

Nonie Darwish | 304 pages | 06 Jan 2009 | Thomas Nelson Publishers | 9781595551610 | English | Nashville, United States Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law by Nonie Darwish Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. But isn't staying in majority Muslim nations. Darwish now lives in the West and brings a warning; the goal of radical Islam is to bring Sharia law to your country. If that happens, the fabric of Western law and liberty will be ripped in two. Under Sharia law:. Think it can't happen? In , England-once the seat of Western liberty and now the home of many Muslim immigrants-declared that Sharia courts in Britain have the force of law. When Muslim populations reach as little as 1 or 2 percent, says Darwish, they begin making demands of the larger community, such as foot-level faucets for washing before praying in public schools, businesses, and airports. These demands test how far Westerners will go in accommodating the Muslim minority. How far will they push? The Organization of the Islamic Conference works to Islamize international human rights laws and apply Sharia "standards" for blasphemy to all nations. The penalty for blasphemy? Weaving personal experience together with extensive documentation and research, Darwish exposes the facts and reveals the global threat posed by Sharia law. Anyone concerned about Western rights and liberties ignores her warning and analysis at their peril. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview Nonie Darwish lived for thirty years in a majority Muslim nation. Everything about her life-family, sexuality, hygiene, business, banking, contracts, economics, politics, social issues, everything-was dictated by the Islamic law code known as Sharia. Enter email address. Welcome to Christianbook. Sign in or create an account. Search by title, catalog stock , author, isbn, etc. Bible Sale of the Season. By: Nonie Darwish. Wishlist Wishlist. Advanced Search Links. Add To Cart. Add To Cart 0. Fear Not - eBook. One Minute Bible for Starters - eBook. Amazing Grace - eBook. Celebration Prefilled Communion Cups, Box of Islamic sharia law primitive laws purported to have been given by Muhammad to his followers over a thousand years ago is finding its way into non-Muslim countries as Islam spread throughout Asia and Europe. Many Westerners, unaware of the threat sharia and Islam pose, passively allow or actively endorse this radical religious system of governance, but Nonie Darwish knows better. Having lived under sharia for half of her life, she accepted it unquestioningly until shortly before becoming a Christian, and now can bring her experience within Islam to inform others about the dangers of this system and its implications for non-Muslims. Cruel and Usual Punishment shows how sharia advocates the revocation of basic human rights and the destruction of democracy and Western culture written by an author who knows what both sides of the veil look like. Related Products. Charles H. Sally Lloyd-Jones. Under Sharia law: A woman can be beaten for talking to men who are not her relatives and flogged for not wearing a headdress Daughters, sisters, and wives can be legally killed by the men in their family Non-Muslims can be beheaded, and their Muslim killers will not receive the death penalty Certain kinds of child molestation are allowed The husband of a "rebellious" wife can deny her medical care or place her under house arrest Think it can't happen? Cruel and Usual Punishment - Wikipedia

Wishlist Wishlist. Advanced Search Links. Add To Cart. Add To Cart 0. Fear Not - eBook. One Minute Bible for Starters - eBook. Amazing Grace - eBook. Celebration Prefilled Communion Cups, Box of Islamic sharia law primitive laws purported to have been given by Muhammad to his followers over a thousand years ago is finding its way into non-Muslim countries as Islam spread throughout Asia and Europe. Many Westerners, unaware of the threat sharia and Islam pose, passively allow or actively endorse this radical religious system of governance, but Nonie Darwish knows better. Having lived under sharia for half of her life, she accepted it unquestioningly until shortly before becoming a Christian, and now can bring her experience within Islam to inform others about the dangers of this system and its implications for non-Muslims. Cruel and Usual Punishment shows how sharia advocates the revocation of basic human rights and the destruction of democracy and Western culture written by an author who knows what both sides of the veil look like. Related Products. Charles H. Sally Lloyd-Jones. When Muslim populations reach as little as 1 or 2 percent, says Darwish, they begin making demands of the larger community, such as foot-level faucets for washing before praying in public schools, businesses, and airports. These demands test how far Westerners will go in accommodating the Muslim minority. How far will they push? The Organization of the Islamic Conference works to Islamize international human rights laws and apply Sharia "standards" for blasphemy to all nations. The penalty for blasphemy? Weaving personal experience together with extensive documentation and research, Darwish exposes the facts and reveals the global threat posed by Sharia law. Anyone concerned about Western rights and liberties ignores her warning and analysis at their peril. She does not do so out of anger or vengeance, but merely out of a desire to warn the rest of the world of what Islam has in store for us. When Nonie Darwish was a girl of eight, her father died while leading covert attacks on . Yet at an early age, Darwish developed a skeptical eye about her own Muslim culture and upbringing. Why the love of violence and hatred of Jews and Christians? Why the tolerance of glaring social injustices? Why blame America and Israel for everything? Today Darwish thrives as an American citizen, a Christian, a conservative Republican, and an advocate for Israel. To many, she is now an infidel. But she is risking her comfort and her safety to reveal the many politically incorrect truths about Muslim culture that she knows firsthand. Living under Sharia law for the first thirty years of her life,a virtual slave to Islamic law, Darwish never questioned or challenged her rights--or dared to even think about the validity of Sharia laws. She didn't try to examine what Sharia was, how it came about or why she followed it. But she doesn't believe the lies anymore, and now she wants to share her experiences with the Western world. Cruel and Usual Punishment is an insider's look at how Muslims sacrifice their basic human rights to obey the archaic and brutal laws handed down to their prophet centuries ago. Heed this warning: Sharia Law is attempting to infiltrate Western culture and destroy democracy. Sharia Law is about the most evil form of government which exists on the face of the earth. It surpasses all communist dictators and despots and seats itself squarely in the number one of spot of further the work of Satan. This book, is by far, the best book I have read. Nonie Darwish goes into Mohammed's history, and that was one seriously whacked out man, as well as every aspect of Sharia Law and how it came to fruition. She explains the history of Islam, and how the laws were established for the benefit of a few wealthy men and to the detriment of all women and the poor. Here are some of the things I learned from Nonie: 1. For them, facts must not stand in the way. Mohammed was cast from his town, Medina, and he sought refuge with a Jewish tribe. They took care of him and kept him safe, allowing him to live amongst them safely. During that time he manufactured the Koran and made up its origins. He eventually traveled back to Medina. When he was not accepted as a prophet, he gathered his armies and attacked Medina. Killing, raping and pillaging until they accepted him as a prophet of his fabricated Allah and the Koran as a book of scripture. He then headed back to the Jewish tribe, who had kept him safe, and demanded they turn their backs on Jehovah, accept Allah and himself as Allah's chosen prophet. They refused. He beheaded the almost men and took the women and children into sexual slavery and slavery. He then issued an fatwa, ordering the eradication of all Jews from the face of the earth. Then he made sure it would happen by insisting the resurrection would not occur until every last Jew was dead. So while they are those who believe the conflict between Jews and Muslims began with Isaac and Ishmael, I believe it began when they rejected him, and rightfully so. It is nothing but rage and spite which drove that fatwa and continues to drive it today. Interesting, the 8 imams who wrote sharia law all met horrible ends. Sounds about the right end to men who authored such evil. The things you can learn are truly amazing when you read what those who had to live under sharia law are willing to share. Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominate Islam the only accepted religion on earth. Judeo-Christian we began, and Judeo-Christian we shall remain. It is a must buy for everyone who believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which includes the God-given right to worship according to the dictates of your own conscience. Once reading this book you will come to understand the Muslim mind better and why they do what they do. Satan is the author of Sharia Law, for no other could have dream up such evil perpetrated on their fellowman. Nonie Darwish has carefully laid out how America can stop and drive out Sharia Law from our shores. She has done a fantastic job and I give her a serious 5 stars for this book. And she is right to warn us. Our outrage must race to the heavens as we demand this appointment be eradicated and a full and complete return to the U. Constitution as the rule of law. Remember what you read above, this must never be allowed in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I thank Nonie Darwish, who now has a target on her forehead waiting for some Muslim to fulfill their duty to Sharia Law, for being courageous enough to share with America the true story of living under Sharia Law and Islam's intentions for the world, especially America. I call on all law enforcement agencies across America to arrest all those in America practicing any aspects of Sharia law which violate U. I demand the arrest and deportation of all those wishing the enforcement of Sharia Law in America. You are to defend and protect. Do so. View all 3 comments. Dec 21, Amy rated it it was amazing. The question at the top of this blank textbox is 'what did you think? This book has left me with a gazillion unanswered questions and a serious desire to read an awful lot of religious literature i. Some of my best friends have been Muslims and although we never discussed religion as such, they were wonderful kind and lovely people they still are! I have always gone with 'there are crazy people in any religion, race or country who claim to be doing bad deeds in the name of good or god or country' and left it at that. What Nonie is showing and her sources are the itself, Sharia law books, the Hadith, reputable news sources and her own experiences growing up in a Muslim country is that it is everywhere within the laws and holy books of this religion to hate and wish to utterly wipe out anyone who does not conform to this ideology. Psychologically it seems to be a case of the big boss crapping on the people below him, who crap on the people below them, all down to the bottom rung of the ladder, who then crap on the women, who then crap on each other. You are not allowed to seek enlightenment, to question the teachings of this ideology, or to speak out about the unjust life you are living for fear of death - not just from the state, but from vigilantes take the case of honour killings who will not be punished because the holy book sanctifies killing in the name of god. I cannot understand how a religion can be the pathway to a good and harmonious life on this earth and lead you to some kind of heaven afterwards for all your good deeds, if it is saying to you that these good deeds you must do are not 'love your neighbour as yourself', 'make the world a better place for your children to grow up in' but are instead 'kill in my name', 'destroy all those who do not believe I am the one true god', 'lie to the infidels and believe that only those of this religion have the right to life' and 'women are like dogs, beat them when they disobey you'. I cannot reconcile this world view with any of the Muslims I have known - they were kind and generous and the women were just as strong and independent as the men, but Darwish is quoting from the Quran itself; do my friends not know their own holy book? Believe me I can understand that, I've never read mine but I am now determined to, and determined to ensure that whatever belief system I do follow resonates with my internal moral compass. I do not know where to go from here other than to educate myself further and try to educate others - I have seen and heard on the news about corrupt dictatorships and the subjugation of the people, what I had not realised is that there is no way for the people to revolt - they are indoctrinated all the time with these ideas of killing and raping and not trusting anyone because anyone can accuse you of being an unbeliever, kill you on the spot in the name of god and be absolutely secure that the law and the holy book has given them the right to do so with no punishment at all. It seems to be a Mafioso mentality parading about as the commandments of a good and kind god. The state and the religion are inextricably linked and so the religion seems to be, rather than a moral code by which to live a happy, spiritually fulfilled life, a set of rules and corporal punishment for the masses under the rule of one of these horrible despots. I believe we have the right to free speech and that should not be taken away from us, and I believe people should have the right to worship the way they believe, but on the condition that it does not contravene human rights or the law of the land i. Muslims asking for Sharia law to be made applicable to Western nations are asking, not for the right to worship their god in peace, but for a series of inhumane laws to be ranked above those already pre-existing. This would inevitably lead to the West becoming ruled by these 'superior' laws For me, this book is a MUST-READ, an eye opener and a very scary education in a belief system that supports inhumane acts in the name of a deity, discourages education and the questioning, natural to humans, that is so fundamental to the growth and development of people and societies as more than just eat-sleep-die- eventually. I do not believe all Muslims are bad, but I believe they need to read their holy book and the rest of us ours and ask themselves if they really do believe the words and commandments therein. I don't know if it's possible to be a Muslim whilst disagreeing with all these precepts of hatred and superiority over all other races, but if it is, I know that those Muslims are the ones I want to be friends with. May 31, Stephie Williams rated it liked it. In this book the author presents the case that Western democracies should take care and not be complacent about Islamic extremists attempts to introduce Sharia law in their countries. The book is split into two parts; one that is focused on the family, and one that is focused on the state. The second part contains information on how the state wor In this book the author presents the case that Western democracies should take care and not be complacent about Islamic extremists attempts to introduce Sharia law in their countries. The second part contains information on how the state works in Muslim countries, the jihadists plans for world conquest, the situation in , and why we should be concerned and what actions should be taken in the West. Here are some comments based on specific pieces of text. The issue here as elsewhere in the book is quoting out of context. While she gives seven examples here, are these examples limited to certain circumstances. To be clear I am not saying that she is wrong, just that caution should be observed in accepting her conclusions. The concept was developed in the Middle Ages based on certain Talmudic texts. Of course, a good majority of practicing Jews accept the Talmud as oral law just like they accept the written law biblical. Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith. Actually, I would prefer to be headless, than not being able to ask questions. I also think this goes against human nature; we are naturally inquisitive creatures. Believe or not, as these texts come to light, many Muslims are among the first ones to hear about their scriptures. Ignorance of Muslim scriptures. Many believers in are just as ignorant. And this maybe the case with other religions as well. And, men here might not be so liberal as to include women as equals at the time it was written. Although, better screening of immigrants is not a bad idea. Religious beliefs have very little to offer that cannot be done just as well under nonreligious conditions. While, I think the author certainly presents the case of how disastrous Sharia law is for the individuals living under it, I think she overstates the danger for Western democracies, especially in the United States, that this type of law would be enacted in them. The religious right in the United States are powerful enough to prevent this there. I feel this book would be of interested to those that want to understand some of the dangers presented by Islamic jihadists extremists. Although, some caution should be practiced in accepting all of its conclusions. View 1 comment. Jul 29, John rated it it was amazing. I gave the book four stars because it opened my eyes to what is going on in the Islamic world. It was extremely educational as related to Sharia Law and how it was established. This is a one sided arrangement with women having virtually no rights. The real message of this book is Sharia isn't staying in majority Muslim nations. Nonie Darwish now lives in the West and brings a warning; the goal of radical Islam is to bring Sharia law to "your" country. If that happens, the fabric of Western law a I gave the book four stars because it opened my eyes to what is going on in the Islamic world. A woman can be beaten for talking to men who are not her relatives and flogged for not wearing a headdress. The men in their family can legally kill daughters, sisters, and wives. Non-Muslims can be beheaded, and their Muslim killers will not receive the death penalty. Certain kinds of child molestation are allowed. The husband of a "rebellious" wife can deny her medical care or place her under house arrest. Think it can't happen? As with all the books we read it was nominated by one of our members and voted on to be read. One of the members started reading it and was disgusted by what Sharia law does to women and children. For the first time in our book group history, he suggested we not read it. We selected it so the decision was made to read it. It is disgusting in places, but it is reality. That is the strength of the book. It is a great book to get educated about the Muslim world. Dec 05, Laila Kanon rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-non-fiction. Bravo to Nonie Darwish for her audacity to write this book, it's definitely needed and hopefully heeds by those who recognized the danger and see the need to uphold and preserve the Western civilization, cultures, and values: human right to life, equality, respect, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, liberty, pursuit of happiness, democracy and such. My quest for truth and answers led me to this book and I must say the title of this book did not quite capture the content on this book; it has a Bravo to Nonie Darwish for her audacity to write this book, it's definitely needed and hopefully heeds by those who recognized the danger and see the need to uphold and preserve the Western civilization, cultures, and values: human right to life, equality, respect, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, liberty, pursuit of happiness, democracy and such. My quest for truth and answers led me to this book and I must say the title of this book did not quite capture the content on this book; it has an element of surprise that I didn't expect. The writing style, language and the topics discussed in this book resonate strongly and hard to put down the book but I did on numerous occasions just to digest it: you don't know what it feels like until you, yourself experience it. It answered a lot of the questions which have been on my mind for a very long time and don't know where to turn and for that I'm grateful. I can identify her sadness for her country of birth by how Islamization and Arabization had transformed Egypt so foreign than what it was once was; the same sadness I feel for my country of birth which at the time of this writing is going through the process of the Arabization. Someday soon there'll be no trace of the old culture and traditions of my people. It's sad indeed. I read a lot and I don't make the habit of recommending books because of each to their own. But this book is worth reading if you're curious about Islam and the inner working of Sharia Law and its implications on society, particularly on women. Dec 10, Sharon Jones rated it it was amazing. A great book that explains the inside of the Islamic religion and the rules and laws of Sharia. Many will think these things are not possible today but I believe the author and what she is saying. It is a cruel religion if one can call it that whose basis is greed, lust, power and the hatred of anyone who is not a Muslim. Killing, beating, cheating, lying are all condoned by the laws and a far fetch from what I believe religion should be: forgiveness, faith in your fellow man, respect for othe A great book that explains the inside of the Islamic religion and the rules and laws of Sharia. Killing, beating, cheating, lying are all condoned by the laws and a far fetch from what I believe religion should be: forgiveness, faith in your fellow man, respect for others and for the fact that others don't always believe the way you do. A first class example of a religion that suppresses women to the extreme and the most misunderstood religion by Muslims practicing it. For to question your faith and its rules means you disbelieve and are not a true Muslim and, therefore, must be killed. Sorry - didn't find any mention of love of kindness in the laws of Islam. Just hope that those Muslims practicing find it in them to rebel and change some of their archaic laws and bring it into the 21st Century. May 18, Suzanne Hudson rated it it was amazing. As the author documents so well, there are forces and teachings within the Islamic world that want to erode freedoms that are dear to me as a woman and as an American. But its hard to discuss with someone who hasn't read the book. The Crippled Lamb. The inspiring story that has encouraged thousands of children who have felt left out or The inspiring story that has encouraged thousands of children who have felt left out or who have special needs. In this timeless bestseller, readers experience the tender love God has for those who feel alone and different. Joshua was a lamb View Product. Huckabee: The Authorized Biography. In this thoroughly unique Beloved American icon and Grammy Award—winning musician Charlie Daniels shares wit, wisdom, and life lessons Beloved American icon and Grammy Award—winning musician Charlie Daniels shares wit, wisdom, and life lessons he has learned from traveling and playing across the country. Live, the newest book from New York Times bestselling author and popular social media presence Sadie Robertson, addresses life's weightiest matters and choices in fun, practical, Reina Valera Revisada: bella, confiable, para el lector de hoy. Some of these institutions guard their recipes like members of the family. To the untrained eater, the The Key to Everything: Unlocking the Secret to. For two decades, pastor and leadership consultant Matt Keller has worked with hundreds of influencers, Often when they raided women and children were captured as slaves with the best warriors getting the prime pick. When Muhammad came up with Islam this desert behavior became codified. Instead of raiding for the tribe warriors began raiding for Islam. In the desert the climate was often times very hot. Women often rmes veiled themselves in order to be better protected from the sun and constant sand storms. Often time being covered up was a wonans only real privacy. This too became codified in Islam. Islam is coming to the West and it has some serios ramifications for those living in Europe and America. The treatment of women is a primary concern for the author. Under Sharia law a woman is considered as a mans property. Imams give lectures on Egyptian Tv about how to beat a woman if she is not obedient to her husband. A woman has no rights to divorce her husband and a husband can divorce his wife by saying, writing or texting her , I divorce you, three times. Honor killings are also onthe rise in the west with an increase in Muslim immigration. Women are hung, stoned a or flogged for the mere suspicion of adultery or talking with another male outside of her family. The woman is punished even if she herself is the rape victim. A man can have up to four wives and can engage in pleasure marriages that last for a few hours. This is in sharp contrast to how the woman is treated in Islam. Sharia also gives men the right to enforce their sexual desires over domestic workers. The author delves into the reason why the females life is so rigidly controlled and how it negatively affects Islamic society. One reason for such strict control is that the average Arab lives in dictatorial society where the are walked and mistreated by everyone above them. They have no control over their live so controlling a woman's honor is all that they do have control over. The fact that most Egyptians are very poor, the practice of polygamy benefits the rich. Many women prefer to be the second wife of an older wealthier gentleman than the wife of a poor man. So what is left for young men? Nothing but Jihad, where to die in battle is glorious and 72 virgins await them in paradise. The author asserts that Islam has no respect for other religions. She alluded to verses in the koran which call upon Muslims to kill or wage war upon non Muslims. Jews and Christians are said to be descended from Apes monkeys and pigs. She also points and documents sermons given by fanatical imams. Islam is a totalitarian way of life that puts person into a mental cage. The Caliph or Islamic ruler is above reproach and to question his authority is blasphemy against Islam. Such an offense is punishable by death. Although only 10 to 15 percent of all Muslims are fanatical they are a threat to non Muslims and moderate Muslims. They are coming here and they are more radical than preachers in the Middle East. Immigration must be limited and all immigrants must be agree to follow US civil law. If Muslims can build mosques and fund Ialsmic studies here in America then Americans should be able to build churches and study programs in the Middle East. Nov 24, Michael Graves rated it really liked it. I have just a little to add to the other excellent reviews. Nonie Darwish grew up in Egypt and personally felt the oppression of Sharia law and tradition that is only getting stronger in that country. All three women give a revelation of just how strong fundamentalist Islam is in all these countries and how oppressive it can be. All three give a summary I have just a little to add to the other excellent reviews. All three give a summary of Islam as it grew out of the Arabian dessert in the seventh century. You can also read this material in the "Islamophobe" writers Townsend and Spencer, reviewed extensively on this forum. But what the women give that Spencer and Townsend cannot give is a personal story. Also their stories are not from ancient times, they are from contemporary times in countries not usually considered repressive by the west. Of the three women, Nonie gives more historical analysis and less personal stories than the others, but what she gives I found quit touching emotionally. Her first seeing a Christian wedding ceremony in an old movie for example. That is not the subject of this book, which I found very well written and engaging. It is educational, and a good read of a very personal story. Oct 21, Alex Livingston rated it really liked it. This book convinced me of the perniciousness and insidiousness of Sharia law, or rather strengthened the view I had already developed of it. The author seems to me to be a pretty reliable witness, to use courtroom terminology, having lived as a self-confessed Muslim for thirty years in Egypt and then almost as long in the US, where she gave up her Muslim identity. You may not be convinced, as I'm not, that Christianity and Judaism deserve credit for present-day Western culture, or that theism of This book convinced me of the perniciousness and insidiousness of Sharia law, or rather strengthened the view I had already developed of it. You may not be convinced, as I'm not, that Christianity and Judaism deserve credit for present-day Western culture, or that theism of some sort in necessary to preserve it, but that doesn't detract from most of what else she presents. If you think that all "religions" are equally harmless or harmful , or that all cultures are equally good, I challenge you to read this book. What you choose to do or not to do constitutes exercising what little power you have, does it not? Among the choices you have is whether or not to stand up to or attempt to thwart other powers of any and all kinds, including cultural, clerical "religious" , state "political" , and peer pressures. Distressingly, the choice is often, I suspect, whether to endure a lesser torment in the near future or a far greater one later. If you're in two minds as to whether to read this book, or feel you don't have time to read it all, I suggest starting at chapter six. I wouldn't recommend the editors, as there are rather too frequent repetitions for my taste and rather a lot of linguistic infelicities, for example, missing definite articles, poorly chosen prepositions, an instance of "loose" instead of "lose", and several cases of "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less" or is that what my father would call a "sturdy indefensible" of US English? Incredibly well written book on Islam. The author is passionate, but practical too. Having grown up Muslim, she knows the problems endemic to that belief. The beginning is slow and she talks about her past. I know she needs to frame her experience to bring home the bacon in the end- pardon the pun to any Muslims. Moving along Ms Darwish proceeds to fill the pages with facts and data. She explains that the word 'love' never appears in the Koran. She also provides good insight into the Muslim Incredibly well written book on Islam. She also provides good insight into the Muslim belief structure and impact of Islamic teachings. Ripping through the PC blame the victim culture, the author points out that without radical reform, Sharia law driven believers will battle with the west. By virtue of the differing belief constructs it's unavoidable. She uses examples of her past to explain her opinions. While not impartial, she makes a case, presents facts and takes a stand for that alone, she should be commended. Other books which are quite good are 'Infidel' by Aliya, Ayaan Hirsi. It's well told but lacks the hard hitting facts of Nonie. This book truly affected me. I did not understand a lot about Islam. I thought that Arab countries disliked us for our politics. How naive. Nonie Darwish has written a book which clearly outlines the baiscs of Islam and what is currently happening in the West by virtue of the immigrants from Muslim counries, who are often more militant than those who haven't immigrated. The only drawback of the book is that there are repititions of the message that really weren't needed. By the time I reached pp This book truly affected me. By the time I reached pp or so I was becoming tired and almost ready to give up. I recommend this book to all Westerners especially those who believe in their country and the freedoms that we have. We need to be aware and begin to make changes. And we thought that Mexicans coming over the border were a problem?! Pick up your pen and write this title on your "To Read" list and go request it from the library now! Apr 12, Johns rated it it was amazing. A former Mohammedan who lived over thirty years in Egypt lifts the veil literally on the extreme suffering that tightly structures and controls the daily life for all woman in a Muslim country. The disgusting treatment of women in countries where this brutal "faith" holds sway is detailed with clinical precision by one forced to live under its demonic rule. As the author ramps up for her concluding chapters, she includes this perceptive statement from page "The conclusion that I and other A former Mohammedan who lived over thirty years in Egypt lifts the veil literally on the extreme suffering that tightly structures and controls the daily life for all woman in a Muslim country. As the author ramps up for her concluding chapters, she includes this perceptive statement from page "The conclusion that I and others who have studied it have reached is that Islam as a whole is not a religion. It is Arab Imperialism and a protectionist tool to preserve what they believe to be a supremacist Arab culture. It is NOT a religion that should receive all the deference we give it in the West. Wake up readers! Jan 09, Sally rated it really liked it. This book is my first book about Islam. To be honest, i never have a good impression about the religion at the first place, partly because as a women of dignity, i can never accept a doctrine that dehumanize women to such extent. This book is truly mind-blowing. All the facts are listed out in it. When i was reading the thighing part, i could barely control myself not to throw up. How twisted must a religion be in orde This book is my first book about Islam. How twisted must a religion be in order to such detailed instruction of pedophile sex. Being a student of Egyptian and having a number of Egyptian internet friends, I can tell you that everything written is the truth. As a young woman I dated a lot of Egytian men who act and do things here that they would not dare over there. is still happening. Sex before marriage is both against the state religion and the law, so you are condemned twice, plus your family's decision on what to do about it, and whatever they choose is bad news for the girl. One of my teachers who Being a student of Egyptian Arabic and having a number of Egyptian internet friends, I can tell you that everything written is the truth. One of my teachers who left Islam said living in Egypt was like living in the 'Dark Ages '. Aug 17, Kristin added it. Darwish's second book still retains much of the animosity that's found in her first, but unlike her first book which is a personal story, Cruel and Unusual Punishment is intended to be an expose on the reality of Sharia. Unfortunately, investigative journalism is not Darwish's strong suit. She picks and chooses what to back up with sourced information, and confuses her own opinions with material that has already been studied and documented. Still worth the read though. Sep 12, Renae Hinchey rated it really liked it. Knowing very little about Sharia law, I wanted to read this book. Very interesting and a but redundant in places. She does a good job in describing the history of Islam and how it originated within the tribes in the dessert and how it has carried on to modern day. The implications are quite scary, as it has spread through Europe and also continues to spread in the U. Thought Provoking! I read this book because I wanted to gain an understanding what Islamic Law is. Unbelievable, scary. This book gave me some insight. The western world needs to wake up and smell the roses before it's too late. May 18, Jean rated it it was amazing. Darwish provides an indepth look at the origins of Islam and Sharia law. She discusses the explanations surrounding the acts of terrorism we are experiencing today. It's a fascinating read and has opened my eyes. Nov 01, Brett C rated it really liked it Shelves: middle-east. This book made me cringe as I read about the Sharia, or the interpretation and execution of Islamic law in an Islamic society. Very real and very scary. Sep 27, Bernadette Shekleton rated it it was amazing. Everyone should read this to understand the Islamic mindset and Sharia law. Frightening book. Dec 13, Zoe Ali rated it it was ok. This book was interesting to read, but frustrating at the same time. The author has a clear bias against the religion of Islam, and to an extent it is understandable why she would, given her history and experience with the religion. However, her bias has resulted in many unsupported claims and generalisations made about the religion. She places heavy focus and analysis on Hadiths and not much focus on the Quran itself. She also fails to discuss that for as much as the religious texts have passages describing violence, it also contains passages about peace and kindness. She probably does this intentionally because her aim is to paint a very negative picture of the religion. She also fails to identify that Christianity and Judaism also have texts which contain the same kinds of contradictions and breadth in terms of the subject matter, in that their texts also contain passages inciting violence, as well as peace. One point which the author made which I do agree with, is that today Islam has developed into a political ideology. I do not however agree that Islam is no longer a peaceful religion. My view is that it is both, and that it is dependent on the individual itself as to whether they utilise the religion as a political ideology and thus as an excuse to enact violence, or whether they use it to guide them towards living a peaceful life. In , England? When Muslim populations reach as little as 1 or 2 percent, says Darwish, they begin making demands of the larger community, such as foot-level faucets for washing before praying in public schools, businesses, and airports. These demands test how far Westerners will go in accommodating the Muslim minority. How far will they push? The Organization of the Islamic Conference works to Islamize international human rights laws and apply Sharia "standards" for blasphemy to all nations. The penalty for blasphemy? Weaving personal experience together with extensive documentation and research, Darwish exposes the facts and reveals the global threat posed by Sharia law.

Its interesting how every Muslim I chat with totally disagrees with the facts presented in this book. They say Islam is a religion of peace and freedom as well as love and generosity. After reading the Quran I can see how both parties believe they are correct. For one: the Quran is very vague and poetic; good luck trying to get a solid foundation out of it. Every verse can be easily twisted to mean many things. Sharia Law is outside of the Quran, its laws are made to support what Islam stands fo Its interesting how every Muslim I chat with totally disagrees with the facts presented in this book. Sharia Law is outside of the Quran, its laws are made to support what Islam stands for and to bring about the endgame of allah. There is nothing peaceful or loving about allah's eternity: basically allah will be burning alive all non-muslims in hell and replenishing their skin so they can suffer some more Everything in Sharia Law seems to feed this perversion and submission. I fail to see the love and freedom. This book has all the facts. Is it true? Thats easy to figure out; just watch Islamic societies behave around the world to find the truth. IF Muslims are the most wonderful, loving, generous, forgiving, compassionate, tolerant, humble communities then Nonie Darwish is full of crap. If you want to test this for yourself: Its easy - just go on a Muslim chatroom and mention that you like Jews and Israel. Then sit back and watch the hatred fly. OF course some Muslims are wonderful peaceful people these are the ones who know nothing about their religion or its history. Here's something I haven't tried yet: Ask some Muslims if its okay to go to Sudan or Iran or Afghanistan and convert some Islamic folks to another religion. Sharia Law says you should be put to death for this. View all 4 comments. I first became aware of Islam when I met my Uncle Mike as an adult. By then, he had left Christianity behind, much to my immense sorrow, and converted to Islam. I had long conversations with him about it because I love him so, and he finally went and talked to his Imam and got a couple of book recommendations to "help me feel better about my Uncle Mike converting to Islam. I wasn't comforted. I began to dig deeper: Learning the history of Islam, where the conflict and hatred be I first became aware of Islam when I met my Uncle Mike as an adult. I began to dig deeper: Learning the history of Islam, where the conflict and hatred began between Muslim, Jews and everyone else and why. What I learned wasn't confidence inspiring, I didn't like, at all, the rules by Muslims lived. Now, I'm a Mormon. I don't drink alcoholic drinks. I don't smoke. I believe in chastity, virtue and integrity. I have remained faithful to my husband and will continue to do so throughout eternity. I believe in the golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "Love your neighbor as yourself. One of the book's my uncle gave me had a terrifying chapter 6, Islam's United World Order. In essence, the chapter spoke of every non-Muslim being forced to convert or die. They intend to take over every single nation and instill Sharia Law across the world. Nope, I wasn't comforted by this at all. All it did was make me mad. I believe strongly in America's First Amendment Rights of freedom of religion, in other words, that we are able and allowed to worship according to dictates according to our consciences, within the bounds of the law. Meaning, you can't go out and commit an honor killing in American with having your butt thrown in jail for first degree murder. Because of my beliefs, I abhor cruel, vicious and senseless violence toward anyone and yet, Islamic law seems to be the greatest proponent of the greatest cruelty toward women, children and those they deem to be apostates or infidels. Having been born into and raised in a Muslim family, Noni shares with her readers her first hand experiences of being forced to live under Sharia Law and inner workings and machinations of Muslim faith. She does not do so out of anger or vengeance, but merely out of a desire to warn the rest of the world of what Islam has in store for us. When Nonie Darwish was a girl of eight, her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel. Yet at an early age, Darwish developed a skeptical eye about her own Muslim culture and upbringing. Why the love of violence and hatred of Jews and Christians? Why the tolerance of glaring social injustices? Why blame America and Israel for everything? Today Darwish thrives as an American citizen, a Christian, a conservative Republican, and an advocate for Israel. To many, she is now an infidel. But she is risking her comfort and her safety to reveal the many politically incorrect truths about Muslim culture that she knows firsthand. Living under Sharia law for the first thirty years of her life,a virtual slave to Islamic law, Darwish never questioned or challenged her rights--or dared to even think about the validity of Sharia laws. She didn't try to examine what Sharia was, how it came about or why she followed it. But she doesn't believe the lies anymore, and now she wants to share her experiences with the Western world. Cruel and Usual Punishment is an insider's look at how Muslims sacrifice their basic human rights to obey the archaic and brutal laws handed down to their prophet centuries ago. Heed this warning: Sharia Law is attempting to infiltrate Western culture and destroy democracy. Sharia Law is about the most evil form of government which exists on the face of the earth. It surpasses all communist dictators and despots and seats itself squarely in the number one of spot of further the work of Satan. This book, is by far, the best book I have read. Nonie Darwish goes into Mohammed's history, and that was one seriously whacked out man, as well as every aspect of Sharia Law and how it came to fruition. She explains the history of Islam, and how the laws were established for the benefit of a few wealthy men and to the detriment of all women and the poor. Here are some of the things I learned from Nonie: 1. For them, facts must not stand in the way. Mohammed was cast from his town, Medina, and he sought refuge with a Jewish tribe. They took care of him and kept him safe, allowing him to live amongst them safely. During that time he manufactured the Koran and made up its origins. He eventually traveled back to Medina. When he was not accepted as a prophet, he gathered his armies and attacked Medina. Killing, raping and pillaging until they accepted him as a prophet of his fabricated Allah and the Koran as a book of scripture. He then headed back to the Jewish tribe, who had kept him safe, and demanded they turn their backs on Jehovah, accept Allah and himself as Allah's chosen prophet. They refused. He beheaded the almost men and took the women and children into sexual slavery and slavery. He then issued an fatwa, ordering the eradication of all Jews from the face of the earth. Then he made sure it would happen by insisting the resurrection would not occur until every last Jew was dead. So while they are those who believe the conflict between Jews and Muslims began with Isaac and Ishmael, I believe it began when they rejected him, and rightfully so. It is nothing but rage and spite which drove that fatwa and continues to drive it today. Interesting, the 8 imams who wrote sharia law all met horrible ends. Sounds about the right end to men who authored such evil. The things you can learn are truly amazing when you read what those who had to live under sharia law are willing to share. Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominate Islam the only accepted religion on earth. Judeo-Christian we began, and Judeo-Christian we shall remain. It is a must buy for everyone who believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which includes the God-given right to worship according to the dictates of your own conscience. Once reading this book you will come to understand the Muslim mind better and why they do what they do. Satan is the author of Sharia Law, for no other could have dream up such evil perpetrated on their fellowman. Nonie Darwish has carefully laid out how America can stop and drive out Sharia Law from our shores. She has done a fantastic job and I give her a serious 5 stars for this book. And she is right to warn us. Our outrage must race to the heavens as we demand this appointment be eradicated and a full and complete return to the U. Constitution as the rule of law. Remember what you read above, this must never be allowed in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I thank Nonie Darwish, who now has a target on her forehead waiting for some Muslim to fulfill their duty to Sharia Law, for being courageous enough to share with America the true story of living under Sharia Law and Islam's intentions for the world, especially America. I call on all law enforcement agencies across America to arrest all those in America practicing any aspects of Sharia law which violate U. I demand the arrest and deportation of all those wishing the enforcement of Sharia Law in America. You are to defend and protect. Do so. View all 3 comments. Dec 21, Amy rated it it was amazing. The question at the top of this blank textbox is 'what did you think? This book has left me with a gazillion unanswered questions and a serious desire to read an awful lot of religious literature i. Some of my best friends have been Muslims and although we never discussed religion as such, they were wonderful kind and lovely people they still are! I have always gone with 'there are crazy people in any religion, race or country who claim to be doing bad deeds in the name of good or god or country' and left it at that. What Nonie is showing and her sources are the Quran itself, Sharia law books, the Hadith, reputable news sources and her own experiences growing up in a Muslim country is that it is everywhere within the laws and holy books of this religion to hate and wish to utterly wipe out anyone who does not conform to this ideology. Psychologically it seems to be a case of the big boss crapping on the people below him, who crap on the people below them, all down to the bottom rung of the ladder, who then crap on the women, who then crap on each other. You are not allowed to seek enlightenment, to question the teachings of this ideology, or to speak out about the unjust life you are living for fear of death - not just from the state, but from vigilantes take the case of honour killings who will not be punished because the holy book sanctifies killing in the name of god. I cannot understand how a religion can be the pathway to a good and harmonious life on this earth and lead you to some kind of heaven afterwards for all your good deeds, if it is saying to you that these good deeds you must do are not 'love your neighbour as yourself', 'make the world a better place for your children to grow up in' but are instead 'kill in my name', 'destroy all those who do not believe I am the one true god', 'lie to the infidels and believe that only those of this religion have the right to life' and 'women are like dogs, beat them when they disobey you'. I cannot reconcile this world view with any of the Muslims I have known - they were kind and generous and the women were just as strong and independent as the men, but Darwish is quoting from the Quran itself; do my friends not know their own holy book? Believe me I can understand that, I've never read mine but I am now determined to, and determined to ensure that whatever belief system I do follow resonates with my internal moral compass. I do not know where to go from here other than to educate myself further and try to educate others - I have seen and heard on the news about corrupt dictatorships and the subjugation of the people, what I had not realised is that there is no way for the people to revolt - they are indoctrinated all the time with these ideas of killing and raping and not trusting anyone because anyone can accuse you of being an unbeliever, kill you on the spot in the name of god and be absolutely secure that the law and the holy book has given them the right to do so with no punishment at all. It seems to be a Mafioso mentality parading about as the commandments of a good and kind god. The state and the religion are inextricably linked and so the religion seems to be, rather than a moral code by which to live a happy, spiritually fulfilled life, a set of rules and corporal punishment for the masses under the rule of one of these horrible despots. I believe we have the right to free speech and that should not be taken away from us, and I believe people should have the right to worship the way they believe, but on the condition that it does not contravene human rights or the law of the land i. Muslims asking for Sharia law to be made applicable to Western nations are asking, not for the right to worship their god in peace, but for a series of inhumane laws to be ranked above those already pre-existing. This would inevitably lead to the West becoming ruled by these 'superior' laws For me, this book is a MUST-READ, an eye opener and a very scary education in a belief system that supports inhumane acts in the name of a deity, discourages education and the questioning, natural to humans, that is so fundamental to the growth and development of people and societies as more than just eat-sleep-die-eventually. I do not believe all Muslims are bad, but I believe they need to read their holy book and the rest of us ours and ask themselves if they really do believe the words and commandments therein. I don't know if it's possible to be a Muslim whilst disagreeing with all these precepts of hatred and superiority over all other races, but if it is, I know that those Muslims are the ones I want to be friends with. May 31, Stephie Williams rated it liked it. In this book the author presents the case that Western democracies should take care and not be complacent about Islamic extremists attempts to introduce Sharia law in their countries. The book is split into two parts; one that is focused on the family, and one that is focused on the state. The second part contains information on how the state wor In this book the author presents the case that Western democracies should take care and not be complacent about Islamic extremists attempts to introduce Sharia law in their countries. The second part contains information on how the state works in Muslim countries, the jihadists plans for world conquest, the situation in Egypt, and why we should be concerned and what actions should be taken in the West. Here are some comments based on specific pieces of text. The issue here as elsewhere in the book is quoting out of context. While she gives seven examples here, are these examples limited to certain circumstances. To be clear I am not saying that she is wrong, just that caution should be observed in accepting her conclusions. The concept was developed in the Middle Ages based on certain Talmudic texts. Of course, a good majority of practicing Jews accept the Talmud as oral law just like they accept the written law biblical. Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith. Actually, I would prefer to be headless, than not being able to ask questions. I also think this goes against human nature; we are naturally inquisitive creatures. Believe or not, as these texts come to light, many Muslims are among the first ones to hear about their scriptures. Ignorance of Muslim scriptures. Many believers in Christianity are just as ignorant. And this maybe the case with other religions as well. And, men here might not be so liberal as to include women as equals at the time it was written. Although, better screening of immigrants is not a bad idea. Religious beliefs have very little to offer that cannot be done just as well under nonreligious conditions. While, I think the author certainly presents the case of how disastrous Sharia law is for the individuals living under it, I think she overstates the danger for Western democracies, especially in the United States, that this type of law would be enacted in them. The religious right in the United States are powerful enough to prevent this there. I feel this book would be of interested to those that want to understand some of the dangers presented by Islamic jihadists extremists. Although, some caution should be practiced in accepting all of its conclusions. View 1 comment. Jul 29, John rated it it was amazing. I gave the book four stars because it opened my eyes to what is going on in the Islamic world. It was extremely educational as related to Sharia Law and how it was established. This is a one sided arrangement with women having virtually no rights. The real message of this book is Sharia isn't staying in majority Muslim nations. Nonie Darwish now lives in the West and brings a warning; the goal of radical Islam is to bring Sharia law to "your" country. If that happens, the fabric of Western law a I gave the book four stars because it opened my eyes to what is going on in the Islamic world. A woman can be beaten for talking to men who are not her relatives and flogged for not wearing a headdress. The men in their family can legally kill daughters, sisters, and wives. Non-Muslims can be beheaded, and their Muslim killers will not receive the death penalty. Certain kinds of child molestation are allowed. The husband of a "rebellious" wife can deny her medical care or place her under house arrest. Think it can't happen? As with all the books we read it was nominated by one of our members and voted on to be read. One of the members started reading it and was disgusted by what Sharia law does to women and children. For the first time in our book group history, he suggested we not read it. We selected it so the decision was made to read it. It is disgusting in places, but it is reality. That is the strength of the book. It is a great book to get educated about the Muslim world. Dec 05, Laila Kanon rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-non-fiction. Bravo to Nonie Darwish for her audacity to write this book, it's definitely needed and hopefully heeds by those who recognized the danger and see the need to uphold and preserve the Western civilization, cultures, and values: human right to life, equality, respect, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, liberty, pursuit of happiness, democracy and such. My quest for truth and answers led me to this book and I must say the title of this book did not quite capture the content on this book; it has a Bravo to Nonie Darwish for her audacity to write this book, it's definitely needed and hopefully heeds by those who recognized the danger and see the need to uphold and preserve the Western civilization, cultures, and values: human right to life, equality, respect, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, liberty, pursuit of happiness, democracy and such. My quest for truth and answers led me to this book and I must say the title of this book did not quite capture the content on this book; it has an element of surprise that I didn't expect. The writing style, language and the topics discussed in this book resonate strongly and hard to put down the book but I did on numerous occasions just to digest it: you don't know what it feels like until you, yourself experience it. It answered a lot of the questions which have been on my mind for a very long time and don't know where to turn and for that I'm grateful. I can identify her sadness for her country of birth by how Islamization and Arabization had transformed Egypt so foreign than what it was once was; the same sadness I feel for my country of birth which at the time of this writing is going through the process of the Arabization. Someday soon there'll be no trace of the old culture and traditions of my people. It's sad indeed. I read a lot and I don't make the habit of recommending books because of each to their own. But this book is worth reading if you're curious about Islam and the inner working of Sharia Law and its implications on society, particularly on women. Dec 10, Sharon Jones rated it it was amazing. A great book that explains the inside of the Islamic religion and the rules and laws of Sharia. Many will think these things are not possible today but I believe the author and what she is saying. It is a cruel religion if one can call it that whose basis is greed, lust, power and the hatred of anyone who is not a Muslim. Killing, beating, cheating, lying are all condoned by the laws and a far fetch from what I believe religion should be: forgiveness, faith in your fellow man, respect for othe A great book that explains the inside of the Islamic religion and the rules and laws of Sharia. Killing, beating, cheating, lying are all condoned by the laws and a far fetch from what I believe religion should be: forgiveness, faith in your fellow man, respect for others and for the fact that others don't always believe the way you do. A first class example of a religion that suppresses women to the extreme and the most misunderstood religion by Muslims practicing it. For to question your faith and its rules means you disbelieve and are not a true Muslim and, therefore, must be killed. Sorry - didn't find any mention of love of kindness in the laws of Islam. Just hope that those Muslims practicing find it in them to rebel and change some of their archaic laws and bring it into the 21st Century. May 18, Suzanne Hudson rated it it was amazing. As the author documents so well, there are forces and teachings within the Islamic world that want to erode freedoms that are dear to me as a woman and as an American. But its hard to discuss with someone who hasn't read the book. I encourage everyone to read it and decide for themselves if the author, a Christian convert, a woman who lived in Egypt as a Muslim for 30 years, is telling the truth or not. As for me, I believe she is and it terrifies me. Sep 17, Jaclyn rated it it was amazing. This book answered these questions and many more and is a must read for all of us in the West that want to understand this culture and it's ideas better. Sep 18, David rated it it was amazing. The author was born a Muslim in Egypt and remained so for 30 years of her life. Unlike most Muslims, when she was in her twenties she began to question some of the tenants of Islam; this is not allowed under Islam according the her. She began looking into specifics from her reading of the Koran and came to some astonishing conclusions that would not be clear to anyone who cannot read the Koran in its original Arabic. Is Islam a religion of peace? Is it even a religion? Why does leaving Islam for The author was born a Muslim in Egypt and remained so for 30 years of her life. Why does leaving Islam for another religion call for death? It is the only religion that has that law. She addresses these and many other questions and ties them to specific verses that show up repeatedly within the Koran. She eventually moved to America and converted to another religion so she now has to be cautious to remain safe and alive. If you think you know what is in the Koran but have not read it in the original Arabic, you might want to check this book out. Some parts seem a bit repetitive but the author states that many of these things that are expected of devout Muslims killing infidels, Jews, Christians, etc are repeated throughout the Koran. She ends with a warning for western society and what can be done to preserve Judeo Christian civilization. Jul 28, Steve Cran rated it it was amazing. Nonie Darwish in her second book on radical Islam offers a rare and unique insiders view of the religion. Herself a former muslim from Egypt, analyzes the religion of her birth with a critical eye. Darwish starts her book with a history of how Islam developed. It was a religion that developed out in the hot inhospitable desert. Tribes survived by making war on eachother. Being a good warrior was the ultimate in manhood. The one who brought in the most booty helped support the tribe. Good warrior Nonie Darwish in her second book on radical Islam offers a rare and unique insiders view of the religion. Good warriors were rewarded with a bigger share of the booty. Often when they raided women and children were captured as slaves with the best warriors getting the prime pick. When Muhammad came up with Islam this desert behavior became codified. Instead of raiding for the tribe warriors began raiding for Islam. Sign in or create an account. Search by title, catalog stock , author, isbn, etc. Bible Sale of the Season. By: Nonie Darwish. Wishlist Wishlist. Advanced Search Links. Add To Cart. Add To Cart 0. Fear Not - eBook. One Minute Bible for Starters - eBook. Amazing Grace - eBook. Celebration Prefilled Communion Cups, Box of Islamic sharia law primitive laws purported to have been given by Muhammad to his followers over a thousand years ago is finding its way into non-Muslim countries as Islam spread throughout Asia and Europe. Many Westerners, unaware of the threat sharia and Islam pose, passively allow or actively endorse this radical religious system of governance, but Nonie Darwish knows better. Having lived under sharia for half of her life, she accepted it unquestioningly until shortly before becoming a Christian, and now can bring her experience within Islam to inform others about the dangers of this system and its implications for non-Muslims. Cruel and Usual Punishment shows how sharia advocates the revocation of basic human rights and the destruction of democracy and Western culture written by an author who knows what both sides of the veil look like. Related Products. Charles H. Sally Lloyd-Jones. Under Sharia law: A woman can be beaten for talking to men who are not her relatives and flogged for not wearing a headdress Daughters, sisters, and wives can be legally killed by the men in their family Non-Muslims can be beheaded, and their Muslim killers will not receive the death penalty Certain kinds of child molestation are allowed The husband of a "rebellious" wife can deny her medical care or place her under house arrest Think it can't happen? Have a question about this product? 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