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Vol. 23, No. 6◆◆ July/August 2010 Multiple AC Charge Revolutionary New Coupler Standards for Electrohydraulic Brake System EVs Emerge Integrated Brake System Is Smaller, function of brake force amplification, Lighter, Simpler which in conventional systems requires a DC Fast Charging Standards Still in vacuum booster, as well as the pressure Early Stages Thomas Leiber—son of Heinz Leiber, modulation at each wheel in ABS/ESC With automotive electronics standards the man who invented ABS—chose last mode. The EC motor provides extremely like CAN, FlexRay, Autosar and Genivi, month’s automotive electronics confer- accurate pressure control and thus signifi- the Germans have been the pioneers, but ence in Ludwigsburg, Germany, to disclose cantly shorter braking distances, espe- when it comes to connecting plug-in elec- the details of his integrated modular brake cially on slippery roads, with no trade-off tric vehicles to the grid, it is the Ameri- system (IBS), a development he and his in stability. Winter road tests in March of cans, with cooperation from the Japanese, father have been working on for six years this year showed single-digit percentage who have been out front on standards. at their firm, LSP Innovative Automo- improvements in the stopping distances of “We always invited anyone to attend tive Systems GmbH. The new electrohy- an LSP test car, a Golf V equipped with our meetings, but I think we did get an draulic braking system, which fully IBS, compared with a Golf VI with ESP early step into this,” said Gery Kissel, an integrates hydraulic braking, ABS and Plus. The company expects to see even engineering specialist with General Mo- ESP into a much-simplified package, is greater improvements in the future. tors and the SAE J1772 task force leader, not only superior in functionality to con- The motor has an integrated ball screw who began work on the AC coupler stan- ventional pneumatic/hydraulic systems in that moves a piston of a tandem master dard more than three years ago. “We had mass production today, but is less expen- cylinder (TMC). In normal braking, the new product coming down the pike [the sive to manufacture, since it is half the piston is moved forward to amplify brake GM Volt extended range electric vehicle] weight, one-third the volume and 70 mil- force with all four valves open. When the and we knew we needed a standard. The limeters shorter. target pressure is reached, the piston re- Japanese, through JARI, have been IBS replaces most of the components mains in a defined position or the valves aboard from day one,” he added. JARI is used in ABS/ESC systems today. There is are closed to maintain pressure. In ABS the Japan Automobile Research Institute. no vacuum pump, no vacuum booster and mode, the pressure at each wheel must be Mr. Kissel started standardization ef- no reciprocating pump for ABS. IBS re- varied, and that is done by sequentially, forts with the AC interface because AC quires only four solenoid valves and a and in some cases simultaneously, opening will cover 90% of the early charging re- pressure sensor. Conventional ESC sys- and closing the valves to each wheel quirements. “We wanted the lowest cost, tems have 12 valves. while the piston of the TMC reciprocates most reliable AC interface we could de- The crux of the new braking system is very dynamically between different posi- sign. We focused on that primarily be- a highly dynamic, electrically commu- tions. The pressure gradients that can be cause plug-in hybrids or extended-range tated (EC) motor that takes over the Turn to Brake System, page 3 electric vehicles like the Volt will be the predominant types you will see, at least LSP’s Integrated Modular Brake System (IBS) initially, because of the cost of the batter- , p ▲ ies. To get a 100-mile range in a battery ESPESP ∆∆pp ◆ Piston control electric vehicle requires a substantial, very defines pressure costly battery pack. Because EREVs have 2. IBS gradient and ∆p an engine, you can use a smaller battery ∆∆VV V pack that doesn’t require a lot of charging switching ∆ ◆ High positive and Switching valve ∆VV power. The other reason is the infrastruc- valve negative pressure ture itself. Low power AC electrical out- gradients possible lets are everywhere.” Published in January 2010, SAE J1772 Σ 4 valves for ABS ◆ Individual car Σ 4 valves for EC motormotor withwith ball covers two levels of onboard AC charg- and ESP functions ABS and ESP PressurePressure sensor screwball screw adaptation by ing. Level 1 handles 120 volt (100 volts function sensor software Turn to Charging, page 2 Source: LSP Innovative Automotive Systems Charging... Continued from page 1 AC for the Japanese) charging from stan- SAE J1772 Charging Interface hours. Such DC charging stations are in- dard home outlets capable of 15 or 20 tended for consumers and for businesses. amps, about 1.9 kilowatts. Level 2 handles Terminology Unlike AC charging, where the 208 to 240 volt AC charging at up to 80 ◆ AC Level 1 Charging charger is onboard the vehicle, the DC amps, or 19 kilowatts. Not only does the 120 V AC charging from standard 15 or 20 charger, which converts AC power to DC, standard comprehend physical character- amp NEMA outlet, onboard vehicle charger is off board and connects directly through istics such as the number of pins and their (approximately 1.9 kw) the charge coupler to the vehicle battery layout, but it also specifies some intelli- ◆ AC Level 2 Charging bus. Not all vehicles will have DC charg- gence. For example, the charge plug that 208 V – 240 V AC charging up to 80 amps, ing capability. you hold in your hand cannot be powered on-board charger (approximately 19 kw) As a first step in a process that will until it is plugged into and commanded by ◆ DC Charging (Fast Charging) take at least a year before a fast charge the vehicle. And the vehicle must auto- Off-board charger connects directly to the SAE standard is approved, Mr. Kissel’s matically detect that the plug is engaged vehicle’s high-voltage battery bus task force has been looking at the DC to prevent anyone from driving away Charger is controlled by the vehicle, which charge coupler that was developed for the while it is still connected. Level 1 and allows for extremely high power transfer Japanese market by JARI (see Japan Elec- Level 2 connectors have five pins: two for (>100 kw) and thus faster recharge times tric Vehicle Standard G105-1993). The power, one for ground and two for the (minutes instead of hours). Actual charge JARI coupler is now being promoted glo- analog communications between the ve- rate is limited by battery chemistry, infra- bally by CHAdeMO, a group of 226 busi- hicle and the charging equipment. structure and other factors. nesses led by Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi But while NAFTA and Japan, which Source: Gery Kissel, GM and SAE J1772 Task Force Lead Motors, Fuji Heavy and Tokyo Electric together are responsible for 21% of the “We expect to issue IEC standards cov- Power. CHAdeMO is a shortened form world’s vehicle production, are in har- ering three types of AC connectors and for the equivalent of “charge for moving.” mony with SAE J1772, the rest of the inlets by the end of this year or very early This connector has already been de- world isn’t. The International Electro- next year,” said Gregory Nieminski, who ployed in Mitsubishi Motors’ i-MiEV elec- technical Commission (IEC) is consider- chairs the Industrial Plugs and Socket tric vehicle launched in Japan a year ago. ing publishing standards covering three Outlets working group at IEC. “The chal- It will also be deployed in the Nissan Leaf different AC connector/vehicle inlet lenge in Europe is that each country has electric vehicle due this fall in the U.S., pairs: a single-phase, 5-pin connector that its own national electric code regulations Europe and Japan. The Leaf is coming to corresponds closely to J1771; a three- and they are different.” market with two charge receptacles: a phase, 7-pin connector proposed by Ger- Even after the IEC’s forthcoming stan- continued on page 3 man and other northern European dards are published, electric vehicle plug carmakers; and a single- and three-phase, standardization will remain in a state of 5- or 7-pin connector for the Italians. flux in Europe. “While we have an agree- The Chinese, who have not yet for- ment, it isn’t set in stone. Our standards © 2010 Paul Hansen Associates, 150 mally joined the IEC committee, recently are the type that will constantly need up- Pinehurst Rd., Portsmouth, NH 03801, proposed yet another connector standard dating,” said Mr. Nieminski. “In the next USA. Telephone: 603-431-5859. Fax: 603- which, while similar to the German ap- year or year-and-a-half I expect we’ll be 431-5791. Email: [email protected]. proach, is incompatible with any of the back at them, revising and improving All rights reserved. Materials may not be standards the IEC is developing. them. The different connector types will reproduced in any form without written eventually need to be merged so you can permission. SAE J1772 AC Charge Coupler drive an electric vehicle from Italy to Ger- The Hansen Report on Automotive Electron- many without confusion.” ics is published 10 times a year, monthly; That worthwhile objective, to move July/August and December/January are toward one AC connector throughout combined issues. The annual print subscrip- Europe, was agreed to by members of the tion rate is $787.