MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, July 11, 1986
M - MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, July 11, 1986 1 CONNECTICUT SPORTS WEEKEND PLUS ClASSIFED ADVERTISING 643-2711 I » G o ve rno r’B race Red Sox suspend Car rallies liven I HOMES Rentals KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright FOR SALE moveB into court ‘Oil Can’ Boyd Tuesday evenings Historic area. Large Vlc- I ROOMS BUSINESS & SERVICE DllffiCTORY ... p a g e 7 ... p a g e 9 ... magazine Inside torlon, completely remo FOR RENT deled In 1980. 11 plus rooms, 5 bedrooms and CARPENTRY/ 2Vj baths. Vinyl sided, Ladles Only. Nice, quiet I NKBCELLANEOUS MiSCELLANEOUB PUldtlNfei? original, ornate wood room for rent. Senior CHILDCARE REMODEUNfi 6ERWCE8 8EBWCE8 work. Fenced-In back citizen or working girl. Located bus line. Ref yard. Large garage with Responsible high school Odd lob$. Trucking. BookkMpIng fullchorgg room oyerhead. Some erences and security. Af babysitter for afternoons, Horn* rtpalrs. You name ter 5:30 pm. 644-0383. 14 ygora experlenc* for owner financing possible. Monday thru Friday. Re it, «vo do It. Froo ostl- small businpss. Write C & S138,900. Strano Real Est- quest $2.00 per hour. Call Independent Construc motot. Insured. 643-0304. N Bookkeeping, 47 Teresa ote, M7-7653.n___________ Manchester sleeping Michelle 647-7760. tion Co. General Contrac room for working gentle Rd., lyionchester, CT. tors, custom home build Howkes Tree Service — ' The Cat's Meow! Elegant man. $185 a month plus ing ond remodeling, Bucket Truck 8i Chipper. 8 room Contemporary security deposit ond refer What mokes Wont Ads CLEANINB siding, excavation, etc. Stump Removal. Free Es work? People like you home to be built.
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