
Conservative Releasing for Spatial Privacy Protection in Mixed Jaybie Agullo de Guzman Kanchana Thilakarathna Aruna Seneviratne Data 61|CSIRO & University of Sydney University of New South Wales University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia kanchana.thilakarathna@sydney. [email protected] [email protected] edu.au ABSTRACT CCS CONCEPTS Augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) platforms • Human-centered computing → Mixed / augmented require spatial understanding to detect objects or surfaces, reality; • Security and privacy → Information account- often including their structural (i.e. spatial geometry) and ability and usage control; Privacy protections; • Computing photometric (e.g. color, and texture) attributes, to allow ap- methodologies → 3D imaging. plications to place virtual or synthetic objects seemingly ACM Reference Format: “anchored” on to real world objects; in some cases, even al- Jaybie Agullo de Guzman, Kanchana Thilakarathna, and Aruna lowing interactions between the physical and virtual objects. Seneviratne. 2020. Conservative Plane Releasing for Spatial Privacy These functionalities require AR/MR platforms to capture the Protection in Mixed Reality. In Proceedings of MobiXXX 2020. ACM, 3D spatial information with high resolution and frequency; New York, NY, USA, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn. however, these pose unprecedented risks to user privacy. nnnnnnn Aside from objects detected, spatial information also reveals the location of the user with high specificity, e.g. in 1 INTRODUCTION which part of the house the user is. In this work, we propose AR/MR platforms such as Google ARCore, Apple ARKit, and to leverage spatial generalizations coupled with conservative Windows Mixed Reality API requires spatial understanding releasing to provide spatial privacy while maintaining data of the user environment in order to deliver virtual augmen- utility. We designed an adversary that builds up on existing tations that seemingly inhabit the real world, and, in some place and shape recognition methods over 3D data as attack- immersive examples, even interact with physical objects.1 ers to which the proposed spatial privacy approach can be Fig. 1 shows a generic information flow diagram for MR. The evaluated against. Then, we simulate user movement within captured spatial information is stored digitally as a spatial which reveals more of their as they move around map or graph of 3D points, called a point cloud (labelled Si in utilizing 3D point clouds collected from Microsoft HoloLens. Fig. 1), which is accompanied by mesh information to indi- Results show that revealing no more than 11 generalized cate how the points, when connected, represent surfaces and planes–accumulated from successively revealed spaces with other structures in the user environment. However, these 3D large enough radius, i.e. r ≤ 1.0m–can make an adversary spatial maps that may contain sensitive information, which fail in identifying the spatial location of the user for at least the user did not intend to expose, can be further utilized for half of the . Furthermore, if the accumulated spaces are functionalities beyond the application’s intended function of smaller radius, i.e. each successively revealed space is (see potential attacker J in Fig. 1) for benign attacks such r ≤ 0.5m, we can release up to 29 generalized planes while as aggressive localized advertisements to malevolent ones arXiv:2004.08029v1 [cs.CV] 17 Apr 2020 enjoying both better data utility and privacy. such as burglaries. Nonetheless, there are no mechanisms in place that ensure user spatial data privacy in existing MR platforms. Moreover, despite 3D data being a structural representa- tion of the real world, 3D data is perceptually latent from the users. With traditional media, such as images and video, Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are what the “machine sees” is what the “user sees”. On the other not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies hand, with MR, what the machine sees is different–often even bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third- more–than what the user sees. With MR, the experience is party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact exported as visual data (e.g. objects augmented on the user’s the owner/author(s). MobiXXX 2020, September 2020, London, UK 1ARKit, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit; ARCore, https: © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). //developers.google.com/ar/; Windows MR, https://www.microsoft.com/ ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM. en-au/windows/windows-mixed-reality. For the rest of the paper, we will https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn be collectively referring to AR and MR as MR. Function G Mixed Reality Device e.g. Microsoft Hololens Privacy True space i Mechanism Adversarial application Y M Output

X Z i i Example Output Input Point Cloud Transformed Point Cloud e.g. Pokémon walking around of the True space of the True space

Attacker H: I|S modify them to operate in the scale on which 3D data is J Hypothesis Adversarial pipeline captured by MR platforms. We demonstrate how easy it is 1 Historical or previously 2 collected 3D data to extend these methods to be used as an attacker in the

Function MR scenario whilst quantifying the privacy leakage. Then, Y G Output we propose spatial plane generalizations with conservative Mixed Reality Device Si e.g. Microsoft Hololens Input Point Cloud as a privacy-enhancing approach which can True space i Main MR processing pipeline of the True space Example Output plane releasing e.g. Pokémon walking around potentially be easily integrated with existing MR platforms– Privacy Mechanism ~ i.e. inserted as an intermediary privacy mechanism as shown M Si Transformed Point Cloud in Fig. 1. Finally, we evaluate not only the privacy leakage, Inserting Privacy Preservation of the True space but also the reduction of utility in terms of quality of service Figure 1: Information flow diagram (following the green utilizing real-world 3D point cloud data captured through solid arrows) for an intended MR function G, with an at- the Microsoft HoloLens from a variety of spaces. To this end, tacker J which can perform adversarial spatial inference: (1) we summarize the major contributions as follows: adversarial inference modeling or learning from, say, histor- ical 3D data, and (2) adversarial inference or matching over currently released 3D data. Then, inserting an intermediate (1) We present a 3D adversarial inference model that reveals privacy-preserving mechanism M which aims to prevent ad- the general space of a user, i.e. inter-space inference, and versarial spatial inference. their specific location within the space, i.e. intra-space inference. view) while the user is oblivious about the captured spatial (2) We compare the performance of the two spatial inference mapping, its resolution, and exactness. This inherent percep- attack approaches and show that a ‘classical’ descriptor- tual difference creates a latency from user perception and, based matcher can outperform a deep neural network- perhaps, affects–or the lack thereof–how users perceive the based recognizer. sensitivity of 3D information. Aside from the spatial struc- (3) We demonstrate that the insufficient protection provided tural information, the mapping can also include 3D maps of by spatial generalizations can be improved by conser- objects within the space. Furthermore, the spatial map can vatively releasing the plane generalizations; specifically, also reveal the location of the user: both the general loca- controlling the maximum number of released generalized tion, and their specific location within the space. Moreover, planes instead of naively providing the generalizations most users are oblivious about the various information that entirely. are included in the spatial maps captured and stored by MR (4) We present an in depth analysis over a realistic scenario platforms. when user spaces are successively released and experi- As majority of the work on MR have been focused on mentally determine the maximum number of releases, delivering the technology, only recently have there been and generalized planes that prevents spatial inference, efforts in addressing the security, safety, and privacy risks both inter-space and intra-space. For example, revealing associated with MR technology [7, 9]. There have been a no more than 11 generalized planes can make an adver- few older works that have pointed out the issues on ethical sary fail in identifying the spatial location of the user for considerations [14] in MR as well as highlighting considera- at least half of the time. tions on data ownership, privacy, secrecy, and integrity [13]. (5) Lastly, we show that better data utility can be achieved Moreover, potential perceptual and sensory threats that can with a smaller size, i.e. r = 0.5m, of revealed generalized arise from MR outputs such as photosensitive epilepsy and spaces while providing adequate–or even better–privacy; motion-induced blindness have also been looked into [4]. specifically, we can release up to 29 generalized planes In conjunction to these expositions, the EU have recently while enjoying both better data utility and privacy. legislated the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which aims to empower users and protect their data pri- vacy through a policy approach. This further highlights the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, we importance of designing and developing privacy-enhancing discuss the related work in §2, and present the theoretical technologies (PETs) especially those that can be applied to framework of the spatial privacy problem, and associated the MR use case. definitions in §3. Then, in §4, we describe two attack methods In light of this, first, we present two adversary approaches an adversary may utilize for spatial inference. In §5, we de- that recognizes the general space, i.e. inter-space, and also scribe the various information reduction techniques we can infers the user’s location within the space, i.e. intra-space. To employ to prevent spatial inference. We present the evalua- construct these attackers, we build up on existing 3D place tion methodology in §6 to investigate the viability of privacy recognizers that have been applied over 3D lidar data: an methods we employ over varying experimental setups. The intrinsic descriptor matching-based 3D object recognizer, results are presented in §7 followed by the discussion in §8. and a deep neural network-based 3D shape classifier. We Lastly, we conclude the paper in §9. 2 2 RELATED WORK Table 1: Notation Map In the general privacy and security space, various work have Notation Description already been done: from revealing privacy leakage in online Si point cloud representation of space labelled i; social networks [19] and mobile devices [27], to developing can be composed of subspaces s, s ⊂ S; and privacy-preserving mechanisms for conventional user data composed of oriented points p, p ∈ s 7→ p ∈ S ∀ ∀ types [10, 21, 35] as well as against deep-learning inference M privacy-preserving mechanism [1, 30]. Se(i),v transformed point cloud released by M Information Sanitization. Consequently, several AR/MR G intended functionality (i.e. MR app or service) Yi,v output of the intended functionality G and related PETs have been proposed in the literature, and Q difference of the transformed S from S Se;S e are listed in [9]. Early approaches primarily involved ap- J adversarial inferrer plying sanitization techniques on visual media (i.e. image h hypothesis of J about an unknown query space i∗; and video): e.g. removing RGB and only showing contours producing an inter-space hypothesis i∗ = i, and [17], detecting markers that signify sensitive content to be an intra-space hypothesis centroid cS sanitized [25, 26], sanitizing sensitive objects from a shared Π1(Se; S) inter-space privacy measure in terms of classification error database or communicated through PAN [2, 20, 28], through Π2(Se; S) intra-space privacy measure in terms of distance error user gestures [32], or based on context [34, 40]. However, transformations to hide sensitive content and prevent spatial these sanitization approaches are focused on post-captured recognition. images which can still pose security and privacy risks, and In this work, we improve upon the attacker used in [7] by they have only been applied on the wide use case of visual extending the attack with intra-space inference, and adding capture devices and not on actual MR devices or platforms. a deep neural network-based approach in our investigation Visual information abstraction. Abstraction addresses as a potentially stronger attacker. Moreover, we augment the the earlier issues by reducing or eliminating the necessity of currently inadequate spatial generalizations with conserva- accessing the raw visual feed directly. In the specific 3D use tive releasing as a stronger countermeasure against these case, significant work have been done on protections involv- attacks. ing abstracted physiological information [11, 16] using the idea of least privilege [38]. The same approach has also been 3 SPATIAL PRIVACY PROBLEM IN used for providing spatial information while maintaining MIXED REALITY visual privacy [37]. A recent work also utilized the idea of least privilege to apply visual abstractions for mobile MR [8]. As shown in Fig. 1 and following the notation map in Tab. 1, S However, they are functionality or data specific, and have we define a space represented by a point cloud identified i neither presented or exposed actual risks with 3D MR data by a label which can be segmented into a set of overlapping S = {s ,s ,...s } nor provided evaluation against attacks. point cloud subspaces 1 2 n . An MR functionality 3D data: attacks, risks, and protection. Very few re- G produces an output Y , and from which we derive the utility cent works have started to look into the actual risks brought or QoS function Q. An adversarial inferrer J produces a about by indefinite access to 3D data. One provided prelimi- hypothesis H to reveal the spatial location of an unknown nary evidence of how an adversary can easily infer spaces space. Lastly, a privacy preserving mechanism M transforms from captured 3D point cloud data from Microsoft Hololens S, or its subspaces s ⊂ S, to a privacy-preserving version [7]; and how, even with spatial generalization (i.e. the 3D Seor s˜, i.e. M : S or s 7→ Seor s˜. space is generalized in to a set of planes), spatial inference In the succeeding sections, we formalize the adversary is still possible at a significant success rate; however, they model in §3.2, the privacy metrics in §3.3, and the function- did not use a machine learning approach which may further ality and utility metrics in §3.4. Before we proceed, we first demonstrate the ineffectiveness of spatial generalizations introduce 3D data representation. as privacy protection. In contrast, another recent work em- ployed machine learning to reveal original scenes from 3D 3.1 3D spatial data point cloud data with additional visual information [22]. There are various ways that MR-capable devices capture and While a concurrent work focused on a privacy-preserving compute 3D spatial data. Depending on the platform, the method of pose estimation to counter the scene underlying environmental mapping approach would be any [33]: 3D “line” clouds are used during pose estimation to ob- or combinations of the following: simultaneous localization fuscate 3D structural, i.e. geometrical, information; however, and mapping (SLAM), visual odometry, and/or structure from this approach only addresses the pose estimation function- motion (SfM). We direct the readers to [29] for a survey on ality and does not present the viability for surface or object these visual mapping algorithms. detection which is necessary for a virtual object to be ren- Regardless of the underlying mapping algorithm, the aim dered or “anchored” onto. Thus, it is still necessary for 3D is to construct a 3D spatial map represented by a set of ori- point cloud data to be exposed but with privacy-preserving ented points: 3D points described by their {x,y, z}-position in 3 space and usually accompanied by a normal vector {nx ,ny ,nz } h is defined as follows: which informs of the orientation of the surface to which the ∗ ∗ J : S −→ h : i = i, and c ∗ = {x,y, z}, where (1) point belongs to. (When normal vectors are not readily avail- i s ∗ ∗ able, it is estimated from the points themselves.) A collection i = i = argmax LS ∗ (i = i), and (a) i of these oriented points together with an accompanying ∗∀ ∗ ∗ c ∗ = {x ,y , z } 7→ c = {x ,y , z }, (b) mesh information, which informs of how the points are con- S Sr r r r ∗ nected to form surfaces, constitute a point cloud. where LS ∗ (i = i) is a likelihood function about the un- ∗ ∗ known space S having a label i = i, and {xr ,yr , zr } =

|{kSr ,b }|centroid is the centroid of the best reference key point matches. 3.2 Adversary model Intra-space inference is the primary step in tracking or Currently, there are no mechanisms in place that ensures localization. Aside from knowing the general location of a user data privacy on MR platforms. As shown in Fig. 1, any user, which can have a huge width such as r ≈ 100m, an potentially adversarial application can access and store all attacker would also require the exact location of the user. For captured 3D spatial maps. These adversaries may desire to example, if an adversarial advertising service with various infer the location of the users, or they may further infer user points of presence (PoP) can tell if one of their PoP is within poses, movement in space, or even detect changes in user user view, then, the service can ship an advertisement to the environment. Furthermore, in contrast to video and image PoP nearest to the user. Conversely, if the attacker wrongly capture, 3D data can provide a much more lightweight and infers the intra-space location of the user, then the attack near-truth representation of user spaces. has failed. The methods employed for inference are further In this work, we will focus on the spatial inference attack discussed in §4. where the adversary aims to recognize the location of the user on two levels given historical 3D data of user spaces: (1) 3.3 Privacy Metrics the general location of the user (among the known ensemble Defining the privacy metrics. We define the inter-space pri- of spaces) we call inter-space inference, and (2) the specific vacy function Π1 in terms of the inter-space misclassification location of the user within the space we call intra-space error rate of the inferrer J. A few works in the literature inference. Also, we assume that the adversary’s aim is to uses a similar classification error-based metric for privacy individually infer user spaces; thus, an attacker will develop [31, 39]. We treat the correct classification event as a dis- a different reference model for every user. And that itcan crete random variable defined by a discrete delta function ∗ ∗ ∗ only infer spaces that the user has historically been in. δ(i ,i) = {1 if i = i; 0 if i , i} so that we can pose Π1 as the expectation of misclassification given an unknown point cloud S∗ as follows ∗ Õ Õ ∗ ∗ Defining adversarial inference. As shown in Fig. 1, infer- Π1(S ; S) = (1 − δ (i , i))LS∗ (i = i) (2) i i∗ ence is a two-step process: (1) the training of a reference ∀ ∀ where i∗ is the hypothesis label of J about the true label i model or creation of a dictionary using 3D description algo- ∗ ∗ of an unknown space S , and L ∗ (i = i) is the likelihood rithms over the previously known spaces as reference, (2) s function. and the inference of unknown spaces by testing the model, Likewise, we can also pose a secondary metric Π for intra- i.e. matching their 3D descriptors to that of the reference de- 2 space privacy which captures how accurate an adversary can scriptors from step 1. We assume that the adversary has prior estimate a user’s position within a space; that is, the user, knowledge about the spaces which they can use as reference. at any given time is at a specific subspace within the larger Prior knowledge can be made available through historical or known space. We define the mean intra-space distance error publicly available 3D spatial data of the user spaces, previ- as follows: ously provided data by the user themselves or other users, 1 Õ or from a colluding application or service that has access to Π2(Se; S) = d(cS∗, cS ) (3) | {S ∗, S : i∗ = i }| {S∗,S:i∗=i} raw or higher resolution 3D data. Furthermore, we assume ∀ ∀ that the adversary is aware of the generalizations that can where the d(cS ∗ ,cS ) represent the total distance error be- be applied on released point cloud data and be able to adjust tween the correct intra-space location cS = {x,y, z} and ∗ ∗ ∗ its attack accordingly. the hypothesis intra-space location cS ∗ = {x ,y , z } = ∗ Then, an attacker J produces a two-element hypothesis {xr ,yr , zr } for a given unknown space S . The distance for- h for our two-level attack: inter-space location, i.e. location mula is as follows: i∗ = i, to determine in which of the reference spaces the d(c ∗ ,c ) = ||c ∗ − c || query space is; and intra-space location defined by a centroid S S S S p ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 2 2 cS = {x ,y , z } of an unknown point cloud Si .Hypothesis = (xr − x) + (yr − y) + (zr − z) . (4) 4 Function G Mixed Reality Device e.g. Microsoft Hololens Privacy True space i Mechanism Adversarial application Y M Output

X Z i i Example Output Input Point Cloud Transformed Point Cloud e.g. Pokémon walking around of the True space of the True space

Database of of

3.4 Mixed reality functionality reference 3D descriptors Function Perhaps, the most common functionality in MR is the an- Reference 3d point clouds Y NN-matcher G Output 3D descriptors choring of virtual 3D objects on to real world surfaces (e.g. Extraction {k , f } {k , f } N,0 I,0 N,1 N,1 {k , f } {k , f } ?,1 ?,1 {k , f } ?,0 ?,0 S Generalize 1,0 {k1,0 , f }{k , f } the floor, walls, or tables). At the minimum level, a 0,0 0,0 1,1{k 1,1, f } i static 0,1 0,1 {k2,n, f } {k , f } Database of ... 2,n {k , ?,n ?,n Input Point Cloud

{x,y, z} or Training 1,n 2 anchor only requires an point with an orientation f } of the True space Example Output reference 3D {k1,n0,n, f0,n} pointclouds Query descriptors e.g. Pokémon walking around

{nx ,ny ,nz }. A set of these oriented points which forms a DNN plane or surface can allow for dynamic virtual augmenta- Step 1: Building Reference DNN Model, Train i.e. Attacker tions that move about the surface. Furthermore, a set of these Generalized 3d point clouds pointnetvlad 1 J planes or surfaces can constitute a space which, then, allows Database of Reference set offor descriptors augmentationsDescriptor that moveMatching about the space. reference 3D descriptors Matching Score of

{{k0,0, f0,0},{k0,1, f0,1}, … , {k0,m, f0,m}} H: i* = 0 | Si Defining the function utility. For a given functionality G, NN-matcher {{k1,0, f1,0},{k1,1, f0,1}, … , {k1,m, f1,m}} H: I|S H: i* = 1 | Si ... ✔ ......

an effective privacy mechanism M aims to make the result-

3D descriptors Extraction {{kN,0, fN,0},{kN,1, fN,1}, .., {kN,m, fN,m}} ing outputs Y fromH: i* = theN | Si raw point cloud S and its privacy- Database of ≃ ? reference 3D

preserving version S similar, i.e. Y Y . Thus, we define util- Step 2: Querying e S Se Query point cloud, pointclouds i.e. space S* ity as the Quality-of-Service (QoS) in terms of the output trans- DNN Model, i.e. H: I|S formation error, QY ;Y , or the difference of the transformed Se S pointnetvlad output Y from the original output YS : QY ;Y = |YS − Y |, Se Se S Se which we aim to minimize. Figure 2: Reference construction, model training, and infer- For consistently anchored augmentations, some function- ence using two approaches: NN-matcher, and pointnetvlad alities require near-truth point cloud representations. This implies that we can directly compute the QY ;Y as the dif- Se S A desired mechanism M produces Sethat maximizes the ference Q of the point clouds themselves instead of the Se;S privacy functions Π1 and Π2 while minimizing Q. Moreover, outputs like so Q = |S − S|. ( ) ( ) Se;S e we will freely use the following notation Π1 Θ or Π2 Θ where we indicate a set of parameters Θ that specifies the Defining the utility metric. We can define Q as a utility Se;S transformation M. metric by specifying it as a mean transformation error (QoS) with the following components 4 ADVERSARIAL SPATIAL INFERENCE Q = mean [α · (| |p − p˜ | |) + β ·(1 −n ì ·n ì )] (5) Se;S p p˜ We utilize two methods for our spatial inference attack: p˜ ∈Se, p∈S ∀ ∀ a descriptor nearest-neighbor matching approach we call where the first component, i.e. ||p − p˜||, is the point-wise NN-matcher (improved from [7]), and a deep neural net- Euclidean difference of the true/raw point p from the trans- work (DNN) based approach called pointnetvlad [36]. Fig. formed point p˜, while the second component are their normal 2 shows a diagram of the overall process involved in the two vector difference using the difference from 1 of their normal inference methods. It has been previously demonstrated that vector cosine similarity (i.e. nì ·n ì ). The coefficients α and p p˜ spatial generalizations, i.e. 3D surfaces generalized as a set β are contribution weights where α, β ∈ [0, 1] and α + β = 1. of planes, is an inadequate measure for spatial privacy [7]. We set α, β = 0.5. To compute this point-wise differences, we Furthermore, generalizations can easily be replicated by an have to first find the nearest neighbor pairs of each pointin adversary allowing it to adjust its attack accordingly. Thus, the transformed point cloud Sefrom the raw point cloud S, i.e. as shown in Fig. 2, for both methods, we augment the raw 1nn p˜ ∈ Se7−→ p ∈ S; thus, the differences are computed between captured point cloud data with multiple generalized versions the 1nn {p˜,p}-pair of points and is computed p˜ ∈ Seto get as a combined reference ensemble. the mean difference over the entire transformed∀ point cloud Se. 4.1 Inference using 3d descriptors: Moreover, we also specify an inequality constraint γ that NN-matcher defines the maximum permissible transformation error as Step 1 for NN-matcher involves the construction of a ref- follows: erence set of descriptors from the historical data available

mean [α ·(1 − | |p˜ − p | |) + β · (ìnp˜ ·n ìp )] ≤ γ (6) augmented with generalized versions. A subset of oriented p˜ ∈Se, p∈S ∀ ∀ points for each space are selected and are called key points. The γ can be used as a tunable parameter depending on Then, for each key point, an intrinsic feature descriptor is the exactness required by the MR function: higher gamma computed. The key point selection and feature computation implies that the MR function does not require released spaces depends on the chosen algorithm. The result of this process to be very exact to the true space, while a small gamma results to the accumulation of a set of key point-feature pairs implies exactness. for each reference space like so: {{ki,0, fi,0}, {ki,1, fi,1},...} 5 (a) Sample partial spaces of a bigger space (b) Generalizing the partial spaces (c) Conservative release of planes Figure 3: Sample (a) partial releases with (b) generalization, and (c) conservative plane releasing. for any space i. Then, for the inference step, we match the ref- sets are further subdivided to similarly-sized overlapping erence set with the key point-descriptor set of the unknown submaps with a radius of 2m and are re-sampled to contain query space. 1024 points. The submap intervals are 0.5m and covers all 3 For inter-space inference, we utilize a deterministic matching- axes (while the original pointnetvlad only covers the two based approach using nearest-neighbor matching in the de- ground axes). The PointNet layer produces local feature de- ∗ scriptor space, i.e. {fS } 7→ {fSc ∈{Sr }}. Then, a voting mech- scriptors for each point in a submap, and, then, feed those to anism determines the best candidate match among the ref- the NetVLAD layer to learn a global descriptor vector for the erence spaces (Sc ∈ {Sr }) which has the most matched de- given submap. We direct the reader to [36] for more details scriptors with the query space (S∗). A similar voting-based on pointnetvlad.2 mechanism was utilised in place recognition over 3D lidar For inference, pointnetvlad creates a reference database data [5, 6]. of the global descriptors of the combined raw and general- We improve upon the mechanism used in [7] by extend- ized spaces available. The point cloud of the query space ing the inference to intra-space location. We collect the key will also be divided into submaps and be directly fed to the points of the corresponding features matched from inter- pointnetvlad model which likewise produces the two-level space inference, and trim the collection by only getting the spatial inference hypothesis. pair of reference and query descriptors whose nearest neigh- bor distance ratio (or NNDR) < 0.9. Then, using their cor- 5 PRIVACY MEASURES OVER 3D DATA { ∗ } 7→ { } responding key points, as in kS kSr ,we perform a Directly releasing raw point clouds exposes all spatial infor- geometric structure consistency check which produces the best mation as well as structural information of sensitive objects pairs of key points with consistent structural relationships; within the space. A mechanism can be inserted, as shown in that is, the graph (or sub-graph) of the reference key points Fig. 1, along the MR processing pipeline to provide privacy is similar to the graph (or sub-graph) of the corresponding protection. We present two baseline protection measures: set of query key points. This can be generalized to the NP- partial releasing, and planar spatial generalizations. How- complete sub-graph isomorphism problem but we instead ever, it has been shown that planar spatial generalizations use a heuristic-based approach using the product of the an- are inadequate forms of protection [7]; thus, we augment the gular (using cosine similarity) and distance similarities of the protection further with conservative releasing of the plane two key point graphs. Then, we pick the resulting sub-graph generalizations. with the most number of structurally consistent matched key points as the best intra-space match. We then compute the 5.1 Partial spaces resulting intra-space distance d(cS ∗ ,cS ) of the true centroid To limit the amount of information released with the point cS of the query space to that of the centroid of the matched clouds, partial releasing can be utilised to provide MR appli- reference space cS ∗ = cS r within the query space as described by Eq. 4. cations the least information necessary to deliver the desired functionality. With partial spaces, we only release segments of the space with varying radius. Fig. 3a shows an example 4.2 Inference using DNN: pointnetvlad space with 2 partial releases. Partial releasing can either be To produce a large-scale place recognizer with 3D point performed once or up to a predefined number of releases if cloud as input, pointnetvlad combines the deep network more of the space is necessary for the MR application to pro- 3D point cloud shape classifier PointNet [23] with NetVLAD vide its service. Then, succeeding of the space are [3], which is a deep network image-based place recognizer. To train pointnetvlad, we split the reference point clouds 2Original pointnetvlad code can be accessed at github.com/mikacuy/ to disjoint training and validation sets. The point cloud pointnetvlad. 6 no longer provided to the MR application. Moreover, partial releasing can be applied over raw or generalized spaces.

5.2 Plane fitting generalization As discussed in §3.1, to deliver augmentations, MR platforms digitally maps the physical space to gain understanding of it.

And, as discussed in §3.4, depending on the desired function- 2D-view of sample region ality, an MR application may require just a single oriented point as a static anchor, a single plane or surface, or a set of surfaces for dynamic augmentations. Thus, arguably, with- out a significant impact on the delivery of the desired MR functionality, any surface within a space can be generalized into a set of planes. Furthermore, surface-to-plane general- izations inadvertently sanitizes information that is below the desired generalization resolution. For example, a key- 3D surface plot of sample region board on a desk surface may be generalized as part of the desk. However, spatial information, i.e. location, may still be inferred as we will reveal later. Figure 4: 3D point clouds of the 7 collected environments To perform surface-to-plane generalization, we employed (left); a 3D surface of a sample space (bottom-right), and its the popular Random Sample Consensus (or RANSAC) plane 2D-RGB view (top-right). fitting method12 [ ]. For our implementation, we directly utilize the accompanying normal vector of each point to 6.1 Dataset estimate the planes in the plane fitting process instead of For our dataset, we gathered real 3D point cloud data using computing or estimating them from the neighbouring points. the Microsoft HoloLens in various environments to demon- strate the leakage from actual human-scale spaces in which 5.3 Conservative plane releasing an MR device is usually used. As shown in Fig. 4, our collected Plainly using plane generalizations do not adequately pro- environments include the following spaces: a work space, a vide protection from spatial inference especially when we reception area, an office kitchen or pantry, an apartment, a continuously reveal the space. Thus, we present conservative drive way, a hall way, and a stair well. releasing, where we limit the number of planes a generaliza- The combined approximate floor area of the spaces is tion produces. Fig. 3b shows an example set of planes that 899.9m2 while the combined approximate surface area (i.e. are released after RANSAC generalization of the revealed including the vertical surfaces and other objects whose 3d partial raw spaces (in Fig. 3a); then, as shown in Fig. 3c, we point cloud are captured) is 1434.7m2. The combined size of can limit the maximum allowable planes that can be released the raw point clouds are 39.7MB. The resulting reference to, say, a maximum of 3 planes in total. descriptor set used by NN-matcher is 5.5MB while the refer- As will be presented later in §7.3, conservative releasing ence database used by pointnetvlad is 5.41MB. is a viable privacy countermeasure which provides QoS that are arguably adequate for most MR functionalities. 6.2 Metrics To quantify the privacy leakage in our various evaluation 6 EVALUATION SETUP setups, as defined in §3.2, we use adversarial inference error We present the various experimental setups we designed to as our privacy metrics. We posed a two-level attack: (1) inter- investigate the viability of the different privacy-preserving space inference, and (2) intra-space inference. For the first methods described in §5. We use the ensemble of raw point level, privacy can be directly linked, as in Eq. 2, to the inter- cloud data augmented with generalized versions as the refer- space inference error rate. While, for the second level, as ence set available to the adversary (Step 1 in Fig. 2). We, then, in Eq. 3, intra-space privacy can be related to the distance implement the various privacy-preserving methods to inves- error which is in distance units u (where 1 u is approximately tigate how well can the adversary perform their attacks over 1 meter). such defenses. Specifically, for all succeeding experiments, Moreover, we set the following desired subjective lower- we will be utilizing RANSAC generalization but with varying bounds for the privacy metrics. For inter-space privacy, we release mechanisms: in terms of the size of the partial space, can set a desirable lower-bound at Π1 ≥ 0.5. This means the number of successive releases, and the maximum total that an adversary can only make a correct guess at most half number of released planes. We first present our data and the time. Furthermore, we define 1.0 ≥ Π1 ≥ 0.75 as high specify our metrics before describing the evaluation setups. privacy, 0.75 > Π1 ≥ 0.5 as medium privacy, and Π1 < 0.5 7 ) m

1 1.0 10 ( 1, NN, Raw 2, NN, Gen 2

, y 1, NN, Gen 2, PV, unassisted as low privacy. For intra-space privacy, we set a desirable 0.8 , 8 c y a 1, PV, assisted c v i a r

≥ 0.6 1, PV, unassisted v 6 P lower-bound at Π2 4m. However, we emphasize the great i

r e P

c e a 0.4 4 subjectivity of these lower-bounds especially that of the intra- c p a s - p s R

0.2 - 2 E

space distance error where a desirable lower-bound highly A T R N I 0.0 T 0 N depends on the scenario or location. For example, for indoor 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 I 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 scenarios, a distance error of at least 4m can perhaps mean Partial Radius (m) Partial Radius (m) that the actual user is in a different room, while, for outdoor Figure 5: One-time partially released RANSAC-generalized scenarios, a distance error of at least 4m is still relatively spaces vs varying radii: (left) inter-space and (right) intra- small. space privacy 6.3 Setup Conservative plane releasing. In addition to the previous setups, we employ conservative releasing which limits the We validate the viability of generalization as we vary the size number of planes a surface-to-plane generalization produces of the one-time partially released generalized spaces, and as as a form of spatial privacy countermeasure. For our inves- we successively release more partial spaces. Then, we pro- tigation, we apply conservative releasing over the same set ceed with the investigation of the viability of conservative of successively released partial spaces with subsumption ap- releasing as an augmented countermeasure to generaliza- plied during RANSAC generalization. But, for every sample tions. release, we investigate the impact of limiting the maximum One time release of partial spaces. For initial investigation number of planes, we label max_planes, that are generated and validation, we use the case when an MR application is by the RANSAC plane generalization process. We performed provided only once with 3D spatial information but we vary controlled plane releasing with max_planes in steps of 2 the size, i.e. radius r, of the revealed space. We apply this from 1 to 30. to the raw point clouds as well as for RANSAC-generalized point clouds. For every radius r, we get 1000 random sam- 7 RESULTS ple spaces, i.e. random submap of radius r from a randomly Now, we present the results of the systematic evaluation. We picked space, as a user can initiate an MR application from first present the results of the validation experiments over any point within a space; to ensure rotation-invariance, we partially released and successively released spaces followed also randomly rotate and translate the space. We, then, mea- by the results of our investigation on conservative releasing sure the inference performance. We feed the same set of as a complementary approach to generalization for privacy partial spaces to the two chosen attack approaches: the preservation. descriptor-based NN-matcher, and the deep neural network- based pointnetvlad. 7.1 One time partial releasing Fig. 5 shows the average privacy provided by surface pla- Successive release of partial spaces. To demonstrate the nar generalization as we vary the size of released spaces for case when users are moving around and their physical space the one-time release case, and for our two attackers. We use is gradually revealed, we included a validation setup that the subscript NN for NN-matcher while PV for pointnetvlad. successively releases partial spaces. Following the described We also show the privacy values of Raw spaces for compar- generalization strategy in §5.2, we perform successive re- ison. As shown in Fig. 5-left, generalization provides im- leasing of partial spaces for collected raw point cloud, and proved inter-space privacy for the one-time partial release for RANSAC generalized versions. We do 100 random sam- case. This can be observed in the sharp drop of Π ple partial iterations, and produce 100 releases per random 1,NN,Raw while Π slowly drop as we increase the radius. At sample. We do this for radii = {0.5, 1.0, 2.0}. 1,NN,Gen r = 1.0m, there is more than a two-fold difference between As the released points are accumulated, we perform gener- Π and Π ; at r = 1.5m, Π is already alization over the accumulated points. To achieve consistency 1,NN,Raw 1,NN,Gen 1,NN,Raw < 0.1 while Π is still > 0.3. on the generalizations, we implemented a plane subsumption 1,NN,Gen On the other hand, pointnetvlad learns to generalize handler for generalizing successively released points. Specif- during training, thus raw and surface-generalized query ically, new points will be checked against existing planes spaces will result to the similar global descriptors and, hence, (produced by previous releases) if they can be subsumed by same Π values. As shown in Fig. 5-left, pointnetvlad per- the existing ones instead of performing RANSAC generaliza- 1 forms worse than the NN-matcher at r < 1.75m. This is tion for the entire accumulated points; RANSAC will only due to the submaps used to train pointnetvlad having 2m be performed over the remaining [ungeneralized] points. radius.3 To further demonstrate the impact of submap gen- We feed the same set of successive spaces to both the eration, we show the performance in Fig. 5-left when we NN-matcher, and pointnetvlad. The resulting stronger at- tacker will be used for the subsequent cases. 3In the interest of space, we no longer show the results of the preliminary analysis over pointnetvlad but smaller submaps have worse performance 8 ) m

1 1.0 10 (

r =0.5, 1, NN r = 0.5, 1, PV r = 0.5, 2, NN r = 0.5, 2, PV 2

, r =1.0, r = 1.0, r = 1.0, r = 1.0, y 1, NN 1, PV 2, NN 2, PV

0.8 , 8 either increase the size of a partial space, or reveal more c y a r =2.0, 1, NN r = 2.0, 1, PV r = 2.0, 2, NN r = 2.0, 2, PV c v i a r

0.6 v 6 P i portions and/or planes of the space, unsurprisingly, the inter-

r e P

c e a 0.4 4

c r = . m Π p space privacy (Fig. 6-left) decreases. For 0 5 , both 1,NN a s - p s R

0.2 - 2 E

A and Π1,PV slowly drops but with Π1,NN dropping faster. If we T R N I 0.0 T 0 N 0 20 40 60 80 100 I 0 20 40 60 80 100 double the size of the releases to r = 1.0m, both Π1 drops Number of Releases Number of Releases quickly with Π1,NN still dropping faster. Thus, in terms of inter-space privacy, NN-matcher still performs better than Figure 6: Successively released partial spaces: (left) inter- the deep neural network-based pointnetvlad even in the space and (right) intra-space privacy successive case. assist the submap generation with true centroids of the par- Despite the accumulated spaces in the successive case be- tial spaces, and when it is unassisted–i.e. the attacker has ing larger than 2.0m after a few releases, pointnetvlad’s to infer the centroids of the partial spaces. When assisted, performance still suffers from non-optimal submap gener- a slight improvement on pointnetvlad’s performance can ation. We did observe that Π1 drops to 0 in Fig. 5-left, but be observed: i.e. at r = 2.0m, P1,PV,assisted < 0.1 while that is due to how the partial spaces are generally enclosed P1,PV,unassisted > 0.1; however, this only further exposes the in spheres. Whereas in the successive case, the accumulated weakness of pointnetvlad for r < 2.0m. In the subsequent spaces will now be irregularly shaped. Fig. 3 shows how it cases, we only show the results of unassisted pointnetvlad. looks with two releases. Thus, for accumulated spaces larger Subsequently, Fig. 5-right shows the average intra-space than 2.0m, the submap generator will produce more than 1 privacy for the partial query spaces that are correctly labelled submap to cover the entire query space and, then, perform during inter-space inference. We only focus on the results for the inference on the submaps. Some of these submaps, say the surface-generalized query spaces, and only for the unas- the edge submaps, will lead to erroneous inter-space labels. sisted pointnetvlad. At partial releases with r ≤ 0.75m, On the other hand, similar to the one-time partial case, intra- Π2,NN > 4m which directly translates to the intra-space hy- space performance of pointnetvlad is fairly sustained and pothesis being off by at least 4m in average from the true better than the NN-matcher–owing to the discriminative intra-space location. On the other hand, Π2,PV ≤ 2m regard- power of the NetVLAD layer as long as the inter-space label less of the radius: the NetVLAD layer ensures that nearby is correct. submaps will have similar global descriptors (and distant Differently, the NN-matcher’s intra-space distance error submaps to be dissimilar) which leads to good intra-space initially drops but slowly increases as we reveal more of performance. On the other hand, NN-matcher descriptors the space. As shown in Fig. 6-right, at the first release, at are directly computed from the point cloud which means that r = 0.5m, Π2,NN is slightly high with an error of ≥ 4m, but, nearby descriptors can be dissimilar while distant descriptors after 20 or more releases, the Π2 drops < 3m. But, inter- can be similar. estingly, as we reveal more of the space, the Π2 seems to Evidently, there is no intra-space privacy benefit from improve: for r = 1.0m, Π2 approximately increases to almost generalizations for r > 1.0m, but, as shown in Fig. 5, a signif- 4m again as we reach 60 or more releases. And, regardless of icant inter-space privacy benefit can be observed. However, the size, after 20 releases, Π2,NN follows a similar increasing one-time partial releasing provides very limited data to ap- trend. This can be attributed to how artificial, i.e. man-made, plications. In reality, other MR applications may desire to spaces have repeating similar structures which also produces receive new, expanded, and/or updated information about very similar descriptors. As a result, successive releases can the user’s physical space to deliver their MR functionality contain structures on a different intra-space location but is with immersiveness. Thus, we also need to investigate the similar to structures that were previously released. A good viability of using generalizations but with successively re- example of this are the workstations in the same company leased spatial information. or institution which are all designed similarly. However, this seemingly improving intra-space privacy Takeaway. Surface-to-plane generalizations provide INTER- is not necessarily an improvement as the revealed space space privacy benefit for the one-time partial release case, but grows in size which leads to a possible overlap of the hy- does not provide any significant benefit in terms of INTRA- pothesis intra-space to the true space. For example, after a space privacy. number of releases the width of the accumulated space is 7.2 Successive releasing 4.0m, a Π2,NN < 4.0m means that the adversary was still able to produce a hypothesis space that overlaps with or, even, Fig. 6 shows the inference performance as we successively within the true space. Nevertheless, we will use NN-matcher release generalized partial spaces. Regardless of the size of in the succeeding setups as it outperforms pointnetvlad in the released partial spaces and of the attacker used, as we inter-space inference. for two primary reasons: smaller submaps (1) contain less information, and (2) results to more similar-looking submaps. 9 (a) 3D plot (r = 0.5) (b) Heatmap (r = 0.5) (a) 3D plot (r = 0.5) (b) Heatmap (r = 0.5)

(c) Heatmap (r = 1.0) (d) Heatmap (r = 1.0) (c) 3D plot (r = 1.0) (d) Heatmap (r = 1.0)]

1.0 8 0.75 6 r = 0.5 r = 1.0 0.5 4

Privacy 0.25 r = 0.5 r = 1.0 Privacy

INTER-space 2 0.0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 INTRA-space 0 Max number of planes 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Max number of planes

(e) Average Π1 over all releases (e) Average Π2 over all releases Figure 7: Average INTER-space privacy of conservatively released planes over successive releasing (using NN-matcher 8 r = 0.5 r = 1.0 attacker) 6 4

Takeaway. The evaluation over successive releases high- Privacy 2 INTRA-space 0 lights the inference power, especially in INTER-space inference, 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 of a descriptor matching-based attacker in recognizing spatial Number of releases locations from 3D MR data. (f) Average Π2 over varying number of planes Figure 8: Average INTRA-space privacy of conservatively 7.3 Conservative releasing released planes over successive releasing (using NN-matcher Now, we explore the privacy approach of combining conser- attacker) vative releasing with surface planar generalizations to pro- vide spatial privacy in MR as more of the space is revealed. spaces with radius r = 0.5m, the average inter-space privacy Specifically, we control the maximum number of released Π1 drops below 0.5 after 31 or more releases. But, with con- planes after the surface-to-plane generalization process. Fig. servative releasing, we can release up to 51 successive partial 7 shows the inter-space privacy values as we increase the releases with max_planes ≤ 23 for Π ≥ 0.5. Furthermore, max planes 1 maximum number of planes, i.e. _ , and the num- if we average Π (r = 0.5m) over all releases and observe it ber of releases. We can see from the 3D plot for r = 0.5m 1 relative to max_planes, average Π1(r = 0.5m) does not go in Fig. 7a that the inter-space privacy gradually decreases below 0.5 if max_planes ≤ 29 as shown in Fig. 7e. as we reveal more of the space (more releases) and increase On the other hand, for r = 1.0m, Figs. 7c and 7d shows that max planes Π (r = . m) . _ . For 1 0 5 to go below 0 5, both the the decrease in Π is primarily due to max_planes. Aside number of releases and max_planes needs to be high. This 1 from the few occasions shown in Fig. 7d that Π1 ≥ 0.5 with is more evident through the unevenly quantized heatmap lower number of releases, we can observe that generally shown in Fig. 7b which shows that we will get Π1 ≤ 0.5 Π1 < 0.5 for max_planes ≥ 13. We also show the successive for only a few occasions in the provided range of values case with max_planes = ∞ for r = 1.0m which shows that for number of releases and max_planes.4 We also show the right after the first release we have Π1 < 0.5. Furthermore, as heatmap version for the successive case with no conserva- shown in Fig. 7e, the average Π (r = 1.0m) over all releases max planes = ∞ 1 tive releasing, i.e. _ , at the top of Fig. 7b for goes below 0.5 if the max_planes ≥ 13. Thus, for r ≤ 1.0, comparison. And as shown, for successively released partial there can be at most 11 planes released regardless of the 4 The uneven quantized levels follows our set ranges in §6.2 number of successive partial releases so that Π1(r = 1.0m) ≥ 10 0.35 1 1.0 0.30 overall QoS normal QoS point-wise QoS 0.25 5 0.8 0.20 9 0.15 13 0.6 0.10 17 0.4 Average QoS 0.05 21 Average QoS 0.00 0.2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 25 Max number of planes Partial Radius 29 0.0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 Figure 9: QoS Q vs varying radius r. The average Q over all Releases test radii, i.e. 0.25 ≤ r ≤ 4.0m, is 0.120 ± 0.007, while there is a (a) 3D plot (r = 0.5) (b) Heatmap (r = 0.5) medium positive correlation, i.e. ρ = 0.71, between Q and r. 1.0 0.5. Arguably, having a maximum limit of 11 planes is already 1 5 0.8 adequate for most MR functionalities. 9 We also present the intra-space privacy with conserva- 13 0.6 17 0.4 tive releasing in Fig. 8 with quantized heatmaps. Figs. 8a-8b 21 Average QoS and 8c-8d shows differences in Π2 for r = 0.5 and 1.0m, 25 0.2 Max number of planes 29 0.0 but, if we are to average it over all releases as shown in 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 Fig. 8e, the plots of Π2(r = 0.5m) and Π2(r = 1.0m) over- Releases lap and plateaus at roughly ∼ 3.085m. The difference being (c) 3D plot (r = 1.0) (d) Heatmap (r = 1.0) only at max_planes ≤ 3 where Π2(r = 1.0m) drops faster Figure 10: Average QoS Q of conservatively released planes Π2(r = 0.5m) from max_planes = 1 to 3 before eventually plateauing at similar levels. over successive releasing On the other hand, if we are to average Π2 over max_planes, we see that Fig. 8f reflects the behavior of Π2,NN shown in Fig. 10 shows the Q values for conservatively released Fig. 6-right. Both figures show increasing Π2 as we increase planes over successively released partial spaces. Here, re- the number of releases. In Fig. 8f, it is more evident for gardless of r, we can see that Q decreases as we increase Π2(r = 1.0) which starts to increase immediately after 1 max_planes. Consequently, if we fix max_planes, more suc- release, while Π2(r = 0.5) increases only after 31 releases. cessive partial releases increases Q. Intuitively, more infor- Takeaway. Conservative releasing of generalized planes mation should, i.e. more releases, should decrease Q but provide INTER-space privacy: for r = 0.5, if we are to release up becasue we are also limiting the maximum allowable num- to 17 planes, an adversary will misidentify a space at least half ber of planes to be released, this introduces errors and thus of the time regardless of the number of releases, and will be off increasing Q. by at least 3.0m in INTRA-space inference for these infrequent Let’s look at the sample shown earlier in Fig. 3. As shown occasions of INTER-space success. We can get similar privacy in Fig. 3c, if we set max_planes = 3, this means that the for r = 1.0 with up to 11 plane releases. succeeding releases will be forced on to these previously released 3 planes. Other structures present on these succeed- 7.4 Utility in terms of QoS ing releases that cannot be subsumed by these planes will effectively not be released, and, thus, contribute to theQoS Plane-fitting generalizations contribute variations to the calculation. Example of these other structures are the planes released point clouds from true spaces. Fig. 9 shows the shown in Fig. 3b but not present in Fig. 3c. Furthermore, the computed average QoS Q based on Eq. 5 (with coefficients increasing Q with increasing radius is also corroborated by α, β = 0.5) for RANSAC generalized spaces with varying Fig. 10 which shows that the values for r = 0.5 are less than radii r. We also show the plots of two components used to or equal to that of r = 1.0 for the same number of releases compute the overall Q: the normal QoS, and the point-wise or max_planes. QoS.5 As shown, the overall Q very slowly increases (but not consistently) as we increase the radius. The increase can Takeaway. To achieve better QoS with generalized spaces, be attributed more to the normal QoS component which smaller size or radius is preferred. And, if conservative releas- has medium positive correlation, i.e. ρ = 0.74, with radius r. ing is applied, good Q, i.e. < 0.2, can be achieved with lower While the overall Q has a medium positive correlation, i.e. number of releases. ρ = 0.71, with r, and, if we average Q over all radii, we get Q¯ = 0.120±0.007 which has less than 10% standard deviation. 8 DISCUSSION This slight increase is attributed to how more information, i.e. Challenge with point cloud data. Point clouds are un- larger radius, introduces additional errors, albeit minimally, ordered and variable-sized data structures which makes com- especially on the normals during generalization. putation of, say, mutual information challenging. This poses 5A normal QoS of 0.2 means that the resulting normals after generalization a further challenge in directly applying well-studied privacy are on average about 18◦ off from the original normals. frameworks such as differentially private mechanisms. Thus, 11

5 5

1 . 1 .

0 0 3D lidar data. Now, conversely, the protection methods we

5 1 5 1

d d have designed and developed can be applied on these other n n a a

9 9 2 2 . . 13 0 13 0 platforms. Of course, the figuring out a balance between Q Q

5 5

17 . 17 . functional utility, say, for a self-driving car, and privacy will 0 0 < < 21 1 21 1 still be a significant a challenge. r r o o

2 2

25 . 25 . 0 0 Max number of planes Max number of planes > > 29 Q 29 Q Improving the attackers. It is not the focus of this work 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 Releases Releases to develop the best attacker. However, countermeasures are only as good as the best attack it can defend against. Thus, it (a) r = 0.5 (b) r = 1.0 is a worthwhile effort to explore improvements on the attack Figure 11: Intersection map of Q ≤ 0.2 and Π1 ≥ 0.5 methods as work such as an optimal submap generator for pointnetvlad. Likewise, the intrinsic descriptors used by NN-matcher can be transformed to a more discriminative in this work, we measured privacy in terms of the errors of global descriptor using NetVLAD to improve NN-matcher’s the two-level spatial inference attack described earlier. intra-space performance. Moreover, pointnetvlad can po- Utility vs Privacy. Fig. 11 shows an intersection map tentially be improved by replacing the PointNet layer with for acceptable Q and Π1, i.e. Q ≤ 0.2 and Π1 ≥ 0.5. For the updated PointNet++ [24]. r = 0.5m, as shown in Fig.11a, the good intersection regions are primarily dictated by good Q, i.e. up to 51 releases and 9 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK up to 23 max_planes. Contrariwise, for r = 1.0m, as shown Currently, MR services are provided with full and indefinite in Fig.11b, the good intersection regions are very scarce access to the 3D spatial information, i.e. 3D point cloud data, and are primarily dictated by good Π1; specifically, up to captured by MR-capable devices. In this work, we highlight 13 max_planes and up to 26 releases but lower max_planes the risks associated to the indefinite access of applications worsen Q. Thus, for r = 1.0, if we prioritize privacy over to these 3D point cloud data. We have demonstrated how a utility/QoS, then we can stick to max_planes ≤ 11 but no descriptor-based and a deep neural network-based inferrers limit in the number of successive releases. But, if we want can be used for 3D spatial inference. Using these inferrers, we better Q, we can reduce the size of the space, say, r = 0.5m, can recognize the current space of a user using the 3D point and enjoy more freedom in the number of releases. cloud information captured by their MR device. Furthermore, Functional Utility. So far, we have only been focused we have extended the capability of the inferrers to also reveal on data utility. Specifically, we assume that as long as the the exact location within the space of the user. Our validation revealed generalized space has a low Q, we hypothesize that results reveal that, unsurprisingly, raw 3D point cloud data the same original functionality can still be provided with readily reveals the specific location of spaces with average the user perceiving minimal to no difference. For a great intra-space error of as low as 1m. And we reiterate that naive deal of MR applications requiring “anchoring” to surfaces, as spatial generalizations, i.e. using the RANSAC plane-fitting long as the plane generalizations are kept aligned with their algorithm, is still inadequate. Therefore, it is necessary to corresponding true surfaces, the user may indeed perceive provide users with further protection. minimal to no difference. For the case when a specific target, In this work, we have demonstrated that we can enhance e.g. a 2D image marker or 3D object, is the desired anchor, privacy protection with plane generalizations by conserva- the position (and orientation) of this target can be provided tively releasing the generalized planes provided to applica- as either a small plane generalization or as a point anchor tions. Our experimental investigation over accumulated data which can be used together with the other plane generaliza- from successive releases (emulating user movement) shows tions. However, it would also be worthwhile as future work that we can reveal up to 11 planes and avoid inter-space in- to implement the proposed mechanism for protection over ference at least for half of the time for large enough revealed ≤ various MR applications and use cases, and measure actual spaces, i.e. r 1.0. Specifically, with such very conserva- user satisfaction or Quality-of-Experience (QoE). tive releases, the success rate of any (inter-space) inferrer is no better than a random guess. And, for the occasions Extensions to other 3D data sources. Furthermore, we that the adversary correctly recognizes the space, the intra- have only focused on 3D point cloud data captured by MR space location can be off by at least 3 meters. Moreover, we platforms. However, there are other platforms and use cases quantified the privacy improvement in terms of both Π1 and in which 3D data is used. For example, 3D lidar data captured Π2 by reducing the size of the partial spaces to be revealed. and used in geo-spatial work, by self-driving cars, and now by Consequently, in terms of data utility Q, a smaller size is many other applications on recent smartphones. As we have preferred to provide good (i.e. low) Q. mentioned, the methods we have used for spatial attacks are Overall, conservative releasing is a viable solution for pro- adapted from place recognition methods originally used for tecting spatial privacy of users as they use MR services 12 while providing measurable privacy guarantees or thresholds. associated with the points. Moreover, it is not reliant on cur- Plane generalization are already–or can easily be–implemented vature or any other second-order or higher-order structural in most MR platforms. Thus, what remains is the implemen- information. tation of conservative plane releasing to provide protection The original spin image descriptor algorithm does not in these MR platforms. In our future work, we aim to de- have a key point selection process. For our implementation, velop a software library for mobile devices that includes the we implement a pseudo key point selection process by using mechanisms proposed in this work which facilitates MR app a sub-sampled point cloud space (sampling factor of 5) as our designers to develop privacy-aware MR applications. chosen key points instead of the complete point cloud. This reduces the likelihood of having neighbouring points having AVAILABILITY exactly the same descriptors. Then, we compute the spin im- The source codes of our experiments is available at https: age descriptors made up of cylindrical bins relative to a local //github.com/spatial-privacy/3d-spatial-privacy. cylindrical coordinate system around each key point. The spin comes from the fact that spinning the key point about APPENDIX: THE NN-MATCHER its normal will have no effect on the computed descriptor; thus, it is rotation-invariant about its normal. Consequently, Intrinsic 3D descriptors. Features that describe and discrimi- the spinning effect reduces the impact of variations within nate among 3D spaces are usually used for inference mod- that spin which makes SI descriptors more robust compared elling, and there are considerable features in 3D point clouds to other descriptors which are reliant on second-order infor- for it to be directly used as a 3D descriptor. However, point mation such as curvatures. Furthermore, as described in §5.2, cloud extractions of the same space may produce translated plane generalization removes curvatures as well as other and/or rotated versions of each other; thus, for a machine second- and higher-order information which makes its use to recognize that these point clouds are of the same space, as a geometric description information impractical. It has machine understanding has to be translation- and rotation- been shown that, indeed, SI descriptors are more robust when invariant. To provide invariance, we utilize an existing 3D spaces are plane generalized than a similar algorithm, i.e. self description algorithm called spin image (SI) descriptors [18]. similarity [15], which requires curvature information [7]. The SI description algorithm only uses the normal vectors Inter-space inference. A matching function maps two sets of features {fa,0, fa,1,...} and {fb,0, fb,1,...} of spaces Sa and Sb , respectively. To accept a match, we get the nearest neighbor Algorithm 1: Inter-space matching algorithm d(fa,1,fb,1) distance ratio (NNDR) of the features like so: d(f ,f ) < Data: a,1 b,2 ; threshold, where d(·) is some distance measure in the fea- {{f1, k1 }, {f2, k2 }, ..., {fI , kI }} the ensemble set of information from reference spaces where {fi, ki } is the set of key point-descriptor pairs for ture space, and descriptor fb,1 is the nearest neighbor of reference space i; descriptor fa,1 while fb,2 is the second nearest neighbor. If {fq, kq } is the set of key point-descriptor pairs for a query space; the NNDR falls below a set threshold, then {ka,1, fa,1} and Result: i∗ candidate reference space, and {kq 7→ k1∗ } the matched query and reference key points {kb,1, fb,1} is an acceptable key point-feature pairs. 1 J a 3D feature matcher, i.e. 2nn matcher For our implementation, we use the Euclidean nearest 2 T is NNDR threshold = 0.9 neighbors, i.e. 2-nn, for the feature distance function d(·). 3 Ei,q a 2d-array of 2nn indices 4 Di,q a 2d-array of 2nn distances // both E and D have shape Q×2, where Afterwards, the NNDR of the two best matching reference Q is the length of fq descriptors for every query descriptor from the reference 5 S = {s1, s2,...}, the global matching scores of reference spaces i spaces are computed. Then, to determine the best matching 6 K = {{kq 7→ k1 }, {kq 7→ k2 },...} are the set-pairs of matched query key points kq with the key points ki of every reference space i space for inter-space inference, a weighted score is computed

7 for {fi, ki } ← {f1, k1 } to {fI , kI } do based on the product on the product of the percentage of 8 Ei,q, Di,q = J(fi, fq ) uniquely indexed lowest ratio matches per candidate space, ← 9 Di,q max_normalize(Di,q ) and that of the difference from 1 of the mean of the NNDRs 10 D ← Di,q [:, 0]/Di,q [:, 1] // the array of the same length as fq containing the NNDR for every query feature with its of the unique (key point-wise) matches. The reference space, top-2 matches among the reference features with the highest score–akin to the argmax operation of Eq. 11 (optional strict step; applied in [7])Ei,T ⊂ Ei,q , where D1 < T // the subset of indices with NNDR

13 feature among the reference features. Line 8 in both Alg. 1 while the edges are defined by the point-to-point vector shows this 2nn distance computation in the feature space connecting the key points. We compute the distances using which produces two arrays: Ei,q contains indices of the 2nn L2-norm of the point-to-point distance vectors (line 7). We descriptors from reference space i, while Di,q contains the also compute the internal angles (using cosine similarity) distance values. Afterwards, Di,q is maximum-normalized formed by the vectors (line 8). We compute a distance simi- (line 9) before we compute the NNDR (line 10). Originally, larity measure (line 9) Sd , and an angular similarity measure in [7], an optional step (line 11) trims the 2nn matches and (line 10) Sϕ . The product of the two measures forms the com- only keeps those below the set threshold T. Then, the set bined similarity metric S (line 11). 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