Talmud Torah Oddities
Newspaper R, OUPLlCATfi Meeting A Vital Need—>oA ^Message HIS week. The Jewish Transcript, following a gelernter, Talmud Torah educational director, stitution is held throughout the nation, and. in Tcustom begun last year, turns over its entire who is completely in charge of this week's Trans deed, even in such far-off lands as Palestine and issue to the cause of Jewish education, served in cript. England. Seattle by the Talmud Torah, only local daily He By this means. The Jewish Transcript believes brew school and largest Jewish educational insti it accomplishes a two-fold purpose: It demon If, through this issue of The Transcript, Seattle tution in the Northwest. For this issue, commem strates concretely its sincere interest in the pro Jewry is made to realize the vital need of vigor orating the fortieth anniversary of the Talmud motion of Jewish education in Seattle and the ous support of the Talmud Torah and rallies to Torah and marking the second annual celebra Northwest. And brings to its readers a compre the cause of educating our children in the ways tion of Hebrew Education Week in Seattle, edi hensive picture of the Talmud Torah activities and of their fathers. The Jewish Transcript's purpose torial reins are in the hands of Rabbi Max J. Wohl messages conveying the esteem in which this in will have been accomplished. Only Jewish Paper Serving Every Jew In the State of ish Home in The Washington Cbe Jewish transcript Northwest Combined With THE JEWISH CHRONICLE VOL. X, No. 27 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 8, 1933 TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR 1,000 Attend Funeral GRADUATES Seattle Jews Celebrate FACTS • Seated: Robert Schmulman, Irwin Is- .arson, Alvin Poplack, Gussie Isaacson, AND Label KutofT, Irwin and Julian Berch, Of Dr.
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