COMMENTS RESPONSES 396 HAYES STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 LAUREL L. IMPETT, AICP T: 415 552-7272 F: 415 552-5816 Urban Planner
[email protected] July 17, 2012 Via Email Mayor Jerry Sanders and Members of the City Council City of San Diego City Administration Building 202 “C” Street San Diego, California 92101
[email protected] [email protected] Re: One Paseo Draft EIR Dear Mayor Sanders and Members of the City Council: On behalf of Cleveland National Forest Foundation (“CNFF”), we have reviewed the draft environmental impact report (“EIR”) for One Paseo, a massive mixed-use development project consisting of almost two million square feet of retail, office, residential and open space uses. If this Project were proposed in an urban area with convenient access to transit service, it 326.1 As discussed in responses to comments 4.1 and 10.40, the proposed would be considered “smart growth.” Yet because the Carmel Valley currently has no access to project is considered consistent with the City of Villages Strategy, which 326.1 convenient transit and because transit service is not contemplated to serve the Project until at least 2035, it is decidedly not a “smart growth” project. embraces the principles of smart growth. The project site is identified as having a moderate “Village Propensity” (see Figure LU-1 of the General Moreover, One Paseo would exacerbate already excessive levels of traffic Plan). As also discussed in response to comment 10.40, transit is planned 326.2 congestion on local and regional streets, intersections, freeways and freeway ramps.