" T.HE • C, II A R rT E R~ "f 13 Y E" LA iN s, r .i WD . , , ' NAMES OF THE MEMBERS


NEW;;.YORK SOCIETY LjBRARY: '-- ._----- W.I TH r~ ," , f " A OF BOOKS •, ~- 'CATALOGUE THE : r r, BdongWg to the faid " • ~ [..J BR .d i?. r. .

NEW- YO R K: .. Printed by T. t::t J, SwoRns, No, .', ,',rtlli:uJl·Screet.

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NEW.,YORK SOCIETY LIBRARy,1 I -, "' ' -THIS LIBRARY now confifts of about .' FIVE THOUSAND Y'q!-UMES; the ref~urces .of the Corporation being -con/iderabJe,'' valuable ad-_ ditions will be made from time to time to the pre­ boo~ fent colleaion. It was intended to dafs the , upder difrina heads, fo as to have prefented nearly at one view, all thefe that relate to any particulaJ:' fubjea, art, or'fcience: B\lt as that will be a work oflabour, ,not to be acco~pli/hed withouttime and, ~ paJns; and ers \If the Society. A more fJftematical-arrangement is there­ fore poftponed 1,!ntil thl' Library 'is mcreafed _by ­ new ;lcqui/itions, and opportunity olfers to execute the fame, in a mannl'r ~ore u(ef\l! to re;meT$ of ~my 9I'fcripti\l~t ,

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:.:'-. ~~J r'c'" -" GiOR~E 'tAe'Third,. by .the Grace 'of ;;' GOD, ,;0], G~eaLBrit;U~;.· France , ,~. t/~ I "dnd lrelan.d, I{.i.ng,. Difende.r OJ O' Faith-' andfoCjq'rili - "'".0- ""::l ·0" e:::;.: :~_ :.; ,~: _..oJ ~ ••• L .... , .... ':"Il~ I 11 ::.. ... ~. :"._._- , -:; ",,;' ,• (:; v ;" _';I~. ~.-- :._ I."..To.a/~to:"rho,!, theft prifmtsJ1:~/j f~me..G.r«ling: :-i ~ t· ..."J .... "/- ;.::.:.:: =::-_ . ""1 ... '. _ ';, '" ".1. W HliiiE;$'~~/i;:i·~~(ubj~~s.:J~;;~';:Vaii,I,.IV,i Ijam'smith, Robe!,t R.. J.i'l.lingjhn, IYbit

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/ ( 6 J ';;eet'~~~flantli~~thel~fl-Th,rday i~ thereby 3 6r;-;to .;fpri/ in c.verr y~ar, at the Exchange,. in B".oad-jlreei.t 10 our [aid cIty of NtW.r.rk, betWeer, Lh!;' Aoilt\~ eleven and twelve: ';Vb ic~ tru1lees, or the rnawriry o[ them, were thereby empowered to qifpo(e of the faid money,' in pu;chafin\i [u~11 p~,qkS, an~ey fhould thmk proper from ~ltne to tlfie,


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, , ( , ) 'our raid city of New-rork,' Efquires;- Gc"rg, i>N.n~ Lud'~w, of 2!'!un's county,. Efq; Robrrt Livi"rJbJ1f;~of the manor ofLivingjlo., in the county of Albany, Efq; the Revetend Safllu,IAu,hmuty, of our'faid city of N=­ rod, doCtor of divinity; John 'TrtJUp, of Jamaica, iri !tut!m's county, Efq; Abraham B,·jnrk~hOff, William Robinfon, floac LfJ'W, John Hunt, '1Juop/'jlall Baclu; GerafoJ W. Bcek11lan,MattathiOJ Gomez, TVilJiam Lutll~; Humphrey 1on~J, Gerard G: l!eckman, Dfl't'id Yan H-~'o,e, • Lawrmce 'Reade, ]fJhn Lzv.zngJ!en, Laurence Kortright; John Alfop, William' K,lIy,' IFill;'m Walton, P,t'" To Cur-teniuJ, Hen".y R.tmJen, jun. and Gan-jt .Abu!, all of our, faid city of· NIJW-r"k, merchapts; -Culian Vir Planck, Thomas Barclay, jun. and Abraham D, Pryjltr~ all ofourfaid city of New·York, gentlemen; John Wile; and loJeph Gre{wold, of our faid cit-y of N~",-rork, difiilfers; Hugh Gaine, of 'Our faid city of New-rork; printer j William Bnmmjohn, of our raid city of NtW-' Tork, apothecary; Peter Renaudet, furgeon, and .An~ • Waddel, of our faid city of'New-rofk, 'widow: Being, fuch ofthe fubfcribers tothe faid library, or their allign', as have not ·only,paid the faid fum of Fivt Pounds, but I alfo the faid Ten ShiliinKsyearly, ever fmce; and fuch other perfons as Jhall be hereafter admitted members.of the corporation hereby ereCted, be, and for ever here.. after Jhall be, by virtue of thefe prefents, on<: body cor: porate and politic, in deed; faa. and name, by the name, fiile and tide of The Trujlm of the New-York Socidy Library. And them, and their fucceffors, b)' the bme name, we do by thefe prefents, really and fully make, ereCt, create, conflitute and declare one body politiC' and corporate, in deed, faCt and name, for ever j :md will, giv~ grant and ordain, d,at they and their fec­ ceffors, 17Ie 'rrujfics of the New-York Soci,ty Library, by the fame name, ihall ~nd may have perpetual fuc- ' ce/lion; and Jhall ,nd may, by the fame name, be per­ fons cap,ble in the law to fue and be fued, implead and be impleaded, ,nfwer aud be anfwered unto, defend and be defended in all courts and elfewhere, in all man­ ner of aCtions, fuits, complaints, pleas, caufes, mat': t~s and demand~ whatfoevor, as fully.and amply ..' any :,' _\ ':othe~ . ,

L' " ' 8 j other our liege fubjeas of·olir faid province of Nt'W~ yfjrk, md)" or can fue or be fued, implead or be implead:' ed, defend or be defended by any lawful ways or meali. , .... harfoeYcr: And that they and their fuccefTors, by the fame name. {hall for ever hereafter, be p.er[ons capable and able in the law to pUTchafe, take, hold, receive-ancl: enjoy to them a:ld their fucce{fors, . any me~uag'es;_ t~ nements, heufes and real enate wh::ttfoever"; .and·aU other hereditaments, of whati"oever nature, kind or qua; lity they be, in fee-limpIe, (or tetm of life odives,'.or. in any other manner h"wfoever j and alfc any goods'; chattels, and perfonal ellate whatfoever; provided al­ ways, the cIe3r yearly value oUhe faid real eflate doth· not at any time exceed the fum of One ThouJand Pounds. ilerling, I'\wful money ofonr kingdom of Grtat·Britain. above all out-goings and reprifes: And that they and: their fuccelf"rs, by. the fame name, £hall have full power, and authority to give, grant, fell, leafe, demife and dif. pofe of the fame real eilate and hereditaments whatfo~ ever, f9T life OT .lives, !JT y~ars,-, or.for ever; and alfo. all goods, charrels and perfonal eltate \vhatfoever;' at their will and pleafure, as they £hall judge to be moll benefioial and advantageous for the faid library, ·Anel that it £hall and may be lawful for them.and their fue-. ceJTors, for ever. hereafter, to have a ~common feaLto ferve for the caufes and bulineis of them and their fuc-. celfors; and the fame feaf to change, alter, hreak,and' pleafufe~ make new from time to time, at their will and , ' And our royal will and pleafure is, that when our raid. corporation hereb), ereCled, {hall have acquired, hyIub­ fcriptions of the members, by donation or othen\'ifc'; a proper and convenient piece of ground in our faid'city of NC"-'J-r.rk, and funds fuffieient. for that pU'l'0fe, tha~' they do erect within our faid city of N<'W-rork, a public library; which we will ilia!! for e,,,,r·hereafter be callee by the name of, TIle New-York Society Library, And, that it £hall and may belawful for ourtiid corporation, {r"m time" to time, and at all times hereafter, to erect for their ufe and convenien.ce any_ other honfe, houfes or buil~ings what~ver: And for the better carrying into· ""­ execution the purpofes aforefaid, our roialwill and plea- fure

, I , \ ." t 9 fute :s, and we do hereby for us, ollr heirs and f~ccer­ f9rs, give and grant unto the r"ruficcs of The New-Yark Society Library, and their fucccffors for ever, that there lhall be for ever hereafter belonging to our faid corpo­ r,arion, twelve trunees of rhe raid library and cor~ora- t, lioD, who {hall conduct and manage the affairs and bu­ / fInefs of the faid library and corporation, in the mah­ ner herein after direCted and appointed. And we do hereby affigll, conftitute and appointthe aforefaid John IVattJ, T"'illiam Smith, R,bert R. LivingJl'n, T17hi/ehead Hicks, T17illiam Livingjloll, Gold.JbroW Ballyar, Samuel Tones, PetiT' ran 13rugh Livlngjlon, Pe1fr Xe/rltos, Walter l?utheiford, David Clark/on and Samuel Bard, to be the prefent trunee, of the faid.library and corporation, and who {hall hold, polfefs and enjoy their faid ollices until the laft Tue[day in April nm%' next enfuing; and for keeping .up· the fucceffion in the raid offices, our rOyJl will 3.nd pleafnre is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and fucce!fors, eftablirb, direCt and require of, and give , and grant to the trufteos of The New-York Society Li. brary, and their fucce.lfors for ev~r, that on the.faid loft TurJday in April next enfu'ing, and 'yearly and every year for ever thereafter, on the laft TurJday ill April in every year, the members for the time being, of our raid corporation, Ih.:111 meet at the Exchan~e, in Broad-jlrut, in our raid city of NCUJ-Tork, or at tome other conve... nient place in our faid city of Ncw-Ypr~, to be fiX~cl and afcertained by fome of the bye-laws ot regulations of our faid corporation, and there by the majority pf' tuch.of them as rball fo meet, rball by ballot eleCt and choofe twelve of their members to be truftees of the faid ­ library and corporation for me year enruing, who lhall immediately enter upon their faid offices, and hold, ex­ ercife and enjoy the fame, from the time of fuch elec­ tions for and during the fpace of one yeat, and until other fit perfons {hall be ejeCted and chofen in their places; and in cafe any of the faid perfons by thefe I're­ fents nominated "nd appointed to be truftees of the faid lIbrary and corporation, or who {hall h_ereafter be eleCt­ ed. and chofeo thereto, nlall die or remove oU[ of our I f~id city ofNew:York, before the time of their appoint- "B ed

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c,nCles m the Catd office of \ruf~ tees, between the annual eletl:ions above directed: And further"ur ro)"l will and pleaCure is, and we dohereby" for us, our hl;:irs and fucceffors, ordain tlnd appoint, 3n~ gi~c .mel grail! to. the trunees of The New.;.York Soci(t} LIbrar}, and thC1T fucc:e:lfors, that anyone of the truf" tees for the time being, [hall :md may, ftom time to time, as occauon may require, fummon and call roge.. ther :it fuch times and places in our faid city of Ncw~ 1'ork, as they Ihall refpeerively think proper, the truf. tees of the faid library and corporation for the time' ~cing, gjving them at. leaft one day's notice thereof: And we do hereby require them to meet accordingly I and give, grant and ordain, that any feven.or more of flle [aid truf1:ecs, being fa convened together, {hall for erer hertafter be a legal meeting of the faid corpora­ tion j and they, or the major part of them fo met, 1hal-l bare full power JnJ authority to adjourn froll} dJY: to day, or for any other time, as the bunnefs of our faid t-orporation may reqnire, Jud to do, execute, tranfaet; r manage

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manage and perform in the name of our faid corpon. tion, all and every aa and aas, thing and things whar­ foever, which our [aid corporation are or {hall, by'yir­ tue of thefe our letter$ patent, be anthorifed to do, aCt, tranfaa-, manage and perform, in as full and ample manner, 3S if all and every the tTullees of our [aid cor­ poration were prefe.pt and confenting thereto: And fur­ i ther, we dQ hereby for us, our heirs and fucceffors. ordain and 3ppojnt~ and give and grant to the trufiees of TI" New-York Socicty Library, that at any and every fucn legal meeting of any feven qr more of the trofrces for the time beinfT, of our [aid corporation, ic. /hall and may be lawful for tnem in writing, under the feal of oyr [aid corporation, to make, frame, confiitute, efiablifh and ordain, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, fuch laws, conflitutions, ordin:mces, regu­ lations a~d fiatures, for the better government of the officers, mc;mbers and fervants of the raid corporation; for r~gulating the terms ul'0n which the books of the fald. lIbrary /hall be lent out, both t6 members and others; fo, fixing and arcertaining the places of meeting of our faid ~orporati.on, for the eJeCtion of truftees, and the plaees of meeting of the truftees; for regulating~ the management and difpofition of the books of the faid library, and the mo~ies, funds and effects belonging to the faid corporation; the transferring rights in tpe raid .library from one perfon to JIlother; and all other the bufi.ners aJ;}d :IfFairs wh:atfoever~ of our faid corporation, ~s they 0, the major part of them fo legally met ili~ judge beft for t~e general good of the faid corporation,.. and for the more efFcctu31. pro.moting, increafll1g'and· preferving the faid library, and the fame, or any of them, to alrer; amend or repeal, from time to time, as they or the major part of the)l1 [0 met ~s aforefaid, ilialt \hink proper; pro.... ided ruch. laws, conHitutions, regu­ lations, onlinances, and {brutes, be not repugnant to the laws of that part of o\lr kingdom of Grtat-Britain called England, nor of our province of N<'JJ-r~rk. And .1[0, at any and every fueh legal meeting of any [even OT, mOTe of the raid trufiees for the time being, of our ,~ fill.<\- eor!'oqtion, it /hall ~nd may be l;1wful for t~em,. . . 2I.

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or the majority of them fa met as aforefaid', to nominato ;mc1 :lppoinr 'One of the members of the faid corporatio~ _ to be treafurcr, and one other of the members of the [aid corporation to be feqetary of the [aid corporati~nl and fome other fit perfon or perfons to he keoper: or keep- ers of the' faid l!bnry,- and from time to time, to ap­ 'point them the faid (rcarUfer, fecret~ry and librarian. and each of them, their refpeaiv~ power~, authoritie$"._ ,buJinef" trufls and attendances, and to difplace _"nd dif, ' ~harge them, or any of them, and to appoint other'or others in their places and fiC;ld. And further, it'is our rdyal will and plcafure, and we do hereby for l,lS, our heirs andfncccil"ors, 'will and ordain, and give and grant" to the trullecs of 'I'hf Ncw-York Society Library, and their fqcce{fors for ever, that it n1all and may be lawful to and for each and every of the mem b~rs -f,?r die tim~ th~ir being of o-q( f:lid corporation, his and exec'urors J 2dminiftrarors and Jffigns, to give, fell,. ;.J.li,eu;, affign, devife or difpofe of their refpeCtive rights ill tJ1e fai~ . library; and tbar their refpeCtive a/ligllS fhall he mcm~ bers of O).lr faid corporation, and be entitled to all ao4 every the fame rights and privileges in the fai.dlibrary, ~ anp. ip our f~id corporation, as the members hereby , ' made, ;Ire entitl~d t~, ky virtue of thefe prefents., Pra~ vidcd al';/Jays, Tbat a part of a righr in rhe faidlibr"ry, Dull not ~ntitle t~e proprietoror owner thereof, to .'!oY. 'priYilege Y:'hatf:cver in the faid library or corporation; And alia, rhar all and every rhe original fubfcribers t~ rhe faid library, or tI,eir a/ligns refpeCtively, upon pay~ iog to the tr~arurer for ~he time being of ~he faid cor­ poratio!" for the \,f" of the faid library, the full arrea,s of the yearly fum of '[cn S,hi/(illgJ, agreer! by rhe; fail! priginal fuL[rriptio~ to be pa~d ye~rly; that t~en anp from thcncefcrth, each of the perfons fa paying the faid . arre'a'rs, fluli thc:reupon be~ome m~J1lbers of ~e fai.d corpor:!.tion,. and. be entitled to all an~ every t~e fatll~ rights and privileges ~n the f~id lib~~y and corporat.i6n', as the membtrs herein p3rtlcnlarly named are entitled to by "inue cf thefe prefcnrs: And limhe!. That at pny and e"ery fuch legal meeting of any fevc,n or more \ pf the trull~es for the llme belllg of the fald library', '/ \ . 1t • , } ,I

" ,. - , .... \ 13 ) 0' • . _.. . • I .... ",. • 1t /hall jlnG may be lawful for them, ot the major part of them fo met as aforefaid, to eleCt and enoofe, by the majority of their voices, and in fuch manner and form, and upon fuch terms and conditions 3S lhall be direCted, ordained and dhbli/hed for that purpofe, by Jny the laid bye-laws, fbrutes, confiitutions or ordinances of the faid corpor<\ti9n j and admit under the common feal of our faid corporation, fueh and fo many perfons to bemembersof onr faid corporation, a&they (hall think beneficial to the faid librarv; which members fo ad­ mitted, ihall be entitled to, a'nd have, hold and enjoy all and every and the fame rights and privileges as the members herein particularly named are entitled to by :virtue of thefe prefents, And likewife, we do 'will; ,ordain, direct and require, that each and every of the 'members for the .time being of our faid' corporation; 'Ihall, on the firit Tz'ifday in May next, and yead)' on the firit Tuifday ill May in every year for .ever hereafter~ pay to the treafurer for the time being, of the faielcor, ,pOl'arion, the funt of T", Shillings, current 'money of ;N

'. -. " ~- - { 14 hereafter good and elfeClua! in the .law, according tG, our my:!l intent Jnd m~anmg herem before decbred. :md witham any other lIcence, grant or confirmation froIU us, our heirs or [ucce{fors hereafter, by the raid corporation to"be had or obtained, notwithfianding any mif-recitJ.ls, non-recitals, not-naming, or mif-naming of any the aforefaid offices, franehifes, privileges, im­ munities, or other the premifcs, 'Or apy of them, and although no writ of ad quod damnum, or other writs, . inquifitions or precepts hath been upon this occauon had, made, j{f'ued or profecuted j any fbrute, aCl:. or:­ dinancc or provifion, or other m:l.ttcr QT ~hing to the ~ontrary thereof in any wife notwithflanding. 'Ilf TESTIMONY \VHEREOF we have caufed thefe.our let:­ iers ~o be made 'patent, and the great feal of our fai~ provIDce to be hereunto affixed, and the fame to be en­ Jcred on record in our Secretary's Office, for our faid. province of N",.u-fork, in one of the books of p,tents there remaining. 'oV"ITNESS our ..trqfiy and well~· beloved FViliiam Tryon, Efq; our captain-general ,n~ governor in chief in and over our faid province of New-l'-ork, ;md the territories depending thereoIl. in "America, chancellor and vice-admiral of the fame, at our foTt, in our ciry of New-rork, by and with tl}e advice and conf~nt of our council for our fJ.id provinc¢ of N",.u-ro,'k, the ninth day of November, in the yea" of our Lord one thoufand feven hundre.! and fevenlI"- ' Jwo, 3nd of our reign the ¢irteemh. \ , . GLARKE;' " . , WILLIAM TRYON•. ..•• II INDORSED.

NE\V-YORK, S~cR_iT."'RY'S OFFICE, .. z5t1'zNovember, l77z .

71z.e 71:i/hin Cluzr/tr (A" Let/us Patellt, ar~ r~Ctlrtkdin tlU%. ~ .~ Office, in Lib. Patents, No. 16, Page ?99l &~" e,. ' GBW. ANYA~; D• ~eCP!t'

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_ 1::.1 , An ACT --::' : I .' " To remove DOU~TS "fpcflillg the CHARTER grante4 , , ,,-, to the Memhers of

Pa!l'ed the 18th ·February, 1789' ' ,.

" .. ~ . WHERE~S the ;peration ofthe ~hart;r granted ~ I the members of Th, New-York Soci,t] Library, incor~ poraIing them by' the name of Th, rru/lees of the N ew­ York Soeidy Lzbmry, bearing date the ninth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thoufand [even hundred aud feventy-two, was fufpended during the war lately waged by the King.of. Great-Britain "gainft the United States of America: In order'-therefore, to remove doubts refpe,cting the faid corporation, B, it enafl,d by tilt p,ople of tlu Jlat, of New-York, reprifented in final! and aJfimbly, and it IS Jltreby tnatled by th, authority of thejsm" That the faid charter, aDd all and fingular the cfiatcs, rights, pm.vers, authorities, ,. libenies, privileges, franchifcs and immunities thereby

grJntedJ and which the {aid corporation 'and the mem- bers thereof did, or might lawfully hold, exercife and enjoy, on the nineteenth day of Ap,.il, in the year one thoufand [even hundred and [eventy-five, by virtue of the faid charter, fuall be, continue :md enure in full . force, virtue and efficacy, to all inrents, confhuB:ions. and purpofes in the law whatfoever, notwirhfianding any non-ufer or mif-ufer thereof, or any part thereof, between the eighteenth day of April, in the year one thoufand feven .hundred and feventy-five, and the day of the 'Paffing ·of this aCt; and that the members of the ~ahld C?rporation, and their legal reprefentati"es under, e fOld chatter, and cach of them, /hall have, hold ~nd enjoy. al)d be fully able aud capable ill the law to exercife

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, e'X~r~jfe all :lod'ungular the rights, po,vers and :lUtho': r;ties (0 them belonging by virtue or in coufequence o( the (aid charter,. although the yearly fums which ought to have been paid by them, or any of them, according to the raid charter, may be in arrear and unpaid j and all fuch yearly payments and fums' as have become due and payable, and now remain in arrear and unpaid, are. \ hereby remitted to the members of the {aid corporation; and that Robert R, Livingjlon, Henry Rem/en, Robert ltVatts, BrodduJljl Livingflon, Samuel 'lones, Peter Ketdtas, WalterRuthelford, Matth",,,, Clark(on, Samuel Bard, Hugh Gaine, Dani?l C. Vel' Planck and Edward Grefwold, {hall be, and hereby are declared and appointed the pre(ent trunees of the faid Jibrary and corporation, and {hall hold, polfefs and enjoy their (aid offices, until the Iall: TueJday in April now next coruing, and until other fit 'perron, J1>all be eleeted and chofen in their places, ac, cording to the f~id chaner, I

/. ~ . .. BYE_LAWS -.' : ~. . , NEW-YORK SOCIETY LIBRARY. .'-

.' -. .:., . _. IB ;,'- . .E IT ORDAINED by tlIe Trujlm of the NEw- Y OR K SOCIETY LIBRARY, Q1rd it is hereby ordained /,y the autliority of ·the fame, That any perron may be ad­ lhitterl a member of the [aid corporation, upon paying the fum of Eight Pounds to the treafurer for the time " J heing. who {hall thereupon gi\'ehim a certificate ofhis , admiflion, under his hand, which iliall fpecify the num­ ber of iliares [0 which fuch member fbaU be entitled; and the common feal of this corporation {hall be there­ , I." '. .. :. unto

.' , . .- " , ( 17') , \mto affixea by-the fecretary for the time being, ,~ho L {hall alfo counterlign the fame. II. And be it furt/Ilr ordained by the authority nf"'efaid, 'that every perfon who now is, or th'at hereafter {hall pc admined..a member of this corporation, {hall have his name, and the time of his becoming a member, and !he number of {hares he polfelfes, recorded, by the li­ bratian, in a book which {hall·be kept in the lib,ary; and" that ~he certificate of the tre.afurer, counterfigned­ and fealed as aforefaid, {hall be a fullicient authority for the librarian to record the name of the perton therein ' mentionCll" huhe book aforefaid. A~dfurther, That no ~rfon {hall take any 'book or books out of the faid library until his name, and the time of his admiJIion be recorded as aforefaid, . . III, Andbe itfurt/ler ,rdained by the authority aforifaid. That the librarian {hall attend at the library every da)' fix hours, at fuch times as the trunces !hall appojnt. Saturday afternoon excepterl, in order_to ddiver and receive books; and [hall, in a book to be kept for that pnrpofe, note the volume delivered. the name of tbe petfon to whom the fame [hall be delivered, the- time of taking ahd returning_the fame" and the forfeiture. ariling from deEmlrs: And that it {hall allo be the duty of the librarian to keep a catalogue of the library, in . which he {h;ill enter fuch books as may, from time to 'time, be added thereto, and to replace the bookson the Ihelves ::18_ they are returned, firfi examining whether they have been damaged; and alfo to collect their 'n­ nu;I p3ymenrs from the members, and [Q report (0 the , \ truftees the name of every perfon who {hall refufe to _pay, or {hall lofe or damage a book and neglect to re­ place the fame, in oreer that necelfary fteps may be bken to recover the value thereof. IV. And be itfurther ordained by tIll authority aforefaid. That the lil!rarian {hall deliver to any inember who {hall apply for t1,e fame, on,the day. and at the. times 3forefaid, one volume,3t a time for each ihare he or fhe I' ilJall own in the faiJ library, and no more; and that fuch members as .reude within the city of NI!'.JJ-York may det:lin i foli~ fix weeks, a quarto four weeks, an- ( , ,-C oct,,-o .' , , i8 ~ '. b-:l:l\"O rhree ,'r~ekst and a duodecima, o~ a pamphIet; n~'o weeks-. Thofe m~mbe:s who reude without.the cirv ,foref"d m,y d~r,m , book double the pencds afoJrefaid; at the explranon whereof, the fame book J11:lr be,again t3.ken out by the fame member, unlefs 3pplication has in the mean time been made for it by ,nother member, and the libtatian requelled to mike a \. memorandum thereof. And that every member who /hall detain a book longer than the time aforefaid, /hall pay to the librarian for the time being, fof a folio four­ pence, for a quarto three-pence, for an octavo two­ pence, and for a duodecima, or pamphlet, one penny, for every d,y fuch book Ih,1I be kept out of the faicl library ,bove the time limited as aforefaid ; and for lof; ing or defacing the number 'on the back of the book fix-pence; and {hall not take ,ny other book out of th~ library until the faid forfeitute be paid: And no per­ fan .who lofes or damages a book, /hall take auy other book out of theJibrary until he /hall make good the fame to the library. ' V. .And be it further ordained by the authority aforefaid, That none but members /hall be ,dmitted within the railings in the library-room, or be permitted to rake' any book our of its pl,ce in the library, for-the purpofe of reading, or for any other purpore whate\Ter.

VI I Andbe it flirt/ie" ordainta hy the authori~y aforefaitl, That no perfall c1,iming a right in the faid library, by purchafe or gift from any member, or for his or qer executors or admillifirators, fllall be entitled to take any book our of the. library, or to vote for tronees, until he or Ihe /hall h,ve proved hi, or her tirle before' the treafurer of the faid library for the time being, :md ~ tenificate of his or her admifTion, figned, fealed,;J.nd counterfigned as aforcfaid, be-given to him or her; in which {hall be expreffed, thJt,he or the is admitted a tnember, in virtue of,] purchafe or gift from fame other member, 3's the cafe may be; whereupon his or her name Ihall be recorded in the book to be kept by the librariJ.n for recording the names of the members as aforefaid; and the petfon from whom.the purchafe w~s , made, : ..

, • .I • ~ / .' " .'

,- ( 19 , made. or gift received, !half thereupon' ccafe· to be'., member of this corporation: VII. And b, it jurther ordained by tIlt authority ajor,­ faid, That any member may have more {hares th:l.O one in the libr>ry .forefaid, by paying to Lhe treafurer the fum of Eigllt Pounds for each !hare, and {han be enti­ tled- to have one book at J time, and no more, for each :lhare he Ihall poffefs; but Ihall not thereby be entitled to more than one vote at ele8ions tor memhers, or on any other occafion. Andjurtlur, Every ine,mber {hall· pay to the treafurer Ten Shillings yearly, o.n the tidl: da.y of May, for eat~ !hare he 1hall ·poffefs m the fald lI­ brary. ,rIlL And b, itjurtl",' ordained by the autlIDrity afore­ Jaid, That the !reafurer of the faid library fonhe time being, {hall, on the tidl: 'Tu([day of Ap,·il in e"ery year, lay hisa~eounts.before the trufl:ees of the [aid library". for theIr mfpe6bon. ..' '. . •


:raffed the 19th 41!ril, r 79~"

BE IT ORDAINED by the 'Trujlm if the NE'W­ YORK SOCIETY" LIBRARY, and it is hereby Of'dained by the aut/lority if the Jame, That all eleCtions for rruflees­ for the Ne-",-York Society Library !lull be by hallot, and that fuch eleClions {hall be held on the lafl: 'Tue/day in April in every year hereafter, in the library-room., and th::JJl begin at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and bo continued until four o'~lock of the fame ,lay, and, nc> langer,:c' .' ',. ... l. • .~ , , . . ' ·,' ( 20, L . And b, it fllrther ordain,d by. the allthority aforif..aid, Th,t the {ecretary {or the time being /hall give at leaft two ~"ccks public notice, in two .of the newfpapen~ printed in the city of New-York, of every ruch eleClion; and {haJJ affix a fimi!ar not~ce l!pon the o~t~ard QOCti of, thc library-room, • And be it further ordained by tlu authority afort/aid, That {uch election /hall be held under the infpectioq of three of the truftees of the {aid library, to be ap-' pointed by 1he (aid truftees, of \vhich notice /hall be giv,en by the fecretar')' as aforefaid, ~ Andfurther, That the fecrebry fhall keep a poll-lift at every fuch election, under the dire8ioq. and 'Yiew of the faid infpeaOTSf or .... the major part of them-; and the [aid iIJfpeCtois, or the major part of them: fl1

ox proe ., vided for that.purpofe. . '- .. An~ be £t further orda£ned by the autllority aJoreJaia,. That the faid infpectors, or a majority of them, i1U~ immediately upon clo/ing the poll, proceed to canvalS and enimo.r~ the faid votes,· and Ihall there~pon fign ~ certificate, who are the perfons eleCted truftees for ~ then enfuing year, and /hall lay' the fame before the ,ruftees, whofe duty it /hell be to all'emble at th'e library~ room at feven o'clock in the evening of. the fame d;;r.., And be it further 'erdained by the authority afortjdid, That no perlon under the age of twenty-one yea" fhaU • pe eligible to the office of truftee, ,.' 'AniJ ~. '.. ' ' " . . '. , . ',;' '

L., "

.', (. 21 .)

And b, it (urtiur "'dail/ed by the alllhority aforeJaid,

That no pedon, except a member of this corporation, (r having a certificate of [uch memberfhip, and who.!hall have paid all arrears, fhall vote at fuch eleCtion, but in no c::lfe lhall any member na\'c m~Jre than one vote, or vote by proxy. . ; And be it further ordained by the authority afore/aid, ·That in cafe of the death, re(ignation, or' removal of any trullee, an eleetion Q1a1l be held for filling his place, at fuch time as the trnftces £hall direCt, ,in man­

per herein before mentioned. I

Extraflj,.om the minutu. , \ . , ISAAC L. KIP, Secr~tary.


" A , ( { , , , .- ., ~----- '. '.


",- -:' . -~ ...... CAT A LOG UE, ·&c•... .­ • . \' ~ .'

---~" ~. l ' .\ A···· ,.' " \• ~r ~ -• NO'1 . F 0 L I O. ., .,/)6r .ANDERSON on Commerce, 2 VO!S.)' ·~·1 r6 '1 J r064 ACla Regia. 0""'" ~ h 1>~ (E"p", . A ~ ~ ) 1711 Anderfon's Genealogies.· -_', u 42,27 Arifiotle's Works, in Latin, z vals. , .... '. .!-, '. I , .- _. ~ ': ~ QU'AR1fO; :' :', '1 . 'c::.: /,,!iJ ~ I •. ".$rS Atlas GeographlIs, 5 vols... " 'J-, 1~K 3366 Anfon's Voyage rOlInd the World, 11' / a 7°2 Ainfworth's Dittionary, Latin ~d Ellglifu..' f'l" I J 7 1 5 Afcham's EngliillWorks. q~" .:>1£'.. '~'7U _ 14°5 Adair's Hifiory of the American Indians. ., o&,q,! 1'403 Anderfon Oil National Indullry. )'771 qt.;l' -. .. 29iz Adams on the Microfcope, with plates, z vol~. ..~l -::: 2983 Anderfon's Hillory of France. II V- /7&7 03870 Annals of Olleen Anne;' - o 4638 Agricultural Society, of New·York.. (TranfaClions of) , OCTAVO, '.. . 1.- {1.7.:3 , 220 Antiquities of Rome, in L~in, .z vols. 11 . V/ '01(,,!Jr.:.>540 Antiquities of Scotland. "'fJ-l/< /769, of.. /'777 r- 393 Alexander's Riflary of Women, z yols.-:S 9t.. \ . ..409 _Adams:s Defence of American Confiitutions, 3 vols. I 9?3f - 429 Anacharlls' Travels in Greece, 8 vols, /.7'10 , 7"',''1' S'~'r 8 0 831 Anderron on Indufiry, 2 vol1' -_•._

. ;

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r. ' ( '4 ) No.",-·- . -~. ~r10--t -. =.' ~ 1000 Athenian Sport.~ j G'124 Allen's DemollMn.,;, • vols.~.eR..• q' 1 ' , _ 1I.8 AddiCon's·Fr'>::l c.ll. ~.71 4l{~ V1 3.12 Anquetil'sll{e~QirsQf:kCourt.oLFranceduringthc , p, U Telgn of LOUIS XIV.• vols. "I Ll,J/. 0;13 17 'l(i't;l, 3"5 American Preacher, 3 vols. 1;c""\. -:lJt:q~~.; '-Iv 03375 Annual Regifier,lrom J758 to 1;89, 29yols. ". ~ 34'7 ------(New) from 1780 to '79', It vol$, 3418 American MuCeum, 9 vols.~ \e,'r,,'-..\!, ~>',o.A'1. 03668 Analytic:rl Review, 9 ~ols.. . • \-0. oS - V 1, 1,1 04'96 Annals of .Horfemarifhil'_ .' j 'V j ---"'::'4'97 Athenian Letters, a vols. 9.3 g '1-'7 '1). --...' j /4330 AdanCon's Voyage to Senegal, IOe of Goree, 'anhh, . . River~ambia. q/~ G /7"1 ~'''" '_I1$Y'6l' 4349 Atter~ry s EpIOolarr C.orreCpodence,- 4 vols;. ¢g..f. '1)..(:} ~ Y '=>4361 Adams s Roman AntIqUitIes. . ., ...... ,J;lp, - ,- 4362. Ad.:J.ms's Hifiery of- Rome, ~'vols..-: . I '; t""-':$44S8 Autorite des deux Puiffances, 4 vats. .. I () 1195 "'rollatique (Defcription des Expfrie.i'ces de h lib- chine) , . 673 Ad:uns's Allronomical Err.v'. '. , ~854 Ad3ms', (Hannah) View-of Religion. ~ ... - ",. \. .'

DUOPECI~IO. - . , . I b '1'1 ;Z- A 1381 ACcham on the Confufions and Revolutions of Go, vernmentl. ~ I ? ~ ,\-' Z - fl '383 AngleCey's Privileges of the Houfe of Lords and Com- .mons.....'II\" .. o .I9J-7"ArundelGa novel} ... vols. ...' :.,jI r ." r -

•• 4_ ". ,.

_.~-,"._-- ,- ( zs ) tva:, ~ . .. ~, 0'939 Arpafia, or the Wanderer, (a novel) z vols. , CDI94-I Anna., or the :i\1emoirs of a 'Velch Heirers, z vots; 0'943 Arabiao Nights Entertairiment,,.4 vols, o '947 Adelaide and Theodore, Or Letters on Education, .3 vels.. j 1"" 10 2.:- A 2. I J I AlgarottPs Letters to Harvey; . - .' - I ., 0"2150 American Gazetteer, 3 vols. (J 1 1 - I OZ'74 Aflro-TheologJ. g;ll 5. ~r, ;) - ~v: z3 0 5 Adventurer, 4 vols.- .}Ji It &-li . /1' , • ' z417 Arbuthnot's Works, z vol;:-:. II., ''':'.3' '/'­ Poems. " .\.. . , , - .. ~ .... '. .,1 ..... 1';1- , \ , , . _. \ I j I' .." ..... \. t . 'I." n• - '"""' ...... ~ ~ .. ' - .. r.. __

• , . " • : .6 ) . B· '. .. ~ .' .... - ~o.

o 2 BIBLIA Sacrn. ,'~ . ~ 3 Barrow's Works, 3voIs. ~. ~ C9 14 Burkitt on the New Teftamerit. . '"'i.. r 3SZ Baronio's Ecclefiailical Annals, (Latin) 6 vlil$.. .p(.l "1 Ih'i) 0363 Buxtorf's Lexicon.' "-'I f . '-:::'668 Bayle'S General DiCtionary, 10 vols. _. ,1> .9 °'065 Buchananl Opm Omma. . "(,<'387 Burnet's Hillory of the Reformation; 3 vols; \.JI 399 Beveridge's Sermons, z vals. 0'70. Berkley'S Naval Hillnry. . ." <>'93 Boyle's WorkS, 5 vols.::Z- IS \'.i~: 0332,1 Britannia Illufuata. . ~ . f 0335' Britilh Apollo, 3volS. .. 03635 Biographia Britannica, 4 vols. ~. 3639 Burghley's State Papers, 2 vols. q It >-, O~ /741:r / . 0;643 Bollon's Works. ,,..7>,. 'j' 3644 Bailey on the Advancement of Arts. ~(7Ij I ':iJ{, 03645 Baretti's Spanilh DiClionary. P> ,•• ,..-- 3657 Brown's Travels. cJ3807 Bugg's Hillory of the Q!!akers. y (9 3844 Bradley's. PhilofoplUcaI Account ot the Works /if.

. Nat1;fre. .. "0. Co., .. C384S ~rown's DefcnptlOn'of the Muf,le;. . " a 3843 Baxterum's ChriJIian Religion. .: , 04Z30 Banke's Geography, with plates. .. 04'38 Bradley's Family Dictionary. ..:. , ,


(5 '3 Beaufobre (D. E.) and L'Enfant's Inirodutlion to the reading of the Scriptures. '. t. '4 Bacon's ''\Torks, 3 vols.z...8 f.,:' 3' "33 reo",="27 Baldwin's Britilh Culloms. (Survey of) - /7 7 CJ , 17 30 Bufching's Geography, 6 vols. ,7t:> ; • 7/0 ,6364 Bruce's Travels through Abyfiinia, 5 ,·ols. ,s 0694 Baretti's DiCtionary, (Italian) • vols. , ~ 707 lllackilone's Commentaries on the Laws of Engl:md, '>--' '. 4 vols. -. - - /

.•, N~: ( U 1 / -0 880 Brown on Errors.. -' IOS3 Birch's Hifiory of the Royal Society ofLondon, ~ y ,..-o/?..t- t1{{~ J08S Beattie's Differtations. ..;~g-~ 17?~:-'?) T - "089 Barclay's Apology: "L-tS .Lt", ~ , • <,J;:;( _/ '~12 Blondel's Treaties of the Sibyls. '.L- (3 \ <"1;, I 999 Blbliotheca Ammcana.· r. ;1;l -j 3007 Burney's Hifioryof MuGe, 4-vols.lg0,c; 1'1'1- I '-30ll Blackwell's Couriof Augul\us, 3 vols. Q31. Db nl..'f" 03zIO Bibliothec:E American~ Primordia. -3247 Buckingham's Works, 2vols.1l'ilO,q,\ \'\\'5'\...... ".,~:0;I~").\(•. \ 033'45 Berkeley', Works, 2 vols. I::, ,.. / ? ')/iJr4' "''1 03856 Bedingfield's Hifiorj of Florence. _ I ,/ 3869 Bariffe's Milit.ry Difcipline. .; 4256 Botanic Garden. (Darwin's) .• 8: 634 Bligh's (Lieut. Willia.m) Voyage to the SoutJr'S.ea~ .l1: Il> \l'l~ t 636 Bever's l!;om~ Politr'-3'1A;;

OCT·AVO.. /._ ~02 Bielfield's Erudition, 3 'V~ls. ~ 'it' /770 . ~ q"" .:4- 316 Boyer's French and Englilh Diaionary. . -324 Biggs's Military Hifiory. /7S'~ . I ' :::> +1Z Blair's Leaures on Rhetoric and Belles Letters,,; vols. q,J. ~()+15 Buffon's Natural Hifiory, 9 v~ls. 57"I ~/7'- - 436 .l)ofwell's Corfica. .. . 437 Bofwell's Journal on a Tour to th~Hebrides.Z-~ J '7%' ()438 Boffu's Travels in Louiliani, 'z vals.. /' +~o Baretti's Travels io Italy; 2 vols.,'j I y,:; , 71,. ~ ) I "'> . 442 Bourgoanne's Travels in Spain, 3 vols. '\\ '-\ • r- - P "tl "f10 / -~- . '-+45 Benyowlky's Travels in Poland, /lfc. 2 vols. ~67("'"i /. I I Hi Bruce's Memoirs in hi.s Travels in Germany, RufiU, '8" <>', (~ '- &c. o~· J 0 ~ -448 Brydone's Tour through Sicily and Malta. 0/ /1/, ~1l' /773./ 1713 I ~ 449 Bell's Travels from Peterlllurgh, in Rufiia, to Afie, , . 2. vols:-I ? ('""" ..'. """1\...- "451 Bougainville's Voyage round the World. <..- e • 536 Boll'u.t's IntroduClion to Univerfal HiJl.ory. 2.-/) '13)...( C~) .,,«,. _ 595 Bacon's (Lord) Letters. 14'>- ... 6.. .".8"1 n · 778 Buller on Trials. <..1> II ~~ O 810 Baxter on the Soul, 3 vols. . .. -98 '9 Burgh's Inquiry into the Belief of theChliftians" f 892 Bouhouris Rhetoric...... , A ~IO B~er on t~e ,Microfcope. j'7 'fif

'. ( ~S , NQ. . .'.: j' 0' 914 Bo~rhaave's (Dr.) PraCtical Aphorifms:" '. 9220 Brown's Efiirnate of the Manners ~d Pr~nci les pf '~e4 ---;]1e'fimes, abridged. .:l.""\'" .""\~ ir'l, & rn937 Breviarium l\lonafiicurn, (Latin.) : _#: ,:._:~ . 12-1~ ~ • '214 Baker on Learning. 1.2/_ B 1 7'/ 'I~,,,,, ,. aZ15 Bownas' Chriftian,Experiencer.' ,,~ .~' ;/ 1330 Beaumont and..fl.etcher's 'Vo;ks, I~ VO~,' ...': -' • 'b --'<""340 Baravia Iilullrata, z vols. :.3 s''I,'~;.iJ 466 Bradley's Gardening. .' '. ~ 529 B,uilder's Dictionary', ~ vols. 2...-13 , 7.'3,,'1- ...~ .. '531 Bucanniers of America. (Hillary of) 2- If. I e:.~"1 I ()'533 Britifh Culloms, (by~.) , ',- .- ,. J,'''''''- .J 53 ~ Bro'YI!'s. Efiimate of the Mann¢rs ~d PrincipI~ ~ ~ tn'-/' . the Tunes, z vats.' - 3. 0 ~ ,,' <" \ ')'1-\:J J 592 Buckingham's Works, 2. YO • ~ ~06'lS .\ \ OJ600 Baxter's Matho, '20 vals. .. \, 0626 Beri~gtonls Differtat~ons.l· :..: '_: C:h6p Butler's Rem::tins, 2 vok 637 Be!le~ L~tters.' -', ,..._ ::"" "::,0: :;T 1660 Boerhaaveon':r.1edicine. : \'" ' •. ' .....:.. ~; .. §: oi(Religion~. :.!~ .!, :I662 Bennett's EiTays . ....•.. ,0167I BeverIey on the \Vorld to come., ..i . , /~ f. ('~i684 Body of Divinity, z vols. ~' ...... '::_-;- ,S"~~-- C04 2,i9 Buffon's Na~ural Hiflory, abridged. "' "/'-, ''', c. • 04284 B:rgman's Phyfical and Chemical EH'ays" ~ va~t; .... 04286 ,Burke's (Edmund) Works, 3 vols.,·'" ~ ,',' ,~,

4289 Be:mties of ~he Britiili Senate, z vals..... '~.,.: _~, " k :I C1305 Beattnn's Naval Hillary, 3 vols. '''".. ., /:, g ~enrow's Enquiri~s ,Virtue.~;··: 16S6 concerning •. J 699 Baker on the Lord's Prayer. '.' -, .:. .., - ... - --,-,"--,695 Burnham's Pious Memoirs. '11"53" , • I I' " ""'--' 694 BilPgett to Cleom.enes, (!&tt(,l' from) ...:;.. ,..,"/' ~ Bl?~p~1Cal D~cboDary, 'I 1,1 0 640 12'yols,/ '0 . , 656 Brlnfil Houfewlfe, 2 vols. 6'1 I "~ 111. ' I ,-,~3~~~ ~~;~:::; ~!fi~r~ ~~ ~: ;:~TU:~~ls~ ~~I., .91/:", \'" / 7(; (,; II '---"'3 2 H Baker on the Polype~, , . , ; 63665 Beauties of :Magazines, 3 vels.· C,' ... '~.', I) ' p36-3876 BelDe's Herodotus, 4·vol5.' ''-!. 3" 1'7QO (.J-v D.' u, ',', -:T~ ,41 •

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1;---• ,

E F 0 LI O. No. ()'O'3 ENCYCLOP.lEOlA, (French) 33 vols.. o 2284 Eufebii Chronicom, (by J. Seal!;ger).in Latin.; o 381 4 Eufebii Demonfirationes. '­ () 3816 Epicedia Oxonfitnlia.

.- .. ( 39 )' ..;. -. •-I .- "j QJ1 ARia: No. ._ ._. °369 Encyc1op:Ed~aBri~nni~a, (Edinburgh edition) II vok ( ':1379 Ency~lopredla BntanDlca, (new Scotch edition, of which eleven volumes are publilh.ed) II vols. <3934 EpiCletus', Uptoni, (Latin) 2' vol,.' 01747 Emerfon's Mechanics. ._,. _ 03288 ElIi,' Elfa)' on the CoraDiM'. °337' Elements of Clock and Watch Works. 0' 36 Ell)", Tracls. '. o 463' Enfield', Hillory of Philofopb)', • voIs.

.~;r·" ._ '_ ...... I'l"rr~ .1 •

f : 4'" i j:, . ;. , , aCT AV a ...0._ ';"'t ",~r. \. , , ?- 80 ElTex's (Earl of) Letter's. 'J i:) ,}....1 . , I /-109 Empire of Morocco, (Hi{\ory,of) .'voIs. \)204- Etfay on Mines;' ',' ",' ...... ' 9 .8, Ech~rd'i Ecclefiafti~alHifiory, .-.- -".~ i.. 1435 Effay on Commerce. I 1. \_ -'437 Elfa)' on Trade and Commerce. ,,"'O'~ J,/ ~I4j9 Effayon I\1ineralogy.• "r495 Ellis on Slieep. , 64'; Edwards' Binary ofRedemption. 01648 Elfa)' on Morality. . .,' Ol6i4~EfTay on Power. 03899 EOa)', on Power. o 3t57 Ed",)' and Edilda, (a tale.) 01287 Education. (Traas on) _ 03969 Elf.)', on Law and Gofpe!, Faith and Works. .:J~ ()4355 Etienne's Hifiorv of the Revolution in France. I, I I • \.., 4396 EI)'fian and Bacchic M)'fieries. (:Q.ilfertation on the)

.,' ( 4° 'j

~ - " ~4f33 Erlkine's (Ralph) Smnons and other praB:icaJ. wor"" . 10 vo1s. , ~'J 0 3" Education, (Dialogues on) • vols. -'r'\ C;., • ~ 0965 Erafimi Ecelefiafrus. /" -: ~63J Enfield's Speaker. 17lflt , 134671 Enfield's Hifiory of Philofophy, • vols, , 04865 Elf.)'s on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher and Thomfon. . "l

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'0,874 Ela, or the Delufions of the Heart, (a nove!.l" 889 Emma Melcombe, (a novel.~ 0,890 Eleonora, (a novel.) • ­ 01891 Emma Corbett, (a nove!') 0,89' Edward Mortimer, (a novel.) O'1l93 Ellifon, George, (a novel) • vols. , 01895 Emmeline, or the Orphan of the Callie, z vols. , 0,897 ,Effufions of friendfi1ip and Fancy, (a novel) i volS. ()1899 Ethelinde, or the Reel.fe of the Lake, (a novel) 3,volS. 19°2 Excurfion, (a novel) z vals. e ]9°";' Evelina~ (a novel) :z. ,vals. , '::)19°6 Emily Montague, (a noyel) • vols. /' . 1_001908 Emilia de St. Aubigne, (a novel.) '-. . ~ ~s'o~ .092 EITay on Painting. I:. ~ k' A<..l:>lo!" i' '7 TI 02153 England's Gazetuer, 3 ;ols~ . -01,.. ~.. . e-22J8 Elfay on ;Friendfujp. ,- .. 22Z; Englifl:l Preacher, 9 vols. " , \ G2409 Evan's Poems. "- <::a.5J 5 Echard's \Vorks,.j vols. • 637 Elfay on Shakefpeare. , 2648 EI(vnge on Parliaments. .8ft E~land's Black TribunaL l'l~j 2844. Euay on Faith. I ~28S2' Englifll Libenies. - , .897 Epigramatons Delectus. ', z-+ '903 ~fop's Fables, (Greek and Latin.) ':'3°36 Edwin and Anna, (a novel) 3 vcls. . , 03°39 Emma, or the Unfortunate Attachmenljl (a nO\'e!) z vois, \,

,.,r, ' "

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< ' ,. • . ~" ',.------. .-. ., F . F 0 L I 0.- .' t C> 5 FIDDES's Body of ri!v;~ity; z vols.. \" 0 10 Fafciculus Rerum, z vels. _° 344 Fox's Marry", 3 vols.: . .G 1705 Fleetwood's Works. ~~\r>-"c .. ,_ \J 85 Fiddes's (Dr.). Life of Cardinal Woolfey:' .. '0 QUAR Td~ .

Q 29 Frederici Ruyfchi Opera. . ::J 31 Fofter's Difcourfes, 2. vats.­ 0594 Fabricii Bibliographia Antiquari•. c. 1406 Foiler's ObfervationS~ . 01413 Fergufon's LeCtures. 0'4'4 Fr.mklin on Electricity. . 4250 Fergufon's (Adam) Principles of Moral and Political I Science, 2 vels. i. 03865 France, (Defcription of the Maritime parts of) z rols. 1 ')0" _ "997 Frefnoy on raintw.g. J), F"k'" .J< 'I' lit:::.·, 11'\ 3 ·F , IrG ~(".. ro, -,


Fronce, (Hiftoric.a1 Account of the ancient ran ~fj 2. vals. . C 4HI Fourero)"s Chemillry and Natural Hillary, 3 volS. ,. CJ438. Frafer on Eleelions. . (, '438) Fortification. (RemarkS 6n a new S)'fi'em ofY . 64393 Fronklin's (Thomas) Sermons 6n relative'Duties; 0 65 Fergufon's Roman RepubliC, 3 vols. .. 6) Forfier's Northern Voyages. : °468 Farren's Vov3ue to Guinea. ~ C'" j6z Franklinls \\1 .c;ks. . o ? -G' 805 Fontaine's TaIes.-'-

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o marks. "- 0135° Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina, 3 vols.

• ' ..,


"'1"1 2090 Farmer. (American) . 0;)50 France, (Abridgement of the Hillory of) Frerrth,6 vals. ~ ""1909 Fair Hibernian, (a novel.) ,. ..-".. I I \.0.- '910-Fable'of the Bees, (anovel)~vob. 'i.' 5':,,11/,,< I

- . NQ. OI9IZ Fair'Sytian, (a novel) ~vols. CCJ '914 Fool of Q!ality, 4 vols. '" '918 Female Stability, (a n.ovel) Jf vols.. 0192.2 Fairy Tales, 2. vols.. ",' . o 2.067 Fugitive Pieces, 3 yals. _ / r.'l·" 0 ""00 Fergufon'sIqftitutes. .. 11 ~ 17"'1 ""f --- ZI57 Francis' ~orace, 4""Vols. 1.,(3.. LJ1rI'~ vcls. iJ'3043 Features from Life, (a novel) a vols. C ~045 Frederiek, orthe Libertine, (a novd): voIs• .>. ,,;J.-f '-3143 Fen~on's Pious Thoughts•. I 7{,3 .? if'. ~ - 3 I 5I Fenelon's Fables. - I 7{, 0 '? '. : 0 39'9 Faihionable World. (Efiimate ofthe Religion of the). 03996 Forbes's Works, 2. vals. 04719 Frederica, (a novel) z vo]s. , ~ 4716 Favourites of Felicity, 3 vals.. ',. 8 I 3 Florian's Tales. .. 04820 Fille de Chambre, (a novel) p. - 48z9 Fugitive Pj~ce5J 2: vo~~ . -I,,:" / " t I' .. ',/ J) , -

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1'0. () ~:6 GIBB's Arch.iteCture: ? 358 Grabe:s S~p~agl~t, ,. -"<>3316 GuiCClardInl's Hlllory ?f 'Italy, (In ltahan) ~.v.ols, .C:S3zZ Gibb's ~ules for D:3wmg..· , 61800 Gi"atl.llatlo AcademllE, (LatUl.) 0:3858 Guillim's ?~rajdry. ..,. "

Q..U All. TO,

010.85 Gunnery. (Art of) . <:::> 4248 Godwin's Enquiry concerning Political J ullice, : 'Yols. '259 Guthrie's 8yllem of Geography.' ..' 04260 Plates to do. . '• _'. " Z-('- 938 Gravin", Juris Civilis, (Latin): v~ls.• (; 1090 Gardiner's Tables of Logarithims. .- .. ,./ \ " 1386' Grew's Difcourfes. ., .' {~o -

o C;:·T AV p.

4377 Gregqry'-s Life of ~hatterton.. .. " 04403 Guiana. (Elfay on the Natural Hillory of) I' / I-C::::..:...-: 306 Grofier's (Abbe) Defcription of China, : vols. / } ~t' 0'76 Gerund. (Friar, HilloT»of) : vols. . ..

;> 55. Goldfmith's Grecian Hillary, 2. vols1 (')57 Gillies' Hifiory of Greece, 4 vals. 061 GordoJ;l'~ American War, 4 vals. ') 2 Gibbon's Rome, (~bridged): vols. 1:.84 Gibbon's Roman Empire, J:%. va1s: 0195 Grainger's Biographical Hillory, 4 voIs: / q <'I - :93 Guthrie's Hillory of 'the World, '3 vok. 17b-l-'{.1 G) 335 Graves' Mifcellaneous "rarks, 2. vcfs. '"771/ (; ql~ *!~ Grofe's Voyage to the Eall:lndies, : vols.

¥ < . "

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{ 45 } " No, dsoo Gillies's Frederick II. " '" <.- -S~8 Guthrie's Cicero, 3 voIs. \ 11K 'b -J_.J ,,1"-oS83 Gravefaode.'s Philofophy, z voIs. \ . o S86 Garrick's Plays.' '.. ' ~ ?/ 15~ 1 Gale's (Dr.) Sermons, 4 vols. " 0-1545 Gaudentia de Lucca. . D,668 Godwin's Mofes and Aaron. " I f (:':>169n Gentleman liillnlClea. ..', +'. 1 ?- 0 66z. Gray's Key to the Old Tell~nt. ";' - 3 I 820 Greville's Maxims. 1,->C . "- f IS' '~'-3168 Guiccardini's Hillory of Italy, 10 voIs. 10 '''. ,~ • 'I 0351.0 Gentleman's Magazine, 48 vals. "388z Gibfon's Glafgow. 3984 Gibfon's Anatomy.


"",8,z Greville, (Hillary of Mifs) zvoIs.. r.....,::) \1~"" ? -18J4 Gamefters, (anoxel) zvols. s\\\(l\"l;'1~ 816 Ge~rge Maitland, (a novel) 3 vols. . 9z~ Grandifon, (Charles, Hillary of) a novel, 7 voIs. 0,..>'931 Gil Blas, 4 vok J'993 George Bat 3Z 5 Goldfmith's Hiflory continue

,~, , "','"I

H " F 0 L I 0., No: 04219 HARGRAVE'S State Trials, ~ vols. , .., 4'33 Hale's Body of Hulbandry, ' '2- r 3841 Hiflory of England, (Continuation of) n 3846 Hiflory of England. '(Colleilion,of) . " 1960 Hill's Gardening. - ~I39' Heylyn on the Cr.ee706 Henry on the Bibl1, 5 vols. • ,- ,, I o ~,83 Hiflory of Ameril"a, • - 'J Q z30z Harri:on's Co!letlion of Vo)'Oges and Travels• •\ ( 41 ) N'b. /_ 6p.. ~3Z5 Houbraken9 s Heads. 0332.6 Hooker's Works, 4 vols. , 33'1 Harduini Opera Se1eaa, Cl 334 1 'Hilloryof the_Council of T = G 33 50 HeTbert's Henry VIlI. ' 737,.6 -3365 Hillory of the Roman Empcron. \'\"iJ-- ,.,;s 03330 Hodley's Britannia RoO'l.3..!l-L ___ 6 36..p Hudron's Jofephus, z vols. o 365z Hale's (BilllOp) Works, 3 yok. 0:;654 Harris's Lexicon, 2- vak o ~6 56 Hillori", Augullin", Scriptorcs. 03658 Hillory of !'hilip de Cornine!, Knight. 03799 Henderici Lexicon. _ 03821 Hillory bf the l~ilh RebelIi= , C 3824 Hi1lorical Library. , r ••

'.. .~ .. .'.,.' Q..U AR TO. , ..- , . 04~ 57 Hindoollan. (Memoir> of • }Up of)',' . ", >1258 Howard'saccountofthe~LazarettosinEurope. (' ,_,-4 693 Hayley's Poems. 3,.1,!> ,[' <.l!'Ne:S 716 Herculean Straits, (HiJiory" of the) i ols. "i' 4 b 15'­ ~.. 01- 1066 Harrington's Works,- 1731 ; CO 1078 Howara's Stale of Prifom. ' o J 09 I Halleii AftrODOmicz T~ - '\ '\ 61397 Heyleyn's Reformation;" E"gla.nd." ,/ <::"134 Hillory ofthe CouncilO:C'l-..fu.nee, • vols.' a 1145 Hillory of the Popes,- z""'" .' 'y!,>/. p_ 2 954 Hilloire N. De.1linc; (F.l:-....ch) 11 vols. (,.V) l Yl~\h_ o!1 3003 H~milton's Beda)'a, 4"';;" c> '946 Harlean Mifce1lany, 8 ~ 3ZS 5 Herbert's Dialogues. o 33°7 Heinecci; Opera, S roh. o 4635 Hazard's (Ebeneur) o-p-ual Colleaion of State Papers.. / -If s: +' -4639 ,Hodge's !ravd. in ~, I ~~ {- ~ t , f. i',d n 1,9P , ( " ;.1<.,1"'1-', 1( /1fi L, '3,f / - r "


...' OCT A v d.' "::J .' No. . ,~ I'" I . 01479 Hufbandry, (Body of}.4 vols.. '. •' 'r >:,? ", 'i_ 4"99 Hogarth Illufrrated, (by J,lm Ireland) • vo)S; ! 7 'If l S"", '/) 7 ~/ - 4JoJ Handmaid to tI)e Arts, • vols. I 76 IfvI'.' . , q I 'I ~'l-4J34 Hill's Journe through Sic!Jy and Cala~a.r 7'I V (ltl Gl>t'1.« - 4J97Hifrory 0 the iifkifit, orlJtloman Empire, 4 vots; /1 "1 I <::>4404 Hnmer. (Enquiry into the Life and Writings of) ., CJ444J Henry's (Robert) Hillory ot.G~at-Britain, 10 vo1s~ • .. q 'fJ ~- II I Hillory of Ireland.. /7 'l, r'; . ~. ! ":j:1. '1 "37 -- IZJ Hooke's .Roman Hillory, II vols. t:1Yi,z, ,7-1: ;~, (; I 35 Hume's Hillary of England,_ S vols. \ I "'l J 43 Riflory of California, z vols.. 1 ".7 "" / ~ " q'fl 16. Hillory of Glafgow, (by Gilj"on:)",';;l~7 7"./ {-: ~ 165 Hifiary of Mexico, 2 'vals. ~. - . ... / 9/'·/'"4 Hifrory ofChina, (by Duhalde) 4 vols.· J 71f I ' if,;.·,n o 'J'. Hifiory of Sweden, (by P'!.fcndmf.) ,• '. yo- r • -~-zJJ Hlfiory of the Portuguefe, (by,Ribbs). vo1s:'1915 -Hifiory of the Minorit}'J .... "

, r o. '"\ '49 ) No: . cD1 i40 Hanway's Letters, .2. volS. \ " '" Il83 Hillorie Philofophique et Politique, 7 vo1s: CUZ59 Hurchinfon on Witches. , ':) a85 Hottinger Hilloria Orienlali;. a '298 Hutchinfon's Works, a vols. G, 347 Hefiod, (Latin) by l!einJius.. , G), J 349 Herod..nu" (Greek and Latin.) C:i4I8 Hume's Effays, z vals. " at 4-1-6 Helvetius on Man, 2. vols. e I ~8 Horne's Sketches, z vels. . (1,450 Hillory of Maffacbufetts Bay; 3voIs; 0'463 Hale's Vegetable Statics, .~. v~ls.

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o.i687 Hillory of Europe, '704- 0 '" '. 01/ 0'703 Hug~e<'sNa~ra1 Hillory'ofllaibadoes. • )(1 Yo'~ r ..- ( <-632 Harnfon'sllntlfh Clamcs, 8 vols.. 11'/;{- $'1 • (,3160 Harris's Arrangements. (PhilofophiGaJ) 0.: '. • v319' Hillory of Printing., . /

() 321) Hillory ou:..ranc,," 3 vols::' .' .' \ o 'p5"1.-ft_3zzo Hoole's Anofio, 5 vets: /711 J..'"yl ~~ v- ")00... '" I~ I",,/,.-, <'.j .7'e3227 Hoole's Taffo, 2 vols. /.711/ .. ~ifcell.anies. v3254 Hughes's 0 •• 87'1. Haye'sNegociator's r,.Iag;izine: I' ~l .,/ - 3873 Hillory of Magna Charta.'" ~. I '"

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" .' 0, ~ so j

DU 0 DEC 11110. Ko._~ - l fg~ f 1;;9 Homer's I1bd,.2 vols. 171:!T?' <:)18'9 Human Prudence. \JIS,O Hillory ofthe Fair Adultrefs: , = <3] 82 I Honoria Somerville, (a novel) 4 vels., . .01825 Hartley Houfe, Calcutta, (a novel.) _ . ... ~ C' v,06; HiftoriealMifeeliany., ,-. OOio Hill's Heads ofLeetures. / '" , q("1~1-l -'';; Herring'sLetters'-'1,1 . _ • fI, :J-207 Holy Inquifition.·· .' ' .. , (')~235 Hurd;; Dialogues, 3 vels. --' <::':l 2093 Herrnippus Redivius, or Sages Trium h over old Agt!. and the Grave. ,I' ":-Di:S'6~"09J-foufe of Orange. (Lives ofthe Prine s-oft..1 7<3fr' 151- ;-' '2;8 Hoole's,Me~fiafio, ~'Vols, 11.,1 ? /,.:,..,, :. , <3 '259 Hobbes sTrIpes. . ,., '," '-:- '" • 0.2i 5 Hiflory ofthe Oracles. • ,/'.c "1'11.<6 - ';20 Hiflory ofRullia, (by r,ltm".) 11"'''/" • J ..J'z3 2Z Hinory ofBritifu Colonies in North.America~ or 02;24 Hiflor)' of America. • • 02;59 'Hiflory bf Louifiana, 2 vols. • ,:'r ' I' I '" r1Z-'~ "46 Hiflory of Guinea..-. "• ~...." ; () '~52 Hone's Worb. 'Fit61t'1''J5'? .,", 8 "~'l<'. i58 HifloiredelaSuiiTe, .. ,' ::., '02853 Home on A~ricultilre. .:>... 0'2859 Hawkins's omplete Angler. .... j a' 2860 Horne on Iron arid Steel. 0;050 Henry and Frances, (~etters of) a novel, 6 vols. Il~~ / _ 3.Z() 1 Hutton's Diarian l\fifcellany, 6 vols.· . ~, .. '" ? ...., 03986 Hale's Contemplations, z vols. I j, ~. -."- ~ 1,0 - ~.oo Hiflory of the Members of the French Academy, _ _' / 1'0 (French)6vols. /7-K7 rlllf~'i6l[;':'",," - / 4i44 Hllme's Chronological Abridgment of the Hiflory of ~J (\a. ) , , England. _ '. ' • , <,,- tJ~ 4Hi Henry IV,h ofFrance. (Anecdotes of~/l.~ ,"-/--, ~ ~.., (!j4(+9 H?rne's Letters on Infi.delity. " ., ' \., '1l.. q... .. ~~ H H,flory of Peterthe Great. J7;'0 ,/ \ ,.Ill'!

, ' I '-.f I \ ( St )

. ~ ) , I &: J.,~, FOLIO, No. - - o 68 S JAMES's Medic~ ~'i'aiOn~', 3 \'ols,-:' 2286 Journals of the Affembly of New-York, 1691 to 1'''6~ 2 vols. ., I , 0 2300 Jofephus's Works, in'Latin..:.. -03788 Journals of the Houfe of Commons, 40 voIs, ~.. Index to.ditto, 2 vols. "'. r~ ~epOJ1: to ditto, 2. vols~· . '1' A.84~O In,gelQ'S 'Bentivolio et Uranio. f- .. v.s '/ 'of 'f f:<-,'l.'T 385' "Johnfon's Works, -,e,i,'ii!' 5, "'If-v /"1'-<;1-- ,I/(S" \...... ' Q ~. .... /" . ,- .. - r ,,~ -,' QU AR TO,'_ . ' I'. Y 7 C. '969 Jories'slfreus, I 7 79' ' .,'- ~.. , I,;; 3000 Irilh Bards, -' /7H "''''''':''<1.) l~O ,1t' 3868 Jeffery's French Coafrjng Pi!qt,. \ ~'' 03369 Jacob on Wheel Carnages;,- -' " , '"3.89 Jefuit's PerfpeClive, , _ I "1">.. ,-' 47 Jackron's£.hro'riologicaLAntiquities, LVo!',' I'1{ ,.' r~ ~ - 690 Johnfon's DiCtionary, ~ vels. '/ 71~ '" 698 James on Gardening,' " ' , ';" ,,!l;637 Jolles's Phyfio16gi~ Difquifitions" . - ,. ) . .=- ~ :..... ~ ...,.' ," J _.!.:. \;~ ... :~' , " .. ,' - r ,.' '. OCT AVO, :-'

0169 Jenning~Jewifh Antiquities, 2 vols. '.' 1 ~ _ q JoI , II- W 47 1 ]aryis's Adventure.; in aVeyage'uptheRed Sea.) .- / ":---507 Journey to the Hebrides, (by ~TicoU,)I:/,I,'l .. , ~ /}... If:u.,81::L-MI3 Johnfon's (Samuel) Works" ... vQIs, I J 1.. 'CLIa. LA'K:, 1. , (;, 6'4 Imifon's School of Arts: .." ,,- OSI5{Inchbald's'Plays: 'c,,,,-,'·:, -,,, -, '_ C.l3874 ]enyns's Works, z vels. ~ . ~ . II G806 Ideal World, '(EfTays towards the Hi~ory of an)'',vols, , ' 08.1 Jones on the Trinity, -'".' rt -,', .. ' 1-O,~I~_851 Jonfon's (Ben)Works, 7vo1s. ,/'1?,-". ", , <::>9'9 Jackron's Account of the Gofpe\, . ~ :; , .. " "


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Ko. 097' Jeffenon" r:-'0tt, on Virginia. , (;~I .. :r - 97Z Jemlllgham S Poems. "\. ,,\0 ,. OJ 16;. Jofephus's Works, "4 vols.. _ , ~ ,,,65 Journals of Congrefs, 1774 to I78S, 13 vb!>, o IZ'4 Johofon" Hebrew Grammar. . -/ o r379 Ifocrate" (Greek and Latin.) , '.' "'N 1 ' '11'1,f1" -'454 Journey through Sw-eden.1 ? 6"1, P1 D (0(.£ ./ VI5I9 Johnfon's Canons, z vals. 0' 56] Jofephu," Works, 4 vols. 0,638 JoWon" Scripture Propheci.,., ,~vah.:' " ~ ~, 64] Independent Whig. G4676 Jofephu," Hillary of the Wars of the Jews, .biidged,. 0468, Jones" (William) LeCture, OIl the Holy Scriptures.':'" o - ~,8, J ~s's Differtations on the Hillary, Art" Sciences, !I'<;; of AGo, ~ vols. :' ,.

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DUODECI~o, '" '-. I f • '; ..' l! 6 ;8.6 Irilh Guardian, (a novel) s vols. , , ;, ..),8,S Julia Mandeville, (a novel.) . 0]9'9 Independent, (a novel.) , () ] 830 Interelling Memoirs, (a novel) ~ vou, , . 0]832 John of Gaunt, (a novel) , vol,. 0]S34 Julia de Roubigne, (a novel) ~ vols, O,83~ Julie,t Grenville, (a novel) 3 vols, ' co '03' Journey to Naples. • OZ04I Internal Policy. .' 0'101 Johofon', Table-Talk. Cz 102 lahoroD's Anecdotes. : , t UZI34]llnius'sLetters. ':". '. I .,j 0"43 Indoftan Letten. '. ~ I 0"70 Jewilh SPY"5 vols. ;ll< i~ .i' u.'" ,>S' "', \1 I~ 2038::. Idler, z vols.·~ N p,~: ~". . '474 Jeo)'n,', View of the InteTnal EYidence of the Chrt!:. 11 1// tian Religion. -533 Johofon', Poets, 56 vols. C "590 J ohofon', Prefaces, 4 voIs, •• H j Q'l z4i3 Jenyns on Evil. 6 ~?~I. Indiculus Univerf~.

. \

, , ( 5; ) No. 0 2 869 Jufiinian's InllitutCs, in Latin. E'..... ,.~"' .... 'S ... .e.."' G z8p Jamblichus's Myileries, (Frmch.) C"l30S6 Julia, (a novel.) °3058 Italian Nun, (a novel.) \ 03105 Innculation,"(by TiJfit.) 03 I 54 Indian Inquiry. ­ 6.3057 Julia de Gramont. 0'If! 5~urneesAmufantes,in French, (by Ma


" . '

...... \ . ., .. . , FOLIO. ," No. r ·ff 'f>.f'o; ~14 KENNETT's i:Iiilory of England, 3 voa. 170 b c,?633 King..Lames Ill's Works. \


',' '" 696 Kenrick's DiCtionary.- () 1410 Kirby's Taylor's P"fpeCtive, with pJ:!tes, z voa.

. t .'J : • ~ OCTAVO. , . Ci 309 Kalilh Re;olution, (by g",.." King of Kalikang.) . '11l " -339 Kennett's Antiquities of Rome. /7''/'/ :" ~I 'f - 474 KeyOer's Travels, 4 vo!s.,/ 71-0~../ . < () '\78 ~nox's Tour, ~ '~ 'c )

., , ."

No. ' '. r- a i23 King ofl'ru,ffia's Works, 1'3" vol~, '..~ '. o 834 Kirwan's :Mmeralogy. \ /. b." -9'3 Keil's Afironomy. Y 769 ~ 096+ Kent's Lucian, (Greek.) . , ...... 01218 Kirby's Reports. . o J45 8 Kaimes's Gentleman's Farmer. .1 ' .. . '': 0> 660 Key's Prattieal Bee Ivlaller. ' • () 3891 Keppel's Trial. '--_;C'",L. (, C 4~oS Knipes Leaures on the Education of.C~ildre~, &.c. 0' 4863""1{nox's Sermons. ;-'4· J., .\ .. ~: ~~~~ r!.~. ,:~~~~. .. , .: '- .. c: J" /' " , "

DUO DEC i lI! Q, ,

" o .0~6 Knights of Malta, 5 vols~ . ./','" 1~_2~60 Knox's Elfays, 2 vols., 17','; 028~1 Key to the New Tellament: G 289' King-CharlesIId's ReafonsforturningRoIl1an Catholic, 03138..¥ing's Works, 3 vols. ' ,.' 31~1 ;Z-c King Charles Ill's Works, 2 vols. I o 48• 6 Keate's Sketche' from Natui~.

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L .v:... f' .... :,·~:,:i. ,~; ..... !.. ... ::-"'O:,."l- .' '\ " ,£.. , ...:,; FOLIO:"'" ,,' ',~ ,." c, ' , ~o. , ';9 LYNDWOOD'sProvinciale Confrituti6n:,Angli"" . Va 2288 Le Bruyn's Travels, 2. vals: . . , 0335° Leibnitz's Law of Nations, (French and Latin'.) , .. 7.-t,,! ~1s. ~ I 38°9 Life of Sir LeolineJenkins, ·3 .. ,. , I ~78'..5S-·3818 L'Eflrange'sFables. 17&" / "'< I <3 38'9 Luther on the Gallatians., " :;' ;. I aI7zz Laws of the tate of New·Yo~k, z veils. \ .;.. 'j I ( 55 )

Q.U AR T·O.,.. ' "':! : . No. ; -a 50 Leland's Chrifrian Revelation, 2. vok G 106] London Chronicle, Ievals. , 01087 Lyttleton's WOlks. -" -. () 14°4 Lewis's Commerce of Arts. a 141 I Liturgy of Scotland. .: i , 1477 LiOe's Hufbandry, z vats. "-.:""" . 0 '733 Lloyd's Memoi...._ '. Ct. ' () 2965 ~ives of the Sai~ts, 4 \tots. / :"~- ~ {"~­ : - .• b_ '99'1 LU,dlow's M~mOl"'. /'1,11:(.': '~. 11< 0 3.84 Law of Nanons.· .- ...... -- 03367 Lufiad. _... _ • __ :, ;' , -. G'3659 Life ot L~r

." .' '. _ 0 C ~ A.,V O. , ; . r' 1. '. ' f 30 398 Laws, (Origin-of) ivols. '1~7i dC- •• ,.,(-r' 03.12 Louis XIV_ (Memoin ofthe Court ofFrance during the Reign of) • vols. G 4340 l,avofier's Elements of Chemifiry. , / .guj r:t:.. 4377 Life of Thomas Chatterton, (by Dr..Qr'got;1,) )7~1. , , 43i8 Lee's (General) TIfe.. . j) G' I 49 Leland's Hillnry ofIreland, 4 vnls. /11.6 -'59 Eeland's D.emofihenes, • v,nls. ( v:!I1~:,/ ' ~ 33t j,yttleton's (Lord) Henry II. 4 vol<. 42. 3 Life of Cardinal Pole, 2. vals. ~ 0608 Leland's Divine Authority. 06°9 LinnCEi .Genera Plantarum. ::, ¥~ 'i" G81 ~ ~ondon and its Environs, 6 vals. --....8.J' LettersonJ'oland.- (UND?) 17 3 '- J' 838 Laws oCO!!ebec. Co 8420 Le Clerc's DilTe!Ultioos. . '), ~,. 0 94' Lucretius de Rerum Natura, (Latin.) ~} I ...l..-- 966 Lives of the twelve firfi Roman Emperors. /73 Sli.J~-r"JI 1t.S ';J .:> 1013 London Difpenfatory. . _. vlOl5 Ladies Calling. . .. ' . . _, " L ~911c., _ 1°92 Langhorne's Plutarch, 6voIsi _ r-. 'jt:N'If..,~· I~ . -1t03 Life of Mr..J"urgot.) ?"1iiP·IIII;:~.;",-<-j: '..' (..err6d-,· IIO, Letters On Iceland. . 71 ? (' _ 1t07 Life of:Erafmus. / 133 ~ . , 1- I t08 Life of the Duke \Yharton(•.vob. ' ,, , •

" , ,

I ( S6 j Nb. I <61 I 10 Life of William of Wyckhariu q}= ,,~ ~- J I" Life of the Earl of Leicefier. I 7- ).,7 '- '",.. -'- II lZ Life of Pfalmana2ar. -116 S- .J ' ;97'11 p lI4 Lives of Illufirious PerlOns. '~'. Y'. II 15 Life of Cromwell. :' .• t .• ' I' q~~1'J~5'~"-- il" LifeoU10nk. /1,13"-"""11<4£'".- J7ovf.." - 6,"9 Letters on Mythology. , 1 G 720 Lavater's EtTays on Phyllo nomy.,J vals; •. ~ II90Lettres par de Luc. ,~f \ j.oo Lc tronograpfie. ,I , 011:01 Lavater's Sermons, on different fubje8:s, (Genriab~' <::;'120Z avater's Sermons on Holy Days, {German.) ... 0]'1.03 Le Gaffe, 2 vols. I' >:: 7." LI'1 '534 Louth de Sacra Poefi Hebra;orum,' (14tin,J., ' 4653 Louth of the facred Poetry of the Hebrews". vols. . -; f ~, '/ -'4683 1;.empriere" Tour to' Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, &c; / /j.3 0) 555 Le Dran's Qbfervations in Surgery.' , 0'557 Le Blanc. (Letters of) 0,678 Lux Orientalis.: ",)

.3 ..p 3 Literary Magazine, 6 vals: I <7 I 0 _ 6z9 Lambert's Obfcrvations on the Manners arid CufrqmSfIlI " """"":&c. of Alia, Africa, '.lId Anierica". vols. '7:>1, 3196 Letters from haly, z vals. . 1'2; : '. <.)3'" LifeofJohnfo'n, (bylfa7dilU.) ,"'!.'.:;.", ,I' '.. ~.:. r 3+.H London l\fagazine, 39 vols...... - :\ . D,3883 Lewis's Antiquitiesof the Hebrew Republic, 4 \,o1s, :. 4864 Leach's Treatife of Un\verfallnland Navigotion:' .. 04867 Lady's Mag:uine, vol.!. and II. ".. r ,', • _\'_ ~''''~'-''~:l:''''~ '. , , . , . ., J.. ~! ,- .- _'.~- .:--,::! ~.,":,.-1-:-':'"'-~; )

1J q 0 D E CTM 0:," i , c

:037 Louis XV. (Age of) • vol,.', , .•J " : .lltf.R.~ .039 Louis XIV. (Age of) .. vols, ' :, ,t.-I"' _. ---4°'7 Louis XIV (I-Mory of) in Fren'cb,' u..l:9!s. /.7)1: / 47Z3 Letters of a Governefs to her Pupils, 3 yoIs. , ~ ~ . _ 4753 Langle'. (Marquis d~j Piclurefque Defcripiion of Switz~rland. I ., I /1' 4757 Loiterer, (a periodical work.)' .

)' ( S7 ) No. ' .) 4758 Linn's (Dr. William) Sermons, Hiflorical and eM. raCteril1ical. . ~ 4777 Landed and Commercial Policy of England, (Remarks all the Hiflory of) 'z·yol;. , e.;:-~S'6'" 48!1 Life (the) of Jane de St. Remy de Valois, heretofore L-. Countefs de Ja Mone".z vols. :.., /71t1 .. ~ • . 1843 Lady Woodford, (Me",o!rs of) a novel. ,.,,-;. 1844 Life ofGene.ral Putnam. ,., r " ,}j"j.":' ';J .3" --./1845 Lady's Encyclop",dia."ivals· .l'1'\~ ." ';,:"~ 1848 LoveLetters betweena~obleman andhl~'Slfier, 2.¥Olsl 1850 Lydia, or Filial Piety, '(a novd) z vals., ..,,: \" 185z Lady LuxborQugh'sl.en~..._·:: _- ~: ·o,';,U-: ;. , 1853 Love and Madnef" (a·novel.) ." <-,r.:.f,',' ,., ' 1935 Louif,,; or the Siflers, (a novel) ~ vo~ " ..... ~ ": .04Z Louis XV. ,(private Life of) 4 vols..· .".( 0.084 Locke's Efl'ays on the Human Underflanding,'abridged. ~J18 Lyttleton's Hiftory of England, ~ 'I'ols. ,', . , CJ! z 349 Lexiphanes... o't'.' . ;, : . ~ .. "2389 Lounger, ~vols~,::,,::;. _: w:.",,:_'. ~T 2-449 Lanfdowne's WorkS, ~ vo1s. . z... - z 598 Langhorne's Poetical Works, 2. vals: f... 668 La Payfanne Parvenue, 4- vals. - .... ~ . Al.. ' 689 Lettres de Qanganelli, 4 vols. (>l.6" t: to! .. - /7 17- , °7695 Lesj.iaifons Dangereufes, ~ rots.' .f It ~ II ~ '/:'1 - z694 Lettres Perfannes.j l,,~ •.#. 0 II" 1 I - f~ - z697 Line Inconnue, 4 vol;. -; 6-#?/ V. t! /.. - (iV; )'78'3.' er- O~70Z Le,fhilofophe Moderne..'· ', '. -;. • { z705 Lavater's Works, tGermanJ ~ vol,. 2;;,. .~: z L$ 2817 Livy, (Latin) 4- vou. ~. '.;' ~ ,~ ~, "'2485 I.emeryon F00..cis ' __ '-:" ,-..'.:-_ ~ i"• • 863 Lettre, D:9fman, (french.),; . j - "1' 0.875 Luciani Dialog;. ..', . - .. vz890 London DireCtory. .; ~.~- ., -' (- -.'; 2906 Latlantii Ope:m... ::-.. -~...... :~I.~· .~ 3°59 Love in a <;:ottage, !,a novel) z vok .' ; .. J '6' I~ 30 61 Louifa, orthe Cottage on the Moor.· "'. t'i:/iy . 309' Lambert's (M:\rchionefs de) Wor~, i vo!'. ' : . ')3894 Luther's Sennons. . ''.. ' '. ~ . ".)3922 Life of Edw'in, the Comedian, ~ l'ols\ .) 3994 Letters of King Charle. t 3995 Letters of King Ja,mes I.. ., r.~,1 ; I /, 029 Le Noble', Works, (French) '9 vol!. ,-/ ,:' {,O _4°96 LOgJque ou V Art de Penfer. / "l J - " (;418 5 Letters of Ninon de VEndos, (French)'. volt, -. 2-34~ Life of Dr.' Taylor, "2 vols. , - J{

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,. .. "1\1: .::":. .. r .''''~ ..... r . ~, ~ ...... ~ .' .':" . F 0 L 10.. "J ...... • " ~ . :.""J !\~o. ,

;8 I 7 MATHER', (Cotton) Magnalia ChrimAmericana, or Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of New-England.. ' ( () ]z Marini Thefaurus Lingure Sancbe.- _' . ·f : 684 Motherby's Medical Di8:ionary.· ". '.~ ,j' , 'I v'>- I _688 Maitland's Hiftory of London, IJ'::Ji J ,.', VO 1°59 Miller's Gardener's Difrioriary'.. - v;' ... ' " .. OJ 395 M!!ebranche's Search after Truth, '. .~ -; I-- ,. '. q- 4" - liOO Mariana's Hiftory of Spain. G'l'l (-T'>-A- ~ I c>E;;) po 1701 Miller's Syftem of Geography. J..,..:. '.. .. '. 62'90 Motraye's (Abbe) Travels through Europe, AUa ami Africa, 3 vals. . ": ': .- '. ._..~ ~ ;:-'.;: . '2"" 2299 Moll's Geography. '.'. •. .'" • 2. '., °36'9 Matthiolus fur Diofcorid<, (French.) .... j . ~847 Moore's Theological Works. , , " , . , f

r, • ~.J '. • ., :' . . . /-!. .;\." '.,~. ( , .. ,QU·ARTCl., ~'< -.:' <: ../. ,'; .....l , . . 374 Medals .. (Catalogue of) ,"" , 13 Cl 39 ,M'Knight's f1armony of ,the Gofpels,. .• (J4-0 M1{night's Gafpe! Hinory,. .- < \ 11,.1 _ 52 Machiavel's \Vorks, z vols. /.:7 b).. i05 l\Iemoirs of the American Academy of Arts a.nd Sci.. eoces. . ": . :

( 0'1 J8 Mante's 'Var in America.. ._ . " 916 Moll's Maps of the Geography of the Ancients, . 3014 Mead's Medical Works.. :' ~. 3:!90 1\1'AUifier's Letters, z vols. t- ... . '(J330S Middleton's Free'Inquiry into the Miraculous POwer1. which are fuppofed to have fubfifted in the Chriftian Church. .. 'B'ah -334-3 Milton's.Works, i "qls::-. ,.'. .' .. -3368 i\Iarfllall's Agriculture. .' " 7-' ,3863 Mulrchenbrcrck's Introdu8:ion to Natural Philofophy, (Latin) 2 v?ls, • .1'.- ,..! 7s'J

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., -' ,., 0 ....-. OC 1'A vo. .1 No.. . ,r... " o 790 Mably (Abbe. de) on <;be Confiitution of America.' , 430 1 Marcus FlammlUs, or aView of the :r.mitan' Political and Social Life of the Romans, ~ \,o1s. -, J .1'( 1P--43 I s Mari,i's Travels thropgh Cyprus, Syria and Nefti". /71 ... ".I 2 vols. .. . 43.6 Meare's (John) Voyagesin-i i88 and 1789, from Chin~ to the North~Wefi Corner of America, 2. "vols. . 4335 M'Donald's Travels in'Europe, Afia and Africa. . ~ 'r-; •'i?' I -4369 ~u'sHiflory of the Court of Berlin, • vols. \"\ •,I '{JJT' __ 437 1 Mirabeau (Speeches' pf))n, the National Alfembly of 'J France. - ,,'p.. '.". ,'. J I ~b UI4407 Monboddo on th~ origin arid piogreCs of Langu'agc, ·r~i ~ 6 vals. . h· ... -''J,. .... , I 004457 ~'s Greek Grammaf.j· .,,;-:: . <., , I 44-1)2 l\lartin's Virgil's Georgick~ ... -, _ . .' o 4660 Marlhall's Rural Economy'of Glocefrerfuire, '. vols. 0466. MarfiJall's Rural Economy of York/hire, 2 vols..". '" 4664 MarlhaJl's Rural Ecomomy of Norfolk, 2 vols. 04666 Marlhal1's Rural Economy of the Midland Countries. r 2 vols. " .• ' '. / .v'" J 04689 'MorCe's American UniverJill Geography, ~ vols. • 'i''I'{,b r. 3'79 Mackintofil's Vindici::e Gallic""-/7'1/ . .. .,1,1 7~beauts 14;' _ Inquiry concerning Lettres de Cachet, -y--'J..". I I ~ I l\:tary Qgeen of Scots, (Vindication of) 3 yols. ~ \ .~~ '1, t.. _ 1 '9 M'PherCon's Hifiol}' o( Great·Briuin, 4 vols. ~., 1J • 11~7 134 Mi,ford's Hiftory o~ Gr~e.• 1 B Macauley's H;iflory ofEngland, 4 voLs. _Jo:l--i:lI':!,fi!!!"ot's (Abbe) Elemen\> of Gere,..,.J Hilla!)', 5 yols, o 176 l\1irabeau's Cil)cinnatus. . ,._.. 208 Modern Europe, (Hiflory of) 4 vo)s. . .J # --Z 12 l\.1o!heirn's EccleliafiicalJIifiory, 6 vols. / '} .8-V "47 Martin's DeCcrip,ion ofthe Wefl·India Ifiands. d 2.48 :Montague's Reflections on the Rift: and Fall of the ancient Republiq. _ _ "J - 428 :Montfaucon's Travels from Paris through Italy. 17/J...lI 479 !\fatthew's Voyage to the River Sierra. Leona, on tbe Coafl'of Africa. 538" Martin's Natural Hifiory of Englaq.d,~ z vcls. / 1 ?, ~ 540 Millar on the .oifrintlion of R,anks in S~ciet.r, / :7'7 .{V 3678 Monthly Revle\\" 81 vols. ~ , C 776 MorJe's Works, 2 vols. c:;j781 Moravian TraB:s, 2. vols.• a ~to !'4ac':!uri!1's AI&tbt;\. '.

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N~. " ! 1 r'7" 2885 Machia~el', (Nich'olas) Prince:' I '{q - 04727 Moral Tales, (New) Dy J,{mnumtd, 3 vols• .' _.. _. 4752 Madeira, (Voyages to) and LW\'ard Caribbee IJIaiid,;' 4767 Maf~n's (Pree) Packet Companion. _: ./'. . 4794 MaXlms, (by the Duke d_ la .&the- F,uuudt.) .. _• 4797 Monroels Anotomv.; ''''::t.'' I' I '.' ~ • , , "C I ~ ... - • • '0 ]854 Man of Feeling...... ••" ..~" : 1855 Matilda, or the Efforts of Vir;ue, .(a nqvel) 3 vols... ]858 Modern Times, (anoveL) ..•-. • •.. ('J ]859 Marmontel's Tales, 3 vols. 1862 1aGirnonial Preceptor. ,'1 ~ ]865 !I!armont.eI'sIncas of Peru,. 2 vols. -;-/. 2245 Mun-ay's Sacred.Hillary,. ~ M.ols._ - .~~' .. ~ _ "I'" C) 2247 Muws Sermons.·' "!o'l' .~ ...... < (p-.. 2321 MOllteCquie.u's Rome. ~r. :. .~f. ....• . - l ; :;..; l-" 2351 Memoirs.of the Coimtefs'de l~otte.,~.rr? .. 2;,. :q.63 l\1ufe in Good Humour, 2. vols.. '-- ..-.....-.. _.~ 2472 Madaine to Jenyns•. ·..• , ,h.. 1\'1'1\ d .68r Moliere's Works, (pench) 8 vol,;" :.re:.' '}.J". -269'3 Memoires de J•.!funnett, (French.)' t c7l?h... ·J 2i89 Montefquieu's Works, (French) 6 vols. / 282 I Metallafio, (Italian.) 1# "'. / 7if. V 283 I Mattaire's Sophocles, (Greek and Latin.) , Q 2833 Moliere's Plays, (French and !'-Pglifh.) , 2877 1\1aximi Tyrii Differtationes. - 2. 88 3 Milton's Letters. ,- 1 7- i;...- 2.899 Marcus Tulii Ciceroni.. .- .': '. '. ... 306z :Man of Honour, (a novel) 3_vots.. I f· .... :.. 3065 Man of(~!!ality, (a.novel) 2 vilis.• ,067 Myrtle, or the Effects ofLove, (a novet) '. .. 3982 Mead on Poifons. # 3994 Memoirs of an Oxford Scholar. .. "', t·

. , , : ( 6. ) No. ~ o 4006 Memoirs of MiCs Sid~ey Biddulph, 3 voh, 401 I l\'I::mners of the French. <:)4048 .1\1emoires de Scep~uxJ 5 vals.· . '.' . (- ~4tI4 l\faffillQn's (M~). Sermons, in French, J3 vols, _._. 4/37 Memoirs of Cardinal de..Retz, (French) 6 vols; 4199 Military Code of Louis XIV. (French.), . Z ., 4 197 Memoires de M. L. C. D. R. ' .. ',,,,'''' , , ,.j ';';>-4188 Memoires de la Regeoce, 5 vols. f!If? "J!lJh 4206 ~1emoires de M. au la Payran Paivenl;l. . "-~~' ") Ci"-'" ~48'1 Mirabeau's Gallery of Portraj~.; ....,~ .\., 'I. Q". ",,,.., 0 483' Memoirs of Sirloger de Clar'endon;'3 YQI,;: ;-: ... -., . \; 61 :~:';':'~ l'L··-; $.::; I .,.... .', ... ":: .". . , .. .' , ~ , , -' • ~ <•...:: " .. " ! ",," .c;:::. ~ - ..-- . ..~.... I·

'.',~ " ~ • .L • ~:I::: '==;;;,., " .".!. ., .... ~.,;...... N' "::'1 ..,; .. ~ .r '\ :." (.• " .~'- .. .. ;'~ ...... ~...... ::..- F O. L I d.·.. 0.·... . ";,, .. ''''0' No. _ . ~: ....1, ;~:"...I'" .~ ",11·...:. ".: N OV~il1Tellament:;" Polyglo'~~n:' .. ' t~~ ~ 1058 Naval Hillory. e." IT,,,., M.a.~ ,0;},;;- :.'.I:'r,,\~\ -...>3'95 Newton', Praaical Mathematics, (Laim:) ' .. <.. - 3306 Negro Plot, or New-York Confpiracy... • :_ 33I5 New-York DaiiyGazette, 1788, 1789:' > t ~(',. :- C> 38r 5 Nelfon's ColleCtion of the Affairs of State, z vols.- 03819 Nelfon', Hillory of the erufades; '. -,

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" Q.U AR TO, - l:. .-!, ~.' (;) 1079 Newton's Philofophy...... ~ <:> 1390 Newt?ni Philofophia, (Latin.)' , .. , V] 748 New!on's Chranology. . " J' •• .... 6 ~855 Naval Jnfiruaions. , ... , '


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OCT A VO. No. 173 Nugent's Italy, z vals; _. 156 Nugent's France, 2. vals. ;z- v,29 North's (Lord) Aaminiftration. 508 North-Well PaJrage, (by Cap>_ F. Smit4) 2 vol.. 0548 Newton's Opticks. " °764 Newton's Milton's Paradife Loft, 4 vols. o779 Newton on the Pr6phceies, 2 vols. '-- 8S7 lIoble's PerfpeClive. ,., '1 I / ' 2- 905 Nicholfon's Philofophy, 2vols. . • 913 Noetica, or Firll Principles of Knowledge. 951 New Teftament, in Greek. '2.-- ,J - 1020 Nicoll's Hifiory of Precious Stones. 1113 Nadir Shah. (Hilloryof) --: ]254 Naval Trade, 2. vaIs. • 1364- Novatiani Ope," Jackfoni, (Latin,) 1443 Noble's Memoirs of Cromwell, z vols. ,,603 Neve on Philip's Life of Cardinal Pole. ~ 0]640 Nicholfon's Conference, z.vOls. 0" 3206 Northern Antiquities, z vo~. .J / 322 9 Necker on the Finances of France, 3 vols. \ 16 '1 J 3663 New·York Magazine, , vols. - _ 4274 Necker's EfTays on the true Principles of Execuih"e )y Power, z vals. ~ -- 4276 Necker's HifioriCal ReView of the Admininntion.1""" ( 4294 Naval ACtions (a ilion Account of) Jall War. - 433' Niebuhr', Tnvels through Arabia, 2 vols. I ?


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2095' Nobility, (AnalyG;-ofi .' , 4764 Ninon de ~nclos, (l\femoirs of) ~ vats...· 1749 Numa Pompilius, (Adventures of) 2 vpls. G'867 Negro equalled'by few Europeans, (.novel), vol,. 1870 Night,Cap, 2 vols. ,, . - ~ 1873 New Bath Guide. ,- ___ 'f"~1 •

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'. ( 64 ) r 1\. "ian .Philofophy explained, for the ure~f the ~Cl;~~, 2 vcls. ." .. (7::CJBj "\' 'JreDifplayed, 7vols, .' ~ ." ;",[ O!l:! J 5 - _;~on's E1fays.. -.-.. f'- z~6~eckeron the Importance of Religious OpiniOIU<.; 2·L..306S X orman Tales. .{: J. :.. .. j ~ ~ (j J:z56~ourfe'sHuCbandry. ... .,:, 1 " tl •• ~ ~··t , ~. ", 1'-...... • if "J'] :..; 1 :.J ~I':'·', .• ( ,-= • '", r .. , ," '-J T." l( \. I "

'r ....- -p" ,~• ...,...... :',' ". ."' ·d. ~ ..... :;. '. , , - ; ": ,L"f' ~ ,,' to:: .:JJ .-<-~. ~"."~ '.::~: I f'~ j. / ••• . , -:.' . ; "'-':-1 .FOL-lO. .,._ :v.. :.- ! UTEN's E' ffi'a~,' ' .. ,., ..' O V\ J~ ••.• ~:;:.,;·.I ..... C';' i. - _' . t \4.' ", ... ,,' ...... , f; / J ,L~.·: c-c.:.~ ..:;:.::..; .... -= . -. v (t" i: .. J J f:'1 ",.' .~ .. (':." .... '. ~. ". QUARTO~:.·,,7 ( '.-;'.', '.

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" O,C,TAVO., 7c/-IIJ tftl.. j 'f I i 54 Obferyations on Denmark, Rufiia and Switzerland. I 7f! ., j' '77 Ottoman Empire. (Prefent State of) • ,80 O'Connor's Hillory of Ireland, 1175' &71 Lv 'f',! q ~';Gj98 Origin of Laws, 3 'Yols,C-Qf-"~ r - ." ( CI / 1.,481 Ofbeck's Voyage, ~l,. It)'?] {-rl (///1'/ ~ 599 Ollervald's Arguments of the Book. of the Old and New T eftament. I ~ ...... • 610 Old whig, • voIs,' :, ., \ 6u Ormond's (Duke) Papers,'~ vo1s;·:~··· .... l.-lV 756 Orrery on S~·ift. .. _~ .' ;,' ~ ,'" -0 ii5 Oldham's Works, /1°3 ... ," - i< SOl Ofiian's Poems, :1 vol. ,'-_.:.1 J l ,

.J , , , No. 959 Ovidii Falli et Trifti., (Latin.) ( .;; ') 16'1 -960 Ovid's Metamorphofis, (Latin.) ,1' It '-- I V c: l ~ 1205 Oeuvres de Jioileau,. (French) 4- vals. , )129.4 Orrery's Pliny, 2- vals. "353 Opufcula MJ"thologica, (Latin.) . ,.... 1643 Qnania, pr the Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution. f( 3'57 Orlando Furiofo, '1-"ols.-1:. t'tI_ 1?tJ'1- - --'4098 Oeuvres de..Belloy, 6 vols. /1 " , Ii - 4104 Oeuvres de M. L'Abbe Raynal, 4 vol" /7t ~ , 4866 Ogilvie's-Theology of PlaID.


\ ',." .

DUqDEC IMO. .- 4755 Original Letter, (Fragments of) of Madam Charlotte Elizabeth of Bavaria, Dutchefs of Orleans) z vals. r:~{ 1'4r'" "l _ 4779 fficonomy of Human Life.' 4805 Pld (the) Manor Houfe, (. novel) 4 vols, . '751 Old Maids, (Hayley'...Elfayon) 3 vols•. ) 21I7 Orrery's Lette", '1J 177 (..- , ,,2265 ackley's Hillory of the Jew,. ~ '7 \ (j zz70 Obfervat~ons on the Claitks. 2400 Obferver, 3 vols. '- '-"-241 I Ogilvie"s Poems, '2 vals.' ,'- . /' <; >- 0 2518 alway's Works, 3 vols. 17S'7 '_ " .0288 I Oeuvres de Scarron, 2. voa. / ,- 2894 Ovid's Art of L.ove. _ -..", ~ '" P -4053 Oeuvres de Fontenelle, 10 voIs. . j- . {'IG '}. f ~40 7+ Oeuvre' de Malherbe, 2.!S'Is, j 7' ").. ( iii'l <" ' 'ID.'t , -. ; ...... 7'1' r/'-It~ . 'i' j ,, '- " "

, -

1 ( 66 ) ( , P

FOLIO. "Ko. _ ,. . 3+7 POLUS's Synoplis Criticu~, 5 volS, <:) 1°56 pomethwayt's Diaionary, 2. yals. o 1063 Parker's Antiquities of Britain, (Latin.y 4229 Platonis Opera Omnia, (Latin) z vols. Z-f>4'4' Purchas's Pilgri"",ge, 5 vols.· '939 .Eaixde Vervins, (French) 6 vols. ----:-r 2.945 Palladia's Architecture. ... -) 33'3 Pryce's Mineralogia• ...Sf 33 60 Purchas's Pilgrims. 2. ""...r:,., '-s363 Pennfylvania Chronicle, • yo!!.

o 3806 Philonis Jud"'i Operal 0 '- I 3830 Plutarch'sLives. - ffi,,~ (b.9 3 -I? o P f

4.6. Phiilip's Iniand Navigation...... ',. \ o 46 Parkhurfr's Hebrew Lexicon. 89;4 Pomponius Mela Vofiii, (Latin.1 , , ' 2;"4-' 1087 Potter's Tragedies of .iE.fcnylus. ' ,.64 Philofophical Tri"fallion" 14 yols. 2"' L '401 Pharfalia Burmani, (Latin.) . " 'r "989 Portlock and Dixon's VOl'age round the World. 0" 2990 Parkinfon's Mechanics. -j, , 02996 Lolwhele's Britilli Orator. C:> 3300 Practice of PerfpelJ:ive. . 033° I Price on ArchiteCture ~ . . ~ ---" 330' Palludiiae''Vita Chryfofiomi.' f~A""'<'\'


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? 4 I- PI17>:>-.< - ~~.: , ~ .. 'I_~ '. ,U( ,6" ,J.1'c .' _. d-··,"-:', ...... ','j I } r " , , . l

: e' DUO DEC 1MO. " o 4iJO Popular Tales of the Germans. , ( 4i84 Plefcheef's (Capt.) Survey ofthe Ruffian Empire. I; 7''11.--' 4 i85 Prellon on Mafonry. - , 4iSi Pindar's Works; Z Y015. - i i 54 Power of Sympathy, (a novel) z vols. •. I, ~ i 55 Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, (a novel) 4 vats: Z. - ~ 1 i60 Peregrine Pickle, 4 vals. ... :.. 1 i6J Placid Man, (a novel) z vols. li65 Peggy and Pl"Yl (a novel.) 'i66 Paren",1 Sohcituil.,. (a novel.) C 1 i68 Pupil of Pleafure, z vols. , l8i' Paul and Mary, an Indian llory: o 199c; Platonic Guardian, (3 no\·eI.) . :zop. Plato's'Vorks, 2. vals. (,\ :20i4 Parliamentary Characters of Great-Britaip: O~o83 Philemon to Hydafpes. ' :;'110 Percival's DilTertations. oj ~ _ Z J 46 Prieftley on Education. n t j, )7#' 0:225+ Pitt's Virgil, 4-vols. f' QJ 2268 Painter's Academv. '. C ::z67 Principles of Geometry. .', . , , , '0 '! ~4~ Pitfcottie's Hillory of Scotlan~, , ,~ I

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.' ..

- I R r OLIO.

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. , " , " .' . . . f (. i' )

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" 73 )

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", , ,

' ..

~~...... ~ " -, ) ... • <. H )

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," f

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1 \ ~' ".. ( J6 ) 1'\0. .:-;- t} I~6:. S:lI"i211iOpera, (Latin.)'..... '~..:iG\.·,:.i:"::: ~_~ I ~jS Selden de diis Syris, (Latin.) :: :J :-., ::J:-:;c, "_~ OI +99 Saurin's Sermons, 5 vols. • :> ~ ~.l • 1- : r'l~ a 1525 South's Sermons, 4 vols, ..:.:-: d ~\1;:-'':;:~ -: t •/ 15-+9 Spirit of Laws)~ 2. vols.-":· • ..·.. ,11df:lli .'1? 0:. J.!Io 41 '1" .... ----- J 565 "Swinburne's Travels in [he two Sicilies,:"vols. (.1- 7 1''''2. ,/ ...... J 536 Sim' 's l\lilirary Guide, z vols.....'( 'i;· .1' ••(.~ ':l.) 0] 599 Stanhope's Dictionary': (.;1.. #::. •. 1 :-':; ':r~ ;', ~ \ 613 Stanhope's Paraphrafes-upon the Epiffies"nd Gofpejs,. 4 vcls...... : :. . __ .;nF"'J ~)~ (. .:. ]6,1 Shuckford's Conneaion of Sacreo ·atid.Prbfune·Hif- tory, 3 vols. . .-:1'" - ~ . I.:.•·. ;:.'J';' '.: t ~.\ 16'4 Stevenfon's. Conference-upon -th~:·MiraCies

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.' - j


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~ .~ . "'...... ,.... '.


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{ )

'. ../ , "' ( 90 )

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. - , .

.. -" 9' } , / Samuel Corp, Amaf,a Dingley, Frederick Cockh", Frederick De Pevfrer, --­ Tohn T Champlin, \ViJliam Detbroiles, Freeman Clarkfoli., ,Jaco~ Daty, David Codwife, . Arnold Henry Dohrman, Georg.:: Warren Chapman, \Villiam Denning, ; Catharine Cox,. ·D.aniel Dunfcomb, jun. ), Nicholas Cooke, Thomas Delves, Henry Cruger, jun: John T Durvee, Charles· L. Camman,. Richard Duryee;'. Daniel Cromwell, .Peter Dufian, Columbia Collge, (fen. clafs) Benjamin D. Doughty, James Cornwall, John De la Mater, • Solomon 1\'1. Cohen, Jofeph Davenport, , ) John C. Crygier, Cornelius Decker, 'f' James Confiable, ~ John Ab. De Normandie, John Cruger, Abraham I. Duryee, J\largaret CunninghaqJ., Peter Deall. ·Ephraim Cock, , . .~ Stephen Cock, E - James B. Clarke, William Edgar, • Henry Carmer, ~ Effingham Embree, Andrew Cock, . Charles .Tohn Evans's_ Eftate, Samuel Campbell, Thomas Eliifon, jun: James Cafey, '. , .rohn Ellis" :'" George Cock, .. ' Nicholas Evertfo;t, James Cooper. ., Philip Ebert, Thomas Eddy, D Peter E1t.ing,· .James Duane, Robert Elder, .Tohn Delafield, -John Evers,' Cornelies Davis, John Elting, Samuel Dunfcornh, Rowland Ellis, Philip De Pevfier, Nathaniel Embree, Richard Davis,­ Jo!\lua Edwards. Samuel De la Plaine, \Villiam Dunlap,' F, " James "Davidfon, Sampfon Fleming's East'l ame~ Fren~u, J De Haert,. PhiJip - , George Douglafs, jun. John Froil, . . John De. Wint, Michael Fullam, - Alexander Dunlap, John Forbes, " -Gerard De Peyfier, Nicholas Fifh, ­ Thomas Durie, James Farquhar, . I, ( Thomas p,effiilt, Theodo~us Fowl~f, .. .\ .: /'

• ( , , , '. 9' )

~~r~? FrankJi.n, .Jo(eph Griffith" .... J:ina Franklin, John Goodeve, ~ .crre Edw::l.rd Fleming,' Aquila Giles, Jacobus Fine, Horatio Gates, .' Peter Fenton, ]oh~n Greenwood, Gabriel Furrn'¥l' I Tohn FeTTers, H ,. Philip FiflJer, John Slofs Hobart, I \Villiam G. Forbes, Richard HarifoD, Sarah Fowler, Jofiah Ogden Hoffman, John C. Frceke, Robert Hunter, I Elijah Ferris, Jacob W Hallett, . Abraham Franklin, Alexander Hofack, . I , John Franklin, juq, John Hone, \Villiam Henderfon, .~ G' , \ James M. Hughes, Tohn G. Glover, Abraham Herring, .' e HamiltoD~ Ifaac M. Gomez; f. Alex2,nder Hugh Gaine; ._ ,- {~, Jo(eph HaUm, Edward Goold, W.illiarn Hill, .,.f Edward Grefwold, l\Jqrtin Hoffman, I : Charles D. Goold, Abijah Hammond, -' 10hn Graham, Henry Haydock, jun: John Graham; jun. Walter W, Heyer, _ ,_ Robert Gilchrifl, Uriah HendricKs,;, .; .. Nicholas GOl.1Verneur, Thomas Hamerfiey, { David Gardiner, Mary Hazard, David, Ge]iloq, Bernard Hart, J(abella Graham, Ephraim Hart, 'Villiam Greene, BezaIeel Howe, . .f l[;l;lC Gouverneur, jun. Al(op Hunt, Jofeph Gouverneur, Nathaniel HawkClwrft, John I. Gb:n~er, William HamenIey, Thomas vardener, Patrick Hquftoun, \\'il1iam W. Gilbert, Robert Heaton, Elizabeth Gilchriil, Elias Hij:ks,......

. -

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-, ( 9~ ~ Cathari}le HiU, . David'S. Jones, John Hodgkinfon, Seth Johnnon; . Lewis Hallam, ; Jacob I. Janeway, l\1ontgomer}' Hunt, James Jay, Frederick N. Hurl[on, John Jones, John Henry, ]er-omus Johnfon, S.amuel Herbert, Peter Au~nus Jay, Afher Hart, Thomas ivers, , Peter Hagerman, Nancy Iv.ers, ., .... Ifrael Haviland, Maria Jay, \Valter Hunt, Ann Jay, t Jerertliah Hallett, Elizabeth Judah, George Hunter, David Jones, '. Elbert Herring, , William Hicks, Tredwell Jackfon, Harry Hunt, - Thomas J on~.. Thomas !!ic~s, Michae~ D. Henry, *!K John Hoope, jun. " ]ofeph Hopkins, William B. Keefe, . Rich:ud S. Hallett,! Peter Kete"ttas's Efiate, Caleb Haviland, . John Kel11p, Tiddeman Hull, Adrian Kiffarn, \ Willi,m Halliday, William Kenyon, .. Jonathan Hob[o~, rraac L. Kip, ) John Henry. • Burnet R. Kingfland; Leonard Kip, Jun. .. ,. •I & J Henry H. Kip, ... Helena M:ugaret Kip, Jomes Inglis, ._ l'faac A. Kip, John Jay, , Samuel Jonei, Peter Kemble, Robert Charles Johl1fon,­ Henry Kunze, \Villiam Samuel Johl1fon, John KingOand, Walter Jonas Judah, Edmund Kirby,. Benj:J.rnin .~_ Judah, Jobn Knox, John lrelalljl,7~" George Knox, John Johnfon, . .Tam~s Kent, .. Jeremiah Tohnfon, Thomas Knox, William Irving, jun. Jacob Kline, John Johnnon, ­ Jofeph King, Hezekiah 1vers, Benjamin Kiffam, Bernard Judah, Garret KeteltasJ-I John B. Johnfon, Samuel King. p:lmuel Jo~es,. jun.~

, .


. , \ , L' Aarqn Levy, Ro: .~ R. Livingfion, Eliza B. Livingfion, "·ill.am Livingfion's Efiate, Elizabeth Livingfion, . John H. Livingfron, Margaret Maria Livingfton. John R. Livingfion, .­ John Le Conte, Edward Livingfron, MJria Livingfton, - . Brockholfi Liyingl1on, Philip Livingflon of Green. \Villiam S. Livingfion, burgh, ., \ Peter R. Livingfton, William Luce's Enate~ -; Catharine Liv:ingfton, Lebbeus Loomis, Nicholas Low, Lemon L. Lawrence's Ef'h\tc. Dominick Lynch... Auguftus H. Lawrence, '-' George Lewis, ..--: Edward Lyde, Robert Lenox, Arthur Laughaine, _. ~ I Henry Ludlow, Robert C. Livingflon,' Abraham Lucile,,", '~'illiam Lawrence,' _. John Lamb, ~ Anthony Lamb,-t­ John G. Leake{?' William Laight, Jun, , \Villiam Linn, John C. Ludlow, • William Laightl";\-> Cary I:,udlow,. Daniel Ludlow, Vlilli

, . • "

, ( 95 ) Da~iel lVI'Cormick, , David Mofes\ . Benjamin Moon;, Mofes L. Mofes, '. James l\'1'Evers, Robert Murray, John Me"}'er, Jbhn Mow"t, jun. Philip Mark, Jacob Mott, Q;!intin Miller, Edward Marrener, Charles l\1'Evers, Jun. ] ahn !\lerfereau, I Henry lVIafierton, Archibald l\l'Cullum, • Eleazar Miller's Efiate, Lewis Moore, Andrew!vliller, Donald 1l1'Leod, Robert Mott, John R. Murray, . . John M'Q;!een, Gulian M'Evers,. ., Samllel L. Mitchill, i John Moore. Peter R. Maverick, ) \ ... ; Gilbert Milligan, N. '.- John 1l1'Intolh, Samuel Nicoll, John P. Mumford, Jo.hn L. Norton, \Villiam Maxwell, jun.- Arthur Noble, David Mumford, Robert B. Norton, John Murray, jlln. James W Nicholfon, Willi~m Moore, Anthony Norroway; Alex3I}der Mowatt, John Nitchie,1 George Miller, Matthias Nack, J ofeph Mallenbrey, William Neil(on, jjlq. James Manning, Thomas Nixon. John Moore, Jeremiah Marfllall,. Q Lot Merkel, Lewis Ogden, J\>hn Miller, John Oothoudt, George Miles, John Onderdonck, John O'Connor, Mary Motley Miller, , Andrew lVlitchell, Peter, Ogilvie, ' Peter l\1'Kie,. ·Marinus Oudenaard? Henry Oudenaarde, Perer M'Dougall, ' , John Min~ Abraham Ogden, Robert M' fenno~y, Ifaac'G. Ogden. 1I:1anuel Myers, Alexander I\1'Donald, .P Peter 'MeGer, Jahn Pintard, jun. '. Ann 1\1'Adam, John M. Pintard, David 1\Iortis, Daniel Phanix, Neall\1'Intire, Elijah Pell, John Motley, ,George Pollock, ..Robert 1\'1unro Thomas Pearfall, 4 Samuel Y1arc~ John P. Pear(s,

;\ II \, .. ; I I \-< --J . ,

; .. - \ I

If ParfQIJs, tt . ; \ -.t Pafl; Jacob Reed, jun. Jc Pell, jun. James Renwick, Am' ',erce, Alexander Robettfon, .Tamt: Parker, jun. JaIm Fcederick Roorbach, Sidntv Phcenix, James Rivington, Alexander Phcrnix, John R. B. Rodgers, Jofeph Pierfon, Robert R. Randall, \ John B. Provooil, Ezekiel Robins', T Valentine H. Peters, Cornelius Ray, . . Elizabeth P~rker, Mofes Rogers, William Proctor, James Roofevelt, '.1 William Prince, jun. \\Tilliam Rhinelander, ':" Daniel Penfield, Vvilliarn Rhineland"er, jurt. , Carline Pollock, Henry Remfen's Eflate, Jeremiah Platt, . 'Valter ~utherfurd, George.Pigot, William Rhodes! \ViIliam Paulding:, jun. Nicholas 1. RoofeveIt, Thomas C. Pearfall, James Robinfon, James Philips, Cornelius C. Roofevelt, , Abraham Prall, Cornelius Roofevelt, Jahn Parkinfon, Jacob Rickets, N:l.th::miel PearfaU. BenjalTlin Romairie,~ Jotham Poil, jun. Nkholas Romayne, Samuel Provoofi" Anthony Rainteaux, ( Benjamin Bousfield Provoofi, Philip Rhinelander, . Nathaniel Prime, James C. Roofeve1t, Abraham Polhemus, Charles Ramfay, James Parfons, jun.. Henry 1. Rernfen, Jofeph Pircaim,,! \Villiam 1\1. Rofs, John Peters, Archibald Robertfon, Hezekiah B. Pierpont, Richard Rogers, Jonathan Pearfee, jun. George Richards, Jofhua Paine, Robert Rutgers, jun. Robert PatterfcJJ, ElijJhD. Rattoone, - William F. Pell, \Villi:un Rogers, ]ofiah G. Pieno", Caleb S. Riggs, J\Tath:miel Paulding, \Villiam Rich:rrdfon, Frederick Philipfe. Maria Rapelje, G~rard Rutgers, Samuel Ruffel, Q. Thomas Roberts, Jarvis Roebuck, Tunis QEick. Elbert Roofevdt, ,

/ I ' .' ; .( ) ) 97 Jofeph Rofe, jun; John Swanflon; . Henry Rogers, John Suydam, Henry Rutgers, \Villiam Stewart, Albert R"ekman, James Scott, . Robert Robinfon,' Charles Shaw's- Efiatc; John Remfen, Gilbert Smith, " . Eliza Robert, Charles Smith, Robert Robertfon, John Seaman, I Seixa~ James Robertfon, Benjamin " ' \VilliJm H. Robinfon; Andrew Smith, Ifaac Riley, Comfort Sands, ' , Charles Richardfon, Selah Strong, . • John Rogers, Samuel Suydam, DanielRodman, Charl~ Startin, -" • Robert Snow, . 't" ~ S Ebenezer Stevens, 1.'\' , Pafcha(N. Smith;- MelanCton Smith, I Lewis A. SC9tt, Gilbert Saltonllail, - , ., George Scriba, James Smith,-, '-, John -ll, Stringham; Thomas Service, 'Villiam Seton, .Thomas R. Smith; ~.. : .. ' James Saidler, Thomas Skinn~r, Cornelius Stevenfon, William Strachan, Ifaac Stoutenburgh, Ifaac Sebring, .. ' Edmund Seaman, Benjamin Strong, _. .. ) Hugh Sl'pith, Mofes B. Seixas,

John Stevens; Ifaac B. Sews, . ',.1 ") I' , John Slidell, T~oma" Stagg, jUd. J - John Stagg, jun;' Henry Saidler, ' J ofeph Stretch, . George Sutton, John Swaine, . John Sullivan, ", -"perer Schermerhorne, jun. Dap..iel Stanbury, Francis Saltlls, ... Thomas Swords; Henry Seaman, Baron Steuben, -- John E. Seaman, Ifaac Stymets, ... Louis Sirnond, - John Smeart, . James F, S


,- -, , - , .

( 98 John SwaTtw'out, William Tabele. John Scocland, John Turnbull,' Jofhua Sands, Philip Ten Eyck, Charlotte Smith, Jeffe Ten Brook, J:lmes Stringham, John Ten Brook, James Shuter, Thomas Timpfon, James R. Smith, Catharine Taylor, . Samuel S:lckett, Samuel Talman, '1. Nathan Strong, Solomon TowmeI\d,: Henry C. Sleght, John Ten Eyck, ',' Tohn Scott, Charles'I'aylor,· . Peter StUY'~·cf.1nt:. William H. Thomas. Haac Stoutenburgh, 1un.. John Shaw, V & U'· Patrick Shay, I-Ienry Bethune Stark, Allgunus V. Van Home;, lfrael Seaman, jun. Augufius Van Horne, :' -John P. Schermerhorne, Townfend Unde~hi~J -' " John Stevens, jun. Peter Van Tuyl, ." Jacob Sherred, , James Scott, Gulian Verplanck, . Bern~dus Swartwout, jun. Cornelius Van Alea, rfaac Vail Vleck, .. T Peter Vandervool'tt Theodorus Van Wyck, John Turner, jun. Stephen Van Renffelaer; George Turnbull, William B. Verplanck, Lieut. Col. George Turnbull, Henry M. Van ~lingeQ, • ~Henry Ten Brook, :.r . Garret ,Van Horne, -. • h James Tillary, . John Vernon, . Jeremiah Tronton~ William Unick, fen. Malachi Tr~t, Ab'rahaq, VariCk, Thomas Ten Eyck, Philip Van'Cortlandt, William Turnbull,' \Villiam Van Wagenen. 'Vil1iam Thoma!', David Van Horne, Ahafuerus Turk, Samuel Underhill, jU'1' Ahafuerus Turk, jun. Nicholas Van Antwerp, .T ohp T ow1I fend, . Simon Van Antwerp, . Charles Toillinghaft, Auguftus C. Van Horne, JohnTempleman, Marfelis M. Van Gifen, , Raben Troup, . Suf2nnah Vardill, ' John Tabele, Garret H. Van '''agenen, John TilliS, \Villiam Ufiick, jun. Matthew G. Tillary, Peter P. Van Zandt, Jennet Troup, . WYJ'ant Van Zandt,ju.... , r 99, ) Richard W. Underhill, Hendrick 1. Wycko'!f, Judith Verplanck, George Warner, Daniel C. Verpl~nck. John G. Warren, Jafper Ward, . W Gilbert Woodhull,. f Catharine \Vilkinfmh Henry Walton, Elias B. Woodward, Renif~:l~r I J John \Vood, 'Yefterlo) I Marinus Willett~ John I. Watts, I frofper Wetmore, David \7\1 01fe, John Watts, Chriflo~ WaIfI', Robert Watts, Robert ardfll, James Watfon, John Wilkins, I {eremiah ''''1001, Richard Ward, frael Wilkes, William G. Ward, Jolhua Waddingtoq, William Walton, ju~: Abrabam Walton, Orange Webb; ~harles Wilkes, Efek White, Jofeph Winter, ' Jacob Wilkins, jun. William Wal~on, Benjamin \¥inthrop, Benjamin Walker, James Walker, I William W Woolfey, Thomas White, I Peter ¥lilfon,. . Henry White, Tunis Won~an, William Wilmerding" John Wells, \Villiam \Villcocks,· I ) Gilbert' Colden Willett1 ""illiam Wilfon. ~ James 'Vatfon, j~n. . , John \Voods, jun, , Y Ma,ry Walton, J ofepl,'Youle, Lemuel Wells, John Youle, Samuel 'yard, Richard Yates, Gerard V\Talton, Oeorge You Ie, ' Ifaac Whippo, '. Jofeph Young, John W. Watkins, ~benezer Young.

Richard Ward, ~. ~harlott~ 'Vhite, Z John De Ponthieu Wilkes, ;l-lbert Wyckoff, Alexander Zuntz~



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