" T.HE • C, II A R rT E R~ "f 13 Y E" LA iN s, r .i WD . , , ' NAMES OF THE MEMBERS I' OF THE' NEW;;.YORK SOCIETY LjBRARY: '-- ._----- W.I TH r~ ," , f " A OF BOOKS •, ~- 'CATALOGUE THE : r r, BdongWg to the faid " • ~ [..J BR .d i?. r. NEW- YO R K: .. Printed by T. t::t J, SwoRns, No, .', ,',rtlli:uJl·Screet. r ,- NEW.,YORK SOCIETY LIBRARy,1 I -, "' ' -THIS LIBRARY now confifts of about .' FIVE THOUSAND Y'q!-UMES; the ref~urces .of the Corporation being -con/iderabJe,'' valuable ad-_ ditions will be made from time to time to the pre­ boo~ fent colleaion. It was intended to dafs the , upder difrina heads, fo as to have prefented nearly at one view, all thefe that relate to any particulaJ:' fubjea, art, or'fcience: B\lt as that will be a work oflabour, ,not to be acco~pli/hed withouttime and, ~ paJns; and <IS 'there was not any .;omplete printed Catalogue, it was j\ldged expedient to ,prep-~re .the prefent one, to accommodate the mem\>ers \If the Society. A more fJftematical-arrangement is there­ fore poftponed 1,!ntil thl' Library 'is mcreafed _by ­ new ;lcqui/itions, and opportunity olfers to execute the fame, in a mannl'r ~ore u(ef\l! to re;meT$ of ~my 9I'fcripti\l~t , , , ., ,J. -. , ( < t - , , ' ,, , " -'. ., .. , - : , " :.:'-. ~~J r'c'" -" GiOR~E 'tAe'Third,. by .the Grace 'of ;;' GOD, ,;0], G~eaLBrit;U~;.· France , ,~. t/~ I "dnd lrelan.d, I{.i.ng,. Difende.r OJ O' Faith-' andfoCjq'rili - "'".0- ""::l ·0" e:::;.: :~_ :.; ,~: _..oJ ~ ••• L .... , .... ':"Il~ I 11 ::.. ... ~. :"._._- , -:; ",,;' ,• (:; v ;" _';I~. ~.-- :._ I."..To.a/~to:"rho,!, theft prifmtsJ1:~/j f~me..G.r«ling: :-i ~ t· ..."J .... "/- ;.::.:.:: =::-_ . ""1 ... '. _ ';, '" ".1. W HliiiE;$'~~/i;:i·~~(ubj~~s.:J~;;~';:Vaii,I,.IV,i Ijam'smith, Robe!,t R.. J.i'l.lingjhn, IYbit<!uqd Hid" 1fT". !ifl"! -?j,,!ingjlo~ .Goidfb,:o-w BanJar,.; and Samw["707US. pf,our cilY of. N<w-1'ork, Efquires; Pel<r Van JJnJgn • ~ivillgjloni and Peter KeteIta!., of our fai.d ..<;ity of NC'W;.•:. ~'-ork, men;::hants; ~I/er Ruthnford, and DavidCla,-l.:. • Jon, of our [aid city 9.f NroJ-rork, gentlerpen; :lod Sa­ rn..~eI1J.ard, ofour faid city of New-York, phyfician.,-~ ~y,their humble petition prefented Ul1to our trufl:y and ~vell-beloved l¥il/iam Tiyon, .Efq; our captain-general -and governor i~ chief in and over our province of Nt'W:' Y!)~~, and the tcrriroriesdepending thereon in Amn'ica,. t:hancellor and ',\'icc-admiral of the fame; and r~ad in pu-r council for our faid province on the eighth day of September lall: pall:; ·did fel fo.rlh, That fundry perfoD$ ~oncciving 0. public library would be ufefnl as well as ornamental- to our raid city of N{""oAJ-York, did, in the year olour Lord onc thoufanJ fe\'cn hunored ~nd Mty­ tour:, fet on foot a fubfcription in order to promote the ~c1jgn of ercCling one in our faid city, and did thereby promife to pay FIVE POUl\DS l\T£<".JJ-r~d: currency, each, on the firn. day of MaJ', in the faid year of OU{ Lord'one thourand feven hundred and fifty-four. and TEN SHILLINGS yeJrly, each, on every hrn d3Y 6f ,iJtlaffor ever thereafter, ~o t\\'chc trunecs, to be chofen by the.:: majority of the fubfcribers, or their alIigns, aii:­ nually, Ollt of the number of fubfcribers thereto, o'r fheir .a/ligns: For which purpofe Ihe faid fubfcribcrs did . ". ~ . thereby • , . , , , . - , . , -' . , • I, " /. " , / ( 6 J ';;eet'~~~flantli~~thel~fl-Th,rday i~ thereby 3 6r;-;to .;fpri/ in c.verr y~ar, at the Exchange,. in B".oad-jlreei.t 10 our [aid cIty of NtW.r.rk, betWeer, Lh!;' Aoilt\~ eleven and twelve: ';Vb ic~ tru1lees, or the rnawriry o[ them, were thereby empowered to qifpo(e of the faid money,' in pu;chafin\i [u~11 p~,qkS, an~ey fhould thmk proper from ~ltne to tlfie, <lna mprocul=1I).g-:r ~o\lfc or room, tq depofit them jn; to ap.poirt,a librabai'f, and allow hIm a proper'fabry fodi",'cafe"and .ltenetance of the raid lihr,ify; to regulate the terms on,whLch the, books belonging to theJaid librar(ihQuld b,e len., and, to\do evety thing they fhould judge necdfary to ereCl-J' pr,e.ferve" ornament and improve the faid libr;!':}'., 'Th~ the momes [ilbfcTlbed as aforef¥,d;"'amountllig'\p'S,'f H.wl~,.ed Poullds, currerit money bf NeW-r7J~k, t6ge~b'~t WLth fo much of the 'annual pa yments as could b:e tbl-. letled, had been applied, 'according,to the tenris'8fdie. [aid fubfcriptiort: :By which meatjs ~the faid .Iibrary,w;!\. become very confiderable, but would 'iricreafe' muth faller, and might be maqe'of greater public titilitt if:l., corporatioil fhould pe formed 'for tl1:ifl'urrofe.:- .Anil therefore the petitioners, being ihe 'prefent' triif(&"iof the faid library, humbly prayed 04< lette"'; pa,ent, forme, " ing a corporation fOJ the purpofes aforefaid'., - NO~t ~we. tJking into .our· 'royal confIder~tioli the b'eneficial ten!. ., deney'of filoh, an" inllitution· within'our faid citj';'':ire gracioufly'pleafed to grant the faid humb1<i'requell'"Of our f,id lovir,g fubjeCls, KNOW YE T H'E it, E-f'O R-';; That we of our efpecial grace, 'certain kno~ledge ~~a mere motion, have willed, ghterr,' granted, . ordJ.lnt~t, conllituted and appointed, and \Jy there prefents;' do. ..""ill, give, grant, ordain; confl:it~t~ and ,ppQint, Th'Jt the faid ,aim Walls, William Smith, Rob';'t R. Living-. , JIM, Wliitch,ad, Hi,ks, William Livillgjlon, G;oldjbrw, -BanJar. Samuci Jones. Pel«Van B.rugh Livingflqn, -Peter Ketcltas, fValttr Ru!h"j"d, DavidCitJrkfon,-;md Samuel Ric~ar4 I, . Bardj Jolm Cruger, lames Duallt, A1on-iI Philip Livingfloll, Lambert Moore, JqmlS ]auncry, Robert­ R" Livinzjl,n, jun. Hellry Hollalld, Leonard Lifpenard, ' John Morin Scott, Elias Drfbroffes, Augujlus Van Cor-t­ " falldl, Richard Nicl"lIs, and ,Prier Vall Schaack, all'of I OO~ , " .... ,~ ", -, " , ~. ', . .' , , , , ( , ) 'our raid city of New-rork,' Efquires;- Gc"rg, i>N.n~ Lud'~w, of 2!'!un's county,. Efq; Robrrt Livi"rJbJ1f;~of the manor ofLivingjlo., in the county of Albany, Efq; the Revetend Safllu,IAu,hmuty, of our'faid city of N=­ rod, doCtor of divinity; John 'TrtJUp, of Jamaica, iri !tut!m's county, Efq; Abraham B,·jnrk~hOff, William Robinfon, floac LfJ'W, John Hunt, '1Juop/'jlall Baclu; GerafoJ W. Bcek11lan,MattathiOJ Gomez, TVilJiam Lutll~; Humphrey 1on~J, Gerard G: l!eckman, Dfl't'id Yan H-~'o,e, • Lawrmce 'Reade, ]fJhn Lzv.zngJ!en, Laurence Kortright; John Alfop, William' K,lIy,' IFill;'m Walton, P,t'" To Cur-teniuJ, Hen".y R.tmJen, jun. and Gan-jt .Abu!, all of our, faid city of· NIJW-r"k, merchapts; -Culian Vir Planck, Thomas Barclay, jun. and Abraham D, Pryjltr~ all ofourfaid city of New·York, gentlemen; John Wile; and loJeph Gre{wold, of our faid cit-y of N~",-rork, difiilfers; Hugh Gaine, of 'Our faid city of New-rork; printer j William Bnmmjohn, of our raid city of NtW-' Tork, apothecary; Peter Renaudet, furgeon, and .An~ • Waddel, of our faid city of'New-rofk, 'widow: Being, fuch ofthe fubfcribers tothe faid library, or their allign', as have not ·only,paid the faid fum of Fivt Pounds, but I alfo the faid Ten ShiliinKsyearly, ever fmce; and fuch other perfons as Jhall be hereafter admitted members.of the corporation hereby ereCted, be, and for ever here.. after Jhall be, by virtue of thefe prefents, on<: body cor: porate and politic, in deed; faa. and name, by the name, fiile and tide of The Trujlm of the New-York Socidy Library. And them, and their fucceffors, b)' the bme name, we do by thefe prefents, really and fully make, ereCt, create, conflitute and declare one body politiC' and corporate, in deed, faCt and name, for ever j :md will, giv~ grant and ordain, d,at they and their fec­ ceffors, 17Ie 'rrujfics of the New-York Soci,ty Library, by the fame name, ihall ~nd may have perpetual fuc- ' ce/lion; and Jhall ,nd may, by the fame name, be per­ fons cap,ble in the law to fue and be fued, implead and be impleaded, ,nfwer aud be anfwered unto, defend and be defended in all courts and elfewhere, in all man­ ner of aCtions, fuits, complaints, pleas, caufes, mat': t~s and demand~ whatfoevor, as fully.and amply ..' any :,' _\ ':othe~ . , L' " ' 8 j other our liege fubjeas of·olir faid province of Nt'W~ yfjrk, md)" or can fue or be fued, implead or be implead:' ed, defend or be defended by any lawful ways or meali. , .... harfoeYcr: And that they and their fuccefTors, by the fame name. {hall for ever hereafter, be p.er[ons capable and able in the law to pUTchafe, take, hold, receive-ancl: enjoy to them a:ld their fucce{fors, . any me~uag'es;_ t~ nements, heufes and real enate wh::ttfoever"; .and·aU other hereditaments, of whati"oever nature, kind or qua; lity they be, in fee-limpIe, (or tetm of life odives,'.or. in any other manner h"wfoever j and alfc any goods'; chattels, and perfonal ellate whatfoever; provided al­ ways, the cIe3r yearly value oUhe faid real eflate doth· not at any time exceed the fum of One ThouJand Pounds. ilerling, I'\wful money ofonr kingdom of Grtat·Britain.
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