Sirius XM Radio
Vol. 23, No. 6◆◆ July/August 2010 Multiple AC Charge Revolutionary New Coupler Standards for Electrohydraulic Brake System EVs Emerge Integrated Brake System Is Smaller, function of brake force amplification, Lighter, Simpler which in conventional systems requires a DC Fast Charging Standards Still in vacuum booster, as well as the pressure Early Stages Thomas Leiber—son of Heinz Leiber, modulation at each wheel in ABS/ESC With automotive electronics standards the man who invented ABS—chose last mode. The EC motor provides extremely like CAN, FlexRay, Autosar and Genivi, month’s automotive electronics confer- accurate pressure control and thus signifi- the Germans have been the pioneers, but ence in Ludwigsburg, Germany, to disclose cantly shorter braking distances, espe- when it comes to connecting plug-in elec- the details of his integrated modular brake cially on slippery roads, with no trade-off tric vehicles to the grid, it is the Ameri- system (IBS), a development he and his in stability. Winter road tests in March of cans, with cooperation from the Japanese, father have been working on for six years this year showed single-digit percentage who have been out front on standards. at their firm, LSP Innovative Automo- improvements in the stopping distances of “We always invited anyone to attend tive Systems GmbH. The new electrohy- an LSP test car, a Golf V equipped with our meetings, but I think we did get an draulic braking system, which fully IBS, compared with a Golf VI with ESP early step into this,” said Gery Kissel, an integrates hydraulic braking, ABS and Plus.
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