The Diversity Factor in the History of Islam in Nairobi 1900
THE DIVERSITY FACTOR IN TflE HISTORY OF ISLAM IN NAIROBI 1900 - 1963 ANNE NKIROTE MAINGI A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts at the University of N a i r o b i . October, 1987 This thesis is my original work and has not been presented Xor a degree in any other University, * ANNE N. MAINGI This thesis has been submitted for Examination with my approval as University Supervisor, -pRGFES S 0 R-AilMEXLJDH A SALIM To my dear Kagendo, I dedicate this w o r k . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis owes so much to the assistance of so many, My thanks first go to Professor Ahmed Idha Salim of University of Nairobi, who supervised my work and gave me the full benefit of his wise counsel and wide knowledge. X appreciate greatly both the time he expended and the interest he showed, I should also like to thank Dr, Z, Ntharaburi of Kenyatta University for all the assistance he offered me. Mr, Badr D. Kateregga, my mentor, patient and sympathetic teacher, encouraged me from my under*- graduate days, I also thank Professor R, Murungi of Kenyatta \ University for his assistance particularly in the difficulty initial days of the research. Thanks are due to Dr. J, Mugambi, who, in his capacity as the Chairman of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Nairobi, was always ready to help. To many friends, I extend my sincere thanks. In particular, mention must be made of Micheni Nkari, who very generously contributed his time and ideas.
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