
2: Universal Access Criteria Checklist

The Inquiry is to be completed such that it is authentic to each teacher’s practice and allows them to explore an area that they wish to show growth in beyond what was demonstrated for the preliminary credential. Portfolio submissions should be prepared in a way that represents the teacher’s current level of practice as a professional educator.

Enrollment, Registration and Surveys Enrollment • Please notify your BTSA Liaison if you have changes to your contact • Reminder: Your Learning Zone Single Sign-On password must be updated every 6 months • Dropbox folders and documents are up according to the directions on the BTSA Website

Registration • 2.3 Inquiry 2 Orientation • 2.5 Colloquium--sign up for one session that is listed on your syllabus—there will be no make-up sessions—be sure to plan ahead to meet this requirement.

Surveys • LAUSD Survey—waived this year • State Survey--usually in March (there will be a link on the latest news page of the LAUSD website WHEN THE STATE RELEASES the survey—if the state cancels it that will be listed on the website in place of the survey link)

Formative Assessment Due 9/16/2013 I N Q 2 - 1 Inquiry 2 Signature Page • Use the Signature page as a checklist for yourself. • Signed and dated at the bottom by Support Provider and Participating Teacher once all documents are complete

I N Q 2 - 2 Review Inquiry 2 Syllabus Requirements, Criteria, and Induction Standard 6: Universal Access • Both the Support Provider and Participating Teacher review the documents--no submission is necessary. • Please note that 2-2 does NOT need to be signed and submitted however, be sure that: • Both the Support Provider and Participating Teacher understand all requirements and deadlines on the Syllabus and have contacted their BTSA liaison if there is anything that they need clarification on • Both have read the criteria to be sure that they understand what is expected for each submission. Expectations noted here are the MINIMUM criteria for work to be assessed as Satisfactory rather than revise and resubmit. The criteria should be revisited prior to each submission to be sure that all expectations are met.

I N Q 2 - 3 ( a ) Teaching and Learning Framework--directions and co-assessment Please note: This may be completed electronically. It does not need to be printed and scanned. • Phrases are electronically highlighted for each element or it is marked as ‘no available’ (Please note that as this is formative rather than summative phrases may be highlighted across different levels for the same element) • The Support Provider and PT initials have been entered electronically on each cell that is highlighted • The date of the assessment has been entered on each cell that is highlighted • The evidence used to support the co-assessment is cited (you may use the evidence codes provided with the selected Teaching and Learning Framework elements)

I N Q 2 - 3 ( b ) Teaching and Learning Framework Conversation Guide • Reflective Conversation Record -Reflections for each area cite evidence from the T&LF and other sources o Notes are present that are connected to the Teaching and Learning Framework elements assessed for this Inquiry o Includes notes on how the focus area you selected for the inquiry helped you to grow as professional educator to better enhance student learning o You may either make notes to indicate your personal areas of concern or make a note that they were discussed if you wish to maintain confidentiality about the issues you are facing at this time--the main purpose here is that you let your Support Provider know about anything that you would like support in

I N Q 2 - 4 Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) Cells: 5. & 6. Action Plan 1. T & LF area of focus is identified-- write the Described three or more research actions, a minimum of number of the domain, standard and one from each category (8 hours of research): element and write out the element (i.e. 3b-2  Collaboration Discussion Techniques and Student  Talk with colleague(s)—identify which colleagues Participation)  Observe professional colleague(s)—identify colleagues observed 2. Focus question is:  Research -open ended (not yes/no)  Read research related to your focus question—cite -in the form of a question research articles, websites, books -focused on improvement of teaching  Analyze data- such as student work—identify data practice analyzed -is not to confirm a strategy -broad enough in scope (4-6 week lesson  Professional Development--face to face or online series)  Attend workshops/courses—specify which -narrow enough in scope to show results in workshops/courses attended (4-6 week lesson series)  Explore Internet Resources connected to your focus (please note: you may want to use the question—list sites explored format of the NTC frame which is Research is clearly connected to focus question downloadable under the IIP) o Date entries

3. CSTP element --waived 7. Application Selects and Describes a minimum of one strategy (if 4. Use S.M.A.R.T. Goal strategy. Outcome is complex) or 3 strategies (if minimal) that are going to be measurable and connected to focus implemented in the classroom-- also cite this in Unit question,i.e. Planning Template

Reflection/Application 8. Results

Explanation of the impact of the research on: o 90% of my students will score at proficient  Instructional practice (specific growth or change) or advanced on the summative assessment  Student achievement-describes data of measurable o 100 % of the students in the class will results (cell 4) and other tangible results access materials and begin to engage in the assignment within 30 seconds of receiving 9. Application to Future Practice directions to do so Describes application of learning to future practice o 100% of students will engage in Includes how they are using the to impact their collaborative conversation related to the professional expertise and practice in alignment with the discussion prompt CSTP

I N Q 2 - 5 Entry Level Assessment – 1 & 2 Part 1 • Students listed to indicate their current level of performance on the assessment (entire class) • Attached a copy of the assessment • Attached assessment scoring guide • Assessment aligned to unit of study for this inquiry Part 2 • Explains what students at each level can do before instruction • Lists what strategies will be used for proficient and advanced students • Explains what strategies will be used for far below and below basic students • Explains what additional support will be needed • Attached entry-level assessments for the 3 focus students

I N Q 2 - 6 Focus Student Selection Please note: teachers completing two in one year may continue with the same focus students or select new students at their discretion Focus Student Selection

Lists 3 focus students (first names only) • One English Learner and one Special Population student, one additional student • One of each of the 3 students selected must cover the three ranges of ability (FB/BB,B or P/A) • Focus Student 1 English Learner o Supports listed (instructional) o Other considerations o Sufficient details create a picture of student needs • Focus Student 2 Special Pop. o Supports listed (instructional) o Sufficient details create a picture of student needs • Focus Student 3 Choice o Supports listed (instructional) o Sufficient details create a picture of student needs

I N Q 2 - 7 ( a ) Unit/Lesson Design--Class Profile • Class profile matches the class they are teaching for the inquiry: o If they are teaching the same class as when they completed their class profile for Context for Teaching, they have updated it and resubmitted it here o If they are teaching a different class they have completed and submitted a new class profile Part 1 • There is a class profile provided that indicates student first name (last names must be blacked out) • There are individualized anecdotal notes for a minimum of 5 students, but preferably more  The columns for EL, SEL, Special needs are checked as appropriate or the printed roster indicates these areas

Part 2 • Information is completed, marked as N/A or evident on the printed roster for the following areas o Students with Medical Conditions, Students with IEP, Students with 504 Plans, students with previous SST Interventions, Students who are gifted and Talented, Students who are English Learners o There are anecdotal notes for at least some students

I N Q 2 - 7 ( b ) Unit/Lesson Design--Home/School Communication • Continued Home/School contact documented • Evidence of some contacts based on individual student needs in addition to school/class wide communications I N Q 2 - 7 ( c ) Unit/Lesson Design--Application of Research • Selects a minimum of one strategy (if complex) or 3 strategies (if minimal) that are going to be implemented in the classroom during the Inquiry lesson series • Describes how the strategies are being implemented. I N Q 2 - 7 ( d ) Unit/Lesson Design--Unit/Lesson Series Overview • Outlines the lessons in the unit that they are teaching for the inquiry giving the requested information • Should include a minimum of 5-10 Lessons in the series • Must be clearly distinct for each inquiry completed for the BTSA Induction program (not a repeat of previous inquiries) I N Q 2 - 7 ( e ) Unit/Lesson Design--Unit Design --This will be completed only ONCE for each inquiry

• Each prompt is addressed--the responses are for the unit as a whole • Responses show depth of thought on how to make the content accessible for each student and how to be inclusive for all students • There are specific references to the data gathered about the students’ learning needs and how the strategies address them I N Q 2 - 7 ( f ) Unit/Lesson Design--Lesson Design for day of --This will be completed for only ONE lesson in the series--the lesson to be observed by the Support Provider

• Each prompt is addressed--the responses are for the lesson that the Support Provider will observe • The strategies listed are appropriate to the lesson objectives for that day and the time frame of the lesson • The teacher specifically describes how the strategies selected are connected to the data gathered about the students’ learning needs • The teacher specifically describes how they are using a strengths based approach • Responses show depth of thought on how to make the content accessible for each student and how to be inclusive for all students

I N Q 2 - 7 ( g ) Unit/Lesson Design--Lesson Plan Template for Observation This will be completed for only ONE lesson in the series Participants should remember to collect the student work from this lesson • Each part of the lesson plan is completed • If a component is covered on another day it is described and which day of the unit it occurs on is referenced (i.e. exploration may occur on the first day of the unit and the observation on the third--they will still describe the exploration phase on this template and indicate it occurs on day 1) • The lesson is part of the series for this inquiry • The components are logically connected to lead to student success in meeting the objective and content standard • Sufficient details of procedures that will allow the reader to understand what is being taught and what the teacher and students will be doing during each component • The teacher specifically describes how the strategies selected are designed to maximize student learning during that time frame based on information gathered on student needs

I N Q 2 - 7 ( h ) Unit/Lesson Design--Reflection on the Lesson Plan

• Brief notations indicating that the lesson was reviewed through the lens of how each student will have the opportunity to achieve success as well as to identify effective transitions and realistic time allocations • Indicates if adjustments were made to the lesson design.

I N Q 2 - 8 ( a ) Observation Information--this document may be completed by hand or electronically • All information cells are complete • CSTP boxes checked • Induction standards checked I N Q 2 - 8 ( b ) Pre-Observation Record • This document may be completed by hand or electronically • Notes do not need to be on the actual form • This section is to be completed by the Support Provider--if all components are present it should be marked as ‘Satisfactory’ • Concerns about should be shared with Central Office BTSA staff rather than the participating teacher o The inquiry question (from Cell 2 of the IIP) is listed. o Classroom Environment notes are included (optimally these provide evidence that will help co-assessment on the Teaching and Learning Framework) o Lesson Plan Notes are included (optimally these provide evidence that will help co-assessment on the Teaching and Learning Framework) I N Q 2 - 8 ( c ) Classroom Observation Notes

• This document may be completed by hand or electronically • Notes do not need to be on the actual form • This section is to be completed by the Support Provider--if all components are present it should be marked as ‘Satisfactory’ • Concerns about quality should be shared with Central Office BTSA staff rather than the participating teacher • Cover page with Support Provider signature (physical signature with a pen) scanned and uploaded, additional pages may be either electronic or scanned o Observation Notes are present o The notes are dated and signed by the Support Provider o Optimally the notes should provide evidence to guide the post observation conference, have data that connects to the inquiry question and focus students, and assist with the co-assessment on the Teaching and Learning Framework

I N Q 2 - 8 ( d ) Analysis of Student Work Work (include student work samples) jjSSnSssStudent• Specific infor Wmoatrikon from the evidence (classroom observation notes, student work samples, etc.) are cited and connected to the lesson design/strategies implemented in the lesson are cited as each of the following are described: o class achievement o EL Focus Student achievement o Spec. Pop. Focus Student achievement o Focus Student 3 achievement • Work from 3 focus students is attached, each sample is annotated to reflect analysis • Scoring Criteria is attached

I N Q 2 - 8 ( e ) Post-Observation Reflection • Prompts are addressed--prompts to be addressed in more depth will be guided by the evidence gathered, focus question and PTs immediate areas of concern o Uses evidence from the observation to document key insights related to focus question o Documents key insights related to student learning o Provides a clear indication of next steps the teacher will take and the timeline for those steps

I N Q 2 - 9 Summative Assessment—Parts 1 & 2 (include a copy of the assessment and focus student work samples) Summative Assessment Reflection Part 1 • Students listed in performance categories • Attached a copy of the assessment • Attached assessment scoring guide • Assessment aligned to Inquiry and content standard objectives Part 2 • States learning goal from Lesson Design and described the learning outcome (result of summative assessment) • For students scoring FBB and BB, indicates what the following elements were and reflected on the impact on the students o Accommodations/Modifications o Prior o Instructional Strategies o Other (optional) • Addresses all of the following areas for the 3 focus students: o Analysis of student work o Effect of instructional strategies o Next step for student - Why? • Indicates interventions for students not proficient/advanced • Discusses next steps for proficient/advanced students

I N Q 2 - 1 0 ( a ) Re-Visit the Teaching and Learning Framework Please note: This may be completed electronically. It does not need to be printed and scanned. • Phrases are electronically highlighted in a different color than the beginning of the semester for each element or it is marked as ‘no evidence available’ (Please note that as this is formative rather than summative phrases may be highlighted across different levels for the same element) • The Support Provider and PT initials have been entered electronically on each cell that is highlighted • The date of the assessment has been entered on each cell that is highlighted. • The evidence used to support the co-assessment is cited (you may use the evidence codes provided with the selected Teaching and Learning Framework elements)

 The signature page has been physically initialed by both the SP and PT to indicate that the work was done collaboratively. This needs to be scanned with original signatures showing.

I N Q 2 - 1 0 ( b ) Teaching and Learning Framework Conversation Guide • Reflective Conversation Record -Reflections for each area cite evidence from the T&LF and other sources o Notes are present that are connected to the Teaching and Learning Framework elements assessed for this Inquiry o Includes notes on how the work you engaged in during the inquiry helped you to grow as professional educator (you do not need to have ‘moved up’ on the framework for this--you may have improved in some targeted phrases of the element you selected) o You may either make notes to indicate your personal areas of concern or make a note that they were discussed if you wish to maintain confidentiality about the issues you are facing at this time--the main purpose here is that you let your Support Provider know about anything that you would like support in

Summary of Teaching Practice 2 (this Summary of Teaching Practice/Culminating Project) is designed to be completed by participants culminating from BTSA

• Support Provider and Participating Teacher sign and date the Signature page when all documents are complete

I N Q 2 - 1 1 Reflective Question Guide

• This has prompts to guide thinking. No submission is required.

I N Q 2 - 1 2 Reflective Summary of Teaching

• Each of the four cells is completed • Reflections refer to insights gained through the year, evidence of their practice, and impact on their teaching • There is some depth to the reflections • There are clear thoughts communicated regarding focus areas for the next year

I N Q 2 - 1 3 Culminating Presentation (Participants who are completing BTSA)--this will be submitted in DropBox as well as presented at the Colloquium. For Scrapbook formats please take pictures and upload them.

• Format is Scrapbook, Power-point, Narrative or they have an email from Central approving an alternate format • For each area: o Responses to each of the areas demonstrates depth of reflection o They indicate their areas of growth o Evidence for their assessment of growth is documented o They indicate where in their portfolio we would be able to find evidence of their growth Pedagogy • They address two of the following areas, one of which is the student use of technology to advance learning: o ability to reflect upon and apply the CSTP and pedagogical skills o use of content standards, frameworks, instructional materials and data in planning and instruction o use of multi-tiered instruction/interventions based on the needs of the students in your class o creating and maintaining a well-managed, safe, inclusive, healthy learning environment that fosters students’ physical, cognitive, emotional and social well-being o fluent, critical use of technology (for your planning and instruction as well as student use to advance their learning) *required Universal Access: Equity for all Students • They address one of the following areas: o design and implementation of equitable and inclusive learning environments o use of culturally responsive pedagogy to maximize academic achievement for students from diverse backgrounds o show your work to minimize in classrooms, schools and larger systems while using culturally responsive pedagogical practices Universal Access: Teaching English Learners • They address the prompt below: o How do you ensure academic achievement for English Learners through differentiation of instruction based upon your students’ primary language and proficiency levels in English considering the students’ culture, level of acculturation and prior schooling? Universal Access: Teaching Special Populations • They address one of the following areas: o How do you ensure academic achievement for students with special learning needs by providing accommodations and modifications based on assessed student needs? o How do you use positive behavioral support strategies and a strengths based approach to meeting the needs of all students, including the full range of special populations?  Confirmation that they presented to their colleagues at the Summary of Teaching Practice/Portfolio Review (Learning Zone My marked complete for Year 2 Colloquium) I N Q 2 - 1 4 S o T P Teaching & Learning Framework

Please note: This may be completed electronically. It does not need to be printed and scanned. • Phrases are electronically highlighted for each element or it is marked as ‘no evidence available’ (Please note that as this is formative rather than summative phrases may be highlighted across different levels for the same element) • The Support Provider and PT initials have been entered electronically on each cell that is highlighted • The date of the assessment has been entered on each cell that is highlighted. • The evidence used to support the co-assessment is cited (you may use the evidence codes provided with the selected Teaching and Learning Framework elements) • The signature page has been physically initialed by both the SP and PT to indicate that the work was done collaboratively. • This needs to be scanned with original signatures showing.

Be sure that you completed the Inquiry 2 Seminar assignment

according to the guidelines and submitted it to DropBox. You do not need to submit a hardcopy to central office.