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2183 12/11/15 M I N U T E S of the ORDINARY MEETING of The DEVIOCK PARISH COUNCIL held at THE COASTAL ZONE, DOWNDERRY, at 7.30pm on Thursday, 12 th November 2015. PRESENT: Parish Cllrs. Ms. M. E. Temlett (Vice-Chair) Downderry Ward Ms. H. M. Brockbank, Downderry Ward J.P. Candy, Seaton Ward* D.E. Foote, Downderry Ward Mrs. B. M. Lloyd, Downderry Ward Mrs. A. Ratsey, Downderry Ward Mrs. A. Robinson, Hessenford Ward Mrs. A. Thorpe, Hessenford Ward * Also Cornwall Councillor, Trelawny Division Tim Pullin (Parish Clerk) 1. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS & REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS TO SPEAK ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: 2.1. To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda No declarations were made. 2.2. To receive requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any) No requests were made. 2.3. To grant any requests for dispensations as appropriate None were made. 2. 10 MINUTE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PERIOD for public comment on the items below: A member of the public spoke in objection to the planning application PA15/09382 Derry Down, Brenton Road, Downderry, agenda item 7.2.1., circulated paper copies of his objections to councillors and cited overdevelopment, unsuitable development for local need and loss of views from the street as main objections. Mr. David Watters (Chair of Downderry & Seaton Residents Association) also spoke in objection to this application, reiterating the reason of overdevelopment (increase from one idwelling to two on the site); stating that the proposal was contrary to the results of the recent Parish Neighbourhood Plan survey in terms of meeting local housing needs; raising concerns regarding the closeness of the development to the cliff edge and highlighting probable disruption to use of the beach and Brenton Road during the construction process. The owner of a property adjacent to the development site also expressed objections to the application including reasons of overdevelopment; proposed roof heights; overlooking; the scale of excavations required with possible land slippage and the probable increase in traffic with proposed parking for six vehicles. The applicant had not consulted neighbours regarding the development. The Architect for the application stated that the issue of construction traffic for the development was not relevant to the granting of planning permission; that the John Grimes Partnership had been employed to provide a report on the issue of cliff stability and this did not highlight any concerns; there had been no suggestion that the beach would be closed because of construction works and that an M.M.O. licence would cover proposed works on the beach. The planning officer was happy with the design of the proposed dwellings. There being no other members of the public wishing to address the Meeting the Chair closed the public participation period. 3. TOFROM ACCEPT APOLOGIES THE FOR PARISH ABSENCE: WEBSITE 4.1. Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe proposed to accept apologies received from Cllrs. D.T. Parry (holiday) D. R. Humphreys (family celebration) & S. J. Parry (work commitments); this was seconded by C. Cllr. J. P. Candy and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. 2184 12/11/15 ORDINARY MEETING OF 12 th November 2015 (Continued) 4. MINUTES: 4.1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 8 th October 2015 It was proposed by the Vice-Chair; seconded by C. Cllr. J. P. Candy and AGREED unanimously by the Meeting to accept the minutes as a correct record. 5. REPORTS ON MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank referred to 7.7. of the minutes enquiring why a planning officer had not been asked to address the parish council. C. Cllr. J. P. Candy stated that no officer had been available to attend the meeting. Having taken legal advice from officers C. Cllr. Candy also stated that because of the nature of the original planning permission granted for the Trerose Coombe development, there would be no point in pursuing demands for a children’s play area to be required. Cllr. Brockbank stated that she should have requested that independent legal advice be sought on this matter. Regarding item 9.2. Cllr. Brockbank suggested that smaller, single decker buses should be used on the Downderry route. 6. POLICE MATTERS: 6.1. The Clerk remembers that Sgnt. Angela Crow had contacted him to ascertain ownership of local beaches east of Downderry and the clerk had advised her that the Duchy of Cornwall had recently become the owner of this land. 7. PLANNING: 7.1. PLANNING COMMITTEE 7.1.1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 22 nd OCTOBER 2015 as a correct record. It was proposed by Cllr. D. E. Foote, seconded by Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank and AGREED by the Meeting to accept the minutes as a correct record. (three abstentions) 7.1.2. Matters arising from the minutes No matters were raised. 7.2. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 7.2.1. PA15/09382 Mr. Michael Hoskin, Mansion Developments SW Ltd DERRY DOWN, BRENTON ROAD, DOWNDERRY Demolition of existing dwelling and buildings and construction of two dwellings and garages with parking. Construction of sea defence. (Case Officer – James Hills) The Clerk advised members that was a revised application. The previous application had been withdrawn by the applicant. The Parish Council had supported the previous application but was unhappy with certain aspects of the proposed development. After discussion Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe proposed objection to the application for the following reasons: 1) Over development. The replacement of the existing bungalow with one new dwelling would be appropriate for the site whereas the proposed development of two large properties is excessive. 2) The proposed development would be out of keeping with the street scene 3) The expected future coastal erosion of the cliffs and current policies on this issue, make the construction of new properties close to the cliff edge unwise and unsustainable 4) Overlooking of the neighbouring property Babylonia; this was seconded by Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank and agreed by the Meeting (one abstention). 7.2.2. PA15/05585 Mr. Purvis 2 TRERIEVE ESTATE, DOWNDERRY Conservatory to front elevation (Case Officer – Roz Baker) Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank proposed objection to the application for the following reasons: 1) TheFROM large size of the proposed THE conservatory PARISH WEBSITE 2) Overlooking issues; this was seconded by Cllr. Ms. B. M. Lloyd and agreed by the Meeting.(one abstention) 2185 12/11/15 ORDINARY MEETING OF 12 th November 2015 (Continued) 7.2. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (continued): 7.2.3. PA15/09606 Mr. Peter Bradley LAND ADJACENT TO SUNNY CLIFF, BRENTON ROAD, DOWNDERRY Outline application with all matters reserved for the construction of two storey dwelling with two off street parking spaces, plus two new off street parking spaces for existing dwelling (Case Officer – James Hills) After discussion Cllr. Mrs. B. M. Lloyd proposed objection to the application for the reason of coastal erosion issues in connection with the large terrace area being included; this was seconded by Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank and agreed by the Meeting (1 against & 2 abstentions). 7.2.4. PA15/09832 Mr. M. Lambie LAND ADJACENT RAVEN COTTAGE, BRENTON ROAD, DOWNDERRY Construction of a detached dwelling (Case Officer – Davina Pritchard) After discussion Cllr. D. E. Foote proposed objection to the application for the reason that part of the development would lie outside the current village development line; this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson and agreed by the Meeting (one abstention). 7.2.5. PA15/09862 Mr. and Mrs. Hughes LAND REAR OF 33 BUTTLEGATE, DOWNDERRY Construction of a new dwelling with private motor garage (Case Officer – Hayley Wray) Cllr. Mrs. B. M. Lloyd declared a non-pecuniary interest, living close to the application location. The Clerk informed members that the application was for renewal of extant permission PA12/10255 Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank proposed objection to the application based on reasons of poor access, highway safety and over development; this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe but was defeated when put to the vote (4 against and 2 abstentions). The application was therefore supported by the Parish Council. 7.3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA: 7.3.1. PA15/10120 Miss K. Walters SEATON HOUSE, LOOE HILL, SEATON Non-material amendment for the confirmation of the exact positioning of solar panels to provide 4kWp PV System (Case Officer – James Hills) The Clerk informed members that this was a new application. The planning officer had indicated that he was unhappy with the form of this application and would request that it be withdrawn and be reapplied for. The solar panels identified in the application had already been installed and therefore a retrospective application would be required. Cllr. D.E. Foote proposed that the council defer any decision until a revised application had been received; this was seconded by the Vice-Chair and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. 7.4. PLANNING APPEALS: No planning appeals had been received. 7.5. PLANNING DECISIONS: 7.5.1. 27.10.2015 PA15/09246 WITHDRAWN Applicant: Mr Tom Lawry Location: 3 Buttlegate Downderry Cornwall PL11 3NQ Proposal: Proposed erection of low level dwelling with integral garage 7.5.2. 04.11.2015 PA15/08110 WITHDRAWN FROMApplicant: Mr Richard THE Roseveare PARISH WEBSITE Location: 35 Buttlegate Downderry Torpoint Cornwall PL11 3NQ Proposal: Proposed new dwelling (re-submission of Application No. PA15/03955) 2186 12/11/15 ORDINARY MEETING OF 12 th November 2015 (Continued) 7.6. PLANNING CORRESPONDENCE: None had been received. 7.7. MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS: 7.7.1. Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson requested details of Cornwall Council policy relating to second homes.