J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 35–42 H Dehghan et al.: The Ecological Aspects …

Original Article The Ecological Aspects of (Diptera: Culicidae) in Central Iran

Hossein Dehghan 1, *Seyed Hassan Moosa-Kazemi 2, Javid Sadraei 1, Hassan Soleimani 2

1Department of Medical Entomology and Parasitology, School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology and Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

(Received 2 Aug 2012; accepted 3 July 2013)

Abstract Background: The aim was to survey the specific factors, which cause to decrease feeding of mosquitoes im- portant to succeed vector control. Methods: Larval collection was carried out from fixed and variable breeding places of Yazd County, central Iran in 2009. Autogeny-Anautogeny, Stenogamy-Eurygamy, and blood preference of Culex pipiens were studied using standard cages blood meal source for Cx. pipiens females considered as the chickens and human and fed females were kept in insectary condition (16:8 L: D, 27±3 °C and 70±10% RH). The data were analyzed using SPSS Ver. 11.5 soft ware. Results: Totally, 96 females' mosquitoes were tested for Stenogamy versus Eurygamy and 122 for blood preference assay. In the small cages (20× 20× 20cm) and large cage (60× 40× 60cm), the ability of mating and insemination rates were 60.0 and 67.0%, respectively. In spite of Cx. pipiens fed from sucrose 5%, none of them laying in 60× 40× 60 cages during the study. This finding indicated the Anautogeny behavior of this species. This species was found of low tendency to human blood and almost 4 fold fed on chicken. Conclusion: The occurrence of Steno-Eurygamy, Anautogeny, and Ornithophilic behaviors of Cx. Pipiens was noted. More studies need to be carried out about the bionomics of this species to gain more data about the ecophysiological and behavioral characteristics in other parts of Iran.

Keywords: Bionomics, Behavior, Mosquito, Culex pipiens, Iran


Malaria, West Nile and Sindbis viruses, Jap- sometimes be very severe (Vinogradova 2000). anese encephalitis, RiftArchiveValley fever as well ofAzari-Hamidian SID(2007) cited sixty four as Dirofilaria immitis (dog heart worm) and species, three subspecies and seven genera D. repens (dirofilariasis) are important med- of mosquitoes in Iran. By now, 33 species ical and veterinary mosquito-borne diseases from two and Cellia subgenera, in the World (Naficy and Saidi 1970, Saidi siblings, genotype and type forms are rec- et al. 1976, Hayes 2005, WHO 2008, Azari- orded in the Country (Moosa-Kazemi et al. Hamidian et al. 2009). 2009, Vatandoost and Hanfi-Bojd 2012). Dif- Culex pipiens Linnaeus is medically im- ferent studies have introduced eight malaria portant due to bite humans and animals be- vectors including, An. stephensi (type, inter- sides transfer D. immitis in Iran (Ataei et al. mediate and mysorensis forms (Vatandoost 2012). Humans and some hosts may have et al. 2006), An. superpictus as genotypes X, allergy to mosquito bite, and this allergy can Y, and Z (Oshaghi et al. 2008), An. culicifacies

35 *Corresponding author: Dr Seyed Hassan Moosa- http://jad.tums.ac.ir www.SID.ir Kazemi, E-mail: [email protected] Published Online: December 18, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 35–42 H Dehghan et al.: The Ecological Aspects …

sibling A and B (Vatandoost et al. 2011), An. thophilous, and intend to blood feeding on fluviatilis as three cryptic species S, T and U birds. Some reports indicated this species (Mehravaran et al. 2011), An. maculipennis feeding on humans. The main of this group (An. atroparvus, An. maculipennis, An. species in rural area was reported birds, and melanoon, An. messeae, An. sacharovi and animals, whereas in urban area was reported as An. persiensis (Sedaghat et al. 2003), An. human, animal, and birds. Vinogradova (2000) dthali (Manoochehri et al. 1972), and An. described Stenogamy as the mating ability of pulcherrimus (Zaim et al. 1993) is detected mosquitoes in small spaces whereas, Eurygamy serologically positive to malaria parasite(s) as the mosquitoes need to large space. Mean- in Baluchistan malaria foci, Southeastern of while Cx. pipiens form molestus, Cx. Quinque- the Country. Five species of Anophelinae have fasciatus and possibly Cx. pipiens pallens been previously reported in Yazd Province, Coquillett were described as Sten-ogamous, central Iran, including An. dthali, An. marteri whereas Cx. pipiens, Cx. australicus Dobrot- Sogdianus, An. multicolor Combouliu, An. worsky and Drummond, Cx. vagans Wiede- turkhudi Liston, and An. superpictus Grassi mann, and Cx. torrentium Martini were re- (Shahgudian 1956, Saebi 1987). Zaim (1987) ported as Eurygamous (Vinogradova 2000). mentioned the twelve species and four gen- There are limited studies in relation to era of Culex, Culiseta, Ochlerotatus, and physiology, biology, feeding behavior of Cx. Uranotaenia in this area. pipiens in Yazd. The aim of this study was Culex pipiens distributed in the Europe, to obtain new data which would be useful the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia for future mosquito control programs. and Africa, the middle part of North America and Southern America and Australia (Vino- gradova 2000). This species is distributed in Materials and Methods the most part of Iran (Zaim et al. 1985, Koosha 2011). Distribution of this species has close Study area relationship with economic activities and A descriptive cross sectional study was development of new territories. The human carried out in Yazd County, Central Iran in activity on natural environment with a change summer 2009. The study took place in two in the land and underground water resources randomly selected rural villages with 889 can affect the mosquito fauna and abundance houses and 24358 populations in Yazd County in a region. Some human activities created (54°04'N 31°59'E). The study area is located the irrigation domains marsh, dry land irriga- in the Yazd Province and bounded by Isfa- tion, channels, irrigation water storage, and han in the west, South Khorasan in the east, various breeding placesArchivenear the industrial Ke ofrman and FarsSIDin the south, Khorasan-e- activities (Vinogradova 2000). Razavi and Seman Provinces in the north Culex pipiens complex has at least two (Fig. 1). The maximum and minimum mean species (Dehghan et al. 2013). Culex quinqui- monthly temperatures were recorded as 40.6 fasciatus Say distributed in the tropical area °C in July and -4.4 °C in January In 2009. with the wide range of hosts whereas, Cx. The total annual rainfall was 62 mm, the pipiens is found in the moderate area with minimum of 0.3 mm in May and maximum the limited range of birds nest maker. Culex of 18 mm in March. The mean annual rela- pipiens form molestus is Autogenous, and tive humidity was 37%. The main occupa- the first laying eggs perform without a blood tion of the peoples is agriculture and hus- feeding (Mousakazemi 2000, Vinogradova bandry of cow and goats. Based on available 2000). Culex pipiens was reported as Orni- epidemiological data from Yazd Health Cen-

36 www.SID.ir http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: December 18, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 35–42 H Dehghan et al.: The Ecological Aspects …

tre, there are no villages under the entomo- were transferred to the laboratory of Ento- logical survey. mology and Parasitology Department, School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares Uni- Sampling methods versity for rearing. De-chlorinate tap water The specimens were collected from three used for rearing of larvae and prepared by fixed villages, Abrand-Abad, Nosrat-Abad stand the water in glass jar for at least 24 and Gerd-e-Faramarz of Shahediyeh District hours. Larvae were placed in the covet and and two variables Villages, Elah Abad and fed by available diets such as fish powder Sarcheshmeh from Zarch District. Mosquitoes and milk baby food. larvae were collected by dipping method Pupae in batches of 30 samples were (WHO 1963, WHO 1992). transferred to cups container covered by pa- Larval habitats present within 500 meter per funnel and was placed into the cages. around each village were studied for mos- Petri dish containing de-chlorinate tap water quito larvae collection. Five larval breeding was placed in to the cages for -laying. places randomly selected within a 500-m ra- Cotton wool soaked in sucrose 5% used for dius of the study site. Up to 10 dipper sam- feeding of adult mosquito. Mosquitoes were ples were taken at intervals along the edge of checked and monitored daily. each larval habitat using a standard mosquito dipper (350 ml) depending on the size of the Behavioral and Physiological study habitat (WHO 1963). The experiment was designed to determine the degree Stenogamy or Eurygamy behav- Mosquito identification iors in a 60× 40× 60cm (Fig. 2A), and 20× The larvae were preserved in lactophenol 20× 20cm (Fig. 2B) cages. The spermathecae and the microscope slides of the preserved of the females Cx. pipiens were dissected for larvae were prepared using Liquid de Faure’s evidence of insemination (Fig. 3). The larvae medium. All samples were sent to the School were reared in insectarium and pupae were of Public Health, Tehran University of Med- separated and transferred into cups inside the ical Sciences, where the author identified the cages. Autogeny, Anautogeny and blood pref- specimens using the keys of Shahgudian erence of this species also were studied with (1960), Zaim and Cranston (1986), Harbach rearing the larvae and transferred the pupae (1988), Azari-Hamidian and Harbach (2009). in cages. Sucrose 5% and moisture cotton wool Seta 1 of abdominal segment of III IV in – were used for feeding of this species in each larval stage and Vein venation including in- cage. Petri dishes with no chlorine water tersection of costa, subcosta and bifurcation were used for oviposition. Eurygamy, and of R2+3 veins used to distinguishing of adult ArchiveStenogamy of behaviorsSIDwere studied 10 days females of Cx. pipiens complex. Male genitalia after emerging and mating of species using shape as dorsal and ventral arms of phalosoma the dissection of spermathecae. Anautogeny used to distinguishing of adult males of Cx. and Autogeny behaviors of non blood feed- pipiens complex. The mosquito name abbre- ing mosquitoes were studied at a 16:8 L: D, viations are cited based on Reinert (2001). 27±3 °C and 70±10% RH for 20 days. Adult Mosquito rearing females were fed on chickens and human The larvae for each habitat were placed forearm for blood meal source in insectary. separately and transported to the laboratory Fifty eight female mosquitoes were used for where they were sorted by genus and instars feeding on chicken and sixty four for human counted and recorded. Culex pipiens larvae blood type. (Knight and Malek 1951, WHO

37 www.SID.ir http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: December 18, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 35–42 H Dehghan et al.: The Ecological Aspects …

1975, Vinogradova 2000). The data were Table 2. Frequency and percentage of the blood analyzed using SPSS Ver. 11.5 soft ware. tendency of Culex pipiens on human and chicken hosts in Department of Entomology and Parasitology insectary, School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Results Modares University, 2009 Culex pipiens Replicate Results of Stenogamy versus Eurogamy Host Unfed % Fed % showed that sperm was active and observed Cage 1 4 15.4 22 84.6 in 60% of dissected Cx. pipiens. The ability Chicken of mating was found in cages in 20×20×20 Cage 2 8 25 24 75 cm sizes. The same result was found in large Total 12 20.2 46 79.8 cages, 67% of mosquitoes were able to mat- Cage 3 24 72.7 9 27.3 Human ing in cages 60×40×60 cm sizes (Table 1). In Cage 4 20 64.5 11 35.5 Autogeny and Anautogeny study, the mos- Total 44 68.7 20 31.3 quitoes feed on sucrose 5%, none of the mosquitoes laying eggs in 60×40×60 cm cages during the 20 days study. This finding indicated the Anautogeny behavior of this species. The mosquitoes exposed to chicken body almost 4 fold the mosquitoes were contact with the human arm. This finding indicated tendency to bird blood more than human one (Table 2).

Table 1. Result of the Spermateca dissection of Culex pipiens to determination of Stenogamy versus Eٍurogamy behaviors in Department of Entomology and Parasitology insectary, School of Medical Sci- ences, Tarbiat Modares University, 2009

Spermateca Fig. 1. Map of Iran, highlighting the position of Cage Sizes Dissection Yazd Province and its study area Small Positive Negative 20×20×20 1 9 4 2 Archive5 5 of SID 3 7 4 4 6 5 Total 27 18 Large - - 60×40×60 1 7 3 Fig. 2. The mosquito cages including (A) large size, 2 9 3 60× 40×60 cm, (B) small size, 20×20×20 cm. The 3 11 6 pictures were taken by a digital camera in the insec- tary of the Department of Entomology and Parasitol- 4 7 5 ogy, School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares Total 34 17 University (Original photos) 38 www.SID.ir http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: December 18, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 35–42 H Dehghan et al.: The Ecological Aspects …

200× 200× 200cm sizes, and was stated a few of this species able to mating (Vinogradova 2000). Vinogradova (2000) stated the several populations of Cx. pipiens with Eurygamy behavior never did mating in cages in 20× 20× 30 sizes. We observed both Steno and Eurygamy behaviors. Further support to these results also came from a previous study, re- Fig. 3. The spermatheca dissection (A) Culex pipiens ported by Rioux (1965), which described Cx. spermatheca, (B) Cx. pipiens spermatozoids, The pipiens with Steno-Eurygamous behaviors. It original photos of spermatheca dissection of Cx. should be considered, at the present, Cx. pipiens female were taken by a digital camera in the pipiens populations were not observed with Department of Entomology and Parasitology, School the pure form of Eurygamy or Stenogamy of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University behavior. It seems that there are no agreements Discussion among researchers regarding to the main- tenance condition of this species in insec- Culex pipiens larvae were collected from tariums. Jupp (1987) reported that changed different larval habitats such as subterranean photoperiodic conditions of rearing of this water accumulated with sewage, livestock species could be increased or decreased the trough, ponds in residential houses and gar- mating rate. den ponds. The flume water contaminated by It should be noted that, Cx. pipiens after sewage was found the main breeding places blood meal was able to laying eggs in the of Cx. pipiens inside urban area. Similarity, 60× 40× 60cm cages, whereas, none of the in- Vinogradova (2000) cited Cx. pipiens larvae dividuals which fed only on sucrose 5% were found in natural and artificial breeding able to lay eggs in the same cages. Our find- places with high degree of contamination by ing indicated the Anautogenous behavior of organic and industrial materials. Water ob- this species. Similarity, Rioux (1965) and tained from sewage treatment plants was Vinogradova (2003) cited the Anautogenous created the suitable habitats of mosquito lar- behavior in Cx. pipiens populations. vae outside the urban area. Culx pipiens mos- Tendency of Cx. pipiens to bird blood was quitoes can be made adaptable with the lar- more than human. Further support to this val habitats created by human. This species results also came from a previous study, Cx. can be considered as an indicator for esti- pipiens was reported strongly Ornithophil mating the environmentalArchiveconditions in a behavior ofin SouthSID-central Sweden (Jaenson human habitat. Development of human activ- 1990). Also, Tempelis (1975) cited 28% of ity, changed the environment, and increased blood feeding on human and more tendency the abundance indicates ecological and phys- of this species to avian blood preference. iological flexibility of this species. Rioux (1965) expressed the Ornithophilic be- In the present study, 60% and 58% of Cx. havior of this species. Blood feeding of Cx. pipiens were able to mating in small and pipiens on birds and human was reported by large cages respectively. The Eurygamy be- Knight and Malek (1951), and Vinogradova haviors of Cx. pipiens were studied in cages (2003). in 100× 100× 100cm, 75× 75× 75cm and 60× Culex pipiens has great morphological var- 40× 60cm in Russia (Vinogradova 2000). In iations in all life stages and it is not easy to contrast, some researchers designed cages in separate this species from Cx. quinquefasciatus

39 www.SID.ir http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: December 18, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 35–42 H Dehghan et al.: The Ecological Aspects …

and Cx. torrentium. Males of this species are financial support of Research Committee in distinguishable from the mentioned species School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares using the male genitalia (Harbach 1988). University, ID No 5278604. The authors de- Dehghan et al. (2011) reported the male gen- clare that there is no conflict of interests. italia was the only reliable character to iden- tification of Cx. torrentium, Cx. quinque- fasciatus and Cx. pipiens. The most important References diagnostic characters of Cx. torrentium, Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. pipiens larvae men- Ataei A (2012) Some ecological aspects of tioned the branch of seta 1 of abdominal potential vectors of Dirofilariasis in the segment of III–V (Harbach 1988, Dehghan Ahar County, East Azerbaijan Prov- et al. 2010). Based on the mentioned above, ince, Iran. [MSPH dissertation]. School we used the recent characters to diagnosis of of Public Health, Tehran University of the Cx. pipiens samples. Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (In Persian). Azari-Hamidian S (2007) Checklist of Ira- Conclusion nian mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). J Vect Ecol. 32: 235–242. In situations where frequent blood feed- Azari-Hamidian S, Harbach RE (2009) Keys ing on birds are common for Cx. pipiens, the to the adult females and forth-instar main complication with respect to estimating larvae of the mosquitoes of Iran. the potential for arboviral parasite transmis- Zootaxa. 2078: 1–33. sion is that vectorial capacities will be nec- Azari-Hamidian S, Joeafshani MA, Mosslem essary. Therefore, more study about of bio- M, Rassaei AR (2003) Adult mosquito nomics of mosquitoes especially among the habitats and resting-places in Guilan Cx. pipiens needs to be studied rigorously in Province (Diptera: Culicidae). Hakim the future. Res J. 82: 12–18 (Persian with English abstract). Acknowledgements Azari-Hamidian S, Yaghoobi-Ershadi MR, Javadian E, Abai MR, Mobedi I, Lin- The authors are grateful to Dr Azari- ton YM, Harbach RE (2009) Distribu- Hamidian, School of Health, Guilan Univer- tion and ecology of mosquitoes in a fo- sity of Medical Sciences, Rasht, for review- cus of dirofilariasis in northwestern Iran, ing the manuscript, Mr Kalantari, Head of with the first finding of filarial larvae Zarch City Council,ArchiveMr Rezaei, Mr Eslami, ofin naturally SIDinfected local mosquitoes. Environmental Health Director of Zarch and Med Vet Entomol. 23(2): 111–121. Shahediyeh Health Center, for supporting Dehghan H, Sadraei J, Moosa-Kazemi SH the investigation. We also would like to ex- (2010) The Morphological Variations press our appreciation to the people of of Culex pipiens Larvae (Diptera: Culi- Abrand-Abad, Nosrat-Abad, Gerd-e-Faramarz, cidae) in Yazd Province, Central Iran. Elah Abad, and Sarcheshmeh Villages in Iran J Arthropod-Borne Dis. 4(2): 42–49. Yazd County for their kind cooperation dur- Dehghan H, Sadraei J, Moosa-Kazemi SH ing the study. Many thanks also dedicated to (2011) The morphological variations of the efforts of the field staff of the Yazd Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in Health Training and Research Center. It is central Iran. Asian Pac J Trop Med. noteworthy that this study has been done by 412–420.

40 www.SID.ir http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: December 18, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 35–42 H Dehghan et al.: The Ecological Aspects …

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42 www.SID.ir http://jad.tums.ac.ir Published Online: December 18, 2013