Sri Singh Sabha Alice Way, Hanworth Road, Hounslow, Middx., TW3 3UA Tel 020 8577 2793 – Fax 020 8577 6714 - Registered Charity No 283314

13 April 2020 Dear Sadh Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Ji Ki Fateh

It has been just over three weeks since our Gurdwara Sahib closed to safeguard our community from the contagious infection of Coronavirus. We listened to the pleas coming from our doctors and NHS staff, and were quick to act on government guidelines to protect lives.

Our premises may have been closed but we have remained active and open to the sangat via our usual telephone line. We are continuing to serve those who are isolated or elderly and vulnerable, by delivering ration, food, medicines whenever needed. We are also liaising with SWAT, Multicultural Centre, the Council and NHS to look out for those in need and deliver our services.

On this occasion of the birth of Khalsa we remind ourselves about the teachings of , ‘to recognise the human race as one’ and to fight as Sipahi, the spiritual warrior. This year the battle is with an invisible enemy – coronavirus. We have to fight this battle together, by following government guidelines, as this alone is Waheguru’s Hukkam.

This year we have the opportunity of celebrating Khalsa Sirjana Diwas in a very special way. The Sehaj Paath that was commenced in the Gurdwara Sahib on 5 April has been streamed on Facebook and our website. The will take place on 14 April 10 am. We invite everyone to become part of the virtual sangat and listen to Sehaj Paath Bhog and Katha.

Our heartiest congratulations to Sikh Sangat on the Khalsa Sirjana Diwas. We are all pining to come back to Gurdwara, and be part of the sadh sangat. Let us do Ardaas together, for the entire humanity’s welfare, and that we may meet soon, and be able to have darshan of Guru Sahiban and sadh sangat.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Executive Management Committee Gurdwara Hounslow