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ith the merger in 2006 of the although pre-existing, now incorporates (SAC) which comprises Centre Heads LBurnet and Austin Research harm reduction into its infectious disease and Principals together with the Director Institutes and the rapid expansion of its programs. The Centres represent Burnet’s and Deputy Directors. This committee international public health programs, key areas of research and public health will meet regularly and consider major the new has suddenly strength, and are led by the Institute’s strategic issues on an Institute-wide basis. emerged as one of the largest independent most experienced and highly credentialed While reform to the scientific institutes of its type in . With . Their role is primarily to leadership is achieved by the restructure this growth also came an increase in the provide additional strategic direction and described above, Burnet Institute breadth of disciplines and expertise at mentoring to the individual laboratories administration and corporate services the Institute and in the range of health and groups within each Centre, and remain largely as they were. A key problems it addresses. With these issues in to better identify and focus attention, exception, however, has been the creation mind, the Institute has been reorganised resources and critical mass on addressing of the new position of Chief Operating into a structure that is appropriate for health issues of the greatest relevance. Officer (COO) at the Institute. My the effective operation of an organisation While the Centres are not intended to view is that the scale and complexity of this scale and complexity. Uppermost be operational silos, two new mechanisms of the Institute’s operations warranted in my thinking when restructuring the have been created to foster cross-institute such a position. I was very pleased to organisation was a focus on creating activities and to promote attention to our announce recently that Geoff Drenkhahn, mechanisms that continue to promote central themes. The first is the formal previously Deputy Head of our Centre for excellence in all our activities, while at the recognition of crosscutting themes and International Health has been appointed to same time emphasising our key strengths the appointment of Burnet Principals the role. Geoff will play a key role in the and primary mission. to represent them. Not only will these planning, implementation and oversight One substantial change to the Institute experts become primary spokespeople of all internal operational matters and in very recent days has been a major for their respective themes, they will will oversee much of the exciting new reorganisation of our scientific leadership be responsible for the development of development of Burnet’s building next structure, the cornerstone of which is the longer-term strategic planning and new door on the Prahran Campus. creation of four “Centres of Excellence”. initiatives, such as those depicted in red Together these changes begin a process The Centres – Virology, , on the accompanying organisational of structural reform that will keep our Population Health and International Health chart. The second approach to ensuring new ‘super institute’ at the cutting edge – are all new, including to some degree cross-institute thinking is the creation of medical research and public health the Centre for International Health, which, of the Scientific Advisory Committee programs in this country. ( >i]VhWZZcdkZg&%%nZVghh^cXZi]ZY^hXdkZgni]VibVaVg^V^hXVjhZYWnbdhfj^id"WdgcZ^c[ZXi^dcl^i]i]Z b^XgdhXde^XEaVhbdY^jbeVgVh^iZ#9Zhe^iZi]^h`cdlaZY\ZVcY^ciZch^kZ\adWVaZ[[dgihidXdcigdaVcYZkZc ZgVY^XViZi]ZY^hZVhZ!bVaVg^VXdci^cjZhidWZdcZd[i]ZldgaYÉhbdhi^bedgiVciejWa^X]ZVai]egdWaZbh#


J^[]beXWbXkhZ[de\cWbWh_W As many as one billion people experience infections each year and more than two million people die, mostly young children living in the poorest communities. Close to two and a half billion people live at constant risk of malaria, and recent re-evaluation of the global burden shows that one billion of these live in the and Pacific regions. In addition to the direct health burden, there is widespread recognition of the profound social and economic impact the disease has in many affected countries, including our closest neighbour states. The Burnet Institute I]ZBVaVg^VGZhZVgX]

Pre-erythrocytic stage vaccine

Blood stage stage vaccine

Transmission blocking vaccine Drug targets


CWbWh_Wh[i[WhY^Wjj^[8khd[j?dij_jkj[ Apart from being potential vaccine pinpoint key variants. Future research will Our research focuses mainly on aspects antigens, these proteins potentially play widen this approach to also examine the of malaria that are relevant to the a role in the attachment to and invasion diversity of the non-falciparum species, to generation of blood-stage vaccines and of red blood cells. Determining the better understand the impact of control new therapeutic approaches against biological role of these and other surface interventions on parasite ecology. P. falciparum and P. vivax. Genomic proteins remains an area of priority for our Through these and other malaria field approaches such as microarray, proteomics investigations, as such information is vital studies, Burnet has established strong and parasite transfection combine in choosing the best vaccine candidate. For links with the PNG Institute of Medical with our studies in the field to address this reason, we are very actively involved in Research. Moreover, with malaria major questions about the complex developing new genetic technologies for use elimination now firmly on the agenda for establishment of parasite immunity, the in the study of genes that are essential for the Pacific, with programs in the Solomon molecular basis for virulence and new, parasite growth. Islands and Vanuatu already underway, smarter control strategies. Understanding which antigens are the field-linked research of the type being An essential part of the parasite lifecycle targets of protective immunity in the field undertaken by Burnet has become a is the invasion of red blood cells by the is also crucial information in vaccine choice major global research priority. The group extracellular merozoite form of the parasite. and overall strategy. Such antigens are is particularly interested in the interplay Using a number of approaches, many usually polymorphic or ‘diverse’ because between co-transmitted falciparum and proteins on the surface of P. falciparum immunity selects for parasites that escape non-falciparum malaria species, most merozoites have been identified over the the human immune system. Scientists significantly vivax malaria. Understanding last 30 years or so and several of these have at Burnet are investigating the natural this complex ecology and its effect upon become prominent blood-stage vaccine diversity and dynamics of antigens that the acquisition of immunity and the candidates. Making use of the complete are components of candidate vaccines. persistence of transmission will become a genome sequence of P. falciparum, our Despite antigenic diversity, people living key factor to malaria control outside . studies have identified many new proteins in malaria endemic areas develop an anti- residing on the surface and in invasion- disease immunity. This is thought to occur associated organelles. With support from with exposure to the range of antigenic the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation we variants in the parasite population. Using ;dgbdgZ^c[dgbVi^dcdcbVaVg^V"gZhZVgX] are working with our colleagues at the reagents generated from our population Vi7jgcZi!XdciVXi9g#EVja<^ahdc Walter & Eliza Hall Institute and Ehime genomic surveys we are making protein dc%(-*%+'()+dgZbV^a University in Japan, to measure the vaccine arrays to measure human antibodies \^ahdc5WjgcZi#ZYj#Vj# potential of these newly identified antigens. to hundreds of variants in parallel, to * cZlh^cWg^Z[

:fj^ebZci DjgCZl7j^aY^c\JcYZglVn 6eeZVaI]Vc`h Construction of the new Burnet Institute building is underway. This building will house We would like to thank our new laboratories and is an extension to the those who supported our existing Alfred hospital building on the corner Equipment Appeal for their of Punt and Commercial Roads. The fourth generous contributions. floor slab was poured in early August, the shell More than $119,000 is planned for completion in May 2009 and was raised, allowing us final completion of the building is on track for to purchase a Beckman March 2010. ultracentrifuge and BioPlex Being an extension to the existing Alfred system. Our cutting Centre Day Procedure Unit has not been edge research demands without its benefits. We are fortunate in state-of-the-art equipment not having to consider maintaining hospital 6cVgi^hiÉh^begZhh^dcd[i]ZcZlWj^aY^c\# to help our researchers function while the extension is added, and advance their findings and we were also able to commence building Once complete, Burnet will occupy the top speed the delivery of new immediately. The complex construction floor, level seven: an area large enough to house health solutions. program will keep Burnet staff who are directly more than 100 research staff, within a range The Beckman involved very busy for the next 18 months; of standard and specialised medical research ultracentrifuge includes a adding design details to laboratories and laboratories. Fellow occupants of the building world-first vacuum-encased offices, and planning the relocation of staff and will be The Alfred hospital, Monash and induction drive and an equipment from the Austin campus and the LaTrobe Universities and Baker IDI Heart and environmentally (CFC-free) Burnet Tower. Diabetes Institute. thermoelectric refrigeration system. The BioPlex system 8KHC77FF;7B enables simultaneous I]Vc`ndjidVaai]dhZl]dhd\ZcZgdjhanhjeedgiZYdjggZXZci[jcYgV^h^c\6eeZVa[dgi]ZeZdeaZ analysis of up to 100 d[BnVcbVg7jgbV^ci]ZlV`Zd[i]ZYZkVhiVi^dcd[8nXadcZCVg\^h#BdgZi]Vc'+!%%%lVh different biomolecules >B:H

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the amount of useful I D;

information from volume- N limited samples and decipher 8DJGI:H

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he Burnet Institute has worked in to our Burma Appeal, here is an update ?dj[]hWj[ZFioY^eieY_Wb Myanmar since 1995. Staffed with on what your donation has been able to H[ifedi[_dI[nkWbWdZ I26 Burmese nationals and three achieve through our two projects. H[fheZkYj_l[>[Wbj^I[hl_Y[i expatriates, it manages two major projects The Burnet Institute, Marie Stopes aimed at building the capacity of local BeYWbH[iekhY[9[djh[ International and Antares Foundation organisations to respond to HIV. The Local Resource Centre (LRC) opened Australia are providing training to local While Burnet is not a relief agency, we in Yangon on 15 May. To date, 263 local partners and staff in psychosocial care; HIV have expertise and experience in emergency organisations have received assistance prevention and gender-based violence in responses. In the wake of the cyclone from the LRC. Of these, 96 local NGOs emergency settings. Burnet established that the best way to and 738 individuals have participated These three core topics are being support the relief effort was to provide in training courses including: planning integrated into ongoing sexual and technical and organisational support to for relief responses, organisational reproductive health education and service local partners and international NGOs development and financial management. provision projects in the affected areas. through the establishment of a Local This training and support has resulted Burnet and Marie Stopes are also Resource Centre. in 72,880 people receiving assistance. An distributing essential items for women and Additionally, the Burnet Institute additional 300,000 intended beneficiaries their families including household hygiene partnered with Marie Stopes International have been targeted in proposals submitted kits, dignity kits for women, and safe and Antares Foundation Australia to to the LRC and other donors. birthing kits. provide psychosocial training and material As the relief effort shifts to longer term support for frontline staff providing recovery, staff at the LRC are receiving emergency sexual and reproductive health requests from local organisations for training


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J^[9^_dW#7kijhWb_W>[Wbj^WdZ>?L%7?:I>< The China-Australia Health and HIV/ implementation. The first fully approved AIDS Facility (CAHHF) is the latest activity was launched in early July 2008. health assistance You can find out more about CAHHF at initiative in . CAHHF celebrated www.cahhf.org. its first birthday in August and is starting Burnet manages this facility for to not only walk but talk as well. The government, under the Facility provides flexible funding to guidance of AusAID in Beijing and support health systems development, the China Ministry of Health (who as well as better responses to emerging both supply Senior Health Advisors infections and to HIV infection in China. to CAHHF), as well as the Australian The level of interest in CAHHF’s Department of Health and Ageing and first call for proposals earlier this year the China Ministry of Commerce. Burnet was far greater than expected – we works with the health consultancy HLSP, received 261 applications. Thirty of who support the office and Facility these were approved by the Program management team in Beijing. Management Committee of the China- Australia Integrated Health and HIV/ AIDS Program and will be developed further into full activities. Many of these are exciting and strategic areas of work. Some examples include support to: China’s Health 2020 long-term strategy, improved health care standards for urban primary health care centres, investigation of new infections, and strategic planning for HIV prevention and care with national government planners. The Facility Management Team in 6egd_ZXiWgdX]jgZlg^iiZc^c8]^cZhZ# Beijing has been busy working with a variety of health advisors to help revise and improve Activity Designs prior to



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When I finished my Honours degree in microbiology and epidemiology, I planned to continue my studies with a PhD in the same field. However, for 8Wd]aear7G69DIID the few months between the end of my Honours and the beginning of my PhD, The Burnet Institute’s newest overseas I was offered a job as a research assistant office has recently been opened in at the Burnet Institute’s Centre for Bangkok, Thailand. The office will Epidemiology and Population Health function as a representative office for Research (CEPHR), now known under the Asia region, focusing primarily on the new structure as the Centre for East and Southeast Asia. Brad Otto, Population Health. After working on who established Burnet’s Indonesia a range of interesting projects, such program in 1997, is Burnet’s new Regional as a survey of general practitioners’ Representative for Asia. knowledge of Chlamydia; the teaspoon Burnet currently has a strong presence study; and HIV surveillance for the in Asia, with country program offices in office is already leading to increased Victorian State Government, I knew Myanmar (Burma), China (Tibet), Lao visibility and opportunities for Burnet. that epidemiology was what I wanted to PDR and Indonesia. With the addition Following on from Cyclone Nargis do. So I stayed on as a research assistant of this regional office in Bangkok, we which devastated the Irrawaddy delta with CEPHR for two years, before are further demonstrating Burnet’s region and Yangon city in Myanmar, beginning my PhD. commitment to working in Asia. We Burnet participated in the emergency I probably have the most interesting expect that the regional office will and humanitarian relief coordination PhD title ever; ‘Sex, drugs and provide opportunities to engage more meetings in Bangkok organised by the rock’n’roll’. The study involves recruiting closely with regional and in-country World Health Organization. We were young people at a music festival and partners in Bangkok and Asia. Such also able to channel an anonymous surveying them about sexual health partner organisations include UNAIDS, donation of US$200,000 to our Burnet and drug use. I’ve also used this group UNICEF and other UN regional offices; office in Yangon to establish an Integrated in a trial of the use of text messages technical agencies such as Family Health Psychosocial Support and Reproductive (SMS) and email to reduce STI risk and International and the International HIV/ Health Project. increase knowledge and awareness of AIDS Alliance; regional advocacy and Brad meets regularly with STI’s. As well as my PhD, I also work activist organisations like the Asia Pacific representatives of various donor and part time for the Centre for Population Network of Positive People (APN+); and technical agencies in Bangkok. He is Health on the sentinel surveillance team regional donor offices such as AusAID and now Burnet’s representative with the where I get to have nerdy fun working USAID. Through these relationships, we AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific, and with data! hope to influence health and HIV policies also sits on various formal and informal Burnet is a great place to work and strategies throughout the region. working groups related to HIV and other because of the variety of projects Having an established regional health issues significant to the region. available. Within CEPHR I have had the opportunity to be involved in a number of projects other than my own, such as hepatitis C surveillance; the Asia Pacific Neuro-AIDS Consortium Study; The Soccer and Noodles Project; gVc\Zd[^bbjcZ"gZaViZYY^hZVhZh ]dl^bbjcZXZaah[jcXi^dcl]Zci]ZhZ VcYWaddYXZaaXVcXZghhjX]VhaZj`Zb^V eVi]lVnhVgZVXi^kViZYk^VhZchdgnegdiZ^ch and the Sex and Sport Project. VcYanbe]dbV# i]ViheZX^ÒXVaangZXd\c^hZbdaZXjaZhi]ViVgZ Even though I like my work, I like I]Zdc\d^c\ldg`d[i]Z>cigVXZaajaVg jc^fjZidWVXiZg^VVcYk^gjhZh# to spend as much time away from H^\cVa^c\VcYi^hi]Z\dVad[djgegd\gVbid]VgcZhh it as possible, especially travelling V^bhidjcYZghiVcY]dli]ZhZh^\cVa^c\ i]ZWVh^X^c[dgbVi^dclZaZVgcVWdjii]Z overseas. Some recent trips include eVi]lVnhXdcigdai]ZcdgbVaVcYbVa^\cVci [jcXi^dcVcYgZ\jaVi^dcd[i]ZhZeVi]lVnh Botswana, Croatia, Mexico, Romania YZkZadebZcid[heZX^Va^hZYineZhd[WaddY ^ci]Z^bbjcZhnhiZbVcYVeean^iidi]Z XZaahi]Vi^cXajYZI"XZaahVcYbdcdXniZh! YZkZadebZcid[cdkZai]ZgVeZji^XhigViZ\^Zh and Thailand. I also enjoy netball, YZiZgb^c^c\]dli]ZhZildeVi]lVnh idigZViVgVc\Zd[Y^hZVhZh^ckdak^c\XZaahd[ kickboxing and aerobics, and have just XddeZgViZidXdcigda\ZcZZmegZhh^dcYjg^c\ i]Z^bbjcZhnhiZb# started up a lunchtime fitness club for ^cÓVbbVidgngZhedchZh!VcY^ckZhi^\Vi^c\ our Centre! . ldg`^c\eVgicZgh]^eh

3 steps involved in the development of natural Asia and Pacific region. With funding from Gk[[dibWdZWdZ immunity. Their aim is to identify a small this program, Burnet has been assisting L_Yjeh_W`e_dh[iekhY[i number of variant surface proteins of the Udayana University in Denpasar, Bali to jeYecXWjcWbWh_W many hundreds that are possible, that could develop a Master of Public Health program Burnet’s International be further developed as components of for the Eastern Indonesian region. Staff Health Research Group’s Laboratory a malaria vaccine. Alyssa and Denise are from Udayana study Burnet’s public health Sciences section, headed by Dr. Alyssa Barry, also working with Dr Phil Felgner at the courses in and then, with is working towards a better understanding University of California Irvine. Burnet’s assistance, develop the curriculum of natural immunity through collaboration for their own Masters program that will with Dr. Denise Doolan at the commence in 2009. Institute of Medical Research (QIMR). Malaria remains a major public health >?LWdZ7?:IJhW_d_d]\eh7ki7?:IjW\\ problem in tropical and subtropical regions 8khd[jWdZ7ki7?:i^Wh_d]W Burnet has been working with AusAID’s of the world. Children bear the majority of Yecc_jc[djjejhW_d_d]WdZ[ZkYWj_ed Health and HIV/AIDS Thematic Group the disease burden, but by early adolescence Australian NGOs, such as Burnet, have to provide HIV training for AusAID they rarely show clinical symptoms. This opportunities to engage with AusAID in staff in Australia and overseas. To date, naturally acquired immunity is thought a number of ways. For instance, AusAID 335 AusAID staff from 17 countries to occur with the gradual acquisition of will hold consultations with a range of have received training. This training has antibodies to the many variant surface stakeholders, including NGOs, on sectoral covered a range of topics from basic facts proteins or ‘strains’ in the parasite policy development or regional and country through to current issues and emerging population. strategic planning. These consultative trends. The training aimed to help AusAID Research in this area has previously been processes result in improved policies and staff programmatically, by increasing the limited by a lack of high throughput tools strategic plans as they draw on our collective understanding of integrating HIV responses to rapidly isolate and characterise parasite knowledge and experience. AusAID and into all aid and development activities, variant proteins and to screen the exposed Burnet also share a strong interest in the and personally by providing staff with human population for variant-specific provision of education and training to build HIV prevention and awareness education. antibodies. the capacity of health and development Participants particularly appreciated hearing The two scientists met in 2005 in the practitioners to deliver quality health the personal stories of HIV positive speakers; USA where they were both working at the services in poor countries. This mutual learning about the realities of living with time. Dr Barry, a molecular epidemiologist, interest is evident by two of our recent HIV and the destructive impact that stigma had developed a framework to rapidly collaborations. and discrimination can have on lives. isolate variant surface proteins from natural populations, while Dr Doolan, ;d^WdY_d]FkXb_Y>[Wbj^ an immunologist, had developed protein ;ZkYWj_ed_d8Wb_ The Burnet Institute would like to thank microarrays to screen human serum for The Australian Leadership Awards AusAID for its generous support for our health antibodies to parasite proteins. Fellowships is an AusAID program and development program and for the many Together, they are combining their tools that aims to develop leadership, build opportunities to collaborate in the area of and expertise to systematically define the partnerships and create links within the public health education and training.

;:K97J?ED(&&. 3 3 3 J^[9[djh[\eh?dj[hdWj_edWb WZ]Vk^djgX]Vc\Z!]ZVai] chi^ijiZVahd]Vh >[Wbj^XddgY^cViZhi]ZciZgcVi^dcVa=ZVai]! ]ZVai]#I]Z8>=VahdXddgY^cViZh Jc^kZgh^inhijY^Zh!h]dgi hijYZcih[gdbVkVg^Zind[ i]ZBVhiZgd[EjWa^X=ZVai]Ä ildhjW_ZXihdc]VgbgZYjXi^dc XdjghZhVcYldg`h]dehk^h^i jc^kZgh^i^Zh!Wdi]adXVaanVcY >ciZgcVi^dcVa=ZVai]higZVbVcY VcYi]Z\adWVa^beVXihd[Ygj\ lll#WjgcZi#ZYj#VjVcY[daadl ^ciZgcVi^dcVaan#8jggZcian i]ZBVhiZgd[>ciZgcVi^dcVa=ZVai] jhZVheVgid[i]ZJc^kZgh^ind[ i]Za^c`hidi]Z:YjXVi^dceV\Zh# i]ZgZVgZ(,E]9hijYZcih!VcY k^VBdcVh]Jc^kZgh^in#8djghZh BZaWdjgcZÉhedhi\gVYjViZejWa^X c^cZ=dcdjghhijYZcihjcYZg VcYldg`h]dehgjcWni]Z8ZcigZ ]ZVai]hijY^Zh# i]ZhjeZgk^h^dcd[djg]ZVY [dg>ciZgcVi^dcVa=ZVai]XdkZg gZhZVgX]Zgh#>cVYY^i^dc!7jgcZi ide^Xh^cXajY^c\eg^bVgn]ZVai] Vahd]dhih7VX]Zadgd[HX^ZcXZ XVgZ!=>KhigViZ\^XeaVcc^c\! jcYZg\gVYjViZhijYZcihVheVgi d[i]Z^gXdjghZldg`# &% ZkZcih GDJG@: É D  A:H 9^gZXidgVcY8:Dd[i]Z7jgcZi>chi^ijiZ Egd[Zhhdg7gZcYVc8gVWWl^i]Egd[Zhhdg I^b;aVccZgnXZcigZVcY8]V^gbVcd[i]Z 7jgcZi7dVgY!Bg6aVhiV^gAjXVh# &&i]6ccjVa 7jh^cZhh7gZV`[Vhi Close to 200 people braved a very chilly morning to attend the 11th Annual HecfWhekdZ8h_iXWd[WdZC[bXekhd[ Business Breakfast at Zinc, Federation Square, to hear acclaimed writer, jehW_i[\kdZi\ehj^[8khd[j?dij_jkj[ and explorer, Professor Tim Flannery The ‘Go for your life’ Melbourne City Romp is back on 19 October. Following the speak on ‘: an update huge success of last year’s event an inaugural Brisbane City Romp will take place on to July 2008’. Sunday 21 September 2008. He commented that neither abolishing The four hour City Romp is a team-based challenge that is part treasure hunt, part every oil burning engine nor stopping ‘Amazing Race’ and part puzzle. Teams of between two and six people use a map, a every coal-powered enterprise would mobile phone and a clue-sheet to find checkpoint locations be enough to reverse the levels of around the city, winning points for successfully completing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, checkpoint challenges. now more than sufficient to cause The checkpoint are at iconic city catastrophic climate change. locations as well as lesser known To reduce greenhouse gas emissions historically and culturally significant Professor Flannery encouraged the places. Teams must stay together at all times, can only walk or audience to switch to green energy catch public transport and no running is allowed. It’s an event that suppliers and give up high energy appeals to people of all ages and ability. It’s not only great fun, it’s consuming vehicles like SUV’s in also a major fundraiser for Burnet, raising money for our vital research into infectious preference for hybrid cars. He called for diseases and cancer. leadership to promote investment in solar Rompers at each event go into the draw to win $100,000 of prizes including travel energy and wind power, commenting that packages, accommodation, Myer vouchers, Keens shoes valued at $220 each and more. ultimately we must look to government For more information or to register your team go to www.cityromp.com . Entries are to enforce the ideas generated by positive selling fast and a capacity field is expected in both Brisbane and Melbourne. leadership in our communities.

I]dbVh=ZnlddYdg\VcXdcXZgi The second annual Thomas Heywood organ concert, in support of the Burnet Institute, was held on Sunday 25 May at the Toorak Uniting Church. The Friends of Burnet did a wonderful job of organising the day’s activities and the recital was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The funds raised on the day go towards Burnet’s diverse public health programs both in Australia and in developing countries. Mr Heywood, a child prodigy at five, is the first Australian musician to make a living from organ concerts. Since 1994 he has toured Australia regularly, as well as Europe, Canada and the United States, where his performances have become sell-outs. For more information about the Friends of Burnet, or details about next year’s concert please I]dbVh=ZnlddY contact Ian Haigh on (03) 9282 2299. && ENTER NOW! $100,000 worth of prizes

Sunday 19 October 2008





Think you know Melbourne…? Visit www.cityromp.com for more details

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