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The Official Organ of the Students of The University of the South Vol. LXIX, No. 3 SEWANEE, TENNESSEE, OCTOBER 19, 1951 News Series No. 1,070 Homecoming On The Mountain Will Be A Gala Weekend ROTC Band Holds Festivities Include Holiday 1st Regular Rehearsal Dance Parade, Decorations The newly organized ROTC band held its first regular rehearsal Friday Bv GIL DENT evening with seventeen men attending. Purple News Edito The band is to be primarily a Who the whistle blows and the pigskin tarching band, but Major McLaurm, it will begin the Homecoming Football gz le group advisor, has expressed the festivities. hope that in time a concert band can Actually the whistle will blow to-+ ae developed. The first appearance of night to start things off with the an- he band is tentatively scheduled for nual torchlight parade leaving Sewa- he November 17th football game. nee Inn following dinner. The mass Although pleased with the turn-out of cars, students, cheerleaders and it the first rehearsal, Major McLaurin torches will proceed up University stated that he hopes several more men Avenue to the athletic field where a will yet volunteer for the band. All huge bonfire will be the scene of the those who have played band instru- big pre-game rally. ments will be welcomed at the re- Holiday for Preparations hearsals which are held every day All classes will be cancelled tomor- during the week at 5:15; both ROTC row morning in order to make final cadets and non-cadets are eligible to touches on fraternity decorations. play in the band. Plans have been Indians will be scalped, broiled, baked and bludgeoned this weekend as Sewanee's nine fraternities go all out to have our 'ole Tiger chew the pants off Mississippi's r -Red Face." TORCH PARADE Not only will our prov ss be dis- played in bloody battle c the grid-

»de : of each frater- [ aaugiiter oj Coach and Mrs. Bill White is jeatured ab< for the practices to be held in nity house mpetition will be a senior at the University oj Tennessee, was recently chosen to represent Phi the Union Theatre. stiff figure out the Mu Sorority in a beauty contest to be held October 27 during the Vol—TPI Thus far the band is made up of brutal (and effective) way of football game. She will be one of 65 contestants. Jane was also recently iree trumpets, two cornets, two conquering Mississippi in homecoming electee? sponsor oj a Tennessee ROTC unit. trombones, two clarinets, two saxo- phones, one tuba, one flute, one pic- A committee of three judges Tuckermen Play one baritone, one French horn, ch display on originality and effect- Hazing Of Frosh, Like drums, and the cymbals. All Old Grey eness and the winning fraternity those playing have had previous ex- is Tomorrow Night presented with a trophy for erience and are well-versed in band its efforts. Mare, Ain't What It Used To Be Last year the Kappa Sigs took the Coy Tucker and his Orchestra with the Phi Gams running a will The music which is on order is ex- close second. be featured at the 1951 Annual Home- By Marvin Mounti pected to arrive next week for the >ming reakast for students Dance to be held in the Or- "Kangaroo ' and dates will court to be held tonight 1 band to begin rehearsing. in front of the Science Hall This music ond Simkins "Grab served at Magnolia, Saturday Gymnasium tomorrow your ankles rat!" Less than twenty vears ago these includes a complete folio of at command* Sousa ight, October 20, beginning 9:00. All are asked to be there at 9:00. sent chills down the backs of freshmen at Scwanec. Marches, plus many other famous then time. Lunch Sponsored each year by the German Now, although recent Discipl marches. In the absence will be served earlier of a regu- Club, the dance culminates vho agitated for the than usual at 12:30. a weekend Committee activities leave a wake of discontinuanc lar director, Bill Prentiss has been of festivities including if this practice, Candidates for the torch pa- grumbling, it is difficult to believe freshmen enjoy a fa named acting Queen of Homecom- student director of the rade, selecting nore liberal discipline. ing will selected of Homecoming Queen that Sewanee was once accused of be by each fraternity and they and football game with Mississippi "brutal, barbarous, and inhumane haz- will be judged at 11:00 in the College. ing." However, sophomores actually Union. Harrison Cites The big Highlight of the dance will carried heavy canes with which to "Greatness Of An parade starts at 1:30 from be the presentation of the beat rule breakers. Offenses which Sewanee Inn. Leading the procession Queen. Each of Idea' will be the the fraternities will also be repre- merited such punishment ranged from In Founders' Day Address Homecoming Q didates riding sented in the court by their individual stepping on the edge of the grass to in convertibles. Appear- ing in queens. wearing military boots. "It is hardly more necessary full regalia will be the High- to observe that Sewanee's greatness has landers, Los Coy Tucker A favorite trick during the twenties not been thrust upon it by Peones, Wellingtons and and his Orchestra come massiveness of size or of wealth. You are was to the Sewanee Military to Sewanee have the frosh assume the po- as well aware as 1 am that Academy Band. from the Shalimar Club at the greatness of the University of the South ft Fort sition for a beating and spell his name is the greatness of an idea." (Co ued on page 6 Walton, Florida. Tucker is well- ancl known for his home town backwards while This was the keynote of Dr. Charles "smooth and mellow" T. Harrison's speech in All whistling a tune in between Sai Chapel the let- , last Thursday, commemorating the ninety-first obser- Fifty Inducted Into ters, oi rounders Day. the Sewanee colors and football theme These practices did not Order of Gownsmen ith the Sewanee Tiger dominating merely dis- Citing the originaliginal founding in Oc- appear with the coming of inauguration and early the dance floor. men who tober, 1860. Dr. Harrison noted that, conduct of an would not stand the treatment. Aboli- although ambitious endowment campaign." In ceremonies on Founders' Day Jeff Brown heads the endowment and pi the German Club tion of hazing To Dr. fifty upperclassmen in the was achieved Guerry an idea College of i its activities through had disappeared and some of the was an act, this year. the efforts of several Dr. Harrison said. Arts and Science were initiated into concerned fac- founders had died in the devastat: "The idea of Se- ulty the Order members who realized that the of the wanee meant, to him, a university of Gownsmen by Dr. George Civil War. the idea was still policy was hurting Sewanee morally prominent which embodies physical and M. Baker, clean of the college. in the minds of many. spiritual Pi Gamma Elects a nd scholastically. beauty, Membership in the Mu which cultivates sweetness of organization, "The purpose of the founders, in manners which is the student governing anonymous professor and vigor of mind; it meant body, says of brief, was to strengthen and to per- Eight Senior Members 'he the nurturing obtained by meeting certain scho- defunct system, "If it didn't petuate of individual capacity have and to disseminate the cul- It meant tic requirements. Certain privileges ipprobation of the administra- ture the production of good men which had been created by the well-informed, intellectually and immunities such as unlimited cuts By Doug Heinsohn ted at by tradition of Christian humanism." flexible practically are granted gownsmen. Every Monday night all Christian resourceful, morally sensi- The Beta chapter of Pi Gamma fresh- humanism 'holds that grace he The following were inducted: en had to go to the third floor function of his university Mu, honorary social science frater- of dation are means for perfect- Walsh D. D. Arthur, W. D. Austin, Hall (to what is contribution to the sanity of G. L, nity, last week elected eight senior now the Art t is human, not for embar- illery> human Barker, E. E. Benoist, C. D. Boynton, where most of them re- society and to the glory of students to membership. The group _ or expunging the human. It eved God." E. C. Braddock, W. K. Bruce, D. S. a few licks with a stout paddle cherishes met at the house of Dr. James E. freedom and encorages in- Clicquermoi. A. L. Clute, W. B. some, a severe beating. quiry; Dick- Thorogood. Those elected to member- The lat- it has founded the great uni- course, erson, R. T. Dozier, F. W. Erschell, ship were: Frank had offended some well ities of the past" Clark, BUI Hale, J. N. Finley, and gentlemanly sophomore. Student Register Now J. R. Foster, M. L. Good- Jim Ed Mulkin, Jim McFaddin, Andy -. Harrison The pointed out that Dr. son, S. C. Gunby, W. A. Hibbert. Duncan, noise of the paddling could be Larry West, Mark Johnson lea :ander Guerry, Vice-Chancellor "-d of Being F. Y. Hill, R. H. Hogan, hom Sewanee Inn to the Sigma Mimeographed P. S. Ir- ind Jim Bratton. the University from 1938 to 'ouse. 1948, might ving, C. L. Jennings. C. H. Johnson, Of course, no one studied Officers elected for the be called a contemporary coming sea- * Monday founder of Problems such as Jones, J. I. Jones, K. H. night as the freshmen who lives in what Kerr, on were: President, Andy Sewanee. "He relieved Duncan; the University ormitory or belongs W. H. Langhorne, J. H. Mcintosh, J^dn't and the upper classmen came to which fra- H. Vice-President, Jim Ed Mulkin, and 10 >f a heavy burden of enjoy debt, giving it ternity will be McKay, P. C. Miles, R. the spectacle. solved the first of Mitchell, Secretary -Treasurer, Jim McFaddin. lew security and assurance. He main- ek when the student R. S. Moise. E. L. Myers, D. C. Nash, 0" Tuesday register Membership in the organization night at fraternity lined its resources is ?*HngB during the cen- hits the stands. Nicholas. the same performance was rifugal limited to fifteen. G. F. Gilchrist was years of the War. In the The booklet **ted in will be mimeographed O. Persons, S. E. Puckette, O. lected from private, with more vio- brief period which the faculty. Those mem- Itn, remained to him instead of printed In this year because Robertson, C. M. Sample, G. H. Sch- bers of the those days there was only ifter the faculty now active arc War, he greatly strength- of the expense. Picture It will contain, in roeter, J. E. Soller, W. A. Spruill, Professors Eugene show a week, on Friday ned and increased Kayden and James its resources; he addition to student Hazing names, home ad- Taggart, J. M. Thomas, D. E. Vose, E. Thorogood, faculty broke the monotony on nlarged the student advisor. Several d body and family; dresses and fraternity, av and Tuesday." statistics on T. Wagner, G. White, H. W. Whit- informative programs will be pre- expanded the academic state and city distribution and listings thanks to efforts Williams, B. Wyatt-Brown, sented to the group during the aca- of the men lun he devoted heavy energies to the ' | of the School of Theology and faculty. W. P. Z demic year. Ci)e Isetoance purple

For the Lore ABBO'S SGRAPBOOK Of interest throughout The Greeks were a learned people, but learn- In view of the widespread did not consist in speaking plight of football as ing with them Greek the country concerning the any more than a Roman's speaking Latin, The Purple has requested Jim or a big business, a Frenchman's speaking French, or an English. captain, to ex- Ed Mulkin, Sewanee's football man's speaking English. From what we know the University's non- appear press his sentiments on of the Greeks, it does not that they studied any language but their subsidization program. knew or own, of their becoming has writ- and this was one cause so a senior economics major, Mulkin, it afforded them more time to should learned; apply article whish the reader ten, we think, an themselves to better studies. The schools of the of science and philosophy, '""""'"' g - Greeks were schools I''"'' Editor The and not of languages; and it is in the knowledge of the things that science and philosophy teach, is only in shown in that learning consists. ... It the liv- deal of concern has been A great knowledge is the ing languages that new to be over the sudden demand for recent weeks found. ... It would therefore be advantageous football, a plan that be- de-emphasis of college to the state of learning to abolish the study of years ago under wanee put into effect several the dead languages, and to make learning con- Guerry. sist, as it originally did, in scientific knowledge. leadership of the late Alexander the Paine: Age Much has been said Thomas of Reason about the effect of subsi- writers Some one has said : "The dead are re- dized athletics on an insti- mote from us because we know so much more tution. It has been pointed than they did." Precisely, and they are that in- out that in several which we know. program stances an athletic r. s. EiK , has virtually taken over a

When in Rome . . . We think we know what college. Other disadvant- gendered that old saw. Imagine yourself a Ro- ages to the schools have man, an inhabitant of the Eternal City, erst- noted. Perhaps too been Bert Hatch while the City of the Caesars but now the City about little has been said of God, as Augustine says. The Capital o[ Christendom, and even more than Jerusalem, a the football player himself. came to Se- To All These Potential veritable for pilgrims. Burgundians, Gas- One of the main reasons that I Bavarians, Portugese, Irishmen, all man- I cons, play football. Being small, . wanee was to Homecoming Queens ner of folk from Christian lands. Saxons gawk- larger schools think I had a chance at the Wife of Bath. Eras- didn't Needless tc say the Mountain welcomes you with ing at the Coliseum. The heard Hail to yall, Blithe Spirits! of athletes. I had Milton. Pilgrims in name, in effect with a great number open arms. And open fraternity houses And open billfolds. And open auto- mus. John reputation the Romans, ex through its outstanding Needless tourists. Our guess is that of Sewanee mobiles. And . . . Ah, yes heterogeneous guests, devi: play football and get an or up in Richmond, Suzy way out in perated by their so I decided to try to As you may Sanduskie, and What's-her-name-that- their proverb as a measure of self-protection. both. may not know, education The modern variant "When in Rome, do as yi are the first he-met-down-at-the-beach-this- sum- of non-subsi- you the outstanding point Flats. class of Romans do" became more useful after To me, "free, white, and mer way over in Dead Mule affords the individual Appomatox. dized football is that it old enough" spe- But with the striking of Midnight in athletics will get restless, they will say the pure enjoyment of participating cimens of your they requires inevit- great deal "Fidelity be damned," their minds will What is called "growing up" love of the game. It means a gender to hit this —the ably a certain amount of "debunking". This being played, campus since Rush wander toward their fraternity houses, to know that the game is paraphr to me and so will they. often hurts a delicate nature, but, to swell- Week, and that benefit and not for the purpose of Lincoln, we cannot escape experience. Healthier for my was almost a Beware of this type of person. He filling the college treasury or of natures endure it and adjust themselves ao ing the coffers of month ago. This being the is a potential late-dater. His motto is, ingly. the pockets of the coach. me hasten to assure you that we "To win a lady fair, don't be." In have spared no expense in nn off-moment when your date has Like most schools, Sewanee plays rough foot- Tigers show left you temporarily on your own and no player order that we might be able to ball. The practices are gruelling you a traditionally great Sewanee this beast will strike up a conversa- Yet, there is always a con- Letters finds it easy going. Weekend. To show you Monteagle. To tion with you. He will try to make individual. Don't sideration for the player as an show you the world's last remaining you feel sorry for him. He will try is team- promise to meet him at get the wrong idea, though. Football vestiges of Southern aristocracy in to make you pro- habitat. To show you our 3:00 a.m. He will try to. . . . Yes he A Cure? work and not an individual effort. But our its natural gonna say will. recognizes the demands (and I betcha think I'm gram is such that it the Editor: etchings) etchings. Point Three: Be on your guard To of each player by school work and other the noticeable changes at Sewanee this made Since some of you are undoubtedly against those lechers who will attempt Among tie of our coach is to year has been the quality of films shown at responsibility. The object strangers to our happy little com- to make you the victim of Demon Sewanee Union Theatre. Since the opening ol to play football and to pro- it duty to acquaint Rum. Beware of the lad who tells teach his boys how munity I deem my num- school, students and residents have seen a Everyone loves with a few of our more peachy- you he drinks nothing stronger than duce winning teams, if possible. you as ber of superb productions—such, for example, . nothing . absolutely keen eccentricities. First: Sewanee is pop. . There's more than Sewanee. Yet, not foreign a winner—no one the Danny Kaye pictures, the two sometimes referred to by the overly- his pop won't drink. two stress football Caruso. once have I heard Coach White films, "Kind Lady," and "The Great poetic as "A Towered City Set With- Another thing: Even if your date is studies. to have a movie manager above in a Wood". However, if you and a Proctor, it is not one of his duties We are fortunate show- things at Proctors' Hall" in the responsibility for Here at Sewanee, a football player is regarded your date are splitting a Pizza Pie to "check on who will undertake administra- and he suddenly the wee, small hours of the morning. ing first rate films. The University classmates as a fellow student, first and down at Freddie's by his dissemination of culture "To the Woods," he is not One rule that must never be violated tion is interested in the no football shouts, as an athlete, secondly. There are in promoting dra- suggesting a return to the campus in (Janis Rule?) is: Don't be offended among the student body, and dormitories at Sewanee. This allows the player productions both on the order that he may check out a book if your date shoves you, hoop-skirt matic and musical athletes hall. to enjoy the fellowship of all students, of Kafka before the library closes. and all, through the coal-shute in the screen and in the concert turn o or not. For this reason I believe that the player Besides, the library won't be open rear of the gymnasium. It's just that Inevitably, the question is how to sprei tonight. there's an idea. he would rather spend the money on of the French film is a well-rounded individual, mere pawn Hmm, now the crowds. Word ai Point Two; There are those students champagne than on dance ducats. through mention in Leyden's flic column, for a large business. nw among our number who are dateless If there are any questions I may be attendance was enhanced by a Tuesday ">» I thankful for our system and an con- such am this weekend. They will sit in their had by calling 5871 or by dropping showing after fraternity meetings No Italian ope" vinced that it is a superior system. The spirit cells til about Midnight, dreaming by room 43, Sewanee Inn, anytime af- traced the showing of the superb ter 5:00 a.m. Clown" (Pagliaoci). is great and the will to win is matchless. When melancholy dreams of Margaret way production "Love of a to * is one deterrent I go on the field it's a good feeling to know that Unfortunately, there showing of quality films. A "societ) is there for one reason for the continued every boy out — not in- on the Mountain to which students are love of the game. progressi" vited has been formed by a group of can- professors. Though the effect in a larger competition munity might be to promote V audience for such productions is sufficiently The Mimeo Era The > ited at Sewanee to stifle competition. Fo* ciety hasn't cured anything. Manager We ha cd thi ek that thi< «» cannot be expected to show films to small student directory will be mimeographed instead the *»l ences at a big loss. In short, he needs of printed. Undoubtedly, financial conditions port of the entire community. . the l» justify this. With the foregoing in mind, I offer suggestions: We fail, however, to recognize any justifica- lowing , tion for the mimeographed football programs (I) Inclusion of foreign films on *««]&, special features in the I" football color movie card; (2) this season. A good program adds »> and utilization of all practical publicity to any game. In the years past we have been "" especially dining hall announcements; (3) fortunate in having such programs. If properly H' e ' hearted support of the Sewanee Union handled, there is no reason why a financial by the entire community. ha" >[( burden should be involved. We have for the first time a good opera, The Purple earnestly solicits the University between horse opera and grand be SO" like, the result will to reconsider its decision. We are certain that support what we thing for everybody. the team will appreciate a well organized pro- Cordially, gram, instead of a mimeographed sheet, for a Iohn Gass Brat souvenir. THE SEWANEE PURPLE, OCTOBER 19, 1951

Pic of Flicks Forms For Draft Test

By George Leyden Are Now Available Thursday and Friday, October 18- Dean Bruton has announced that 19, The Bull Fighter and the Lady applications for the College Qualific_ starring Robert Stack and Joy Page. tion Test on December 13, 1951, and Freshmen A well done piece of unusual enti the April 24, 1952, are now available tainment. Recently there have been These may be obtained at the Se- Attention! this subject of a number of movies on lective Service System local draft legalized mayhem, but so far I've seen boards throughout the country. none that give such a clear and stir- Eligible students who intend to take ring insight to the actual techniques, this test on either date should apply at once to ethics and credos of the matador him- the nearest Selective vice local board for an application self. USE and a bulletin of information. The short titled Nature's Half Acre Following instructions in the bulle- OUR INSURED tin, the by Walt Disney, prior to the flick student should fill out his ap TAXI plication SERVICE should be given as much credit as and mail it immediately ii_ the envelope the feature itself. It is a technicolor provided. Applications FOR for the December wild life spectacle that's worth the 13 test must be postmarked no later than midnight, TRANSPORTATION price itself. Best of the week. . . . November iss Phoebe Could of Atlanta, sponsored by Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, was 5, 1951. DURING Owl Show. Tarzan and the Ama- lected Homecoming Queen at last year's gala ceremonies. Other jour con- According to Educational Testing HOMECOMING zons starring Cheeta. I guess it had stants in the finals, each one of them the choice of one of Sewanee's nine Service, which prepares and adminis- greek letter organizations, ters to happen. . . . were, left to right, Misses Donna Schwenker, Co- the College Qualification Test for WEEKEND bus. Ohio, sponsored the by Kappa Sigma, Elizabeth Golightly, Birmingham, Selective Service System, it will Saturday and Monday, October 20- sponsored by SAE, Sissy Roberts, Franklin, Tennessee, sponsored by Phi be greatly to the student's advantage 22. Half Angel with Loretta Young Delta, Miss Gould, and Suzanne Nelms, Nashville, by Beta Theta Pi. to file his application at once, regard- and Joseph Cotten. Want to forget Chuck Cheathan less last year's presentation. of the testing date he selects. The homework, world problems, your etc' results will be reported to the stu- This is great escapist entertainment dent's Selective Service local board JANEY'S TAXI of a light, techni colored, nonsensical Nine Fraternities Plan For jurisdiction for use in considering his deferment as a student. comedy. Glad you decided to go. . . SERVICE Sunday and Tuesday, October 21 A ' Gigantic' Homecoming The Motor Mart PHONE 4081 23. Rawhide with Tyrone Power and "Ab" Green Susan Heyward. This "big budget" COMPLETE Activity among the Greeks REPAIR SERVICE is strong on and other University organizations ha; Western star power, di- GAS been OIL—AUTO ACCESSORIES rection and production. Its only weak- characterized for the past week by an air of intense anticipation Sales—FORT>—Service ness is, however, that the screen play In a preview of things to come the various groups began a warm up Sewanee phone 4051 does not provide an opportunity for process last week end. the possibilities of the theme or of Highlight of the week proved to be*l- Saturday they will stage a kick-off the cast to be realized completely. open house staged by the Delts. party before the In order to prepare the house for the game and conclude Don't miss it though, good westerns the night's festivities with the pledges thoughtfully clean- a breakfast. The Delts will enjoy the ed and shined it Saturday morning game and dance and serve breakfast to approximately 2 a.m. Sunday af- members and their dates. The KAs are sched- han's loon the affair began with Mrs. Vauqw i m uled to enjoy a post cJh ester. Sara Dowling, Mrs. John Hodges, game refreshment hour at their house OCTOBER 19 Mrs. Tom Roberts, Mrs. Gordon Glo- followed by a spaghetti dinner. Virginia City ver, Mrs. George Myers, Miss Bar- After the dance doughnuts and with Errol Flynn bara Southwick, and Miss Kiki Pet- coffee are on the agenda. ropole serving as hostesses. Cake, October 20 The Kappa Sigs, cheese dip, and coffee and tea were who have devoted Heart of the Rockies CLOVERLAIVD ICE CREAM much time on the menu. President and effort towards dupli- starring Mark John- Roy Rodgers cating their son estimated that two or three hun- first place showing last year's October 21, 22, 23 dred people attended. Homecoming decorations . «^-?"s Jim Thorpe, All-American show, are also scheduling a post game Elsewhere on and off the Mountain party and late breakfast. evidence pointed towards physical, October 24, 25 A square dance tonight, a gin-d: mental, and liquid preparation for the The Red Head and the Cowboy after the game approaching Saturday, and a din- with Glenn Ford Homecoming. A proposed ^C|XMRL/\ND been planned by the Phi Highlanders' fling ran into extenuat- Delts. ing circumstances Bank Night every and was finally con- Friday An open house after the game will verted into a football party via the be the feature event in the Phi Gam "YOUR ASSURANCE Phi Gam's TV set. At the same time, OF CONSISTANT QUALITY" . They have also tentatively the Betas briefly went oriental with a a dinner and breakfast for Har-Chow-Fon dinner prepared by Saturday. chef John Soller. Nashville and Chat- Friday afternoon and tanooga proved to be the magnet for a "cream of The the hops" other restless partiers. party will set the SAEs rolling on their way. A dinner Sat- The nearly completed plans for this Next Time week urday at Monteagle and the dance will end evidence what promises to _7/2ti (2h.xLi.tmai terminate what is likely to be a top be landmark the of week for the Sig Alphs. )le Sewanee parties. gma Nu has also planned an all- Concentrating on tonight, the ATOs affair. They will start with a GIVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH. ill hold a Purgatory party with sup- picnic at one of the Mountain views isedly authentic decorations. Satur- Friday and an informal dance that SPECIAL STUDENT RATES ON day night will be highlighted by DAY a night. Saturday they will serve re- Bntersitrj •eakfast following the dance. freshments after the game and then YOU SEE YOUR PROOFS BTP, with an eye to the unusual, proceed to Clara's for a dinner. plans to have a medicinal tub of liq- The Independents will be guests of in the center of their living room ©range various fraternities for the dance lou will be notified when we return with aining several chunks proofs of dry ice. nights as they are concentrating on for The tub will then be spotlighted with made Cap and Gown. ... At this time you plans for a special dance to be held to produce an eerie atmosphere. sometime during November. may place your order for personal pictures. "The green spot that hits the spot" Important: Please be prepared to pay "SERVICE OUR MOTTO" in full when you place your order.

THE MOUNTAIN'S DYEING ALTERATIONS FAVORITE DRINK JERRY'S STUDIO SEWANEE DRY CLEANERS Your Cap and Gown Photographers The HitiKersiti) Dairy Phone 2761 Sewanee, Tennessee f***++*++++++++++++^^ GOOD LUCK TIGERS! THE MOTOR MART AB GREEN Clje ^etoanee purple Sports 'Best Team We've Had Since I've Here', Predicted SEWANEE, TENNESSEE, OCTOBER 19, 1951 Been By Varnell Unbeaten Ranks By Sparky Brice Timers Tumble From Led by Captain Buck Cain and seven other returning letter/men Coach Lon Varnell is now rounding his basketball squad into shape Close One to Millsaps 7~6 in preparation for their initial contest with Howard College, on No- Dropping vember 26, here on the Mountain. ects are bright," says head

mentor Varnell, "and I think this wil] TIGER RAG be the best team that we've had Sewanee Scores On First-Quarter since 1 here." However, we are play, Then Fade ing the toughest schedule Pass From Mulkin To Rox, we've ever played, but the team will be Injuries Plague Tigers As in the best shape I've seen it By Bob D. Walker in." Coach Varnell attributes all the optimism Millsaps Majors, playing before a partisan crowd 1 Jacks' in The his outlook to the fact that the dumped the Purple Tigers from the unbeaten anks, ir. Choctaws Invade Mountain tour Mississippi, of Europe which the Sewanee being 7-6. squad closely contested battle, the final score By HENRY LANGHORNE made this summer, enabled the boys scored in the initial period*- Sewanee Purple Sports Editor to learn how to work together neat better when captain Mulkin tossed a , on the Mountain this year sees the invading Mississippi and gave them more poise, experience, but the Majors SMAl Bows To BGA Homecoming aerial to Jim Rox, and Choctaws bringing a high-spirited and hard-hitting eleven to face the confidence. back strong and managed to came The hardwood squad will 13-7 Margin Purple machine. With a pre-game forecast of "all ready", the Choc- be bol- stave off any other threat that the By Slim taws are prepared to start a first string of exceptional freshman talent stered by 8 returning lettermen who visiting Tennesseans could offer. plus old hands like Bill Causey and Joe Murphy. are: Captain, Buck Cain, Bob Lock- The Majors picked up their score By Andy Duncan ard, Bill Crawford, Jimmy Rox, Sam short drive which started on the Hardee Field was the scene of a Running from the double wing and on a Derby, Gene Eyler, Louis Knipp, quarter- exploding off the tackles in fast, and Sewanee 22 and ended as bruising battle between the Tigers of Sewanee Meets Glenn Schafer. Coach Varnell plainly back Glenn Cain sneaked his way SMA and Battle Ground Academy quick-opening plays, the Choctaws will states that this year's squad will not through the middle for twenty-two a game in which the undoubtedly be out to put a damper last Friday, be built around Mississippi In any one man. It will yards and the six-pointer. After the Purple Tigers came out on the short on Sewanee's homecoming festivities. be a five man unit with emphasis two scores, the teams battled on even end of a 13-7 score. Alert scouting of the Choctaws by solely on team play. He is striving remainder of to terms throughout the battle SMA's Homecoming- Coach John Bridges has brought of fullbacks, Dan instill in the boys a high spirit, good the game. and BGA's Buck Wiley vied ports of an especially aggressive line Banks training rules and the importance of Sewanee stepped into the lead about that favors "mass-tackling" and sai for honors of the day, with Wiley pre- By Byron Crowley working their plays properly. midway of the first period. Millsaps' over age downfield blocking. Running bi ling in the end by punching Tomorrow's Homecoming game The Tigers should be a well rounded from his own four, John Little punted winning touchdown late in the hind such a spirited forward wall will against Mississippi College should be squad, with Cain and Crawford as ball downed on the Pur- and the was quarter. be the line-crushing Bill Causey and final the game that will determine Sewa- good set-shot artists. Crawford is also ple and White's thirty- seven yard some pony backs who can skirt the SMA scored on a drive after the nee's football power of 1951. Sewanee a potential pivot man, and is develop- line. From this point, the Tigers took ends from their double wing attack iening kickoff, with Banks going over battle with a 2-1 ing a good hook-shot. Schafer and and will go into the to the air Mulkin passed to Rox, Knipp from the three. The try for point was record, while Mississippi College has Hoopster Holidays are outstanding inside shooters, the big end was pulled down on the nd SMA held this 7-0 lead a 1-3 tally. and Rox will more than likely con- Majors' twenty. An offside penalty While the rest of the school flies until the third quarter, when Wiley trol the backboards for the Sewanee In Mississippi's first game against home for some Christmas holidays the ;truck pay dirt and then plunged squad- Lockard proved to be on YARDSTICK Arkansas A&M the team showed to hard-working basketball squad of Coach ake the 7-7. best defensive men on the court be too green, but proved to have a Lon Varnell will be making prepara- throughout the European tour, BGA fumbled deep in Sewanee lot of team spirit. Arkansas was too tions for a Christmas Holiday Tour- Varnell is expecting great mpted . ritory, and SMA returned the favor much for the "Choctaws", as they nament to be held this year on De- things from him this year. npleted a moment later. Wiley took the ball went down in defeat 25-0. cember 21-22 in Tampa, Florida. The 20 game slate which the Tiger across to make the score 13-7. The A heavy, hard charging Union team, Some veterans on the squad still e preparing, consists of teams such .40 75 try for extra point failed, and from Jackson, Tenn., set Mississippi remember fondly the tournament of ; Alabama, Vandy and game ended a few minutes later after Mississippi down in their second tilt, 25-13, as years ago when played placed the ball back on the twenty- Sewanee State. The schedule is rugged, a failing passing attack by Sewanee. but the "yankee's" passing and line buck- the finest game of their season, bow- five. Mulkin was held for no gain, with a well-rounded team under the ing attack proved to be too much. but on the next play, he passed one ing to highly favored Tampa Univer- able coaching of Varnell, Sewanee out ran, out maneuvered, sity in the last two minutes a to Rox, who gathered it in on the Mississippi by should bolster a strong quintet that four yard line, and battered his way and out passed, a heavier and better Jiree-point margin. will prove hard to beat. into the end-zone. Porter's attempted SPORTS trained Memphis Navy team to take This jaunt for the cagesters will be conversion was blocked by Buddy Ka- their first victory, 25-0. Billy Causey, treat her way, for besides

lil, Buddy Lee proved a 225 pound transfer from LSU. Joe Murphy, and there will be the an- Cake Goes To Fastest Millsaps threatened twice in the sec- CALENDAR to be the men with the talent in nual Cigar Bowl festivities of which

ond quarter it. Causey connected Murphy but couldn't make Once this game. the tournament is a part. Freshman Tomorrow they got to the one-yard line on 1 for three TD's, while Lee traveled 72 Shades of '07 bucks by Kalil, Parker, and T. Sunday, Octobei for the fourth. One of the outstanding features of Lewis. Another drive was stopped e Sewanee was losing to Mill- Many old grad probably niled E—PDT—KS the "festival day" will be the Intra- in this past the Sewanee fifteen when the visitors saps 7-6, Mississippi was going down fond remembrance week- W—Theolog—PGD mural Cake Race in all Fresh- the score which held for downs Millsaps, however, defeat to Howard College, 19-6. In end when of the Alabama- men are required to participate. This score after four minutes of the Villanova was flashed over the nation. second ^ game the "Choctaws" were re- meet is a large attraction to the stu- half had elapsed. After one drive had ported to have looked worse than they While the game itself was indeed sig- dent body, as spectators turn out in nificant surprising been stopped on the Sewanee twc id in their other three games, and as a upset of the mass hearts 41- to see their men run their yard line, Parks got off a short kick so to have had less spirit, the one highly touted Crimson Tide, the out to place for the organization. To which carried only to the Sewanee Tuesday, October 23—4:00 ?m Coach Robinson was counting on 18 shellacking was meaningful in yet the new man who tries hard and does twenty-two yard line. Glenn Kain, -Theolog— SAE ore than anything else. another way to interested Sewanee well there are things in store for him. quarterback, sneaked through the mid- PDT—ATO men, for this score is the highest that — The word SPEED is what Coach To the winner, the Cross Country dle of the line, and went has been made on Alabama since the over stand- fighting Staley Robinson has his team presents a cake, and to all other ing up. Lewis successfully added the Wednesday, Sewanee Tigers romped the Tide in "Chocs" based on this year. Their 1 participants who are injured in battle, extra point, this proving to be the E—SN—Beta 1907, 54-4. . . . Injuries have begun to is fast as well as the backfield. goes a berth at Emerald- Hodgson Hos* margin of victory for Millsaps. W—KS—PGD plague Hardee Field as Bill Austin, two platoon system is used, except Tommy Robertson, Caywood Gunby, along with a double a few cases, wing In ATOs Cliff Anderson, and others are all last year's freshman tilt the formation. Sig Alph Is Passed As Theologs, took first place, White, doubtful starters in tomorrow's tilt led by Webb Against Howard, a lot of with the Choctaws. and Allen Farmer. In second place Phis Take Intramural Lead plays were instigated, as well came the Fijis with Sterling Gordon. ing. If the team does appear to be This year Mallory Morris, PGD, is inconsistent in passing and spirit, they predicted to win the title as "best Ii> Jim Mcintosh make up for it in consistent running Cross Country Team freshman caker." Morris placed third The eason's big upset so far is the victory over the SAEs by the and tackling. The most impr in last week's Cross Country run Phis, 12-2. Both teams played hard but the Phis tallied the needed thing about this team seems to be Trounces Union 15-50 against Union College, and looks i points for a win. A drive culminating in a score on a short pass to their gang tackling, in which fou fine shape. Van Cleve, and a long pass to Tynes which worked beautifully proved five men are in on each tackle. The Sewanee cross country team The meet will be held during the too much for the SAEs. Smith and Lockard played well for the losers, opened its 1951 campaign re- The speed of the team lies in Cliff with a half-time intermission of the Home- but Dick Corbin's passes were too deadly. Eight interceptions by the sounding victory over the runners of Hester, who ran the 100 yard dash coming game, Saturday, and will be Phi defense stopped every Sig Alph attack, and a safety gave the only Union College of Jackson, Tennessee. 1 track, Bob Byrd, who is reported to scored and governed by NCAA rule- tally. SAE The score was 15-50 which is the be even faster than Hester, and Bill Only the first five men from each or- The SAEs, with a show of real*' most one-sided score possible. This is STANDINGS Causey, who is an excellent passer ganization will be counted, and a° power, racked up 27 points against the the first year that Union has had a 1'eam W L Pet organization must have 5 men finis* SNs none in a resounding victory. cross country team and their lack of n Theolog Center, and line-backer, Gene Allen before points will be counted. A > Tarnow passed for all four touch- perience and training was the 1 played excellent ball for Miss student in the University is eligible downs. Bill Smith scored three touch- use of their defeat. Country SAE S 1 issippi thus far this season and wil for the race, except Cross downs and Keith Fort tallied the probably be the best line-backer Se The meet wa Satu af- lettermen and members of the Vaf' will play against ir the 1951 ternoon on tl Sewanee 2.6 mile sity and "B" Football squads. In a game highlighting defense the football campaign. The starting line will be outsi* Kappa Sigs set down the ATOs 6-0. distance will be lengthened to the &° series history \ /ith Miss- the main gate, at Hardee Field, The lone score came as a result of a Sewanee's distance of four miles. Holt Cro-* NCAA will continue along the 2.6 mile pass from Spowart to Laurie. Good issippi College stands at 3 v ins against his teammates to the fin- be DTD .. 2 4 Hogan led Country course. The finish will defensive play prevented either team 2 defeats. second a- Beta ... ish line with a time of 14:38: at the start the on the e from scoring again. Homecoming fans should of mile, Bill Pilcher, Independent 6 .000 was the team captain, side of the track. After a scoreless half, the KAs tal- rivalry between the two teams, not Mallory Morris came in third, Elliott Coach Gordon M. Clark, Dir*** lied two on a long pass and an inter- Davis, and Tom Hardaway have led only in spirit, the will to win, and Allen Far 5 ° Puckette fourth, and of Athletics urges all contestant ception which spelled victory over the the Saints to victories over the Delts, excellent playing, as each fights for fifth. John McManus was sixth and learn the course before the race. Betas 12-0. 6-0; the Betas, 19-0 and the SNs, 12-6 the "Little Brown Bottle," but also a first * Robie Moise seventh. The Unio class The underrated Theologs have sur- in the last two weeks, Davis scored battle between Jim Ed Mulkin and the Thanks to the Freshman runner to cross the line was eighth activffl prised the league with their 5-0 rec- against the Delts, Choctaws' backfield, to see who is 1951, Sewanee has another one one against the * alternate Home*" 11 ord at the end of the first half of the Betas and one against the SNs. Brown- the fastest, as Sewanee and Mississippi Holt Hogan was elected to add to the list of 1951 ing entertainment. season's play. Red Browning (Continued on page 5) meet in a game of "Guts Football captain of the team last week THE SEWANEE PURPLE, OCTOBER 19, 1951

SAES DUMPED FROM INTRAMURAL Nothing But Grief BEST LEAD BY PHI DELTS AND THEOLOGS For German Club (Continued from page 4) By Tommy Williams McCollum Concert Returning to the gymnasium for a WISHES ing's running has been outstanding as last-minute check of the dance deco- he has run 55 and 65 yards for Postponed To Be rations, several members of the Ger- touchdowns, of which he has three to man Club were aghast to discover TIGERS his credit in three games. In the SN Mary McCollum, soprano, originally that the overhead crepe paper stream- —Theolog game, Eyler and company scheduled as the first artist on the ers were sagging all the way down to nearly proved fatal to the Theologs. Sewanee Concert Series, will not ap- the floor. Since couples might start Fine Food Eyler ran 85 yards to a score but in pear here until February 14. The an- arriving at any moment, the place failed, tin? closing minutes a SN threat nouncement was made after the Mu- was immediately thrown into a tur- giving victory to the Theologs. Stan sic Club completed contractual ar- OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT moil as exhausted decorators fever- Ljchman and Corky Little also turn- rangements with the Young Artists ishly strung up extra wires to lift the ed in exceptional performances for the Concert Management. drooping streamers to a reasonable Snakes. Subscribers are asked to note the height, A not so much expected score of change, and mark the new date on the This scene, which took place before 32-13 over the KAs showed the Sig- THE MONTEAGLE reverse side of the series ticket. Miss DINER last year's Spring Formal is typical ma Nus potential strength. Eyler pass- McCollum was originally to appear of the many frustrating moments in ed for all the SN touchdowns. Derby October 25. in his best performance with the life of a German Club member. turned The first concert now scheduled is three tallies. Hogkins and Lachman The General Platoff Don Cossack Trie Sewanee German Club, which scored the other two. A long pass to consists of two representatives from Chorus, which will fill a Sewanee en- "DRIVE IN" interception fraternity, is the organization re- Joe Hughes, and an by gagement on November 28. each the scores, but sponsible for successful presentation Nicholas gave KAs two Tickets are still available and may of the University dances. In order to too late. be purchased from any member of The fourth standing Kappa Sigs the Music Club or from the Public earn a free ticket to a dance, each 9 member must devote eight of handed the Delts defeat in a 13-7 Relations Office. hours Tubby s Bar-b-q his time to the preparations for that tilt. Laurie and Stradley scored for the KSs on passes from Dozier and Spowart, with an Erschell to Hugh Coleman Is Elected Before every dance certain seem- Brown pass provided a Delt score. ingly incidental arrangements must be MONTEAGLE The Sig Alphs bounced back from Independent President made, which, in reality, contribute defeat to victory over the strong Phi greatly to the success of the event. Horace Coleman was elected the Gam squad, 13-6, Tarnow, in style, Among these is the task of supplying president of the Association of Inde- ran both touchdowns. Baker passed the powder room with a copious pendent Men at their annual election amount of straight pins. to Ed Sharp for the Phi Gam score. What the meeting October 9th. Coleman suc- It wasn't till the final two minutes young ladies use them for is not Eat ceeds Tom Whitcroft. The other offi- that the Phis pulled out a touchdown known, but usually over five packets victory over the KAs 6-0. cers elected were: are used in an evening. DUTCH MAID BREAD to spell Vice-President: Robert The KAs played hard and the loss Jewell: Sec- Preparations can be overdone, how- retary: Righton Robertson; Treasurer: was a rough one for them. Peter ever. On one occasion just a trifle For Energy Chester Boynton. Wartman led a defensive display too much dance wax was applied to which almost wrecked the favored the floor, the result being not so much AT ALL GROCERY STORES interceptions each led the Delt de- Phis. The lone tally came on a drive a dance floor as a skating rink. On of 70 yards with John Fletcher taking that evening it was not unusual to BAGGENSTOSS BAKERY The upcoming KAs set back the a pass from Corbin in the end zone. see couples skidding about recklessly WINCHESTER, Phi Gams 12-7 in a closely fought TENNESSEE Joe Hughes and Ronnie Hutchinson while janitors busily mopped the ex- game. Sharp's touchdown catch were outstanding on the KA offense. was cess wax from under the dancer's not enough, however, to equal or An interception provided the mar- feet. better the two KA tallies which spell- em in a 6-0 tilt between the ATOs Occasionally the hour of the begin- ed victory for the Rebels. VIVE LA HOMECOMING! and the Delts. Criddle itnercepted ning of a dance will find the orchestra After a scoreless first half the Kap- and ran 45 yards for the six pointer. conspicuously absent and the German pa Sigs came back with 19 points and M'.Crummen and Thompson with two Club members scouring the campus held the Betas scoreless. Benoist, Lon Varnell Motors for a juke box. Generally, though, the Stradley and Laurie all scored on band will finally wander in with some passes, Spowart shone on offense but perfectly irrational excuse for their SALES — SERVICE sustained injuries in a bad collision. tardiness, and all will again be well. HAPPY Morford was injured in the same acci- dent and will be greatly missed by Another problem which arises is caused by those students who would the Betas as he has sparked them all Cowan, Tennessee HOMECOMING rather shove their dates into the gym The only scoreless tie of the year through a window than go to the was the result of the Beta—ATO game bother of buying tickets. The German Tuesday. The ATOs threatened twice Club, consequently, must wire shut

inside the 20 yard line and the Betas all unwatched doors and windows. threatened by trying field a goal but Deciding upon and carrying out the neither team was rewarded for their various themes for dance decorations efforts. IT'S is one of the most difficult tasks of A HOMECOMING WELCOME In a game expected to be closer, preparing for the dances. There are, to the SAEs trounced the KAs to a tune of course, occasional slip-ups, such as Students of 27-6. arnow on a run, Anderson on an interception, and Clark and the time the decorators forgot to in- and Fort on passes scored the 4 Sig Alph stall the overhead lights before putting Faculty TDs. A short pass gave the KAs a cloth ceiling in place between the ENJOY FINE FOOD their score. floor and the light fixtures. AT ITALIAN SPAGHETTI V. R. WILLIAMS and COMPANY BAKERS CAFE Franklin County's Home Cooking It's one of the reasons why Sewanee Students prefer 'Home of Insurance Service"


PHONE 8-2249 Operated by WINCHESTER THE MEN'S SHOP MARVIN FRANKLIN Freddie Res. Phone 8-2664 Res. Phone 8-278S Winchester Phone 2360 V. R. Williams W. M. Cravbns

Homecoming Headquarters Monteagle Restaurant and Court . . . .


vidual fraternity parties and suppers, spring by a local artists show. The Players Injured P. S. Homecoming To Be the day's festivities will culminate Two m's highlight will occur in May BROOKS & CO.

featuring Coy Tucker when paintings of Albert H. Holbrook, >> HA"re, with the dance In Intramural Game fur. A Gala Weekend and his Orchestra in Ormond-Simkins director of the Georgia Museum of APPLIANCES (Continued from page 1) Gymnasium. Featured will be a spe- t will be secured from the Uni- FILMS accident during the Fraternity no-break for the group Victims of an sity of cial Georgia and displayed. Tennessee Sigma intra- Many decorated cars and every other with the greatest percentage of repre- Beta Theta Pi—Kappa last Sunday, Oc- means of transportation plus students sentation at the dance. mural football game and cheerleaders will compose the tober 14, were Tolman Morford, BTP reach- rest of the gala march to Hardee Field and Pete Spowart, KS. While Morford and Spowart VISIT US DURING HOMECOMING where at 2:30 the game between Se- Cameron Campaigns ing for a pass wanee and Mississippi College will collided, breaking out four of Mor- of which pene- begin. For Students ford's front teeth, one Halftime Program New trated Spowart's leg. Great Food . . During half time the Queen will be Morford was taken to St. Thomas' announced and given a bouquet. Also Dr. Ben F. Cameron, Director of Hospital in Nashville. Spowart was the first place winner of fraternity Admissions, left Sewanee on October treated by Dr. Henry Kirby-Smith. Great Music . . decorations will be awarded the tro- 8 for Columbus and Meridian, Miss- Morford also suffered a cracked jaw- phy. issippi. The purpose of his trip was bone and a severely cut lip. He was Great Patronage . . To dampen the spirits of the Fresh- to address high school students and expected to return to the Mountain men, the Cake Race will begin at 3:00. to recruit students for next year's from Nashville yesterday. The race is the annual Intramural freshman class at Sewanee. While in A Great Place . . Cross Country contest. Mississippi, Dr. Cameron visited high A Dance Finale schools in Laurel, Jackson, Vicksburg, Local Paintings Are After the game the Phi Gamma Natchez, Greenville, and Greenwood. Delta Fraternity invites all students, This was Dr. Cameron's first official Loaned To Gallery residents and guests to an open house. trip for the University. Before leav- Blue Sky Restaurant Following this and many other indi- ing, he contacted Sewanee alumni and Mrs. James M. Avent, chairman of members of the clergy the Art Gallery Committee, announced cities who could aid in introducing that from October 10 to 31, paintings him to the prospective Sewanee stu- loaned by Sewanee residents will bi University Supply Store exhibited in the Art Gallery of Walsh **lhe Best" Hall, through Friday from After a brief stop ir Sewanee, Dr Monday 8:30-4:30. Chairman of the current Cameron left on the 17th for Atlanta. School Supplies — Drugs exhibit is Mrs. Peter Garland who There, he attended the College Day Cigarettes — Tobacco assisted by Mrs. Thomas Hunt while program, which is "sponsored by a Pipes — Candies — Meats Mrs. Robert L. Petry aids Mrs. Avent. group of Atlanta high schools. Dr. Other displays during the year will Groceries — Soda Shop representa- In Monteagle Mrs. Edd Asher Cameron was one of the be a Life Magazine photographic tives from various colleges and uni- hibit, a Nashville artists guild exhibit, "Everything for the Student" versities who addressed the Atlanta a display of noted artists show print: students. (copies purchaseable), followed in th<