My philosophy with these newsletters has been to put information and trends into a hyper-context so that we can see the arc of possibility and surf the wave of the oncoming tide. While I have never flagged in my convictions, I have also allowed the material at times to bring you to your own conclusions, which in my estimation is the best way for us to approach the truth of any situation, but more importantly the planetary drama in which we now find ourselves. I am always doing my very best to monitor my own, internal response and filter. That said, what I will share with you over the course of the next 9-10 pages is more of an explicit alarm that I am sounding and it has specifically with the year, the astrology and disturbing symbols of this Gregorian cycle. That said, let’s start with what is the continuation of the last newsletter where we looked at the Super Bowl and it’s implications, along with the death of and some other, rather grisly trends, which cannot be ignored. Let’s get rolling.

As we peeled back the covers last time, The Super Bowl was Super Bowl 48 that is the Hanged Man. The Hanged Man is suspended, upside down and lives in an atmosphere of reversal. What is up is down and what is down is up. It is the occult version of the crucifixion and channels the last vestiges of The Piscean Age, the age of sacrifice. The Hanged Man is the sacrificial being of the village, the tribe and the collective. The keyword here is: SACRIFICE. The origin of the word “sacrifice” surfaces in the year 1225 in Middle English as it pertains to the church; Sacre = Sacred. And since it pertains to the sacrifice of Christ, it is also synonymous with “blood.” “Ifice” essentially means to “make it so.”

In 1225, The Magna Carte is affirmed for the third and final time by Henry II in return for issuing a property tax. Here we see the sacrifice for feudal manifested on a tax of property.

But in 1215, the year that the Magna Carte was conceived, it was also vehemently denied by the papal power of that time by the most politically connected and bloodthirsty pope in history; Innocent III. He was anything but innocent. It was at Innocent’s behest that 20,000 Cathars were slaughtered in the Albigensian Crusade of 1208 in the region of Toulouse, France.

The reigning king of Europe at that time was none other than France’s first king, Phillip II . The death of 20,000 Cathars was a sacrifice of immense proportions. Fast forward to 1307, another Phillip reigns, this time it’s Phillip IV and the Pope under his reign was Clement V and together, they waged yet another assault on the very same region, this time to wipe out another competing economic and social force in southern France and all of Europe; The Knights Templar. On October 13th, 1307, a Friday, Jacques De Molay, the head of The Templars met their fate.

There are some interesting astrological parallels from that day and Super Bowl Sunday. The Sun was at 24 Libra in on 10/13/07. On 2/2/14, Mars was in Libra at 23 degrees. Mars was conjunct the slaughtering Sun.

Saturn was in Scorpio at 14 degrees on 10/13/07 and on 2/2/14, Saturn was also in Scorpio at 22 degrees, thus making them conjunct with an 8 degree Orb.

Chiron was at 15 Cancer on 10/13/07 and on 2/2/14, Jupiter was in Cancer at 12 degrees, retrograde. So we have another conjunction through time separated by one degree.

To me, the Sun/Mars conjunction and the placement of Saturn in Scorpio are real interest as the Sun/Mars position confers violence in an attempt to balance the scales. Saturn in Scorpio is the rule of law and time in the underworld. At it’s best it forces the revelation of darkness to rise into the light of day. At it’s worst, it’s the enforcement of crime syndicates through the harsh punishments of Saturn, heartless in the execution of it’s demands. And, it’s Philip, in both cases that dispense royal decree and termination of the Cathars and the Templars. The name Philip rings a bell, doesn’t it? In the above picture, PSH is seen wearing a cap in the colors of the Denver Broncos with the number, 1865 on the front which is likely a reference to the end of the civil war and the abolition of slavery but 1865 was also the creation of slavery. It was also the opening of Wall Street on January 3rd. PHS died on the eve of the Super Bowl, 33 days into the new year. Originally it was purported that he had 49 bags of near him, though this number has been inflated to over sixty in the ensuing days, but the number 49 is important as it’s the number of the next Super Bowl to be played in.

Yes, that’s right, the city of Phoenix. 49 of course is the number 13 or the death card In the major arcana. From the Hanged Man and suspension, to death and the rebirth of the Phoenix.

One of the things that both Phillip II and Phillip IV did, along with their slaughter of the Cathars and the Templars is that they removed the rights of Jews and in many cases, even the Jews themselves from France. What I am about to share with you borders on the controversial and it involves the spirit of Molech.

You see, Philip Seymour Hoffman wasn’t likely alone when he died. He had company and not just any company.

The man that “discovered” Hoffman’s heroin filled body suit was one, David Bar Katz.

Bar Katz is the son of Harry Jay Katz, who, back in 1995 found Valerie Sheridan, his girlfriend, dead in his hot tub due to a OD. This is what the elder Katz had to say about a witch that he was dating in the 70s’;

“Turns out she’s a witch,” he says. “But a white witch, a good witch.” Katz and the witch dated a while. One weekend, they flew down to Haiti. They piled into a car and drove into the country, where a ceremony was beginning. “A girl, maybe 14 or 15, is being led out in a white sheet,” remembers Katz. “And there’s all this chanting. Then a priest slits her throat, swear to God. That night I had the best sex of my life: I was like a dreadlocked Jew motherfucker savage.”

Hoffman died in the West Village, just blocks north of “Sheridan Square.”

David Bar Katz was involved with Hoffman, his longtime partner Mimi O’Donnell, Yul Vasquez and others in an acting group called, “LABrynth.” Vasquez and Bar Katz use Crowley based magick and apply it to acting.

Ironically, Philip Seymour Hoffman, who played a character based on L. Ron Hubbard opposite ’s Jack Parson’s based character in “The Master.” Parsons and Hubbard , along with Parsons’ wife participated in the “Babalon Working”, one of the most famous rituals of the 20th Century, where Hubbard got the Dianetics download and Parsons evoked the birth of a Moonlet through his then wife. These were a series of rituals, held between January and March of 1949. January through March, these are the days of Babalon and it’s no surprise that the death of Hoffman and the Super Bowl coincide with the ritual dates of the Babalon Working.

The Moonlet was let loose into the physical domain of the 20th Century, a conscious invocation of a demonic spirit. Parsons was interested in unleashing the power of the goddess to defeat the corruption of the male dominated, war obsessed patriarchy, that was his goal, but the result may have been something totally different. Parsons was summoning, “Babalon.”

Parsons wrote a brief tract on this called, Liber 49. Keep in mind that the next Super Bowl, is Super Bowl 49 and is being played in Phoenix. Remember, the actor who was cast as Jack Parsons in “The Master” is Joaquin PHOENIX, who lost his brother, River Phoenix in a ritual death, an OD just outside the Viper Club in L.A on October 31st, 1993. Phoenix had just finished a film called “My Own Private ” with , where the two play young, male hustlers who get addicted to smack (heroin). River Phoenix was born on 8/23/70, which made him 0 degrees Virgo, the ultimate degree and most potentiated aspect of Virgo’s purity and innocence. Rivers died while filming the movie, “.” Notice how Phoenix’s name is the same color as the title. We also see the trinity of the Parsons/Hubbard/Marjorie Cameron (Parsons) wife trinity.

Here is a brief synopsis of Phoenix’s character “Boy” and what he does;

“The film follows Boy (Phoenix), a young widower, who retreats to the desert after his wife dies of radiation following nuclear tests near their home. Boy is waiting for the end of the world and carves Kachina dolls, believing they contain magical powers. Boy reveals a cave filled with candles and voodoo dolls.”

Rivers died on Halloween. Or “All Hallows Eve” and on the evening of “Samhain” part of the pagan trinity of liminal observance dates, including Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. What day did Philip Seymour Hoffman die on? February 1st, the pagan observance date of “Imbolc.” I

Imbolc is a goddess invocation and according to Dianic Wiccans, it is the traditional time for initiations. PSH was a Cancer, which is feminine and receptive and it along with Taurus, is one of he most symbolic expressions of the goddess.

Here is the cinematic portrayal of Babalon, the Scarlet Woman from ‘Ghost Busters.”

Returning to the scene of the crime, four people were arrested in connection with the death of PSH as it relates to the amount of heroin that was found there and obviously led back to them. They are Robert Vineberg, Max Rosenblum, Thomas Cushman and Juliana Luchkiw. Vineberg was the sax player for Amy Winehouse, another drug casualty. Ironically, Vineberg says that he is being “Scapegoated.”

So I think we can all agree that there is some ritualized death taking place here and it has ramifications and reverberations that go back to the two Phillip kings. Remember, “Phillip” essentially “means lover of horses” and Heroine is “horse” and we have entered into the year of the horse, almost at the same time as the Super Bowl and Bruno Mars and the invocation of Mars and “Locked Out Of Heaven” were performed at the Super Bowl during halftime.

The two Phillip’s were not only involved in their mass, ritual sacrifices, they chased the Jewish population out of France or severely restricted them. The god of the Pharisees was not Yahweh, but Molech. Molech was the overlord of Babylon, it’s bull god of ritual sacrifice. How many curses do you think were put upon Phillip !! and Phillip IV?

Phillip is a star crossed name as Phillip II of Spain was defeated four times by Queens Elizabeth ! and her spiritual advisor/summoner John Dee. Also Prince Phillip abdicated his right to the throne by marrying outside of the royal bloodline. Strangely, American Idol winner, Phillip Phillips recently addressed the curse of male American Idol winners in of all places, “The Phillipines.” So in essence, what we are dealing with here is the convergence of two demi-urges through time, the negative male/female polarity in Molech and Babalon. The PSH death was meta-ritual which leads us to the mega ritual of the Super Bowl. I am going to take a bit of a different slant on this, but it does involve three, key players and of course, The Broncos themselves.

The first player, is Peyton Manning of the Broncos. Manning was born on March 24th, 1976, That would make him an Aries Dragon or East/West Double Dragon, since the dragon is representative of Aries in the Chinese calendar. His Sun is at 4 Aries, four of course being the number of the material world. His jersey number is 18, which in the Major Arcana is the number of The Moon. The Moon here represents the unknown, the journey into darkness, madness, brief illumination via the lesser light with the possible breakthrough of consciousness via the left handed path. Rituals are performed in the light and dark phases of the Moon.

During Super Bowl 48, the Broncos and Peyton Manning were not just beaten, they were slaughtered in the most lopsided Super Bowl defeat in recent years. Here is Manning on the sidelines, dejected. Note the hooded figure in the background.

So we have the death of Man(ning) as part of this 48 hour ritual which started with the death of Hoffman or the death “Of Man.” Both Manning and Hoffman are cardinal types (Aries and Cancer) and Cardinal energy INITIATES.

While Manning was being sacrificed and the Broncos led to slaughter, another player’s star was rising. His name is Russell Wilson, which essentially means Russ (Red) ell (light) Wil (will) and Son (son). He is “The Son Of Will Of The Red Light.” The red light is the light of the dawn, or the dawn of the new day. Wilson’s number is 3. That is the number of The Empress in Major Arcana, and she is associated with birth.

Wilson is an avowed Christian, quoting scripture frequently on his Twitter page, and here he is meditating at the Seahawks training facility.

If you add up 666 by the way, you would get the number 18, which is the Moon. Those are just mudras Russ is doing, that’s not the 666 symbol, right? ;-). It’s birth of the Empress/The Goddess, the rise of the son of the will, the death of man(ing) and what does that all mean?

Well there have been some other sacrifices taking place that might give us some clues. As of this writing, there have been four mysterious deaths/suicides that bankers and analysts, from J.P. Morgan and Deutsche Bank. The latest, er suicide was Richard Talley, en exec at American Title who supposedly killed himself with a nail gun. Now it’s ironic that he was in the housing business and he used a nail gun, but I’m not sure how many people could withstand the pain of EIGHT nails being driven into their head (Aries) and chest (seat of the will). Where was Talley from? Why Denver of course. So we’re talking Wall Street. Remember that Hoffman cap with 1865 in Bronco colors on it

The Chinese just love horses, unless they are fire horse girls, which they will kill at birth (so the rumor goes). This is the year of the Wood Horse. Where do we know the wooden horse from? Yes, the Trojan Horse.

One of the reasons given for the deaths of the bankers is that they knew that there was a massive counterfeit scheme in place for quite sometime and that it was being run by the Rothschilds through their proxies. The Rothschilds, who essentially set up China and it’s rise to global power in emerging markets have also been ripping them off, selling them phony stocks and deeds. Half of the paper the Chinese own is outright fakes. Now this has serious consequences as part of the collateral for bailing out the US in 2008 was that the Chinese would get the liens of all the houses bought with toxic debt and derivatives, that they would now own those properties by default and those properties are in the millions. At some point, they would come and collect and that moment might be very soon as large numbers of cargo (people cargo) planes have been landing in where? Colorado in the past thirty days. So we seem to be running on parallel tracks or are we? We have the Babalon/Molech rituals and the death of man, invocation of the dark goddess, the whore of babalon and the rise of the son of will, and there is China lurking in the background, stalking the weak and wounded USA like a hungry wolf.

At the very least, we will see bloodshed on the marketplace. Wall St., Standard and Poors, gold markets, emerging markets, foreign currency and now even the venerated Bitcoin and crypto currencies are as volatile as Justin Bieber on a three day bender of red bull and vodka, skittles and sticky buds.

We have two, key dates to watch.

They are the Cardinal Cross of 4/20 (nice eh?) through 4/23, which most of you know about, but here is another date, August 1st. August 1st is the date of Lughnasadh, another pagan activation, because in my estimation, we are just one more sacrifice away from this whole meta-ritual gets set off. Here are the people and the dates.

River Phoenix: October 31st, 1993 (Samhain) Ayrton Senna: May 1st, 1994 (Beltaine) Philip Seymour Hoffman: February 1st (Imbolc)

Thanks for being patient with the newsletter. I’ve been in the weeds a bit as I deal with my own Cardinal Crisis. Next one will come to you in the next 30 days. -Robert