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DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION a —i a. <3 Thursday, Feb. 1, 196S V o l. I Ex-Denver Priest Urges ‘Theology of Revolution’ By Rev. L. Marvin Read Describing his 15 months of mission­ ary activity in Guatemala. Father Blase Bonpane says: "1 see a pre-Vietnam there: I see U.S. military advisers; I see the Green Berets; I see their profound ignorance" of the situation in Guatemala. Father Bonpane. 38, is a member of the Maryknoll Fathers, an American mis­ sionary society, and a onetime Superior-- director (1963-1965) of the Maryknoll group in Denver and the Rocky Mountain area. The missionary stopped in St. Louis on his way to report to a new assignment in Hawaii; he addressed the 1968 Inter- American Forum at St. Louis university, w here he told the audience in his un­ scheduled lecture the Melville case illustrat­ Rev. Arthur Melville Rev. Thomas Melville Rev. Blase Bonpane ed the need of the Church for a "new theolo­ gy of revolution.” a Mexican village near the Guatemalan only to the solutions that they felt them­ SUCH A TH E O LO G Y, said Father border, where they are aiding rebel forces selves compelled to advocate.” Bonpane, "might even call on Religious and preparing to re-enter the country. "It started around September,” Father superiors to suspend judgement on mat­ Breen explained. "They began to take an ters of this kind. When the Church is in TH E L O C A L SU PE R IO R for the increasingly radical line in their discus­ Teachers Study Communication a revolutionary situation, a superior in an­ Maryknollers in this Central American sions with the other priests .., then I other country may not be competent to country is Father John Breen, who has began to hear rumors that they had been Three hundred urchdiocesan school principals and teachers and CCD judge a priest’s refusal to leave that said that he has "no quarrel at all with talking to members of FAR.” School of Religion teachers attended an alhday communications workshop country. In such a situation maybe onlv their definition of the problem. I object (FAR is the term used for the Rebel at Loretto Heights college Jan. 28. Experts from the University of Denver’s those on the scene can judge if their Armed Forces, largest of Guatemala’s two speech and communications department instructed the teachers in commu­ presence is valid for the Church.’’ guerrilla organizations, which allegedly nications techniques — emphasizing the importance of recognizing student The Maryknoller name has appeared has ties both to the Guatemalan Commu­ points of view. Above, Mrs. l^ouis Loroshetz, CCI) coordinator for Annun­ in several news releases in connection Missioners Wed nist party and to sympathizers of Cuban ciation . Leadville, and Sister Benedict, Cathedral high school princi­ with Fathers Arthur and Thomas Mel­ Premier Fidel Castro.' pal, confer with Dr. Al (Jolberg, seated. Dr. Walt Terris, standing at left, Maryknoll, N. Y. — Father Father Bonpane, who apparently was and Alton Barbour, chairman, who conducted the workshop. ville, fellow Maryknollers who were or- d< red out of their Guatemalan assign­ Thomas Melville, M.M., 37, sus­ not considered to be involved as directly ment by their community for meddling in pended missionary priest who was with the rebel organization as the others, the "internal affairs” of the Central asked to leave Guatemala in De­ said: "No one wants violence, but when American country. cember, has married fellow mis­ you ha've American power behind the two Mexican-Americans — Also involved in the situation was Sis­ sionary Sister Marian Peter Brad­ per cent of the people who own 80 per ter Marian Peter Bradford, a Maryknoll ford, 38, of the Maryknoll Sisters, cent of the land, and supporting a Right- it was reported here. nun. wing army that shoots reformers on the A spokesman for the Maryknoll The Melville brothers were .suspended spot as 'Communists,’ violence is already Fathers here confirmed reports of Will They Riot? No from their priestly functions when, nstitutionalized.” the wedding but said Maryknoll having been ordered to leave Guatemala "The suspension case has already fo­ had no other information. and report to Maryknoll headquarters in cused needed attention on the intolerable He said both Father Melville , they disappeared during a situation in Guatemala,’’ Father Bonpane Reason for Optimism and Sister Marian had written to told the St. Louis forum. He said it also flight transfer at Miami, Fla. friends in Guatemala City an­ According to reports, ' the Melville focused attention on the fact that the nouncing they were married. By Jack Bacon " If we want to become part of this so­ brothers and Sister Marian are located at (Turn to Page 2) Mexican-Americans may not riot, but ciety, then we are sick — because this they will have to do something to break society is sick,” Gonzales said. "We the barrier of discrimination in the shouldn't buy it. We must change the Fr. Kavanagh Southwest — and to an increasing num­ society.” ber violence seems to be the only voice of Significantly, none of the panel mem­ misery the indifferent Anglo can hear. bers disagreed with Gonzales's assessment A panel of experts expressed this o f the Anglo-dominated culture of the Named Pastor frightening conclusion in a variety of Southwest and the nation. ways and applied it to a variety of situa­ Dr. Ralph Guzman, professor o f sociolo­ tions during a seminar, sponsored by the gy at the University of at Los In Littleton American OI Forum, in Denver’s Audito­ Angeles and director of a four-year, in rium theater Jan. 28. depth study of the Mexican-American Father Michael F. Kavanagh. pastor of Only about 200, most of them M exi­ minority in the Southwestern states, Our Lady of the Woods parish at Wood­ can-Americans. turned out for the three agreed wholeheartedly. land Park since 1954, was appointed pas­ and one-half hour session dealing with a tor of St. Mary’s parish, Littleton, this question vital to the metropolitan commu­ "W E LE AR N E D a lot about Ameri­ week by Archbishop James V. Casey. nity of 1,100.000 — "Will the Mexican- can society in that study.” he said. "We He succeeds Father Frederick McCallin, American Riot?” Several participants took found really not much wrong with our who was appointed last week to succeed note of the poor attendance, in bitter people — hut a heck of a lot wrong with Bishop David M. Maloney as pastor of terms. American society.” Divine Redeemer parish. Colorado Guzman depicted the major overriding Springs. 'T M R E A L L Y ASH AM E D that I live problem as a widening "gulf o f ignorance" Father Kavanagh. 51, is a native of in a city that doesn’t support our cause.” between the poor and the afTluent in Denver. He graduated from St. Philome- said one member o f the audience w'ho America — a barrier in part deliberately na’s school and Cathedral high school, described the lack of Anglo interest as erected and in part the result of studied then entered St. Thomas seminary and "disgusting.” and callous indifTerence. was ordained by Archbishop Urban J. Another member of the audience. Den­ "Thus misunderstanding has produced Vehr. Dec. 18. 1943. ver Board of Education member A. Edgar an atmosphere of terror and anxiety,” he He served as assistant pastor of St. Benton, also addressed himself to the size said. "The white middle class is scared.” Mary’s parish. Colorado Springs, until his of the crowd. Because of fear, Guzman said, the re­ First Address to the Faithful appointment to the Cripple Creek-Victor "If there is violence, the indifference sponse to the challenge of poverty has parish in 1954. been based on fear of the threat of vio­ Bishop David M. Maloney delivers his first homily as Ordinary of the that exists in this community is what Diocese of Wichita, Kans., following his installation by Archbishop Luigi lence — and as such has done little to HE PLANNED AND directed construc­ will cause violence — not the Mexican- Raimondi. Apostolic Delegate in the , Jan. 25. "Our primary crack the harrier of misunderstanding, tion of Our Lady of the Woods church at Americans or the Negroes, but the insen­ goal is the implementation of the Council, our first wish is the good of the actually masking it behind what he Woodland Park, dedicated Aug. 12, 1955, sitive white man who sits tonight in Church.” he told his new flock. front of his T V set watching Tom Mix called the "terminology of the elite.” which serves not only the permanent shooting bandidos. Guzman and others attacked the ster­ population of the mountain area but also "I know the attitude . . . and how eotype of the Mexican-American as a pas­ a large resort population during the unlikely it is to be changed by rational sive, long-sufTering personality; an assess­ summer months. arguments, by pleading, by moaning.” ment sometimes used to "explain” why Bishop Maloney Asks, Father Kavanagh was an outstanding Mexican-Americans suffering the same or athlete as a stuHmt — starring as an all- THE EMOTIONAL HIGHLIGHT of worse conditions have not followed the parochial lineman with the Cathedral the session was the unscheduled appear­ lead of Negro riots. football team. His athletic career was ance of Rudolph lCorky> Gonzales, leader "This is a myth of passiveness,” Do ‘Work of Council’ extended by his service as St. Mary’s of the militant Crusade for Justice, who Guzman said. "No people sit back. . . . high school athletic director. reiterated his conviction that the Mexi- AH people are capable of violent reac­ Wichita. Kans. — Bishop David M. work "with a readiness to learn, with can-American faces a much greater chal­ tion.” Maloney, former Auxiliary Bishop of the patience and forbearance, with good will IN OTHER appointments this week. lenge than mere acceptance as an equal. He recalled the so-called "Pachuco Denver Archdiocese, was installed as the and charity.” Archbishop Casey named Father Juan wars” in I^os Angeles during World War sixth ordinary of the Wichita diocese in II as ample evidence that the capability • "Our primary goal is the implementa­ (Turn to Puge 2) Jan. 25 ceremonies at the cathedral. tion of the Council, our first wish is the for violence is there. More than 30 Archbishops and Bishops good of the Church.” he explained. attended the ceremony o f installation, Official Appointments PANEL MEMBER Dr. Phil Montez of presided over by U.S. Apostolic Delegate The new Bishop promised that the lai­ Rev. Michael F. Kavanagh. to be Pastor, Ix)s Angeles. Mexican-American specialist Archbishop Luigi Raimondi. Other minis­ ty would bo "the substantial object” of his St. Mary’s Church. Littleton for the U.S. Civil Rights commission, ters of installation included Archbishop life and work, and he urged the laity to Rev. Juan Jose Garcia, C.R., to be Assist­ (Turn to Page 2) Edward Ilunkeler, Archbishop of Kansas "take on as their own task” the renewal ant Pastor. St. Cajetan’s Church, City. Kans.: and Bishop Mark Carroll, of the temporal order. He warned laymen Denver retiVed Bishop of Wichita. that they could not fulfill this function The following Pastors have been appoint­ Bishop Maloney preached the homily "without .sanctity.” ed to be Deanery Moderators for the at the installation and concelebrated Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Semmafty , which was televised through the BISHOP M A LO N E Y stressed that Official Schedule ^ Women: facilities of the Kansas Broadcasting sys­ priests owed the Bishop "reverent obedi­ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Hoffman, Colo­ tem. ence.” and that the priest’s relationship Friday. February 2, 12:30 p.m. — Denver, rado Springs The Denver Archdiocesan Chancery with his Bishop "will be that of a man. Archdi(x:esan School Office, Colorado Rev. William Joseph Koontz, Denver, reports a total of $32.00 donated toward " I D ARE TO C L A IM your obedience mindful of his own dignity, mindful, too. Catholic Conference Southwest seminary burses during the past week. and your love.” the Bishop said, "and I of this tie binding them together in Sunday. February 4. 11:00 a.m. — Den­ ver, Notre Dame Church, Confirma­ Rev. Regis McGuire, Leadville Donations for the St. Jude Burse were confidently expect your Christ’s sacerdotal service. and there­ tion. Pontifical Read Mass Rev. Francis G. Morfeld, Denver, North­ received from Denver, H.B., $5; Denver. obedience... because I have been placed fore readily observant of the guidance, 3:00 p.m. — Denver, St. Francis (Je east Mrs. R.B., $5; Phoenix, Ariz., anonymous, by the Holy Spirit as Bishop to rule the the judgment, and the command of the Sales Church. Confirmation Rev. John V. Anderson, Denver, South­ $2. Church of God in Wichita.” Bishop.” Tuesday. February 6. 10:00 a.m. — 4:30 east Msgr. William Higgins burse. Miss Bishop Maloney told the ecumenical Rev. James W. Rasby, Denver, Northwest C.K.. $20. congregation gathered for hia installation The Bishop closed his homily with a p.m. — Denver, St. Thomas Seminary, Mental Health Workshop Rev. Robert I. Durrici Rifle All offerings toward the various burses that *'we must go forward with our plea to "pray for us. Assuredly we are Rev. Peter O. Urban. Sterling are used to educate young men for the work, our labors, our service to God and confident,” he quoted St. Paul, "of a good Wednesday, February 7, 10:30 a.m. — Denver, Notre Dame Church, Arch- Rev. Maurice J. M clnemey, Stratton priesthood. They may be sent direct to his people.” The work of which Bishop conscience and we are resolved to act Rev. James L. Morgan, Greeley the Archdiocesan Chancery, 1536 Logan Maloney spoke is "given us by the Coun­ uprightly in ever respect. But I especially diocesan Development Fund Meeting •with Pastors, Lupcheon Rev. Gregory Hudson, O.S.B., Ft. Collins street, Denver. cil,” and he pledged an approach to that beg your prayers.” Page Two THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, February 1, 1968 ADF Budget Priest Warns of War Briefing (Continued From Page 1) 'These men are our brothers,” he said, "and we are concerned for their safety." Set Feb. 7 United States is supporting the situation One N ew York Tim es correspondent th by its military aid to and support of the theorized that the religious community Pastors of the arch­ Gautemalan government. "has been put in a dangerous position,” diocese w ill meet at St. and he said there was concern in Ameri­ Bernadette’s church, Lake- U.S. M IL IT A R Y government may be can diplomatic circles that the Commu­ wood, at 10:30 a.m. Feb. 7 M •successful in Guatemala, he said, but nists would use the two priests and Sister for an initial meeting on a\ only through "the rape and death” of "in a way that might provoke U.S. inter­ the 1968 Archdiocesan I many Guatemalan people. vention.” Development Fund cam­ Denying any strong communist influ­ The Melvilles are in their mid-SOs, paign. ence in Guatemalan leftist activity, ba­ C l and have worked in the Central Ameri­ Pastors will be briefed on ther said that the right wing freely uses can country since their ordinations in the budget for the cam­ P- the "communist” tag on people it wants pr 1957 and 1961. They have organized paign and accomplishments of to get out of the way - usually by credit unions and a resettlement program of the special fund to date. having them shot. for landless peasants. Archbishop James V. "Some people go to the guerrilla move­ Q Sister Marian, the former Marjorie Casey changed the operas K ment," he said, "for self-protection, be­ Bradford, was born in Mexico of Ameri­ Cana Honors Nun tion o f the ADF this year Bishop's First Blessing cause if they are intolerant of social con­ can parents, was educated at Loretto aca­ to provide for advance Ted and Lory Lothamer, chair couple for Cana Bishop David M. Maloney gives his first bless­ th ditions in Guatemala, they are called demy in El Paso, Tex., and spent a year budgeting o f specific pro­ Conferences of Denver, present a certificate of ing to the priests and people of the Diocese of V Communists, and to be called a 'Commu­ grams, by a special clergy- at Webster college in Missouri. Since merit to Sister Shiela, principal of Marycrest high Wichita, after being installed as the new Ordinary V nist’ is often to be shot.” 1954 she has been in Guatemala, with lay committee meeting Father Bonpane was ordered out of school. Sister Shiela was the first nun to partici­ in ceremonies in Wichita’s Cathedral of the Im­ the exception of time off for a brief fur­ pate in the Cana series. The spring schedule of with sponsoring individuals Guatemala at the same time the Melville and groups. maculate Conception Jan. 25. Bishop Maloney, a lough. Cana Conference3 was announced this week. native of Littleton, went to Wichita after serving brothers were, and he says he was forbid­ In inviting pastors to the eight years as Auxiliary Bishop of Denver. den to speak to the fifth annual Catholic F A T H E R B O N PA N E is rememliered Feb. 7 meeting. Archbishop Inter-American Cooperation program in by Catholics of the Denver Archdiocese as Casey said the general St. Louis, held Jan. 29-31. He was told to a personable and extremely active priest, campaign format would report to his Hawaiian assignment on Cana Conferences Mennonites Announce who was largely responsible for introduc­ remain unchanged, but K Jan. 29. He did. ing "Weekends of Christian Living” to added: The Inter-American Forum which Fa­ Religious Center C the area, as well as furthering the intro­ "However, we have ther Bonpane addressed was held on the S| duction o f Cursillos in the Archdiocese. Schedule Posted revised the program so Aspen — A national and world — leading thinkers 2i two days preceding the larger CICOP The Maryknoller worked extensively that the specific goals global center for seminars of all faiths — participat­ meet. • The forum was sponsored for an the spring th with Denver-area youth groups; he was The Cana Conference presented which hav.- been recom­ on theological concerns of ing in seminars and dia­ L invited group of some 200 Latin Ameri­ sen o f “ -v is e d pro- and i^a the fall at various aeiit. tjy i»io lo me _ _ .n . . . . mended by a committee of modern man was envi­ logues to be held at the can experts by St. Louis university and _ pram, •will rAunmo arralm ,*», rtas-JoKnU thrOUghOUt the International Relations at Georgetown r n »n v »r priests and lay people will sioned for Colorado in an Aspen chapel,” Bishop Yost CICOP. university, Washington, where he spent a ‘ >>ree Archdiocese o f D e n - r become the objective of the announcement this week of said. yearvear heforebefore accepting the Guatemalan “ ''dpoo^.bly more parishes T h e i r purpose is mediocre campaign. It is, therefore, plans for the Chapel of the The Chapel of the Prince TH E M E L V IL L E brothers were de­ in the Denver Area. marriages good and to necessary that we have the Prince o f Peace at Aspen. of Peace at Aspen is a pro­ E scribed by Father Bonpane as the finest make good marriages bet- Bishop E.M. Yost, Over­ Father Bonpane said that he followed ,,ipHsched- opportunity to explain the ject of the conference. C people the Maryknoll society has ever ter.” details of this program to seer of the Rocky Moun­ Land for the chapel has "1 known.” They were attempting to end the orders to ship the CICOP conference and fn“ " F e b r ° u t r "are " ^ Each series consists of tain Mennonite conference, report to Hawaii in order to demonstrate all pastors at this meet­ been donated. Guatemalan status quo situation, he said, St. Theresa’s in Aurora, four conferences — one ing." explained the concept of P' that he is "not opposed to obedience." He tf wherein "the vast majority of Guatema­ Sacred Heart in Boulder, every two weeks. The con­ the project, which he con­ discu.tsed the case against orders, how­ In adopting the principle T lans are hungry, sick, and homeless.” and Nativity o f Our Lord ferences are conducted by of advance budgeting, the ceived several years ago: ever, because he said he believes that •Father McCormack said the suspension in Broomfield. It is possi­ priests, doctors, nuns, and ADF said parishes exceed­ "W e hope to see theolo- FLOWERS "obedience can reach a point where it would be lifted when the Mclvillos came ble that one or more addi­ laymen and women, and ing their campaign goals gians from throughout the becomes destructive.” Eifht Stores home to explain their activities.______tional parishes will be they delve into every im­ would retain the excess to better scheduled for Cana Confer­ portant aspect of marriage. balance for parochial pro­ GLASS serve you. ences this spring. C A N A HAS been con­ jects. CO. Cana Conferences are ducting conferences in the Are Riots Likely? Archdiocese for four years Colorado To Get and has met with excellent (Continued From Page 1) Benton took up the subject of educa­ $64/000 OEO Grant MIRRORS suggested the theme question should be tion and political power in general in his response. The material for ONE WHO Kansas City, Mo. -- A changed to read: "W hy don’t the JVIexican- comments. the conferences, however, Sev Our Hcautiful CARES . . 12-month $64,229 grant to "Elect a Spanish-American to the is being constantly Nfic Home (If CALLS Amcricans Riot?’' the Colorado Office of Eco­ "In Watts, we look at that community, school board? This won’t help,” he said. changed, revised, and up- nomic O pportunity has 6 9 U l . a u r e n c e H2.)-.52.S1 then we see housing more dilapidated in "If you could elect four, that might help. I dated. Thus, whenever a But i doubt that’s the way to do it. There Cana Series is presented in been approved by the Of­ East , fewer poverty programs fice of Economic Opportun­ PERSONALIZED MONUMENTS AND MARKERS than in Watts, fewer educational pro­ is a massive lack of concern, endorsed by a parish for a second time, the community.” the material given is not ity. Don Thomason, direc­ grams than in Watts. . . . tor of OEO’s North Central "The ingredients are there. . . . I f the same as that previous­ Instead, Benton said, the answer is ly pre.sented. region, announced. anyone has a right to riot, the farm "pressure — intensive, unrelieved, and The state is providing worker at Delano does. Then why hasn’t The series at St. There­ MEMORIAL CO. consistent pressure — until they (public sa’s will begin Feb. 18, fol­ $16,118 to complement the the Mexican-American rioted? I can’t Federal grant. SPEER BOULEVARD AT 9th • PHONE 3SS i;«S P> officials! have no altern ative but to lowed by conferences on answer it; I don’t think any of us can.” react.” S t Armando Rodriguez, chief o f -Mexican- March 3, March 17, and "1 have seen schools built, budgets in­ March 31. For reserva­ L e I T k B OdCUORST D Co. American affairs for the Department of creased . . . because o f w h ite pressure. T Health, Education, and Welfare, said the tions, contact George and ol Anglo pressure.” answer "will depend primarily on how Toni Sevier, at 343-1722. human, beings in these cities are treated. SACRED HEART at A PR IE ST-M E M B E R o f the panel. "I feel we are losing ground daily in Boulder will hold its series th Father Henry Case of San Antonio, Tex., □□□Q aB EjQ education,” Rodriguez said. "We are still on the same dates, and said he viewed the crisis o f the poor in P> perpetuating * the same approaches, the Barbara and Phil Simpson. LM the United States as a-crisis of what he 443-0736, should be con­ sapie materials, the same teachers that described as the "two pillars” of the President rd tian-Judaic principle of love o f neighbor S.J., president o f St. parish, Broomfield. the h i TH E SYSTEM o f education was lam­ . . . respect o f fellow man, and the plur­ Louis university, will be Cana Conferences will be d n A u A a n o L d( basted by nearly every speaker, including alistic concept that all men are created guest speaker at a meet­ held Feb. 25, March 10. equal.” JOHN E. ZOOK fii a sub-panel of respondents present to ing of the school’s Un­ March 24. and April 7. For EARL G. COLGLAZIER GERARD R. AinjoL 1S97 TcBOCKHORST, CPCU translate the problems discussed into lo­ "These two principles are being cate­ iversity club of Colorado reservations contact Sam gorically challenged today,” he said. cal'terms. •’ Feb. 10, 6:30 p.m., at the and Elizabeth Novak, 466- lb 840 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Joseph Herrera, director of Colorado Gonzales, invited to the stage to speak Diplomat Motor hotel. 3951. th Operation SER, job development agen­ in response to shouts from the audience, bi cy pointed out that of 4,247 teachers in said Mexican-Americans must realize and ti the Denver schools, only 74 are Mexican- act on the fact that "we live in a racist th Americans, and that there is no Mexican- society.” American on the school board. "Mexicans better start thinking in terms of nationalism,” he said. "Don’t think that’s un-American. That’s Ameri­ • th can according to methods used against th Fr. Kavanagh us.” si (Continued From Page 1) GONZALES SUGGESTED Mexican- Jose Garcia, C.R., assistant pastor o f St. Americans, should they resort to wide­ C^jetan’s parish, Denver, and named 11 spread violence, might not follow the lead pastors to serve as deanery moderators of the Negro riots that featured indis­ for the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic criminate burning and looting. Women. "The Mexican-American w ill not burn The moderator appointments conformed his brother’s house,” Gonzales said. "The AN EXPERIENCED AND DEDICATED to the recent increase in the number od Mexican-American is selective . . . I U deaneries in the archdiocese. Four of the don’t think he’ll riot. It could be war­ ai appointments arc new assignments; the fare. . . . CATHOLIC STAFF TO ASSIST YOU . . others were reappointments. "But the real question is; Ts Anglo P^ The new moderators are Father Mau­ society ready to change? Are we ready to at rice J. Mclnerney. Stratton deanery; Fa­ change it?’ ” th ther Peter O. Urban, Sterling deanery: Denver lawyer Jesse Sauceda, member Father Robert I. Durrie, Rifle deanery; of the respondent panel, raised the ques­ Personalized service by the largest and Father Franciu G. .Morfeld,* Denver tion of the Vietnam war as a major fac­ Catholic mortuary staff in the Northeast deanery. tor in the current plight o f Mexican Robert Nevans of Greeley, Americans. area is available at Olingers. th archdiocesan moderator for the ACCW, "We are being asked for youth to b( fight. . . . Can we really ask these Each of these Catholic gentlemen noted the moderator appointments are pictured here serves families, upon particularly significant this year since the young people to go?” he asked. ch archdiocese will host the biennial conven­ Guzman, Gonzales, and others also request, at each of our four E tion of the National Council of Catholic took up the question. neighborhood mortuaries. la Women next October. Guzman noted the traditional pride in the war record of Mexican-Americans, the When a fam ily requests a specific facts that they made up 10 per cent of member o f our personnel, he devotes his the Congressional Medal of Honor in World War II and that none were among time to that family — counseling the GI turncoats of the Korean conflict. them and directing the Rosary "1 don’t see the pay-off on this yet.” and Funeral Mass. Guzman said, and added the note that Mexican-Americans are serving in and Truly Personalized Funeral Service dying in Vietnam, numbers far exceeding their proportion of the total U.S. popula­ tion.

"I RESENT THIS very deeply,” he said. "This is a very serious moral issue for all of you to think about.” Gonzales was more blunt. 'The only way they admire us is when we die for them,” Gonzales said. "We Paul T. W ilkie become lackeys and torpedoes for big shot politicians and businessmen who are get­ ting rich off this war.” Raymond B. Harris Four convenient locations: The seminar developed into a free ex­ change between audience, panel, and res­ 16TH AT BOULDER pondents — and left few social institu­ E. COLFAX AT MAGNOLIA tions, including the Church as viewed in neighborhood m o r t u a r ies this context, unscathed for past discrimi­ SPEER BlVD. AT SHERMAN nation and present inertia. An Anglo member of the audience 2775 SO. BROADWAY (ENGLEWOOD) remarked afterward; "1 never felt so 4S5-3663 Rev. Michael F. Kavanagh much like an, outsider.” Thursday, February 1, 1968 t HE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page Three Archdiocese Scene of Vigorous Unity Prayer Week Observance 4 : Episcopalians joined FLEM ING - The Par­ ert J. Stewart, St. John dows to Col. Pat Crizer, Catholics in St. John the ent-Teacher association of the Baptist Episcopal brigade commander,' by Lt. Evangelist’s church, Den­ the Catholic Youth and church, in which they said Col. Solomon A. Card, divi­ ver, Jan. 28, for an ecu­ Adult Religious Education the ecumenical movement sion chaplain. menical service that cli­ association of St. Peter s "will or will not bear fruit” maxed a ■vigorous observ­ parish sponsored an "Even­ depending on "grass-roots” A N O T H E R ecumenical ance of the Week of Prayer ing of Dialogue” with response. event of note is scheduled for Christian' Unity in members of Protestant Feb. 4, when Catholic cler­ northern Colorado. denominations Jan. 28. A FT. CARSON - Father gy and lay leaders will Archbishop James V. panel discussion and com­ (Capt.) Paul F. Garrity, take part in a discussion of Casey, Bishop Joseph S. mon worship services were 3rd brigade staff chaplain, "The Contemporary Catho­ Minnis, Episcopal Bishop included in the program. used the dedication of new lic Church” at Park Hill of Colorado, and the Rt. BRECKENRIDGE - The stained glass windows in Congregational church, Rev. Edwin B. Thayer, joint worship service of the Army post’s Chapel 2 2600 Leyden street, Den­ Suffragan Bishop of the Catholics. Methodists, and to hold an interfaith ser­ ver. Colorado Episcopal diocese, Episcopalians at Father vice. The 'dedication was Dr. Philip Clark, lay led in conducting the ser­ Dyer Methodist church conducted Jan. 21, between member of Blessed Sacra­ vices. here also was a community Sunday morning Mass and ment parish, will speak. The Sunday night cere­ first. The Jan. 28 event the Protestant worship The program is part of the monies completed an ex­ was heralded by a joint services in the chapel to Congregational church s Service Climaxes Prayer for Unity Week change that began with public statement issued by allow both congregations Search and Discovery ser­ ecumenical services in St. Father John Slattery, pas­ "to gather together,” Fa- • ies. Principals in the Episcopalian-Catholic dia­ assistant pastor, St, John’s church and Dr. Karl Luke’s Episcopal chuich, tor o f St. Mary’s parish; ther Garrity said. High­ A demonstration Mass logue are shown above at a service at St, John’s Arndt. Denver, a week earlier. the Rev. Marl L. Fiester, light of the ceremony was will be conducted as part Cathoic church. Addressing the interfaith congre­ Preacher of the homily at the service was Rev. The companion services Father Dyer Methodist presentation of the win­ of the series Feb. 18. gation at the Sunday, Jan. 28 service is Archbish­ Richard Lundbcrg, pastor of St. George’s Episco­ were the highlight of the church; and the Rev. Rob- op James V. Casey, left. Also present in the sanc­ pal church, Englewood, shown in the photo be­ ■ observance of the Week of tuary, from left to right, arc: Rev. Charles D. low. Father Omer Foxhoven, pastor of Loveland’s Prayer proclaimed by Pitkin, rector of Christ Church, Castle Rock; Rt, St. John’s church, was homilist for the service. Archbishop Casey, which 'It's o Day Rev. Edwin B. Thayer, Suffragan Bishop of the Shown listening to Father Lundberg’s homily are, also included formal ecu­ Colorado Episcopal diocese; Rt. Rev. Joseph S. from left to right. Monsignor John P. Moran, pas­ menical worship through­ Minnis, Bishop of the Colorado Episcopal diocese; tor o f St. John’s church; Archbishop James V. out the archdiocese. I'd Like Rev. Richard Wilder, rector of St. Gabriel’s Casey; partially obscured, behind the Archbishop, Another signal event of church, Englewood; Dr. Philip Clarke, Archdioce­ is Monsignor Walter J. Canavan, rector of the the week was the app>ear- san Ecumenical commission; Rev. Paul Wicker, Cathedral parish and chairman of the Archdioce­ ance of Father Francis To Forget' san Ecumenical commission. ______. Syrianey. pastor of St. Pius X parish, Aurora, in the Sgt. Lawrence P. Mora- Protect your car's finish from pulpit of Burn.s Memorial han o f Holy Family parish, No Intercommunion Methodist church for two father o f eight, emerged as the ravages of destructive services Jan. 21. The two a hero after spending churches’ ecumenical ef­ seven hours at gunpoint as road salts and cold weather In Our Theology^ forts also featured inaugu­ a hostage in a wild, ram­ ration of 10 'Living Room bling police chase across ahead. Restore the original Says Unity Expert Dialogue’ groups involving eastern Colorado Jan. 29. show-room shine with MING. nearly 120 members of the Morahan, 20-year veter­ parish and the Methodist an of the Denver Police Berkeley, Calif. — A ”Is not .ecclesiastical congregation. •tl member of the Vatican communion,, with all that department, was .surprised MING— the world’s most durable car finish An example of the en- by the gunman in the Secretariat for Christian it comprises, strictly corre- thusiastic response to the Unity said here there is lative to eucharistic com- movement i., con- basement of a King Soop- "no room for intercommu­ mumon.' he asked. How ers 's to re in the Dahlia MING SERVICE CENTER V tained in reports of ecu- nion' m the theology of . . can the one be separ- „,enical evente elsewhere Shopping Center. 2014 CHAMPA ST. the Rom an C a th o li ated from the other? archdioce.se: Morahan was forced to FOR APPT. PHONE 534-4:49 Church. ...m ,c.,o-n .n r K COLORADO .SPRINGS: drive a police cruiser with The reason, said Father • IT M U S T therefore he Catholic and Protestant three other hostages and Jerome Hamer, O.P, clergymen joined in prod- the gunman in the car. that the Eucharist cannot theology, which recognizes ucing an eight-day series Morahan said he wasn’t be dissociated from the a close bond between Eu- of five-minute radio and frightened during the aay Church itself, "for the sim- charist and Church, there television programs on the but was concerned about FINAL CLEARANCE pie reason that this sacra­ is no room for intercommu­ theme 'To the Praise of the other hostages. Two, ment is the center and nion,” Father.Ham er slat­ His Glory,’ in cooperation Andy Ander.^on and Leroy culmination of the whole ed. with the city’s broadcast­ Hebert, were wounded by life of the Church.’’ He said that despite the ers. the stickup man. Father Hamer, speaking "sacramental identity” FORT COLLINS; Two at the Graduate Theologi­ between the Roman Catho­ The chase, with a car­ services — in the First cal union at the University lic Church and the Ortho­ avan of police cars, repor­ of California, said inter­ dox Church, they do not Christian church Jan. 21 ters, and observers in pur­ and in St. Joseph’s church communion is a word participate in each other’s suit, came to an abrupt coined to designate Eucha­ eucharistic celebrations. Jan. 24 — were featured. end Monday night when Monsignor John B. Cavan- ristic communion between "In refusing to accept the van — an ambulance Vincentians Aid churches which are not in intercommunion, the Cath- agh, pastor of St. Josephs, van stolen during the at­ total communion and olic and Orthodox Church- joined pastors of the citys tempted escape south out therefore remain separated, es do not consider they are Protestant denominations of Denver — ran out o f In Europe, for example, rendering a lesser service in both services — the gas on E. Colfax avenue. 1,400 Families the Anglican Church in to unity than the churches’ first of their kind in Fort which do permit it.” Father Collins. Morahan said the thing The president o f the for flood relief; $100 to the England and the Old Cath­ olic Church in H olland Hamer said. "They repeat , STERLING - Father he worried most about was Denver Particular Council annual Peter’s Pence col James E. Kane, pastor, his wife. o f the Society of St. Vin- TecUon an d‘ $ l6 o “ to the ‘ '’ P"'' " ’ embers at without ceasinp that the „ Robert cent de Paul reports that Seminary burse ^ receive commun- Eucharist is not a reality W h ite o f St. Anthony’s She was home with Po­ the.t.. Society aided 1,439 statistics in Ra- a n o th e r’ s external to the Church. lice Capt. Charles Miller, churches, although the two which may be used to en- parish participated in pan­ families during the year ber's report, including spir- el discussions of the ecu­ commander of District 4, ending Sept. 30, 1967. churchea are not in com- ter it, ’a little like taking itual works, follow: menical movement and its north Denver, and Father T. Raber Taylor, Denver plete union with one an­ a key to enter a house.’ ” • Baptisms arranged, 17; progress in the First Meth­ Charles Jones, police chap­ attorney who is president, other. converts, 19; books, reli- odist church. The program lain. issued the. society s annual gjous articles, papers, etc. SELECTION IS GOOD. NOT ALL SIZES IN ALL STYLES Pueblo Priest was conducted in three report last week. Taylors distributed. 20,485; Chris- FATHER HAMER Mrs. Morahan declined to DISCONTINUED PAHERNS parts, on successive Sun­ report listed revenue for tian burials provided, 20; spoke . in praise. , of .. the Senate Forms discuss the long day of days, under sponsorship of the year at $28,761.74, the help in children’s Sunday ^ ‘ be re­ , Pueblo — The Priests anguish. *Td rather not total from 31 reporting school attendance. ..»n,cent ecuinenica movement--- sen a te o f the Pueblo the Women’s Society of talk about it. It’s a day Id conferences of the Denver • Persons in families -mong Chr.st.ans but jjeeese held its first formal Christian Service. like to forget,” she said. WESTMINSTER - An Council. aided, 6,942; family visits, stopped short o f endorsing meeting Jan. 31. beginning intercommunion. estimated 500 persons at­ Among some o f the sta- 1,968; institutional visits a semi-annual series of tended the first joint Cath- W ILLIAM BROWN'S tistics in the report are to hospiUls, etc., $1,390; "The Eucharist the meetings in its capacity as I SHOE STORE I $1,000 for Christmas and persons returned to fami- center, the summit, the an advisory group for the__ olic-Protestant worship [b l o c k I FLO RAL winter assisUnce o f fami- lies in other cities. 46; culminating point in the Bishop on diocesan policy service in the suburban 9521 E. Coliai Avenue, Aurora ( all ( -i lo r Ml Open Monday und Friday Eveninqv lies and individuals donat- furniture articles furnished of the Church,’ he aid. affecting the clergv. community, at Holy Trini­ > mil I Inriil Siaals ed by members and sub- to families, 1,746; articles "It is her greatest realiza- — - . * ty church. Father A. E. 5040 E. Colfax Election of the Senate rijiM Y ()i I iu:i: r.\i

Bishop Pike is scheduled Compute L i m of ftcItfUwt AtticUt fof Cliytcti Home to speak at both public "THE QUIET ONE' .sessions of the institute, at fo r a change! 7:30 p.m. Feb. 3 and at 3 A. P. WAGNER a CO. p.m. Feb. 4, at the Congre­ is like having a rich gational church. He also will answer questions. CHURCH GOODS uncle in your checkbook Bishop Pike will address Check 'N' Credit is American National's cushion of cash Wc’ll do it every year of your life if you establish an Extension Annuily. himself to two themes, 1433 Tremont Place 82S-8331 plan which lets you write checks for more money than you "W hat Can a Man Believe HOURS 9 TO 5-SAT. 9 TO 4 have in your checking account. By means of a personal line The Extension Society of the U.S.A. p and How?” and "A Model 1307 Sooth Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Illinois 60605 of credit established for you. money is automatically trans­ Sam ple for the Church o f the ’70s.” ferred into your checking account whenever you over­ Returns on Dear Fathers: Please send me information on your Extension Annuity Plan draw your balance ... accidentally or on purpose. If you and your Life Income Plan* I understand that this inquiry is in strictest con­ don't need it. you don t use it. But it is always there to enable Extensio n fidence and will entail no obligation whatever. you to take on-the-spot advantage of bargains or impulse A nnuities purchases. (per cent) Check 'N' Credit is called the Quiet One" because it is a my birthdate confidential, personal matter between you and your banker. •gt »om«n No telltale special checks, no guarantee card, to show you name (Mr./Mrs./Miss) (please print) are using a borrowing plan. 55 5.3 4.8 "The Quiet One" is the flexible, easy way to have a 65 7.0 6.0 cushion of cash at your fingertips. Call 244-6911 or see American about starting a Chock 'N' Credit account. 75 10.0 8.3 Zip code

AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Please send me a booklet describing the work of Extension Society. 17th and Stout St. Free in-bank parking OUR CUSTOMERS ARE O UR BEST SALESMEN OR. please send me a booklet on Extension Volunteers. . Page Four THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, February 1, 1968 Hotels Your Family Noise Level? By Dolores Curran tation and clear thinking. It fosters imag­ I heard a seminary director say recent­ ination and creativity in the child and ly. "Strangely enough, our students don’i give him an opportunity to learn to live have as much difficulty adjusting to the with himself. How can we expect him to rules or studies here as they do to the si­ think about God and His relevancies to lence. Many have never experienced it. daily life if it’s too noisy and distracting Once they get used to it. though, they to think about anything. cherish it. If parents only realized how children need peace and serenity, they- Peace and serenity in the home are set by parents who are peaceful and serene, would work overtime to furnish it at home.” if they try to crowd too much into a day. meeting appointments and planning morq^ they can’t be as peaceful as they might I can well believe him. All of us have be otherwise. been in homes whose normal pitch equals the combined frenzy of Christmas morn­ If, on the other hand, they take ing, moving day, and a broken water inventory of their family noise level, heater. The family becomes accustomed to they might .realize that without even operating on the near-panic level at all being aware of it, they are operating times. Members shout for the breakfast in an atmosphere of disharmony and cereal instead of asking for it and the tension. parents would be stymied more with lar­ yngitis than a broken arm. One friend of mine became acutely aware o f their home noise problem when It isn’t hard for teachers to pick her six-year-old boy told her he liked out children coming from such homes. going to a friend’s house because it was They can’t live with silence - it 80 quiet there. makes them nervous. So used art they to background noises of televi­ "But that can’t be,” said the startled V iew p o in t sion, radio, and shouting that they mother. "There are seven children living feel more comfortable during recess there and only three living here.” than library and during noon hour "I know,” agreed the son, "but noise Christianity—A Revolting Situation than story telling time. doesn’t live there like it does here.” B y R ev. L. M arvin Read When these kids reach junior high age. they begin toting transistor radios Among the pn)blems of today’s Chris­ capitalism’s unequal distribution of refusal to perpetuate a status quo that is about, tuning in when classes change, on • Hindsight tian understanding is the conundrum of wealth for only their own benefit. beneficial for a few and harmful to the the trip home, or during any other emer­ how best to manifest Christ’s living pres­ Christianity is not removed from the most. It is Christian because there is a gency when silence threatens. These are ence in a hungry, poor, ignorant and ex­ social order into which it is set: Pope rejection of peacefully sitting back and the students who begin to squirm during ploited world. John, Pope F^aul and the Second Vatican tsk-tsking the world’s wrongs while only long semester exams and tell the teacher D id Y ou Two Maryknoll missionaries. Fathers Council have made that clear. It is a part vaguely resolving to do something about in desperation, "I just can’t think when Arthur and Thomas Melville, have found of the Church’s mission to be concerned them — someday. it’s so quiet.” These are the kids who are themselves in the sticky predicament of about the material conditions of those The Christian activist’s efforts are a the result of homes where the noise level Hear the "manifesting Christ'’ in a way disap­ people whose souls it is trying to save. It forceful reminder that, where there is a is high. proved wholeheartedly by the Guatema­ is similarly an obligation of concerned wrong, something must be done — now. lan government, the CIA and their own Christianity to alter, improve and elevate The chosen means may or may not be I’m not pretending that all homes Question? missionary s'knoll Sister Marian Peter Bradford, must be stated that the Maryknoll "reb­ the powerful and the weak, to ruler a»* parents realize daily what they have tak­ society — Anglo-dominated, Anglo-con­ reportedly were engaging in the "internal els” were trying to accomplish precisely to ruled that God’s beneficent will and en upon themselves for the next 15 years. trolled, and Anglo-evaluated society — affairs" of the small Central American that task — the bringing of Christ’s mes­ love must see fruition in every country, We all have our routine hysterical tone got a thorough airing Sunday night. country by giving their support and en- sage to just the spot that Guatemalans social class and person. to use when needed. Our children bicker courageimml to Communist-oriented, lelt- I t i h f most: The economic, socio­ We could all wish, of course, that such occasionally. I recognize all this. Not many Anglos were there to hear ist rebel groups seeking to overlhj’ow political arena. That their choice of in­ a prophetism be accomplished "peaceably, it. Skimpy next-day press reports dis­ that nation’s government. volvements was unpopular is clear: that respectably and respectfully.” without dis­ But the question that has to be faced missed the meeting as at m ost an Arguing that the Guatemalan adminis­ it was simply unwise, only the evaluation turbing nations or individuals. But it by parents is. "Is such noise a part of or unscheduled sounding board for an in­ tration continues an ever-present Latin of history will reveal. can't. foreign to the normal serenity of the flammatory, as reported, threat by Cru­ American syndrome of corrupt, bureau­ The Christian presence has felt the The impact of the 18th century’s egali­ home?” Is the childish bickering out of sade for Justice leader Corky Gonzales. cratic till-tapping and Establishment ex­ need to reveal itself in rare ways of late. tarian movements — among which is place or expected? Is the normal tone of ploitation of the poverty-ridden campesi- Whether it is a nun marching in u picket numbered our own American foundation voice conversational or frenetic? The meeting contained a threat, of nos, the Maryknoll trio allied themselves protest, a priest turning in his own draft- — or even the force of Christ’s teachings that there is no doubt. But it w as not a with Red-tinged armed rebel forces. In so card or leading fair housing crusades, the in Century Number One have not been And what about television and ra­ narrow, blustery call to arms. It was a acting, the priests and Sister found them­ collar and habit have turned up in some felt without the boat-rocking upsets that dio noise? In some families, both in­ pessimistic assessment, by those most selves positioned foursquare against Gua­ uncomfortable and embarrassing situa­ revolutions invariably bring. The move­ truders go on with the breakfast knowledgeable, of a situation already as temalan. American and Maryknoll poli­ tions — embarrassing and uncomfortable ments that continue the spread of equali­ coffee and out with the cat, providing critical as injustice can make it. especially for those who still consider ty and the concurrent spread of the Gos- cies. a background of noise all day long. The theme of the meeting was a ques­ Father’s place as being tucked away be­ pel-translated-into-reality will continue to Asked by their superiors to leave the Without even being aware of it, par­ tion: "W ill Mexican-Americans Riot?” But hind his gilt-edged breviary and Sister’s spawn revolution — some of it as upset­ country, the Maryknollers began the jour­ ents and children raise their voice the impression left tended to blot out the place at the sewing-basket. ting and bloodletting as 1776 or Calvary ney to New York to explain their in­ volume to be heard above the con­ specific question as irrelevant. Group The Religious’ appearance in modern or the Roman Coliseum. volvement: by the time they had arrived stant music and commercials. speculation about the whens and wheres day instances - even m a Guatemala- at Miami on the lirsl leg of their one­ of anything so unpredictable as mob vio­ type affair - may or may not be ill- FOR THE priest-brothers Melville and way trek, they decided to turn around Children and adults alike need peace lence is an exercise in futility. and again plunge into the touchy Guate­ timed. imprudent, unwelcome, unpatriotic, the Sisters like Sister Marian - for the and serenity at times. They should look malan fVacus. Subsequently, the two relu'lluius and anti-establishmentarian priest-brothers Berrigan and Falht*r (Imp- forward to a peaceful home after a noisy More to the point was the question of priests were suspended for failing to obey But it is Christian. pi. we express admiration and respect. day at school or work. Why should they one speaker: Has American society the "come home" order and Sister, we It is Christian because it is an appear­ We are concerned about their means, at have to search out a friend's home or a reached the point where riots become "a suspect, is up for an analagous discipline. ance that seeks an objective good and a times, but we are proud of their determi­ cocktail lounge to get away from home permanent and enduring phenomenon .. . proper re-orientation of basic social nation to manifest Christ, us they sin­ noise? the only effective means of social expres­ W H A T IS SAID here is not offered as values. It is Christian because there is a cerely see fit. where he is most needed It IS silence that engenders true medi- sion.” an endorsement of the missionaries' parti­ cular form of activity. We have been Even before experts on the panel had formed in such a way tliat it is dilllcult to • Comment for Today made opening statements, M exican- conceive of Communist-oriented coopera­ Americans in the audience were shouting tion as anything but an unholy alliance. the complaint that expressed the real cri­ Too, the issues involved are anything Juveniles, Crime, and the Law sis at hand -- that nobody listens to, but simple: Latin American politics, by nobody does anything for, and, therefore, their very nature, are labyrinthine in nobody in the Anglo community cares llu'ir com))le.\U> and lluid in their fnunda By Paul H. Hallett about the poverty-ridden ethnic minority, in this case Mexican-Americans. tion. It is difficult, from one moment to A youth. 14. who killed another boy. mita the crime are two different things. givings if ho had lived into this drug the next, to tell which Latin American has just been sentenced to the Lookout To the question; Can a child under 16 ridden age, when the taking of dope is In a nation presumably conducting a officials wear the white sombreros and Mountain Schcwl for Boys after being commit a crime? the answer must be yes, excused as a moans to "religious experi­ war on poverty at every level o f govern­ which wear the black. judged guilty of a misdemeanor under the meaning that he is guilty before God of a ence.” ment, at great expense, such a grievance In other words, from this distatice. tlu- new Juvenile Code, which says that no serious olTense against his neighbor that seems grotesque. Yet the complaint is Maryknollers’ immersion into Guatemalan one under 16 can commit what the law of can be punished eternally if unrepented SP E A K IN G OF the young men in the made, and easily substantiated by statis­ politics does not easily take on the aspect Colorado recognizes as a crime. Without God any crime is meaningless. colleges of his day. Newman said: "Stop tics alone — without touring the urban of propriety or prudence. But the basis of cigars, they will take to drinking parties: backwaters of the most materially af­ their reasoning does make sense. This is not an unreasonable provision stop drinking, they gamble: stop gam­ fluent society in history. of the controversial Colorado Children’s THE TENDENCY to regard children bling, and a worse license follows. You do M ISS IO N A R IE S are wont to view Code. The refusal to treat youths of tend­ A priest at the meeting described the as incapable of a profound distinction not get rid of vice by human expedients: national problem as a crisis of America's Guatemala- situations ns intolerable, er years as criminals has disadvantages between right and wrong is contrary to you can but use them according to cir­ both us a social condition and as a and the younger they are the more it can most fundamental concepts — love and all Christian and Jewish tradition. The cumstances, and in their place, as mak­ respect o f neighbor and human equality ground whereon the seeds of faith can be be presumed that their guilt is dimin­ late Monsignor Edward Flanagan of Boys ing the best of a bad matter. You must before God and man. Another speaker sown. Religion - anybody’s religion — is ished. a principle recognized in Canon Town was quoted as saying "there is no go to a higher source for renovation of pointed out discrimination is a betrayal impossibly preached to hungry, oppressed Law (Canon 2204). Canon Law also ex­ such thing as a bad boy.” but if he said the heart and of the will. You do but of American‘ democracy. Still another not­ people. It is senseless to talk about the cuses from automatic penalties children such a thing he was exaggerating for the play a sort of 'hunt the slipper’ with the ed the nation — and particularly the "truth that shall make you free’’ to peas­ under the age of puberty, which is from sake of emphasizing the fact that boys fault of our nature, till you go to Chris­ Southwest — has a long tradition o f ap­ ants who are not at all free. It is a 12 to 14. properly brought up seldom go bad. St. tianity.” proving violent reaction to ir\justice when, travesty to preach Christian brotherhood But the age at which the civil law John Bosco, who had a wide experience Correctional institutions and vocational other means become, not necessarily im­ to impoverished people whoso wealthy puni.shes an act as a crime and the re­ with juvenile delinquents, recognized the camps for young criminals are the best possible, but just tedious and frustrating. "Christian brothers and sisters’’ utilize sponsibility of the individual who com- fact that there were boys who were really we can do today, and they are much bet­ Have most Americans lost the capacity bad and he expelled them from his ter than nothing. But they do not get at to understand misery, to recognize injus­ schools. Cardinal Newman was willing to the roots of moral behavior. Until child­ tice, or — perhaps more vital at this late President ...... Most Rev. James V. Casey. H D. believe that a child of 5 or 6, if brought ren are generally brought up in a knowl­ stage — the ability to do anything about Editor ...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty up in a religious home, had a keen sense edge of God and His Commandments, we General Manager ...... Frank Schiro it? Is the only reaction the majority o f the difference between right and can look for no radical diminution in Managing F'ditor...... Miles F. Porter community able to make the repressive wrong. crime. Denver News Editor...... Jack Bacon measures prompted by fear? Fear has been John Henry Newman has been ridi­ Associate Editors ...... Rev. L. Marvin Read. Sue Roethele described as dread of the unknown, feed­ culed for thinking that a child of 5 or 6 ing on imagined horrors that can become Chris Hernon. William Slevin, Tom Officer. James Sena, Linus could have such a tender conscience, but Riordan, Paul H. Hnllett. James R. Walsh, Ernest Sanchez, Jack very real very quickly. he did not say that all children were McKenna. Kim Larsen. David;Millon. Fear exists in both the Anglo and M ex­ thus able to distinguish right from Cities Still Lure ican-American communities, among both wrong, only those who had been given Negro Migrants Caucasians and Negroes, and the fears Published Weekly by Christian training. Although he never are based on very real horrors. It is difil- THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY. (INC.) professedly treated of juvenile delin­ The latest U.S. Census Bureau report cult to conceive of any step to resolve the 93R Bannock Street. Denver, Colo. 80204 quents, he hod something provocative to indicates that American Negroes continue fear of one group that could possibly be Telephone. 825-1145 P.O. Box 1620 say about the belief current in his day, to migrate from rural areas to the na­ successful without eradicating its counter­ and magnified since, that education in tion’s big cities, seeking richer and fuller part in the community. the arts and sciences, without religious lives and finding instead ghetto lives of No answer, it would seem, can be Subscription: $5.00 a year. training and faith, could make men bet­ poverty and unemployment. made that does not start with a total Canada. $5.50 a year per subscription. ter. The Census bureau figures for 1960 commitment to an attempt to understand Foreign countries, including Philippines, $7.00 a year. In 1841, in a letter to the London through 1966 show that the Negro popu­ what Mexican-Americans and Negroes are Second Class Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado. Times on the Tamworth Reading Room, lation in m^or U.S. cities increased by trying to tell the ethnic majority that Newman criticized this assumption that more than two million, while the white controls society and its institutions. culture without religion was a way to population declined in the same areas by It is equally difficult to believe the moral improvement- He asked what one million. too-long-ignored victims of an affluent At the same time, however, the Negro society will become convinced that this Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D., Founding Editor. would be gained if temperance lectures OCNVCR stopped drinking, " if those who give up unemployment rate and income level attempt to understand is being made ARCHOIOCESAN Register System of Catholic Newspapers 1913-1960 “) when the affluent ignore their desperate EDITION spirits take to opium?” Newman would have remained nearly what they were efforts to state and explain their needs. have realized how true were his mis- eight years ago. Thursday, February 1, 1968 THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page Five COMMUNICATIONS Vatican, World Council Thank You Editor: Set Up Peace Agency May I take this opportunity to publicly praise our wonderful teens of the Junior Legion of Mary in Notre Vatican City — A U S. viction about economic Monsignor Joseph Gremil-. Danic church. These teens, under the able guidance of Jesuit priest has been- development, aid, trade lion, secretary o f the Vati­ Mrs. J. Quinn, have taken on the responsibility of car­ named secretary of an ex­ and related issues for can Commission on World ing for our pre-school age children. Each Sunday they ploratory Committee on immediate joint study as Justice and Peace — ex­ spend a great deal of their otherwise free time caring Society Development and the basis o f the action that pressed this view in dis­ for approximately 200 pre-schoolers who attend their Peace jointly sponsored by the Roman Catholic, Or­ cussing establishment of classes, while we parents attend Mass gratefully, and the World Council of thodox and Protestant the joint secretariat. peacefully. Churches and the Pontifi­ churches should be taking. He described the move as This program of pre-school Sunday school helps not cal Commission for World Father Dunne’s appoint­ among the first steps in only us parents, but also helps our church considerably Justice and Peace ment as a full-time secre­ narrowing this gap. as it is quieter, thus enabling full attention to the Mass The announcement of the tary is for a period of six "The Christian churches,” on the part of all. appointment of Father months. He will have his he said, "are more credible Therefore as a parent o f one of the pre-schoolers I George H Dunne, S.J., as offices at the WCC Ecu­ if they work together. want to express my whole-hearted appreciation to these secretary o f the committee menical Center at Geneva, There has long been a teens. was made jointly by Mau­ Switzerland. A vigorous credibility gap between the Mrs. Robert Otzko, rice Cardinal Roy of Que­ advocate o f racial justice, sec.ular world and the Denver bec, president of the pontif­ he taught at the Institute churches because the ical commission, and Dr. of Social Studies at the churches have been so Eugene Carson Blake, sec­ University of St. Louis. divided. The message of retary general of the WCC. Christian concern for the On the Language Father Dunne was for­ JOINT EFFORTS of world becomes much more Editor: m erly assistant to the the Christian churches potent if we act together I just wanted to write to tell you how much I eryoy president o f Georgetown towards the establishment and act with trust of each Dolores Curran’s columns in the Register. university in Washington. of world justice and peace other.” The latest article especially appealed to me, as I have In his new post he will be would do much to narrow the same insidious habit of correcting the English on responsible for a Confer­ the "credibility gap” the every sign and in every letter I receive. It amazes me ence on World Cooperation secular world experiences SATRIANO that young people seem to finish high school, even col­ for Economic Development in viewing what Christians lege and study for post-graduate degrees without ever which will be held in Bei­ say and what Christians BROTHERS rut, Lebanon, April 21-27. becoming proficient in their own language. do, a Vatican official said. Although members of the JAMTORISL SERVICE I wonder how you feel about the current use of the The Church nfTicial — Cornerstone Put in Place exploratory committee have INC. word "fun” — sometimes I think if anyone else says met privately in recent they had a fun time 1 will scream. (Should have said » Ruk 3nd Upholstery Monsignor firegory Smith, vicar general and pastor of St. Francis de months, the Beirut confer­ PORTRAITS Shampooins "he or she” instead of "they” I suppose!) Sales’ parish, places his hand on the cornerstone of the new All Saints ence on world development IN » Complete House Congratulations again on a fine series o f articles. church during special ceremonies conducted Jan. 28. Putting the stone in will be the first WCC- LIVING COLOR Cleaning Mrs. L. W. Palmer place achieved another landmark in construction of the church, scheduled Roman Catholic joint pro­ » Floor Wsiing end Littleton for completion in August. Other clergy taking part in the ceremony are, gram in the field of inter­ Polishini from right. Father Harley Schmitt, All Saints’ pastor; and Father .Michael national justice and peace. i Walls and Windows J. Chamberlain and Father Edward C» P a y » assistant pastors o f ^1 Saints. D e C s Q C E Washed THE COMMUNIQUE 2834 W. 44th Ave. announcing Father Dunne’s 433-8831 Priests To Attend Director Appointed by Schools appointment said that it l'hiiU'urui tiril /\ D.Cr'H p- 3566 So. Broadway Derrell N. Gillingham dividing them among the MasU-r o f f’hotographv has been appointed execu­ in 1956. The group seeks member colleges by a for- participants will produce a 4«SS E. C o lfa x Ave. 388-43S3 761-0324 Mental Health tive director o f the Asso­ funds on a jo in t basis, mula based on enrollment. statement o f common con­ A l D a h lia ciated Colleges o f Colorado, to succeed Duncan R. Shiv- Workshop Feb. 6 ley, according to Sister Patricia Jean Manion, St. Thomas’ seminary National Institute of Men­ president of Loretto will be the site of a one- tal Health. Heights college and o f the day workshop for the Mr. Robert Perry, direc­ association. priests and senior semina­ tor of the Mental Retarda­ The organization is N O W IN A U R rians o f the Archdiocese of tion center of Colorado non-profit group that raises Denver on the role of the State hospital. funds for Loretto Heights, clergy in the mental Dr. Dan Palmer, director Temple Buell college. Regis health program for Colora­ of community services at college and Colorado col­ do citizens. Colorado State hospital; lege. All four are non-tax UGH Organizer of the work­ Dr. Henry Dones, direc­ supported institutions. shop is Father James tor o f the Alcohol and Gillingham recently re­ McDevitt, Catholic chap­ Drug Addiction center at tired from the A ir Force lain at Colorado State hos­ Colorado State hospital: after serving in many pital, Pueblo. Dr. Theodore Odland, parts of the world. He re­ The h’eb. 6 program will director o f Professional tired with the rank o f lieu­ begin at 10 a.m., and is Education and Staff Deve­ tenant colonel. Mrs. G ill­ scheduled to conclude at lopment at Colorado State ingham is a pative of 3:30 p.m. hospital. Denver. One of the speakers will Also included on’ the *Prior to joining the Asso­ be Monsignor William Sul­ various panels are Dr. ciated Colleges of Colorado, livan, chaplain of the Met­ Charles Shearn, C.S.H. Gillingham was employed Chief Psychologist; Dr. ropolitan State hospital, as executive director o f a Alva Blattler; Mrs. Pat Waltham, Mass. He is a Mississippi industrial deve­ Milich, Director of C.S.H. recognized expert in deal­ lopment organization. ing with the mentally ill. Nursing; and Mrs. Carol Associated Colleges of His main theme will be; Burrford, of the C.S.H. Colorado has received over "Catholicism and Mental Research department. Life Concept-Growth and In a memo addressed to Gets Second Term Development-Psychopatholo-j priests of the Archdiocese, St. Louis — Father W il­ gy and Maturation.” Archbishop recommended liam M. Slattery, C.M., Others who will lead ses­ the workshop in these Superior General o f the sions during the workshop words: "It is my experience Vincentian Fathers and are: that very few o f us priests Brothers, has announced Dr. Charles Meredith, take any active part in the the re-appointment of Fa­ M.D., superintendent of the mental health programs of ther James A. Fischer, Colorado State hospital, our areas. Most of us are C.M. as Provincial o f the Pueblo; Dr. Meredith is a not at ease in the face of Western Province o f the member of the staff deve­ mental illness probably Vincentians. lopment committee of the becau.se we lack the neces­ The Western Province sary knowledge and confi­ embraces the Western To Speed Annulments dence.” states from Chicago to Cal­ Vatican City — Experts Said the Archbishop: "I ifornia, with missions in I are working hard seeking ask our priests to reserve F'ormosa and Chile, The | i;*i ways to speed the legal Feb. 6 for this workshop work of the Province is machinery that handles because 1 believe it will largely in seminaries, par­ Catholic marriage annul­ prove immensely helpful in ishes and special works, ment cases, according to the pastoral care of our including St. Thomas’ sem­ unofficial sources here. people.” inary, Denver. Holy Ghost Pastor Heeds Another Call to Arms Monsignor Richard C. Hiester, pastor a short tour at Maxwell field, Ala., he o f Holy Ghost parish, Denver, was among served with an Air Corps fighter plane 900 members of the Colorado A ir Nation­ unit in the South Pacific. al Guard mustered into active duty with After World War II, he remained on the A ir Force at Buckley Field last week­ duty in the Philippines until he was end. mustered out in 1947. He retained his Monsignor Hies­ commission in the Air Force reserve, CLUB 500. . .An automatic overdraft coverage plan that adds needed money to your personal checking account whenever you ter, who holds the however, and was called to active duty withdraw more than the balance in your account. Club 500 operates automatically and only when you need it. . .and, once you rank of lieutenant again during the Korean conflict in 1951. have joined, at no cost to you except when you use it. It's confidential too. . .only you and your bank know that your account is colonel, is Catholic He served two years, at Scott A ir Force protected against overdrafts. Join Aurora National Bank's Club 500 today and enjoy the financial freedom from ' orry a personal chaplain for the Ba.se, 111., and in Korea, before returning line of credit gives you. 140th Tactical Fight­ to Denver. RECORD ACCOUNT FOR BUSINESSES. . .Makesyour bookkeeping simpler and less expensive by furnishing you a machine- er wing stationed at He became an Air National Guard Buckley. The call-up, chaplain in 1953, and has remained with printed m onthly report of all transactions. What you have spent or received is shown fo r the month and the year to date, together part of the national . the Colorado unit since then. Although with a separate listing of all Items by code number and amount in the proper sequence. Record Account for Businesses, Aurora emergency response I the state unit was called up again in National Bank's RA3 Plan, eliminates bookkeeping tedium, gives you tim ely information fo r tax and planning purposes and offers to the seizure of the 1 1961. during the Berlin Wall crisis. Mon­ complete flexibility. U.S.S. Pueblo by I signor Hiester was not activated. The late ELECTRONIC PAYROLL SYSTEM.. .Takes payroll preparation worries off your hands. Your payrolls are printed automatically North Korea last| Father Edward Ryan went on duty as the by Aurora National Bank from Information you furnish.. .the quick and easy way to meet your payroll obligations. week, was the Den­ wing’s Catholic chaplain in that call-up. ver priest’s second I Monsignor Hiester has been pastor of ELECTRONIC BILLIN G SYSTEM. . .The perfect way to insure prom pt and accurate billing to your customers w ithout wasting return to active duty M^gr. HieRter Holy Ghost since last August, serving hours o f your valuable time. The Electronic Billing System eliminates double billings and missed billings which cost you time and since his initial service as a military previously as archdiocesan music director. customer good will. chaplain ended more than 20 years ago. He also is known widely for his work as XEROX COPY MACHINE. . .Maintained by Aurora National Bank to r your convenience in making duplicates of documents and "It was a big surprise to me,” he said. director of the archdiocesan music camp "But if my guys go, I go too.” at Camp St. Malo and as director of the records o f all kinds. A small service charge gives you clear, legible copies every time. The wing’s immediate future remained Cathedral choir. in doubt as the administration sought to His postgraduate studies in Rome were settle the Pueblo incident through diplo­ interrupted in 1941 by World War II, but W M Complete electronic banking service is brought to you now by the matic channels. Monsignor Hiester said, he took a degree in canon law at Catho­ Aurora National Bank. The machines and skills of today and tomorrow however, the men hoped to le'arn the lic university, Washington, before return­ combine with personal attention and friendliness to make Aurora unit’s assignment this week. ing to Denver. He served as assistant National Bank first in service and growth. "W e’ve had all our shots, and we’re pastor in Blessed Sacrament parish, Den­ completely ready to go anywhere,” he ver, before entering the Army. I said. Monsignor Hiester is a native o f Den­ Monsignor Hiester, 56, who was or­ ver. and attended Regis college and St. dained in Rome in 1937, got his first Thomas’ seminary before traveling to Aurora National Bank taste of military service when he enlisted Rome to complete his study for the in the Army as a chaplain in 1943. After priesthood. He was elevated to the rank E . C O L F A X A T IRO N TO N • PHONE 364-7671 MEMBtR fCOIRAL DEPOSIT INSUMNCI CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM .basic training at Harvard university and of papal chamberlain Feb. 4, 1960. P a g e S ix THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN E

i Profile Organist Mixes Music, Motherhood "LIFE MUSTN’T ever By Sue Roethelc centrated on living every thing which I have never atop, no matter what hap­ A career as a profession' moment to make it the ful­ forgotten, an encourage­ pens,” Mrs. Baumann said. ai pianist and organist, a lest sort of life possible.” ment that helps in what­ ever situation I am in­ flair for fashion and interi­ Born at the end of World "Katie’s death shook me deeply. But I was so or decorating, and a busy War I. Mrs. Baumann re­ volved. She said: ’Patty, family life combine to called that "although there you are not alone. You are pleased that the girls make life "fun” for Mrs. were terrible things hap­ never alone. God is with wanted me to play for the ceremonies. i had planned Mary Ellyn Baumann, or­ pening to our world, we you God is always with ganist for Notre Dame par­ weren’t aware of them. you.’ ” to before my daughters death. Somehow, it ish and accompanist for "I look at the hippies When Katie died three < the parish’s well-known today and I feel sorry for days later, Mrs. Baumann helped.” choir under the direction of them. They are all so sad. recalled, she was unable to Although her daughters Leo Frazier. We burned our candles at cry. "Someone had to hold no longer live at home, the 9i* Mrs. Baumann, a native both ends and in the mid­ the family together,” she closeness of the family has o f North Platte, Neb., has dle too, hut the hippies, said. "W e had to be strong, not decreased. Mary, fifth been in the field of music what are they doing? What we had to be brave. And I grade teacher at Carl since she was seven. constructive contribution could not let my terrible Sandburg school, and El- Friends dubbed her "Patty” arc they making to socie­ distress be seen.” jyn. a therapist for asth- She continued to play at matic children at National at the age of nine when ty?" Mrs. Edward Baumann she performed ihe difficult Mrs. Baumann performed N otre Dame and join ed Jewish hospital, continue Padewerski’s Minuet. Her for civic and social groups daughter Mary for the col- to share with their family while attending college. A was born in 1955 and in lege student’s senior recital their new experiences and professional career was 1956, another son, red- well under way by the variety of scholarships paid at Loretto Heights. viewpoints. haired Tony, was born. time she was 12 and play­ tribute to her ability as a One of her favorite "We’ve had a wonderful The births of Joe and Jim ing in a jazz band, "Cope­ musician, although, she moments followed — she life,” Mrs. Baumann said. followed. land and His Royal N e­ said, "I didn’t want to be was asked to play for the "People have been good Singing Sisters of Mercy in school. There were too graduation ceremony of and God is always with braskans.” MRS. B AU M A N N con­ She already was support­ many other things to do. Katie’s classmates. us.” These Sisters of Mercy who will entertain at the Archdiocesan Council tinued to play for Masses ing herself in music when of Catholic Nurses Membership Dinner Feb. 4, 6:30 p.m. at Aviation Coun­ and choir get-togethers at sb“ was graduated from "YOUN(; PEOPI,E to­ try club. From left; Sister Mary Francelyn, Sister Karen Marie, Sister Mary St. John’s and St. Philome- high school at 16, a young day are so dilTerent. We Claudette, and Sister Mary Kathleen Anne. na’s, in addition to caring girl anxious to enjoy life to rebelled also. Everybody for her family and teach­ the fullest. rebels. But we had strait-laced parents to ing 30 private students. Mrs. Baumann admits ’’E V E R Y MOMENT was contend with even more so "my singing voice is atro­ Archbishop's fun for my friends and me,” than this generation does.” cious. 1 love the piano and Watch Repair? she said. "We did every­ She was working for the thing, went everywhere, con- North Platte Daily Bulle­ I love to sing but Monsi­ Guild tin when she met Edward gnor H iggin s used to cringe if I would sing.” The annual President’s lo r the BEST Baumann, a United A ir­ a.m. at the Cherry Creek Classified Ads When the Baumanns dinner was held at the lines dispatcher. Inn, Red Slipper Room. JOB ANYWHERE! 'p ^BSONAL-MISCELLANEOUS After a whirlwind court­ returned to Denver from a Arvada Elks Lodge on Jan. month-long vacation in 24, 1968. Fifty-seven Circle Tickets are $2.15. Reserva­ DENTURE WEAVERS: Dis­ ship they were engaged tions must be made by tressed? Send for Free important Rome in 1964, Monsignor presidents were introduced Complete—Quality information! Marshall, I221TR, two weeks later. Feb. 5. Models for the com­ H iggins told her how to the Council and plans Service on Watches, Dania, Florida 33004. Although she was still ing Fashion Show will be playing with dance bands pleased he had been with for the new year were dis­ Clocks and SALESMEN WANTED chosen. "right up until about half, the voice of the lovely cussed. Je w e lry, . . singer who had replaced Members are asked to A TEXAS OIL CO. an hour before Mary was Mass for all guild mem­ contact the Entertainment born,” u new role as house­ her while she was vaca­ loitflll!/ Wants Man Over 40 tioning. bers will be celebrated by committee for further in­ (.lutiranteed We need a good man who can wife and mother was satis­ Monsignor Gregory Smith, "I love you, my child,” formation at 233-6306 or make short auto trips for about fying and the young wom­ I ’.A., V.G. at St. Frtmeis a week at a time. We arc willing he told her, "but my days 424-4920. to pay top earnings, up to an was content. De Sales church Feb. 11 at are numbered. I cannot $16,500 In a Year Plus The Baumann’s oldest stand to hear you sing. I 9 a.m. Regular Casli Bonus child, Mary, was six weeks admire you as a great Following the Mass, the MAY-DAY annual Spring Breakfast Our top men in other parts of old when the family moved musician, a wonderful C L E A N E R S country draw exceptional earn to Cheyenne, Wyo., where- w ill be served at 10:30 ings. Contact customers around mother, a marvelous wom­ MN W HEATRIDGE" her husband was appointed your area. Air mail conlidential an. but Patty, you mustn’t May and Day McCloskey letter to H. M. Pate, President, assistant station manager. T e x a s R e fin e ry Corp., Box 711, sing.” House of the Lord ON THE MAIL Fort W orth, Texas. 7A101.______Following the births of Soon afterward, she was Panelists on House o f the “ We operate our own plant” '^ivtra ilir HiMt Sho„U( TEACHERS WANTED daughters Ellyn and Katie, I^rd, KLZ-TV, Channel 7, ".snatched up” by I.«o Fra­ Quolit)r Cleaning ~“1 ' * ■ * ' T•' ^ College -• secondary — elemen the family was transferred zier, director of Nctre w ill continue their discus­ tary. W rite: NATIONAL CATHO­ to Denver in 1946 when Dame’s choir and the sion Sunday on ecumen­ 'T A f r c Is No Substilule LIC PLACEMENT SERVICE, for Experience" 334 W. Beardsley Avenue, Elk­ Baumann was promoted to Catholic All-School Child­ ism. Having explored the Newspaper circulation is known h a rt, In d ia n a 46514. cargo chief for United. ren’s choir. areas in which the various 3740 Pierce St. 424-7464 and is comparatively unafTccted by HOME WINEMAKING Mrs. Baumann became an faiths agree in theological daily or seasonal change — there’s Although she had played Dealing in Tickets 1 Block So. of Sts. Peter fc Poll's no "summer slump.” WINEMAKING ... Grape. Eld­ organist for services at St. for him before, as had her concepts, the panel this erberry, Dandelion, Frozen John’s parish. week will take as their Juices, etc. Brewmasters' Se­ daughter, Mary, Mrs. Mrs. Owen Mitchell fills requests for tickets to crets Revealed! Powerful Meth­ In addition to caring for Baumann fe lt th at she the All School Fashion Show, "Hearts and Flow­ question, "Where Do We ods! Instructions, Recipes, and Disagree?” The program Supplies Catalog, si.00. C o n tin e n ­ the three girls, she was wanted to "get away from ers,” cosponsored by the Catholic Education ta l, B ox 11071-47B, Indianapolis, asked to play for the Cath- music for a while.” But Guild and the All-City Student Council. The w ill be seen at 9:30 a.m., In d ia n a 46201. olic chapels at Ixiwry. The Frazier was insistent and seventh annual fashion show involves all the ele­ Feb. 4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES couple’s first son, Harry, she was engaged as Notre mentary and secondary schools within the Denver Participating clergymen S lo u R d e s fatim a f OVER SI6.50 an hour. Sparc this week will be the Rev. time at home! Rubber Stamp Dame’s organist. Metropolitan Area. It is to be held at the Audito­ industry needs small manulac NORTH DENVER rium Theatre, 14th and Curtis, Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m., John Lang, St. Bernad- .||ji furers. We furnish all equipment TRAGEDY STRUCK ette’s church; Rabbi Elihu fiitk Rom e & snR ines t and know howl Particulars free! depicting a basketball game and featuring sports Wrile: Robei'ts, 1512 Jarvis.; OPTICAL the family a' few months and casual wear. The "Brass Buffs” of Machebeuf Steinhorn, BMH Congrega­ of euRope and the holy land ^ Room CR 246 BO, Chicago, IL later. The third daughter, high school and a group of pompon girls from all tion. and the Rev. Charles 60626. Servint North Denver 22 Years Katie, a senior at St. of the high schools will perform. The last scene Potet, Montview Presbyte- CP OF INTERtiSTTOWOMEN C om plete Mary’s academy, was re­ will present spring formals modeled by represen­ riun church. Moderator .[||; Optical Service will be the Rev, Marion J. catholic pRogRAtn f S/5.00 THOUSAND. Home Ad OPTICIAN covering from throat sur­ tatives from the high schools and featuring a dressing! Longhand. Typewriter. Hammond, St. Thom as’ Information, send stamped self- gery in January, 1965, choral group from Marycrest high school. Lay addressed envelope. Brewster. - when she developed pneu­ teacher representatives from each elementary P^piscopal church. Box 1346-YF, Clearwater. Florj i •I- da 33517 monia. school have been selected and tickets may be secured from them, high school student ticket EARN U P to $2.00 H our Lacing , "Katie was in a coma — ANNABEL'S Baby Mocs. Cuties. Warsaw 70. I knew she was dying,” the chairm en or by culling Mrs. Mitchell, 355-3344 or TINI FASHIONS In d ia n a 46560. mother said. "I had been 534-4614.______on the way to pick her up as she was being released that day. A good friend Grailville Teaching NOW! was with me, fortunately, and when I discovered that INTRODUCING Katie could not recover, all Heights Students I could say was, 'How will Three Loretto Heights "Semester at Grailville,” I get through this?’ My COLOR college sophomores will a program initiated this friend told me then Some- TV-STEREO launch a unique experience year in cooperation with MILE-HI this semester when they , women’s colleges, is intend- join a self-governing com- ed to supplement formal THE FULL LINE CLEANING SERVICE munity of 60 students and' college training with an VALUE PRICED! Rugs and Upholstery faculty living together in issue-oriented, interdiscipli- Expertly Cleaned farmhouscs in the small nary program in the con- 5708 East Colfax In Your Home or southwestern Ohio town o f text of a community living Phone 333-1571 • Gualily Work at Loveland. experience. moderate prices, THE Emphasis w ill al.so be p Insured PratectidR Pat Haney, Kathy Say­ given study-action projects with 6i{ele«i's Famous Kareet-Kare ers, and Maureen McCarty in the nearby Cincinnati BLARNEY Method. will take part in a new area which presents in educational program deve­ C all - 744-3139 microcosm many of the loped by Grailville, a resi­ SHOP 310 W. Iowa Avc. social challenges in Aineri- dent study-research center ca today: racial tensions, which carries on experi­ inner-city poverty and mental programs in worn- blight, underdeveloped- en’s education with empha- underserviced rural areas INVEST for LIFE and ETERNITY sis on Christian responsi- and poor white migrants, through our Minion Contract bility, social action and cosccccoso* commitment to values. Sis­ ( You will have an assured income from your money, and your ter Patricia Jean Manion, WEISS BAKERY president of Loretto good dead will assist noady students to tha Priesthood. OLD-FASH Heights, is one of three 1 r i s i n g s r e a d - curriculum advisors. S If you invest money through our LIFE INCOME MISSION] Three Stores ALSO The three students are 4024 Tenny.son 39th INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT (A GIFT ANNUITY) you will havo . . . C the daughters of Mr. and 5850 W. 38th A v e . THIS EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS • No worry about the stock market. Receive a check every month Mrs. W illiam Haney, Colo­ 1480 C a rr St. SI rado Springs: Mr. and Mrs. YEAR! BOGOTA as long as you live. Substantial Tax Benefits. J. R. Sayers, St. Louis; and iCOCCCCCCO&OC< 18-25 August, 1968 G • A remembrance in the prayers and Masses of our S.V.D. mis­ Mr. and Mrs. R. William McCarty, Monroeville, Pa. :iiir sionaries throughout the world. Rocky Mountain « • The consolation of aiding the Apostolic work of the Church. Deluxe Ad Season CA.«»^Oltc FOR I Tx-a.vel • Buying WILD BIRD SEED O f f i c e Send me information on your Life Income Mission Contract A a iiiit: $__ with Sunflower Seeds i : WtraatiN keM ■ • Selling • Trading For Our 1730 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, N.W. strict coifideict. Name______A ge. SMALL FEATHERED FRIENDS Wathington. D.C. 30036 • 393.3277 iiii m in Address______REAL ESTATE pleas* send me your free illustrated beol.et detcnb.nn : a 1 50 Lbs. 4.00 detail the "world-covefing ' pilgrimages. •«riDmg |, TODAY TO C ity ______- State. . Zip Code. Call ---- L O U T E Z A K 100 Lbs. 7.50 •IE A d d r e s s . ROCKY MOUNTAIN City/Zone/State. REV. FATHER RALPH S.V.D. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES Van Schaack & Co. SEED CO. Ull ^ i-'K ;i«j, •316 N. MICHIGAN / CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601 woo Wndsworth - Olc. :t7.$4oi 1321 15th St^______Denver, Colo. Ph. 623-6223- CDL Sponsors Thursday, February 1, 1968 THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page Seven Leo Frazier Concert Feb. 4 Archd iocese Explaining Loretto Head The Denver chapter of Wins British •Citizens for Decent Litera> Issues in IHM Controversy Study Grant ture is sponsoring talented Los AnRoles - The Los maculate Heart Sisters in tenor Leo Frazier in con­ missed” from the schools A Ford Foundation grant Angeles Archdiocesan De­ collaboration with other cert at George Washington because of their reforms. to study new English un­ partment of Education and religiou.s communities and high school auditorium, Instead, it charged that "in iversities as part of a com­ The Tidings, archdiocesan lay teachers. an ultimatum issued last 655 S. Monaco parkway. prehensive examination of newspaper, have issued "In the event that some October, they threatened to Denver, at 4 p.m. Feb. 4. innovation in higher edu­ statements explaining the of the Immaculate Heart withdraw from the schools Frazier, instructor at Hill cation has been awarded archdiocese’s side in a dis­ Sisters decided to with­ unless those in charge of junior high school, is direc­ Sister Patricia Jean Man- pute with the Immaculate draw, as they have threat­ the schools of the arch­ tor of the Archdiocesan ion. president of Loretto Heart of Mary Sisters. ened to do by June of diocese would agree to cer­ Schools choir and director Heights college. The Sisters in the past 1968, we will undertake to tain changes they were o f the Notre Dame parish Sister Patricia Jean will have charged that Cardinal keep in operation the about to make in the con­ choir. spend April 24 to May 15 James Francis McIntyre of schools in which they are duct of the schools.” Citizens for Decent Liter­ Los Angele.s. in efTect. will presently engaged.” of this year surveying new ature is an organization oust them from their The statement added The.se changes, said the curricula, teaching methods | dedicated to curbing the schools unless they back that "those Immaculate editorial, "involved far and administrative struc­ production and dissemina­ down on some o f their Heart Sisters who decide more than mere adjust­ tures and practices tion of pornography, and is wide-ranging expjoriments to remain in our .schools ments of curriculum or throughout England. especially active in the in dre.ss and religious life under some modified and assignment of teachers” At the request of the areas of legislation and the order approved last approved form of religious (although the order al.so Ford Foundation, the Insti- enforcement at community, fail. life will be provided for .said it wanted to withdraw UiU- (if International Kdii- “ V state, and national levels. The archdiocese in public some teachers so they cation will administer the statements lute in January In an editorial, The T id ­ could earn advanced de­ award. Mercy Advisers Pick said that it interpreted the ings stated: grees). Sisters’ position as a threat "The archdioce.se will Officers for 1968 "Far more imixjrtant.” NCCW Chairmen Meet to withdraw from the provide for those Immacu­ said the editorial, "they The Mercy hospital Civic Committee chairmen for the biennial convention of the National Council schools unless the Cardinal late Heart Sisters who involved basic changes in approved all the reforms. Advisory board elected of Catholic Women in Denver Oct. 14-18 met with Alma Merger, left, staff wish to remain and contin­ the structure of religious In answering the Sisters, executive officers for 1968 coordinator for the convention, at the annual NCCW board meeting in ue to teach in the schools life. which inevitably both the education depart­ at a meeting Jan. 25th. Washington. From left: Mrs. William G. Heffron, Buffalo province director under some modified and would afiect their work in ment and the newspaper HR. DRY Harry J. Kuempel was and NCCW treasurer; Mrs. Ben F. Emge, Belleville, III., chairman of the approved form of religious the schools. Those in said that the Cardinal is elected chairman of the committee; Mrs. Harold J. Schachern, Detroit, chairman of the promotion rule and some consistent charge of the schools of the CLEANING board and John J. Burke committee; and Mrs. R. C. Berric, Dubuque, chairman of the services making a serious hid to type of religious habit.” archdiocese do not believe was elected vice chairman. committee. retain at least some of the The Tidings editorial that they can con.scien- Keumpel is vice president nuns in the schools they said that the Sisters had tiously agree to those I DAY LAUNDRY and secretary of the Mort­ staff. not been "fired” or "dis- changes. gage Investments company NCCW Calls for Crime War In its statement, the RADIO RICK.UP "The decision as to and Burke is president of department of education DISPATCH A DELIVERY whether they will with­ the Brake & Clutch Ser­ asserted; draw from the schools is vice company. That Treats Causes Too "The archdioce^'an system ARVADA of education comprises 285 therefore in the hands of 9535 W Seth AVE • 4247733 TRAVEL Washington — The board called for preventive meas- faith must not be content elemental^- schools and 80 the Sisters themselves . . . ” of directors of the National ure.s to treat "the cause of with practices of the past, The dispute over the WESTMINSTER RESERVATIONS high schools. Of this num­ Council of Catholic Women crime, as well as the but should develop re­ ber, 28 elementary schools changes — to which the JS95 W J3N D A V E . • 438 5097 ANYWHERE symptoms,” through the sponses appropriate to the Cardinal is known to ob­ and our high schools are THORNTON AT NO EXTRA COST adoption of just welfare needs o f the times. now staffed by the Immac­ ject — is now in the hands \.8I 0 E . 88T H A V E . '• 387 S5S6 OAVE LINOQUIST Own«r legislation, adequate hous­ The board of directors ulate Heart Sisters and lay of the Vatican’s Congrega­ 19 YeArs On The Job E«pencnco included representatives tion for Religious. On Three Conhnenfs ing, equal job opportunity, teachers So. Broadway to the increase in crime in afTiliated organizations. tially staffed by the Im- in room beauty, nothing can 939 15T H S T . • 244 4493 S S P E E R B L V D . • 1BI9 So. Colorado Blvtl. the nation will require egual an artisitcally decorat 291 433-6359 l.'5.50 Colorado Blvd. ed wall, hung with one of the Tel. 825 71/5 close cooperation and col­ many Wallpapers available. FORT COLLINS Hour Free Perking Le Shells 2110 F'ast .'Ird Ave. ______177S Caittornie laboration among all sec­ Call us for Estimates 2215-SO. COLLEGE • 482 0996 tors of the community, in­ I Calendar Of Events | SHAMROCK cluding legislators, law Viet Lecturer LEE O'CONNOR enforcement officers and DECORATING Member: Stt. Peter 4 Paul P a ^ th . BRENTWOOD MEAT MARKET citizens’ groups. T a b e rn a c le St. Vincent's Thich Nhat Hanh, Viet­ 22M97J 2170 So. Fed eral Across from Lincoln High "The initiative of women namese Buddhist author 935-1452 S o cie ty H om e P arty is a vital community re­ and educator, will lec­ source which should be Mrs. T. J. Lally is chair­ ture in Denver, Boulder, ...... The Tabernacle Society SPECIALISTS IN FRYERS ...... 23^ lb. employed in eradicating of Denver will meet in the man of the Valentine Card and Fort Collins Feb. 7, the cause of crime,” the home of Mrs. L. E. Waters, Party at St. Vincent’s 8 and 9 in support of his GROUND BEEF ...... WEDDING CAKES 3 lb. 99' statement said. "NCCW 651 Forest, Feb. 2, 1 p.m. Home on Feb. 8. Refresh­ proposals for ending the pledges its strength to Father William Ueblher, ments will be followed by Vietnam war, in opposi­ ...... AND PASTRIES END CUT PORK CHOPS ' 39' lb. implement the curative assistant pastor o f Christ cards. tion to the South Viet­ recommendations of Presi­ the King parish, will be nam government. His YOUNG BEEF LIVER ...... 39' lb. dent Johnson’s Crime the guest speaker. Seton Guild around-the-world efforts TURKEYS ...... 29' lb. Commission.” Members of the Seton have included calls on St. Vincent's Guild will meet Feb. 2, at Pope Paul VI and Unit­ V2 U.S. GOOD BEEF ...... 45' lb. THE STATEMENT on the home of Mr. and Mrs. ed Nations Secretary the "Treatment of Crime” Aid Society Loren Straw, 1312 Oneida. General U Thant. His was one of several adopted After a business meeting, lectures in Colorado are V2 U.S. CHOICE BEEF ...... 47' lb. by the 28-member board, St. Vincent’s Aid Society pictures of the Straw’s trip sponsored by the Ameri­ which met in closed ses­ will meet in the home of around the world will be can Friends Service HIND QUARTER GOOD BEEF sion at the Villa Cortona Mrs. Frank Freeman, 450 MARY ANNE ...... 53' lb. shown. committee. Apostolic Center in nearby Westwood, Feb. 6, 2 p.m. HIND QUARTER CHOICE BEEF .... 57' lb. Bethesda, Md. A copy of it A tea will follow, Cabrini Guild BAKERIES was presented to Mrs. AURORA Lyndon B. Johnson at the TURKEY PARTS ...... Regis Mothers' The annual spring bene­ REAL ESTATE Picnic Hams QQc White House by NCCW fit card party sponsored by ARMOUR S T A R...... (Fully cooked) Ou ofTicials. C lu b the St. Francis Cabrini "Everybody In another statement, the guild will be held April 26. talks about our all Butter Cakes’’ 10 lbs. Turkey Parts FREE with NCCW board said the obli­ The Regis Mothers’ club Regular parties are held gation to seek peace is an will meet Feb. 8. following the last Friday of each # 1 -2 -3 -4 ORDERS Benediction, in the chapjel individual burden which month. "MIRACLE MILE" VILLA ITALIA ORDER No. 1 ORDER No. 2 at 1:30 p.m. Guest speaker cannot be surrendered to 25 Broadway Shopping Center $ 2 2 .7 5 will be Rodney Card. Soph­ St. Rita's $ 1 1 .7 5 political ofTice holders or PLANT Wadsworth & Alameda Lbs. Ground Meal 1$ Lbs. Ground Meal omores’ mothers will be 10 made the responsibility 936-0972 10 Lbs. Fryers IS Lbs. Fryers hosts. C o u rt 6 2 5 DON T R A C E Y 777-7413 S Lbs. Beet Steak • Lbs. Beef Sfeak solely o f spiritual leaders. MEM ST. PIUS X PUISN S Lbs. Beet Roast I Lbs. Beef Roast "The peace men seek Members of St. Rita’s 10 Lbs. Pork Chops 297-5383 343-1616 begins with the person: Queen's Daughters Court 625 of the CDA will (Ofc.) (Home) WESTLAND CENTER ORDER No. 3 ORDER No. 4 interior, personal peace meet Feb. 8, 7:45 p.m. A 10405 W. C olfax $ 1 1 .7 5 $ 3 7 .7 5 grounded in sincerity, jus­ Members of the Queen’s travelogue will be held VAN SCHAACK 237-7698 $ Lbs. Ground Meal IS Lbs. Ground Meat tice and love. Upon these Daughters will meet in the Feb. 16. The Junior CDA Aurora RItr (Uk t Hifana 5 L b s. Beef Steak 30 Lbs. Fryers foundations successful fam­ home of Sophia Kreiner, council will meet Feb. 7. 3 Lbs. Pork Chops to Lbs. Beef Sfeak ily relationships are es­ 1951 E. Cornell avenue, 3 Lb s. Spare Ribs 10 Lbs. Beef Roast First Saturday 3 Lbs. Pork Sausage to Lbs. Bacon 10 Lbs. Sausage tablished,” the board said. Feb. 4, 3 p.m. Co-hostesses 3'/k L b s . Lunch M eal IS Lbs. Pork Chops are Clara Courtney. Clara C lu b SAFEWAY'S YOUR BEST PLACE TO SAVE "T H E F A M IL Y of na­ Koster, and Marie Bellmar. tions needs these virtues Our Lady of Fatima as badly as do individuals. First Saturday Club will SALE! But they cannot be prac­ Sacred Heart meet Feb. 3 with Mass and ticed on a global scale — A lu m n a e Holy Hour beginning at or even on a national scale 12:10 p.m. in Holy Ghost lb . 23' church, 19th and Califor­ Turkey Roast PIANOS and ORGANS — until they are an ac­ The Colorado Alumnae o f cepted form of individual the Sacred Heart will meet nia. Monsignor William Special hindquarter portions. 4 to 6 IIlbs. average sizes. Blue Ribbon1 BBrand rand pterformance.” Feb. 2, at the home of Monaghan, spiritual direc­ Other statements reaf­ Mrs. L. F. Cassify. 5560 S. tor, will offer the Mass. A 1-lb. firmed the importance of Franklin, Littleton. A noon luncheon will follow. Re­ CORN KING NCCW as a woman’s or­ Mass will be celebrated at servations may be made by pkg. 58' ganization, and stressed All Souls’ church by Fa­ calling Mina Heiser, 623- Sliced Bacon that mature Christian ther Edward Maginnis, S.J. 2067, on or before Feb. 2. Sugar cured selected centerce cut lean slices

CA PTA IN 'S ).|b Halibut Steaks C H O IC E BRAND, pkg.79' Clearance of Recent Trade-ins Nice white center cuts. Serve fish today.

UPRIGHTS reconditioned . . . . *189 RED 303 SPINET ORGANS .r..*275 Kidney Beans K u ner. 7 CHURCH ORGANS 2 manuel *995 Let Us Pamper Your Hair ... SPINET PIANOS .e,i„..*389 with That Professional Touch Look totally captivating by capturing a n«w hair S A F E W A Y All purpose grind. GRAND PIANOS ...... starting at^4 90 style for spring! First, get a great haircut; second lbs. 99'= iy. an expert set. We cut, set, color and give special Coffee 1-lb. 50c 2 treatments, too. Step in and you'll step out more Extra Special g la m o ro u s ! CONN and M AGNAVOX ORGANS There is a difference in Beatify Trainiun u . S. #1 Red. IV ea rly R e a l B uys LEARN THE WORLD FAMOUS Potatoes 25 89' MARINELLO-COMER Baldwin Special Budget Plan Too! Method of Hairstyling

Open i a t h w i n NATIONALLY ACCREDITED ______- E s t . CALL REGISTRAR 534-6211 M onday PIANO miOkOANCa. till 8:30 p .m . H O L L Y W O O D Bcaut> College We reserve the right to limit quantities. None sold to dealers. Customer Parking Next to Store 1550 COURT PLACE DENVER 80202 Prices good in Denver thru Saturday. February 3. 1968 t"a ll work done hy rludenls 'm

% Page Eight THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, February 1, 'R osie' Is Trite, Orchestra Sparkles Mile High Entertainment Despite Rosolind

Bv Tom O fficer three acting chons Uiat be an interview By Sue-Roethele racing her Ferrar, through The Universal picture, Los Angeles, purchasing a With Guest Conductor It will be three "Ms” at were above average: Robert on K K M A channel 6. Loretto Heights college and Stack as "Mark,” the de- ^ Rosie, currently playing in worn-out theater for senti- By Fr. Edward L. live up to the terms set sician, one who is con- the University of Denver tective on the case; George UrEKA: Friedrich von the area, has received lit- mental rea^ns and teing Maginnis, S.J. forth in its original com- cerned with musical integ- this weekend as the two Sanders as "Waldo,” the r lotow s M artha will be tie attention. That is un- kidnapped hy her children mission. Since I had not rity rather than flashiness. derstandable. It is not a to be spirited away to a The second o f Harold Denver institutions of cynical television personal!- ^ e Metropolitan Opera heard it before, I am not Though I had heard him higher learning turn to the ty; and Arlene Francis as Company’s broadcast on quality film. Whatever rest home is trite and Farberman’s three concert in a position to say wheth­ frequently before in solo pairs with the Denver classics and modern opera. "Anne,” a society matron KOA radio, AM and FM, ‘'message” it may have is weak. er what seemed a rather recitals and chamber con­ Ijorctto Heights college who "keeps” one of Lauras Denver, at noon Feb. 3. that interpreted by the BRIAN AHERN as a life- Symphony orchestra lived extensive patch of sloppi­ certs, this was the first up quite adequately to the will have Moliere’s Tart- lovers. Soprano Jeann Fenn (Lady viewer. long friend and eventual ness on the part o f the time I had the opportunity uffe, a controversial come- At times. Stack seemed Harriet), mezzo soprano And yet, despite the romantic interest, lends high expectations which strings near the beginning to hear him in an appear­ . the previous week’s con­ dy, which will be presented to have been carrying over Rosalind Elias (Nancy) cliche-filled plot, there some sort of solidness to was intentional or not, this ance with a symphony or­ in the May Bonfils Stanton his Untouchables person- bass D on ald Gramm remains a particularly the story. James Farentino certs engendered in the especially since soon after­ chestra. While I suspect audience. In addition it Center for the Performing ality, but it did not get in (Plunkett), and tenor San- saleable quality. Rosie, parallels the role o f Miss ward the strings, joined by that he’d rather perform in Arts at the college at 8:30 the 'way o f a satisfying Konya (Lionel) have with Rosalind Russell in Dee. had the advantage o f being the rest of orchestra, re­ the more serious and more p.m. Feb. 1, 2. and 3. performance. And Sanders the major roles. Franz All- the title role, is fun. It R’s possible that the best structured in such wise intimate surroundings of a turned to their now cus­ The University o f Denver was his usual nasty self — will conduct. therefore is entertaining, qualities of the film are that the most accessible tomary discipline and clari­ chamber music concert, he music came last, with the 11 present two modern at least on the screen. • * * However: ones which are not consid- ty. In any case the piece projected absolutely every­ result that the audience operas at the Little Thea­ Mozart’s II Re Pastore Portraying a role whose pred to be so important, was devoid of the dreary thing necessary and desir­ stayed in larger numbers ter on its campus at 8:30 Itiri/lpnt' p resen ted on similarities are too close to The background music is academicism which seems able to give Beethoven at p.m. Feb. 1-3, 7, and 10. ‘T h e i n c u l e m KFM L-FM’s Thursday af- for the second half of the "Auntie Marne” to be over- good, the gowns worn by . to characterize so much least a fair break, which is The works will be Douglas program than last week, A 2 a.m. subway trip for t®»*noon opera broadcast at looked, Miss Russell comes Miss Russell are delightful,^ contemporary composition. all that that worthy really Moore’s The D evil and when a glorious perform­ more than a dozen passen- ®* on strong as the wealthy and Sandra Dee looks her needs. Daniel Webster and Gian ance of Bartok’s Concerto gers in MUSIC: Beethoven’s widow who wants to live age. P IA N IS T JACO B Latei- Carlo Menotti’s Th e Old for Orchestra was greeted becomes a ride with terror Symphony No. 2 will be life to the fullest. ner then joined the orches- THE SECOND H A L F Maid and the Thief. with respectable but large­ in The Incident, an adult the major selections tra for performance of of the concert was taken S A N D R A DEE, as her ly ritualistic approval. th riller at the Cherry the Cleveland Sympho- Beethoven’s Concerto up with that good old rous­ Creek and V illa Ita lia riy concert on KFM L at 1 granddaughter, is more or Put More Color For this week’s concerts Number Two in B-flat ing crowd-pleaser, the In case a playgoer might Cinemas and Loew’s 4 ... Music by less an attractive decora­ Mr. Farberman pro- Major, Opus 19. This is Fourth Symphony of Pe­ still be in the dark, he Northglenn Theater. Sousa, Humperdinck, and tion for the film. It would In your Llle! grammed a composition of the least played of Beeth- ter Tchaikowsky. The pit- should know that the tour­ The film lays the vio- Tschaikovsky will be pre- be nice i f Miss Dee could his own, Elegy, Fanfare oven’s five major efforts in falls here yawn wide and ing production o f The K ill­ lences on a bit thick and sented on the Boston Pops fulfill what appears to be ..IN YOUR HOME! and March, as the open­ this vein. Earliest in point deep for the performer, ing o f Sister G eorge, cur­ has the two psychopathic concert on KFM L at 7 p.m. potential talent. Notably, . IN YOUR GARDEN! ing number. Monday even­ of composition, though not between routine and rently in Denver, is not hoodlums overdoing a bit Feb. 6. she is definitely growing ing a very substantial of publication, it was writ- schmaltz. Mr. Farberman about Religious, but about in the acting, but the film up and away from the SEE THE FABULOUS number of concert-goers ten at a time when the came impressively close to a heroine on a radio serial points up a strong message Free Movie Slated "teeny-bopper” image. Per­ 1968 COLORADO arrived late, perhaps due composer had yet to hit his a middle of the road per- in England who is a les­ haps with some worth­ on man’s inhumanity to Metropolitan-area senior full stride. As a conse­ bian in her private life. while material, she may to difficulties in finding formance, maintaining at man. citizens are invited to a quence it comes across. become an actress of parking space because of a almost all times a very While a passenger or a free showing of A Raisin Garden andl especially in the first worth. concurrent basketball game firm discipline not only couple is terrorized by the in the Sun at 1:30 p.m. in the Auditorium Arena, movement, as a work full over the technical proceed­ The plot of the wealthy, '^ L a u riT two hoodlums, no one tries Feb. 5 at Coordinated Ser­ perhaps, in some cases, in of Mozartean echoes, and ings but also over interpre­ almost eccentric, woman Home Sliowl to stop the action. And vices for the Aging Com­ anticipation of another interpretations of it tend to SEE THE COLORFUL tative exuberance. Only Lee Bouvier’s television when confronted with his munity Center, 1620 SQUARE DANCERS contemporary work which divide along lines of em­ once in the first move­ debut in the title role in or her hour of courage, Meade street, Denver. Twin SEASONAL GARDENS might be better missed. phasis of its classical pro­ ment, at the short recapi­ Truman Capote’s adapta­ each passenger save one "NEW DESIGN" ROOMS While it may safely be portions in purely formal tulatory statement of the tion of Laura proved a fails. VACATION HOMES said that Mr. Farberman is major disappointment. Miss Lobster ANTIQUE SHOWCASE terms as against stress of principal theme, and again The one person to stop MODERN HOME IDEAS no Bela Bartok, his work Beethoven’s thematic ori­ at the end of the entire Bouvier just missed having the hoodlums is a soldier COMPETITIVE TABLE SETTINGS merited attention on ginality, already fairly ev­ symphony, when we were the mysterious beauty that with one arm in a cast. At Tail HOURS; MON., TUE.. THU., FRI...... S-10 PM grounds other than those ident. Messrs. Lateiner and going full blast down the the role demanded, and first he tries to reason W ED . & S A T ...... 2-10 PM of our indebtedness to him Farberman took what I home stretch, did it sound she lacked the fire and with them, and that failing $ 2 .8 5 SU N D A Y ...... 2- 8 PM for the superb concerts he would estimate as a middle like things might get out personality for the society at first he ignores them. P R IC E S • A D U L T S ...... $1.25 has given us. Dedicated to of the road position, at­ of hand. The andantino darling whose supposed But then his patience is at C H ILD R E N ( 6 - 1 2 ) ...... CHILDREN (under 6)...... FREE the memory of an older tempting and achieving a movement, on the other murder brings out some an end and he.challenges West 38th Ave. & MAR-LEE brother killed in an auto truly' adequate authenticity hand, had a curiously busi­ skeletons in her friends’ the hoodlums. It is fitting RESTAUR A NT-LOUNGE Ju lia n St. 4.1.59 W. Florida accident while work on a nesslike atmosphere about closet. that as he lies wounded at in the interpretation of ______Phone 9:i.>.6440 m . 2-11 * Coliseum piece was in progress, it is both form and theme. The it, despite some truly ele­ Another disappointment the end, he asks his fellow Phone: 455-9903 an intensely personal mu­ most impressive thing gant solo playing on the was Farley Granger as soldier, "Where were you, Ample Free Parking sical expression, the brevi­ about their performance part o f the woodwinds. "Shelby,” her weakling buddy?” ty and brilliance of which was the rapport between Altogether, though, it add­ lover. Granger is becoming Beside.s being, an indict­ “ Serving the finest SUPPER conductor and solosit. Like ed up to a very satisfying type cast in such a role on ment of man’s inhumanity Chinese, Cantonese, CLUB Mr. Farberman, Jacob La­ close to a very satisfying television. — either in terrorism or in and American food TURK’S teiner is a musician’s mu- concert. There were, however. ignoring a fellow man’s and cocktails.” w h e re suffering. Th e Incident AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE indicts New Yorkers. The 43rd & Fox St. 455-6996; 455-9962 wounded soldier who Now Featuring A Verdi ^Requiem' Program stands up to the hoodlums proves to be the only non- BUSINESSMAN'S DINNER New Yorker on the subway 95 ' A Jewel for Music Lovers trip. For only .. , By Fr. Edward L. tra lias put the religious TO H EAR what a front There are some fine per- Daily from 11 a.rr to 2 p.m. except Saturday & Sunday Maginnis, S.J. communities of the area in rank composer can do in formance.s, all .small ones, VEKIW The management of the debt this season by the direction of religious including Beau Bridges us BANQUETS Fabulous TURK’S STEAKS dines Denver Symphony orches- scheduling a pair of sacred inspiration, uninhibited by the wounded soldier; Ed BOWLING • CLUBS concerts of very high quali­ anything but his own im­ McMahon as a family man; WEDDINGS • PRIVATE Open 5:30 to 11 nightly ty. The intention of the agination and considerable Jan Sterling as a shrewish DINING ROOMS symphony society is to technical resource, is to wife; Jack Gilford and Friday & Saturday Nights 5:30 to 12 midnite make such initiatives a furnish oneself with an Thelma Ritter ns an elder­ COME IN AND SEE DON CARLO part of its regular pro­ enriched background ly Jewish couple; Gary Accommodations gramming in the years to against which to see both Merrill as an ex-alcoholic; to 250 CATERING TO BANQUETS come, provided, of course, limitations and possibilities and M artin Sheen and Dcitxhtfiil Dining. Noon to 2:30 that there is some accept­ which further updating in Tony Musantc as the hood­ P.M. Dinner-Dancing, Wed. 6c ance of this year’s ofler- contemporary artistic and lums. Thurs. 6:30 P.M. lo 9 P.M. Fri. ings. The first of these, a liturgical elTorts may take One thing the film will ; 6c Sat. 8:30 P.M. to 12 Midniglit. selection of works of vary­ into account. do...... is moke. _a visitor...... to I Sunday Dinner 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. "Home of the Stars" ing length by several Harold Farberman. the New York City think twice I composers, tcxik place last very gifted and knowledge- about a 2 a.m. subway \ Hi inns fall under the baton o f guest conductor of the ride.able be Vladimir Golschmann, the Denver Symphony orches­ • the closest C£ Fine Cuisine. Noon to 2:30 P.M. orchestra’s permanent con­ tra, will be on the podium. Potpourri - 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays, 2 ductor. The orchestra will be pe P.M. to 9 P.M. THE SECOND concert joined by a very large cho­ TELEVISION: Indian Ja; will take place this coming rus. silarist Ravi Shankar will poi $'hip -^ vtm Tuesday, Feb. 6, in the thing to L Auditorium theatre at 8:30 Luncheon 11:30 A.M. to 2:30 p.m. It will consist of one P.M. Famous Prime Rib Dinner major work by a major THE VERDI REQUIEM 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. Daily. Sun­ composer of the nineteenth days, 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. century, the Requiem Conducted by hom e! Mass of Giuseppe Verdi. HAROLD FARBERMAN To some it may seem a point of paradox that this TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 compmser, far from notable 8:30 P.M. AUDITORIUM THEATRE for his personal religious piety, could compose a STARRING: work so far removed in LORNA HAYWOOD spirit from norms of the CORINNE CURRY religiously acceptable in GEORGE SHIRLEY music, even by the flam- ARA BERBERIAN TICKETS; buoyant standards of that *5.50, U.SO, 13.50, *2.50, $2 time. Yet the fact is that MAY-D4F BOX OFFICE 125-3444 this work, for all its thea­ tricality, its unsuitability for any setting which the denver .symphony orchestra imagination could stretch V to call liturgical, neverthe­ less comes off as a deeply A \ aiMl IT.\I.I.\.X FO O n moving religious work, which is. at the same time, great Verdi. To anyone more than casually interested in MEXICAN RESTAURANTS what’s happening to church music in the wake of litur­ FAMILY DINING Of fir ler f i gical updating, a hearing 3 Locations of the Verdi Requiem ' are a 9655 Montview Blvd i styles should prove a highly edu­ A u ro ra cative experience, as well 1048 S. Federal Let us as an entertaining one. We Mississippi new t THE are moving out of a period 1744 E. E v a n s I room. ..informal luxury at in which music judged li- a moderate cost... I cad u! town turgically acceptable was I mate. largely a subdued, mono­ Convenient downtown location chromatic reaction to the m mITALIAN . S) 1 . Elite dining in fashionable Que opulence of a style of FOOD HUNT ROOM. Entertainment nitely in the CORK ROOM which this is a superb if ...b etter for 'TAKE-OUT' too! and i f a lacc cocktail lounge ... Spacious extravagant example. It ■•om Sorvic* r j ) HHOTEL free parking on two levels. In­ may well seem incon­ dividual room heating ... Stu­ ceivable that anything SL Hem# MiMe spagfMttl—Ravtoii —La M fM dio and bedroom suites with remotely resembling this TAKE I7TH STREET AND TREMONT luxurious furnishings ... Pent­ music could have been se­ OUT Pizu RESERVATIONS 825-3111 houses .,. T.V. throughout. & C Major creditcards accepted. riously undertaken in the SERVICE . McDonal(d’s CALL FOR CARRY OUT SERVICE Karl W. Mehlmann, context o f a religious ser­ Look For The Golden A rches- Where Quality Starts Fresh...Every Day I Plumbii Oenara/ hitnagor vice. Yet many a "poor C. 1000 GRANT STREET man’s Verdi” turned out DENVER. COLORADO M203 IH1 \ meretricious stuff with just Phone 303-292-1200 So. university such intent. Canino^s East Colfax at Pennsylvania JO H N J . I ' Robtrt F. c Thursday, February 1, 1968 THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page Nine Looking at Sports St. Josephus Leads ginning of this piece, it ugh By Bill Slevin The Raiders sport a 7-0 A down-to-the-wire finish should 'be a tight race the record, the only unblem­ R a rest of the way. A playoff •nti- is in prospect for the Den­ ished mark in the league. could well decide the 1967- DPL at Mid-point ;ing ver Parochial Basketball league as the teams go 68 championship. MIKE BORYLA, son of Iren ST. JO SE PH ’S ended while the Blue Jays could into the second week of former Denver university figures, but could not j a the first round of the Den­ muster only eight, giving match the Warriors after a ind the second round Friday All America and profes­ ver Parochial league bas­ REGIS high school, last sional star Vince Boryla, is St. Joseph’s a 27-24 lead close first period. Kirk Py- night. ketball season as the only The league championship year’s Denver Parochial one of the big reasons the at halftime. The Bulldogs tlinski topped all scorers undefeated team when the ife- could very well be decided league champion, is contin­ Raiders are enjoying a suc­ registered 43 points in the with 18 points. Bulldogs defeated previous­ u a l th^ final day of the season, uing its winning ways as a cessful season. second half while Cathe­ member of the Skyline ly unbeaten Cathedral, 70- dral tallied 35. STANDINGS n d s Feb. 18, when Cathedral w L l‘ ct l*ia Op league of the Colorado 59, Jan. 26. In other Friday games. to meets St. Joseph’s. Northglenn is the biggest Si .)hrine>...take part in the lorchlight Frocosioii at Lourdc> la v a to ry - u cal. 2 5 5 -3 3 3 3 -.T.sec s,acred sites in Spain and Forrugal, attend Ma>s at Ronald Bay Fatima....or visit Paris, Ireland (Killarnc\ , Blarney Castle. We REALLY put hx their place! -The. Guy from ppr YOU WILL TOO • Wall hung Downtown e filc e : *58 m h Streot, F o u rth Flo o r, D enver, Colo. eOM2 Cork, Dublin) and historic Lomloii. I’ luv much more. c lo s e t C h e rry C reek oMice; U3 Cook S tre e t, Suite 101, D enver, Colo. 0020* H o ly Land~2 w eeks—fro m $774. First you land in Call me for any employment needs______Rome, to reflect on the shrines ot tlie F.ternai Cif\'. 4'hen off to those lands of the Last which once heliehi the Face of ★ News every hour on • New, extra Christ and the Saints of tlic New *restament. T o Beirut. the half hour ro o m y b ath " B\bIos and the Shrine of Our Lad\- of Harissa... Ba’albecic from all over and the Arabian Nights j^^Iace of Beitied(line...Jerusalem Of first quality only. Koh and the Basilica of the Hol> Sepulchre and the \ ’i;i Dolorosa the w o rld ler fixtures and fittings ...Gardenof Gethscmanc. Samaria, Sea of (lalillce, Bethle­ i c Don M cN e il a t 10:05 are available in sizes and hem, Nazareth, Tiberias, and Tel Aviv. And more. styles to fit every budget. a.m. See it all—in the compan> of an expert tour guule. ■ k Assignment Hollywood Let us help you plan your t0 :0 0 a.m. new bathroom or wash­ ★ Commentary by Joseph room. Come in today or Alitalia Tour Dept.. Alitalia Airlines TR-120 call us for our free esfi 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10019 C. Harsch 4:35 p.m. mate, no obligation, The Beer with GUSTO Please send me free folders describing your pilgrimage to ■ k Vietnam Update Specializing in European Shrines and to the Holy Land. Sundays - 4:35 p.m. Quality Plumbing Malt Liquor of Qualify and Heating Repairs SLATTERY MURRAY BROS. ON THE Cjty_ & COMPANY DISTRIBUTING CO. AMERICAN Plumbing and Heating My_t_rayel agentj^ __ ENTERTAINMENT Contractors WHOLESALERS iHi VALLEJO ST. RADIO NETWORK 744-6;ni R o b e r t M. — Paul V . Murray \ JOHN J. CONNOR. Prasideni P r i r e s based on 21/14 dav round trip jet economy tour fares from N. Y. for Robtrl F. Connor, Vico Pre»0 |{un. Requiem Mass, SL Fran­ seph’s Order, Bethany con­ Texans 'Ecumenize' In June, 1929, Father Estate of Caroly'n M. H a n s o n r...... I the Emerald Isle” will be cis de Sales’ church, Jan. 2.1. vent, St. Paul, Minn. (D eceased) No. P-45886. ( Augustine entered the CHASE. Rirhnnl V.. 7-10 Mon- Boulevard mortuaries. I selected in a special cerc- roe street Requiem Mass, SL She also is survived by All persons having claims against Knights Notes On State Level Benedictine order at St. the above named estate are required I mony prior to the March John the KvanKelist church, two sons, Joseph A. Bel­ Austin, Tex. — A consti­ Bede’s and was ordained to MONTfSOMERY. Alice Mary. to file them for allowance in the Pro Jan. 2.1. Interment, ML OliveL lefeuille, Greenfield, Mass., bate Court of the City and County of f 16 parade in downtown tution to meld the Texas 5.14 S. Emerson streeL Requiem C o rp o rate the priesthood on June 12, Boulevard mortuaries. Muss. St. Francis de Sales* and Robert J. Bellefeuille Denver, Colorado, on or before the ' Denver. Contestants will Catholic Conference and 22nd day of J u ly , 1968. o r sa id cla im s 1932. church. Jan. 29. Olinger mor­ of Denver. C o m m u n io n be judged in daytime cloth­ the Texas Council of COLETTI. Sarah R.. at East tuaries. shall be forever barred. ' After his ordination, he LAURA C. HANSON ing only and all must wear Churches into a new lx>dy Meadow, N.V.. formerly o f 2121 Charles took graduate studies at W. 33rd avenue. Requiem .Mass, Executrix > Appointment of green. No display of any NEUMA^.'N. .Mary .Marguerite-, Joseph L. Sweeney called the Texas Confer­ M l Carmel rhurch. Jan. 29. Memorial Scheduled J. O’Brien, Jr., deputy specific talent will be re­ Notre Dame university 1.149 DuMia tttrret. Requiem Attorney for the estate « ence of Churches was ap- Interment. .ML OliveL Olin|{er .MaKft, BfeaHed Sacrament 1130 Security Life Building, grand knight of Council quired. where he received his M.A. For Missing Pilot 539 o f the Knights of Co­ pn)ved in draft form by a in 1934. mortuaries. church, Jan. 31. Interment, ML Denver. Colorado Deadline for entries is joint committee of the OliveL Telephone 222 0994 lumbus, a.s chairman of the pj^*"*^** He served as prefect of COLVARI). .Mary I’., IlOH S. A special memorial ser­ (P u b lish ed In annual Corporate Com­ Catholic and lYotestant University. Requiem Mass, SL ■penver C ath olic R e g is le r) For further information both the college and acade­ O H Y R N E , Helen S., 1750 S. vice, a Requiem Mass, will munion March 31, was bodies. Vincent dc Paul church. Jan. Federal boulevard. Requiem F irs t P u b lica tio n : J a n . 25, 1968 persons may contact Pat my at St. Bede and was be held at 9 a.m. Feb. 1 in Last Publication: Feb. IS, 1968 announced by grand knight It will take perhaps two 25. Interment, ML OliveL Dty- .‘daxM, All SuinU' church, Jan. Gay, Queen chairman, 131 student chaplain from Noonnn mortuary. St. Mary's church, Little­ ' Kaoul Tayon. Mass will be years further work and 1950-1953. From 1957 un­ 30. Interment, Mt. OliveL Bou­ ton, for Dr. Mark Farrell, Speer boulevard, Denver, discussion before the char­ levard mortuaries. offered in the Denver til the time of his death, CORf'OKAN. James Matt. 3H52 who is missing and pre­ Colo., 623-4271. ter can be approved and Newton, Requiem Mass, Holy Cathedral followed by he served as guest master I'ACIIELO, Andrew, .1485 W. sumed dead in an airplane implemented. The purpose F'umily church, Jan. 25. breakfast in the main ball­ of the abbey. .MUh. Arvada. Requiem Mass, crash. Father Frederick of the new group as set Shrine of SL Anne’s church, room of the Denver Hilton D U FFY. William John. 1 McCallin of St. Mary’s will out in the proposed consti­ Surviving, in addition to Jan. :<]. Interment, ML OliveL hotel. Crest Showing (tray streeL Requiem Mass, be the celebrant. tution is "to clarify and Sister Josephine, are two Bernadette's church, Jnn. Boulevard mortuaries. S te rlin g Interment. .ML Olivet. 'Misty' Film strengthen our witness to brothers and two other sis­ PATRICK. Ann U.. 968 Wanh- HOMES Christ as Lord of the ters, several nephews, and inglon Htrc-el. Requiem .Mumn, The Sterling Knights of F;1CH, Anna .Martha. 520 S. Requeim Offered Misty, a color film based church and of the world,” nieces. Clay stre^L Re«|uiem Mass. SL Cufhedral o f the Immueulate FOR SALE Columbus, Council 1559, Vincent de Paul’s church, Jnn. Conreption, Jan. 31. Interment, For M rs. H ig g in s were hosU at a breakfast ‘ I*® ;M. Interment. ML OliveL Olin- FL Ix>gan. Olinger mortuarioM. recently. State deputy venile novel Misty of Ker mortuaries. Requiem Mass was of­ Chincoteague, by Mar­ (iri.N'.N, IleU>ne, 1155 Sherman Andrew J. Martelon was sireel. Requiem .Mass, ('alhedral fered Jan. 32 in St. Pa­ FKEDIANI. Victor J.. 1110 S. guerite Henry, will be of the Immaculate Conception, trick’s church for Julia J. guest speaker. Approxi­ Williams street. Requiem Mass. mately 200 person.s attend­ shown at the Crest thea­ LAAotiOn^iCtu/l62 Jnn. 2.1. Interment, Ft. l.ot;an. Higgins, aunt o f the Rev. SL Vincent dr Paul’s church. I>H>-Ndy o f Grace church. Ju SATURDAY, FEB. 3 avenue. Requiem .Mass. Holv BRIGHTON. COLORADO OPTOMETRISTS Jungle Book. A-l; Kill a Drag­ Interment, FL l/Ogan. Rosar>- church. Jan. 27. Inter­ on, A-3; Navajo Joe. B; Rosie, Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome. A-2; The Lion and the Horse, B; ment. Ml. Olivet. Boulevard A-3; Taming o f the Shrew, A-3; STE S. John C., 1117 S.JO mortuaries. REGISTER Devoted to Your The Ambushera, B; The Comedi­ Ten Seconds to Hell, A-2; Curse Clarkson. Requiem Mass, SL Complete Vision Care ans. A-3; The Good, the Bad, o f the Undead, A-2; Flower F'rancis de Sales’ church. Jan. Drum Song, A-2; The 300 Spar­ V ILLA N O , Doris A., 536 S- 77/t* thiun>i you notv <7h h i.s c | and the Ugly, B; The Graduate, 30. IntermenL Mt. OliveL Bul­ Race. Requiem Mass, SL Vin­ W ANT ADS Harry W. Swigerf, O.D. A-4; The Penthouse; The Presi­ tans, A-I; Captain Eddie, A-l; lock mortuary. Itifict/ivr arv the thintis yi Carry on Cruising, A-3; The cent de Paul’s church. Jan. 27. I'asl Action! U'illiviu altvavHa vhvriith niosl. Donald E . Gooldy, O.D. dent's Analyst, A-3; Valley of Interment. Mt. OliveL Boulevard N Jerry R. Pederson, O.D. the Dolls. B. Blue Panther. A-3; Ship o f I.41BELLA. Vincent James, Sr., mortuaries. L o w C o st! Fools, A-3; Frozen Alive, A-3; 1244 S. King streeL Requiem .MOM .\IKNTS OPTICIAN Not As a Stranger, B; The Giant Mass, ML Carmel church. Feb. Neighborhood, Drive-In I f OI‘ Distiiu-tinn Fred Smaldone Gila Monster, A-3. 2. Interment, ML OliveL d in g e r ■tQ STILL Post INCK I5H)2 SUNDAY. FEB. 4 mortuaries. A Man Called Dagger, B; Al- w ith 11930 W. 44 th AVE. CHERRY CREEK fie, A-4; Any Wednesday, A-3; The King's Avenger, A-2; Blondie in Society. A-l; Com­ LICIITENH AN. Karen M.. 16;«).1 ducil 424-7984 231 D e tro it St. Barefoot in the Park. A-3; say I Beach Red, C; Big Mouth. A-l; mando, A-3; Walk on the Wild Vernon road. (Jolden. Requiem GROWING! O P E N D A IL Y Colorado Springs com f 355-7042 534-5819 Side, A-4; A Fever in the Blood, Mass, SL Joseph's church, Gold­ Bonnie and Clyde, A-4; Born F2RMOTT. Sadie H., 6210 E. M E. 3 -2 0 6 9 Stay with 'May" willy, A-3; Fruit o f the Poppy, 13th avenue. Requiem Mass. SL A RETREAT unlisted; Gambit, A -l; Georgy •TUESDAY. FEB. 6 CARS SOLD! CM*. Springs, Ceta. B'20 N . N eva d a Girl. A-4; Grand Prix. A-3; High Slim Carter. A-l; The Roots of Heaven. A-3; The Purple Mask. ...when and wicre you come Wild and Free, unlisted: Hills LooKing for a P u b lish e r! SINCE MARCH 1, 1953 Run Red, A-3; Hot Rods to Hell. A-l: The Phantom of the Opera. we publish books lor the religious J. D. CROUCH uside and rest awhile. A-.1; Hour o f the Gun, A-3; How A-2; In the French Style, A-3; and academic fields that meet the C. D. O’BRIEN To Steal a Million. A-l; I’ll Take Hidden Fear, B. exacting demands ol scholarship. ED TYNAN'S LOETSCHER'S IVI WEDNESDAY. FEB. 7 Our special imprint. Testament Retreat begins at 8;00 P.M. FRID A Y Sweden, B; 1, a Woman, unlist­ ed; Rogue's March. A-l; The Sun Books is reserved (or deserving works of scholarship in the religious Invitation to a Gunfighter. A- Also Rises. B; Reunion in Reno, SUPER MARKET A-2; The Outsider. A-2; Little fie ld . Closes at 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 3; Jack o f Diamonds, A-2; Kalei­ Years of experience with liction and doscope. A-3; Marriage on EgypL B; The Fugitive Kind, B non licliontfields of general interest w k im miAts THURSDAY. FEB. 8 CHRYSLER Rocks, B; None But the Brave, and religion), texts. Americana, & PRODUCE A-2; Point Blank. B; Profession­ The Monolith Monsters. A-l; b io g ra p h ies, sch o larly w o rks, poet PLYIMOUTH ry and essays, enable us to publish SACRED HEART RETREAT HOUSE als. A-3; Quiller Memorandum. The Sun Also Rises. B; Dream- . IN C Quality Apparel NationoM/ AdverSsed A-3; Sand Pebbles, A-3; Sol boat. A-2; The Man Who Shot books that are expertly edited, de signed and promoted. IN COLORADO SPRINGS Brandt of Groceries j Madrid, A-3; Spree, unlisted: Liberty Valance, A-2; Smug- S IN C E 1872 I bles The Day the Fish Came Out. A- gler’s Island. B; The Bachelor Your inquiries and manuscripts are NEW 524 W. Colorado Ave. '' 1 Sedalia, Colorado—26 Miles South Hwy #85 invited. An editorial report fur­ Party. B; On the Beach. A-3 Kiowa and Tejon Streetn FRIDAY. FEB. 9 nished without obligation. VALIANT F R E E : Two fact filled, illustrated Finders Keepers. A-2; The Old brochures explain the behirtd the $ 1 ,8 9 5 Man and the Sea. A-l; Kansas PHONE 688-4198 scenes story of publishing, describe ■ VE R E O D E N V E R JERRY BREEN Raiders. B; The Secret Invasion our first edition plan, and present a a iA L T Y A-2: Beau James. B; The Violent breakdown of coniraci terms and I' le Sales & Serv.ee NOW! Florist Men. A-2; The Wonderful Coun­ typical costs. AAAY INSURANCI GO. Please write to Dept. 681 • This is y o u r house, enjoy it. 1521 Cham pa try. A-3: Executive Suite. A-2; Heaven Knows. Mr. Allison. A-I; EXPOSITION PRESS 73S NO. TEJON The Amazing Dr. Clitterhousei 5226 E. COLFAX • (•rklLMT. Phon. 433-7731 B; Five Miles to Midnight. A-3. 188 Par* >** , S. Tel. 39941630 Colorado Springi Annual Event Set Feb. 11 Thursday, February 1, 1968______THE REGISTER, DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Page Eleven Scout Sunday Will Honor 112 Boy Scouts

The highlight of the year Ad Altare Dei and Pope H in the Cathedral of the Casey will preside at the of Lourdes parish, will de­ l..ongs Peak Council for Boy Scouts in the arch* Pius X II awards — is Immaculate Conception, services. In addition to liver the Scout Sunday St. John's, Ix>ngmont. Post 65: diocese — presentation of scheduled at 4 p.m. Feb. Archbishop James V. presentation o f 98 Ad Al­ address. Anthony A. DeCino, Thomas J. Gehringer. James S. Hill, Law­ tare Dei awards to Boy THE a d d r e s s will be rence G. Hill, Jr., Walter J. Lewis, Scouts and Explorers and followed by reading of the Brad P. Light, Devid S. Miller. 14 Pope Pius XII awards names of Ad Altare Dei Gary J. Miller, .Mike Ray Miller. to Explorers, special recog­ award winners by Father St. John's. Post 66: James C. Bruer, Robert J. Bruer. nition will be accorded to Purfield. They will be es­ Cub Scouts who qualified corted to the altar by their Ad Altare Dei awards: for Parvule Dei awards fathers and Scoutmasters Denver Area Council during the past year. Blessed Sacrament. Troop 14.5: to receive the awards from Michael J. Bechtold. Stephen A. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Archbishop Casey. Cunningham, Patrick J. Malloy. and Explorers will assem­ Reading of the names of Michael J. Meyer. Dave J. Moss. ble with their unit leaders Pope Pius XII award win­ Francis X. Riedo. Mark R. Sevier, at Cathedral high school, David G. Tiehen. Greg E. Watson, ners will follow, and they Jo.seph W. Walsh. James P. Wray. 1836 Logan street, at 3 also will be escorted to the Holy Trinity, Troop 216: Alan G. p.m., to form for the pa­ altar by fathers and post Johnson. rade to the Cathedral. advisers to receive the pla­ Most Precious Blood, Troop 250: Michael J. Mundt. ques from the Archbishop. Our Lady of Lourdes. Troop 300: T H E C A T H E D R A L cer­ The St. George award is Paul W. Ehlers, Mike J; Peltinger. emony begins at 4 with a. b) be presented to several Church o f the Risen Christ, outstanding adult Scout Troop 250: Ralph J. Nagler. massed color guard. St. Bernadette’s. Troop 233: Ben Music for the program leader.s of the archdiocese, F. Yanker. Interviewing a Candidate w ill be provided by St. father Purfield will read St. Catherine’s, Troop 155: Pa­ Thomas’ seminary stu­ each citation, and the trick R. Anderson. Tom M. Camp­ Father James Purfield, pastor of St. Patrick’s bell, Thomas J. Henderson, Timo­ dents. Laurence Higgins, Archbishop will make the parish and archdiocesan Scout chaplain, inter­ thy R. Hogan. Robert J. Litzau, views Mike Ames, Post 145, Blessed Sacrament adviser of Explorer Post presentations. Gler,,i D. Mane*, Thomas J. 145, Blessed Sacrament A SPt^CIAL feature of Schamberger, Michael J. Switzer, parish, a successful candidate for the Pope Pius parish, will direct the the 1968 ceremony will be David A. Tracy. XII award for Explorer Scouts. St. Catherine's, Commerce City, main color guard, consist­ presentation of a plaque (Troop 549: Robert G. Gibson. Michael J. Holligan, Dennis G. St. Louis’. Louisville. Troop hH; ing of Explorers Tom Arm­ listinB all St. George ! St. Dominic’s, Troop 65: Mark L. Kois, Christopher D. Twist. Bruce A. Barday, Dorian .M. Bar- strong, Bob Nelson, Ron .award winners to Monsi­ • Dieckman, Mark A. Kulinski. St. Thcrese’s, Troop 186: Daniel Dale A. Caranci, Johnnie I). Abbott, and Mike Ames, gnor Walter Canavan, St. Francis de Sales', Troop 126; G. Diamond. Daniel J. Feitcn. C hiolino. Dean A. Ferguson, Bob Stephen M.; Baysingor, Keith S. David C. Feiten, Richard A. Niel­ W. Prather. with Explorer John G. rector, for permanent dis­ Kalohelani, Mike P. Kcarin, Pat J. sen, Lawrence J. Walker. Pike.s Peak Council H iggins servin g as an­ play in the Cathedral. "Peters, Kevin J. Phelan, Ronnie J. Longs Peak Council Divine Redeemer, Colorado nouncer. Archbishop Casey will Riviera, Timothy L. Russell. Holy Family, b’ert Collins. Troop Springs, Troop 27: Robert l.c-e Ku.s- 81: Jerry ,1. Gavaldon, Victor E. Flags of the units will address the audience after St. James’, Troop 96: John M. sel. Corbett II, Lee E. Hinshaw. James Gavaldnn, Raymond R. LeJeum*. Corpus Christi, Colorado Spring.s. form before the altar rail the awards ceremony, and L. Horan, Joseph P. Huggins. Albert B. Solano. Lawence T. So­ TriKip 21: Roliert M. Zecha, (Jrego- for blessing o f the colors the event will dose with St. Louis’, Troop 136; Walter W. lano. Daniel E. R:imirez. ry F. Jahn. by Archbishop Casey fol­ Benediction of the Blessed Foster, Kevin P. Gilligan, John H. Sacred Heart, Peetz, Troop 36: James D. Fehringer. lowing the singing of the Sacrament. Luheck, Shawn R. Thompson, Tom R, Urban. Sacred Heart of Jesus. Boulder, National Anthem and the Following are the reci­ Troop 72: Tim P. Brockish. Pledge of Allegiance. pients of the Ad Altare •St. Mary’s, Troop 263: Robbin J. Sacred Heart of Mary, Boulder, Butzirus. Dan F. Groeger, Kevin Father James R. Pur- Dei and Pope Pius XII Troop 177: Douglas A. Hill. M. Kelly, John K. Quinn, Joseph St. John’s, Longmont, Groop 65; field, pastor of St. Patrick’s awards. St. George award P. Pericone, Michael L. Ripp, Ste­ Jame* R. DeCino, James S. Hill, These Three Passed parish and archdiocesan winners w ill not be an­ phen J. Schroer, David M. Stelloh. I.aw4ence G. Hill, Jr.. John B. Scout chaplain, then will nounced until the presenta­ St. Mary Magdalene's, Troop 27: Price. Brad J. Schultz, Michael G. Richad J. Haberkorn; Explorer Father Robert E. Hehn, assistant pastor of St. Catherine’s parish, poses read the names of Cub tion Feb. 11. VonFeldt, Mark L. Younghein. with three obviously pleased to be selected young parishioners to receive Post 382: John Daniel. St. Joeeph's, Fort Collins. Troop Scouts meriting Pa-vule Ad Altari; Dei awards for Catholic Boy Scouts in the archdiocese during Pope Piufl X II awards; St*. Peter & Paul. Troop 240: 95: James R. Pfiipsen, Steven C. Dei awards, asking them D enver A rea Cnunril Kevin C. Carroll, Donald W. Muir. Scout Sunday ceremonies in Immaculate Conception cathedral Feb. 11. The Phifer. Michael F. Warren, Dennis to stand for recognition. Blessed Sacrament, Post 145: St. Pius Tenth, Troop 308: Ray­ E. Wissing. boys shown, from left, are Tom Campbell, Robert Litzau, and Michael Ronaled Eugene Abbott. .Michael mond J. Marlin, Stephen P. Mar­ Switzer. Father Robert E. Kekei- Robert Ames. Kelly Anihonv Hen­ tin. St. Joseph's, Troop 193: Allen E. sen, pastor o f Our Lady ry- St. Rose of Lima, Troop 206: Van Driel. 1965 Scouting | BARRACUDA For F'asl, Fair and Youth Highlights Auto. Trans. Friendly Service N e w s Slant 6 call One of the be.st St. Joseph Choquette served as party der, she is the daughter of St. Rose Compact Sportsters M A R G A R E T Mrs. M ary B olin o f St. The seventh grade safety chairman. Sister M ary BIALKOWSKI Patrol o f St. Joseph grade Christopher, R.S.M., is pa- Vincent de Paul parish, Scoutmaster Jim Twist of Boy Scout Troop 206, St. $1495 school recently treated trol moderator. Mrs. A. Denver- AGENT Rose of Lim a parish, has •,cml3«r ST. Francis Parish- themselves to a semester- Paul Choquette was chape­ announced that a Court of break skating party. N eil rone. FARM ERS St. Francis Honor will be held in the ‘RED” WHITE INSURANCE The Mission club o f St. parish hall Feb. 2nd, at 7; CHEVROLET GROUP M a c h e b e u f Francis de Sales high 30 p.m. 8303 W . C O L F A X . i : Miss Karen Freer is the school is sponsoring ’’The Meeting o f the leaders of 7560 W . C O L F A X U33 president of the recently Boenzee Cryque” in "A ll Cub Scout Pack 206 will 337 1311 Open Eves. Until S W e lt o n .^ i- organized International You Need Is Love" in the be held in the home of NEED relations club at Mache­ high school gym, 235 S. Herb Dreiling, 1365 W. beuf high school. Jim Sherman, Feb. 3, 9 p.m. Gill, Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. Ph. 255-0466 OFFICE Growney is treasurer. until midnight. Tickets are Cub Scout Pack 206 will $1 per person or $1.50 per have a window display in SUPPLIES . . . couple, and may be ob­ the windows o f Colorado First V o w s k tained by calling Kathy Federal Savings, 1925 DRIVE IN LIQUORS ■ 4* Sister Mary Jane Bolin, Ramage, 733-0026 or Mary West Mississippi avenue, Complete selection of Wines, Liquors and Beer B.V.M., will pronounce her Cairns, 935-0479. during Scout Week, Feb. 7- Open f) A.M. to 12 Midnight first vows as a Sister of 13. Charity of the Blessed 1100 So. ( ’I'loratlo Hlvd. 7oLi-7o2l OFFICE Virgin Mary in a profes­ Regis Tests Slated Harry McCarthy sion ceremony held at West District Regis high school freshmen Mike Parkinson Guadalupe college, Los CYO FURNITURE . and Glen Stadig take note of an announcement of The West District Round Table meeting for Cub Gatos, Calif., on Feb. 2. A Regis’s academic scholarship and entrance exam GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS, INC. 1961 graduate of Mt. St. ACTIVITIES I to be given at Regis Feb. 10, at 9 a.m. Scout, Webelos, and Boy Gertrude academy, Boul­ Scout Leaders and Parents, ".\i. Jill J riitv«'\(ir.-< t(i tiu- Catholic C lcrcv’* will be held Feb. 7th at .lA.NITtim AI. \ SAM TAKV .SCI'l'M ES SEE Presentation 7:15 p.m. in the Good M21 - IKih - CH 4-877.» or CH •I-2.598 The Presentation Parish Regis High Sets Shepherd Lutheran church, DKNVKK 2. COLORADO CYO will sponsor a Valen­ 770 S. Federal boulevard. tine dance from 9 p.m. .S’l’nrc i6'76‘ until midnight Feb. 10 in Entrance Testing For 'I'hc Finest C lea n in g COMMERCIAL Gibbons hall, W. 7th and And Rc/x/iring Julian street. "Bonds of' Regis high school will tic activities than any oth- Rune" will play. Admission conduct its academic schol- er private school in the PRODUCTS CO. is $1 per person. $1.50 per arship and entrance exami- metropolitan area. The let- 7 e e k '6 ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUGS couple. nation for all eighth grade ter-winner sports include: NEW RUGS and CARPETS Denver’s Finest Dealer boys in the Denver metro- football, cross-country, ten- LUGGAGE politan area Feb. 10, at 9 nis, basketball, wrestling, 1624 - 17th St. Sts. Peter, Paul a.m. This examination may rifle team, soccer, swim- P h . 534-2343 Sts. Peter and Paul CYO be taken by all those in- ming, golf, baseball, and I havIng' will meet in the school terested at no cost. track. gym Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m. Regis high school, which 2630) E. 3rd :ird 33.I-KH40333-KH40 o r 322-8361 KITS, ng in the Home has been serving the Den­ USCC Plans Race ALSO W a ll to W a ll ( I NO NEED TO WEAR A TRUSS Girl Scout Cookie ver area for almost 80 Count in Schools 1544 B ro a d w a y 266-1458 years, is conducted by the That Binds, Cuts, Gouges, Slips and Does N o t Hold New York ~ A poten­ Sales Start Soon Society of Jesus and is I f you must wear a Truss fo r Rupture, don’t miss this. A tially controversial racial accredited by the North Post Card, with name and address, w ill get you FREE, and Nearly 13,000 Junior. census of every Catholic without obligation, the complete, modernized Rice Plan of Re­ Cndette, and Senior Girl Central Association of Col­ school in the United States ducible Rupture Control. N o w in daily use by thousands who Scouts in the ten-county lege and Secondary NOTICE: will get under way this say the/ never dreamed possible such secure, dependable and Mile Hi Council area will Schools, the Colorado State com fortable rupture protection. Safely blocks rupture open­ spring after more than a begin their annual cookie Education association, the ing, prevents escape, without need for bulky, cumbersome year of planning. Trusses, tormenting springs or harsh gouging pad pressure. sale for camp funds this National Catholic Educa­ Regardless of how long ruptured, size occupation, or trusses week, hoping to meet this tional association, and the EIGHTH GRADE BOYS you have worn, TRY THIS, and send your Post Card today to year’s goal which is the National Jesuit Education- W . S. Rice, Inc., Adams. N . Y . 13605. Dept. U6 M______largest in history — 390,- ' al association. 000 boxes. AUTO Annual Entrance and The curriculum of Regis Mrs. Francis Shedd, is designed to prepare all chairman of the cookie LIABILITY of its students for college WILL AI.L TIIKV steering committee, said Scholarship Examination For SOME PEOPLE entrance and as a result, the girls will take orders A N Y C A R HAVE TO THEIR RELATIVES. Their hard-earned | 98 per cent of its gradu­ money is sometimes spent very freely. for the five different varie­ 10/ 20/5 ates enroll in various insti­ ties from Feb. 3-10. Cus­ tutions of higher learning. JWISE PEOPLE W ANT TO LEAVE tomers will pay for the 'C/as.siAi During their senior year, Mullen High School TH E IR LOVED OMLS MOKE THAN .MERE Married, . cookies when the girls de­ some students are permit­ I THINGS. They leave a spiritual inheritance through I // you qualify^ liver them the week of ted to enroll in college j Him from Whom all blessings flow, March 2-9. 3601 South Lowell Blvd. courses at Regis college in NO POLICY FEE BE WISE. Aside from a Will for your loved ones. I English and mathematics. I lake out an ANNUITY. Your funds will bring you I I generous returns as long as you live, and will keep Besides its outstanding 8:45 a.m. on supporting God’s work and will draw endless | CARPETS academic record, Regis of­ blessings for you and your dear ones. Room SIzp D ll C fers many extracurricumr and Smaller lx w F w activities. Its speech de­ "Tou'rc SURE with Assurors" SOCIETY OF THE DIVINE WORD Largtii i*itciiont m the Ci't Saturday, February 3, 1968 \ cry Rev. loseph Francis. S.V.D. partment has long been ALSO LOW RATES 1118 Wilshire Blvd.. U s Angeles, Calif. 90017 e r v ro o m regarded as one of the top Furniture'"’m the " house FOR TEENAGERS Please send me information on your Annuity Plan. .My | Open Montfey «nd Wednetdey organizations in the region. at Mullen High ugc is . _ and I am considering an Annuity of $>------Evemngt Till tiM P.M. Athletically, Regis was the MULLENNIX'S I Nam e ...... E.M.W. first non-public scho