tuesday, December 8th at 10AM WEEK 4, Love All: Tuesday, December 15th at 10AM Esta Rosario is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Advent Conspiracy Tuesday Mornings Time: Nov 24, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Every week on Tue, until Dec 15, 2020, 4 occurrence(s) Nov 24, 2020 10:00 AM Dec 1, 2020 10:00 AM Dec 8, 2020 10:00 AM Dec 15, 2020 10:00 AM Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZcrcOuuqjwsHdKwRFuX8CeSDWIIKyXC2OrB/ics? icsToken=98tyKuGrqDwoHNCSth6BRpwqBI_Ca-7wiGZdgqd2iy3DFhgLQQbFEtVrG5lmKPuC

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83672647676?pwd=WW83aUVzK3N4enRYUlhHUUV4WGZoQT09

Meeting ID: 836 7264 7676 Passcode: 886960 One tap mobile +13126266799,,83672647676#,,,,,,0#,,886960# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 836 7264 7676# Passcode: 886960 4


“Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” - Galatians 6:2 (CEB) Friends, We are at an unprecedented time in history. In just the past few weeks, we have witnessed a rapid in- crease of positive COVID-19 cases across the state, nation and world setting new daily and weekly records nearly every day. This news is alarming and requires all of us to make difficult but necessary decisions for the Indiana Conference of The United Methodist Church. “There is a tremendous risk with this virus. It spreads really, really easily. The next 8-12 weeks are critical. Anything the Church can do to reduce gatherings will be helpful to slow the spread. We must take this very seriously,” said Kristen Kelley, Director of Infection Prevention, IU Health Since it is a fact that church worship gatherings are key sources of the spread of COVID-19, it is the recommendation of your Bishop that all churches should suspend in-person worship and in-person meetings of groups for the foreseeable future until the number of COVID cases improve. This will likely include making alternative plans for the holidays. This is particularly true for churches in counties and communities where hospitals are reporting excessive demands due to the rising number of COVID admissions.

We do not make this recommendation lightly, but offer it through an abundance of caution, a continued commitment to our 3 General Rules: Do no harm, Do good, and Stay in love with God; and because “loving our neighbor” is at the top of our priority list. Remember, a life saved this winter is a life saved to journey with us into the next year.

Please note that we are not closing the Church! We are not out of business! But I am calling on all pastors to use their authority to make wise and bold decisions for their community, and I am calling for all Indiana United Methodists to continue ministry in creative and innovative ways like you have been for the past 7 months. “We need to be willing to do the hard things and to make sacrifices in the short term for the benefit of all in the long term,” said Rev. Kevin Armstrong, Chief of Staff, IU Health We encourage you to watch the COVID Town Hall video on the INUMC website as well as resources discussed in that webinar (Nov. 16). Over the past several months I have shared some suggested actions you can take in your local church. Additionally, here are some of those suggestions (with a few new ones): • Follow the 3 Ws: Wash your hands; watch your distance; wear your mask. • Isolate yourself if you believe you have been exposed to the Coronavirus. Call one of the many free screening hotlines or online sites for guidance and/or talk with your doctor to determine next steps. • Quarantine yourself at the first signs of symptoms for 14 days since your last contact with someone who was ill (even family in your household). Learn more: https://www.cdc.gov/ coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/quarantine.html • Continue with socially-distanced outdoor and drive-in worship (as weather permits). • Continue to care for the vulnerable persons in your community with appropriate precautions (food banks, meal programs, etc). • Go online with worship, studies and small groups. Use Zoom, Facebook, and/or any of the variety of other platforms available. • Pray. • Focus on what you CAN do, rather than what you cannot.

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Here’s some good news: I believe a great revival is coming in 2021. We may be making sacrifices now, but you have never seen a reunion like the one we are going to have at the end of this pandemic. Our God is good, and God is not done with us yet. Hold on a little while longer. Stay strong. Remain faithful. And as always…

Be encouraged,

Bishop Julius C. Trimble Resident Bishop Indiana Conference of The United Methodist Church

Due to the rise in positive COVID-19 cases in our county and the letter from the Bishop, our Church Council has prayerfully, painstakingly decided to suspend in-person worship and all other in-person activities at Woodmar UMC until the positivity rate is at 5% or below in Lake County. Like Bishop Trimble stated, our church is NOT closed! We are actively engaging in ministry in new and creative ways. IF you have not been able to attend ZOOM Evening Prayer, one of our studies or Sunday Fellowship, please, please call me at 219-669-4201 and I will teach you how to do this. We are in this together, and, someday, we will come out on the other side of this pandemic. In the meantime, let’s stay connected to each other as best we can and stay in love with God! - Pastor Esta

NEW VISION STATEMENT FOR WUMC When I was appointed to Woodmar UMC in July 2017, I learned that the vision statement was: “Growing hope, embracing the community, nurturing the spirit and following Jesus.” All four of these actions are beautiful and are in line with our call to Our Mission: live life intentionally with our neighbors. The one drawback in this statement is that it’s difficult to remember, and it’s important to have a vision To make disciples of statement that everyone can easily memorize. Jesus Christ for the transformation of During the summer our Conference asked pastors to form three teams: the Logistics Team, the Learnings Team, and the Leading Team. The Leading the world. Team is the visionary team…the ones who help us to continue moving forward in ministry in new and creative ways. Through prayerful discernment, looking at the example of Jesus, the nudges of the Holy Spirit Our Vision: and meaningful conversation with the Church Council, we have adopted a new vision statement: “Go. Teach. Love.” Go. Teach. Love. We asked the question, “How did Jesus live?” By reading the Gospels we learn that: 1.Jesus was well-versed in Scripture. 2.Jesus met people where they were and invited them to a deeper place. 3.Jesus led by example. 4.Jesus saw people. 5.Jesus’ actions were driven by love.

My friends, let’s live by Jesus’ example and “Go. Teach. Love.”

To God be all the glory!

With Joyful Gratitude, Pastor Esta


Dear Woodmar family, We will not be together in person this December. We pray to be back to in-person worship sometime late January or February, depending on the number of new cases of Covid. But, fear not...Jesus, the Son of God will still come on Christmas Day. He is always with us. His love never fails us. As we look to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, let us keep one another in our thoughts and prayers. If you have a church directory, look at each person’s name and pray for them. Know that you are doing this in the company of the rest of our church family. Feel the love of each other and of our King of Kings, born on Christmas Day. We will also not be together on New Year’s Day. But, we are one in the Spirit. We are together in God’s boundless love. Pray for the new year to be filled with faith, love, peace, and good health for all. In Jesus’ name.

PLEASE PRAY THIS News to share? PRAYER EVERY The DAY: February Holy Spirit, fill me BOOK CLUB and empower me Pylon for the work to Please note that deadline is which you have the church office Monday, called me. Holy Woodmar th will be staffed Jan. 18 . Spirit, fill Woodmar Book Club minimally during United Methodist this time. We are Church and empow- er us for the work working from Our Mission: to which you have home and coming called us through in when To make disciples of Jesus Christ our necessary as we Jesus Christ for the Lord. Amen. did March through transformation of PEOPLE OF September. The WOODMAR, WHO best way to reach the world. ARE YOU? Please join us us is by email: I am a beloved child Via office@woodmaru Our Vision: of God, called and Zoom mc.org. sent to make a Go. Teach. Love. difference in the world.



Perseverance! “and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Fixing our eyes on Jesus.” Hebrews 12:1-2 Navigating the complexities of operating Community Preschool and Childcare during this season of COVID has been challenging. We will continue to serve children and families while adhering to the CDC Guidelines. We are grateful for our committed staff who continue to pull together to provide a safe and enriching environment for children despite the many challenges. Our annual Christmas Pageant will not be done this year. We are making plans to video classes that choose to act out the Christmas Story on a much smaller scale. Sharing the Christmas story with children is our priority.

Our program will be closed for the two weeks of Christmas and New Year’s. This decision was made prior to the pandemic and based upon four years of data. In January we should have the decision of our NAEYC or National Association of the Education of Young Children, accreditation visit. We recently had our long-awaited validation visit for national accreditation of our program. The validator visited two of our classrooms that were randomly chosen and poured through two large portfolios of documentation and evidence of our adherence to the high standards of a NAEYC accreditation. We were scheduled to have the visit last Spring. We are thankful that our visit was done prior to this recent spike that curtails validation visits. It is with perseverance and hope that we continue to serve the children, families and staff of our beloved community.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Staff of Community Preschool and Childcare! Janet Benson, Macayla Borys, Nicole Borys, Annette Dimos, Bailey Arnold, Shanee’ Howleit, Donna Hough, Sonja Moore, Karianne Padilla, Sandra Palmerin, Lisa Romero and Cyndi Slaboski



WOODMAR UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Woodmar United Methodist women will hold their annual Christmas event on December 12th via Zoom. Everyone in the church is invited to attend. To receive a Zoom invitation and link just notify the church office ahead of time. We will have a short program and an opportunity to share our memories of past Christmases. Everyone can enjoy refreshments of choice in their own home while participating.

Deborah Circle has made Christmas bags which they will take to homebound church members. Also, the UMW will be collecting hats, mittens and scarves to distribute to the needy when it is safe to do so. The UMW council and both circles will continue to meet jointly via Zoom on the second Monday of the month at 4:00 p.m.


Scrip cards are available from the church office by calling or emailing us in advance. We have some items on hand and can place special orders if we have enough orders. You may also follow the instructions below to order cards yourself.

Directions to order Scrip on-line You can go online any time and place an order. You can use their system (PrestoPay) to have funds deducted from your bank account, or you can bring a check or cash to the church. Your order will actually be placed when the church places its order on Monday morning (10 AM) and your cards will be mailed to the church with the rest of the church's order. Go to www.shopwithscrip.com Go to Family Sign-Up and fill out the information. If they ask for the Enrollment Code, use 468B999932775 The church must approve you to use Presto Pay for the first time. If you sign up for PrestoPay, they will email you a number. Forward that email to the church office at [email protected]. We will accept you for Presto Pay and you will be able to use it from then on. If your checking account is overdrawn and PrestoPay is returned, our church is charged $30, which you will be responsible for paying. In some cases, you can reload cards on-line or purchase Scrip instantly with a paper printout from your printer.


A Caregiver can be almost anyone helping another. Each caregiver needs time to regroup and breathe! There has been a calling team working hard to try to keep in touch with our We have not been able to meet at The church members. Wheel since February and are not sure when we will be back, but if you need If you have a need or a prayer request, please contact the church office and to talk to someone, please give the leave a message or email the church church office a call and we will have [email protected] someone reach out to you!


With the coming of

fall comes the

possibility of freezing

temperatures. This is

an important time to

keep the The Paws for Peace volunteers Blessing Box full, (four legged!) miss visiting their but please, friends at Hartsfield Village. do not bring anything (as do their pet-parents!) in glass jars. They

might freeze and They plan to take Christmas to the break! Canned goods residents even if they cannot visit in and boxed goods person. (not expired) will be the best! Thank you!


Publication’s title The Pylon (Tax ID 35-0988814)

The AA groups continue to meet in the AA room in Issue date/frequency/ Nov. 23, 2020 published monthly, our basement. number Issue No. 118 Authorized organiza- Woodmar United Methodist Church Brianna’s Hope and the Grow Group will resume tion’s address 7320 Northcote Ave., Hammond, IN meeting when the church is back to in-person 46324 Contact information Office email: [email protected] worship. Pastor’s email: [email protected] Web: www.woodmarumc.org Phone 219-844-3030 Fax 844-3038 Sunday Schedule: Children’s Sunday School-9AM normal Worship-10AM, Children’s Church- 10:15 Coffee fellowship following 10

December Birthdays January Birthdays

12/02 Echo Brambert 1/02 Prudi Leslie 12/19 Madeline Brambert 1/06 Nancy Craig 12/20 Jackie Lewis 1/06 Sarah Austin 12/21 James Wendell 1/09 Kristen Slaboski 12/23 Cyndi Slaboski 1/11 Emily Morgan 12/24 Ed Baggett 1/23 Steve Meeker 12/27 Barb Iler 12/31 Barbara Meeker


The December missions are the Bishop's Children's Offering, the Literacy Project and the Reverse Advent Calendar. The January mission is Torre Fuerte United Methodist Church in East Chica- go. A Reverse Advent Calendar is where you give something dai- ly. It works like this: each day of Advent (November 29 - Decem- ber 24) place a non-perishable food item into a box for the food pantry at Hammond FUMC. This year, they are requesting canned soups, canned vegetables and canned fruits. You may bring your box of canned goods to the church on Christmas Eve from 10AM - 2PM OR the week of January 4th during office hours. The boxes will be taken to Hammond FUMC to help stock their food pantry. Thank you for your generosity.

FINANCES October ended with expenses over income of $4,685.00. We had to pay the mortgage from the current expenses due to lack of funds in the mortgage account. Year to Date, the bottom line shows expenses over income of $2,847.00, which is not too bad considering the year we have all had. That does include the government loan in the spring. The Capital Campaign has a total of $88,000 and the roofs are currently being replaced! Community Preschool had expenses over income of $3,205.00 for October and for the three months of their fiscal year expenses over income of $14,170.00. Grant opportunities are being explored to help with finances. Everyone please stay safe and have a good holiday season!!

OCTOBER FINANCIALS Income for budgeted expenses Budgeted expenses Unbudgeted Income, Special Donations 9,495 Program expenses (910) Funds Rental income 1,585 Building related 6,472 Missions 30 Foundation Staff expenses 9,750 Capital Campaign 2,255 Fundraisers 160 Office Supplies 589 Mortgage Fund 860 Scrip (587) Apportionments 700 Property Maintenance 1,080 Misc Finance & Fees 49 Memorial Preschool 1,310 Total 16,650 Altar Flowers /Communion 81 Total 11,963 PPP/Covid 19 YTD Operating income to October operating income to Interest income 1 expenses +/- (2,849) expenses +/- (4,685) Coffee machine Other unbudgeted income Total 4,307


Woodmar United Methodist Church 7320 Northcote Ave Hammond, IN 46324-2943 Phone (219)844-3030 www.woodmarumc.org


Please join us Sunday mornings for praise and worship at 10AM.

THANK YOU to Cathy Gonzalez and Sonya for cooking, baking and packing the 38 Thanksgiving dinners that were delivered on Sunday, November 22nd! It truly is a labor of love for them! We are also thankful for those who donated food towards this dinner: Pete & Fran Vukovich, Chuck & Judy Anderson, Nancy Jarmula, the Hammond Mohawks who donated 3 turkeys, and Applebees who donated garlic mashed potatoes and green beans. Thank you to all of the people who serve on the Phone Calling Ministry Team who requested the RSVPs, to Nancy Tatum who kept a running list, and to the people who delivered the meals: Rosanna Fowler, Roylene Keslin, Joan Link, Pastor Esta and Fran Vukovich. Last but not least, thank you, Luis Raggadas for helping Cathy & Sonya clean up afterwards. It truly was a team effort! Happy Thanksgiving to all!